Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Malaria Journal

RESEARCH Open Access Malaria serology data from the Guiana shield: frst insight in IgG antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium malariae antigens in Mergiory Y. Labadie‑Bracho1†, Farah T. van Genderen2† and Malti R. Adhin2*

Abstract Background: Suriname has accomplished a steep decline in malaria burden, even reaching elimination levels. Plas- modium serology data are not available for Suriname and even extremely scarce within the region, therefore malaria serology testing was introduced, country customized cut-of values were determined and a study was performed to explore the antibody status for Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium malariae. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between July 2017 and March 2018 in two areas of the interior with diferent malaria settings: Stoelmanseiland, representing Maroon villages and Benzdorp, a gold mining area, with mostly Brazilian miners. Dried blood spots (DBS) were collected (n 197) and antibody presence against seven Plasmodium antigens was detected using a multiplex bead-based, IgG antibody= assay. Demographic information was gathered through a questionnaire. Country customized cut-of values were generated from a Surinamese malaria- naïve reference population (n 50). = Results: Serological analysis for the reference population revealed cut-of values ranging from 14 MFI for LSA-1 to 177 MFI for PmMSP-119. Seroprevalence against any of the three MSP-119 antibodies was similar in both regions and surpassed 75%. Single seropositivity against PfMSP-119 antibodies was higher in Stoelmanseiland (27.0%) than Benzdorp (9.3%), in line with the historical malaria burden of Stoelmanseiland, while the reverse was observed for PvMSP-119 antibodies. Despite sporadic reports of P. malariae infections, PmMSP-119 antibody presence was 39.6%. A more detailed examination of P. falciparum serology data displayed a higher seroprevalence in villagers (90.7%) than in Brazilians (64.6%) and a highly diverse antigenic response with 22 distinct antibody combinations. Conclusions: The results on the malaria antibody signature of Maroon villagers and Brazilian miners living in Suri‑ name displayed a high Plasmodium seroprevalence, especially for P. falciparum in villagers, still refecting the historical malaria burden. The seroprevalence data for both regions and the observed combinations of P. falciparum antibodies provided a valuable dataset from a historically important region to the international malaria serology knowledge. First insight in malaria serology data for Suriname indicated that the use of other target groups and assessment of

*Correspondence: [email protected] †Mergiory Y. Labadie-Bracho and Farah T. van Genderen these authors contributed equally to this work 2 Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry, Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname, Kernkampweg 5, Paramaribo, Suriname Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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age-dependent seroprevalence are required to successfully use malaria serology as tool in the national elimination strategy. Keywords: Suriname, Guiana Shield, Seroprevalence, Plasmodium, Customized cut-of value, Antibody diversity, Multiplex bead assay

Background in the west, Guyana with increasing malaria and a control Malaria incidence and mortality have declined signif- program struggling to provide services over a large area cantly in Suriname since 2006, due to stringent measures with miners in the mountainous forested areas near the from the National Malaria Programme, such as the use border with Venezuela. of artemisinin combination therapy, widespread dis- Te majority of the cases of malaria, diagnosed and tribution of free long-lasting insecticide-impregnated treated in Suriname in 2018, originated across borders, mosquito nets, awareness campaigns and improved case predominantly from [9]. Spill-over from management (i.e., active case detection (ACD), spe- active foci from neighbouring countries will challenge all cial programme for risk populations including tailored progress in Suriname, especially when the recent resist- activities for miners scattered in the interior). A marked ance history of the region is taken into account. French decrease was noted, particularly for Plasmodium falci- Guiana has reported in vitro resistance to artemether parum infections, with a drop from more than 10,000 [10] and isolates from Guyana harboured the C580Y cases in 2001, to fewer than 800 cases since 2010. In April mutation in the K13 gene [11]. Suriname is actively 2016, Suriname was identifed by WHO (World Health pushing forward a joint integrated approach for malaria Organization) as a country with the potential to reach interventions with the French, Guyanese and Brazilian elimination of local malaria transmission by 2020. How- governments. ever, the road towards malaria elimination is paved with Tirdly, malaria transmission occurs almost exclusively challenges. Firstly, the looming threat of emerging arte- in hard-to-reach, mobile, migrant, artisanal gold min- misinin resistance. Te Guiana Shield, comprised of the ing populations in the remote areas of the interior and interior of Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and bor- the illegal nature of the mining activities, on top of poor dering areas of Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, has been compliance with national treatment policies, further recognized by the PAHO (Pan American Health Organi- hampers the already logistically difcult and expensive zation) [1] as a region with an increased risk for the selec- operational processes. tion of resistant parasites because of the similarities with Lastly, the lack of suitable monitoring procedures for the Greater Mekong Sub-region, where resistance to malaria elimination, as most of the current feld activi- artemisinin frst emerged. ties evolved from historical malaria control programmes, Indeed, several warning signals for emerging resist- which are not yet optimized for low malaria numbers and ance were reported in studies conducted in Suriname. An a zero tolerance strategy. in vivo efcacy study conducted in 2011 demonstrated Tese challenges underscore the need to implement that 31% of P. falciparum-infected patients, treated with innovative elimination strategies and appropriate tools ­Coartem® were still positive on day 3 [2]. An in vivo and procedures for vigilant monitoring of every case in efcacy study in 2014 with artesunate further revealed order to reach malaria elimination in the country. Te that at least 17.9% of samples exhibited a parasite half- common malaria detection tools, such as microscopy, life ≥ 5 h [3]. Molecular characterizations of drug-asso- rapid diagnostic tests and PCR detection, do not suf- ciated markers of isolates from Suriname did not reveal fce for monitoring of elimination, especially within noteworthy alterations in potential molecular mark- the mobile migrant mining population in the interior. ers in the pfATP6 [4], pfmdr1 [5] and K13 genes [6], but Malaria serology alone or in conjunction with other increased pfmdr1 copy numbers in P. falciparum isolates malariometric indicators has proved to be a useful tool [7] have been observed. Te possible emerging of resist- for malaria control and especially for malaria elimi- ance to artemisinin is further fueled with reported self- nation programmes. It has been demonstrated that treatment and poor adherence by miners in remote areas. serological data can aid countries striving for malaria Te second challenge in the process of malaria elimi- elimination through a better understanding of the trans- nation is the country’s geographical location within the mission dynamics of the Plasmodium parasite especially Guiana Shield, situated between two diferent, unfavour- in hypo-endemic malaria settings [12–14], where often able epidemiological settings. In the east, French Guiana long-lived antibody responses are easier to detect than with a malaria prevalence of 22.3% in gold miners [8], and asymptomatic or symptomatic malaria infections. Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 3 of 14

