Announcements 8.2.14

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Announcements 8.2.14 Congregation AABJ&D Eliezer Zwickler, Rabbi Alvin M. Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus 700 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052 Yosef Sharbat, Assistant Rabbi Tel: (973) 736-1407 Fax: (973) 736-8006 Larry Liebman, President Eruv Hotline: 973-736-1407 x 234 Schedule of Services: 973-736-1407 x235 Visit our website: / E-mail: [email protected] Rabbi Zwickler can be reached Shabbat—DEVARIM— Shabbat Chazon– 6 Av 5774- August 2, 2014 via email at [email protected] SHABBAT SCHEDULE The Torah handouts for the month of August are sponsored by Florence & Gary Schlanger to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Florence’s beloved mother, Mrs. Goldie Leff, Pesha Golda bat HaRav Lieber, a”h. Early Mincha 5:00 PM Sephardim 7:30 PM Kiddush this Shabbat is sponsored by the members of the Kiddush Society. Candles / Mincha 7:00 PM / 7:00 PM Rabbi’s Message: WEB DVAR with Rabbi Zwickler—CHECK IT OUT! 7:54 PM / 8:00 PM Hashkomah 8:00 AM The book of Devarim begins with well as in America. This past bridges with our brethren that will Sephardim 8:30 AM Moshe’s farewell speech to the Monday I joined a cross section expand into the future. Main Shul 9:15 AM Jewish people. The first five words of American Jewry in -I would like to thank all of you Washington for a gathering in אלה הדברים אשר No Beit Midrash this Shabbat. of the Parsha who have contributed to our Israel These are the words that support of Israel. Jewish leaders Emergency Fund- adopting -דבר משה SZ K’Shema 9:28 AM Moshe spoke, can be seen as from across the spectrum Michael Goldman’s unit. I am told Rabbi Zwickler’s Shiur 6:40 PM- conveying a message through the gathered together in their love The Secret of "Eicha" that this Sunday morning and support of Israel. We heard Michael’s pluga of 100 soldiers אל כל ישראל following three words Chevra Shas 6:50 PM to all of the children of Israel. The speeches from members of will be receiving new special self Mincha 7:40 PM Vilna Gaon explains that Moshe’s Congress, the Israeli absorbent socks and underwear message to the people was first and Ambassador to the United States made possible by our community. Maariv 8:48 PM foremost one of unity. Moshe was Ron Dermer and National Havdalah 8:58 PM There are a number of other telling his people that the key to their Security Advisor Susan Rice. possibilities that we are working success as a nation was to remain a On the same day many of our on as well. May Hashem united people. He therefore members joined thousands of continue to watch over Michael Please note that next Shabbat, gathered them together so that he Jews in NYC to express their and all of the Chayalim. Please August 9th there will not be a could stress this message to love and support for Israel during pick up an updated list of IDF Beit Midrash Minyan. There the entire assembly. Over the last this difficult time. Let us hope soldiers who are in need of a will only be one Minyan in the few weeks we have seen a that we can harness some of the refuah sheliemah at our tribute Main Shul at 9:15 AM. tremendous sense of unity among unity that has been created over table to the fallen soldiers. the Jewish people, both in Israel as the last several weeks and build REFUAH SHELEIMAH: Please keep in We mourn the loss of the following Israeli victims who were killed in Operation Protective Edge campaign: mind and in your tefillah the names of Major Benaya Sarel, 26, of Kiryat Arba, St.