’s Softball Opening Postponed to Monday

Scoreboard THEY PLAYED THE GAME ... NO. 22 May Wikel Named Jupe Pluvius Optimist Club 30.76 of Favorites Prevail Braves ? Delahanty Led Both Leagues; Meeting 44 Captain Set to Defend During Race Oust Dodgers 17 Bases in Five Times at Bat; Forces Second Title at Jamaica of ‘M’ Nine 9 Fumble GRAYSON Optimist Club, champion of By HARRY ANN ARBOR. Mich , May 20 off \i;A Sports F.ditor lN—The new University of He Tore Infielders Shoes Delay the Fumble Softball League last NL Lead Schedule defend - from year, coming an- *••••• *• is back to Racing Commission «"»».• NEW YORK. May 20 Nrw York Michigan captain—if Tvvcntv-sccond of a series •»w**4.v • * ««p the & Its laurels Stanley Worthing- nounces with evident pride that 37 03 per cent of the favorites, Boston Wins Seven there is college base *all in 1944 By II \RRY GRAYSON Hubarth Schott, ton, president of the local civic exact figure set a year ago, copped the duke during the 2i-da> is Howard Wikel, strong arm- NFA Sports Editor Straight; Cop Two Covered Wagon organization, announced today spring meeting at Jamaica. ed sophomore shortstop from Edward J Delahanty alone that the Optimists would be Looking at the board’s report in reverse. 62 07 per cent of the from Pittsburgh Ann Arbor. led both present marjor leagues to Start Season ‘ baek to “take on all comers.” choices were lost somewhere back in the pack Second, choices had Wikel was nar yesterday m batting. He accomplished I You can im- this remarkable feat by hitting Old Jupiter Pluvius. who has The Optimist entry brings to a winning percentage of 26‘lit. third choices 14 28. By JI’DSON BAILEY after Michigan s final game A'>u(liilril l*re"i -|>i*rl» Wnl/r 400 for the Philadelphia Na- been on a real crying jag for four the number of teams agine what happened to the others. against Michigan State at Fast The Brooklyn Dodgers are in tionals m 1899 ; nd .376 for the ever so many days this spring, which have applied for Fumble There were 35 odds on favorites, horses backed down to less Lansing was washed out. That iking the position of the noisy tenants Washington Americans in 1902. threw another monkey wrench League franchises. The others than even money and 16 came down in trout thus >ti tin put the weatherman one up on 2!) who are going to got kicked out Fantastic H g Ed Delahanty in tlu* softball works of the* De- are Bill’s Bar, Super Cleaners average of 45.71. This means that supposed good things lost 54 the Wolverines, wit’ 13 post- of their top floor apartment as six feet c»ne, 190 pounds -was partment of Recreation last and Alwardt's Case. per cent of the time. ponements against 12 games act- right-handed of night, the result that an- you rare to find out soon as the lease expires. the with Plans for the Fumble League And just try betting on odds-on choices if ually played Michigan won the dear old dead-ball days. postpon ent of the sea- out on occupy- other will be discussed tonight at a how quickly the prices will kill you Have a l-to-4 shot The Bums have been eight of these. league game was ne- Del four homo runs off Bill son's first meeting * edi- you some afternoon when you are trying to get out with him ing the penthouse of the Nation- Sixteen winners of major of in the which the Adonis Terry, an outstand- cessary. torial room of the Monitor-Lead- There are something like 115 ways in which a horse, al League ever since the season baseball awards and seven in this week by ing pitcher, and knocked i own Balked twice At the same time managers of might have won, can lose aft< r leaving the g.ite -tarted, but two consecutive de- tennis were announced. They Hubarth A* er otherwise Shortstop Bill Pahlen with a weather conditions. Junior League teams also will of injuries, his saddle cloth may slip. He may lO'O !fis feats by the St. Louis Cardinals a re; Lumberjacks and Cov- Outside line single for 17 bases in five I Schott's map their 1!)43 plans. Junior may shy at a piece of paper or something floating in have placed them in jeopardy of Baseball -- Blanchard, Chicago's ered Wagon Trailers wi'l at- jockey. He Bruce times at hat at old managers also gather the out to hurt his chances, or he dis- losing their fir.