Vol. XIV No. I January, 1959 INFORJ\/\ATION ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN a FAIRFAX MANSIONS, Office and Contulting Hours: FINCHLEY ROAD (Corner Fiirfjx Roid), Monday to Thursday 10 a.m.— I p.m. 3—6 p.m. LONDON, N.W.3 Friday tO a.m.—I p.m. Telephone: MAIdi Vale 9096/7 (General Office) MAIda Vale 4449 (Employment A{ency and Social Servicet Dept.)

COMMENT Professor ISorman Bentwich •JEKYLL AND HYDE" TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF U.R.O. . Since its inception this journal has considered " as one of its tasks to publish information on events in . It appears from numerous Address at Staff Conference on November 12 reactions that this is also in accordance with readers' wishes. The reasons are manifold: having spent their formative years in that country, Two anniversaries are combined today. for compensation were brought first under the niembers of our community are particularly cap­ Twenty years ago this week was that tragic day laws of the Laender, and after 1953 under the able of assessing the meaning of the diverse trends when the Nazi organisations attacked the Jewish Federal law. The compensation action was first in German policy. They know that there are on a small scale. It has grown mightily in the forces of progress, democracy and tolerance, communities throughout the Third Reich, burnt symbolised in the personality of Federal President down synagogues and high schools of learning, last years and each year it expands. The United Dr. Heuss. But, in the light of their own experi­ sacked Jewish businesses and arrested 40,000 Restitution Organisation today represents 125,000 claimants and over 220,000 claims for compen­ ence, they are not incUned to minimise danger Jews. That dreadful day of the pogrom Signals. At the same time, as contemporaries, they sation, and it has oflices now in 14 countries apart realise the decisive bearing of the solution of the symbolised as it were the severance of the long from Germany. But we know that our action is German question on the peace of the world. association of German Jewry with the culture and only a small part, less than one-tenth of the We usually record events in Germany without philosophy of Germany, which had given so much whole operation of compensation. We are glad comment. We also try to keep a balance between to learning, science and philosophy. It shocked we have been able to bring a little comfort and reassuring and alarming news items. In this the conscience of the outside world, because it amenity into the lives of tens of thousands of approach we are guided by the knowledge that appeared as the culmination of contempt for law, refugees from Germany and Central Europe, who any one-sided approach would be doomed to for twenty years and more have suffered hardship. failure, because it is just its ambivalence which justice and humanity. It shocked particularly the Sives the German problem its specific quality. It conscience of the British people and lost to Ger­ We are deeply concerned that many old people ^ no accident that, during the war, Sebastian many the good opinion even of those who had have not yet received what is due to them. Haffner, an expert on German affairs, took the hitherto felt sympathy with the Nazi effort. title of his book from R. L. Stevenson's novel We recognise that the Federal Government each about a split personality, and called it " Germany We know now that leaders of the churches and year makes greater sums available for the payment ~-Jekyll and Hyde ". many individuals and groups did courageously of compensation. Yet, if the programme is to be completed by 1963 according to the Law, it is Two incidents taken at random from reports resist the Nazi tyranny and we recognise that the published in this issue make us particularly aware obvious that much greater effort must be made present honoured leaders of the German Federal to expedite the disposition of claims. inat any feelings of acquiescence would be out of Republic, President Heuss and Chancellor place: the flight to Egypt of Studienrat Zind, who Adenauer, were among those who imperilled their What, I venture to think, impresses Jews and ^as sentenced to imprisonment after having main­ others most, is the moral basis of the German tained that too few Jews had been gassed, and the own lives by resistance. In the effect of elaim by a German lawyer that the gas ovens November I Oth was to open the doors of asylum Government's action. We know that the President had been constructed by Americans to be photo­ and the Chancellor of the Republic have felt the to refugees from persecution. Between that day moral duty to make material retribution for the graphed. It is a tragic irony that Zind, who appears and the outbreak of the World War in September to sympathise with the Nazi ideology in many terrible things done by the Nazis and that in this respects, was only able to escape because the Nazi 1939, 80,000 men, women and children were effort Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, System under which people were arrested before admitted. They included nearly 10,000 children, as well as all the other parties, have agreed. We jhey were found guilty is no longer existent. coming without their parents, who were received recognise, too, that besides the individual restitu­ •Regarding the lawyer's utterances, the decisive in the homes of all classes of the British people, tion and compensation, the German Government Point is not whether there are many people who both Jews and non-Jews. Later, many of the is making payment of collective indemnities to agree with his views, but that it is possible to parents of these children were admitted as the State of Israel and to the body which repre­ ^"press them without any feeling of inhibition. domestic helps. Many more were guaranteed by sents the Jewish communities of the world, on The importance of these and similar incidents relations and friends and by those who were com­ account of the burden of relief of hundreds of Should certainly not be exaggerated. But a plete strangers, but who responded to the call of thousands of refugees whom Israel and those *atchful eye seems to be necessary lest the mis­ communities received before, during and after the takes of the early 'thirties may be repeated in the humanity. Great Britain and other countries have reaped a rich return by the talents which they war. In that connection may I say a word of 'ate'fifties. gratitude to Professor Franz Boehm, Dr. Kuester salvaged. and the other representatives of Germany in the BUNDESRLTECKERSTATTUNGS-GESETZ The other anniversary is the tenth since the negotiations at The Hague in 1953. who fought founding of our United Restitution Organisation. for turning a moral into a material reparation. Aiuneldefrist bis zum 1. April 1959 verlaengert It was formed originally in England through the efforts of the Council of the Jews from Germany During this last year there has been among our Der Bundestag hat in alien drei Lesungen friends some perturbation on account not of a eine Novelle zum Bundesrueckerstattungsgesetz under the presidency of the late revered and oeschlossen, die vorsieht, dass die Anmeldung beloved Dr. Leo Baeck. The Council was com­ movement but of a trend to limit the liability rueckerstattungsrechtlicher Ansprueche (§ 27 posed largely of former lawyers from Germany, for compensation. But we in England were Abs. 2) bis zum 1. April 1959 bei dem zustaen- among them Dr. Siegfried Moses, now the State heartened a few weeks ago by the forthright een dealt with sufficiently that the liberty. According to the B.E.G., the persecutee Nazi persecution would wish. This aspect was " shall have a claim to indemnification if ... he dealt with at the conference in a remarkable Ausschuss has endeavoured to formulate the Law as extensively and