In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by paragraph 3(4) of the (Sanctions) (No.2) Order 2014, I have issued the following Notice-

The Schedule to the Ukraine (Sanctions) (No.2) Order 2014 is amended as follows-

(a) the entry set out in the Schedule concerning the person below is deleted-

39. Ludmila Ivanovna Shvetsova; and

(b) the entries set out in the Schedule concerning the persons listed below are replaced by the following entries–


Sergey Aksyonov was elected Valeryevich Place of birth: 17.3.2014 Beltsy ‘Prime Minister of Crimea’ AKSYONOV, in the Crimean Verkhovna Sergei (Bălți), Moldova Rada on 27 February 2014 Valerievich in the presence of pro- AKSENOV Date of birth: 26.11.1972. Russian gunmen. His (Сергей ‘election’ was decreed ВалерьевичАкс unconstitutional by ёнов),Serhiy on 1 ValeriyovychAK March 2014. He actively SYONOV lobbied for the ‘referendum’ (Сергій of 16 March 2014. As of 9 ВалерійовичАк October 2014, the ‘Head’ of сьонов) the so-called ‘’. GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Dmitry Appointed by Presidential Place of birth: Konstantinovi- Decree on 9 December 2013 21.3.2014 ch Head of the Russian Federal Date of birth: KISELYOV, State news agency ‘Rossiya 26.4.1954 Segodnya’.Central figure of Dmitrii the government propaganda Konstantinovic supporting the deployment h of Russian forces in Ukraine. KISELEV (Дмитрий Константинов ич Киселёв)

Igor Director of GRU (Main Place of birth: Dmitrievich Intelligence Directorate), 29.4.2014 SERGUN Podolsk, Deputy Chief of the General (Игорь Moscow Staff of the Armed Forces of Дмитриевич Oblast the Russian Federation, Сергун) Date of birth: Lieutenant-General. 28.3.1957 Responsible for the activity of GRU officers in Eastern Ukraine.

Former Head of the Place of birth: ‘ People's Re­ Andriy Donetsk 29.4.2014 Yevgenovych public’, active participant Date of birth: and organiser of separatist PURGIN 26.1.1972 actions, coordinator of (Андрій actions of the ‘Russian Євгенович tourists’ in Donetsk. Co- Пургін), founder of a ‘Civic Initiative of Donbass for the Andrei Eurasian Union’. So-called Evgenevich ‘Chairman’ of the ‘People's PURGIN Council of the Donetsk (Андрей People's Republic’. ЕвгеньевичПу ргин)

572 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Denys One of the leaders of the Place of birth: Volodymyrovy ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. 29.4.2014. ch Participated in the seizure (Donetsk PUSHYLIN and occupation of the oblast) regional administration. (Денис Date of birth: Active spokesperson for the Володимирови 9.5.1981 separatists. So-called Deputy чПушилін), or 9.5.1982 Chairman of the ‘People's Denis Council’ of the so-called Vladimirovich ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. PUSHILIN (Денис Владимирович Пушилин)

Petr Acting Head of the Federal Grigorievich Date of birth: Migration Service office for 12.5.2014 JAROSH (Петр 30.1.1971 Crimea. Responsible for the ГригорьевичЯ systematic and expedited рош) issuance of Russian passports for the residents of Crimea.

Viacheslav Former self-declared mayor Place of birth: PONOMARIO of Slaviansk. Ponomariov 12.5.2014 V, Vyacheslav called on to Volodymyrovic (Donetsk send in Russian troops to h oblast) protect the city and later PONOMARYO Date of birth: asked him to supply V(В'ячеслав 2.5.1965 weapons. Ponomariov's Володимирови men are involved in ч kidnappings (they captured Пономарьов), Irma Krat and Simon Viacheslav Ostrovsky, a reporter for Vladimirovich Vice News, both were later PONOMAREV re• leased, they detained (Вячеслав military observers un• der Владимирович the OSCE Vienna Пономарёв) Document). Remains active in supporting separatist actions and policies.

