KV 2/103


Herbert Christian Oscar (Oskar?) Otto Wichmann

During most of WW II he was the Ast-X Leiter in My re-approaching, however, is being triggered by our continuing endeavour around the

Drueke-Vera-Waelti drama

Actually, being mainly interested in Vera’s alleged husband Dierks, alias von Wedel, or whatever names he might have used. Herbert Wichmann was actually in charge of Major Nikolaus Ritter; I therefore would like to approach this file, and searching for traces on them too.

On the one hand, I have no idea what to expect, on the other hand, there is no other way than to continue by this means.

It proved, however, astonishingly: that Dierks’ name appears quite often within the context of this document.

All sections selected are my choices; transcripts being sometimes added with my comments and corrections. Though, all being clearly recognisable, by the application of blue, red and seldomly green colours.

As always in these KV 2/… series, its purpose is for study only; therefore: do not multiply it, as some still obeys to Crown Copyright.

By Arthur O. Bauer


KV 2/103 Wichmann, Herbert Christian Oscar Otto PF 600782

3 KV 2/103-1, page 5 + 6 Not necessarily true

4 1934 Returned from the Argentine as a retired naval officer and was re-employed by the . (Nonsense) 1938 Wichmann is reported as being a Secret Service agent by Waldberg (www.cdvandt.org/seeloewe-espionage.htm) the Secret Service agent executed at Pentonville Prison in Dec.1940. … 1939 Chief of the Espionage Defence Section at Hamburg, and knows England well. Aug. 1940 Believed to be in charge of Ast Hamburg

Oct.19th 1940 Visited Paris from Hamburg, during which time there was a big one-day rehearsal in Paris of the wireless “Spiel-Plan” in which Wohldorf (suburb of Hamburg), the W/T station of Ast-Hamburg and Stahnsdorf (Berlin) were to cooperate. 1942 General chief of the Nazi Secret Service in Hamburg where he has title “Ast Leiter”.

1942 Chief of the Seewarte, the Naval meteorological station in Hamburg.

1942 Believed to be identical with a man described by O’Neil, James, German agent, as a “three-Ringer in the German navy” and a “big shot” in the Abwehr in Hamburg where O’Neil often saw him.

1941 Kapitänleutnant (Sdf) Obladen (an interesting person!) was seconded from Ast. Hbg. for special intelligence duties in Greece under general direction of Kapt.z.See Menzel of the Naval Intelligence Section, and under the immediate control of Freg.Kapt. Wichmann, the Astleiter at Hamburg. …

1944 Chief of Abwehrstelle Hamburg, General Knochenhauerstrasse. No Nazi.

1944 A distance relation of Pheiffer and after the latter’s departure was given the title of I.M. although Gartmann is the actual representative. He has a business in Hamburg and only went when necessary, to Berlin.

May 45 Among the arrests reported by 21st A.G. (Army Group) of persons who have SHAEF Pink Cards is Wichmann, Herbert Christian Oskar Otto.

↓ 5

Please click at the drawing as to open it in PDF format Please compare the line series within this map with the numbers in top-left of the next RSS document

6 KV 2/103-1, page 18 RSS intercepts selected on the connection with Wichmann. The in red writing criterium was the highest security level possible.

Please digest these RSS intercepts yourself

7 KV 2/103-1, page 19 RSS

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12 KV 2/103-1, page 24 RSS

13 KV 2/103-1, page 25 RSS

Please notice: ISK meant decrypts based upon machine-codes (Bletchley Park); thus: Enigma message decodes, whereas formerly, and still maintained, ISOS were based upon manual coded decrypts. These can be distinguished by the value of the numbers. ISOS were larger (more frequent), than Enigma-ISK decrypts; as these were so far less frequently encountered, and thus broken. ISK numbers reached, in May 1945, just over 150,000. 14 KV 2/103-1, page 26 RSS

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16 KV 2/103-1, page 28 RSS

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19 KV 2/103-1, page 31 RSS

ANAPA was a naval base at the Blacksea front (Caucasus) ↓

20 KV 2/103-1, page 32 RSS

21 KV 2/103-1, page 33 RSS

22 KV 2/103-1, page 34 RSS

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When you do not understand the RSS decrypted intercepts: Do not hesitate to contact us:

Please type in what you read.

24 KV 2/103-1, page 37

Home Office, Aliens Dept. 10 Old Bailey, (Court) London, E.C.4.

