the Inside this issue: Norwegian A long way to go for a pun. Literally. american story on page 16 Volume 128, #11 • June 2, 2017 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD Something smells fishy This issue brings you a clutch of watery tales— from restoring historical ships (p18) to preparing gravlax (p13) to a little-known but much-eaten species (p20) and surprising codfish connections (p23), there’s something fishy going on!

What’s inside? Nyheter / News 2-3 Hva er hemmeligheten ved « Business den dovne, honningsøte vellyst 4-5 som fyller et menneske den Opinion 6-7 første dag av en båtreise? » Sports 8-9 – Agnar Mykle Research & Science 10 Arts & Entertainment 11 Taste of 12-13 Norway near you 14-15 Travel 16-17 Norwegian Heritage 18-19 Norsk Språk 20-21 Fiction 22 Roots & Connections 23 Bulletin Board 24 $1 = NOK 8.395 updated 05/26/2017 In comparison 04/26/2017 8.5936 11/26/2016 8.5852 05/26/2016 8.2713 Photo: Terje Rakke / Nordic life / 2 • June 2, 2017 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter Krever motor i vikingskipkopi Rogfast blir Norges største veiprosjekt noensinne Sjøfartsdirektoratet men- 23. mai vedtok Stortinget byggingen av er kopien av Oseberg- Rogfast, som skal bli verdens lengste og dypeste undersjøiske veitunnel. Arbeidet skipet er et passasjerskip er ikke startet ennå, men Statens vegvesen håper å komme i gang i løpet av høsten, Henrik Bøe sier Tor Geir Espedal, prosjektleder i Stat- NRK ens vegvesen for Rogfast. Rogfast blir — Vi har allerede avlyst avtaler for 250 uten tvil et gigantprosjekt. — Det er nest- 000 kroner, det er halve årsbudsjettet vårt. en sånn at vi ikke klarer å ta innover oss Dette er ganske ille for oss, vi er jo en frivil- størrelsen på dette. Alt er av en helt annen lig forening som ser ut til å gå skikkelig i mi- dimensjon enn vi har vært vant med til nå, nus i år, sier høvedsmann for Saga Oseberg, sier Espedal. Tunnelens laveste punkt vil Ole Harald Flåten. bli omtrent 390 meter under havoverflat- I 2012 ble kopien av Osebergskipet en, og sikkerheten skal ivaretas med flere sjøsatt i Tønsberg med kongeparet som vit- rømningsveier og havarinisjer. Rogfast ner. Skipet er bygget på samme måte som i skal etter planen stå ferdig i 2025 eller vikingtiden så langt det har vært mulig, og 2026, og vil koste 16,8 milliarder kroner. brukes til turer med båtlagets egne medlem- Foto: Morten Andersen Yngve Tørrestad / NRK Av disse bidrar staten med 3,6 milliarder. mer, skoleklasser og institusjoner. Sommeren 2012 ble Saga Oseberg sjøsatt. Resten av tunnelen skal finansieres med Hittil har Saga Oseberg vært registrert bompenger. som et fritidsfartøy, men Sjøfartsdirektoratet­ (Lise Marit Kalstad, NRK) mener nå at vikingskipkopien må være å står bak vikingskipkopien. Hensynet til sik- for 1200 år siden. Vi kan ikke ødelegge det ILGA: Norge nest best i Europa på LHBT- anse som et passasjerskip når skoleklasser, kerhet er årsaken til at direktoratet nevner ved å sette inn en motor. firmaer eller andre passasjerer er om bord. krav om motor, sier han. Et annet krav han mener blir umulig for rettigheter Bakgrunnen er blant annet en ny forskrift om — Det vi foreløpig har sagt er at vi foreningen å etterkomme, er nye krav om Norge scorer nest best av 49 europeiske skipsfart som ble iverksatt 1. januar 2017. trenger mer informasjon før vi kan komme sertifikat for den som fører båten. land på en rangering basert på hvor gode — Slik vi tolker dette har ikke vi lov til med en konkret vurdering av deres ønske om — At man i prinsippet krever tre års landene er på å følge opp rettighetene til å dra ut med skipet i det hele tatt, sier Flåten. å føre passasjerer. Det er nettopp på grunn fartstid og full dekksoffiserkompetanse for å LHBT-personer. Det er organisasjonen I et brev datert 18. mai skriver Sjøfarts- av sikkerhet. føre en stor ro- og seilbåt i lukket farvann, er ILGA, som jobber for å fremme LHBT- direktoratet at det settes en rekke krav til Aarhus presiserer at direktoratet ikke rettigheter i Europa, som har foretatt en fart­øy som anses som passasjerskip, blant har kommet med et endelig vedtak. Se > saga oseberg, side 21 vurdering av alle landene og gitt dem en annet at skipet skal ha maskineri som hoved- Høvedsmann Flåten sier det er uaktuelt score på flere områder, blant annet hvor fremdriftsmiddel. å sette inn motor. English Synopsis: The Norwegian Maritime Author- likestilte LHBT-personer er i lovverk og ity believes that the replica of the Oseberg ship quali- Aarhus sier at bakgrunnen for deres — Saga Oseberg er egentlig en stor fies as a passenger ship and therefore requires a motor. regler og hvor bra samfunnsinstitusjoner brev er en henvendelse fra foreningen som robåt, som ble bygget på samme måte som imøtekommer behov. På årets rangering, den 17. i rekken, klatrer Norge fra 11. til 2. plass, bare slått av Malta, med i snitt 78 prosent rettighetsoppnåelse. Danmark og Sverige havner på 8. og 12. plass, med French har Dronningens utstilling henholdsvis 68 og 60 prosents poeng­ oppnåelse. På flere av områdene scorer Dronning Sonja måtte Norge 100 prosent, men ILGA poengterer blitt løslatt at Norge kan bli mye bedre på tiltak mot tåle kritikken av sin hatkriminalitet, et område der Norge bare Åtte år satt Joshua egen kunstutstilling på scorer 36 prosent. På plassene etter Norge på kåringen kommer Storbritannia, Bel- French fengslet i Kinsha- Kode Kunstmuseene gia og Frankrike. Helt nederst, med kun sa i Kongo, med stadig 5–10 prosents oppnåelse av likestilling Mona Langset for LHBT-personer, havner Monaco, Ar- mer forverret helse VG menia, Tyrkia, Russland og Aserbajdsjan. (Aftenposten) Dronning Sonja sier selv at hun føler seg Lene Skogstrøm beæret over å ha bli spurt om å stille ut, og Aftenposten Forslag om stans kongekrabbefangst i hun gledet seg veldig til utstillingen. Kritik- fire måneder ken i media de siste ukene har ikke rokket Merkevareforeningen Varanger, som rep- French var idømt fire dødsstraffer og to ved det. resenterer flere produsenter, ser med be- livstidsstraffer. — Jeg synes det er helt naturlig at det kymring på ressursødeleggelsene dette Gjentatte forsøk på å få den norsk- kritiseres. Det er jeg vant til. Man må tåle fisket medfører i den perioden krab- britiske mannen overført til Norge lyktes det. Hvis man vil være med, må man tåle litt Foto: Mona Langset / VG ben skifter skall, skriver Fiskeribladet. ikke—før 16. mai. Da ble avtalen om å over- av steken, sier hun til VG. Her er dronningen foran egne tresnitt. Kongekrabben skifter skall i februar- føre Joshua French til Norge av humanitære Etter å ha vært stengt for rehabilitering mars. Etter skallskifte er muskelmassen og helsemessige grunner underskrevet på siden 1. januar 2015, gjenåpnet Kode 1, også bløt og krabben er ikke egnet for konsum. den kongolesiske presidentens kontor. På kjent som Permanenten, 23. mai. til VG at dronningen er jubilant i år, det er Det tar vanligvis fire til seks måneder for formiddagen 17. mai var den nå 35 år gamle Blant nye permanente utstillinger er en av grunnene til at hun ble spurt. I tillegg krabben å bygge opp muskelmassen et- French på norsk jord igjen. det også en temporær utstilling av dronning har hun i mange år gjort en stor innsats for ter skallskifte. I denne perioden er krab- Det var i januar 2016 at nyheten kom, Sonjas grafiske verker og noe keramikk. Det å fremme norsk kunst. Det i seg selv er be- ben sårbar. I de siste årene har fisket etter om at French ville få saken sin vurdert på har falt kunstmiljøet i byen tungt for brystet. merkelsesverdig, mener hun. kongekrabbe i skallskifteperioden økt. nytt. Han hadde da kollapset i nyttårshelgen Enkelte mener at dronningen ikke holder mål — Dronningen har også hatt profes- Det aller meste av disse fangstene må på sin celle i Ndolo-fengselet i , og som kunstner, og at Kode-ledelsen har vist jonelle kunstnere som læremestere, blant fiskerne sortere ut på grunn av for lav var så syk at han ble innlagt på sykehus, med sviktende dømmekraft. dem Kjell Nupen og Ørnulf Opdahl. Hun er kjøttfylde. Utsortering om bord på båtene tungt vaktoppbud. Ifølge moren skal han ha En av dem som har kritisert museet teknisk flink, og har en solid produksjon bak kan føre til skader ved at leggene knek- vært rammet av malaria. sterk­t, er daglig leder av Kunstgarasjen i seg, sier hun. ker, eller rives av. Foreningen viser blant Det ble nettopp morens engasjement og Bergen, Heidi Jaeger. Hindsbo tror også at publikum vil være annet til at USA og Russland ikke starter tilstedeværelse i Kongo som gjorde så stort — Når er praktbygg som Kode 1 åpner interessert i å se dronningens kunst. fangsten av kongekrabbe før den har fått igjen, må man jo velge en av våre fremste De fleste som kritiserer Kode for å ha god kjøttfylde, det vil si i september-okto- Se > French, side 21 kunstnere. Dronningen er ikke blant dem, sa ber. Norge er det eneste land som tillater hun til Bergens Tidende. Se > UTSTILLING, side 21 fangst av kongekrabbe i den perioden English Synopsis: Norwegian-British Joshua French Det var Bergens Tidende som først skrev krabben er mest sårbar. has been freed from the prison in Congo where he om kritikken, og de siste ukene har flere me- English Synopsis: There has been a lot of criticism spent eight years imprisoned for two alleged dier hengt seg på. over the Kode 1 art museum’s decision to include (Aftenposten) and has returned to Norway on humanitarian grounds. Direktør for Kode, Karin Hindsbo sier Queen Sonja’s exhibition as part of its reopening. theNorwegianamerican News June 2, 2017 • 3 A Hamsun centennial Hyperloop to This week in brief Youngest Norwegian to summit Everest Nobel Prize-winning ? reaches peak Mountaineer Torkjel Hurtig became the Markens grøde turns Norwegians want futuristic youngest Norwegian ever to reach the top 100 this year, to much vacuum train between of the world’s highest mountain when he Norway and summited Everest on May 16. celebration in Norway News broke that day that Hurtig, 27, and his team had all successfully climbed The Local to the top of the 8,848-meter-high Hima- M. Michael Brady layan peak and returned safely to camp 4, Norway’s climate-friendly Green party Asker, Norway the highest camp on the trail mountain- wants American innovator Elon Musk’s eers follow to reach the summit. The centennial this year of the publi- Hyperloop transport concept to be up and The first Norwegians to summit cation of Knut Hamsun’s Markens grøde running between two Scandinavian capitals Everest were Bjørn Myrer-Lund and Odd (Growth of the Soil), for which Hamsun was within 20 years. Eliasson in 1985. awarded the 1920 Nobel Prize in Literature, At its annual conference in the city of (The Local) will be celebrated from June through No- Lillehammer on May 20, the party received vember at venues in North Norway and in strong support for the proposal to introduce (See events). the futuristic train, reports newspaper Dag- Joshua French has arrived in Norway Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) was one of bladet. Joshua French arrived in Norway on May the most prolific and influential Norwegian Green party member Per Espen Stoknes 17 after being flown out of Congo in the writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. In told the newspaper that the introduction of care of medical personnel. all, he published more than 20 novels, many the environmentally friendly transportation “Mr. French arrived in Norway today short stories and plays, a collection of poetry, would create value. “A network will be es- and is now receiving necessary medical a travelogue, and several essays. He was a Rydland (1888-1967) played the lead male tablished between the major cities, and we attention. The strain on Mr. French and pioneer of psychological literature and the role of Isak Sellanraa who, with his wife In- don’t want to miss out,” he said. those closest to him has been huge, and stream of consciousness style, and he influ- ger, settles and lives in rural North Norway, A Hyperloop connection between Oslo I am relieved that he is now back in Nor- enced many authors, including Americans awed by modernity yet in conflict with it as and Copenhagen is still some way off, with way,” said Prime Minister Erna Solberg. Ernest Hemingway and Henry Miller. they adopt the agrarian lifestyle. the transport form still only at the design Joshua French and Tjostolv Mo- Several motion pictures have been stage. But the Green party has hopes that the land, both former members of the Nor- based on his works, perhaps most famously Events: train, which will be tested in Dubai in the wegian Armed Forces, were arrested in Markens grøde, the 1921 silent film by Dan- • June 1-August 21: Markens grøde near future with a view to opening a con- the Democratic Republic of the Congo in ish director and actor Gunnar Sommerfeldt 2009. French was convicted of attempted (1890-1947). In it, Norwegian actor Amund See > hamsun, page 6 See > hyperloop, page 6 , armed robbery, the formation of a criminal association, and espionage for Norway, and in 2014 he was also con- victed of murder. The Norwegian Foreign Service worked continuously to reach New protections for seed vault agreement with the Congolese authorities on transferring the two men to Norway Meltwater intrusion until Moland’s death in 2013, and since then has been working to secure the trans- into Svalbard’s fer of French. “This has been a very difficult case “doomsday vault” for everyone involved, not least for Josh- ua French and and their spur improvements families. Today our thoughts are particu- to the facility larly with Tjostolv Moland, who died in Congolese prison in 2013,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende. Staff Compilation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) The Norwegian American Norwegian farmers blockade In mid-May, reports of water intrusion supermarket warehouses in protest into the Svalbard Global Seed Vault shocked the world, with sensational headlines imply- Up to 300 farmers across Norway parked ing doom for the doomsday vault, a reposito- their tractors across roads on May 19, ry of over 930,000 seed samples from nearly preventing distributors from completing every country in the world. deliveries to 26 warehouses. By blockad- Water leaked into the entrance of the un- ing the warehouses, the farmers prevent- derground facility this spring as a record-hot ed food from being delivered to stores. winter allowed the permafrost surrounding it The farmers parked at warehouses to melt. Combined with heavy rain, it was a owned by the NorgesGruppen, Coop, and recipe for flooding. Rema supermarket groups. Fortunately, the meltwater never reached The protest is a result of farmers’ the vault itself, freezing in the entryway well anger at the collapse of parliamentary ne- before any seeds could be harmed. gotiations on state support for agriculture, The Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture reports NTB, with the government offer- and Food and Statsbygg have already be- ing one billion kroner ($119 million) less gun implementing measures to prevent the than the demands of the farmers. season-dependent intrusion of water into the “We wanted to make it clear that Nor- seed vault’s access tunnel. Trenches are be- wegian food cannot be taken for granted,” Photo: Deimos Imaging farmer Lars Petter Bartnes said. Deimos-2 images show Platåberget on Spitsbergen Island, in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, where Supermarkets themselves appear to See > vault, page 10 the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is located. have chosen to remain neutral over the famers’ protest. “This is a clear message This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: from the Norwegian Agrarian Association [Norges Bondelag] to the government. We take no stance on what this dispute is about,” Per Roskifte, communications director with the NorgesGruppen whole- saler group, said to NTB. & (The Local) 4 • June 2, 2017 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes AmCham mentorship program kick-off Digitalization driving value creation Mentoring startups Following a very successful first year, Am- Statoil is establishing a digital center of Cham kicked off our second edition of the excellence and launching a roadmap with Tapad’s Propeller Program helps companies popular Mentorship Program in April with seven specific programs for digitalization a record 26 participants. Through the pro- in the company towards 2020. Digitaliza- from Norway get off the ground in the US gram, AmCham member company leaders tion will help improve the safety, security, nominate one mentee from their company to and efficiency of Statoil operations. join. Leaders and mentees are then paired, Towards 2020 Statoil expects to in- across industries, according to stated goals vest NOK 1-2 billion in new digital tech- and career objectives. nologies, accelerating the digital roadmap The initial meeting, hosted by Google, work. Digital technologies will also be part served as a plenary session to introduce the of other Statoil technology and research participants to each other, as well as to the projects. program outline, setting out at least nine “Aiming to be a global digital leader meetings between mentors and mentees within our core areas, we are now step- over the coming year. ping up our efforts to capture opportunities Session topics include leadership de- provided by the rapid development within velopment, communication, sales, conflict digital technologies,” says Statoil’s chief resolution, and digitalization. executive officer, Eldar Sætre. The aim of the mentorship program is The oil industry is already extensively to make better leaders of all participants. utilizing IT technology and digitalization, Mentees develop decision-making and lead- but the rapid technological development ership skills and gain new perspectives by creates new opportunities, particularly meeting executive leaders with years of ex- within the following areas: perience. Mentors benefit by engaging mo- • Digitalization of work processes: tivated professionals with vastly different Improving the efficiency of the way we backgrounds and experiences. work by reducing the time spent on manual Trond Riiber Knudsen, founder and and repetitive tasks, where possible. CEO of the TRK Group and former Senior • Advanced data analytics: Improv- Partner at McKinsey, was the kick-off meet- ing our understanding of extensive and ing’s guest speaker, sharing his thoughts and complex data for better decision-making ideas about what makes a good partnership. by means of advanced data analytics and AIG, 3M, Citibank, IBM, Google, Am- machine learning. Cham, and MSD remained on the program • Robotics and remote control: In- from 2016, with Carlson Rezidor Hotel creasing the operational regularity, reduc- Group, British American Tobacco, KPMG, ing costs, and improving safety and securi- Photo courtesy of Bubbly Group AS the U.S. Embassy, and Bristol-Myers Squibb ty by reducing human activity in physically Marianne Hindsgaul’s Bubbly system offers customers something in return for their data, joining the 2017-18 edition. intensive activities. Examples are robotic giving clients information they can use. (AmCham Norway) drilling and automated installations. (Statoil) Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway

Entrance to the competitive, crowded awards including Forbes Most Promising U.S. startup market can be overwhelming. It Company and Best Entrepreneurial Compa- takes cultural acclimation, considerable re- nies of America. sources, and a deep network. According to the founder and CEO of In order to ease the way, Tapad, founded Bubbly, Marianne Haugland Hindsgaul, the Sealift Inc. by Norwegian Are Traasdahl, has started clients can forget surveys that provide low its new Propeller Program. One of the par- conversation rates and meaningless mystery ticipants is Bubbly Group. The company shopper data. They will effortlessly gather • Ship Owners • was founded in Oslo by Marianne Haug- valuable, real-time information that allows land Hindsgaul and is an internet-of-things the client to understand their customers better. platform that makes it possible for stores Hindsgaul says the mentoring sessions • Ship & Cargo Brokers • to collect real-time data and feedback from have been very valuable and have given customers who visit the store. The feedback guidance on how to best enter the U.S. mar- gives valuable customer information that can ket. Learning to do business in the U.S. is not • Steamship Agents • be used to help increase sales. something you can necessarily learn from a Last year Tapad invited five early-stage book; the most impactful lessons are based companies from Norway to their headquarters on real-world experience, and that is what close to Madison Square Park in New York. this program has given them. They share their workspace, help the startups Traasdahl says that mentor relation- establish a U.S. base, and provide introduc- ships are critical for strategic growth, and he tion to key players, C-level guidance, individ- is proud to be able to pay forward the ex- ual mentors, and more. They even introduce perience he has gained as an entrepreneur them to venture capitalists. Participants had to through the Propeller Program. The entre- have a proven business in their home coun- preneurial mentorship initiative has already try of Norway, seed or series A funding, and seen positive results, and the five startups around eight to 15 employees. have gained momentum in establishing a Tapad is the leader in unified cross- U.S. presence. Bubbly has signed deals with device marketing technology. The com- one major retail brand, one major toy manu- pany was acquired by the Norwegian Tele- facturer, and a major global consulting firm. nor Group last year. Telenor is one of the world’s largest mobile operators with 214 Rasmus Falck is a strong million subscribers in 13 countries. Tapad innovation and entrepre- is renowned for its breakthrough unified neurship advocate. The au- cross-device solutions. The company’s sys- thor of “What do the best tem connects millions of consumers across do better” and “The board 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 billion of devices. The world’s largest brands of directors as a resource Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 and most effective marketers entrust them to in SME,” he received his provide an accurate, privacy-conscious, and masters degree from the E-mail: [email protected] unified approach to connecting with consum- University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently ers across screens. They have won numerous lives in Oslo, Norway. theNorwegianamerican Business June 2, 2017 • 5 Women in tech: Leaving Silicon Valley for Norway

Maria Amelie Planet Entrepreneur

“I have been here three times for vaca- tion before, and one of my best friends is liv- ing here. I love Norway. I am embracing the culture and have already started my Norwe- gian course. So far so good,” said Erica Gib- son when we met her at Telenor headquarters in Oslo. Back in Silicon Valley, she worked at an innovation center at a large medical system. Gibson was previously a professor of anthro- pology and women’s and gender studies at the University of South Carolina. “When this opportunity became avail- able, I thought this is such a pivotal point in Telenor’s development. It seemed like a perfect timing to join the organization and help create an open and accessible culture of research with my new colleagues,” she said.

Exciting challenges Monica Iacob, like Gibson, studied so- cial science. She majored in psychology and was going to be a therapist. However, after graduation she started to look more into user research and product management. Original- ly from Romania, she moved to France and Switzerland and then to Norway. Many of her new colleagues at Microsoft in Norway Photo: Maria Amelie could not understand how she moved from From left to right: Monica Iacob, Lorian Leong, Erica Gibson, and Caren Quah hail from all over the world, and love working for Norwegian companies. the lovely south of France to Oslo. “I moved for personal reasons, and I real- ly enjoy living here. People are nice and genu- of building something useful that brings real Work-life balance gram manager on products like Skype, Bing ine, and it is great place to live,” says Iacob. value to users.” Lorian Leong is a product manager in Search, and VOIP platform for emerging She is now working as a head of My She adds that several things surprised Telenor. Her journey into tech and Telenor markets. Now she is living in Singapore and Contacts at Telenor and leading a multidisci- her when she moved to Norway. For exam- started with social science, business studies, works on Telenor’s intrapreneurship pro- plinary product team. ple, how digitalized the nation is compared and a career in music industry. At one point, gram Ignite. “To move to a new country and get to the rest of Europe. she joined a music tech startup and became Quah explains that she appreciates the a new job was a great opportunity for my “There are apps for all kinds of public a techie. Leong started working with smart- flexibility of her working schedule, especial- personal development. It was not important services. It makes life so much easier when phones and apps and writing tech research ly since has a nine-year-old son. whether the company was international or everything is done in two-clicks on your papers in her spare time. “Companies who value work-life bal- not. My biggest motivation is the challenge phone. It is amazing.” Leong is from Vancouver and has before ance are practically non-existing in Asia, so I worked in Copenhagen and London. Her ad- am really lucky that Telenor is in Singapore. vice to people who want to move to Norway For example, I have the luxury to sometimes Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance is to think well about what they would like to work from home and do conference calls on (May 26, 2017) Winners Losers do after work. video, and everybody gets four weeks’ vaca- “You should really think what you like tion,” says Quah. Norsk Kr. 8.3951 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change to do in your spare time, because in Norway Dansk Kr. 6.6562 Atlantic Petroleum 14.80 12.55% SeaBird Exploration 5.33 -30.14% Siem Offshore 2.12 9.28% Seadrill 4.47 -18.36% you often finish work at 4 or 5 p.m.,” says This article was originally published on Svensk Kr. 8.6842 Bouvet 172.00 7.50% Interoil 8.06 -9.23% Leong. Planet Entrepreneur at planet.telenor. Islandsk Kr. 103.26 Bergen Group 3.35 7.37% Insr Insurance Group 6.35 -7.97% Caren Quah is a global citizen and has com/2017/03/08/why-women-in-tech-are- Canadian $ 1.3463 Reach Subsea 2.03 5.73% Frontline 48.40 -7.46% lived in Seattle, London, and China. She tempted-to-leave-silicon-valley-for-norway. Euro 0.8944 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit was working for Microsoft as a Senior Pro- Send us your Syttende Mai photos!

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Fishing Vessels in the North Pacific and Bering Sea Passenger Vessels from Puget Sound to Southeast Alaska Shipshape & Seaworthy email photos to [email protected] by June 6 for our 17. mai photo spread 6 • June 2, 2017 Opinion theNorwegianamerican An opinion column about current issues in Norway and the United States On the EDGE Join the conversation!

< hamsun Freedom of religion: From page 3 A Norwegian student’s perspective on American values Summer, Hamsun Center, Hammarøy. • August 21: Dikterdager (Poet days), Lom, Sjåk, and Våga. • September 2: Bob Dylan and Knut Hamsun, Tom Roger Aadland, rock musi- Kristin Chruicshank cian. Levanger, Norway • September 20-October 2: Ár- When Donald Trump issued a ban ran lulesami center, Tysfjord, “Markens that stopped people from predominant- grøde—100 år etter—er allting glemt?” ly Muslim countries entering the U.S., (Markens grøde—100 years on—is all for- many people reacted. People formed pro- gotten?). tests against this ban on the basis of it be- • Late September: Symposium on ing an attack on U.S. core values: open- Markens grøde, University of Nordland, ness, diversity, and freedom. Politicians Bodø. and judges stood with the people who • November 20-24, Literature House, protested and opposed the ban because Oslo, Markens grøde centennial. they understood it to be against the First Amendment: Further reading: “Hamsun ga oppskrift en “Congress shall make no law re- på det enkle liv” (Hamsun wrote the recipe specting an establishment of religion, for the simple life), Aftenposten, Section 2, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; May 21, 2017, link to online version: www. or abridging the freedom of speech, or Photo: Lorie Shaull / Flickr of the press; or the right of the people What are our values? A sign held by a child at a rally against Trump’s “Muslim ban” policies ear- en-pa-det-enkle-liv-621241b.html. peaceably to assemble, and to petition the lier this year. Government for a redress of grievances.” The First Amendment guarantees < hyperloop freedom of religion, expression, assem- tion, the Great American Boycott in 2006, countries) face today is to discuss, revise, From page 3 bly, and the right to petition. It forbids when immigrant workers went on strike for a and find solutions we can use to move nection in the United Arab Emirates in 2020, Congress from both promoting one reli- day to show their worth to U.S. society, made forward. In Norway, there is an ongoing will provide a link between Oslo and Copen- gion over others and restricting an indi- an impact and started a discussion about im- discussion regarding the use of niqabs or hagen by 2037. vidual’s religious practices. It guarantees migrants’ roles. The Guardian reported that hijabs in schools or the workforce. Late- The technology, which was developed freedom of expression by prohibiting one of the protesters’ posters during the ly, the voices of the individuals whom I by American investor and businessman Elon Congress from restricting the press or the Great American Boycott read: “The U.S. is feel it is most important to listen to—the Musk—the man behind the Tesla car—is rights of individuals to speak freely (Cor- made by immigrants.” The growing immi- girls who wears a hijab or a niqab—have based on the principle of a train cabin travel- nell University Law School). grant population all over the world is starting come forth. It has taken a long time, we ling at the speed of sound through an airtight Demonstrations against discrimina- to see their worth, the importance they can tube, saving both time and energy. tion based on religion are something we make in society, and how they contribute to See > values, page 15 According to calculations, a Hyperloop can see on television from all over the the countries they inhabit. In addition, this world at the moment, but lately most fo- sparks thoughts regarding how the U.S. has could travel from Los Angeles to San Fran- Kristin Chruicshank cus from the western media has been on cisco—a distance of 560km (350 miles)—in been shaped as a society. is a Norwegian stu- 35 minutes, at an average speed of 970 kilo- the U.S. It makes me reflect on incidents U.S. growth as a society from the first dent from Levanger in meters per hour (600 mph). in U.S. history when people have felt the immigrants, throughout history and up to North-Trøndelag. She “Other parties have not thus far shown need to protest for their rights and liber- today, has been challenged because of its is currently studying any interest in this area. When they see that ties: the Boston Tea Party of December diversity. The Irish, German, Italian, and English as a part of this is reality and not just green fantasy, and 16, 1773; the March on Washington for Jewish people were met with skepticism. a Bachelor degree in that it is based on scale and looking at over- Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963; Lawmakers, politicians, and the people had teaching at North Uni- heads before profit, I think they will jump on and the Solidarity Day March in Wash- to find solutions to move forward together, versity. One of her dreams for the future is the bandwagon,” Stoknes said. ington, D.C., on September 19, 1981, and ultimately it shaped the society the U.S. to do a Master degree in English literature. The distance between Oslo and Copen- where workers demanded wage increases is today. It seems like the only way of finding She then wants to use her acquired knowl- hagen—as the crow flies—is around 480 and safer working conditions. In addi- solutions to the problems the U.S. (and other edge in her future job as a teacher. kilometers (300 miles). A Hyperloop trip be- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an tween the two cities at 970 km/h would take endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. somewhere around 29 minutes. the Norwegian american’s(secret) plan for personalglobal domina enrichment!tion: shhh... don’t tell! Step 1—send us your Your Name: Norwegian-American ^ Friend’s Name: friend’s address*** Step 2—???* Friend’s Address: Step 3—you PROFIT!** City/State/Zip: * Step 2 is that we send your non-subscriber friend a sample copy of the newspaper (no other nefarious purpose, we promise!) ** If your friend signs up for a year’s subscription, YOU get a free month added to your subscription *** Call (206) 784-4617, email [email protected], or mail 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 theNorwegianamerican Opinion June 2, 2017 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter, Business, Evidence-based policy Enter Uncle Sam. an important example. In terms of recent Sports, Travel (To the hapless employee): It came to scientific studies regarding minimum wage Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, my attention you accept obscenely low wag- laws, three examples are: Opinion Editor Ilan Kelman wonders whether the Nor- es. This country will not tolerate obscenities (a) Bhorat et al. (2013)’s analysis for Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] wegian government might be unduly influ- of any kind! You are fired! South Africa “shows no clear evidence that Taste of Norway Editor enced by pressure groups while financing (To the hapless inventor): You INSULT- the introduction of minimum wage laws had Daytona Strong [email protected] social science research. His conclusion: “As a significant impact on employment” mean- ED your employee with OBSCENE wages. Advertising the evaluation report demonstrates, Nor- Double jeopardy! I’ll force you into our min- ing that minimum wage laws do not reduce Rhonda Staton [email protected] way’s social science research institutes sup- employment opportunities. Link: link.spring- imum wage straitjacket until your cash runs Subscriptions port evidence-based policy.” out. Then off to jail where you belong! [email protected] My reaction: If so, Norway would have Roy Cordato, a scholar at John Locke (b) Leonard et al. (2014) found that done away with minimum wage laws alto- Foundation, says when it is claimed that “no UK minimum wage laws have “no over- Contributors gether! Just plain common sense shows they one should be ‘forced to work for less than all practically significant adverse employ- Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. are very harmful to certain innocent and un- $15 per hour,’ what they are really saying is ment effect.” Link: Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway suspecting citizens! Follow the logic and see that no one should be allowed to work for doi/10.1111/bjir.12031/full. Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. if you agree: less than $15 regardless of how poorly they (c) Lynn and Boone (2015) demonstrate Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. The Law of Supply and Demand is peo- have been educated or how limited their that minimum wage laws in the U.S. do not Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway ple friendly. It repairs imbalances automati- skills. Or when they say that people deserve hurt the restaurant industry. Link: David Burke Skoppum, Norway cally. Both sides gain. a living wage they never add the implied fol- Daughters of Norway Members Various Though both sides gain it doesn’t mean low up which is ‘or no wage at all.’” Not all studies from all locations agree Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway there isn’t occasional unhappiness or grum- Switzerland and Hong Kong both, ac- so emphatically with these conclusions, in- Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. bling about the agreement. People with a cording to reports, allow free markets. Any- dicating the importance of context, provisos, Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. socialistic inclination take note of this and body can negotiate agreements and work. and detailed research. It is clear that Mr. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. instigate (unconstitutional) laws to favor one In the process this promotes low unemploy- Unneland’s statements are too sweeping and Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. side or the other. ment numbers! too superficial to be an accurate reflection of Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Example: A visionary inventor with a Sincerely, the social science literature. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y new product anxiously awaits incoming or- Gunnar Unneland Thus, the importance of supporting so- Ilan Kelman Agder, Norway ders and is running out of cash. Paying mis- Edmonds, Wash. cial science research is affirmed. For the Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. erable wages! case of minimum wage laws, evidence-based Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. A high school dropout gladly accepts Dear Gunnar, policy in favor of minimum wage laws is sup- Lexi Seattle, Wash. any temporary job, valuing work experience We asked Ilan Kelman to respond to ported by these studies. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. over wages. Temporarily. your letter. He writes: Sincerely, Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Thank you to Mr. Unneland for raising Ilan Kelman Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. 6. juni Rose Nappen Harris Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. George Hoyum Rockford MN Huntington Beach CA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Steve Melton Tacoma WA Sverre Arne Isane Badger MN Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. C. Sandberg Tacoma WA Loren Swingen Bellevue NE Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Hanna Sundberg Wrangell AK Gayle Wergeland Bothell WA Linda Warren Washington, D.C. Johan Thorvaldsen Edmonds WA Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway 12. juni The Norwegian American strives to make 7. juni Gerald Anderson Bellevue NE its news report fair and accurate. If you have a Martha Anderson Cottonwood MN Nils Gjersengen Aremark Norway question or comment about news coverage call 2. juni Maiken Victoria Gehsmann Morristown NJ Heidi Strand Magnus (206) 784-4617. • The Norwegian American re- serves the right to edit any and all submissions for Erik Andersen Lomita CA Mrs. Norman Grande White SD Cortlandt Manor NY style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the Kristofer Michael Virding Tigard OR John Haugo Hudson WI Tordis Solheim Seattle WA right not to print submissions deemed libelous, Esther Johnsen Cary IL Barbara Vigsnes Bennington VT in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion 3. juni Roy Naevestad Spectacular NY writers and letter writers are not necessarily those Alf L. Knudsen Jr. Simi Valley CA Arne Neas Paradise CA 13. juni of The Norwegian American, and our publication Megan Lapham Edmonds WA Dagrun Isane Brotherston Olympia WA of those views is not an endorsement of them. Kaleigh Lestrud 8. juni Clarice Keeney Comments, suggestions, and complaints about Princeton MN Sun City AZ the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials Milo Moe Eau Claire WI Walter Barthold Ridgewood NJ Diane Omdal Langill S. Pasadena CA should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Nor- John Seastrand Greendale WI Audrey Engebretson Saute Nacoche GA Oscar Strom Sturgeon Bay WI wegian American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473- Ralph Thams Mohn Seattle WA 1293) is published every other week by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, 4. juni Pastor H. A. Strand Everson WA 14. juni Shoreline WA 98155 • Periodicals postage paid at Mrs. John Caspersen Ketchikan AK Signe Strøm San Jose CA Valentino Vincenzo Donofrio Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. Oscar Erickson Bellevue WA Frazier Park CA • POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to The Norwegian American, 17713 15th Ave NE, Venka Dyro Fasulo Brooklyn NY 9. juni Mabel Fransen Astoria OR #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Bruce Mork Houghton MI Halfdan Andersen Langevåg Norway Esther Halvorsen Hartman Charlotte FL Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US Torunn Roinestad Brooklyn NY Audrey Bowers Des Moines WA Engeline Hinderlie Haugesund Norway $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Albert Olai Spor Milwaukie OR Edgar Steindal Springhill FL Olger Langheid Grand Forks ND SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Lloyd Naess Vancouver BC Norwegian American Weekly 5. juni 10. juni Walter O. Shuros Fairbanks AK Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Ruth Olsen Haller Park Ridge IL Marian Haugen Buckley WA Western Viking & Washington Posten Wesley Andrew Herset Kila MT Jacqueline Lee Poulsbo WA 15. juni Elias Kjendsli Oslo Norway Timothy L. Smith Portland OR Leonard Anderse Chicago IL Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Eli Krusenstjerna Edmonds WA Merlin Nils Solvang Ferndale WA Nikki Barcia Drahota Becker MN Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Derek Pickard Newburgh IN Nancy Winsor Jefferson NH Anna Danielsen Narvik Norway Mary Gjertsen Simard Johnny Delin Plainville CT NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Langley BC Canada 11. juni Helen Larsen Seattle WA Ann Dragsten Monticello MN Gerd Lunder Stavanger Norway Randy Treer Westerville OH

