Vol. 5 (1) 2011

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Vol. 5 (1) 2011 Vol. 5 (1) 2011 Editorial (p. 3) Focus: Guest Editorial Peter Imbusch / Alex Veit (pp. 4 – 12) Violence and Violence Violence and Violence Research in Africa South of the Sahara Research in the Alex Veit / Vanessa Barolsky / Suren Pillay (pp. 13 – 31) Global South Violence Research from North Africa to South Asia: A Historical and Structural Overview Boris Wilke / Jochen Hippler / Muhammad Zakria Zakar (pp. 32 – 54) Violence Research in Northeast and Southeast Asia: Main Themes and Directions Oliver Hensengerth (pp. 55 – 86) Violence Research in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Literature Review Peter Imbusch / Michel Misse / Fernando Carrión (pp. 87 – 154) Scarcity and Abundance Revisited: A Literature Review on Natural Resources and Conflict Stormy-Annika Mildner / Wiebke Wodni / Gitta Lauster (pp. 155 – 172) How Does Militant Violence Diffuse in Regions? Regional Conflict Systems in International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies Nadine Ansorg (pp. 173 – 187) Open Section Difficulties Measuring and Controlling Homicide in Rio de Janeiro Steffen Zdun (pp. 188 – 199) Affirmative Action and Ethnic Identity in Black and Indigenous Brazilian Children Dalila Xavier de França / Marcus Eugênio Oliveira Lima (pp. 200 – 210) Cultural Value Differences, Value Stereotypes, and Diverging Identities in Intergroup Conflicts: The Estonian Example Henrik Dobewall / Micha Strack (pp. 211 – 223) Perceptions of Everyday Interpersonal Discrimination among Young Men of Turkish Background in Cologne Henrik Hartmann (pp. 224 – 233) urn:nbn:de:0070-ijcv-2011101 ISSN: 1864–1385 IJCV: Vol. 5 (1) 2011, p. 2 2 International Journal of Conflict and Violence – IJCV The International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV) is a peer-reviewed periodical for scientific exchange and public dissemination of the latest academic research on conflict and violence. It was included in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) in March 2011. The subjects on which the IJCV concentrates have always been the subject of interest in many different areas of academic life. Con- sequently, the journal encompasses contributions from a wide range of dis- ciplines including sociology, political science, education, social psychology, criminology, ethnology, history, political philosophy, urban studies, economics, and the study of religions. The IJCV is open-access: All text of the IJCV is subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives License. The IJCV is published twice a year, in spring and in fall. Each issue will focus on one specific topic while also including articles on other issues. Editors Editorial Staff (University of Bielefeld) Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Editor-in-Chief (University of Bielefeld) Dr. Stefan Malthaner Prof. Douglas S. Massey, Ph.D. (Princeton University) Dipl.-Soz. Julia Marth Prof. Steven F. Messner, Ph.D. (University at Albany, NY) Dr. Kurt Salentin Prof. Dr. James Sidanius (Harvard University) Dr. Peter Sitzer Prof. Dr. Michel Wieviorka (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) Dipl.-Pol. Boris Wilke Advisory Board Editorial Office Prof. Tore Bjørgo, Ph.D. (Norwegian Police University College, Oslo) Julia Marth Prof. Ronald Crelinsten, Ph.D. (University of Victoria) University of Bielefeld Prof. Robert D. Crutchfield, Ph.D. (University of Washington, Seattle) Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence Prof.ssa Donatella della Porta, Ph.D. (European University Institute, Florence) P.O. Box 100131 Prof.’in Dr. Julia Eckert (University of Bern, Switzerland) 33501 Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Manuel Eisner (University of Cambridge) Germany Prof. Richard B. Felson, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University) [email protected] Prof. Gideon Fishman, Ph.D. (University of Haifa) www.ijcv.org Prof. Ted Robert Gurr, Ph.D. (University of Maryland) Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerhard Haupt (University of Bielefeld) Copy-Editing Prof. Miles Hewstone, Ph.D. (University of Oxford) Meredith Dale, Berlin Prof. Rowell Huesmann, Ph.D. (University of Michigan) [email protected] Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé (University of Potsdam) Prof. Gary LaFree, Ph.D. (University of Maryland) Typesetting Prof. Jens Ludwig, Ph.D. (University of Chicago) Florian Rudt, Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Jitka Malečková (Charles University Prague) [email protected] Dr. Nonna Mayer (Centre de Recherches Politiques de Sciences Po, Paris) Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Neidhardt (Social Science Research Center Berlin) Design by Prof. Thomas Pettigrew, Ph.D. (University of California Santa Cruz, CA) meier stracke gbr, büro für gestaltung Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener (University of Osnabrück) Ernst-Rein-Str. 40 Dr. Ekaterina Stepanova (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) 