drummer Stan Lynch on one cut, Ry Cooder on another, Richard Thompson on mandolin on yet another, additional Alpha Band alum Steven Soles, and, (J, most notably, Pete Townshend on 4r ., three cuts. Reportedly, Townshend r-= liked "Fatally Beautiful" so much that he insisted he be allowed to play on it if Burnett got to use him at all. On that cut, he delivers a scorching, signature Heart lead -guitar part. I can understand Pete's insistence, for this is one song is a song that only improves with re- he probably wishes he had written him- Passionworks: Heart peated listenings, insinuating itself into self. Epic QE 38800. your memory. In other words, it is a natural-born hit song. "Sleep Alone" On this 's cover is a pair of film Sound: B Performance: B noir cetective shots, with Burnett prop works similarly, while "Allies" is a erly attired in trenchcoat and sideways To describe the last couple of Heart touching and lovely ballad. glances. These shots set the tone for as disappointing is a massive Keith Olson's production has helped the album's cynical, gritty sideways understatement. Not only was there the band clarify and simplify the mate- points of view. Proof through the Night great upheaval in personnel, but Ann rial. Thus, his role is much the same as is not an album of pretty songs and and Nancy Wilson's gift for lacy -edged it was on the breakthrough albums of cheery thoughts. It is an album of hard rock was replaced by a very self- Fleetwood Mac. songs with substance that will come conscious and precious artsiness. Understand that I still can't see Heart back and haunt you, as only the most Passionworks happily corrects the as a heavyweight, important band, but probing and daring do. misdirection, as it's one of the band's the world needs welterweights, too.

Michael Tearson strongest albums. "How Can I Refuse" Michael Tearson


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c HK 1983 .