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! 8 • June 2, 2017 Sports theNorwegianamerican Big Syttende Mai for Boasson Hagen On his birthday and Norway’s national day, the cyclist kicked off a victorious Tour of Norway race

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

The opening stage of the Tour of Nor- way—the annual road bicycle race hosted by Norway since 2011—was an extra special occasion this year; it was held on the 17th of May, Norwegian Constitution Day. It also happened to be the 30th birthday of one of Norway’s top cyclists, Edvald Boasson Ha- gen, who won the race overall in 2012 and 2013 and finished as the runner up both of the last two years. It should be no surprise then that a first- stage victory would be extra meaningful for Boasson Hagen, who races for Team Dimen- sion Data. It wasn’t going to be an easy task, however, as the 21 teams—five World Tour, 10 Pro Continental, and six Continental— raced their way through the 169-kilometer stage from Hønefoss to Asker. The race started with an early breakaway by Colombian Juan Pablo Villegas (Manzana Postobón) and Norwegians Ludvik Holstad (Team Sparebanken Sør) and Marius Blålid (Team Together the trio gained an eight-minute lead, but with 70 kilometers to go, it had decreased to three minutes. During the final 10 kilometers, An- dreas Vangstad (Team Sparebanken Sør), Photo: Stiehl Photography Lars Petter Nordhaug (Aqua Blue Sport), Edvald Boasson Hagen celebrates as he crosses the finish line. Ben O’Connor (Team Dimension Data), and Wout Van Aert (Vérandas Willems-Crelan) made an attack. With two kilometers to go, the group rans. Van der Sande looked to have the vic- hind Pieter Weening (Roompot). If he could With his teammate O’Connor ahead, lost their lead and Australian Simon Gerrans tory in the bag, but Boasson Hagen managed manage to make it onto the podium and keep Boasson Hagen was able to relax a bit and (Orica-Scott) made his attack. Belgian Tosh to come from behind in the last 200 meters Weening off, he knew he would take the gen- watch the other teams chase the leaders as he Van der Sande (Lotto Soudal) then made his with a strong sprint to pass him on the last eral classification victory. saved up his energy. move with 500 meters to go to overhaul Ger- hill and take his first victory of the season. But when both Boasson Hagen and Behind Van der Sande in second followed teammate Mekseb Debesay crashed with just Gerrans in third and Norwegian August Jen- one lap to go in the hilly circuit, he thought sen (Team Coop) in fourth. he had missed his chance at the overall win. “I couldn’t have asked for anything The peloton demonstrated fair play and great eliteserien more. It’s fantastic. The team did an incred- respect, however, and decided to wait for ible job today,” said Boasson Hagen to NRK, him—a generous act that was certainly not Norway’s Premier League who celebrated at the finish line in Asker required of them. flanked by spectators dressed to the nines in “I’m very thankful for that. That was results Standings their bunads and suits. nice of them. I had not expected it,” said a “We rode very well, and we had a man gracious Boasson Hagen to NRK. 5/16 Haugesund 0 – 2 Odd Teams PLD PTS in front so I didn’t have to take responsibil- Back in the pack and with extra adrena- ity. I had just enough left in my legs to keep line from the crash, Boasson Hagen man- 1. Rosenborg 10 21 5/16 Lillestrøm 1 – 2 Sarpsborg 08 up and take the victory,” he added. aged to sprint to the victory to win stage five 2. Odd 10 20 Of course, the work was just begin- and his third overall Tour of Norway victory. 5/16 Viking 1 – 2 Aalesund 3. Brann 10 20 ning with four stages remaining: 194 km In the overall classification, he won ahead of 5/16 Vålerenga 1 – 0 Kristiansund 4. Sarpsborg 08 10 18 from Eidsvoll to Brumunddal, 192 km from Gerrans in second and Weening in third. 5. Stabæk 10 18 Hamar to Lillehammer, 194 km from Lill- “It was great to decide the race here in 5/16 Brann 5 – 0 Sandefjord 6. Sandefjord 10 17 estrøm to Sarpsborg, and the final 155 km front of the Opera House. There were a lot from Moss to Oslo. of people, and I wanted to show that it was 5/16 Molde 1 – 2 Sogndal 7. Molde 10 14 “There are many tough stages left. It possible even with a crash. Fortunately, I got 5/16 Strømsgodset 1 – 2 Stabæk 8. Haugesund 10 13 will be fun,” he said, looking forward to the back up again quickly and had good help 9. Aalesund 10 13 rest of the tour and hoping for continued suc- from the team,” he said to VG. 5/16 Rosenborg 1 – 2 Tromsø 10. Vålerenga 10 13 cess. It looks like Boasson Hagen’s incredible 5/20 Rosenborg 1 – 1 Lillestrøm 11. Tromsø 10 11 The Norwegian went on to take third in start to this year’s race may have been just stage two and second in stage four. Heading the boost he needed to come back and regain Sogndal Brann 12. Strømsgodset 10 11 5/20 2 – 3 into the final stage, he sat in second place be- his title of Tour of Norway champion. 13. Sogndal 10 11 5/21 Kristiansund 3 – 2 Haugesund 14. Kristiansund BK 10 10 5/21 Sarpsborg 08 2 – 0 Vålerenga 15. Lillestrøm 10 8 5/21 Tromsø 1 – 1 Strømsgodset 16. Viking 10 5 Norwegian 5/21 Aalesund 2 – 0 Sandefjord all the way 5/21 Odd 1 – 2 Molde

5/22 Stabæk 1 – 1 Viking through?

To read more about football in Norway, visit Subscribe today: (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Sports June 2, 2017 • 9 King in demand: Sports News & Notes Ice Hockey: Norway moves up world minutes before the end of what was sup- Norwegian footballer rankings posed to be a celebratory game in honor of Norway finished in 11th place in the Ice Rosenborg’s 100th anniversary. Hockey World Championship and has now (NRK) moved up to ninth place in the world rank- sought by bigger ings. Canada still tops the list after losing Football: Points for Stabæk in the finals. Sweden, who won the World A bicycle kick by Kwesi Appiah just be- Championship, moved up two positions to fore halftime gave Viking the lead, but Ohi Premier League clubs third place. Between Sweden and Canada Omoijuanfo equalized for Stabæk four and lies Russia in second. a half minutes into overtime. The May 22 (NRK) game therefore ended 1-1 at Nadderud. (NRK) Shooting: Bogar takes second place Stian Bogar took the silver in the 50-me- Football: Molde breaks losing streak ter rifle prone finals in the World Cup in after overtime drama Munich, writes the Norwegian Shooting Molde scored almost five minutes into over- Association in a press release. Bogar has time and beat Odd 2-1 in the away match previously taken fourth place in both the on May 21. Before that, the team had played World Cup and European Championships, five games in a row without a victory. but now he took Norway’s first podium (NRK) place in the World Cup since Ole-Kristian Bryhn’s second-place finish two years ago. Golf: “Tutta” with strong finish (NRK) Suzann Pettersen finished the final round of the LPGA Tour in Williamsburg four Football: Kippe ruins Rosenborg party strokes below par, finishing in 10th place in A passive Rosenborg team played 1-1 at the end. American Lexi Thompson won the home against Lillestrøm on May 20. Nick- tournament in front of South Korean Chun las Bendtner scored for the home team In-gee. while Frode Kippe equalized the score nine (NRK) Community Connections CALLING ALL YOUNG AT HEART, SINGLE NORDIC MEN

Photo: Bjørn S. Delebekk / VG Joshua King. Seeking that kind, intelligent Nordic man, who is interested in sharing Chapter Two of life with a special woman. I’m 59, Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway newly retired, and starting to explore the fun things I didn’t get to do earlier. I am Joshua Christian Kojo King is a 25-year- The rumors have already started. Tot- 5’2”, attractive, curvy and firm, youthful, old Norwegian professional footballer who tenham has apparently shown interest, as outgoing, don’t take life too seriously, and plays as a striker for Premier League club they have struggled to find a backup striker Bournemouth and the Norwegian national for Harry Kane; West Ham is desperately have that special sparkle of fun sensuality team. After representing Norway at un- searching for a goal scorer, while Everton that is just right for the right man. I live der-15, under-16, under-18, under-19, and will be looking for a replacement for league outside of Charlotte, N.C. under-21 levels, King made his senior inter- top scorer Romelu Lukaku, who will prob- national debut against Iceland in 2012 and ably be sold after the season. There has been Contact: [email protected] scored his first international goal against Cy- speculation on a transfer fee of more than prus later that year. USD 50 million, which will make him the He was signed by Manchester Unit- most expensive Norwegian footballer ever. ed from Vålerenga in 2008. After loan The current record is held by Tore Andre Flo, spells with Preston North End, Borussia who was sold from Chelsea to Rangers for Viking Rose Sterling Silver Flatware Mönchengladbach, Hull City, and Black- USD 15 million back in 2000. by Marthinson (Norway) burn Rovers, King signed permanently with King’s contract binds him to Bour- Blackburn in January 2013, before switching nemouth for another three years and Howe to Bournemouth in May 2015. has no intentions of letting him go any time The Norwegian national team soccer soon, no matter how big the potential trans- Wish to sell player has had a great second half of the sea- fer fee is. Answering a question from local son so far—scoring 11 goals in 12 matches, newspaper Bournemouth Echo on if it would 103 pieces! 15 in total, as of May 12—and has caught the be difficult to turn down a big transfer of- eye of several bigger Premier League clubs. fer from Tottenham, Howe answers that he On May 8, in the 2-2 draw against Stoke, he doesn’t think so and adds that he has a clear was close to scoring another but had to settle vision when it comes to how he wants to lead for an assist since the ball touched Stoke cap- the team in the future. tain Ryan Shawcross’s foot before it crossed He continues to praise King: “His pro- the line. fessionalism when he first came here was ob- The Norwegian’s goal scoring form has vious from day one. He took care of his body Pieces include allegedly caught the interest of league num- and even though he didn’t get a place in the ber two Tottenham. Bournemouth manager starting eleven immediately, he showed up a 6-piece place Eddie Howe seems determined to keep King on the training grounds on his days off. Now in his squad, however. those extra training sessions have started to setting for 12 “He will cost a fortune if he’s sold pay off.” plus 16 additional right now,” local Bournemouth expert Paul Macnamara declares. “In the last couple of Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lilleham- spoons and 15 months he has been one of the best strik- mer, Norway, but is currently living in Oslo. ers in the league and has shown that he is a He has a BA in Archaeology from The Univer- serving pieces top class player. There will be great interest sity of Oslo and a BA in Business Administra- from several clubs when the transfer window tion from BI Norwegian Business School. Submit bids to [email protected] opens in June.” 10 • June 2, 2017 Research & Science theNorwegianamerican Profiles of Norwegian science: Supporting tsunami survivors over time