-t place perch tempt to opener next will in front of him. lie may bear in or Mickey Fishman, Don Lund, Ri- , lulv 13. 1896. play their room newspaper. of reasons. not to the world champions but Monday at Covered Wagon dia- editorial of this qualified for any number mer Swanson and Charles Ket- Delahanty tore off inficlders* The joint meeting will start at sulk, running in the first place. to the Boston Braves. mond. He may or may not feel like tcrer. Detroit. ike Farnvk. shoes with line drives. When 8 p m A horse can't talk. He may be given a poor ride. etc*. Boston, with good pitching Dearborn. Paul White, River George Pinckney of St. Louis ex- If ground conditions permit to gives All teams planning to compete Handicappers are professional pickers who are supposed and a surprisingly well-bal- to hunt in a game in and tlu* weatherman them Rouge; Dick Savage, Grosse pected him Fumble or Junior about runners than anybody outside of their trainers anced attack, has won seven Smith, 1892, Big Ed broke tin* third “go ahead" sign, the Lumber- m either the know more Pointe; Don East Lans- circuit are asked to be present highest current batting average of New York chalk men straight games, including a baseman's ankle with a drive I jacks and Trailers will launch So the ing, Dick Waltcrhouse and tonight Thus far five teams yesterday appo.in ’ to have been shot the new season at 6 45. is .347, the lowest .2.>4 header from Wikel, Ann Arbor; Irving Bonn. that requested winners, can They rarely wager, and Pittsburgh from a cannon. Last night's postponement of have a franchise in the If they can't pick who ' the Pirates 2-1 in Chicago; Bob Nussbaumer, Oak loop, winch is restricted innings I*,it Tehran always contended the opener resulted in the De- Junior advise you not to. J 1 and 5-3. Park, 111.; William Cam, Forrest Ld Delahanty to players I*l years age corny, —you that tin* most dangerous thing to partment of Recreation return- of and You always come back to the but bedrock truth If the Braves should win Hills. N. Y Bob Stenberg. Mil- throw in Delahanty s direction him down, hut it wasn't until ing to the first week schedule as under. can’t beat the horses. again today and the Dodgers waukee. and Bob Wiese, James- this, problem was a wild pitch. four years later, and after he originally planned. The public must realize yet the players’ main lose, Boston would move into tow ii. N D. KII.1.1.1) to ‘li you lit that bat-mad ga- had spent one rather disappoint- The complete schedule for BIRDS BY LAW at the moment seems to be not to got killed in the stampede top by - Roy Bradley, place a percentage mar- Tennis De- loot stop into tlu* hall he’ll ing season in the Players’ next week follows: Laws were passed imposing the mutucl wickets. gin to troit. Roger Lew is. Fred Aleator League upon Greg of .652 .630. knock its cover nit." said Te- in his native , Monday Hubarth A Schott fines farmers who did not Guilder Hagg leaves Sweden to engage Gregory Rice. Ar- This is enough to boost the and Fred Welli igton, Ann beau, who managed Delahanty that Delahanty came into his vs. Covered Wagon at Covered kill their quota of certain so- leaves on Merchant Marine training cruise. Bento Rice blood pressure in Brooklyn to bor. Merle Brow n. i when lie jumped to the Cleve- own as one of the most formi- Wagon diamond called injurious birds m colonial Hagg ocean voyage will cause him to lose edge. Rice fears berling pernt, because the Harbor; Al ien Johnson. Grand land club of tin* Players' Broth- dable of all right-hand hitters. Tuesday Hillerest Studio vs times. conflicting training schedules will cause him to lose edge. the fears Dodgers have not shown to ad- Rapids, and Roy' Boucher, Cat erhood League in 1890 and op* Delahanty caught and played St Clair Shores at Covered Ferris, secretary-treasurer of the* A