573 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Igor One of the leaders of armed 33 years old EvgenevichKA forces of the self- 12.5.2014 KIDZYANOV( on 8.5.2014 proclaimed ‘Donetsk Игорь Possibly born People's Republic’. The aim ЕвгеньевичКа 25 July 1980 of the forces is to ‘protect кидзянов),Igor in Makiivka the people of the Donetsk Evegenevich (Donetsk People's Republic and KHAKIMZYA oblast) territorial integrity of the NOV republic’ according to Pushylin, one of the leaders (Игорь of the ‘Donetsk People's ЕвгеньевичХа Republic’. кимзянов)

Oleg Former Member of the Place of birth: TSARIOV,Ole Rada, as such pub•licly 12.5.2014 h Dnepropetrovs called for the creation of the Anatoliyovych k so-called ‘Federal Republic TSAROV Date of birth: of ’, composed 2.6.1970 (Олег of south-eastern Ukrainian Анатолійович regions. Remains active in Царьов), supporting separatist actions or policies. Oleg Anatolevich TSAREV (Олег АнатольевичЦ арёв) Aleksandr Head of the ‘Lugansk Sergeevich Date of birth: People's Republic’ Central 12.1.1981 12.5.2014 MALYKHIN, Electoral Commission. Actively organised the Alexander referendum on 11 May Sergeevich 2014 on the self- MALYHIN determination of the (Александр ‘Lugansk People's Сергеевич Republic’. Малыхин)

574 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Aleksandr Former so-called ‘Prime Yurevich Place of birth: Minister of the Donetsk Moscow 12.7.2014 BORODAI People's Republic’, as such Date of birth: responsible for the (Александр 25.7.1972 separatist ‘governmental’ ЮрьевичБоро activities of the so-called дай) ‘government of the Donetsk People's Republic’ (e.g. on 8 July 2014 stated ‘our military is conducting a special operation against the Ukrainian “fascists”’), signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding on ‘Novorossiya union’. Remains active in supporting separatist actions or policies.

AlexanderKHO Former so-called ‘Minister DAKOVSKY, Place of birth: of Security of the Donetsk 12.7.2014 Oleksandr Donetsk People's Republic’, as such Serhiyovych Date of birth: responsible for the KHODAKOVS 18.12.1972 separatist security activities KIY of the so-called ‘government of the Donetsk (Олександр People's Republic’. Сергійович Remains active in Ходаковський) supporting separatist actions ,Aleksandr or policies. SergeevichKH ODAKOVSKII (Александр Сергеевич Ходаковский)

Alexandr So-called ‘de facto Deputy Aleksandrovich Prime Minister for Social KALYUSSKY, Affairs of the Donetsk Date of birth: 12.7.2014 (Александр 9.10.1975 People's Republic’. Александрови Responsible for the ч Калюсский) separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so-called ‘government of the Donetsk People's Republic’.

575 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Alexander So-called ‘Information and KHRYAKOV, Mass Communications Aleksandr Minister of the Donetsk Vitalievich Place of birth: People's Re­ public’. 12.7.2014 Donetsk KHRYAKOV Responsible for the pro- Date of birth: separatist propaganda (Александр 6.11.1958 activities of the so-called ВитальевичХр ‘government of the Donetsk яков), People's Republic’. Oleksandr VitaliyovychK HRYAKOV (Олександр Віталійович Хряков)

Marat Place of birth: So-called ‘Prime Minister Faatovich Izhevsk, of the Council of Ministers BASHIROV Russian of the Lugansk People's Federation Republic’, confirmed on 8 12.7.2014 (Марат Date of birth: July 2014.Responsible for ФаатовичБаши the separatist ров) 20.1.1964 ‘governmental’ activities of the so-called ‘government of the Lugansk People's Republic’.

Vasyl Place of birth: So-called ‘Vice Prime NIKITIN, Shargun Minister of the Council of (Uzbekistan) Ministers of the Lugansk Vasilii 12.7.2014 Aleksandrovich Date of birth: People's Republic’, (used to NIKITIN be the so-called ‘Prime 25.11.1971 Minister of the Lugansk (Василий People's Republic’, and Александрови former spokesman of the чНикитин) ‘Army of the South­ east’). Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so-called ‘government of the Lugansk People's Republic’. Responsible for the statement of the Army of the Southeast that the Ukrainian presidential elections in the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’ cannot take place due to the ‘new’ status of the region.

