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Contest! Op-Ed , North Enter our 2013 Summer Det er høst. Sommeren er forbi, den Dakota, and Photo Contest! Memories forsvant like så hurtig som den kom; akk hvor den gikk hurtig. oil Read more on page 15 – Knut Hamsun Read more on page 6 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 30 August 30, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief

Business Congo prisoner is suspect Norway’s election outcome next month is poised to end a deadlock Suspicion and over oil drilling off the shores of its protected Lofoten Islands. drama unfolds Oil companies including Statoil in death of ASA (STL) have said opening up the waters, which may hold 3.4 , billion barrels of oil equivalent, Norwegian is essential to replacing falling output in western Europe’s prisoner in Congo biggest exporter. Opposition by the junior partners in the governing Labor-led coalition Staff Compilation has so far blocked the area to Norwegian American Weekly explorers. The Conservative and Progress parties, which look set Tjostolv Moland was found to form a coalition government, dead in his cell in , Dem. are both in favor. Rep. of the Congo, by his cellmate (Bloomberg) and Norwegian countryman Josh- Environment ua French on Sunday, Aug. 18. Moland and British-Norwe- UK and Norway use their gian citizen were hydrocarbons most efficiently. sentenced to death in the D.R. These results are reported in the Congo in 2009 for allegedly mur- study made by Joerg Friedrichs dering their taxi driver. The two and Oliver Inderwildi, scientists have maintained their innocence, from Oxford University. The authors compared GDP per capita Photo: Wikimedia Commons See > congo, page 7 Kinshasa, the capital of the D.R.C., where Norwegian national Joshua French is still being held on suspicion of . with emissions of carbon dioxide, which is accompanied by the active use of dirty fuels – oil, gas and coal. Data from 41 countries at different levels of development Waffles onboard A new Beacon was analyzed for the article. The Tall ships, including the Sørlandet, arrive in study found that among other New York Waterfront Duluth, Minn. to great fanfare from Norwegians countries with large reserves comes to Beacon, of hydrocarbons Norway and the are able to N.Y. dispose them more effectively. (Nordic Page) Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y.

What’s inside? Beacon, Dutchess County, NY News 2 – 3 is still experiencing a renaissance. A once thriving manufacturing city Photo: Michael Herrick Business 4 Dutchess County Marker, Hudson Research & Education 5 See > beacon, page 15 Valley, N.Y. Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Solbakken returns Roots and Connections 10 Photo: Amanda Hansmeyer The Norwegian Obituaries & Religion 11 Geir Severeide proudly displays his Norwegian colors as he waits to board the Arts & Style 12 Sundew. soccer coach returns In Your Neighborhood 13 to Copenhagen Norwegian Heritage 14 Kelsey Larson Managing Editor Sports 15 Norway Post