A U. and promoter, second, belonged in Dan vantage m the first three games asqua, Pa. posed hmi elsewhere. first and but Wagon diamond. Spruce l Inn vs. runners will lose land legs, or pants, or s outfield. He could throw fears celebrated distance of their four-game series with Big Ed specially was wild the Eschenburg Tires at St. Mary’s like Long Hob Meusel and was he may lose his mind. St. Louis. pitches With a tremendous Stadium. Track fans fear Hagg and Rice will meet in mid-ocean. swing from his broad shoulders rapid on the bases, stole 62 bases Wednesday - Bar 69 vs Nes- great They were smothered by Wo fear that the build-up may ruin what would be a and a long and heavy bat in his in 1898. bitt's Orange at St. Mary’s Sta- pitching again \ ester- foot race w ithout apologies. southpaw powerful hand- he would step Delahanty left a 16-year ma- dium. day 3-2 Lanier and Sports- average He sy s LIT WUI FINISH as M«fx forward and r ach fa out. like jor league of .346. Thursday Hubarth A Schott rookie Harry Brccheen combined a kid trying to pick the ripest batted .370 in 1893, .400 in ’94, vs. Hillerest Studio at Covered ONE to hold them to six hits. The ehcrrii s at the extreme' end *>f 399 in 95, .394 in ’96, .377 in Wagon diamond St. Clair Shores COVERS IN COAT 97, .334 in '9B. 408 in '99, .357 The Monitor-Leader Cardinals counted a run in the the limb. vs. Covered Wagon at St. Mary's first inning when Roundup Delahanty often hit inside in 'Ol, all for the Phillies, and Stadium. MAY 20, 1943 PAGE 14 way from first balls off his shoctops over the .376 for Washington in 02. He THURSDAY scored all the BY HUGH FULLERTON, JR. Friday -Eagles vs Spruce Inn single by vva 11 was batting .338, was still in his at Wagon base on a terrific NEW YORK. May 20 (.-!»> Covered diamond. and they cinched ( (II I.DVT RESIST prime, not yet 33, when he met There's nothing like a light to untimely death. the game on Coaker Triplett’s Delahanty would have been ins Aliev start a tight, so her s another an even greater hitter had he BIG I D MEETS TRAGIC END Carve Howling two-run homer in the sixth. way . . hot one getting under . been able to n -train himself. He Mother Delahanty gave her At this stage Lanier showed Seems that Eddie Mack, e Bos- realized this baby boys bats instead of rat- Yesterdays signs as Brook- XewC*iiinea J u najle of weakening ton promoter, is hollering to “It 1 could on.’v hold myself tles. In addition to Ed, Frank, in bagged in lyn one run the sixth Governor Thomas K. Dewey of like that "Id ( rub, C p Anson," Jim and Joe made the majors. 1 SPOKANE, Portland, , asked ‘it o w Stars Wash , May 20 Ore another in the seventh, is ' player ” and New York that Mike JaeoLs lie -aid, I vvoud bat belter than Jim second base and go bowling'.’’ By Thr \»*oi jalerf Tro* (/Pi When the American sol- would you like to but Brecheen rushed to his h<* er did. I ran t. When topped Detroit hitters in the bossing the New York state «v But Mol Ott, Giants Hit two-run dier wants to bowl, he bowls Cooley wrote. rescue and allowed no hits the inci- the ball seem In mi to be com- 1909 with Pitts- athletic commission and. homer in first inning to pave Dick Cooley discovered, the way. He now ing to y liking, I going to burgh. Tom and Billy played in Cadet “Herr in the jungle his hoys remainder of dentally, damage Mack's Wil- n am way for even if he must carve his alley, has pitched six hitless innings belt it. I don't care where ii the minors. victory over Reds. —in between patrolling for lie Pop-Sal artolo feather- Coaker Triplett, Cardinals— his pins and his ball out of the in relief in two days. comes. 