”Herbert” Wichmann is identical with Werner Wichmann who was brought to the as a Category A case on 22.6.45.

D.I. Vesey, Major

29th November 1945.

25 KV 2/103-2, page 7 (Wichmann’s file series)

Notice: that Dierks should have sent this agent to England and Ireland.

26 KV 2/103-2, page 10

Quoting partially:

I also attaché a copy of the results obtained from Wichmann and from Pheiffer of Nest Bremen, in the case you are interested in them. … Dierks (I M), who according to both Wichmann and Pheiffer was the Hamburg official most active in running agents against this country (England) before the war, was unfortunately killed in a motor accident shortly after the outbreak of war. Ritter …

(Dierks died in the evening of 2nd September 1940)

(Ritter wasn’t dead either, and was later interrogated KV 2/85 – KV 2/88)

27 KV 2/103-2, page 13

Wichmann was only in Hamburg for one month in November/December 1935 to learn the organisation of an Abwehrstelle, and again from December 1936, becoming Leiter I.M. in spring 1937. He claims that any of these cases which had any particular reference to I M. were probably the pre-occupation of his predecessor Korv.Kapt. Burghardt, or that if they refer to the period when he was in charge, they would probably be handled by Dierks.

Wichmann states that Dierks was very much an individualist and that he (Wichmann) used to allow him to get on with his work with a minimum of interference, especially as he found his administrative duties as Leiter enough to cope with it at the time. In consequence only the really important and more successful cases would receive his detailed attention, and these, as far as England was concerned, were very few indeed. Wichmann knew Dierks used post-boxes to receive information from various sources – he thinks that doubtless some of the names now quoted to him must have been those in question, but he maintains that he has no personal knowledge on them.

KV 2/103-2, page 15

Case 14: Wichmann knows that Mrs. Jessie Jordan was handled by Dierks

Case 17: Wichmann knows that R.W. Simon was operated by Hptm. Ritter I L before the war and by Dierks; early in the war up to the time when he was arrested in Eire. (Irland)

28 KV 2/103-2, page 33

Wichmann Herbert Christian Oscar Otto Born 18, 4, 1894, Hamburg The horizontal line, in the background of this photo, are typically for photographs taken at Camp 020 Permanent address: Hamburg-Wohldorf, Diestelstrasse 28

The horizontal split-line behind Wichmann’s head, is typically for Camp 020 photographs.

↓ 29 KV 2/103-2, page 34

Wichmann’s Personal Antecedents: 30 18.4.1894: Herbert Wichmann born on the 18th April 1894, at Hamburg. He was the sun of Oscar and Emma Wichmann

1900-03: He went to the Preparatory school O.G. Thomsen, Hamburg

1903-10 Attended the Realgymnasium des Johanneums, Hamburg

1910-12: Wichmann was apprenticed to Heidrich & Harbeck, Hamburg

1912-13: He then spent a year at the Höhere Maschinenbauschule, (Engineering School)

1913-14 He was at the Oberrealschule at Eppendorf, Hamburg

1.4.1914: Wichmann began as a midshipman in the Imperial German Navy, and so on to a succession of ships, first on the “Hansa”, then –

1914-15: On a battle ship “Grosser Kurfürst”

1914 Dec. Wichmann was promotet to Fähnrich zur See.

1915-16 He was on the „Elbing“, a light cruiser

1916 June: Wichmann was promoted to Leutenant zur See

1916-17: He was at the “Graudens” another light cruiser.

1918-19: He was Flag Lt. to a torpedo Flotilla leader.

1919 June: Wichmann was discharged as an Oberleutnant zur See, and went back to Heidenreich & Harbeck, at Hamburg.

Wichmann was then employed in the following jobs:-

1919 Oct-Dec Schiess A.G. Düsseldorf, Factory for tool machines 1920 Jan- C. Heldman & Co Ex. & Importers, Hamburg (Director) 1925

1922: Marriage with Lulu Bieber, daughter of Theodor Bieber and Antonie.

31 KV 2/103-2, page 35

1923-24: South America, (Buenos Aires and Montevideo)

1927-27: Scharnack & Schmidt, Brokers, Hamburg, (Partner)

1928-32: Traun & Co, Hamburg-Carlshafen, Playwood Manufacturers and Dealers. (Department Chief)

In June 1934, Wichmann rejoined the Navy and was posted to the OKM, in Berlin.