576 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

So-called ‘Supreme Council Aleksey Place of birth: Chair of the Lu•gansk 12.7.2014 Vyacheslavovic Stakhanov People's Republic’. h (Lugansk Responsible for the oblast) separatist ‘governmental’ KARYAKIN activities of the ‘Supreme (Алексей Date of birth: Council’, responsible for Вячеславович 7.4.1980 asking the Russian Карякин) or 7.4.1979 Federation to recognize the independence of the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’. Signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding on the ‘Novorossiya union’.

Yuriy Former so-called ‘Minister Volodymyrovy Place of birth: of Internal Affairs of the 12.7.2014 chIVAKIN(Юр Perevalsk Lugansk People's ій (Lugansk Republic’, as such Володимирови oblast) responsible for the чІвакін),Iurii separatist ‘governmental’ VladimirovichI Date of birth: activities of the so-called VAKIN(Юрий 13.8.1954 ‘government of the Lugansk Владимирович People's Republic’. Ивакин)

Igor Place of birth: Former so-called ‘Defence PLOTNITSKY, Lugansk Minister’ and currently so- 12.7.2014 Igor (possibly in called ‘Head’ of the VenediktovichP Kelmentsi, ‘Lugansk People's LOTNITSKII Chernivtsi Republic’. Responsible for (Игорь oblast) the separatist Венедиктович Date of birth: ‘governmental’ activities of Плотницкий) the so-called ‘government 24.6.1964 of the Lugansk People's or 25.6.1964 Republic’.

577 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Oleksiy Date of birth: One of the leaders of armed Borisovych 3.4.1975 groups in Eastern Ukraine. 12.7.2014 MOZGOVY, Responsible for training separatists to fight against (Олексiй the Ukrainian government БорисовичМоз forces. говий), Aleksei Borisovich MOZGOVOI (Алексей БорисовичМоз говой)

Sergei Date of birth: Commander of the Fifth Orestovoch 17.5.1954 Service of the FSB, Federal 25.7.2014 BESEDA Security Service of the Russian Federation. As a (Сергей senior FSB officer, he heads ОрестовичБесе a service responsible which да) oversees intelligence operations and international activity.

578 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Ekaterina Place of birth: In her capacity of former Iurievna Kakhova so-called ‘Minister of 25.7.2014 GUBAREVA (Kherson Foreign Affairs’ she was oblast) responsible of defending the (Екатерина Date of birth: so-called ‘Donetsk People's ЮрьевнаГубар Republic’, thus ева), 5.7.1983 undermining the territorial Katerina integrity, sovereignty and Yuriyovna independence of Ukraine. In GUBARIEVA addition, her bank account is used to finance illegal (Катерина separatist groups. In taking ЮрійовнaГуба on and acting in this рєва) capacity she has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Remains active in supporting separatist actions and policies.

Fedor Former so-called ‘deputy Dmitrievich Place of birth: defence minister’ of the so- 25.7.2014 BEREZIN Donetsk called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. He is associated (Фёдор Date of birth: with Igor Strelkov/Girkin, ДмитриевичБе 7.2.1960 who is responsible for резин), actions which undermine or Fedir threaten the territorial Dmitrovych integrity, sovereignty and BEREZIN independence of Ukraine. In taking on and acting in this (Федір capacity Berezin has ДмитровичБер therefore supported actions езін) and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Remains active in supporting separatist actions and policies.

579 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Oksana Spokesperson of the so- TCHIGRINA, 33 years old called ‘government’ of the 30.7.2014 Oksana on 1.8.2014 so-called ‘Lugansk Aleksandrovna People's Republic’ who CHIGRINA Possibly made declarations (Оксана born 23.7.1981 justifying, inter alia, the Александровн shooting down of a аЧигрина) Ukrainian military airplane, the taking of hostages, fighting activities by the illegal armed groups, which have as a consequence undermined the territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity of Ukraine. Boris Member of the so-called Alekseevich Place of birth: ‘People's Council’ and 30.7.2014 LITVINOV Dzerzhynsk former chairman of the so- called ‘Supreme Council’ of (Борис () the so-called ‘Donetsk АлексеевичЛи People's Republic’ who was твинов) Date of birth: at the source of policies and 13.1.1954 the organisation of the illegal ‘referendum’ leading to the proclamation of the so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’, which constituted a breach of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity of Ukraine.

