Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2

A. The Welfare Association 2 B. NGO Development Center 3

Background 5

A. Welfare Association 5 B. NGO Development Center 5

Welfare Association 6

A. Structure 6 B. Finances 6 1. Annual budget 6 2. Main donors 7 3. Donations from Arab countries 8 4. Activities of the Arab countries and foundations in the Israeli-Palestinian context 9 5. The involvement of Arab countries and foundations that support the families of shahidim (martyrs) in financing Israeli and Palestinian organizations 9 6. The connection with the Ford Foundation 10 C. The organization's activities 11 1. Specific projects – general 11 2. Old city of revitalization program (OCJRP) 11 3. "'48 Palestine" - Support for Israeli organizations 12 4. The campaign against the National Civilian Service Initiative for Israeli 13 5. Palestinian NGO Project (PNGO) Background to the establishment of NDC 13 D. Summary of the WA’s activities 14

NGO Development Center 15

A. NDC and the WA’s involvement in NDC activities 15 B. Other connections between the organizations 15 C. The money trail 16 1. Annual budget 16 2. Main donors 16 D. The organization’s activities 17 1. Main projects 17 2. The human rights and good governance project and the supported organizations 17 3. Examples of projects 19 4. Examples of organizations that receive funds under this project 19 E. Summary of the NDC's activities 20

Appendices 21

1 public debates, to participate in legal activities etc. Executive Summary against and the IDF, in Israel and abroad.

This study focuses on the activities of two inter-con- This study surveys the transfer of monies originat- nected organizations: ing in Arab countries (including , Kuwait and the United Emirates), international Arab organi- A. The Welfare Association zations and European countries, that are redirected by definitively Palestinian organizations, to finance The Welfare Association (hereinafter: WA)4 is a NGO third sector activities in Israel. These monies are des- founded in Geneva in 1983 for the purpose of building ignated for promoting an agenda and activities aimed a sustainable Palestinian society. The organization at gaining influence over the reality in sovereign Is- bolsters Palestinian organizations, and acts to pre- raeli territory in specific spheres: serve and nurture Palestinian tradition and identity through identifying the needs of Palestinian society. 1. Strengthening the Palestinian identity of Israeli Arabs and severing their positive relationship with The WA is directly involved in activities in Arab cen- the State of Israel.1 ters within the borders of Israel and donates to Israeli- Arab organizations.5 Recipient organizations include: 2. Strengthening Palestinian-Islamic identity and Adalah, Balanda, Ahali, Ittijah, Mada al-Carmel, ownership in Jerusalem.2 and the Galilee Society. Thus, for example, the It is important to note that some of the organizations WA financed the activities of organizations aimed at sending monies indirectly to Israel support the fami- preventing initiatives for Israeli Arabs to register for lies of shahidim (“martyrs”).3 National Civilian Service (the alternative to military service in the IDF, from which Israeli Arabs are ex- This money finances the activities of dozens of Israeli empt). The WA also directs various construction and and Palestinian organizations (such as Adalah, Itti- land use projects, especially in Jerusalem and the Ne- jah, Breaking the Silence, and others), many of which gev. These “real estate” activities can be inter- operate in the following areas: preted as an attempt to establish and preserve 1. Delegitimizing the State of Israel. an Arab presence (with a Palestinian identity, rather than an Israeli-Arab identity) in certain 2. Calling for boycotts against Israel. areas in sovereign Israeli territory. In the frame- 3. Promoting and assisting in the filing of indict- work of its activities, the WA also supports official ments against Israeli public figures, on war crimes Israeli bodies, including the Nazareth municipality charges. and the Kafr Kana local council.

The findings of this study raise suspicions that the Is- In the years 2006-2008, $2.65 million were raeli organizations are being obligated by the Arab transferred for activities inside Israel and to organizations that fund them, to express positions in Israeli-Arab organizations.6

1 [20/12/10] Campaign in the Arab sector against the National Service initiative for Israeli Arabs financed by the AW in 2007.,7340,L- [20/12/10] 3449186,00.html BDevelopments/Internet/English/IsDB/CM/About%20IsDB/FAQ/Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10] (See question 118 in the official Islamic Development Bank FAQS document. Details of its activities follow.) 2 [20/12/10] English/IsDB/CM/About%20IsDB/FAQ/Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10] (See question 119.) 3 [20/12/10] [20/12/10] English/IsDB/CM/About%20IsDB/FAQ/Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10] (See question 119) [20/12/10] 4 Also known as Mou’assasat Al Ta’awoun 5 From the WA annual reports: [2012/10] 6 According to the organization’s reports: [20/12/10]

2 B. NGO Development Center Army,” and disseminating propaganda or con- ducting legal activities in connection with such The NGO Development Center (hereinafter: NDC)7 violations.11 The NDC promotes its agenda, among was founded in March 2006 for the purpose of devel- other ways, by supporting petitions to courts in Israel oping and strengthening Palestinian civilian society and abroad and waging legal battles against Israeli in general and the third sector of Palestinian society public figures and IDF officers. The organization is in- in particular. The NDC was established on the WA’s directly involved in promoting these activities and is organizational infrastructure, and “inherited” assets, likely directly involved in some of them. 8 staff and work plans from the WA. It is apparent that According the reports published by the NDC, in the to this day many key positions in the NDC are held by years 2008-2009 about $2.4 million were trans- people who formerly held positions in the WA. ferred to Israeli organizations, and around $3.5 The NDC later participated in projects for the devel- million to Palestinian organizations. opment of the Palestinian third sector, financed by the World Bank and a number of European coun- The connection between the tries. Today the NDC coordinates the application of organizations (WA and NDC): human rights and good governance policies in Gaza, As stated above, the WA was the foundation Judea and Samaria on behalf of the donor countries. upon which the NDC was established. In addi- In this context, the NDC is involved financing tion, the WA supports the NDC financially12 and Israeli and Palestinian organizations9 that oper- holds a senior position on the NDC’s board.13 ate clearly anti-Israel and anti-IDF activities.10 This fact is evidence of the WA’s ability to di- rect NDC activities and donations. In practice, The NDC supports many other field organizations and the two organizations channel funds to support assists them in ways that include liaising between Israeli organizations (including Israeli-Arab or- them and donors. The NDC’s senior management in- ganizations) and Palestinian organizations that cludes several key figures from Palestinian umbrella are involved in activities against IDF and Israeli organizations. In fact, the NDC’s activities encompass state policies, and against the character of the hundreds of field organizations. Evidently, the NDC is State of Israel. a type of “framework organization” and is financed by several countries, serving them as an additional Sources of financing: way for these countries to support local organiza- Both organizations rely on foreign funding, but while tions, beyond the countries’ direct support for these the NDC is backed mainly by generous donations organizations. from Europe,14 the WA also receives funding from Among the criteria for receiving financial aid from the sources in international Arab organizations and NDC: Activities tracking and documenting hu- Arab countries and hostile to Israel such as Sau- man rights violations by the “Israeli Occupation di Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.15

7 Also known as Markaz Tatweer 8 From the bank’s FAQS: Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [2010/10] From the organization’s report: [20/12/10] 9 From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10] 10 Examples of organizations involved in anti-Israel and anti-IDF activities in various fields: Breaking the Silence, Adalah, B’Tselem, Ittijah, Bimkom, Gisha, PCHR, PNGO, Al-Haq, B’dil. # For details of the anti-Israel activities of Israeli organizations see: [20/12/10] and [20/12/10] #For details of the anti-Israeli activities of Palestinian organizations see the report later in this report. 11 (pgs. 3-4 in the document) [20/12/10] 12 From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10] 13 In 2007 five of the thirteen NDC board members were WA personnel. [20/12/10] 14 See, for example: and in the following report: dated%20Financial%20Statements%20for%20the%20year%202008.pdf [20/12/10] 15 From the WA annual report: [20/12/10]

3 The bodies supporting WA activities include huge and preserving the Arab-Islamic identity of Jerusa- Arab foundations, Arab government agencies lem. and extreme Islamic organizations, including It should be noted that some of the WA donors, spe- 16 some that support terror -- the Islamic Devel- cifically the Arabs among them, work alongside the opment Bank (IsDB) and its subsidiary funds, the WA and sometimes in conjunction with it, to pro- 17 Al-Aqsa Fund and the Al-Quds Fund. According mote Arab-Islamic sovereignty in Jerusalem, to these organizations’ reports as well as the findings and contribute funds for the purchase and renova- of various studies, these organizations’ support for tion of buildings in the Old City of Jerusalem, the trac- terrorist activities includes: supporting the families of ing and recovery of ownership documents regarding shahidim (martyrs), transferring monies to Hamas18 such buildings, etc.19

Conclusion: All the material discovered and the research influence the internal Israeli reality by strength- findings show that Arab countries and funds are ening the Palestinian identity of Israeli Arabs transferring monies to Israeli organizations via and strengthening the Palestinian-Islamic iden- Palestinian organizations. Some of the sources tity in Jerusalem. for this financing also support the families of shahidim (martyrs). These findings raise the suspicion of the obli- gation of the Israeli organizations towards the Some of the money is evidently earmarked for activities against IDF and Israeli state policies, Arab funds that donate to them, in expressing activities aimed at delegitimizing Israel in the specific positions in public debates, in taking eyes of the world. In addition, these activities legal action20 and so forth.

16 From the WA annual report: [20/12/10] 17 Following the outbreak of the second intifada at the end of 2000, the Finance Ministers of the Arab countries met in Cairo and appointed the IsDB to establish and manage the Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa funds. The purpose of establishing the funds -- to support the Palestinian struggle against “Israeli aggression”: Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10] 18 From the bank’s official FAQS page:[20/12/10] English/IsDB/CM/About%20IsDB/FAQ/Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc. htm [20/12/10] And from the Saudi newspaper Ain al-Yaqeen. The data are based on research by Rachel Ehrenfeld, the director of The Ameri- can Center for Democracy (ACD) which appears on the website: 19 [20/12/10] 20 One possible example regarding this is the Al-Haq organization. Some of the sources of funding for Al-Haq and certain Israeli organizations (association for Civil Rights, Bimkom, Yesh Din, Adalah, Rabbis for Civil Rights, Gisha and others) are identical; the NDC can be added to this list. In the pas, legal support for the director of Al-Haq was provided by the Israeli organizations listed, when he was denied permission to leave Israel due to his involvement in the terrorist activities of the Popular Front. This was apparently done without proper disclosure during the legal process.