From June - September, 1934: He was at the Naval Signal School Flensburg- (Mörwick?)

1935 – January to September: he was a Naval Signal Officer, Kiel, at the Wireless Station at Tannenberg

1935 – September Wichmann went to sea on the destroyer “Kondor” torpedo boat (destroyer flotilla).

October 1935: He was Signal Officer, Kiel, at the Wireless Station Tannenberg (Kiel).

32 KV 2/103-2, page 35 + 36

First contact with and recruitment by enemy:

1935 Towards the end of October, 1935, Wichmann was informed by the officer i/c End Oct. Personnel of the ‘Marine Stationskommando der Ostsee’ that he was being posted to a new job. The ‘Marine Personalsamt’ had ordered this, and he was to have an interview in Berlin.

Early Nov. Accordingly, in early November, Wichmann travelled from Kiel to Berlin, and when he reported he was directed to the Amt/Ausland Abwehr, where he met. Kapt.z.See Michels. He was told that he was being posted to the Intelligence Service, and was sent off to Hamburg for a month to learn about the organisation of an Abwehrstelle,

Dec. On the 1st December, 1935, Wichmann was promoted Korvettenkapt. With effect 1st, 1935. A few days later he went back to Berlin and to the Amt Abwehr, and spent a few days going through various departments for the purpose of meeting officers.

Mid-Dec. In the middle of December, 1935, he was posted to Ast Lindau in Bavaria on the Lake of Constance (Bodensee). Wichmann succeeded a certain Korvettenkapt. Wendt as I Marine. This section was set up by Wendt earlier in 1935, and he had now left to transfer to the Air Force, The Dienststelle was a small one and organised …

33 KV 2/103-2, page 37

July. Wichmann travelled to Budapest in July, 1936, to meet a Dr. Klein. This man was considerable age and was handed over to Wichmann by Ast Hamburg; he was an acquaintance of Dierks, a member of I Marine Ast Hamburg, who suggested the visit. Dr. Klein was still anxious to work in spite of his age and went to Switzerland to start up, but died shortly afterwards. KV 2/103-2, page 38

Much purely organisational work was done by I M for Amtsgruppe Ausland IV (these numbers differ from the regular Ausland/Abwehr such as sections I, II and III) (A.G.)(A.O.) …. The work in France was mainly organised and run by Dierks, who employed an agent called Franz. This man in turn employed a number of informers, of whom Wichmann can remember the following names: Lehmann, Hecht Logenbruder, and a Spaniard whose real name was Vilar. These people were all established in either France or Spain, but connection with them ceased in 1939 or 1940 and as far as Wichmann knows has never been resumed.

Dierks also employed a few individuals who travelled to France now and then. There was a Swede known as the Professor, who brought back several interesting reports in the years 1937 to 1939 from the circles in which he moved, Dierks told Wichmann that this man died just before the outbreak of war. Another agent called Flunki produced nothing of interest during this time.

34 KV 2/103-2, page 39 (AOB, Dierks also dealt first with Arthur Owens, the later Double Cross agent SNOW; before Ritter became involved)

Dierks received one report from Britain, it came from an agent called Jessie Jordan, whom Wichmann has never seen, and concerned storage tank installations in the Firth or Forth. This woman lived, Wichmann thinks near Dundee, and was later arrested. Wichmann also knows that Dierks received one report on Sheerness, from a man whose name Wichmann never knew, and who travelled to England.

Dierks at this time used several post boxes in Holland, for receiving information from various sources. The people at the places used were unaware of the contents of the mail, and the real identity of the person using them. He liked to use newspaper kiosk, as this provided him with an uncontrolled mail delivery. These functioned well until the Spring of 1940, and Dierks used to collect a regular packet of mail. KV 2/103-2, page 41

1940 May Wichmann was promoted to Leiter, Ast Hamburg, in May 1940. Pheiffer was transferred to France from Bremen, at the beginning of the German offensive in the West.

July. In July, 1940, Wichmann made a trip to Holland to have a look at . Pheiffer was made Leiter of Nest Brest, which had been set up: Major Hermann Giskes, hitherto III C2 in Ast Hamburg was one amongst other officers posted to Ast Paris. The organisation of the Abwehr in France and the officers working there are set out in …

KV 2/103-2, page 42

1941 1st Jan. On 1st January 1941, Wichmann was promoted Fregattenkapitän with effect of 1st December 1941.

