The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School

College of Agricultural Sciences



A Dissertation in



Phanchita Vejchasarn

2014 Phanchita Vejchasarn

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

May 2014

The dissertation of Phanchita Vejchasarn was reviewed and approved* by the following:

Kathleen Brown Professor of Plant Stress Biology Dissertation Advisor Chair of Committee Graduate Program Officer

Jonathan Lynch Professor of Plant Nutrition

Dawn Luthe Professor of Plant Stress Biology

Yinong Yang Associate Professor of Plant Pathology

*Signatures are on file in the Graduate School



As the global population continues to grow, especially in the developing nations,

about 870 million people are food insecure and experiencing chronic malnutrition.

is the most important cereal crop of the developing world and a staple food source of

more than half of the world’s population, providing 20-70% of total daily caloric intake.

Rainfed lowland rice is the dominant rice production system in areas of greatest poverty:

South Asia, parts of Southeast Asia, and essentially all of Africa, where its production is

limited by multiple abiotic stresses, uncertain moisture supply and decreasing soil

fertility. Phosphorus deficiency is considered to be one of the major constraints limiting

rice production in those areas. Most farmers still plant traditional rice varieties that

produce poor plant growth and low yields. Adding to the problem is that resource-

poor farmers are largely unable to afford the cost of fertilizers, thus, they remain trapped

in poverty. An alternative strategy is to develop phosphorus efficient varieties with

enhanced genetic adaptation to phosphorus-stressed soils, defined as improved yield ability in low-input agricultural systems coupled with better phosphorus acquisition and use efficiency.

Plant roots display a wide array of adaptations to low phosphorus stress, including

changes in root anatomy, morphology and architecture as well as increased production and secretion of root exudates. Plastic root responses to low phosphorus availability show promising benefits to improve phosphorus acquisition efficiency. The first experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of low phosphorus availability on root morphological, anatomical and architectural characteristics among diverse rice

iv genotypes. This work serves as the basis of further understanding of various root traits controlled by low phosphorus availability in rice. Our results show that rice genotypes varied considerably in root traits. Low phosphorus availability has significant effects on the majority of root traits evaluated. Several root traits such as root hairs and root cortical aerenchyma are considered important in phosphorus acquisition.

In addition, genetic mechanisms determining natural phenotypic variation of root hairs, lateral root branching, root anatomical features, and nodal root growth angle were studied. Traits were evaluated on ~335 accessions from the O. sativa diversity panel. To identify loci underlying such traits, genome-wide association (GWA) analyses were performed using 36,901 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We identified significant associations for all root traits. Significant loci associated with these root traits would be useful for plant breeders by incorporating them into new rice cultivars. This study represents an essential step toward genetic improvement strategies with the final goal of producing improved cultivars that enhance acquisition efficiency of soil resources, especially phosphorus, in the low-input agricultural system.



List of Figures ...... viii

List of Tables ...... xiii

Chapter 1 Introduction ...... 1

Low soil phosphorus availability: a major limiting factor for plant productivity ...... 1 The importance of rice, rice production and ecosystems ...... 2 Structure of the rice root system ...... 3 Adaptive root traits for better phosphorus acquisition ...... 4 References ...... 8

Chapter 2 Effect of Phosphorus on Root Hairs and Anatomical and Architectural Traits in Rice Roots (Oryza sativa) ...... 14

Abstract ...... 14 Introduction ...... 15 Materials and Methods ...... 17 Plant cultivation and phosphorus treatments ...... 17 Root and shoot growth measurements ...... 18 Root hair measurement ...... 18 Lateral branching measurement ...... 19 Root anatomical traits measurement ...... 19 Tissue phosphorus content ...... 20 Experimental design and data analysis ...... 20 Results...... 21 Phenotypic variation of root hair traits within the root systems ...... 21 Phenotypic variation of root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) within the root systems ...... 22 Genotypic differences in root morphological and anatomical characteristics as affected by low phosphorus availability ...... 23 Discussion ...... 26 References ...... 67

Chapter 3 Genome-wide Association Mapping of Root Hair Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa) ...... 74

Abstract ...... 74 Materials and Methods ...... 77 Plant cultivation ...... 77 Root hair measurement ...... 78 Experimental design and data analysis ...... 78


Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis ...... 79 Results...... 80 Phenotypic variation of root hair traits ...... 80 Identification of loci underlying root hair traits through genome-wide association (GWA) study ...... 81 Discussion ...... 82 References ...... 95

Chapter 4 Genome-wide Association Mapping of Root Anatomical Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa) ...... 99

Abstract ...... 99 Introduction ...... 100 Materials and Methods ...... 103 Plant cultivation ...... 103 Root anatomical traits measurement ...... 104 Experimental design and data analysis ...... 105 Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis ...... 105 Results...... 106 Phenotypic variation of root anatomical traits ...... 106 Detecting loci controlling root anatomical traits through genome-wide association (GWA) mapping ...... 108 Discussion ...... 109 References ...... 138

Chapter 5 Genome-wide Association Mapping of Lateral Root Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa) ...... 144

Abstract ...... 144 Introduction ...... 145 Materials and Methods ...... 147 Plant cultivation ...... 147 Root system architectural traits measurement ...... 148 Experimental design and data analysis ...... 149 Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis ...... 149 Results...... 150 Phenotypic variation of root system architectural traits ...... 150 Identification of loci controlling root system architectural traits through genome-wide association (GWA) mapping ...... 151 Discussion ...... 152 References ...... 166

Chapter 6 Genome-wide Association Mapping of Root Growth Angle in Rice (Oryza sativa) ...... 170


Abstract ...... 170 Introduction ...... 171 Materials and Methods ...... 174 Mapping population ...... 174 Plant cultivation ...... 174 Measurement of root growth angle ...... 175 Statistical analysis of phenotypic data ...... 175 Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis ...... 176 QTL co-localization and candidate gene analysis ...... 177 Results...... 178 Phenotypic variation of root growth angle ...... 178 Identification of loci associated with root growth angles and lateral root branching ...... 178 Discussion ...... 180 References ...... 222

Chapter 7 Summary ...... 226

Appendix A The curvature effect on root hair density...... 228 Appendix B Lists of O. sativa accessions ...... 229



Figure 1.1: Rice embryonic (left) and postembryonic (right) root system, showing the radicle (primary root), the embryonic nodal roots (seminal roots), the postembryonic nodal roots, and the large lateral roots...... 7

Figure 2.1: Greenhouse setup with drip irrigation system for root morphological and anatomical study...... 35

Figure 2.2: Quantitative analysis of root hair density (left) and root hair length (right) using ImageJ software. Roots were stained with Toluidine Blue dye and root hairs were observed on 20-25 cm-long nodal roots...... 36

Figure 2.3: Representative images of root hairs of rice indica cultivar IR64 (left) and tropical japonica cultivar Moroberekan (right) showing genotypic difference in root hair length. Plants were grown under high phosphorus. Roots were sampled, stained with Toluidine Blue and root hairs were observed on nodal roots at 5 – 10 cm from the root apex...... 39

Figure 2.4: Distribution of mean root hair length by sampling positions (5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex)...... 40

Figure 2.5: Distribution of mean root hair density by sampling positions (5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex)...... 41

Figure 2.6: Cross sections of nodal roots of 56 days old rice cultivar Azucena (O. sativa spp. japonica cv. Azucena) showing the distribution of root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) along the root axis. Root cortical aerenchyma was observed at 5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex and at 1 cm from the root base...... 42

Figure 2.7: Distribution of mean aerenchyma area by sampling positions (5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex and at 1 cm from the root base) ...... 43

Figure 2.8: Effect of phosphorus treatment on shoot dry weight. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 51

Figure 2.9: Effect of phosphorus treatment on shoot phosphorus content. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 52

Figure 2.10: Effect of phosphorus treatment on tiller number. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 53

Figure 2.11: Effect of phosphorus treatment on root to shoot ratio. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 54


Figure 2.12: The phenotypic correlation between shoot dry weight under high phosphorus (x-axis) and low phosphorus availability (y-axis) of 15 O. sativa accessions. Genotypes with high shoot dry weight values under both low and high phosphorus (upper right quadrant) are the most phosphorus efficient...... 55

Figure 2.13: Images of nodal roots of rice cultivars Azucena (tropical japonica), Dular (aus) and Nipponbare (temperate japonica) showing variation in large lateral root length. Small lateral roots are not visible in this image. Plants were grown under high phosphorus (100 µM P) for 56 days...... 56

Figure 2.14: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total small lateral root length. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 57

Figure 2.15: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total large lateral root length. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 58

Figure 2.16: Effect of phosphorus treatment on proportion of small to total lateral root length. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 59

Figure 2.17: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total root cross-section area (RXSA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 60

Figure 2.18: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total root cortical area (TCA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 61

Figure 2.19: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total root stele area (TSA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 62

Figure 2.20: Representative images of root hairs of rice indica cultivar IR64 (left) and tropical japonica cultivar Azucena (right) showing genotypic difference in stele area...... 63

Figure 2.21: Effect of phosphorus treatment on TCA:RXSA ratio. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 64

Figure 2.22: Effect of phosphorus treatment on percentage of aerenchyma (%AA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 65

Figure 2.23: Effect of phosphorus treatment on meta-xylem vessel area (MXA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD...... 66

Figure 3.1: Quantitative analysis of root hair density (left) and root hair length (right) using ImageJ software. Roots were stained with Toluidine Blue dye and root hairs were observed on 20-25 cm-long nodal roots, at 5-10 cm from the root apex...... 86


Figure 3.2: Frequency distribution of root hair length (A, top) and density (B, bottom) across 335 accessions containing 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 74 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 51 highly admixed accession...... 88

Figure 3.3: Box plots illustrating the variation in root hair length (A, top) and density (B, bottom) across 335 O. sativa accessions consisting of 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 74 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 51 highly admixed accession. (ARO = aromatic, TEJ = temperate japonica, TRJ = tropical japonica, AUS = aus, IND = indica, ADMIX = admixture)...... 89

Figure 3.4: The phenotypic correlation between root hair length (y-axis) and root hair density (x-axis) across 335 O. sativa accessions consisting of 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 74 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 51 highly admixed accession. (TEJ = temperate japonica, AROMATIC = aromatic, ADMIX = admixture, TRJ = tropical japonica, IND = indica, AUS = aus)...... 90

Figure 3.5: Genome-wide association study of root hair length (A), and root hair density (B). Quantile-Quantile plots for the mixed linear models for root hair length and density (left panel). P-Values are shown from the mixed linear models for root hair length and root hair density (right panel). The X axis shows the SNPs on each chromosome, y axis is the –log10 (P-Value) for the association...... 91

Figure 4.1: Image of rice root cross-section showing aerenchyma lacunae, epidermis, endodermis, cortex, stele and xylem vessels...... 124

Figure 4.2: Frequency distribution of seven root anatomical traits across 336 O. sativa accessions consisting of 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 76 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions...... 125

Figure 4.3: Box plots showing the phenotypic variation in seven root anatomical traits across 336 O. sativa accessions containing 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 76 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions. (ARO = aromatic, TEJ = temperate japonica, TRJ = tropical japonica, AUS = aus, IND = indica, ADMIX = admixture)...... 129

Figure 4.4: Principal component analysis (PCA) biplot of seven root anatomical traits in 336 O. sativa accessions. The x and y axes are components 1 and 2, respectively. The cumulative percentage of the total variance explained by each PC is shown on each axis...... 133

Figure 4.5: Genome-wide association study of root anatomical traits across 336 O. sativa accessions. Quantile-Quantile plots for the mixed linear models (MLM) for root anatomical characteristics (left panel). Manhattan plots resulting from the GWAS results for root anatomical traits (right panel). The


red horizontal line depicts the significant threshold (P ≤ 10-4). The X axis shows the SNPs on each chromosome, y axis is the –log10 (P-Value) for the association...... 134

Figure 5.1: An example of a single nodal root of rice bearing large and small lateral roots...... 157

Figure 5.2: Images of nodal roots of rice cultivars Azucena (tropical japonica), Dular (aus) and Nipponbare (temperate japonica) showing genetic variation in lateral root length. Each image shows one nodal root bearing large and small lateral roots...... 158

Figure 5.3: Frequency distribution of small lateral root length (A), large lateral root length (B) and total lateral root length (C) across 333 accessions containing 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 73 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions...... 159

Figure 5.4: Phenotypic variation of small lateral root length (A), large lateral root length (B) and total lateral root length (C) across 333 accessions containing 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 73 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions. (ARO = aromatic, TEJ = temperate japonica, TRJ = tropical japonica, AUS = aus, IND = indica, ADMIX = admixture). Box plot shows the median and range of phenotypic variation for each O. sativa subpopulation independently ...... 161

Figure 5.5: Genome-wide association study of small lateral root length, large lateral root length, and total lateral root length. Quantile-Quantile plots for the mixed linear models for root system architectural characteristics (left panel). P-Values are shown from the MLM for root system architectural characteristics (right panel). The X axis shows the SNPs on each chromosome, y axis is the –log10 (P-Value) for the association...... 163

Figure 6.1: Natural phenotypic variation in root growth angle for shallow (left) and deep (right) genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa) grown in the fields for 80- 90 days in high phosphorus conditions...... 186

Figure 6.2: Frequency distribution of root growth angle (degrees from horizontal) under control (A) and phosphorus-stressed (B) conditions across 196 O. sativa accessions consisting of 57 aus, 70 indica, and 69 tropical japonica. Larger angles signify deeper roots...... 187

Figure 6.3: Box plots showing the phenotypic variation in root growth angle 196 O. sativa accessions consisting of 57 aus, 70 indica, and 69 tropical japonica. (AUS = aus, IND = indica, TRJ = tropical japonica)...... 188


Figure 6.4: Genome-wide association (GWA) study of root growth angle in field- grown plants from three subpopulations. Quantile-Quantile plots are shown for the mixed linear models for root growth angle (left). P-Values are shown from the mixed linear models for root growth angle (right). The x axis shows the SNPs on each chromosome, y axis is the –log10 (P-Value) for the association...... 190

Figure 6.5: Significant SNPs indentified for root growth angle on rice chromosome 9 were compared to previously identified QTL stored in the TropgeneDB database (top). A linkage disequilibrium (LD) block containing IAA26 is shown in the expanded significant region on rice chromosome 9 (bottom)...... 191



Table 2.1: Rice accessions (Oryza sativa) used in this study...... 34

Table 2.2: Root anatomical traits evaluated in this study, listing abbreviation and explanation of traits...... 37

Table 2.3: Analysis of variance table for the effects of axial position, genotype, and sub-population on root hair traits and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviations (SD) for root hair traits measured at different axial positions (tip (0-5 cm), middle (5-10 cm), and base (10-15 cm) from the root apex)and in different subpopulations. Different letters indicate significant differences among axial positions and sub-populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05)...... 38

Table 2.4: Analysis of variance table for the effects of axial position, genotype, and sub-population on aerenchyma area and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviations (SD) for aerenchyma measured at different axial positions (5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex and at 1 cm from the root base) and in different subpopulations. Different letters indicate significant differences among axial positions and sub-populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05)...... 44

Table 2.5: Pearson correlation coefficients among all traits measured under high phosphorus (HP). (PH = plant height; SPC = shoot phosphorus content; SDW = shoot dry weight; RHL = root hair length; RHD = root hair density; SLR = small lateral root length; LLR = large lateral root length; RXSA = root cross- section area; TCA = total cortical area; TSA = total stele area; AA = aerenchyma area; %AA = percentage of aerenchyma; MXV = number of meta-xylem vessels; MXA = median meta-xylem vessel area)...... 45

Table 2.6: Pearson correlation coefficients among all traits measured under low phosphorus (LP). (PH = plant height; SPC = shoot phosphorus content; SDW = shoot dry weight; RHL = root hair length; RHD = root hair density; SLR = small lateral root length; LLR = large lateral root length; RXSA = root cross- section area; TCA = total cortical area; TSA = total stele area; AA = aerenchyma area; %AA = percentage of aerenchyma; MXV = number of meta-xylem vessels; MXA = median meta-xylem vessel area)...... 46

Table 2.7: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table showing F and P values for the effects of genotype, sub-population, and phosphorus treatment on shoot and root morphological traits in 15 O. sativa accessions, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviation (SD) values for shoot and root morphological traits evaluated under high (100 µM; HP) and low phosphorus (2 µM; LP) levels...... 47


Table 3.1: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table for the effects of genotype, replicate, and sub-population on root hair characteristics, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard errors (SE) of root traits by sub- populations. Different letters indicate significant differences between sub- populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05)...... 87

Table 3.2: Summary of significant associations between genetic markers and root hair length and density, listing the associated trait, SNP name, chromosome, position, P value, additive contribution to the phenotype, and broad-sense 2 heritability (hB )...... 93

Table 4.1: Root anatomical characteristics evaluated in this study, listing abbreviation and explanation of traits...... 117

Table 4.2: Summary of descriptive statistics for root anatomical characteristics examined in 336 accessions from the O. sativa diversity panel...... 118

Table 4.3: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table showing F and P values for the effects of genotype, sub-population, and replication on root anatomical traits in 336 O. sativa accessions used in this study...... 119

Table 4.4: Summary of mean and standard deviation (SD) values for root anatomical traits detected in each sub-population. Different letters indicate significant differences among sub-populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05). AUS = aus; IND = indica; TRJ = tropical japonica; TEJ = temperate japonica; AROMATIC = aromatic; ADMIX= admixture. The rice diversity panel consists of 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 76 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions...... 120

Table 4.5: Pearson correlation coefficients among root anatomical traits in the O. sativa diversity panel consisting of 336 accessions...... 121

Table 4.6: Loading scores for principal component analysis (PCA) of root anatomical traits examined in 336 O. sativa accessions...... 122

Table 4.7: Summary of significant associations between genetic markers and root anatomical traits, listing the associated trait, SNP name, chromosome, position, P value, additive contribution to the phenotype, and broad-sense 2 heritability (hB )...... 123

Table 5.1: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table for the effects of genotype, replication, and sub-population on root system architectural traits and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard errors (SE) of root traits by sub- populations. Different letters indicate significant differences among sub-


populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05).Different letters indicate significant differences among sub-populations...... 156

Table 5.2: Summary of significant associations between genetic markers and lateral root traits, listing the associated trait, SNP name, chromosome, position, P value, additive contribution to the phenotype, and broad-sense 2 heritability (hB )...... 165

Table 6.1: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table for the effects of genotype, sub- population and phosphorus treatment on root growth angle, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard errors (SE) of root traits by phosphorus treatment and sub-population. Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments or sub-populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05)...... 185

Table 6.2: Summary of significant associations between genetic markers and root growth angle, listing the associated trait, SNP name, chromosome, position, P value, and additive contribution to the phenotype...... 189

Table 6.3: List of annotated genes within the LD blocks of significant SNPs. Strong candidate genes are highlighted in yellow...... 192

Chapter 1


Low soil phosphorus availability: a major limiting factor for plant productivity

Phosphorus (P), classified as a macronutrient, is essential for plant growth

(Marschner, 1995), however, its availability in many soils is insufficient for optimal

growth (Lynch and Deikman, 1998; Abel et al., 2002). Phosphorus is a nonrenewable

resource and it is estimated that by 2050, world resources of inexpensive phosphorus may

be depleted (Vance et al., 2003). Low soil phosphorus availability is one of the primary

limiting factors for crop production in most soils throughout the world, especially in

weathered mineral soils, forest soils and humid tropics (Walker, 1965; Lynch and

Deikman, 1998; Lynch and Brown, 2008).

Most phosphorus is generally found bound to soil chemical and biological

components and exists as either organic phosphate or insoluble inorganic phosphate (Pi)

which is taken up by plant roots (Smith et al. 2003). The availability of Pi in the total

phosphorus content of the soil is extremely low and movement of Pi in the soil solution is

slow, therefore, making it almost unavailable to growing plants (Comerford, 1998; Lynch

and Brown, 2008). Application of phosphorus fertilizers is one solution to correct this

problem, however, this is uncommon in the low-input agricultural systems and has several drawbacks. Firstly, over 80% of the phosphorus fertilizer can become immobile because of precipitation, adsorption or conversion to the organic form (Holford, 1997).

2 Secondly, excessive use of phosphorus fertilizer causes soil and water pollution and

ecosystem damage (Runge-Metzger, 1995). Therefore, crop improvement for

phosphorus efficiency would be more practical and economically feasible, especially for

developing countries where fertilizer use is negligible.

The importance of rice, rice production and ecosystems

Rice is the world’s most important crop and is the staple food for 2.5 billion

people, almost half of the total population in the world (FAO, 2004). It supplies 21% of

global human per capita energy and 15% of per capita protein (Maclean et al., 2002).

More than 90% of the world’s rice is produced in Asia, where 60% of the earth’s

population lives (Subudhi et al., 2006). Rice belongs to the grass family Gramineae like

other cereals such as maize, sorghum, wheat, rye and oats, and the genus Oryza that

includes two cultivated species and about 20 other wild species. Two cultivated species

of rice, Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) grown worldwide, and African cultivated rice

() grown in parts of West Africa, are the most important cereals for

human nutrition (Subudhi et al., 2006).

Within O. sativa, five sub-populations (tropical japonica, temperate japonica, aromatic, aus, and indica) have been identified using SSR and SNP markers (Garris et al., 2005). Of these, the tropical japonica, temperate japonica and aromatic sub-

populations cluster within the japonica group, and the indica and aus sub-populations

cluster within the indica group (Garris et al., 2005). Of the numerous rice varieties, only

two major varieties are considered agronomically important, japonica, adapted to tropical

3 uplands and the temperate regions, and indica, adapted to the tropics (Maclean et al.,

2002). Rice ecosystems can be classified into four broad ecosystems used by IRRI

(International Rice Research Institute, Philippines): upland, rainfed lowland, irrigated, and flood-prone.

Phosphorus deficiency is considered a major limiting factor for rice production, especially in upland production systems (Kirk et al., 1998). Upland soils range from

Oxisols and Ultisols in Latin America, to Ultisols and badly leached Alfisols in Asia and

West Africa (Okada and Fischer, 2001). Unlike upland rice ecosystem, irrigated rice soil constraints are less crucial because flooded conditions increase nutrient availability and stabilize soil pH (Okada and Wissuwa, 2003). Therefore, understanding of the ecosystem’s constraints, cultivar development, and sustainable and cost effective approaches may be an appropriate solution for rice production on phosphorus stressed soils.

Structure of the rice root system

The root system is essential for many different functions, including absorption and translocation of water and nutrients and structural support. Root systems are determined by endogenous genetic controls as well as by soil properties and other external environmental factors, including biotic and abiotic stresses (Rebouillat et al.,

2009) and may differ in: (i) length, diameter, and density relationships; (ii) architecture, the spatial configuration and branching pattern, which determine soil exploration capacity, and (iii) anatomical characteristics that determine ability to transport water and

4 nutrients (Nicotra et al., 2002) and affect the metabolic cost of the root system (York and

Lynch, 2013).

Rice root architecture is characterized by having a fibrous and compact root

system comprised of five different types of roots with complicated age distribution: the radicle (primary root), the embryonic nodal roots(seminal roots), the postembryonic nodal roots, and the large lateral roots, and the small lateral roots (Hochholdinger et al.,

2004; Rebouillat et al., 2009) (Figure 1.1). The radicle emerges from the coleorhiza. A

few days after germination, the embryonic nodal roots emerge from the coleoptile during

the first and second leaf stages. The postembryonic nodal roots, exhibited at later growth

stages, emerge from the nodes on the stem. The lateral roots, which correspond to root-

borne roots, are by far the most numerous and can be classified into two main types, large

and small lateral roots. Any primary root of the other root classes can form 1st-order

lateral roots (large lateral roots) and 1st-order lateral roots produce 2nd-order lateral roots,

and so on. Small lateral roots never bear lateral roots. Higher-order lateral roots can be

observed on the nodal roots which emerge at later growth stages (Kawata and Soejima,

1974; Rebouillat et al., 2009).

Adaptive root traits for better phosphorus acquisition

The root systems perform many different adaptive functions including anchorage

to the soil and translocation of water and nutrients. The bioavailability of soil nutrients

may determine root growth and root proliferation. Changes in the architecture of the

root, therefore, can enhance the adaptation of plants to soils in which the availability of

5 nutrients are limited (Lopez-Bucio et al., 2003). Phosphorus is among the nutrients that

have a critical impact in determining root developmental processes (Lopez-Bucio et al.,


Plants exhibit a wide range of adaptations to low phosphorus availability,

including changes in root architecture and morphology to improve soil exploration

(Bonser et al., 1996; Nielsen et al., 1998; Fan et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2006; Lynch and

Brown, 2008), increased secretion of P-mobilizing root exudates (Hinsinger, 2001),

increased root hair elongation and proliferation (Bates and Lynch, 1996), increased root

elongation (Nielsen et al., 2001), increased adventitious root development and enhanced

lateral root formation (Miller et al., 2003), and enhanced root cortical aerenchyma (RCA)

formation to reduce root respiration and the metabolic cost of soil exploration (Fan et al.,

2003, Zhu et al., 2010). According to Kirk et al. (1998), the major factors that contribute

to phosphorus uptake efficiency in rice production systems are: (i) root geometry effects

– differences in root total length and density, root hair length and density, root diameter,

etc.; (ii) mycorrhizal effects – differences in the extent or rate of infection; and (iii)

solubilization effects – differences in phosphorus solubility arising from root-induced changes in soil chemical conditions.

Genetic and molecular mechanisms controlling the rice root development, either under control or abiotic stress conditions, has been well studied in rice (Oryza sativa)

mainly through quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. Many QTLs associated with small-

to-medium effects on root length, root number, root thickness, stele and xylem structures,

and root biomass have been identified (Zheng et al., 2000; Kamoshita et al., 2002; Zheng

6 et al., 2003; Steele et al., 2006; Qu et al., 2008; Uga et al., 2008; Rebouillat et al., 2009).

However, these traits are difficult to evaluate because root systems are exceedingly complex structures and exhibit high phenotypic plasticity. This strategy, therefore, requires a large population and progeny testing to define the positions of QTL more accurately (Rebouillat et al., 2009).

Genome-wide association (GWA) mapping is a powerful tool used to identify underlying genes controlling inherited traits in many plant species. As an alternative to traditional linkage mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL), association mapping is now widely used for the dissection of complex agronomic traits, gene discovery and exploring the links between genotype and phenotype. Association mapping has the advantages of increased mapping resolution and the ability to examine more than two alleles at the same time (Yu and Buckler, 2006).

The goals of this study are to examine the effect of phosphorus deficiency on root architectural, morphological and anatomical traits among diverse accessions of rice

(Oryza sativa) and identify molecular markers associated with genes controlling root anatomical, morphological and architectural traits in rice. Knowledge and information generated from this study provide a better understanding of genetic control of such traits in rice and opens a possibility of crop yield increase through genetic improvement.

7 Figure 1.1: Rice embryonic (left) and postembryonic (right) root system, showing the radicle (primary root), the embryonic nodal roots (seminal roots), the postembryonic nodal roots, and the large lateral roots.

8 References

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Chapter 2

Effect of Phosphorus on Root Hairs and Anatomical and Architectural Traits in Rice Roots (Oryza sativa)


Phosphorus is one of the most limiting nutrients for agricultural productivity

worldwide. Almost 50% of rice production areas are considered phosphorus deficient.

This, in turn, calls for more phosphorus-tolerant varieties as well as potential strategies

for improving phosphorus acquisition efficiency. Plastic root responses to low

phosphorus stress can be adaptive strategies to enhance phosphorus acquisition. This

study assessed the phenotypic variation and effect of phosphorus deficiency on shoot

growth, and root morphological, architectural and anatomical traits among 15 diverse rice

(Oryza sativa) accessions. Rice plants were grown in diffusion-limited phosphorus using

solid-phase buffered Al-P to mimic realistic phosphorus availability conditions. Overall,

results revealed substantial genetic variation in all root traits measured. Shoot dry

weight, tiller number, plant height, and shoot phosphorus content were reduced under low

phosphorus availability. Phosphorus deficiency significantly increased root hair length

and density, but reduced small and large lateral root length in all genotypes. Root

diameter measured as total root cross-section area is significantly lower under low

phosphorus availability. Phosphorus deficiency caused an increase in percent of

aerenchyma by 20%. Total stele area and meta-xylem vessel area responses to low phosphorus stress differed significantly among genotypes. We suggest that some root

15 traits such as root hair length and density, total root cross-section area, and root cortical aerenchyma, which clearly showed response to low phosphorus availability, could be important in phosphorus acquisition.


The on-going increase of human population in developing countries requires an increase in crop yields to meet the growing demands for food. In these countries, however, agricultural productivity is limited by soil infertility. Although phosphorus (P) is essential for plant growth (Marschner, 1995), it is one of the least available nutrients principally because phosphorus is bound to soil chemical and biological components

(Sample et al., 1980; Barber, 1995; Zhu et al., 2010), making it almost unavailable to growing plants (Comerford, 1998; Lynch and Brown, 2008). This problem can be corrected through intensive phosphorus fertilization. Not only is this solution inefficient because of phosphorus immobilization by the soil, but excessive use of phosphorus fertilizer causes soil and water pollution and ecosystem damage (Runge-Metzger, 1995).

Crop improvement for phosphorus efficiency would be more practical and economically feasible, especially for developing countries where fertilizer use is negligible.

Rice is the most important staple food crop of more than half of the world’s population. Two cultivated species of rice, Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) grown worldwide, and African cultivated rice (Oryza glaberrima) grown in parts of West

Africa, are the most important cereals for human nutrition (Subudhi et al., 2006). Within

O. sativa, five sub-populations (tropical japonica, temperate japonica, aromatic, aus,

16 and indica) have been identified using SSR and SNP markers (Garris et al., 2005). Rice

ecosystems can be classified into four broad ecosystems used by IRRI (International Rice

Research Institute, Philippines): upland, rainfed lowland, irrigated, and flood-prone.

Phosphorus deficiency is considered a major limiting factor for rice production,

especially in upland production systems (Kirk et al., 1998). Upland rice, which is

primarily grown as a subsistence crop, is the dominant rice production system in Latin

America and West Africa, where most of the soils are affected by low phosphorus

availability (Okada and Fischer, 2001). Most existing rice cultivars produce low yields in

phosphorus stressed soils. Adaptive root traits known to confer better performance of other crops in such conditions include greater root hair length and density (Bates and

Lynch, 1996), modification of root architecture to improve soil exploration (Lynch and

Brown, 2001), increased root elongation (Nielsen et al., 2001), increased adventitious root development and enhanced lateral root formation (Miller et al., 2003), and enhanced root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) formation to reduce root respiration and the metabolic cost of soil exploration (Fan et al., 2003, Zhu et al., 2010). In rice, genotypic variation in root growth under phosphorus stressed conditions has been observed (Wissuwa and Ae,

2001a; Ismail et al., 2007) and major QTL related to maintenance of root growth under phosphorus deficiency has been identified (Wissuwa and Ae, 2001b, Ismail et al., 2007).

It is likely that root hairs and many of the architectural and anatomical traits

studied in other species are important for phosphorus acquisition in rice. Root traits may

also be plastic, i.e. change value under low phosphorus availability. However, the effects

of phosphorus on these traits in rice, and particularly comparing genotypes from the five

different sub-populations, have not been well studied. The overall goal of this study is to

17 examine the effect of phosphorus deficiency on root architectural, morphological and

anatomical traits among accession of rice (Oryza sativa) with different genetic


Specific objectives include:

1. Examine distribution and phenotypic variation of root hair traits and root cortical

aerenchyma within the root systems.

2. Determine whether there is genetic variation for root hairs and anatomical and

architectural traits, using selections from each of the five subpopulations.

3. Examine phosphorus effects on root anatomical, morphological (root hair length

and density) and architectural (lateral branching) traits.