As malaria infection imposes a lasting antibody ‘foot- French Guiana to the east, Guyana to the west and Bra- print’, malaria serology data refects cumulative malaria zil to the south. Suriname is the smallest sovereign coun- exposure and can serve various purposes. Serology data try in South America with just over 575,000 inhabitants, can be utilized to evaluate changes in exposure, to moni- most of whom live in the coastal area in and around the tor long-term trends, besides geographic mapping and capital, Paramaribo [15]. Malaria transmission occurs in assessments of potential efects of control interventions. the interior, a tropical rainforest inhabited by International studies in various geographical settings and Amerindians living in communities near the main have been conducted to determine seroconversion rates rivers. In recent years, mobile migrants, mainly nation- (antibody acquisition rates of a population) and serore- als from Brazil, entered these regions, mostly via French version rates (loss of antibody) from age-dependent sero- Guiana for mining activities. Malaria-imported cases prevalence data [12, 13]. However, Plasmodium serology steadily increased and malaria transmission in Suri- data are not available for Suriname and are extremely name is maintained mainly due to imported cases, which scarce within the region. not only exceeded the national malaria burden, but Tis study aimed to gain frst insight into the antibody accounted for more than 85% of the total malaria burden status for the three circulating Plasmodium species (P. in 2018 [9]. Suriname recorded only 231 malaria cases in falciparum, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium malar- 2018, the majority caused by P. vivax. iae) in Suriname, with the introduction of a serological Anopheles darlingi is the principal vector for malaria bead-based malaria multiplex assay, ofering the possibil- transmission. Historically, P. falciparum had been the ity to simultaneously detect IgG antibodies against difer- predominant malaria species in Suriname until 2006, ent Plasmodium species. after which P. vivax became the main species. Plasmo- Country customized cut-of values were generated dium malariae has not been detected in Suriname since from a Surinamese malaria-naïve reference population 2013. and Plasmodium IgG distributions were analysed for per- Te scarcity of serology data in the region necessitated sons from two distinctly diferent malaria environments: the compilation of initial serology data, starting with the Stoelmanseiland, representing Maroon villages in Suri- determination of country customized cut-of values and name, and Benzdorp with a mostly migrant gold mining a subsequent investigation of variations in antibody sta- population. Dried blood spots (DBS) and demographic tus in persons from two regions with a diferent malaria information were collected from persons from both sites environment. and serological assessment was performed using seven Plasmodium antibodies. Stoelmanseiland and surroundings (Gakaba, Apoema and Jamaica) Methods Stoelmanseiland is a village located at the junction of Study design, period and study site River and Lawa River at the border of Suri- In order to achieve a representative cut-of value for name with French Guiana. Selection of this area was Suriname, a malaria-naïve reference population was gen- based on its historical malaria incidence, the highest in erated, consisting of 50 adults living in Suriname (i.e., the period between 1999 and 2003, representing more non-immune cohort) and cut-of values were calculated. than 10% of the overall national malaria burden. Te Secondly, a cross-sectional investigation was conducted inhabitants, mainly Maroons, live in small villages and in two areas in the interior of Suriname with a diferent camps along the river. Healthcare in this region is pro- malaria environment, Stoelmanseiland and Benzdorp and vided free for all by the Medical Mission and in 2016, the their surroundings, to gain frst insight in malaria sero- number of Stoelmanseiland inhabitants registered for prevalence in diferent regions in Suriname. Participant healthcare was 1010. In the past 5 years however, an aver- data and samples for serological testing were collected age of three cases (P. falciparum and P. vivax), including between July 2017 and March 2018. Tirdly, the histori- import cases was registered annually, by the National cal signifcance of P. falciparum for the Guiana Shield Malaria Programme. prompted a more detailed investigation for the presence of P. falciparum antibodies in two sub-populations of Benzdorp region interest: the Surinamese participants from Stoelmansei- Te Benzdorp region is a mining area in the interior with land (n = 86) and the Brazilians from Benzdorp (n = 65). a population of approximately 2500–3000 persons in several settlements, some directly along Lawa River bor- Study setting dering French Guiana. Tis region was selected for the Suriname is part of the Guiana Shield and is located composition of the population, consisting of service pro- along the northeastern coast of South America bordering viders and mobile gold miners, mainly Brazil nationals, Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 4 of 14