35 KV 2/103-2, page 43

Round this time (Sept. 41), the death of Dierks occurred in a motor accident. (AOB, incorrect, as it happened in the evening of 2nd September 1940; Wichmann is abuse just 1 year!)

KV 2/103-2, page 43

1.Nov. 41; 1942 Jan. On the 1st November, 1941, Wichmann was promoted Kpt. z. See and at the end of January, 1942, he attended a high Abwehr conference in Paris where general matters were discussed, although, again, he remembers no details of what transpired.

KV 2/103-2, page 44

December 1943 There was an important conference in Baden-Baden in (12. - 13.) December 1943. Canaris explained how the Asts in the West were to be turned into Frontaufklärungskommandos (FAK) and Frontaufklärungstrupps (FAT) that they might be mobile in case of an invasion. All civilian personnel and records were to be sent back to . The countries affected were France, Belgium, Holland and Denmark.

KV 2/103-2, page 45

May: Wichmann was summoned to a conference at Salzburg which started on the 12th and lasted two or three days. The purpose of this conference was to explain to the officers present how the various duties of the Abwehr would be taken over by the (SS controlled) RSHA. All the heads of the Asts and referents of the Amt Abwehr were present. Wichmann spoke to Obst. Hansen and asked him how much they were going to be told before the conference started, Hansen, who was the successor to Admiral Canaris as the head of the Abwehr, did not himself know what was going to be said.

The head of Amt VI, Schellenberg, explained how the political and military intelligence services must be complementary. (https://www.cdvandt.org/schellenberg-survey.htm )

36 KV 2/103-2, page 48

Hamburg W/T Station:

This was known as Hamburg-Wohldorf (code name “Domäne”). The receiver was some 2½ km away from the Sender (Vorwerk) and in the North-West end of Hamburg-Wohldorf.

1 The Receiver: This was: 1 overseas room with 12 receivers

1 European room with 12 receivers

1 Control room which monitor all the receivers

1 Decoding room

2 The Sender:

There were about 22 transmitters mostly of 400 watt, a few 800 watt and 1 5kilowatt, this last of Italian make (some of the senders were very old.

Wichmann had had the equipment put in at various times by the Navy and the wireless station, as such, was provided with extremely efficient equipment, (due to Auerbach), as Wichmann himself is a wireless specialist. Hamburg Wireless station belonged to Hamburg in the sense that it was within their area. From the end of 1943 onwards, it was entirely subordinated to Nachr. Regiment 506. The former Referat Ii of Ast Hamburg now became the staff of the III Abteilung of the Regiment and the crew of the wireless station formed the 7th company (the crew of the station Stettin Krugsdorf formed the 8th Company). In 1942/3 Funkleiter Nord and Funkleiter Übersee were set up on orders of Abwehr I. Both of these functions were carried out by the Leiter of Ii (Trautmann) but for this work he was completely independent and Ast Hamburg had no connection with or control of it whatsoever.

37 KV 2/103-2, page 53

1937/39 Gruppe I. Leiter I: Korvettenkapitän Burghardt

I H : Hauptmann Lips Herr Moll

I M : Korvettenkapitän Wichmann (v.Wettstein) Herr Dierks Kapt. Müller

I L : Hauptman Ritter Oberlt. Schaarschmidt

I Wi : Hptm. Dr. Praetorius

(March 1939 onwards Ii Hptm. Trautmann)

38 KV 2/103-2, page 55

Please notice at column I M down again Dierks’ name. KV 2/103-2, page 56-organigram-2

Please notice this erroneous, at least in some respect: I M is noticed Oblt. Dierks, the latter had passed away sadly on 2nd September 1940; he therefore hardly can be noticed on the list of then current civil servants! What do we have to expect from the rest of this schematic?

↓ Skipping the Amt Mil divisions

39 KV 2/103-3, page 1

Wichmann. This man, whose interrogation has been proceeding for over a month, has proved a disappointment as a source of information, particularly in regard to Ast Hamburg’s activities against the United Kingdom in the early war years and those immediately preceding the war. Wichmann has, or finds it convenient to pretend to have, a poor memory. He gives a singularly feeble impression for one who has been with the active and enterprising Ast Hamburg since 1936, who became Leiter I M in 1937, Leiter Gruppe I in 1939 and head of the whole Ast in 1940.