Materials and Methods

Plant cultivation and phosphorus treatments

The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse located on the campus of the

Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (40º48’ N, -77º51’ W). Figure 2.1

shows greenhouse setup for phenotyping rice root systems. The study made use of fifteen O. sativa accessions (Table 2.1) from five sub-populations. Three replications were grown per accession, and replications were staggered in time. Rice seeds were surface sterilized with 10% bleach and pre-germinated prior planting. For pre-

germination, seeds were sown on moist paper towel soaked with 0.5 mM CaSO4 for 72

hours at 28 oC in the germination incubator. Plants were cultivated in 10.5 L pots (21 cm

18 x 40.6 cm, top diameter x height, Nursery Supplies Inc., Chambersburg, PA, USA.

Healthy germinated seeds were transplanted to 10.5 L pots (21 cm x 40.6 cm, top

diameter x height, Nursery Supplies Inc., Chambersburg, PA, USA) filled with a mixture

(volume based) of 40% medium size (0.3-0.5 mm) commercial grade sand (Quikrete

Companies Inc., Harrisburg, PA, USA), 60% horticultural vermiculite (Whittemore

Companies Inc.), and 1% solid-phase buffered phosphorus (Al-P, prepared according to

Lynch et al., 1990) providing a constant availability of low (2 µM) and high (100 µM)

phosphorus concentration in the soil solution. Plants were irrigated once per day with

phosphorus-free Yoshida nutrient solution (Yoshida et al., 1976) via drip irrigation.

Root and shoot growth measurements

Plants were harvested at the 8th leaf stage. At harvest, the number of tillers and shoot height were recorded. Root systems were excavated, washed and preserved in 70% ethanol until the time of processing and analysis. Shoots and roots were dried at 65oC for

72 hours prior to dry weight determination.

Root hair measurement

Root hair length and density (number of root hairs per mm2 root surface area) were

observed on approximately 20-cm-long nodal roots, at 5, 10, 15 cm from the root apex.

Roots were instantaneously immersed in 0.5% Toluidine Blue, which allowed to a clear

observation of root hairs. The stained roots were observed under a dissection microscopy

19 (SMZ-U, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) at 40x magnification, equipped with digital camera

(NIKON DS-Fi1, Tokyo, Japan.). Two different images for length and density were

captured on each sampling location. Image J software (National Institute of Mental Health,

Bethesda, Maryland, USA.) was used for quantitative analysis of root hair length and

density (Figure 2.2).

Lateral branching measurement

A 30-cm-long nodal root was collected from each plant to assess small and large

lateral root length. Roots were scanned using a flatbed scanner at a resolution of 600 dpi

(HP ScanJet II, Hewlett Packard, USA). Root analysis software WinRhizo (Regent

Instruments, Quebec, Canada) was used to determine lateral root branching, which was

categorized using two diameter classes of < 0.10 mm (2nd order or small laterals) and

0.10 – 0.70 mm (1st order or large laterals).

Root anatomical traits measurement

Root anatomical structures were observed on 20-cm-long nodal roots, at 5, 10 and

15 cm from the root apex and at 1 cm from the basal end of the root. Preserved roots

were freehand-sectioned using Teflon-coated double-edged stainless steel blades

(Electron Microscopy Sciences, Hatfield, PA, USA) and stained with 0.5% Toluidine

Blue. Transverse sections were examined under a Diaphot inverted light microscope

(Nikon, Chiyoda-ku, Japan). The three best root cross-sections were selected and images

20 captured with a black and white XC-77 CCD Video Camera (Hamamatsu, Iwata-City,

Japan). The image analysis software ‘RootScan’ (Burton et al., 2012) was used for quantitative analysis of cortical area, aerenchyma area, stele area, and xylem traits (Table


Tissue phosphorus content

Dry samples of root and shoot tissue were ground and ashed at 495oC for 12 hours. The ash was dissolved by adding 8 mL of 100 mM HCl and analyzed for phosphorus concentration spectrophotometrically according to the Murphy and Riley method (Murphy and Riley, 1962).

Experimental design and data analysis

A randomized complete block design was used with the time of planting between each replication as a block effect. Statistical analyses were performed using package R, version 3.0.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) and Minitab version 16.2 (Minitab Inc., University Park, USA). For the root hairs and aerenchyma distribution data, collected data was analyzed with one- and two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) to determine the main effects and interactions between genotype and sampling position. Low phosphorus treatments were not included in the sampling position study. In the low phosphorus study, samples for root hair and anatomical analysis were collected 5-10 cm from the nodal root tip. One- and two-way analyses of

21 variance (ANOVA) were used to examine the influence of phosphorus treatments on

dependent variables and interactions between genotype (G) and phosphorus level (P) (G x

P), and sup-population (S) and phosphorus level (S x P).


Phenotypic variation of root hair traits within the root systems

Significant differences in average root hair length (P<0.001) and root hair density

(P<0.001) of the fifteen accessions were observed among different axial positions

(Figures 2.4, 2.5 and Table 2.3). Figure 2.3 shows typical root hair characteristics in two contrasting genotypes when examined on nodal roots at middle position, 5-10 cm from the root apex. Across all axial positions, genotypes and sub-populations, root hair length ranged from 0.18 mm to 0.32 mm and root hair density ranged from 183 root

to 238 root. Axial position, genotype and sub-population significantly

affected root hair length and density and a significant interaction for root hair length was

observed between axial position and genotype (Table 2.3). Among sub-populations, the

indica varieties had greater mean root hair length, whereas the tropical japonica varieties

had greater mean root hair density (Figures 2.4, 2.5 and Table 2.3).

Root hair traits were measured at three different axial positions: tip (0-5 cm from

the root apex), middle (5-10 cm from the root apex), and base (10-15 cm from the root

apex). Comparison of the three positions within each accession showed that the mean

root hair length and density were greater in the middle and basal axial positions than in

22 the apical position (Figures 2.4, 2.5 and Table 2.3). Root hairs at the apical position were not fully developed, while those in the basal position were sometimes less dense than

those at the middle position. Therefore, we selected the middle region as the most

representative of mean root hair characteristics.

Phenotypic variation of root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) within the root systems

Since aerenchyma formation occurs in older segments of the root, in the zone

where lateral roots form (Figures 2.6, 2.7), we examined phenotypic variation in root

cortical aerenchyma (RCA) along the axis of nodal roots. Our result shows that RCA

formation was first visible 4-5 cm from the root tip and was fully developed by 15 cm

from the root tip. Across all axial positions, genotypes, and sub-populations, the

percentage of RCA ranged from 8 to 30%. Axial position had a strong and significant

effect on the absolute area and percent of RCA (Figure 2.7 and Table 2.4).

In all accessions, the greatest mean RCA area (0.349 mm2) was found at 15 cm

from the root apex (Figure 2.7). RCA was 80% and 39% greater at 15 cm than at the

apical (5 cm) and basal regions, respectively. The amount of RCA was significantly

lower at the basal region (1-2 cm below root-shoot junction), which is consistent with

other studies in maize (Bouranis et al., 2006; Siyiannis et al., 2012; Burton et al., 2012).

Therefore, we chose 15 cm from the root apex as the sampling position for further

research on RCA and other root anatomical traits. Among sub-populations, the aromatic

varieties had greater RCA area, whereas accessions with least mean values were from the

indica and temperate japonica sub-populations (Table 2.4).

23 Genotypic differences in root morphological and anatomical characteristics as affected by low phosphorus availability

In this study, rice plants were cultivated in diffusion-limited phosphorus using solid-phase buffered Al-P method (Lynch et al., 1990), which produces realistic phosphorus availability conditions. Low phosphorus availability inhibited shoot growth as shown by the lower shoot biomass, tiller number, plant height and shoot phosphorus content (Figures 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 and Table 2.7), showing that the phosphorus treatments were effective in producing phosphorus deficiency. Phosphorus-stress treatment significantly reduced shoot biomass and tiller number by 42% and 41%, respectively.

Shoot phosphorus content was reduced by 71% under phosphorus deficiency (Table 2.7).

Phosphorus deficiency did not affect root biomass, but significantly increased root:shoot ratio in all genotypes (Table 2.7). Differences among accessions and sub-populations were observed for shoot biomass, tiller number and plant height (Table 2.7).

Additionally, significant genotype (G) x phosphorus treatment (P) interactions were observed for shoot biomass, number of tillers, and shoot phosphorus content which indicated different phosphorus efficiencies among the genotypes (Table 2.7). Root to shoot biomass ratios of the phosphorus deficient plants was relatively larger than that of the phosphorus sufficient plants (Figure 2.11). Overall, high correlations were observed among shoot variables (Tables 2.5, 2.6). The aus cultivar Jhona 349 had superior ability to maintain shoot growth under low phosphorus availability (Figure 2.12).

Root hair characteristics

Root hair length and density were significantly affected by genotype, subpopulation, and phosphorus treatment (Table 2.7). Low phosphorus availability

24 promoted root hair development as indicated by greater mean values of root hair length

and density under low phosphorus stress. Phosphorus deficiency increased root hair

length and density by 15% and 10%, respectively. However, there was no significant

genotype (G) x phosphorus treatment (P) interaction for either root hair length or density,

indicating no significant difference in phosphorus response among these genotypes. A

significant negative relationship between root hair length and density was observed under high phosphorus, but this correlation was not significant under low phosphorus availability (Tables 2.5, 2.6). Root hair length and density did not correlate with shoot traits (Tables 2.5, 2.6).

Lateral root branching

Small and large lateral roots were significantly affected by genotype, subpopulation, and phosphorus treatment (Figures 2.13, 2.14, 2.15 and Table 2.7).

Across all accessions, the aus cultivar Kasalath had the greatest mean values of both

small and large lateral root length. Low phosphorus availability caused a reduction in

small and large lateral root length in all genotypes. Under phosphorus stress, small and

large lateral root lengths were reduced by 48% and 41%, respectively (Table 2.7). There

is a significant genotype (G) x phosphorus treatment (P) interaction for small lateral root

length (Table 2.7).

Low phosphorus availability had a significant effect on the proportion of small to

total lateral root length (Table 2.8, Figure 2.16). There was a significant genotype (G) x

phosphorus treatment (P) interaction for proportion of small to total lateral root length.

Proportion of small to total lateral root length of some genotypes increased under low

phosphorus availability, while others decrease (Figure 2.16).

25 Root anatomical characteristics

The total root cross-section area (RXSA), varied greatly among genotypes and

sub-populations (Figure 2.17, Table 2.9). Significant differences were observed between

phosphorus levels for RXSA. Phosphorus stress caused a reduction in RXSA by 15% on

average. The interaction between genotype (G) and phosphorus treatment (P) was

significant for RXSA.

Substantial genetic variation was observed for total areas of root cortex (TCA)

stele (TSA), and TCA:RXSA ratio (Figures 2.18, 2.19, 2.20 and Table 2.9). Low phosphorus availability had a significant effect on TCA and TCA:RXSA ratio, but not

TSA (Figure 2.21). TCA decreased by 18% under phosphorus stress. However, the interaction between genotype (G) and phosphorus treatment (P) was significant for both

TCA and TSA. TSA of some genotypes increases under low phosphorus availability, while others decrease (Figures 2.19, 2.20). For the total cortical area (TCA), Bico

Branco and Azucena cultivars are the most affected genotypes under phosphorus stress

(Figure 2.16).

Significant genetic effects were observed for both absolute area (AA) and percentage (%AA) of aerenchyma (Figure 2.22 and Table 2.10). Low phosphorus availability significantly affected %AA, but not AA. Phosphorus deficiency caused an increase in %AA by 20%.

Significant differences among genotypes and sub-populations were observed for both number (MXV) and area (MXA) of meta-xylem vessels (Table 2.10). The cultivar

Azucena had the greatest mean values for MXA (Figure 2.23). MXV did not differ

26 between two phosphorus levels. However, there was a significant interaction between genotype (G) and phosphorus treatment (P) for MXA.


Historically, Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) has been divided into two

varietal groups, Indica and Japonica, based on various classification systems such as

geographic origin, ecological adaptation, morphological characteristics (Oka, 1988;

Famoso et al., 2011), isozyme markers (Glaszmann, 1987; Li and Rutger, 2000; Lafitte et

al., 2001) and various molecular markers (Wang and Tanksley, 1989; Dally and Second,

1990; Zhang et al., 1992; Kojima et al., 2005; Uga et al., 2009). Recently, Garris et al.

(2005) has further classified these two varietal groups into five sub-populations, indica,

aus, tropical japonica, temperate japonica, and aromatic, based on SSR and SNP

markers (Garris et al., 2005; Famoso et al., 2011). This study was conducted to elucidate

phenotypic variation in lateral root branching, root hair traits and root anatomical traits of

fifteen O. sativa accessions, three from each sub-population, under high and low

phosphorus availability.

Low soil phosphorus availability is a primary nutrient constraint limiting plant

growth and crop productivity worldwide, and almost 50% of rice soils are considered

phosphorus deficient (Pariasca-Tanaka et al., 2009). Plants have developed different

adaptive responses to minimize the impact of phosphorus deficiency (Raghothama and

Karthikeyan, 2005; Li et al., 2009). We found that low phosphorus availability affected

overall plant growth, as shown by the reduction in phenotypic values of shoot dry matter,

27 plant height, and number of tillers (Figures 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 and Table 2.7). Phosphorus stress caused an increase in root to shoot dry weight ratio (Figure 2.11). Additionally, we observed considerable genetic variation for phosphorus efficiency (Figure 2.12). The most efficient genotypes (Jhona 349, Dular and Kasalath) are from aus sub-population.

The aus genotypes had a smaller change in their root to shoot ratios under low phosphorus availability when compared to others, probably resulting from a lesser degree of stress as indicated by their higher shoot phosphorus content under low phosphorus

(Figure 2.9).

Plant roots exhibit highly plastic responses to low phosphorus availability and have evolved a series of adaptive strategies to enhance phosphorus acquisition. Root hairs are sub-cellular extensions of root epidermal cells that play an important role in the acquisition of relatively immobile nutrients such as phosphorus (Clarkson, 1985;

Peterson and Farquhar, 1996; Jungk, 2001; Gahoonia et al.,1999; Zhu et al., 2010).

Genotypic variation for root hair traits is evident in several crop species including wheat, barley, clover, bean, turfgrass and soybean (Caradus, 1979; Green et al., 1991; Yan et al.,

1995; Gahoonia and Nielsen, 1997; Wang et al., 2004; Brown et al., 2013). Root hair length and density regulation by phosphorus deficiency has been demonstrated in

Arabidopsis (Bates and Lynch, 1996), and several agronomic crops (Fohse and Jungk,

1983; Hoffmann and Jungk, 1995; White et al., 2005; Brown et al., 2013). An increase in root hair length and density is a metabolically efficient way to improve phosphorus acquisition by increasing the absorptive surface area of the root, which enables a greater soil volume explored. Despite extensive study of root hair characteristics in other species, knowledge on the phenotypic diversity and phosphorus response of root hair

28 traits in Oryza sativa is very limited. Our results demonstrate substantial genetic variation for root hair length and density in Oryza sativa genotypes, and the influence of phosphorus and axial position (Tables 2.3, 2.11). Fully elongated root hairs were present at 5-10 cm from the root apex and they slightly decreased toward basal region, which suggest that they may be shed from the root along with the epidermal cells when their function declines (Rebouillat et al., 2009). The indica accessions had greater mean root hair length, whereas the tropical japonica accessions had greater mean root hair density

(Table 2.3). Our result shows that rice responds to low phosphorus availability by increasing root hair length and density, which is consistent with the previous study in rice reported by Rose et al. (2013). Additionally, root hairs could be selected under either control or suboptimal phosphorus conditions since all accessions respond similarly.

Lateral roots, which arise from anticlinal symmetrical divisions in the pericycle and endodermal cells, can be classified into two main types: small and large lateral roots

(Sasaki et al., 1981; Rebouillat et al., 2009). Lateral branching would be expected to increase phosphorus efficiency by increasing soil exploration (Zhu et al., 2005), phosphorus solubilization (Lynch, 2007), and the absorptive surface of the root system

(Perez-Torres et al., 2008; Nui et al., 2013). Prior studies have shown that phosphorus deficiency increased elongation and density of lateral roots in Arabidopsis (Williamson et al., 2001; Linkohr et al., 2002; Reymond et al., 2006; Nui et al., 2013) and in seedlings of some maize genotypes (Zhu et al., 2004). However, our results demonstrated that low phosphorus availability reduced small and large lateral root length in all genotypes. The contrasting results may be due to treatment and plant age. In this study, rice plants were cultivated to the V-8 stage (well beyond the seedling stage) in diffusion-limited

29 phosphorus using solid-phase buffered Al-P (Lynch et al., 1990), which produces realistic

phosphorus availability conditions. Consistent with our results, Mollier and Pellerin

(1999) detected a reduction rather than an increase in lateral root branching under

phosphorus deficiency in maize, and low phosphorus similarly reduced lateral root

density in common bean (Borch et al., 1999). Substantial phenotypic variation for lateral

root branching was observed among accessions and sub-populations (Table 2.7). Greater

lengths of small and large lateral roots were observed in the aus sub-population, which

originates from a region in India with infertile and drought-prone soils (Londo et al.,

2006; Haefele and Hijmans, 2006; Gamuyao et al., 2012). Lateral root development is an

adaptation that enhances phosphorus acquisition. Specifically, the aus-type cultivar

Kasalath, which is a donor of phosphorus deficiency tolerant allele named phosphorus- starvation tolerance 1 (PSTOL1), shows greatest lengths of small and large lateral roots in the present study (Figures 2.14, 2.15), which may contribute to its phosphorus stress tolerance. Small to total lateral root length ratio was significantly affected by low phosphorus availability (Figure 2.16), however genotypes showed a variable response to phosphorus stress. We would expect large lateral roots to be more important than small lateral roots under phosphorus stress, since large lateral roots would have a strong role in soil exploration for more phosphorus.

Root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) consists of large air-filled intercellular spaces or

lacunae in the root cortex (Esau, 1977). In rice, the formation of aerenchyma is

associated with cell lysis and likely to be coordinated by a programmed cell death (PCD)

mechanism (Kawai et al., 1998; Parlanti et al., 2011). The constitutive presence of

aerenchyma in rice is a common adaptive response to soil hypoxia and anoxia, since it

30 provides a pathway of low resistance to diffusion of atmospheric oxygen to the root tips

(Justin and Armstrong, 1987; Colmer, 2003; Suralta and Yamauchi, 2008). Although

RCA formation is induced by water-logging, RCA can also be stimulated by a variety of edaphic stresses, including low phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, high temperature, and drought (Drew et al., 1989; Przywara and Stepniewski, 2000; Bouranis et al., 2003;

Evans, 2003; Zhu et al., 2010; Lynch et al., 2013). RCA formation under nutrient stress has been shown to reduce the metabolic cost of soil exploration by replacing metabolically active cortical cells with air-filled lacunae (Lynch and Brown, 2008; Lynch et al., 2013). In this study, RCA as well as other anatomical root features were examined under well-drained soil conditions at different axial positions with high and low phosphorus availability.

In the present study, considerable phenotypic variation was observed for anatomical root characteristics (Tables 2.9, 2.10). Both the absolute amount and the percentage of RCA varied significantly among genotypes and axial positions, consistent with the previous study in maize (Burton et al. 2012). Root diameter, measured as the total root cross-section area (RXSA) varied greatly among genotypes and sub- populations. The aromatic and tropical japonica varieties had thicker root diameter.

Consistent with this result, Lafitte et al. (2001) previously reported that thicker root diameter is a characteristic of rice cultivars from upland japonica group. For total stele area (TSA), our result demonstrates that aromatic and tropical japonica accessions had larger stele transversal area (TSA) (Figure 2.19), which agrees with the previous study reported by Kondo et al. (2000) and Uga et al. (2008).

31 Low phosphorus availability increased %AA by 20%, but did not affect the absolute amount of aerenchyma (AA) (Figure 2.22 and Table 2.10). Previous research showed increased aerenchyma formation under low phosphorus in maize, rice and common bean (He et al., 1992; Fan et al. 2003; Insalud et al., 2006). Fan et al. (2003) showed that increased aerenchyma formation reduces root phosphorus content and the respiratory cost of constructing and maintaining roots, thereby improving soil exploration at minimal nutrient and carbon costs (Fan et al., 2003; Lynch, 2011). Low phosphorus availability reduced the total root cross-section area (RXSA) and total cortical area

(TCA) by 14% and 18%, respectively. Since low phosphorus availability has a direct effect on reducing TCA, this might explain why %AA is significantly higher but not AA.

Thinner root diameter, a process termed “root etiolation”, can result from low phosphorus availability, and has been suggested to reduce metabolic cost of soil exploration (Morrow de la Riva, 2010; Lynch et al., 2011). In particular, a smaller area of living cells in the cortex was associated with reduced root metabolic cost and improved drought tolerance in maize (Jaramillo et al., 2013). Rice showed a reduction in TCA across all genotypes, while stele area (TSA) showed variable responses to low phosphorus, indicating that rice may reduce its metabolic cost by increasing aerenchyma and reducing living cortical area under low phosphorus stress.

Among root anatomical characteristics, the size (MXA) and number (MXN) of meta-xylem vessels are directly associated with axial conductivity for water transport

(Kondo et al., 2000; Uga et al., 2008), and can affect plant productivity under drought

(Zimmermann, 1983; Tyree et al., 1994; Comas et al., 2013). Genetic variation for root xylem features has been observed in wheat (Richards and Passioura, 1981), maize

32 (Burton et al., 2013), and rice (Kondo et al., 2000; Lafitte et al., 2001, Uga et al., 2008).

Overall, our result shows that genotype has the biggest effect on MXA and MXV. The

tropical japonica accessions had larger area (MXA) and greater number (MXV) of meta-

xylem vessels, correlated with the larger diameter of roots (Tables 2.5, 2.6). Consistent

with this result, Kondo et al. (2000) and Uga et al. (2008) reported that traditional upland

japonica cultivars were characterized by larger xylem structures and thicker roots. Low

phosphorus availability had no significant effect on MXV. However, phosphorus

treatment effects on MXA varied among genotypes. Reducing xylem vessel area in some

genotypes should reduce root axial hydraulic conductivity, which is believed to reduce

leaf area in phosphorus-stressed plants (Radin and Eidenbock, 1984). This allows

resources to be diverted to roots for greater soil exploration.

The present study provides the basis of further understanding of various root traits

controlled by low phosphorus availability in rice. Our results demonstrate that rice

genotypes differ considerably in root traits. Low phosphorus availability has significant

effects on root hairs, lateral root branching, total root cross-section area (RXSA), total cortical area (TCA), total stele area (TSA), and meta-xylem vessel area (MXV). While phosphorus deficiency increased root hair length and density as well as aerenchyma

(%AA) in most genotypes, it reduces the lengths of small and large lateral roots. Several well-known phosphorus-efficient genotypes (i.e., Kasalath and Dular) have superior ability to maintain shoot growth under low phosphorus stress. We suggest that variation for root hair length and density, total root cross-section area (RXSA), and aerenchyma

(%AA) among genotypes that clearly showed response to low phosphorus availability could be used for improving phosphorus acquisition efficiency in phosphorus-deficient

33 soils. Further research is also required to study the value of lateral root branching and xylem features in this species under low phosphorus availability.


Table 2.1: Rice accessions (Oryza sativa) used in this study.

Accession Name Country of Origin Sub-population Assignment Kasalath India aus Jhona 349 India aus Dular India aus IR 64 Philippines indica Pokkali Sri-Lanka indica Patnai 23 India indica Dom-sofid Iran aromatic Pakistan aromatic BicoBranco Brazil aromatic Moroberekan Guinea tropical japonica Azucena Philippines tropical japonica Cocodrie United States tropical japonica Leung Pratew Thailand temperate japonica Aichi Asahi Japan temperate japonica Nipponbare Japan temperate japonica


Figure 2.1: Greenhouse setup with drip irrigation system for root morphological and anatomical study.


Figure 2.2: Quantitative analysis of root hair density (left) and root hair length (right) using ImageJ software. Roots were stained with Toluidine Blue dye and root hairs were observed on 20-25 cm-long nodal roots.


Table 2.2: Root anatomical traits evaluated in this study, listing abbreviation and explanation of traits.

Trait Description RXSA Root cross-section area (mm2) TCA Total cortical area (mm2) TSA Total stele area (mm2) AA Aerenchyma area (mm2) %AA Percent of cortex as aerenchyma MXV Number of meta-xylem vessels MXA Median meta-xylem vessel area (mm2)


Table 2.3: Analysis of variance table for the effects of axial position, genotype, and sub-population on root hair traits and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviations (SD) for root hair traits measured at different axial positions (tip (0-5 cm), middle (5-10 cm), and base (10-15 cm) from the root apex)and in different subpopulations. Different letters indicate significant differences among axial positions and sub-populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05).

d.f. Root Hair Length (mm) Root Hair Density (hairs/mm2) F P F P Axial Position 2 20.959 <0.001 11.523 <0.001 Genotype 14 22.129 <0.001 2.585 0.003 Sub-population 4 37.704 <0.001 6.944 <0.001 Axial Position*Genotype 28 3.015 <0.001 0.399 0.996 Axial Position*Sub-population 8 0.317 0.958 0.277 0.972 Axial Positions Mean SD Mean SD Tip (5 cm) 0.225 0.033a 208.496 14.632a Middle (10 cm) 0.264 0.032b 221.059 15.828b Base (15 cm) 0.263 0.034b 222.431 15.046b Sub-populations Mean SD Mean SD aus 0.263 0.030b 215.987 16.075ab indica 0.291 0.019c 206.582 15.833a aromatic 0.228 0.030a 219.604 15.421b temperate japonica 0.261 0.028b 216.654 12.964ab tropical japonica 0.213 0.019a 227.814 14.723c


Figure 2.3: Representative images of root hairs of rice indica cultivar IR64 (left) and tropical japonica cultivar Moroberekan (right) showing genotypic difference in root hair length. Plants were grown under high phosphorus. Roots were sampled, stained with Toluidine Blue and root hairs were observed on nodal roots at 5 – 10 cm from the root apex.


Figure 2.4: Distribution of mean root hair length by sampling positions (5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex).

______temperate japonica tropical japonica aromatic indica aus


Figure 2.5: Distribution of mean root hair density by sampling positions (5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex).

______temperate japonica tropical japonica aromatic indica aus


Figure 2.6: Cross sections of nodal roots of 56 days old rice cultivar Azucena (O. sativa spp. japonica cv. Azucena) showing the distribution of root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) along the root axis. Root cortical aerenchyma was observed at 5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex and at 1 cm from the root base.

5cm 10cm 15cm [base]


Figure 2.7: Distribution of mean aerenchyma area by sampling positions (5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex and at 1 cm from the root base)

______temperate japonica tropical japonica aromatic indica aus


Table 2.4: Analysis of variance table for the effects of axial position, genotype, and sub- population on aerenchyma area and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviations (SD) for aerenchyma measured at different axial positions (5, 10 and 15 cm from the root apex and at 1 cm from the root base) and in different subpopulations. Different letters indicate significant differences among axial positions and sub- populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05).

d.f. Aerenchyma Area Percent Aerenchyma (mm2) F P F P Axial Position 3 57.206 <0.001 189.859 <0.001 Genotype 14 6.916 <0.001 0.932 0.526 Sub-population 4 15.323 <0.001 1.441 0.222 Axial Position*Genotype 42 2.229 <0.001 3.149 <0.001 AxialPosition*Sub-population 12 2.108 0.019 2.962 0.001 Axial Positions Mean SD Mean SD 5 cm 0.070 0.062a 8.581 6.080a 10 cm 0.253 0.109b 30.884 5.650b 15 cm 0.349 0.120c 44.872 6.217c [base] 0.213 0.108b 29.723 10.237b Sub-populations Mean SD Mean SD aus 0.195 0.099ab 27.171 13.807 indica 0.144 0.084a 25.715 15.082 aromatic 0.337 0.171c 33.227 14.561 temperate japonica 0.159 0.095a 26.994 15.400 tropical japonica 0.272 0.151bc 29.463 15.085


Table 2.5: Pearson correlation coefficients among all traits measured under high phosphorus (HP). (PH = plant height; SPC = shoot phosphorus content; SDW = shoot dry weight; RHL = root hair length; RHD = root hair density; SLR = small lateral root length; LLR = large lateral root length; RXSA = root cross-section area; TCA = total cortical area; TSA = total stele area; AA = aerenchyma area; %AA = percentage of aerenchyma; MXV = number of meta-xylem vessels; MXA = median meta-xylem vessel area)

PH -0.406** SPC 0.319* 0.257ns SDW 0.369* 0.430** 0.619** RHL 0.426** -0.318* -0.118ns -0.117ns RHD -0.406** 0.389** 0.069ns 0.126ns -0.471** SLR 0.219ns 0.350* 0.408** 0.591** 0.100ns 0.095ns LLR 0.209ns 0.417** 0.357* 0.567** 0.054ns 0.111ns 0.804** RXSA -0.329* 0.376* 0.050ns 0.141ns -0.522** 0.283ns 0.024ns 0.228ns TCA -0.332* 0.360* 0.034ns 0.129ns -0.523** 0.289ns 0.004ns 0.217ns 0.999** TSA -0.292ns 0.434** 0.130ns 0.213ns -0.533** 0.231ns 0.064ns 0.194ns 0.900** 0.886** AA -0.262ns 0.313* 0.127ns 0.193ns -0.653** 0.356* 0.012ns 0.214ns 0.858** 0.856** 0.813** %AA 0.085ns -0.073ns 0.178ns 0.140ns -0.398** 0.181ns -0.033ns 0.004ns -0.001ns -0.005ns 0.105ns 0.501** MXV -0.504** 0.680** 0.162ns 0.347* -0.506** 0.402** 0.222ns 0.241ns 0.368* 0.354* 0.480** 0.341* 0.058ns MXA -0.122ns 0.256ns 0.179ns 0.015ns -0.326* 0.227ns 0.061ns 0.191ns 0.670** 0.668** 0.606** 0.530** -0.086ns 0.323* TN PH SPC SDW RHL RHD SLR LLR RXSA TCA TSA AA %AA MXV

*, significant at p-levels of 0.05. **, significant at p-levels of 0.01. ns, not significant.


Table 2.6: Pearson correlation coefficients among all traits measured under low phosphorus (LP). (PH = plant height; SPC = shoot phosphorus content; SDW = shoot dry weight; RHL = root hair length; RHD = root hair density; SLR = small lateral root length; LLR = large lateral root length; RXSA = root cross-section area; TCA = total cortical area; TSA = total stele area; AA = aerenchyma area; %AA = percentage of aerenchyma; MXV = number of meta-xylem vessels; MXA = median meta-xylem vessel area)

PH -0.381** SPC 0.482** 0.065ns SDW 0.583** 0.272ns 0.749** RHL 0.251ns -0.299* 0.024ns -0.110ns RHD -0.288ns 0.333* 0.051ns -0.049ns -0.263ns SLR 0.354* 0.124ns 0.505** 0.461** 0.092ns 0.049ns LLR 0.283ns 0.213ns 0.461** 0.418** 0.058ns 0.202ns 0.829** RXSA -0.139ns 0.437** -0.028ns 0.042ns -0.533** 0.238ns 0.141ns 0.211ns TCA -0.125ns 0.404** -0.025ns 0.041ns -0.525** 0.214ns 0.148ns 0.198ns 0.996** TSA -0.270ns 0.543** -0.020ns 0.077ns -0.536** 0.375* 0.049ns 0.237ns 0.812** 0.768** AA -0.134ns 0.347* 0.063ns 0.129ns -0.552** 0.254ns 0.071ns 0.194ns 0.845** 0.839** 0.737** %AA -0.046ns -0.015ns 0.158ns 0.205ns -0.260ns 0.155ns -0.056ns 0.070ns 0.054ns 0.042ns 0.200ns 0.566** MXV -0.287ns 0.621** 0.256ns 0.355* -0.383** 0.343* 0.334* 0.289ns 0.404** 0.381** 0.517** 0.350* 0.124ns MXA -0.239ns 0.513** -0.179ns -0.098ns -0.432** 0.414** -0.100ns 0.010ns 0.626** 0.592** 0.732** 0.536** 0.069ns 0.372* TN PH SPC SDW RHL RHD SLR LLR RXSA TCA TSA AA %AA MXV

*, significant at p-levels of 0.05. **, significant at p-levels of 0.01. ns, not significant.