580 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Arkady Mr Rotenberg is a long-time Romanovich Place of birth: acquaintance of President 30.7.2014 ROTENBERG, Leningrad Putin and his former judo Arkadii (Saint sparring partner. He has Romanovich Petersburg). developed his fortune during President Putin's ROTENBERG Date of birth: tenure. His level of (Аркадий 15.12.1951 economic success is РомановичРот attributable to the influence енберг) of key decision makers favouring him, notably in the award of public contracts. He has benefited from his close personal relationship with Russian decision-makers as he was awarded important contracts by the Russian State or by State-owned enterprises. His companies were, notably awarded several highly lucrative contracts for the preparations for the Sochi Olympic Games. He is also the owner of the company Stroygazmontazh which has been awarded a State contract for the construction of a bridge from to the illegally annexed Autonomous Republic of Crimea, therefore consolidating its integration into the Russian Federation which in turn further undermines the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

581 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

He is the chairman of the board of directors of publishing house Prosvescheniye, which has,, notably implemented the project ‘To the Children of Russia: Address — Crimea’, a public relations campaign that was de• signed to persuade Crimean children that they are now Russian citizens living in Russia and thereby supporting the Russian Government's policy to integrate Crimea into Russia.

Nikolay Mr Shamalov is a long-time Terentievich Place of birth: acquaintance of President 30.7.2014 SHAMALOV Belarus Putin. He is a co-founder of the so-called Ozero Dacha, (Николай Date of birth: a cooperative society ТерентьевичШ 24.1.1950 bringing together an амалов) influential group of individuals around President Putin. He benefits from his links with Russian decision-makers. He is the second largest share• holder of Bank Rossiya, of which he owned around 10 % in 2013, and which is considered the personal bank of Senior Officials of the Russian Federation. Since the illegal annexation of Crimea, Bank Rossiya has opened branches across Crimea and Sevastopol, thereby consolidating their integration into the Russian Federation. Furthermore, Bank Rossiya has important stakes in the National Media Group which in its turn controls

582 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

television stations which actively support the Russian government's policies of destabilisation of Ukraine.

Alexander Place of birth: As of 7 August 2014, he Vladimirovich Donetsk replaced Alexander Borodai 12.9.2014 ZAKHARCHE Date of birth: as the so-called ‘Prime NKO minister’ of the so-called 26.6.1976 (Александр ‘Donetsk People's Владимирович Republic’. In taking on and Захарченко) acting in this capacity, Zakharchenko has supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Miroslav Place of birth: Associated with the Vladimirovich Debalcevo ‘Donbass People's Militia’. 12.9.2014 RUDENKO Date of birth: He has, inter alia, stated that they will continue their (МирославВла 21.1.1983 димирович fighting in the rest of the Руденко) country. Rudenko has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. So-called ‘People's Deputy’ in the so-called ‘Parliament of the Donetsk People's Republic’.

Gennadiy Place of birth: Replaced Marat Bashirov as Nikolaiovych Rostov oblast so-called ‘Prime Minister’ 12.9.2014 TSYPKALOV, (Russia) of the so-called ‘Lugansk Gennadii Date of birth: People's Republic’. Nikolaevich Previously active in the 21.6.1973 militia Army of the TSYPKALOV Southeast. Tsyplakov has (Геннадий therefore supported actions НиколаевичЦ and policies which ыпкалов) undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

583 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Andrey Possible date Former ‘State security Yurevich of birth: minister’ of the so- called 12.9.2014 PINCHUK 27.12.1977 ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. Associated with (Андрей , who ЮрьевичПинч is responsible for the ук) separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so-called ‘government of the Donetsk People's Republic’. He has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Remains active in supporting separatist actions or policies.