Wichmann has told next to nothing about Hamburg’s agent network in Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Argentine, and nothing at all of agents despatched on missions to the United Kingdom, such as Unlund, Schulz and Simen (Simon), beyond stating that he believes the first two were controlled by Praetorius and that the third was controlled by the notorious Luft official Ritter @ Dr. Rantzau. Of a list of 42 agents of Ast Hamburg operating in various parts of the world which Wichmann has provided during his stay at Camp 020, all were previously well known to us with the exception of 7, these being unidentifiable on the scanty information given.

40 KV 2/103-3, page 15

Pheiffer Kapitän zur See Wichmann, Leiter Ast Hamburg, during his preliminary interrogation in the Field stated that in September 1940 he was instructed to prepare plans for the establishment of an Ast in London after a successful invasion of the United Kingdom. He was apparently to be Leiter of the Ast when it was established. According to Wichmann, Pheiffer, who at that time was at Nest Brest, assisted him in the planning of Ast London and was the representative Leiter of Gruppe I. If Pheiffer has not already mentioned this matter it would be of some interest to hear what he has to say about it.


Major M.N. Forrest.

41 KV 2/103-3, page 19

Hermann Simon.

This man was an agent of Ritter (! Luft). Previous to that, he had been passed over to Ritter by Dierks, Wichmann thinks that Simon went to Ireland by submarine in 1940 and that his mission was to obtain information about the aircraft industry in England.

KV 2/103-3, page 20

Brazil. Kapt. Von Hubnershofen handed over an agent “Jumbo” to Dr. Cadmus (The same man, in which’s house Wichmann hired a room after his private home had been bombed in 1943). This agent was taken to Brazil by a man named Garbers, who did it for the fun of the thing. (Hein Garbers, the outstanding sailor who undertook three Ocean trips with a small sailing boat towards the South Atlantic. Hein Garbers was one of the three or four Abwehr members who obtained a “Ritterkreuz”. His endeavours were most outstanding! (see: https://www.cdvandt.org/kv-2-2294-passim-guenther-stracke.htm )

KV 2/103-3, page 20

Wichmann does not know General Wolf (https://www.cdvandt.org/kv-2-1487-wolf-argentine.htm ) After the breaking-up of the Obladen net in 1942, there was wireless traffic with the Argentine, which lasted some 6/9 months (all lasted to about August 1944) and suddenly broke off in 1943. The Hamburg wireless station handled the traffic, but they did not know the code and it was passed straight on to Berlin. The traffic itself run from Cologne (ROT?), not Berlin, as the net was the creation of Nest Koeln (Cologne). Hamburg wireless station was used, as it was an exceptional efficient one and had equipment provided by the Navy. (Wrong, they developed it under supervision of Auerbach and maybe Ii Trautmann). Cologne could not hear Buenos Aires. ↓ 42 KV 2/103-3,page 28

Dierks @ zum Stuhrack N.L.T. in SHAEF. Identical with Oberleutnant Dierks @ Hans zum Stureck @ Dierks zum Stuhreck @ Freiherr (Baron) von Wedel/ Served in Korv.Kapt. Pheiffer’s Einsatzkommando. 1.6.40 appointed Oblt. d. Reserve. z.V. by Hamburg, and from then till 15.6.40 made journeys to Antwerp, Rotterdam. , Ostend and finally to Ast Brussels again and seat at Antwerp. On 5.9.40. Hamburg was informed that Dierks had died. (AOB, incorrect: it was logically Hamburg who informed Pheiffer on the death of Dierks; which happened in Hamburg on the evening of 2nd September 1940) KV 2/267-5, page 5

5.9.40 Pheiffer hears of Dierks’ death. Suggests Kptlt. Jonetz as substitute for the special enterprise. (WO 204/12815) KV 2/103-3, page 29

Ober Zahlmeister Langkam identical with Otto Langkam. Oberzahlmeister of ZF Abwehr Amt. First reported in Spain and Portugal in 1942 and 1943 but transferred from KO Spanien to Ast Hamburg Feb 43. KV 2/103-3, page 30

Oblt. Klinisch ideltical with Sdf, Klineisch @ Dr. Harold Paulsen of Ast Hamburg I Wi. May be identical with Paul Klinkisch of Hamburg. Chiefly concerned with Iberian Peninsula which he has visited several times since early 1942. Responsible for running W/T agent Walter Merz in Tanger in 1943.