Table 2.7: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table showing F and P values for the effects of genotype, sub-population, and phosphorus treatment on shoot and root morphological traits in 15 O. sativa accessions, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviation (SD) values for shoot and root morphological traits evaluated under high (100 µM; HP) and low phosphorus (2 µM; LP) levels.

d.f. Shoot Biomass Number of Tillers Plant Height Shoot P Content Root Dry Weight (g plant-1) (plant-1) (cm) (mg plant-1) (g plant-1) F P F P F P F P F P Genotype (G) 14 3.807 <0.001 5.285 <0.001 25.907 <0.001 0.848 0.616 5.684 <0.001 Sub-population (S) 4 7.389 <0.001 6.760 <0.001 17.692 <0.001 1.675 0.163 8.867 <0.001 Treatment (P) 1 82.269 <0.001 33.657 <0.001 9.979 0.002 142.801 <0.001 1.874 0.175 G:P 14 4.808 <0.001 7.660 <0.001 0.910 0.553 2.198 0.018 1.630 0.097 P:S 4 0.427 0.789 2.841 0.029 0.109 0.979 1.659 0.168 0.585 0.674 Treatments Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD HP 6.21 1.56 5.69 2.42 100.44 13.51 14.45 5.04 1.581 0.732 LP 3.61 1.13 3.37 1.13 91.47 13.45 4.59 2.29 1.343 0.909 Mean 4.91 1.88 4.53 2.21 95.96 14.14 9.52 6.30 1.462 0.829 d.f Root Hair Length Root Hair Density Small Lateral Root Large Lateral Root:Shoot Ratio (mm) (hairs mm-2) Length (cm) Root Length (cm) Gentoype (G) 14 7.202 <0.001 1.849 0.047 4.491 <0.001 2.596 0.004 2.272 0.012 Sub-population (S) 4 15.980 <0.001 5.416 0.001 7.560 <0.001 4.047 0.005 1.157 0.336 Treatment (P) 1 26.228 <0.001 47.354 <0.001 37.796 <0.001 67.354 <0.001 14.060 <0.001 G:P 14 0.341 0.985 0.542 0.898 2.655 0.004 1.291 0.240 1.293 0.239 P:S 4 0.239 0.916 1.049 0.387 1.042 0.391 0.879 0.480 0.393 0.813 Treatments Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD HP 0.214 0.034 213.958 19.285 94.098 38.287 236.289 59.539 0.251 0.081 LP 0.251 0. 035 238.051 13.406 48.537 31.709 140.640 50.670 0.355 0.168 Mean 0.232 0.039 226.005 20.481 71.318 41.792 188.465 73.039 0.303 0.141


Table 2.8: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table showing F and P values for the effects of genotype, sub-population, and phosphorus treatment on proportion of small to total lateral root length in 15 O. sativa accessions, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviation (SD) values for proportion of small to total lateral root length under high (100 µM; HP) and low phosphorus (2 µM; LP) levels.

d.f. Small:Total Lateral Root Length Ratio

F P Genotype (G) 14 4.801 <0.001 Sub-population (S) 4 5.726 <0.001 Treatment (P) 1 6.806 0.011 G:P 14 2.682 0.004 P:S 4 0.427 0.789 Treatments Mean SD HP 0.289 0.060 LP 0.255 0.067 Mean 0.272 0.066


Table 2.9: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table showing F and P values for the effects of genotype, sub-population, and phosphorus treatment on root cross-section area (RXSA), total stele area (TSA) and total root cortical area (TCA) in 15 O. sativa accessions, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviation (SD) values for root traits evaluated under high (100 µM; HP) and low phosphorus (2 µM; LP) levels.

RXSA TSA TCA d.f. 2 2 2 TCA:RXSA Ratio (mm ) (mm ) (mm ) F P F P F P F P Genotype (G) 14 44.001 <0.001 27.366 <0.001 34.778 <0.001 2.695 0.003 Sub-population (S) 4 25.127 <0.001 24.154 <0.001 24.125 <0.001 7.641 <0.001 Treatment (P) 1 5.564 0.021 1.886 0.173 6.996 0.010 21.756 <0.001 G:P 14 1.954 0.038 3.727 <0.001 2.041 0.029 1.429 0.168 P:S 4 0.291 0.883 0.860 0.492 0.323 0.862 1.400 0.242 Treatments Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD HP 1.035 0.348 0.066 0.024 0.962 0.327 0.929 0.017 LP 0.876 0.288 0.074 0.028 0.796 0.266 0.908 0.025 Mean 0.955 0.327 0.070 0.026 0.879 0.308 0.919 0.024


Table 2.10: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table showing F and P values for the effects of genotype, sub-population, and phosphorus treatment on aerenchyma area (AA), percentage of aerenchyma (%AA), number of meta-xylem vessels (MXV), and median meta- xylem vessel area (MXA) in 15 O. sativa accessions, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard deviation (SD) values for root traits evaluated under high (100 µM; HP) and low phosphorus (2 µM; LP) levels.

AA %AA MXA MXV d.f 2 2 (mm ) (percent) (mm ) (counts) F P F P F P F P Gentoype (G) 14 30.346 <0.001 4.225 <0.001 16.118 <0.001 50.071 <0.001 Sub-population (S) 4 24.930 <0.001 2.327 0.063 7.613 <0.001 41.569 <0.001 Treatment (P) 1 0.241 0.625 26.059 <0.001 0.010 0.920 0.256 0.614 G:P 14 0.712 0.754 1.559 0.118 2.197 0.018 0.605 0.850 P:S 4 0.232 0.920 0.396 0.811 0.611 0.656 0.116 0.977 Treatments Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD HP 0.306 0.118 31.837 6.156 0.00153 0.000555 5.49 1.31 LP 0.319 0.132 39.991 8.769 0.00155 0.000522 5.36 1.19 Mean 0.313 0.125 35.914 8.577 0.00154 0.000535 5.42 1.25


Figure 2.8: Effect of phosphorus treatment on shoot dry weight. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica


Figure 2.9: Effect of phosphorus treatment on shoot phosphorus content. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica


Figure 2.10: Effect of phosphorus treatment on tiller number. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica


Figure 2.11: Effect of phosphorus treatment on root to shoot ratio. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica


Figure 2.12: The phenotypic correlation between shoot dry weight under high phosphorus (x-axis) and low phosphorus availability (y- axis) of 15 O. sativa accessions. Genotypes with high shoot dry weight values under both low and high phosphorus (upper right quadrant) are the most phosphorus efficient.


Figure 2.13: Images of nodal roots of rice cultivars Azucena (tropical japonica), Dular (aus) and Nipponbare (temperate japonica) showing variation in large lateral root length. Small lateral roots are not visible in this image. Plants were grown under high phosphorus (100 µM P) for 56 days.

Figure 2.14: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total small lateral root length. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica

58 Figure 2.15: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total large lateral root length. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica

59 Figure 2.16: Effect of phosphorus treatment on proportion of small to total lateral root length. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica

60 Figure 2.17: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total root cross-section area (RXSA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica

61 Figure 2.18: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total root cortical area (TCA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica

62 Figure 2.19: Effect of phosphorus treatment on total root stele area (TSA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica

63 Figure 2.20: Representative images of root hairs of rice indica cultivar IR64 (left) and tropical japonica cultivar Azucena (right) showing genotypic difference in stele area.

64 Figure 2.21: Effect of phosphorus treatment on TCA:RXSA ratio. Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.


indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica

65 Figure 2.22: Effect of phosphorus treatment on percentage of aerenchyma (%AA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica

66 Figure 2.23: Effect of phosphorus treatment on meta-xylem vessel area (MXA). Values shown are means of 3 replicates ± SD.

______indica aus temperate japonica aromatic tropical japonica



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Chapter 3

Genome-wide Association Mapping of Root Hair Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa)


As the human population continues to grow, especially in the developing countries, the demand for cereals has grown faster than production. In these countries, agricultural productivity is limited by soil infertility. Rice, the world’s most important crop, is a staple food source for half of the world’s population. Approximately 50% of rice soils are affected by phosphorus deficiency. Most existing rice cultivars produce low yields in low-phosphorus soils. Greater root hair length and density are known to confer better performance in such conditions. The overall goal of this study was to examine variation and genetic architecture of root hair characteristics in rice (Oryza sativa). In the present study, we evaluated 335 accessions from the Rice Diversity Panel, a collection of rice accessions representing all the major rice growing regions of the world. We performed genome-wide association (GWA) analysis to elucidate the genetic basis of root hair characteristics. Our results illustrated that rice exhibits substantial genetic variation in root hair length and density. A total of 32 significant loci associated with root hair length and density were identified. This study is the first to identify loci underlying natural variation in root hair traits in rice, which can be used for marker assisted selection by plant breeders.



Phosphorus (P), classified as a macronutrient, is essential for plant growth

(Marschner, 1995), however, it is considered to be the most limiting plant nutrient

particularly in highly weathered and tropical soils because it reacts with many soil chemical and biological constituents (Lynch, 2011). Intensive phosphorus fertilization is

applied to alleviate this soil constraint, on the other hand, it is not a sustainable solution

to this problem because of the economic and environmental costs of fertilizer application.

An alternative strategy is to develop phosphorus efficient varieties with enhanced

genetic adaptation to phosphorus-stressed soils, defined as improved yield ability in low-

input agricultural systems coupled with better phosphorus acquisition and use efficiency.

Plants have developed a wide array of mechanisms that have been implicated with

enhanced phosphorus acquisition from soils (Raghothama, 1999; Vance, 2001; Zhu et al.,

2005). Several metabolically cost-efficient root traits that can increase root surface area to maximize phosphorus absorption include the formation of finer roots and increased root hair elongation and proliferation (Lynch, 2007; Rose et al. 2012). Root hairs are

subcellular outgrowths of root epidermal cells that play an important role in the acquisition of relatively immobile nutrients such as phosphorus (Clarkson, 1985;

Peterson and Farquhar, 1996; Jungk, 2001; Zhu et al., 2010). Greater root hair length and density are predicted to confer better performance in low phosphorus soils by increasing the absorptive surface area of the root which enables a greater soil volume to be explored without wasting energy.

76 Genotypic variation for these traits is evident in several crop species including

wheat, barley, clover, bean, turfgrass and soybean (Caradus, 1979; Green et al., 1991;

Yan et al., 1995; Gahoonia and Nielsen, 1997; Wang et al., 2004; Brown et al., 2013).

Additionally, several important quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling root hair length

and density have been discovered in maize and common bean (Yan et al., 2004; Zhu et

al., 2005), suggested that these markers can be used for marker assisted selection (MAS)

to breed improved cultivars with better performance in poor soils. Knowledge of natural

genetic variation of root hair characteristics and the mechanisms underlying variation in

phosphorus acquisition can provide base for the genetic manipulation of these traits.

Rice is the most important cereal crop of the developing world and a staple food

source of more than half of the world’s population, providing 20% - 70% of total daily

caloric intake. Apart from its economic importance, it is a model for comparative

genomics of plants. A rice diversity panel, a diverse collection of 413 O. sativa

accessions from 82 countries representing diversity in geographic origin and phenotype,

was recently genotyped with 44,100 Affymetrix single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)

(Tung et al., 2010; McCouch et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2011; Famoso et al., 2011). This development served as the basis for genome-wide association (GWA) studies which has made it possible to unravel the genetic components of complex traits in rice. The overall goal of this study was to examine genetic variation in root hair characteristics in rice

(Oryza sativa) and to identify loci controlling these traits utilizing genome-wide

association (GWA) mapping.


Materials and Methods

Plant cultivation

The study made use of 335 rice accessions (Oryza sativa) selected from the

McCouch rice diversity panel (Zhao et al., 2011) (Appendix II), which contains 52 aus,

67 indica, 11 aromatic, 74 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 51 highly admixed accessions. This study was carried out in a greenhouse located on the campus of the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (40º49’ N, 77º52’ W). Three

replications were grown per accession, and replications were staggered in time. Plants

were grown in 10.5 L pots (21 cm x 40.6 cm, top diameter x height, Nursery Supplies

Inc., Chambersburg, PA, USA). The growth medium consists of a mixture (volume

based) of 40% medium size (0.3-0.5 mm) commercial grade sand (Quikrete Companies

Inc., Harrisburg, PA, USA), 60% horticultural vermiculite (Whittemore Companies

Inc.), and solid-phase buffered phosphorus (Al-P, prepared according to Lynch et al.,

1990) providing a constant availability of high (100 µM) phosphorus concentration in the

soil solution. Each pot received three seeds and, after 7 days they were thinned to one

plant. Plants were irrigated once per day with Yoshida nutrient solution (Yoshida et al.,

1976) via drip irrigation. The pH of nutrient solution was adjusted to 5.5-6.0 daily.


Root hair measurement

Plants were harvested at the 8th leaf stage. Root systems were excavated, washed

and preserved in 70% ethanol until the time of processing and analysis. Root hair length

and density (number of root hairs per mm2 root surface area) were observed on

approximately 20 - 25 cm long nodal roots. Two nodal roots were sampled from each replicate. Roots were instantaneously immersed in 0.5% Toluidine Blue, which allowed to a clear observation of root hairs. The stained roots were observed under a dissection microscopy (SMZ-U, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) at 40x magnification, equipped with digital camera (NIKON DS-Fi1, Tokyo, Japan.). A representative section of root (i.e. a zone

with fully elongated root hairs), which was at 5-10 cm from the root apex, was selected

for image captured on the nodal root. Image J software (National Institute of Mental

Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA) was used for quantitative analysis of root hair length

and density (Figure 3.1). The curvature of the root caused no more than 5-7% differences

and did not significantly affect the root hair density quantification (Appendix I).

Experimental design and data analysis

We used randomized complete block design with the time of planting between

each replication as a block effect. One-way ANOVA was used to examine the influence of accessions, sub-populations and replicates on root hair length and density. The Least

Significant Difference (LSD) test was constructed to compare mean of root hair length and density among sub-populations (P<0.05). Broad-sense heritability estimates for root

2 2 2 2 2 hair traits were calculated as: hB = σ G/ (σ G+ σ e/ r), where σ G represents genetic


2 variance, σ e represents residual variance and r is a number of replicates. Statistical analyses were performed using package R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing,

Vienna, Austria) and Minitab ver. 16.2 (Minitab Inc., University Park, USA).

Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis

Genome-wide Association Analysis (GWA) was conducted on root hair length and root hair density data using existing rice genotypic dataset consisting of 36,901 high performing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency

(MAF) of ≥ 0.05 (Zhao et al., 2011). The analysis was performed across all 335 accessions. The mixed linear model (MLM) approach (Yu et al., 2006; Zhao et al.,

2007), implemented with efficient mixed-model analysis (EMMA), was used to correct confounding effects of population structure and relatedness between accessions. The model can be described as follows:

where y is the vector of observations, β and γ are the SNP and the sub-population

coefficients respectively, X represents SNP vector and C is sub-population principle

component (PC) matrix, Z is the relative kinship matrix, µ is the random effects vector

that accounts for population structures and relatedness, and e is the random error term.

The GWA analysis was performed with the Genomic Association and Prediction

Integrated Tool (GAPIT) package in R ( (Lipka et

al., 2012).



Phenotypic variation of root hair traits

The 335 accessions from O. sativa diversity panel were evaluated for genetic diversity of root hair length and density. Rice cultivars exhibit broad variation in root hair length and density. Significant phenotypic differences were found in root hair characteristics among accessions (P<0.001) and among sub-populations (P<0.001)

2 (Table 3.1). The broad-sense heritability estimates (hB ) were 92.6% for root hair length

and 87.6% for root hair density. Across all accessions and sub-populations, root hair

length ranged from 0.16 mm to 0.34 mm (Figure 3.2A), and root hair density ranged from

160 root to 280 root (Figure 3.2B). On a sub-population basis, significant differences were observed among individual sub-population for the root hair characteristics. The indica varieties had the longest mean root hair length and the tropical japonica varieties had the greatest mean root hair density (Table 3.1, bottom row). On average, when accessions were categorized by varietal group, Indica varietal group (consisting of indica and aus sub-populations) had greater mean root hair length that the Japonica varietal group (consisting of temperate japonica, tropical japonica and aromatic sub-populations), as depicted in Figure 3.3A. On the other hand, we found higher mean root hair density in the Japonica varietal group than in the Indica varietal group (Figure 3.3B).


Identification of loci underlying root hair traits through genome-wide association (GWA) study

To identify loci underlying natural variation in root hair characteristics, we conducted genome-wide association (GWA) analysis using publicly available rice genotypic dataset consisting 36,901 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) contained an average density of ~10 SNPs per kb (Zhao et al., 2011; Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013). We transformed our phenotypic data employing the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) method, since significant effects of replications were found on both root hair length and density (Table 3.1). Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is a standard method used to correct environmental and genetic biases of a mixed model

(Piepho et al., 2008).

GWA analysis was performed across all 335 accessions. The mixed linear model

(MLM) approach implemented efficient mixed-model analysis (EMMA) was conducted to correct confounding effects due to population structures and relatedness between accessions, thus greatly reduced false positives (Yu et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2008; Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013). A total of ~ 32 signals associated with root hair traits were identified by GWA analysis with significance threshold levels greater than 4 [-log10(P) ≥ 4] (Table 3.2, Figure 3.5). Of those, 26 genomic regions

associated with root hair length (Figure 3.5A) and 6 genomic regions associated with root

hair density (Figure 3.5B) were detected (P ≤ 10-4) across all 335 accessions.



Root hairs are sub-cellular extension of root epidermal cells that play a critical

role in the acquisition of soil resources since they constitute 77% of the total root surface

area (Parker et al., 2000; Gowda et al., 2011). Phenotypic variation for root hair

characteristics has been documented in many species, including wheat, barley, maize, clover, common bean, turfgrass and soybean (Caradus, 1979; Green et al., 1991; Yan et al., 1995; Gahoonia and Nielsen, 1997; Wang et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2005; Brown et al.,

2013). Despite extensive study of root hair characteristics in other species, knowledge on the natural genetic variation of root hair traits in rice (Oryza sativa) is very limited. In the present study, we evaluated 335 accessions from O. sativa diversity panel for root hair length and density. Subsequently, we identified significant loci associated with genes controlling root hair traits through genome-wide association (GWA) mapping.

Low soil phosphorus availability is a primary nutrient constraint limiting plant

growth and crop productivity worldwide, and almost 50% of rice soils are considered

phosphorus deficient (Pariasca-Tanaka, 2009). Among the root traits, root hairs are of

primary importance in extracting immobile phosphorus from the soil. Root hairs increase

the absorptive surface area of the root which allows a greater soil volume to be explored

at minimal metabolic expense. Under low phosphorus availability, root hairs contribute

up to 90% of the phosphorus acquired by plants (Raghothama, 2005; Brown et al., 2013).

An increase in root hair length in response to suboptimal phosphorus availability has

been demonstrated in Arabidopsis and several important agronomic species such as

common bean, maize and rice (Foehse and Jungk, 1983; Bates and Lynch, 1996; Miguel,


2004; Zhu et al., 2010; Rose et al., 2012). Previous studies have shown that greater root

hair length and density significantly increases phosphorus acquisition in Arabidopsis (Ma et al., 2001), common bean (Yan et al. 2004; Miguel, 2004), and maize (Zhu et al, 2010).

In rice, the plasticity response of root hair length and density to suboptimal phosphorus availability has been illustrated in our previous study (Chapter 2). Although genetic variability as well as the functional utility of root hair traits has been well-researched in many crop species, no reports appear to be available on variation and genetic architecture

of such traits in rice. The better understanding and identification of the genetic

determinants underlying root hair traits would be useful for plant breeders to develop new

rice cultivars with improved soil resources, specifically phosphorus, acquisition

efficiency in the low-input agricultural system.

In the present study, substantial genetic variation exists for root hair length and

density within and among sub-populations (Table 3.1 and Figures 3.2, 3.3). Our result

shows that indica accessions, which are mostly grown in lowland conditions, had longer

and sparse root hairs, whereas tropical japonica varieties, which are mostly grown in

upland conditions, had shorter and denser root hairs. Since rice went through long domestication processes and has been cultivated under different agricultural practices, it

is most likely that these phenotypic characteristics are closely related to an adaptation to

their original environments. These results also suggest that individual sub-populations

may contain different genetic components with respect to their root hair characteristics,

thereby making root hairs amendable to plant breeding.

A small negative correlation between root hair length and density (R2 = -0.15) was observed within the O. sativa diversity panel (Figure 3.4). A previous study by


Foehse and Jungk (1983) show that both length and density increase in tomato, rape and spinach when exposed to low phosphorus availability (Foehse and Jungk, 1983).

According to plant simulation modeling using ‘SimRoot’, Ma et al. (2001) predicted synergism between root hair length and density at three values for the phosphorus diffusion coefficient in Arabidopsis. The model suggested that the combined effect of increased root hair length and density on phosphorus acquisition was 371% greater than their additive effects. A negative relationship between root hair length and density was also found in a set of soybean genotypes (Wang et al., 2004), which suggests that root hair length and root hair density have different costs and benefits.

Marker assisted selection (MAS) is increasingly used to facilitate genotypic screening for target root traits that are difficult, cost inefficient, or time consuming to evaluate phenotypically. To date, several important quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling root hair length and density have been discovered in maize and common bean

(Yan et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2005), suggesting that these markers can be used for MAS to breed improved cultivars with better performance in unfavorable soils. Due to the recent developments in rice genomics, the O. sativa diversity panel representing the genetic diversity in morphological characteristics and geographic origin was genotyped with

44,000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (Tung et al., 2010; McCouch et al., 2010;

Zhao et al., 2011; Famoso et al., 2011), which enables genome-wide association

(GWA) studies of complex traits in rice. GWA analysis is an alternative to traditional linkage mapping and has proven to be a powerful approach which increases mapping resolution and results in more allelic diversity than QTL mapping (Flint-Garcia et al.,


2005). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the genetic control of root hair traits

in rice (Oryza sativa).

A total of 32 significant loci associated with root hair characteristics were identified by GWA analyses with significance threshold levels greater than 4 [-log10(P) ≥

4] (Figure 3.5, Table 3.2). Of those, we identified 26 significant SNPs on chromosomes

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12, which were associated with root hair length (Figure 3.5A,

Table 3.2). Six significant loci associated with root hair density were detected on chromosomes 1, 3, and 4 (Figure 3.5B, Table 3.2). However, there is no overlap between significant loci identified for root hair length and density, indicating that these traits are controlled by different genetic mechanisms.

Results here have shown phenotypic variation for root hair length and density

within and among sub-populations, and improved the understating of the genetic basis of

these traits in rice (Oryza sativa). Such information will be useful for plant breeders

seeking to develop new cultivars with better yield and performance under unfavorable

soils. In collaboration with Dr. Susan McCouch at , GWA analyses

will be performed using much larger genotype dataset consisting of 700,000 SNPs which

will locate closer markers, and eventually, identify candidate genes underlying natural

variation for these traits.


Figure 3.1: Quantitative analysis of root hair density (left) and root hair length (right) using ImageJ software. Roots were stained with Toluidine Blue dye and root hairs were observed on 20-25 cm-long nodal roots, at 5-10 cm from the root apex.


Table 3.1: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table for the effects of genotype, replicate, and sub-population on root hair characteristics, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard errors (SE) of root traits by sub-populations. Different letters indicate significant differences between sub-populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05).

d.f. Root Hair Length Root Hair Density (mm) (hairs/mm2) F P F P Genotype 334 22.627 <0.001 3.063 <0.001 Replication 2 21.481 <0.001 9.088 <0.001 Sub-population 5 107.293 <0.001 18.349 <0.001 Sub-populations Mean SE Mean SE aromatic 0.2668 0.0048b 208.6364 3.3749c aus 0.2911 0.0017a 214.4872 1.4645bc indica 0.2976 0.0012a 211.9502 1.3215bc temperate japonica 0.2712 0.0019b 219.0856 1.3957b tropical japonica 0.2458 0.0395c 227.4188 1.1954a admixture 0.2744 0.0022b 217.5523 1.5312b Mean 0.2739 0.0009 218.3582 0.9312


Figure 3.2: Frequency distribution of root hair length (A, top) and density (B, bottom) across 335 accessions containing 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 74 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 51 highly admixed accession.


Figure 3.3: Box plots illustrating the variation in root hair length (A, top) and density (B, bottom) across 335 O. sativa accessions consisting of 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 74 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 51 highly admixed accession. (ARO = aromatic, TEJ = temperate japonica, TRJ = tropical japonica, AUS = aus, IND = indica, ADMIX = admixture).


Figure 3.4: The phenotypic correlation between root hair length (y-axis) and root hair density (x-axis) across 335 O. sativa accessions consisting of 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 74 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 51 highly admixed accession. (TEJ = temperate japonica, AROMATIC = aromatic, ADMIX = admixture, TRJ = tropical japonica, IND = indica, AUS = aus).

R2 = -0.15


Figure 3.5: Genome-wide association study of root hair length (A), and root hair density (B). Quantile-Quantile plots for the mixed linear models for root hair length and density (left panel). P-Values are shown from the mixed linear models for root hair length and root hair density (right panel). The X axis shows the SNPs on each chromosome, y axis is the –log10 (P-Value) for the association.

A. Quantile-Quantile Plot and Manhattan Plot of Root Hair Length


B. Quantile-Quantile Plot and Manhattan Plot of Root Hair Density

Table 3.2: Summary of significant associations between genetic markers and root hair length and density, listing the associated 2 trait, SNP name, chromosome, position, P value, additive contribution to the phenotype, and broad-sense heritability (hB ).

2 Trait SNP Name Chromosome Position P value Additive Effect hB Root hair length (mm) id1021934 1 35062718 1.00E-05 0.014173 0.926 dd1002633 1 42630430 6.86E-05 0.021458 id2007974 2 20658008 2.12E-05 0.014211 id2002580 2 4826766 4.71E-05 -0.012200 id2002365 2 4483191 9.71E-05 0.012019 id3008978 3 18238531 8.09E-06 0.014630 id3008113 3 16220637 8.94E-05 -0.013460 id3001518 3 2876491 9.27E-05 0.015722 id4010443 4 30819348 1.86E-05 -0.016680 id4011115 4 32066844 2.50E-05 -0.013810 id4007435 4 22245404 3.31E-05 0.013316 ud4001982 4 28316808 3.70E-05 -0.013730 id4002838 4 7321006 3.71E-05 -0.013520 wd4003084 4 27746680 5.68E-05 0.013565 id6003680 6 5709016 1.48E-05 -0.014350 id6010951 6 20833120 1.66E-05 0.014302 id6007906 6 13145369 8.04E-05 0.013932 id8001372 8 4178638 1.33E-05 0.014378 id8007181 8 26229301 4.62E-05 -0.013590 id9001916 9 6824331 1.40E-05 -0.014090 id11000192 11 971884 3.00E-05 0.013909 id11000191 11 971579 4.15E-05 0.013471 id11007446 11 19489394 9.54E-05 0.013005 id12002705 12 6733183 1.92E-05 0.016744 id12008249 12 23674591 5.22E-05 -0.011910


ud12000773 12 12969689 5.47E-05 -0.019870 Root hair density (hairs/mm2) id1013183 1 22986428 1.21E-05 -9.235510 0.876 id3004371 3 8224205 3.95E-05 2.260971 id3004745 3 9023391 5.37E-05 5.507288 id3004393 3 8322274 6.70E-05 4.536934 id4002274 4 5380510 2.40E-05 7.341277 id4000024 4 120912 8.21E-05 8.327056



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Chapter 4

Genome-wide Association Mapping of Root Anatomical Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa)


Root anatomical characteristics, which include cortical area, aerenchyma area, stele area and xylem features, influence the absorption and translocation of water and nutrients, radial transport of nutrients, the mechanical strength of the root system and the metabolic costs and benefits associated with root growth. While a number of studies

have shown promising functional benefits of anatomical root traits in conferring resource

acquisition efficiency, very little is known about the genetic mechanisms underlying

natural phenotypic variation of these traits. In this study, we evaluated 336 Oryza sativa

accessions selected from the rice diversity panel for 7 root anatomical traits including

cortical, stele, aerenchyma, and xylem features in well-controlled greenhouse

environment. Considerable phenotypic variation was observed in all root traits measured

among accessions and sub-populations. A principal component analysis (PCA) showed

that the first two principle components (PC) contributed to 84% of the total variation in

all anatomical traits investigated. PC1 represents root size-related traits. PC2 is

primarily associated with percent aerenchyma, which is the least correlated of the traits.

Broad-sense heritability estimates were relatively high for all traits, suggesting that these

traits are under strong genetic control. Genome wide association (GWA) analysis was

performed using a set of 33,601 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to identify

100 significant loci controlling root anatomical traits. A total of 20 loci significantly

associated with anatomical root traits were identified. These identified loci for

anatomical root traits may be useful for improving resource acquisition efficiency of rice

by marker assisted selection (MAS).


Root anatomical traits, such as cortical area, aerenchyma area, stele area and xylem features, are defined by size and arrangement of cells and tissues (Esau, 1977).

The anatomy of roots has important effects on plant performance and root physiological

function, which include absorption and translocation of water and nutrients, radial

transport of nutrients, the mechanical strength of the root system and the metabolic costs

and benefits associated with root growth (Gowda et al., 2011; Lynch, 2011). While many

recent studies have reported promising benefits of anatomical root traits in conferring

resource acquisition efficiency under edaphic stresses, knowledge on genetic

determinants underlying such traits is very limited. It is presumably because these traits

are difficult, laborious and time-consuming to evaluate in practice. Recently, Burton et

al. (2012) has developed semi-automated software ‘RootScan’ for analysis of anatomical

root traits. The high throughput capabilities of the software make it possible to

quantitatively phenotype larger numbers of accessions for root anatomical features.

Substantial phenotypic diversity for root anatomical traits has been documented in

several important agronomic species including maize (Zea mays) (Burton et al., 2013)

and rice (Oryza sativa) (Terashima et al., 1987; Kondo et al., 2000; Uga et al., 2008; Uga

101 et al., 2009). Previous studies revealed that cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) exhibits a wide range of variation in stele and xylem structures (Terashima et al., 1987; Kondo et al.,

2000; Uga et al., 2008). The stele (root vascular cylinder), which includes the phloem

and xylem structures of the root, is crucially important for absorption and translocation of

water and nutrients (Uga et al., 2008; Uga et al., 2010). In recent years, Uga et al. (2010) identified Sta1, a quantitative trait loci (QTL) for stele transversal area on rice chromosome 9. Other root anatomical traits that may have important implications for water uptake are the size and numbers of root meta-xylem vessels (Kondo et al., 2000,

Uga et al., 2008). The size and number of meta-xylem vessels control axial conductivity

for water transport (Kondo et al., 2000; Uga et al., 2008) and can affect plant productivity

under drought (Zimmermann, 1983; Tyree et al., 1994; Richards and Passioura, 1989;

Comas et al., 2013). According to Poiseuille-Hagen Law, axial water movement along

root xylem is a proportional of the fourth power of the vessel radius. Plants with larger meta-xylem vessels conduct water with less axial resistance, however they are more prone to cavitation and embolism during severe drought stress than those with smaller

diameter vessels (Richards and Passioura, 1989; Sperry and Saliendra, 1994; Tyree et al.,

1994; Alder et al., 1996; Gallardo et al., 1996; Comas et al., 2013). Narrow xylem

vessels has been used in plant breeding program for improving water use efficiency

(Richards & Passioura, 1989).

Aerenchyma, the formation of cortical gas spaces, is a typical response to hypoxia

that improves adaptation to waterlogging by increasing oxygenation of root tissue

(Jackson and Armstrong, 1999; Evans, 2003). However, it may be induced by other

forms of stress including drought and deficiencies of sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus

102 (Konings and Verschuren, 1980; Drew et al., 1989; Bouranis et al., 2003, 2006; Fan et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2010). Besides improving oxygen transport, aerenchyma may be useful for resource acquisition by eliminating living cortical cells, thereby reducing the carbon costs of tissue maintenance (Fan et al., 2003; Zhu, 2010; Postma and Lynch,

2010; Lynch, 2011). Quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling aerenchyma formation have been detected previously in maize using bi-parental mapping populations (Mano et al., 2007; Mano et al., 2008; Burton, 2010), and the association mapping panel

(Saengwilai, 2013). However, no report appears to be available on QTL identified for aerenchyma features in rice (Oryza sativa).