$1 = NOK 6.0419 Bente Soderlind, member of July 25 – 28. One of the visiting updated 8/26/2013 Sons of Norway Nortun Lodge ships was Sørlandet, the oldest of Norwegian Ståle Solbakken is 1-106 in Duluth, Minn., had a cra- the three remaining Norwegian tall In comparison returning to Danish club FC Co- zy idea. ships, and the oldest full rigged penhagen as head coach on a three- 7/26/2013 5.9196 Tall Ships Duluth, a festival ship in the world still in operation, year contract. This was confirmed 2/26/2013 5.7192 featuring ten beautiful tall ships Photo: Norway Post 8/26/2012 5.8281 of days gone by, was taking place See > onboard, page 9 See > solbakken, page 15 Ståle Solbakken. 2 • august 30, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Lettere å velge Venstre vil ha gratis barnehage for å Ap-fremgangen stopper bekjempe fattigdom Etter å ha gledet seg Helse og omsorgsminister Venstre vil innføre gratis kjernetid i barne- over en liten fremgang Jonas Gahr Støre tror mer hage for alle 3-5-åringer fra lavinntektsfam- informasjon vil gjøre det de siste dagene får ilier og 34 andre tiltak som skal bekjempe lettere for folk å velge fattigdom. – Foreldre med lav utdanning i dag og lav inntekt benytter barnehage minst. sykehus Dersom disse gruppene får økt barnehage- en ny kalddusj: Høyre dekning, mener Venstre at det vil bedre er igjen størst på VGs barnas læring i skolen, øke andelen som Dagbladet fullfører videregående skole og øke andelen partibarometer som tar høyere utdanning, sier Venstre-leder . Venstre vil også blant VG – Bedre og lettere tilgjengelig infor- annet differensiere barnetrygden slik at masjon skal gjøre det lettere for pasientene lavinntektsfamilier får mer og høyinntekts- Kun to dager fikk Arbeiderpartiet trone Foto: Arbeiderpartiet.no å velge mellom sykehusene. Det er viktig at familier får mindre, innføre en garanti som på toppen som landets største parti på In- Arbeiderpartiet er ned igjen på VGs partibarometer. pasientene lett kan finne fram til sykehusene sikrer at ruspasienter får behandling 24 tim- facts barometer. Nå har den lille fremgangen med kortest ventetid. er etter avrusning og styrke den økonomiske for partiet stoppet opp. Samtidig kan både Neste måned blir det helt nytt og bedre rådgivningstjenesten i Nav. Høyre og Venstre notere fremgang. Også regjeringspartner SV faller på da- innhold på frittsykehusvalg.no, sier helsemi- (VG) Dermed har den borgerlige blokken et gens måling, og tangerer nå sperregrensen. nisteren. forsprang på hele 32 mandater idet vi går inn Samtidig har Miljøpartiet De Grønne sta- På nettsiden skal det bli lettere å finne Mann arrestert etter å ha slått NAV-ansatt i de siste to valgkampukene. bilisert seg rett under den magiske firepro- fram, språket skal være mer forståelig, og i ansiktet Fagsjef Knut Weberg i Infact påpeker at sentsgrensen. informasjonen om behandlingstilbud og be- En mann i 30-årene er pågrepet av politiet Arbeiderpartiet så langt ikke har klart å løfte – Det blir svært spennende å følge ut- handlingstider skal være bedre. etter å ha slått og truet NAV-ansatte i Åle- seg, til tross for at partiets tradisjonelt sterke viklingen til De Grønne de neste dagene. Før Beregningen av ventetid skal bli enklere sund. Hendelsen skjedde på NAV-kontoret valgkampmaskin nå ruller for fullt. sommeren var deres fremgang et rent - og mer presis. Det skal også være oversikt på Moa i Ålesund mandag morgen og ble Også på en måling TV 2 presenterte fenomen. Nå ser vi at de styrker seg også i over flere typer behandlinger, som stiger fra først meldt av smp.no. – Vi rykket ut da vi søndag kveld går Ap tilbake. andre landsdeler og aldersgrupper. Det skal 140 til rundt 190. fikk melding om en truende person, forteller – Endringene er beskjedne, men vi kan i svært lite til for at de skal vippe over sper- I tillegg blir det satt i gang en egen kam- politiets operasjonsleder Leif Arne Valder- hvert fall slå fast at tendensen tidligere i uken haug til VG. Mannen hadde slått en NAV- regrensen og dermed sikre seg en rekke man- panje for å gjøre nettsiden bedre kjent. Net- ikke har forsterket seg. Ap har ikke fått noen ansatt i ansiktet med knyttneven, og deretter dater, sier Weberg. tsiden Fritt sykehusvalg blir fra årsskiftet jevn fremgang, tvert imot. Det er for tidlig å truet to ansatte med en stol. Politiet rykket Til tross for at partiet fortsatt ligger un- flyttet over til helsenorge.no. kalle det en trend, men tendensen nå er at Ap ut og pågrep personen i løpet av 15 minutter. der sperregrensen er De Grønne inne med Fra 1. januar 2014 vil også røntgenin- svekker seg, mens Høyre igjen styrker seg, – Da vi kom til stedet, hadde han roet seg. tre mandater på dagens VG-barometer. Bak- stitutter, som har avtale med det offentlige, sier Weberg. Det var en udramatisk pågripelse. Vi tok han grunnstallene viser at partiet nå har størst inngå i Fritt sykehusvalg. til sentralarresten og håper å gjennomføre et – Alt kan skje i politikken, men det er oppslutning i Nord-Norge. avhør i ettermiddag, sier Valderhaug. Hen- fortsatt svært langt frem for et rødgrønt flertall. I løpet av valgkampen har vi ikke English Synopsis: Health Minister Jonas Gahr Støre delsen er den siste i en rekke der klienter wants to make it easier for people to choose which sett noen reell forskyvning mellom blok- English Synopsis: After a little boost in the opinion bruker trusler og vold mot NAV-ansatte. I polls, Jens Stoltenberg and the Labor Party are once hospital they want to be treated at. He believes that forrige uke ble en 45 år gammel mann i Oslo kene, sier han. again outstripped by the Conservative Party. this will cut down waiting times. varetektsfengslet i fire uker etter å ha truet en NAV-ansatt på Stovner i Oslo. Oslo tingrett avviste først påtalemyndighetens begjæring om fengsling, men lagmannsretten ga politi- Svensk kritikk et medhold i at gjentakelsesfaren var så stor Avstanden veldig stor at mannen ble varetektsfengslet. En drøy Midt på Karl Johan i Oslo uke tidligere døde en NAV-ansatt av skadene angrep den svenske Flere KrF-topper sier nå rett hun ble påført da en klient knivstakk henne toppolitikeren Gustav ut at det er helt utelukket på kontoret i Grorud. å sitte i regjering med (VG) Fridolin oljenasjonen Norge direkte Fremskrittspartiet Norsk laks holdes igjen på grensen til Kina Nylig varslet utenriksminister Espen Barth VG VG Eide (Ap) at både Kina og Norge ønsker å normalisere forholdet, som har vært an- De vil at KrF-leder – Norge er et land som har vært veldig strengt siden Liu Xiaobo fikk Nobels freds- skal gi klar beskjed om dette i god tid før opptatt med å tro at oljen er framtiden. Oljen pris for snart tre år siden. På fiskemarkedet i valget. er egentlig heller ikke engang samtiden, sa Shanghai er det derimot ingen normalisering Men Hareide selv nøler og fastholder at talsperson Gustav Fridolin og ga ros til sine Foto: Gunnhild Sørås å spore. Norsk laks taper andeler i et vok- et regjeringssamarbeid er «lite sannsynlig», norske meningsfeller for gjennombruddet Knut Arild Hareide, leder i KrF. sende marked, og selv lille Færøyene selger slik KrF har ment de siste 12 månedene. nå mer laks til Kina enn Norge gjør, skriver med å få nordmenn og de andre partiene til å Raseriet mot Frp har imidlertid økt i Dagens Næringsliv. Fiskeriutsending Sig- tenke forbi oljealderen. styrke i KrF etter at innstillingen fra Frp’s hvordan partiene stiller seg til et regjerings- mund Bjørgo i Norsk Sjømatråd forteller – Gjennombruddet er allerede kommet «bærekraftutvalg» om innstramninger i asyl- samarbeid som kan avløse Jens Stoltenberg. tvert imot om en situasjon som har blitt mer for Miljøpartiet De Grønne. De har greid å politikken, ble kjent. I denne sondringsrunden vil KrF forsøke komplisert, ikke mindre. – Fisken kan stå trenge igjennom og fått folk og de andre par- Flere mener at det ett år gamle KrF-ve- å få Høyre til å velge sentrum foran Frp. inntil tre dager lenger på lager. Da er den tiene til å høre etter, for oljen er ikke fram- dtaket, hvor det står at regjeringssamarbeid Er ikke dette mulig, og Høyre og Frp ikke like fersk som laks fra Skottland eller tiden, sa Fridolin som mandag var på norges- med Frp er «lite sannsynlig», gir Hareide velger å gå i forpliktende regjeringsforhan- Færøyene når den ender i salgsdisken i Kina, besøk for å hjelpe det norske lilleputtpartiet rom til å gå ut og utelukke å sitte i regjering dlinger, så vil KrF vedstå seg sitt løfte og forklarer Bjørgo. Det går ut over kvaliteten i valgkampen. med Frp før valget. bidra til å sette inn en ny borgerlig regjering på den norske laksen, som dermed får et Det svenske miljøpartiet er som en Go- Men Knut Arild Hareide fastholder som de selv ikke deltar i. handikap i konkurransen med de øvrige liat sammenlignet med sitt norske søsterpar- leverandørene. Det Bjørgo forteller stem- overfor VG at han ikke ønsker å smelle I KrF-vedtaket fra september 2012 står ti. Fridolin er talsperson for Sveriges tredje mer godt med det fiskeselger Fan Jian på ett døren igjen for Frp nå. det at partiet i så fall vil «føre en konstruktiv største parti som har 25 representanter i den av markedene Shanghai opplever. – Jeg har – Jeg mener at avstanden til Frp ikke har opposisjonspolitikk med utgangspunkt i eget svenske Riksdagen og som er med i styrin- ikke sett en fersk norsk laks på én måned, økt, men den er fortsatt veldig stor, sier Ha- partiprogram». gen av 100 av de 300 kommunene i Sverige. sier han til næringslivsavisen. Samtidig som reide til VG. Kilder som kjenner Hareides egne Tilsvarende tall fra Norge før valget er at in- Eide sier at «det er et uttalt ønsker fra begge – Er det blitt enda mindre sannsynlig at vurderinger, sier at han vil koordinere seg gen fra De Grønne er på Stortinget og partiet sider» at landene vil legge konflikten i kjøl- KrF kan sitte i regjering med Frp? tett med Venstre i disse samtalene. Bare ni er representert i bare 17 kommuner. vannet bak seg, kommer det også signaler – Jeg fastholder at det fortsatt er forhold- prosent av Venstres velgere tror imidlertid Håpet er imidlertid stort. Miljøpartiet om endring fra Kina. Ifølge Thomas Huang svis lite sannsynlig, sier KrF-lederen. på en fireparti-regjering, mens 22 prosent av i konsulentselskapet Nordic China Advi- De Grønne har i flere uker vippet opp og ned Flere kilder i KrF bekrefter at partiet har KrFs velgere tror det blir en slik regjering. sory, ønsker ikke kineserne lenger at Norge rundt sperregrensen på meningsmålingene. lagt et to-trinns løp for en regjeringsprosess beklager fredspristildelingen. etter 9. september: English Synopsis: Poll numbers indicate that the (Dagbladet) English Synopsis: A Swedish politician criticized Christian Democrat party may not be able to form a Norway’s oil policies in the middle of Karl Johan Umiddelbart etter valget vil Høyre, Frp, government coalition with the Progress Party, as had street in downtown Oslo. KrF og Venstre sette seg ned for å avklare been suggested previously. Norwegian american weekly august 30, 2013 • 3 News Exluded anew Again, more marriages This week in brief Two American companies Norwegian government considers fate of Divorce is on the Picasso murals excluded from Fund for The Norwegian government is mulling weapons manufacturing decline in Norway while over the fate of five Picasso murals that marriage thrives survived a deadly 2011 car bombing. The murals — “The Beach,” “The Seagull, Special Release “Satyr and Faun” and two versions of “The Ministry of Finance Special Release Fisherman” — were designed by Picasso Statistics Norway for two government buildings in Oslo. The American company Alliant Tech- They were sandblasted into the buildings systems Inc. (ATK) and the American com- during the 1950s and 1960s. In 2011, pany Lockheed Martin Corporation (Lock- After three years with a decrease, the political fanatic Anders Breivik launched heed Martin) were excluded from the Fund number of contracted marriages increased to a series of attacks that killed 77, first with in 2005 due to their production of cluster 24,300 in 2012; 1,200 more than in 2011. A a car bomb and then in a mass shooting munitions. In recommendations to the Min- total of 9,900 marriages were dissolved by at a youth summer camp. The bomb killed istry of Finance, the Council on Ethics stated divorce and 11,100 couples separated. Both eight people and ravaged the Picasso that the companies no longer produce cluster of these figures are slightly lower than in Photo: Wikimedia Commons buildings, though the murals survived. Norway has once again experienced more mar- munitions. The Council on Ethics has nev- recent years. Now the government must decide what to riages and less divorces in the year 2012. ertheless recommended that the companies The increase in the number of contracted do with the damaged buildings. They have should continue to be excluded from the marriages from 2011 to 2012 does not seem to until early next year to decide the murals’ Government Pension Fund Global because be in a specific age group. The marriage rate groups 30 – 34 years and 50– 54 years for fate. The Picasso family, which owns the they produce key components for use in nu- for first marriages increased in all age groups males, and for women the rate increased rights to the murals, must also weigh in. clear weapons. over 25 years for both men and women. The most in the age groups 30 – 34 years and 40 (LA Times) The guidelines for the observation and marriage rate in 2012 was, as previous years, – 44 years. exclusion of companies from the Fund’s in- highest for both males and females in the In 2012, the average age for first Major wind park to be built in Central age group 30 – 34 years. Compared to 2011, Norway See excluded, page 15 See > marriages, page 15 > the marriage rate increased most in the age Oil and Energy Minister Ola Borten Moe has given permission to build up to 450 new wind mills at a cost of NOK 20 billion, China’s effect on Norway near the Trondheims Fjord. The generators More aid will be built in eight new wind mill parks Norway could be one south and north of the Trondheims Fjord, With the crisis in Syria the Adressseavisen reports. Included in of the most affected by demanding attention, aid the project is also a new distribution grid. China’s economic setback Borten Moe says this will be the world’s from Norway to increase largest wind power project. The new parks will produce a total of 3.7 billion kWh Norway Post Special Release anually, enough electricity for 180,000 Ministry of Foreign Affairs households. (NRK) The likelihood of a setback in China’s The Government intends to increase the economy within a year has increased, ac- Offshore helicopters grounded humanitarian budget by NOK 350 million. cording to some financial analysts. If it hap- CHC Helikopter Service Norge has The funds will primarily be channelled to pens, Norway is among the countries that grounded five helicopters until further Syria, but the crisis in South Sudan and the will be most affected. notice, the same type that Aug. 23 crashed area around the Great Lakes in Africa will There is a small, but increasing possi- of the coast of Shetland with the loss of also receive Norwegian support. bility of China’s economy coming to a com- four lives. The helicopter, which was Photo: Wikimedia Commons “There is an acute need for additional plete halt within a year, says DNB, one of transporting 18 offshore workers from The city of Shanghai has become a symbol of funds to alleviate several of the grave hu- Norway’s largest financial groups. a North Sea platform, came down two China’s rapid economic expansion since the manitarian crises in the world. The Govern- If it happens, the consequences for Nor- miles west of Sumburgh Airport Friday 1990s. ment has therefore presented a proposition way could be severe and may reduce the afternoon. CHC Norge has five helicopters to the today, proposing a NOK 350 price of oil by 50 percent, to USD 50 per If the Chinese economy were to stall and of the same type. Their spokesman Svein million increase in the humanitarian budget. barrel. investments fall back to a more normal level, Thompson says there is no reason to Of this sum, NOK 275 million will go to the Chief Economist Øystein Dørum thinks this would lead to a considerable decrease in believe that there is anything wrong with crisis in Syria,” said Minister of Foreign Af- that there are typical signs of a financial value creation in the world’s second largest these aircraft, but that they have been bubble in the current Chinese economy, in- fairs . economy. grounded as a safety precaution, until the cluding an increase in real estate prices and The humanitarian situation in Syria is “This will spread to the rest of the world cause of the accident has been determined. credit, but decreasing returns. See > china, page 15 See > aid, page 12 (Norway Post) Enjoy Norway all year long.

Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! Subscribe – it’s easy! Call us toll-free at $ (800) 305-0217 one year subscription: 59 to start a new subscription Makes a great gift! Find us on Facebook! Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to www.facebook.com/ us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 naweeekly

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • august 30, 2013 norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (August 26, 2013) Winners Losers Golf challenge to Oslo Norsk Kr. 6.0419 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Avocet Mining 2.05 15.8% Northland Resources 30.6 -36.51% The Suzann Pro Challenge returns to the Oslo Golf Club Dansk Kr. 5.5809 Funcom 2.27 7.08% Norse Energy Corp. 0.14 -22.2% with an international contingent of golfers participating Svensk Kr. 6.5211 Havfisk 6.40 6.67% IGE Resources 0.32 -15.8% Kongsberg Automotive Holding 2.94 5.38% Songa Offshore 7.05 -10.53% Canadian $ 1.0508 Petrolia 6.79 4.14% Bergen Group 3.70 -9.09% Euro 0.7481 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE

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Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Independent Insurance Broker Photo: Facebook / Suzann Pro Challenge Long-Term Health Care Insurance Lorena Ochoa and Suzann Pettersen in a promotional picture for the Suzann Pro Challenge 2012. Should you consider it? Call me for honest straightforward advice. Rasmus Falck (206)362-5913 Oslo, Norway www.obergltc.com 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 For the second year in a row, Suzann Pro bles on the course, golf has been played here Challenge will take place in Oslo, the second ever since. The course is beautifully situated LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: week in September. The tournament brings around the Bogstad Lake. Certified Public Accountant Small businesses joy and excitement to the Capital of Nor- In Norway, all golf clubs but one are or- (206)789-5433 Individuals way where the greatest female golfers in the ganized within the Norwegian Golf Federa- 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance world arrive at Oslo Golf Club to entertain tion. It is the third largest federation within Seattle, WA 98119 fans from all over the world. New this year Norwegian sports, with a total of 110,000 is the match between the four “continents” memberships spread over 183 golf clubs. represented by eight players from America, If you want to come to Norway to play Europe, Asia and Norway. golf, keep in mind that most Norwegian golf LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Team USA: Paula Creamer and Jessica courses are products of the environment and Sales and Service Korda. the Nordic climate. On the southwest coast, Team Europe: Sandra Gal and Beatrice you can normally play all year round, but for Recari. most courses, the season starts in early May Team Asia: Yani Tseng and Ai Miyasato. and ends in October or November depending Team Norway: Marita Engzelius and on when the frost sets in. Suzann Pettersen, both on the LPGA and Although Norway in many ways is a Oslo Golf Club. small country, the distance from south to Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Oslo Golf Club is the oldest golf club north is considerable. With a three hour flight phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 in Norway. The first golf shots were hit in from south to north, golfers who visit the the fall of 1924. Except for the WWII period, country are well advised to plan ahead which when people grew potatoes and other vegeta- courses they would like to visit.

