Liberation of Gua Pushed Ahead Fast; Apra
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Tht Wcatker AveniKe tM lf CiraiUition' Foioeoat SI U. 8. Wenthsr Boreau Far ths Joao, 1M4 t ' " Fair today, tonight mod Sunday: gentle to moderate southwest fcu fn tttg w r a ld winds. Memthn H the Awmt Mmammm- naltoMsMOi X Manchester—^ City of Village Charm (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS on rata it) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 22,1944 VOL. L x n in NO. 249 First Purple Heart Thank Robot Bombs Hitler Says Move Liberation of Gua f ,.,V' : > -i To Assume Power 's '* ' 'S"*' « Pushed Ahead Fast; Has Been Crushed Apra Expresses Confidence in Soviets See Order o f Day to Ger- Brannlck Steadily Reinforced num Troops Army Will Attack Link Americans Swarming Fight With Exemplary Soviets Roll Back Obedience and Loyalty In Big Plot Off Ships; Swift Pro* gress, Light Casual* —100 High Officers Die .. Nazi Rearguards ties Reported by Com* Major Crisis Believed London, Jyly 22.— (/P)— Facing Germany t muniques and War Adolf Hitler asserted in an | order of the day to German I Correspondent Eyewit* Generals Dissatisfied troops today that an attempt- 1 M ud Preven ts On Strategy Vsed. Only 90 Maes from' nesses of Landings^ ed' coup d’etat by “ a small circle of unscrupulous offi- Warsaw; Nazi Posi- Moscow, July 22—( ^ — Tass F u rt h er Gains U. S. Pacific Fleet Head- cers” had.been crushed, and tion in Baltics Bad. quarters, Pearl Harbor, July (Commentator NUmlai Budrov de- expressed confidence the hf cWMO i f c t A 6 clared in Izvestia today that the M mitt,'. 22.— (JP)— The liberation ol Army “will fight with exem- In Normandy attack on Hitler did not represent Pictured in their English hospital beds are the first WACs to receive the Purple Heart Medal. Moscow, July 22.— (fl*)— ' Guam— avenging the tin y/ plary obedience and loyalty until Red Army tank and infantry American garrison ovemin victory ia ours in spite of' all.” an iaolat^ incident but was "one Injured In a robot bomb accident, they’are, left to right: Pfc. Effle M. GiblxMis, of Lewlstort.^Ioaho; Pvt Margaret Johnson, of Madison. Wls.; Pvt. Leona J. Galyon, of Ode.isa, Tex.; and Pfc. Dorothy forces, making a supreme bid by ^panese hordes in De- Wiped Out or Arreatsd link in a huge military plot by Allies Bogged Down ‘* ^ immediate and vigorous ac- Whitfield of Schenectady, N. Y. WAC officers, standing, are Ciapt. Rose F. Ros.«t, left, of New York for Warsaw, rolled back Ger- cen1oer,_ 1941—-.was pushed i generals and officers.” City, commanding officer, and Lleut.-Ctol. Anna M. Wilson. WAC director for the European 'Theater Without Any Advance tion by loyal officers and men at, man rearguards today on a ahead of schedule today by the Army at home, the traitor This explanation was accepted of Operations. ______________________ . by the Russians who for several jagged 200-mile battle line, In Past 24 Hours; Es- Steadily reinforced Yanks clique- wss wiped out or arrested swarming off ships onto that fort in the matter of a few hours,” weeks have been bearing from and front dispatches said - quay Loss Only News. captured high German command- mer U. S.'Tmtpost. They threat* HiUer said. some Soviet forces were only ened to pinch off and quickly cap. "A smaU circle of unscrupulous ers of the antagonism again.<it British F liers 90 miles from the Polish capi- Hitleo Truman Wins Fight Supreme Headquarters Allied ture Port,Aprs, core of Guam’i officers had made an attempt to tal. At the same time the German Expeditionary Force, July 22—(g*) defense system on the west coast. murder me and the general staff Statement May Be U p Off poaition in the Baltics grew worse Scale Heights In Rear and to seise power In the state,” Lieut. (Sen. Edmund Hofmeis- Pou n d Berlin; hourly, as Col. Geh. Ivan I. Mas- —The vast Allied military organi- but "Providence caused the at- ter’a statement to the Red Army zation in Normandy bogged down From mile-long beachhead* Upon Second Ballot lennikov’a troops captufed Ostrov, easily won north and south ot tempt to" miscarry.” command on July 19 that the old cleared 17 miles of the Ostrov- in the mud o f France today with- German generals were dissatisfied the fine harbor. Marines land aol-, His order, an obiriojjts attempt R efin ery H it Pskov railway, and left Pskov, 35 out a single advance being report- to reassure his own followers in with Hitler’s strategy in refusing dlers moved inland to seal* miles north of Ostrov. in an un- heights dominating its rear. Arm y ranks and to 'discourage to retreat ^ y be the tip off^ to f ed to the supreme command in the Missouri Senator Chosen! A l l i e d T CIODS tenable salient. Tishina, seven (^mmuniqiies and war