Association mapping is a powerful tool used to identify underlying genes controlling inherited traits in many plant species. As an alternative to traditional linkage mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL), association mapping is now widely used for the dissection of complex agronomic traits, gene discovery and exploring the links between genotype and phenotype. Association mapping has the advantages of increased mapping resolution and the ability to examine more than two alleles at the same time (Yu and

Buckler, 2006). The primary goal of this study was to identify genetic loci controlling root anatomical characteristics of rice. This study employed the Rice Diversity Panel

(Zhao et al., 2011), a diverse collection of cultivated and wild rice accessions from around the world representing diversity in geographic origin and phenotype.

103 Materials and Methods

Plant cultivation

Accessions were selected from the McCouch rice diversity panel (Zhao et al.,

2011) (Appendix II), which represents diversity in morphological characteristics and geographic origin. The study included 336 rice accessions (Oryza sativa) representing each of the major subpopulations, namely, 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 76 temperate

japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 highly admixed accessions. This study was

conducted in a greenhouse located on the campus of the Pennsylvania State University,

University Park, PA (40º48’ N, -77º51’ W). There were three replications per accession, and replications were staggered in time. Plants were cultivated in 10.5 L pots (21 cm x

40.6 cm, top diameter x height, Nursery Supplies Inc., Chambersburg, PA, USA). The

growth medium consisted of a mixture (volume based) of 40% medium size (0.3-0.5 mm)

commercial grade sand (Quikrete Companies Inc., Harrisburg, PA, USA), 60%

horticultural vermiculite (Whittemore Companies Inc.) and solid-phase buffered

phosphorus (Al-P, prepared according to Lynch et al., 1990) providing a constant

availability of high (100 µM) phosphorus concentration in the soil solution. Each pot

received three seeds and, after 7 days they were thinned to one plant. Plants were

irrigated once per day with Yoshida nutrient solution (Yoshida et al., 1976) via drip

irrigation. The pH of nutrient solution was adjusted to 5.5-6.0 daily.

104 Root anatomical traits measurement

Rice plants were harvested at the 8th leaf stage. Root systems were excavated,

washed with water and preserved in 70% ethanol until the time of processing and

analysis. Root anatomical characteristics including cortical area, aerenchyma area, stele area and xylem traits were observed on approximately 20-cm-long nodal roots (Figure

4.1 and Table 4.1). Two nodal roots were sampled from each replication. A representative section of root (i.e. a zone with fully developed aerenchyma and meta- xylem vessel structures), 15 cm from the root apex, was selected for hand sectioning.

Preserved roots were freehand sectioned under a dissection microscope (SMZ-U, Nikon,

Tokyo, Japan) at 4x magnification using Teflon-coated double-edged stainless steel blades (Electron Microscopy Sciences, Hatfield, PA, USA). Transverse sections were stained with 0.05% Toluidine Blue, which allowed a clear observation of sections. The three best root sections were selected from each nodal root sample and images captured using a Diaphot inverted light microscope (SMZ-U, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) at 40x magnification, equipped with digital camera (NIKON DS-Fi1, Tokyo, Japan.). The two best images were chosen for quantitative analysis of root anatomical characteristics. The image analysis software ‘Rice Root Analyzer’ (Taeparsartsit, 2013, unpublished) was used for analysis of root cross- section area (RXSA), aerenchyma area (AA), percentage of aerenchyma (%AA), and number of meta-xylem vessels (MXV). ‘RootScan’ software

(Burton et al., 2010) was used for analysis of root cortical area (TCA), stele area (TSA), and meta-xylem vessel area (MXA).

105 Experimental design and data analysis

Data were analyzed using a randomized complete block design with the time of planting between each replication as a block effect. One-way ANOVA was used to examine the influence of accessions, sub-populations and replications on anatomical root traits. Pearson correlation analysis was performed to assess correlation among root anatomical characteristics as influenced by their genetic background. Genotypes were grouped by sub-population and Least Significant Difference (LSD) test was conducted to separate means among sub-populations for each trait (P<0.05). Phenotypic data for all traits was scaled and principal component analysis (PCA) was performed across the

2 population. Broad-sense heritability (hB ) estimates for root anatomical traits were

2 2 2 2 2 2 calculated as: hB = σ G/ (σ G + σ e / r), where σ G represents genetic variance; σ e

represents residual variance; and r is a number of replications. Statistical analyses were

performed using package R, version 3.0.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing,

Vienna, Austria) and Minitab version 16.2 (Minitab Inc., University Park, USA).

Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis

Genome-wide Association (GWA) Analysis was conducted on the data collected

as described above using a rice genotypic dataset consisting of 36,901 high performing

single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.05

(Zhao et al., 2011). The analysis was performed across all 336 accessions and

independently within aus, indica, temperate japonica and tropical japonica sub-

populations. The mixed linear model (MLM) approach (Yu et al., 2006; Zhao et al.,

106 2007), implemented in R package GAPIT, was used to correct confounding effects of population structure and relatedness among accessions. The model can be described as follows:

where y is the vector of observations; β and γ are the SNP and the sub-population

coefficients, respectively, X represents SNP vector, C is sub-population principle

component (PC) matrix, Z is the relative kinship matrix, µ is the random effects vector

that accounts for population structures and relatedness, and e is the random error term.


Phenotypic variation of root anatomical traits

Analysis of the O. sativa diversity panel revealed significant genetic variation for

each of the root anatomical characteristics evaluated (Tables 4.2, 4.3). The frequency

distributions for all traits were close to normal, except the percentage of aerenchyma

(%AA) (Figure 4.2). Genotypes and sub-populations differed significantly for all traits

measured (P<0.001) (Table 4.3). Among all root anatomical characteristics, traits with a

5-fold or greater range of phenotypic variation included areas of stele (TCA),

aerenchyma (AA), and meta-xylem vessel area (MXA). Meta-xylem vessel area (MXA)

was the most broadly variable trait, with a maximum that was 8.3 times larger than the

minimum value (Table 4.2).

107 The indica sub-population had a narrower range of phenotypic variation than other sub-populations for most root anatomical traits (Figure 4.3). In general, the tropical japonica accessions had significantly greater mean values for all traits measured, whereas accessions with lowest mean values were from indica sub-population (Table 4.4).

Overall, when accessions were combined based on varietal group, the Japonica varietal group (consisting of temperate japonica, tropical japonica and aromatic sub-populations) had greater mean values for all traits measured than the Indica varietal group (consisting of indica and aus sub-populations).

The correlation coefficients (r) among the eight root anatomical traits were calculated, as shown in Table 4.5. Significant correlations were observed (P<0.05) among all traits. Highly significant correlations were observed between TCA and RXSA

(r = 0.997). Additionally, aerenchyma area showed moderate to strongly positive correlation with other traits, ranging from 0.426 to 0.708.

To elucidate the associations among the eight root anatomical traits, we examined their correlation matrix using a principal components analysis (PCA). We calculated eigenvectors and principal component (PC) scores for all traits, and the results are shown in Table 4.6 and Figure 4.4. The first and second PCs accounted for 84% of the total variation in anatomical traits. The contributions of the first principal component (PC1) and the second principal component (PC2) to the variation were 66.7 and 17.3%, respectively. PC1 had positive eigenvector coefficients for all variables. Most of anatomical root traits strongly correlated with this component, except for percentage of aerenchyma (%AA). PC2 was comprised of aerenchyma traits (both percentage and

108 absolute area of aerenchyma). The vector for percent of aerenchyma (%AA) was isolated

from other clusters.

Detecting loci controlling root anatomical traits through genome-wide association (GWA) mapping

Broad-sense heritability was high for all anatomical traits, ranging from 0.71 to

0.92 (Table 4.7). To identify significant loci associated with natural variation for root anatomical characteristics, we conducted genome-wide association (GWA) analysis using sequencing-based genotype dataset consisting 36,901 high quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.05 (Zhao et al., 2011;

Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013). GWA mapping was performed with eight root anatomical traits across all 336 accessions from the O. sativa diversity panel employing the mixed linear model (MLM) model. The mixed linear model (MLM) approach implemented with efficient mixed-model analysis (EMMA) that took into account population structures and relative kinship was conducted to test for statistical association between phenotypes and genotypes (Yu et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2008;

Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013).

A total of 20 significant SNPs were identified by GWA mapping using EMMA model with significance threshold levels greater than 4 [-log10(P) ≥ 4] (Figure 4.5, Table

4.7). The significance threshold level (P ≤ 10-4) to declare a significant association was

established based on upper-limit false discovery rate (FDR) as described in Li et al. (Li et

al., 2010; Famoso et al., 2011). One significant SNP on chromosome 1 was associated

with root cross-section area (RXSA), root cross-section diameter (RXSD), and total

109 cortical area (TCA). For aerenchyma area (AA), three significant SNPs were identified

on chromosome 2, and other significant SNPs were found associated with aerenchyma

area (AA) on chromosome 9 and with percent aerenchyma (%AA) on chromosomes 5

and 10. A total of eight SNPs were significantly associated with meta-xylem vessel

traits. The strongest locus identified from GWA analyses was for number of meta-xylem vessels (P value = 9.70E-07).


Root anatomical traits, such as cortical area, aerenchyma area, stele area and

xylem features, are defined by size and arrangement of cells and tissues (Esau, 1977).

Genetic architecture of anatomical root traits has been studied mainly through

quantitative loci (QTL) analysis which is limited to evaluation of bi-parental mapping

populations. In recent years, the O. sativa diversity panel comprising 413 accessions,

representing the genetic diversity in morphological characteristics and geographic origin

was genotyped with 44,000 Affymetrix single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (Tung et

al., 2010; McCouch et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2011; Famoso et al., 2011). This

development served as the basis for genome-wide association (GWA) studies which has made it possible to elucidate the genetic determinants of complex traits in rice. In this

study, we describe natural phenotypic variation of root anatomical characteristics

including cortical area, aerenchyma area, stele area and xylem features. Subsequently, to

identify genetic markers associated with genes controlling these traits, we performed

110 genome-wide association (GWA) mapping which offers increased mapping resolution

facilitating gene discovery.

Considerable phenotypic variation was observed for all of the traits evaluated in

336 rice accessions from the rice diversity panel (Tables 4.3 and 4.4, Figures 4.2 and

4.3). Principal component analysis (PCA) and Pearson correlations were performed to

assess the associations among root anatomical variables and could be indicative of

redundant trait measurements. Significant correlations were observed among all

variables (Table 4.5). The cumulative contribution of the first and second PCs was 84%

of the total variation in all anatomical traits investigated (Table 4.6 and Figure 4.4). The

first PC represents root size-related traits. The second PC was primarily associated with

percent aerenchyma (%AA), which is the least correlated of the traits. Aerenchyma area

(AA) was significantly related to both PCs with greater effect on the first component; this

suggested that aerenchyma area (AA) is more highly associated with root size-related

traits. However, significant correlation between AA and %AA was observed, reflecting

the fact that it is an area trait but also related to the proportion of aerenchyma (AA).

Among root anatomical characteristics, nodal root diameter, measured as root

cross-section area (RXSA) in this study, is most closely related to root penetration ability

(Materechera et al, 1992; Yu et al., 1995; Ray et al., 1996; Cairns et al., 2009). Thicker

root diameter with a better ability to penetrate a hard layer (e.g., a hardpans in lowland

rice cultivation) which allows access to water in the deeper soil profiles, is considered to

be an important drought avoidance mechanism (Clark et al., 2002; Lynch et al. 2013).

Substantial phenotypic variation for nodal root diameter exists within rice (Oryza sativa)

(Yoshida and Hasegawa, 1982; Ekanayake et al., 1985; Fukai and Cooper, 1995; Abd

111 Allah et al., 2010). Our results demonstrated that tropical japonica accessions had greatest root cross-section area (RXSA) while indica cultivars had smallest root cross- section area (RXSA), which is consistent with the study previously reported by Lafitte et

al. (2001). These results reflect the fact that rice is grown in diverse soil conditions

ranging from flooded lowland and rainfed upland fields (Oka, 1988; Uga et al., 2012);

therefore it has adapted various responses to those edaphic stress. Thicker roots, as a

characteristic of the tropical japonica varieties which are normally grown in upland

conditions, are most likely reflecting anatomical modification to enhance ability to

penetrate dry soil under drought-prone environments.

The stele (root vascular cylinder), which includes the phloem and xylem

structures of the root, is crucially important for absorption and translocation of water and

nutrients (Uga et al., 2008; Uga et al., 2010). Genetic variation for total stele transversal

area (TSA) has been documented in several crop species, including maize (Burton et al.,

2013) and rice (Terashima et al., 1987; Kondo et al., 2000; Uga et al., 2008). In this

study, significant differences were observed in total stele area (TSA) among accessions

and sub-populations. Our result demonstrates that tropical japonica accessions had

largest total stele area (TSA), which agrees with the previous study reported by Kondo et

al. (2000) and Uga et al. (2008).

The size and number of meta-xylem vessels are directly associated with axial

conductivity for water transport (Kondo et al., 2000; Uga et al., 2008) and can affect

plant productivity under drought (Zimmermann, 1983; Tyree et al., 1994; Comas et al.,

2013). The impact of meta-xylem vessel size on hydraulic conductivity can be theoretically described by the Poiseuille-Hagen Law which is used to estimate axial

112 resistance to water movement in the xylem vessels as a proportional of the fourth power

of the vessel radius. Larger meta-xylem vessels conduct water with less axial resistance to the water flow than the smaller ones, thereby enhancing water uptake (Fukai and

Cooper, 1995; Uga et al., 2008). However, plants with larger meta-xylem vessels have

less conservative water use and are more prone to cavitation and embolism during severe

drought stress than those with smaller diameter vessels (Richards and Passioura, 1989;

Sperry and Saliendra, 1994; Tyree et al., 1994; Alder et al., 1996; Gallardo et al., 1996;

Comas et al., 2013). Substantial genetic variation for root xylem elements has been

shown in wheat (Richards and Passioura, 1981; Lynch et al., 2013), maize (Burton et al.,

2013), and rice (Kondo et al., 2000; Lafitte et al., 2001, Uga et al., 2008). Our results

show that cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) exhibits broad variation in area (MXA) and

number (MXV) of meta-xylem vessels. The tropical japonica accessions had larger area

(MXA) and greater number (MXV) of meta-xylem vessels. Consistent with these results,

Kondo et al. (2000) and Uga et al. (2008) reported that tradition upland japonica varieties

were characterized by larger xylem structures. Additionally, we found that the larger

xylem vessel areas (MXA) in tropical japonica sub-population are strongly correlated

with greater root thickness (RXSA) in that group, and these agree with the study by

Lafitte et al. (2001). Yambao et al. (1992) suggested that thickness of the roots was a

good predictor of the diameter of the xylem vessels up to approximately 1.2 mm of root

thickness (Lafitte et al., 2000).

Root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) is the formation of large air-filled intercellular

spaces or lacunae in cortical root tissue (Esau, 1977). In rice, the formation of root

cortical aerenchyma is associated with cell lysis and likely to be coordinated by a

113 programmed cell death (PCD) mechanism (Kawai et al., 1998; Parlanti et al., 2011).

Aerenchyma formation is one of common adaptive responses to soil hypoxia and anoxia, where it provides a pathway of negligible resistance to diffusion of atmospheric oxygen to the root tips (Justin and Armstrong, 1987; Colmer, 2003; Suralta and Yamauchi,

2008). However, RCA can also be induced by a series of abiotic stresses under normoxic conditions, including low nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, high temperature, and drought

(Drew et al., 1989; Przywara and Stepniewski, 2000; Bouranis et al., 2003; Evans, 2003;

Zhu et al., 2010; Lynch et al., 2013). Enhanced aerenchyma formation by nutrient stress has been shown to reduce the metabolic cost of soil exploration by replacing metabolically active cells with air-filled lacunae (Lynch and Brown, 2008; Lynch et al.,

2013). In this study, significant genetic variation was observed for area (AA) and percentage (%AA) of aerenchyma when evaluated on mature root tissues and under well- drained conditions. Among sub-populations, the tropical japonica cultivars had significant higher area (AA) and percentage (%AA) of aerenchyma, with the mean values of 0.41 mm2 and 44%, respectively (Table 4.2). On the other hand, the indica cultivars which are mostly grown in lowland conditions had smaller area (AA) and proportion

(%AA) of aerenchyma. Since lysigenous aerenchyma in rice forms constitutively (i.e. without any stimulus), rice cultivars with larger diameter roots (RXSA) or thicker cortical area (TCA) tend to have greater aerenchyma regardless of environmental factors.

Broad-sense heritability estimates for all anatomical root traits were relatively high, ranging from 0.71 to 0.92 (Table 4.7), suggesting that these traits are strongly controlled by genetics. This may also be explained by the well-controlled greenhouse environment, and the sampling strategy employed in this study. Root segments were

114 sampled from the mature root zone, i.e. a zone with fully developed aerenchyma and

meta-xylem vessel structures, which minimized ontogenic variation for all traits. The

representative sampling position for evaluation of root anatomical traits was justified

based on the previous study on the spatial distribution of root cortical aerenchyma

(Chapter 2).

To identify significant loci associated with natural variation for root anatomical

characteristics, we performed genome-wide association (GWA) analysis using sequence-

based genotype dataset consisting of 36,901 high quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.05 (Zhao et al., 2011;

Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013). The mixed linear model (MLM) approach implemented with efficient mixed-model analysis (EMMA) was used to correct confounding effects of population structure and relatedness among accessions (Yu et al.,

2006; Zhao et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2008; Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013).

Courtios et al. (2013) also suggested that the mixed linear model (MLM), which included both the population structure and kinship matrix, was the best model for the GWA in rice.

However, this is the first report on the genome-wide association (GWA) mapping of root anatomical traits in rice (Oryza sativa), since genetic control of these root characteristics has been studied mainly through the quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis.

A total of 20 significant markers associated with anatomical root characteristics

were identified by GWA analyses with significance threshold levels greater than 4 [- log10(P) ≥ 4] (Figure 4.5, Table 4.7). Of those, we identified one significant SNP on

chromosome 1, which was associated with both root cross-section area (RXSA) and total

cortical area (TCA). The additive QTL contributions for RXSA and TCA were about

115 9%. This result reflects the fact that RXSA is highly correlated with TCA (Table 4.5).

Root thickness as calculated by root cross-section area (RXSA) in this study is positively associated with drought avoidance in rice (Gowda et al., 2011), since it determines the ability of roots to penetrate compact soils. Prior studies have shown that QTLs for root thickness have often been found co-localized with QTLs for root penetration ability (Ray et al., 1996; Zhang et al., 1999; Ali et al., 2000; Zheng et al., 2000; Cairns et al., 2009).

Uga et al. (2008) has mapped QTL for anatomical root traits in rice including root thickness. However, no marker for RXSA co-localized with previously indentified loci for root thickness or penetration ability.

A total of three significant SNPs for total stele area (TSA) were identified on chromosome 3. The additive effects of SNPs associated with TSA were proportionately high, up to about 20%. In rice, QTLs have been identified previously for stele transversal area in an F3 population derived from a cross between the lowland rice cultivar IR64

(thin roots) and upland rice cultivar Kinandang Patong (thick roots) (Uga et al., 2008).

These loci were identified on chromosomes 2 and 9. Recently, Uga et al. (2010) identified Sta1, a quantitative trait loci (QTL) for stele transversal area on chromosome 9 in the reference cultivar Nipponbare. In the present study, the significant SNPs for total stele area (TSA) did not co-localize with previously identified loci.

Four significant loci for aerenchyma area (AA) were identified on chromosomes 2 and 9, and two significant loci for percentage of aerenchyma (%AA) were found on chromosomes 5 and 10. The additive effects of identified loci for AA and %AA were 8% and 10%, respectively. To date, no report has been published of QTL identified for aerenchyma features in rice. However, QTL underlying aerenchyma formation have

116 been detected previously in maize using bi-parental mapping populations (Mano et al.,

2007; Mano et al., 2008; Burton, 2010), and an association mapping panel (Saengwilai,


A total of eight significant markers were detected for number and area of meta- xylem vessels. Of those, seven loci were indentified for number of meta-xylem vessels

(MXV) on chromosomes 2, 4, 10, and 12 with the total additive effects of 11.5%. One significant marker associated with area of meta-xylem vessels (MXA) was identified on chromosome 5. The additive effects of this SNP decreased MXA by 0.00024 mm2

(14.7%). Phenotypic variation observed for xylem traits and quantitative trait loci have been identified in rice (Uga et al., 2008; Uga et al., 2009). However, no marker co-

localized with previously identified QTL.

Identifying the genetic components of root anatomical features represents an

essential step for genetic improvement of root traits with improved resource acquisition.

However, screening cultivars for target root traits such as root anatomical traits is

currently complicated, time-consuming, laborious and cost ineffective. In recent years,

implementation of marker-assisted selection (MAS) is widely used in breeding programs

to help speed up the results of traditional selective plant breeding. The present study

provides the most comprehensive analysis of the genetic control of root anatomical

characteristics in rice (Oryza sativa), and generates genetic tools which may facilitate the

development of new varieties with improved root traits. In the future, the genome-wide

association (GWA) analyses will be performed using a larger genotype dataset consisting

of 700,000 SNPs which will locate closer markers, and eventually, identify candidate

genes underlying natural variation for root anatomical traits.

117 Table 4.1: Root anatomical characteristics evaluated in this study, listing abbreviation and explanation of traits.

Trait Description RXSA Root cross-section area (mm2) TCA Total cortical area (mm2) TSA Total stele area (mm2) AA Aerenchyma area (mm2) %AA Percent of cortex as aerenchyma MXV Number of meta-xylem vessels MXA Median meta-xylem vessel area (mm2)


Table 4.2: Summary of descriptive statistics for root anatomical characteristics examined in 336 accessions from the O. sativa diversity panel.

Trait Minimum Maximum Range Mean SD RXSA (mm) 0.4899 1.8435 1.3536 0.995957 0.2251212 TCA (mm2) 0.4596 1.7336 1.2740 0.927645 0.2070067 TSA (mm2) 0.0249 0.1380 0.1131 0.066726 0.0222603 AA (mm2) 0.1141 0.7470 0.6329 0.410720 0.1187222 %AA (%) 16.6268 57.4295 40.8026 44.363988 8.8341706 MXV (counts) 3.5000 9.8333 6.3333 5.793651 1.1021971 MXA (mm2) 0.00066683 0.00506017 0.00439333 0.0017034325 0.00049612057


Table 4.3: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table showing F and P values for the effects of genotype, sub-population, and replication on root anatomical traits in 336 O. sativa accessions used in this study.

Description Genotype Sub-population Replication Abbreviation F P F P F P 2 RXSA Root cross-section area, mm 16.003 <0.001 115.989 <0.001 0.833 0.435 2 TCA Total cortical area, mm 14.925 <0.001 104.657 <0.001 0.761 0.467 2 TSA Total stele area, mm 24.363 <0.001 187.980 <0.001 0.766 0.465 2 AA Total aerenchyma area, mm 14.893 <0.001 103.676 <0.001 0.160 0.852 %AA Percentage of cortex as aerenchyma 15.245 <0.001 15.342 <0.001 0.284 0.752 MXV Number of meta-xylem vessels 9.640 <0.001 139.780 <0.001 0.686 0.504 2 MXA Median meta-xylem vessel area, mm 5.906 <0.001 77.055 <0.001 1.060 0.347


Table 4.4: Summary of mean and standard deviation (SD) values for root anatomical traits detected in each sub-population. Different letters indicate significant differences among sub-populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05). AUS = aus; IND = indica; TRJ = tropical japonica; TEJ = temperate japonica; AROMATIC = aromatic; ADMIX= admixture. The rice diversity panel consists of 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 76 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions.

AUS IND TRJ TEJ AROMATIC ADMIX Variables Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD RXSA 1.018 0.186bc 0.838 0.169d 1.157 0.207a 0.896 0.179cd 1.077 0.324ab 1.059 0.182ab TCA 0.941 0.170bc 0.788 0.158d 1.072 0.195a 0.841 0.166cd 1.007 0.307ab 0.981 0.168ab TSA 0.074 0.018ab 0.049 0.012c 0.083 0.019a 0.052 0.016c 0.068 0.017b 0.075 0.019ab AA 0.407 0.101bc 0.346 0.089c 0.504 0.104a 0.361 0.120bc 0.388 0.081bc 0.429 0.096b %AA 43.76 9.23ab 44.11 7.85ab 47.31 6.69a 42.45 10.54ab 40.59 10.20b 44.31 8.62ab MXV 6.061 0.616b 5.044 0.568c 6.812 1.11a 5.046 0.694c 5.803 0.631b 6.023 1.098b MXA 0.00178 0.00048bc 0.00139 0.00035d 0.00208 0.00052a 0.00143 0.00034d 0.00153 0.00037cd 0.00185 0.00035ab


Table 4.5: Pearson correlation coefficients among root anatomical traits in the O. sativa diversity panel consisting of 336 accessions.

RXSA 0.481** TCA 0.456** 0.997** TSA 0.609** 0.758** 0.714** AA 0.426** 0.702** 0.706** 0.568** %AA 0.117** -0.049* -0.044* 0.048* 0.651** MXV 0.132** 0.464** 0.440** 0.595** 0.380** 0.075** MXA RXSA TCA TSA AA %AA

*significant at p< 0.05. **significant at p<0.01. ns, not significant.


Table 4.6: Loading scores for principal component analysis (PCA) of root anatomical traits examined in 336 O. sativa accessions.

Trait Description PC1 PC2 2 RXSA Root cross-section area (mm ) 0.951 -0.204 2 TCA Total cortical area (mm ) 0.936 -0.201 2 TSA Total stele area (mm ) 0.910 -0.057 2 AA Aerenchyma area (mm ) 0.806 0.541 %AA Percent of cortex as aerenchyma 0.156 0.984 MXV Number of meta-xylem vessels 0.721 -0.039 2 MXA Median meta-xylem vessel area(mm ) 0.790 0.065 Eigenvalue 5.339 1.388 Percentage of variance (%) 66.740 17.344 Cumulative variance (%) 66.740 84.083


Table 4.7: Summary of significant associations between genetic markers and root anatomical traits, listing the associated trait, SNP 2 name, chromosome, position, P value, additive contribution to the phenotype, and broad-sense heritability (hB ).

2 Trait SNP Name Chromosome Position P value Additive Effect hB Root cross-section area (mm2) id1009830 1 14812145 1.01E-05 0.088 0.8826 Total cortical area (mm2) id1009830 1 14812145 8.64E-06 0.083 0.8746 Total stele area (mm2) id3006848 3 13262806 4.63E-05 0.013 0.9213 id3006872 3 13300620 6.55E-05 -0.014 id3006844 3 13260953 6.64E-05 0.012 Aerenchyma area (mm2) id2007602 2 19439265 6.44E-05 -0.031 0.8741 id2007562 2 19345017 6.52E-05 0.032 id2007538 2 19257864 8.35E-05 0.032 id9002411 9 7873780 5.79E-05 0.044 Percentage of cortex as aerenchyma id5006858 5 17091097 1.80E-06 -4.491 0.8768 id1007116 10 22476823 9.86E-05 -3.033 Number of meta-xylem vessels id2007427 2 18645876 9.15E-05 -0.330 0.8121 id4002013 4 4689057 2.08E-06 0.545 id4002031 4 4737102 6.24E-05 -0.447 id10004371 10 15861545 9.70E-07 -0.670 id10004305 10 15765937 2.03E-05 0.607 id12007213 12 21809458 8.63E-05 0.241 id12007226 12 21836887 8.96E-05 -0.276 Median meta-xylem vessel area (mm2) id5013826 5 28029809 8.63E-05 -0.00024 0.7106


Figure 4.1: Image of rice root cross-section showing aerenchyma lacunae, epidermis, endodermis, cortex, stele and xylem vessels.



Figure 4.2: Frequency distribution of seven root anatomical traits across 336 O. sativa accessions consisting of 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 76 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions.

140 RXSA Admixture Indica 120 Aus

100 Tropical japonica Temperate japonica 80 Aromatic


Number Genotype of Number 40


0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2 Root Cross-section Area (mm )

TCA Admixture 140 Indica Aus 120 Tropical japonica

Temperate japonica 100 Aromatic 80


Number Genotype of Number 40


0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

2 Total Cortex Area (mm )


Admixture 120 TSA Indica Aus 100 Tropical japonica Temperate japonica 80 Aromatic


40 Number Genotype of Number


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 Total Stele Area (mm2)

Admixture 120 AA Indica Aus 100 Tropical japonica

Temperate japonica 80 Aromatic


40 Number Genotype of Number


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Total Aerenchyma Area (mm2)


Admixture 140 %AA Indica

Aus 120 Tropical japonica

100 Temperate japonica 80


Number Genotype of Number 40


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Percentage of Aerenchyma

140 MXV Admixture Indica 120 Aus

Tropical japonica 100 Temperate japonica

80 Aromatic


Number Genotype of Number 40


0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Number of Meta-xylem Vessels


Admixture 140 MXA Indica 120 Aus Tropical japonica

100 Temperate japonica Aromatic 80


Number Genotype of Number 40


0 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030 0.0035 0.0040

Median Meta-xylem Area (mm2)


Figure 4.3: Box plots showing the phenotypic variation in seven root anatomical traits across 336 O. sativa accessions containing 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 76 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions. (ARO = aromatic, TEJ = temperate japonica, TRJ = tropical japonica, AUS = aus, IND = indica, ADMIX = admixture).





Figure 4.4: Principal component analysis (PCA) biplot of seven root anatomical traits in 336 O. sativa accessions. The x and y axes are components 1 and 2, respectively. The cumulative percentage of the total variance explained by each PC is shown on each axis.





Figure 4.5: Genome-wide association study of root anatomical traits across 336 O. sativa accessions. Quantile-Quantile plots for the mixed linear models (MLM) for root anatomical characteristics (left panel). Manhattan plots resulting from the GWAS results for root anatomical traits (right panel). The red horizontal line depicts the significant threshold (P ≤ 10-4). The X axis shows the SNPs on each chromosome, y axis is the –log10 (P-Value) for the association.






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Chapter 5

Genome-wide Association Mapping of Lateral Root Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa)


Root architecture, the three-dimensional (3D) configuration of root system in the

soil, is recognized as a key trait for future crop productivity improvement.

Lateral root branching is a major determinant of root system architecture, and has a

considerable impact on the absorptive surface area of the root system. In this study, we

describe natural phenotypic diversity of lateral root branching characteristics including

the lengths of small and large lateral roots, and total lateral root length, and identify

significant loci controlling these root traits in rice (Oryza sativa). Traits measured

include the lengths of small and large lateral roots, and total lateral root length. A set of

diverse rice germplasm consisting of 333 accessions was evaluated for lateral root

branching in well-controlled greenhouse environment. Genome-wide association (GWA)

mapping was performed to unravel the genetic determinants of lateral root branching in rice. Our results show significant genetic variation for all lateral root traits among sub- populations. This is the first study reporting genetic variation and mapping for small lateral roots in rice. Overall, a total of 11 significant loci associated with lateral root traits were indentified across 333 O. sativa accessions. Among these loci, several strong

loci with very high additive allele effects were identified for small lateral root length.

145 This information would be important for plant breeders seeking to develop new cultivars

with better performance under infertile soils.


Abiotic stresses together with the expansion of world population threaten global

food security. Global climate change and scarcity of nutrients and water will have

increasingly profound effects on crop yield (de Dorlodot et al., 2007). Plants display a

variety of adaptations to those stresses including root system architecture that optimizes

nutrient and water uptake to minimize the negative impact of these factors (Lynch, 1995;

de Dorlodot et al., 2007, Gowda et al., 2011). Therefore, the development of crops that

are better adapted to these adverse conditions would improve global food security.

