Complete Local News All-Malibu Coverage The Malibu Times Newspaper Vol. I—No. 22 MALIBU, , SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 Price 5c This is No Fish Story! Bids for Construction Estimates On Relocation of Malibu Road in Coral Beach Area Opened by State Thurs. Winning Contractor to Be Announced in Two or Three Weeks; Expect 4.2-Mile Cut-through to Take 499 Days Bids for construction estimates on the relocation of Malibu Read from Malibu Creek to Latigo Canyon were opened yesterday afternoon at the State Building in , a spokesman for S. V. Courtelyou, District Engineer, reported today. Announcement of the winning bidder will not be made for several weeks, however, pend- ing routine investigation of the contractor's qualifications and the fulfillment of other fta'.e requirements. A con- struction time limit of 490 days r ->.: been set on the project. Over, Four Miles May Close Malibu iblishment of the new cut- thi ..'■ which will extend for a dis' cz of 4.2 miles from Malibu Area To Hunters Creek-, across the flats 'back of Says Supervisor Maiibu" Inn and coming out just west of Latigo Canyon has long Raymond V. Darby been a project of interest to resi- TelJs Of Complaints de.;'- a ■■.': business people of the Malibu. Development of business Restrictions which would close prop rf iii this area has been held the entire Malibu area to hunting in abeyance pending construction became a possibility this week with of the new road, it was learned. the announcement that the Los Most of the business property in Angeles Count;/ Board cf Super the area from the Malibu Creek visors had been considering num- to the Malibu Inn is owned by erous complaints anent the indis- m Photo bit Tern pieman George Barrett. In a teiephone RECORD CATCH OF ALBACORE! Eleven brought in more than a ton of albacore last criminate use of firearms in that conversation with Mr. Barrett Friday—in answer no doubt to Col. Woofenpuffe's orayer appearing in cartoon form on the same area. yesterday, it was learned that this day in The Malibu Times. (See Fishing Page, last week's Malibu Times). Eighry-one fish in all were According to Supervisor Ray- section would be sold in one piece taken frcm the Gee Bee, averaging more than 23 pounds apiece. "Shucks, we coulda' had 6 tons mond V. Darby who represents and can be sub-divided into busi- if we'd had the fishermen!" Lucky Hildebrandt, G je Bee Skipper, exclaimed. that district of the County which ness property by the new owners. includes Malibu, several cases! The entire project—covering all were on record where both experi- ! phases of the work—was let on a Indignant By Electrician Opens Parents Fish The Ton— enced and inexperienced hunters in single contract. The work will And That's No Lie! Repair the Malibu Mountains had dis- follow a plan developed by the Over Attitude of Station in charged iirearms in such a way as State Highway Division and will School Officials What a day! Fish by the I Marjenhoff Bldg. residents to complain that be supervised by the Construction and that's no lie! itvay Bullets were constantly en- Department of that Division. Need for Schools in Malibu Eleven fishsrmen disembarked EMCO Electric Co. Started ering closed residential areas. For several years the prelim- Apparent, Says judge last Friday from the Gee Bee, all- By Vat; Sills Appliances Distinct Hazard inary work has been handled by Quite the Right -of - Way Department day fishing boat plying from the Such proceedure, Darby said, Establishment of the Emco (Continued on page Si Indignant cries from parents of Malibu Pier, chattering with joy Elec- :onstitutes a distinct hazard to 1 Malibu school children charging tric Company at 22328 Malibu residents and because of the appar- —almost beside themselves with ''lack of interest and cooperation'' Road was announced this week by ent lack of cooperation on the part Cafe Owner Fined for en the part of several Sa"nta Mon- excitement. And good reason too! its owner, Harcld S. Shandrew of visiting hunters, it appeared ad- Possessing Lobsters ica teachers and school officials It was a record catch of 2,324 lbs. who comes to the Malibu with visable to close the entire area per- Following a plea of guilty a with regard to placement and care albacore the haul cf three and a half years' experience manently 365 days a year. to of largest of Sections of children again brought into as an electrician's mate with the Records charge violating 782 this hard-to-catch specimen taken of the Sheriff's Malibu and 783 of the State Fish and 'focus the urgent need for the estab- U. S. Navy and prior to that two office indicated that by so few fishermen in waters off numerous Game Code as they pertain to lishment of a school system in the and ?. half years as a contractor's hunters had been arrested* for Malibu. vic- possession of lobsters out of sea- Malibu, Judge John L. Webster, assistant in Sacramento. lations of the no shooting ordi- Malibu revealed this Averaging 28 pounds apiece, the Shandrew Shon- son and undersize lobsters, Bruce justice court, (pronounced nance in closed areas and most of week. big fish kept the eleven fishermen opened his shop on Warren, owner of the Tail O' the drew) new them had been subjected to heavy Children aboard the Gee Bee busy all after- Malibu Road the Whitey Mar- Cock at 23000 Malibu Road (end Shifting of * in penalties. The attitude of of noon. some of Malibu Pier) paid a fine of "Numerous parents have ex- jenhoff building early this week. those arrested approached open de- ■ "We could have taken 6 tons and £25.00 on the first count and drew pressed great indignation over the In addition to doing repair fiance, it was reported. we'd had fishermen to a suspended fine of like amount treatment they have received in if enough electrical maintenance work in an ever hunting laws the second count Judge Santa Monica, when they voiced hook 'em" said Lucky Hildebrand, especially equipped workshop. Jurisdiction on in John Bee. Lucky is held by the State Fish and Game L. Webster's court Tuesday complaints against the shifting of skipper of the Gee Shandrew carries a representative morn- nine of the Commission and foe consideration ing. their children from one school to caught big boys him- line of electrical appliances, such ■>f that Kspect of the problem self. Fisherman Angelo Castro also as refrigerators, stoves, heaters, the Warren was arrested by Fish another," Judge Webster said. "I County Board of Supervisors have been advised that when these hooked nine, all of them running irons, radios and other such mer- rec- and Game Warden C. L. Towers ommended that the matter be taken who made, several to more than 25 pounds apiece. chandise. A licensed electrician, signed the complaint. The complaints were up by the state body. Santa Monica teachers and offi- The Malibu Pier announced the the new merchant will also be complaint read as follows: "The defendant did have possess cials have acted in an uncoopera- operation of an "Albacore Special" available for outside electrical wir- and spiny between tive manner." to run daily from the Pier with ing and contracting work. Flashlight Thwarts Robbery lobsters the dates < on page 3) of March 15 and Oct. 1, 1946 in that while he facilities for 25 fishermen. Continued Attempt Colvey The Judge said at Station violation of Section 782 of the realized that Santa Monica's Burglars were thwarted in their State Fish and Game Code AND schools were overcrowded and that efforts to break, into Don Colvey's DID at time and place aforesaid conditions were far from perfect S. Symphony Season Service Station have and possess spiny lobsters less he certainly deplored the M. to at Las Flores there, Canvon and Malibu Road early than lOj/2 inches in length, in attitude of responsible officials in Commence in November Sunday morning when the beam violation of section 783 of the State failing to take heed of complaints of a flashlight was Fish and Game Code." from parents of Malibu's school suddenly played children. He said that he had been By DAVID SOKOL with recognition that its conductor upon them from across the high- is motivated the of in- way. They did, however, manage advised that in one incidence a Last year, Santa Monica caught by highest Art Jones Announces Sale and musical traditions. to get away with a small radio parent had been told that Malibu the symphony orchestra "bug." tellectual Big valued at after a Of 140 Acres At Rock did not belong in any particular Residents of S. M. $20.00 breaking As a result, Jacques Rachmilo- The orchestra consists of resi- hofe fn the glass door, large enough One hundred and forty acres of school district. with a broad vich, a conductor dents of Santa Monica and en- •■o extract . the radio, Sheriff's the northwesterly section of Big "It's about time people outside founded the European background virons who. represent among them Malibu records reveal. Rock Ranch was sold last week by this community understood we are Orches- Santa Monica Symphony some of the finest instrumentalists, The flashlight which frightened its owner, Art Jones, to Pierce not satisfied with remaining a tra sponsored by the Santa Monica many of whom are regularly em- the culprits away before they could Sherman, Robert P. Taylor and step-child and, if nothing else, this Civic Music Guild. ployed in the film and radio take more than the radio was held Herndon Park who plan to sub- issue certainly seems to point up Since the depression decade, 30,- studios. The orchestra made its by Elliott, proprietor of divide the piece into small ranches. the need for establishment of our James .000 symphony groups have sprout- debut October 1945 and Los The Little Store at Malibu La. The sale price far this section of own school system. ' 7th, ed in this country, but many have Angeles . critics gave it unstinted Costa. .Elliott, who lives -in Las Big Rock Ranch, which totals 320 Judge Webster said that one disappeared. Although the Santa praise. Flores Canyon across the highway acres in all. was reported to be in parent told him she had been ad- Monica Symphony was inauspici- I heard a concert given by this from the station, was awakened excess of $55,000. vised that Malibu school children ously inaugurated, it is my predic- group in Los Angeles. The pro- about 3 o'clock Sunday morning The new owners have already Would be enrolled at the Roosevelt tion that-it will survive. It has gram was a distinguished one and by the sound of glass breaking. started road building activities in . school in Santa Monica and when already stood the test of a Season's the playing wholly admirable. Stepping out on the front porch the area, it was reported, with she complained because her child performances both in Santa Mon- [ There is something about a new with a flashlight, Elliott saw the other improvements to follow im- was sent to another school th'e ica and special performances in i group and. its enthusiasm, despite men in Don Colvey's station and mediately. Water will be supplied (Continued on page 8) Lcs Angeles and has come away (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 3) from their own wells. 2 THE MALIBU TIMES SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 Halite Siraea BRIEF BARKS Sfa By MARION CHANDLEH M. Published every Thursday at 1414 Second Street, Santa Monica, California The famous tribute to the dog trust with our happiness and our Inside Malibu Editorial Office: 113 Rambla Pacifico, Rt. 1, Pacific Palisades, by George Graham Vest was de- good name, may become traitors Calif., (Malibu Road at Las Flares Canyon, Malibu La Costa) livered not in Congress as often to their faith. Telephone: Malibu 7955 supposed, but in a courtroom in The money a man has he may the Malibu —Other Offices— Warrensburg, Johnson County, lose. It flies away from him when With In Santa Monica, 1414 Second Street—Phone S. M. 50958 Missouri, in the fall of 1870, more he needs it most. A man's reputa- REEVES D. TEMPLEMAN than eight years before Vest was tion may be sacrificed in a moment Templeman Editor and Publisher RbHVKS D. elected to the U. S. Senate. of ill-considered action. The peo- Eileen Templeman Photographer Staff a fox- ple who are prone to fall on their People Charles Burden owned SEEK SHELTER— , per year in All subscriptions mailed. knees to do us honor when success Subscription Rates: $3.00 advance. hound named Old Drum, a hunt- will wrap themselves in raccoon Advertising Rates supplied on application ing dog famed thruout the county is with us, may be the first to coats, furs, high sweaters, mufflers for his speed and reliability. One throw stones of malice when fail- and mittens and will brave the morning Old Drum was found ure settles its clouds upon our near Leonidas heads. cold until they become completely I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. dead the house of The one absolutely unselfish twenty-two odd I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to Hornsby. benumbed while friend that a man can have in this the light I have. I must stand with anybody that stands Circumstancial evidence pointed footballers spit and snarl at each selfish world, the one that never right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him to Hornsby as slayer of the fox- light way down deserts him,—the one'that never other in an arc bt when he goes LINCOLN. hound and Burden sued him in the wrong.—ABRAHAM proves ungrateful treacherous, thar' below, but they wouldn't of the Peace Court for or Justice his dog. tennis court $150.00, the maximum sum re- is think of sitting on a coverable under the law in such a A man's dog stands bjr him in in the same condition of mummy THE BUSINESS section of Los Angeks is suffering from prosperity and in poverty, in WHILE case. After considerable delay the attire to watch a bunch of earnest the evil effects of -smog," we here in the health and in sickness. He will case officially docketed as Burden thespians enact the scenes of light Malibu have for many months—in fact, years sleep ground where vs. Hornsby was appealed to the on the cold or heavy drama. This, of course, Condition —had to contend with similar problem. We the blow the a State Circuit Court. wintry winds and is just one of the strange incon- do not call is 'smog." We call it "smudge" snow drives fiercely if only he of life. • It is'also a very- Burden was represented at the gruities Known As and have found it to be caused by the black may be near his master's side. He at final trial by Colonel Wells Blod- reali.itic incongruity and is pres- smoke that belches from the stacks of dicsel- will kiss the hand that has no food "Smudge" of distinction. The ent one which appears well nigh trucks that roar Malibu Road gett, a lawyer to he lick the and , burning will >; over offer, sores to the members of man charged with having shot Old insurmountable wounds that come in encounter the Malibu 'Theatre Guild. To Drum was represented by Thomas coats car like a with the Toughness of the world. production of plays This "smudge" covers the windshield and the Crittenden, afterwards governor of conlimte He guards the sleep of his pauper the *+Hay of light oil and is extremely difficult to remove. Interested to Missouri and Francis Cockrell, throughout the'winter season, kjiow master as if he were a prince. to in- what could be done about this problem, we happened in at the later Vest's colleague in the Senate. Guild will soon have move Sheriff's Malibu office the other day just in time to see a fresh bulletin When all other friends desert, doors. Ir is hoped, however, that It so happened that Vest, then " g& up on the board which was headed: "C. C. 673-5 Excessive he remains. When riches take one more outdoor show can be V. law at the neighboring S-moke, etc." The bulletin, signed by Acting Lt. Tom Humphreys of practicing wings and reputation falls to squeezed out of the late fall season. the Malibu office read as follows: "The operation this law was county seat of Sedalia, was attend- pieces, he isas constant in his love of an- ing court in connection with SEASON—UntiI a , suspended until the end of the War by Assembly Bill No. 1577. This as the sun in its journey through WINTER other Blodgett persuaded his • station lapsed with the cessation of hostilities. Crews are instructed case. the heavens. theatre can be constructed in the to employ Vest as special top. all vehicles which are violating C. G, 673-5 ((California client If misfortune drives the master Malibu for the presentation of V. Foster — counsel. Wright in- amateur ' tile Code) take operator's name, address and license number and Judge forth an outcast m the world, both professional and pro- sisted that the case should go to ductions, should r struct him that if he does not correct the condition (caused by dirty friendless and homeless, the faith- some arrangement motors), he will be cited into court." the jury that day, and a recess ful dog asks no higher privilege be made to provide a winter home was taken until after supper. than that of accompanying him to for the Malibu Theatre Guild. We trust that truck owners and operators will take heed of this Meanwhile word went out that to fight This is the season of the year when Warning and help us stamp out the condition known as "smudge." guard against danger, George Vest was going to speak against his enemies.. a recreational activity of this kind in a dog case. And when the last scene of all is most needed in the Malibu. It The court room was packed with comes, and death takes the master will not only supply an outlet for people when the kerosene lamps in its embrace, and his body is the talents of many theatre and were lighted and the judge took laid away in the cold ground, no picture hopefuls, but it will pro- and then came to an agreement (it Under New seat on bench. Blodgett matter if all other friends pursue vide entertainment for the resi- any) which satisfied no one at all, his the made the He was their way, there by the graveside dents who do not wish to venture Management the directors would be justified in opening speech. followed by Crittenden and Cock- will the noble dog be found, his too far afield during the "snappy" ' . thinking the business needed a ■ ■ rell, who knew every man on the head between his paws,' his eyes spell. ," of management. jury personally and were confident sad, but open in alert watchful- SPACE Somewhere in the When our first Constitutional Convention utterly failed to agree, spoke of ness, faithful and even of victory. They lightly true, in Malibu—somewhere along 25 lior statesman, Benjamin Franklin, came to this same conclusion. Old Drum and said it was ridicul- death." miles—there must be an available sparrow cannot fall to the ground without God's notice, he said, ous to make so much ado about It was as perfecta piece of ora- building, barn or structure where j?. it possible that an empire can rise without His aid. He called for i dog of small value. tory ever heard from pulpit as was the Guild can continue uninter- •i and, this "New Management,"' the delegates began When lawyers and under It was a fatal mistake! or bar. Court, jury, rupted production of worthwhile to agree. Vest arose, he made no reference audience were entranced. The jury- plays. There is no lack of talent, ' to the evidence or law foreman wept like one who had Profound historians might dig up some case to upset our belief. whatever no lack of topnotch directors, no his dearest friend. at present writing we cannot think erf any great creative advance involved, but concentrated en- just lost his lack of play material—there is only tire oratorical artillery upon the The dog tho dead had won and_ in history that was made under the old human management, without Hack of space. In fact there is no ~ dog. returned a verdict for ''rection and aid of God. And it is certain that a satisfactory vindication of the slaughtered the jury lack of space—-only the lack of Graham Vest said: altho the plaintiff had Solution comes to both personal and business problems when con- George $500.00, [four walls to enclose that space. "The best friend a man has in asked for only $l5O. ,The court testants stop trying to prove who is right and ask the real Boss WHAT [ The Guild made an excellent start may him the amount to legal limi- the world turn against reduced during the summer and while the and become his enemy. His son tations and the Drum, case was Under the fo the first expenses were high, it is now same new management, we believe, delegates 2r daughter that he has reared closed. in possession of a stage, curtain, Paris Peace Conference could not only sign a satisfactory peace treaty may prove un- book, Popular with loving care (From the Ques- scenery, lights necessary but would begin to treat each other in the ■ way that IS peace. grateful. Those who are nearest tions Answered—Geo. Sully & fixtures. The stage now set up on us, whom Co.) ind dearest to those we Warner Baxter's tennis court can "TIME BOMBS" easily be reassembled in another What is your ambition? To in the world or to help get on location. Right now the Guild is the ■world get on? in a good position to negotiate its Teamwork, not less work, more dividends or more pay, second hurdle in becoming an is our hope for holding to democracy in industry. Letters to the Editor! integral part of the Malibu scene. Don't stand on your convictions—live by them. When you're under fire do you fire back, back fire, get Sirs: this area between Santa Monica THEATRE-LOVERS—AII erf fired or get on fire? Every resident and owner along and Point Magu will come quicker which brings us around to the sug- If we don't fight for the best we can expect the worst. the Malibu owes a substantial debt and in superior quality if each one gestion that there are a number of People who object to wearing their heart on their sleeve' to your splendid efforts resulting of us do our part in making The property owners in the Malibu usually wear their liver there. in.The Malibu Times. Few know Malibu Times the success your and among these property owners The man convinced that he was right is somehow not as the courage, strength, and sacrifice vision, character, and efforts so there certainly must be a couple convincing as the one who admits he was wrong. demanded in the production of a righly deserve. who possess a very tender feeling, It's people who see through each other that can really help newspaper of the superior quality George B. West toward the theatre. .Do any of to see each other through. of The Malibu Times. Postmaster them—we hope—have a barn, The score of worthy tilings done Solromar, Calif. please, or a building, stall, hall, ? in the community thru the past six "The U.S. Postoffice tent or the makins' thereof Per- Orr the haps at this they To the airplane the arctic cold than the distance from Chicago to months is rapidly growing. Each Malibu." juncture could Perhaps it may appear a be induced of either a natural is no barrier, for the best and New York., advance step can be rightfully cred- out little brazen to publish so love tor the theatre or their civic- calmest weather is in that area, ited to an aroused community laudatory a letter and though to step forward with fphere are very few storms there. Hippocampus. or sea horse is a spirit. An alert, courageous pub- mindedness. we can feel the hot flush of the gift of an idea. Perhaps? The temperatures in the upper fish found in the Mediterranean. lication like the. Times is a pre- happy a blush creeping up our Sir, especially in the stratosphere, The head bears curious resembl- requisite to a functioning, prosperous community. necks, we are nevertheless pay more than $l.OO for these are no colder over the Pole than to the head a horse and ance _of Citizens very proud of friend West's specially grown -flowers and that elsewhere. Stratosphere flying of- when swimming it is held in a Webster, Sherman, fers calm weather, changeless tem- I! rod rick and others have done a kind letter and would like to you let him have them for $l.OO. nearly vertical position, you.—R.D.T. perature, less resistance and greater no-Iml, successful job on getting a pass it along to I would say the man wasted the. Also post office for Malibu. The * * * $l.OO anyway. How can you speed. the stratosphere is With dove season now open it is new Times made the com- to Teddy measure in dollars and cents the much closer to the earth's surface a toss-up whether the hunter pots articulate Ans-Ker " sup- Teddy: pleasure to be derived from a vase over the Arctic region than it is a bag limit in the brush or be hit nuirity need. A" community To" brightening up in warmer latitudes. by a potted driver on the road porting a vigorous, competent Thanks for your letter about of beautiful flowers home. newspaper can get things done. the man who objected to paying a room? Sorry to learn of this The distance across the state of The schools, roads and all things $2.25 for three dozen dahlias. You encounter. Better luck next time. Texas at its widest part is greater Nagging isn't horse sense. desired to mature the destiny of say he considered it a "waste" to —R.D.T. SEPTEMBER 27, 194S THE MALIBU TIMES 3 Monica or ake a rrcw alignment to ;i point ■ Flashlight Thwarts :;cdcd toward Santa Contrast Between Plans For Desert vest of Latigo Canyon. Gas Station Robbery ducked, into cue ol roe a; :yon Development & 'J'lic purpose of the new cut- roads. Fingerprint iiiir tlie Uncertain Schemes (Continued )iom page »ne) nieil hrough is to eliminate the many ' office made a careful ot on Sheriff's hui'gexous curve* west of the Matt turned the beam his light For Malibu Told In Guttman Article i .■heck and an investigation is Being ni Inn and to place the road far ::hcm. The thieves jumped into a ;owdu'ctcd this \\ t-i-k by Dot. Sgt. Colony Resident Hits At Group Stocking Progress ■nough inland to avoid the numer- car and hurried West down Mali- ous slip and slide areas in this | Kenneth H. Knowles. Of Malibu; Lauds Achievements of judge Webster bu Road. lisfrict. Her.ry Guttman) Elliott called the Sheriff's Mali- a;. (By Highway engineers estimate the Mr. Truman's salary Presi- bu n'fice and a patrol car proceed- a desert work will require more than a dent* of the is $75,- The other day I came across an article about ing in the same direction attempted resort which be built 60 miles from the nearest .ear's time and will briny; into a year. Actually, when with- will away to run down the thieves, but could 090 inhabited Included the project be a )la\ a Urge amount of heavy place. in 1 000-acre will not locate them. It is believed the holding and other taxes are de- hotel, field, streets ■quipment such as carry-alls, steam resort golf course, polo airport; will be culprits either made a right-about ducted, Mr. Truman rect\ves"s2B,- rights ihovels, bulldozers, trucks, etc.. surveyed, power lines installed, water established. swing on .Malibu Road and pro- 000. The beautiful calm of the desert will be preserved. Automo- and should result in the establish- biles will be barred from the business thoroughfare; the style ment of a sizable payroll. of architecture will be modern; a city will be born. The engineering plan calls for j numerous cut-throughs and a num- \ been made in the Malibu Beach her of fills, in the area west of the! THE LITTLE STORE Community in past years are most- Malibu Inn. When completed the We now have for delivery a few Cory and G.E. Coffee highway will four traffic ly those that were made by in- have Makers, Electric Irons, EUctric Heating Pads, Radios, dividuals themselves, which bene- lanes divided by a center boundary years ahead to fited the entire community. But strip. Norge Gas Range, Also Burkaw, Everhot, Markel and sec what would the Malibu Beach coast is too big It is anticipated that actual con.-.i Tiiermador Electric Heaters. and too important for the single struction work will begin within efforts here and there. There must the next month. 21231 MALIBU RO&D be a unified blueprint which will incorporate the whole 26 miles of Rhode Island is the most densely Phone Malibu 7922 Malibu La Costa Malibu Coast line, with its moun- populated state in the union. tains and beaches. 7 his tan be dine only under the leadership of an in- dividual who has the impartial I welfare and of the entire Henry Guttman pride community <'tt heart, without any this or that hemes, established roads, lights, consideration for group every convenience that civilization and whose judgment and respect wili help unite the residents and can offer. And there, a group of business men into one happy fam- industrious people from every walk ily with, only the progress ot Mali- of life are getting together and; bu in mind. -.".'■Si*-. ; are going to create a resort out of ;.■'••#■ er't. There is nothing there—- I do not think we could find a better man, capable of ac- MONICA ho streets, no water, no lights, \ nothin. complishing tliis than Judge John 7V" L. Webster, who lias proven tint Jfor^'y^^J to be I have always wanted as- the progress of Malibu is his life- H d with industrious people, long ambition. In this direction I thinkers; doers. is the the That think we should look for the solu- why I came to America. Especially 5346 C tion of Malibu s problems. Ant! 5 THiRO STSGET«TEi.SrKOt!E that I am conscious, Malibu as Frazier Hunt would say, "this think would be most I it enlight- is something worth thinking

