

Volume 18, No.6, December 1984 NEWS

III As Cass began his research, the Three corporations initial goal was to learn what impact join Caltech in ozone would have on pigments in artists' paints. He and his colleagues, program to pioneer Cynthia Shaver A th erton and James new technologies . Druzik of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, prepared two sets of common artists' watercolor pigment Three major corporations- Aerojet samples and applied these to water­ General, GTE, and TRW - have color paper. One set was kept in a pledged $3 million to a new five-year dark place as a control and the other project at Cal tech that is expected to wa ~ placed in a chamber devoid of advance high technologies on a light, where it remained for 95 days variety of critical fronts. at constant humidity and tempera­ "With our new Program in Ad- . ture and was exposed to 0.40 ppm vanced Technologies, Cal tech expects ozone. Two Japanese woodblock to contribute to the enhancement of prints received the same exposure. scientific and engineering progress in After the three months, the scien­ a wide range of industries. We fore­ tists found that several of the pig­ see that these technological advances ments had faded dramatically: a will become a vital resource to the widely used red pigment, alizarin nation over the next several decades," crimson, and two of its relatives, said Caltech President Marvin L. crimson lake and purple lake. They Goldberger in announcing the pro­ also observed a change in hue from ject. T he Cal tech program will con­ purple to bluish in a mauve pigment, duct research to: Yellow pigments in this half-plate reproduction of a Japanese woodblock print by and fading in yellow pigments in the --Discover new approaches to mate­ faded noticeably when exposed to ozone for 95 days in a light- and air-tight cham bel: Japanese prints. They es timate that it rials science that should impact th e would take three years outdoors, or metal, semiconductor, and energy six years in an unprotected building, industries. to equal the ozone exposure in their - Improve theori es of fluid dynamics More ozone damage experiments . and their applications in fields such Having established that ozone can as lasers, combustion, rocket engines, revealed - this time damage works of art, Cass is at­ and aerospace. tempting to learn how widespread - Develop advanced electrical power to artists' pigments the problem of damage due to ozone processing and signal processing pollution is, and how to prevent it. systems for the electronics industry; He and his colleagues are examining explore new control methods for the detailed mechanism of pollutant robotics and space structures; utilize Atmospheric ozone has been cited entered into a research agreement pigment interaction and they are in coding techniques to reduce errors in as a culprit in a number of troublesome with the Getty Conservation Institute the process of defining the concentra­ computers and microwave communi­ situations. For example, it may of Malibu, an affiliate of the J. Paul tions of pollutants inside museums. cations; and advance th e art in opti­ cause respiratory ailments, cracks in Getty Museum. The Getty Institute As he discusses the current pigmen t cal, digital, and microwave electronic rubber, and plant damage. The prod­ has launched a major program for analysis, Cass explains that many devices. uct of photochemical reactions be­ the preservation and restoration of older art works contain pigments that "Clearly the aerospace, communi­ tween hydrocarbons and oxides of art works. are no longer ul>ed because they cations, and computer industries- as nitrogen, ozone is now proving itself "In the past," says Cass, "conserva­ became too expensive. One of the well as many others-could benefit destructive in yet another sphere. Its tion scientists looked extensively at present goals is to determine the enormously from the advances we powerful oxidizing effect on organic the effect of light on·art works and­ chemical composition of these pig­ believe we can make in the labora­ materials makes it a threat to certain especially in Europe-at the effects of ments, to analyze their vulnerability tory," said Goldberger. "Many of artists' pigments- and to the art sulfur oxides air pollution. But until to air pollution, and to determine the those advances require bridging gaps works that they create. recently, very little thought had been path of potential breakdown-that between traditional scientific and Determining the degree of risk to given to the effects on art of photo­ is, what chemical interactions cause engineering disciplines, which the art works from ozone, and learning chemical pollution in smoggy areas the deterioration. Caltech faculty is eminently capable how to protect art from photochemi­ like Los Angeles County." Cass (For example, in the case of the of doing. cal air pollution, is the focus of points out that ozone contaminati on crimson lake and purple lake pig­ 'The participatiori of Aerojet research being conducted by Glen is not confined to Los Angeles. In