4 years, since Holland replaced Austria), made the NDC Background responsible for coordination,24 such that today it coordi- nates the implementation of donor countries’ policy in A. Welfare Association human rights and good governance in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. In this framework, the NDC is involved in The Welfare Association (WA), otherwise known as financing some 20 Israeli and Palestinian organi- Ta’awoun,21 is a non-governmental organization zations that promote anti-Israeli activities. founded in Geneva in 1983. Its purpose: the establish- ment of a sustainable Palestinian society. In addition to its involvement in developing the third sector, a significant portion of NDC activities focus The WA’s activities focus on strengthening Palestin- on mediating between donors and organizations in ian organizations and preserving Palestinian tradi- the field. The NDC gives donors a comfortable, reli- tion and identity, by identifying the needs of Palestin- able and transparent platform from which to make ian society and utilizing the resources at its disposal. donations, while working to instill “advanced” no- The WA supports many NGOs that provide support to tions of transparency and reporting obligations in over 4 million in the Palestinian Author- the Palestinian organizations. Furthermore, the NDC ity, in the State of Israel (which they call “the 1948 promotes increased independence for the various lands”), and in refugee camps in . organizations, and the exchange of information be- This support is provided for a variety of causes, includ- tween them. It is significant that the administration ing education, health, welfare, culture and agriculture. of the NDC itself includes a lineup of key people from Palestinian umbrella organizations. Thus, the ac- As this study will show, the WA is a conduit for a very tivities of the NDC have substantial influence substantial portion of the aid to the Palestinians, in- over hundreds of organizations in the field. It cluding from Arab states. Among WA supporters are would appear that the NDC functions as a qua- organizations suspected of financing terrorists and si-framework organization, financed by a num- others that promote an Islamic extremist agenda. ber of countries, serving as another vehicle for Part of the WA’s budget is dedicated to supporting supporting local organizations, in addition to Israeli-Arab organizations and to organizing activi- these countries' direct support to these orga- ties inside Israel in order to gain influence in Israel in nizations. a number of fields, with emphasis on the Arab sector. One of the aspects of the WA’s activities that this sur- B. NGO Development Center vey spotlights is the WA’s role in the NDC, and how the WA’s connections with the NDC reveal the trans- The NDC (NGO Development Center)22 was founded fer of monies controlled by Palestinian entities to or- in March 2006. Its goal is to develop and strengthen ganizations working inside Israel. the civilian Palestinian population in general and the third sector of Palestinian society in particular. Later In the next section, we will survey the structure of the the NDC joined projects for developing the Palestin- WA, and then summarize the characteristics of Arab ian third sector, financed by the World Bank and a philanthropy as background to a discussion of the or- number of European countries. Some two years lat- ganization’s Arab donors. We will then detail the main er, the NDC took responsibility for the management organizations and projects supported by the WA, with of activities once run by a Palestinian organization emphasis on the Israeli connection, with a focus on named Mua’ssasat,23 which coordinated between the activities of the NDC and the connection between the coalition of donor countries (Austria, Denmark, it and the WA. Finally, we will present the direct and Sweden and Switzerland) and Palestinian human indirect routes used by the WA in its involvement in rights organizations. The coalition of donor countries Israeli organizations, and will explain the significance (which became slightly more moderate in the past two of these findings and a number of conclusions.

21 Also known as Mu’assasat Al Ta’awun 22 The NDC is also known as Markaz Tatweer 23 Mua’ssasat means Institute. 24 Apparently, the Mu’assasat was disbanded and is no longer in existence (see above.) There is great similarity between the NDC and Mu’assasat. An initial examination shows that the office holders are not the same, except for Khalil Nakhla (see above), a Mu’assasat director who now holds the position in the NDC. The following link to the Mu’assasat website is through the Internet archive, as the site is no longer active.) [20/12/10]

5 in Arab countries. The Assembly meets once a year to Welfare Association review the progress of the organization’s work, dis- cuss strategies and approve the annual report. A. Structure Every three years, the General Assembly holds elec- tions for its board of trustees, which consists of 40 The Welfare Association has a number of branches in GA members. The board meets semi-annually and the target regions in which it operates – in Jerusalem, is the organization’s main decision-making mecha- Amman, Gaza and Lebanon. The organization itself nism. The board is in charge of formulating policy on is officially registered in Geneva, Switzerland. various issues and of supervising the organization’s The WA also has a branch in Britain, called WA-UK.25 activities via a number of committees: Management, It is a “subsidiary organization,” under separate man- Programs and Projects, Investments, Awards and the agement with goals identical to those of the WA. Museum Committee.26 Each committee consists of Compared to the mother organization, the budget of trustees, dedicated management staff and external the London office is small, (about € 500,000 per year.) experts.

The WA has a General Assembly of over one hundred The daily work of the organization is handled by an senior figures and leading Arab and Palestinian busi- administrative staff of over 100, under the supervi- nessmen, most of them from the Palestinian diaspora sion of the board chairman.

The organization’s offices and branches:


Branches Independent arm

Jerusalem London




25 [20/12/10] 26 This could refer to the Naqba Museum, which was established with funds provided by the organization in partnership with the Al-Aqsa Foundation (see above).

6 B. Finances The following western entities are also mentioned as donors: 1. Annual budget • The European Union • British Lottery Fund The WA’s annual budget in the past few years was • Princess Diana Memorial Fund an average of $40 million, making it one of the most • United Palestinian Appeal (UPA) significant channels for transferring funds to the Pal- • The Community Fund estinians. • The Irish Representative Office

The entities that donate to the WA include countries In addition to support from these, the WA receives and international bodies and agencies that operate funds from various countries, and its reports mention on their behalf, on the one hand, and large founda- that over the years it has been supported by, among tions, mainly Arab ones, on the other. others: Austria, Canada, , Italy, Switzerland and Sweden. The initial examination we conducted revealed that the big foundations do not record the transfer of In addition to the above-mentioned Arab funds, many funds to the WA, such that the information presented other Arab funds are listed as donors to the WA, in- 29 here is based on the WA’s reports and external re- cluding: search and publications. • (AFESD) Arab Fund for Economic and Social Develop- ment 2. Main donors • Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) • AGFUND The following table offers a general idea of the list of • Kuwait Fund For Arab Economic Development main donors and the scope of the donations the WA • The OPEC Fund received during 2002-2004, as published by the WA:27 • The Arab Monetary Fund

Donor 2002 2003 2004 Total • The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) The World Bank 3,435,000 6,042,000 10,477,000 19,954,000 • Fund for Arab Economic Development CIDA 546,000 - - 546,000 • Arab National Bank AFESD 8,202,000 109,000 5,743,000 14,054,000 • Salem Ya Segher Fund Islamic Development Bank28 250,000 - 797,000 1,047,000 The following commercial groups are also men- Ford Foundation 180,000 - - 180,000 tioned: International 30 Youth Foundation 944,000 506,000 91,000 1,541,000 • Abraaj Capital 31 AGFUND 227,000 - 48,000 275,000 • Al-Futtaim Group 32 Kuwait Fund 1,000,000 150,000 369,000 1,519,000 • Consolidated Contractors Company

WA (UK) - 59,000 122,000 181,000 • Fortune International Trading (L.L.C) 33 UPA-USAID 59,000 1,759,000 516,000 2,334,000 As are the following Arab organizations: Total 14,843,000 28,405,000 18,163,000 61,411,000 • Committee for the Support of the Palestinian People (Bahrain) Since 2005 the WA has not published exact details of • Committee for the Support of the Palestinian People its revenues, but an examination of its annual reports (Qatar) shows that the above organizations are still among • Dubai Committee for the Support of Palestinian Families its main donors. (UAE)

27 [20/12/10] 28 Donated jointly with the Al-Aqsa Fund-Saudi Arabia. 29[20/12/10] 30 Abraaj Capital is one of the biggest private investment capital funds in the world, with assets estimated at over $6 billion. 31 A corporation based in the UAE, and involved in a variety of field, including real estate, electronics, and automotives and insur- ance. The group employes of 20,000 workers in some 65 companies in the UAE, Bahrain, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Singapore, and Europe. 32 C.C.C. was founded in the 1950s and is owned by Said Khoury, Hasib Sabah's cousin, and Kamel Abdul Rahman, Palestinian exiles. Today this company is registered in and operates from Athens, Greece. The company manages annual business valued at about $3.1 billion (as of the end of 2006), and employs tens of thousands of workers around the world. C.C.C. has/had holdings in national gas fields off the Gaza coast, and in the Gaza port and electricity power plant. Said Khoury is the honorary chair- man of the WA. Khoury was also the Palestinian representative to the Arab Monetary Fund, whose WA representative, as noted above, represents the Palestinians. 33 Some of these organizations are probably connected to terror activities (Hamas) via the Union of Good network. This is an issue that begs further examination.

7 • The Palestinian Families Supporters Committee (Leba- within the Arab world and remuneration for support non) during conflicts (as happened following the Iran-Iraq Note: In addition to the donors listed above, there are war and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1991.) This is dozens more, private and institutional, that are too quite similar to the western countries’ approach. numerous to list here.34 A prominent reason for Arab aid, like that of the

As demonstrated by the following graph, the WA's western world, is to support commercial interests. However, ultimately, biggest donor is the World Bank, followed by the AF- Arab foreign aid focuses on Islamic countries and includes unofficial sup- ESD, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Develop- port and aid for the promotion of Islam. Herein ment. The donations from the World Bank are intend- lies the difference between Arab and western aid: the ed for the PNGO project, which in recent years was Arab foreign aid donations are made with reli- transferred to the independent NDC organization, gious motivations as well, and the purposes for and in this framework huge sums are trans- the Arab donations include the advancement of ferred to Israeli and Palestinian organizations world Islam and Arab solidarity. with anti-Israel agendas (see below). An examination of global Arab aid shows that three large donors: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, are responsible for the majority of the donations and aid loans. Kuwait is considered the largest donor. In the past, the countries transferred financial aid in grants and donations via their finance ministries and this activity was not transparent to the public.36 Over the years, the nature of the financial aid changed and now most of it (85%) is given by these three countries as loans that the WA must repay at The WA's total annual revenues and expenditures the end of the loan agreement period. in 2002-200835 Among the many entities active in the Arab world, the 3. Donations from Arab countries following are the biggest, most prominent donors:37

The Welfare Association evidently funnels a portion • The Islamic Development Bank • The Abu Dhabi Fund – this foundation is the aid of the Arab aid to Palestinians in the Middle East. Due agency of the United Arab Emirates to the importance of this issue, before examining the • The OPEC Fund for International Development organization’s donors, we will try to present a partial (OFID) – foundation of the oil exporting countries description and general outline of the background for • The Saudi Fund – the Saudi Arabian aid agency the philanthropic activities of these Arab bodies. • The Arab Fund (full name: Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development) (AFESD) Arab countries are considered substantial donors of • Kuwait Fund – the aid agency of Kuwait, headed by foreign aid. They relate to it from the strategic per- Dr. Muhammad Sabah al Salim Sabah, the Kuwaiti spective, as a powerful tool for gaining influence, pro- Foreign Minister • The Arab Bank moting Arab policy and for commercial interests. The • The Arab Monetary Fund – under the Arab League nature and motivation for aid and donations originat- Economic Council ing from Arab countries are generally similar to those These large foundations work under the Coordina- of the West. tion Secretariat (full name: Coordination Secretariat Conventional wisdom states that most of the Arab aid of Arab National and Regional Development Institu- is dedicated to building and strengthening alliances tions),38 which also includes these big foundations:

34 [20/12/10] 35 From the 2008 report: [20/12/10] 36 Thus, the Finance Ministry of each Arab donor country should be considered its most important aid agency (as opposed to the West, where aid usually comes from the Foreign Ministry.) 37 [20/12/10] 38 The coordinating body’s website: [20/12/10]. The organization publishes details of the donations and loans it has given.

