
;: 2 DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY EDITED BY SIDNEY LEE VOL. XLV. PEREIRA--PocKRICH LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1896 [All rig41t ruer:11d] Digitized by Goog le Perrot Perrot sacred,' 12mo, 1785; on p. 22 is Perronet's address to the king on the peace of 1763 well-known hymn, 'All hail the power of (HMtcry of the Reign of George III, 1894, Jesu's name,' which first appeared in the i. 222). His curious power of discrimination 'Gospel Magazine,' 1780, without signature. may be estimated by the conclusion of his sum­ (Life of V. Perronet in Methodist Mag. vol. ming-up on a trial at Exeter as to the right xx1i. January-Apnl 1799; Tyerman's Life of J. to a certain stream of water: ' Gentlemen, Wesley, 2nd edit.; Whit.. bead.'s Life of Wesley; there are fifteen witnesses who swear that J. Wesley's Journal,ap. Works, 1829; J .. ckson's the watercourse used to flo\v in a ditch on Journal, &c., of C. Wesley; Life and Times of the north side of the hedge. On the other Selina, Countess of Huntingdon; Gent. l\Ing. hand, gentlemen, there are nine witnesses Janu:•ry 1749 xix. 44, July 1813 lxxxii. 82; who swear that the watercourse used to flow D..y of Rest, new ser.(1879), i. 765; W. Gadsby's on the south side of the hedge. X ow, gen­ Companion to Selection of Hymns; J. Gad~hy's tlemen, if ,rou subtract nine from fifteen Memoirs of Hymn-writers, 3rd edit.; Julian's there remam six witnesses wholly uncon­ Diet. of Hymnology, art. •Perronct, Edward,' by tradicted; and I recommend you to give Dr. Grosart; family papers and other inform&· tion from )!iss Edith Thompson.] W, 11. your verdict accordingly for the party who called those six witnesses' (Foss, Judyn of PERROT, GEORGE (1710-1780), baron England, 186-!, viii. 350). It appears from of the exchequer, born in 1710, belonged to a petition presented by Perrot to the House the Yorkshire branch of the Perrots of Pem­ of Commons that in 1769 he was the sole hrokeshire. He was the second son of Thomas owner and proprietor of the navigation of 1~errot, prebendary of Ripon and rector of the river Avon from Tewkcsburyto Evesham. Welbury in the North Riding of Yorkshire, [The authorities quoted in the t.ext; Thlrn­ and of St. :Martin-in-)licklegate in the city well's Perrot Notes, 1867, pp.l08-9; l\Icmorials of York, by his wife Anastasia, daugbte.r of of Ripon (Surtees Soc. Publ. 1886), ii. 315; the ReY. George Plaxton, rector of Barwlck­ Nash's Worcestcrshiro, 1781, i. 383, H7-S, in-Elmet in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Suppl. pp. 59, 61 ; Burke's Landed Gentry, 1846, After receiving his education at Westminster i. 1:48; l\Iartin's 1\It\Stcrs of the Rench of tho School, be was admitted a student of the Inner Temple, 1883, p. 76; Alumni w.. stmon. Inner Temple in November 1728, and was 1852. p. 5-16; Gent. Mag. 1775 p. 301, I 780 called t.o the bar in 1732. In May 1757 he p. I 02, 1784 pt. i. p. 238; Haydn's Book of wn.s elected a bencher of his inn, and in 1759 Dignities. 1890; Notes and Quorie~, 8th ser. was made a king's counsel. On 16 April1760 v. 347, 411.) G. .F. R. B. he opened the case against Laurence Shirley, PERROT, HENRY 1000-16:?6), epi­ fourth earlFerrers, who was tried for the mur­ (fl. der of John Johnson by the House of Lords grammatist. [See PARROT.] (HowELL, Stat~ Trmu,xix. 894). On 24Jan. PERROT,SIRJAMES(157l-1637),poli­ 1763 he was called to the degree of serjeant, tician, born at Ilarroldston in Pembrokeshire and appointed a baron of the exchequer in in 1571, is stated to have been an illegitimate the place of Sir Henry Gould the younger son of Sir John Perrot [q. v.) by Sybil Jones rq. Y.] He was seized with a fit of palsy at of Radnorshire. He matriculated from Jesus ~IaidStone during the Lent assizes m 1775, College, Oxford, as Sir John's second son, on and shortly afterwards retired from the 8July 1586, aged 14,left the university with­ bench with a pension of 1,2001. a year. out a degree, entered the Middle Temple in Having purchased the manor of Fladbury lli90, and, 'afterwards travelling, returnetl and other considerable estates in Worcester­ an accomplish'd gentleman' (Woon). He shire, he retired to Pershore, where he died settled down upon the estate at Ilarroldston on 28 Jan. 1780, in the seventieth year of which had been given him by his father, and his age. A monument was erected to. his seems for a time to have devoted himself to memory in the parish church at Laleham, literary composition. In 1596 was printed ~liddlesex, in