Corpvsvasokvm Antiqvorvm

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Corpvsvasokvm Antiqvorvm VNION ACADEMIQVE INTERNATIONALE CORPVSVASOKVM ANTIQVORVM RUSSIA POCC145I THE STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM FOCYLAPCTBEHHLII 3PMHTA)K ST. PETERSBURG CAHKT-HETEPBYPF ATTIC RED-FIGURE DRINKING CUPS by ANNA PETRAKOVA <<L'ERMA>> di BRETSCHNEIDER - ROMA RUSSIA - FASCICULE xii THE STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM - FASCICULE V National Committee Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Russia Chairpersons Professor MIKHAIL PIOTROVSKY, Director of The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Arts Dr. IRINA DANILOVA, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Committee Members Professor GEORGY VILINBAKHOV, Deputy Director of The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg ANNA TROFIMOVA, Head of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Professor EDuARD FROL0v, Head of the Department of Ancient Greece and Rome, St. Petersburg State University IRINA ANTONOVA, Director of Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Member of the Russian Academy of Education Professor GEORGY KNABE, Institute of the Humanities, State Humane University of Russia, Moscow Dr. OLGA TUGUSHEVA, Department of the Art and Archaeology of the Ancient World, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Russia. - Roma: <<L'ERMA>> di BRETSCHNEIDER. - V.; 32 cm. In testa al front.: Union Academique Internationale. - Tit. parallelo in russo 12: The State Hermitage Museum, St. Peterbsurg. 5. Attic Red-Figure Drinking Cups / by Anna Petrakova. - Roma: <<L'EFJVIA>> di BRETSCHNEIDER, 2007. - 94 P., 17 c. di tav.: ill.; 32 cm. (Tavole segnate: Russia da 540 a 622) ISBN 88-8265-427-3 CDD 21. 738.3820938 1. San Pietroburgo - Museo dell'Ermitage - Cataloghi 2. Vasi antichi - Russia I. Petrakova, Anna II. Union Academique Internationale III. Gosudarstvennyj Ermitaz Translated from Russian by Catherine Phillips Edited by Elisabetta Mangani Photographs by Natalia Antonova © THE STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM © COPYRIGHT 2007 <<L'ERMA>> di BRETSCHNEIDER ROMA Via Cassiodoro, 19 Contents 7 Preface 9-10 Abbreviations RED FIGURED CUPS 11-12 Psiax 12-13 Close to the Euergides Painter 13-15 Hermaios Painter 15-26 Nikosthenes Painter 26 Painter of the Agora Chairias cups 27 Chelis group 27-29 Epidromos Painter Apollodoros, early 29 Manner of Euphronios 29-30 Triptolemos Painter 30-3 1 Douris 3 1-35 Onesimos (previously - Panaitios Painter) 35-3 8 Manner of Onesimos 38-40 Antiphon Painter 41 Brygos Painter 4 1-43 Foundry Painter 44-49 Dokimasia Painter 49-5 1 Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy 52-62 Makron 62-64 Clinic Painter 64-68 Telephos Painter 68-71 Stieglitz Painter 71 Pan Painter 72-73 Painter of the Yale cup 73-74 Manner of Sotades Painter 75 Dish Painter 76 Painter of Bologna 417 77-78 Splanchnopt Painter 78-79 Karlsruhe Painter 79-81 Near to the Karlsruhe Painter 81-83 Villa Giulia Painter 84-85 Near the Lid Painter, Painter of Hermitage komos 85-86 Close to Marlay Painter 86-87 Painter of London E 106 CONTENTS Indexes 89 Index of plates 90 Index of painters' groups and classes 91 Index of subjects 92 Index of proveniences 93 Index of former owners 94 Concordance of museum inventory numbers with Peredolskaya's, Stephani's and Waldhauer's numbers Plates 1-83 Plates signed RUSSIA from 540 to 622 PREFACE This fascicule comprises some of the Attic red-figure drinking-cups and fragments in the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. The cups are arranged in chronological order. They include whole cups and fragments from the main collection acquired in the 19th century from the Pizzati (1834) and Campana (1862) collections as well as vases that arrived in the Museum from various collections in the late 19" and first half of the 20th century. Those Attic red-figure cups from these collections and others now in the State Hermitage Museum that are not included in this fascicule for various reasons will be published in succeeding CVA Hermitage volumes. The 42 items - cups, fragments and one stemmed dish - in this volume were previously published by A.A. Peredolskaya (Krasnofigurnye atticheskie vazy v Ermitazhe [Red-figure Attic Vases in the Hermitage], Leningrad, 1967; various articles in SGE) but the reproductions in her publications were small and did not always show the object from all sides. Moreover, since then some vases have been restored, altering their current state and changing our perceptions about the original drawing and later additions. In a number of instances recent study has allowed us to clarify dating, to identify new groups and masters and thus change the attribution. Where dates and attributions have changed the date and artist's name are given in parentheses, with earlier opinions described in the commentary, including references to the relevant publications and an explanation of the reason behind the new dating and / or attribution. I must express my gratitude to Anna Trofimova, Head of the Department of Classical Antiquities at the State Hermitage Museum, who has done everything in her power to facilitate work on and publication of the relevant fascicules