- be an - ening to unobserved visitor about." Kuppenlrjimer Ootids Dobba Kcts Arrow Shirts at one of the meetings of those , is. 1 would love to analyze the inspiration, the foresight and j Electrician Opens Shop watch the harmonious spirit of co- On Malibu Road operation of this achievement. (Continued from bag? 1) ! hiii I would like to compare] Impressive Service Record theni with the gentlemen who hold \ The proprietor of Malibu's new- the fate of Malibu in their hands,] est store has an impressive service with their petty, selfish, material record with Uncle Sam's Navy. problems and lack of cooperation He served aboard the aircraft car- and enthusiasm that is blocking the rier Yorktown, the battleship, pror/res\ of Malibu, arjainst which Colorado and several troopships. the few sincere men cue helpless. Although his duties were'that of 1 his condition can be traced to the an electrician's mate on all of these 'past activities of a fete, which ships,, Shandrtw also came in for caused us to have to fight for every his share cf the fighting and was of the improvement step of in Malibu. wounded in the Saipan engagement Judge Webster's Part while his ship was exchanging Still, we should be grateful that salvos with shore batteries on we have Judge John L. Webster, Tinian. He received numerous who came to retire in Malibu shrapnel wounds and was hospital- Beach, but who was drafted to the ized for six weeks, spending most bench some 20 odd years ago. If it of that time in the Long Beach were not for the war he would Naval hospital. have not only the beautiful, indi- After his discharge from the vidual Monterey type court that he hospital Shandrew went back into built, but he would have an audi- the service aboard a troop transport torium and civic center for the and returned overseas where he community as well. His foresight was wounded a second time. When Hi Road and diligent work, with only the the war ended he came back to the 21® thought of the welfare of Malibu states and entered Sacramento Col- in mind, kept the community in lege where he completed a GI such a state that it has the ad- course in electrical engineering. miration and respect of everyone Shandrew was born in Avon, Electric Contracting - Electrical Maintenance who is acquainted with the heal Utah and has been residing with affairs in general and with his a sister, Mrs. Carol Schoolman of and Repair Work - A Complete Work Shop wisdom and judgment in particu- 3710 Country Club Drive, Lcs Angeles. He is looking for a place The imporvements that have in the Malibu. At present he can be reached Dealers for Admiral Radios and Record for day and night electrical service Changers; Electric Stoves, Refrigerators, On Display Now by calling Malibu 7711. Heaters, Irons, etc. The New Postwar Bids on Construction -Estimates Are Received 1947 Studebaker (Continued from page 1) Champion whose duty has been to acquire the necessary property for the State Harold S. Shandrew and to study the nature of the Line Full terrain for the purpose of plotting Licensed Electrician Studebaker Trucks construction of the road, sand drains, culverts, cuts and fills. Soles ond Service Nnv Allgn ment "DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE" The project will necessitate a Vernon C. Short complete new alignment of the Phone Malibu 7711 22528 Malibu Road 19 Years in Santa Monica highway from Malibu Creek to as far as Corral Canyon. From Cor- Corner 16th and Wilshire Blvd. ral Canyon to a place east of Phone 50968 Latigo, the new highway will fol- low the present road but will again 4 THE MALI BU TIMES SEPTEMBER 27, 1946

