(Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-07-11

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-07-11 10, 1942 =~ Hold ' ~ Cards "at --, Continued Fair -, Today New York In 10lh Innlnl' Contmued fair In eeRtral and east S lo Z. DAILY' IOWAN porUoDl toda,. See Slor, on Pal'e , THE !Ii ''}tecl. IO'fla City's Newspaper " .... : , the Plib. FIVE CENTS 'tBJ!: ASIIOCIATID paull IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY, JULY 11. 1942 VOLUME XLD NUMBER 248 Ire 8akect require. Ir or none I later be e he Use Of ,a gradu. liversilts nent tbls I by Eliza. me eton. oVle 5 an OSSOSI ! Center. rs. R. J Irs. EIdo~ enkinson, Railway Supply,ing, has been Nazis Cut r. Battle of 'Egypt- Rene.wed Central, Red Armies' are J _...:..:..!...-:. ! lead Ways, Means Group Nazis Now Siand Halfway Across Russia , • British r Axis Senate Group sSlon " .. Votes to Up Income As Reds Have Lost Almost All of Ukraine: ~ utz IIlld Desert Forces Tax by 1Per Cent Boosts OPA Ie parenl MOSCOW, aturday (AP)-German troops have driven into he IOWI Rossosh, 150 miles east of the industrial city of Kharkov, and ation, led In(rease to Be Added cut the main railway linking the central and southern red lurageous Fight Fiercely To Previously Agreed Appropriation night at armies. 001 room 12-81 Per Cent Levies A communique early today announced the Russian withdrawal· ,t a meet. Report English, U.S. Raise House-Approved from R08S08h- before a German wedge thrust parallel to the steel ! club. : WASHINGTON (AP)-T h e Planes Disable Many Fi~ure $45,000,000; arm now plucking at Voronezh, 100 miles to the north. [J of the house ways and means committee Restricts Use of Fund R0880sh itself is 20 miles shoJ;t of the Don river which already ation will Nazi Supply Vehicles decided last night to increase sur­ had been crossed by the Germans striking at Voronezh, but it lis morn. WASHINGTON (AP)- The sen­ also iii a point on the Moseow·Rolitov railway. Religious tax rates on individual income CAIRO (AP )- Fierce fight­ The Russians were figllting fiercely "west of Voronezh," the lur Da7 tax returns by one per cent above ate appropriations committee rec­ ting Pra. ing broke out yesterday between the previous argeement providing ommended a $ 120,000,000 operating communique 8Ilid, but by evacuating Rossosh the red army ack­ lver A. British and ax is desert force/; for levies ranging from 12 to 8L lund fo\" the once ot price a<lmini­ nowledged that the nazill in their 'ceond year of war stood Ident 01 on the Mediterranean rim west per cent. stration yesterday, but in raising halfway across European RU lISia to the Ural mountains from the rter, and of El Alamein in a renewal of At the same time, the committee Ihe house-approved total $45,- old Polish demarkation line. Moreover, the nazis were some 70 )f Roose. the battle for E gypt which had decided that the present individual 000,000 wrote in sharp restrictions miles east (jf a line drawn directly south of Moscow, and had been bogged down in an uneasy exemptions of $1,500 for married on the use·of the money. virtually cleared the last RU6Sian armea forces from the fertile rt of the lull tor more than a week. , persons and $750 for single persons First o{ all, i.t directed that none farm lands of the Ukraine. Isored bi should apply to military and naval of thc money be used fol' sub­ The Russians also disclosed increased enemy action nearer The new fighting erupted sidies. (Price Admiolstrator Leon :ches and after RAF and Ameriacn planes personnel. The committee pre­ Rostov, southern gateway to the :iOIlS "ill viously had qecided to reduce the Henderson has urged that provi­ may bt were reported to have destroyed exemptions for all Lo $1,200 and sion be made for subsidies to pro­ Caucasus, The commun}que reo ldren the or disabled 400 to 900 axis ve­ $500, ducers who, becaues of higber ported the Germans had gone on Il costs. cannot operate under present religious hicles out of concentration Would Up Tolal Revenue Davis Unhappy the offensive hi. the locality of I to pre. of 2;000 shuttling forward to nepresentatlve Cooper (D-Tenn) price ceiIing~.) If lite." replenish Field Mal"Shal Erwin said the increased exemptions Ior It also stipulated that: Lisichansk, on the ,Done~ 'Ti'i~~ !hts and Rommel's thrust toward Alexan­ military and naval personnel None of lhe approp1'iaUon about 140 miles northwest of Rei­ \Tho wish dria, 70 miles from the front. would reduce the total rcvenue could be used lo enforce any With Spy Trial stov. back to The fighting ended a deadlock yield of the new tilx bLIl by about price cclllnl on commodities The two long steel arms of tlie !speciallr of several days during which both $810,000,000. manufactured In whole or In enemy were reaching ol.