of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. I am grateful to the Keeper of the collection of Attic vases, Lubov Utkina, for making the objects available for study. I would like to thank a number of colleagues for their professional support: Ludmila Shadricheva of the Hermitage Library, Evgenia Cherepanova of the Hermitage Conservation Department, Natalia Antonova of the Hermitage Photo Studio and Catherine Phillips, who translated the text into English. Thanks are due to my colleagues in the Department of Classical Antiquities, Elena Ananich, Elena Arsenteva and Dr Anastasia Bukina, who gave me valuable advice after reading the first draft of the manuscript, and to Ludmila Nekrasova for her assistance in resolving important administrative matters. Thank you also to the Beazley Archive in Oxford and particularly to Professor D. Kurtz for making available the archive and the electronic data bases. Without the support of my parents in this, as in all my undertakings, this volume would not have been possible. ANNA PETRAKOVA St. Petersburg, 2006 ABBREVIATIONS AA Archciologischer Anzeiger. AR112 J.D. BEAZLEY, Attic Reel-Figure Vase- AJA American Journal of Archaeology. Painters, ed., 3 vols., Oxford, 1963. AM Mitteilungen des deutschen Archdologischen BEAZLEY 1918 J.D. BEAZLEY, Attic Red-Figured Vases in instituts. American Museums, Cambridge (MA), 1918. BSA The Annual of the British School at Athens. BEAZLEY 1925 J.D. BEAZLEY, Attische Vasenmaler des rot- CIG Corpus Inscritionum Graecorum. figurigen Stils, Tiibingen, 1925. HASB Hefte des Archáologischen Seminars der Uni- BEAZLEY 1929 J.D. BEAZLEY, Notes on Vases in the Castle- versitàt Bern. Ashby, in BSR XI, 1929. IAK Imperial Archaeological Commission. BEAZLEY 1931 J.D. BEAzLEY, Der Pan-Ma/er (B/Ic/er IRAIMK Izvestiya rossiyskoy akademii istoriz' material- griechischer Vasen herausgegeben von J.D. noy kultury [News of the Russian Academy of Beazley und P. Jacobstahl), Berlin, 1931. the History of Material Culture], Petrograd. BEAZLEY 1946 J.D. BEAZLEY, Hoplitodromos cup, in BSA JHS Journal of Hellinic Studies. 46, 1946. LIMC Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classi- BLOESCH H. BLOEScI-I, Formen attèccher Schalen von cae, Zurich and Mflnchen. Exekias his zum Ende c/cs strengen Stils, Bern, 1940. OAK Otchet Imperatorskoy Arkheologicheskoy BRUNN Komissii [Report of the Imperial Archaeo- H. BRUNN, Geschichter der griechischen Kiinstler, vol. II, Stuttgart, logical Commission], St. Petersburg, 1859. CASKEY, BEAZLEY L. CASKEY, J BEAZLEY, Attic Vase-Paint- RA Revue Archeologique. ings in the Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, SGE Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha Part I, 1931; Part II, 1954; Part III, 1963. [Reports of the State Hermitage Museum], COHEN B. COHEN, Attic Bilingual Vases and Their Leningrad-St. Petersburg. Painters, New York-London, 1978. St. L. STEPHANI, Die Vasensammlung der Die griechische Klassik Die griechische Klassik. Ic/ce oder Wirk- Kaiserlichen Ermitage, St. Petersburg, 1869. lichkeit, Mainz am Rh., 2002. W. WALDHAUER 1914. El deporte El deporte en la Grecia antigua, la genesis del ZRAO Zapiski Rossiyskogo Arkheologicheskogo en la Grecia antigua olimpismo, May 10-August 9, 1992, D. Van- Obshchestva [Notes of the Russian Archaeo- hove, ed., Barcelona, 1992. logical Society]. Euphro/2ios 1990 Euphronios peintre ci Athènes an We siècle Add L. BuRN, R. GLYNN, Beazley Addenda, Ad- avantJ.-C., Paris, 1990. ditional References to ABV ARV' and Par- FR A. FURTWANGLER, K. REICHOLD, Griechici- alipomena, Oxford, 1982. che Vasenmalerei, Mflnchen, 1904-1932. Add2 T.H. CARPENTER, Beazley Addenda, Ac/di- GERHARD E. GERHARD, Auserlesene Vasenbilder, I-IV, tional References to AB7] ARV. and Par- Berlin, 1840-1858. alipomena, Oxford, 1989. GORBUNOVA, K. S. GORBUNOVA, A.A. PEREDOLSKAYA, Agora XXX The Athenian Agora, vol. XXX, Attic Red- PEREDOLSKAYA Mastera grecheskikh rasp isn1'kh vaz [Masters Figured and White-Ground Pottery, by M. of Greek Painted Vases], Leningrad, 1961. Moore, New Jersey, 1997. GREEF, LANGLOTZ B. GREEF, E. LANGLOTZ, Die ant/ken ALFIERI 1979 N. ALFIERI, Spina. Museo Archeologico Vasen von der Acropolis zu Athen, Berlin, Nazionale di Ferraro 1, Bologna, 1979. 1925-1933. ALEXANDER ALEXANDR VELICTY: put' na Vostok. HARTWIG P. HARTWIG, Die griechischen Meister- THE GREAT [ALEXANDER THE GREAT: The road to the schalen der Bliitezeit des strengen rotfiguri- East]. Cat. exhil. S. Petersburg, 2007. gen Stiles, Stuttgart, 1893. ARF3'[ Archaic J. BOARDMAN, Athenian Red Figure Vases. HOPPIN J. HOPPIN, A Handbook of Attic Red-Fig- The Archaic Period, London, 1975. ured Vases signed by or attributed to the van- ARIAS, HIRJMER P. ARIAS, E. HIRMER, A History of Greek ous Masters of the sixth and fifth centuries Vase Painting, London, 1962. BC, Cambridge (MA), 1919. Art Antique Art Antique. Collections privies c/c la Suisse Horse 2006 "Poltsartstva za konja...... Loshad v mirovoj Romande, Geneva, 1975. kulture ["Half kingdom for the horse...". ARV J.D. BEAZLEY, Attic Red-Figure Vase- The horse in world culture]. exh. cat., Her- Painters, Oxford, 1942. mitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 2006. 10 ABBREVIATIONS KLEIN 1886 W.
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