the ments, which consist of anthra­ General, GTE, and TRW is ex tremely Cass, Cal tech assistant professor of United States, 538 counties are in quinone bound to different metal valuable," Goldberger continued, environmental engineering, and his violation of the National Ambient compounds, the scientists suspect "because it assures first, that the colleagues. In this work, Cass has Air Quality Standards for ozone in that the breakdown takes place the atmosphere: 0.12 ppm (parts per Continued on page 2 million). ConfirlUed on page 2 GM's Roger Smith computers will be available to be Caltech receives checked out by students and faculty. Ozone damage new Caltech Trustee computer grant Cal tech has made a major commit­ Continued from page 1 from DEC ment to educational computing, Roger B. Smith, chairman and designating $850,000 for the project through ozone's cleavage of the chief executive officer of General over the past year. In addition, the anthraquinone molecular ring Digital Equipment Corporation of Motors Corporation, has been named Institute has received pledges of cash structure.) Maynard, Massachusetts, has and equipment from computer ven­ to the Cal tech Board of Trustees, Until now, the researchers have awarded Cal tech an educational dors of more than $7.5 million for Chairman R. Stanton Avery has only studied the effects of ozone on research grant of $1,270,500 worth of educational computing, in addition announced. art works. But Los Angeles smog Smith, who assumed the chairman­ computer equipment for the Insti­ to the DEC grant. tute's educational computing contains several different air pollu­ ship of GM in 1981, is also chairman tants, and the research team plans to of the corporation's Finance Commit­ program. The equipment consists of five take a look at their effects as wdl. tee and a member of its Executive For example, nitrogen dioxide affects and Administration Com~ttees. superminicomputer VAXes, approxi­ mately 50 DEC microcomputers, and some textile dyes, and thus may Before he was elected its chairman affect artists' pigments. he had been an executive vice presi­ 12 graphics workstations. The award is being made under DEC's PEER A final aspect of Cass's research dent and member of the GM Board will involve what he terms a "wrap­ of Directors. He joined GM in 1949 program (Partners for Engineering Computer Science Education and around study" of a wide variety of as a general accounting clerk in the measures that could be used to pro­ Detroit central office. Research). Geoffrey Fox, dean for educational tect works of art: the redesign of air Smith was born in Columbus, conditioning systems to reduce ozone Ohio, in 1925. He received a bache­ computing and professor of theoreti­ cal physics at Cal tech, said that the pollution, the effectiveness of enclo­ lor's and a master's degree in business sures around certain type of art administration from the University of equipment will be important to many of Caltech's educational computing works, the protective effects of Michigan and, from 1944 to 1946, he binders that could be mixed with the served in the U.S. Navy. activities. He said that, over the next five pigment particles, the use of coatings A member of the President's Na­ such as varnish on oil painting, and tional Productivity Advisory Com­ years, "we expect to see a revolution in teaching on the campus, with the creation of new ozone-resistant mittee, he is also the national chair­ artists' pigments, for example. man for the 1984 U.S. Savings Bond computers used as tools in essentially every academic discipline." He noted Conserving art in a contaminated Volunteer Committee, and he has environment is a potentially serious served as director of the Detroit that Cal tech is well placed to be a leader in educational computing, problem, but Cass believes that with Economic Growth Corporation, a TnQd_est amount of understanding Detroit Renaissance, and New De­ because of iEs strengths in scientific and engineering education and Anson named and precaution, the problem can be troit, Inc., and as chairman of the brought under control. United Foundation in Detroit. research. division chairman He is a member of the Advisory "Caltech has already made consid­ Council of the Graduate School of erable progress toward computerizing Fred C. Anson (BS '54), professor Business of Stanford University and a its courses," he said. "Computer of chemistry, has been named chair­ trustee of the Cranbrook Educational courseware is in use or under devel­ man of Cal tech's Division of Corporations join Community and of the Michigan opment in all of the Institute's divi­ Chemistry and Chemical Engi­ in pioneering College Foundation, Inc. sions and in 50 courses." He pointed neering. He succeeds Harry B. Gray out that the campus computer (the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of new technologies network, crucial to the educational Chemistry), who is returning to computing project, has been in­ full-time research and teaching. Continued from page 1 stalled, and that the link to the stu­ Anson earned his MS