The USAID Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET) (Réseau USAID du Système d’Alerte Précoce contre la Famine) 01 BP 1615 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso, West Africa Tel/Fax: 226-31-46-74. Email:
[email protected] STATE OF FOOD SECURITY IN BURKINA FASO FEWS NET UPDATE FOR December 2000-January, 2001 Prepared by J. Sedgo, FEWSNET, Burkina Faso January 25, 2001 Highlights In spite of the national production deficit estimated at more than 230,000 MT, most cereals and other food commodities continue to be available throughout the country in this post-harvest period. In addition, farmers in various localities are busy with their off-season crop production activities. By increasing food supplies and providing household income, these efforts should help reduce the food consumption gap. With respect to food access conditions, results of a survey carried out by FEWS NET as well as price data from the Market Information System (SIM, Ministry of Agriculture) suggest that households in the North and Sahel Regions are facing serious difficulties obtaining adequate food commodities. On the other hand, prices recorded elsewhere are lower than 1995-99 average prices, implying that households in these areas have relatively good access to food. In the North Re gion as well as in the Sahel, people and animals have been hard hit by the abrupt halt of rainfall in mid-August. There is hardly enough water to drink, let alone for off-season agricultural production. This situation, combined with the very limited availability of forage, could seriously compromise the fate of livestock in these regions.