8 • AGFUND – Arab Gulf Program for Development39 ence, to a certain extent, investment channels and • BADEA – Arab Bank for Economic Development in donation policy. Africa In this context, it is noteworthy that the WA is rep- The Arab Fund is responsible for the operation of the resented in two of these organizations: the AFESD, Secretariat. where the Palestinian representative is usually from 4. Activities of the Arab countries and the WA, and the Arab Monetary Fund. Thus the WA has a certain ability to direct and be involved in the foundations in the Israeli-Palestinian allocation of these foundations’ resources, and to context channel funding as it pleases. It is evident that donations to the Palestinians hold an 5. The involvement of Arab countries important place in Arab world philanthropy – at least and foundations that support the at the declarative level, despite the fact that the families of shahidim (martyrs), in Palestinians are not listed among the main re- financing Israeli and Palestinian cipient nations, and are theoretically not the focus organizations for aid.40 Even so, Palestinian aid does arouse interest among organizations with a prominent Islamic ele- One of the main donors to the WA is the Islamic Devel- ment. opment Bank (IsDB).41 This Saudi Arabia-based bank is part of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. These big philanthropies often declare their support This organization's goals include safeguarding Je- for the Palestinian people, allocating donations to rusalem and the Islamic holy sites, supporting support education, infrastructure, charitable organi- the Palestinian struggle and ending the Israeli zations and so forth. Some of them even directly sup- occupation. The IsDB aids in economic develop- port projects involved in the renovation of houses ment and supports social processes in its 56 member and the purchase of properties in the Jerusalem states, and is run according to the principles of Is- area. lamic law (sharia). There is no doubt that the bank’s donations are channeled more prominently to Islam- The three biggest donors to the Palestinians are ic causes. Some people even associate the IsDB with clearly the AFESD, the Islamic Development Bank the Muslim Brotherhood.42 Despite the revelations in and the OPEC Fund, each of which has donated tens documents exposed in Gaza and the that of millions of dollars to Palestinian causes in the past the bank diverted UN funds to Hamas,43 the IsDB few years. was awarded UN observer status (in 2007) and It is noteworthy that Arab states hold shares/voting is considered an influential institution interna- rights in many of these financial/philanthropic in- tionally.44 stitutions (some of which, as noted above, were es- In this context, following he outbreak of the second tablished from inside international Arab institutions intifada in October 2000, the finance ministers of the such as the Arab League, which has representatives Arab states convened an emergency session of the from the various Arab countries). The Palestinians Cairo Arab summit.45 The summit decided to institu- also own such shares, but much fewer, in keeping tionalize financial support for the Palestinian peo- with to their political power and their ability to influ- ple. To this end the Al-Aqsa Fund was established,

39 An Arab foundation based in Saudi Arabia, headed by Saudi prince Talal bin Abdul Aziz, considered one of the world’s wealthi- est men. 40 An NDC survey of the financing of Arab NGO’s and trends in the field shows that between 2003 and 2008, the Arab financial support was 10% of total donations to the Palestinians, while the main portion came from the West. 41 [20/12/10] 42 See [20/12/10] and [20/12/10] 43 From research by Rachel Ehrenfeld, director of the American center for Democracy (ACD), published online at http://globalm- [20/12/10] 44 [20/12/10] 45 From IsDB's questions and answers web page: [20/12/10]

9 to coordinate donations to the Palestinians from all Fund also acted in conjunction with the WA, donating the Arab organizations and states worldwide.46 The $2.6 million for similar construction activities in the fund's self-proclaimed purpose is to preserve the Old City of Jerusalem (in 2008-2010). The Saudi Fund Islamic identity of Jerusalem.47 At the same time, also donated $2 million (in 2008-2009) to charitable the decision was made to establish the Al-Quds Inti- and field organizations in Jerusalem, under the head- fada Fund, also to be operated by the bank. Its pur- ing "Al Quds Capital of Arab Culture 2009". Some pose - to take care of Palestinians hurt in the war with of those funds were used toward construction, re- Israel. The IsDB was entrusted with the management construction and mechanization in Jerusalem. OFID of both funds (on behalf of the big Arab foundations pledged to donate $1.5 million from June 2009 to mentioned above.) This fund, and apparently the June 2010 to support Palestinians in Jerusalem.53 Al Aqsa Fund as well, are involved in supporting As noted above, this survey is intended only as gen- the families of shahidim (martyrs), through the eral background, and is understandably partial, with IsDB.48 The Al-Quds Intifada Fund is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.49 The fund's projects are in a respect to the character of the Arab donors involved wide range of fields: education, health, agriculture, in supporting the WA's activities, in order to place the commerce, the development of the private sector, donations in the proper context - as the WA is con- building reconstruction, etc. Very little of the Al-Quds sidered one of the central beneficiaries of Arab aid to Intifada Fund's donations50 are transferred to NGO’s, the Palestinians. including to the WA, and the majority of donations are given to the Palestinian Authority and directly to 6. The connection with the Ford support Palestinian families, some of whom, as noted Foundation 51 above, are the families of shahidim (martyrs). Even though the table of donors and donations in IsDB and NDC publications52 show that a large pro- section 2, above, does not reflect a very strong rela- portion of the big Arab foundations mentioned tionship between the Ford Foundation and the WA above are active in Jerusalem, to various extents (due to the few years represented in it) the foundation and in various frameworks, some of them via has a long-standing relationship with the WA and in the WA. Thus, for example, the AFESD donated $4 recent years transferred $1.9 million for, among million to the WA from September 2008 to Septem- other things: construction activity in Jerusalem, Pal- ber 2010 for building and reconstruction in the Old estinian universities and the establishment and op- City of Jerusalem and in Nablus. The Arab Monetary eration of Palestinian NGOs.54

46 More about this fund (from the bank’s website): ternet/English/IsDB About%20IsDB/Organization/Aqsa_Fund.html [20/12/10] 47 Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10] 48 See this document on the bank’s website: Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10] (Page 48 ) and: [20/12/10] 49 When the fund was established in 2000, the Arab Congress decided, based on pledged donations, that it would be worth ap- proximately $800 million. The donations actually collected did reach this amount. In June 2006, total donations to the Al-Aqsa Fund were estimated at $609 million. It appears that between 2003 and 2008, the foundation managed $462 million, of which $155.3 million were disbursed. The main donors to the fund are Saudi Arabia (35%), Kuwait (22%), United Arab Emirates (19%), Qatar (7%) and Algeria (5%). The Al Quds Fund was estimated at some $200 million at the time it was estab- lished. See: [20/12/10] 50 In 2004, the Al-Aqsa Fund donated $800,000 to the WA, jointly with the IsDB. (Note: Since 2005 the WA has not been specifying donation amounts, but rather only names the donor organizations) cations/AR2004_en.pdf [20/12/10] 51 [20/12/10] From the Saudi newspaper Ain al-Yaqeen 52 Cited in the following document: [20/12/10] 53 This project was carried out via a partnership between the Al-Awaqf Islamic Affairs department and the Palestinian organiza- tion Al Quds for Welfare and Development )which received $600,000 from the promised $1.5 million). 54 [20/12/10]

10 C. The organization's activities Arab population in Israel, in several Israeli-Arab cit- ies and in Jerusalem.

1. Specific projects – general

As noted, the WA was established for the purpose of supporting and developing various aspects of Pal- estinian society – education, welfare, culture, agri- culture, employment, building renovation, etc. This support is given to a wide range of organizations - official and unofficial, public and private - including government ministries, local authorities, universities, schools, hospitals, research institutes, cultural cen- ters and NGOs.

The WA's operations are divided into the various cat- egories (humanitarian, advocacy, education, welfare, culture, etc.) with a number of projects for each cat- egory, and the money is divided among them accord- ing to need and the number of projects. The division of resources is very flexible, and varies as these needs change. Thus, for example, after the Second Lebanon War, there was a great need in Lebanon and Gaza for repairing the damage, and accordingly, in 2007 a relatively large sum was given in Lebanon and Gaza at the expense of other destinations.

Even so, despite changes in needs, most of each year’s budget55 is invested in the Judea and

Samaria region. MapMap showing showing locations locations of the ofWelfare the Welfare Association Association activity (fromactivity the WA (from website) the WA Note website the locations) Note inside the Israel.locations It is important to note that an examination of inside Israel. the WA's reports shows that most of the budget 2. Old City of Jerusalem Revitalization is intended for development of infrastructure Program (OCJRP) and for humanitarian activities, and not for de- finitively anti-Israeli activities. This project was begun in 1994, with initial funding from the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Devel- At the same time, the WA supports several Israeli- opment (AFESD),56 for the purpose of restoring and Arab organizations and operates a number of signifi- preserving the Palestinian religious and cultur- cant projects that deserve our special attention be- al heritage in the Old City of Jerusalem.57 The cause apparently their purpose is to weaken Israel’s project focuses on rehabilitation and preservation of “hold” on the area through leverage and by in- buildings in Jerusalem's Old City. Its annual budget is terfering with Israeli enterprises. around $2 million.58 In 2008, for example, $400,000 Aside from its humanitarian activities, the WA oper- was invested in restoring buildings in the old section ates a number of specific projects that focus on the of Nablus.59

55 57% as of the end of 2009 56 It is important to note that this project is not supported only with Arab money. In 2008, for example, the government of Sweden gave $1.25 million to the project. 57 According to the organization, following the Israeli law requiring residence in the Old City in order to be continue holding a resident's certificate, the old local infrastructure came under heavy pressure that it was unable to handle. The Jerusalem branch of the organization was established in the wake of this project. a0128103278. [20/12/10] 58 A very large amount for a single project, which shows its great importance to the organization. Additional details of the project in the following link. [20/12/10] 59 Annual report from 2008, page 19.

11 The OCJRP includes a number of sub-projects; some is the main focus of WA activities in other fields are short-term and others are long-term, spread out as well. over several years. The main project includes tuition Either way, the objective of the OCJRP is to scholarships for WA employees, partially funded strengthen the Palestinian identity of Jerusa- by the Ford Foundation, for such things as train- lem and the Arab presence there. This project ing construction engineers and GIS certification. In is among the activities of the big Arab funds in the organization’s earlier reports, additional related Jerusalem, with an emphasis on the Old City. activities can be found - for example, documenting ownership of property in the Old City. 3. "'48 Palestine" - Support for Israeli organizations

As noted above, the WA operates not only in Pales- tinian Authority territory, but also inside Israel, which WA documents call “48 Palestine” in. The WA's activities focus on Arab population centers in Israel, especially the Negev and the Galilee regions, where it transfers funding to local or- ganizations and entities.

The main goal of this WA activity is to strengthen the socio-economic status of Arab Israelis and to preserve and cultivate their national Pales- tinian identity. See details below of donations in Appendix 17 Donations to Israeli organizations (invest- Restoration of the Al-Aqsa museum and library in the Old City of Jerusalem, as part of the OCJRP. ments in “48 Palestine”).