and PhD dent houses was completed over the degrees from Harvard and joined the research will be done, and second, summer. Cal tech faculty in 1957 as instructor. that the results will be transferred Vol. 18, No.6 December 1984 Fox envisions that the Cal tech He was named to a full professorship directly to industries that can use educational computing project will in 1968. them. Issued six times a year (Feb., April, include more than 800 workstations In 1983 he was the first recipient of "The new program will also prove June, Aug., Oct., and Dec.) and when it is fully implemented during the C. Grahame Award of the a vital resource to promising young published by the California Institute of the next three years. These worksta­ Physical Electrochemistry Division of faculty members. It is extremely Technology and the Alumni Asso­ tions, linked by the campus network, difficult to get funding for revolu­ ciation, 1201 East California Blvd., the Electrochemical Society, Inc. He will consist primarily of clusters of 10 was elected a Fellow of the American tionary research, even when it is . Pasadena, California 91125. Second or 20 machines in classroom areas, class postage paid at Pasadena, Association for the Advancement of done by young engineers and scien­ laboratories, the computing center, California. Postmaster: Please send Science in 1980 and he has been a tists as talented as those Cal tech address changes to Cal tech News, 1-71, and libraries. Fulbright-Hays Research Scholar, an attracts," Dr. Goldberger said. California Institute of Technology, Faculty and teaching assistants will Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Aerojet General, GTE, and TRW Pasadena, CA 91125. have individual workstations to Fellow, and a Fellow of the John· have agreed to provide $1 million prepare courseware, and students will Simon Guggenheim Foundation. apiece to support the new Program in EDITORIAL STAFF have network outlets in their Among his research interests in Advanced Technologies over the next Executive editor: Winifred Veronda dormitories if they want to commu­ electrochemistry and electroanalyti­ five years. Cal tech plans to add two Staff associates: Heidi Aspaturian, nicate with the campus system using cal chemistry are the mechanisms of more companies to the program's Phyllis Brewster, their home computers. Portable roster, bringing the total number of and Diane Davis electrode reactions, the role of ad­ participants to five. Photographer: Robert Paz sorption on metallic electrodes in electrode reaction mechanisms, The sponsoring companies will USPS 085-640 ligand bridging in electrode reactions, participate with Cal tech faculty in and oxide film effects on the electro­ considering research projects to be chemical behavior of metallic undertaken. They will maintain a electrodes. close liaison with Cal tech researchers and may send representatives to participate in the work being done in the Institute's laboratories. 3

Frosh Camp 1984: and an occasional roach, to awaken to assure relieved colleagues that the interest of potential life scientists; his recovery had proceeded too late outdated starry nights to remind "exponentially." to turn back now future' astronomers of the Institute's As Friday afternoon rolled around, more sophisticated approach to the metamorphosis of the freshman studying the cosmos; a malfunction­ class into Techers was well under by Heidi Aspaturian ing loudspeaker, insufficient hot way. A clear sign came when all 23 water, precarious sound system, freshwomen found it necessary to broken faucets, stopped sinks, and meet privately with upperclasswo­ Arden Albee Gary Lorden Somewhere in the mists of Cal tech's history is the name of the numerous other snares to lure the men and female staffers to discuss the unsung genius who first realized that applied scientist; endless games of complexities and problems of attend­ New deans settle in it would take more than the light of softball, football, frisbee, and volley­ ing a school with a superabundance at Parsons-Gates: Pasadena's full moon to transform ball to keep born mathematicians too of men. In their comments, the gifted innocents straight out of high busy calculating trajectories to think authentic voice of the Caltech school into creatures of the Califor­ of anything else; windy surf to give woman could be heard. ("I blocked a nia Institute of Technology. To the swimmers much needed practice in serve in volleyball, and the guys Albee for protean minds of the Institute, the keeping their heads above water; and started shouting, 'Hey! can you really solution could not have been long in food carefully prepared to stimulate do that?' Then the other side smashed graduate studies arriving. the hunger for knowledge that marks one at me, and they started yelling, The formula: Take approximately every trueborn scientist: "What do 'You smashed her! She's a girl! That's Arden L. Albee, professor of 200 students willing to spend four you suppose THAT is?" not fair!' "I"As a new RA, I can tell geology, has been named dean of years at perhaps the most demanding