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Sverre Ole Drønen & Walter Wehus University of Bergen

“As Norway has a long coastline, Nor- wegians have always been a people of the coast,” says Nils Kolle, associate professor of history at UiB’s Department of Archaeol- ogy, History, Cultural Studies, and Religion. Kolle grew up on a small farm in a fjord vil- lage south of Bergen, and his research as a historian has focused on the life and tradi- tions of people on Norway’s west coast. “It is on the shore and along the fjords that we find most of Norway’s topsoil, and then of course there are the resources of the sea. Inland Norway was more unilater- ally dependent on agriculture and forestry, whereas coastal enterprise was based on a number of industries. If you were a fisher- man with a plot of land and some livestock, you had more than one leg to stand on if crops failed one year.” Photo: Jens Henrik Nybo – VisitNorway.com Bergen, a coastal city. Norway’s fish farmers Kolle is currently busy as the editor of a children and performed the day-to-day run- Local nicknames: the ‘stril’ rooted in local traditions and culture. Their five-volume work on Norway’s fishery and ning of the farm. Even though the local fishermen in prin- peasant clothing and dialect made them the coastal history, with a focus on what he calls “They grew potatoes with a couple of ciple were free to trade with whomever they laughing stock for the ‘fine’ people of the the Norwegian fish farmers, i.e. people who cows and some sheep grazing in the pasture. pleased, most retained permanent trade rela- city. But they developed and cultivated some combined fishing with small-scale farming. The landscape of the island was bare with tions. sort of resistance to urban culture well into “The Norwegian fish farmers had far few trees, so they got most of their fuel from “They were independent and not poor, the twentieth century,” Kolle explains. greater freedom than, say, the peasants living peat bogs. Timber for boats and housing was but considered awkward by the city popula- This type of cultural gap between city on the coast of Ireland,” says Kolle, who has purchased from inland villages,” says Kolle. tion and known locally by the term ‘stril’,” dwellers and rural culture is found all over studied and compared coastal people in the The difference between people from the historian says. the world, so the relationship between the west of Norway with people in the Conne- the coast just outside Bergen and the rest According to Kolle, there is a lot of re- ‘stril’ and the citizens of Bergen is hardly mara district on the west coast of Ireland in of Western Norway was the proximity to a search on the relationship between northern- unique. the nineteenth century. major city. In the late Middle Ages, Bergen ers and Bergen merchants, but a major thesis “The word ‘stril’ still lingers in every- “Whereas the tenant farmers of Ireland was Scandinavia’s biggest city and up until on the relationship between the ‘stril’ and the day speech but is today used more humour- were exploited by the landowners and stood around 1830 it was Norway’s biggest city. Bergen merchant is yet to be written. ously,” he says, even though up until a gen- no chance of saving money, the fish farmers “There was a huge demand for food and There are however many depictions of eration ago people from outside town could of western Norway kept a profit for them- the people living within rowing distance to the ‘stril’ in both fiction and non-fiction lit- still be called names when they visited Ber- selves, and some even accumulated wealth. Bergen had a great advantage in selling their erature. gen. “Which is a bit ironic considering that Thus the motivation to take advantage of the fish to city dwellers. Prices were negotiable “The ‘stril’ was known for his old-fash- most people who live in Bergen have roots in resources of the sea were greater in Western and the fishermen were paid in cash,” he ioned dress sense and was pretty stubborn. the surrounding areas that often only stretch Norway than in Ireland. Also people on Nor- explains. “So they were early adopters of a The coastal people were not easily swayed back a generation or two.” way’s coast mostly lived in peace, sheltered monetary economy.” by new trends and fashion, but were firmly from acts of war or large population move- The historian believes this enhanced the ments, which were common in Europe at the coast people’s position as independent par- time.” ticipants in the emerging market economy. Social

Ocean harvest Trade in fish Security: According to Kolle, Norway was popu- The fish trade was also the reason the lated about 9,500 years ago and the first hu- Hanseatic League was established in Bergen hundreds of mans followed the seals northwards along in the fourteenth century, turning the city options to the coast. Throughout Norway’s history fish into an international trade center. But the fish have been the prime marine resource and tra- that the market town of Bergen was founded consider. ditionally been the basis for life on the coast. on were caught further north, in the Lofoten This did, however, change drastically Islands. Considering all the variables, deciding 40 years ago with the discovery of oil in the Northerners dried fish (mainly cod), North Sea. The oil rush has created a differ- when and how to take Social Security sailed south and sold it to their regular mer- can be difficult. We have tools ent type of work and has impacted all levels chants. According to Kolle, there was a ma- and resources to help you of Norwegian society. jor difference between northern and western make a decision that’s right for you. “You see this most clearly on the west fishermen. coast. All the way through the eighteenth and Contact your financial representative “Northerners never got paid in cash, or visit Thrivent.com/options nineteenth centuries right up until World War but traded fish for grain, salt, fishing tools, to learn more. 2, fishing and farming were the main sources and other useful goods. The northerner was of income for most people. Today work in forever indebted to his Bergen merchant and the fisheries has been replaced by work in this debt was passed down from father to the oil industry. But you could say that the son.” resources are still harvested from the ocean.” Whereas the northerners had to under- take a long and arduous journey just to sell Island life Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its respective associates their fish, the coastal people outside Bergen and employees have general knowledge of the Social Security In the eighteenth and nineteenth centu- tenets; however, they do not have the professional expertise didn’t have to travel far to take advantage of for a complete discussion of the details of your specific ries, life on the islands outside Bergen was situation. For additional information, contact your local Social the spoils of nature. The fish resources and Security Administration office. For additional important much like life elsewhere on Norway’s rug- disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. the fish marketplace were both within a day’s Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota ged coastline. The men primarily went fish- travel for them. Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) ing, while the women stayed at home with 27790NAWA R7-13 699466 6 • august 30, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion

An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE Striking gold – Norway, North Dakota, and oil By Maren A. Johnson