-Sgt. Liel Gidoni, 20, of Jerusalem, Sergeant First Class Daniel Ma- those in need of a refuah sheleimah: rash, 22, of Rishon Lezion, Capt. Liran Adir (Edry), 31, of Ezuz, Staff Sgt. Noam Rosenthal, 20, of Meitar, Capt. Chaim Aber ben Gittel Eliezer Baruch ben Bina Omri Tal, 22, of Yehud, Staff Sgt. Shay Kushnir, 20, of Kiryat Motzkin, Staff Sgt. Guy Algranati, 20, of Tel Aviv, Moshe Refael ben Shifra Staff Sgt. Omer Hay, 21, of Savyon, Matan Gotlib, 21, of Rishon Lezion, Sergeant Daniel Kedmi, 18, of Tzofim, Eliezer Zev ben Eta Raasha Sergeant Barkai Yishai Shor, 21, of Jerusalem, Sergeant Sagi Erez, 19, of Kiryat Ata, Sergeant Dor Deri, 18, of David Yaakov ben Mina Jerusalem , Sgt. Nadav Raimond, 19, from Shadmot Dvora, Corporal Niran Cohen, 20 of Tiberias, Corporal AviNoach Yitzchak HaCohen ben Pesha Itka Meidan Maymon Biton, 20 of Netivot, Staff Sgt. Eliav Eliyahu Haim Kahlon, 22 of Safed, Sgt. First Class Adi Reuven Berel ben Mariam Zelda Briga, 23 of Beit Shikma, Staff Sgt. Moshe Davino, 20, of Jerusalem, Sgt. First Class Barak Refael Degorker, Abraham Eliezer Ben Bina 27, from Gan Yavne, Captain Liad Lavi, 22, of Moshav Sde Nitzan, Chief Warrant Officer Rami Kahlon, 39, Shoshana Malka bas Chaya Zelda from Hadera, Lt. Roy Peles, 21, from Tel Aviv, Staff Sgt. Avraham Grintzvaig, 21, from Petah Tikva, Staff Sgt. Fruma bas Chaya Devorah Baila bas Basya Gal Bason, 21, from Holon, Staff Sgt. Guy Boyland, 21, from Ginosar, Staff Sgt. Amit Yaori, 20, from Jerusa- Sarah bas Freyda lem, Staff Sgt. Guy Levy, 21, from Kfar Vradim, Master Sgt. Yair Ashkenazy, 36, from Rehovot. Ha-shem yin- הדר בן חדווה ,kom damam. Please keep in mind the name of the Israeli Soldier who was kidnapped WEEKLY SCHEDULE We honor the memory of the following members of the armed forces and security forces of the United S States who were recently killed in Afghanistan: Army Private 1st Class, Donnell A. Hamilton Jr., 20, Shacharit 7, 7:30, 8 & 9 AM Kenosha, Wisconsin; Army Private 1st Class, Keith M. Williams, 19, Visalia, California; Army Staff Sergeant, Sephardim 8:00 AM Benjamin G. Prange, 30, Hickman, Nebraska. Mincha 7:55 PM Late Maariv 10:00 PM MAZEL TOV CONDOLENCES For Monday and Tuesday times see Mazel Tov to Erica and David We extend our condolences on beloved mother of Sheri Prupis. Tisha B’av Schedule on back. Sasoon on completing their aliyah. the passing of Martin Herman, The funeral will take place this Mazel tov to their children Tani, beloved husband of Esterina Sunday, August 3 at 1 W Shaina, Tzachi, and Sigal. We Herman, our bookkeeper. The PM at Bernheim. The Shiva Shacharit 6:50 & 7:30 AM wish them much success. Shiva schedule is as follows: schedule is as follows: Sephardim 6:15 AM Sunday- 11AM-8PM, Monday- Sunday through Wednesday Chatzot 1:03 PM 12PM-8PM, Tuesday 12PM- morning at the home of Craig Mincha 7:55 PM 8PM and Wednesday 12PM- Prupis, 30 Edgemount Road, Late Maariv 9:45 PM 8PM at the Herman home, 30 Edison, NJ and Th Holiday Drive, West Caldwell, Wednesday night through Shacharit 6:35 & 7:25 AM NJ. Friday at the home of Sheri Sephardim 6:15 AM Prupis, 12 Swayze Street, West Mincha 7:55 PM We extend our condolences on Orange, NJ. Late Maariv 10:00 PM the passing of Gloria Prupis, F Shacharit 6:50 & 7:30 AM Yamim Noraim 5775: Everyone should have received the High Holidays seating application in the mail Sephardim 6:15 AM already. Please return your completed application to the office by ASAP. Early Mincha 5:00 PM AABJ&D Sisterhood Jazz Night- Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 8 PM- The entire commu- Candles / Mincha nity is invited to a night out with your friends at the home of Moshe and Meital Levi, 25 Wessman 7:00 PM / 7:00 PM Drive, West Orange. Come and enjoy a performance from Bnai Jazz. Wine and cheese will be served. 