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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89864-5 - The Politics and Culture of Honour in Britain and Ireland, 1541-1641 Brendan Kane Index More information Index Act of Absentees Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Uí Dhomhnaill (Life of Red effects on Irish and English peers 34 Hugh O’Donnell) 18, 135–44 Aguila, Don John de audience for 143–4 view of Irish honour 102, 120 compared with Fulke Greville’s The Life of the Anabaptists 271 Renowned Sir Philip Sidney 143–4 anglicization 7, 26 compared with Ó Cianáin’s Flight of Anglo-Norman 1 the Earls 136 annals 16 generic uniqueness of 135–6 as historical source 52 language of 135, 136 Annala Ríoghachta Éireann (Annals of the Four Bingham, Richard 55, 57, 60, 63–4, 276 Masters) 119, 277 blood Annals of Loch Cé 17, 46, 50 as basis for precedence 216 as source for Gaelic views of honour 52–66 as basis of honour 55, 136, 157, 159–60 compared with Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Ui difference between aristocratic and royal 29 Dhomhnaill 140 Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy 115–16 Annesley, Sir Francis, Lord Mountnorris Boru, Brian 22, 149, 164, 171 221, 235 Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Cork 9, 159, 160, 231, aristocracy 233–4, 247 ‘British’ 21, 269, 275–6 as new nobility 169, 179, 235, 276 necessary role in legitimate government 41 Bramhall, Bishop 257 of Europe 6, 18, 269 Brehon law 22, 23, 47 Asch, Ronald 11, 247 Brehons 22 Atherton, John 255 Braddick, Michael 28 Aylmer, G. E. 230 Bradshaw, Brendan 3, 49, 50, 56 Brady, Ciaran 38, 42 Bacon, Sir Francis 208 Brian, son of Maelrunaidh 61 Bagenal family 276 Brigden, Susan 93 Henry 33,
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