• 1err s WooJwmd anJ percwc1ion UMtrunun& crafted by hanJ for d4'~rning nuMLC/LlfM wor·/JwiJe. -- ----- -- - --- - - -- - - . -- - - - ~---- - - --- - - - "..... - . - G)W~ N CoOPER.i\\AN CoMPANY. E.,.,e.\· J,u)u.ifrud Par~ P.O. Bo.t· 276 Center/,rook, CT06./09-0276 USA ul: ~60-767-1779 Fa.,: 860-767-7017 11•11•w.cooperma11.ca111 email: 1i~/i1@c,mperma11.to111 2 Ancienffimes Grear Western ,\.foster\': From the 1 \o. 109 \o,ember 2003/Vol. 28 l\oJ Return to Riley's Farm Publisher/Editor PubJ1,hcd b)· 4 The Company of 2003 National Muster Fifers &'D rummers 6 Thank-yous hupJ/companyoffifeanddrum.org Sudbury .\foster 2003 are in order Edi1or: Robm \u:nutz. cm.ul R.\
[email protected]:1 8 As I wrire this editorial. l continue to receive Art & l)eggn Dirfflor: Da,c Jone, S11dbut)' Memories many positive comments concerning ~ue I08. I, .l\..otiatc Editors: myself. was quite pleased with the issue, I am not Dominick Cuccia. U1henne Cavallo. Mu,ic Edlton 10 Vm (l.Cpltl. Wcb,1te l\lld C)ber-p:ict &liter Here's laneraft ashamed 10 admit: I hope that you all enjoyed ii as well. Amanda Goodhe-JII. Junior New~ Editor 12 There are many dedicated. talented and commit M.ul. ~sdon. '\iid\\csl &!nor Civil War Trooper's Muster Bill \faling. Current E,cru., ~t ~ ted people who see tha1 this publication geis to press. Of SIM \ ianitz. Calmlar and Competitim Com<,pondent 14 z ·· course. il is my job to facililllte the publication pl'OCe$ Da1c \ocll. Onlille Ch:11 Intmicv.\ Milford Muster for all involved, but I think I have the easy part.