Ilan Kelman Agder, Norway

On December 26, 2004, a massive, shal- low earthquake rocked Indonesia’s west coast. Over the following hours, tsunami waves struck more than a dozen countries around the Indian Ocean. Over 220,000 people were killed, in- cluding 84 Norwegians. Thousands of Nor- wegians were directly affected. Scientists have been following some who experienced the tsunami or who had relatives in the areas, in order to understand trauma, recovery, and support needs. The Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies has led much of this work, collaborating with colleagues from around Norway and around the world. Methods include face-to-face interviews, mailed questionnaires, and assessments, to learn from those who experienced the events. A principal topic is mental health. Post- traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety are among the monitored conditions. Photo: Ilan Kelman Trond Heir and Pål Kristensen led or sup- Memorial to Norwegians affected by the 2004 tsunami, on Bygdøy, Oslo. ported numerous publications. Specific symptoms and conditions were classified and checked for changes over time. reported perceptions of changes to alcohol Not all tsunami-affected Norwegians preclude guilt or supernatural attribution. They were linked to variables including gen- consumption. Some felt they were drinking wished to participate in research. Ajmal The research continues. People who der, education level, bereavement, nearly more, but others less. Hussain led a paper looking at why many of went through the tsunami disaster, or know being killed, knowing injured people, length Children and youth were the spotlight those contacted elected not to participate in people who did, have plenty to teach us of time to identify a deceased relative, and for investigations by Gertrud Sofie Hafstad surveys. Generally, participants had endured about its life-long impacts. This science will not having support. The correlations were and colleagues. Parents discussed how they worse disaster experiences than non-partic- improve the support given to disaster-affect- complex, indicating a need to look closely watched their children for signs of distress, ipants. The most common reasons for not ed people, especially for avoiding adverse at an individual’s characteristics and disaster how they chose to intervene, and which sup- participating were disinterest, no time, and mental health consequences. experience to determine mental health treat- port mechanisms they provided. feeling that they had little to offer. Surviving or being bereaved by a disas- ment. Dialogue, creating a feeling of safety, The paper concludes that people more ter is often life changing. Science can help One important recommendation is to and reestablishing routines were among the affected by a disaster seem to be more in- by learning and applying what is needed to support survivors in returning to the disas- most common approaches, matching much clined to participate in research. Analyses get through the difficult times. Post-disaster ter site if and when they choose to do so as professional advice. Where parents were di- from post-disaster trauma studies could be life may be different and difficult, but never part of coping with the experience. The same rectly affected by the tsunami, they were less skewed by this sample bias. ever give up. held true for the bereaved visiting the site of able to support their children. The same scientists examined religion People are always willing to help. their family member’s death. As one approach to managing post-tsuna- and mental health. Few participants were A pair of studies with Astri Nordløkken mi mental health, mindfulness was explored deeply religious. While worse disaster expe- at the helm focused on post-disaster alcohol with Christina Hagen leading. Mindfulness riences tended to turn some people towards Ilan Kelman (www.ilankel- and Twitter @Ilan­­­- consumption. Contrary to many expecta- emphasizes the present moment. It encour- religion and some away from religion, men- Kelman) is a Reader in tions, alcohol consumption and perceived ages greater immediate awareness of oneself, tal health did not seem to be influenced much Risk, Resilience, and Glob- one’s feelings, and one’s surroundings. by religious attitudes. alcohol consumption did not change mark- al Health at University Col- edly overall. Mindfulness did not appear to influence Karl Halvor Teigen and Tine K. Jensen lege London, England, and Nearly the same number of Norwegians tsunami-related mental health effects. Atten- took on the theme of survivors’ view of luck. a fellow at the University of affected drank more as drank less after the tiveness did seem to be positively affected Those interviewed did not feel unlucky to Agder, Norway. His overall tsunami. Both groups were a minority, with by mindfulness. The researchers explained have been caught by the tsunami. Instead, research interest is linking disasters and health, most not changing the amount of alcohol that disasters can influence how mindfulness they felt good fortune that they made it including the integration of climate change into they drank. Similar results emerged for self- benefits an individual. through the disaster. This opinion did not disaster research and health research. Community Connections < vault Happy birthday, From page 3 ing dug in the mountainside to channel water treme weather like that,” Hege Njaa Aschim, engagement, birth, away from the vault. A waterproof wall will from the Norwegian government, told The be constructed inside the vault for additional Guardian. family reunion, etc! protection, and all heat sources will be re- The Svalbard vault was opened in 2008 moved from the inside. with the aim to provide a “fail-safe seed stor- Until then, flooding has been controlled age facility, built to stand the test of time and Your name and with pumps working around the clock. the challenge of natural or man-made disas- That these precautions need to be taken ters,” the Global Crop Diversity Trust, an message here! is a troubling sign of climate change. The independent organization, says on its web- vault’s location in Svalbard, well within the site. According to the Norwegian Ministry of Arctic Circle, was chosen for its stable low Agriculture and Food, “The Svalbard Global For more information, call temperatures. The intention was to create a Seed Vault is the world’s backup for crop us at (206) 784-4617 or email vault that would remain frozen without the collections. The seeds are completely safe [email protected]. need for human maintenance. “It was not in and no damage has been done to the facility. our plans to think that the permafrost would Globally, the Seed Vault is, and will continue not be there and that it would experience ex- to be, the safest backup of crop diversity.” theNorwegianamerican Arts & Entertainment June 2, 2017 • 11 A classic adventure Film review: for young readers The King’s Choice The Revenge of the Tirpitz entwines two mysteries around the sunken submarine

Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska

The Revenge of the Tirpitz is a classic action-adventure book written for young people. The setting is northern Norway and the book’s timeline jumps between World War II and the present day. The centerpiece of the book is the sinking of the Tirpitz and its later consequences. What is the Tirpitz, you might ask? The Tirpitz was one of the crown jewels of the German Navy during World War II. Commissioned in 1941, the Tirpitz was Photo courtesy of the pride of the German Navy. Bow to stern The King’s Choice (Kongens nei) portrays the terrible decision Norway faced as the Germans invaded this grand battleship measured 823 feet and during WWII. displaced 42,900 tons of water and it was armed to the teeth with deadly, long-range 15-inch guns. But it was vulnerable to Brit- Christine Foster Meloni ish aerial attack, and the Brits were unflag- Washington, D.C. ging in their desire to see it sink, the sooner the better. The King’s Choice (Kongens nei) was though he was only a figurehead, the Norwe- Norway’s rugged coast, under German named Best Norwegian Film of 2016 by the gians loved and respected him and looked to control after a short war in April of 1940, of- The book has a classic structure that re- Norwegian Film Critics Association. It was him for the final decision. Unlike his brother fered both the benefits of protection from the minds me of the many mystery and adventure Norway’s entry for the Best Foreign Lan- King Christian of Denmark, who surren- British Bomber Command and an excellent books I enjoyed growing up. The Revenge guage Film at the 2017 Academy Awards dered his country, Haakon refused to capitu- base for launching offensive attacks on the of the Tirpitz has the usual pair of intrepid and it made the shortlist of nine films that late to the Germans and became the leader of many Allied supply convoys that plied the and curious youngsters who get into unex- were considered for an Academy Award the Norwegian resistance. North Sea to Russia. For three years it was pected trouble but are befriended by a help- nomination. The film alternates between dramatic largely a “lady in waiting,” for it only par- ful adult who gives them guidance and wis- In this year’s FilmFest DC, which of- scenes in which the king and his family are ticipated in one offensive attack on the Al- dom throughout their adventures. This book fered 80 films from 45 countries, the- Nor pursued by the Germans, who are particu- lies, the invasion of Spitsbergen. Once it was is unusual in that we get two sets of boys in wegian film placed third in the Audience larly interested in capturing Crown Prince sent to intercept a large allied convoy but two different time periods. Surprisingly, the Award’s Best Feature category. Olav’s baby son, and scenes in which the was hastily recalled before it could engage “helpful adult” in 1944 is an enigmatic Ger- Directed by Erik Poppe, this biographi- king discusses strategic plans with govern- its guns. For the most part, Tirpitz sat in one man radar operator named Hans. In 2014, the cal war film was a co-production of Norway ment officials. In the end they manage to fjord or another doing nothing; it was sim- role of the “helpful adult” is taken up by Finn and Ireland. It focuses on King Haakon VII, escape and safely reach Great Britain where ply too valuable to place in harm’s way. The and Gus’s wily grandfather “Olde.” The au- who had to make the crucial decision wheth- Haakon and Olav lead the resistance and re- British repeatedly tried to destroy the vessel thor actually tells two tales in The Revenge er Norway should continue to resist the Ger- main the most important inspiration to the using their bombers and even a fleet of revo- of the Tirpitz, but she gradually reveals as the man forces that had invaded his country or people of Norway. Throughout the film one lutionary miniature submarines. By doing book moves forward that the two stories are should accept the German demands and sur- observes the close relationship between Haa- nothing the Tirpitz kept the British annoyed in essence part of one overarching story. And render to Nazi Germany and Vidkun Quis- kon and his son Olav. Haakon is his son’s and demanded the full attention of Britain’s as is key to any book of this genre, there are ling’s puppet regime. The film highlights the friend and his guide. northern war fleet. The Allies could never be nasty villains. Again, you get two sets; both events that immediately precede and follow Norway’s situation during World War II sure when it might be activated to prey on father-son pairings. King Haakon’s decision. is not very familiar to American audiences, their convoys. Finally, in November of 1944, The author, Michelle L. Sloan, is Scot- In the opening scene, King Haakon and this film serves to show an important 32 British Lancaster bombers, armed with gi- tish but she has a Norwegian sister-in-law is playing in the snow with his three small period of Norwegian history. The acting is gantic bombs nick-named “Tall Boys,” suc- who she says helped her get her geography grandchildren. (One child is Harald, Nor- excellent with Danish Jesper Christensen as ceeded in blowing up the stationary Tirpitz and facts right. This book would be a good way’s current king.) His enjoyment is sud- King Haakon, Anders Baasmo Christiansen within ten minutes. The ship quickly flipped way to introduce a young reader to Norway’s denly interrupted when he is given some as Crown Prince Olav, and Karl Markov- over with its hull turned up and over 1,000 plight during World War II and the important devastating news—the Germans have ar- ics as Kurt Braüer, a German diplomat who German sailors lost their lives. It is this last role that the Shetland Islands played in the rived in Oslo. The date is April 9, 1940. finds himself out of step with his own gov- and fatal incident that forms the focus of The armed resistance to the Germans. The invaders tell the Norwegians that ernment and pushes unsuccessfully for Nor- Revenge of the Tirpitz. they have arrived to protect them from the way’s neutrality. As the King and his family The story is set in two vastly separate M. L. Sloan’s book The Revenge of the Tir- British who have laid land mines in the local flee across Norway, viewers are able to catch time frames that are interwoven through- pitz (2016) is a Pokey Hat book from Cra- harbor. The Norwegians do not accept this glimpses of the magnificent countryside of out the book. The first is the fall of 1944 nachan Publishing in the . benign explanation. They understand that the Norway. when the Tirpitz makes its berth just off the Germans are interested in Norway’s coast- shores of Håkøya Island near Tromsø. Two line and iron ore reserves and have arrived The King’s Choice has been screened in local boys, Erik and Magnus, take notice of to take control of the country. Norway had many U.S. film festivals, with a wider theat- the persistent noise of its large rumbling en- Terje “Ted” Birkedal was hoped to stay neutral during the war but now rical release projected for this August. You gines and also observe a party of Germans born in Stavanger, Norway, it is clear that this is no longer possible. can catch it at the Seattle International Film in 1946. He grew up in Col- secretly stashing something in a sea cave King Haakon VII had been Norway’s Festival June 9 and 11. For more details, orado and earned a Ph.D. under cover of night. The other half of the reigning monarch since 1905, when Norway visit in Anthropology from the book takes place in the Shetland Islands in University of Colorado. He gained its independence from Sweden. Al- 2014 where two teenage brothers, Finn and retired in 2012 but remains Gus, unexpectedly encounter the wrath of active in his field and has latter-day Nazis who are intent on harming served as the President of Sons of Norway Bernt their grandfather. How are the Shetlands Balchen Lodge in Anchorage since 2012. He has Paintings for sale by Odd Andersen at the Heritage and Norway connected; what ties 1944 to conducted archeological fieldwork in the Ameri- Museum at the Norwegian Home & Health Center in the second decade of the 21st century? That can South, the Great Plains, Norway, Canada, is the mystery at the heart of The Revenge Guam, and Alaska. He has always been passion- Brooklyn, NY. Call Odd Andersen at (201) 768-7842. of the Tirpitz. ate about Norwegian prehistory and history. 12 • June 2, 2017 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican No ice cream maker? No problem! This no-churn strawberry ice cream is sure to become a summertime staple

Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash.

Each spring, without fail, when the lon- ger days creep up and the temperatures begin their slow but inevitable climb, my mind turns with anticipation toward the beginning of berry season. Berries in the Pacific Northwest have their own special sort of magic. Smaller than berries found in other climes, they are sweet and delicate and their season is fleet- ing. So when they do arrive, it’s always a mad dash to pick as much as you can and find as many ways to preserve and make the bounty last just a tiny bit longer. I know Norwegians feel the same way about their berries, as their season is just as short and precious as ours. In recent years, in an effort to broaden my recipe repertoire and vary the ways I pre- serve my berries, I’ve become a fan of mak- ing no-churn ice creams. If you’re not famil- iar with them, they are essentially ice cream made with a whipped cream and sweetened condensed milk base. And the best part? No ice cream maker required. Their simplicity and unfussy nature make them the perfect Photo: Maria Stordahl Nelson way to use up fresh or frozen fruit and their Chill out this berry season with no-churn strawberry ice cream. clean, simple ingredient list reminds me that this is food the way it’s meant to be enjoyed. Because I cannot leave well enough Maria Stordahl Nelson is alone, I’ve also taken to adding cardamom to a Seattle-area food writer, No Churn Strawberry my ice cream recipes, and I must say now that photographer, and recipe it’s a thing I can’t imagine my ice cream with- developer. She shares her Cardamom Ice Cream out. It simply goes with everything. Delicious love of all things sweet, sa- vory, and sometimes Nordic in custard-based ice creams, hazelnut, cara- 1 lb. fresh or frozen strawberries 1 14-oz. can sweetened condensed milk at mel, and now in strawberry, it adds a beauti- ¼ cup sugar 1 pint heavy whipping cream ful depth and dimension of flavor that cannot ¼ tsp. finely ground cardamom pinch of salt be matched. 1 tsp. coarsely ground cardamom

In a large sauce pan, combine the berries*, sugar, and cardamom. Heat over medium low until the berries are soft. Smash the berries lightly with the back of a wooden spoon, leaving Your favorite recipes from our some large and small chunks. Set aside to cool. Once the berry mixture has cooled, pour the sweetened condensed milk into it and com- pages, in one convenient book! bine. In a mixer, whip the cream to stiff peaks. Fold 1 cup of the whipped cream into the berry mixture, then add the berry mixture, the pinch of salt, and the coarsely ground cardamom to the remaining whipped cream in the mixer bowl. Fold the ingredients together until just combined. Pour mixture into a large loaf pan. I prefer a large 4x13” Pullman loaf pan with a lid, but any large loaf pan will do. Cover pan with lid or tightly with plastic wrap and freeze over- A Taste of Norway: Flavors night or for a minimum of 5 hours. from The Norwegian Remove from freezer and let sit for 3 minutes before scooping. Enjoy! American cookbook: By popular demand, we're *If you would like larger chunks of berries in your ice cream, reserve ½ cup of the berry mix- bringing you a collection ture before combining and swirl this through the remainder once you pour it into the loaf pan. of recipes that have been featured on the pages of The Norwegian American. From such acclaimed Nor- National Exhibition dic food writers as Dayto- of Folk Art in the na Strong, Sunny Ganda- ra, Maria Stordahl Nelson, Norwegian Tradition Whitney Love, and this paper's own former editor, On view Christy Olsen Field, the spi- June 8 - July 29, 2017 ral-bound cookbook will cover main courses, soups What’s happening in the world and sides, and of course of Norwegian-inspired folk art today? sweets. It even has a few See for yourself at this exhibition of amazing drink recipes! $29 + shipping work by fantastic contemporary artists!