Orientation sessions were held on you always to expect the unexpected. graduate studies, with responsibility undergraduate institution in the U.S. Thursday and Friday to give It took me ten minutes this morning for administering Cal tech's graduate in exchange for a three-day vacation, freshmen greater insight into such to realize 1 was taking a shower with program. and mix well with knapsacks, aspects of Cal tech as the honor code, a man I had never seen before in my Albee previously served as aca­ guitars, duffel bags, snorkeling equip­ health services, career development, life, who was in the girls' demic officer for the Division of ment, frisbees, portable food freezers the Y, rotation, social activities, and bathroom." I"The number of my Geological and Planetary Sciences, and other recreational gear. Isolate the crucial significance of free coffee escorts is increasing exponentially. and as chief scientist at JPL. He is for 48 hours on a rugged, unspoiled and doughnuts in the life of the What should I do?") project scientist for the Mars Obser­ and rocky bay on Catalina Island, Institute. By the time of the traditional camp ver Mission, slated for 1990. and surround with enough faculty, Then the listeners broke into smal­ talent show Friday night, Cal tech's He earned his BA, MA, and PhD administrators, upperclassmen, ler groups made up of fellow latest arrivals had abandoned all degrees from Harvard University and graduate students, and staffers to cut freshmen, upperclassmen, faculty, critical judgment about everything was a geologist with the U.S. Geolo­ off all available avenues of escape. and staff for a round of substantive having anything to do with the gical Survey before joining the Insti­ Give the experience a name that and enlightening discussion. ("Now, Institute and were applauding all tute in 1959. recalls a beloved institution of child­ do you feel you really understand performances, good, bad, and be­ hood: Freshman Camp. what the honor code is all about?" yond description. The next morning, The carefree freshmen boarding the I"Yeah." I"Sure." I"Uh-huh." I"What after tossing the president of ASCIT, Lorden as launch at San Pedro harbor on happens if yo,u get caught?") Paul Graven, off the dock, where he Thursday, September 20, had, of The easygoing interaction among disappeared with a wave and a smile, dean of students course, no idea what was in store. A st~dents and facufty members at they obediently boarded the boat to few may have become suspicious camp also provided impressionable return to the mainland. Gary Lorden (BS '62), professor of when their boat ran into what their newcomers with models of the dedi­ Compared to the boat ride out, the mathematics, has been named the captain called "some choppiness, cated researcher in action. They met return to civilization was uneventful. Institute's new dean of students. He folks," forcing many unhappy pas­ faculty too weary from their duties at The ocean was calm, leaVing the succeeds David B. Wales, professor sengers to begin their higher educa­ the Institute to stay awake during the captain with nothing to say, and after of mathematics, who is returning to tion enduring a two-hour lesson on orientation sessions, professors 48 hours on Catalina, the majority of full-time duties in research and the nature of turbulence. Others whose zest for their subject matter freshmen no longer thought of Dra­ teaching. spent the trip getting acquainted with never faltered ("That's an interesting mamine as hedonistic. As the launch As dean, Lorden will advise and one another, faculty, and upperclass­ shell you've got there. You can tell by glided back into San Pedro, most of counsel undergraduate students on men, and discussing some of the looking at it that the original owner them were yawning, dozing, or fast academic and extracurricular mat­ implications of attending Caltech. was eaten"), and still others who asleep. Freshman Camp had taken ters, and will be concerned with the "From everyone I've talked to," reminisced casually about their illus­ effect, and it was time for a rest. In overall undergraduate program and said one perceptive new student, "it trious colleagues. ("Yes, I was ac­ two days the class of '88 would line curriculum. sounds like we all think we're going quainted with him at Cornell. This up without resistance for registration The new dean earned his PhD to be campus stars in theoretical was before he got involved with and the real trip would begin. degree from Cornell University in physics. I think some of us are in for television, and as I recall, still knew 1966 and returned to Cal tech in 1968 a big shock." something about his subject.") Heidi is an editor in Cal tech 's as an assistant professor. He was Once the barge docked however, it The high-water mark for investiga­ public relations office, and visited appointed professor in 1977. was obvious that subtle minds had tive daring was reached quite literally Freshman Camp for the first time this For more than a decade, he was selected the Freshman Camp site to by Professor of Chemical