entering the country primarily through French Guiana. photo-induced electron transfer (PET) primers [17] was Te Malaria Programme of the Ministry of Health per- performed. forms surveillance and provides all malaria services free of charge to these high-risk populations, supported by Immunoassay the Global Fund. Positive import cases (P. falciparum and Blood spot elution and immunoassays were performed P. vivax) are still recorded for this area, while diagnosis according to protocols described elsewhere [14] with of indigenous malaria cases has been sporadic in the last the following adjustments. From each DBS, three 3-mm 5years. circular punches were used for overnight elution at 4 °C. Antibody responses were measured using a magnetic Study population and data collection ­Luminex® bead-based multiplex immunoassay. IgG Without existing data on antibody prevalence of the three responses were measured for the merozoite surface pro- Plasmodium species in Suriname, the minimum expected tein-119 antigens of P. falciparum (PfMSP-119), P. vivax antibody prevalence was derived from reports from other (PvMSP-119) and P. malariae (PmMSP-119). In addition, countries in South America with similar malaria set- the responses for four other P. falciparum antigens: api- tings, such as Ecuador (48.8%) [16] and Pará State, Brazil cal membrane antigen‐1 (AMA‐1), glutamate-rich pro- (58.1%) [13]. Te required sample size was determined tein (GLURP), circumsporozoite protein (CSP), and liver based on an estimated average antibody prevalence of stage antigen-1 (LSA-1) were studied, next to tetanus- 53.5%, a 95% confdence interval and precision level of toxoid. Te 19 kD fragment of the MSP-119 was fused 10%, resulting in a minimum sample size of 89 and 93 to glutathione S-transferase (GST), cloned and cou- persons for Stoelmanseiland and Benzdorp, respectively. pled to the beads by CDC, Atlanta (20 µg/ml beads for For both regions, all consenting adults (≥ 18 years), all three species). For AMA-1, produced at Walter Reed male or female, living or working in the respective areas Army Institute of Research, 20 µg/ml beads; GLURP, were eligible for participation in the period between July CDC, 30 µg/ml beads; CSP, CDC, 30 µg/ml beads; LSA-1, 2017 and March 2018. Fever or microscopically con- CDC, 60 µg/ml beads and tetanus-toxoid, Massachusetts frmed malaria was applied as exclusion criteria. For the Biologic Laboratories, 12.5 µg/ml beads were used. Te Benzdorp region, participants were recruited during coupled beads were provided by V. Udhayakumar from ACD conducted by the National Malaria Programme. CDC, Atlanta. For Stoelmanseiland and surroundings, all villagers who Te selected P. falciparum antigens are all vaccine could be reached within a 4-day enrolment period were candidates and included two pre-erythrocytic and three requested to participate. In order to achieve a representa- blood-stage antigens. AMA‐1 and MSP-119 are blood- tive sample of actual villagers, Brazilians either entering stage antigens and both are considered to induce long- via Brazil or French Guiana were excluded for this site. lived humoral immune responses after malaria infection. Sampling and data collection were performed by AMA-1 is highly immunogenic and has been suggested trained feld workers who visited each area alongside to be involved in red blood cell invasion by the merozo- personnel from the National Malaria Programme or staf ite, while MSP-119 is regarded as moderately immuno- from the Medical Mission. Information about the study genic. GLURP is a key merozoite surface antigen, which was provided in the native language of the participant is expressed at each stage of parasite life in the human through local translators. Participant information was host. Te pre-erythrocytic CSP and LSA-1 are consid- gathered using an interviewer-administered, pre-tested ered to induce short-living antibodies. questionnaire comprised of questions regarding basic A fnal dilution (1:100), from whole blood eluted for demographic information and questions concerning his- each sample from DBS, was incubated in fat-bottom tory of malaria, mining and travel. Finger-prick dried plates with antigen-coupled ­BioPlex® COOH beads blood spots (DBS) were collected onto ­Whatman® 903 (BioRad, Hercules, CA, USA) per analyte. Second- protein saver cards from all participants. Samples were ary antibodies were tagged with biotin (1:250 dilu- individually packed in plastic ziplock bags containing tion anti-human IgG­ 1–3 and 1:625 dilution anti-human desiccant and were transported from the interior at room ­IgG4, (Southern Biotech, Birmingham, AL, USA)) and temperature and subsequently stored at −20 °C until incubated for 90 min at room temperature on a shaker. processing. Subsequently, 50 μl of 1:200 dilution streptavidin, R–phy- For the sub-set of participants from Benzdorp coerythrin conjugate (Invitrogen, Waltham, MA, USA) (n = 108), recruited during ACD, additional testing com- was added and incubated for 30 min at room tempera- mon during ACD, such as malaria rapid diagnostic tests ture on a shaker. After various washing steps, beads were (RDTs), thick and thin smears for malaria microscopy analysed on a MAGPIX­ ® system (Luminex, TX, USA) as well as real-time PCR for Plasmodium detection with using the xPONENT 4.2 software for assay design and Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 5 of 14