In this context, it is important to note that as part of It is important to note that the budget allocat- this project, the Ford Foundation also helps pub- ed for activities in “48 Palestine” is $737,490 lish the monthly newsletter Turath, aimed at rais- (about 3% of total annual expenditures, as of ing public awareness of the project's importance.60 2009). Even so, some of the “48 Palestine” ac- The Ford Foundation donated $540,000 for the tivities are attempts to influence the reality of WA's activities in Jerusalem in 2007-2010, and Arab Israelis in particular and of the State of Israel in general. $150,000 in 2005-2007, in additon to the Ford Foundation's regular donation to the WA for Among these projects, we will focus on a few other projects.61 that we believe indicate the WA’s intention to gain influence over the character of the State of In addition to these activities, the WA's list of accom- Israel, and especially that of its Arab citizens. plishments in 2007 includes a meeting convened with members of the Israeli-Arab organization Ittijah – One of the WA's main projects in Israel is the Ne- the Union of Arab Community Based Associations, gev (Population) “Empowerment” program. to discuss “efforts to protect human rights in Jerusa- This program is essentially activities for the benefit lem.” Similarly, one of the reports by the Israeli-Arab of Bedouin living in the Negev, with an emphasis organization Adalah indicates that the WA commis- on land issues – construction and preventing the sioned a report from Adalah on legal and planning is- implementation of demolition orders; obtaining per- sues in East Jerusalem.62 In other words, Jerusalem mits for grazing land, and so forth. This project

60 The project is also associated with Michael Sorkin, an architect involved in the practical, theoretical and critical aspects of city planning. 61 See the database of donations on the Ford Foundation (Cairo branch) website: esultsPerPage=10&yearFrom=all&yearTo=all&amountFrom=ANY&amountTo=ANY&fields=all®ions=mena&programs=all [20/12/10] 62 See page 29 in the following link: ties_2009_FINAL%20PDF.pdf [20/12/10]

12 includes WA financing for media campaigns and from the Islamic Movement and Baladna, the WA petitions to the Supreme Court. In this context, representative emphasized the need for pre- it is noteworthy that one of the sources of financing serving the Palestinian identity of Israeli Arabs for the project is the sale of WA calendars, with the as a reason for objecting to national-civilian proceeds dedicated to “supporting the Palestinian service in Israel.66 presence in the Negev.”63 It is our understanding that this is the purpose of the entire project, and all activities that take place in the Negev must be examined from this perspective, including sub-projects involving education, empower- ment of women, etc.

The Israeli bodies and organizations that receive do- nations for activities in the Negev include: Sidra As- We will not serve - conference against National Service.” sociation, Adalah, the Regional Council of Unrecog- The WA logo in the corner of the banner nized Bedouin Villages in the Negev, and Ahali. Muslim movements operate in a similar fashion in In a similar manner, the WA operates in additional Europe, trying to prevent the younger generation of regions in Israel including in many activities concern- Arabs from integrating into European society and ing real estate. Many projects involve the reconstruc- striving to emphasize their Muslim identity at the ex- tion of buildings in Jaffa, Akko and other places. pense of their European identity, or, in this case, their Israeli identity. The research findings indicate that all of the real estate-related activities, including the project It is important to note that along with these activi- in Jerusalem, must be considered as attempts ties, the WA has many other activities in education, to anchor and preserve an Arab presence iden- culture and welfare. Among the donations, there tified as Palestinian (as opposed to Israeli-Ar- are also some that are transferred to local au- ab) in certain centers within the State of Israel. thorities and official bodies in Israel (the city of Nazareth and the Kafr Kana local council).67 4. The campaign against the National Civilian Service Initiative for Israeli 5. Palestinian NGO Project (PNGO) Arabs Background to the establishment of NDC In the past few years, Israel has been trying to promote initiatives to integrate the Arab sector in This is a huge World Bank initiative, begun in 1997, the National Civilian Service- framework. Local Arab whose purpose is to assist Palestinian NGOs in pro- leaders, however, voice their total rejection of the viding aid and services to needy sectors of Palestin- sector’s young people joining the National Service ian society, and to increase the cooperation among The Baladna Association for Arab Youth64 leads the organizations within the Palestinian Authority. resistance to these initiatives; in 2007, Baladna ran The World Bank executes projects through other or- an aggressive campaign in the Arab sector against ganizations, and the WA is the leading organization the government decision on this issue.65 in the consortium that won the World Bank tender The WA and the Qattan Foundation financed the to operate the program (Welfare Association Consor- campaign and were involved in the resistance to the tium - WAC). The other partners are the Charities Aid Israeli initiatives. Thus, for example, at a convention Foundation (CAF)68 and the British Council.69 Togeth- held in Haifa in October 2007, alongside speakers er, they direct the Project Management Organization

63 For example, $110,000 was collected in 2004 for this purpose (see the 2004 annual report, page 54). 64 The word means “our land.” Note that Baladna receives support from the NIF and Qattan, among others. 65 See, for example the 14.09.07 article on Ynet:,7340,L-3449186,00.html [20/12/10] 66 [20/12/10] 67 See Appendix 17 of this report, WA donations to Israeli organizations (Projects inside “‘48 Palestine”). 68 [20/12/10] 69 [20/12/10]

13 (PMO), the body that is responsible for day-to-day op- D. Summary of the WA’s eration of the project. The PMO is under the supervi- activities sion of a board of directors, and follows the directives To sum up this section, the WA receives many dona- of the World Bank. tions from many countries, Arab foundations and or- The first stage of the project ran from 1997 to 2000, ganizations, including organizations that support the families of shahid martyrs. The donations are trans- and had a budget of around $16.6 million. Following ferred by the WA to Palestinian and Israeli (Arab-Is- the success of the first stage, the World Bank autho- raeli) organizations. These organizations’ activities rized the second stage, running from 2001 to 2006, focus on preserving and strengthening the Arab-Pal- with a budget of some $33 million. Toward the end estinian-Islamic identity and ownership throughout of that period, the third stage of the project was ap- the State of Israel. proved, including a decision to institutionalize its op- The WA’s beneficiaries also include a few official bodies and local authorities in Israel, such as erations. the Nazareth Municipality and the Kafr Kana lo- Thus, during 2006, with the beginning of the third cal council. stage, the project focused on the establishment and A close examination of the WA’s reports reveals that strengthening of the project management coordi- in recent years the organization has significantly in- nating body, namely the NGO Development Center creased its involvement in this region. The WA has been investing a much greater proportion of its (NDC). In October 2006, the NDC officially began op- funds in activities inside Israel, even though the 70 erating. In the next section we will expand on the sums are still a small percentage of its total budget strong ties between the WA and the NDC. for this region.

Welfare association Total donations to activities inside Israel )$(


801,500 829,196 737,490




2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

Total donations to activities inside Israel ($)

70 See the 2006 report, page 16; and the 2008 report, page 28.

14 Breakdown of NDC board members by organi- NGO Development Center zational affiliation

A. NDC and the WA’s involvement in NDC activities

As noted above, the NDC was founded in March 2006, to assist Palestinian society; with an emphasis on the third sector. Later that same year, as part of the PNGO project, the NDC replaced the WAC, which had com- pleted the initial task it was formed to accomplish.

Thus the NDC took over the responsibility of the de- velopment of the Palestinian third sector and promot- ing the success of the existing projects.

The close ties between the two organizations can be seen in three ways: 1. The WA supported the NDC from the very begin- B. Other connections between ning, financed its establishment and gave it infra- the organizations structure, staff and active projects.71 1. The NDC General Assembly has 23 members, 2. Since the NDC’s establishment and still today, the representing academia, the NGO sector and the WA is one of the NDC’s donors,72 albeit on a small- private sector. Each of the four main Palestinian umbrella organizations74 has two representatives, er scale relative to its other donors. while the WA (as of 2007) has three. 3. Third, and most important, the WA controls the 2. The following names and their present or former NDC’s administrative and operating mechanisms, positions illustrate the connections between the as evinced by the WA’s representation on the WA and the NDC: • Atallah Kuttab – serves as Director General75 of the NDC’s board. In 2007, for example, the WA held 7 WA and was a board member76 of the NDC on be- of the 13 seats on the NDC’s board of directors.73 half of the WA. He apparently completed his term as

71 From the organization’s report: [20/12/10] 72 [20/12/10] 73 From the organization’s annual report, in the Internet archive: ps/?lang=en&page=about.who.board. [20/12/10] Note: Today there are officially fewer WA representatives on the NDC’s board, but an in-depth probe pension fund the key people in the NDC reveals that most of them have ties to the WA, even though formally they are on the NDC board as representatives of other organizations. See the details on some of the board members below. 74 The organizations are: The Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) The Union of Charitable Societies (UCS) The Palestinian National Institute for NGOs (PNIN) The General Palestinian Union for NGOs in Gaza (GPU) 75 [20/12/10] 76 [20/12/10]

15 board member in the NDC in 2010, as his name no longer appears in the list of board members on the C. The money trail NDC site.77 • Dr. Mohammed Khalil Shadid – began working 1. Annual budget: for the WA in 1987; served as the WA’s Deputy Direc- The NDC’s annual budget for the past few years has tor General of operations from 1994-2006 and as di- been an average of $19 million, positioning it as one rector of the Welfare Association Consortium, which managed the PNGO Project, for 9 years. He is cur- of the most significant local Palestinian organiza- rently the treasurer of the NDC’s board of directors.78 tions. • Mrs. Rawya Shawa – is a member of the WA’s Gen- The NDC’s donors include foreign government agen- eral Assembly79 and served on the NDC’s board of directors80 in 2007-2009. cies and international bodies, mainly in Europe, and • Hisham Qaddumi - member of the WA’s General As- large foundations. sembly81 and served on the NDC’s board of direc- tors82 in 2007-2009. 2. Main donors: • Ghassan Kasabreh – Director General of the NDC83 and directed the WA’s Project Management Organi- The reports published by the NDC include lists of the zation (PMO).84 organization’s donors, which feature the following • Alaa’ Ghalayini – Director of the Gaza program for bodies: the NDC; worked for 7 years as senior program man- • Welfare Association 85 ager in the WAC in Gaza. • The World Bank • – Joined the WA in 2005 as a Sufian Mushasha • AFD - Agence Française de Développement trustee; currently serves as a member of the NDC’s • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) board of directors.86 • Netherlands Representative Office to the Palestinian Au- 3. Other connections: thority • Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Munib Masri, an honorary chairman and trust- • Danish Representative Office to the Palestinian Authority ee in the WA, is the chairman of the board of di- • European Commission’s Technical Assistance Office for rectors at PADICO, the Palestinian Development the West Bank and and Investment Company, whose purpose is to • DED - Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst (German Develop- ment Service) strengthen the Palestinian economy via invest- ments in various industries in the Palestinian In addition to this list, the NDC mentions that it re- sector. The company’s board also includes NDC ceives gifts from individual Arab and Palestinian Chairman87 Zahi Khouri.88 donors, but these donations do not appear in its re- ports.89 Thus the WA has greater representation in the NDC, and we believe that this signifies the WA’s strength A closer look at the donors reveals that most of the and centrality in the NDC and the WA’s potential for donations originate from institutional bodies in Euro- involvement in and direction of NDC activities. pean countries. These are aid agencies that operate

77 [20/12/10] 78, [20/12/10], [20/12/10] [20/12/10] English_Annual_Option.pdf [20/12/10] 79 [20/12/10] 80, [20/12/10] 2008%20English%20Annual%20Report(1).pdf [20/12/10] [20/12/10] 81 [20/12/10] 82 ,[20/12/10] 2008%20English%20Annual%20Report(1).pdf [20/12/10] [20/12/10] 83 [20/12/10] 84 [20/12/10] 85 [20/12/10] 86[20/12/10] 87 [20/12/10] 88 [20/12/10] 89 Even so, one could say that the NDC receives money from Arab donors indirectly via the WA, which supports the NDC, and holds influential positions in it (see above), and which is supported, among others, by various Arab funds, including some that donate to activities that support terror.