Engineering year. coach of Caltech's team in the Wil­ encourage students to imagine other Fred Shair, who dislocated his shoul­ liam Lowell Putnam mathematics options and to face the future with der while exploring the mouth of a competition. During this period, the confidence. Named for its foxes and watery cave at rising tide. Helped to Institute won the championship five domestic cats that are mistaken for safety by Professor of Mathematics times. Recently he has been graduate foxes, Camp Fox has all the right David Wales, he was ferried ashore option representative for mathematics. properties: a wealth of cliffs, rocks, by a freshman Good Samaritan and hills, and a stony beach just a illegally out alone in a rowboat as the few million years short of sandy loudspeaker scratchily commanded, perfection, to tempt prospective "Turn back; do not beach your geologists; abundant flora, as well as craft." foxes, cats, chickens, goats, hogs, Shair was whisked away to Avalon Hospital. He returned later that evening, the shoulder back in place, 4 ....iiiiii

of magnitude greater than 4 on the installed deep within coal mines, up single major protein found in scrapie Shoemaker, Richter scale. Most of these events to 900 meters below the surface. prions. Additionally, comparison of Stevenson honored are considered aftershocks of the "We believe that the three-dimen­ the IS-amino-acid sequence with disastrous 1976 Tangshan earth- . sional array is the only one of its other known sequences indicates that for research quake. The largest of the aftershocks kind," said Iwan. "We have a unique PrP 27-30 is unlike any other protein was a magnitude 5.3 earthquake in situation here, where coal mines and known. But the scientists said that Eugene M. Shoemaker and David 1982. Records for this quake were earthquakes are found in the same since the 15 amino acids represent J. Stevenson are 1984 recipients of obtained as close as two miles to the region. This allows us to place the less than 10 percent of the total the Kuiper and Urey prizes awarded fault. instruments at significant depths molecule, they will need more infor­ annually by the Division for Plane­ At magnitude 7.8, the Tangshan without having to drill special holes mation before they can be certain tary Sciences of the American As­ earthquake was one of the largest or design special instruments." that PrP 27-30 is as unique as it tronomical Society, the nation's ever to strike a heavily populated Installation of the instruments was initially appears. They added that leading professional organization for area. It caused several hundred completed in the summer of 1983. spectral analysis of PrP 27-30 showed planetary science. thousand deaths. no significant DNA or RNA attached Shoemaker (BS '47, MS '48), Installation of the array marked a to the protein. Cal tech professor of geology and significant increase in the number of AI though their research did not planetary science and a geologist strong-motion instruments in China. show how scrapie prions replicate, with the U.S . Geological Survey, Before its installation, only about 100 Prion's major the scientists said that their studies received the Kuiper Prize (awarded strong-motion seismographs existed were able to eliminate two important to a senior scientist) for" contribu­ in that country, compared with component analyzed theories of replication. Some scien­ tions to understanding the geological almost 3,000 in the U.S. tiest had suggested that prions are histories of solid bodies in the solar "We've been extremely impressed A major protein component of a small nucieoproteins linked with system," and for research on the by the commitment of the Chinese to mysterious organism called a prion, DNA. and that the DNA portion of mechanics of meteor impact and this project," said Iwan. "Theyestab­ which is involved in several degener­ the molecule would code for the explosion craters, geological field lished a major center in Beijing which ative diseases, has been analyzed by protein portion. But the Caltech! investigations in Apollo lunar land­ supports it, and have staffed it with scientists at UC San Francisco and at UCSF analysis showed no evidence of ings, and for his role in initiating the highly competent technicians." The Caltech. In the journal Cell, the such linkages. telescopic search for earth­ Chinese technicians that operate the scientists report on structural and Another theory of prion replica­ approaching , now under array itself were trained in the United compositional studies of the major tion holds that prion proteins may be way at Palomar Observatory. States at Cal tech, USc, and the U.S. protein in the prion that causes scra­ constructed by combinations of Stevenson, associate professor of Geological Survey. pie-a fatal degenerative neurological enzymes without direct participation planetary science, was awarded the The strong-motion array is de­ disease in sheep and goats. The of nucleic acid. In such cases, the Urey Prize (given to a scientist under signed to be highly mobile, and can findings provide for the first