X. iltatirbirfitfr lEtt^tthto IHfrald ^ ID A T , MABCB 28» 194S H. B. DeWolfa, who la Mrs. Alfred W. Mucklow of 123 of the Oonumlttee from Henry street has sold, her home to - T — A b o u t T o w n the MadKtaeater Republican Wom- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Lashinske TALL CEDARS en’a club, arranging for - beneflt of 425 Center street, and Is plan-’ AT6rsff6 IMIy C^rcu^tioB Th# Wnather ____ H. BuumI and card partiea 'at homes of members, ning to deave Manchester, Friday, / TONIGHT Foreesat of 0 . B. Weather Bureau Oariaon ara co-ch»lr- advisee that the, following local April 2. Mrs. MiickloW Will make For tha Mooth ed Eebraary. 19U ^ I f n . Cai * 8:00 O’clock t»m___ _ «C_____t m <Tun^Tummaga aala to ba wqiam have enteKained since the her home with her brother, F. 1. aaadactad- • ■ tdtMrrtotMrrpiw from nina last report: Mrs. George H. Wad­ Qriswold, at the homestead, 550 8,044) Considerably colder^tonight; in- •rttoek an •tat tb«^ a ta o r a ,, 1099 Main dell, Mrs. Basel J. Trotter, Mrs. Maple street, Wethersfield. Mr. Orange Hall termltteat light iul|k Member of the Audit atrait. HIMm th« aprlng Harold Alvord, Mrs. Reaa'RIchard- and Mrs. Bucklow chme to Man­ 20 Reg. Gaines At lo u n a g a aalea ia ttndar auiqiicaa son, Mrs. Jay E; Rand, Mrs. 'Joseph chester about ten years ago and gunan of CSnulatioas ^ / lived on Scarborough Road before OfttaDorcaa Society of Emanuel Russell, Mrs. Harold Symington, a Game for 25c Manehester^A City of Village Charm y / ^ __________________ JUirtberan church. - ^ they built their home on Henry 2 Free Games! street. Mr. Mucklow died on June \ ■ Cub Scout Rack No. i will meet 25, 1942. 7 Specials! , MANCHESTER, CObra!l.rSATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1943 ^FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CliINTS Thera la atUl eonfualon in' m ll- this evening at seven o’clock at (GlaaalBed Advertlaing om Page U ) fatf air mail lattera, aa la ahown;by the Second Congregational church. Sweepstake! ■ VOL‘. LXIL, NO. 151 the number being returned to the. A nCw truck has been approved The boys are requested to bring by the Hartford County Board for $5 Door Prigs! llancheeter poet office each day. their registration cards. It la naoaaaaiy to place atx cenU Robert Donrtejly, who has the con­ $18.75 tract to carry the mail between Eighth Army Men Move Through Mine field worth of atampa on an air mall en- Monthly Prize! valopa wbila many are attaching A ptlblic service will be held this Hartford and Manchestw.. But be­ Nazis Mass Fresh . only throe oanta worth. Thla hoida evening at 7:30 at the Salvation fore the truck can' be del’ up the dalhrary of the letter. Army cita<^el. must be approved in Washi Troops for Drive North of Chugiiev In A ll . Their Units Hit SPRING Big Force# of Artillery | P i n d s IRRGISI StlKTWN And Heavy, Concentra­ Sustained Offensive G< tion of Air Power Youth Again Boston Boa^^ Curbs onyOil .. ting ‘Satisfactory Re­ GLORY Assembled in Desper­ // . sults’ in Spite of O s ate Effort to Crack In Marines May Suspend To Be Eas^ lOWEST PRlttS Most Determined Re- Stubhom Red Defenses 14-Year-Old Fool$ Re- ClubMceu^es For Cleanii sismiiee; First Army Moscow, March 27.—(A*)—*- cruiting Officers on shing Out in ‘Re- The German Army, in a des­ coiinaissance in Force’ tg m m m m ttp perate drive to crack stub­ Age; Uses Former Police Reco|ninendatlon Commercial and Indus­ born Soviet defenses on the Name of Father to Join Fac^ Aclion Today trial Non-Heating Con­ Agaihst Axis in Nbrth. Donets river north of Chu- olloYfing Wounding sumption -Restrictions A I 1 i e (U^eadquarters in guev has massed, fresh *(^icago, March 27.—(*)—^To troops, a big force of artil­ O f/ Two by ^Gunfire. Will Expire ’ April 1. North Africa,^arch 27.— Private Donald Toots, Marine — The hard-driVjng British lery and a heavy concentra­ corps, San dlego, OsUf: y Boston, March 27^(fl5—A po­ Waahington, March 27.