Call (206) 784-4617 or write to The National Norwegian-American [email protected] to order! Vesterheim Museum & Heritage Center In scenic Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway June 2, 2017 • 13 Stars of Nordic cuisine spice up Seattle Flavors mix at the Nordic Heritage Museum’s second Nordic Culinary Conference

Daytona Strong Taste of Norway Editor Gravlax

The Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle When cured with salt and sugar, a fillet of hosted an impressive lineup of special guests transforms into a delicacy that fills including Michelin-starred chefs from the the mouth with the very essence of the fish— Nordic region at the Nordic Culinary Con- intensified. At once packed with flavor and ference in May. Headlined by Claus Meyer, delicate, gravlax is a truly classic Scandi- the architect of the Manifesto for the New navian dish and it’s as easy as can be. Titti Nordic Kitchen and co-founder of Noma in Qvarnstrom of Sweden’s Bloom in the Park Copenhagen, the conference offered attend- demonstrated how to make it at the Nordic ees an opportunity to learn firsthand about Culinary Conference in Seattle this May. As the cuisine in an intimate setting. long as you’re starting with a quality piece of The museum’s second Nordic Culinary fish and begin a couple of days before you’re Conference (the first one in 2016 featured planning to serve it, gravlax makes an easy, Norway’s Andreas Viestad, host of New impressive, and attractive appetizer. Scandinavian Cooking on PBS, among oth- er chefs) also included chef Gunnar Gísla- fillet of salmon (previously son of Agern in New York City and Dill in frozen and thawed) Reykjavík, Iceland, who presented tastings 1 tbsp. sea salt of a variety of bites that diners might enjoy. 1 tbsp. sugar Chef Sasu Laukkonen of Chef & Sommelier ½ tsp. ground black pepper in Helsinki taught attendees about Finnish small handful of fresh dill, seafood and how to make classic Finnish roughly chopped Karelian pies like his grandma made them. Titti Qvarnstrom of Malmö’s Bloom in the First prepare the salmon by rinsing it and Park represented Sweden and led sessions on patting it dry and placing it in a shallow dish. Swedish fermenting and pickling and on cur- In a small bowl, give the salt, sugar, pepper, ing fish. (She’s the first female chef in Swe- and dill a stir and then sprinkle it over both den who’s received a Michelin star.) Kalle sides of the salmon, making sure it’s evenly Bergman, the Swedish-born food writer and coated. Place it in the refrigerator and allow founder of Honest Cooking, returned for the the salmon to cure for two days, turning once second year. in the process. When ready to serve, drain off Nordic cooking has received global at- the liquid and pat the salmon dry, removing tention in recent years since the creation of excess curing ingredients from the surface, New Nordic cooking made the food world and slice very thinly. take notice. The Nordic Culinary Conference Serve with a traditional mustard sauce if provided an opportunity for attendees to get you wish, place it over a salad, or use it to top a literal taste of it—without traveling beyond crackers or bread for Nordic canapés. Seattle.

Daytona Strong is The Nor- wegian American’s Taste of Norway editor. She writes about her family’s Norwe- gian heritage through the lens of food at her Scandi- navian food blog, www.out- Find her on Facebook (, Twitter (@daytonastrong), Pinterest (@dayton- astrong), and Instagram (@daytonastrong).

Photos: Håkan Axelsson / courtesy of NHM Above: Claus Meyer, co-founder of the world-famous Noma. Right: From left to right: chef Sasu Laukkonen of Chef & Sommelier in Helsinki; Kalle Bergman, founder of Honest Cooking; chef Gunnar Gíslason Gravlax photos: Daytona Strong of Agern in New York and Dill in Reykjavík; and Titti Gravlax as a finished appetizer and in process. Start with good quality fish Qvarnstrom of Malmö’s Bloom in the Park. and you can’t go wrong with this Nordic classic. 14 • June 2, 2017 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events Arizona Folk Art School: Early Hordland and Telemark Midtsommer Gala Celebration the dishes of Scandinavian high summer and Sankt Hans Aften Rosemaling June 22 a fine summer evening. Featuring salmon, June 24, 6:00 p.m. June 15—18 Minneapolis, Minn. Swedish meatballs, roasted potatoes, and so Desert Hills, Ariz. Decorah, Iowa The Midtsommer Gala Celebration features much more. At Nordia House. Tickets cost The Phoenix chapter of Nordmanns Forbun- This Vesterheim class with Tina Keune will in- the “Going Viking” awards to honor Norwegian $65. Visit det will spend the evening relaxing out by the troduce you to another way of personalizing an Americans who have significantly advanced the events to purchase tickets. bonfire, enjoying hot dogs, burgers, children’s object for someone who knows where their an- quality of life for others through their adventure- games, and good fun for all. This potluck event cestors may have lived. You will receive graphic some spirit and extraordinary accomplishments. Cook & Eat Special: Aquavit Tasting is BYOB, so bring a beverage, a dish to share, a examples of figure design steps using pictures The event also raises key funds that support all June 28, 6:30—8:30 p.m. chair, and your favorite Sankt Hans stories and from original pieces. Both of these styles not only Norway House programs throughout the year. At Portland, Ore. songs. The club will provide hamburgers, hot require minimal shading and allow us the conve- Minneapolis Event Center. What happens when you combine a wine dogs, and all the fixings. If you prefer some- nience to use acrylics but also share the unique tasting and the annual special summer Cook thing else, bring your meat of choice. Free. element of outlining to play up the design’s mo- Scandinavian Hjemkomst & Midwest Viking Fest & Eat? A summer aquavit session paired At the home of Mike and Susan McIver. Visit tifs. There will be a materials fee. Cost is $260 for June 23—24 with open-faced sandwiches! Presented with for info. members and $310 for non-members. Moorhead, Minn. House Spirits Distillery. At Nordic House. Tick- There will be re-enactors dressed in period cloth- ets are $30. More info and tickets at www. Folk Art School: Painting Nisser and Trolls ing, cooking over an open fire, and demonstrat- california June 15—18 ing historic crafts. Visitors will also experience DON Turid Jespersen Heritage Day Decorah, Iowa other Viking activities including glass silver smith- south dakota June 10, 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Norway, with its nisser, trolls, and country life, ing, chainmail production, wood carving, and a Grieg Lodge Annual Picnic Mission Viejo, Calif. tells its folk history with brushes and paint. Join variety of challenging Viking games. Shoppers June 11, 2:00—4:00 p.m. Celebrate Scandinavia with displays and dem- June Nyberg at Vesterheim as she shows you the will take delight in the wide array of items sold at Aberdeen, S.D. os of jewelry making, knitting, and Norwegian art of painting stories. Cost is $260 for members the Scandinavian Marketplace such as rosemal- The Sons of Norway Grieg Lodge 1-578 will Hardanger embroidery, spinning and weaving, and $310 for non-members. ing, wood carvings, jewelry, woolen clothing, and be holding their annual picnic and Norwe- rosemaling, and baking. There will be a bake even home furnishings. Festival admission is $15 gian dancers event at the Bethesda Adult sale and a lunch counter. Scandinavian gift Folk Art School: Needle Felted Norwegian Nisse per day with children under 12 free with a paid Day Health Center. Everyone is welcome! Call vendors will be selling items. Entrance cost is June 19—20 adult. At the Hjemkomst Center. For more info, (605) 380-1671 for more info. $1 per person; children under 12 free. At the Decorah, Iowa visit Norman Murray Community Center. Contact While creating a mischievous nisse or a charm- [email protected] for more info. texas ingly hideous troll in this Vesterheim class by Scandinavian Summer Fest NST Viking Chapter Rekefest Coral Berge, you’ll learn the basics of needle felt- June 25 June 25, 4:00 p.m. colorado ing. There will be a materials fee of $20 for felt- Minneapolis, Minn. Ferris, Texas Scandinavian Midsummer Festival ing surface, felting needles, wool, and craft wire. The day begins with a worship service at 11:00 Enjoy a St. Hans Midsummer’s Eve Rekefest June 24—25 Feel free to bring extra for embellishment. Cost is a.m., followed by a children’s parade and danc- with friends at the Moore Farm. Delicious Estes Park, Colo. $130 for members and $180 for non-members. ing around the Midsummer pole. There will also Scandinavian-style Greenland shrimp will be Family event with Scandinavian music, dance, be Scandinavian food, vendors, demonstrators, served with bread, butter, mayo, lemon, dill, crafts, and food vendors. Includes the Fjellborg Folk Art School: Weaving for the Very Beginner exhibitors, and handicrafts for a family-friendly and refreshments by a traditional bonfire. Viking re-enactors, demonstrations, children’s June 21—25 event for all ages. Free. At Minnehaha Park. Cost is $20 for adults and teens and free for crafts activities, Scandinavian auto show, beer Decorah, Iowa kids 12 and under. RSVP at www.norwegian- garden, silent auction, and raffle. Hours are This Vesterheim class taught by Laura Demuth is ohio 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and 9:30 designed to introduce new weavers to the basic Ohio Norsemen Coffee Hour rekefest-shrimp-party/ by June 18. a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. Festival begins skills involved in weaving on a floor loom. You June 17, 2:00—4:00 p.m. with raising of the Midsummer Pole, followed will learn how to make a warp, dress the loom, Rocky River, Ohio by the Parade of Flags and Opening Ceremo- and read threading drafts. The first warp will in- Join the Ohio Norsemen for coffee hour held at Washington nies. Free for all ages. Wheelchair accessible; troduce basic one-shuttle plain weave and twill Panera: 19705 Center Ridge Rd. Call (440) 979- SIFF: King’s Choice parking adjacent. At Bond Park, E. Elkhorn & structures and the second is a two-shuttle Monk’s 0681 if you have any questions. June 9 & 11 MacGregor. Visit Belt design. There will be a materials fee. Cost is Seattle, Wash. or call (303) 449-9596 for more info. $325 for members and $375 for non-members. Norse Viking Festival King’s Choice will be shown as part of the Se- June 23—25, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. attle International Film Festival. This dramatic Rosemaling for Beginners in Oils Cortland, Ohio wartime epic is set over the course of three massachusetts days in 1940, when the aging King of Norway June 27—29 Nordic Kids Series: Trolls in the Tree The festival is full of family-friendly events, com- Lakewood, Colo. bat demonstrations, games, and seminars fo- is presented with an unimaginable ultimatum June 11, 12:00 p.m. from the German army: surrender or die! At Vesterheim is coming to Colorado with a Sons West Newton, Mass. cused on the Viking era. There are living-history of Norway collaboration class! Learn the ba- encampments, artisans, music, and more. At SIFF Cinema Egyptian at 6:45 p.m. on June Margaret Moody joins the Scandinavian Cultural 9 and SIFF Cinema Uptown at 12:00 p.m. on sics of rosemaling—the basic strokes and Center with a tale of Trolls in a Tree. The trolls Trumbull Country Fairgrounds. Visit www.norse- how they are used in Telemark and Hallingdal for more info and tickets. June 11. Visit want to take good care of the fairies’ garden, but choice for more info. styles. These skills will be taught within the they also want to make space for their toaster, context of a brief history of folk painting in television, and chairs. Can the trolls learn to go oregon Norway and information about the various re- Heritage Camp: A Nordic Smørgåsbord green? The show will be followed by a puppet- Annual Midsummer Festival June 26—30, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. gional styles. A kit with all necessary supplies making activity. Cost is $8 or $4 for SCC Family June 10, 11:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. can be purchased for $38. At Sons of Norway Seattle, Wash. Members. Purchase tickets at Portland, Ore. Heritage Camp is open to boys and girls ages Trollheim Lodge. Cost is $260 for members event/nordic-kids-series-trolls-in-the-tree/. Food and crafts are available and two stages of and $310 for non-members. 7 to 11 and will be a week of fun activities and entertainment and a beer garden promise con- crafts related to all things Nordic! Cost is $175 Minnesota tinuous entertainment, all with a Nordic flavor. for Nordic Heritage Museum members, $125 iowa 4North Exhibit The Maypole will be raised at 2:00 p.m. and the for Leif Erikson Lodge members, and $200 Folk Art School: Rosemaling in Rogaland Style now—July 16 Scandinavian of the Year award will be given at general admission. Reservations are required. June 8—11 Minneapolis, Minn. that time. At Oaks Park. Cost is $8 for adults, $7 Decorah, Iowa 4North features four women artists that share a for seniors and students, $17 for families, and Wisconsin This Vesterheim class with Ruth Green will pro- free for children 11 and under. Learn more at heritage from Scandinavia, as well as make their Norskedalen’s Midsummer Fest vide designs in the American Rogaland style for home in Duluth. While the work diverges in style June 17 two or three projects. The class will be taught and medium, the artists share their duel identity Coon Valley, Wis. in oils, but acrylic painters are welcome. Pat- Norway & The US: Partners in the Polar Regions and connection to place. Threads throughout The Historic Bekkum Homestead is filled with terns and palette mixes will be provided. Cost is June 16 the show reveal a deep reverence for the natural volunteers demonstrating skills that our an- $260 for members and $310 for non-members. world and the translation and transmutation of Portland, Ore. This exhibit, opening on June 16, focuses on joint cestors used every day, interactive displays patterns and symbols. Alison Aune, Kristin Aune, of tools used in farming life, live animals, and National Exhibition of Folk Art in the Norwe- expeditions to both the Arctic and Antarctic from Ann Klefstad, and Arna Rennan create work that artisans. Pioneer demonstrations of lefse bak- gian Tradition the late-1800s to the mid-1900s. Ancillary pro- sings in harmony and connects viewers to their ing, butter churning, donut making, spinning, June 8—July 19 gramming to feature lectures and film screenings. own personal home, wherever that may be. At blacksmithing, rope making, embroidery, Decorah, Iowa At Nordia House. Free and open to the public. the Galleri at Norway House. Admission is $5. wood carving, and more. Delicious Scandina- Don’t miss this opportunity to admire recent vian and American food available including works of amazing folk art by contemporary art- Summer Dinner Series: Midsommar Dinner Nisswa-Stämman Festival Troll Rolls (lefse wraps), hot dogs/chili dogs, ists from all over the country. Many of the piec- June 17, 6:00—9:00 p.m. June 8—9 strawberry shortcake, and rømmegrøt will be es are for sale through silent auction—a great Portland, Ore. Nisswa, Minn. served. There will be special activities for kids way to add to your folk-art collection or to start Celebrate the summer solstice a few days early Nisswa-stämman is a gathering of fiddlers, and families as well. one. The judged exhibition includes knifemak- nyckel­harpers, hardingfele players, accordionists, with Broder Söder’s Midsommar Dinner. Enjoy ing, rosemaling, weaving, and woodworking— guitarists, vocalists, dancers, and aficionados of Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 all in the Norwegian tradition. At Vesterheim. Scandinavian folk music. At the Pioneer Village. to be added to The Norwegian American! Check for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you June 2, 2017 • 15 Opening day of fishing at Norway Park

Solveig Lee Mount Vernon, Wash.