pursuance of directions con­ at Oxford, in quarto, by Joseph Barnes, his tained in his widow's will. He was never exceedingly rare' Discovery of Discontented kni hted. Minds, wherein their several sorts and pur­ ife married, in 1742, Mary, only daughter poses are described, especially such as are of John Bower of Bridlington Quay, York­ gone beyond ye Seas,' which wn.s dedicated shire, and widow of Peter Whitton, lord to the Earl of Essex, and had for its object mayor of York in 1728. Perrot left no to ' restrain those dangerous malecontents children. His widow died on 7 March 1784, who, whether as scholars or soldiers, turned aged 82. According to Horace Walpole, fugitives or renegades, and settled in foreign Perrot while on circuit 'wn.s so servile as to countries, especially under the umbrage of recommend' from the bench a congratulatory the king of Spain, to negociate conspiracies c2 Digitized by Goog le Perrot 20 Perrot and invasions' (cf. OLDY&, 'Catalogue of Hutory, iv. 267). In the parliament of 1624 Pamphlets in the Harleian Library,' Harl. Perrot, as representath·e for the county of Mi8c. x. 3i>8). This was followed in 1600 Pembroke, played a less conspicuous part; bv 'The First Part of the Consideration of butinthatofl628,whenheagamrepresented livmane Condition: wherein is contained Haverfordwest, he made a powerful speech the l\Iorall Consideration of a l\lan's Selfe: against Laud. as what, who, and what manner of l\ian he Perrot played a considerable part in his is,' Oxford, 4t.o. This was to be followed by native county. In 162-! he oocame a lessee three parts dealing respectively with the of the royal mines in Pembrokeshire, and political consideration of thin~ under us, the from about that period be commenced acting natural consideration of thmgs about us, as deputy \'ice-admiral for the Earl of Pem­ and the metaphysical consideration of thin~ broke. In August 1625 he wrote to the above us; none of which, however, appeared. government that Turkish pirates were upon Perrot also drew up 'A Book of the Birth, the south-west coast, having occupied Lundy Education, Life and Death, and singular for over a fortnight, and made numerou~ good Parts of Sir Philip Sidney,'which "rood captives in l\Jounts Bay, Cornwall. From appears to hat"e seen in manuscript, and 16:!6 he acted as the \'ice-admiral or repre­ which Oldys' earnestly desired to meet with,' sent.ative of the admiral tv in Pembrokeshire, but which was evidcntlv never printed. In and wrote frequently t.o· Secretary Conwav the meantime Perrot had represented the respecting the predatory habitsofthe 'Velsh borough of Haverford west in the parliament wreckers, and the urgent necessity of forti­ ofl597-8, and during the progress of James I (ving Milford Haven. He was a member of to London he was in July 1603 knighted at the Virginia Company, to which he su~ the house of Sir William Fleetwood. He sat Jscribed 37 l. lOa. In 1030 he issued his' 1\ledi­ again for Haverford west in the parliament tations and Prayers on the Lord's Praver and of 1604, and in the 'Addled parltament' of I Ten Commandments,' London, 4to. lie died 1614, when he took a vigorous part in the at his house of Harroldston on-! Feb. 1636-7, debates on the impositions, and shared to and was buried in the chancel of St. Mary's the full the indignation expressed by the Church, Haverfordwest. He married 1\Iary, lower house at the speech of Bishop Richard daughter of Robert Ashfield of Chesham. Neile ~q . v.], questioning the competence of Buckinghamshire, but left no issue. Some the commons to deal with this subject. When commendatory yerses by him are prefixed to parliament met again in 1621 it contained few the 'Golden Grove' (1608) of his friE>nd members who were listened to with greater Henry Vaughan. '!illingness than Perrot, who combine~ expe- [Barnwell's Perrot Notes (reprinted froa r1ence w1th a popular manner of speakmg. It Arcbll!ol. Cambr.), 1867, p. 69 ; Wood'e Athenre, was he who on 5 Fob. 1621 moved that the ed. Bliss, ii. 606-6; F08ter's Alumni Oson. house should receive the communion at St. 1600-171-l; Metcalf.. ' a Book of Knights; Le :Margarct's,andwho,inJune,movedadeclara- Neve's Pedigrees of the Knights, p. 165; Old tion in favour of assisting James's children Parliamentary Hist. v. 525, viii. 280: Cobbett's in the Palatinate, which was received by the Pari. Hist. i. 1306,1310, 1313; Gardiner's Hist. house with enthusiasm, and declared bv Sir of Engl. iv. 28, 67, 128.
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