In the upcoming Norwegian election, the oil Norway. As a consequence, state- oil is unique to Norway, but a factor po- ment – but will the interest in more profit immigration, education, health care and level approaches to oil policy have focused tentially more defining for their relation- drive further development of oil resources? energy are some of the key issues. Interest- on regulation: “Norwegian oil and related ship to oil is the mechanism developed to So far, through its strong central author- ingly, and some might even say, obviously, policies have generally been ambitious capture profits from the oil. In 1990, the ity, Statoil and Oljefondet, the Norwegian these general topics are also hot topics in and sophisticated, emphasizing theoretical Norwegian Stortinget took action to es- government has tried to craft energy policy contemporary American politics because argument and extensive documentation.” tablish a national pension fund to save the that maximizes the profit potential and up- they are issues that deal with the basic Because Norway has maintained a strong profits from the oil industry. What since holds values of ecological consciousness. welfare of citizens. However, one of these emphasis on central control, the govern- has been named Oljefondet is the largest The government deliberately structures issues, energy, I believe bears a further ment has the luxury of developing policy pension fund in Europe valued around policy to ensure that oil will be a resource examination. Political parties in Norway that focuses on the philosophical argu- NOK 2.06 billion. This investment fund is that will benefit Norway for many genera- are debating whether or not drilling for ments about oil production instead of fall- geared at providing economic stability to tions to come and that its development will oil in the Lofoten Islands or near Svalbard ing victim to the forces of the market. State Norway for generations to come. Instead occur in a way that does not compromise align with their commitment to be a global control allows the oil industry to develop of providing breaks at the pump, the Nor- the ecological integrity of the country. Gas leader in clean energy. Norway is a global in the context of a larger consciousness wegian government has chosen to invest prices will remain high in Norway because leader in the development of hydropower. about the consequences and advantages of in the future and make citizens pay higher it does not want to be automobile nation. Is it possible to be an oil producing nation oil development. prices for gas. The establishment of Statoil North Dakota, however, faces a dif- and a leader in clean energy? For N.D., the discovery of the Bakken and the Oljefondet signals Norway’s con- ferent challenge. Sustainable development While Americans feel the shock of shelf in the 1950s and its increase in pro- sciousness and recognition of the volatility has, arguably, not yet entered the con- recent record gas prices, other oil produc- duction in the late and temporality sciousness of the companies in the Bak- ing countries around the world are not af- 2000s meant new “Is it possible to be an oil of oil as a major ken. It is a race for which company can fected by the rising costs of oil because prominence for economic re- earn the rights to the most wells, the most their economy and transportation systems the state as the producing nation and a leader source. profit and as a result feed the national oil do not depend on oil the way the United U.S. federal gov- in clean energy?” The case of appetite. There is little foresight about how States does. One such place is Norway, ernment strove to N.D.’s oil devel- future generations will be impacted espe- the world’s fifth largest exporter of oil and develop energy opment differs cially if this boom in North Dakota is only second largest exporter of gas in Europe. independence. In the U.S., there has been dramatically from Norway’s because of temporary. North Dakota’s rapid rise from Even though Norway has become one of a strong commitment to decentralized de- the lack of federal regulation of the Bak- one of the poorest states to an example of the world’s leaders in oil exports, the gov- velopment of oil resources. Both compa- ken shelf. However, as this region (east- economic success has been driving by pri- ernment has worked to promote less oil nies and individual states have been given ern Mont. and western N.D.) continues to vate investment in the state’s black gold. dependent methods of transportation. The the rights, by the federal government, to increase its production of oil, focus will On the other hand, the future of North public transportation network is extensive regulate development of oil resources. gradually shift towards this region. As one Dakota’s oil landscape is quite uncertain. and purchasing personal vehicles is highly This commitment to decentralized oil de- Canadian argues, “The Bakken is the big- North Dakota’s oil industry demonstrates taxed. Norway has a plethora of oil, but velopment stems from a court case against gest thing in oil in the lower 48 right now,” the power of capital in American society tries to discourage its citizens from using the Standard Oil Company in 1911 when says Jim Jarrell, president of Ross Smith and the reluctance of the federal govern- it. it was found “…guilty of restraining com- Energy Group Ltd., a research firm in Cal- ment to step in and regulate the extrac- The U.S. is also facing its own debate petition in interstate commerce.” This case gary. “And among the least understood.” tion of natural resources. Private business on energy. The U.S. has been and remains set new standards for the oil industry that Legislation developed during the initial remains a keystone of the United States hesitant to develop cleaner energy sources encourage competition in the marketplace. exploration and development of the Bak- economy and until sustainable develop- because of the dependence on our vehicles, The role of the federal government was to ken during the 1950s continues to guide the ment becomes a national value, leaders road travel as a method of commerce and oversee and protect the right to competi- state policy today. The policies established will be reluctant to intervene in cases such the expense. However, the American reli- tion, but it did not want to interfere with in the 1950s favor corporate interests and as this. ance on the Middle East to meet our oil states’ rights to control the marketplace. encourage free market capitalism’s domi- Arguably, the cases of Norway and needs is presenting greater and greater The federal government left the regula- nant driver, competition. The oil boom in North Dakota are like comparing apples challenges. One area that could signifi- tion of the oil marketplace to the states and the last decade has only occurred because and oranges – state controlled versus mar- cantly aid in the development of energy companies to determine. Regulation of oil of the development of new technologies ket controlled models of development. But independence is the Bakken oil shelf in was only the responsibility of the national to access the oil embedded in the Bakken as the national election approaches in Nor- western North Dakota, eastern Montana government when it interfered with in- Shale. With these new technologies, N.D. way, it will be interesting to see if Norway and Saskatchewan. Because of new tech- terstate commerce; therefore the national and eastern Mont. became a new target. and continue its commitment to ecological nologies that have been developed to ac- government remains distant from how the Currently there are nine companies that consciousness. cess the oil resources, some estimates proj- oil is developed. are major shareholders in Bakken resourc- ect the development of at least 4.3 billion Whereas Norway’s intense govern- es and each is continually searching for Editor’s note: Next week, we’ll be barrels of oil from this site in the next de- ment control over its oil has led to stringent opportunities to acquire more acreage for starting a month-long column by Feature cade. Could the Bakken provide the neces- regulations on the oil market, the U.S.’s the exploration of new oil fields. There is Editor Larrie Wanberg, bringing you up to sary oil to feed the American economy? more decentralized system promotes com- significant debate about how much oil is date on news, major players, and Norwe- Both the Bakken oil shelf and Nor- petition between companies. Norway has actually in this area, but recent studies by gian connections in the Bakken oil shelf in way’s oil platforms provide a vital re- adopted regulatory, conservative oil policy the U.S. Geological Survey propose that: N.D. This op-ed serves as a fantastic intro- source to the U.S. and Norway, respective- as opposed to the American drive for con- “The Bakken Shale could contain up to duction to the column! Check pages 4 – 5 ly. The development of these resources, tinued consumption. With the prospect of 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil...that in the Sept. 6 edition for more information. at the moment, exemplifies two different even more significant oil reserves in the would make it the biggest oil field discov- approaches to oil development. Norway’s Norwegian Sea, Norway’s government ered in the contiguous U.S. in more than strong state control over oil has resulted in initiated programs to control the develop- 40 years.” Armed with new technologies, stricter, sustainable policies as opposed to ment of oil resources and channel the prof- some argue, the Bakken could contain up Maren Ander- the American case study of the recent oil its from oil into a Norwegian government to as many as 8 billion barrels of recover- son Johnson is a first- boom in western N.D. owned company, Statoil. The main goal of able oil, which would dramatically influ- year Ph.D student and By having a high level of state interest establishing a state-led oil company was to ence the development of the domestic en- teaching assistant for in the control of the resource means that ensure that the interests of the Norwegian ergy sector in the United States. first-year Norwegian in Norway can add oil to a list of national in- government were dominant in the develop- Norway’s hesitance to flood its nation- the Scandinavian Stud- terests, rather than it being its sole national ment of oil. Norway made a commitment al economy with oil money demonstrates ies Department at the interest. The government, then, can take to state regulation of this new industry as a its awareness that oil will one day run out University of Washing- into consideration oil in conjunction with way to ensure that the development of oil with the way it is currently produced. The ton. She is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran social welfare, state values and global pol- could also happen in line with other global Stortinget has taken measures to regulate University and also earned her M.A. At the itics. Oil does not direct the government; policies Norway supported. Integrated the influence of foreign companies and University of Washington in Scandinavian the government directs the development of state control in the economic regulation of rapid influx of capital into its oil develop- Languages and Literature.

T he opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. norwegian american weekly august 30, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] W rite to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Publisher NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity or length. Managing Editor Kelsey Larson [email protected] Dear Editor, area. I’ve attended a Scandinavian lan- Assistant Layout Editor I am a subscriber to your paper and en- guage conversation table in my city through You can also search “Norwegian” in Harry Svenkerud [email protected] joy it very much. I try to read some of the Meetup.com, at a local coffee shop, and it’s the iTunes store and find many similar apps Advertising articles written in Norwegian with limited a great way to practice language and meet available for download. John Erik Stacy [email protected] success. I grew up in a household with my new people. I’d also recommend reading Norwegian Subscriptions parents and grandparents who spoke Nor- However, this is not always a possibility, (if you can get a hold of easy books, like fairy Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] wegian regularly. As a result I have at least especially for those who live in rural areas. tales etc., that’s probably the best, but you Contributing Editors some verbal recognition of the dialect they can also attempt Norwegian news articles at Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. used. www.nrk.no or www.vg.no, or in the Weekly Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. What training materials would you rec- of course. I have found, however, that news- Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. ommend? I have a Norwegian dictionary language is some of the most difficult Nor- Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. which isn’t of much help. Perhaps audio wegian to read if you are at an introductory Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway would be more effective. language level). Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Readers, do you have any recommen- Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Thank you, dations for Stanton? Write to us and let us Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Stanton Jorgens know! Also, if you know of Norwegian lan- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway guage classes for adults offered in your area, Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. please write in with that information as well, Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. and perhaps we can make a list to post on Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Dear Stanton, Luckily there are some cool services that can our website. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. This is a great question! help you out! ABC for Adults is an app that Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Obviously, the most effective method of you can use on your iPhone or iPad that can Sincerely, Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. learning Norwegian is being around others help you learn Norwegian (it includes au- Editor Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. who speak Norwegian. Depending on where dio). Here’s the download link for that: Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Sun City, Calif. you live, there are classes available. I know Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. of the Scandinavian Language Institute in http://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/abc-for- Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Do you have something to say? Write to us! Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. Seattle and the Norwegian Language Insti- adults/id475189764?mt=8 John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. tute in NYC. I’m sure there are classes avail- Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Letter to the Editor able in other major cities as well. Here is the Facebook page: Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Norwegian American Weekly Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Another online service to utilize is Meet- 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 up.com. This website brings together people https://www.facebook.com/ABCfo- CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American or send a note to [email protected] Weekly strives to make its news report fair and with similar interests who live in the same rAdults accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, < congo accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print From page 1 with serious illnesses several times. The gian. The initial results do not appear to in- submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, families maintain that the men have been clude foul play, but French must wait for the or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers beaten and tortured while they have been in officialresults before he finds out whether or claiming that the driver was shot to death and letter writers are not necessarily those of prison. not he is still under suspicion. Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication by armed men who attacked their car while With Moland’s cause of death still unde- Moland’s father, Knut Moland, released of those views is not an endorsement of them. they were visiting the Congo for business termined, Congolese authorities are suspect- a statement on FreeFrenchAndMoland.com. Comments, suggestions and complaints about purposes. the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials ing foul play – by Joshua French, no less. “Of course this is totally absurd,” he said should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian The two former soldiers were also con- French’s lawyer Hans Marius Graasvold of the allegations against French, “But en- American Weekly is published weekly except victed of spying for Norway, but claimed reported this to the newspaper Fædrelands- tirely in keeping with previous actions. This the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August they were in D.R. Congo to do research in vennen two days after Moland was found is 100% [the work of] criminals, who try to preparation for setting up their own security by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please dead. make money – that must be made clear.” send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE company. The Norwegian National Bureau of French’s mother recently visited her son Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription The Norwegian government, which de- Cost: US $59 Domestic, US $79 to Canada, US Crime Investigation (KRIPOS) has sent a in the Congo, and is appealing to Prime Min- $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. nied accusations that the two were spies, has team to Congo to carry out their own investi- ister Jens Stoltenberg and Foreign Minister several times asked the Congolese authori- gations into Tjostolv Moland’s death. Espen Barth Eide to come as well. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: ties to allow both men to serve their sentenc- Formerly Norway Times “We are sending four persons with fo- “The situation here is so serious that Western Viking & Washington Posten es in Norway, to no avail. rensic and investigating experience,” said they ought to come to show the necessary The conditions under which the men Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten KRIPOS spkesman Per Zimmer to NRK. respect,” Kari Hilde French said to Aften- og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota have lived over the past several years have The autopsy has now been conducted by posten. “The last time we were here to meet Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven been very poor, with both men coming down two teams, one Conoglese and one Norwe- two men. Now, one is dead,” she continued. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • august 30, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Matpakke for lunch Fall is nearly upon us, and Norwegian children COPENHAGEN everywhere will be getting their matpakke together JUST GOT A BIT CLOSER New Route from San Francisco

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Kelsey Larson Managing Editor

Summer is drawing to a close: Folks are with vegetables and meats like American home from vacation, and people everywhere sandwiches often are! Instead, two or three are going back to school and work. Adults, ingredients in modest amounts usually suf- kids, college students and other busy Nor- fice for this sandwich. The good news: Most wegians are preparing for this time of year Norwegians pack two or three of these in- by creating matpakker to take with them for stead of just one! lunch. What is a matpakke? Read all about What do you need to make the best it here… and maybe you will come up with matpakke? Start with some delicious sliced some new ideas for your own quick and easy bread, homemade for best results, or perhaps pack-lunch! some hearty Wasa crackers as your base, What is a matpakke? then whatever ingredients tickle your fancy! This just means “packed lunch.” Think Here are some common matpakke materials of it as a Norwegian-style sandwich. It is in Norway: open-faced, and isn’t stacked to the ceiling