1 11 either Int it or miss Ed Delahanty* played his last Japs—had constructed a bowl- weight "title” fight at Boston, Smashed New Guinea jungle. it. and if I miss it God knows game for Washington in his sixth-inning -08 'ant OTHtR WTfKIOR WAUL swr*<« ing alley XXX. It can proba- Brooklyn's hopes for today’s June 8 . . .And since Mack was "still can't be- I'll miss it by enough h >m<* town of Cleveland. June with one aboard to beat Dodg- Cooley, who bly claims to he the only game chiefly in the during World War final rested a sergeant When of the 25, 1903. Marital trouble caused ers. lieve it,’’ told of locating the alley on any fighting they facing at hol- bowling fact that would be , One. he's no green hai . .ill.es first saw him in 1888, him to go haywire. Johnny McCarthy and George world's most unique world; front in the certainly it a ri\hthanded pitcher for the lertin. Big Ed was cr king his cap far Creating a disturbance in a Jeffcoat, Braves Former mafic parlor in a letter made public series can claim to he the first and first time in the —but (>; head, wearing night, Spokane Bowling to uni* side h:s •Pullman at Delahanty four hits in fir>t game, scoring today by a only howling alley in New righthander happened to be .MATES pro- the A LONG STOR stiff collar.', -m king better ci- was ejected from a train at Fort winning run in elevent i inning Club, the benevolent and • Mixes Ann Thins M Guinea. Molt Cooper, tin* league's lead- The point of the yelp is that gars . and chew ing a superior Era*. Out at tlu* Canadian end S'* tecting of keglcrs. i and latter pitched five hit ball WITH WATIR M order ing pitcher last year. the New York commission's brand of tobacco. Fresh from of the International Bridge. He 'Constructing regulation in nightcap, although needing • “We were walking around the it in DRIES IN ONI HOUR In a move of desperation. plan was for Bartolo to lace the Cleveland sandlots. he had star led to *alk across the i ung. among the tall size, the boys built their alley help in final • NO OBJECTIONABLE lOh bomb craters Manager planned ex-champion Chalky Wright and hatted 355 for Mansfield of the bridge at midnight, thrust aside ODOR f ** trees watching some of the m two weeks under the wide palm . . to 08 fight . State ag in 21 a watchman who tried warn to call <>n Rube Melton to pitch for the winner to Pep Ohio L io and 4MB • work on slit trenches eyes of astonished natives. From lAST TO APPLY bovs at Dodgers two days sign- games for Wheeling of the Tri- him that the draw was open, t a for the on But instead Willie and '"al Fight* • WASHABLE to”- Irving lloyt of jungle hardwood they carved eevft mr«t« t—- when First Lieut. Philly bout, so the State when the Phillies called. plunged into the waters of the m 16-pound ball, patiently molding re-t. It was the former ed for the Boston aee who beat tin* Kcdbirds 1-0 commission refused to recognize But hitting N lagara. it tor a two-fingered grip. I can pitchers something of Big Delahanty’s Last Aiiglit *-NAIE BY TBC MAKERS IF in a twilight game Buck New- it as a title scrap and picked was else The end Ed vouch that she rolls true. again. Delahanty fumed, was as sad and tragic as his BOWLING som would have drawn the as- Phil Terranova for the elimina- fus- life Bv The A«*«orlated l’rr>.« OPEN pins were shaped from sed. criticized himself, never br- baseball career was merry and MILWAUKEE. Wis Steve “The signment. except that he was tion ... A lot of thing seem /^OMECOATCWERS^s^ 25c Per Line ing ret cent m that ’a spect. He herculean. Mamakos. 162'-. Washington. 19. the same hardwood by the same called to his home m South to call for explanations, includ- threatened to quit C, outpointed Tito Taylor, patient hands while the alley Carolina by illness m the fam- ing how Massachusetts, a N l’» A. 157. (NUENAMEL) EVERY NIGHT ft i j] Kindly Harry Wright toned NEXT: George Harold Sisler Chicago (10); Gem* Spencer, to ( losing was devised from the wooden ilx. state, can rcco f, nize Pep-Bartolo XMbrush marksy 7 P. M. ! 131. Chicago, outpointed floor of an abandoned mission- The Braves had difficulty ,as a title scrap while Jackie Doll SUNDAY good alley Rafferty. 