data acquisition. Te reader was set to read a minimum seropositivity value for each experiment. In addition to of 50 beads/analyte of unique fuorescent signature per the seven Plasmodium antibodies, tetanus-toxoid was region. included to serve as possible internal positive control for In each experiment, positive and negative controls and the non-immune population, as substantial responses to all samples were run in duplicate to monitor intra-exper- this antigen were expected, based on the high national imental variation. Pooled malaria-positive sera, obtained immunization coverage. from V. Udhayakumar from CDC Atlanta, served as positive control to assess day-to-day variability, while the Statistical analysis negative control consisted of an eluate from blank flter Te Chi square test was used to study associations paper. Blanks (PBS) were also included to determine the between malaria antibodies and variables, such as history background signal within each run. Te median fuo- of malaria and travel, and for seroprevalence comparison rescence intensity (MFI) as output for each sample was between groups. Logistic regression was used to correlate calculated as the mean value of the duplicate wells after seropositivity against PfMSP-119 and PmMSP-119 anti- subtraction of MFI values originating from the blank bodies with age. Te data were analysed using Statistical background beads (MFI-bg). Te net MFI was calculated Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22.0). Statisti- by subtracting the respective cut-of value from the MFI- cal signifcance was set at p < 0.05. bg. Retesting was performed for samples with poor elu- tion, or for replicates with a CV higher than 20% for their Results MFI-bg values. Country customized cut‑of values Serological analysis for the non-immune cohort (n = 50) Determination of country customized cut‑of value revealed no anti-malarial antibodies as expected, and the Te majority of malaria serology studies utilize cut-of generated values validated the selection criteria used for values either obtained from ELISA or earlier reported the non-immune Surinamese cohort. Calculation of the values for multiplex assays, derived from non-immune true negative serodistribution for each malaria antigen reference populations, consisting of US citizens with no resulted in the cut-of values depicted in Fig. 1 panel A-G. travel history to malaria-endemic countries [14]. More Te Plasmodium antibody cut-of values ranged recently, study-specifc cut-ofs are generally determined from 14 for LSA-1 to 177 for PmMSP-119. Te cut-of under the particular study conditions, but usually still value determined for P. falciparum MSP-119 antibod- using a panel of samples from US residents, without his- ies was lower than those for P. malariae and P. vivax. tory of travel outside the USA [18]. Te presence of tetanus-toxoid antibodies in the malaria However, conditions in Suriname are quite diferent, non-immune participants from Suriname was 90.0%, with a highly multi-ethnic population, distinctive popu- coinciding with the WHO estimated immunization cov- lation genetics, heterogeneous malaria history, varying erage for Suriname in 2018 for DPT1/DPT3 (95%) [19]. environments (Maroon villages, Amerindian settlements Tetanus-specifc antibody levels were high, averaging and mining areas) and a dissimilar distribution of Plas- 10,533 MFI (minimum: 500 MFI and maximum 26,078 modium species. MFI) in the tetanus positive population (Fig. 1 panel H). Terefore, a malaria-naïve reference population was generated, consisting of 50 adults living in the coastal General malaria serology aspects area of Suriname for at least 10 years, with no fever Serological analysis for the seven utilized Plasmodium and no reported history of malaria infection (i.e., non- antigens (LSA-1, GLURP, CSP, AMA-1, PfMSP-119, immune cohort). PvMSP-119, PmMSP-119) was successfully conducted Te background signal intensity for the DBS from the for all collected blood samples (n = 197). Te detected non-immune reference cohort, eluted and processed antibody intensities were highly variable for the seven within the study setting was utilized to determine the malaria analytes and positive MFI values even exceeded specifc background signal (customized cut-of value) 30,000, both for PfMSP-119 and AMA-1. Te presence for each of the seven Plasmodium antigens. Determina- of Plasmodium antibodies was positively linked to the tion of the ‘true negative’ serodistribution for Suriname documented number of infections, in line with the com- was calculated for each antigen as the mean signal from mon belief that cumulative exposure will elicit a long- the non-immune reference population for the respective lived response. Data on malaria history revealed that the antigen without outliers + 3SD, according to calculations majority of participants (75.6%) reported one or more described elsewhere [14]. past malaria episodes, of which only 21.5% could recol- Te acquired cut-of values were applied for the cor- lect the responsible Plasmodium species. Furthermore, responding study results, thus generating the true 70.5% of the participants with a malaria history reported Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 6 of 14

a PvMSP-119 b PmMSP-119 200 200

150 150 I I 100

MF 100 MF

50 50

0 0 1815 22 29 36 43 50 1815 22 29 36 43 50 Sample # Sample # Cut off (152) Cut off (177)

c PfMSP-119 d AMA-1

200 200

150 150 I I 100 100 MF MF

50 50

0 0 1815 22 29 36 43 50 1815 22 29 36 43 Sample # Sample # Cut off (52) Cut off (117)

e GLURP f CSP 200 200

150 150 I 100 I MF 100 MF

50 50

0 0 1815 22 29 36 43 50 1815 22 29 36 43 50 Sample # Sample # Cut off (34) Cut off (116)

g LSA-1 h Tetanus 200 30,000 25,000 150 20,000 I I 100 15,000 MF MF 10,000 50 5,000

0 0 1815 22 29 36 43 50 1815 22 29 36 43 50 Sample # Sample # Fig. 1 Distribution of MFI values within the malaria-naïve cohort.Cut off Scatter (14) plots showing the distribution of MFI values for all tested malariaCut off (93) antibodies from the non-immune cohort (panel a-g). MFI values represent the mean value of the sample duplicates after subtraction of MFI values

originating from the blank background beads (MFI-bg). Mean blank background MFI values and MFI range in brackets: PfMSP-119: 16 [16, 17]; PvMSP-119: 20 [19–21]; PmMSP-119: 18 [17–19]; AMA-1: 19 [16–22]; GLURP: 13 [12–15]; CSP: 33 [32, 33] and LSA-1: 14 [14, 15]. The horizontal line represents the calculated cut-of of the respective antibody. One outlier for AMA-1 (MFI: 974) was excluded from the calculations. A scatter plot for tetanus-toxoid antibodies in this malaria reference population is also shown in panel h Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 7 of 14