clearly as possible, so that the has lived ' underground' under conditions address delivered by a distinguished guest, Rechts­ unworthy of a human being ". At the first reading anwalt Dr. Walter Schwarz (), a prominent indemnification authorities and courts have as few opportunities as possible to deviate from the will of the Bill, the rapporteur of the Wiedergut­ specialist in the field of restitution and indemnifi­ machungsausschuss stated: cation. This address has been published as a of the legislator, to modify, or even to falsify it. supplement to the November issue of Rechlspre­ But even the best law is of no avail if the persons " It is a matter of course that . . . living under chung zum Wiedertgulmctchungsrecht under the title applying it are not aware of jts spirit." a cover name falls under the notion ' living under of " Gesetz und Wirklichkeit, Betrachtungen zur The reparation of the immeasurable wrong conditions unworthy of a human being '. I have Wiedergutmachung im Spiegel von Praxis iimd committed by the previous State is, in itself, quite been told that living under a false name might not Rechtsprechung ". We propose, in this article, to as complex and immeasurable. It was unavoidable always be considered living under conditions render the salient points of the lecture. that the lawgiver could not fulfil a task of this unworthy of a 'human being, and that in con­ magnitude and complexity with any degree of sequence such claims might be refuted. The Schwarz states that it is the task of lawyers perfection. With an imperfect law the danger of unambiguous opinion of the Ausschuss is that working in the field of Wiedergutmachung to make emasculation, of " hollowing it out ", is still greater living under a false name is in every case living the intentions of the legislator a living reality. The if the judges interpreting it do not steep themselves illegally and unworthy of a human being. It is fact that no law can be perfect is a truism. With creatively in jts overall spirit. not worthy if a human being is forced to li^e most laws the main reason for this is that no law­ under a false name. If he did so, his existence giver can foresee future developments and, even as Unfavourable Interpretations was unworthy of a human being." far as he works on past experience, he cannot Again, in a string of decisions, the B.G.H. has devise perfect rules to cover every individual case. For this reason it is disturbing to frequently read maintained a practice incompatible with this state­ The difficulties are particularly overwhelming in in court decisions statements such as: "If the ment. The wording of the Law as it stands is not the field of Wiedergutmachung. The most impor­ legislator had intended this he would have said so unambiguous. But, as Schwarz points out. the tant legal aspect is, therefore, the art of interpre­ expressly." In the framework of the B.E.G. the court should have followed the intention of lb* tation of the law. lawgiver's silence does not necessarily mean " no ", lawgiver as clarified at the reading of the Bill- In our century, a period of twenty years or so and especially not in the field of Wiedergutma­ Frequent recent B.G.H. decisions elaborate on may bring about a fundamental change of condi­ chung. It often denotes that the lawgiver had not the following argument: The B.E.G. legislator d'" tions, outlook and background. However, this foreseen a problem or query, and this is the reason not intend to grant indemnification for all wrongs does not apply to the interpretations of Wieder­ why it was not given an express ruling. In such inflicted by the German Reich. In view of 'he gutmachungs- laws, the first of which was enacted cases it does not avail to evade the qtiestion. It enormous burden involved by indemnification, only eleven years ago. whereas the latest, the must be answered and the ideas of the lawgiver claims were granted only for certain types <>'• Federal Restitution Law, was enacted just over must be followed through again to the end. wrongs strictly defined in the Law (" nur fuer bestimmte Tatbestaende ") and only to a restricted a year ago. If there is a factor which has funda­ Even before the enactment of the B.E.G., the mentally changed since 1947. it is the financial extent. This is quite true and unavoidable. HoW' B.G.H. da a famous decision laid down the ever, many decisions lead to the impression tha* status of the Laender and of the Federal Republic, following fundamental maxim: which has improved tremendously. Hence the laws such decisions were influenced by the apprehension governing Wiedergutmachung have been extended " It is the aim and purpose of the restitution that, even within these limitations, the burden and improved by a number of new acts. and indemnification laws to repair the wrong done might become too high, and that this irrational as quickly and extensively as possible. An inter­ factor prevented the court from a liberal interj Financial Burden ? pretation which is possible as such and serves this pretation. The fragmentary compensation granted aim is, therefore, to be preferred to any other by the Law as it stands should not be made even interpretation which hampers or destroys the more fragmentary by narrow interpretation. During the last few months, however, thete has Wiedergutmachung." been much talk about the financial burden of the Schwarz does not omit to point out that t'hi* Wiedergutmachung incumbent on the Laender and At the third reading of the B.E.G. in the tendency does not appear in all B.G.H. decisions. the Federal Republic. It has been said that the Federal Parliament, a prominent Member pointed There are also a number of decisions which folio* actual burden will exceed the figures estimated by out that its preamble clearly contained the maxim the more generous line initially laid down by the the legislator to such an extent that this must be " in dubio pro reo ", i.e., " pro the claimant ". He B.G.H. itself. considered a fundamental change calling for a added: Especially in a field like that of Wiedergut­ revision of the Law. This widespread discussion is " According to learned (legal) Members, this machung, ithe B.G.H. should sometimes find the one of the main factors leading to the present maxim cannot be inserted in the Law as such. courage to reverse an opinion it has laid down Wiedergutmachungskrise. Schwarz rightly points But it must be said to this House, to the world, in previous decisions, the more so as the lower out that all these exaggerated and widely varying to the administrative authorities, to the courts courts are often courageous enough to maintain estimates have been quite unreUable up till now. and to the public: this Federal Parliament desires their opinions persistently against those laid down that the provisions of this Law shall, in case of Is the possibility of an increased financial burden by the B.G.H. doubt, be interpreted in the sense favourable to But though the B.G.H. decisions are sometiffles (as compared to previous estimates) a legitimate the persecutees." reason for deviating from the actual will and inten­ challenged by the lower courts, the influence o' tion of the legislator and curtailing the persecutees' It is against the background of such statements the B.G.H. is felt in the practice of Indemnification claims ? that Schwarz discussed a number of B.G.H. Offices (Bntschaedigungsbehoerden), which han

WAR CRIMINAL'S APPEAL REJECTED Zurich, Selnaustrasse 6 Monf reux, 96 Grand' Rue Austin Friars, London, E.C.2 'Phone LONdon Wall 7633 The Supreme Federal Court rejected the appeal Tel.: 051 27 06 30 Tel.: 021 65 8 85 of the former Police Constable and S.S. Officer, Telex : 5 25 62 Telex : 2 42 68 Specialists in the Georg Mott, and confirmed the judgment of the conversion of Criminal Court in Hechingen, which had sentenced Mott to hard labour for life on account of his ALL INTERNATIONAL BANKING GERMAN MARKS and BLOCKED deliberate incitement to murder when he was in TRANSACTIONS AUSTRIAN SCHILLINGS charge of the labour camp Reichenau, near Inquiries invited Innsbruck. AJR INFORMATION January, 1959 Page 7 OBITUARY Old Acquaintances