corre- ' any further revolt, came as press theaituatidn. miles from Latvia’s northeastern past 24 hours. “Prom Hitler’s comments,” said Mosquitos Attack Ger- Over Wallace by Dem-; s spondent eyewitness reports from and eye-witness accounts indicated boundary, was occupied. The war a briefest communique the scene of Thursday's invaaioa that nownere had the enemies of the Tass writer, ’’the plot em- man Capital as Ital- Pour Through Breaches for an operation as great as the barrassed considerablv wider cir- ocrats to Carry Bat- Push Neai^er told of swift progress and light Hitler succeeded in seizing power The Red tide ^ured . through Allied invasion summed up the sit- casualties. cles than Hitler attempted to tie to Republicans. uation in five words: "There ia or taking over key positions. ian Based Bombers dozens of breaches in the make- Tokyo radio, belatedly announc- Purge LmUs RebeUloa prove. shift German line onto the Polish nothing to report.” "Reports prove that events in Go Into Czechoslbvakia Reports Loss of Esqusy ing the invasion to a homeland al- A rapid, bloody and ruthless Chicago, July 22.— (/P)— T o Flore nce plains, where Hitler once swag- ready beset by a war , cabinet purge apparently had stamped out Germany have assumed a major gered in victory, and where now The only change reported was The Democratic party called the loaa of Elaquay, southwest of -shakeup, said a division' (about the rebellion. Reports reaching crisis. It is obvious the Ger- Bulletin! hia troop* faced diaaster. 12,000 men) and 150 tanka landed . many o f today ItviNi under a on a vigorous, practical poli- Caen between tae Orne and Odon Stockholm said that peihaps 100 London, July 32— (flV-Be- Ativanee Infantry Ele- The battle for Warsaw develop- in the vicinity of Asan north of bursting political crisis.” tician t^ a y in Harry S. Tru- ed from these giant thrusts by rivera. The supreme command's generals or high officers had been tween 600 and 760 American ments Only 14 Miles report did not atate whether the the harbor and a half division at executed. Travelers to Sweden heavy bomben roared out man of Missouri, its new vice Marsral Konstantin K. Rokossov Agat, to the south. cky’s apparently Inexhaustible of- loss was due to (Serman action or said more than 1,000 persons had from Italian liases and attack- presidential nominee, to car- From Qty a* Three whether the town merely waa John R. Henry, representing ths been arrested through Friday. ed the PloestI oil area of Ro- fensive : combined Allied press, reportiMl ry the fight to the Republi- After cutting the Bialystok- abandoned to ho man’s land be- (An NBC broadcast from Lon- See U p heaval manis today. Columns Advancing cau((e it is iii low ground. f)om a flagship at Guam that all don declared Field Marshal Rom- cans in a campaign for a Brest-Lltovsk railway at Czerem- Japs and shore 'defenses wer*.'’ cha, 95 airline miles northeast of In the lull the supreme com- mel had been forced to change London, July 22.—(A*)—British fourth White House term for Rome, July 22—(4>i—Fifth and mand checked battle reports and gouged out of the landing areas Warsaw two days ago, Soviet units by some of the 10,000 tons of ex- ' two armored division command- G iving Ilit le r Mosquitos, kept the air assault on President Roosevelt. Ths 60-year- Eighth Army troops closed stead- found that conflicting field dis- ers in Normandy for "political old piano-thumping senator, whoM now were reported to have advanc- patches had led to some erroneous ilosives Spread over the island ' reasons.” The two divisional Germany rolling overnight by grin*’ is"klndT^'”by srtiu'biue’ eftitiiy in on Florence from three dlrec- ed at least five miles. fhrough 17 straight days by war- , bombing Berlin while Italian-based beliefs which were passed on to generals were replaced, before the behind thick-lensed spectacles, tlona today 'With advance Infantry Other Red Army forces were press conferancea. ships and planes. In the last eight T igh ter H old bombers struck into Czechoslo- forging a ring of steel around Thursday attempt on Hitler’s life, beat Henry A. Wallace to the sec- elements only 14 nviles from the The re-checks showed the Ger- minutes before the first Yankg vakia for the second time in less Brest-Litovsk, 90 miles east of landed at 8:28 a. m., Thursday, ths by "two Juvenile political colonels, ond place nomination in an eight- historic city’s edge directly to the mans still held Maltot between the ‘ )>oth under 33, who have a record than 24 hours and hammered an hour windup session of the Dem- Warsaw, after mopping up German Orne and Odon, that it la not clear warships alone poured more than Best' Estimate in Offi- oil.refinery at Pardubice, 60 miles eouth.