multiple infections, some surpassing more than 20 infec- Study tions during their lifetime. Te results revealed a positive Participants association for all seven Plasmodium antigens between Non-immune cohort Suriname self-reported malaria history and actual presence of (n=50) Comparative survey Plasmodium antibodies (p < 0.05). However, the timeline (n=197) of previous malaria episodes of the participants and the correlation with the current presence of antibodies could Stoelmanseiland Benzdorp not be examined, since information was gathered on the (n=89) (n=108) number of past episodes, but details were only collected for the most recent infection, anticipating recall bias. Suriname other countries Suriname Brazil other countries (n=9), Te correlation of the seropositivity with age was stud- (n=86) (n=3) (n=33) (n=65) unknown (n=1) ied only in the Surinamese participants from Stoelman- Fig. 2 Overview of the study participants. The comparative survey seiland for PfMSP-119 antibodies. Te low presence of was performed between two populations with diferent malaria P. vivax antibodies in the mainly Maroon population in history: villagers (Stoelmanseiland) and migrant miners (Benzdorp). The composition of each population based on country of origin is Stoelmanseiland prohibited this analysis for P. vivax anti- represented bodies. Age was positively associated with seropositivity against PfMSP-119 antibodies for every 10-year increase, in age increments between 20 and 69 years. Te odds Table 1 Characteristics of participants from the ratio per 10-year increase was 1.7 (CI 95% 1.1–2.6, = Stoelmanseiland area and the Benzdorp region p < 0.05). Te lack of all age groups within this study pop- ulation prohibited the determination of seroconversion Stoelmanseiland area Benzdorp region rates. (n 89) (n 108) = = Plasmodium vivax parasites seem to require the Dufy Age in years Antigen Receptor for Chemokines on the erythrocytes Mean [95% CI] 39.7 [37.3–42.2] 41.4 [39.5–43.3] for their attachment and P. vivax infection should there- SD 11.6 10.0 fore be uncommon in persons with the Dufy-negative n 88 105 (FyFy) blood group, which is widespread in populations Gendera with African ancestors. To investigate this concept, the Male 16.9% 75.9% total population with known ancestry was grouped as Female 80.9% 24.1% participants from African descent (n = 124) and partici- History of malariab pants without African ancestry (n = 63). Indeed, general Yes 82.0% 70.4% occurrence of P. vivax antibodies was signifcantly lower No 18.0% 29.6% in persons from African descent (p < 0.001). a Missing data in Stoelmanseiland 2 = b Lifetime history Plasmodium MSP‑119 presence in Stoelmanseiland versus Benzdorp An overview of the 197 participants enrolled for the population (M/F: 3.15 vs 1.0) as could be anticipated with comparative investigation is presented in Fig. 2. Te mostly male participants in gold mining activities. On the survey population for Stoelmanseiland (n 89) was pre- = other hand, the gender distribution for the Stoelmansei- dominantly comprised of participants born in Suriname land area (M/F: 0.21) was skewed towards women, which (n 86), while the Benzdorp population (n 108) con- = = could be for a number of reasons including diferences in sisted mainly of migrants, with the majority from Bra- earlier documented health-seeking behaviour, the per- zil (n 65), followed by Dominican Republic nationals = ceived reluctance of local men to participate in investi- (n 5), French Guiana (n 2), Philippines (n 1), and = = = gations, especially when blood collection is required and Venezuela (n 1) and data were missing for one partici- = the sampling during day time when the majority of men pant (n 1). Benzdorp participants were recruited dur- = were engaged in activities (e.g., hunting, fshing, mining) ing ACD and malaria diagnostics, including quantitative outside the village. molecular Plasmodium detection revealed no Plasmo- Te representation of ethnic groups was not in line dium presence in any of these participants. Te mean with the country’s ethnic distribution, as could be age of the study population was similar for both areas expected with enrolment in the interior. Te over-rep- (Table 1). resentation of Maroons in the Stoelmanseiland area was Te ratio of males to females (M/F) for the Benzdorp 92.1 versus 22.0% in the general Surinamese population. population was higher than the general Surinamese Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 8 of 14

Stoelmanseiland Benzdorp 60%


40% ence

30% of Occurr

20% Frequency


0% NegavePfMSP-1 19 PvMSP-1P19 mMSP-1 19 Mulple Species

MSP-119 Anbodies

Fig. 3 Plasmodium MSP-119 antibody prevalence in participants from Stoelmanseiland and Benzdorp. The three clustered columns in the middle represent single MSP-119 antibody prevalence, while the last clustered columns depict presence of more than one MSP-119 antibody for both populations

For the Benzdorp region, Brazilians accounted for 60.2% participants (p = 0.182). Te overall multiple-species of the enrollees. antibody presence did not exhibit a signifcant variation In the comparison of seroprevalence between within the two regions (p = 0.374) (Fig. 3), although sig- Stoelmanseiland and Benzdorp, with their diverging nifcant diferences existed in the distribution of the com- malaria environment, only the three MSP-119 antibodies binations (Fig. 4). (P. vivax, P. falciparum and P. malariae) were evaluated, In Stoelmanseiland, MSP-119 P. falciparum/P. malariae to prevent skewing towards P. falciparum. Te distri- was the leading mix (52.8%), while the P. falciparum/P. bution of MFI values for each of the antibodies used in vivax combination was more common in Benzdorp this comparative survey is shown in the Additional fle 1: (40.4%). Figure S1. Overall seropositivity against any of the three Interestingly, 20.7% of the Surinamese Maroon popula- MSP-119 antibodies was similar in both regions and sur- tion in Stoelmanseiland harboured P. vivax antibodies in passed 75%. Te prevalence of antibodies against more combination with other malaria species antibodies, even than one Plasmodium species was higher than single- though carriage of single species antibodies to P. vivax species antibody prevalence in both regions. Te Plasmo- was only observed in one participant from Stoelmansei- dium MSP-119 antibody prevalence in participants from land (Fig. 3). Stoelmanseiland and Benzdorp is illustrated in Fig. 3, Te majority of PmMSP-119 (87.2%) was observed in while the distribution of multiple species seropositivity is conjunction with antibodies against other malaria spe- depicted in Fig. 4. cies (Fig. 4) and the presence of PmMSP-119 antibodies in Single-species seropositivity against PfMSP-119 anti- 39.6% of all study participants was a remarkable fnding, bodies displayed a signifcantly higher occurrence in in light of the infrequent P. malariae infections registered Stoelmanseiland (27.0%) versus Benzdorp region (9.3%) in South America. (p < 0.05), while the reverse was observed for PvMSP-119 Possible impact of cross reactions with other Plas- antibodies (p < 0.001) (Fig. 3). Te PvMSP-119 prevalence modium antibodies did not seem likely, since high MFI in Benzdorp was even higher, if Brazilian miners only levels of P. falciparum and P. vivax antibodies were from this region were considered (41.7%). Te single-spe- observed without any P. malariae antibodies, while four cies P. malariae seroprevalence did not exhibit a signif- participants exhibited the sole presence of P. malariae cant diference between Stoelmanseiland and Benzorp antibodies. Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 9 of 14

Stoelmanseiland Benzdorp

PfMSP-119 + PmMSP-119

PfMSP-119 +PvMSP-119

PvMSP-119 +PmMSP-119

PfMSP-119 +PvMSP-119 +PmMSP-119

Fig. 4 Distribution of MSP-119 antibodies against multiple Plasmodium species in participants from Stoelmanseiland and Benzdorp. Any combination of multiple species MSP-119 antibodies is depicted for both regions, with a diferent colour for each combination