Cheese (brown or white) Hard-boiled egg Deli-cut meats (especially ham) Butter Cucumbers Jam Peppers Other spreads, such as leverpostei (liver Lettuce paté) or kavier (caviar in a tube). These Tomatoes might be hard to find in the U.S., so check Photo contest! Spinach with your favorite Scandinavian store! The Weekly presents its Summer Memories 2013 Photo Contest Pickles See page 15 for more details. Once you have assembled your sandwiches, layer a piece of matpapir to keep the sand- wiches separate. Matpapir is a thin piece of wax paper or tissue, and it goes in between each smørbrød to make sure the ingredients don’t mix. Remember, don’t put another slice of bread on top of your sandwiches…Instead, put your matpapir on top, then stack the next open-faced sandwich on top of that. Pack two, three, or four of these with different ingredi- Find us online: www.marinamarket.com ents to enjoy a variety-filled lunch hour! Home of the Not sure what to try? Here are some of our staff’s own favorite combinations: Licorice Shrine • Brunost og jordbær syltetøy: A sweet surprise! There is something magical about with over licorices! the combination of the sweet taste of strawberry jam with traditional tang of Nor- 300 wegian brown cheese (also known as gjetost). It’s an unusual combination for the Marina Market non-Norwegian palate, but definitely a favorite. 18882 Front Street • Poulsbo, WA 98370 • Smør med egg og agurk: Hardboil an egg, and slice it thinly. Slice a cucumber Phone: (888) 728-0837 • Fax: (360) 779-4315 in the same way. Butter the bread and apply the egg and cucumber. So delicious! email: [email protected] We stock all your favorite treats and hard- • Makrel i tomat: (mackrel in tomato sauce) A Norwegian favorite, but hard to find to-find items from Scandinavia! in the U.S. Check your favorite Scandinavian store! norwegian american weekly august 30, 2013 • 9 Travel < onboard From page 1 launched in 1927. Bente wanted to create a special wel- come for the Sørlandet, so she talked with Jeff Foster, Nortun Lodge member and the owner of the USCGC Sundew, a 1944 180- foot sea going buoy tender and former Coast Guard ship, about the possibility of filling his boat with Norwegians and Norwegian- Americans to greet Sørlandet as she sailed into Duluth Harbor on Thursday, July 25. He agreed, and so the members of Nortun Lodge had a fun day ahead of them as the tall ships made their way into Duluth harbor. “Uff da my goodness but that was a wonderful day on the Sundew today! Thank you and the Fosters for an unforgettable excursion on beautiful Lake Superior and the chance to see the Tall Ships arrive. We knew a few people when we got on the cut- ter and made lots of new (ekte Norwegian) friends along the way,” wrote Nortun mem- bers Wayne and Mary Lou Mathison of the experience. On Sunday, July 28, some lucky mem- bers also got to go aboard the Sørlandet for a special opportunity: serving breakfast to the crew! Soderlind had contacted the ship sev- eral months prior to the festival and invited them to Norway Hall for coffee and waffles (“like any good Norwegian would do,” she says). Unfortunately, the ship’s tight sched- ule didn’t allow them the time. Instead, they suggested that Nortun Lodge members could Photo: Amanda Hansmeyer serve them onboard the ship instead. The Sørlandet is greeted to great fanfare as it sails into Duluth, with the lift bridge in the background. “I know normally we don’t eat waffles for breakfast in Norway, but that was the time that fit the best. So at 5:15 a.m. Sun- day morning some of our members met up to make waffles and eggs, and some brought fruit, bacon and sausages,” says Soderlind. The contingent was treated to a special tour of the ship afterward, and Soderlind was thrilled to be part of an even more exciting opportunity: sailing for a few hours on the Sørlandet as it left Duluth. “Wonderful experience, with a great ship and great crew. I heard nothing but good words from everyone I met who had been on board or met anyone from the ship,” says Soderlind.

Photo: Amanda Hansmeyer Photo: Amanda Hansmeyer The menu on Thursday included traditional Nor- Nortun Lodge members aboard the Sundew are decked out in Norwegian colors to greet Sørlandet. wegian smørbrød.

Photo: Maria Wood Photo courtesy Bente Soderlind Photo: Amanda Hansmeyer Jeff Foster, owner of the Sundew, with Bente Sue Ellen Moore, Bente Soderlind and Maria Wood, ships’ liasons, on the deck of Sørlandet with Three Soderlind gals: Bente, Henriette, and Per- Soderlind. Both are Nortun Lodge members. Captain Sture Erichsen and chief Engineer Casper Bjerre. nille, in their bunads, aboard the Sundew. 10 • august 30, 2013 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections

Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on the good, the bad and the unexpected!

The life and times of a Norwegian juggler

Norwegians come in many different shapes and sizes and follow a variety of ca- reer paths. Stereotypically we might peg a Norwegian as a farmer, a teacher, involved in the tourist industry, a politician, a medi- cal person or someone associated with oil. But did you ever consider that there might be Norwegian jugglers? Photo courtesy of Vesterheim “Dining with Big Daddy Hum and Mum,” by Fred Cogelow was one of an amazing display I recently sat down with Kristian Wan- of woodcarvings at Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah, Ia. during Nordic vik to talk about his life. He has a calmness Fest, which was held in late July. Over his 35-year career, Cogelow, a self-taught woodcarver, about him that makes one automatically en- has amassed an impressive national following and a great number of awards, including a gaged in what he is saying and confident that Vesterheim Gold Medal in 2005, 12 Best of Show awards at the International Woodcarvers goals can be accomplished… something that Congress, and the 2013 Woodcarver of the Year from “Woodcarving Illustrated” magazine. makes him an inspiring juggling/circus arts teacher at both the Trondheim and Levanger Culture schools. Not only does Wanvik “jug- gle” life as a father of two (his wife is also a Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? trained circus performer and teacher), but he Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and a caption. is a professional – setting records, producing and selling a special type of Russian juggling ball filled with sand, and sponsoring his own international juggling team. Ole’s boss had been invited to Ole So how does one start down the path and Lena’s for supper. As Lena was to professional juggling? “I joined my first juggling group back in 1997,” Kristian com- setting the table, Ole’s boss casu- mented, “and was hooked. Since I was so ally asked Little Ole what was being old when I started (he was 15) I knew if I served for supper. Little Ole said, wanted to pursue this seriously, I had to “I think it is buzzard...because this work hard as there was no time to loose.” He morning Mama said to Papa, ‘If we taught himself what he could and a few years later trained in a wide range of circus skills are going to have that old buzzard for including acrobatics, aerial techniques, the- supper, it might as well be tonight.’ ater, and juggling at the University of Dance and Circus (http://www.doch.se/english) in Ole and Lena Stockholm, Sweden. America’s favorite Norwegians! From there it was a short stint in Kiev Photo courtesy of Kristian Wanvik Kristian Wanvik is a professional Norwegian (Ukraine) before heading to the Sorin juggler. Sirkus school for children and young people Lillian Nielsen Oakland CA (http://www.sorinsirkus.fi/english.html) in Halvor Nysteen Bend OR He also commented that the juggling Severt L. Kvamme Arvada CO Tampere, Finland and then, eventually, to Trondheim. He notes a difference between profession is about setting new records and 3. september the Finnish approach to teaching the circus discovering new tricks. “I think it’s impor- Mrs. Karl M. Brandal Seattle WA arts and the Norwegian one, in part because tant to accept many different styles of jug- Karen H. Tysdal Fargo ND there is a difference between a private circus gling,” Wanvik says in a YouTube interview Gorm Aasen Anaheim CA school as in Tampere and the municipality for the World Juggling Federation (www. 4. september run culture schools of Norway. “Progress youtube.com/watch?v=BQLmiJghbhE&list 30. august =PL0D06C7D2F3F8EE74), so he practices Gunnar Marøy Bøvågen Norway Edmund J. Oen Arden Hills MN for Norwegian students is slower,” Wanvik Mrs. Valley Frossmo Seattle WA Egil L. Myrseth Edmonds WA notes, “because they are limited to training six days a week for two to three hours a day Lawrence Steberg Pennock MN John Mahlum Seattle WA once a week; in Finland it could be three to accomplish feats like a “flash” where each Harold Ellingsen Berkeley CA throw in a pattern being juggled is thrown 5. september times a week or more.” Practice makes per- Kristine Kjøndal Landås Norway fect! and caught once. He recently became one of Ruth Carlson Stanwood WA Gunnar Engen Plano TX Nels J. Greva Los Angeles CA He also educated me in the greater art of about 15 jugglers in the world to do a “flash” 31. august Harry Solheim Seattle WA juggling. “It is about more than just throw- with 11 balls (http://juggle.wikia.com/wiki/ Hagbart Larsen Jerome ID Bert T. Taule Portland OR ing a few balls up in the air. Jugglers have Kristian_Wanvik). Mardelle (Hoston) Gaboury Meridian CA Berit Siren Vassdal Bellingham WA to be performers, interacting with the audi- Professional juggling organizations like Gerhard Strand Stanwood WA ence.” Jugglers often assume character roles the European Juggling Convention (www. Alf Andersen Tacoma WA ejc2013.com – approximately 2,500 pre- Mrs. Walter Johnson Running Springs CA to make their performances more engaging; Hagbart Larsen Jerome ID Wanvik often plays an old man and told me registered for 2013 summer convention in France), and the World Juggling Federation Want to see your birthday in the to check out the American juggler Anthony (www.thewjf.com), founded in 1997, keep Norwegian American Weekly? Gatto, the best technical juggler in the world, 1. september on YouTube. He says that no one juggles in the juggling profession on the international John Erekstol Lebanon OR radar. Because of that, new jugglers are con- Ody Moseng Kirkland WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. a vacuum, and the sport is constantly chang- stantly born and there is no doubt that Kris- com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one ing based on the conditions of the room or 2. september month in advance. site. “New temperatures, different light, all tian Wanvik is a part of that. Petra Ravnaa Kirkland WA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed the outside factors make a difference.” There Gunnar Kvande Alamo ND away? Please notify us! is no doubt that juggling is not for the faint of To learn more about Kristian Wanvik, heart or the undisciplined. visit www.norwikjuggling.com. norwegian american weekly august 30, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion In Loving Memory Just a minute Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Kaare Martin Hitland Died August 9, 2013 Tears A well lived life has comotive engineer. come to an end. Using wood from the torn down ice General Schwarzkopf, leader of the also takes action so that we try to ease a Kaare Martin Hit- house, he and Ruth built a cabin on the American forces in the Persian Gulf War, little of all the pain around us and comfort land, age 88, died August shores of Whitefish Lake. The cabin was said in an interview with some sorrowing hearts. 9th, 2013 at Kalispell added to over the years as was their family Barbara Walters: Tears and actions must Regional Medical Center with the arrival of daughter Janet who came “It scares me when go hand in hand. That’s after a brief illness. along in 1957. I meet a man who cannot what the Master told us. A true Viking, his The taste for adventure was never far cry when he sees the de- Jesus wept for the people outlook was to always from Kaare and he and Ruth traveled over struction of war, the kill- in Jerusalem who rejected see what lay over the horizon and to never much of the U.S. and Canada to Europe on ing and the many innocent Him. When He stood be- look back on what was in the past with re- numerous occasions over their 50+ year victims.” fore the grave of His dead gret. marriage. Scary indeed, because friend Lazarus, still He He was born in Bergen, Norway to An- The sense of having something of his it shows a terrible lack was the most masculine ton & Klara (Langeland) Hitland, the second own led him to develop a line of fishing of sensitivity and normal man who ever lived. He of four children. tackle, which he, in reference to his Norwe- feelings. had compassion for people His childhood was about being outdoors gian roots – called Gynt Tackle. The more How about us? There and was not afraid to show as much as possible, be it sailing the North popular lines were the midi and maxi bells, is so much pain around us Photo: Wikimedia Commons it. Atlantic or cross country skiing across the the snubber and the fish board. He sold that and so much evil. Do we General Norman Schwarzkopf. One day, however, mountains of Norway. business in 2012. consider it a loss of dig- every tear shall be wiped While a teenager he worked in the Nazi His beloved wife Ruth died in 2006 and nity to shed some tears at away from our eyes. Resistance Movement in Norway with his he then moved to The Springs in Whitefish times? That’s what the Book of Revelation tells work receiving a commendation from the where he resided until the time of his death. Of course, tears are not enough. It us (7:17). What a day that will be! King of Norway. In 2007 he invited his brother and neph- A failed love affair sent him on his next ew to visit from Norway. That trip and the Funeral Home path. His training as an electrician and expe- trip to Norway in 2008 with Brith and Janet rience on the sea led him to work as a chief solidified the family bonds on both sides of SOlie and Crematory electrician on a ship where he traveled to the Atlantic. Honoring • Caring • Serving four continents. A bus trip to Las Vegas sparked a love of His time visiting the U.S. piqued his penny slots and he became one of Allegiant 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 curiosity about living in what he considered Air’s better customers traveling to Las Vegas the land of milk and honey – where anything and Laughlin on numerous occasions. was possible with hard work and maybe just His daughter Brith Sutherland died too The Scandinavian Hour a little good luck. soon in 2012 and he considered moving to In 1949, he met Ruth Instebo, a fiery, Tulsa, Oklahoma where his daughter Ja- Celebrating over 50 years on the air! opinionated independent girl from Bergen net and her family lived, but Whitefish was whose love of music and adventure matched home. KKNW – 1150 AM his own. In 1950, they married and in No- He is survived by his daughter Janet, son Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST vember of that year, their older daughter in law Greg Yeager of Tulsa, grandsons Eric Brith was born. Yeager of Missoula, Mont. and Scott Yeager Streaming live on the internet at: The land of opportunity beckoned and of Rolla, Mo., son in law Steven Sutherland www.1150kknw.com in 1952, Kaare accepted a job as an electri- of Kalispell, Mont., grandson Kory Suther- cian at the GE plant in Long Beach, Calif. land of Bozeman, Mont. and granddaughter A life surrounded by the dead palm trees Bree Sutherland of Missoula and by his be- and pumping units of Long Beach appealed loved “adopted daughters and son” Donna Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church to neither of them so they went north to & Tom Menard of Lethbridge, Alberta and Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke Montana where Ruth’s aunt lived. Betsy Kauffman Harmon of Wasilla, Ala. The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, The town of Whitefish, Mont. and the He is also survived by his brother Rei- Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. During our search for a new lake reminded them of Norway and the rail- dar Hitland of Bergen, Norway and numer- pastor, we welcome guest preachers! We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of road was hiring. Thus began a 35 year career ous nieces and nephews. members. Please visit us soon! with Great Northern and later Burlington “Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, Northern, first as a fireman and later as a lo- drink the wild air” – Ralph Waldo Emerson September 2013 Sept. 1 Pastor David Langseth Norman C. Erickson Sept. 8 Holy Communion, Pastor Robert November 9, 1918 – August 16, 2013 Goldstein Norman C. Erickson of Prospect Cherished great grandfather of Lili, Eme- Sept. 15 Pastor Megan Jones Heights, Ill. lia, Jack, Leo, Kiera, Claire, Ilsa and Violet. Sept. 22 Holy Communion, Pastor David Beloved husband of the late Margaret Loving uncle of Nancy Erickson and Tim Erickson. Loving father of Virginia (Steve) Nuss. Devoted son of the late Alva nee An- Langseth Dunn, Norman C. II (Debra) Erickson, Val- derson and the late Benjamin Erickson. For- Sept. 29 Pastor Al Bergh erie Erickson, David A. Erickson and the mer husband of the late Vivian E. Erickson. late Vanessa Sand. Dear stepfather of Pa- Born November 9, 1918, in Chicago, All services are at 11 a.m. unless otherwise noted. mela (Bryan) Young, Diane Takacs, Susan at rest Aug. 16, 2013. Mr. Erickson was a 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken.org (George) Christensen and Joanne Davis. De- Captain in the U.S. Army during World War voted grandfather of Jason Erickson, Katie II, and a lifetime employee of Taylor Forge (Chris) Prezas, Alex Dunn, Richard Higgin- and Pipe in Chicago. He was an avid bridge botham, Jeffrey Erickson, Angela Erickson, player, Republican election judge, longtime Join our community! Douglas (Denise) Belue, Scott Belue, Rich- volunteer in the Prospect Heights Library, ard (Kate) Pastorelli, Angela Pastorelli, Jen- Past President of the Sons of Norway and a Just $59 for 47 issues nie (Jim) Carr, Joe (Ina) Christensen, Greg Church Deacon at the ELC of Chicago. ** (Sheila) Young, Laura (James) Young-Bell. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details 12 • august 30, 2013 norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events Special showing Norwegian film “Pioneer” has been selected for a special What’s going on in your neighborhood? presentation at the Toronto Film Festival in September