THE ZIMMERMAN'S Las Tunas Isle Motor Hotel ALONG MALIBU WAY Outstanding -Accommodations

Private Beach - Swimming Pool

* Phone Malibu 9601 18904 Malibu Road Mrs. John L. Webster, clerk where he has beeti attending a Mr. Lowe has purchased a wind- of the county court at Malibu, will meeting of the Mack International mill and tank which he will install leave this weekend tor a month's Motor Truck Corporation as well on his Rameriz Canyon property. vacation in the desert near Victor- as The American Transit conven- -ville. She will return in the early tion. Mrs. Hoyme has taken ad- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spurgin part df October to attend the three- vantage of the Major's absence to of Topanga Beach motored to day convention of the Justices and paint everything paintable in the Santa Barbara Sunday. Accom- Constables Association at the kitchen a gay green. panying them were their friends Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica, Mrs. Don Carles of Los Angeles, but will resume her vacation in Ronald Iliff Judd of Santa Mrs. Edla Sweeney of Santa Mon- the desert when the convention is Monica, son of Mrs. Rosette ica and Miss Virginia Tegner of over. Mrs. Webster's position at Eveland of Las Flores Canyon, Santa Monica. the Malibu courthouse will be entered U. S. C. a week ago Mon- YOU'VE TRIED THE REST . . . filled during her absence by Miss day and reports his pursuit of edu- Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lauren of the ; clerk . TRY THE BEST Beatrice Gieason, cation somewhat beset with diffi- of Tiberon, California this week , NOW Calabasas court. culties. Some of his classes are paid a surprise visit oh the Brod- • held on the campus, but others are ricks, 22416 Malibu Road. Mrs. Seen Wednesday morning held in a six-car garage six miles Lauten is a cousin of Mr;- Brod- Newest and Most breakfasting at Ralph's Cafe, away with boxes and barrels for rick. The family is enjoying a The Palisades' Malibu La Costa was the famous seats. The enrollment is so large, delightful reunion With special bar- Unique Restaurant and comedian, Red Skelton. Red is one it is hard to find enough facilities becue and beach parties. of the most picturesque and con- to take care of all the students, Lounge Room his of Marinos Sea- genial actors in the movie industry. Judd says. Ronald will finish Harry Marino —Featuring— course in two years after which he food Cafe and Market near To- The members of the Malibu will receive a degree in engineer- panga Beach returned Saturday EASTERN STEAKS Women's Emergency Unit were ing. from a ten-day business trip to did how- delighted to receive tomatoes from Seattle. Harry manage, MILK-FED CHICKEN Ralph Long of 22048 snag of the days for the Gunn ranch at their regular Mrs. ever, to one SEA AND LAKE-FRESH FISH Tuesday meeting as well as grapes Malibu Road entertained a group a fishing excursion off Defiance fiiends luncheon in from Mr. and Mrs. Laidler of the of Hollywood aj Point in Puget Sound. Here, • pulled 25 Purple Hills ranch in Decker on Wednesday. a very short time, he in a pound PRICES Canyon. Women who are inter- rock cod averaging from POPULAR The Dan Boone house at Mali- to a pound and a half. The trip ested in sewing for the Red Drinks Served the Lounge Cross are urged to attend the bu La Costa is progressing nicely north and return was made by Choice in and will be ready for occupancy train. Tuesday meetings at the Mali- We Cater to Banquets and Parties t>u courthouse. The work begins before long. at 9:30 and continues until 4 p. in. Charles Rinker returned recent- with time out for lunch. Workers Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roessler of ly from the East to his home at generally bring their own lunches Santa Monica, have just returned 24122 Malibu Road. a DRIFTWOOD and coffee is provided by the Unit. from vacation spent in northern California and Oregon. The Bob Williams of 24132 Malibu j OPEN 7 NIGHTS A V/EEK Merwin the Roesslers have a 14-acre citrus and Mrs. Addie spent Road is now in . New \ork ap-! 133 SANTA MONICA CANYON daughter, Mrs. W. avacado orchard in Rameriz Can- ENTRADA DRIVE week with her pearing in vaudeville skits at Radio PHONE S. M. 57489 J. Sloan of Las Flores Canyon. yon. Citv. He has leased his home to Mrs. Merwin. has just returned Mrs. Bruce Warren of the Tail Nixon of from a year spent in the East. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle O' the Cock. Rameriz Canyon are leaving by and trailer for a fishing trip Major Robert C. Hoyme, presi- car Five-year-old Gary Johnson, son Transit, Inc., to Lake. Later they plan to dent of the Shoreline June of Elvin co-owner with go to San Diego and Arizona. Johnson, returned Thursday from Chicago Ray White of the Malibu Inn, is very proud of his Welsh pony, "Peaches." A Malibu Inn sleuth City Gas in Your Malibu Home reports that "Peaches" who is said Seagram to be 18 years old is expecting a ROCKGAS small arrival. Natural Gas in Large and Small Tanks Ed. Merzoian of No. 79 Malibu Colony has returned to Visalia 7 Crown C. H. SPURGIN with his family for a week's stay during which time he will take "Serving the Malibu for 16 Years" care of several business matters.

23 Old Mclibu Road at Topanga Beach - Phone 88C2 Blended Barbara Karinska, motion pic- ture set designer, notified Dave Duncan from New York that she is returning to the West Coast for a picture assignment in October Whiskey and will stay at her home at No. LAS FLORES INN 72 Malibu Colony. Harold K. Hotchkiss of No. 75 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Malibu Colony is back in the Malibu after another session at the Per Bottle Lederman hospital in San Fran- SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES cisco. Seagram* "The Best in the West" Charlie Pantel joined the staff of the Art Jones-Dave Duncan Plus Tax Werner G. Meyer, Chef and ReaL Estate office last week BLEMIKI) will take care of some of Jones' WIIISJvK^ For Reservations Call Malibu 8833 personal interests while Mr. and Mrs. Joitfs are in the High Sierras >trd/r,O-//ruv»rt/ attending to their mining interests there. The Jones' expect to be Per Case » W o"' tAMRINCIBUHb INO Murray Youlin, owner of No. WATER WELL DRILLING 51, Malibu Colony, is leaving for 47.16 the East coast for an extended stay Plus Tax - Pumps - Motors Perforating and will put his house up for win- Welding ter rental. Easy Terms May Be Arranged Conrad Nagel of 24142 Malibu Road is leaving for the East soon Sales Malibu Market • to fulfill theatrical engagements and probably will not return! until Joe Stephens, Jr some time next year. 21249 MALIBU ROAD, PACIFIC PALISADES, CALIF. Zenith 7191 CUSTOM BUILT Malibu 7821-7191 Phones Drilling Company from\. Se/c/eH* 1426 FOURTH STREET Phone: S. M. 428-232 P. 0. Box 110# Topanga Subscribe to The Malibu Times SANTA MONICA <" SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 THE MALIBU TIMES 5