Antibodies against all three Plasmodium species (P. Table 2 Overall seropositivity for IgG Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax and P. malariae) were more often falciparum antibodies in Surinamese and Brazilian detected in Benzdorp (22.2%) than in Stoelmanseiland participants in Suriname (14.6%), although not reaching signifcance (p 0.292). Surinamese Brazilian P value c = a b Travel to a neighbouring country within the past participants­ (%) participants­ (%) 5 years was reported by 55.8% of all participants. Anal- P. falciparum sero‑ 90.7 64.6 <0.001 d ysis of the seropositivity against MSP-119 antibodies positivity revealed that travel was not associated with the presence AMA-1 72.1 52.3 <0.05 of PvMSP-119, PfMSP-119 and PmMSP-119 antibodies in PfMSP-119 66.3 60.0 0.427 Stoelmanseiland. In Benzdorp, travel was associated only GLURP 62.8 41.5 <0.05 with the presence of PfMSP-119 antibodies and more spe- CSP 22.1 24.6 0.716 cifcally for the sub-group (n = 33) of mobile Surinamese LSA 38.4 16.9 <0.05 miners in this region (p < 0.05). a Surinamese participants from the Stoelmanseiland area (n 86) = b Brazilian participants from the Benzdorp region (n 65) Plasmodium falciparum seroprevalence = c p-values for diferences in seropositivity between Surinamese and Brazilian Te historical signifcance of P. falciparum within Suri- participants name and the Guiana Shield, alongside the expectation d Detection of at least one of the fve investigated P. falciparum IgG antibodies that elimination of P. falciparum will precede elimination of the relapse-prone P. vivax species, prompted a more detailed examination of P. falciparum serology data with patterns were detected and the various combinations fve antigens for two sub-populations of interest, namely with their frequency of occurrence are depicted in Fig. 5. Surinamese villagers from Stoelmanseiland and Brazilian In accordance with the high overall seroprevalence of miners from the Benzdorp region (Table 2). the long-lasting antibodies, the two leading combinations Te P. falciparum seropositivity (detection of at least consisted of the three long-lasting antibodies with and one of the fve IgG antibodies) was statistically higher without LSA-1. As expected, the presence of long-lasting for the Surinamese participants compared to the Brazil- antibodies was detected in 86.0% of the participants, but ians, as was the presence of the frequently investigated despite a high prevalence for all three long-lasting anti- bodies, only 54.1, 25.7 and 20.3% of these positive cases PfMSP-119 and AMA-1, either alone or in combina- tion (80.2 vs 63.1%, p < 0.05). Te long-lasting antibodies carried all three, two or just one of these predominant were leading the overall prevalence in both sub-groups, antibodies, respectively. Furthermore, no correlation while the presence of LSA-1 and CSP antibodies was sig- could be established between the two short-lasting anti- nifcantly lower (p < 0.001). To gain some insight into the bodies CSP and LSA-1. combined occurrence of specifc long- and short-lasting Discussion P. falciparum antibodies in Suriname, all possible combi- nations of antibodies in the Surinamese participants from Te current study provided the frst malaria sero- Stoelmanseiland were analysed. Twenty-two distinctive prevalence data for the three circulating Plasmodium species (P. vivax, P. falciparum and P. malariae) in Suri- name, a country in the Guiana Shield with low malaria Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 10 of 14

to the mobile migrants from the Benzdorp region. Te 17.4% GLURP expectations that both malaria history and higher age of PfMSP-119 16.3% an individual would be associated with presence of anti- 7.0% AMA-1 bodies could be confrmed. Te observed positive asso- 5.8% CSP 5.8% ciation between age and seropositivity against PfMSP-119 LSA-1 5.8% antibodies for every 10-year increase in the Surinamese 4.7% participants substantiated the receding local malaria e 3.5% transmission trend in Stoelmanseiland. Nevertheless, P.

renc 3.5% 3.5% falciparum IgG positivity was still very high in Stoelman- 2.3% seiland, despite scarce reports during the last decade. of Occur 2.3% Tis outcome pointed to a slow decay of these antibod- 2.3% ies and could be used to extrapolate the longevity of the 1.2% P. falciparum antibody responses in this population in Frequency 1.2% 1.2% the absence of re-infection. However, it should be noted 1.2% that antibody half-lives increase with age and that age is 1.2% related to the presence of long-lived IgG antibody secret- 1.2% ing cells that can maintain a sustained P. falciparum anti- 1.2% body response in the absence of re-infection [22]. 1.2% Te fnding that a travel history to a malaria-endemic 1.2% country was a risk-factor for P. falciparum only in mobile Plasmodium falciparum Anbodies Surinamese miners from Benzdorp, in concert with the Fig. 5 Frequency of occurrence of diferent Plasmodium falciparum antibody combinations in Surinamese participants from increasing trend of imported malaria cases in Suriname, Stoelmanseiland. Each horizontal line represents a combination highlighted the importance of keeping detailed records of and the depicted coloured blocks in the line correspond with the patient travel history. comprising P. falciparum antibodies in the combination, Samples Te results on seroprevalence of the three circulating positive for P. falciparum antibodies (90.7%) Plasmodium species are further discussed in more detail per species. Comparative serological analysis is quite complex and malaria serology prevalence is infuenced transmission in the last decade. Country customized by a variety of factors, including the dynamic mechanism cut-of values were determined for antibodies against of antibody formation and decay for each antibody type, seven common Plasmodium antigens, applicable for the the target population, the geographic location, and the utilized multiplex assay and to counteract population- historical malaria burden of the area. Furthermore, avail- specifc diferences in immune responses. Te use of able data of possible serological biomarkers of malaria a reference population of Surinamese with no malaria transmission intensity have to be retrieved from stud- history, instead of the general reference population con- ies conducted in quite diferent endemic settings, each sisting of US citizens with no travel history to malaria- employing only a few of the assortment of Plasmodium endemic countries, enabled the generation of a true antibodies. Caution is therefore warranted for asso- representation of the actual ‘negative’ serodistribution ciations and comparisons, as confounding conclusions in this setting. Te generated cut-of values in this study can be reached, if only a single mechanism aspect is were lower than cut-of values for the commonly used considered. reference population consisting of US citizens [20], prob- Te overall seroprevalence of the highly immunogenic ably due to the low background of the immunoassay and PvMSP-119 in Brazilian miners in the Benzdorp region diferences related to the coupling of the beads. However, (64.6%) was in line with reports from the Brazilian Ama- even lower cut-of values have been demonstrated in a zon, where nearly 70% of the studied population car- study setting in Haiti among 247 US citizens [14]. Te ried PvMSP-119 antibodies [23]. In accordance with the observed lower cut-of value for MSP-119 for P. falcipa- observation in this study that travel did not correlate with rum compared to MSP-119 for the other two Plasmodium levels of PvMSP-119 antibodies, relatively uniform sero- species was in line with recent results [20]. positivity against PvMSP-119 has been reported in the Prior to 2006, Suriname had a very high malaria burden Brazilian Amazon, with or without travel between areas and was even considered as the country in the Ameri- with markedly diferent malaria transmission levels [24]. cas with the highest concentration of falciparum malaria Te signifcantly lower occurrence of P. vivax antibod- [21], which was refected in the higher P. falciparum sero- ies detected in persons from African descent provided prevalence in villagers from Stoelmanseiland compared support for the general belief that P. vivax parasites use Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 11 of 14