136 G. Milwaukee (KB; very . ary shack. And a downing the Pirates in their Calllira is N.B A. champ . Closing j . Buddy Knox, 203, Day , 1 P. M. to it makes, even without wax pol- first game, although Nate An- Mack's holler is that Uncle ton. O i But Ifiravtvs Live Lomex 177'r, ish. Gun oil is just as good, or drews kept nine hits well to outpointed Bob Milsap, MODERN ELECTRIC - Mike told the commission 6-- New Lancs 6 Milwaukee (10). even shoe polish. spaced and allowed no runs say “no ' because he wanted COMPANY ii ELIZABETH. N. J Bill S “The alley is set up under a after the first frame. However, * the fight for himself or at least liito «l i t ion a I Itelease Grant, 172, Orange, stop- . N J. 79 NORTH New Baltimore Recreation shack open at the sides the Braves weren’t able to a good piece of the profits . . GRATIOT AVE. Baltimore !>4II or native BY BILL KING murder that pitcher or heat Rr*rr\aU«n*: New against the rain with score against rookie Xavier Eddie, in phoning and writ- ped Speedy Duval, 167, Phila- DIAL Mt, Clemen* Dial K'J'.’R and roofed And - ,?i 5811 BOSTON. May 20 those guys, we re convinced that delphia (2). boys have Rescigno from the third till ing Dewey, to woven thatch. The to Gov. offers Speaking 011 th e National vve can. ’ * constructed a thatched backstop the 11th, w hen Johnny .McCar- furnish prof ... It's one of League's record, Letts Vernon As lar as president Boh Quinn and have even devised a return thy singled, stole second, and those things that might create Gomez. who helped pitch the of the Braves is concerned. Go- MOUNT home on a single by the CLEMENS NEED MONEY ramp of bamboo. sped quite a disturbance unless to seven mez was a pitching insurance crowning touch is tbo Whitey Wictelniann. McCar- scrappers decide to quiet down pennant.- while winning 100 policy that now appears unnec- ‘The ’ pm thy made four of the Braves’ and become p. again. games lor that glamorous club essary. Before the current Sea- Quickly? addition of a grinning native k y / SKATING ARENA right hits. season?, been given an- son opened, and boy He lift- his legs in the pro- in 13 has long before .NORTH AVENUE and MACOMB ST. game thr* first other unconditional release by Quinn, or anybody else in to uonal manner as the ball In the second base- flying, four Braves who riimc to bat those surprising Boston Braves ball, figured that the Braves rolls in to send the pins AUTO LOANS t THE STANDINGS without a regulation test. had so much pitching strength, ROLLERSKATING -ets 'em up with the ea e auuni.st Hank Gornicki hi and he out But* speaking off that record, Gomez, then a free agent at the years of smiles and knocked him of While You Wait of practise. as several of his Braves admirers comparatively tender age of 32, EVERY NIGHT the box in the midst of a three- (iH * “In quiet moments between W I. Pet. have done, Gomez, without a appeared to be of great value as run rally. George Jeffcoat, pitch- R .636 8 to 11:30 P. M. the scraps with the Japs the boys New Y’ork 14 single pitch in a single league salvage, despite the fact that ing five-hit ball, muz/led the 9 bowling contests Cleveland 13 .591 1 game, to inspire nothing Selling Your Car? hold intramural till the ninth, has done much could be expected from !¦ II 17/ MATINEES Pirates on one run Washington 14 11 .560 11 : Wf deep in the heart of the jungle. that consistent seventh-place him until the hot mid-season Tlll’RS. A SAT. SUNDAYS when they tallied twice and *> Private Sales Financed St. Louis 9 .500 3 club into ate rrific drive that has weather arrived. I to I F. M. 2 to 5 P. M. forced Jeffcoat to have help. DETROIT 1« II .I*6 I'- moved it to w ithin a game of the Regardless of Gomez* as DODGE only skill in the day's other game Philadelplda II It -HO 4': first-place JtrookUn Dodgers, a morale builder, Quinn, due to SPECIAL RATES MAY BE ARRANGED FOR hit a two-run homer off R according to todays National Major PARTIES BY YOUR CAR Chicago 11 .421 4 1 •: League baseball law, must GROUP DIALING 4022 Johnny Vander Mcer in the first R It .364 6 League ratings. cut his roster to 25 players by win this war! Boston ran help inning to lead the New York RESULTS Although Gomez, except for midnight tonight. Since all of UNION Keep running or- WEDNESDAY'S Plan Now to