GARDEN HOUSEHOLD NOTES Reserved for the Ladies HINTS During September plant such Bake pic shells on the botronn, of to prevent bubbles and vegetable seeds , as beets, beans, They're Prepared pie pans C.H.P. Officer Don Johnson blisters. broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, Married, lettuce, onions, parsley, peas, Malibu Courthouse Members of the Malibu Sher- radishes, winter spinach, swiss California Highway Patrol Of- iff's Sub-station today are proud Salt in the bottom of the ovonl keep from burning. chard and turnips. ficer Don Johnson was united in owners of Red Cross first aid cer- will cake Plant the following flower seeds Miss Mildred marriage Sunday to tificates following completion of a iin open ground: Calendula, cen- Florence McClelland, 2727 South Weak amonia water will rn.ikf - tauria, early cosmos, gypsophila, Brad lay Ave., Los Angeles, at the special course given by Lyman your plants grow. larkspur, nasturtium, all poppies, Malibu courthouse. Judge John L. Edwards. The entire station per- sonnel of 18 men have taken both One of vinegar , salpiglossis, winter sweet peas and Webster performed the ceremony. teaspoon added wild flower mixtures. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. the standard and advanced first aid to toiled icing will make it creamy. Sow these flower seeds in flats: Jack C. Dederick, 255 South Cata- course, as well as mountain rescue and keep it from cracking. Aquilegia, carnation, canterbury lina, Los Angeles. methods using the stokes stretcher. Cut off-—do not break off—tlio bells, forget-me-nots, hollyhock, Johnson, who lives at 438 South pansy, petunia, phlox, scabiosa, Maple Drive, Beverly Hills, has Pete Smith, famed producer of green tops of carrots, turnips, etc. they or stocks and violas. many" friends in the Malibu and Pete Smith Specialities at M.G.M., If cut oft will not withet Bulbs to be planted at this time has been assigned to this district has moved back from his get soft so-, quickly. are? Baby gladiolla, calla, freezia, for some time. summer home at No. 56 Malibu iris, oxalis, ranunculus, watsonia. Colony but will spend weekends Pour a little water in sack of Winter Lnwns at the beach. Pete has become one string beans, shake and drain. They. Gardners have learned that if TIMES' RECIPES of the piscatorial experts of the will remain crisp and fresh for the lawn is renovated and reseeded Malibu which means, podner, Pete several days. , . Shrmp early in the fall the result will he Custard knows a thing or three about salt- —Drene Photo a beautiful green turf all winter. 4 slices bread water anglin'. Subscribe to The Malibu Times. There are several good reasons for 2 tbls. butter Sally Victor, well known doing this work in the fall. Grass 1 lb. fresh shrimp or 1 can of. for her wearable hats, be- seed planted now, after all the old shrimp lieves in the young look. bermuda or devil grass has been lb. Tillamook cheese Newest in her designs for fall raked out of the lawn, has a chance 1/2 3 tg-gs is the Drum Bonnet, shown to grow and produce a thick turf DALE SCOTT heie. Of grey velvet draped while the bermuda grass is dor- 2 cups milk over.grey felt, it is perfect mant. grass will also- The new 1/4 tsp. dry mustard for wear with the "down" have the benefit of winter rain 1/2 tsp. salt. hairdo. Hair without being washed out. Spring Stylist Remove from bread (if de- and summer weed such as crab crusts sired), spread with butter, line but- Drivers who cut out of line per- 'grass or water grass will be crowd- remarks tered baking dish, spread with sistently, the Department ed out by the thick winter turf. Vehicles, may soon 22528 Malibu Rd. Phone Malibu 7711 shrimp and grated cheese. Put j of Motor expect i to have widows who cut out obitu- buttered slices on top, cover with Style ary notices. « Hair Starts Fashion eggs, milk and seasonings. Bake For Clothes to Follow slowly 325 degrees one hour in casserole surrounded by wat e r. Everyone knows that fashions in Serve with mushroom sauce.—Mrs. clothes affect fashions in hairdos. Donald Colvey.. Rut it's news indeed when things

happen the other way around. This . . . lar turned down over the dress zjbne, season that wonderfully smart Ouropean instead of standing up from it— Cfrh hairdo, the upsweep, has inspired very pretty and soft—and stunning a bevy of brand new fashion fea- with a choker necklace. tures in clothes. Clothes are now Interiors in Modern and Antiques catering to your "n-pdo," and Another high neckline, fresh and they've done it with a whole new new, is a stitched, round collar series of sleek, high' necklines. that finishes dapper-as-you-please These new necklines call for an in a gentleman's white bow-tie. Trim, updo hairdress to complete the chic on black frocks. slit pretty sweep from shoulder to too, are high plain necklines head. '1 hfoat-hugging necklines just a wee bit in front for tucking are fashion's latest whisper, and in a bright scarf. Yes, the updo before fall is through, the whisper is having its day with specially designed its is bound to be a roar of approval, necklines to- play up

And this means ' because never were necklines more best features. your dramatically m K flattering than these new charm- hair is going to be ers ! high-lighted this year. Severe The new neck treatments range throat buggers will lead the eye all the way from the pert "dandy" right up the line from the nape of ￿collars, inspired •by the stand-up vour neck to the crown of your line is collars with turned-back tabs worn head, and a lovely it when bv dandies of another day, to tiny the hair is clean and shining to "baby" collars, demure and dainty accept its beauty! It's going to be as the collar on an infant's chris- a season when hair care will be tening dress! Remember the turtle revealed. It's a season when a girl, using neck? It was a graceful favorite who knows ■ the secret of in its day. Nov it's back but in liquid conditioning shampoo to modified forrn with a rather make her hair easily manageable in updo, new Chinese feeling to it. It's lower, an will take the neck- softer its turtle neck original. line fashions right in her stride! m than zMmkm A variation of this is a rolled col- New necklines aren't the only fashion the upsweep has brought into favor. Those new, b'uj ear- Alterations and Slip Covers rings are a direct result of the Miscellaneous Sewing flair for the updo, as is tlie choker necklace. Swing into the new MRS. BRYSON fashions now —you'll enjoy them 17 Las Flores Canyon when they're topped off with love- Custom-made Upholstering and Drapes ly shining hair! From Stock or Ask tor Estimate

THE VERY LATEST! We are proud to have the good-will of such satisfied customers Helen Custis Elastic Curl Warner Baxter, Mrs. Edgar Bergen, Mr. George Curtner, owner of Chanteclair MALIBU-LA COSTA BEAUTY SHOP Night Club; Mr. Bryan Foy of Eagle-Lion Studio; Mrs. Red Skelton, Mrs. L. All Branches of Beauty Culture f) Goddard, Mr. Jascha Heifetz, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Borah Mr. La Plante, Mrs. Roland Caroline Leonetti, Mrs.- Mary Rossette Judd Evelond 21229 MALIBU RD. Ph. Malibu 7844 Minnevitch, Maury Lee, Anita Loos, Mr. and Mrs. Groucho Marx., Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Marshall, Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer Studios; Mr. Frank Orsatti, Mr. Harvey Priester, Mr. Gregory Ratoff, M. St. Clair, Rudy Vallee, Baroness Von Stjernborg, Westwood Bridge Club; Mr. U. Wurtzel, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Nagel, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, Mineral Vapor Baths Las Tunas Isle Hotel, etc., etc.

SLENDERIZING - STEAM BATHS - MASSAGE SCANDIA COSMETICS tudios . . . 8558 SANTA MONICA BLVD. HOLLYWOOD 46 Marguerite Dames Phone Cftestview 5-6761 BRadshaw 2-2157 2463 Santa Monica Blvd. Phone S. M. 55355 6 THE MALIBU TIMES SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 Aug. Fat Salvage West Basin Drawbridge Sanitation Public Report Called Navigation Menace Supplies 808 and LLOYD Released Water I ASSOCIATED SERVICE menace to the Although many communities in A navigation was STANLEY F. MARTIN. R.S, 24 Hr. Automotive 6Y Welding Service Los Angeles County showed in- description applied yesterday to the Chief, Section of Water and STATION NUMBER 35 creases in fat salvage collection for West Basin drawbridge, at Los Sewerage Authorized Southern California Auto Club Service the month of August, other com- Angeles-Long Beach harbor, by the Sanitation of public water sup- PH. MALIBU 9743 21337 MALIBU ROAD munities dropped to more than- off- Board of Directors of the Los An- plies is simply an attempt to break set the increases according to A. G. geles Chamber of Commerce. the chain of transmission of germs Hemming, of the from their source to the mouths of Chairman The directors pointed out the County Agricultural well persons. This may be done FIDDLER'S INN CAFE USDA Con- bridge was used only infrequently by sanitary disposal of all sew- — servation Association in Los An- during the war and has constituted the "If Better Food Is Served Than Ours geles. age so that it cannot constitute a continuous hazard to navigation Tell Me Eat There." "Increased of even a remote hazard to a water Where, I'll salvage used cook- since its construction in 1912 and fat is the the second method is to Signed—FlD. ing only way house- recommended its removal to the supply. A wife treatment for all can help herself to get more I'nired States District Engineer, provide adequate Opposite Malibu Fishing Pier Molfbu 9242 water which may be of doubtful packaged and bar soap, paints, President E. Shelton said. James sanitary quality. electrical appliances and other Completion of a $13,000,000 household necessities," Hemming construction program at the har- Water Tests

"One - - stated. pound of used cook- bor hinges upon the bridge's re- In order to determine the qual- Steaks Chops Fish Orders ing fat is enough to make one large moval, he said. ity of a sample of water, the Los box of packaged laundry soap, six Angeles county health department Cocktail Bar and Lounge bars of laundry soap or five bars Scout Committee Meets has adopted the standards for of toilet soap. Every pound of fat drinking water approved by the turned in to the meat dealer helps The executive committee of the U." S. Public health service lor all make up for the shortage in fats Malibu Boy Scout Troop met on water used by interstate carriers. Malibu Trading Pest and oils." All housewives are Monday night at the Malibu court These are divided into three urged to save and turn in all used house to discuss plans for winter groups, physical, chemical and 30763 Malibu Road kitchen fats to the meat dealer to activities of the troop. Those pres- bacteriological. avoid even shorter soap supplies. ent were Tom Cheney, Judge At Trancos Beach Physical standards concern ap- Open 7:00 A.M. Santa Monica housewives turn- John L. Webster, William Mac- pearance, taste and order. to Midnight—Closed Tuesdays ed in 8,349 pounds for the month fadyen, Mark Sale, William Mi- Chemical standards for water of August, as compared with chaud and Gene Brodrick. Forth- require tests to determine if water 10,125 for July. For the month coming meetings of the troop are contains any minerals or chemicals of August a year ago Santa Mon- to be held at Louie Kunz' work- of toxic nature. The mere pres- ica housewives turned in 10,121 shop where the Scouts can do work FOR BEACH GARDENS ence of excessive concentrations erf pounds. in woodcraft. minerals, such as sulphates, mag- We grow and stock many shrubs and trees that are tolerant of nesium and chlorides may render Reno, Nevada is farther west Subscribe to salt air and wind. Your inspection is invited. Free delivery to the water undesirable for drinking than Los Angeles, California. THE MALIBU TIMES, Malibu. even though not actually danger- ous. & Bacteriological tests of water Evans are examinations made in the lab- Reeves Nurseries

oratory to determine if the water 255 SOUTH BARRINGTON AVE. - LOS ANGELES 24, CALIF. contains any organisms of focal m Phones: ARizona 36528 - BRighton 04604 origin. PHOTO If a water does not meet the » SUPPLY physical, chemical or bacteriolog- ical standards, all sanitary defects should be corrected where possible A Complete Photographic Store before resorting to artificial treat- FRANK J. LONGO ment. The method of treatment 202 Santa Monica Blvd. Ph. S.M. 41787 may consist of settling, chemical Specializing in ... coagulation, aeration, filtration or chlorination, or a combination of LIFE these methods. ENDOWMENT One of the most important en- BULLDOZERS deavors of the Los Angeles county • ANNUITY LEVELING - GRADING health department is to see that all HEALTH and ACCIDENT of the 360 public water supplies EXCAVATING in County health department juris- and GENERAL INSURANCE diction are safe. The substitution FREE ESTfMATES /" of a safe water supply for an un- "Go Along with Longo" safe one in any community will R. H. BIXBY save more lives than almost any TUcker 2331 LICENSED CONTRACTOR other single public health measure. 756 S. Spring St. Los Angeles Ph. MUtual 4311 S. M. 428-232 —Phones— S. M. 59719 Brazil is larger than the United On Week-end—Malibu 8524 States.

SUBSCRIBE TO Take a Ride Out to the Inn

The Malibu Times Enjoy Our Excellent Cuisine STEAKS Your Official All-Malibu Family Newspaper FILET MICNON, N. Y. CUT, TOP SIRLOIN Complete Local News Coverage Southern Fried Chicken This Is Your Community Paper SEA FOODS MANY VARIETIES Have You Subscribed Yet? • Feminine and Masculine THE MALIBU TIMES Grooming Essentials Rt. 113.Rambla Pacifico, 1, Pacific Palisades, Calif. • Please en Ut my subscription for one year. (Check enclosed) ot Gitt name: • Varied Selection Items Large Stock oi Liqueurs ADDRESS...