FERDINAND BRUCKNER F. M. ROSENTHAL A la recherche . . . :—This is the tragic life Ferdinand Bruckner who died in Berlin last Felix M. Rosenthal, the founder and editor of story of Herta Thiele who became famous as month at the age of 67, was still known as Theodor Jewish Family Magazine in Johannesburg, South Manuela in "Maedchen in Uniform"', now a Tagger when in 1923 he took over Berlin's Africa, died at the end of November after a long classic film. Banned by the Nazis owing to her Renaissance-Theater, the former Motivhaus friendship with a Jew, she went to Switzerland, Cinema ; he was then only 32 years old. Five illness. Born in Berlin, where he was Press where she worked as a domestic servant until she years later his play, " Krankheit der Jugend", Relations Officer for several cinemas, he had iust joined the theatre in Beme. After the end of the Was produced and became the literary sensation returned from his first post-war trip to Europe. war she returned to East Germany, where her of the 'twenties, not only for the reason that it Only a few months ago he gave a lecture in parents lived, and the authorities offered her a was not known that director and playwright were London's Club 43, and I met that agile man for theatre of her own. She wanted to open with one and the same. The search for the author, a the first time. He spoke enthusiastically of his a play by Priestley, but was ordered to produce a parlour game in those days, ended only in 1931 impressions of Israel, but he did not revisit his Russian drama instead. She declined and returned when Tagger disclosed he was Bruckner as well. beloved home-town, probably afraid to destroy to Switzerland. There she worked as a nurse, as accepted and Hilpert produced his a cashier in a cinema, and as a waitress in a cafe second success, " Verbrecher", starring Gustaf his happy memories with the new reality. The monthly periodical he created single-handed for in Morges. Slowly despairing she has only one Gruendgens and , for the first time in wish left—to be an actress again. Her famous a serious part. By that time Bruckner was estab­ the large community of German-Jewish refugees film is in every museum, but she herself is almost hshed as a writer, with an instinct for the stage in South Africa, will not survive him ; it will be forgotten.—Oblivion was also the fate of another and a fine feeling for topical themes. Some missed by many. After his only son died a few refugee, Franz Hessel. The circumstances of his suspected Bruckner was a doctor or jurist. The years ago, Felix Rosenthal had only his wife and death will always be unknown. That gifted writer, critics for once agreed on his gifts and his stage­ his work left to live for. His little " Magazine " translator of Jules Romains and lector for craft. was edited in a lively way and was the only con­ Rowohlt and Eugen Claassen, starved to death in Before he had to leave the country of his necting link of the German Jews in that far-away Sanary, in 1941, and not even his grave is known. f,"oice—Bruckner was born in Vienna—his country with their past. PEM Hessel loved so much that he once walked Elisabeth von England" again proved his with an open umbrella through the sunny streets uramatic power. He came to Hollywood via of Munich and his explanation for doing so was : Austria, Switzerland and France, where he tried to JOSEF GOCKELN " It is raining today in Paris ". •""eak into films but without success, and he again Home Metps :—Anton Walbrook will star in Wrote for the theatre. He was one of the first The President of the Northrhine-Westphalia Diet, Josef Gockeln, met an untimely death at the Curt Goetz's " Dr. med. Hiob Praetorius" in to return to Europe after the end of the war and London, adapted into English by Lucienne Hill.— ^e again settled in Berlin, where he became age of 58, as the result of a car accident. Josef has translated Duncan's " The Cata­ Barlog's collaborator. But the atmosphere had Gockeln was associated with the Christian trade lyst " into German.—Anton Diffring will star in the changed and his new plays were not the expected union movement, and was President of the North­ British horror film " The Man in Half Moon successes. A few years ago he saw his " Fruechte rhine-Westphalia Diet since May, 1947. He was Street".—Fritz Schrecker had a large audience of °es Nichts" produced in London with Mai also Mayor of Dusseldorf from 1947 to 1956, and Viennese when he sang and recited Nestroy, Rai­ '^.etterling and Herbert Lom, but this also was a was a Member of the Federal Parliament. He mund, Polgar and Kisch at the Arts Council in disappointment for all concerned. Bruckner was was a staunch opponent of National Socialism, November.—Dorothea Gotfurt's play " Report on perhaps too quiet for our noisy times. and always displayed a great understanding for Jessie Dean " was produced on ITV here.—Alfred PEM the reinstated Jewish communities in Germany. H. Unger and Richard Duschinsky will discuss MONSIGNORE KUNO JOERGEN '• Principles and Problems of Translation " on the BBC Third Programme on January 13th.—Peter The General Secretary of the German Caritas- CLARA SANDER lUing made a tremendous success when he played verband, Monsignore Kuno Joergen, died at the the lead in " Bouquet for the President " on BBC- ^?e of 65 in Freiburg. Monsignore Joergen and Als ich kiirzlich in dieser Zeitschrift die Todesan- TV.—Dr. Paul Czinner, Elisabeth Bergner's hus­ his organisation were active on behalf of the Jews zeige von Frau Clara Sander (geb. Loeser) las, band, will produce a ballet film for Rank, with "Uring the time of persecution, and remained in wurden in mir Erinnerungen an die vor einigen Dame Margot Fonteyn.—Marcel Hellman is the close contact with the Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der producer of " Northwest Frontier", starring Jtiden in Berlin. He was one of the principal Jahren in ihrem Hause verbrachten Stunden wach. Lauren Bacall and Kenneth More. speakers at the ceremony of the opening of the Die besondere Atmosphare, die sie umgab, beein- "enrietta Szold Home in Wembach. druckte mich stets, wenn ich ihr grosses Wohn- .'Veir* from Everywhere:—Gottfried Reinhardt zimmer betrat, diesen Raum, in dem die Kultur returned from Hollywood to join einer versunkenen Epoche erhalten war. Dieser in Berlin as a producer ; Curt Bernhardt, another Eindruck wurde dadurch verstarkt, dass ich Frau returnee, will direct the remake of " Menschen im Sander meist an ihrem kleinen Schreibtisch sitzend Hotel " for the same company.—E. M. Remarque's antraf, wo sie sich mit der Niederschrift ihrer play " Die letzte Station " was produced in East Memoiren beschaftigte. Was hat diese so Berlin by Emil Stoehr.—Herbert Zernick, a Ackermans cabaret compare, has returned to Berlin from the bescheiden auftretende und nach aussen hin nicht States.—Friedrich Hollander's third revue "Es ist bedeutend wirkende Frau wohl erlebt, was angerichtet" has had a successful production by Chocolates geleistet, das sie einer Aufzeichnung fur wert Trude Kolman in Munich.—Robert Jungk, author hielt ? Erst nach und nach loste sie sich im of several best sellers, has received the first prize Erzahlen, und mehr und mehr gab sie mir einen of 500,000 francs for the best essay on the Brussels De Luxe Einblick in den Ideenkreis, den sie einst vertreten Worid Exhibition.