Coo lorad an opportunity to work with the largest Colorado’s Sons of Norway turns 40! collection of genealogical materials in Sept. 21 the world! Jerry Paulson will assist you Colorado Springs, Colo. with your research and be available for Event sponsored by Fjelleheim #6-107, personal consultation. Class instructor Colorado’s Pioneer Lodge. Anniversary is Jerry Paulson, Director of Research Celebration with social at 5:00 p.m. at the NAGC & NL Jerry has extensive $20.00 cost for dinner. Program begins experience as a genealogical researcher. at 6:00 p.m., prepay only by Sept. 13. He has taught courses in genealogical Bunads encouraged. Viking Hall, 1045 research and Norwegian cultural topics Ford Street. For more information call at Madison Area Technical College, and (720) 470-4961 or email: bergenorsk@ has led numerous research tours to the comcast.net. On the web at http://www. Family History Library in Salt Lake City. sonsofnorwaycs.com. The Salt Lake Plaza Hotel has been cho- sen for the overnight accommodations because it is located next to the library. Misa nne ot Contact Jerry Paulson at (608) 255-2224 Leiv Eriksson International Festival or at [email protected], if you would Sept. 29 – Oct. 13 like further information. Minneapolis, Minn. The Leiv Eriksson International Festival Wics s on in was formed in 1987 under the leadership Romeriks & Solar-lag Stevne of Pastor John Mauritzen, Mindekirken Sept. 11 – 14 (The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Eau Claire, Wis. The annual stevne will be held Sept. 11 – Church in Minneapolis) and members of Photo: Erik Aavatsmark for Friland the Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwe- 14, 2013 at Plaza Hotel and Suites, 1202 Aksel Hennie stars as Petter in “Pioneer,” directed by Erik Skjoldbjærg. gian and Swedish communities to estab- W. Claremont Ave., Eau Claire, Wisc. lish an annual festival to celebrate Nor- Local tel. (715) 834-6498 or 1-800-482- dic cultural roots in the United States. 7829. Romerikslag members have roots Over the years, the events have brought or present-day ties to the area of Nor- Special Release top-ranked Nordic talent to the Festival. way that nearly surrounds Oslo, Nor- Norwegian Film Institute This helps us all explore the values and way. There will be a rich combination goals of today’s Nordic countries and of presentations, films, music and tradi- share them with other Nordic Americans. tional Norwegian foods. Workshops and Norwegian director Erik Skjoldbjærg’s Hennie is a professional deep-sea div- It also gives the Nordic community an lectures are held each day and personal oil rush thriller, “Pioneer,” has been selected er who is obsessed with going 500 meters opportunity to share its heritage with all assistance from genealogists is available for a Special Presentation at the 38th Toronto down in the Norwegian Sea; after one of his citizens. For more information contact in the genealogy room, from the internet. Film Festival, which runs between Septem- colleagues dies unexpectedly, he begins to Mindekirken – The Norwegian Lutheran When reserving rooms, ask for the ste- ber 5 – 15; it will be Skjoldbjærg’s third visit investigate the oil companies and their re- Memorial Church – 924 East 21st Street, vne rate before Aug. 27th. For more info, with a film in the festival – previously he lationships to the government – who pulls Minneapolis, MN 55404 – Block of E. contact Joel Botten (joelbotten@gmail. was there with Insomnia (1997) and Prozac which strings? Franklin Ave. at 10th Ave. So. – (handi- com or [email protected]). Nation (2001). Scripted by Hans Gunnarsson, Kathrina cap accessible) phone – (612) 874-0716 “An international premiere in Toronto Valen Zeiner, Cathinka Nicolaysen, Nikolaj – www.mindekirken.org. 23rd Annual Scandinavian Festival Oct. 5 was what we hoped for – it is the most im- Frobenius and Skjoldbjærg, “Pioneer” will Penns ylVANia New Berlin, Wis. portant showcase for the industry in North- open the Norwegian International Film Fes- America, and indeed an audience festival: tival in Haugesund on August 15, before it is Cross Cultural and Author Event Join us in celebrating the cultures of Sept. 29 Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Swen- you rarely feel the same enthusiasm as released domestically on August 30 by Nor- York, Penn. den at the 23nd Annual Scandinavian among the audiences there queuing up for disk Film Distribusjon. Denmark’s Trust- The Sons of Norway Bondelandet Lodge Festival at the Ronald Reagan Elementry tickets,” explained Skjoldbjærg. Nordisk has sold it to Magnolia Pictures for and the York Jewish Community Center School, 4225 S. Calhoun Road in New Produced by Christian Fredrik Martin, U.S. distribution. will be having a special cross-cultural Berlin, Wis. This year’s entertainment of Friland Film, and described as “a high- It will be Norway’s third entry in three event on Sunday, September 29, 2 p.m. at will feature Danish Trobadour Flemming octane conspiracy thriller inspired by 1970s years in Toronto’s Special Presentations the Center, 2000 Hollywood Drive, York, Behrend is booked for Scand Fest 2013. classics such as ‘The Conversation,’ ‘Three sidebar, for “high-profile premieres from the Penn. Irene Levin Berman, the author of Traditional entertainment by the Lyk- Days of Condor’ and ‘Chinatown,’” Pioneer world’s leading filmmakers,” after Morten “We Are Going to Pick Potatoes,” will keringen Youth/Adult Norwegian Folk stars Aksel Hennie as a professional deep- Tyldum’s “Headhunters” in 2011 and Espen speak about her experience with the Nor- Dancers, the Linde-Kipakat Folk Danc- sea diver with Ane Dahl Torp, Jørgen Lang- Sandberg and Joachim Rønning’s “Kon-Ti- wegian Holocaust. Refreshments avail- ers, Lekespel-Scandinavian “Gammel- helle, Wes Bentley and Stephen Lang. ki” in 2012. able. $5/person. Questions and RSVP dans” Music, and Lee Hoofnagle on the call (717) 793-7428. Ms. Berman’s book Finnish Kantele will also be provided. is available on Amazon.com. There will be traditional arts and crafts, sales exhibits, a Bunad show, and ethnic < aid From page 3 Utah foods representing the Nordic countries. helps the neighboring countries to address Norwegian Genealogy Research Tour Events for the kids as well. Genealogy deteriorating steadily. The conflict in Syria this situation,” Mr. Eide said. Oct. 27 – Nov. 3 Specialists will be available again this began in March 2011. According to UN re- The additional NOK 275 million will Salt Lake City, Utah year for those interested in learning how ports, more than 100,000 people have been bring Norway’s total humanitarian contribu- You are invited to join the Norwegian to research their Scandinavian family killed. The number of refugees fleeing to tion to the crisis in Syria in 2013 to NOK 635 American Genealogical Center in Madi- history. Doors are open from 10 a.m. to Syria’s neighboring countries has exceeded million. Norway will then have provided a son, Wis. for a genealogical tour to the 6 p.m. Admission is $8 for adults and $2 1.9 million, and there are 4.25 million inter- total of NOK 850 million since the onset of world-famous Family History Library of for kids 4 through 12. Children under 4 nally displaced. At least 6.8 million Syrians the conflict in 2011. the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day are free. Parking is free! For more infor- are dependent on humanitarian aid. “The crisis in Syria is the most rapidly Saints located in Salt Lake City, Utah. mation, call (262) 895-6419, (262) 797- “The situation in Syria is becoming in- escalating crisis in the world today. We must Participating in this tour will give you 8146, or visit www.nordiccouncil.com. creasingly brutal. Both the population in Syr- not, however, forget the humanitarian needs ia and the refugees in neighboring countries in other crises that are less in the media spot- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 need our help. In addition, the pressure being light. The Government will therefore also exerted on Syria’s neighboring countries by provide an additional NOK 75 million to to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! the flow of refugees is a major problem. It South Sudan and the area around the Great Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. is crucial that the international community Lakes in Africa,” said Mr. Eide. norwegian american weekly august 30, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood Bestefars hjørne N.D.’s famed Høstfest approaches! Norsk Høstfest, North American’s largest Scandinavian festival, will take place in Minot, N.D. Oct. 1 – 5 A feature column by Leslee Lane Hoyum Vikings, Legos and Trolls, oh my! Follow the Statoil Star to Cultural Village at Tromsø Hall