the Dufy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines on the with an assortment of distinct combinations of long-last- erythrocytes for their attachment. Te results that P. ing and short-lasting antibodies. Te observed overall P. vivax antibodies were still detected in more than 20% falciparum antibodies prevalence (IgG positivity for any of the Maroon population from Suriname seem to con- of fve tested P. falciparum antibodies) was signifcantly cur with the observation from the African West Coast higher in the Stoelmanseiland area (90.7%) than in the that the Dufy-negative antigen no longer seems to be an Brazilian participants (64.6%, p < 0.001) and also substan- insurmountable barrier for P. vivax merozoites [25]. On tially higher than the 24.7% from the neighbouring state the other hand, it should be noted that the Maroons from of Pará in northern Brazil, although their IgG positiv- the Stoelmanseiland area only harboured P. vivax anti- ity results were obtained by testing only PfMSP-119 and bodies in conjunction with other Plasmodium antibodies AMA-1 [13]. Te disparity remained, if only the seropos- with just one exception. Tis fnding could also suggest itivity against these two antigens (80.2%) was considered. that Maroons living in co-endemic regions may have an Te historical malaria burden of Suriname, with the high- increased risk of a P. vivax malaria infection, following est recorded Annual Parasite Index (212.2 per 1000 pop- another malaria episode, which augmented an earlier ulation at risk) in the Americas in 2000, was despite the hypothesis that P. falciparum infections are a risk factor current low transmission settings, still mirrored in the for P. vivax relapses in co-endemic regions [26]. extensive P. falciparum seropositivity in the population Te remarkably high presence of antibodies against from Stoelmanseiland. Te assessment of fve diferent P. malariae (39.6%) was in contrast with the sporadic P. P. falciparum antibodies allowed for a more scrutinized malariae infections registered in South America. In the examination of the combined occurrence of the long- and last decade, P. malariae infections rarely surpassed 1–2% short-lasting antibodies in the Surinamese participants in South America [27]. International reports record 0.1% from Stoelmanseiland. Te observed predominance of for Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guy- AMA-1, PfMSP-119 and GLURP in the patterns refected ana, Peru, and Venezuela. However, the current serol- the high P. falciparum burden of the Surinamese popu- ogy data are more in line with studies in Colombia and lation and the ability of the corresponding antigens to Brazil, where nested PCR detection of symptomatic elicit long-lived humoral immune responses after malaria patients revealed a prevalence of P. malariae infec- infection. tions of 43.8 [28] and 11.9%, respectively [29]. Te study An uneven distribution of antibodies against the results suggested that P. malariae infections may have PfMSP-119 and AMA-1 antigens was shown, with just long been under-detected in Suriname, due to difcult one of these two long-lasting antibodies present in 22.1% microscopic diferentiation, although it should be noted of the cases. Other studies also observed a skewed anti- that P. malariae infections can be long-lasting, even up bodies distribution [12, 32]. In contrast to many stud- to 40 years without re-infection [30]. Te lack of a cor- ies, focusing only on AMA-1 and PfMSP-119, the use of relation between age and seroprevalence for PmMSP-119 multiplex serology allowed simultaneous examination of provided additional support for a refection of archaic GLURP with the two other long-lasting antibodies. Te history. Te observation that the majority of PmMSP-119 seroprevalence of GLURP in the Surinamese sub-group antibodies (94.9%) appeared in conjunction with other (62.8%) was in line with a Brazilian study on GLURP anti- malaria antibodies, corroborated results from Zim- body response revealing a high prevalence (79.0%) [33], babwe, where the frequency of IgG responses to both and did not substantiate the premise that GLURP anti- PmMSP-119 and PfMSP-119 ranged between 78 and 87% bodies refect a recent (6 months) malaria exposure, as [31]. Possible impact of cross reactions with other Plas- proposed in a study in the Greater Mekong Sub-region modium antibodies was regarded unlikely as it has been [34]. demonstrated that IgG antibody responses to the utilized Te mere presence in the study population of antibod- malaria MSP-119 antigens appear to be species-specifc, ies against the non-erythrocytic short-lived CSP with an even in high transmission settings with multiple circulat- estimated half-life ranging from 3 months [35] to about a ing species [18], besides the fnding of four study partici- year was somewhat troubling. Besides the low transmis- pants harbouring single-species P. malariae antibodies. sion numbers in Suriname, none of the participants had Internationally, several fndings on P. falciparum reported any symptoms and all available real-time PCR malaria serology prevalence have been reported, but results were P. falciparum negative. Nonetheless, others originating from diferent endemic settings and achieved also report the presence of CSP antibodies in persons with varying types and numbers of antibodies tested, evi- long after malaria infection and even postulated that CSP denced by the heterogeneity of published data. In this antibodies, despite their short-lived nature, do not neces- frst malaria serology study in Suriname, a highly diverse sarily correlate with recent exposure [36]. antigenic response against P. falciparum was revealed, Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 12 of 14