—Rudolf (Rudi) Meyer, hatte, und dabei trat das Wesen ihrer geistigen formerly with Aafa, has produced " Fanfare " in Personlichkeit hervor. Nun wurde mir auch klar, Holland. • wer sie eigentlich war. Sie vertrat in Deutschland Germany :—Willy Haas is adapting the am Anfang des Jahrhunderts die Bestrebungen fur memoirs of Alma Mahler-Werfel into German for IN BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED die Reform der Frauenmode, nicht nur im Sinne S. Fischer.—Mary Wigman directed Gluck's einer gesundheitlichen Verbesserung, sondern in " Alkestis" in Mannheim.—H. Schweikart pro­ PRESENTATION BOXES Verbindung mit damals neuzeitlichen Gedanken duced a new one-act play, " Das Haus Erinne­ rung " by Erich Kaestner, who will be sixty in iiber das Wesen und die Lebensweise der Frauen February.—Curt Goetz celebrated his 70th birth­ •*• im Sinne der Frauenbewegung. Frau Sander war day in Berlin by performing his comedy Mitherausgeberin einer Zeitschrift " Die Neue " Miniaturen".—Friends of the late Kaethe Frauenkleidung und Frauenkultur", die die Dorsch are collecting money to build a home for 43, Kensington Church St. Reformgedanken weiten Kreisen zuganglich old actors.—Ursula Grabley will appear in " Jim maehte, Fiir mich war die Mitteilung von Frau und Jill " in Hamburg.—Hein Heckroth, formerly Sander von besonderem Interesse, da ich einst in London, will design the decors for Harry Buck- London, W.8 nicht nur zu den Anhangerinnen dieser Richtung witz's production of " The Rake's Progress" in Frankfurt.—Fritz Kortner is producing " Die gehorte, sondern auch eine eifrige Leserin der Zeit­ Raeuber" in Berlin with himself as " der alte WES. 4359 schrift war. Auch viele von den Personlichkeiten. Moor ". die sie aus ihrem Arbeitskreis erwahnte, trugen mir gelaufige Namen aus meiner friihen Jugend. Mit Obituaries:—The actor Hans Heinrich von and Twardowsky, who started his career in Berlin by Ruecksicht auf ihr hohes Alter und ihr durch ihren writing a book of literary parodies " Der rasende 9, Goldhurst Terrace, Gesundheitszustand bedingtes zumeckgezogenes Pegasus" before going to Hollywood early in the Leben war es nur allzu verstaendlich, dass sie in 'thirties, has died in New York at the age of 60.— ihren Gespraechen die Probleme der heutigen Friedrich Lobe, who survived the war in Israel, has Finchley Road, N.W.6 Zeit kaum beruehrte ; nur das Einst bildete den died at the age of 69 in Vienna, where he played MAI. 2742 Inhalt ihrer Gedankengaenge. at Scala and Josefsfadt after his return. NELLY WOLFFHEIM PEM Page 8 AJR INFORMATION Januarv. 1959 F. Friedlander (Melbourne) NEWS IN BRIEF WILHELM II AND THE JEWS GERMANY NAMES STREETS AFTER JEWS The Allgemeine weekly of the Jews in Germany Centenary of the Kaiser's Birth recently published a report on several cases where streets were named after famous Jews, The The last of the ruling Hohenzollerns, Kaiser was baptised. Not all Jews had the sense of dignity Town Council of Trier which, as reported in our Wilhelm II, was bom on January 27th, 1859. nor the financial independence to do as did Albert last issue, named a street after the late Sigmuno The student who goes into Wilhelm II's attitude Mosse who, when it was hinted that his promotion Loeb, also named another new street " LK- to the Jews can only be amazed at the contra­ to a high legal government post depended on his Altmann Strasse ", in honour of the memorv oi dictions the monarch adopted towards this minority. becoming baptised, immediately tendered his resig­ the last Rabbi of the former Jewish community, nation. When the great Albert Ballin, the only who died in Theresienstadt, Dr. Altmann was the On the one hand he may have been influenced Jew who enjoyed the Kaiser's friendship, told him father of Dr. Alexander Altmann, the Communal by his parents, Frederick III and his wife, the that he was unsuitable for a high government office Rabbi of Manchester. daughter of Queen Victoria, who were followers because he was a Jew, the Kaiser retorted non­ Frankfurt-on-Main has also decided to name a of progressive liberalism and who rejected the anti- chalantly : •' Well, that can be changed ", suggesting street after Anne Frank and two other streets after Semitic trends which raged in Germany at the that Ballin adopt the Christian faith. Hugo Sinzheimer and Friedrich Stampfer. PrO' time their eldest son was growing up. On the fessor Hugo Sinzheimer, who had been a member other hand, however, the antagonism which existed When H. St. Chamberlain's pseudo-scientific •' Foundations of the 19th Century " appeared in of the Town Council and was a Deputy to the between Frederick III and his son conceivably National Assembly in Weimar in 1919, had col­ reduced this influence to such an extent that 1898, Wilhelm II was most enthusiastic about its gospel of the superiority of the Germanic master laborated with Hugo Preuss in the final draft pt Wilhelm leaned towards thg reactionary Junker the Weimar Constitution. He died in 1945, whilst caste and Prusaan militarism. He eventually went race, and he entered into correspondence with the author. He was similarly impressed by Felix he was a refugee in Holland. Friedrich Stampfer- so far as to sympathise with Hofprediger Adolf former editor of the Socialist newspaper Vor­ Stoecker, a notorious anti-Semite. Dahn's super-patriotic novel " Fight for Rome ". According to Bruno Weil, the Kaiser gave vent to waerts, had returned to Germany in 1948 and hao But when, in 1922, Maximilian Harden, the his anti-Semitic feelings in marginal comments on been a lecturer at the reopened Akademie der famous publicist, mentioned the attempted documents concerning the Dreyfus affair. Arbeit in Frankfurt. He died in 1957. assassination on his own life he said: " Though the A street in Bremen is to be named " Rosenak Kaiser was my No. I enemy, it never crossed his Paradoxically, however, his sense of duty led Strasse" in memory of Dr. Leopold Rosenak, mind that I should be murdered." Harden was him to call on the army to protect his Jewish sub­ Rabbi of the Jewish community from 1896 to 1923. right. In spite of the fact that his attacks on the jects from the threat of mob violence during a To commemorate the memory of the publisher Kaiser were highly detrimental, Wilhelm II would state of emergency caused by the ritual murder and benefactor, Rudolf Mosse, the Wilmersdori never have used criminal methods, and he scorned case of Konitz in 1900. It is true, too, that under Borough Council has decided to name the square to play off his opponent's Jewish origin against him. his rule Jewish businessmen, bankers, lawyers, doctors, etc., enjoyed prosperity. But as soon as in front of the Mosse-Stift the " Rudolf Mosse- a Jew ventured to strive for a key position, he Platz ". Condescending Benevolence found himself treated as a " citizen of second grade", a term which Walther Rathenau always ERECTION OF NEW SYNAGOGUE IN In 1888, when Wilhelm ascended the throne, he applied to himself. HAMBURG actually turned down Stoecker's demands, and maintained the equality of rights for his Jewish Nevertheless, the Kaiser defied the strong under­ In the presence of the representatives of the subjects. Unfortunately, this only held good in current of social anti-Semitism, and kept company Jewish community and the Senate of the Free theory. His condescending and patronising with Jews in leading economic positions, such as City of Hamburg, the foundation-stone of a ne* benevolence towards the Jews did not prevent the the shipowner Ballin, the coal kings Eduard synagogue was laid on November 9th. The syna­ State bureaucracy from invalidating Jewish rights Arnhold and Fritz von Friedlaender-Fuld, the gogue is to form part of a Jewish cultural centre by administrative obstruction. A Jew in Imperial cotton kings James and Eduard Simon, and others. which has been planned with the full financial Germany had, as a rule, no prospect of becoming When he went to see James Simon or received the assistance of the Senate of Hamburg. The prin­ a judge, a