THE DIET OF CONGER CONGER (L. 1758) IN THE DEEP-WATERS OF EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA Anastasopoulou A., Mytilineou Ch., Lefkaditou E., Kavadas S., Bekas P., Smith C.J., Papadopoulou K.N., Dogramatzi K. , Papastamou N. Inst. of Marine Biological Resources, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, 46.7 km Athens-Sounio, Mavro Lithari P.O. BOX 712, 19013 Anavissos, Attica, Greece,
[email protected] Abstract The diet of European conger eel Conger conger was investigated for the first time in the Eastern Ionian Sea from specimens collected during experimental bottom long line fishing. Sampling was carried out of Cephalonia Island in deep waters ranging from 300 to 855 m depth in summer and autumn 2010. European conger eel diet was dominated by Fish. Natantia and Brachyura Crustacea were identified as secondary preys, while Cephalopoda, Sipunculida and Isopoda represented accidental preys. C. conger exhibits a benthopelagic feeding behavior as it preys upon both demersal and mesopelagic taxa. The high values of Vacuity index and the low stomach and intestine fullness indicated that the feeding intensity of C. conger in the deep-water of Eastern Ionian Sea was quite low. Larger individuals showed more intense feeding activity and consume larger preys than smaller ones. However, no statistically significant differences were detected in the diet composition and feeding intensity of the species between seasons or size groups. Keywords: European conger eel, stomach analysis, intestine analysis, feeding, Ionian Sea. Η ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗ ΤΟΥ CONGER CONGER (L. 1758) ΣΤΑ ΒΑΘΙΑ ΝΕΡΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΟΥ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΑΣ Αναστασοπούλου Α., Μυτηλιναίου Χ., Λευκαδίτου Ε., Καβαδδάς Σ., Μπέκας Π., Smith C.J., Παπαδοπούλου Κ., Ντογραμματζή Κ., Παπαστάμου Ν.