April 22, 2017, was the opening day of Photos: Solveig Lee fishing! Could there be a better place for the Left: Bjarne Varnes at peace with the lake. Below: Fishing brings childlike joy to partici- Norwegians to gather than at the pavilion at pants of all ages. Sons of Norway Leif Erikson’s Norway Park at the north end of Lake McMurray? For many, this was the day to pack up one’s fish- ing gear and set off for Norway Park. One might eat breakfast then fish, or fish then eat breakfast. Others came for breakfast and to socialize. Early in the morning, boats dotted the lake. Of course, they were looking for- ward to catching their quota—five fish! The kitchen crew for breakfast served a menu of casserole, pancakes, and toast, with watermelon and of course coffee. Among those eating was Bjarne Var- nes, a past president of Leif Erickson Lodge. Born in Ålesund, Norway, he lived on an lived at Norway Park since 1977. island that had two farms. There were four Bjorn Lunde, who emigrated from Ber- children in his fourth-grade class when he gen in 1953, has designed houses. Six of immigrated to America at age 11. He is cur- them can be found in Port Townsend for the rently an associate member of Sons of Nor- Co-Housing Company. way Bothell Lodge, as well as Sons of Nor- Knut Karlsen is known by all. He found way Abel Lodge. He has a cabin at the park the site for Norway Park. He was also the and spends many weekends there. president of the lodge at one time. Also eating was Michael Ness, whose Since this was the day for fishing, it was father built a cabin at the park in 1965. Ness great to see children, parents, and grandpar- was an aeronautical professor at the Univer- ents heading to or from the lake. There was sity of Washington and later at Seattle Com- Dag, age 10, and Brian, age 8, who came munity College. from the Seattle area to fish at Norway Park Then there was Knut-Erik Erlandson, and visit their grandmother. Also present born in Oslo. What an interesting life! On were the great-great-grandchildren of Stan Saturday, he was eating breakfast at Norway Andahl, one of the founders of Norway Park. Park, but he also holds a memory of the din- All faces were smiling. All caught the quota! ner with King Olav at the Olympic Hotel in Some had been throwing fish back into the Seattle. Tom Stang was the Norwegian con- water for half an hour. sul at the time, and Erlandson was the cater- For all, opening day of fishing at Nor- ing manager for the Olympic Hotel. He has way Park was wonderful! Photos: Solveig Lee Above: The intrepid breakfast crew had delicious offerings ready at 7:00 a.m. From left to right: Bonny Lisman, Berit Smith, Karen Brady, Nancy Larsen, Dave Ross, Linda Briggs, Ann Crawford, and Kelly Ross. Left: The Krafy children, excited to hit the lake.

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have had several rounds of discussions, and differences, it can fight extremism and war. we have not yet drawn a conclusion. Peo- I question if the practice of opening ple have been provoked, aggressive, and up the borders for people of Christian faith offended on both sides, but the discussion but closing them for Muslims upholds U.S. has been healthy because we are now not citizens’ rights and liberties. Is the ban only closer to some sort of solution, but we sending a message to the Muslim popula- have also managed to create an eagerness tion that their religion is not welcome, and to participate in the discussion. We need to will this lead to restrictions on practicing hear all sides of an issue to be able to find individual religion? This could be seen as the most mutual agreement. unconstitutional and against U.S. values. A Christian leaders have encouraged ban or an attack on a certain religious group people of all faiths from all over the world can be considered an attack on all humans’ to oppose the “Muslim ban” and stand by rights and liberties because we do not know the Muslim community. Some people ex- if something we feel is a basic right will be press skepticism against religion because threatened next. To reject someone because they feel it is the root of a lot of conflict of the choice of religion seems like a step around the world. We have seen how some backwards and I ask myself if we have not people who interpret religion in an extreme learned anything from history. However, way can cause a threat: Lord’s Resistance we have seen that when someone threatens Army in Uganda, the Islamic State in Syria the freedom of religion, many people get and Iraq, or right-wing extremists in Scan- up and fight for their rights. This again can dinavia. Deeyah Khan, a woman who works promote unity and solidarity despite differ- against extremism, said that our challenge ent religious beliefs, which can ultimately as a society is that we have not yet found a bring us closer as a community. Being chal- way to live together that is enriching, posi- lenged on our beliefs and feeling the need tive, and inclusive of all members of soci- to fight for what we believe in on behalf of ety. If we are able to listen to each other and each other seems to be a good way of mov- find a common understanding despite huge ing forward as individuals together. 16 • June 2, 2017 Travel theNorwegianamerican Norway’s roads less traveled: Go to Hell—but only temporarily

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

In this continuing series, we ask ordi- nary travelers about their favorite lesser- known corners of Norway. The author of this article is Tim Chris- tenson, a Norwegian American who lives in the Washington, D.C., metro area. Photos: (left) Lars Røed Hansen / Wikimedia, (below) Emily C. Skaftun When you mention towns in Norway, Left: The station at Hell is unremarkable, but for the first one that comes to my mind is Hell. the name. It’s a village of some 1,440 souls in the Below: Postcard fiction written by Editor Emily southern part of Nord-Trøndelag county, C. Skaftun after her trip to Norway (but alas, not near the Trondheim airport. to Hell). There are a few variants on postcards Like many tourists who pass through from Hell, including this one showing a violently Hell, I bought a postcard from Hell showing red sunrise or sunset. Oddly, none of the post- a wintry scene. I sent it to my old Lutheran cards of Hell say “Wish you were here.” pastor back in the USA: “Dear Pastor, Since I was in Norway, I decided to go to Hell. As you can see, Hell does freeze over. It was a much nicer place than you led me to think it would be. If you don’t believe me, you meaning. It’s true that, according to Norse can go to Hell!” mythology, Loki’s daughter Hel presides The church secretary loved it, and the over the place of the dead, so “go to Hel” pastor forgave me. does mean to die. The town’s name, how- I was not, of course, the first English ever, comes from a different and more pro- speaker to employ such witticisms. In fact, saic root: The Old Norse word hellir means Hell has developed itself into something of a “overhang,” a reference to the cliffs just out- minor tourist attraction for people who want side of town. to go to Hell—but only temporarily for a bit Many folks, however, are unwilling to of fun. The train station’s sign has become a let that etymological fact stand in the way of popular site for selfies. Hell has even accom- a good story. The town was where the British modated visiting photographers by changing punk rock band The Boys recorded its third the spelling on its “Goods Handling” freight , To Hell with The Boys. warehouse from the contemporary Norwe- Even the locals occasionally trade on gian spelling Godsekspedisjon to the Old their town’s celebrity. The town sponsors a Norse spelling Gods-expedition. September blues music festival every year In Norwegian, Hell has a very different called “Blues in Hell.” And when lovely lo-

cal Mona Gundt won the Miss Norway pag- A good spot to take “Hellfies” eant in 1990, she went to the Miss Universe pageant advertising herself as “The Beauty Queen from Hell”— Staff Compilation and was chosen Miss Norwegian American Weekly Universe. She even As if the signage at Hell’s famous managed to parlay that railway station wasn’t enough, Rune Sa- success into a role as gen, a denizen of the area, has added a Ensign Graham in the nine-meter high marker. Remeniscent of 1991 season of Star the Hollywood sign in California (though Trek: The Next Gen- Sagen denies that was his inspiration), the eration. giant letters were installed on a nearby It’s a small town, hillside just last October. but there are those who “We’re trying to make something love it. And even if out of this place called Hell,” Sagen told you wouldn’t want to NRK. “It means something a little differ- stay there, perhaps you ent in Norwegian and English, and it’s fun should—as I told my to mark that. I hope the tourists coming pastor—go to Hell. here will get a little more to do here now.” To go with the aluminum letters, a To read all 10 of the previous articles in this marker on the E6 bridge underneath the series, visit sign shows people where to stand to take and search “roads less traveled.” the best “hellfie” with the sign in the background. Christine Foster Meloni is Sagen had the idea for the sign over professor emerita at The George Washington Uni- 20 years ago. But it was only recently that Tim Christenson has Photos: Geir Wennberg / NRK versity. She has degrees he took the idea to Facebook, where it worked on Capitol Hill, Top: The new “HELL” sign being lowered in Italian literature, lin- in the Pentagon, and at took off. He raised 40,000 NOK (almost onto the hillside by a helicopter. guistics, and international American embassies in $5,000 USD) from around 1,000 people. Above: A marker on Hellbrua tells tourists education. She was born in Austria, Fiji, and Norway. The Hell experience just got a little where to stand to take the best “hellfie” with Minneapolis and currently more intense. the sign in the background. lives in Washington, D.C. She values her Nor- wegian heritage. theNorwegianamerican Travel June 2, 2017 • 17 Where to spend a sunny day in Tromsø Tromsø offers plenty of scenic places, but the Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden is special

Vanessa Brune Tromsø, Norway

I’ve never really been one to care much about flowers—that is, until I came to Trom- sø. Of course, the Arctic isn’t exactly a place where you should expect perfect summer weather, but despite its climate, the region offers one thing that says summer like noth- ing else: flowers! Yes, flowers do actually grow in the Arctic; it’s not all permafrost in Tromsø. In fact, during the summer, the most beauti- ful wildflowers can be found all over town, randomly popping up overnight in people’s gardens and public green spaces, blossoming until temperatures get colder again. And I’m not talking about tulips or pop- pies here. Arctic wildflowers are special and there’s nothing that makes me happier than the sight of “Tromsø Palm Trees” and fire- weed on an evening walk under the glow of the Midnight Sun. So on the hottest and sunniest day of 2016, I made my way to the botanic garden in Tromsø to go on a little photo hunt. I’ve actually been to the gardens many times before as it’s situated right next to the university campus, but visiting when it’s warm and sunny is just a completely different experience—and a very memorable one too. There is just no better way to spend a sunny day in Tromsø! Where in

The Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden Tromsø’s botanic garden is actu- Norway? ally called Arctic-Alpine Botanic Gar- How well do you know den and features flowers of all kinds of Norway? Match this photo arctic and alpine regions of the world, not just northern Norway. During July, to its location and email your for example, the highlight of all the answer to naw@na-weekly. blossoming flowers has got to be those com. Correct answers will blue poppies from Tibet. I love how be entered to win one free they look under the sunlight with Mt. month! Tromsdalstinden, the highest moun- tain of Tromsø, as a backdrop. Aside from Himalayan flowers, the Rocky Mountains, New Zealand, South Africa, and Chile are represent- ed with their alpine flora as well, and these flowers thrive well in the short Photos: Vanessa Brune and cool summers of Tromsø. The You don’t have to go far to get to the best free garden is therefore designed to resemble the attraction in Tromsø, the Arctic-Alpine Botanic arctic and alpine regions of the world as a Garden at Tromsø University Museum. The gar- whole, which is why you can also find lots den features plants from high-altitude and high of pine trees, rocks, and small ponds every- latitude areas all over the world. where. The 25 collections of the botanic garden feature not only different arctic and alpine regions but also varying traditions and his- More information frost, so it’s not just summer that’s a lovely torical customs. Thus you can find a tradi- Are you planning to visit Tromsø and time in the garden! tional northern Norwegian garden, an ode to the Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden yourself? Visiting the garden is free and busses the botanic garden of Kirovsk on the Russian Here’s what you need to know: number 20, 21, 34, and 42 pass by on their Kola Peninsula, a spice plant and herb col- The Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden is way to and from town. A visit will take about lection, and even living fossils in the botanic part of Tromsø University Museum and lo- one to two hours, so it’s the perfect thing to garden of Tromsø, among others. cated close to the university campus and the do if you’re short on time and need some I spent a wonderful Saturday morning cruise ship harbor at Breivika. It first opened time away from the tourist crowds. exploring and admiring the flowers and was in 1994 and is the northernmost of its kind, joined by quite a few cruise tourists from the as are so many other sights of Tromsø. nearby Mein Schiff, who must have realized While it’s open year-round, it’s best Vanessa Brune is a Ger- that a warm and sunny day is rare in Tromsø visited between May and October, as that’s man expat living in Tromsø where she works with digi- and that it’s better spent outside than on a when the snow has melted and you can ac- Photo: Sverre Hjørnevik / sightseeing bus. Luckily for all of us, the tually see flowers. However, a visit in April tal marketing and runs the blog www.snowinTromsø. café of the botanic garden was open to offer might give you the chance to see the very com. Submit your photo for “Where in refreshments and some shade! first flowers breaking through snow cover, Norway?” to [email protected]! or even flowers covered by ice due to night 18 • June 2, 2017 Norwegian Heritage theNorwegianamerican How the watery west was won An interview with author Olaf Engvig, maritime historian and preserver of historical ships

Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y.