—(S’)— Eighth Army’s sii^ined of­ at H ale's Self Serve tion of air power against the Tour Mama, Mrs. Thelma ’Tosta Ruaalan Unea there. It waa offi­ lice recommendation f ^ suspen­ Laundrymen along the eastern fensive against t h ^ Mareth knows where you are. She’s aw­ Sport cially reported today. While the sion of the licenses of the Latin seaboard can roll up their sleeves ine is getting “ satisfwtory Germane concentrated their heav- fully angry at you. So art Marine $16.95 Quarter night club, where two and tackle their spring cleaning results” aiid won a fuither ieat power In thia eector, Ruaeian recruiting officers in Chicago. RC' Moving through a gap hj a. Nazi mine field near the Mareth Itae In a o u th ^ RATIONED ITEMS Hale's Bread loaf 6c vanguarda on the central front member what happened when she of the British Eighth Army press onward. Sappers of the British Engineers had clekr^d th^^ath, in' men were wounded In a shooting businesa with renewed vigor to­ success in s local attack yes­ again edged toward Smolenak, discovered last Dec. 12 that you dicated by the markers and white tdpe. V ' / ' __________ _ yesterday, faced action today by day. ' terday in spite of the mo to ^ and had epilated in the Marines—and 1 qt. aikl 19 Os. Oaa Oanphairii little more than 30 mllea away. the Boston Licensing board. Their fuel oil restrictions will determined resistance, Al[ you only 13 years old? You were headquarters announced today. At Numoroua Attacks Kcpolaed at a railroad station with a con­ ‘We usually go along with the be eased a bit next week.' Hale's Jelly Doughnuts police," Miss Mary E. Driscoll, th* same time the British First Tomato'oiniato JuiJuice ®'^’c«. 22e The Soviet mid-day communi­ signment ot recruits ready to The fuel oil situation "continues Begular 27c. St Foiata. $25.00 Meat Ration chairman of the board, told^ re­ to be serious,” but orders cutting Army, grouped to contain tha . Dress que said numerous attacks north leave for the west coast when she British Bom berX Hit forces of Col. Gen. Jurgen Von of Cbuguev were repulsed. found you and took you home. porters last night. '' commercial and industrial non­ and Crullers Doz. 25c Former Boxer SoughtV Arnim In the noith before Tunis IM Btaia Then when you didn’t return heating consumption in tbe 17- There ia a 50-mUe stretch of t|ie Police Commissioner Joseph F, and Bizertc, waa reported to b* . home a week ago yesterday, your Plan Starts state eastern shortage area will be twisting Donets river between Burm a H,tdl Station Tllnilty sent the recommendation lashing out in what the communi­ OoM Medal mother immediately suspected you allowed to expire April 1, officials Chuguev and'Belgorod, where the to the board while authorities que called “ reconnaissance is Corn Niblets 2 for 27e Reg. $1.46. Special! tried once again to enlist. She says said. Begular 18a. SFeiata. COATS Ruiasians are beginning to ^und sought \a former boxer for ques­ torce.” ' because you’re 14 now and quite On Monday In effect during January, Feb­ Flour 24</2-Lb. Bag $1.39 the Germans. Slightly north of tioning concerning the gunplay Launch Surprise Drive Chuguev, the battle line on the big for your age—5 feet 6 1-2 Wide-Ranging Atta< ruary and'March, the orders slash­ DRESSE Eden Repeats that followed an argument among Midday reports received at B url OlMsr Tsaear river turns abruptly eastward, then Inches tall and 155 pounds—you ed by 40 per cent the ration allow­ headquarters said that. Americaa ' Keebler Club Central and Soi five men seated at a table in the Beautiful New Prints swings north again In an almost might have misled another re Aimed to Etiualize Dis­ ances of a number of large-scale trOops in central Tunisia had straight line. This is a tough area cruiting officer. She heard rumors club’s cocktail lounge. but “less essential’’ cohsumera of Sweet Peas Can 1 5 c 11-Oz. O O - And Other Styles Area and o^X^Mayu Treated for minor wounds were launched a surprise drive towrard $19.98 to $25 V to defend because there is a high you had told school mates at Ben- tribution and Combat Britain's Vow fuel oil for other than heating Regular ITfc M Fotots. Crackers 2 Boxes JL w Q Joseph Palladlno, 44, known in Fondouk, 15 miles southwest ol bank on the western side and a low senville (111.) high school that you Black Markets; . Red Peninsula Stag^. purposes. Laundries and theaters the big enemy air base at Kairou- bank on the eastern side. were going to join the Air Forces. sporting circles as “Joe Beans,” were included- in this group. The and Joseph Guerriro, 42, known an. This sector is to the north­ The newspaper Pravda said Ger­ She canvassed all Army A Navy To Hit Japan former business particularly hiul Stamps Will Be Used. New D e ^ ; March 27.— (/P) as "Spunky Joe.” east of Paid pass and over 100 man attacks in this area began at recruiting offices here and was been reported hard-pressed in $7.98Jo $10.9$ Police quoted both as saying miles to the north of the Ameri­ dawn yesterday when large forces about to give up when she won­ R. A. P f bombers struck some esses by the curtailment.
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