Issue, I Am Not Dominick Cuccia

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Issue, I Am Not Dominick Cuccia • 1err s WooJwmd anJ percwc1ion UMtrunun& crafted by hanJ for d4'~rning nuMLC/LlfM wor·/JwiJe. -- ----- -- - --- - - -- - - . -- - - - ~---- - - --- - - - "..... - . - G)W~ N CoOPER.i\\AN CoMPANY. E.,.,e.\· J,u)u.ifrud Par~ P.O. Bo.t· 276 Center/,rook, CT06./09-0276 USA ul: ~60-767-1779 Fa.,: 860-767-7017 11•11•w.cooperma11.ca111 email: 1i~/i1@c,mperma11.to111 2 Ancienffimes Grear Western ,\.foster\': From the 1 \o. 109 \o,ember 2003/Vol. 28 l\oJ Return to Riley's Farm Publisher/Editor PubJ1,hcd b)· 4 The Company of 2003 National Muster Fifers &'D rummers 6 Thank-yous hupJ/ Sudbury .\foster 2003 are in order Edi1or: Robm \u:nutz. cm.ul R.\[email protected]:1 8 As I wrire this editorial. l continue to receive Art & l)eggn Dirfflor: Da,c Jone, S11dbut)' Memories many positive comments concerning ~ue I08. I, .l\..otiatc Editors: myself. was quite pleased with the issue, I am not Dominick Cuccia. U1henne Cavallo. Mu,ic Edlton 10 Vm (l.Cpltl. Wcb,1te l\lld C)ber-p:ict &liter Here's laneraft ashamed 10 admit: I hope that you all enjoyed ii as well. Amanda Goodhe-JII. Junior New~ Editor 12 There are many dedicated. talented and commit­ M.ul. ~sdon. '\iid\\csl &!nor Civil War Trooper's Muster Bill \faling. Current E,cru., ~t ~ ted people who see tha1 this publication geis to press. Of SIM \ ianitz. Calmlar and Competitim Com<,pondent 14 z ·· course. il is my job to facililllte the publication pl'OCe$ Da1c \ocll. Onlille Ch:11 Intmicv.\ Milford Muster for all involved, but I think I have the easy part. &I 01..en. \lo Schoo--. ObilU.lne\ Hale 011he Homes1ead \ IJ.11),on. West COil-.1 Editor Naturally, and most ob,iously, the columnists and other Colleen StJCk. Company Liaisoo 16 writers are integral 10 the success of the magazine, for if ~ Ycranu.n Talllcrarid CUlltlll Evenb Qm.<:pondcnl Olde Sara1oga M11s1er ,:;.Jf,"-'fil.'j_f:?·..,. they do not submit any material, I will have nothing to '\lember-;hip'Subscriptions: 17 For mimmtim on I.Jfe \1embmlup pledge<.. addm., It's in the Book do and there would be no magazine ai all. Without a change,, and qib\cnpll<lll mfonnauon contact: doubt, though. the most magical part of the process to Tht CClfllJl<lny of Fifers & Dnunmm. 18 P.O. Bo1 2TT. IIOl)1on CT. Of>l.12-0!TT Presidem's Message me is the work done by our an and design director. Dave tel. 8tiO 767-!137: fa.t ~ i67-9765 Jones. e-mail. [email protected] 19 Editorial: Random Thoughts Take a moment to think about what Dave For \\mer'> guidelllle\ or lO d,,cu;,s \IOI) idea,, editorial receives from me -a myriad of files, photos, music, ad.-,, COlll3Cl Robm \ "~tz. 20 nt.11erial and photo. etc... now think about what you see when you open your RN1C1111u@cou1ct. or Th, Anmnl Tmits. Westbrook Wuster P.O. Box 277. 62 ,\onh \tun SL IIU)ton CT Of>l.12-0277: 21 mailbox and find your Ancient Tl!Tlel, waiting for you. e-mail: .ncicnm~comp:m}offifeanddtum.~ Young Colonia/'s .'t111s1er Two vel) different animals. I can assure you. From bit:. Adwtising: F« 11\te, and avaiLlbiht} ronl3CI: 22 and byte:, to the beautiful. \,ell laid-out and thought-out 1kAnc1<t11 Timt1. P.O. Boi 277, 6~ 'ionh M.iin S1_ O11Camera publication that you can't wait 10 read from cover 10 IVOl)IOO CTOf>l.12-0277 24 cover. I certainly don ·1 know how he manages It. but I The Company of Jr.Jam definitely appreciare all that he does. Fifers &'Drummers Warehouse Pomt \'is11s Although I am the lud.)' one who get:. to receive The Old Guard t- ~ident: Joe \!OMe} (203}188-9735 the accolades when the paper is done well, I reall} wan1 email: prc,idenr@,'Olllpan}offtfeanddru~ 26 fir;t Yicc President: D:ul \lo}l:111(617)232-1100 Co/011ial Muskmers III S,nt:erland 10 be sure everyone underslallds that all the folks lisloo email: [email protected] on the left side of this page do more than their share to Stcond \ ice Prrsident: Rand) Sud. t203J 265-0543 28 Stcttlar): Ruqu1st t617) 96U7J) New ~fembers contribute 10 the success of the publication. l wan1 Io email· <ecreUl)~compan) 30 thank them. publicly. for the} are key Lo its success and I TrtaSUru: Jai.:k Do)lc (415) 334-5707 appreciate all they do on an ongoing basis Io keep things email· ~Ultl@compan} offifCllllddrum.0J] The Company Rel'lell' Ancienb Fund: D:ul \lo)lan (617) 232-!.100 32 flowing smoothly. email:~lllO) Bro,rns of Wi111011b11ry Thal having been said, I will move on 10 a brief \n:hile5. "\!useum Curator: &I Olsen (860) 399~19 facili~ Co-\lanallffl: ~eil O'Bnen 1860) 267-8250. 