$3.00 per year mailed. THE MALIBU INN AT THE COLONY Phone Mcxlibu 7495 SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 THE MALIBU TIMES 7 Jack Carson Discs E^E Children's Album AMUSEMENTS A children's album, entitled E&O7L COAST "Willie and Hannibal in Movie- land," has been recorded by Jack theatres INSIDE BRIEFS!!! Ex-Cosmic Puncher Stars Of "Pursued" To Carson, popular Warner Bros, OCEAN PARK star. DOME SANTA MONIU G-37i3 or E '/U • Jitterbugger Janis Paige, Warner Bros, Now Be Guests At Air Show Jeanne Crain - Cornel Wild glamour star, has a secret admirer Lou Nova, the big hunk of man and Robert Teresa Wright the of his "Centennial Summer" who sends her a bag of jelly beans to gan scoring production who "cosmic-punched" his way Mitchum, co-stars of the United 'Wife of Monte . of "The Razor's Edge," the W. Christo' . every day! . Cinema celebrities fame in the boxing world, is film- States Pictures production, "Pur- Somerset Maugham story which at MGM suffered a mild series land's most embarrassed man of Starts Sunday location near stars Tyrone Power, Gene Tier- of shudders this week when an ex- the week. sued," now on Gal- Claude Rains - Vivien Leigh have been invited to ney, John Payne, Anne Baxter, "Caesar Cleopatra" G. L applied for a job as make-up Warner Bros. Studio has boost- lup, N. M., and qualified, Clifton Webb and Herbert Mar- "High School Hero" man. Asked if he was ed along his career as an actor by serve as honorary officials at the he replied, "Why certainly. shall. Alfred Newman, who wrote assigning him the role of a rug- Parade of Air Power demonstra- the is directing the record- Starts Wednesday Wasn't I a mortician before the score, cutting jitterbug in "Love and tion at Kirtland Field near Albu- ing. Bob Hope war!" . . .Speaking of Americana "Beaucaire" Learn," now before the cameras. querque, 28. art director for N. M., September —Ted Smith, "Whatta debacle! Whatta head "High School Hero" United States Pictures' "Pursued" spot Gov. John J. Dempsey will Rehearsals for the picturization for the guy who once kayoed Max the reception committee aided by "Letter for Evie" on .location at Gallup, N. M., of the Kathleen Winsor novel, Baer," signs Mr. Nova. "Maybe Miss \Vright and Mitchum. Rock- Amber," SANTA MC NIC A | wanted to get married last Satur "Forever which will go (CRITERION sum «mc» 5-826>. day. "Sure, I'll tie the knot," said I should have stood in the fight ets and other guided aerial missiles before the cameras in about a racket." will be 'Our hearts were growing up' the local justice of the peace, "if demonstrated. month, got underway today on the you'll 20th Century-Fox lot with Linda Johnny Weissmuller wait until after the ball 'Tarzan & Leopard Womau' game." . . . Gale Storm, glamor- DarneJl, Cornel Wilde and Rich- ous young Monogram star, teaches ard Greene running through scenes Starts Sunday Sunday school at the Hollywood The Reviewing Stand for Otto Preminger, the director. Wallace Beery, Marguerite O'Brien Christian Church and never misses Preminger plans to rehearse the "Bad Bascome" By Jim Markey Roy Rogers . cast before he starts . . in every scene a Sunday Dennis Morgan, "My Pal Trigger" Warner Bros, star, is now a sadder the actual filming. Once more the nomadic Bob The very serious housing prob- ,314 but wiser father. Recently, when WILSHiRt Hope takes to the air—literally lem around Hollywood cannot bet- IWIKUIPEVI ILjilllxC Santa Monica 5-$995 he to his home follow- I returned and figuratively. They're back- on ter be described than by the fol- A 20th Century-Fox company ing three weeks of personal ap- Claudette Colbert - John Wayne the regular radio show and flying lowing series of classified ads of 30 people will fly to New York "Without Reservation" pearances in Milwaukee, Wis., he New York for the on Thursday to the news- Pittsburg and placed by Lilli Palmer, Eng- film - greeted by his "Why, to Joan Fontaine Mark Stevens was son: personal appearances. lish screen star, who arrived in drama "Boomerang." They will be "From This Day Forward" Daddy. I thought you hello, were That's one gang that is on the Movietown some 'months ago to the first passengers on a new flight going away!" .. . Ginger Rogers go all the time. Despite warnings make her American film debut op-, being inaugurated by American Air Starts Tuesday hubby, Betty Davis - Glen and Jack Briggs, on vaca- from his best friends, Sir Robert posite Gary Cooper in "Cloak and Lines. Ford are the 'A Stolen Life" tion, whipping up trout tries to request for per- a world war spy drama fill every Dagger," Among those aboard will be Joan Leslie - Robert Hutton streams of Oregon . . . Bob Hut- sonal appearance made. by United States Pictures for War- Dana Andrews, Wyatt and Married" ton says that Lana Turner is more Jane "Janie Gets Look out, Bobby boy, either ner Bios, release. Lee J. Cobb, along with a tech- beautiful than ever as a walnut favor- March fairly lav- Dl IKIIW CENTINEUA at PICO BlVfl slow up or we change our 15—Wanted, nical crew of 27. The company DUIMI/I S M.6 4414 Ari2tna9!slSl blonde . . . Romance of the week: ite expression of "Isn't he funny" ish 5-bedroom furnished dwelling will be in the east for three Ida Lupino and Sterling Hayden, Lana Turner - John Garfield to "Doesn't he look natural." by woman engaged in picture while the entire picture to months, 'Postman always rings twice' who are said be blazing! etc. Beverly Hills work, etc., pfrd. is being filmed on numerous la- Maria Montez - Preston Foster Key favorite son No. 1 March 31—Wanted, 3-bedroom most of them Assignments Luke, cations, in and "Tangier" At Warners: of the Charlie Chan series, has hit furnished home, by around Stamford, Conn. the all-time low for actors. Chag- April 15—Wanted, anything to Sunday Only Otto Kruger, renowned stage rined at the fact that in every live in that is furnished. "Girls of the Road" and screen character player, to a Once more pickets adorn the "Girls Under 21" featured role in "Love and Learn," picture he blows an opportunity to May 15—Wanted a room, any- fronts of all major studios. 1, for solve the Keye took it up- thing, anywhere. Applicant will romantic comedy starring Jack crime, one, haven't the faintest idea of Starts Monday

this condi- supply her bed. - Carson, Martha Vickers, Bob Hut- on himself to overcome own what it's all about. Some sort of Allen Ladd Geraldine Fitzgerald tion his own script. ton and Janis Paige. by writing quarrel about one lad using an- "0.5.5." you're Because phenomenal per- Pat O'Brien - And what happens? Yep, of her other lad's carpenter—sort of like Ruth Warrick BACKING VETERANS right! He fumbles the solution of formance as a 17-year-old in we did when we were kids. As I "Perilous Holiday" the crime. Couldn't even write "Margie," Darryl Zanuck has recall those days (what a memory) SAWTELI.! 1 Bros, the part he wanted. named Crain star PHONE WtStL. ».*»..T'JS;« Alexis Smith, Warner star, himself into Jeanne, of we used to have a few words, the Gives "Party is backing a hand-knit and hand- Swell fellow, this boy. a Line," a Robert Bassler folks came out Tind had a few In Color! his script production for 20th Murray woven fabrics concern for disabled monologue of and it's Century-Fox. words, then everyone shook hands Fred Mac veterans of World War worth a way to hear. will the role of "Smoky" 11. going long Jeanne play and we all went back to friendly Paul Lukas - Susan HaywardV Splendid voice, perfect diction and Blossom in the Louise Baker story playing. We never did embroil the to Malibu exceptional gift of deliverance. which has for its locale a "Deadline at Dawn" Subscribe The Times small entire block or neighborhood in our town not far from San Francisco. little squabbles. I hope the war- Starts Sunday

Town has a typical country-type - ring factions in the industry, so Charles Coburn Tom Drake telephone system and the lives of Years" long as they want to act like kids, "The Green Composer Pianist its - Richard Avare inhabitants are in the hands of will kiss and make up, like chil- Carol Landis Alynn Joslyn its sole operator. 'lt shouldn't happen to a dog' dren, without invoking a hardship Appearing at Philharmonic September 23 Role Crain provides Jeanne with on the whole industry. 14272-Sta.Moriica FRENCH WAR RELIEF PROGRAM an ideal vehicle to display her ARizona 3-^37065; unique talents. Since "Home CAN ACCEPT in Ronald Coleman - Madaline Carroll Indiana" she has proven at her number of serious-minded piano students in the "Prisoner of Zenda" Limited best without aid of smart Malibu Colony and vicinity gowns, "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" elaborate decor or unique hairdo's ¥. FOR INFORMATION resorted to by other stars. As Blos- Starts Sunday Phone Malibu 8299 som she appears in the hand-me- Judy Canova Louisian Hayride" Or Write 20 Old Malibu Rd., Route 1, Pacific Palisades, Calif. down clothes of the township's chanty. 'Springtime in the Rockies" Screenplay is by Leonard Pras- ■ Tuesday Only! kins. Spanish Nite! HOWARD A. ANDERSON CO. Santa Monica s Finest Employing a 100-piece orches- Starts Wednesday Darrell) (Howard Sr., Howard Jr., and tra, Darryl Zanuck today be- DINING ROOM in Color—Jeanne Crain F. .. "State Fair" • OPEN TO PUBLIC —..—...—IWJ "Come and Get It" Montages Catering to Clubs, Weddings Miniatures and Trick Photography and All Other Occasions ROSEAAARY imni Special Camera Effects Mona Freeman - Denning Animation, Titles, Wipes, Lap Dissolves RJESTICI Richard . M. Blvd. Ph, 524698 Cocktails, Dancing "Black Beauty" • "The French Key" Last Times Today 1611 COSMOS HOLLYWOOD in the ST., "NIGHT AND DAY" ROOM Starts Wednesday Phone GRanite 4252 Also at General Service Studios BAMBOO "Claudia and David" Starts Tomorrow with "South of Monterey" WALLY SELLERS TRIO With the Cisco Kid m mxmiSm VISIT OUR & K&SCV Fred Murray fheTmecil SEA FOOD AND Mac SNACK BAR "Smoky" Theirlmsx OPEN 4 P.M. With Burl Ives, singing Troubadour m Merle Obcron - Turhan Bey •:■.• mm • "Night in Paradise" ■V MARJORIE REYNOLDS BINNIE BARNES Second Big Hit Starts Sunday fc 'J Charles Coburn - Tom Drake (fen JBne Peter Overlooking? "The Green Years" ' sfs % Robert Young - Ann Richards IM.vfssAiMm VINCENT H» eßluePaxtfm "The Searching Wind" BRODERfCK CRAWFORD H CWSTMICE 00*UN6 J Starts Wednesday W»U«CE FOOD Ginger Rogers HOBtin C«V«MUGri Fsrnrtii steel "Heartbeat"

San /a . "The Bride Wore Boots"