Many of us have been taught that the settlement of the American west by the non-indigenous began with the Homestead Act, as immigrants flocked to have a bit of their own land. The Gold Rush sent folks even farther west seeking greater treasure. The building of railroads across the country served as an additional catalyst. All of these events take place on land, but what about the waterways? Norwegian author Olaf Engvig has been examining the contributions of Norwegian seamen who were also integral to building the west. His findings can be read in his new Photos courtesy of Olaf T. Engvig publication, The Ships that Built the West: men who worked on them. They transported Above left: The Værdalen prior to restoration, The Scandinavian Navy, Wapama and Vær- building material down the Pacific Coast to covered with graffiti and rust in Trondheim. dalen, available in print or as a Kindle eb- develop San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Above: The Værdalen on its maiden voyage ook. I had the wonderful opportunity to in- other cities in the late 1800s. after restoration, in 2015. Restoring the ship terview Engvig about his life, his maritime was the work of 36 years. Left: The man himself. Engvig holds the 2015 passions, and his new book. VH: How did this Scandinavian Navy help Outstanding Scandinavian American Award, the West Coast grow and thrive? presented to him by the Scandinavian Ameri- Victoria Hofmo: Can you speak a little about OE: There was an enormous need for lumber can Cultural and Historical Foundation in where you were born and your early years? to build the rapidly growing cities along the recognition of his “dedication to the restora- Olaf Engvig: I was born in Trondheim before Pacific Coast and beyond. There were few tion and preservation of historic Norwegian World War II and grew up in the rural com- roads. The only way to transport this lumber ships and boats, and to [his] efforts to docu- munity of Rissa, Norway. My mother was was by ship. There were no ports where the ment and disseminate Scandinavian maritime a farmer’s daughter, growing up in Rissa, sawmills were located, and therefore the lum- history through books and magazine articles while my father was an American captain ber had to be loaded by haywires and lumber [he has] written.” who was drafted as an Army transport officer shoots. The sailors doubled as longshoremen during World War I. My father was arrested and needed to be big and strong. The Scandi- and detained by the Germans during WWII, navians were good seamen, experienced with but they could not find his files because he lumber, and most of all, had the size and build was an American subject. He was therefore to make this possible. More than 80% work- released and kept in house arrest by the oc- ing this trade in the late 1800s and early 1900s cupying German forces. Therefore, I grew were of Scandinavian descent. VH: What did the restoration of the Vær- the world’s history, in regard to technology, up as a Norwegian but was in fact also an dalen entail and what possessed you to take geography, and people. People of today tend American. All my education is from Norway. VH: You also examine how Scandinavian on such a gargantuan task? to forget that three quarters of the world’s lumber was instrumental in building cities. OE: My family and I worked for 35 years to surface is covered by water, and for thou- VH: When did you become interested in Do you have any idea about how much lum- make this happen. There were many setbacks sands of years, up until 100 years ago, ships maritime history? ber was provided or the percentage of timber and disappointments, for example the total were the only way to transport people and OE: I became interested in maritime history used to build western cities? lack of monetary support from the Norwe- goods around the world. through my father due to his maritime back- OE: No, but it was enormous quantities, gian Riksantikvar and vandalism, but many ground and also learned to sail traditional which can be seen in pictures from lumber good people also helped. An entire chapter VH: Your book has a wealth of photos—115. Norwegian longboats at a young age. My ports in, for example, Los Angeles. of the book is dedicated to a detailed descrip- Why were these images so important for you teacher was Jakob Kvithyll, who was the in- tion of all these challenges. to include? spiration for the main character in Johan Bo- VH: You include two specific ships in your I knew that the Værdalen was the only OE: This is an easy question to answer: A jer’s internationally famous book Den siste book, the Wapama and the Værdalen. Why remaining ship from the coastal lumber picture is worth a thousand words. viking (The Last of the Vikings). these two? transport generally and the Scandinavian OE: Both are ships constructed for the lum- Navy specifically. I felt a responsibility to VH: Many have been published for the first VH: Your newest publication, The Ships ber trade. They were the two sole remain- take this gargantuan task on since nobody time. Where did you find them? that Built the West: The Scandinavian Navy, ing ships of this epic transport. They were else did. The Værdalen, built in steel and OE: I found them mostly in maritime mu- Wapama and Værdalen, is described as an restored, to be kept for future documenta- iron in Norway in 1891, is a true copy of seums on the Pacific Coast. Most are more exploration about how the “Scandinavian tion and interpretation, but unfortunately, the Pacific steam schooners, even if she (so than 100 years old. A majority of the newer Navy” helped the West Coast of the U.S. the Wapama was broken up. Luckily, due far) never sailed on the Pacific Coast. The pictures (e.g., of the Værdalen) are my own. grow and thrive. What is meant by the term to hard work over 35 years, the hybrid ship world now has a genuine sample of a lumber Scandinavian Navy? Værdalen has been saved. I wanted to share schooner. Most importantly, she is the only VH: You are an avid advocate for the res- OE: The Scandinavian Navy was the nick- the challenges of restoring historic ships, and true hybrid ship left in the world. She should toration of historic ships. Can you speak a name for the coastal lumber ships and the these are two good examples. be on the World Heritage list. Does anybody little about this passion and what you have want to help with making that happen? achieved? OE: Born and raised by the mighty Trond- VH: Where is the Værdalen now and how is heimsfjord, I went to sea after sail training as it being used? a deck cadet on the bark Statsraad Lehmkuhl OE: The Værdalen is located in the channel when I was 15 years old. Within a year, I had 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 harbor at Trondheim for the time being. We circumnavigated the world and crossed the Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] sailed her last summer. It is a challenge to equator 12 times. find a permanent home for her. My dream is After my military services working on Featuring great Nordic products to see her preserved inside a museum build- the Nike missile electronics, I attended the ing so people can visit her year around. She University of Oslo and received my graduate Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments would only be taken out and sailed at extrav- degree in maritime history as the first per- Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats aganzas and during major events. son in Norway. Upon graduation, I discov- and more! ered that there was a great lack of knowledge VH: Why is it important to preserve historic about and willingness to preserve maritime Visit us online: ships? OE: Ships are the best vehicles for sharing Continued on the next page > theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage June 2, 2017 • 19 Until the cows come home: Meet Lillian Scott, Norway’s cow calls Peggy Larson world record fisher St. Paul, Minn. Nearing 90, this Norwegian has hung up Many American farmers call their herds farmers still existed. He asked several farm- in with the simple words “Come, boss,” stand- ers to use kulokk or an instrument to call in her rod but still dreams with the fishes ing at the fence and waiting for the lead cow their herds, instead of going behind the herd to start the herd toward home to be milked. and hitting them with a stick, which had be- In the high mountains of Norway, however, come norm. The farmers recorded the time it farmers have a much more elaborate tradition took to bring in their herds, and by the end of David Moe of calling in their herds—kulokk. the study the cows were coming in 20 min- Sun City, Calif. Kulokk is said to be the oldest musical utes faster! Knive also asked four seter farm- tradition in Norway, dating back to at least ers to record their calls, then he played the Lillian Scott was born on the middle ages. It may be simple calls such recordings for the herds to see if they would September 28, 1927, in Kris- as “Kom, nå” or “Ha, ku,” just the names come. He asked one farmer to call to another tiansand, Norway, and caught of the cows, or elaborate long melodies that farmer’s herd. He found that the cows came to her first fish before she could may contain words about summer farming. everything, because they knew it was time to walk. She had one sister, Mary, Women typically tended the herds. In be milked and fed. born in 1939. On May 17, 1950, the summer months, teenage girls would I have my own experience of animals at the age of 23, she left Norway take the herd to the higher mountain pas- coming to kulokk, calling to a herd of steers aboard the ship Stavangerfjord, tures to graze. The young farm girl (se- in Wyoming. After miles of driving along went to America, and ended ter jenta) would stay there for up to three fields in Wyoming, I stopped and started call- up at Newport Beach, Califor- months, tending to the herd, making cheese ing to a herd a distance from the road. Before nia, where she landed a job as and butter, and lodging in a small hut. When long one turned and started walking towards a housemaid to several famous it was time for the cattle to be milked and to me. Soon the whole herd was gaping at me movie stars. rest for the evening, each girl used her own from across the fence. In northern Minnesota In 1977, she was intro- musical call to bring them in. There were I also discovered it works on calling in hus- duced to a jeweler named John many girls around the mountaintops with bands from fishing! Scott, was married, and started their herds, and each herd knew the call of Kulokk can carry for five kilometers a fishing adventure on his boat their own mistress. (about three miles). The traditional technique called Menehune out of the ma- This tradition was popular in Norwe- uses long, straight-toned calls that end very rina at Balboa, California. She gian farming until the 1950s, when it died abruptly or with a cry, almost imitating the holds two world records that out with the adoption of more industrial sounds of the cows. These abrupt endings also have never been broken. One farming. However in the 1970s it regained help create an echo so the call carries farther. is for catching the largest Giant popularity as part of the organic farming I have given numerous lectures, con- Black Sea Bass on September Photo courtesy of Lillian Scott movement, and kulokk can still be heard certs, and workshops around the U.S., and 16, 1980, a fish that weighed John and Lillian Scott pose with her world-record catch, a Giant today. Archivists began to record the calls in doing so, have heard many interesting and 454 pounds. Again on May 30, Sea Bass weighing 454 pounds. in the 70s, and there are many samples in heart-warming stories of kulokk from Nor- 1981, she caught another Giant the Oslo and Valdres Folk Music Archives, wegian Americans. When I taught some calls Black Sea Bass that weighed usually of older farmers who used kulokk in to my cousins, they sang as if they had al- 343 pounds. Both were world records. She Approaching 90 years of age, Scott their youth. Several Norwegian folk and jazz ways done it. The same was true for a group and her husband went fishing on weekends says, “I’m not able to fish anymore, but I can singers also perform kulokk and adapt it into of adults taking a week of Norwegian at the and whenever they could get away from their still dream of fishing.” Yes, Lillian, we have their repertoire. Some of the prominent ones Concordia Language Villages in Minnesota. jewelry business. our memories, and they can’t take that away. are Eli Storbekken, Ruth Wilhelmine Meyer, They embraced it so well, they were hard to Berit Opheim, and Agnes Garnas Buen. keep quiet! Kulokk seems to be in our genes! In 2007, I had the joy of traveling to Nor- < Continued from previous page way and interviewing several people who had Peggy Larson has an MA experience and knowledge of kulokk. I met in ethnomusicology, has history. I therefore took it upon myself to do feel miserable. Most likely the food would be with Sten Erik Knive, an agricultural engineer taught singing and kulokk something about this. moldy. But most of all, you would be excited who researched kulokk for his masters’ thesis. to students in America, Eu- I started saving historic ships and have and experience something totally unique that He worked with farmers in the Valdres region rope, and India, and per- not looked back since. In addition to my most modern human beings would never get of Norway, where at that time the most seter forms other Scandinavian books, I have published hundreds of articles to experience (and probably avoid). music and jazz. She has on maritime topics. recently published a book VH: What’s in the works? with a companion CD about kulokk called Sing VH: You also organize maritime archaeolog- OE: My focus is to find a safe home for the ’til the Cows Come Home, a collection of sto- ical expeditions and excavations. What does Værdalen and my other iron ship, the 1874 ries, transcribed melodies and information on that entail? tug Oscarsborg, with 127 years as a work- the vocal technique of singing kulokk. You can OE: This is something I did 40 years ago. The ing tugboat. She has never been restored, purchase the book and contact Peggy at www. most exciting aspect is in my book Viking to and therefore represents a unique document Victorian that describes expeditions with my of technological history. daughter Gunn, then 13 years old. For one I also hope to save the bow of Pol III, entire summer, father and daughter sailed the first ship hit by the Germans during the Photo: frkmags / Foap / around the North Sea in an original, open WWII invasion of Norway. This small neu- Perhaps someone was singing kulokk to attract traditional Norwegian longboat from 1863, trality watch boat with one gun tried to stop the undivided attention of these Norwegian cows. a missing link to the Viking ships, without the invaders during the night of April 9, the use of map and compass, in the “way 1940. She alerted the coastal fortress further of the Vikings.” A few years later, I sailed up the Oslofjord, that unlike other Norwe- the same boat straight across, from Bergen gian fortresses got four hours to prepare for to Shetland ending in Scotland because “the battle. This delayed the invasion by sinking Viking Wind Gods wanted us to go there.” the heavy cruiser the Blucher, and made it My daughter Gunn and her crew followed in possible for the royal family and the govern- a similar boat. These expeditions, described ment to evade being captured. in the Sagas and in my book, are different My family is also urging me to write my forms of excavations that are done trying to memoirs. collect knowledge of life before written doc- uments existed. Other publications of Engvig’s include Leg- ends in Sail and Viking to Victorian: Explor- VH: If I came along to an expedition, what ing the Use of Iron in Shipbuilding. To learn would I do and see? more, visit OE: You would be cold, wet, and sometimes 20 • June 2, 2017 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican Corner A fish by any other name: NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS Brisling is a little-known but much-eaten fish Volume 1 With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in The Norwegian American’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo: Anders Beer Wilse / Public Domain Brisling fishing using shore seines at Jelsa, Rogaland, 1912.

M. Michael Brady Oskeladden & dei gode hjelparane The Ash Lad & the good assistants Asker, Norway del 2 av 6 part 2 of 6 The brisling, a small fish of the for use as food. The word is believed — Kvar skal du av? sa mannen. “Where are you off to then?” asked family, probably is Norway’s most consumed to have come from the Mediterranean island — Å, eg skal bort i skogen og gjera gri- the man. export fish round the world. Yet today in name of Sardinia where the fish once were preva- setrau til den vesle grisungen vår, svara han. “Oh, I am off to the forest to make a pig it is unknown. Were you to walk into a fish lent, but that’s another story. — Grisetrau skal det verta! sa mannen. trough for our little piglet,” answered Paul. shop anywhere, even in Norway, and ask for Some 11 species of small herring clas- — Men kva har du i sekken? spurde mannen. “Then pig troughs it shall be!” said the brisling, you most likely would learn that sify as . The most prevalent species — Møk! sa han Pål. man. “But what do you have in your sack?” “brisling is not sold here.” But were you to in Norwegian waters is the brisling. So from — Møk skal det verta! sa mannen og “Dirt,” said Paul. ask a knowledgeable fishmonger, you might the linguistic viewpoint, a Norwegian brisling gjekk. “Then dirt it shall be!” said the man be directed to go elsewhere and buy some- is a brisling when it is alive and caught but Så strauk han Pål bort i skogen og til å and left. thing else. Therein the curious case of the fish becomes a sardine when it is cured, tinned, hogga og tømra alt han orka. Men korleis Then Paul ran off into the forest to cut well known to the fishermen who catch it, yet and sold in shops. han dreiv på, så vart det ikkje anna enn gri- timber and build for all he was worth. But anonymous to the people who eat it. Norway’s leading producer of sardines is setrau. Til sist vart han svolten og tok fram no matter how he went, he made nothing nistesekken. Då han fekk sjå det som var i, but pig troughs. Finally, he was hungry and The mystery extends to the word brisling King Oscar AS of Bergen, established in 1902 vart han harm, rengde sekken og slo han took his knapsack so as to eat. When he itself. Its origin is not known exactly, though when King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway mot ein stubbe. saw what was in there he became angry, etymologists suspect a connection to the old permitted his name and portrait to be used Då han Pål var komen heim, ville Os- turned it inside out and threw it against a Danish or Norwegian dialect verb brisa or on sardine tins. King Oscar Sardines were keladden i vegen og bad mora om niste. tree stump. brise, meaning “to flare up” or “glow,” de- first exported to the USA in 1903, where the — Kanskje kunne eg vinna kongsdottera og When Paul had come home, the Ash scriptive of the light reflected from the silver market for them grew to be second only to halve riket, sa han. Niste fekk han ikkje, var Lad wanted to go and asked his mother for gray scales of schools of brisling. The fish is the domestic market in Norway. Other large det likt seg det—men han lurde med seg eit food. “Maybe I can win the princess and native to waters off the west coast of Europe, markets round the world include the rest of par havrelefser og ein doven øltår, og så la half the kingdom,” he said. However, he from Norway to Portugal, so its Nordic name Europe, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Australia, han av garde. was not given any food, which was not un- apparently became fixed as fishermen found Då han hadde gått ei stund, møtte han usual—he was, however, able to smuggle catching it profitable. In Norway, brisling See > brisling, page 21 den same gamle kallen som var så krokut og out a couple of oatcakes and a drop of stale were first caught using shore seines drawn by vesal. — Kvar skal du av? sa mannen. beer, and then he set off. rowboats out from and then in to shore, par- M. Michael Brady was — Å, eg skulle til skogs og byggja eit After he had walked for a while, he ticularly along the coast of Rogaland County. educated as a scientist and skip som går like godt på land som på vatn, met the same old man who was so disfig- Around 1910, purse seines drawn further out sa han. ured and scrawny. “Where are you off to with time turned to writing by motorized fishing smacks replaced the tra- and translating. — Kva har du i sekken? sa mannen. then?” asked the man. ditional shore seines, and catch volumes grew — Å, det skulle vera niste. “Oh, I am going to the forest to build a to supply the burgeoning industry of produc- — Gjev du meg litt av nista di, skal eg ship that goes as well on land as it does on ing sardines, the collective term for many spe- hjelpa deg, sa mannen. water,” he said. cies of small herring that are cured and tinned — Gjerne det, sa Oskeladden, men “What do you have in the knapsack?” det er ikkje anna enn to havrelefser og ein asked the man. doven øltår. “Oh, that is lunch.” Norwegian Folk Tales, Fairy Tales and Trolls: — Det er det same kva det er, sa gam- “If you give me some of your lunch I lingen. — Berre eg får mat, skal eg nok hjel- will help you,” said the old man. •Vol 1 = 18 stories, 192 pgs pa deg. Så sette dei seg attmed vegen og åt. “Why not,” said the Ash Lad, “but it is •Vol 2 = 21 stories, 192 pgs Då dei kom opp til gamle-eika i skogen, nothing more than two oatcakes and a drop SAVE 40% •Bilingual English Norwegian on sa mannen: — No skal du skora ut ei flis, og of stale beer.” 2-vol-set text in each book den skal du setja inn att som ho har seti, og “It matters not what it is,” said the old •Hardcover, Smyth sewn, over 600 full colored illustrations in når du har gjort det, kan du leggja deg til man. “As long as I am given food, I will help each 7″x10″ book å sova. Oskeladden gjorde som gamlingen you.” So they sat by the roadside and ate. •Based on the collection of sa; han hogg og sette inn att flisa, og la seg When they arrived at the old oak tree Asbjørnsen and Moe til å sova. in the forest, the man said: “Now you must •For of all ages on both sides cut out a sliver of wood, and then you must of the Atlantic put it back exactly the way it was, and when •Classic series is published every year in Norway by Tuss og Troll 2-vol set you have done this you can lie down and = $29.95 each or $35.95 for 2-vol-set Norsk Barneblad $35.95 with FREE sleep.” The Ash Lad did as the old man said; SAVE 40% + FREE shipping in the USA Call, send check or visit website he cut out and put the sliver back in place, shipping in USA. Astri My Astri Publishing Phone: 563-568-6229 and lay down to sleep. Deb Nelson Gourley [email protected] 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk June 2, 2017 • 21

< brisling From page 20 « What is the secret of the lazy, sweet happiness that fills a person on the first day of a boat trip? » and South Africa. – Agnar Mykle The bright red cellophane wrapper on a 106g tin of King Oscar Sardines includes a Pondus revealing detail. In small print, the requisite by Frode Øverli statement of ingredients includes the informa- Yeah, they’re... tion that the tin contains 80g of cured brisling. So perhaps a tin of brisling is like a legal con- tract in which an essential detail may be in small print.