Root architecture, defined as the three-dimensional (3D) configuration of the root

system in the soil, is used to describe distinct aspects of the structure and shape of root

system and the spatial distribution of plant root system in the soil (Lynch, 1995; Liao et al., 2001; Gregory, 2006). Because many of the resources that plants need from soil are heterogeneously distributed and/or are subjected to depletion, root architecture is

important for resource acquisition efficiency of plants by determining the spatial and

temporal domains of soil exploration (Lynch, 1995; Lynch 2011).

Rice root architecture is characterized by a compact and fibrous root system

(Rebouillat et al., 2008). Among root architectural characteristics, lateral root branching

is a major determinant of root system architecture, and has a considerable impact on the

absorptive surface area of the root system, which enables the plant to reach nutrient rich

146 zones as well as improves soil anchorage (Smith and De Smet, 2012). Lateral roots,

which are derived from anticlinal symmetrical divisions in the pericycle and endodermal

cells, can be divided into two main types: small and large lateral roots (Sasaki et al.,

1981; Rebouillat et al., 2008). Considerable genotypic variation for lateral root length

and branching has been reported in maize (Zea mays) and rice (Oryza sativa), particularly

at different developmental stages or in response to environmental conditions (e.g. drought and, deficiencies of nitrogen and phosphorus) (Zheng et al., 2003; Huang et al., 2004;

Zhu et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2008; Trachsel et al., 2009; Cai et al., 2012).

Genetic control of rice root architecture has been investigated mainly through

quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis (de Dorlodot et al., 2007). Although many QTLs

associated with small-to-medium effects on root length, root number, root thickness, and

root biomass have been identified (Zheng et al., 2000; Kamoshita et al., 2002; Zheng et

al., 2003; Steele et al., 2006; Qu et al., 2008; Rebouillat et al., 2009), only a fewimportant

QTLs that explain up to 30% of phenotypic variation for root architectural traits have

been identified (Uga et al. 2011). However, identification of the underlying genes from

these QTL has proven difficult, and little progress has been made in the past decade,

mainly because these traits are difficult to evaluate and root systems exhibit high

phenotypic plasticity (Rebouillat et al., 2009).

Recent advances in genome-wide association (GWA) mapping, also known as

linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping, provide an alternative to traditional linkage

mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL). GWA studies are now widely used to dissect

the genetic basis of complex agronomic traits. In this study, we conducted a GWA study

employing an existing 36,901 high quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

147 dataset to investigate genetic architecture of rice root system architectural characteristics in 333 O. sativa accessions of the diversity panel (Tung et al., 2010; McCouch et al.,

2010; Zhao et al., 2011; Famoso et al., 2011). This study contributes to a greater understanding of the genetic mechanisms controlling root architectural traits in rice which will be beneficial for developing genotypes that are better adapted to limited resource environments.

Materials and Methods

Plant cultivation

Accessions were selected from the McCouch rice diversity panel (Zhao et al.,

2011) (Appendix II), which represents diversity in morphological characteristics and geographic origin. The study included 333 rice accessions (Oryza sativa), namely, 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 73 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 highly admixed accessions. This study was conducted in a greenhouse located on the campus of the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (40º49’ N, 77º52’ W). There were three replications per accession, and replications were staggered in time. Plants were cultivated in 10.5 L pots (21 cm x 40.6 cm, top diameter x height, Nursery Supplies

Inc., Chambersburg, PA, USA). The growth medium consisted of a mixture (volume based) of 40% medium size (0.3-0.5 mm) commercial grade sand (Quikrete Companies

Inc., Harrisburg, PA, USA), 60% horticultural vermiculite (Whittemore Companies Inc.) and solid-phase buffered phosphorus (Al-P, prepared according to Lynch et al., 1990)

148 providing a constant availability of high (100 µM) diffusion-limited phosphorus in the

soil solution. Each pot received three seeds and, after 7 days they were thinned to one

plant. Plants were irrigated once per day with Yoshida nutrient solution (Yoshida et al.,

1976) via drip irrigation. The pH of nutrient solution was adjusted to 5.5-6.0 daily.

Root system architectural traits measurement

Rice plants were harvested at the 8th leaf stage. Root systems were excavated,

washed with water and preserved in 70% ethanol until the time of processing and

analysis. A 30-35 cm-long nodal root was collected from each replicate, and was used to

assess root system architectural characteristics. Traits evaluated include small lateral root

length (< 0.10 mm diameter), large lateral root length (0.10 – 0.70 mm diameter) and

total lateral root length. Roots larger than 0.7 mm diameter were considered as nodal and

not included. Roots were scanned using a flatbed scanner at a resolution of 600 dpi (HP

ScanJet II, Hewlett Packard, USA). Root analysis software WinRhizo (Regent

Instruments, Quebec, Canada) was used to determine lateral root branching, which was categorized using two diameter classes of < 0.10 mm (2nd order or small laterals) and

0.10 – 0.70 mm (1st order or large laterals), as depicted in Figure 5.1. The small lateral

root length is the total of all root length in the smaller diameter category, and the large

lateral root length is the total of all root length in the larger diameter category.

149 Experimental design and data analysis

The experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with the

time of planting between each replication as a block effect. One-way ANOVA was used

to examine the influence of accessions, sub-populations and replications on root system

architectural traits. The Least Significant Difference (LSD) test was performed to

compare mean of measured root traits among sub-populations (P<0.05). Broad-sense

2 2 2 2 heritability estimates for root hair traits were calculated as: hB = σ G/ (σ G + σ e/ r),

2 2 where σ G represents genetic variance, σ e represents residual variance and r is a number

of replications. Statistical analyses were performed using package R (R Foundation for

Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) and Minitab ver. 16.2 (Minitab Inc., University

Park, USA).

Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis

Genome-wide Association Analysis (GWA) was conducted on the phenotypic

data collected as described above using existing rice genotypic dataset consisting of

36,901 high performing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (Zhao et al., 2011).

The analysis was performed across all 335 accessions. The mixed linear model (MLM)

approach (Yu et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2007), implemented in implemented with efficient

mixed-model analysis (EMMA), was used to correct confounding effects of population

structure and relatedness between accessions. The model can be described as follows:

150 where y is the vector of observations, β and γ are the SNP and the sub-population

coefficients respectively, X represents SNP vector and C is sub-population principle

component (PC) matrix, Z is the relative kinship matrix, µ is the random effects vector

that accounts for population structures and relatedness, and e is the random error term.

The GWA analysis was performed with the Genomic Association and Prediction

Integrated Tool (GAPIT) package in R ( (Lipka et

al., 2012).


Phenotypic variation of root system architectural traits

We examined 333 accessions from O. sativa diversity panel for genetic variation

of root system architectural characteristics. Traits evaluated include small lateral (1st

order), large lateral (2nd order), and total lateral root length. Figure 5.2 shows

photographic evidence of the phenotypic variation in the characteristic architecture of the

lateral root branching. Significant phenotypic differences in all root traits measured were observed among accessions (P<0.001) and sub-populations (P<0.001) (Table 5.1). The

2 broad-sense heritability estimates (hB ) of small lateral, large lateral and total lateral root

length were 94.95%, 93.06% and 94.75%, respectively.

Across all genotypes, small lateral root length ranged from 50 to 500 cm with a

mean of 142 cm (Figure 5.3A), large lateral root length ranged from 140 to 700 cm with a

151 mean of 285 cm (Figure 5.3B), and total lateral root length ranged from 200 to 1200 cm

with a mean of 427 cm (Figure 5.3C). In general, indica and aus accessions had greatest

total lateral root length, whereas accessions with least lateral root length were from the

tropical japonica sub-population (Table 5.1, bottom row). On a sub-population basis, the

aromatic sub-population was less variable in all traits measured, while other sub- populations had greater ranges of variation. In each sub-population, the total length of large laterals exceeded the total length of small laterals. Within all sub-populations, similar lateral root branching patterns were observed (Figure 5.4). Overall, when genotypes were combined by subspecies, Indica subspecies (consisting of indica and aus sub-populations) had greater mean lateral root length (total and all diameter classes measured) than the Japonica subspecies (consisting of temperate japonica, tropical japonica and aromatic sub-populations), as shown in Figure 5.4.

Identification of loci controlling root system architectural traits through genome- wide association (GWA) mapping

We performed genome-wide association (GWA) analysis using an available sequencing-based genotype dataset consisting 36,901 single nucleotide polymorphisms

(SNPs) (Zhao et al., 2011) to identify significant loci associated with natural variation for root system architectural characteristics. GWA mapping was conducted with three root system architectural traits across all 333 accessions from the O. sativa diversity panel employing the mixed linear model (MLM) approach. The MLM approach implemented with efficient mixed-model analysis (EMMA) was conducted to eliminate confounding

152 effects of population structures and relatedness among accessions (Yu et al., 2006; Zhao

et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2008; Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013).

For all root system architectural traits measured, a total of 11 significant SNPs

were identified by GWA mapping using MLM model with significance threshold levels

greater than 4 [-log10(P) ≥ 4] (Figure 5.5, Table 5.2). The significance threshold level (P

≤ 10-4) was established based on upper-limit false discovery rate (FDR) as described in Li

et al. (Li et al., 2010; Famoso et al., 2011). Of those, five significant loci associated with

small lateral root branching were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 5 (P ≤ 10-4) across

all 333 accessions (Figure 5.5, Table 5.2). Five significant SNPs were detected for large

lateral root branching on chromosomes 3 and 8. One significant marker associated with total lateral root length was identified on chromosome 5.


Root system architecture (RSA), defined as the three-dimensional (3D)

configuration of the root system in the soil, plays a key role in determining root foraging

among soil domains, therefore affecting acquisition efficiency of water and mineral

nutrients (Lynch, 1995; Lynch 2011; Trachsel et al., 2013). Root architectural

characteristics, including the length, branch number, branching pattern (topology),

orientation, diameter and angle, are controlled by complex interacting genetic pathways

which mediate root growth and development in response to various biotic and abiotic

factors in the soil environment (Jung and McCouch, 2013). Among architectural root

traits, lateral root extension is essential to increase the absorptive surface area of the root

153 system which enables the plant to reach the nutrient rich zones as well as improve soil anchorage (Smith and De Smet, 2012). Lateral roots originate from anticlinal symmetrical divisions in the pericycle and endodermal cells, and can be characterized into two main types: small and large lateral roots (Sasaki et al., 1981; Rebouillat et al.,

2009). Lateral root branching is determined genetically and regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as phosphorus and nitrogen availability, hormones, and soil oxygen. Of those, suboptimal phosphorus availability had been shown to alter lateral branching patterns and several studies suggested that lateral root branching has the potential to promote phosphorus acquisition efficiency by increasing soil exploration at minimal metabolic cost (Zhu et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2005, Lynch, 2007). Therefore, understanding genetic components of lateral branching is crucial for plant breeders in order to develop new cultivars that improve soil exploration at minimal nutrient and carbon costs.

Substantial genotypic variation for lateral root length and branching has been documented and quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with such traits have been identified previously in maize (Zea mays) and rice (Oryza sativa), at different developmental stages or in response to environmental conditions (e.g., drought and deficiencies of nitrogen and phosphorus) (Zheng et al., 2003; Huang et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2005; Lui et al., 2008; Trachsel et al., 2009; Cai et al., 2012). In rice, QTLs have been identified previously for lateral root length under different water supply and nitrate conditions. Zheng et al. (2003) identified five QTLs on chromosomes 1, 3, 5 and 6 involved in lateral root length under flooding and upland conditions using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between the lowland indica variety IR1552 and

154 the upland japonica variety Azucena. Huang et al. (2004) detected seven QTLs on

chromosomes 2, 6, 7 and 10 which explained about 9% to 15% of the total phenotypic

variation in lateral root elongation and initiation under varying nitrate supply, using a double haploid (DH) population derived from a cross between the lowland indica variety

IR64 and the upland japonica variety Azucena. In this study, we examined 333

accessions from O. sativa diversity panel for natural phenotypic variation of lateral root

traits in well-controlled greenhouse environment. Subsequently, we identified significant

loci associated with variation of lateral root traits using the genome-wide association

(GWA) analysis. GWA study offers increased mapping resolution which is sufficient to

enable gene discovery. To our knowledge, we are the first to employ this approach to

elucidate genetic mechanisms underlying these root traits in rice.

The results of this present study show that significant phenotypic variation exists

for lateral root traits in the O. sativa diversity panel. The indica and aus accessions had

greater lengths of small and large lateral roots, whereas the tropical japonica sub-

population had the smallest lengths of both small and large lateral roots (Table 5.1,

Figures 5.3, 5.4). The aus varieties originate from a region in India with unfavorable

soils. This result suggested that the highly branched root system as a character of the aus

sub-population may be closely related to an adaptation to its selection environment. It

has been previously shown that the aus-type cultivars are most phosphorus-efficient and

have greater lengths of small and large laterals (Chapter 2). Although

lateral root development is controlled by various environmental factors, our results show

2 that these root traits are highly heritable (hB > 0.90).

155 Genome-wide association (GWA) study of lateral root traits was performed across

333 accessions with a set of 36,901 SNPs employing the mixed linear model (MLM) approach. The MLM approach, which takes into account both the population structure and kinship matrix, has been shown to be the best model for the GWA study in rice

(Courtios et al., 2013). In summary, a total of 11 significant SNPs, associated with lateral root traits were identified by GWA analyses with threshold levels greater than 4 [- log10(P) ≥ 4] (Figure 5.5, Table 5.2). Among these, five SNPs were indentified for small lateral root length on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, and 5 with the total additive effects of 106%.

Five significant loci associated with large lateral root length were identified on chromosomes 3 and 8. The additive effects of these loci increased total length of large lateral roots by 192 cm (68%). One significant SNP was detected for total lateral root length on chromosome 3 with the total additive effects of 22%. However, there is no overlap among these significant loci identified for lateral root traits, indicating that these traits are controlled by different genetic factors. We also found that these markers did not co-localize with previously identified QTLs.

The present study reveals substantial phenotypic variation for lateral root traits within and among sub-populations, and provides the most comprehensive analysis of the genetic mechanisms underlying these root characteristics in rice (Oryza sativa). We identified several strong loci associated with small lateral root length with very high additive allele effects. To our knowledge, we are the first to report the variation and genetic basis of this novel phene in rice (Oryza sativa), which could be useful for plant breeding.


Table 5.1: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table for the effects of genotype, replication, and sub-population on root system architectural traits and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard errors (SE) of root traits by sub-populations. Different letters indicate significant differences among sub-populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05).Different letters indicate significant differences among sub-populations.

d.f. Small Lateral Root Length Large Lateral Root Length Total Lateral Root Length (cm) (cm) (cm) F P F P F P Genotype 332 19.948 <0.001 14.496 <0.001 19.236 <0.001 Replication 2 0.053 0.948 0.054 0.947 0.037 0.964 Sub-population 5 36.393 <0.001 38.021 <0.001 41.692 <0.001 Sub-populations Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE aromatic 133.145 15.339c 267.903 23.231c 401.048 37.902b aus 181.973 7.422a 301.778 7.123ab 483.751 13.353a indica 163.368 5.407ab 322.119 7.051a 485.487 11.407a temperate japonica 157.662 6.489b 314.769 7.416a 472.432 13.123a tropical japonica 86.549 3.091d 213.039 4.784d 299.589 7.304c admixture 134.990 5.667c 286.393 7.353bc 421.384 12.151b Mean 142.145 2.699 284.748 3.288 426.894 5.617


Figure 5.1: An example of a single nodal root of rice bearing large and small lateral roots.

Root analysis software ‘WinRhizo’ was used to determine lateral root length. 0.00 ≤ Ø ≤ 0.10 mm Small Lateral Root Length (cm) 0.10 ≤ Ø ≤ 0.70 mm Large Lateral Root Length (cm) 0.70 ≤ Ø ≤ 2.00 mm Nodal Root

Small Lateral Root

Large Lateral Root

Nodal Root


Figure 5.2: Images of nodal roots of rice cultivars Azucena (tropical japonica), Dular (aus) and Nipponbare (temperate japonica) showing genetic variation in lateral root length. Each image shows one nodal root bearing large and small lateral roots.

Azucena Dular Nipponbare


1 cm 1 cm 1 cm


Figure 5.3: Frequency distribution of small lateral root length (A), large lateral root length (B) and total lateral root length (C) across 333 accessions containing 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 73 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions.

A. 100 Admixture Indica 90 Aus 80 Tropical japonica 70 Temperate japonica 60 Aromatic



Number Genotype of Number 30



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Small Lateral Root Length (cm)


100 B. Admixture 90 Indica 80 Aus

70 Tropical japonica Temperate japonica 60 Aromatic 50


Number Genotype of Number 30



0 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 560 630 700

Large Lateral Root Length (cm)

90 C. Admixture 80 Indica 70 Aus

Tropical japonica 60 Temperate japonica 50 Aromatic


30 Number Genotype of Number



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

Total Lateral Root Length (cm)


Figure 5.4: Phenotypic variation of small lateral root length (A), large lateral root length (B) and total lateral root length (C) across 333 accessions containing 52 aus, 67 indica, 11 aromatic, 73 temperate japonica, 80 tropical japonica, and 50 admixed accessions. (ARO = aromatic, TEJ = temperate japonica, TRJ = tropical japonica, AUS = aus, IND = indica, ADMIX = admixture). Box plot shows the median and range of phenotypic variation for each O. sativa subpopulation independently


Figure 5.5: Genome-wide association study of small lateral root length, large lateral root length, and total lateral root length. Quantile-Quantile plots for the mixed linear models for root system architectural characteristics (left panel). P-Values are shown from the MLM for root system architectural characteristics (right panel). The X axis shows the SNPs on each chromosome, y axis is the –log10 (P-Value) for the association.



Table 5.2: Summary of significant associations between genetic markers and lateral root traits, listing the associated trait, SNP 2 name, chromosome, position, P value, additive contribution to the phenotype, and broad-sense heritability (hB ).

2 Trait SNP Name Chromosome Position P value Additive Effect hB Small lateral root length (cm) id1018667 1 30922406 4.84E-05 -45.28 0.949 id2015950 2 35042560 5.48E-05 50.55

id3003247 3 5526684 6.29E-05 50.97

id3003231 3 5508566 8.67E-05 47.87

id5010729 5 23691900 3.66E-05 47.58

Large lateral root length (cm) dd3000945 3 27782699 1.09E-05 57.87 0.931 id3013095 3 28130382 6.85E-05 69.71

id3013076 3 28120145 8.76E-05 -69.15

id3013172 3 28233784 9.14E-05 66.11

id8006616 8 23072174 6.12E-05 -57.96

Total lateral root length (cm) dd3000945 3 27782699 2.88E-05 95.86 0.947



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Chapter 6

Genome-wide Association Mapping of Root Growth Angle in Rice (Oryza sativa)


Root growth angle plays an important role in shaping the root system and is a key determinant of the spatial and temporal deployment of roots in the soil, thereby affecting acquisition efficiency of soil resources. The overall goal of this study was to examine the variation of root growth angle in response to phosphorus availability and to identify loci controlling this trait utilizing genome-wide association (GWA) analysis. To our knowledge, we are the first to report the effect of phosphorus on root growth angle in rice

(Oryza sativa). In this study, we evaluated 196 rice accessions selected from the rice diversity panel for root growth angle under optimum and low phosphorus conditions in the field. Significant phenotypic variation was observed in root growth angle among accessions and sub-populations. Our result shows that low phosphorus availability did not affect root growth angle in rice. GWA analysis was conducted to identify loci controlling root growth angle. A total of 20 loci highly associated with root growth angle were detected on chromosomes 1, 4, 9 and 10. Additionally, we indentified several strong candidate genes related to the auxin synthesis and signaling pathway, including an auxin responsive protein, IAA26 (LOC_Os09g0527700), and the indole-3-acetate beta- glucosyltransferase (LOC_Os09g0517900). These results improve the understanding of

171 genetic mechanisms underlying rice root growth angle, which will facilitate genetic improvement of such trait via marker assisted selection (MAS).


Soil water and nutrient availability are major constraints to crop production in low-input agricultural systems. In developing nations, drought and low soil fertility aggravated by ongoing trends such as climate change, soil degradation and population growth are primary yield limitations for small-scale, resource-poor farmers with limited access to fertilizers and irrigation (Lynch and Brown, 2012). Therefore, food insecurity in these regions is directly related to large and widespread crop yield reductions caused by insufficient water and nutrient availability (Lynch and Brown, 2012). Irrigation and intensive fertilization are applied to overcome these constraints, however, these practices are unsustainable and cause detrimental impacts to the environment. Considering the economic and environmental costs of fertilizer application, the development of new crop varieties with enhanced resource acquisition efficiency is a promising strategy to improve crop yield in poorly-drained and suboptimal soil conditions.

Root architecture refers to the three-dimensional (3D) spatial configuration of a root system within the soil (Lynch, 1995; Liao et al., 2001; Gregory, 2006). It has a key influence on water and nutrient acquisition by determining the spatial and temporal domains of soil exploration (Lynch, 1995; Lynch 2011; Trachsel et al., 2013). Many soil resources are heterogeneously distributed in the soil: for instance, the availability of

- mobile resources such as water and nitrate (NO3 ) tend to increase with depth, while other

172 nutrients, especially immobile resources such as phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and

+ ammonium (NH4 ), are more abundant in the topsoil. Changes in the architecture of the root systems, therefore, can profoundly improve nutrient and water acquisition efficiency

and improve yield stability of crop plants under adverse environments (de Dorlodot et al.,


Root architectural characteristics, including the length, branch number, branching

pattern (topology), orientation, diameter and angle, are controlled by complex interacting

genetic pathways which mediate root growth and development in response to a suite of

exogenous biotic and abiotic factors (Jung and McCouch, 2013). Root architecture is a

highly plastic trait, and varies within and among species, subject to both genetic and

environmental control (Lynch, 1995; Smith and De Smet, 2012). Natural phenotypic

diversity and response to environmental factors have been researched in several

agronomic species including Oryza sativa (rice). Rice is an important cereal food crop

worldwide and is a major food safety net for 80% of subsistence farmers

( Rice root architecture, like in other cereals, is characterized

by a compact and fibrous root system composed of embryonic (radical and seminal) roots

and postembryonic (nodal) roots with numerous lateral roots.

Cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) exhibits broad natural variation in root system

architecture (Uga et al., 2009; Uga et al., 2013). Because rice is grown in diverse soil

conditions and climates ranging from flooded lowland and rainfed upland fields (Oka,

1988; Uga et al., 2012), it has adapted to unstable soil water regimes and nutrient stress

conditions with various root architectural characteristics. Under rainfed upland

conditions where water availability is unstable, development of extensive and deep roots

173 allows greater water acquisition from deeper soil profile, and deep growth angle is a key trait to improve drought avoidance in rice (Yoshida and Hasegawa, 1982; Fukai and

Cooper 1995; Gowda et al., 2011; Uga et al., 2013). On the other hand, shallower root growth angle appears to increase topsoil foraging, and therefore benefits phosphorus acquisition (Lynch and Brown, 2001; Lynch 2011; Uga et al., 2012).

To date, the genetic basis of root architecture has been investigated mainly through quantitative trait loci (QTL) studies (de Dordolot, 2007). In rice, a large number of QTLs (675 root QTLs) related to root traits have been identified in several populations and growth conditions (Courtois et al., 2009). Of those, major QTLs have been discovered that explain up to 30% of the phenotypic variation for deep rooting (Dro1) on chromosome 9 (Uga et al., 2011) and soil-surface rooting (qSOR1) on chromosome 7

(Uga et al., 2012). Recently, Deeper Rooting 1 (Dro1), a major QTL controlling root growth angle, has been successfully characterized and cloned (Uga et al., 2013).

In this study, we evaluated 196 O. sativa accessions for natural genetic variation of root growth angle in response to phosphorus availability in the field. Genome-wide association (GWA) analyses were conducted to identify significant loci and candidate genes with a possible role in controlling root growth angle in rice. Identifying and understanding genetic determinants of this trait may allow breeders to improve plant resource acquisition efficiency by incorporating them into new rice cultivars with the aid of molecular markers.

174 Materials and Methods

Mapping population

We examined 196 rice (Oryza sativa) accessions selected from the Rice Diversity

Panel (Zhao et al., 2011) (Appendix II), including 57 aus, 70 indica, and 69 tropical

japonica lines. The Rice Diversity Panel is a germplasm collection of 413 rice (Oryza

sativa) accessions representing all the major rice growing regions and the wide range of

genetic variation within O. sativa.

Plant cultivation

Rice plants were grown during summer 2012 (June 2012-September 2012) for 9

weeks under rainfed conditions in upland fields. This study was conducted at two

different field environments, a low phosphorus site located at the National Institute of

Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES) in Tsukuba, Japan (36º05’ N, 140º03’ E), and a

high phosphorus site located at the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural

Sciences (JIRCAS) in Tsukuba, Japan (36º05’ N, 140º09’ E). The soil at both

experimental stations was classified as Humic Andosol, a volcanic ash soil of the Kanto

-1 loam type. The high phosphorus (HP) treatment consisted of 50 kg P2O5 ha , whereas

the low phosphorus (LP) site had received no P fertilizer for more than 15 years. A randomized complete block design was employed in both field locations with 3 replications at the low phosphorus site and 2 replications at the high phosphorus site.

Twenty seeds per accession were sown in each replication. Row width was ~80 cm, and

175 distance within a row was 17.5-20 cm. Standard agronomic practices were used to control insects and diseases.

Measurement of root growth angle

Phenotypic evaluation of growth angle of nodal roots was conducted based on shovelomics, a high throughput method for phenotyping root architecture (Trachsel et al.,

2011; Trachsel et al., 2013), modified for use with rice. Plants were harvested at 80-90 days after sowing. At the harvest, three representative plants per accession were chosen, based on general appearance, from each plot for the measurement of root angles and lateral root branching. Root systems were excavated using spades to remove a soil cylinder of ~25 cm soil depth and ~20 cm radius from the plant base. The excavated root systems were shaken briefly to remove a large soil fraction adhering to the root crowns.

Washing was not necessary for phenotyping the nodal root angles. Root growth angles were measured in degrees from the soil surface (horizontal) with a protractor. The

‘shovelomics’ method requires about 1 minute per plant for phenotypic evaluation of root angles. The average root growth angle of the three plants was used as the mean value for each accession.

Statistical analysis of phenotypic data

Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). One-way ANOVA was used to examine the influence of phosphorus treatments, accessions, sub-populations and

176 replications on root growth angles. Two-way ANOVA was performed to ascertain interactions between genotype (G) x phosphorus treatment (T) and sub-population (S) x phosphorus treatment (T). The Least Significant Difference (LSD) test was constructed for mean comparison (P<0.05). Broad-sense heritability estimates for the genetic effects

2 2 on root growth angles were calculated from genetic (σ G) variance and residual (σ e)

2 2 2 2 2 2 variance as: hB = σ G/ (σ G+ σ e/ r), where σ G and σ e are derived from the expected

mean squares of the analysis of variance, and r is a number of replications. Statistical

analyses were performed using package R ver. 3.0.2 (R Foundation for Statistical

Computing, Vienna, Austria) and Minitab ver. 16.2 (Minitab Inc., University Park, USA).

Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis

We conducted genome-wide association (GWA) analysis on phenotypic data collected as described above across all 196 accessions. The sequencing-based genotype dataset used for GWA analysis comprised 36,901 high performing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency (MAF) of ≥ 0.05 (Zhao et al.,

2011). The mixed linear model (MLM) approach (Yu et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2007), implemented with efficient mixed-model analysis (EMMA), was used to correct for confounding effects of population structure and relatedness between accessions. The model can be described as follows:

177 where y is the vector of observations, β and γ are the SNP and the sub-population coefficients respectively, X represents SNP vector and C is sub-population principle component (PC) matrix, Z is the relative kinship matrix, µ is the random effects vector that accounts for population structures and relatedness, and e is the random error term.

The GWA analysis was performed on TASSEL ver. 3.0 (

QTL co-localization and candidate gene analysis

Results from GWAS were compared to QTL traits stored in the Gramene database and obtained via FTP from the Gramene server or compared to QTL stored in the

TropgeneDB database (Courtois et al., 2009). Plots were built using customizations in R package ggplot2. Candidate gene searches were performed by selecting regions of significant association and expanding 5 kb upstream and downstream from the borders.

Candidate genes were identified using the GrameneBiomart and Oryza sativa genome build IRGSP-1.0 (IRGSP-1.0). Displays of linkage disequilibrium were generated using the LDheatmap package in R with R2 as the measure of decay.

178 Results

Phenotypic variation of root growth angle

The 196 accessions from the O. sativa diversity panel were evaluated for genetic

variation of root growth angle under optimum and low phosphorus conditions. Overall,

significant phenotypic differences were observed in root growth angle among accessions

(P<0.001) and sub-populations (P<0.001) (Table 6.1, Figures 6.1, 6.2). Phosphorus treatment had no significant effect on root growth angle (Table 6.1). Across all accessions, root growth angle under high phosphorus ranged from 21 to 50 with a mean of 34.87; while under low phosphorus ranged from 24 to 53 with a mean of 34.97 (Table

6.1 and Figure 6.2).

On a sub-population basis, significant differences were observed among sub- populations for root growth angle. Comparison of the three sub-populations across both

phosphorus treatments showed that the indica accessions had shallowest root growth

angles (Table 6.1, Figure 6.3). In contrast, the aus varieties had steeper nodal root angles

(Table 6.1, Figure 6.3). The mean broad-sense heritability for root growth angle across

the two environmental conditions was estimated as 61.97%.

Identification of loci associated with root growth angles and lateral root branching

To identify significant associations between genetic markers and root angle, we

performed genome-wide association (GWA) analysis using the available rice genotype

dataset comprised of 36,901 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with minor allele

179 frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.05 (Zhao et al., 2011; Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013). We

applied the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) method to data of root growth angle

prior to the GWA analysis. Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is a standard method

used to correct genetic and environmental biases of a mixed model (Piepho et al., 2008).

Since there is no significant effect of phosphorus treatments, GWA analysis was

performed across all 196 O. sativa accessions using a combined dataset of root growth angle data collected under control and low phosphorus conditions. The mixed linear model (MLM) approach implemented via efficient mixed-model analysis (EMMA) was

used to eliminate confounding effects of population structures and relatedness among accessions (Yu et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2008; Famoso et al., 2011;

Clark et al., 2013). The quantile-quantile plot (QQ-plot) shows a good fit of the MLM

model (Figure 6.4). The SNPs with (P ≤ 10-4) were selected for candidate gene analysis.

The significance threshold level (P ≤ 10-4) was established based on upper-limit false

discovery rate (FDR) as described in Li et al. (Li et al., 2010; Famoso et al., 2011). Out

of 36,901 tested SNPs, we detected 20 significant SNPs with P ≤ 10-4 for root growth

angle on chromosomes 1, 4, 9, and 10 (Table 6.2 and Figure 6.4). We compared these

significant SNPs with QTL stored in the TropgeneDB database (Figures 6.5). There is no

marker coinciding with the previously cloned QTL for rice root growth angle on

chromosome 9, DRO1 (DEEP ROOTING 1) (Uga et al., 2013). However, significant loci

identified from the present study co-localized with several large QTL previously detected

for other root traits (i.e., penetrated root thickness) that could be related to root growth

angle (Figures 6.5). Candidate genes associated with root growth angle (Table 6.3) were

identified based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks as shown in Figures 6.5.

180 Discussion

Root system architecture (RSA), the spatial configuration of a root system within the soil (Lynch, 1995), is critically important for water and mineral nutrient acquisition because it determines root foraging among soil domains (Lynch, 1995; Lynch 2011;

Trachsel et al., 2013). Since many soil resources are unevenly distributed and subject to localized depletion (Lynch 2005; Ho et al., 2005), changes in RSA are one of the adaptive strategies used by plants to maximize soil exploration and persist under heterogeneous distribution of available soil resources. Among root architectural characteristics, root growth angle plays an important role in shaping the root system, and is a key determinant of the distribution of roots in the soil. Development of deep rooting allows water capture from the deeper soil profile, and deep root growth angle is strongly associated with drought avoidance in rice (Yoshida and Hasegawa, 1982; Fukai and

Cooper, 1995; Gowda et al., 2011; Uga et al., 2013). On the other hand, shallower root growth angle enables root foraging in the topsoil, and therefore benefits acquisition of immobile nutrients such as phosphorus (Lynch and Brown, 2001; Lynch 2011; Uga et al.,

2012). Identifying the genetic components of such traits holds potential for the development of new rice varieties that are better adapted to drought and nutrient-deficient conditions.