- - m Cartoon Qati^ 8 THE MALIBU TIMES SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 _S.M. Symphony Season Parents Indignant Over County Report Shows To Start in November SOLROMAR NEWS Attitude of Officials Sharp Decrease in BOOKS (Continued from page 1) (Continued page 1) Preventable Disease from By Leif West school-principal suggested she put technical difficulties, which ap- the child in a parochial or private There were fewer cases of pre- peals to me. Somehow or the Los Ange- other, Miss Elizabeth Topping, talent- school. Several others came to him ventable disease in 1 felt the Santa Monica Sun- juris- in ed and efficient, head librarian of with mimeographed messages sent les county health department of phony that rich combination Ventura County, paid an inspec- home with the pupils which read: diction in 1945 than In any year feeling that comes from the co- tion visit to the Solromar branch "Dear Parent: since 1940. operation of musical amateurs and library this week. Miss Topping Owing to the crowded con- This is the highelight of the an- professionals. kind of com- in §luick Review That has the happy faculty of commend- dition in some of our classrooms, nual report of the i Los Angeles bination results in a musical glow are county health department filed re- Conducted by ing work well done and pointing we. transferring Jane Doe and when on top of it, the music cently by Dr. Roy O. Gilbert, Los out ways of improving the service. to the Madison school. We re- LEOTA W. ELLIOTT is and the composi- Angeles county health officer. Dis- played in tune Here visits are appreciated gret this change, but it.seems to always eases reported in 1945 totaled tions are not hackneyed, you will way to our by the library personnel of Solro- be the only adjust in me that the result is not 31,372 as against 42,226 1944. grant mar. congested rooms." Revinvcd by Mrs. Ruth La Pierre top group only -beneficial artistically, but Circulates Petition In the .were chicken- 17 Las Flores Canyon socially. Socially, because many of pox, 6,921; measles, 1,620; mumps, Ell wood Cooper, the pleasant Besides Judge Webster, Mrs. venereal diseases, 3,996. FRIGATE (John our better performers who are 4,596, and SALEM deputy county assessor, was iri Sol- Max Cuchois of Latigo Canyon Estimated population as of July earning their livelihood in the Jennings) The first of a long line romar on Monday of this week. has been leading the fight for a 1, 1946, for the 3,571 square miles "Essex" studios do not have sufficient op- VA of naval vessels called is Mr. Cooper was very definitely school 01 school system in the of health department territory was built in Salem at the portunity to play the newer works given as 1 375.000. Of this number, the'frigate on a business call, listing manu»of Malibu. Last year .Mrs.- Cuchois, 4 and this opportunity provides them 121,194 persons were turn of the 19th Century. The the recent improvements in Sol- following the instructions of coun- vaccinated with what they frequently yearn against smallpox during the fiscal building, launching, and sailing of romar. ty officials, circulated the required this ship is the background against for most, a connection with the petition and secured the necessary year 1945-46. is told a tale of wild emo- musical traditions. names but Other services rendered by the winch . Pete and Ethel Borderre and heard no further word department for tion, deep love, and high adventure. Mr. Rachmilovich is ..obviously have returned on her petition. county health the daughter, Suzanne, year included classes for conductor of talent and a musi- expectant The hero, a young surgeon nam- a from a scrumptious two weeks va- Mrs. Cuchois stated last week by cian of sound knowledge. He mothers which were attended ed Tom Tisdall, is the speaker cation—a sort of motor tour as it that one official told her it would 3,706 women. Clinics held in the who narrates the story, which has achieves correct orchestral balances were. The first stop was at Pismo be impossible because of the lack 13 major health districts were at- and a the to do with his meeting with Ben unity among players. Beach for a couple of days, then, of materials to build a school even tended by 311,366 patients.

- The sponsoring Guild is composed, Trice,. a reckless, self centered to Arroya Grande to visit Mrs. if it was sanctioned by the county. of prominent Santa Monicans who young man, and the subsequent Borderre's father, Charles Brady. "It is a little difficult for me If the atmosphere at■; breakfast could become troubles which hefall him as a re- realized their city a Continuing on to Wasco, they to understand how it is possible time is charged, we pay for it all sult of this hapless association. leading musical center, and I be- visited daughter-in-law Mrs. Paula to obtain material for new cocktail day. should Ben marries Patience Nowcll, lieve that Malibu residents Wilkenson and grandson Stephen. bars or even private homes and still whom Tom loves, and Tom weds join with them. The husband and. father, Dallas not get enough lumber for one When I start being sorry for my Sclina Hackett, the daughter of At the head of the Guild is Wilkenson. is in Japan with the small school," Mrs. Cuchois said. selfishness I'll stop being sorry for Mrs. Cecil whom I have myself. a wealthy merchant. Because of Frankel, Army of Occupation. At Avcnal Possible Ansivcr Topi's love for Patience, the lives king admired because of the pleas- they had their first sight of the Following the publication last ure she gave me several years ago If you keep hitting the nail on of the two couples are inextricably new granddaughter, Cecelia Ann week of an editorial The Malibu in the point. interwoven, be- in her series of "Candlelight" Times titled Old head it becomes a sore and when Ben Auginbaugh. Short visits at other "That School I ■ so attached to the frigate Chamber Conceits in Los Angeles E. Munseys Problem," word was received in comes rclatives, the J. and Hard men are often the result of Essex that he signs on as a car- and Mi-s.■■ Lei-land Atherton Irish, the Henry Bradys, preceeded their this office that failing to get ap- whose executive ability has been soft living, and great men of hard penter, Tom also joins the Navy, return. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lan- proval from the county board of circles

- (xceedingly dull, for it contains far, these have been splendid re- .Minthornes, owners of the Min-. UNION OIL PRODUCTS BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES

- SPECIALISTS IN WASHING - long passages of description ■ in ports concerning his achievements. rhorne Music Co. in Los Angeles, LUBRICATION POLISHING which the story is completely lost .Noteworthy are the following made a number of changes in the Phone: Malibu 9302 21216 Malibu Road far some 200 pages. The author recordings which the Santa Mon- home, including the construction has remarkable research in ica Symphony recently made: of a hollow stone wall with a glass historic background, but his char- Tchaikovsky's Ist and 2nd top. the installation of plate glass i acters are stilted and lifeless. Dr. Symphonies and his 2nd windows in 5 foot sections across & Tisdall is a masculine counterpart Piano Concerto, played by the front of the building, repaint- Bulldozing Excavating

of Elsie Dinsmore, and it takes an Shura Cherkassky, ing, redecorating and refurnishing. Road Building - Fill Dirt interminable time to delve into and The Khatchaturian "Mas- They will devote their weekends ' L. L. HICCINS his own noble emotions, but and to the Malibu the winter probe querade Suite Violen during Phones: S.M. 42933 - Malibu 7395 be lightlv passes over and dismisses Concerto Louis Kaufman, season. the feelings of the other characters. violinist, Perhaps the author felt that in The Kabalesky "Fete Popu- of Las Flores Kafhryn Stang U. S. POSTOFFICE - SOLROMAR, speaking in the first person he . laire" and Canyon returned Monday from CALIF. (101 Alt.) would impart a feeling of authen- Prokofieff's "Summer Day" a two weeks' trip to her home in 700 Roosevelt Hgy. near County Line, West Malibu ticity to his historic background. and "Overture to Hebrew Cleveland. Ohio, the first trip Mails: 7 and 9:30 a.m.; 3 and 5:30 p.m.—News Stand—Free Public Library

If this is his intention,.he succeeded Themes." there in 18 years. Miss .Stang made Groceries - Bakery Goods -' Cold Drinks

as a historian but as a. novelist he The symphony season this year the trip by air and reports that Plumber - Gunsmith v. ijst flexibility and power. begins in November. Ticket reser- she was grounded in Denver and Rifles - Shotguns - Pistols, Bought, Sold, Repaired An' excellent motion picture vations can be made by calling in Chicago on the way back be- Auto and Tire Repairs could be conceived from the .ma- Mrs. Delphme Delmas Rasco, 740 cause of bad weather and was al- George, John, Leif and Eric George West terial, for the story would assume ■l9th Street, Santa Monica, Calif. so held over in Chicago and Salt its true proportions when viewed Telephone 4428Q; I hope you at- Lake on the return trip. Miss against, a scenic background in- tend. Stang said that her trip over Salt ]. stead of being lost in a welter of Lake City and the rest of I tan BUILD WITH words. 1 lie Epworth League for ..young was the most beautiful of the people was organized by the journey. Her first trip by air. Miss One sixth of the people in the Methodist -Episcopal church at Stang is a staunch supporter of world, live in India. Cleveland in 1889. that mode of travel. mmm A onii/ rummf\uNii\LIGHTWEIGHT If II INSULATED, ADDED ENERGY Building Blocks for MADE OF PUMICE AND NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCKS play time PUMM-A-BRIK gives you LIGHT WEIGHT PUMM-A-BRIK gives you IDEAL INSULATION 1 gives you PUMM-A-BRIK MINIMUM MAINTENANCE It is extremely essential that we now PUMM-A-BRIK gives you FAST, INEXPENSIVE CONSTRUCTION have sufficient energy and nourishment Use PUMM-A-BRIK for inner and outer walls alike, to really enjoy the healthful outdoor for a permanent roof, climate of Southern California. Edge- and PUMM-I-BESTOS trie and mar Dairy Products are rich in energy you have ECONOMY, PERFORMANCE, BEAUTY and and nourishing food value. When you SATISFACTION buy Edgemar Dairy Products, you buy PUMM-A-BRIK, we believe, gives you a building thot is MORE the best. ATTRACTIVE, MORE COMFORTABLE and a BETTER INVESTMENT than any other building material at any price o Lifetime Trouble-free Construction Productsj Dairy 5899 MISSION BOULEVARD

- fV'l A8LI! ft tO IMIB e 0 . Telephone 4243 Riverside, California SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 THE MALI BU TIMES 9