Photo courtesy Norsk Høstfest Children get a first-hand experience in Norsk culture during Scandinavian Youth Camp, held Sept. 28 & 29.

Special Release Norsk Høstfest

One of the best ways to invite children from the fourth-grade on a special Norsk to experience Høstfest culture is to let them Høstfest project. go at it hands-on! That is the driving philos- Five other camps — Swedish dance and Photo courtesy Norsk Høstfest ophy behind Statoil’s Scandinavian Youth song, Norwegian dance, Norwegian theatre, The Cultural Village at Tromsø Hall will feature dancing, storytelling, musical instruments, and more. Camp, where kids get first person experience Viking camp, Troll camp — focuses on arts, exploring Scandinavian culture through sto- crafts, theatre and dance. Within each ses- ries, songs, dance and other guided activi- sion, expert instructors and teachers all the ties. way from Norway and across the U.S. will Special Release “The kids just light up,” said Tracey work with the kids individually on their proj- Norsk Høstfest Lawson, chairperson for Høstfest in the ects. Schools, of which the Scandinavian Youth One of those teachers, Kaitlyn Johnson, Camp is an extension. “It’s so meaningful to has loved the Scandinavian Youth Camp One of the newest attractions at Norsk Guests are invited to try their hand at see children curious about the Scandinavian since she started as a Youth Camp student Høstfest is also one of the most unique and felting (making fabric from raw wool) and heritage.” herself. enriching experiences you’ll have all year. rock-trolling (making trolls out of pebbles), This year’s Scandinavian Youth Camp “I participated in the Swedish dance and Høstfest major partner, Statoil, has ad- explore the many varied displays and pre- is presented by Statoil, an important Høst- song camp as a second- and third-grader, opted Tromsø Hall in addition to other fea- sentations, and even take part in a cultural fest partner with a deep commitment to and in the Norwegian camp through sixth tured events. Their generous support will dialogue held inside an authentic Chippewa spreading awareness and appreciation for grade,” said Johnson, who graduated from give festival attendees incredible access to tepee. With trolls, musical instruments and cultural curiosity and knowledge. In the case Minot High School in May, and will pursue a unique Arctic-themed Cultural Village ex- river carts on hand, there is something for of the Scandinavian Youth Camp, Statoil a minor in Norwegian at the University of perience. From traditional food, to survival visitors of all ages to enjoy. This year’s is helping to spark and feed an interest in North Dakota. skills and crafts, you will see, hear, taste, Tromsø Hall will also highlight Northern heritage within the next generation. Influ- touch and undoubtedly feel a part of this in- Norwegian women in recognition of the encing young people to take an active role Festival performance credible offering the moment you arrive. 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in in preserving history and arming them with Following the busy weekend of learn- From the main halls of Høstfest to that country. the tools to better the future is what Statoil’s ing and creating, the kids are invited to dis- Tromsø Hall, and you’ll find yourself taking And of course, no experience at Høst- commitment to the “Heroes of Tomorrow” play their newly acquired skills each day at the Statoil Star — a dedicated shuttle bus and fest would be complete without a traditional is all about. Norsk Høstfest. The student performances walking path — where you’ll be transported Scandinavian fare. Visitors to Tromsø Hall You need not be from Minot to enjoy this year will be held in Tromsø Hall, and to another world where heritage comes alive will have the chance to dine for breakfast partaking in the camp! Enrollment is open will include a dance around the Midsømmer like never before. Cultural Village is a newly and lunch at the Polaris Café. The Høstfest to children in grades two through 12. The Stang (Swedish Maypole), the Troll Beauty expanded, family-friendly destination exclu- early risers can start their day off with de- camp costs $10 per student and will be held Pageant, and much more. sive to Norsk Høstfest, where the worlds of licious Kven bread and tar burner’s bread the weekend before Norsk Høstfest, Sept. 28 A registration form can be found online the people of Northern Norway, the inhabit- smothered with a variety of savory spreads. & 29, at Magic City Campus in Minot, N.D. at hostfest.com. Send the completed form, ants of the Arctic areas of Norway, Sweden, Later in the day, Norwegian dishes such as along with the $10 registration fee, to Scan- Finland and part of Russia known as the Lapskaus, a traditional stew of meat, veg- Six unique sessions dinavian Youth Camp, Longfellow Elemen- Sami, and North Dakota Chippewa come etables and broth, will be available. The newest experience available at this tary, 600 16th St. NW, Minot, ND, 58703. together. Though it’s a short walk to Tromsø Hall year’s Scandinavian Youth Camp is for the Checks can be made payable to Teacher from the main halls of Høstfest, it’s one that mechanically minded: Lego Camp. Made Center. Some camps have limited space and An interactive experience will transport visitors to a new world filled possible by Statoil, the camp will be taught children will be accepted on a first-come, Just what will you find inside Cultural with deep heritage and a sense of great by Dan Parker, a professional LEGO builder, first-serve basis. Village? From dancing to storytelling, inter- pride—and one every Høstfest guest should who will be working one-on-one with kids active experiences take center stage. make a point to travel this year. 14 • august 30, 2013 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS P ark celebration Norway Park in Skagit County, Wash., celebrates 50 years

With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo: Solveig Lee Above: The first board members: Knut Karlsen, President; Asbjørn Sorensen, Board Member; Lila Strom, secretary.