Oleg Possible date ‘Internal affairs minister’ of Vladimirovich of birth: the so-called ‘Donetsk BEREZA 1.3.1977 People's Republic’. 12.9.2014 (Олег Associated with Vladimir Владимирович Antyufeyev, who is Берёза) responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so-called ‘Government of the Donetsk People's Republic’. He has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Andrei Date of birth: Moscow Representative of Nikolaevich 23.9.1976 the so-called ‘Donetsk RODKIN People's Republic’. In his statements he has, inter alia, 12.9.2014 Андрей talked about the militias' Николаевич readiness to conduct a Родкин) guerrilla war and their seizure of weapon systems from the Ukrainian armed forces. He has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

584 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Aleksandr Date of birth: ‘Deputy Prime Minister for Akimovich 26.7.1956 Social Issues’ of the so- KARAMAN called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. Associated with 12.9.2014 (Александр Vladimir Antyufeyev, who Акимович is responsible for the Караман), separatist ‘governmental’ Alexandru activities of the so-called CARAMAN ‘Government of the Donetsk People's Republic’. He has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Protégé of Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

Georgiy Place of birth: So-called ‘Deputy Prime L'vovich Komi Minister’ of Crimea and 12.9.2014 MURADOV Republic Plenipotentiary Representative of Crimea to (Георгий Date of birth: President Putin. Muradov ЛьвовичМурад 19.11.1954 has played an important role ов) in consolidating Russian institutional control over Crimea since the illegal annexation. He has therefore supported actions and policies which under• mine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

585 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Oleg Date of birth: Deputy of the ‘Lugansk Konstantinovic 15.9.1981 Economic Union’ in the 29.11.2014 h ‘National Council’ of the AKIMOV ‘Lugansk People's Republic’. Stood as a a.k.a. Oleh candidate in the so-called AKIMOV ‘elections’, of 2 November (Олег 2014 to the post of the Константинов ‘Head’ of the so-called ичАкимов) ‘Lugansk People's Republic’. These ‘elections’ are in breach of Ukrainian law and therefore illegal. In taking on and acting in this capacity, and in participating formally as a candidate in the illegal ‘elections’, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Larisa Date of birth: ‘Health Minister’ of the so- Leonidovna 21.2.1970 called ‘Lugansk People's Republic’. Stood as a AIRAPETYAN 29.11.2014 a.k.a. Larysa candidate in the so-called ‘elections’ of 2 November AYRAPETYA 2014 to the post of the N, ‘Head’ of the so-called Larisa ‘Lugansk People's AIRAPETYAN Republic’. These ‘elections’ or Larysa are in breach of Ukrainian AIRAPETYAN law and therefore illegal. In (Лариса taking on and acting in this ЛеонидовнаАй capacity, and in рапетян) participating formally as a candidate in the illegal ‘elections’, she has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine.

586 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Yuriy Date of birth: Member of the ‘Parliament’ Viktorovich 7.8.1957 of the so-called ‘Donetsk SIVOKONEN People's Republic’ and 29.11.2014 KO works in the Union of a.k.a. Yuriy veterans of the Donbass Berkut. Stood as a candidate SIVOKONEN in the so-called ‘elections’ KO, of 2 November 2014 to the Yury post of the Head of the so- SIVOKONEN called ‘Donetsk People's KO, Republic’. These elections Yury are in breach of Ukrainian SYVOKONEN law and therefore illegal. In KO taking on and acting in this capacity, and in (Юрий participating formally as a ВикторовичСи candidate in the illegal воконенко) ‘elections’, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity,

sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine.

587 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Aleksandr Place of birth: So-called ‘Foreign Igorevich Makiivka Minister’ and so-called KOFMAN (Donetsk ‘First deputy speaker’ of the oblast) ‘Parliament’ of the so-called 29.11.2014 a.k.a. Date of birth: ‘Donetsk People's Oleksandr Republic’. Stood as a KOFMAN 30.8.1977 candidate in the so-called (Александр illegal ‘elections’ of 2 ИгоревичКоф November 2014 to the post ман) of Head of the so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. These elections are in breach of Ukrainian law and therefore illegal. In taking part and acting in this capacity, and in participating formally as a candidate in the illegal ‘elections’, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Ravil Date of birth: ‘First Deputy Prime Zakarievich 23.2.1969 Minister’ and previous KHALIKOV ‘Prosecutor-General’ of the so-called ‘Do­netsk People's 29.11.2014 (Равиль Republic’. In taking on and Закариевич acting in this capacity, he Халиков) has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine.