Attend the Eastern Zone Walther League it in GOOD Giants to a 3-2 conquest of the at Detroit, weather. those he encountered in World the other hurlers on the club gas and oil. New York Skating Party at the Mount Clemens Skating Arena June Ist INVESTMENT CO. der to save . New York was Cleveland, weather. Series competition, knows hut have proved themselves in com- repairs let us Boston at 24th Year If it needs any outhit 12 to 5, but the Reds Philadelphia at Chi cag o, little about the Nat ion a I petition, Gomez, who worked Mt Clemens Skating Arena Will Remain Open Through Summer Season fix it. '.Vo vc been here for a advantage League's players, most of his only a few innings 5 NORTH GLATIOT were unable to take w (ather. for the third of a century. Braves teammates agree that Braves in a Spring traininig Mount Clemens of their opportunities till the Washington at St. Louis (2), ex- ninth, when a two-run rally fell his baseball superiority com- hibition game, was the logical DIAL 2501 or 2502 weather. ingrained STEWART short. GAMES plexes, during his one to be cut from the pitching • HOURS • THURSDAY'S many years with the success- squad. Mis removal reduced the All games in the American at Detroit, twilight. 900 A M. to 5:30 P. M. SALES-SERVICE CO. New York ful Yankees, has, by mere con- Braves’ list to 26 and the club League were postponed for the at Cleveland (2). SATURDAYS 45 So. Gratiot Mt. Clemens Boston tact. helped them rid them- will get down to the limit to- third day in a row because of Washington at St. Louis. 9 A. M. to M. selves of their defeatist re- night. most likely, by riding it- 00 4:00 P. weather conditions and the Philadelphia at Chicago (2). PAINT and PLYMOUTH pressions. self of one of its three catchers. at Philadelphia in NATIONAL LEAGUE ‘lf Gomez never works a Meanwhile very few of the the National League also were W L Pet. C.B game for us. he will more than other 15 Major League clubs are postponed. Brooklyn 19 0 .654 earn his salary." one of the content with their pitching and Boston It R J»36 1 Braves' outstanding players said Gomez' chances of being grab- WALLPAPER 2 Weather Keeps Girls St. Louis 13 9 .591 recently, ‘ lie still acts like a bed off immediately appear very BALANCING I WHEEL Philadelphia 11 .500 Yankee, f he considers all Na- bright, judging from the wav 11 the Off 12 13 .ISO 4': tional Leaguers as second-raters doublehcadcrs are piling up in We Do Our Own , Cincinnati Macomb County’s : - league. P#' Center all CHICAGO. May 20 New York 11 14 .410 s' and when he tells us we can each for fine 6 New Tires Some HO girls on Chicago s Pittsburgh 9 13 <409 Wallpapers at north side are making eyes at Chicago 7'.« 17 .292 9 and Paints all prices and Tubes VULCANIZING the weatherman to no avail. WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS and for all purposes Work Guaranteed Representing 17 states and St. Louis 3. Brooklyn 2. Want Some Fun? Canadian provinces they New York 3, Cincinnati 2. All Work Done in Our Own Shop four All Sizes arrived here this week as candi- 2-5. Pittsburgh 1-3 Then hie thyself down here at 8 p. hy Expert Men Boston dates for teams that will make (first game, 11 innings). m tonight for our mixed doubles Official OPA Tire Inspection Station No 36 up the newly organized All Chicago at Philadelp hi a, American Girls Softball League weather. tournament. Cosh prizes for over- But weather has prevented a TUESDAY’S NIGHT GAME average and actual pinfall. Come on, Robert Paint Chicago W. Eckert Store HATCH single tryout at Wriglcy Field. Philadelphia 5. 4. girls Come on, men! WM. G. girls l5 to a GAMES & 46 Ave., at Union St. Sixty team THURSDAY’S North ALTO PARTS will be chosen to play this sum- St. Louis at Brooklyn. The 12 Alleys North Art at Scott Blvd. Phono 9312 mer with clubs at South Bend, Cincinnati at New Y’ork. Bowl-O-Qrome THE DECORATOR and PAINTER'S STORE . < Philadelphia (2). 2nd Rockford, 111 and Ken- hicago at 179 S. (.ratiot COCKTAIL LOUNGE Dial 9364 osha and Kacinc, Wis. Pittsburgh at Boston.