Bamse Brakar Bruin the Bear Solveig Lee Mount Vernon, Wash. Det var ein gong ein bonde som Once upon a time there was a farmer who reiste til fjells etter eit lauvlass om vin- went into the mountains during the winter af- A woodland wilderness transformed Karlsen, President; Lila Strom, Secretary; teren. Då han kom til lauvhesjene, ryg- ter a load of foliage for animal fodder. When into Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge #2- and Asbjorn Sorensen, Board Member. Re- gja han sleden med hesten tett innåt og he came to the haydrying rack, he backed his 001’s recreational area! The year was 1963 flections of Opening Day of Norway Park tok til å velta ned lauvkjerv. Men det sled and horse in close and began to load the when the lodge bought the property along were recalled among those present as Bob var ein bjørn som låg i hi i hesja, og bundles of leafy branches. But there was a bear Lake McMurray in Skagit County. That site Johnston, Director of the Norwegian Male då mannen tok til å riva og rumstera, there that was lying in hibernation in the dry became a park, a swimming place for chil- Chorus of Seattle, sang the Norwegian Na- vakna bjørnen. hay, and when the man began to pull at the hay dren, a dock for fishing, as well as camping tional Anthem on Saturday, just as he had Han sprang ut, rett ned på sleden. and rummage about, the bear awakened. grounds for members. There, a pavilion was sung fifty years ago. The singers then sang Då hesten fekk veret av bamsen, vart He ran out, straight on top of the sled. built for gatherings. Roads were constructed many beloved Norwegian melodies to a cap- on the higher elevation where one now views tive audience. Nancy Solheim, Chair of the han redd og sette av stad nedetter. Slik When the horse smelled the bear, it spooked charming Norwegian hytter. Norway Park is Raffle, enjoyed reading the raffle numbers skyss hadde bjørnen aldri fått før. Han and took off down the mountain. Such a ride heldt seg fast det beste han orka, og a gathering place for members as well as a for items (many Norwegian) and experi- the bear had never been on before. He held on great setting to celebrate Midsommer each encing the joy that each recipient felt as a glana stygt til alle kantar, om han skulle as well as he could manage, and stared hard in year. winner. Knut Norman Karlsen constructed få høve til å kasta seg av. Men det var all directions, in case he could find the oppor- On Saturday, August 17, about 250 a moss-covered birdhouse; complete with uråd. tunity to throw himself off. But that was just members and friends of the park gathered a goat on its roof. The quilt constructed by Då han hadde køyrt eit langt stykke, not possible. to celebrate 50 years of camping and recre- Linda Olsen was won by Carol Graves. møtte han ein kræmar. — Kvar i Guds When he had driven a fair distance, he ation for members. All were welcomed to the The occasion was further enhanced namn skal futen av i dag? undrast kræ- met a peddler. — Where in God’s name is the pavilion where a new wimple, donated by by the planting of “The Founders Tree,” a maren. Han har visst knapp tid og lang tax collector off to today? wondered the ped- Frank and Anne Mari Quist, flew and added mountain ash, by Knut Karlsen and Asbjorn veg, sidan han køyrer så fort? — Men dler. He must have little time and a long way to the park’s décor. A troll, painted by Helene Sorensen, to commemorate the 50 years, bjørnen svara ikkje eit ord; han hadde to go since he is driving so fast? — But the Eide, welcomed all. Inside on the stage, one close to the entrance of the park. relived that hytte in the mountains (design The day came to a close as the children nok med å halda seg fast. bear did not answer with a single word; he had and construction by Marit Hagen and Gary donned their Viking dress and became com- Om ei stund møtte han ei fattigkjer- enough to do with just holding on. ring. Ho helsa og nikka med hovudet, McKeehan) and, to the side, a Viking ship petitive Vikings, blowing bubble gum to see After a while, he met a penniless woman. where one could climb aboard and be photo- who made the largest bubble, a relay going og bad om ein skilling i Guds namn, for She waved and nodded her head, and asked for graphed reliving an early Viking voyage. In cross-country skiing on boards so construct- ho trudde det var presten som var ute a penny — in God’s name, because she thought this setting, all present enjoyed a wonderful ed for the day, and a heavy pole thrown to og for. Men bjørnen svara ingen ting, it was the pastor who was out and about. But potluck! show the Viking strength. han, heldt seg berre fast og køyrde utet- the bear did not answer; he just held on and Welcoming all were Knut Norman What a great day to be together, reliving ter bygdevegen det fortaste han vann. drove along the village road as fast as he could. Karlsen and Berit Larsen Smith, who the past, yet looking forward to the future! A Då han kom eit stykke lenger, When he went a bit further, he met Mik- chaired the event. Among those present and background located midst the beauty of na- møtte han Mikkel Rev. — Hei, hei, er kel the fox. — Hello, are you out for a drive? recognized from the 1963 board were: Knut ture will never be forgotten. du ute og køyrer? skreik Mikkel. Vent yelled Mikkel. Hold on a minute, let me sit on litt, lat meg få sitja bakpå og vera skys- the back and be the coach boy. The bear did not sgut! Bamsen sa ikkje eit ord. — Berre utter a single word. — Well just you sit there sit der med pels som ein finn, i morgon then with your fur coat like a snob, for tomor- heng du forutan skinn! skreik reven et- row you will hang without your skin! yelled ter han. the fox after him. Bjørnen heldt seg godt fast og The bear held on firmly and drove just køyrde like fort. Men då hesten kom as fast. But when the horse came home to the heim til garden, sette han over tunet og farm, he went across the farmyard and straight inn gjennom stalldøra i fullt firsprang, in through the barn door at full speed, and så han kledde av seg både sele og slede. stripped himself of both harness and sled. But Men bjørnen slo skallen i dørbjelken så the bear hit his head on the door beam and was han låg daud på flekken. dead on the spot.

Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com norwegian american weekly august 30, 2013 • 15 Sports < solbakken From page 1 are indisputable. At the same time he knows Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League this club inside out and is part of its history. Therefore, we believe that he is the right results Standings by the Danish club on Wednesday. man for us both in the short and long term. 08/24 Sognal 1 – 0 Viking Tippeligaen PLD PTS The Norwegian has previously had Initially there is a lot of work to do to get 1. Rosenborg BK 21 45 good spells in the Danish capital both as a results on an even keel,” Hørsholt continued, 08/24 Odd Grenland 1 – 3 Brann 2. Strømgodset IF 21 43 player and coach. He has won the Superliga FCK said on its home pages. 08/25 Ålesund 1 – 1 Start five times with FCK and in the 2010 – 2011 Ståle, 45, played for FC Copenhagen 15 3. Ålesunds FK 21 38 season reached the knockout stage of the times in the 2000 – 2001 season and led the 08/25 Strømsgodset 5 – 2 Molde 4. Viking FK 21 36 Champions League. Lions as head coach in 178 matches from 5. FK Haugesund 21 34 08/25 Hønefoss 3 – 1 Sarpsborg “Ståle Solbakken’s qualities as a coach 2005 to 2011. 6. SK Brann 21 30 08/25 Haugesund 1 – 0 Tromsø 7. Odd Grenland 21 29

08/25 Vålerenga 1 – 1 Lillestrøm 8. Vålerenga Fotball 21 27 < marriages rate among men was highest in the county 9. Sogndal IL Fotball 21 26 From page 3 of Finnmark, with 14.6 divorced men per 08/25 Sandnes Ulf 2 – 3 Rosenborg 10. Molde FK 21 25 1,000 married and separated men. This was 11. Sandnes Ulf 21 25 marriages was 34.1 years for men and 31.3 followed by the county of Oslo, with 13.3. 12. Lillestrøm SK 21 25 years for women; an increase of 0.1 and 0.2 Sogn og Fjordane had the lowest figure, with years respectively from 2011. 7.3. 13. Tromsø IL 21 21 Forty-six percent of all marriages in 14. IK Start 21 19 Most of the marriages of couples To read more about football in 2012 took place during the summer months divorcing in 2012 had lasted 10 – 14 years; 15. Sarpsborg 08 FF 21 19 June, July and August. The most popular day an average of 12.9 years. Norway, visit www.uefa.com 16. Hønefoss BK 21 17 to get married in 2012 was Midsummer’s Calculations of the divorce pattern for Eve (Saturday, June 23), with 829 contracted 2012 reveal that 40.9 percent of all married marriages. Wednesday, December 12, 2012 couples have a risk of getting divorced. In was the fourth most popular day to get < beacon 2004, this percentage was 50.4, which is From page 1 married in 2012, with 633 marriages. the highest ever. From 1960 to 1994, this very nicely onto the brick walls and seem A total of 269 couples of the same sex percentage increased from 9.5 to 47.4, and quite in proper place even though Gerardo’s suffered when much of that activity went got married in 2012; 102 male couples and decreased somewhat in 1998 before peaking is about an hour north of the great city. south, literally, and went into decline. Many 167 female couples. The annual numbers of in 2004. Since then, the percentage has These paintings are the work of Odd cultural activities faded away. Through the marriages between persons of the same sex decreased again. Andersen whose last two big exhibits were foresight of one architect who renovated have remained more or less the same since In 2012, 9,600 children under 18 years in the South Street Seaport, Manhattan and some old main street buildings, Beacon has the new Marriage Act was introduced in of age were involved in divorces and 11,900 Barge 57 in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Ander- become a thriving center of the arts and cui- 2009. children under 18 had parents who separated. sen’s paintings are very often maritime sine. Main Street was featured in the Paul The divorce rate, divorces per 1,000 That is 70 and 520 fewer respectively than in scenes; although, he does paint other land- Newman film, “Nobody’s Fool.” married and separated, was highest for 2011. In 4,400 of the divorces there were no scapes. Among the many delightful restaurants both men and women in the age group 40- common children involved. Likewise, there The current paintings will hang well and galleries is Gerrardo’s Seafood Café 44 years in 2012. From 2011 to 2012, the were 4,500 separations without common into the autumn and it is worth a trip to Bea- near the east end of Main Street. It is a small rate decreased for males in all five-year age children. con to enjoy the revival that the old “hat and cozy café that is open every day but groups from 25 – 59 years. For females, the Of the children whose parents divorced, city” is enjoying. There are many galler- Tuesday and offers fantastic seafood dishes rate decreased in all age groups over 25 years 19 percent were aged 0 – 5 years, 48 percent ies including the Howland Cultural Center as well as some vegetarian salads and a dish except for the group 30 – 34 years. aged 6 – 12 years and 33 percent aged 13 – which architecture was inspired by the noted for the meat lovers. It is simple in décor with Broken down by county, the divorce 17 years. Norwegian architect Christian Thams and bare brick walls that are adorned with art several excellent dining spots including one work from local artists. which overlooks the waterfalls of Fishkill Among the paintings are three works Creek. The DIA Museum is a big draw for < excluded depicting the New York City seaport of a ended their production of cluster munitions, visitors. Visit www.dutchesstourism.com for From page 3 hundred years ago. Sailing ships with their but that the companies are producing key more information. prows jutting into the life of the seaport fit components for use in nuclear weapons. The vestment universe provides that the assets in information has been taken, among other the fund shall not be invested in companies things, from the companies’ own websites. that produce weapons that violate funda- The Council on Ethics has therefore recom- < china From page 3 investments. It could also as a result increase mental humanitarian principles through their mended that the companies should remain normal use, including cluster munitions and unemployment, lower real estate prices and excluded from the Fund. The Ministry of Fi- reduce people’s disposable income. nuclear weapons. economy and hit Norway by reducing the nance has decided to follow the recommen- However, senior economist in DNB, The Council on Ethics routinely consid- price of oil and the growth of our trade part- dation of the Council on Ethics. Kyrre Aamdal, adds that the scenario is quite ers whether the basis for the exclusion of a ners by half, Dørum predicts. Currently, the Ministry of Finance has unlikely. DNB estimates the likelihood of a company is still present. In these cases, the A reduction in the price of oil to USD 50 excluded 18 companies that produce weap- significant setback of the Chinese economy Council has found it to be proven that the would have enormous consequences for the ons that violate fundamental humanitarian at 10 percent. companies ATK and Lockheed Martin have principles through their normal use. Norwegian government’s income and new

The photo can be taken anywhere Photo contest! FIRST PLACE: One free year in the world, but preference will be subscription, to be used as a given to photos with a Norwegian- The Weekly presents its Summer Memories 2013 Photo Contest gift or applied to an existing American element or Norwegian- subscription! American story behind them. SECOND & THIRD PLACE: A DVD Summer’s drawing to a close, and we here at the Norwegian American of your choice from the Norwegian Weekly want to see your favorite summer 2013 memories! We will be American Foundation’s Classic Documentary Collection. holding a photo contest between Aug. 15 and Sept. 4, 2013. ...Remember:

Photo +Credit + Caption Three winning photos will be showcased in the specialBusiness Themed Sept. 13th Check out blog.norway. Edition of the Norwegian American Weekly, and winners will receive up to 10 free com/2013/08/16/photo-contest copies of the newspaper to share with friends and family.

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