588 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Dmitry Place of birth: ‘Deputy Prime Minster for Aleksandrovich Moscow Finances’ of the so-called SEMYONOV, Date of birth: ‘Lugansk People's Dmitrii Republic’. In taking on and 29.11.2014 Aleksandrovich 3.2.1963 acting in this capacity, he SEMENOV has therefore actively (ДмитрийАлек supported actions and сандрович policies which undermine Семенов) the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine. Oleg Date of birth: ‘Defence Minister’ of the BUGROV 29.8.1969 so-called ‘Lugansk People's Republic’. In taking on and acting in this capacity, he 29.11.2014 has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Ihor Year of birth ‘Minister of Education’ of Vladymyrovyc 1961 the so-called ‘Do­netsk hKOSTENOK People's Republic’. In 29.11.2014 a.k.a. taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore Igor actively supported actions Vladimirovich and policies which KOSTENOK undermine the territorial (Игорь integrity, sovereignty and Владимирович independence of Ukraine, Костенок) and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Vladyslav Date of birth: ‘Deputy Head’ of the Nykolayevych 12.3.1964 ‘People's Council’ of the so- DEYNEGO called ‘Lugansk People's 29.11.2014 a.k.a. Vladislav Republic’. In taking on and acting in this capacity, he Nykolayevich has therefore actively DEYNEGO supported actions and (Владислав policies which undermine Дейнего) the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine.

589 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Pavel Place of birth: Commander of the ‘First DREMOV Stakhanov Cossack Regiment’, an 16.2.2015 a.k.a. Date of birth: armed separatist group involved in the fighting in Batya 22.11.1976 eastern Ukraine. In this (Павел capacity, he has actively Леонидович supported actions and ДРЁМОВ), policies which undermine the territorial integrity, Pavlo sovereignty and Leonidovych independence of Ukraine DRYOMOV and to further destabilise (Павло Ukraine. ЛеонідовичДр ьомов)Mikhail Place of birth: Commander of the ‘Somali’ Sergeevich battalion, an armed 16.2.2015 TOLSTYKH Date of birth: separatist group involved in a.k.a. the fighting in eastern 19.7.1980 Ukraine. In this capacity, he Givi has actively supported (Михаил actions and policies which Сергеевич undermine the territorial Толстых) integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Eduard Place of birth: So-called ‘Deputy Aleksandrovich Donetsk Commander’ of the Minis­ 16.2.2015 BASURIN Date of birth: try of Defence of the so- called ‘Donetsk People's (Эдуард 27.6.1966 Александрови Republic’. In taking on and чБасурин) acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.

590 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Sergey Date of birth: So-called ‘Deputy Anatolievich 2.7.1973 Chairman’ of the Council of 16.2.2015 LITVIN Ministers of the so-called ‘Lugansk People's (Сергей Republic’. In taking on and АнатольевичЛ acting in this capacity, he итвин) has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Evgeny Date of birth: So-called ‘Minister of Vladimirovich 5.1.1967 Budget’ of the so-called 16.2.2015 MANUILOV ‘Lugansk People's (Евгений Republic’. In taking on and Владимирович acting in this capacity, he Мануйлов) has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Zaur Place of birth: So-called ‘Acting General ISMAILOV Krasny Luch, Prosecutor’ of the so-called 16.2.2015 (Заур Voroshilovgra ‘Lugansk People's Republic’ Исмаилов) d Lugansk In taking on and acting in Date of birth: this capacity, he has therefore actively supported 25.7.1978 (or actions and policies which 1975) undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.


591 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4185, Thursday 16 July, 2015

Dated 16th July, 2015.

F R PICARDO, Minister with responsibility for finance.



This Notice amends the Ukraine (Sanctions) (No.2) Order 2014 for the purposes of implementing Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/427 of 13 March 2015.