16 on behalf of the state, under one of the government D. The organization’s activities ministries that donate to various causes around the world, based on the interests each country wants to 1. Main projects: promote. The NDC is involved in a wide range of activities in An examination of the donations from these bodies many different fields. Government agencies and vari- shows that alongside their donations to the NDC, ous organizations finance some of the projects di- rectly via the NDC. France, for example is funding an these organizations also send direct donations employment project, and the World Bank is funding to the organizations supported by the NDC.90 the development of the Palestinian third sector (the In practice, the NDC functions as the body that fa- above-mentioned PNGO). These are projects that are cilitates, mainly for a number of official European mostly of a community/social welfare nature, mean- ing there are organizations that operate in the frame- bodies, strategic coordination and the address- work of a project that is not necessarily operating a ing of human rights issues, through improving declared anti-Israel activity. cooperation between the donors. This is in addi- Four of the NDC donor countries – Switzerland, Den- tion to the other advantages it offers, such as reduc- mark, Holland and Sweden, (hereinafter: the coali- ing expenses and eliminating the need for duplicate tion of donor countries) have a direct influence on administrative mechanisms. The NDC serves as the NDC’s activities in Israel, via these countries’ coordinator for donor countries, is responsible foreign aid agencies, which finance the NDC’s for policy implementation, and coordinates be- human rights and good governance projects.91 tween donors and recipients. There are a number of other projects involved in building and supporting local Palestinian organiza- By virtue of its activity toward strengthening the third tions. These organizations are primarily welfare and sector, the NDC comes into contact with hundreds community-based, such that they do not necessarily of organizations, large and small. The NDC provides have declared involvement in anti-Israeli activity. these organizations with administrative and finan- 2. The human rights and good cial support (transferring donated funds and liaising governance project and the supported with donors), and helps them to develop their man- organizations: agement and improve their effectiveness. The rela- This project is being implemented with the involve- tive importance of NDC in garnering support from the ment of the WA and donations from the SDC (Swiss Palestinian umbrella organizations is evident in that Agency for Development and Cooperation), on be- the NDC works with over 1,000 different orga- half of the four donor countries.92 Thus a distinction nizations, making it the central address for all must be made between the NDC’s donors, in light of who wish to work with this sector. the significant differences in the goals of the various

90 Thus, for example, there is a high degree of correlation between the field organizations supported by the NDC and the field organizations supported by the Swedish Agency SIDA, which also supports the NDC. 91 [20/12/10] 92 On the other hand, the World Bank is less involved in this activity, and instead is spearheading the Palestinian NGO Project III. The French aid agency is also not involved, but is the main donor to the job creation project. See: CAPABILITY_STATEMENT.pdf [20/12/10]

17 projects and their beneficiaries. This means that out Of this sum, at least $1.89 million was designated for of all the projects run by the NDC, support and in- the following Israeli organizations: volvement in the human rights and good gover- Organization Amount ($) Adalah 12,500 nance project is being undertaken specifically Physicians For Human Rights 125,000 with an eye to Israel and the alleged human Public Committee against Torture in Israel 240,000 rights violations resulting from its activities as Hamoked 500,000 an “occupier.” The donation monies are ear- Bimkom 150,000 + 14,940 B’Tselem 450,000 marked for this purpose.93 Israeli Committee against House Demolitions 80,000

Mossawa95 150,000

Breaking the Silence 41,250

How the NDC funnels funding to organizations Gisha 50,000 in Israel Yesh Din 46,000

Kav La’Oved 50,000

Total 1,897,190

The world bank Holand Sweden Switzerland Denmark Austria France At the same time, $3.5 million was allocated for the following Palestinian organizations:

Organization Amount ($)

Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling 300,000

NDC Jerusalem Center for Women 30,000

The Arab Thought Forum 80,000

Al Dameer Association for Human Rights 200,000 Developing the Human rights Employment Palestinian and good project of Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights 500,000 third sector governance Palestinians Palestinian centre for Human rights (PCHR) 400,000

Women’s Affairs Center 100,000 Examples: The Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) 130,000

Al- Haq PCHR Al Haq 500,000

Defence for Children International 450,000

Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies 70,000

Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center 165,000

Women’s Affairs Technical Committee 100,000 As part of the PNGO project for human rights and Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association 250,000 good governance, during 2008 over 20 Israeli and Women for Life 100,000 Palestinian organizations were chosen by the NDC Badil: Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights 100,000 and approved by the steering committee of represen- The Palestinian Working Women Society for Development 60,000 tatives of the donor countries. These organizations Center for Human Rights received over $5.3 million (between July 2008 and and Democratic Participation (SHAMS) 50,000

94 The Palestinian Counseling Centre December 2009) of the $6 million the coalition of (on behalf of the Coalition for Jerusalem) No sum indicated donor countries allocated for human rights causes. Total 3,585,000

93 In our estimation, there is no significance to the ratio of the donations for this purpose relative to the total dona- tions to the NDC, because they originate from different donors, and the money was earmarked for this specific purpose by the coalition of donor countries. 94 [20/12/10] and List%20of%20beneficiary%20NGOs(1).pdf [20/12/10] [20/12/10] 95 This could be referring to the Palestinian Mossawa organization, not the Israeli one

18 As previously noted, the above list of organizations list; just as this study does not relate to all of the hu- includes some that run activities against IDF and Is- manitarian activities of the WA. raeli state policies. For example: Calling for an in- In addition, during its work, the NDC prepared a code ternational boycott against Israel; calling for of ethics document for Palestinian organizations. Israel not to be accepted into the OECD; par- Compliance with this document is voluntary, but so ticipation in filing suits against senior officials far many organizations have signed it. Its purpose is abroad, etc. All these organizations purport to be to regulate the behavior of the third sector, with an involved in human rights, in this particular context. emphasis on transparency, reporting and good gov- Even though, according to the declarations of the co- ernance. This document states, among other things, alition of donor countries,96 the project aims to pro- that the organizations will not undertake any nor- mote good governance and women's rights, those is- malization activities with “the occupier,” and other sues seem to be of marginal importance, rather than remarks concerning the advancement of the Pales- the main focus. tinian right of return.98 The NDC evidently call upon The nature of the activities of the organizations sup- all those who adopt the code to participate in this ported by the human rights project is also evident from agenda. At the same time, the organization’s mission the guidelines published by the NDC. The guidelines statement also calls for the realization of the right of literature states that the NDC supports, among return and the establishment of an independent Pal- other things, Israeli and Palestinian organiza- estinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.99 tions that track human rights violations by the "Israeli Occupation Army" and document them, 4. Examples of organizations that or organizations that produce propaganda or receive funds under this project: conduct legal activities in connection with such • Palestinian NGO Project (PNGO) violations.97 The PCHR is an example of an organization A closer look at these documents also reveals that the that receives financial assistance from the NDC activities of the human rights organizations (activi- and wages a legal campaign against Israel, by ties for which donations are requested) can include prosecuting Israeli public figures and IDF officers legal action connected with human rights violations in Europe and the U.S.A. This organization is brought before the courts (including in Israel). Thus behind most of the suits filed so far around it can be stated that this organization promotes its the world against senior Israeli officials.100 agenda by, among other things, supporting petitions As noted above, the activity meets the to Israeli and foreign courts, and waging lawfare criteria for receiving financial assistance against Israeli state policies. from the NDC, and means that the PCHR’s decision makers and donors are interested 3. Examples of projects: in promoting activities of this sort.

It is important to note that alongside the afore-men- We need not look as far as the entities supported tioned organizations, the NDC gives similar amounts by the NDC, however. There are indications that of money to scores of local Palestinian organizations even among the bodies that comprise the (in a variety of fields: agriculture, welfare, the envi- NDC’s administrative backbone, that hold ronment, culture, etc.) that are not addressed in this positions of influence in the organization,

96 See, for example Denmark's declaration: PalaestinaMultidonorsekretariat.doc (p.4) [20/12/10] 97 [20/12/10] 98 [20/12/10], pp. 10-11. According to his document, the NDC advocates the refugees’ right of return to their original homes. 99 [20/12/10] 100 PCHR led the suits against the following

19 some are actively involved in anti-Israel E. Summary of the NDC's activities. activities • Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) The PNGO, one of the main Palestinian umbrella The evidence indicates, therefore, that the activities organizations, which is represented on the NDC of the NDC have a clear and definite anti-Israel char- Board, is involved in promoting the boycott acter. A significant share of the budget for the human of Israel (as part of the BDS movement).101 It rights project in practice promotes problematic activ- is possible that the NDC itself was also a ities, such as legal campaigns and the boycott against signatory in the past to a similar call for Israel. boycotting Israel (2005).102 At the same time, an in-depth examination and an At the same time, an in-depth examination and an understanding of the WA's status in the NDC and understanding of the WA’s status in the NDC and the multiple connections between them, shows that the multiple connections between them, shows that even this indirect gateway has provided funding to even this indirect gateway has provided funding to various organizations indirectly, including Israeli or- various organizations indirectly, including Israeli or- ganizations whose activities are of an anti-Israeli na- ganizations whose activities are of an anti-Israeli na- ture and are aimed at influencing the character of the ture and are aimed at influencing the character of the State of Israel. State of Israel.

101 See list of organizations that are members of the movement calling for boycotting Israel in: http://www.bdsmovement. net/?q=node/126 [20/12/10] It is noteworthy that the following Israeli-Arab organizations such as BADIL, Al Da- meer, Al-Haq, Al Mezan and others are involved in promoting the boycott. Thus the organization takes part in anti-Israeli activity on a number of levels. 102 According to the NGO Monitor.[20/12/10] It should be noted that the NGO Moni- tor refers visitors to the boycott website [20/12/10] but the NDC is not mentioned there at pres- ent.