Originally published in Norwegian on the Clue dictionaries blog at

< saga oseberg Fra side 2

ingen hensiktsmessig forvaltning av hverken sikkerhet eller regelverk. — Vi har en veldig omfattende opp­ Easy, Bjarne! Totally... Buh- læring av mannskapet. Vi har alltid med oss Calm down! ...and you get a beautiful rose Norm... We are not bye! garden with the purchase! Al... done yet, en lettbåt som kan dytte skipet og få oss ut av Bjarne! eventuelle vanskeligheter, sier Flåten. And how are the neighbors? Politikere i Vestfold presser nå på for at næringsminister Monica Mæland skal inn­ føre en ordning som kan gi Saga Oseberg Lunch by Børge Lund dispensasjon fra reglene.

< French Fra side 2

inntrykk på kongolesiske myndigheter at de gikk med på å løse saken. En desemberdag i 2013 pakket Kari Hil- de French kofferten sin i leiligheten sin på Lambertseter i Oslo. Hun satte seg på flyet til Kongo for å feire jul med sønnen Joshua som da var 32. Men hun dro ikke hjem et- ter julefeiringen. Ti måneder senere var hun fortsatt i Kongo. — Jeg blir her i Kinshasa til jeg får med Relax, Nico! An Joshua hjem til Norge. Levende eller død, sa all-hands meeting Not convinced, Kjell! doesn’t automatically Much turbulence lately... hun fra sitt nye hjem i Kinshasa. mean bad news! Kari Hilde French hadde sett for seg et annet pensjonistliv. Alt ble forandret da søn- nen Joshua og hans kamerat Tjostolv Moland Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten ble arrestert og dømt til livsvarig fengsel for drap på sjåføren Abedi Kasongo. De ble også dømt for spionasje. I’m dead... I august 2013 ble Moland funnet død i cellen sin. I februar 2014 ble French dømt til livstid i den militære domstolen i Kinshasa for overlagt drap. Kongolesiske myndigheter konkluderte først med at han hadde begått selvmord. Norske myndigheter mente rettssaken hadde store svakheter, og Kripos’ etterforskere kom også til helt andre konklusjoner om hva som hadde skjedd. Likevel ble French til slutt dømt. Det var 27 februar i år at justisminister Alexis Thambwe Mwamba i en samtale med Groan! What a day! Oh, well... I might as well Yes, Mom! NRK opplyste at Kongos president hadde Kids, I’m trying to relax! forget about it. I should I’m pregnant! think... Positive!? gått med på å benåde French i løpet av 2017.

Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy < UTSTILLING Fra side 2

invitert dronningen til å stille ut egen kunst, verdsetter likevel hennes innsats for å snakke norsk kunst opp og frem. Styreleder Magne Vangsnes i fag- foreningen Norske Grafikere, sier han har til- tro til at Kode har tenkt godt igjennom at de inviterte dronningen til å holde utstilling der. Han viser blant annet til at hun har opp­ rettet The Queen Sonja Print award, som er en internasjonal pris for grafiske kunstnere. I’ve never seen the like. På hennes 80-årsdag 4. juli åpner Dron- Oh say, Ola, I was going to Be ready to close ship dressed turkeys today, the tailgate and I But you said they Me neither. ning Sonjas Kunststall på slottet. Det blir et will you help me load up? will chase them in. were dressed. nytt visningssted for norsk grafikk. 22 • June 2, 2017 Fiction theNorwegianamerican

Spirits of the Forest fiction by Michael Allan Mallory

Illustration: Inkshark

it is.” Stig gestured “That’s why I’m here.” in passing. “You live on a farm in the for- Afterward, she made a gesture over the “There to the cracked white “Good. You stay here. Guard the est.” Huldra and backed away. To his aston- birch by the edge of the road. “Almost body. Don’t let anything or anybody harm “That’s right,” she said, pleased he re- ishment the body grew paler until it was there!” His athletic build easily quickened it. You wait ’til I get back from town with membered. She jutted her chin toward the nearly translucent. Harald blinked to clear the pace. my uncle’s van.” Huldra. “Your jacket. Why did you cover his eyes. It didn’t matter. Within seconds Harald struggled to keep up. His “Van? What for?” her?” the body faded into nothingness. Gone mangled ankle was a remnant of an old “To show people the body. I’ll be fa- “It seemed the right thing to do. She’s like a wisp of smoke. boyhood misadventure and the wide dirt mous!” naked,” “How—?” He turned to Silkie un- road was uneven this far in the forest. Without further comment Stig disap- “You know it doesn’t matter to her.” comprehendingly. At the birch tree, Stig veered off the peared into the underbrush. Harald wasn’t “I didn’t like her being exposed like She gently pressed her forefinger road and led them beyond thick stands of happy at being left behind. It wasn’t the that.” against his lips, smiling cryptically. “Don’t aspen and red alders where, after a short first time and probably wouldn’t be the She tilted her head, considering him believe everything you hear about myths.” march, they emerged into a tiny clearing. last. with fresh eyes, smiling a becoming smile. She nodded toward the road. “We should There Harald was met by a stunning sight. Moved by the death of so stunning a “That was nice of you.” go.” A slant of dappled sunlight fell upon the creature, Harald wondered what life had Harald grunted. “Stig won’t think so. After they emerged from the under- body of a young woman lying on a patch been like for her and how she had died. In He’ll say it’s stupid.” brush, a conflicted Harald stared hard of grass. Sleek and enchanting, she was na- time he grew uneasy viewing her like this Her elegant blonde eyebrows knit to- at Silkie, sizing her up. Her glacial blue ked as the day she was born. A swirl of and removed his jacket. Hobbling over, he gether. “Does that bother you?” eyes looked back apprehensively. She bit luxurious ash blonde hair spilled across the knelt and covered her. He shrugged. He’d been kicked her lower lip in wait of his judgment. It length of her back to a long cow-like tail. A sound made him look over his around enough in his 21 years, once more came with the promise of a great heart as Stig stood proud. “Just like I told shoulder. could hardly matter. “I’m used to it. Stig Harald’s gaze lingered on her momentarily you.” It was Stig, back unexpectedly early. and I grew up together.” before he glanced down. “Your skirt got Harald couldn’t believe his eyes. “She’s And he was not alone. A young farm maid Silkie was struck by his reply. “Harald, twisted in the brush. Allow me.” beautiful.” followed him. She wore a white blouse of I barely know Stig, but even I can tell he She watched him adjust the hem of “I told you I’d found a Huldra. That’s plain-spun cloth and a long gray-striped doesn’t respect you. The reason I’m here is her long skirt to conceal the tip of her tail, no mythical creature.” skirt. Something was familiar about her, because he doesn’t think you can guard the which had come untied and was now vis- Harald nodded. As a child he’d heard although Harald couldn’t say what. Huldra on your own.” ible. A grinning Silkie wrapped her arm the stories of these seductive, danger- They entered the clearing. “Harald, “Yeah,” he sighed after a bit. He’d al- under his and together they walked along ous creatures who enticed men with their this is Silkie. I saw her down the road. I ways gone along with his boyhood friend. a path that went deep into the forest. charms. He had dismissed them as folklore. thought I’d bring her to help you.” That didn’t seem to count for much. But what if they weren’t? A wide-eyed Silkie stared at the ex- Silkie eyed him curiously, taken by a “Is she real? That tail could be fake.” traordinary figure on the grass. “Oh my thought. “Are you really going to help Stig “Pull on it then. It won’t come off.” god,” she muttered breathlessly. show the body to people?” Michael Allan Mallory “She looks pretty fresh. Maybe she’s Stig nodded in agreement. “Not He hesitated. The way she asked made lives in Minnesota with not really dead.” something you see every day, is it?” He him suddenly question the idea. his delightful wife, who is of Scandinavian descent, “Oh, she’s dead. Pull her tail.” turned to Harald with a warning stare. “What if,” she suggested, “the Huldra and two cats who aren’t. Harald balked. “I’m not touching her. “I’m counting on you.” With a parting wasn’t here when Stig gets back? What He is the co-author of two Stig snorted derisively. “You runknisse. glance toward Silkie, he trotted into the would you tell him?” novels featuring mystery’s I knew I should’ve brought Anders.” brush and out of sight. Harald thought it over. “I’d tell him first zoologist sleuth: Lav- Except Anders was in Lillehammer all In his wake there came an awkward he was mistaken, that she wasn’t dead. She ender “Snake” Jones. His short stories have weekend. That’s why Harald was here; he silence. woke up and ran away.” appeared in numerous anthologies. Most re- was Stig’s second choice. He was always “We have met before,” Silkie remind- Silkie grinned, motioning him to keep cently, he co-edited and has a story in Cooked to Death: Tales of Crime and Cookery, an an- Stig’s second choice. ed Harald. still. Then she moved beside the body and thology that made the St. Paul Pioneer Press “So,” Stig pressed, “you gonna help “Yes.” He remembered her appealing, spread her arms wide, muttering some- 2016 list of best books for adults. Michael can me?” lively face now. They’d spoken a few times thing that was either a prayer or a chant. be found lurking at theNorwegianamerican Roots & Connections June 2, 2017 • 23 A curious culinary connection Dried cod provides a tasty link between the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

On June 9, 1534, French naviga- tor Jacques Cartier sailed into the Gulf of St. Lawrence in what now is Quebec and claimed it for France. There he saw as many as a thousand Basque fishing boats, drawn there by the rich cod fishing grounds of the Photos: (left), Grand Banks of Newfoundland. From the (below) Jacob Bjørge AS, (bottom) WHell fishermen he learned that their catches were Left: Gregorio Martin bacalao shop in San Fran- cisco district of Bilbao specializes in klippfisk. preserved by drying and salting for transport Below: Klippfisk ready for export from Norway to back to Spain. markets like Spain. That brought salt cod into one of the tri- Bottom: A Spanish supermarket display of Klipp­ angular trade routes between the New World fisk showing both the flesh (left) and skin (right) and the Old, shaped by the winds and sides. currents in the age of sail. With time, more cod available translated to more cod consumed. Around the Atlantic, salt cod entered the fish trades and cuisines of northern European and the Mediterranean countries, in which the cuisine of it became known as Bacalao in Spanish or Bacalhau in Portuguese. The Basque practice of drying and salting cod came to Norway around 1640. The produce became known as klippfisk, literally “cliff fish,” from the Basque technique of drying outdoors by wind and sun, often on cliffs. It entered Norwegian coastal culture as an exotic addition to ordinary tørrfisk (“dried fish”) that Norway had pro- duced and exported since the Viking Age. Commercial klippfisk production began in the 18th century, and by the 19th century had evolved to an export industry, centered around the coastal cities of Kristiansund and Ålesund in Møre og Romsdal County. Aside from the income it brought, the exporter. Moreover, Ålesund now has three export of klippfisk exposed northern Norway Spanish restaurants, considerable for a Nor- to Mediterranean culture. In 1824, klippfisk wegian city of its size (population 49,000). was first shipped directly from Ålesund to In Bilbao, the cuisine of cod is evident in Bilbao, the largest city in the Basque coun- restaurant menus and in the offerings of spe- try of northern Spain. From 1835 on, Span- cialist food shops, such as those of the giant ish importers sent schooners to Ålesund to Mercado de la Ribera market that resembles pick up cargoes of klippfisk. Often in spring a ship alongside the Nervión river running there were 20 to 30 Spanish schooners in through the city. In Bilbao’s old town, there’s the harbor, waiting for the klippfisk to fin- a shop specializing in salt cod, the venerable ish drying. This Spansketida (“Spanish Pe- Gregorio Martin shop in the San Francisco riod”) lasted until the 1870s. It both boosted district that proclaims its specialization in the local economy and affected the cultures Bacalao with an outdoor triangular hanging of the cities in lasting ways. Today, Ålesund sign in the shape of a split of klippfisk. is probably the world’s leading producer of In Norway, klippfisk and Bacalao are klippfisk, and Bilbao the world center of its significant in business and in culture. Ac- culinary use in Bacalao cuisine. cording to the Norwegian Seafood Council, The cod connection may be most evi- in 2016 Norway exported 80,754 tons of dent in Ålesund, in which commerce centers klippfisk for a total of NOK 3.7 billion ($440 on cod-connected companies. The archetype million). Bacalao is a word in Norwegian may well be Jacob Bjørge on the island of dictionaries, and in Kristiansund there’s the Ellingsøy just outside the city, a family- Norsk klippfiskmuseum (Norwegian Klipp­ owned business now celebrating its 80th an- fisk Museum) in the 18th-century building of niversary as a dried salted fish producer and the Milnbrygga (Miln Quay).

Business and individual tax returns; audits; forensic The Scandinavian Hour accounting; financial Celebrating over 50 years on the air! statement preparation; KKNW – 1150 AM Certified Public Accountants litigation support. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. Streaming live on the internet at: Seattle, Washington 98119 Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: • Email: [email protected] 24 • June 2, 2017 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

Ole and Sven went fishing one day in a rent - ed boat and were catching fish like crazy. Ole said, “We better mark dis spot so ve can Grieg Lodge Scholarships come back tomorrow and catch more fish.” Sven then proceeded to mark the bot - tom of the boat with a large ‘X’. Ole asked him what he was doing, and Sven told him he was marking the spot so they could come back to catch more fish. Ole said, “Ya big dummy, how do ya know ve are going ta get da same boat tomorrow?” Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

Seeking donations for monument

Sons of Norway’s Grieg Lodge in Portland, Ore., recently celebrated its 107th birthday with a special Viking Pancake Brunch and Scholarship Awards Ceremony. Fifteen scholarships of $2,000 each were awarded. In addition a $500 Bernhard and Johanna Fedde Grant was awarded to the Portland Scandinavian Chorus, which will be performing on tour in Sweden and Norway this summer. Front: Robert Stoddard, Tyler Pederson, Chelsea Davis, Nicole Kister, Susie Winn (Fedde Grant representative), Nathan Bergfelt, and Millie Hobaish. Back: Laura Gifford, Nissa Jensen, Sophia Caesar, Logan Wahlstrom, Elizabeth (Libby) Solheim, and Jannike Allen. Recipients not shown: Raymond Baldwin, Chad Lipka, and Ian Schipper.

Submitted by Gail Hetland, Publicity Director, Sons of Norway Grieg Lodge

Honoring War Sailors

On April 9, 1945, the plucky little watch boat Pol III sounded the alarm against the German invasion, buying time for the King of Norway to escape. Now, 72 years later, a movement is growing to erect the bow of that ship (shown above) as a monument in the community of Rissa, Norway. The municipality’s leadership is on board (so to speak), so all that’s missing is money. They need about 350,000 NOK, or some $42,000 USD, and they are eager to accept help from the Norwegian-American community. The Municipality of Rissa has established an account with Sparebanken Midt- Norge in Rissa. The account is earmarked for the Pol III monument. The account number is 4213.05.10021. American account holders can contribute in two ways: • Preferred: They can transfer money electronically using the following IBAN: NO0342130510021. Please put “Pol III” donation in the message field. • They can send a check written out to Mona Engvig and marked “POL III” and mail it to Mona Engvig, 1451 Lomita Blvd. Apt. 4, Harbor City, CA 90710. (Include return mailing address so Engvig can send a thank you note.) She will then transfer the funds to the Norwegian account.

Submitted by Mona and Olaf Engvig. For more on Olaf, see the story on page 18.

Photo: Danny Johnson May 8, 2017, saw a ceremony at the Norwegian War Sailors Monument in New York’s Battery Park, organized by the Scandinavian East Coast Museum in partnership with the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in N.Y. War Sailors Aksel Andresen and Captain Olav Aune received two Newspaper ads never go out medallions distributed by David Wold: one from the Convoy Cup Foundation and one from the Camp Norway Foundation, as well as the Convoy Cup Certificate of Appreciation, all from Canada. of style. Place yours today! This was followed by a special luncheon hosted by Elin Bergithe Rognlie, the Norwegian Consul General of New York. Here these two men along with Wold and several other brave Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] vets received from the Royal Norwegian Embassy a “Defense and Commemorative Medal.” to request a personalized advertising proposal Submitted by Victoria Hofmo, President, Scandinavian East Coast Museum