\t to en­ exhausted armies dug in under The two actions werc taken at part from acrlcuUUJ'al prlJclucts, OWl Head Dislikes velop a 100-mile strech of the severe sandstorms and awaited a night session of the committee, until tbe seeretar, of pieul­ central waterway ana its vital supplies and reinforcements. arranged in an effort to complete turc had determined that the ,Secrecy of Procedure adjacent railway which links 10 1 ... final action on the big bill without price so established would re­ Of Saboteurs Hearing Moscow aod the centraL armies Front dispatches I'ave no hinl a Saturday session, Chairman flect to tbe producer of lhe raw with the rich Caucasus and the red ieers of the trend of the Ireat sir11&'­ Doughtoo (D-NC) said after the material a relUJ'n not less than WASHINGTON (AP)-Dis­ forces in the south. "e, but dld say the axis appar­ any of . the foUowlnr: 110 per londey meeting, however, that a session satisf~ction wIth the protound · .. ently bad not made any addU­ totnorrow would be required. cent of parity; tbe market price Tbe. Oer",an strategy "I'll last Oct. 1: Ihe market price last secrery in whjch a m\litary com­ clearly aimed at wrapplnr lhe will be "on,,1 ~aln5 ,e"tward. Hold Freight Measure ;: ..... During the day" the- eoolmlt ee Dee Ill, or the averare price from mission Is trying the eilht alleeed red army foreea west of the III.. " )Id Gold 1919 10 1929. I'lsh Don In a I'real sac, and lO y al 7:30 Rommel's German-Italian l~­ decided to lel\ve in the pending nazi saboteurs who landed in. gions already had been compelled $5,800,000,000 bill a fi ve per cent None of the OPA lund could be America from U-boats was ex­ 'drlve on lo the Vo ..a laoIalbi.. • Members used to enforce a regional increase the eutlre CaucasUI. after Ihe to withdraw part of his curved­ levy on freight and express char­ pressed yesterday by Elmer Davis, back right wing northward to­ ges, despite opposition from Price in the price ceiling of any com­ director of war informa tion. • • • . ''""4F\ ward the sea before yesterday's Administrator Leon Henderson and modity on the theory that the rise At the same time, Rep. Moa­ Marshal Semeon Timoshenko, the in· was made necessary by increased roney, (D-Okl... ) said In a state­ realizing the pern, was reported Parker is fighting was resumed. the treasury. Huge fOUr-motored bombers of Henderson, with treasury sup­ transportation costs, unless in fact menl the proeedure was a vlola­ counter-,.ttacking virogously on 5S, vice· tbe U. S. air force were reported port, had objected that such a the cost of transportation had lion of "the demoeraUc prin­ the German flanks. He was pic­ financial tax would increase pressure for risen. ciple for whick America III flKbt­ tured as determined to sell the 'ad, trea· attacking enemy shipping in the sealines while the RAP concen­ an upward boost in price ceiurigs. Here's proof of the terror-inspired respect witb which nazis now regard the British Royal Air Senator Russell (D-Ga) insisted IDI'," and waf "not satWactory rich earth and its industrial esta­ trated on axis land lanes" It is estimated to produce $292,- Force-by Ingenious camoufl"fe, the Germans are trying to disguise and hJde Berlin, their capital and upon the latter amendment declar­ lo iIle AmerlCNl people." blishments only at the most exact­ Besides the 400 to 500 vehicles 000,000. heart of the axis. Top view shows how tbe Lletzensee (Lieben Lake) In Llelzensee park, Berlin, ing Georgia was being unfairly From the trial itselt, there was ing price in German lives and ites caught in one huge camp the RAF The committee agreed, however, has been covered with colored nets to represent non-existent lawn. Fake rooflops surround the lake. penalized by the 2 'AI cent per little news. A statement issued material. , a baby were said to have destroyed 55 from thc percentage tax and a At lower lell Is a view of a bomb-damaged Berlin WoolworOt slOre. In lower rl&'ht is .hown the re­ gallon increase in the price of at the close of the day said in Situation Serious The situation admittedly was [J ElberlS other trucks. flat levy of 5 cents a too should Inforced roof of the Staa.tsopera (Sta.te Opera House) In Berlin. An anti-aircraft battery now crowns gasoline recently allowed by OPA part: hOspital The American fliers, using be imposed. the structure. These photos were approved by ttle United Sta.tes censor. in the rationed eastern sta~es. "Most of the day was taken serious.
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