20 Appendices - Table of Contents

Appendix No. 1 Involvement of donor countries and funds in activities against IDF and Israeli state policies 22 Appendix No. 2 Financing from Arab funds and organizations that promote an agenda against IDF and Israeli state policies 23 Appendix No. 3 WA involvement in activities inside Israel 24 Appendix No. 4 Financing from Arab funds and organizations that promote the strengthening of Palestinian-Islamic ownership and identity of Jerusalem 25 Appendix No. 5 Involvement of Arab countries and funds that support the families of shahid martyrs 26 Appendix No. 6 Countries and funds that donate to the Welfare Association 27 Appendix No. 7 Countries and funds that donate to the Welfare Association and which have funds that support the families of shahid martyrs 28 Appendix No. 8 Donations from European government bodies to the NDC 29 Appendix No. 9 Details of donations from European government bodies to the NDC 30 Appendix No. 10 Proof of the involvement of the IsDB and the Al-Quds & Al-Aqsa funds in supporting terror 31 Appendix No. 11 The establishment of the NDC by the WA includes the transfer of its activities 33 Appendix No. 12 Welfare Association donations to the NDC 34 Appendix No. 13 Involvement of the Welfare Association in managing the NDC 35 Appendix No. 14 WA financing for Israeli-Arab organizations 36 Appendix No. 15 NDC financing of Israeli organizations 37 Appendix No. 16 The development of collaboration between the European donor countries in the establishment of NDC 39 Appendix No. 17 WA donations to Israeli organizations (Projects inside “‘48 Palestine”) 41 Appendix No. 18 Additional information on Israeli organizations appearing in the report 47

21 Appendix No. 1

Involvement of donor countries and funds in activities against IDF andInvolvement Israeli stateof donor policiescountries and funds in activities against IDF and Israeli state policies

Donor countries Donor & funds countries & funds

Total giving per year: $28,100,000 Welfare Association

NGO Development Center

Total budget per year: $19,000,000

$ 20,000,000 ~ $ 3,500,000 ~ $ 2,650,000 ~ (2009) )2008-2009( )2006-2008(

NGOs ארגוני גגUmbrella Palestinians NGOs וארגוני field &שטח Israeli Organizations Organizations

ארגוני גג Activities against וארגוני and Israeliשטח IDF Activities against IDF and Israeli state Activities against IDF and Israeli state policies state policies: policies: Involvement in the Goldstone Involvement in the Goldstone Report, Report, calls for boycotts, activities promotion of and assistance to lawsuits against Calls for boycotts, cancellation to strengthen Palestinian toehold of the foreign donations law, in Jerusalem. senior Israelis abroad.

22 Appendix No. 2

Financing from Arab funds and organizations that promote an agenda against IDF and Israeli state policies Involvement of Arab funds in financing activities of Israeli and Palestinian organizations.

Ford Foundation Arab funds European government World Bank Donor bodies countries & funds

Welfare Association Total giving per year: $28,100,000

NGO Development Center

Total budget per year: $19,000,000 ארגוני גג ~ 2,650,000 $ ~ 3,500,000 $ ~ 20,000,000 $ (2009) )2008-2009( )2006-2008( Umbrella NGOs NGOs וארגוני field &שטח

Palestinians Organizations Israeli Organizations Main examples: Main examples:

Mada Galilee Ma’an Al-carmel Society Ittijah

Balanda PCHR

23 Appendix No. 3

WA involvement in activities inside Israel

WA involvement in activities inside Israel

Donor countries & funds

Strengthening Welfare Donations to Palestinian Association organizations Lands deals identity NGO Development Center $ 20,000,000 ~ $2,650,000 ~ $ 2,737,000 ~ (2009) )2006-2008( (2009)

Bolstering the Campaign Palestinian presence ; against National ארגוני גג purchasing and Civilian Service renovating real estate Umbrella NGOs NGOs וארגוני field &שטח for Israeli Arabs Palestinians Israeli Organizations Organizations Jerusalem Jaffa Negev Galilee

24 Appendix No. 4

Financing from Arab funds and organizations that promote the strengthening of Palestinian-Islamic ownership and identityFinancing of fromJerusalem Arab funds and organizations that promote the strengthening of Palestinian-Islamic ownership and identity of Jerusalem

Donor OPEC AFESD Arab Monetary Saudi Fund countries Fund Fund & funds Arab funds

Funds that operate in Jerusalem Welfare Association

NGO Development Center

$1,500,000~ $4,000,000~ $2,000,000 ~ $2,600,000 ~ $2,000,000~ )2009-2010( )2008-2010( )2009( )2008-2010( )2009( NGOs ארגוני גגUmbrella NGOs וארגוני Field &שטח

25 Appendix No. 5

Involvement of Arab countries and funds that support the familiesInvolvement of of shahid Arab countries martyrs and funds that support terror in the financing of Israeli and Palestinian organizations

United Arab Qatar Algeria Saudi Arabia Kuwait Emirates Donor countries & funds

Delegation of authority Arab countries Islamic Al – Aqsa Development Al – Quds IDB fund Bank fund Al-Aqsa Al-Quds

Total giving per year: $28,100,000 Welfare Association

NGO Development Center

Total budget per year: $19,000,000

$ 20,000,000 ~ $ 3,500,000 ~ $ 2,650,000 ~ (2009) )2008-2009( )2006-2008( Umbrella NGOs & field NGOs Palestinians Israeli Organizations Organizations

26 Appendix No. 6

Countries and funds that donate to the Welfare Association

From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10]

27 Appendix No. 7

Countries and funds that donate to the Welfare Association and which have funds that support the families of shahid martyrs

Example: 2004 (Since 2005 the organization has published only the names of recipient organizations, not financial figures)

From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10]

28 Appendix No. 8

Donations from European government bodies to the NDC

From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10]

29 Appendix No. 9

Details of donations from European government bodies to the NDC

From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10]

30 Appendix No. 10

Proof of the involvement of the IsDB and the Al-Quds & Al- Aqsa funds in supporting terror

A. The exposure of the changed designation of a donation given by the U.N. to IsDB. The donation A was transferred by IsDB to Hamas

Islamic Development Bank Launches Global Media Campaign

Data from research by Rachel Ehrenfeld, director of the American Center for Democracy (ACD), which appeared on the web page: B [20/12/10]

B. IsDB establishes and manages the Al-Quds & Al-Aqsa funds

From Q&A of the Bank site: About%20IsDB/FAQ/Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10]

31 C

C. The establishment of the Al-Quds & Al-Aqsa funds

D From Q&A of the Bank site: English/IsDB/CM/ About%20IsDB/FAQ/Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10]

D. The definition of the activities of the Al-Aqsa & Al-Quds funds

From Q&A of the Bank site: About%20IsDB/FAQ/Temp_DOC/Q%26A.doc [20/12/10]

E. The Al-Quds & Al-Aqsa funds support families of shahid martyrs

From the Saudi newspaper In el Yakin [20/12/10]

32 Appendix No. 11

The establishment of the NDC by the WA includes the transfer of its activities

From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10]

33 Appendix No. 12

Welfare Association donations to the NDC

From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10]

34 Appendix No. 13

Involvement of the Welfare Association in managing the NDC

5 of the 13 members of NDC’s board of directors are also members of the WA (2007)

From the annual statement of the organization, in the Internet archive. [20/12/10]

35 Appendix No. 14

For WA example: financing 2005 for Israeli-Arab organizations (Since that year the organization has published only the names of recipient organizations, not financial figures) For example: 2005

(Since that year the organization has published only the names of recipient organizations, not financial figures)

From the organization’s annual report:: [20/12/10]

36 Appendix No. 15

NDC financing of Israeli organizations

Example: 2009

Example: 2009

37 Example: 2009

From the organization’s annual report: [20/12/10]

38 Appendix No. 16

The development of collaboration between the European donor countries in the establishment of NDC

The cooperation between the donor countries began profit sector and to promote projects already under in a format slightly different from the current one. In way. Thus, the Welfare Association shifted its support 2005, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and Sweden to the NDC, financed a part of its activities and con- decided to coordinate their efforts to assist organiza- tributed to establishing its infrastructure.104 tions promoting human rights and proper adminis- An external audit conducted during 2007 revealed a tration in Judea and Samaria, and in the Gaza Strip. need to make reforms in the mechanism set up by This was done by establishing a joint mechanism for the CDC system. During that same period in July 2007 implementing and monitoring the activities and proj- the company began bankruptcy proceedings. Conse- ects financed by these countries’ donations to organi- quently, the Palestinian Mu’assasat could no longer zations for human rights. maintain its operations as an arm of the CDC. Still, In November 2005 an agreement was signed between the donor countries wanted to continue their activi- Denmark, on behalf of the coalition of contributing ties and looked for additional avenues to this end. countries, and Copenhagen Development Consulting Subsequently, Denmark signed several consulting (CDC), concerning the management of the Palestin- agreements on behalf of the contributing countries, ian mechanism, called the Mu’assasat –. The CDC to examine their continued support and assistance. is a Danish consulting firm whose clientele includes These consultations led to a decision to finance fewer Danish institutional bodies (DANIDA), the European organizations for an interim period. Representatives Union, SIDA, the World Bank, UN-sponsored bodies of the donor countries met several times with repre- and more.103 Starting in early 2006, CDC signed over sentatives of the organization, to decide the future twenty financing agreements with Israeli and Pales- of the Mu’assasat. The organizations wished to con- tinian organizations over the next three years. tinue their activities, but noted the importance of co- ordination among the donor countries and the con- During this same period, as noted in the main body tinued communication between the donors and the of this document, the NDC was founded and began organizations.105 participating in projects to develop the Palestinian non-profit sector that were implemented with the in- In 2008, the Swiss SDC106 and the NDC signed an volvement of the World Bank and several European agreement that included generous funding for 18 countries. Upon the disbanding of the Welfare Asso- months (July 2008 – December 2009). During this pe- ciation’s Consortium – an enterprise of World Bank riod, the NDC began promoting the development of and British organizations that infused tens of millions the non-profit sector. Upon signing this agreement, of dollars into the Palestinian non-profit sector – the the NDC began recruiting personnel and specialists WAC’s resources, assets and staff were transferred to for its activities, and assumed full responsibility for the NDC for the continued development of the non- the planning, administration, financial support, mon-

103 [20/12/10] 104 The Welfare Association appears to use that NDC as an additional channel for donations to Palestinian organiza- tions, beyond the donations the WA transferred directly in its role as a major fund operating in this arena. The WA is still active in the NDC’s management and is represented in NDC’s Board of Directors, alongside representatives of other Palestinian organizations (see above.) 105 See 48BB22F48B2C/0/05PalaestinaMultidonorsekretariat.doc [20/12/10] 106 The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

39 itoring and reporting related to implementation of the A survey of this activity in recent years shows plans coordinated with the donor countries. that the donor countries regard their activities The Donor Country Sum (US$) Percentage of total as a continuous contribution to Palestinian and 107 Switzerland (SDC) 1,500,000 23.26% Israeli organizations conducted via this chan- Denmark (DRO) 1,200,000 18.60% nel, beginning prior to their collaboration with Sweden (SIDA) 2,250,000 34.88% NDC, and with heavy involvement in the organi- Holland 1,500,000 23.26%

Total 6,450,000 zations’ activities.