to St. . Louis to find Martha's L.A. Chamber of Commerce Fisherman's Sinker Causes mother ill and Martha not want- Announces New Publication Gash on Woman's Forehead Colony ing to leave her. I figured that Chatter... we were practically half way across Designed to help Southern Cali- first aid treatment was admin- country so would go on. The fornia businessmen follow develop- istered Sunday afternoon alf the SY DOROTHY MORRIS Malibu to country to the west of the Mis- ment trends here, "Community (sub-station Katharine. Moody V, . My dear Doretta: blanket and a puff in a place called sissippi bears not the slightest re- Futures," a new Los Angeles of 11489 Rurbank Life seems to be complicated California, I am greeted with an- semblance to that east of the Father Chamber of Commerce monthly for a two-inch gash on the forehead, these days—no matter where you noying snickers and polite sneers! of Waters I discovered—50 to 100 was announced today by Chairman front area of the "i \ne two cold will REAL- PARTIES - AND JUST FOR FUN LY make a great difference. Be- fore the first of October this heat 'wave should break—will probably TREAT YOUR CAR. TO. A be with a crack of lightning and I a crash of thunder. Don't know- which is worse—the heat or the FINISH BUILDER prospect of a thunder storm! Bill went out to his garden and pfcked Shoreline Transit, Inc. The Ultimate in Motor Car Beauty eorn—48 ears—and when supper LOOKS LASTS was over I'm ashamed to say there wasn't much left! Is there 'any? "WHERE THE MOUNTAINS MEET THE SEA" BETTER LONGER thing any better than corn ori the Phone Ma libu 7622 for Appointment ccb when it has just been picked—- Terminal Office 23738 Malibu Rd. Ph. Malibu 7814 cooked and brought right toi the ''Continued on Page 10). 10 THE MALIBU TIMES SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 Boys Lose Way While Hiking; Claim 65% L.A. Industries Man Pleads Guilty to AMERICAN LEGION Stay All Night in Mountains Colony Chatter Now Seek New Employees Being "Plenty" Drunk NOTES Being lost in tile Malibu Moun- "How do you plead to this By K. 0. Sherman, Commander Sixty -five percent of Los Angeles Charge—guilty or not guilty?'' tains overnight can be a harrowing (Continued from Page 9) Mclibu Post 605 industrial and business companies "Oh, guilty—very guilty. I was experience, Dan Wesc rtt, 20, of contacted in a spot survey com- ah';? The five youngsters had! terrible diunk!" Merchants When money is raised by public 7510 Reseda 8.1vd., Reseda and inch a good time—Hob, Don, j peted today by the and "How did you happen to get b mi isnte it is assumed that the Allen, 20, of the same ad- Pete;-. George and Bill—all boys' Manufacturers Association are drunk?" James -eeking employees. taxpayers are to beat the burden dress, learned Saturday* night, rec- between four and nine! There are "1 don't know, your honor. It Based on reports from the Free f the cost. The interest alone three more youngsters—one boy was like this, I started for San r irds of the Sheriff's Malibu office the Asso- adds a nice bit to the budget total. and two girls—but they weren't Employment Service of Francisco walking, and the first revealed. are Nor is it often that these bonds then:. You remember I have :fation that good jobs going thing I knew I'd had a drink, then on begging, a check was made on com- —" are paid off in full without at Leaving their car parted EIGHT nephews and nieces under I had another and pretty soon panies rri twenty different indus- least a part being carried by a new Piiiina Grade Saturday afternoon nine! Almost a "Pretty soon you were very trial commercial classifica- bond issue at the time of their the pair started out for a short and (hunk ---and on private property?" tions. maturity. Hut most bonds are hike, they told Sheriff's Malibu Started for Niagara Falls the i "Yes sir." Of the companies interviewed, used to fill a public need which leputies. hut when they decided to Other day—but wz were late so • "Allright,"' said tiie Judge. J") percent indicated that they had serves ;■'■'. era! generations who return to their car. they, couldn't postponed it until next week and "Twenty-five dollars or \2 l/i days ! •cached capacity' employment but righti'ulh should pay a share of find their way and as darkness went to the Zoo instead Buffalo —suspended for one year on con- a group indicated the origmal cost. descended upon them, they becam • has a terrific Zoo—they have spent! number in this dition you get out of Malibu and available extremely uneasy. They stayed in s vera] nri'hon on it and it is un- hat if materials' were stav out." would finally like any other Zoo I've been drag- they could and increase em- "Oh, yes sir, YES SIR!" 1 nique among bond issues are the mountains all night and With olo\ ment. those authorized by the people of made their wa\ out to Malibu ged through. To start Thus did Ray Stonewell Skid- morning through are iron bars between you A check of just 13 representative welcome in Mali- California to assist veterans ot this R>a 1 the next there nc linger receive his two animals—you are separated companies disclosed 585 job open- court Skid- state to purchase homes or farms. Ma-'ubu Creek Canyon, The and the bu justice last .Friday. given treatment deep moats—and it is a weird ings, of which 3-23 were for un- picked Malibu Some 0'10.0;'X) have been sold bays were first aid by linger w» up at the ?!!4 office and later sensation to eye those former wild skilled workers, 142 were for semi- Post bv Deputy (or this purpo-e. Over $S3#)OO,- at the Sheriffs Trading Sheriff's car Piuma Grade. creatures over a few feet of open skilled workers. There were 80 K. K. booked at the Mali- 003 have been retired without cost- taken to their en Weddle, space. A few of the animals are job openings for skilled workers bu sub-station on a drunk charge ing the taxpayers a cent. The fund caged—the birds and snakes—of tnd there were openings lor 40 Monica jail has been so efficiently administer- Ernst Lubitsch who has occu- and taken to Santa course and the rattiest looking clerical workers. for the overnight stay. Next day ed fhat the charges to the bor- pied No. 39 in tiie Mahhu Colony ever whiffed! He According to Carl ()verpeck, the summer season returned elephant I've he was arraigned before Judge rowers have been reduced and if dining & city was truly a seedy guy-—but his manager of the M M's Free L. Webster and once again . riditiens remain as they have tc the last week. John wife had just died and maybe it Employment Office at 159 West started on his journey to San b '"<: a hew reduction is in the was grief.- Reminded me of the 12th Street, practically' every line Francisco. offing to reduce the large reserve Comrade Allan Storms has the last elephants I had seen—which "f business is seeking employees Ihe Judge shaok his head: "It which has been built up from 'farms for terminal leave pay ap- good were on the island of Ceylon. We and unusually jobs are going costs the taxpayer plenty of money them. plications. Santa Monica Post, I wsrc driving across the lush island begging for lack of takers. Hiring-* ever} year just to process the man 14_; S 17th St., maintains an office 1 to Lake Candy—a world renown- in rates are reported exceptionally who takes that extra drink." Under the surface these bonds force both afternoon and evenings, j ed beauty spot—when we came to good in most of these jobs. b;eh conveniently have used to buy more stable There is a place i a small bridge over a rather shal- ''With good jobs available in citi/ens. who for e\ Citizens are poten- located! eryone. low stream. The driver stopped every possible classification it is VATCHER & tial drifters but who become inter- and motioned us out—there en the puzzling' and discouraging to see ested elements of a given commuo- Hills are being prepared for the stream bed—lying'on their sides the long lines of Unemployment SONS NURSERY i soon as they have settled iO4/ dues. Mail in that check 1 were SEVEN huge elephants!; Insurance claimants just a few there for life. That this work when \ou get yours. Swarming over them like-gremlins | blocks from this office," Overpeck Nursery Stock should be carried on is a common —-were three or four men to a said. but aim will Garden Supplies a m an which miss its We still have not had those beast all with long handled brushes mark unless you and a lot of your Petted Plants volunteers for the hospital coin-. —They were WASHING the The first Associated Press news proposition neighbors vote "yes" on mittee. Four comrades are re- elephants—have heard the expres- organization was founded in 1849 No. 1. funds authorized The now quired even six weeks. Who can sion many times—but that was the by owners of several New York 11941 SAN VICENTE will been allocated BLVD. have by that go on a Sunday. first and only time I had seen it newspapers, among them the Her- time. Here's a way for a veteran being done. Not only that but the ald. World, Times, Sun, Tribune Phone ARiz. 32126 to help himself and a non-veteran animals were obviously enjoyitig it and Exoress. The 24th district bowling con- to help himself by helping a vet- —they swung their tusks about all i tests have started at the Pan Pa- eran. the time trumpeting with great Icific Bowling Alleys. It's not tow glee! In Ceylon they use the Mate to enter a team from Maiibu You have read in y.our "Cali- elephant as a woik horse and prob- if you wish. fornia Leglionnaire" all about the ably in self defense have to keep plans for the national convention it clean! In the Buffalo Zoo you Comrade H. P. Van Ostium Joseph L. Ormsby in San Francisco September 29 to need no signs to point the way to has been having consultation after October 4. So far we have learned the elephant The red and consultation in regular medical house! of no one from this post who plans silver foxes were beautiful—they Dealer -. Subscriptions and Advertisements and the cause of a stomach to attend. Maybe this is too close style have many rock formations to ailment has been decided. Now to, home. Perhaps next year, in climb around but can't a fox 21229 Malibu Road, Maiibu La Costa that the cause is known the cure some eastern city, several of our jump? The hop over that moat Phone Malibu 7622 should follow soon. comrades will assemble to see that didn't look impossible from my we are done right by. side. Each of the enclosures has Also delivering THE MALIBU TIMES every Friday m ■ The Los Angeles County Gpun- running water along with other Icil meeting scheduled tor October comforts of home. After spending, RADiO & ELECTRIC REPAIRS 4th at the Patriotic Hall will be all that money on what was a well House Wiring I postponed until October 1 1 be- stocked Zoo—the powers that be WE PICKUP AND DELIVER cause of the national convention are now selling main of the ani- McCLURE ELECTRIC at San Francisco. Tin's extra week mals—they didn't even' have a seal! FOUR DAY SERVICE should give more comrades a I'll never understand city govern- Phone S. M. 41623 • • chance to make it. ment—or any other kind! QUALITY WORKMANSHIP

* * • Animals remind me of the See- J Malibu La Costa Cafe ing Eye dog that was on the plane San Vicente Cleaners Specializing in from Chicago to Buffalo. They Fine Foods - Cocktails are truly amazing creatures—he 26th at San Vicente FRANK E. ALTOMARI, Manager led that young man with all the traffic Then he 21237 Malibu Road - Phone Malibu 9812 sureness of a cop. S. M. 50020 13048 San Vicente Blvd. sat beside him on the plane—never moving. Wonderful, wonderful inimals! Nearly scared me out of my wits, however; I hadn't seen 'him when I boarded the plane—- over Detroit I cautiously opened one eye to find eying me, what Adult and Child looked like a big black wolf! 1 jumped a foot and the man be- side me quickly reassured me. -* -* -* PORTRAITURE I should be home just four days MALIBU ifter vou get this letter-—that is in the if that word "Operations" doesn't crop up again. We who live in For Children 3 Thru 6 Years. Day or Resident. Kinder- Southern California are certainly garten Training and all Social Adjustments spoiled —we foirget about the weather problems of other parts are Carefully Supervised. of the country especially this Great Lakes area. Say a prayer interested The Director invites those to write or phone or two for me—and keep your fingers crossed—in the meantime I'm off to track down those Mother Sills all stores don't MRS. A. N. TORRANCE i carry them. 1 find. So—till later- 113 RAMBLA PACIFICO Much love, • Mail in care of Malibu Colony Patrol Office DOROTHY. Malibu Road at Las Flores Canyon .V Ph Malibu Malibu La Costa PHONE MALIBU 8593 Subscribe to 7955 THE MALIBU TIMESr SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 THE MALIBU TIMES 11 Fishing News Malibu, Santa Monica Ship Breaks Propeller, Scouters Make Trip To Gives Morely Chance To YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD CAFE Visit Family In S.M. TIDES Santa Catalina Island Good Tood HIGH LOW Eighteen Scouters from Maiibu A broken propeller on the troop Just Friday, Sept. 27 and Santa Monica—men who are transport ''General Greely" give Served in a Friendly Atmosphere 9:55 am 5.4 3:47 am 0.9 Captain Rudyaril Morely, son of 10.30am 4.5 4:22 pm with the Boy Scout and The Children Are Always Welcome 0.5 associated Captain and Mrs. J. M. Morely Sot., Sept. 28 Sea Scout organization—spent last ICE CREAM 10:20 am 5.3 4:11am 1.5 of Santa Monica, a four-day va- MALTS 11:15am 3.9 5:03 pm 0.7 weekend at Emerald Bay, Cata- cation with his family last week. Sun., Sept. 29 FRANK ERB, Owner lina. The to the island was 10:45 am 5.1 4:31am 2.0 trip The "Genera! Greely" broke its 5:48 pm 0.9 made on the Sea Scout boat propeller after leaving San Fran- RALPH'S CAFE Mon., Sept. 30 "Windjammer'', a 36-foot sailing cisco bound for Manila with a 12:08 21227 Malibu Rood Phone 7584 am 3.4 4:50 am 2.5 beat, owned by the Sea Scout compliment of 30U troops and was 11:15pm 4.8 6:49 pm 1.1 Council Monica. Tues., Oct. 1 in Santa adript for four days before it was 1:48 am 3.1 4:58 am 2.9 The party left Santa Monica finally towed back into San Fran- 11:49 pm 4.5 8:21 pm 1.3 harbor at 8:30 Friday night, mak- cisco harbor. Wed., Oct. 2 -■?* ing the trip in four hours. The Captain Morely, in charge of 12:48 pm 4.3 10:03 pm i.i return trip was made on Sunday the troops, took this opportunity LOUIE J. KUNZ Oct. 3 Thurs., in three and three-quarters hours. to fly down to Santa Monica for GENERAL CONTRACTOR While at the island, the party a visit with his On his *•--■> 2:46 pm 4.1 11:06pm 0.8 family. fished for sheephead, tuna and return to San Francisco after the BUILDER bass, reporting very good luck. visit, Captain Morely was given Bass were taking the bait tossed Those who made the trip were: another ship, the "General out by fishermen aboard the Co- Dave Wells, Charles Wells, Har- Hodges", and is now on the high Painting - Plumbing bido last Friday. All in all, the vey Xewsome, Carl Sawyer, Rob- seas headed for Manila. After he General Maintenance haul totaled 250. Fishermen also ert Etz, Louis McNairy, Scott has dispatched his troops there he took 50 halibut on the same cruise. Russell, John Pykett, all of Santa will fly back to San Francisco. 24 Hrs. Service Monica; Stevens, Cyril Monk- Joe Captain Morely's wife and Water See page one for story on record man, Captain Dez Barton, Irvine daughter, Pat, have been visiting Softeners albacore catch the fish- by 11 lucky Smith, Dave Smith, all of To- his parents, Captain and Mrs. J. to 307 Malibu Heights Ph. Malibu 7395 ermen who took the waves panga ; Captain Dan Barnes, Mali- M. Morely, in Santa Monica. the Bee. aboard all-day boat, Gee by Heights; Captain Charles Boll- Captain J. M. Merely will be re- Cruising around all morning, they man, Cornell; Chief Cecil Gehr, membered as the sheriff's officer Ely had little luck, but when Skipper Matt of Woodland Hills. in charge of the Malibu sub-sta- AN INVITATION TO A CRUISE Lucky Hildebrand decided to look tion foV several years. for albacore, their luck changed—- Cbstello Returns to L. A. Another son of Captain M. •but good! Besides the albacore, the J. 'Rusty" Gibbons Enterprises Morely, Jay Morely, is at pres- salt-water anglers picked up five M. Costello, Washington John ent enjoying a stay with his par- Offers You tuna and one skip jack. The Len- representative k of the Los- Angeles ents in Santg. Monica. Jay Morely I NEST , broke also had a good day, bring- Chamber of has Commerce, re- is associated as hair stylist consult- ASTEST of Charter Boats 325 bass, 30 halibut and 10 turned to the city for about three ing in ant with Selegman and Latz of LEET ' barracuda. weeks and is available for consul- New York and is at present fol- tation by Lcs Angeles county busi- lowing his profession at the Broad- Available for The spot of Saturday's interests bright ness seeking information way Los Angeles. in - - - fishing aboard the Cobido occurred on matters affecting them in the Live Bait Trolling Swordfish Pleasure Cruises when angler—name unknown nation's and an capital, according to an Ash Wednesday is the first day Moonlight Excursions —hooked onto a 22 lb. white sea announcement made yesterday by of Lent and named from the Featuring Trips to bass. Others brought in a total of General Manager Harold W. Roman Catholic ceremony of - - - 100 bass, 10 albacore and 10 hali- Wright. Anacapa Santa Barbara San Nicholis Cakalina sprinkling ashes on the heads of. but. The Lenbroke chugged home - Galley - penitents, then admitted to pen- Cabin Accommodations Ice Boxes with 250 bass and 76 halibut for Statesmen prepare realistically ance: Ash Wednesday is said to 37 pass. - "BLUE STREAK", 20 - "ANN", 10 the day's total. The Gee try- for just hope "ARROW", Bee, world»disaster but have been established by Gregory to Friday's albacore sentimentally for a new world. Malibu Pier Phone 8241 ing ditto the Great. catch, had middling luck, showing , up at the albacore school during The atomic bomb may mean the recess. Fishermen brought in 11 of end unless we make a new begin- the big boys. ning.

