Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-04-30
• 943 == Ration Calendar • D. II aD4 F blao .lamp. eo:p're April II. A, 8, C, n " .... t itampI rspJre ,Aprn!ll; Cooler GAR 'IA" elOupoD. G ....Ir • .Mar ZI; COFFEE ••• poo 2S uplre. May lit; IOWA: Cooler today; rresb to. SUGAR •• 0'00 I ~ exp're. Ma, 51; stro"," winds dlmlnlshlnr aed £ meat damp. expire -.." SI, I DAILY IOWAN O. H, aD. J ,tamp. e.plre kaf I.; THE . this afternoon. ...OIS ••• p.. 17 espl,.. JuD. 11. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS THE ASSOOIATED raul IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY. APRIL 30, 1943 Tkl .I.OOIATIO rRISI VOLUME XLm NUMBER 184 Inin, e e lerecl d by hlch ~g ' ia rl.ca-n e enses.. I laton ' Ihe ~iOUJ IB, a RUSSIA, GERMANY PREPARE FOR SPRING DRIVES l ~yCd RAF SOWS Mine Trap , f~D.R~ Warns Solt (oal Miners to End ' Strikes Yanks, French mnie RUSSIA alnla In Nazi Sub Training I\nne , FARTHEST GERMAN !/l1ab By Saturday Morning or Suller Consequences '-,.: ADVANCE, 1941 Waters of Baltic Sea DriYe Deeper :leYe; '- )ARTHEST GERMAN lrtln; \ , * * * rtiels; - l~----------------~ ...... ADVANCE, 1942 Diversionary Bomber lidee: local Leaders,Declare They 'Won't Go Back AFt Unit to Abide ~y PRESENT DAY BAnLELINE Armada Pounds Naval In Mountains man: Salk of Miln .J , and Base at Wilhelmshaven b . 160 5 :(&,. ,: ITller, Without Contract Unless J. L. Lewis Says So' By No Strike Pledge 1 Sharp Counterattacks LONDON (AP) - The RAF Temporarily Stave OH Uaee, William Green Says sowed a massive pattern of mines rll\ce WA. IlTNOTON (AP) - A historic showdown bctwcen Pl'c~i IIcross Hitler's U-boat training Approaching 1st Army dent Roo~('velt nnrl ,Tolin TJ.
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