The donor countries’ coalition changed slightly when It should be noted in passing that the list of support- Holland replaced Austria, and began operating in the ers includes other entities that are less dominant in same format vis a vis NDC, including the establish- the NDC activities. The organization’s reports show ment of a steering committee to supervise the imple- that the European Union donated $270,000, while the mentation of its directives. DED donated a mere $5,000.108

107 The above-mentioned report indicates that the SDC donated $50,000, in addition to this sum 108 page 10 [20/12/10]

40 Appendix No. 17

WA donations to Israeli organizations (Projects inside “‘48 Palestine”)

Details of the Israeli organizations that received donations from the organization, the amounts and nature of the donations from 2005 to 2008:109 2005

Name Amount ($) Designation Remarks (as it appears in the report)

Sidra Association - Naqab $5,000 Factory development A women’s organization

The League for Arabs of Jaffa $19,400 Computer center The League for Arabs of Jaffa (also known as Al - Rabbita), works for the improvement of the Arab presence in Jaffa, especially building and housing110

Kafr Kanna Municipal Council $5,000 Modern library

Acre Arab Women Association $3,000 Computer center

Social Dev Soc. - Haifa $2,000 Home Renovation Project Social Development Committee of Haifa (SDC) - an Israeli - Arab organization working for the rights of Arabs in Haifa and in Israel in general111

Nazareth Municipality. Nazareth $400 Construction of a monument in Nazareth

Acre Reparation Association - $20,000 Home Renovation Project Akka

Social Dev Soc. - Haifa $20,000 Home Renovation Project

Sidra Association - Neqab $9,200 Negev Empowerment Program

District Council for Unrecognized $20,800 Negev Empowerment Program Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab Area - Villages in the Negev Naqab (representation of the Bedouin in unrecognized villages in the Negev)

The Arab Council For Education & $10,600 Negev Empowerment Program Culture in the Negev

Ahali Center for Community $30,400 Negev Empowerment Program The Nazareth organization Ahali Development promotes equal rights for Israeli Arabs

Adalah - The Legal Center for $24,800 Negev Empowerment Program Also won the organization’s Arab Minority Rights in Israel $10,000 award for excellence112 (*)

International & Arab Universities $10,000 “Palestine 1948” Atlas & Educational Institution

109 It should be noted that there are additional donations to Israeli organizations that do not appear in the reports published on the organization’s website. For example, it is known that the WA is one of the donors to the Israeli organization I’lam, even though this donation does not appear in the reports. 110 See detailed information on the NIF website: - areas/grantees/al - rabbita.html [20/12/10] 111 For detailed information: http://www.sdc - [20/12/10] 112 - 1 [20/12/10]

41 2005 (continued from previous page)

Name Amount ($) Designation Remarks (as it appears in the report)

Ibn Khaldun - The Association for $25,000 Alternative Terminology Program Israeli-Arab organization based Research & Development113 in Tamra

The League for Arabs of Jaffa $63,168 The Arab school in Jaffa

Ittijah - Union of Arab Community $75,000 Purchase of buildings Ittijah - the Israeli-Arab umbrella Based Associations organization

Ahali Center for Community $3,040 Planting Seedling Trees in the Threatened, Development Neglected, Agricultural Lands in ”‘48 Palestine”

Total amount invested in “’48 Palestine” in 2005: $346,808

2006 114

Field Name Designation Remarks

Agriculture and Ahali Center for Community Development Negev Empowerment Program See above Environment - out of 16 projects in this 1. Ahali Center for Community Rehabilitation of damaged UAWC was founded in 1986 area, two were in Development agriculture area around the to “protect the interests of “’48 Palestine” with security fence Palestinian farmers under 2. Union of Agricultural Work Committees 115 a total investment of the occupation” Possibly $213,800 3. Agricultural Development Society the reference is to the PARC, an organization that also supports Palestinian farmers.116

Community and Social The Arab Council For Education & Negev Empowerment Program No information Services - out of 60 Culture in the Negev projects, six were in “’48 Palestine” with The National Committee For The Defense Production of a film about the Founded in 1992 by Israeli - a total investment Of The Rights Of Uprooted uprooted and destroyed villages Arabs to promote awareness of approximately of the rights of Palestinian $250,000 refugees117

1. The League for Arabs of Jaffa Establishment of the Hatem Zubi Computer Center in Nazareth 2. Arab Cultural Society - Nazareth

Several NGO’s Development programs for As in the original; no children and youths information about what groups are supported

Palestinian Remembrance Museum Establishment of a museum Refers to an internal Committee WA committee (perhaps referring to the organization’s donation to the Nakbah Museum)

113 http://www.ibn - [20/12/10] 114 In 2006, the organization stopped publishing reports detailing the amounts of money it gives to each project, reporting instead only the general amount invested in a certain field, the nature of the project and the names of the recipient organizations with which it cooperates in the various areas. 115 http://www.uawc - [20/12/10] 116 http://www.pal - [20/12/10] 117 The organization’s position paper: http://www.internal - 1C93B49802570B700594007/$file/Defence+of+rights+of+the+displaced.pdf [20/12/10]

42 2006 (continued from previous page)

Field Name Designation Remarks

General Development Sidra Association - Naqab Negev Empowerment Program - out of 13 projects, one was in “’ 48 Palestine” with a total investment of $23,000

Education - 116 Ibn Khaldun - The Association for Alternative Terminology projects, two in “’48 Research & Development Program Palestine” with a total investment of The League for Arabs of Jaffa The Arab school in Jaffa $100,000

Construction and The League for Arabs of Jaffa Home Renovation Project Infrastructure six of the 32 projects were Social Development Society - Haifa Home Renovation Project in “’48 Palestine” with Acre Reparation Association - Akka Home Renovation Project a total investment of $120,000

Legislation, Policy and Arab Center for Applied Research – Haifa Conference on Palestinian Also called Mada al - Legal Advice - three citizens of Israel Carmel118. This organization of 10 projects in”’48 fights for the rights of Israeli Palestine” with a total Arabs. investment of $72,396 Arab Association for Human Rights– Program for Education in Nazareth119 Human Rights

Adalah - Legal Center for Arab Minority Negev Empowerment Program Rights in Israel

The organization also lists the following successes in relation to its Negev activities:

Organization of five big demonstrations against house demolitions.

Obtaining 560 sheep-grazing permits; legal advice to shepherds

Field trips and meetings with Knesset members

Media campaign: publication of position papers

Four petitions to the HCJ

Welfare120 - of 36 District Council for Unrecognized Villages Negev Empowerment Program projects, one was in in the Naqab Area - Naqab “’48 Palestine” with a total investment of $50,000

Total amount invested in “’48 Palestine” in 2006: $829,196

118 http://www.mada - mplateId=1 [20/12/10] 119 [20/12/10] 120 Gaza and Lebanon were given priority because of the seriousness of the situation there that year

43 2007 121

Field Name of organization Information about organization

Education - total of $151,500 Arab cultural society - Nazareth invested Hewar - Arab Association for Alternative Education This organization works to strengthen Arab education in Israel122.

Ibn Khaldun - The Association for Research & Development

The League for Arabs of Jaffa

The Factory - Arab Center for Culture and Arts

Masar - Institute for Education This organization works to strengthen Arab education in Israel123.

Community Development - total Adalah - Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in of $606,600 invested Israel

Ahali Center for Community Development

Altufula – Pedagogical Center, Nazareth Nurseries Institute124

Arab Cultural Society - Nazareth

District Council for Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab Area - Naqab

House Of Fine Arts Cognition & Culture


Sidra Association - Naqab

The Arab Council for Education & Culture in the Negev

Association for Educational & Social Initiatives In The Naqab

Nazareth Committee of Arts - Mawwal Center for This is an Arab art school Arts

Galilee Society The Galilee Society works for equal rights for Israeli Arabs.125

Construction and Infrastructure - Al - aswar – Association for Cultural & Social total investment of $47,000126 Development

Social Dev Soc. - Haifa

District Council for Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab Area - Naqab

Acre Reparation Association - Akka

121 In 2007, the organization stopped reporting details of the number and nature of projects, reporting instead only the total amount invested in each field. 122 - in - israel - 2008 - hewar - dialogue - 2013the - arab - as- sociation - for - alternative - education [20/12/10] 123 http://www.hebrew.masar - [20/12/10] 124 [20/12/10] 125 - [20/12/10] 126 Donation for renovation of houses.

44 2007 (continued from previous page)

Field Name of organization Information about organization

Legislation, Policy and Legal Arab Association for Human Rights – Nazareth Advice - total investment of $200,000 Association for the Defense of the Rights of Internally Apparently refers to the National Displaced Persons in Israel Committee For The Defense Of The Rights Of Uprooted (see above)

Society of Arab Youth – Baladna, Haifa Organization working to strengthen the national awareness and democratic values of you Israeli Arabs.127

Arab Center for Applied Research – Haifa Mada al - Carmel

The Arab Council for Education & Culture in the Negev

The organization also lists its successes in this field:

Meeting with Ittijah personnel to discuss ways to defend human rights in Jerusalem.

Support for the campaign of the Young Coalition against National Service and Baladna against serving in the IDF and National Service.128

Agriculture and the Environment Ahali Center for Community Development - total investment of $14,000

Total amount invested in “’48 Palestine” in 2007: $1,019,100

127 [20/12/10] 128 The organizations’ policy paper:,%20 Report.pdf [20/12/10]

45 2008

Field Name of organization Information about organization

Education - total investment Al-laz - Mazen Ghattas Theatre Arab theater in Acre of $276,000 Amir Challenges Association R.A

Arab Cultural Society - Nazareth

Hewar - Arab Association For Alternative Education

Ibn Khaldun - The Association for Research &


Masar - Institute For Education

The Factory - Arab Center for Culture and Arts

The League for Arabs of Jaffa

Culture and the Arts - total Ittijah - Union of Arab Community-based Associations investment of $21,500

Community and Economic Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel Development - total investment of $390,000 Ahali Center for Community Development Altufula – Pedagogical Center, Nazareth Nurseries Institute

Arab Association for Human Rights – Nazareth

Society of Arab Youth – Baladna, Haifa

Dar eltefel al - arabi Arab school in Jerusalem

District Council for Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab Area - Naqab

House of Fine Arts, Cognition & Culture

Ittijah - Union of Arab Community-based Associations

Several NGO’s As in the original; no details about which organizations.

Step Forward for the Promotion of Education in Rahat Step Forward for the Promotion of Education was founded by young Rahat educators to improve the social and educational situation in Rahat.129

The Arab Council For Education & Culture in the Negev

Association for Educational & Social Initiatives in the Naqab

Nazareth Committee of Arts - Mawwal Center for the Arts

Legislation, Policy and Legal Association for the Defense of the Rights of the Internally Advice - total investment of Displaced Persons in Israel $114,000 Arab Association for Human Rights – Nazareth

Society of Arab Youth – Baladna, Haifa

Arab Center for Applied Research – Haifa

Ittijah - Union of Arab Community-based Associations

Total amount invested in “’48 Palestine” in 2008: $801,500

129 [20/12/10]

46 Appendix 18

Additional information on Israeli organizations appearing in the report

1. Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence, founded in 2004, is an “organization of veteran IDF soldiers that gathers testimonies from soldiers who have served in the various IDF units during the second intifada."130 The organization gathers testimonies from soldiers who have fought in the IDF in recent years (during the second intifada, the Second Lebanon War and Operation Cast Lead) in order to expose “abuse towards Palestinians, looting, and destruc- tion of property" that "have been the norm for years, but are still excused as military necessities, or explained as extreme and unique cases.”131 The organization claims that the testimonies portray a “grim picture of questionable orders in many areas regarding Palestinian civilians. These demonstrate the depth of corruption which is spreading in the Israeli military.”132

Main activity against IDF policy: Publishing information that tarnishes IDF operational activities inside Israel and abroad.


Ongoing activity Gathering, documenting and publishing testimonies of alleged abuse of Palestinians by soldiers on active duty.

Ongoing activity Maintaining a website that includes articles, photos and video clips that tarnish IDF operations in Judea and Samaria.

