National Poultry Improvement Plan
Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Jius / / d T(o TJz £f\ United States ^«& Department of Agriculture National Poultry _ Animal and _ -}— Plant Health Inspection Improvement Plan Service Veterinary Services 1981 Directory of Participants APHIS 91-42 Handling Waterfowl, February 1 981 Exhibition Poultry, and Game Birds NATIONAL POULTRY IMPROVEMCNT PLAN U.S. J U.S. | Jush [Pullorum-Typhoic 7 S M.Gollisepticum ^ APPROVED m TCLEANj * *! CLEANF npip! ^H^IPB^pV BJ B* The National Poultry Improvement Plan became operative July 1, 1935, and the National Turkey Improvement Plan became operative September 25, 1943, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture. On December 3, 1971, the two Plans were combined under one title, "The National Poultry Improvement Plan," with separate provisions applicable to the different types of poultry. The Plan operates under the authority of an appropriation made by Congress to the United States Department of Agriculture to be used in cooperation with the State authorities in the administration of regulations for the improvement of poultry, poultry products, and hatcheries. Authority for the administration of the Plan is now contained in the Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944, as amended (7 U.S.C. 429). Provisions of the Plan are changed from time to time to conform with the development of the industry and with new information as it becomes available. These changes are based on recommendations made at the Biennial National Plan Conferences by official delegates representing participating breeders, hatcheries, and flockowners from all cooperating States. Current provisions of the Plan are described in a publication entitled "The National Poultry Improvement Plan and Auxiliary Provisions." The publication is available from Official State Agencies or on request to the National Poultry Improvement Plan, APHIS-VS, Building 265, BARC- East, Beltsville, Maryland 20705.
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