teacher, a university professor, a prominent lawyer Oscar Cassel as the representa­ cipal speakers at the ceremony were Rabbi Dr- government official or an army officer unless he tive of the City of Berlin, he would be most Salomonowicz and the Lord Mayor of Hambu^i charming, and he appreciated Eduard Arnhold's Max Brauer, together with representatives of the outstanding abilities and honoured him by appoint­ Evangelical Lutheran and the Roman Catholic ing him a Member of the Prussian Upper House churches. in 1913, Dr. H. G. van Dam brought .the congratu­ But his attitude to these favoured Jews was one latory greetings of the ZentraTrat der Juden it* of expediency. As long as Ballin's creative powers Deutschland and also read the message of the were indispensable for the building up of Ger­ Federal President delivered to the Zentralrat on many's commercial navy, the Kaiser gave him his the occasion of the November 9th memorial- strong support, but he ignored him as soon as the Consul Ben Jaakow attended the ceremony o° outbreak of the First Wgrld War put an end to behalf of the Israel Mission. Ballin's usefulness. SEMINARY FOR JEWISH KINDERGARTEN Near to Treitschke TEACHERS Though his true religious feelings respected the Twelve students are participating in the first value of Judaism and he even attended the conse­ two-months' course for Jewish kindergarten cration of the Fasanenstrasse Synagogue, he was teachers and assistants, which has commenced j" nevertheless near to Treitschke, the anti-Semite, the West Berlin Institut fuer Jugendgruppenarbeit. in his view on the Jewish question: he expected The director of the Joint Distribution Committee the German Jew to pay the price of complete in Germany, Mr. Fred Ziegellaub, stated that this THE assimilation for the enjoyment of full equality of type of co-operation between German and Jewish rights. He was too shallow to realise that complete authorities as well as the reconstruction of syna­ MELITTA QUICKFILTER assimilation included baptism for the sake of gogues were signs that we had reached a turning- career—an action which should have been repulsive point in our time. COFFEE MAKER to his sense of decency. made of earthenware or chitia is the When fallen from power, the exiled Kaiser in PAUCITY OF JEWISH STUDENTS AT simplest and cleanest way of making no way changed his attitude to the Jewish question. WEST GERMAN UNIVERSITIES really good coffee. He told his recent biographer, Joachim von Kuerenberg, that he felt himself slandered by Emil According to a survey of the Federal Statistical Obtainable from : Ludwig's well-known biography of him, but he Office in Wiesbaden received by the World Jewish Beverley's, 189, Finchley Road, N.W.3 did not hint at the author's Jewish origin. It is, Congress's Information Department, there were Hardyment's Stores, 28, Golders Green indeed, comforting to leam from Kuerenberg that only 98 students of the Jewish faith among students Road, N.W.ll •' the Gestapo, concentration camps and the perse­ of German nationality studying at 46 German also Twinings, cution of the Jews were, in the Kaiser's eves, a colleges and universities in 1957-58. Statistical Kenya Coffee Co., all branches and most disgrace to Germany" (" The Kaiser", p. 345). figures for arf, music and sports academies are not stores such as Harrods, Selfridges, Gamages, But how is this sound opinion compatible with the available. etc., and most coffee suppliers. message wherein he heartily welcomed his son. Prince August Wilhelm's, admission to Hitler's If any difficulty in obtaining please ESTABLISHING WIZO IN GERMANY apply to the wholesale distributors S,A.? His contradictions and inconsistencies of mind Mrs. Regina Kissman, Director for Propaganda for the name of your nearest supplier. may, as has been mentioned beforehand, stem from of the Federation of Women Zionists, who had the conflict with his father which overshadowed established a Wizo branch in Hamburg during ROSENTHAL (EXPORT) LTD. his whole life. It may have led as much to his her visit to Germany in 1947, recently visited Get- 52, Manchester Street, London, W.l downfall as did his failure to compensate the many again to help in the formation of fo.u'' Telephone : WELbeck 1901 inferiority complex caused by his withered left more branches in Berlin, Frankfurt/Mairi' Cologne and Munich. AJR INFORMATION January, 1959 Page 9 BIRTHDAY TRIBUTES PROF. HUGO BERGMANN 75 Professor Hugo Bergmann, who turned 75 in HERBERT FREEDEN SO DR. JACOB JACOBSON 70 December, is the creator and the first director of the Jewish National and University Library in Yes, the figure is no misprint, and we welcome We have only now leamed that the historian. Dr. Jacob Jacobson, celebrated his 70th birthday Jerusalem, and is the first Professor of Modern the rare occasion of a birthday tribute on January some time ago. He was head of the Gesamt­ Philosophy at the Jerusalem Hebrew University. 22nd to a friend who was not born in the last archiv der deutschen Juden in Berlin and his He has translated Kant into Hebrew, and his own century. Our minds go back to the first months knowledge of Jewish history in Germany and also numerous works have enriched philosophical after the war, when Herbert Freeden was a member of Jewish family research is unique. His works Hebrew literature, apart from his publications in of the trio which launched AJR Information. include a monograph on the position of the Jews German and English. But an enumeration of his Soon afterwards one of the co-editors. Dr. E. G. at the end of the 18th century in the former Polish provinces of Prussia, some observations on official activities means nothing in comparison with Lowenthal, took up an appointment in Germany, the impact of this personality who was, in his and Freeden and I formed a partnership which the Jewish citizens' records of Berlin, and the position of the Jews in the P.-ussian municipalities. unobtrusive way, the teacher and friend of a whole also developed into a close personal relationship. generation and who is, today, no less than ever an Herbert Freeden was the greater expert in the Dr. Jacobson was also the editor of the Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deuischen indefatigable seeker of the truth. lournalistic sphere, and many facets of AJR Juden, in which he himself published a number Information owe their foundations to him. We As a student in pre-1914 Prague, Hugo Berg­ of important articles. mann joined the Zionist Movement. Zionism was. Co-operated in the editorial deliberations and made After surviving the war in Theresienstadt, Dr. a good team. Fortunately, though in a more limited however, never merely a political aim to him ; it Jacobson came to this country. As one of the was, in the first place, the revival of cultural, moral ^ay, the co-operation continued when he was few experts in his particular field, it is most transferred to Jerusalem to become Publicity fortunate for German-Jewish historiography that and spiritual Jewish values. He was one of the Director of the Overseas Department of the Jewish he has been able to continue his work. He is first in. Western Europe to leam and quickly National Fund. His regular reports on Israel are also associated with the activities of the Leo Baeck master the Hebrew language, and he has never propaganda in the genuine sense of the word: they Institute. ceased to learn. In personal contacts, in innumer­ ^o not gloss over the difficulties of the young State All those who know this scholarly and modest able articles and speeches, he fought for the purity of the idea and for faithfulness to true humanitv, but, by their critical approach, make the reader man wish him many years of continued activity and unimpaired health. without which nationalism would be an emptv Acquainted with the real problems of the country. shell. Professor Bergmann's influence has not been The necessities of journalistic day-to-day work DR. H. GOLDBERG 80 confined to Israel—his disciples are scattered have not stood in the way of Herbert Freeden's throughout the Jewish world. This man of pro­ artistic abilities as a writer. Several novels, some The Honorary President of the Jewish com­ found religiosity was never a parochial thinker. of which are based on the happenings among munity in Wiesbaden, Dr. Goldberg, lawyer and His truly universal mind was always open to new German Jews after 1933, stand to his credit, and notary, celebrated his 80th birthday. Dr. Gold­ human experiences, and he established close con­ a volume of short stories in German will shortly berg was for many years the legal representative tact beyond the Jewish orbit with pious Christians ^ published. of the, community. in Sweden, as well as with Indian philosophers. 