Despite the insight gained in the various combinations malaria transmission. Follow-up studies in other areas of the long-, and short-lasting antibodies exhibited in this with varying malaria histories and the inclusion of chil- study group, the intricate aspects regarding lasting pres- dren are required to estimate seroconversion rates, and ence of specifc antibodies challenged straightforward studies among other ethnic groups, such as the Amer- conclusions. indians, will provide further insight into the complex Te malaria seroprevalence data in this study added malaria serology in Suriname. Nevertheless, the current to the international knowledge of diferent Plasmodium study results contributed to the international serology antibodies and their combinations and provided frst knowledge on malaria antibodies and introduced prelim- insight into the antibody status of two diferent popu- inary requirements for possible future use of this tool in lations in Suriname (Maroon villagers and Brazilian Suriname for stratifcation of absence of transmission per miners). Te high antibody response for the three long- region, which is particularly important for other coun- lasting P. falciparum antibodies indicated an earlier anti- tries also striving for malaria elimination. body saturation, thus suggesting a limited value for these antibodies to detect signifcant recent transmission shifts Conclusions in similar study settings with a heterogeneous historic Prevalence of indigenous malaria has declined dramati- malaria burden. However, the newly introduced serologi- cally over the past years in Suriname, transforming the cal assay in the country paved the way for future studies, country from the area with the highest concentration possibly even using MSP-119, but with diferent target of falciparum malaria in the Americas, to a country aim- groups, as it has been demonstrated that utilization of ing for elimination. A multiplex bead-based assay was MSP-119 in age-stratifed surveys in northeastern Tan- introduced and country customized cut-of values were zania allowed diferentiation of hyper- to hypo-endemic determined, enabling future studies to utilize this panel villages [37]. Moreover, assessment of age-dependent of samples from the country specifc malaria-naïve refer- seroprevalence in various geographical areas may provide ence population. A cross-sectional seroprevalence study the malaria programme with a valuable asset, as sero- was conducted in two regions with a difering malaria conversion rate has been reported as a reliable tool for environment. Higher P. falciparum MSP-119 seroposi- assessing the malaria endemicity of P. vivax and P. falci- tivity was recorded in the Stoelmanseiland area, in line parum [13]. with the historical malaria burden of this region, while Te major strength of this cross-sectional study is the the reverse was demonstrated for P. vivax antibodies, presentation of frst data on both short- and long-lasting presumably because of the high proportion of Maroons Plasmodium-specifc antibodies from persons living in in Stoelmanseiland. Te fnding that the Maroons from the interior of Suriname. Moreover, serological data are Stoelmanseiland harboured P. vivax antibodies predomi- reported for persons from two countries, Surinamese nantly in conjunction with other Plasmodium antibod- (mainly Maroon villagers) and Brazilian miners. Other ies suggested that Maroons living in co-endemic regions strengths of the study are the determination of represent- may have an increased risk of a vivax malaria infection, ative cut-of values for Plasmodium antibodies for Suri- following another malaria episode. name and providing some insight in profle patterns of P. Te high presence of antibodies against P. malariae falciparum antibodies. added to the data of the region that P. malariae infections Te study has limitations. First, data on malaria his- may have long been under-detected in South America. tory, number of infections and Plasmodium species Tis study not only presented the frst results on were obtained from self-reports of participants, prob- malaria and tetanus-toxoid antibody presence in Suri- ably resulting in recall bias. However, there are no indi- name, but the highly diverse profle patterns of P. falci- cations that any recall bias would be diferent amongst parum antibodies with a multitude of combinations of participants from both areas. Second, the link between long-lasting and short-lasting antibodies provided a valu- the burden of consecutive infections and malaria anti- able dataset from a historically important region to the bodies could not be addressed properly, since details of international P. falciparum malaria serology knowledge. each previous malaria infection were unavailable. Tird, Te high P. falciparum antibody response measured in the enrolment of only adults limited the extent of the the low transmission setting implied that a serological gathered information and did not enable estimation of approach with any of the fve studied antibodies may not seroconversion rates. Lastly, this study was performed in detect signifcant recent deviations from the historic pat- just two study areas in the interior of Suriname. Hence, tern of transmission in similar study settings. Additional care should be taken to draw conclusions about malaria studies with other target groups and assessment of age- serology regarding children or persons residing in other dependent seroprevalence in other geographical areas of geographic areas with historically diferent temporal the country are required, prior to introduction of malaria Labadie‑Bracho et al. Malar J (2020) 19:360 Page 13 of 14

serology as integral part of a multi-pronged elimination Received: 10 June 2020 Accepted: 1 October 2020 strategy for Suriname.

Supplementary information Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https​://doi. References org/10.1186/s1293​6-020-03434​-y. 1. PAHO. Framework for artemisinin resistance prevention, containment, and elimination in South America. 2016 [cited 2019 Sep 5]. http://iris.​/handl​e/12345​6789/31208​. 2. Vreden SG, Jitan JK, Bansie RD, Adhin MR. Evidence of an increased inci‑ Additional fle 1: Fig S1. Distribution of MFI values for MSP-119 antibodies in Benzdorp and Stoelmanseiland. dence of day 3 parasitaemia in Suriname: an indicator of the emerging resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to artemether. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2013;108:968–73. Abbreviations 3. Vreden SG, Bansie RD, Jitan JK, Adhin MR. Assessing parasite clearance ACD: Active case detection; AMA-1: Apical membrane antigen‐1; CDC: Centers during uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum infection treated with for Disease Control and Prevention; CSP: Circumsporozoite protein; DBS: Dried artesunate monotherapy in Suriname. 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