On Sunday the Gee Bee ran boat also hooked into 100 bass, 50 into a trio of tuna and one skip halibut and 16 bonita. jack. The score for the Lenbrooke # was 150 bass, 175 barracuda, 75 Tuesday was a slow day for halibut. The Cobido picked up one Cobido fishermen, although they lone albacore, 10 halibut, 75 bass managed, to bring home a total of and 75 barracuda. The Pier had"a 100 bass and 10 halibut. The Gee day. Bee found another albacore school and its anglers took 32 and one i > On Monday Cobido fishermen lone tuna. (Go on home, Joey, j D E LU X E j brought home 250 bass, 125 barra- you're running with the wrong j cuda and 10 halibut. The Gee company.) The Lenbrooke had a:

.... $2.80 Trip EASY TERMS RENT APPLIES Returns 2:30 p.m. Fare per Person per Leaves 7:30 a.m. Gee-Bee GENE ROWLAND Returns 12 Noon Fare $4.50 Per Person Phone S. M. 52023 1527 Fifth Street, Santa Monica Leaves 8:00 a.m. Leaves . 12:30 p.m. Returns 4:00 p.m. Returns .4:30 p.m.

You will find the finest in sporting goods Weber's Malibu Service equipment in our COLONY SHOP on the Pier Chevron Products Fishing Equipment for Rent - Wide Selection of Bait Available COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS Keep the above schedule for reference EXPERT LUBRICATION STEAM CLEANING and CAR WASHING

Shock Absorbers - Universal Joints ST TOWING EQUIPMENT ON THE COAST MALIBU Phone Malibu 9662 PIER Phones: MALIBU 9152.8241; 7015 23000 MALIBU ROAD MALIBU ROAD AT MALIBU COLONY 12 THE MALIBU TIMES SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 Mrs. Laura Ward of No. 83 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Per- Pilot Sees Opening CLASSIFIED Church Services Malibu Colony left Saturday for kins have completed their new In Fog, Lands Plane New York where she will board home at 18486 Malibu Road. The at 9:15 a.m., ADS Trading Catholic services Italy check ovel Near Post Mal- a plane for to couple recently moved here from Saint Monica Parish Fathers, of her holdings there. Mrs. (Classified Rate—7s cents per line; Robert E. Porter, ex-Navy flyer, ibu courthouse, 21323 Malibu Road, some San Francisco where Mr. Perkins Ward left Italy in 1938 and has 75 cents minimum. Cash in ad- looked at the gas gauge in his Malibu La Costa. was stationed during the war as vance. Card of Thanks, $1.00) since that time remained in Cali- Monocoupe, looked once again at Malibu La Costa Community an attorney with the Regional Church, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth fornia which she considers second WANTS EXTRA WORK —Nurse Wage Stabilization Board. The the fog swirling around the wings Sharrow in charge of Sunday in interest to Italy where she had for infants or children. Will work Perkins are delighted with the and fuselage of his plane, saw the School and Church services, 10:30 lived for many years. When she by day or week. Also do alterations Malibu. and sewing. Write Mrs. B. Resck, lights of the Malibu Trading Post and 11.45. disembarks from her plane in Italy Veteran Springs, Topanga, Calif. and an unoccupied strip of Malibu she will be met by her daughter, Katherine Ward, who is RENT—Cement mixer Road. He nosed his plane down Dave Duncan just announced in die FOR and employ of the U. S. Government JAMES B. JOLLY equipment. With or without oper- toward the highway, fishtailed to the leasing of the Murray Youlin -Operator for a neat landing and taxied up to home, No. 51 Malibu Beach Col- there. Mrs. Ward's other daugh- ators. Cement slabs, foundations Investigators poured. L. J. Kunz. Phone Malibu Harry Canfield's eatery. He pulled ony, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles ter, Mrs. Muriel Peters, will re- Coast \ 7395. into the lot and cut the owners of the National main at No. 83 Malibu Colony Glendaie parking Burnett, * 134 N. Brand Citrus 1-7326 motor. Plastic Co. of Pasadena. The lease unril Oct.'ll when she intends to T FOR SALE.—Skiff, specially built; Formerly with Sheriff's Mahbu Office I was one leave for a trip to ours, oarlocks, brass fittings. 11 ft. Were the natives used to such made for year. Guatamala.

9 inches. Excellent condition. Good • buy. Call Lee at Shoreline Transit office, Malibu TSI4. Well, not necessarily but they recognised that almost anything can hapoeri in the Malibu—and MALIBU COLONY HOMES frequently docs. ■ - Along 25 miles of the Malibu Pilot Porter told Sheriff's Mali- Coast. Also specially selected bu deputies that the'plane belonged frontage, Ranch listings in beach acreage to Raymond W. Wilson of 2542 and beach business property. Colby Ave., West Los Al-

• and that he. Porter, was coming down from 'Santa Barbara when DAVE DUNCAN the fog :-tarVcd to close in. He MALIBU INN Ph. MALIBU 8207 c Mik) make

it to Los Angeles and he saw ... when ... INCOME PROPERTY FOR REiMT—Cement Mixer, half an inviting landing strip and no sack size. Call at sth house from nobile traffic, hj; decided to ONE ACRE ON BLUFF OVER-LOOKING OCEAN, ZONED FOR beach on Topanga Canyon Road. take a chance. ■ See Sims. INCOME UNITS. $3,750 ONE-FOURTH DOWN Next day, all gassed up again, Pilot Porter took off down the BEACHCOMBERS' BABY $32,000 furnished—Hey there, highway while Sheriff's Malibu Matey! One look and you'll cast deputies C. T. Human and J. L. an anchor here; 75 feet ocean Deane hfld the traffic on Malibu frontage. Refreshing 3 bedrms., Road. LOUIS T. BUSCH CO. 2 ba. Ig. liv. rm. fireplace. Ex- quisitely furnished in restful 2616 Wilshire Blvd. Phone S. M. 54430 rattan. Your ships will come in World; when you dream your cares Juvenile Out to See away with the Beachcombers Deputies Baby! Phone for appointment. Runs Into Malibu —OFFICES—- HOUSE OF RYAN Sixteen-year-old Paul A. Bradshaw 2-1125 Harris left his home in An- MALIBU LA COSTA MALIBU OFFiCE TRANCAS OFFICE 8516 Sunset Blvd. Mailb'j Post) . Trading napolis, Missouri a week ago 21361 Malibu Road 23829 Road Malibu Rd. (Opp. last Tuesday with the idea of Ph. Malibu 8151 Ph. Malibu 7452 Ph. S. M. 54430 TROPICAL seeing the world. His good FURNITURE right thumb got him a fast ride to the Rattan - Bamboo through west coast as as Para- Floor Coverings and Furnishings and far mount on Ventura SEA SAILS CO. Junction ISLAND Boulevard. Here, in a cafe, Blk. W. of Bundy 12217 Wilshire, his world-girdling plans ran 91624 Ariz. into a snag. Juvenile Paul Harris seemed a little young FOR FAST SALE—List your prop- to be playing the pin-ball erty for sale or rent with the Law- rence Block Co. Have Mr. Kramer machine and when question- visit you. Lawrence Block Co., 174 ed by Sheriffs Malibu HOLLYWOOD'S OWN No. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, Brad. deputies, the cat leaped out 23391, Crest. 15241. of the bag. LISTING WANTED Las Tunas Young Harris was escort- and Topanga Beach cottages. John ed to the Malibu Station and Marshall, Broker. Ph. Malibu 7235. from there taken to Juvenile Birth of a daughter, Donna Hall in downtown Los An- The Drinking Wafer Supreme! Lee, weight 6 lbs. 5 oz. Sept. 17 geles where his passage Missouri be ar- in Santa Monica to Mr. and Mrs. home to will front the William Mclntyre, former resi- ranged. Fee the time being dents of Rameriz Canyon, was an- Harris must find out about nounced last week in the Malibu. the world from school Magic Fountain oi the Hills The Mclntyre home in Rameriz geography books. by is now owned Tom Schacht. Holly Spring Water has become an important part of HEALTH- So many ideas bid for the allegi- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shafer and ance of each human heart as it FUL LIVING for countless Southern California residents. They son, Bobby, have moved to I/ong takes its journey from the womb have come to recognize the treasure of its NATURAL MINERAL Beach, Calif., from Topanga to the tomb. And when millions where they have been staying for of ordinary men and women begin ELEMENTS, its entrancing flavor, and to enjoy its sparkling and some time with Mrs. Shafer's par- to follow the same star, history is re-freshing softness. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barton. moulded.—Peter Howard. YOUR INVITATION TO HEALTH Drink HOLLY Spring Water. Bottled fresh daily, direct from A BRAND BEACH HOME NEW spring to bottle, in a modern plant with modern facilities. No chlor- ine agents are used. Cool, zestful, refreshing a water UN- MATCHED in the simple but essential elements of nature for OUT MAUBU WAY BETTER, HEALTHIER LIVING! On one of the finest sand beaches in the entire Malibu—% mile east of Malibu Pier. On a 40-foot lot, the home has an SEE "WOODIE" KETCHUM, 20852 Vi MALIBU ROAD, MALIBU underpinning of 31 pilings. 2 bedrooms and a guest or maid's WATER, room; 1 Vi baths, a barbecue and dining alcove are combined AGENT FOR HOLLY SPRINGS BOTTLED OR PHONE with the kitchen. 2 car garage. A good buy at $32,500. MALIBU 7332. NO DEPOSIT FOR WATER DISPENSERS.

We deliver along Malibu Road from Santa Monica Canyon to the Ventura County SEE Line, and in all the Canyons. DAVE DUNCAN HOLLY SPRING WATER CO. Phones: HOllywoad 5272 Malibu 7332 Selected Properties Along 25 Miles of the Malibu Coast 2298 HOLLY DRIVE . Hollywood 28, Calif. MALIBU INN PH. MALIBU 8207