31/10/2014 Issue 4/2014 HIGHLIGHTS A quarterly update on world seafood markets Tel.: (+39) 06 57054163 - Fax: (+39) 06 57053020 - Email:
[email protected] - Website: www.globefish.org About GLOBEFISH GLOBEFISH forms part of the Products, Trade and Marketing Branch of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department and is part of the FISH INFOnetwork (see below). It collects information from the main market areas in developed countries. for the benefit of the world’s producers and exporters. Part of its services is an electronic databank and the distribution of information through the GLOBEFISH European Fish Price Report, the GLOBEFISH Highlights, the GLOBEFISH Research Programme and the GLOBEFISH Commodity Updates. The GLOBEFISH Highlights is based on information available in the databank, supplemented by market information from industry correspondents and from six regional services which form the FISH INFOnetwork: INFOFISH (Asia and the Pacific), INFOPESCA (Latin America and the Caribbean), INFOPECHE (Africa), INFOSAMAK (Arab countries), EUROFISH (Central and Eastern Europe) and INFOYU (China). This issue of GLOBEFISH Highlights has been prepared by Audun Lem, Paola Sabatini and Karine Boisset with contributions from Shirlene M. Anthonysamy, Felix Dent, Eloisa Espinosa, Fatima Ferdouse, Erik Hempel, María Martí-Fluxa, Marie Christine Monfort, Rodrigo Misa, Ferit Rad, Nianjun Shen, Meyling Tang, Katia Tribilustova and Stefania Vannuccini. Anna Child provided editing services and Turan Rahimzadeh was responsible for the layout. The Norwegian Seafood Council provided data support for the FAO Fish Price Index. GLOBEFISH Highlights is distributed to the subscribers of: INFOFISH Trade News, INFOPESCA Noticias Comerciales, INFOPECHE Nouvelles Commerciales, through EUROFISH and INFOYU. GLOBEFISH Highlights are also available in electronic form.