34 summary of \\hat you will find in this issue. cm.ul: nobncnOI@ ~I The Tallier KC\·in Bro\\n (860)399-757 enwl: bro\[email protected] 36 The Muster Junior Fife & Orum Camp Chairman: Robin 'iitmitz leuers 10 the £di1or Season email: R'i1t1111IL@co\.net \!ember.hip Chair: Bob Ca.\lillo (860)455-9-117 37 Musters ... they are such a big part of what we, as Along rhe Fromier email: membel\llip@compan) Ancient:,, do. The social events of the season, one migh1 \ !usk Chairs: Dominici. Cu..'Cia 38 say. What is the appeal of a muSter? ls it the mllSic, the (845)228-2214 email: t\[email protected] Compe1irio11 Corner Caihv Cavallo (203)775-1~ email: long day spem baking in the sun (or getting drenched in The Compan) Ston: Sand) Bid\\cU. (8li0l m:9"..35 39 the rain). the food. the camaraderie, the gossip. shopping Th,· C(lffl/l<Jll\ <1. Fifm & Drummm.1111'.. The Muffeed Drnm P.O Bo., m, h-oryton CT. 06-l42-0277 al the various sutlers' tables? I ""ill go out on a limb and All<'lfnl TiNJ "pubh"1cd qU:Wrl) by 7k CDlrlf'(llry of Fijm & Drummm. /11(.. \tu,eum, \1~1C I.Jbrar), say that it is all of these thin~. The muster is what links Hu.Jqwrtm. P.O. Box m. llOl)1on CT. OMl2-02TT (860) 767-2237. Phorographs ,n rhis issue us together. ii is wha1 makes us, the Ancients. such a enwl: compan) ,,iomg compan) prol'ided by Lee D'Amico. Henry unique and wonderful community. Daudelin. Josh Dukes. itichael Hurhko, Th< p,b6c.lllll clSSr,,roll-71761 ,ed,.I IO lttp indi,i.bJ. 111,11111- k you read the repons in this issue, you will see IJOCW. llfld drum cups l1lmK'ffl di11111g!,oul die "orld mfonned Chris Noell, Da,·id NMII, Mam· Sampson, J11111,V1ly oo U,c "'U\JIC\ o( ll1druonal Amman flfo and drum Cole Tierne.1. George Yeramian. the common threads listed above. The ·-weather repon" ("'l'IUIOl'illSAnc&ru. lllrUlntpl'1) 11\1111Ltlll>ll!llr,<Ulll,nd Plamondon Phorogrophy is u~ually a component of any good muster accounL The ~00'"~ll!IC\. 11 ICC.S IO perpm..tC die hi>!M:31 up,1fM.'l!IU an! loll. lrllwllOO> of AmtluJ f,cld l1l1>lC :and 10 (a,. On The Cover: iadie ,pint o( feUo,. !hip amoog all fifm nl dnunmm NlUllli:d (Co111in11ed 011 page 30) \1.irtboroucli Jr\ &. 1111%5,TlrtC~,ryl(F,ftrs&D""'11RUJ,l'II' t>I Ill· Th:: G!C31 \\'e-iem <'cmpl. tu-dcduo.11Nt. noo-profn rorpora,m \1uger 2 Ancient Tunes Great Western Muster V: ■ ■ ■I ■ I • ■ ■ ■ compri~mg many different era.~. and school tours. audience and performers. and two Marquis tent~ n Saturday. Augl1!>t where students experience everything from weav­ had been set up in the woods to accommodate 16. 2003. the ing, candle-dipping, and cider pressing to the drill overnight campers. a.\ well as living history demo: California and muster of a Revolutionary War or Civil War strations during the da). Consolidated Drum battle. The fann hru. appeared on the History After a drive of almo,t IO houn,. CCDB \ Band held ib fifth Channel and in the feature film. Amistad. a\ well as Northern California members Jack Doyle, Chris annual muster. After many other film and television productions. Their Drake. Marty San1pson, and Jonathan and Andrev. experimenting with a main crops are sweet com, apples. raspberries. YanTilburg arrived late Friday afternoon to find different location in pears, and sunflowers. Cindy Olson and about a dozen of her Mountain 2002, we returned 10 Since our la~t visit to tile Farm in 200 I , Jim Fife and Drum Corps members alread) making Riley's Farm. a working apple orchard Riley and his faniily have made man) addition~ and and living history farm in the Oak Glen music. Natumlly. we joined right in. running ttllk, improvements. The Hawk's Head tavern ,ported a until we heard tl1e dinner bell. Everyone enjo}ed area of Southern California. In addition ne,\ floor and a wonderful new kitchen. On the visiting and a delicious supper: then it was back : to fam1ing. this lovely rural setting green. canvas tent flies provided welcome shade for provides a venue for re-enactment units tile pleasures of jan1ming. retiring late to our JXl'I Ancient Tunes 3 by Marty umm sFarrn Sampson corps could use as it wished: 10 give to a par­ ticularly deserving mem­ ber. raffle off. etc.
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