't is our sincere wish that also in the years to ALFRED LEVY (SAARBRUECKEN) 70 This is not the place for a comprehensive come Herbert Freeden, who has just recovered evaluation of the man and his work, but feelings from an illness, may be granted happiness and The President of the Saarbruecken Jewish com­ of deep gratitude and admiration may be expressed success, and we join his other - friends and munity, Alfred Levy, celebrated his 70th birthday. here on behalf of the Jews from German-speaking Colleagues in conveying our heartiest congratula­ Representatives of the legal profession and of the countries, on the occasion of Professor Bergmann's tions to him. Protestant church added their tributes tq the 75th birthday. congratulatory speeches of the Jewish officials W. ROSENSTOCK assembled at the birthday ceremony. R.W. Page 10 AJR INFORMATION Januarv. 1959 cynically started by the Western! Powers and froin CONCENTRATION CAMP CREMATORIA its inception directed exclusively against the civil population constitutes the greatest crime of all time), and as we committed in the concentration -AN AMERICAN FAKE camps (although the crematoria were stage sets The smoking concentration camp crematoria document and used condensed quotations to illus­ built by the Americans for photographing and the provides the sombre background for another court trate its point. These quotations form the subject heaped corpses, also photographed, came from case: a libel action brought by a lawyer, formerly of the action as they are claimed to misrepresent Dresden)." a Luftwaffe judge-advocate, against a widely popu­ the author's true opinions. The full version, sub­ The question of what these and other remarks lar German news magazine. A fellow-member of sequently reprinted by the magazine in accordance implied has occupied the attention of two courts the lawyers' student fraternity (Burschenschaft) with a court order, contains this unabridged and will soon be dealt with by a third. The was expelled " cum infamia" for publishing a passage: allegedly libelled lawyer, who lost the first round statement expressing qualified approval of Nazi " Nobody, and this includes those expelled, and won a partial victory in the second, has also concentration camps. This banishment moved the nowadays defends the cruelties unchained by threatened the magazine with an action for advocate to support his young friend's views in a human demons, by the beast in man, such as the damages, since its articles " seriously prejudiced lengthy letter circulated among members. The Western Allies perpetrated with their bombing his nomination to the judge-advocate's office in the news magazine conmiented on this remarkable attacks (according to Veale the bombing war Bundeswehr". E.H.

FAMILY EVENTS DOCTOR OF LAW, middle-aged. CURTAINS AND LINEN made and well acquainted with continental repaired. Continental style. Ring Entries in this column are free of Jewish life, languages Hungarian, CUN. 7605. AJR CLUB charge. Texts should be sent in by the English, German, seeks position in ZION HOUSE, 57, ETON AVE.. \Sth of the month. Jewish organisation, library or office. MISSING PERSONS Able to type. Box 487. N.W.3. Births Enquiries by AJR MECHANICAL ENG., 26, Con­ SUNDAY, JANUARY 18th Angel. On November 12th, a daughter tinental degree equiv. B.Sc., has 2 Cilly Faber, born 14.10.1920 in Pforz­ to Doris (nee Loewenstem) and yrs.' exp. with leading Eng. firm, heim. Lived in Dortmund, Germany, at 5 p.m. Amold. 38 Heaton Road, Withing­ seeks position, would also work as and in 1938 sent to Poland with her draughtsman. Box 492. mother but later returned to Dort­ ton, Manchester 20. mund. Believed to have gone to CONCEMIT Gerson. On December 7th, a Women England thereafter. daughter, Deborah Judith, to Gina PART-TIME work wanted by woman 'CELLO RECITAL (nee Bauer) and Frank Gerson. 278 of 56, formerly " Damenmodesalon ", Manfred Sziiard, born December 31st, Moor Green Lane, Moseley, Birm­ was sales assistant in bookshop. 1933, in Berlin. Until 1939 in Mrs. REGINA SCHEIN ingham 13. Box 485. Budapest-Kakozszsaba, Klauzala utca 71. Was in a children's home belong­ Aceompanied by Mrs. Goldschmidf Birthdays ENGLISH / GERMAN SHORT - ing to the JOINT in 1945 in HAND-TYPIST, exp. and reliable, Bekecscsaba, Hungary. Probably taken ADMISSION FREE. Goldmann. Mrs. Alice Goldinann seeks part-time work. Box 486. to London from there with a view to (Leipzig) will celebrate her 75th birth­ GERMAN/ENGLISH SHORTHAND re-emigrating to Palestine, but it is day on January 16th. Pitt House, TYPIST, exp. in restitution matters, believed he may still be living in Space donafed by : New End Avenue, London, N.W.3. England. Wanted by his father. available for morning or part-time TRADE CUTTERS LIMITED Gnindmann. Mrs. Hedwig Grund- work, pref. in Hampstead or near-by area. Own typewriter if reqd. Box 491. Dr. Eugen Doktor, formerly an advo­ 38, Felsham Road, Putney, S.V^.15 mann, formerly Vlotho (Westphalia), cate in Prague. Believed to have will celebrate her 80th birthday on AJR Attendance Service emigrated to London from Prague in January 13th. 305 Fulwood Road, March, 1939. Sought for restitution Sheffield 10. WOMEN available to care for sick matters. (f » people and invalids, as companions AUFBAU Deaths and sitters-in : full- or part-time (not Personal Enquiries IMPROVED SUBSCRIPTION residential). 'Phone MAI. 4449. Hersh. Solomon Hersh (Hussar), Werner Cohn, aged about 39 years. SERVICE beloved husband of Regine Hersh, AJR Needlewomen Service As an electrical engineer escaped to passed away on December 3rd, 1958, New facilities ore now available WOMEN available for alterations, England from Berlin in 1938. Frau after a long illness bravely borne. Hedy Baer, now living at Belzigerstr. whereby readers can receive mending, handicrafts. 'Phone MAI. subscription copies soon after 263 Langside Road, Glasgow, S.2. 4449. 74, Berlin-Schoeneberg, Germany, is Karo. Dora Karo, on Saturday, anxious to contact the above-named, publication date. December 13th. Wife of Dr. 'W. Accommodation Vacant who is an old friend. The " AUFBAU " will now be Karo, mother of Stefame Klaw and mailed direct to subscribers front VACANCY FOR PERMANENT the publishers in America, thus Ursula Karo. Deeply mourned by all GUEST, lady or gentleman, in beauti­ her family and friends. fully situated, well-heated country saving considerable time. house; continental cooking, every AJR This quicker and better means O' In Memoriam diet. Mrs. K. Schwarz, " Furzedown ", transit will be applied fo all exist­ Wood Road, Hindhead, Surrey. ing subscribers from issue No. 36, Levy, Max. In memory of my HANDICRAFTS GROUP dated September 5th, 1958. husband, who passed away on COMFORTABLE, newly-decorated We have a variety of new designs We are pleased to announce if is now January 18th, 1958. Margaret K. bed/sitting-room, central heating, tele­ possible fo offer fhe following reduced Levy, 52 Cavendish Road, London, phone, ground floor. 