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis has been a major research avenue in investigating the genetic determinants underlying nodal root growth angle in rice (Oryza sativa), but since these are generally conducted with bi-parental mapping populations, only two alleles per locus are available for discovery. With the recent advances in rice

181 genomics, the O. sativa diversity panel consisting of 413 accessions, representing the

genetic diversity in morphological characteristics and geographic origin, was genotyped

with 44,000 Affymetrix single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (Tung et al., 2010;

McCouch et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2011; Famoso et al., 2011), which enables genome-

wide association (GWA) studies of complex traits in rice. In this study, we examine phenotypic variation of nodal root growth angle in 196 O. sativa accessions selected from

three subpopulations of the O. sativa diversity panel. Subsequently, to identify

significant genetic loci associated with genes controlling this trait, we conducted genome-

wide association (GWA) mapping using a publicly available genotype dataset.

Root growth angle is relatively easily to quantify compared to other root traits. In

the past, phenotypic evaluation of root growth angles in rice has been done by using the

basket method (Kato et al., 2006; Uga et al., 2011), which requires burying mesh baskets

beneath each plant. Recently, Trachsel et al. (2011) has introduced an efficient and high

throughput method, ‘shovelomics’, for quantifying root system architecture in maize

(Trachsel et al., 2011). In the present study, phenotypic evaluation of growth angle of

nodal roots was conducted based on the ‘shovelomics’ method with minor modifications

for use with rice. Rice plants harvested at 80-90 days after sowing had stiff enough root

systems to permit assessment of growth angles.

There is previous evidence of phenotypic diversity in root growth angle in several

agronomic crops including rice (Kato et al., 2006; Uga et al., 2011). Kato et al. (2006)

published the first report evaluating the root growth angles of upland rice using the basket

method and found significant genotypic variation. However, no report has been

published on the responses of root growth angle to low phosphorus availability in rice. In

182 the present study, substantial genotypic variation was observed for root growth angle

among accessions and sub-populations (Table 6.1 and Figure 6.2). Our results show that

the indica accessions, which are mostly grown in lowland conditions, had the shallowest

root growth angles, whereas aus and tropical japonica accessions, which are mostly

grown in upland conditions, had steeper root growth angles (Figures 6.2 and 6.3).

Consistent with these results, O’ Toole and Bland (1987) reported that tradition upland

rice varieties have deeper roots than the lowland varieties, an observation that has been

confirmed by others (Kato et al., 2006; Uga et al., 2011). However, phosphorus

availability did not significantly affect nodal root angle in these experiments (Table 6.1).

Previous works with common bean show that some, but not all, genotypes exhibit

shallower root angles in response to low phosphorus availability (Bonser et al., 1996;

Liao et al., 2001; Basu et al, 2007).

To investigate the genetic mechanisms associated with root growth angle, we

performed genome-wide association (GWA) analysis using a publicly available genotype

dataset (Zhao et al., 2011; Famoso et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2013). Since there is no

significant effect of phosphorus treatments, genome-wide association (GWA) analysis

was conducted on a combined dataset of root growth angle data collected under control

and low phosphorus conditions. A total of twenty significant markers were detected for

root growth angle on chromosomes 1, 4, 9, and 10 (Table 6.2 and Figure 6.4). In rice, a major QTL for deep rooting (Dro1) has been identified on chromosome 9, using an F3

population derived from a cross between the lowland indica cultivar IR64 with shallow rooting, and upland tropical japonica cultivar Kinandang Patong with deep rooting (Uga et al., 2011). Uga et al. (2012) also detected a major QTL on chromosome 7 involved in

183 soil-surface rooting (qSOR1) using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross

between an Indonesian lowland rice cultivar Gemdjah Beton with soil-surface roots, and

a Japanese lowland rice cultivar without soil-surface roots. Recently, a major

QTL controlling deep rooting (DEEP ROOTING 2, Dro2) in rice had been mapped on

chromosome 4 using three F2 populations derived from crosses between each of three

shallow-rooting cultivars (‘ARC5955’, ‘Pinulupot1’, and ‘Tupa729’) and a deep-rooting

cultivar, ‘Kinandang Patong’ (Uga et al., 2013). In the present study, the significant

SNPs identified for root growth angle did not co-localize with any of these previously

identified loci (Figures 6.5). However, we discovered several candidate genes from

significant regions on chromosome 9 (Figures 6.5). Candidate genes were identified within the same linkage block as significant SNPs (Table 6.3, Figures 6.5). The average

LD decay in rice has been estimated at between ~50-500 kb (Famoso et al., 2011).

Though the majority of genes in rice are unannotated, a few genes, including some in the auxin pathway, fell within linkage blocks of significant SNPs. Although the rice QTL controlling root growth angle on chromosome 9, DRO1, had no similarity to known proteins, it was found to be regulated by auxin and involved in cell elongation in the root tip (Uga et al., 2013). Auxin plays a key role in numerous plant growth and developmental processes. Of particular importance is the role of auxin in root gravitropism, which is driven by formation of a differential auxin gradient (reviewed by

Geisler et al., 2013). Members of the AUX/IAA gene family have been found to control root development in a number of monocot and dicot species, including Arabidopsis

(Lokerse and Weijers, 2009), tomato (Audran-Delalande et al., 2012), maize (Ludwig et

184 al., 2013), and rice (Song et al., 2009). We found several candidate genes related to

auxin synthesis and signaling (Table 6.3). On chromosome 9, the gene

LOC_Os09g0527700 encoding IAA26 was isolated 300 kb downstream of a significant

SNP (id9007203) (Figure 6.5). IAA26 is a part of auxin-responsive protein family

(AUX/IAA) that plays a key role in auxin signal transduction (Mockaitis and Estelle,

2008). Other auxin related candidate genes identified on chromosome 9 include indole-

3-acetate beta-glucosyltransferase (LOC_Os09g0517900), a gene likely involved in the

auxin conjugation pathway (Ludwig-Muller, 2011).

Here, we are the first to employ the high throughput method ‘shovelomics’ for

phenotypic evaluation of root growth angle in rice. Our results show that rice root

growth angle is highly heritable trait and thus amenable to breeding. Since phosphorus

did not affect root angle, it would not be necessary to phenotype this trait under low

phosphorus environments. Breeding for shallow root angle may promote phosphorus

efficiency by increasing topsoil foraging. On the other hand, steep root angle

may improve drought avoidance by utilizing deeper soil water. The present study

provides the most comprehensive analysis of the genetic control of root growth angle in

rice (Oryza sativa), and identifies significant loci with both positive and negative additive

allele effects, which may facilitate the development of new varieties with improved root

traits that suit the target environments.

185 Table 6.1: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table for the effects of genotype, sub- population and phosphorus treatment on root growth angle, and (in the lower part of the table) means and standard errors (SE) of root traits by phosphorus treatment and sub- population. Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments or sub- populations by the least significant difference (LSD) test (P<0.05).

d.f. Root Growth Angle (degree) F P Gentoype (G) 195 3.376 <0.001 Sub-population (S) 2 55.003 <0.001 Treatment (T) 1 0.034 0.854 G:T 195 0.871 0.875 S:T 2 0.809 0.445 Treatment Mean SE HP 34.87 0.38a LP 34.97 0.35a Sub-population Mean SE aus 38.16 0.50a indica 31.68 0.36c tropical japonica 35.55 0.44b


Figure 6.1: Natural phenotypic variation in root growth angle for shallow (left) and deep (right) genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa) grown in the fields for 80-90 days in high phosphorus conditions.


Figure 6.2: Frequency distribution of root growth angle (degrees from horizontal) under control (A) and phosphorus-stressed (B) conditions across 196 O. sativa accessions consisting of 57 aus, 70 indica, and 69 tropical japonica. Larger angles signify deeper roots.

70 A. tropical japonica 60 indica

50 aus 40



Number Genotypes of Number 10

0 25 30 35 40 45 50 Root Growth Angle (degree) B. 70 tropical japonica 60 indica 50 aus 40


20 Number Genotypes of Number


0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Root Growth Angle (degree)


Figure 6.3: Box plots showing the phenotypic variation in root growth angle 196 O. sativa accessions consisting of 57 aus, 70 indica, and 69 tropical japonica. (AUS = aus, IND = indica, TRJ = tropical japonica).


Table 6.2: Summary of significant associations between genetic markers and root growth angle, listing the associated trait, SNP name, chromosome, position, P value, and additive contribution to the phenotype.

SNP Name Chromosome Position P value Additive Effect id1015685 1 26893978 1.06E-05 1.959 id1015707 1 26926617 1.76E-05 1.935 id1008904 1 13343652 2.80E-05 2.229 id1015578 1 26726556 2.96E-05 2.317 id1012723 1 22417749 2.98E-05 -2.411 id1015711 1 26927877 3.16E-05 -2.035 id1015722 1 26975619 3.16E-05 2.035 id1015591 1 26731900 3.65E-05 -2.001 id1015610 1 26786641 4.10E-05 -2.087 id1008877 1 13338365 4.92E-05 1.819 id1015654 1 26873110 5.68E-05 2.015 id1015544 1 26700154 7.94E-05 -2.075 id1015656 1 26874148 8.01E-05 -2.000 id1011341 1 18819824 8.83E-05 1.984 ud1000598 1 13338092 9.19E-05 -1.944 wd4000512 4 5871704 8.23E-05 1.939 id9007203 9 20941322 1.68E-05 -1.774 id9003521 9 12753046 4.47E-05 -1.865 id9007060 9 20005728 9.64E-05 2.965 id10006428 10 20315284 5.47E-05 -2.245


Figure 6.4: Genome-wide association (GWA) study of root growth angle in field-grown plants from three subpopulations. Quantile- Quantile plots are shown for the mixed linear models for root growth angle (left). P-Values are shown from the mixed linear models for root growth angle (right). The x axis shows the SNPs on each chromosome, y axis is the –log10 (P-Value) for the association.


Figure 6.5: Significant SNPs indentified for root growth angle on rice chromosome 9 were compared to previously identified QTL stored in the TropgeneDB database (top). A linkage disequilibrium (LD) block containing IAA26 is shown in the expanded significant region on rice chromosome 9 (bottom).

Table 6.3: List of annotated genes within the LD blocks of significant SNPs. Strong candidate genes are highlighted in yellow.

Gene ID Gene start (bp) Gene end (bp) Strand Description OS01G0344620 13608184 13614290 -1 OS01G0343780 13584186 13584856 1 Os01g0343500 protein; cDNA clone:J013094L10, full insert sequence OS01G0343500 13582038 13584915 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JN04] OS01G0343400 13580715 13581665 1 Uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A2ZST3] OS01G0343350 13572351 13572654 -1 Os01g0343300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein B1045F02.28 OS01G0343300 13570702 13573119 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LQW5] OS01G0343200 13560832 13566871 1 Importin subunit alpha [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5ZBD1] Os01g0343100 protein; cDNA, clone: J065039P06, full insert sequence OS01G0343100 13550372 13556984 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7F8G1] OS01G0343001 13540185 13541690 -1 Os01g0342900 protein; Putative adenosine monophosphate binding protein 1 AMPBP1 OS01G0342900 13539772 13541921 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LQW9] Os01g0342800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein B1045F02.18; Uncharacterized protein; cDNA, clone: J065059I08, full insert sequence OS01G0342800 13531040 13531777 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LQX1] OS01G0342750 13524554 13528480 1 Os01g0342500 protein; Uncharacterized protein OS01G0342500 13508323 13508882 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A2ZSS7] OS01G0341750 13487892 13506871 -1 Os01g0341300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1111_G12.19; Uncharacterized protein; cDNA clone:J023055J16, full insert sequence OS01G0341300 13442503 13443528 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5ZB32] OS01G0341000 13422910 13424625 -1 Os01g0341200 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1111_G12.17; cDNA clone:J013170C22, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J033100K08, full insert sequence OS01G0341200 13437009 13438567 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5ZB16] OS01G0340600 13396264 13397109 -1 Os01g0340600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein B1088D01.31; Putative


uncharacterized protein OJ1111_G12.4 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5ZB23] OS01G0340400 13373620 13374471 1 Uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A2ZSQ9] OS01G0340100 13363638 13364930 1 Putative uncharacterized protein B1088D01.23 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q942L1] OS01G0339900 13353629 13357499 1 Protein disulfide isomerase-like 2-2 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q942L2] OS01G0339851 13350181 13350781 1 Os01g0339600 protein; Uncharacterized protein OS01G0339600 13344958 13348414 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JN17] Os01g0339500 protein; cDNA clone:J013052A02, full insert sequence OS01G0339500 13342969 13345864 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JN18] CLE family OsCLE102 protein; Os01g0339400 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OS01G0339400 13342128 13342490 1 B1088D01.16; Uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5ZB90] Cyanobacteria-specific protein-like; Os01g0338600 protein; Uncharacterized protein OS01G0338600 13319295 13323798 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5ZB95] OS01G0338401 13311601 13317220 -1 Os01g0338200 protein; STAM binding protein(Associated molecule with the SH3 domain of STAM)-like; Uncharacterized protein; cDNA clone:J013131J21, full insert sequence OS01G0338200 13296370 13305252 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q942M1] OS01G0338150 13291338 13294921 -1 OS01G0338100 13291658 13294473 1 Uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9EW84] Os01g0338000 protein; Putative small GTP-binding protein Bsar1a; Uncharacterized protein; cDNA clone:006-210-H07, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J033126I16, full insert OS01G0338000 13286103 13288444 1 sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q93W16] OS01G0337900 13272614 13282008 1 Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q94CN9] Os01g0337700 protein; Uncharacterized protein; cDNA clone:002-101-G08, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:002-119-D02, full insert sequence OS01G0337700 13264930 13268354 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JN24] Os01g0337600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0487E11.32-1 OS01G0337600 13246387 13262228 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5Z8F2] OS01G0337500 13237248 13246058 1 H+-pyrophosphatase; Os01g0337500 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q94CP2] OS01G0337180 13198639 13199062 1 OS01G0337160 13198486 13199578 -1 Os01g0337160 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7IXT6] OS01G0337100 13211987 13218563 1 Os01g0337100 protein; Putative terpene synthase 4


[Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q94CP5] OS01G0336300 13170797 13171929 -1 Os01g0335700 protein; Putative stripe rust resistance protein Yr10; cDNA OS01G0335700 13142060 13144941 -1 clone:J013146B15, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q943S7] Os01g0335600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein B1158F07.34 OS01G0335600 13140037 13141283 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5ZCP6] OS04G0190000 6097184 6100998 1 Os04g0190000 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JEX3] OS04G0189800 6069813 6070580 -1 Os04g0188500 protein; cDNA, clone: J100049L04, full insert sequence OS04G0188500 5989525 5990234 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7FA68] Os04g0189400 protein; cDNA clone:J023085D09, full insert sequence OS04G0189400 6053705 6054979 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JEX4] OS04G0187001 5865174 5867983 -1 Os04g0188433 protein; cDNA, clone: J065062E10, full insert sequence OS04G0188433 5931193 5931871 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7F8J2] OS04G0186450 5847438 5849005 -1 OS04G0186800 5865168 5868179 1 Putative inorganic phosphate transporter 1-13 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q7XRH8] Os04g0185500 protein; cDNA clone:J013000P06, full insert sequence OS04G0185500 5802095 5810965 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JEY1] OS04G0186400 5846286 5849272 1 Probable inorganic phosphate transporter 1-4 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q8H6H2] OS04G0185600 5811361 5813082 -1 Probable inorganic phosphate transporter 1-5 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q7X7V2] OS04G0184900 5778855 5782412 -1 OSJNBa0001M07.6 protein; OSJNBb0003A12.4 protein; Os04g0185100 protein; cDNA OS04G0185100 5785639 5788514 -1 clone:001-132-F01, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7X7L0] OS04G0185000 5781635 5782412 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A3ARG2] OS04G0184500 5739476 5740015 1 OS04G0184801 5740039 5740266 1 OS04G0184250 5728136 5731769 -1 OS04G0184450 5739436 5740550 -1 OS04G0184100 5728101 5731927 1 cDNA clone:J033110A17, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7ETP8] OS04G0183401 5686454 5689200 -1


OSJNBb0006L01.9 protein; Os04g0183500 protein OS04G0183500 5686452 5689437 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XMY0] OSJNBb0006L01.7 protein; Os04g0183100 protein OS04G0183100 5655847 5666499 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XMY2] OS04G0183201 5669190 5673221 -1 OS04G0183300 5669157 5675737 1 cDNA clone:J013153N14, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A3ARH1] OS04G0182875 5644979 5645554 1 OS04G0182900 5645679 5649613 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9FE04] OS04G0182850 5644973 5648059 -1 Electron transfer flavoprotein subunit beta, mitochondrial OS04G0182800 5636747 5640487 -1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q7F9U3] OS04G0182600 5608992 5620616 1 OS04G0182650 5621072 5626882 1 OS04G0182250 5592612 5596585 -1 OSJNBa0027O01.12 protein; OSJNBb0006L01.2 protein; Os04g0182300 protein OS04G0182300 5596791 5599067 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XSC3] OS04G0182400 5596811 5598844 1 OSJNBa0027O01.11 protein; OSJNBb0006L01.1 protein; Os04g0182200 protein; cDNA OS04G0182200 5590414 5592679 1 clone:J013124E20, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XXC4] Os09g0534000 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1112_E07.18 OS09G0534000 20983758 20986379 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69SG4] OS09G0533800 20973802 20975190 -1 OS09G0533900 20976449 20980651 -1 Endoglucanase 24 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q69SG5] Os09g0533600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1112_E07.14; Putative uncharacterized protein P0515E01.33; cDNA clone:J023038G05, full insert sequence OS09G0533600 20962267 20967452 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69SG8] OS09G0533400 20946004 20948006 -1 Lon protease homolog 2, peroxisomal [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q0J032] Os09g0533200 protein; Putative glucan endo-1,3-beta-D-glucosidase OS09G0533200 20938553 20939706 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69SH6] Os09g0532900 protein; Putative myb-related transcription factor; cDNA clone:001-206-D11, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J023047I22, full insert sequence OS09G0532900 20915434 20925632 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69SH8]


Os09g0532000 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1254_E07.23; Putative uncharacterized protein P0515E01.8; Senescence-inducible chloroplast stay-green protein; OS09G0532000 20868846 20871077 -1 cDNA clone:001-203-B12, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652K1] Two-component response regulator-like PRR95 OS09G0532400 20885173 20889792 -1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q689G6] Harpin-induced family protein-like; Os09g0532200 protein OS09G0532200 20880888 20881570 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652J9] Glycosyltransferase family 8 protein-like; Os09g0531900 protein OS09G0531900 20862643 20866739 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652K2] OS09G0531800 20857047 20861083 -1 Os09g0531800 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J045] OS09G0531701 20852282 20853613 -1 Putative LRP1; cDNA, clone: J065137A19, full insert sequence OS09G0531600 20838544 20839929 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652K4] Os09g0531100 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1254_E07.7 OS09G0531100 20799161 20802920 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652K7] OS09G0531200 20811366 20813170 -1 Protein MEI2-like 6 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q652K6] Os09g0530900 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1254_E07.6; cDNA clone:001- OS09G0530900 20797920 20798536 -1 104-D01, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652K8] OS09G0530750 20794296 20797772 -1 OS09G0530350 20775317 20775928 -1 OS09G0529700 20744838 20748509 -1 Os09g0529400 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1531_B07.16; cDNA OS09G0529400 20741476 20742876 -1 clone:J023014M09, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69NG1] Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1531_B07.14 OS09G0529350 20737101 20739478 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69NG3] OS09G0529300 20731589 20734724 -1 cDNA clone:J013048L17, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7EBP2] Probable 6-phosphogluconolactonase 4, chloroplastic OS09G0529100 20724959 20727968 -1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q69NG5] Os09g0528800 protein; Putative GTPase activating protein; cDNA clone:J023043K12, full OS09G0528800 20716413 20721081 -1 insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69NG6] Os09g0528300 protein; cDNA clone:J023075A07, full insert sequence OS09G0528300 20673834 20678640 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J064] OS09G0528500 20691368 20693123 -1


OS09G0528050 20655158 20658926 -1 Os09g0527900 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1439_F07.29; cDNA OS09G0527900 20646416 20649984 -1 clone:J033148H23, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651Z9] OS09G0527650 20638036 20639475 -1 OS09G0527700 20641465 20643139 -1 Auxin -responsive protein IAA26 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q652A1] Os09g0526800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1439_F07.19-1; cDNA clone:001-101-B12, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:006-304-H07, full insert sequence OS09G0526800 20605872 20609063 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652A7] OS09G0526700 20600616 20603003 -1 UDP-glucose 4-epimerase 3 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q652A8] Os09g0526500 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1439_F07.15 OS09G0526500 20587554 20588586 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652B1] OS09G0526600 20591252 20595143 -1 Heat stress transcription factor B-2c [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q652B0] OS09G0526200 20568029 20574897 -1 OS09G0526300 20573266 20573862 -1 Os09g0525900 protein; Putative membrane protein; cDNA clone:006-212-H11, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J023087M04, full insert sequence OS09G0525900 20549870 20553043 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651M0] OS09G0525700 20541260 20544852 -1 Protein HAPLESS 2-B [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:B9G4M9] Os09g0525600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1439_F07.4-2; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0047P18.32-2; cDNA clone:J033126P18, full insert OS09G0525600 20535359 20540243 -1 sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651M2] Os09g0525400 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1439_F07.2; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0047P18.30; cDNA clone:006-202-G09, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J013059J01, full insert sequence OS09G0525400 20528648 20532222 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651M5] OS09G0525300 20522759 20525406 -1 Os09g0525300 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J083] Os09g0524800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0047P18.22; cDNA clone:001-013-D08, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:001-203-E09, full insert sequence OS09G0524800 20494540 20496911 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651M9] Ethionine resistance protein-like; Os09g0524300 protein OS09G0524300 20469641 20471601 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651N3] OS09G0523200 20434450 20435065 -1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9G4M0] OS09G0523050 20430219 20430697 -1


Dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 1H OS09G0522100 20399458 20400198 -1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q0J090] Dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 1A OS09G0522200 20403413 20404332 -1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q64MA1] OS09G0522000 20395262 20395703 -1 SPX domain-containing membrane protein Os09g0521800 OS09G0521800 20376807 20387318 -1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:B9FMX4] OS09G0521500 20371770 20375204 -1 ATPase ASNA1 homolog [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q64MA8] OS09G0521300 20363949 20365094 -1 Transcription factor-like [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q650T3] Os09g0520800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0669G04.14 OS09G0520800 20349158 20350901 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q650T8] Probable sodium/metabolite cotransporter BASS5, chloroplastic OS09G0520600 20337186 20340505 -1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q650U0] OS09G0520550 20333919 20336386 -1 Os09g0520500 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0669G04.10; cDNA clone:002- OS09G0520500 20330883 20332328 -1 135-E03, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q650U2] Os09g0520100 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNOa178M01.8; Putative uncharacterized protein P0669G04.6; cDNA clone:002-156-H08, full insert sequence OS09G0520100 20313568 20315714 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q64MB0] OS09G0519200 20273778 20274376 -1 Os09g0519100 protein; Putative MYC-related DNA binding protein; Putative MYC-related OS09G0519100 20268863 20269717 -1 DNA binding protein RD22BP1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IU0] Os09g0518900 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNOa211K08.7; Putative OS09G0518900 20258663 20259964 -1 uncharacterized protein P0498F03.12 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IU1] Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNOa211K08.3; Putative uncharacterized protein OS09G0518750 20249609 20250111 -1 P0498F03.8 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IU3] Os09g0518700 protein; cDNA clone:J033097M05, full insert sequence OS09G0518700 20243654 20248528 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J0B2] Os09g0518600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNOa211K08.1; Putative uncharacterized protein P0217C03.13; Putative uncharacterized protein P0498F03.6 OS09G0518600 20241489 20243398 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IU5] OS09G0518332 20228608 20230488 -1 OS09G0518266 20222211 20223692 -1 OS09G0517950 20196750 20203499 -1


OS09G0517825 20187146 20188470 -1 Acyl -CoA thioester hydrolase-like; Os09g0517700 protein; cDNA clone:J023088I03, full OS09G0517700 20183338 20186272 -1 insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69MT1] OS09G0517100 20157733 20162008 -1 Os09g0517100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J0C3] OS09G0517200 20163094 20167803 -1 Putative resistance protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69MT5] C2 domain-containing protein-like; Os09g0516900 protein OS09G0516900 20147198 20154206 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69MT7] Os09g0516700 protein; cDNA clone:J023121E21, full insert sequence OS09G0516700 20128201 20134358 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J0C7] Glyoxalase II; Os09g0516600 protein; cDNA clone:J023063J20, full insert sequence; cDNA OS09G0516600 20122454 20127415 -1 clone:J033132K06, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69MU0] OS09G0516500 20117748 20121699 -1 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-like [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IL0] Os09g0516300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBb0034B12.10; Putative uncharacterized protein P0450E05.35; cDNA clone:J013002G20, full insert sequence OS09G0516300 20109768 20114569 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IL3] Os09g0515800 protein; Putative tbc1 domain family protein; cDNA clone:J013050J18, full OS09G0515800 20086629 20090571 -1 insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IL7] OS09G0516200 20094196 20098433 -1 Transcription factor RF2a [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q69IL4] Os09g0515550 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBb0034B12.3; Putative OS09G0515550 20083070 20083372 -1 uncharacterized protein P0450E05.28 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IL9] Os09g0515300 protein; cDNA clone:J033086F18, full insert sequence OS09G0515300 20070639 20073650 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J0D5] OS09G0515200 20066961 20069477 -1 Proteasome subunit beta type [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9LST4] Os09g0514600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0450E05.20 OS09G0514600 20039648 20040374 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IM6] OS09G0514550 20033041 20035342 -1 OS09G0514350 20022103 20022613 -1 Os09g0514200 protein; Putative calcium-dependent protein kinase OS09G0514200 20015588 20019391 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IM9] OS09G0533650 20962396 20964413 1 Os09g0533650 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J6Y5] OS09G0533300 20942494 20945847 1 Os09g0533300 protein; PTS protein-like [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69SH3] OS09G0533100 20929628 20938388 1 Os09g0533100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J035]


OS09G0532800 20905466 20908479 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A3C0X2] Deoxyribodipyrimidinephotolyase family protein-like; Os09g0532700 protein OS09G0532700 20897691 20903515 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652J5] OS09G0532500 20894870 20897268 1 OS09G0531950 20863050 20864351 1 OS09G0531850 20857472 20858715 1 OS09G0531650 20852237 20852968 1 OS09G0530800 20794568 20797868 1 Os09g0530700 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1254_E07.2-1 OS09G0530700 20787543 20790463 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652K9] OS09G0530500 20779673 20782356 1 OS09G0530600 20786238 20786755 1 OS09G0530275 20768633 20771680 1 Os09g0530300 protein; Putative Cytochrome P450; cDNA clone:J013099E24, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J013161I12, full insert sequence OS09G0530300 20774283 20776144 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69NF3] OS09G0530200 20764202 20768214 1 Endoglucanase 23 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q69NF5] Os09g0530000 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1531_B07.22; cDNA clone:001- 046-A01, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J013111B10, full insert sequence OS09G0530000 20751729 20754647 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69NF7] Os09g0529900 protein; Putative 2,4-dihydroxydec-2-ene-1,10-dioic acid aldolase OS09G0529900 20750124 20751462 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69NF8] OS09G0529325 20733362 20739720 1 Os09g0528700 protein; Putative cytochrome P450 OS09G0528700 20691369 20693116 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69NG7] OS09G0528200 20671994 20673280 1 Homeobox-leucine zipper protein HOX6 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q651Z5] OS09G0528100 20659712 20660287 1 30S ribosomal protein S31, mitochondrial [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:P47909] Os09g0528000 protein; Putative kinesin heavy chain; cDNA clone:J023134L05, full insert OS09G0528000 20654707 20659183 1 sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651Z7] Os09g0527600 protein; Putative GTP-binding protein; cDNA clone:J013043E12, full insert OS09G0527600 20637825 20639768 1 sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652A2] OS09G0527500 20629717 20633528 1 Os09g0527500 protein; Putative RNA-binding protein


[Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q652A3] OS09G0527100 20613388 20625729 1 cDNA clone:002-108-A10, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7E9N3] OS09G0526650 20593763 20595047 1 OS09G0526000 20558262 20561164 1 OS09G0525650 20535602 20537357 1 OS09G0525500 20534165 20534903 1 Protein YY1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:O23810] Os09g0525200 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0047P18.28; cDNA OS09G0525200 20519245 20522576 1 clone:J023131H02, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651M7] OS09G0524500 20485184 20486868 1 OS09G0524001 20469570 20471539 1 OS09G0523700 20450613 20451242 1 OS09G0522500 20403655 20403876 1 Os09g0522800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0047P18.2; cDNA OS09G0522800 20423141 20425017 1 clone:J023065L17, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q651P0] OS09G0521900 20389919 20393906 1 Flap endonuclease GEN-like 1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q64MA3] Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNOa273B05.4-1 OS09G0521700 20377622 20383803 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q64MA5] Os09g0521400 protein; Putative hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A synthase OS09G0521400 20367529 20371141 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q64MA9] OS09G0521350 20364268 20364999 1 OS09G0521100 20357410 20359082 1 3 -ketoacyl-CoA synthase [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q650T6] OS09G0520950 20349326 20354014 1 OS09G0520700 20342788 20347184 1 DEAD -box ATP-dependent RNA helicase 7 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q650T9] OS09G0520400 20326567 20330537 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9G4L6] OS09G0520300 20321887 20323986 1 Putative uncharacterized protein P0669G04.8 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q650U4] OS09G0520200 20316914 20321175 1 OS09G0520000 20305822 20306814 1 Os09g0520000 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J0A6] OS09G0519601 20293695 20294066 1 OS09G0519000 20258770 20260195 1


OS09G0518800 20252280 20254558 1 Ankyrin -like protein; Os09g0518500 protein; cDNA clone:J023122L09, full insert sequence OS09G0518500 20236499 20240616 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IU6] OS09G0518400 20228670 20233951 1 Os09g0518200 protein; Putative UDP-glucose:salicylic acid glucosyltransferase OS09G0518200 20222176 20223992 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IV0] Os09g0518000 protein; Putative UDP-glucose:salicylic acid glucosyltransferase OS09G0518000 20214433 20215935 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69JH2] Os09g0517900 protein; Putative indole-3-acetate beta-glucosyltransferase OS09G0517900 20196707 20203865 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69JH3] OS09G0517800 20186494 20190101 1 Os09g0517800 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J0B9] OS09G0517600 20179714 20183008 1 Formin-like protein 15 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q69MT2] Os09g0517000 protein; cDNA clone:J013116I04, full insert sequence OS09G0517000 20156455 20157191 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J0C4] OS09G0516750 20128246 20132868 1 Os09g0516800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBb0034B12.19 OS09G0516800 20145624 20146472 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69MT8] OS09G0516451 20117520 20121695 1 OS09G0515400 20073815 20076697 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9G4K1] Os09g0515500 protein; Putative translation initiation factor IF-2; cDNA clone:J013036C01, OS09G0515500 20078193 20082633 1 full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IM0] Bromodomain protein 103-like; Os09g0515100 protein OS09G0515100 20059605 20066583 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IM3] Os09g0514900 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0450E05.22; cDNA OS09G0514900 20053869 20057671 1 clone:J033091L10, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IM4] Os09g0514700 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0450E05.21; cDNA clone:002- OS09G0514700 20043461 20051864 1 114-A08, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IM5] Aleurone layer morphogenesis protein; Os09g0514500 protein OS09G0514500 20031961 20037613 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XZV4] Os09g0514400 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0450E05.18; cDNA clone:001- 035-C02, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:006-301-H07, full insert sequence; cDNA OS09G0514400 20023974 20027104 1 clone:J013000C07, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IM7] OS09G0514300 20019602 20023403 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9G4J5]


