1942-08-03 [P ]
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Two Extra Pages I A Tithe for Victory In This Edition ^ The Government is citizens X ^ A ^ asking invest c*nt in Late news and sports are covered on P*r earnings Pages i-x and 2-X of this edition of I U ■ ■ War Bonds. The money is needed The star, supplementing the news of ■ S’ I ■ for war financing. Have you done the regular home delivered edition. your part? Closing N. Y. Morkets—Sales, Page 15. ■ Moans Asaeciatad Praaa. ---———————————————_________tA’)— -----»---- —— .. 90th YEAR. No, D. C., MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1942 SfaSSS. THREE CENTS StTcSt. 35,888.___WASHINGTON, ~~~ 1 ■ i Reds del: Secret Saboteur Repel Nazis in Most Sectors, YOU GET ME THE WINGS, GENTLEMEN... Verdict Ready Battle South of I'LL MAKE ’EM , Fiercely Rostov; FLY! Foe Claims i For President Fresh Caucasus Gains Decision Withheld •1 — ■- — Until He Studies Cossacks Savagely Panzers Nearing Record of Trial Counterattacking Upper Kuban, By JAMES E. CHINN. To Stem Advance The historic trial of the eight Berlin Says German saboteurs came to an end shortly after 11 a.m. today, By tht Associated Press. after the com- E» the Associated Press. special military 3.—Aided mission had in- MOSCOW, Aug. by BERLIN (From German Broad- presumably dive bombers which hammered formed them of their fate. casts) Aug. 3.—The German high columns of fresh thous- The commission crawling command declared today that said in its final ands of German men and ve- communique that it would not an- one of its tank columns was ap- the Red declared nounce its findings and sentence. hicles, Army proaching the upper course of that it had the The verdict of the commission today repulsed the Kuban River in the Caucasus. will Germans in all the vital sectors be sen', to the White House for re- (The Kuban rises *in the Cau- view south of where bv President Roosevelt and the except Rostov, casus mountains. The “upper penalty to be meted out to the Nazis, “severe defensive” battles were course,” which the Germans said who came to this country In sub- being waged. they were nearing, however, may marines on a mission of destruction, Even there, said the Soviet In- refer to a bend in the river near will be announced by him. formation Bureau, Don and Kuban Kropotkia on the Rostov-Baku Co6sacks from the Red Army of the railway line 120 miles south of 'Announcement Awaits Review. Caucasus were counter- I—.A—1 ha —J—mb^ savagely Rostov. Kropotkia is 40 miles r-resumaoiy me military triDunai s to stem the German ad- REDS SLOW NAZI attacking DRIVES—Cossacks slowed the Nazis pouring south of Tikhoretsk, the junction recommendations will not be made vance. of the south of the Don today with fierce attacks in the Kushchevka- Rostov-Baku and Stalin- public until they have been reviewed More than 6,000 Germans were grad-Krasnodar railways. by the Chief Executive. Salsk region (It, although the German command Krop- Mr. Roose- killed and at least 23 tanks high claimed otkia itself is a destroyed junction of a sec- velt is expected to withhold his ap- a pursuit of the Russians toward the Kuban in single day along the curving River. The Russian ondary railway from Krasnodar, proval until he has had time to look 300-mile Don the Russians defenders an front, also took a heavy toll in the Tsimlyansk sector up- important oil center, and the thoroughly into the records of the declared. stream. Soviet troops held in the Rostov-Baku line.) trial. Planes Pound Nazi Columns. ground Kletskaya area (2) and j-ii me cahi a louiv txi my riamhlinn ViievYv fne Pouoocion nil repulsed the Germans. —A. P. Wirephoto. engaged Presidential Secretary Stephen in pursuit of the enemy is nearing Early said he believed the the Germans threw reserves by the military the upper course of the Kuban commission's would thousands across their Rostov McNutt Move Able Folk Not Defense findings be de- River,” the communique said. "Lo- Opposes Aiding livered to the White House today bridgeheads. They were employing cal enemy resistance was broken and he declared would be every kind of motorized conveyance New Guinea U. S. Battle they Jungle and much booty, guns in before the President "as soon —fast motorcycles, speedy troop- Flyers particular, For Branded Slackers Mileham placed has been brought in.” as carrying trucks, tanks bearing auto- 'Work-or-Fight' by possible.” and small tanks Planes Pounding Rear. The last matic riflemen, Fighting Renewed; Over Chief Warden Tells to official statement of the which rushed the Russians from the Japanese Again Between the Sal and Don Deputies commission was brief and said; rivers Drive in Maryland Accept Banks. to the northeast, the communique if Duties Are “The commission reconvened at But the reinforced Russian air the were Resignations Slighted