A History of Discovery, Study and Exploitation of Coal in Tasmania
Papers and Proceedings of the Society of Tasmania, Volume /23, /989 /37 A HISTORY OF DISCOVERY, STUDY AND EXPLOITATION OF COAL IN TASMANIA Carol A, Bacon and Maxwell R. Banks (with four tables, ten text-figures and three aplperlclH,;es BACON, C.A. & BANKS, M.R., 1989 (31 :x): A history of discovery, study and exploitation of coal in Tasmania. Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. 123: 137-189. ISSN 0080-4703. Department of Mines, PO Box 56, Rosny Park, Tasmania 7018 and Department of Geology, University of Tasmania, GPO Box 252C, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia. The history of discovery of coal in Tasmania. the history of geological work on the coal and the history and methods of exploitation of the coal have been influenced by three main factors: (I) population spread and density, (2) geology, including quality, of coal and (3) economic conditions. The pattern of discovery showed the effects of population growth and the spread of settlement in the island and, particularly in the early days of the colony, the types of discoverers reflected important groups in the population. Study of the coal was, for the greater part of last century, carried out by visiting naturalists, amateurs (some of them gifted) or overseas experts. Even when this situation changed and the work was done by resident geologists, the study usually depended on concepts and practices developed elsewhere. The derivative nature of this work is a reflection of the generally poor quality of known coals and, by and large, low known coal reserves. The history of mining reflects the geology of the coal deposits, changes in the means and availability of transport and, in general, economic conditions.
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