18 Georgian of gifts for all purposes. rates, which will also be applicat>'^ N.W.6. Court, Vivian Avenue, Hendon Cen­ when current subscriptions expire. 8. FAIRFAX MANSIONS, 2 yeors £4 3 0 tral (HEN. 8763). 1 yeor £2 10 0 Situations Wanted FINCHLEY ROAD, N.W.S 6 months £1 6 0 Personal (NOTE THE VERY ADVANTAGEOUS Men Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-l p.m. and FORMER DIRECTOR from 3 p.m.-6 p.m. TWO YEARS' RATE) EXP. BOOKKEEPER, good refs., Fri. 10 o.m.-l p.m. and by Orders and payments should be Germany, aged 60, possessing own addressed fo : seeks full or part-time work. Box 479. considerable pension and capital, appointment. (MAI. 4449) UPHOLSTERER, Egyptian refugee, seeks personable woman, aged 45/50, The Kosmos International seeks work as CUTTER. Speaks interested in business, no family ties, Space donated by Agency view friendship/marriage. Box 489. S. F. & O. HALLGARTEN French, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew. Wines and Spirits 39/40, LONDON ROAD, Box 480. WIDOW, 50, intelligent, good appear­ Importers and Exporters LONDON, S.E.I EGYPTIAN refugee, 72, formerly ance, own home, income, would like I, CRUTCHED FRIARS, London, E.C.3 'Phone : WATerloo 5461/2/3 owner of tricot factory, speaks only to meet sincere, cultured gentleman, 55/60, view friendship/marriage. Box French and Arabic, seeks work as 490. = THE TWENTIETH CENTURY THEATRE =^= street seller or watchman. Box 481. 291, Westbournc Grove, London, W.ll. (PARk 9582) LEDGER/INVOICE CLERK, reliable, Miscellaneous Station : Notting Hill. Buses : 15, 22, 7, 27, 28, 31, 46 elderly, seeks full-time work. Box 482. BEAUTY TREATMENTS, face ! !BOOK NOW !! ADDITIONAL EVENING WORK massage, masks, superfluous hair SATURDAY, JANUARY 24th, at 8 p.m. required by father of family, 39, after removed by electrolysis. Consultation 7pm for 3-4 hours daily. Formerly OTTO DIAMANT free. Visits arranged. Dipl. Beauti­ in a programme of " Werkzeugschlosser". Would also cian Marta Kohn, L.W.B.C., 24 Crun- work as waiter or typist. Box 483. dale Avenue, N.W.9. COLindale 8277. ERNST und HEITER EXP. TAILOR'S PRESSER, 38, seeks WANTED. Mahogany table and from Heine, Wildgans, Kaestner, Brechf and Weil JO SPANJER (pianist) suitable work, also as rep. jn textile chairs. 'Phone WEMbley 0089, morn­ Tickets : 10/-, 7/6, 5/-, from Box Office (PAR. 9582), Choppell Ltd., industry or driver. Box 484 ings or evenings. 50 New Bond St., W.l (MAY. 7500); CA.P.C, 6, Ebbsfleet Rood N W.2 ^^:^^^^^:^^:^:z=:::=^==:^^ (GLA. 4473) -. AJR INFORMATION January, 1959 Page 11 THE AJR AT WORK HOUSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Dr. Walter Dux 70 SOCIAL DEPARTMENT CHANUKAH AT THE OLD AGE HOMES All three Old Age Homes celebrated Chanukah On January Sth Dr. Walter Dux, Chairman of "Nachbarhilfe" (Help Your Neighbour) the Otto Hirsch House Committee, will celebrate with special functions, excelling in their artistic his 70th birthday. He has been associated with In response to our appeal for voluntary helpers, level and in the homely atmosphere—an Jewish activities throughout his life. In his student the Social Department has recently received offers atmosphere which included the residents, their days he joined the K.C. Fraternity, with whose from several persons willing to visit sick or lonely relatives, the staff and the Committee members. members he has kept contact ever since. Coming persons. Leo Baeck House had the privilege of welcoming from an old-established family in the Hanover We are especially grateful to those ladies who the pianist, Franz Reizenstein, who rendered a district, he also took an active part in the work have started to undertake regular weekly visits to Mozart Sonata and works by Debussy, Chopin of the Hanover branch of the C.V. and in mani­ invalids confined to their rooms, and to those and one of his own compositions; Hilde Beal sang fold Jewish welfare activities of that town. After Visiting patients in hospitals. German lieder and Hebrew and Yiddish songs. At his emigration, he re-established his chemical Otto Schiff House the artiste was Johanna factory in this country. He joined the AJR Handicrafts Exhibition and Sale Metzger-Lichtenstern, accompanied by her immediately after its inception, at a time when the husband. At Otto Hirsch House, Rabbi Dr. Paul organisation consisted mainly of uprooted Various articles, both useful and attractive, were Holzer kindled the lights and gave a brief and refugees and when many of those who had exhibited by 23 people during the Chanukah week impressive address on the eve of the first day. On already settled in business still stood aloof. His and until Christmas, in the AJR offices. We thank December Mth, a concert with a particularly well- connection with the AJR was strengthened during all members and friends who helped to make the chosen programme was given by the Chandos the past year when he became the House Com­ sale a success. Ensemble under the leadership of Ruth Rockwell mittee Chairman of the newly established Otto (flautist), with Cecilly van Gelderen, Terence Hirsch House. His co-operation has been a Hilton, Geoffrey Mann and Michael Stumbles. particular asset because of his understanding of CHANUKAH AT THE CLUB The guests included Mr. Howett, a former Mayor the great number of human, administrative and The Chanukah celebration at the AJR Club was. of Richmond, and Rabbi Dr. M. Ginsberg, of the also technical problems which arise in the Home's Richmond Synagogue. day-to-day work, and the Committee members, Once again, a real family party. The atmosphere the staff and the residents are greatly indebted of Warmth and friendliness which Mrs. Schachne GLASGOW MEMBER LEAVES FOR ISRAEL to his devoted and untiring services. A scientist by nas created from the start, and with which she has profession, he is at the same time deeply interested imbued all her helpers, was felt by everybody. Mr. Herbert Levy, together with his wife, in the eternal values of the Hellenistic civilisa­ Thanks are also due to Mrs. Margarete Jacoby, the recently emigrated from Glasgow to Israel, to join tion and has developed an outstanding knowledge Club's unobtrusive Chairman, who contributed so their children at Kibbuz Hasorea. In recognition in this field. niuch to make the party a success. of his manifold services on behalf of the Society Mrs. Freyhan lit the Chanukah candles and of Jewish Refugees (the AJR Glasgow Branch) The AJR joins Walter Dux's many friends in tuned in the Chanukah hymn, and Dr. Adelheid and of the Jewish Refugees' Committee as a whole, expressing sincere birthday wishes. Levy explained the lesson of the festival, the hght he has been appointed a life member of the Society of Jewish Refugees. that symbolises the Jewish spirit—the spirit of REIZENSTEIN TRIO CONCERT faith, truth, courage and brotherly love—which All Mr. and Mrs. Levy's friends wish them every has always enabled the Jews to withstand their happiness in their new country of domicile. The Reizenstein Trio—Maria Lidka (violin), enemies and " to be a light unto the nations". Derek Simpson ('cello) and Franz Reizenstein Unfortunately, space does not permit our printing THE HYPHEN (piano)—will give a concert on Thursday, January Miss Elias's poem which, with humour and warmth, The January programme of the Hyphen includes Sth, at 7.30 p.m. at the Wigmore Hall, Wigmore expressed what Ihe Club means to its members. a lecture on " The Jews of South Africa " by Mrs. Street. W.l. The enjoyment of the festivities was enhanced Kehr at Zion House, 57 Eton Avenue, N.W.S, on The programme will include works by Brahms, oy the refreshments and by the gaily wrapped Sunday, January 18th, at 7.30 p.m., as well as Beethoven and Dvorak, together with a Trio by presents given out to everybody. rambles and visits to museums. Mr. Reizenstedti himself.