Planes Raid Air said, Germans driving the 11:05 a.m. force strafed and bombed these Japs Hengyang Base Russians eastward in the direction O'Conor Told to Probe Any able civilian not pie who are anxious to work and "The commission announced that columns continuously as they coiled of Stalingrad, while to the northwest working of on some phase of defense “could who will be given sufficient duties the findings and sentence will not •outhward. Russian rearguards were being Charges Deliberate Reinforcement of New most to them occupied their be announced by it. About 2,000 Germans were left Enemy Enemy's Fighters forced southward from the sector of certainly be considered a keep during Refusal of Jobs available time. “The commission dead on the field in a fierce struggle Gorrison at Buna Is Believed to the Yeya River, which empties into slacker,” Chief Air-Raid Warden adjourned at Massed May Avert Disaster. 11:07 to near Kletskaya, northwest of Stalin- near Rostov. William J. Mileham declared to- meet at the call of the Taganrog Bay Ej tbe Associated Press. After those grad in the Don bend, where the Believed Possible Out charging that not en- President.” Wipe Outpost Strong bomber and fighter squad- day. in some defense work could invaders were repulsed, the com- ANNAPOLIS, Aug. 3.—Chair- gaged Saboteurs Returned to Jail. rons were reported hammering par- In a letter to his 66 war- be considered he de- munique said. Bt the Associated Press. Bv thf Associated Press. man Paul V. McNutt of the War deputy “slackers,” The German agents were present ticularly at Russian rear communi- dens, Mr. Mileham also that “with a advised clared concentrated in the heavily barricaded court room Cossacks Charge Fiercely. GEN. MACARTHUR’S HEAD- CHUNGKING. Aug. 3.—A sec- cations along the Rostov-Baku rail- Manpower Commission today them to the effort all at accept resignations of by the present time, at the Justice Department Building Units of Don and Kuban Cossacks 3.— ond big air battle for control of way. advised Gov. all wardens ‘‘who do it is QUARTERS, Australia, Aug. O’Conor against not find it pos- indeed possible that disastrous for the final session of the commis- into the ad- The the skies over China was sible to devote results in charged fiercely slowly possibility that the Japanese reported In the great Don elbow, said the enforcing Maryland’s 1917 “work- sufficient time to the future may be sion. Shortly after the commission vancing Nazi forces in the Ku- have fought today over air command’s their functions.” averted.” reinforced their garrison Hengyang high bulletin, fresh or-flght” law. formally wound up its proceedings, shchevka-Salsk of the North base Soviet “Patriotic citizens should more region at Buna was an between United States counterattacks were frus- “Dead wood in any organization be they were taken back acknowledged by Mr. McNutt’s immediately Caucasus in what the communique and new trated, partly because of the work communication, re- tends to the than willing to devote practically Allied spokesman today as Gen. planes Japanese fight- disrupt morale of active to their cells at the District Jail, described as a “successful counter- ers of Nazi battleplanes and anti-air- plying to an O’Conor letter of last workers,” he warned. “It al) available spare time to the Douglas MacArthur’s headquar- apparently massed for an at- brings to where they will remain until Mr. attack’’ and killed 1,500 Germans, craft detachments. Two tankers mind the old of one rot- strengthening of our protective Roosevelt ters a tempt to wipe out the Americans’ May, said, however, that if the example completes his review of It was reported renewal of sav- and six were | he reported. freighters sunk on the ten apple in a barrel and these oc- services," asserted. “Work now, the commission's and in Hunan Province. Governor believed there was I findings fixes Soviet bombers and age fighting in the New Guinea outpost it any so that we will be able long-range Volga, reported. casional instances must be elimin- to play in the a date and place for their execution dive-bombers assisted the hard- jungles between that Although no details of the Continued attacks “considerable number” of to come.” midway fight by the Red persons j ated.” years if the findings call for a death at Protective fighting Cossacks by raining bombs enemy base and Port Moresby. were available Immediately, word Army Voronezh, Volkhov south deliberately refusing to engage in | Summarizing the chores on which services most urgently penalty. on German tank and motorized of Leningrad and at Leningrad were wardens should now be in want of additional volunteers in- The communique announcing the reached here that the outcome had useful work in Maryland, he should engaged, Members of the defense and columns, the Russians said.