43 KV 2/103-3, page 30

Major Boekel (file available) identical with Major Boeckel @ Bruhns @ Dr. Beyer/Beier @ Dr. Ernesto Werner. (see Vera’s file series: https://www.cdvandt.org/druecke-vera-waelti.htm Born 1897.Abwehr Amt I Luft or Ast Hamburg where he was concerned with the training of agents and their dispatch to the UK in Sept. 40 – Feb. 42. Transferred to Abwehr Amt I Luft in June 42. Deals with postings and movements of I Luft personnel and is likely to be in charge of I Luft P. May have visited Belgrade and Bucharest with Maj. Bechtle of I Luft in ) Oct. 43, Travelled frequently to Spain and carried out routine administrative matters on behalf of KO Spain in Berlin. Reputed to be with Ast Hamburg again in Oct. 44. He was closely linked with Drueke – Vera- Waelti in regard to their being forced to go on their fatal trip to , on 30 September, 1940! KV 2/103-2, page 36

Dierks @ zum Stuhrack (Stuhrig, Stuhrich) used several post-boxes in Holland, The people and places used were unaware of the contents of the mail and the real identity of the persons using them. He liked to use newspaper kiosks, as it permitted an uncontrolled mail delivery. These functioned well, until Spring 1940 (the German invasion of Western Europe), for the incoming post.

44 KV 2/103-3, page 41

Wichmann has known Obladen since 1926. He came to Germany from the U.S.A. in 1924, and worked for a firm Schuelke & Mayr (manufacturers of disinfectants) in Hamburg, with considerable success.

At the outbreak of the war he was summoned to Ast Hamburg and made a Sonderführer (Sdf.) was normally a specialist without regular military training, but his skills prevailed. (AOB: They got a suffix, which indicated their equivalent military rank such as, for example: (G) Gruppenführer / Feldwebel (N.C.O.) or (K) Kompanieführer / Hptm / Captain, or (B) Batallionsführer or Major. He soon set up his own network of agents in South America without even seeing or speaking to any of them. He had some 5/7 agents in South America. Three of them operated wireless sets in Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and Valparaiso (Chile). Another, without a set, was in Pernambuco. They sent out news on shipping, either by means of these W/T sets or by means of the post, as the Lufthansa operated to South America until the U.S.A. entered the war.

In the summer or autumn, 1940, Sdf. Obladen travelled to Greece in order to establish connections which might prove useful later. He was in Athens in the autumn of 1940. Major Trautmann (I i) went with him for a few days in order to try out the W/T conditions.

45 KV 2/103-3, page 46

Letter to “Pumpelchen”. This was a letter to Wichmann from his “girl-friend”, signed with the nick-name Schnutchen”. It was sent to him on this birthday.

Two letters to “Mein lieber Herbert”. These letters were to Wichmann from the son of his “girl-friend”. (AOB, may Wichmann and his wife Lulu have lived separated? As he lived in the former house of his mother, when he was arrested, in May 1945) KV 2/103-3, page 58

The second source was from agents. The man who employed these agents was one Dierks who was a Lt. in Intelligence in the last war (1914-18). He had agents in France, Switzerland, Ireland and England (Arthur Owens / SNOW). Again Wichmann does not know the exact names. He says that he got the reports from Dierks and their source was invariably a number / not a name. He only collated these with the information they had and the information from other sources and transmitted it to Berlin.

Dierks was killed in a motor accident in Hamburg in 1941 1940 Sept. Wichmann however does give the following information. (It is not considered that the names are accurate, they are searched out of his memory). Dierks had the following people working for him. In England Drueker? (Drueke) a Swiss working in Brussels name Kassler, an Alsasian working in Bordeaux names Lehmann and one Siemen (Simon, file existing) who was working in Ireland. There was also a Dr. Klein in Switzerland.

↓ 46 KV 2/103-3, page 60

It was then Wichmann’s task to prepare on paper the Ast z.V (what does this mean? Similar had been formerly found at the Dierks commemorance family website; but since quite recently they have changed some and made identifying more worse!) and he was helped in his task by Korv. Kap. Pheiffer who was at that time in Aussenstelle Brest. Wichmann was to be the new head of this Ast (actually Pheiffer’s Nest Bremen, was subordinate to Ast Hamburg) z.b.V. (zur besonderen Verwendung) but as Berlin was already sceptical of the success of the invasion (of England), a new successor to Ast Hamburg was not appointed and Obstlt. Proetorius (Praetorius) carried on at Hamburg in Wichmann’s absence.


23 February 2020