7:46 PM / 7:50 PM $18 per person/$36 per couple. RSVP to Sisterhood at [email protected]. PAGE 2 Shabbat—DEVARIM— Shabbat Chazon– 6 Av 5774- August 2, 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS This Sunday, 8/3 at 10:15 Am- All women Tisha B’ Av Schedule are invited to a Mikvah Tour. This will be Monday, August 4, 2014 Tuesday, July 16, 2013/ TISHA B’AV informative and inspirational morning which is dedicated to true peace and Shacharit 6:35 & 7:25 AM Shacharit & KINOT security in Israel for our brave soldiers, for Sephardim 6:15 AM Main Shul 6:15 AM & 8:30 AM Minchah 6:25 PM Beit Medrash 7:30 AM our brothers and sisters in Israel and for our fellow Jews world-wide and in the TISHA B’AV Begins: Chafetz Chaim DVD 12:00 PM merit of Linda Basch for whom this Mitzvah FAST BEGINS 8:09 PM Early Minchah 1:45 PM was especially beloved. Following the tour Maariv & EICHA 8:30 PM Chatzot 1:03 PM all women are invited at 11:30 AM to the Following Eicha : Video OU Video 2:00 PM home of Andrea Bier, 24 Lakeview Drive to delight in the captivating personal life story ALL CHAFETZ CHAIM VIDEO Yizkereim DVD 3:50 PM shared by Albie and Sharon Rosenhaus of PRESENTATIONS ARE SPONSOSRED IN Women’s Tehillim Group 4:15 PM Valleyvue Estate, Morristown. MEMORY OF SHIRLEY HELLER, Z’L. Chafetz Chaim DVD 4:15 PM Shabbat, 8/30- Yahrzeit Kiddush in Lecture by Debbie Ackerman 5:00 PM (Women only) Thank you to our generous sponsors: Lecture by Joel Rich 6:05 PM commemoration of Tammuz, Av and Elul Linda & Murray Laulicht and Drs. Mincha 7:00 PM Yahrzeits. A great way to honor your loved Roberta & Irving Strauchler in honor one by sponsoring, one name for $36, two of the Yahrzeit of Irving’s father, Speaker: Rabbi Yaakov Blau 7:30 PM names for $50 or three names for $75.
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    CO LL ANA JUD AI CA Distribuzione CLU I Edizione 2010 © ECIG - Edizioni Culturali Internazionali Genova s.a.s. di G.L. Blengino & C. Via Brignole De Ferrari, 9 - 16125 Genova ISBN 978-88-7544-203-3 MARCELLASIMONI- ARTUROMARZANO (ACURADI) “ROMA E GERUSALEMME” ISRAELENELLAVITAPOLITICAECULTURALEITALIANA (1949-2009) ECIG edizioni culturali internazionali genova Nella pagina a fianco: YAD Manina di argento che accompagna la lettura sinagogale del Rotolo della Bibbia Dalla Bibbia all’umorismo americano, dalla qabbalah all’illuminismo, dalla tradizione rabbinica ai miti della modernità, la cultura ebraica è da sempre un insieme complesso e sfaccettato, dalle inesauribili risorse. Al popolo ebraico si deve il libro che più ha se- gnato l’umanità: la Bibbia. Ed è intorno ad essa che si snoda il percorso millenario di una cultura che ha saputo trarre dalle Sacre Scritture continuo e nuovo alimento. Ma il mondo intellettuale ebraico non è soltanto un circuito intorno alla parola di Dio; viven- do infatti per duemila anni nella Diaspora, lontani dalla propria terra e fra le altre na- zioni, pur se emarginati quando non esclusi o perseguitati, gli ebrei hanno saputo assor- bire e rielaborare letterature, filosofie, sto- rie dei mondi che li circondavano. Per que- sto in un certo senso non esiste una cultura ebraica, ne esistono molte, legate da un uni- co filo rappresentato dalla tradizione e dalla lingua dei figli d’Israele. La collanaJ UDAICA si propone di esplorare la cultura ebraica di ieri e di oggi partendo dal presupposto che essa non costituisce un corpo monolitico, statico e u ni forme. Di fronte al crescente interesse e alla curiosi- tà che il pubblico italiano manifesta da qual- che tempo a questa parte verso il mondo ebraico (adeguandosi così a quanto succede da molti anni in altri paesi), il progetto della ECIG desidera offrire un panorama storico e intellettuale il più significativo possibile, presentando ogni anno alcuni titoli impe- gnativi e corposi e altri più agili e divulgativi.
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