2009 Accused the IDF of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead.133

2009 Member of GazaWar134 website, which published a movie and testimonies accusing the IDF of committing war crimes.

2009 Involvement in the Goldstone Report accusing the IDF and Israel of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead135

130 From the organization's website - [23/12/09] 131 Ibid 132 Ibid 133 From the organization's website – [23/12/09] 134 See website - [23/12/09] 135 See [20/12/10]

47 2. B’Tselem

B‘Tselem ,the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories136 was founded in.1989 Its main goals are to "document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, combat the phenomenon of denial prevalent among the Israeli public, and help create a human rights culture in Israel.137

Main activity against IDF policy: Promoting the delegitimization of IDF operations by sullying the IDF's and the State of Israel's image in Israel and abroad via documentation and publicity.


December 2008 During Operation Cast Lead, the organization was a member of the GazaHeb website138, which accused the IDF of war crimes.

December 2008 Website published war crimes accusations against the IDF. 139

November 2009 Campaign launched accusing IDF soldiers of violence against Palestinians.140

2009 Involvement in the Goldstone Report accusing the IDF and Israel of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead141

Research treatment of B’Tselem’s data

B’Tselem frequently accuses Israel of injuring innocent people. The researcher Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi inves- tigated and refuted many of these accusations. His articles on the subject were published on the websites of The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs142 and News1.143


B’Tselem's account of an incident: “ Hamdan Mohamad Hamdan Barhom, age 20, resident of Khan Yunis, Dis- trict of Khan Yunis, shot on 13.12.2006 in Rafiah, and died on 21.12.2006. Was not participating in the fighting at the time he was killed. Additional details: killed while returning to the shore with two other fishermen, who were also injured in the shooting.”

B‘Tselem's wording gives the impression that Barhom was an innocent fisherman ,or was accompanying two other innocent fishermen ,and that the three were engaged in fishing to earn a living or for pleasure .The inves- tigation by Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi found that Barhom was an activist of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades and that one of his jobs was to lie in wait for Israel Navy boats ,and that the three people were in an area known for arms smuggling by terrorist groups144.

136 From the organization's website – [23/12/09]] 137 Ibid 138 See website - [23/12/09] 139 From the organization's website - [23/12/09] 140 From the organization's website - [23/12/09 141 See [20/12/10] 142 From NEWS1 website - [23/12/09] 143 See the website of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs [23/12/09] 144 From NEWS1 website - [23/12/09]

48 3. HaMoked Center for the Defense of the Individual

HaMoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual, founded in 1988, describes itself as "a human rights or- ganization that assists Palestinian residents of the Occupied Territories whose rights have been violated by Israel."145

Main activity against IDF policy: Petitions to the High Court of Justice against IDF actions and the separa- tion fence.


May 2008 Petitioned the High Court of Justice for the transfer of inquiry material to Palestinians hurt by Israeli security forces.146

December 2008 Petitioned the High Court of Justice against the demolition of the home of the family of a terrorist who murdered 8 high school students at Mercaz Harav in March 2008.147

December 2008 During Operation Cast Lead, the organization was a member of the GazaHeb148 website, which accused the IDF of war crimes.

2009 Involvement in the Goldstone Report accusing the IDF and Israel of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead149

145 From the organization's website - [23/12/09] 146 From the organization's website - [23/12/09 147 From the organization's website - [23/12/09] 148 See website - [23/12/09] 149 See [20/12/10]

49 4. Public Committee Against Torture in Israel

The Public Committee against Torture in Israel was founded in 1990 and "advocates for all persons - Israelis, Palestinians, labor immigrants and other foreigners in Israel and the Occupied (OPT) – in order to protect them from torture and ill treatment by the Israeli interrogation and law enforcement au- thorities. These include the Israel Police, the General Security Service (GSS), the Israel Prison Service and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). PCATI acts in accordance with moral and democratic values, and the standards set in Israeli and International law."150

Main activity against IDF policy: Petitions to the High Court of Justice against alleged torture by Israeli se- curity forces during the interrogation of Palestinian suspects.


December 2008 During Operation Cast Lead, the organization was a member of the GazaHeb151 website, which accused the IDF of war crimes.

December 2009 Published a report accusing the IDF of changing the warfare doctrine, resulting in the deliberate damaging of civilian infrastructure on a massive scale and the death of hundreds of civilians who were not involved in the fighting.152

2009 Member of GazaWar153 website, which published a movie and testimonies accusing the IDF of committing war crimes.

2009 Involvement in the Goldstone Report accusing the IDF and Israel of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead154

150 From the organization’s website [23/12/09] 151 See website - [23/12/09] 152 From the organization's website – [23/12/09] 153 See website - [23/12/09] 154 See [20/12/10]

50 5. Yesh Din

Yesh Din was founded in 1990 and was organized "to oppose the continuing violation of Palestinian human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory."155 The purpose of the organization is "to achieve a long-term structural improvement in the human rights situation in the OPT. We work for an immediate and meaningful change in the Israeli authorities' practices by documenting and disseminating accurate and up-to-date infor- mation about the systematic violation of human rights in the OPT, by raising public awareness of such viola- tions, and by applying public and legal pressures on government agencies to end them.156

Main activities against IDF policy:

• Lawsuits against IDF soldiers, alleging crimes against Palestinians and their property. • Providing legal aid to Palestinians who claim they were hurt by the IDF or Israel Police. Examples:

Ongoing activity Lawsuits against military court rulings concerning terrorists and the investigation and handling of their cases.

2006 Petitioned the High Court of Justice against the IDF directive banning Palestinians from traveling in Israeli cars.157

2008 Publication of data on an increase in Palestinian suits against the IDF. These suits, many of which were bogus, were made possible by support from "human rights organizations."

December 2008 During Operation Cast Lead, the organization was a member of the GazaHeb158 website, which represents a number of organizations and accused the IDF of war crimes.

2009 Involvement in the Goldstone Report accusing the IDF and Israel of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead159

2010 The organization’s internal documents show that it works toward bringing the concept of “war crimes” into public discourse and accusing IDF soldiers of continuously committing war crimes against Palestinians.160

155 From the organization's website - [23/12/09] 156 Ibid. 157 From the organization's website – [23/12/09] 158 See website - [23/12/09] 159 See [23/12/09] 160 From the newspaper Israel Today [26/12/10]

51 6. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel

Physicians for Human Rights - Israel was founded in 1988 "with the goal of struggling for human rights, in particular the right to health, in Israel and the Occupied Territories" and is an association that "opposes the occupation and acts to end it, and views it as a source and reason for human rights violations."161

Main activities against IDF policy:

• Petitions the High Court of Justice, alleging that Israel and the IDF deny Palestinians the basic right to health, based on the security policies imposed in the territories. • Regularly publishes reports against IDF policy, including claims of unnecessary bureaucracy for Palestinian patients awaiting medical treatment and that the IDF constantly violates the medical rights of residents of Gaza and the ter- ritories. Examples:

2008 During Operation Cast Lead, PHR was a member of the GazaHeb162 website that accused the IDF of committing war crimes.

October 2009 PHR submitted a complaint to the Defense Minister, claiming that the IDF interferes with the organization’s humanitarian activities and prevents the entry of its personnel into the Gaza Strip.163

2009 Involvement in the Goldstone Report accusing Israel and the IDF of committing war crimes during Operation Cast Lead164

2010 PHR founder and acting chairman, Dr. Ruchama Marton is a signatory on the BDS165 Israeli website (supporting the boycott of Israel.)

161 From the organization's website- . The latter half of the organization's descrip- tion is translated from the Hebrew "About" page and is absent in the English version. 162 From the website [23/12/09] 163 From the organization’s website [20/12/10] 164 See [20/12/10] 165 From the website [20/12/1]

52 7. Gisha Legal Center for Freedom of Movement

Gisha Legal Center for Freedom of Movement was founded in 2005 to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians, especially Gaza residents. Gisha promotes rights guaranteed by international and Israeli law.166

Main activities against IDF policy: Public and legal activity against the IDF, alleging the violation of the basic human right of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza by restricting their movement.


2005 Partnered with the organization for the academic boycott against Israel. The British Union of Universities and Colleges adopted a decision calling for an academic boycott of Israeli institutions of higher education, in protest of the treatment of the Palestinians.

2008 During Operation Cast Lead, the organization was a member of the GazaHeb167 website, which represents a number of organizations and accused the IDF of war crimes.

2009 Legal action:

Petitioned the High Court of Justice on behalf of 9 Israeli human rights organizations, demanding the supply of fuel and electricity to prevent the collapse of essential infrastructure services in Gaza.168

Appealed to the defense minister (along with 9 other Israeli human rights organizations) regarding the continued prevention of the transfer of fuel, cooking gas and goods to the Gaza Strip.169

2009 Involvement in the Goldstone Report accusing Israel and the IDF of committing war crimes during Operation Cast Lead.170

166 From the organization's website: 167 See website - [23/12/09] 168 From the organization's website - 2009/fuel%20petition-final-7_1_09.pdf [23/12/09] 169 From the organization's website - 2009/fuel%20petition-final-7_1_09.pdf [23/12/09] 170 See [20/12/10]

53 8. Bimkom - Planners for Planning Rights

Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights was founded in 1999 "by a group of planners and architects, in or- der to strengthen democracy and human rights in the field of planning in the State of Israel, seeks to effect system-wide change by encouraging the development of new planning policies and procedures that are more equitable and responsive to the needs of the various communities."171

Main activity against IDF policy: Claims and publications alleging that the IDF damaged civilian infrastruc- ture during security operations


Petitions against the demolition of terrorists' homes

2008 During Operation Cast Lead, the organization was a member of the GazaHeb172 website, which represents a number of organizations and accused the IDF of war crimes.

2009 Petition against damaging civilian infrastructure during IDF activity "Architects and planners, we call on you to join this petition, which appeals to the Israeli government, demanding a halt to the continuing damage to civilian infrastructure, services and access of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip."173

2009 Press conference on January 14, with 8 other human rights organizations, calling for urgent humanitarian aid to Gaza and warning of the clear and imminent threat to the lives and welfare of tens of thousands of civilians.174

2009 Involvement in the Goldstone Report accusing Israel and the IDF of committing war crimes during Operation Cast Lead175

171 From the organization's website. [23/12/09] 172 See website - [23/12/09] 173 From the organization's website - [23/12/09] 174 From the organization's website - [23/12/09] 175 See [20/12/10]

54 9. Mossawa

The Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel was founded in 1977 as a non-profit organization, the initiative of activists and rights organizations. Mossawa calls itself an “independent rights organization, not politically affiliated, working to improve the status of the Arab citizens of Israel…by means of public information campaigns and advocacy to attain full social, economic and political rights while preserv- ing their national and cultural rights as Palestinians in their homeland...”

Main activity against IDF policy: Accusing the IDF of committing war crimes in Gaza.


January 2008 Protest demonstration by lawyers and attorneys, claiming “the Occupation Army commits ongoing, cruel war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza.176

December 2008 Accusation that the IDF committed a “massacre” in Gaza.177

January 2009 Publication of newspaper notice accusing the IDF of breaking international law and committing war crimes.178

May 2009 Mossawa is involved in the boycott of Israel, as a signatory on the letter calling for disinvestment in Elbit Systems.

176 From the website: [14/09/10] 177 From the website: [14/09/10] 178 From the website: [14/09/10]