SCHIfeiB£R*S STANDARD SEWING MACHINE SERVICE LTD. eV€STHOIfS£ ROSEMOUNT 17 Parsifal Road, N.W.6 ELITE TYPEWRITER Co. Ltd. 26, Blenheim Gardens, N.W.2 HAMp. 5856 WEL. 2528 ''5 houses from underground and buses) THE BOARDING HOUSE WITH CULTURE All Mokes Bought, Sold & Exchanged ^^r^jonent and temporor/ residents. Repoirs, Mointenance All bedrooms h & c. Gorden. Television. A ffome for you 18 CRAWFORD STREET. BAKER STREET, W.l GLAdstona 5622 Elderly people welcomed il FURZEDOWN" The Exclusive Salon de Corseterie Ihe ideal place for holidays & convalescence Mme H. LIEBERG Large garden with sunshed THE DORICE Continental Cuisine—Licensed The best 871, FINCHLEY ROAD •Running h.&c. wafer in a.ll Isf-flr. bedrms. (Next fo ftie Post Office, Golders Green) nome atmosphere, Continental cooking 169a Finchley Rd., N.W.S CONTINENTAL (all diets). Children welcome (MAI. 6301) •Phone : SPEedwell 8673 Fashionable French, American, and English PARTIES CATERED FOR HAIRSTYLING BOOK EARLY Models. Ready-made and to meosuf* •duced terms for off-season periods and EXPERT FITTING tor long or permanent residents by MRS. A. MAYER ^OOD ROAD. HINDHEAD, SURREY formerly with CHARLES OF LONDON H. WOORTMAN & SON _^_^ Telephone : Hindhead 335 Mme D. HORNGRAD HAUTE COIFFURE takes any type of work in connection 42, Old Bond Street, Mayfair 8, Baynes Mewt. Hampstead, N.W.S First floor. 'Phone : HYD. 4500 '•ASHDALE GUESTHOUSE" with German and French spoken. T»l.: HAM. 3974 Special concession to readers ^5' BEAULIEU RD., BOURNEMOUTH W. Brassieres & Corsetry of " AJR Information " =^= Continental Builder and Decorator 'Phone : MAIda Yale 5713 °" beautiful " Alum Chine." 5 min. Specialist in Dry Rot Repairs ESTIMATES FREE ^*°- H. & c. Gas fires in all bed­ We are on ANY PRINTING rooms. Excellent Cuisine. HOLIDAY Private and Commercial. •Pfwrje : Westbourne 619471 First-class Work. Quickest Service. LEO HOROVITZ Prop.: E. BRUDER Reopening February 14th Urgent matters in 24 hours. Write for reservations to H. I. WALL STO. 6650 SCULPTOR-STONEMASON •• A R L E T " ", St. Gobriel's Road, London, N.W.2 SIMAR HOUSE Tel.: GLA. 4029 Reissner & Goldberg Memorials for all l_^'"orien.'^*'ma t Guests ond Visitors coming fo The Private Continental Hotel fuf^""t' °'^ welcome in my exauisitelv Cemeteries "mished & cultivated Privote Guest House 10 & 24 Herbert Rd., ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ^^«t & Cold Wafer, Radiator Heating Bournemouth West 141, Canterbury Road, N.W.6 -. Garden, Television ^ontinentol meals can be provided if desired Special low prices, £7 7s. weekly MAi. 6721 WEST HAMPSTEAD, N.W.6 "V good residential district. Buses & Tube very r>ear 'Phone : Westbourne 64176 Before 8.15 a.m. and after 7 p.m. 16 FAWLEY ROAD, Mrs. Lofte Schworz SIMON and MARGOT SMITH MAI. 2646. 0359 Telephone : HAMpstead 2S64 Page 12 AJR INFORMATION January. 1959 HOW THE KNESSETH WORKS ISRAELI NEWS A journalist who regularly reports on the pro­ OIL SUPPLIES AMBASSADORIAL STATUS FOR HEAD OF ceedings of the Knesseth from the press gallery ISRAEL MISSION IN COLOGNE has an excellent opportunity to appreciate and It is reported that the Israeli Finance Ministry is assess the work of the Parliamentarians, the inter­ objecting to Mr. Isaac Wolfson, Chainnan of the Dr. F. E. Shinnar has been raised by the Israel Israeli Paz Oil Company, becoming the owner of play of party politics and intrigues, and the clashes Foreign Secretary to the rank of Ambassador, in and compromises of personalities. What is going the Haifa Refinery. According to reports, the recognition of his services as Director, of the purchase price of the refinery is only £1 million, on in the Knesseth, the Parliament of the State of and the Israeli Treasury is unwilling to forgo this Israel Mission in Cologne. Israel, is a matter of considerable interest for Jews bargain. Since the start of the German reparation Dr. Shinnar, who was born in Stuttgart, was in the Diaspora. Meir Faerber's book*, written in payments, Iwael has obtained her main supplies of at one time a student of Professor Theodor Heuss. an easy, even racy German, conveys much back­ oil from British companies. Payment has been ground information, the knowledge of which will made in German reparation funds. It is intended BEN-GURION AND GERMANY facilitate a better understanding of the often that the refinery should be completely revitalised, dramatic but sometimes confusing events on the and it is hoped that under the new ownership the political scene of the young Jewish State. The refinery will not only be able to satisfy local An article by the Prime Minister of Israel demands but will provide sufficient oil for export. appeared in the New York Yiddish paper The author has carefully refrained from adopting a Day, in which Ben-Gurion comments on fhe value partisan attitude ; his objectivity enhances the value WEST GERMAN TRAVEL AGENTS of Germany's assistance and political friendship of his shrewd and, even when critical, sympathetic Eight West German travel agents visited Israel to Israel. He warmly praises the Federal Chan­ observations. as guests of the Govemment to study and promote cellor, Dr. Adenauer, whose attitude to Israel Ben- F.L.B. Gurion describes as springing from a deep religious tourism to Israel, and to investigate possibilities of * Meir Facrber: " Das Parlament Israels." 160 Scit'O- winter holidays in Israel. conviction. Vcrlag •• Atasa ", Tel Aviv. 7s.

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