Backyard Poultry Breeders Directory Have Birds for Sale? Advertise in the Backyard Poultry Breeders Directory for Less Than $4.50 a Month
Backyard Poultry Breeders Directory Have birds for sale? Advertise in the Backyard Poultry Breeders Directory for less than $4.50 a month. Your ad will be seen by more than 100,000 poultry enthusiasts. Call 715-748-1389 to get your advertisement in! Legbar, Welsummers, Blue Ameraucana, Black Am- Associations Large Fowl eraucana, Rumpless Araucana, Olive Egger, Ayam Cemani, Maline, Silkies. AMERAUCANA ALLIANCE: Membership includes Tennessee Iowa Ameraucana Newsletters, registration on the Amer- CHICK-N-STUFF FARM - Crump, TN. (mail: POB 87, aucana Forum, a listing in the Ameraucana Directory Adamsville, TN 38310). 901-490-0022 or 7331-607- COUNTY LINE HATCHERY, 2977 Linn Buch- and eligibility for club awards & exhibitor points. First 7324. LARGE FOWL ONLY: Blue/Black/Splash/White anan Rd., Coggon, IA 52218. 319-350-9130. time members receive an Ameraucana Handbook. Jersey Giants, Buff/Light/Dark Brahma, White & Ex- <> Rare and fancy Dues are $10/year, $25 for 3 years (Newsletters chequer Leghorn, EE & Pak Lay Hmong. Also heritage peafowl, guineas, chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, Emailed) or $15 (Newsletters mailed). Ameraucana. Narragansett turkey. NPIP/APA/ALFA. Experienced bantams and more. Featuring Showgirls & Silkies. org Steve Neumann, 3000 Wedgewood Dr #2351, egg/chick/bird shipper. See us on Facebook. Most economical and diverse poultry assortment Pueblo, CO 81004. available. WISCONSIN BIRD AND GAME BREEDERS, Jim Swans WELP HATCHERY, Box 77, Bancroft, IA 50517. 800- Bleuer, President, 1756 E. Scott St., Omro, WI 54963. 458-4473. <> Specializing in 920-379-6188. <> Annual Fall Show & Indiana Cornish Rock broilers. Also offering baby chicks, duck- Swap and Spring Swap at Fond du lac County Fair- lings, goslings, bantams, exotics, turkeys, guineas, RANDORIACRES, Randy Groen, 12705 White grounds Expo Center.
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