33613 Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Helmut Thome (Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg) Germany Prof. Jorge Vala (Universidade de Lisboa) [email protected] Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wagner (Philipps-University of Marburg) www.meier-stracke.de Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick (University of Bielefeld) IJCV : Vol. 5 (1) 2011, p. 3 Letter from the Editors: Editorial 3 Editorial Letter from the Editors Dear reader, A mere glance at the size of this issue will give you a clue as to why we are a little behind our publishing schedule this time. We apologize for the delay, and hope you agree with us that the results are well worth waiting for. This issue focuses specifically on reviewing violence research in the Global South; this is the part of the world worst affected by violence, least able to manage its manifestations and consequences, but also most neglected by research. Promoting the scientific study of the Global South, especially by researchers from or based there, has always been one of this journal’s priorities. So we are especially pleased to present a set of literature surveys that provide a picture of the findings to date and will hopefully serve as a valuable resource for further research: four geographical reviews covering the entire geographical sweep of LDCs and NICs from Manchuria to Cape Horn are complemented by thematic contributions on resources and conflict and on the regional diffusion of violence. Of the other four contributions in this issue, two fittingly originate from Brazil: an examination of the problems involved in interpreting crime statistics and a study of the effects of affirmative action on ethnic identity. But to show that our remit is truly global, we also have two pieces concerning Europe, on prejudice in Germany and ethnic stereotypes in Estonia. And now of course, we turn our full attention to preparing the next issue, with a focus section on youth and violence, to appear in the fall. July 2011 Wilhelm Heitmeyer Douglas S. Massey Steven F. Messner James Sidanius Michel Wieviorka urn:nbn:de:0070-ijcv-2011112 IJCV: Vol. 5 (1) 2011, pp. 4 – 12 The Nexus of Violence, Violence Research, and Development Introduction to the Focus Section Peter Imbusch, University of Wuppertal, Germany Alex Veit, University of Bremen, Germany Vol. 5 (1) 2011 Editorial (p. 3) Focus: Guest Editorial Peter Imbusch / Alex Veit (pp. 4 – 12) Violence and Violence Violence and Violence Research in Africa South of the Sahara Research in the Alex Veit / Vanessa Barolsky / Suren Pillay (pp. 13 – 31) Global South Violence Research from North Africa to South Asia: A Historical and Structural Overview Boris Wilke / Jochen Hippler / Muhammad Zakria Zakar (pp. 32 – 54) Violence Research in Northeast and Southeast Asia: Main Themes and Directions Oliver Hensengerth (pp. 55 – 86) Violence Research in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Literature Review Peter Imbusch / Michel Misse / Fernando Carrión (pp. 87 – 154) Scarcity and Abundance Revisited: A Literature Review on Natural Resources and Conflict Stormy-Annika Mildner / Wiebke Wodni / Gitta Lauster (pp. 155 – 172) How Does Militant Violence Diffuse in Regions? Regional Conflict Systems in International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies Nadine Ansorg (pp. 173 – 187) Open Section Difficulties Measuring and Controlling Homicide in Rio de Janeiro Steffen Zdun (pp. 188 – 199) Affirmative Action and Ethnic Identity in Black and Indigenous Brazilian Children Dalila Xavier de França / Marcus Eugênio Oliveira Lima (pp. 200 – 210) Cultural Value Differences, Value Stereotypes, and Diverging Identities in Intergroup Conflicts: The Estonian Example Henrik Dobewall / Micha Strack (pp. 211 – 223) Perceptions of Everyday Interpersonal Discrimination among Young Men of Turkish Background in Cologne Henrik Hartmann (pp. 224 – 233) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives License. ISSN: 1864–1385 IJCV : Vol. 5 (1) 2011, pp. 4 – 12 Imbusch and Veit: The Nexus of Violence, Violence Research, and Development 5 The Nexus of Violence, Violence Research, and Development Introduction to the Focus Section Peter Imbusch, University of Wuppertal, Germany Alex Veit, University of Bremen, Germany This focus section of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence is dedicated to violence and violence research in the Global South. It examines the causes, forms, perpetrators, processes, and outcomes of violence. While the contributions go into detail on what is commonly understood as politically moti- vated violence, they also examine societal, criminal, urban, and gendered violence, as well as the involvement of youth. Four articles explore the significance of violence in specific regions: Africa south of the Sahara, West Asia and North Africa, East Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The authors describe and assess the state of research
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