Os09g0514100 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0450E05.15-1 OS09G0514100 20011523 20017659 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IN1] OS09G0513900 20006924 20007672 1 cDNA clone:002-132-C09, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7F0I0] OS09G0513800 20001090 20006561 1 Os09g0513800 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J0E7] Os09g0513700 protein; Ribonucleoprotein antigen-like; cDNA clone:J013129L11, full insert OS09G0513700 19997001 19999811 1 sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69IN4] Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Os10g0530200 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; cDNA clone:002-121-B04, full insert sequence OS10G0530200 20610080 20611336 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8S715] OS10G0529800 20600983 20601889 1 Os10g0529800 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0IW70] Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Putative glutathione S-transferase; Putative glutathione S-transferase OsGSTU8; cDNA clone:002-113-D07, full insert sequence OS10G0529700 20597074 20598092 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q945X0] Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Os10g0529500 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; cDNA, clone: J100065O13, full insert sequence OS10G0529500 20595069 20596048 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8S710] OS10G0529600 20597016 20599106 -1 Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Os10g0529300 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; Putative glutathione S-transferase OsGSTU18; cDNA clone:001- 208-G09, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:006-201-A11, full insert sequence; cDNA OS10G0529300 20589767 20590845 1 clone:006-207-H12, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q945W2] Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Putative glutathione S-transferase; OS10G0529400 20592565 20593601 1 Putative glutathione S-transferase OsGSTU9 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q945W9] OS10G0529450 20592635 20593391 -1 OS10G0528651 20559641 20560462 -1 Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Os10g0528900 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; Putative glutathione S-transferase OsGSTU14; cDNA clone:006- OS10G0528900 20574829 20576053 1 201-C07, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q945W4] Glutathione S-transferase; Os10g0528300 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; OS10G0528300 20556396 20557613 1 Putative glutathione S-transferase OsGSTU4 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FUE4] Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Os10g0528400 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; Putative glutathione S-transferase OsGSTU3 OS10G0528400 20559589 20560614 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FUE3] OS10G0528200 20553664 20554715 1 Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Os10g0528200 protein; Putative


glutathione S-transferase; cDNA, clone: J075074N23, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8S703] OS10G0528150 20553611 20554584 -1 Os10g0528150 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J7M7] Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Os10g0528100 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; cDNA clone:002-142-E01, full insert sequence OS10G0528100 20551209 20552361 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8S702] Leucine Rich Repeat family protein, expressed; Os10g0527900 protein OS10G0527900 20537710 20540484 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q336Y6] Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain containing protein, expressed; Os10g0527800 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; Putative glutathione S-transferase OsGSTU12; OS10G0527800 20498004 20499096 1 cDNA clone:001-121-C09, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q945W6] OS10G0527601 20493427 20494200 1 Os10g0527601 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J7M6] Glutathione S-transferaseparC, putative, expressed; cDNA clone:001-111-C12, full insert OS10G0525500 20434654 20435650 -1 sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7G228] Glutathione S-transferase GSTU31; Os10g0525800 protein OS10G0525800 20449155 20450040 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6QN18] Glutathione S-transferase GSTU6, putative, expressed; Os10g0527400 protein; Putative OS10G0527400 20488627 20489877 1 glutathione S-transferase [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8RUJ2] Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal domain containing protein, expressed; Os10g0525400 protein; Putative glutathione S-transferase; Putative glutathione S-transferase OsGSTU15; cDNA clone:001-039-H04, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:006-303-G04, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J013099B17, full insert sequence OS10G0525400 20432061 20433202 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q945W3] OS10G0525301 20427557 20428587 1 OS10G0525200 20426804 20430567 -1 Cytochrome P450 family protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7G231] OS10G0525101 20412933 20413944 1 Cytochrome P450 family protein, expressed; Cytochrome P450-like protein; Os10g0525000 protein; cDNA clone:J023012I12, full insert sequence OS10G0525000 20412047 20416020 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8S7S6] Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBb0005J14.28 OS10G0524900 20406448 20408103 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8S7S5] OS10G0524850 20407083 20407914 1 OS10G0524766 20396019 20396592 1 OS10G0524700 20394795 20399286 -1 Cytochrome P450 family protein, expressed [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7G234]


HOTHEAD protein, putative, expressed; Os10g0524500 protein; Putative mandelonitrilelyase; cDNA clone:002-117-A02, full insert sequence; cDNA OS10G0524500 20377272 20379571 1 clone:J033035L09, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H094] Os10g0524600 protein; Putative serine protease; Subtilisin N-terminal Region family protein, expressed; cDNA clone:J023012B10, full insert sequence OS10G0524600 20389644 20392184 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8RVC2] Os10g0524400 protein; Phospholipase D beta 1, putative, expressed; Putative phospholipase; OS10G0524400 20377031 20386096 -1 cDNA clone:J023061O15, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H093] Expressed protein; LysM domain containing protein, expressed; Os10g0524300 protein; OS10G0524300 20374252 20374791 1 cDNA clone:001-112-G07, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H095] Expressed protein; Os10g0524100 protein; Per1-like family protein, expressed; cDNA OS10G0524100 20365378 20368269 -1 clone:J033041C15, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H096] AP2 domain containing protein; Putative transcription factor OS10G0523900 20355076 20355657 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H099] OS10G0524000 20361109 20365154 1 Os10g0524000 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0IW97] Os10g0523700 protein; Prephenatedehydratase family protein, expressed; Putative chorismatemutase/prephenatedehydratase; cDNA clone:J013110M24, full insert sequence OS10G0523700 20345304 20347002 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H0A1] OS10G0523201 20307523 20308904 -1 Os10g0523100 protein; Putative gibberellin 20-oxidase OS10G0523100 20295334 20299457 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H0A8] OS10G0523000 20292773 20293968 -1 Os10g0523000 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0IWA0] Os10g0522900 protein; Oxidoreductase, 2OG-Fe oxygenase family protein, expressed; Putative anthocyanidin hydroxylase; Putative gibberellin 20-oxidase; cDNA OS10G0522900 20281431 20285006 1 clone:J013151N02, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9AUY4] Os10g0522800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBb0028C01.34 OS10G0522800 20278007 20278573 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9AUY3] Os10g0522700 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBb0028C01.31 OS10G0522700 20271867 20272423 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9AUY2] Armadillo/beta-catenin-like repeat family protein, expressed OS10G0522601 20263310 20267568 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q336Z5] F-box family protein, putative, expressed; Os10g0522400 protein; cDNA clone:J023120I24, OS10G0522400 20252191 20253575 1 full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q109D8] OS10G0522500 20257014 20262764 1 Expressed protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q109D7] OS10G0522200 20212100 20214072 1


OS10G0521801 20199064 20201203 1 OS10G0521900 20207343 20209484 1 Putative membrane protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LNI7] OS10G0522000 20210994 20214302 -1 Methyltransferase family protein, expressed [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7G265] Os10g0521700 protein; Putative shaggy-like kinase; Shaggy-related protein kinase theta, OS10G0521700 20196610 20201299 -1 putative, expressed [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LNI5] OS10G0521550 20182012 20185186 -1 OS10G0521600 20185274 20189629 -1 Probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase XBOS33 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q337A0] OS10G0521450 20176541 20178903 -1 Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family protein, putative, expressed; Os10g0521500 protein; Putative alpha/beta hydrolase; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBb0028C01.45; cDNA OS10G0521500 20181672 20185391 1 clone:001-203-A03, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FWB5] Inner membrane protein OXA1-like, mitochondrial, putative, expressed; Putative cytochrome OS10G0521300 20166188 20170797 1 oxidase assembly protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LNI1] Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family protein, expressed; Os10g0521400 protein; Putative OS10G0521400 20175634 20179154 1 alpha/beta hydrolase [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FWB6] OS10G0521100 20160992 20162434 -1 Actin-depolymerizing factor 10 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q337A5] OS10G0520900 20147963 20150864 1 OS10G0520950 20151697 20152254 -1 OS10G0521000 20154610 20159181 -1 Probable trehalase [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q9FWC1] HIT zinc finger family protein, expressed; Os10g0520700 protein OS10G0520700 20140666 20144848 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q337A7] F-box domain containing protein; Os10g0520100 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OS10G0520100 20108921 20110180 1 OSJNBb0018B10.9 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FWD1] OS10G0520400 20114954 20116072 1 Os10g0520400 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XCP8] OS10G0520600 20135412 20139742 -1 Os10g0520600 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0IWB6] F-box domain containing protein, expressed; Os10g0519800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBb0018B10.6; cDNA clone:002-140-A01, full insert sequence OS10G0519800 20098367 20100033 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FWD4] OS10G0519750 20095827 20096560 1 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim17 family protein, expressed; Os10g0519700 protein; Putaive mitochondrial inner membrane protein OS10G0519700 20095576 20096519 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FWD5]


Major Facilitator Superfamily protein, expressed; Os10g0519600 protein; Putative transporter; cDNA clone:J033130M19, full insert sequence OS10G0519600 20091716 20094986 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FWD6] Expressed protein; Os10g0519500 protein; cDNA clone:002-185-B04, full insert sequence OS10G0519500 20087328 20088035 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q337B0] OS10G0519400 20082065 20083650 1 OS10G0519300 20082041 20087739 -1 DNA excision repair protein ERCC-1, putative, expressed; Os10g0518900 protein; cDNA OS10G0518900 20070802 20074175 -1 clone:J023070H24, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q337B1] Os10g0518800 protein; Protein kinase domain containing protein, expressed OS10G0518800 20060911 20070532 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q337B2] OS10G0518400 20037627 20039458 1 Os10g0518400 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J820] Cytochrome b5, putative, expressed; Os10g0518200 protein; Putative cytochrome OS10G0518200 20028820 20029345 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XCR6] Expressed protein; Os10g0518300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0076F20.8; cDNA clone:J013089P16, full insert sequence OS10G0518300 20031594 20037198 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XCR5] Os10g0518100 protein; Putative GTPase activating protein; RabGAP/TBC domain- containing protein, putative, expressed; cDNA clone:J013108O08, full insert sequence; OS10G0518100 20024964 20028155 1 cDNA clone:J013164O13, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XCR7] OS04G0534100 26695624 26700515 1 cDNA clone:J033116K10, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7ETY8] Os08g0535050 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0033D24.9; Putative OS08G0535000 26696844 26699288 1 uncharacterized protein P0702C09.24; cDNA clone:J013062D13, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6YZF6] OS02G0659600 26698553 26701207 1 OS05G0537300 26701863 26705017 1 Os05g0537300 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DGE1] OS04G0534166 26703331 26705217 1 OSJNBb0020O11.17 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XU76] 10 kDa chaperonin; Os07g0641700 protein; cDNA clone:J033132M21, full insert sequence OS07G0641700 26705903 26707842 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H3I7] OS04G0534200 26706730 26708531 1 Os04g0534200 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBF9] OS08G0535050 26707901 26712480 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A3BV79] OS06G0652400 26708003 26709667 1 Probable GDP-L-fucose synthase 1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q67WR2] OS04G0534300 26709264 26712490 1 OSJNBb0020O11.16 protein; Os04g0534300 protein; cDNA clone:J013043D04, full insert


sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XU75] OS06G0652550 26711591 26713561 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9FQ95] OS08G0535150 26713639 26716190 1 Os05g0537700 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0052K01.3 OS05G0537700 26714509 26716025 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q53WL8] OS06G0652600 26714868 26717211 1 Lustrin A-like [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67WQ9] OS01G0656900 26717834 26722446 1 Os01g0656900 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JKQ7] OS04G0534600 26720079 26721025 1 Peroxisomal membrane protein 11-4 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q7XU74] OS04G0534801 26722237 26722914 1 Os04g0534100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J114] Os01g0657000 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0694A04.20; Uncharacterized OS01G0657000 26722728 26724906 1 protein; cDNA clone:002-150-C11, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q94DB9] OS01G0657250 26725313 26726985 1 OS02G0660100 26726617 26727204 1 Os02g0660100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DYY1] OS04G0535000 26727273 26739488 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9FGC2] Phytosulfokines 3 Phytosulfokine-alpha Phytosulfokine-beta OS03G0675600 26730963 26731809 1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q9FRF9] Os03g0402000 protein; Os07g0642300 protein; Putative transport protein particle component; Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 3, putative, expressed; Transport OS07G0642300 26731041 26733282 1 protein particle component Bet3-like protein; cDNA clone:J033122A14, full insert sequence; cDNA, clone: J033039I06, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8GRK9] OS03G0675700 26733986 26736205 1 Os03g0675700 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DPN7] OS01G0657801 26734307 26735980 1 OS07G0642400 26734659 26746290 1 Os07g0642400 protein; Putative RUSH-1alpha [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8GSA1] OS06G0653000 26736608 26744116 1 Os06g0653000 protein; Putative Gl1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67WQ7] OS05G0538600 26738529 26740837 1 OS11G0663900 26738642 26739778 1 OS03G0676100 26740436 26741188 1 Expressed protein; Os03g0676100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q10F97] OS11G0664000 26741921 26743907 1 Protein kinase domain containing protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2R001] OS08G0535501 26745213 26745768 1


Expressed protein; Os03g0676300 protein; cDNA clone:002-139-B03, full insert sequence OS03G0676300 26746815 26747658 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FRF5] OS11G0664133 26750585 26751099 1 OS11G0664100 26751240 26752365 1 Protein kinase domain containing protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2R000] OS08G0535700 26751395 26754247 1 Putative senescence-associated protein 5; cDNA, clone: J090089G04, full insert sequence OS06G0653100 26752554 26755222 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67WQ6] Expressed protein; Os12g0626000 protein; cDNA clone:001-207-D06, full insert sequence OS12G0626000 26757490 26759185 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QLW4] OS02G0661050 26762885 26766480 1 OS12G0626150 26763811 26764359 1 Os04g0535600 protein; cDNA clone:J013001P13, full insert sequence; cDNA OS04G0535600 26765388 26771869 1 clone:J023147H06, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBF1] OS06G0653300 26766488 26768798 1 NAC4 protein; Os08g0535800 protein; Putative development regulation gene OsNAC4; cDNA clone:001-038-H11, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:006-311-A02, full insert OS08G0535800 26766816 26770335 1 sequence; cDNA clone:J013160K11, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6Z1G9] Auxin responsive protein, expressed; Os12g0626200 protein OS12G0626200 26768220 26768893 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QLW2] Os07g0642800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1003_C06.117; Putative OS07G0642800 26768377 26774119 1 uncharacterized protein P0524G08.133; cDNA clone:J033059M22, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XHY6] Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0052K01.12 OS05G0539150 26776769 26778942 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q53WL0] OS11G0664500 26777816 26783973 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9G8R4] Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit beta-1, mitochondrial OS08G0536000 26777982 26783294 1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q6Z1G7] Carboxylesterase-like protein; Os07g0643000 protein OS07G0643000 26780049 26781207 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8GS14] OS12G0626450 26780968 26783368 1 Os02g0661500 protein; cDNA clone:J013112F20, full insert sequence; cDNA OS02G0661500 26784533 26788011 1 clone:J013148J01, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DYX7]


Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0033D24.31-3; Putative uncharacterized protein OS08G0536100 26785706 26791061 1 P0665C04.12-3; cDNA clone:J013066A21, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6Z1G4] OS01G0658600 26790255 26791689 1 OS07G0643500 26790976 26792114 1 OS08G0536200 26791868 26792452 1 CASP-like protein Os08g0536200 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q6Z1G3] Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0052K01.14 OS05G0539300 26792022 26793638 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q53WK8] OS01G0658800 26792044 26795018 1 OS12G0626500 26793127 26793851 1 Os12g0626500 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0ILS0] OS11G0664800 26794437 26799952 1 Os02g0661800 protein; Putative PnFL-1; cDNA clone:J013163P22, full insert sequence OS02G0661800 26797325 26799208 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6M1] OS02G0661900 26799675 26802318 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9F1H8] OS05G0539500 26801678 26805058 1 Os05g0539500 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DGD6] OS07G0643800 26802460 26803443 1 Os07g0643800 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0D465] protein; Root-specific protein RCc3; cDNA clone:002-155-F07, full insert sequence OS02G0662000 26804988 26805820 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6L9] OS05G0539600 26805817 26809069 1 Os05g0539600 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J2J9] OS06G0654300 26809615 26811574 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A3BE68] Os07g0644100 protein; Putative bZIP family transcription factor; cDNA clone:J033105F09, OS07G0644100 26809800 26813252 1 full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LIB3] Os01g0659200 protein; Putative H+-exporting ATPase; Uncharacterized protein; cDNA OS01G0659200 26811872 26816519 1 clone:J023086K07, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8SA35] Os02g0662100 protein; Putative ZmGR1a; cDNA clone:001-010-F04, full insert sequence OS02G0662100 26814637 26815393 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6L8] Os07g0644200 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1003_C06.134; Putative OS07G0644200 26816098 26819115 1 uncharacterized protein OJ1458_B07.102; cDNA clone:J013068F02, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XIP6] OS07G0644400 26819493 26824263 1 Os08g0536400 protein; Proline-rich protein family-like; cDNA clone:001-103-E02, full OS08G0536400 26820090 26822091 1 insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6Z1G1]


Os02g0662200 protein; YbaK/prolyl-tRNA synthetase-like; cDNA clone:001-112-F10, full OS02G0662200 26820434 26823384 1 insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6L7] Os05g0539900 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0052K01.20 OS05G0539900 26820731 26822297 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q53WK2] Os05g0540000 protein; Putative glycosyltransferase OS05G0540000 26824644 26828499 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q53WK1] OS06G0654400 26829535 26830408 1 Putative uncharacterized protein P0709F06.15 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67WC1] OS04G0537100 26831005 26831867 1 Os04g0537100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBE8] OS06G0654600 26834016 26836134 1 Os05g0540200 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1362_G11.2; Putative OS05G0540200 26834414 26835506 1 uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0052K01.24; cDNA clone:001-103-G10, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKQ6] OS02G0662700 26841588 26844331 1 Os02g0662700 protein; Scl1 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6L2] Os07g0644600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1003_C06.142; Putative OS07G0644600 26844725 26850314 1 uncharacterized protein OJ1458_B07.110; cDNA clone:J023055N06, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XIP5] Os05g0540800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1362_G11.6 OS05G0540800 26849865 26857015 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKQ2] OS08G0537001 26851246 26856594 1 Os08g0537001 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J660] Os02g0663100 protein; Putative Scl1 protein; cDNA clone:J023150P14, full insert sequence OS02G0663100 26852082 26854948 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6L0] Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1458_B07.112 OS07G0644700 26852741 26854622 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LIA6] Os05g0541000 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1362_G11.8 OS05G0541000 26858474 26860247 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKQ0] Os01g0659800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0445H04.8; Putative OS01G0659800 26862081 26863434 1 uncharacterized protein P0684E06.19; cDNA clone:002-146-A02, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8SA25] Os03g0678400 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0092M19.20; Zinc finger, OS03G0678400 26863036 26864940 1 C3HC4 type family protein, expressed; cDNA clone:J013153F20, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q84SW9] OS05G0541100 26863363 26866131 1 Os05g0541100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DGC3] Probable cytokinin riboside 5'-monophosphate phosphoribohydrolase LOGL7 OS05G0541200 26868399 26870416 1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q5TKP8]


OS01G0659900 26872217 26875031 1 Fimbriata-like; Os01g0659900 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5SMS6] OS11G0666000 26874673 26875103 1 Glycosyl transferase family 8 protein, expressed; Os03g0678800 protein OS03G0678800 26878159 26879403 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q10F74] OS01G0660100 26878893 26880059 1 OS05G0541400 26879818 26881142 1 Os05g0541400 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J2H7] OS07G0644900 26880078 26881843 1 Transposon protein, putative, CACTA, En/Spm sub-class OS11G0666300 26881252 26882862 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZY2] OS03G0678950 26884255 26885376 1 OS05G0541500 26884955 26887331 1 Acidic class III chitinase OsChib3a; Chitinase; Os01g0660200 protein; Putative chitinase; OS01G0660200 26885484 26886719 1 cDNA clone:J023143D03, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:O22080] OS08G0537900 26887813 26895496 1 AP2 domain-containing protein AP29-like [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6ZD37] Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1362_G11.13 OS05G0541700 26891037 26896830 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKP5] Expressed protein; Os12g0628200 protein; cDNA clone:J033094L24, full insert sequence OS12G0628300 26895057 26896260 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QLT7] OS05G0541800 26900127 26901512 1 Os08g0538000 protein; Putative glycyl-tRNA synthetase OS08G0538000 26900384 26904520 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6ZD35] Os04g0537800 protein; cDNA clone:J033135E09, full insert sequence OS04G0537800 26900944 26903966 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBE6] OS12G0628400 26902158 26905922 1 Os12g0628400 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0ILR7] OS06G0656000 26904473 26908029 1 OS08G0538200 26905017 26906620 1 Os08g0538100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J661] OS12G0628500 26906313 26910025 1 Methionine aminopeptidase [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QLT5] OS08G0538300 26909127 26913494 1 OS06G0656201 26910049 26911794 1 OS05G0542150 26911303 26914371 1 OS07G0645300 26911529 26912445 1 Os07g0645300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0503D09.101


[Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7EYL4] OS01G0660450 26912591 26913295 1 OS04G0538000 26913320 26919727 1 Os04g0538000 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBE4] OS01G0660550 26913460 26919559 1 Os07g0645400 protein; Putative NADH dehydrogenase OS07G0645400 26913496 26917496 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H2T7] Protein kinase domain containing protein, expressed OS11G0667000 26916494 26918387 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZX6] Os08g0538600 protein; Putative MtN19; Uncharacterized protein; cDNA clone:J013121M08, OS08G0538600 26918197 26921534 1 full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6ZD31] OS05G0542500 26927607 26928882 1 Late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:P0C5A4] OS02G0664000 26929770 26932403 1 Glutathione peroxidase [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6ESJ0] Os05g0542600 protein; cDNA clone:J033035N15, full insert sequence OS05G0542600 26930547 26935797 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DGB3] OS11G0667400 26932459 26933110 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZX2] Putative UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase OS02G0664100 26933477 26941903 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6ESI8] OS06G0656300 26937180 26940953 1 CASP-like protein Os06g0656300 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q67W83] Putative uncharacterized protein P0503D09.107 OS07G0645701 26937567 26939404 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7EYL2] OS05G0542732 26937607 26938300 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9FHK1] Os05g0542800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1288_A07.4 OS05G0542800 26940318 26943170 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q65XN5] OS06G0656400 26942137 26944369 1 Os06g0656400 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DAF6] Os05g0542900 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1288_A07.5; cDNA OS05G0542900 26943380 26945786 1 clone:J033114D17, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q65XN4] Os08g0539200 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0666G10.109; cDNA clone:002- OS08G0539200 26945672 26946647 1 154-F09, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q84QL9] OS11G0667700 26946159 26946885 1 Os11g0667700 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J986] OS06G0656566 26948159 26949749 1 Os05g0543000 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1288_A07.6 OS05G0543000 26948391 26949737 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q65XN3]


OS08G0539300 26948601 26953317 1 Os08g0539300 protein; Putative VIP2 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69UA1] OS02G0664200 26949070 26951331 1 Os02g0664200 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DYW4] Os03g0679700 protein; Thiamine biosynthesis protein thiC, putative, expressed; cDNA OS03G0679700 26952053 26959001 1 clone:J013044A21, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J013159A12, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q10F62] Os02g0664300 protein; Putative tripeptidyl peptidase II OS02G0664300 26952898 26970251 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6ESI7] OS05G0543150 26952967 26955727 1 Os06g0656700 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0460H04.35; cDNA clone:002- OS06G0656700 26954283 26955645 1 169-F11, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67W78] Os05g0543200 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1288_A07.8; cDNA, clone: OS05G0543200 26958516 26961422 1 J090026K18, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q65XN1] OS03G0679800 26959732 26970464 1 Os03g0679800 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DPM5] Os12g0630200 protein; P21 protein, putative, expressed OS12G0630200 26960487 26961383 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QLS7] OS04G0538750 26961634 26962448 1 Os07g0646000 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0503D09.113 OS07G0646000 26961910 26962724 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7EYL7] OS04G0538850 26962639 26967316 1 Os05g0543300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1288_A07.9; cDNA OS05G0543300 26963023 26965865 1 clone:J033127E04, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q65XN0] OS11G0668300 26967537 26977525 1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZW6] OS01G0660900 26971446 26973519 1 Os01g0660900 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JKN8] OS07G0646200 26972587 26974902 1 Os07g0646200 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J594] OSJNBa0011L07.2 protein; OSJNBa0091D06.24 protein; Os04g0538900 protein OS04G0538900 26975483 26976420 1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7FB13] OS12G0625000 26698650 26703087 -1 Cysteine synthase [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q9XEA6] OS06G0652300 26698962 26700005 -1 Putative GDP-L-fucose synthase 2 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q67WR5] Myosin heavy chain-like; Os01g0656600 protein OS01G0656600 26699254 26701573 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5SN02] Os07g0641600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0524G08.115; cDNA OS07G0641600 26700793 26705242 -1 clone:J013152N07, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J033066O20, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XHY7]


OS02G0659700 26701872 26705647 -1 Pollen thioesterase-like [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6A4] Expressed protein; cDNA clone:002-103-A07, full insert sequence OS03G0675300 26706309 26707932 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q10FA4] OS05G0537400 26706568 26708198 -1 Probable protein phosphatase 2C 50 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q6L5H6] OS07G0641800 26708500 26711813 -1 Os07g0641800 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0D477] Os04g0534400 protein; cDNA clone:J023096L07, full insert sequence OS04G0534400 26712651 26715739 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBF7] OS08G0535100 26713276 26716392 -1 OS12G0625200 26714545 26718161 -1 OS04G0534500 26716441 26719460 -1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9FGC1] OS07G0642100 26719124 26727238 -1 OS03G0675500 26722044 26722627 -1 Expressed protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FRG1] OS01G0657100 26724948 26725472 -1 OS08G0535200 26725952 26728794 -1 Bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET11 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q6YZF3] Lipase-like protein; Os07g0642200 protein; cDNA clone:001-015-G02, full insert sequence OS07G0642200 26727638 26729979 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8GS76] Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0052K01.6 OS05G0538250 26731894 26734986 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q53WL5] OS01G0657400 26734068 26735164 -1 Ap24; Os01g0657400 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7XAD7] OS05G0538500 26738233 26740873 -1 DHHC-type zinc finger domain-containing protein; Os08g0535400 protein; Putative DHHC- OS08G0535400 26744957 26748439 -1 type zinc finger domain-containing protein; cDNA clone:J023099O15, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6Z1H3] Os04g0535200 protein; cDNA clone:001-024-B02, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:002- OS04G0535200 26746714 26748520 -1 172-E10, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J033044F04, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBF3] Os08g0535600 protein; Putative small zinc finger-related protein OS08G0535600 26749784 26751095 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6Z1H2] OS05G0538700 26750213 26750693 -1 Expressed protein; Os03g0676400 protein; VQ motif family protein, expressed; cDNA OS03G0676400 26752033 26752699 -1 clone:002-156-E12, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q9FRF4] OS04G0535400 26754463 26757287 -1 Os04g0535400 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBF2]


OS07G0642600 26754722 26757533 -1 Os07g0642600 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0D472] OS02G0660800 26754927 26756492 -1 Pollen thioesterase-like [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H699] Os06g0653200 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0085J13.15 OS06G0653200 26756214 26757596 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67WQ5] OS12G0626100 26759757 26762339 -1 Deoxyhypusine hydroxylase-B [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q2QLW3] OS05G0538900 26761836 26764812 -1 Os02g0661000 protein; Peroxisomal protein PEX19-like OS02G0661000 26762824 26766482 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H697] OS04G0535501 26764494 26767814 -1 OS02G0661100 26767607 26771623 -1 Probable trehalose-phosphate phosphatase 1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q75WV3] Os01g0658300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0694A04.36; Uncharacterized OS01G0658300 26767672 26769190 -1 protein; cDNA clone:002-127-C11, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q94DB0] Os08g0535900 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0033D24.26; Putative OS08G0535900 26769337 26769904 -1 uncharacterized protein P0665C04.7 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6Z1G8] OS12G0626300 26770732 26779064 -1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9GEE1] OS02G0661200 26772690 26773935 -1 Os02g0661201 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7IYY7] OS11G0664400 26774246 26775075 -1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZZ6] Os07g0642900 protein; Putative transcription factor APFI; cDNA clone:006-310-G03, full OS07G0642900 26775410 26778677 -1 insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8GRK1] Os06g0653800 protein; Putative U5 snRNP-specific 40 kDa protein; cDNA clone:006-305- OS06G0653800 26779067 26781799 -1 A11, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J033133P19, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67WC9] Os02g0661300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0516F12.11; Putative OS02G0661300 26779329 26780263 -1 uncharacterized protein P0708H12.37; cDNA clone:002-105-F06, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H694] OS07G0642950 26780005 26781121 -1 OS12G0626400 26780492 26783584 -1 Os12g0626400 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0ILS1] OS01G0658400 26781113 26784353 -1 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 5A [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q8S920] OS02G0661400 26781596 26782633 -1 Putative zinc-binding protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6M4] Os06g0653900 protein; Putative transport protein SEC61 OS06G0653900 26782832 26784850 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67WC8]


Os07g0643100 protein; Putative esterase; cDNA clone:002-153-H02, full insert sequence OS07G0643100 26782880 26784563 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H5P9] OS03G0677101 26784463 26788834 -1 OS06G0654000 26785125 26790388 -1 Os06g0654000 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DAG6] Os01g0658500 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0684E06.3-1; Putative OS01G0658500 26785190 26788665 -1 uncharacterized protein P0694A04.40-1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5SMZ2] OS08G0536150 26786846 26790855 -1 OS02G0661600 26789959 26790911 -1 Putative uncharacterized protein P0516F12.15 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6H6M2] Os07g0643400 protein; Putative esterase; cDNA clone:006-204-B04, full insert sequence; OS07G0643400 26790870 26792040 -1 cDNA clone:006-310-B02, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H5P5] Os01g0658700 protein; cDNA clone:002-108-H02, full insert sequence; cDNA OS01G0658700 26791783 26795939 -1 clone:J033075D19, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JKP9] Os08g0536300 protein; Zinc-finger protein C60910-like OS08G0536300 26792942 26797114 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6Z1G2] OS05G0539400 26794411 26801239 -1 Beta-galactosidase 8 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q0DGD7] Os07g0643700 protein; Putative esterase; cDNA clone:002-138-E04, full insert sequence OS07G0643700 26796193 26797512 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7F1Y5] OS03G0677475 26797276 26797921 -1 OS04G0536300 26797695 26800253 -1 Protein YABBY 5 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q0JBF0] G-box binding protein; Os01g0658900 protein; Uncharacterized protein OS01G0658900 26800095 26805467 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7E0Y1] OS04G0536500 26804277 26806613 -1 Os04g0536500 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBE9] Os07g0644000 protein; Putative ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor2 OS07G0644000 26806424 26809048 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7F1Y6] Os05g0539700 protein; Putative nucleosome assembly protein; cDNA clone:J023081N13, OS05G0539700 26809206 26812469 -1 full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q53WK4] Os05g0539800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OSJNBa0052K01.19; cDNA OS05G0539800 26815636 26818736 -1 clone:006-311-F09, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J033090F11, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q53WK3] Os07g0644300 protein; Putative adapter protein ATH-55; cDNA clone:J013074K22, full OS07G0644300 26819447 26824258 -1 insert sequence; cDNA clone:J033041F21, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LIB1] Os02g0662300 protein; cDNA clone:J033082C10, full insert sequence OS02G0662300 26823636 26825873 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DYX1]


OS05G0540100 26828555 26834200 -1 Flap endonuclease 1-A [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q9SXQ6] OS11G0665600 26831964 26832713 -1 Expressed protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZY8] OS05G0540300 26835675 26840306 -1 Os05g0540300 protein; Putative chaperonin [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKQ5] OS08G0536800 26841066 26843300 -1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A3BV95] OS02G0662900 26841960 26843961 -1 OS06G0654900 26843118 26843680 -1 Putative uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9FQA1] OS07G0644550 26844638 26850135 -1 Os05g0540600 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1362_G11.5; cDNA OS05G0540600 26846176 26847985 -1 clone:J023031I01, full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J023031J01, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKQ3] OS08G0537002 26852059 26857339 -1 OS02G0663200 26853143 26854630 -1 OS06G0655100 26855082 26858660 -1 Os05g0540900 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1362_G11.7; cDNA clone:001- OS05G0540900 26858393 26859779 -1 015-C07, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKQ1] Os06g0655200 protein; Putative group 3 pollen allergen; cDNA clone:J023066C23, full OS06G0655200 26859075 26859735 -1 insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67W98] OS08G0537200 26861859 26862428 -1 OS02G0663300 26867009 26886180 -1 OS05G0541301 26870451 26870992 -1 OS08G0537600 26871277 26879986 -1 Os08g0537600 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J435] OS11G0665950 26873372 26873913 -1 Os11g0665950 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B9G8S1] Expressed protein; Os11g0666100 protein; cDNA clone:002-188-H08, full insert sequence OS11G0666100 26875368 26876085 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZY4] Kelch repeat containing F-box protein-like; Os06g0655500 protein; cDNA OS06G0655500 26877125 26878985 -1 clone:J023014H04, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67W96] Os11g0666200 protein; Protein kinase domain containing protein, expressed OS11G0666200 26878083 26880047 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZY3] OS01G0660000 26878591 26879891 -1 Os07g0645000 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1458_B07.124; cDNA, clone: OS07G0645000 26882080 26883927 -1 J075182P04, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8LI99]


OS08G0537800 26883126 26885826 -1 Os08g0537800 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0J434] Expressed protein; Os03g0679000 protein; cDNA clone:006-209-D10, full insert sequence OS03G0679000 26885838 26888287 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q10F72] OS07G0645100 26886336 26891049 -1 Os07g0645100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0D457] OS01G0660300 26888425 26895926 -1 Pyruvate kinase [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JKP1] OS12G0628100 26888810 26890166 -1 Actin-depolymerizing factor 11 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q2QLT8] OS03G0679100 26894662 26898506 -1 Os03g0679100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0DPM9] OS05G0541750 26897934 26898364 -1 Arabinogalactan peptide 3 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:A9UGV7] OS03G0679300 26901326 26924630 -1 Putative 60S ribosomal L28 protein; cDNA clone:J013069H24, full insert sequence OS05G0541900 26902013 26905007 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKP2] OS07G0645200 26903009 26908544 -1 Os04g0537900 protein; Vacuolar processing enzyme OS04G0537900 26903901 26908676 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q84LM2] OS08G0538100 26905207 26906508 -1 OS01G0660400 26905578 26907242 -1 OS05G0542001 26907339 26907602 -1 Os05g0542001 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:C7J2H9] Os05g0542100 protein; Putative fiber protein; cDNA clone:J023027J05, full insert sequence OS05G0542100 26907931 26910905 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKP1] OS01G0660500 26912597 26913772 -1 Uncharacterized protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A2ZW78] OS12G0628600 26913087 26913851 -1 Thaumatin-like protein [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:P31110] OS05G0542200 26913398 26917388 -1 cDNA clone:J023112L03, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:B7EJU0] OS04G0538100 26917910 26919741 -1 Os04g0538100 protein [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBE3] Putative uncharacterized protein P0503D09.103 OS07G0645500 26918373 26923890 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H2T6] OS02G0663800 26919906 26922028 -1 Actin-depolymerizing factor 1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q6EUH7] OS04G0538166 26920269 26920691 -1 Os12g0629300 protein; Thaumatin-like protein, putative OS12G0629300 26922175 26922699 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QLT3] OS08G0538700 26922222 26928300 -1 Retinoblastoma-related protein 1 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q84QM3]


Os05g0542300 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein OJ1362_G11.18; cDNA clone:001- OS05G0542300 26922233 26923380 -1 103-H03, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5TKN9] Os02g0663900 protein; Putative anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase; cDNA OS02G0663900 26922398 26927229 -1 clone:J023002F11, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q6EUH5] Os01g0660700 protein; Uncharacterized protein OS01G0660700 26923017 26924486 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JKP0] OSJNBa0091D06.16 protein; Os04g0538300 protein OS04G0538300 26925996 26926313 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:A3AVY5] OS05G0542666 26930578 26935513 -1 OS04G0538400 26931464 26932639 -1 Vacuolar iron transporter homolog 2 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:B7F138] OS12G0629600 26932273 26933292 -1 Os08g0538800 protein; Putative pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein; cDNA OS08G0538800 26932311 26935259 -1 clone:J023049D08, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69UA3] OS02G0664150 26936444 26943576 -1 Os08g0539100 protein; Putative DHHC-type zinc finger domain-containing protein; cDNA OS08G0539100 26938833 26942097 -1 clone:J033048F17, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q69UA2] Putative uncharacterized protein P0503D09.108 OS07G0645900 26942081 26950371 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q8H2T4] OS06G0656500 26943193 26949889 -1 Probable 4-coumarate--CoA ligase 4 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q67W82] Os12g0629700 protein; Thaumatin-like protein, putative, expressed; cDNA OS12G0629700 26946904 26947698 -1 clone:J013123C17, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QLS9] Os05g0543100 protein; Putative clathrin; cDNA clone:J013002A10, full insert sequence OS05G0543100 26952587 26955912 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q65XN2] NB-ARC domain containing protein, expressed OS11G0668100 26953151 26960443 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QZW8] OSJNBa0091D06.22 protein; Os04g0538700 protein; cDNA clone:J023108N03, full insert OS04G0538700 26954474 26960262 -1 sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q0JBE1] Os12g0630100 protein; Thaumatin-like protein, putative, expressed; cDNA OS12G0630100 26956203 26956894 -1 clone:J023009L15, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q2QLS8] Endosperm specific protein-like; Os06g0656800 protein OS06G0656800 26957522 26958621 -1 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q67W76] OSJNBa0011L07.1 protein; Os04g0538800 protein; cDNA clone:J033088K23, full insert OS04G0538800 26962438 26968050 -1 sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q7X7H4] OS07G0646100 26963443 26967055 -1 Probable protein phosphatase 2C 65 [Source:UniProt/SWISSPROT;Acc:Q8H2T0]


Os05g0543400 protein; Putative farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase; cDNA clone:J023072A14, OS05G0543400 26966573 26969894 -1 full insert sequence; cDNA clone:J033069I20, full insert sequence [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q65XM9] Os01g0660800 protein; Putative uncharacterized protein P0445H04.31; Putative OS01G0660800 26967895 26968891 -1 uncharacterized protein P0671D01.6 [Source:UniProt/SPTREMBL;Acc:Q5SMR6]



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226 Chapter 7


Root traits are of primary importance in determining the ability of a plant to

acquire edaphic resources. Phosphorus is one of the most limiting nutrients as almost

50% of rice production areas are considered phosphorus deficient. Certain rice genotypes

are more efficient in extracting immobile phosphorus from the soil. This efficiency may

be attributed to the changes in root architecture, adventitious rooting, root biomass, root

hairs, root length, and mycorrhizal associations. Therefore, understanding root

characteristics and genetic mechanisms associated with phosphorus acquisition efficiency

would certainly increase the scope for selection and breeding of new cultivars with

improved adaptation to low phosphorus ecosystems.

The goals of the research work presented here were to examine the effect of

phosphorus deficiency on root architectural, morphological and anatomical traits among

diverse accessions of rice (Oryza sativa), and identify molecular markers associated with

genes controlling these traits in rice. Substantial genotypic variation was found in these

characteristics of rice genotypes and in their responses to low phosphorus availability.

Our results suggest that several root traits such as root hair length and density, lateral rooting, total root cross-section area, and root cortical aerenchyma could be related to phosphorus efficiency. Using the phenotypic information presented here, it is now possible to conduct experiments to test the value of each of these traits under particular stress conditions.

227 This research also attempted to identify significant loci associated with genes

controlling root anatomical, morphological and architectural traits using the Genome- wide Association (GWA) analysis. GWA study offers increased mapping resolution which is sufficient to enable gene discovery. To our knowledge, we are the first to employ this most comprehensive approach to elucidate genetic architecture underlying these root traits in rice. A set of diverse rice germplasm consisting ~335 accessions was evaluated for root hair length and density, lateral root branching and numbers of root anatomical structures including aerenchyma, areas of root cross-section, cortex and stele, and meta-xylem vessels, in well-controlled greenhouse environment. Results have shown significant phenotypic variation within and among sub-populations, and a total of 63 significant loci were indentified for all root traits evaluated. This information can effectively lead to the development of plant materials suitable to poor soils.

Future Work

In collaboration with Dr. Susan McCouch at Cornell University, GWA analyses will be performed using a new high density rice SNP array consisting of ~700,000 SNPs which will locate closer markers, and eventually indentify candidate genes controlling natural variation for these traits. These candidates will provide a resource for future studies to identify the genes and pathways responsible for genetic variation in each trait, to understand their regulation under different environments, and to exploit them for plant breeding.


Appendix A

The curvature effect on root hair density.

Root Box Area I Root Hair Density I Box Area II Root Hair Density II % Sample Diameter (mm2) (hairs/mm2) (mm2) (hairs/mm2) Difference (mm) 1 0.64 (thin) 0.122 182 0.181 196 7.692308 2 0.72 (thin) 0.148 175 0.212 188 7.142857 3 0.62 (thin) 0.137 169 0.194 180 6.043956 4 0.76 (thin) 0.116 171 0.202 179 4.395604 5 0.71 (thin) 0.134 195 0.188 204 4.945055 6 0.92 (thick) 0.122 193 0.196 204 6.043956 7 1.03 (thick) 0.096 201 0.228 208 3.846154 8 1.12 (thick) 0.156 214 0.213 224 5.494505 9 1.08 (thick) 0.132 189 0.246 201 6.593407 10 0.97 (thick) 0.114 215 0.206 227 6.593407

229 Appendix B

Lists of O. sativa accessions

Table 1: Rice accessions used in chapters 3, 4 and 5, showing accession number, name, geographic origin and sub-population. GSOR ID NSFTV ID Accession Name Country of Origin Sub-population 301001 1 Agostano Italy TEJ 301003 3 Ai-Chiao-Hong China IND 301004 4 NSF-TV 4 India AUS 301005 5 NSF-TV 5 India AROMATIC 301006 6 ARC 7229 India AUS 301007 7 Arias Indonesia TRJ 301008 8 Asse Y Pung Philippines TRJ 301009 9 Baber India TEJ 301010 10 Baghlani Nangarhar Afghanistan TEJ 301382 11 Baguamon 14 Bangladesh IND 301011 12 Basmati Pakistan AROMATIC 301012 13 NSF-TV 13 Pakistan AUS 301013 14 Basmati 217 India TRJ 301383 15 Beonjo South Korea TEJ 301014 16 Bico Branco Brazil AROMATIC 301015 17 Binulawan Philippines IND 301016 18 BJ 1 India AUS 301017 19 Black Gora India AUS 301018 20 Blue Rose Louisiana ADMIX 301019 21 Byakkoku Y 5006 Seln Australia IND 301020 22 Caawa/Fortuna 6-103-15 Taiwan TRJ 301021 23 Canella De Ferro Brazil TRJ 301022 24 Carolina Gold United States TRJ 301023 25 Carolina Gold United States TRJ 301024 26 Carolina Gold Sel United States TRJ 301025 27 NSF-TV 27 Pakistan TRJ 301027 29 Chau Vietnam IND 301028 30 Chiem Chanh Vietnam IND 301029 31 Chinese China TEJ 301030 32 Chodongji South Korea TEJ 301031 33 Chuan 4 Taiwan AUS


301032 34 NSF-TV 34 India IND 301033 35 CO18 India IND 301034 36 CS-M3 United States-CA TEJ 301035 37 Cuba 65 Cuba TRJ 301037 39 NSF-TV 39 Bangladesh ADMIX 301038 40 Dam Thailand ADMIX 301039 41 Darmali Nepal ADMIX 301040 43 Dee Geo Woo Gen Taiwan IND 301041 44 Dhala Shaitta Bangladesh AUS 301042 45 Dom-sufid Iran AROMATIC 301043 46 Dourado Agulha Brazil TRJ 301045 49 DV85 Bangladesh AUS 301046 50 DZ78 Bangladesh AUS 301047 51 Early Wataribune Japan TEJ 301048 52 Eh Ia Chiu Taiwan TEJ 301049 53 Firooz Iran AROMATIC 301050 54 Fortuna United States TRJ 301051 55 Gerdeh Iran ADMIX 301052 56 Geumobyeo South Korea TEJ 301053 57 NSF-TV 57 Iran IND 301054 58 Ghati Kamma Nangarhar Afghanistan AUS 301055 59 Gogo Lempuk Indonesia TRJ 301056 60 Gotak Gatik Indonesia ADMIX 301057 61 Guan-Yin-Tsan China IND 301386 62 Gyehwa 3 South Korea TEJ 301387 63 Haginomae Mochi Japan TEJ 301388 64 Heukgyeong South Korea TEJ 301058 65 Honduras Honduras TRJ 301059 66 Hsia Chioh Keh Tu Taiwan IND 301060 67 Hu Lo Tao China TEJ 301061 68 I-Geo-Tze Taiwan ADMIX 301062 69 IAC 25 Brazil TRJ 301063 70 Iguape Cateto Haiti TRJ 301064 71 IR 36 Philippines IND 301065 72 IR 8 Philippines IND 301066 73 IRAT 177 French Guiana TRJ 301067 74 IRGA 409 Brazil IND 301068 75 Jambu Indonesia TRJ 301069 76 Jaya India IND


301070 77 JC149 India IND 301071 78 Jhona 349 India AUS 301072 79 Jouiku 393G Japan TEJ 301073 80 K 65 Suriname ADMIX 301074 81 Kalamkati India AUS 301075 83 Kamenoo Japan TEJ 301076 84 Kaniranga Indonesia TRJ 301077 85 Kasalath India AUS 301078 86 Kaw Luyoeng Thailand TEJ 301079 87 Keriting Tingii Indonesia ADMIX 301080 88 Khao Gaew Thailand AUS 301081 89 NSF-TV 89 Thailand TRJ 301082 90 Kiang-Chou-Chiu Taiwan IND 301083 91 Kibi Japan TEJ 301084 92 Kinastano Philippines TRJ 301085 93 Kitrana 508 Madagascar AROMATIC 301086 94 Japan TEJ 301088 96 KU115 Thailand ADMIX 301089 97 Kun-Min-Tsieh-Hunan China IND 301090 98 L-202 United States_CA TRJ 301091 99 LAC 23 Liberia TRJ 301092 100 Lacrosse United States ADMIX 301093 101 Lemont United States TRJ 301094 102 Leung Pratew Thailand IND 301095 103 Luk Takhar Afghanistan TEJ 301096 104 Mansaku Japan TEJ 301097 105 Mehr Iran AUS 301098 106 Ming Hui China IND 301099 107 NSF-TV 107 Bangladesh TRJ 301100 108 Moroberekan Guinea TRJ 301101 109 MTU9 India IND 301102 110 Mudgo India IND Not available 111 N 22 India TRJ 301104 112 N12 India AROMATIC 301105 113 Norin 20 Japan TEJ 301106 114 Nova United States ADMIX 301107 115 NPE 835 Pakistan TEJ 301108 116 NSF-TV 116 Pakistan TRJ 301109 117 O-Luen-Cheung Taiwan IND


301110 118 Oro Chile TEJ 301111 119 Oryzica Llanos 5 Colombia IND 301112 120 OS6 Nigeria TRJ 301113 121 Ostiglia Argentina TEJ 301114 122 Padi Kasalle Indonesia TRJ 301115 123 Pagaiyahan Taiwan IND 301390 124 Pankhari 203 India AROMATIC 301116 125 Pao-Tou-Hung China IND 301117 126 Pappaku Taiwan IND 301119 128 Pato De Gallinazo Australia ADMIX 301120 129 Peh-Kuh Taiwan IND 301121 130 Peh-Kuh-Tsao-Tu Taiwan IND 301122 131 Phudugey Bhutan AUS 301123 132 Rathuwee Sri Lanka IND 301124 133 Rikuto Kemochi Japan TEJ 301125 134 Romeo Italy TEJ 301126 135 RT 1031-69 Zaire TRJ 301127 136 RTS12 Vietnam IND 301128 137 RTS14 Vietnam IND 301129 138 RTS4 Vietnam IND 301130 139 S4542A3-49B-2B12 United States TRJ 301131 140 Saturn United States ADMIX 301132 141 Seratoes Hari Indonesia IND 301133 142 Shai-Kuh China IND 301134 143 Shinriki Japan TEJ 301135 144 Shoemed United States TEJ 301136 145 Short Grain Thailand IND 301137 146 Shuang-Chiang Taiwan IND 301138 147 Sinampaga Selection Philippines TRJ 301139 148 Sintane Diofor Burkina Faso IND 301140 149 Sinaguing Philippines TRJ 301141 150 Sultani Egypt TRJ 301142 151 Suweon Korea TEJ 301143 152 T 1 India AUS 301144 153 T26 India AUS 301145 154 Ta Hung Ku China TEJ 301146 155 Ta Mao Tsao China TEJ 301147 156 Taichung Native 1 Taiwan IND 301148 157 Tainan Iku 487 Taiwan TEJ


301149 158 Taipei 309 Taiwan TEJ 301150 159 Tam Cau 9A Vietnam IND 301151 160 NSF-TV 160 Iran AROMATIC 301152 161 TeQing China IND 301153 162 TKM6 India IND 301154 163 Taducan Philippines IND 301155 164 Tondok Indonesia TRJ 301156 165 Trembese Indonesia TRJ 301157 166 Tsipala 421 Madagascar ADMIX 301158 167 B6616A4-22-Bk-5-4 United States TRJ 301159 168 Vary Vato 462 Madagascar ADMIX 301160 169 WC 6 China TEJ 301161 170 Wells United States TRJ 301162 171 ZHE 733 China IND 301163 172 Zhenshan 2 China IND 301164 173 Nipponbare Japan TEJ 301165 174 Azucena Philippines TRJ Not available 175 1021 Guatemala TRJ 301167 176 583 Ecuador TRJ 301168 177 68-2 France TEJ 301169 178 ARC 6578 India AUS 301170 179 Bellardone France TEJ 301171 180 Benllok Peru TEJ 301172 181 Bergreis Austria TEJ 301173 182 Blue Rose Supreme United States ADMIX 301174 183 Boa Vista El Salvador TRJ 301175 184 Bombon Spain TEJ 301176 185 British Honduras Creole Belize TRJ 301177 186 Bul Zo South Korea TEJ 301178 187 C57-5043 United States TRJ 301179 188 Coppocina Bulgaria TRJ 301180 189 Criollo La Fria Venezuela IND 301181 190 Delrex United States TRJ 301182 191 Dom Zard Iran AROMATIC 301183 192 Erythroceros Hokkaido Poland TEJ 301184 193 Fossa Av Burkina Faso TRJ 301185 194 HG 24 Burkina Faso ADMIX 301186 195 IRAT 13 Cote D'Ivoire TRJ 301187 196 JM70 Mali IND


301188 197 Kaukkyi Ani Myanmar ADMIX 301189 198 Leah Bulgaria TRJ 301190 199 NSF-TV 199 Bolivia TRJ 301191 200 P 737 Pakistan AUS 301192 201 Pate Blanc Mn 1 Cote D'Ivoire TRJ 301193 202 Pratao Brazil TRJ 301194 203 Radin Ebos 33 Malaysia IND 301195 204 Razza 77 Italy TEJ 301196 205 Rinaldo Bersani Italy ADMIX 301197 206 Rojofotsy 738 Madagascar ADMIX 301198 207 Sigadis Indonesia IND 301199 208 SLO 17 India IND 301200 209 Tchibanga Gabon IND 301202 211 Tokyo Shino Mochi Japan ADMIX Not available 212 WC 2810 Micronesia TRJ 301204 213 WC 3397 Jamaica TRJ 301205 214 WC 4419 Honduras TRJ 301206 215 WC 4443 Bolivia TRJ 301207 216 Yabani Montakhab 7 Egypt TEJ 301208 217 YRL-1 Australia ADMIX 301209 218 PI 298967-1 Australia ADMIX 301210 219 Nucleoryza Austria TEJ 301211 220 Azerbaidjanica Azerbaijan TEJ 301212 221 Sadri Belyi Azerbaijan AROMATIC 301213 222 Paraiba Chines Nova Brazil IND 301214 223 Priano Guaira Brazil TRJ 301215 224 Karabaschak Bulgaria TEJ 301216 225 Biser 1 Bulgaria TEJ 301217 226 IRAT 44 Burkina Faso TRJ 301218 227 Riz Local Burkina Faso ADMIX 301219 228 CA 902/B/2/1 Chad AUS 301220 229 Niquen Chile TRJ 301221 231 Hunan Early Dwarf No. 3 China IND 301222 232 Shangyu 394 China TEJ 301223 233 Sung Liao 2 China TEJ 301224 234 Aijiaonante China IND 301225 235 Sze Guen Zim China IND 301226 236 WC 521 China ADMIX 301227 237 Estrela Colombia ADMIX


301229 239 WAB 502-13-4-1 Cote D'Ivoire TRJ 301230 240 WAB 501-11-5-1 Cote D'Ivoire TRJ 301231 241 ECIA76-S89-1 Cuba IND Dominican 301232 242 27 Republic TRJ 301233 243 Tropical Rice Ecuador TEJ 301234 244 Arabi Egypt ADMIX 301235 245 Sab Ini Egypt TEJ 301236 246 Saraya Fiji AUS Former Soviet 301237 247 Desvauxii Union TEJ Former Soviet 301238 248 Caucasica Union TEJ 301239 249 Pirinae 69 Former Yugoslavia ADMIX 301240 250 Bulgare France TEJ 301241 251 H256-76-1-1-1 Argentina TRJ 301242 252 Djimoron Guinea IND 301243 253 Guineandao Guinea ADMIX 301244 254 Hon Chim Hong Kong IND 301245 255 Pai Hok Glutinous Hong Kong IND 301246 256 Romanica Hungary TEJ 301247 257 Agusita Hungary TEJ 301248 258 Tia Bura Indonesia TRJ 301249 259 Sadri Tor Misri Iran ADMIX 301250 260 NSF-TV 260 Iran AROMATIC 301251 261 Shim Balte Iraq AUS 301252 262 Halwa Gose Red Iraq AUS 301253 263 Maratelli Italy TEJ 301254 264 Baldo Italy ADMIX 301255 265 Vialone Italy TEJ 301256 266 Hiderisirazu Japan ADMIX 301257 267 Hatsunishiki Japan TEJ 301258 268 Vavilovi Kazakhstan TEJ 301259 269 Sundensis Kazakhstan IND 301260 270 Osogovka Macedonia ADMIX 301261 271 M. Blatec Macedonia ADMIX 301262 272 923 Madagascar ADMIX 301263 273 Varyla Madagascar ADMIX 301264 274 Padi Pagalong Malaysia TRJ 301265 275 Sri Malaysia Dua Malaysia TEJ 301266 276 Kaukau Mali AUS


301267 277 Gambiaka Sebela Mali TEJ 301268 278 C1-6-5-3 Mexico ADMIX 301269 279 Kon Suito Mongolia TEJ 301270 280 Saku Mongolia ADMIX 301271 281 Patna Morocco TEJ 301272 282 Triomphe Du Maroc Morocco TEJ 301273 283 Chibica Mozambique TEJ 301274 284 IR-44595 Nepal IND 301275 285 Tox 782-20-1 Nigeria TRJ 301276 286 IITA 135 Nigeria TRJ 301277 287 Zerawchanica Karatalski Poland TEJ 301278 288 Italica Carolina Poland TEJ 301279 289 Lusitano Portugal TEJ 301280 290 Amposta Puerto Rico TEJ 301281 291 Toploea 70/76 Romania TEJ 301282 292 Stegaru 65 Romania TEJ 301283 293 TOg 7178 Senegal ADMIX 301284 294 SL 22-613 Sierra Leone ADMIX 301285 295 Bombilla Spain TEJ 301286 296 Dosel Spain TEJ 301287 297 Bahia Spain TEJ 301288 298 LD 24 Sri Lanka IND 301289 299 SML 242 Suriname IND 301290 300 Sml Kapuri Suriname TEJ 301291 301 Melanotrix Tajikistan TEJ 301292 302 WIR 3039 Tajikistan TEJ 301293 303 Kihogo Tanzania TEJ 301294 304 519 Uruguay IND 301295 305 Doble Carolina Rinaldo Barsani Uruguay ADMIX 301296 306 WIR 3764 Uzbekistan TEJ 301297 307 Uzbekskij 2 Uzbekistan TEJ 301298 308 Llanero 501 Venezuela TRJ 301299 309 Manzano Zaire TRJ 301300 310 R 101 Zaire TRJ 301301 311 56-122-23 Thailand TEJ 301302 312 Aswina 330 Bangladesh AUS 301303 313 BR24 Bangladesh IND 301304 314 CTG 1516 Bangladesh AUS 301305 315 Dawebyan Myanmar IND


301306 316 DD 62 Bangladesh AUS 301307 317 DJ 123 Bangladesh AUS 301308 318 DJ 24 Bangladesh AUS 301309 319 DK 12 Bangladesh AUS 301310 320 DM 43 Bangladesh AUS 301311 321 DM 56 Bangladesh AUS 301312 322 DM 59 Bangladesh AUS 301313 323 DNJ 140 Bangladesh AUS 301314 324 DV 123 Bangladesh AUS 301315 325 EMATA A 16-34 Myanmar IND 301316 326 Ghorbhai Bangladesh AUS 301317 327 Goria Bangladesh AUS 301318 328 Jamir Bangladesh AUS 301319 329 Kachilon Bangladesh AUS 301320 330 Khao Pahk Maw Thailand AUS 301321 331 Khao Tot Long 227 Thailand AUS 301322 332 KPF-16 Bangladesh ADMIX 301323 333 Leuang Hawn Thailand TEJ 301324 334 Lomello Thailand TEJ 301325 335 Okshitmayin Myanmar ADMIX 301326 336 Paung Malaung Myanmar AUS 301327 337 Sabharaj Bangladesh IND 301328 338 Sitpwa Myanmar TEJ 301329 339 Yodanya Myanmar IND 301330 340 Berenj Afghanistan ADMIX 301331 341 Shirkati Afghanistan AUS 301332 342 Cenit Argentina TRJ 301333 343 Victoria F.A. Argentina ADMIX 301334 344 Habiganj Boro 6 Bangladesh ADMIX 301335 345 DZ 193 Bangladesh AUS 301336 346 Karkati 87 Bangladesh AUS 301337 347 Creole Belize TRJ 301338 348 China 1039 China IND 301339 349 Chang Ch'Sang Hsu Tao China IND 301340 350 Ligerito Colombia TRJ 301393 352 Guatemala 1021 Guatemala TRJ 301341 353 ARC 10376 India AUS 301343 355 ASD 1 India TEJ 301344 356 JC 117 India IND


301345 357 9524 India AUS 301346 358 ARC 10086 India ADMIX 301347 359 Surjamkuhi India AUS 301348 360 PTB 30 India AUS Not available 361 F.R. 13A India TEJ 301350 363 Edomen Scented Japan TEJ 301351 364 Rikuto Norin 21 Japan ADMIX 301352 365 Shirogane Japan TEJ 301353 366 Kiuki No. 46 Japan TEJ 301354 367 Sanbyang-Daeme Korea ADMIX 301355 368 Deokjeokjodo Korea TEJ 301356 369 Sathi Pakistan AUS 301357 370 Coarse Pakistan AUS 301358 371 Santhi Sufaid Pakistan AUS 301359 372 Sufaid Pakistan AUS 301360 373 Lambayeque 1 Peru AROMATIC 301396 375 Upland PONAPE ISLAND TRJ 301361 376 Breviaristata Portugal ADMIX 301362 377 PR 304 Puerto Rico TRJ 301363 378 Kalubala Vee Sri Lanka AUS 301364 379 Wanica Suriname TRJ 301365 380 Tainan-Iku No. 512 Taiwan TEJ 301366 381 325 Taiwan TRJ 301367 384 318 TURKEY TRJ 301368 385 Nira United States IND 301369 386 Palmyra United States ADMIX 301370 387 M-202 United States-CA ADMIX 301371 388 Nortai United States ADMIX 301372 389 CI 11011 United States ADMIX 301373 390 CI 11026 United States ADMIX 301374 391 Della United States TRJ 301375 392 Edith United States TRJ 301377 394 Lady Wright Seln United States TRJ 301378 395 OS 6 (WC 10296) Zaire TRJ 301379 396 Cocodrie United States TRJ 301380 397 Cybonnet United States TRJ 301399 398 93-11 China IND 301381 399 Spring United States TRJ 301400 400 Yang Dao 6 China IND


301416 616 RT0034 United States IND 301404 618 Pecos United States ADMIX 301405 619 Rosemont United States TRJ 301406 620 Jasmine85 Philippines IND 301402 621 LaGrue United States TRJ 301418 622 Bengal United States ADMIX 301407 623 Shufeng 121-1655 China IND 301408 624 Kaybonnet United States TRJ 301419 625 Katy United States TRJ 301420 626 C101A51 Colombia IND 301421 627 Early United States ADMIX 301409 628 Jefferson United States TRJ 301410 629 Panda United States ADMIX 301411 630 Saber United States TRJ 301413 632 Francis United States TRJ 301414 633 Jing 185-7 China IND 301415 634 Rondo (4484-1693) China IND 312001 635 Azucena Philipppines TRJ 312002 636 Sadu Cho Korea IND 312003 637 N 22 India AUS 312004 638 Moroberekan Guinea TRJ 312005 639 Nipponbare Japan TEJ 312006 640 Dom-Sofid Iran AROMATIC 312007 641 Tainung 67 Taiwan TEJ 312008 642 Zhenshan 97B China IND 312009 643 Minghui 63 China IND 312010 644 IR64 Philippines IND 312011 645 M202 United States-CA ADMIX 312013 647 Cypress United States TRJ 312014 648 Shan-Huang-Zhan-2 China IND 312017 651 Dular India AUS 312018 652 Li-Jiang-Xin-Tuan-Hei-Gu China ADMIX

Table 2: Rice accessions used in chapter 6, showing accession number, name, and sub- population.









EDUCATION 2014 PhD, Dept of Horticulture, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 2009 MS, Dept of Horticulture, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 2004 BS, Dept of Biotechnology (2nd Class Honors), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.

HONORS AND AWARDS 2001-2013 ‘Thaipat’ Scholarship sponsored by Royal Thai Government. 2011 College of Agricultural Sciences Doctoral Student Competitive Grant. 2011 Asia Rice Foundation USA (ARFUSA) Study and Travel Award. 2012 College of Agricultural Sciences Travel Award, Pennsylvania State University. 2012 Walter Thomas Memorial Fellowship, Pennsylvania State University. 2013 Travel Award from University of Missouri Interdisciplinary Plant Group

TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2009 Teaching Assistant, Post Harvest Physiology, Pennsylvania State University. 2008-2013 Teaching Assistant, Plant Nutrition, Pennsylvania State University.

POSTER PRESENTATIONS 2011 18th Plant Biology Symposium, Pennsylvania State University. 2011 Plant Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada. 2012 8th The International Society of Root Research (ISRR) Symposium. 2012 The Annual ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. 2013 The 30th Annual IPG Symposium on “Root Biology”

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Genetic Control of Root Anatomical, Morphological and Architectural Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa). The Genetic Regulation and Physiology of Manganese Toxicity and Tolerance in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). An Effective Defensive Response in Thai Varieties (Oryza sativa L. spp. indica) to Salinity.

INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2009 Visiting Scholar, Dr. Abdelbagi Ismail’s Lab, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines. 2012 Visiting Scholar, Dr. Matthias Wissuwa’s Lab, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Japan.

PUBLICATION An Effective Defensive Response in Thai Aromatic Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L. spp. indica) to Salinity, J. Crop Sci. Biotech. 10 (4):123-132, 2007.