time a protein might consist of a simple the age of 36) "for broad achievement be redeployed within days to the site chemical basis to begin studying how repeating sequence of a few amino in planetary physics, especially con­ of a major earthquake to measure prions replicate. The scientists are acids. cerned with planetary formation and aftershocks, or in response to a Stephen B. Kent (senior research But the scientists said that the planetary interiors," and for investi­ predicted earthquake. associate in biology) and Leroy E. amino acid analysis of PrP 27-30 gations into planetary atmospheres, When not deployed for special Hood (Ethel Wilson Bowles and showed at least 17 naturally occur­ tidal mechanisms, and magnetic studies, the majority of the instru­ Robert Bowles Professor of Biology) ring amino acids, too many for the fields that have helped to open new ments are in a dense "parking" array of Cal tech , and Stanley B. Prusiner, protein. to consist of a series of very frontiers in planetary research .. in a seismically active area west of. Darlene F. Growth, and David C. small repetitive units. Beijing, straddling the Baboshan Bolton of UCSF. The most important implication of Fault. This array runs along line a: Prions produce a number of hu­ the research is that the new findings perpendicular to the fault, and ends man neurological diseases, including have opened th e way for new and in a two-dimensional array of instru­ kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and potentially definitive approaches to ments near a medium-rise apartment Joint U.S.-Chinese Gerstmann-Straussler syndrome. the study of prions, according to the building, which is also instrumented. These diseases often do not appear scientists. First, researchers can use quake project "With such an arrangement, we until years or even decades after the PrP 27-30 sequence information hope to obtain three kinds of large­ a success infection. to build synthetic proteins that can earthquake measurements," said Although these illnesses have been be used to produce antibodies when Iwan. 'The line of instruments will known for centuries, it was not until injected into laboratory qnimals. An array of strong-motion seismo­ give us information about the atte­ 1982 that Prusiner and his colleagues These antibodies can be isolated and graphs installed in 1983 in several nuation of ground motion with at UCSF theorized that they were employed to help the scientists track earthquake-prone regions of China increasing distance from the fault. caused by a kind of pathogen com­ the prion protein and to study how it has proven a highly successful joint The two-dimensional array will tell posed largely of protein. They coined affects the cell . ' U.S.-Chinese project, according to us about the coherence of ground the term "prion" for the infectious The scientists can also use their one of the project leaders, Wilfred D. motion over a relatively small area. particle. Scientists have yet to iden­ protein sequence information to Iwan, professor of applied mechanics The building instruments will tell us tify a DNA or RNA that might pro­ deduce the structure of a portion of at Caltch. how all this relates to the response of vide its basic genetic blueprint. the original DNA blueprint for PrP The 40-instrument array, designed a typical building structure." In earlier work, Prusiner and his 27-30. Using the automated DNA to accurately monitor large, damag­ Two separate instrument networks UCSF colleagues purified the infec­ synthesizer, they can then construct ing earthquakes, includes a unique are in seismically active areas in tious scrapie prion and isolated from this DNA segment and use it as a feature that allows the study of Sichuan Province, near Kangching, it a major protein molecule-PrP probe to fish out of prion-infected earthquakes in three dimensions, and in Yunnan Province near 27-30. cells the entire prion gene. According using seismographs installed deep in Xiaguang. Chinese seismologists In the Cell article, they report a to the scientists, both these efforts are several Chinese coal mines. expect these sites to yield a magni­ now under way. The instruments in one part of the determination of the amino acid tude six or greater earthquake in the composition of the protein and the array near Tangshan have already near future. recorded more than 40 earthquakes sequence of 15 amino acids near one A third group of instruments is end of the protein chain. They used near the site of the Tangshan earth­ an advanced automated protein quake, including three instruments sequenator developed at Cal tech for structural studies. Their analysis of the results showed that PrP 27-30 constitutes the 5

Caltech's four provosts: Drs. Rochus Vogt, Robert Bacher, John Roberts, and Robert Christy. President Goldberger (right) with (left to right) Olavee Martin, Mark Taper, and Merle Kingsley.

Associates told of today's "Golden Age of Science"

Following a sluggish period of this new industrial revolution as technological advancement in the financial, educational, and industrial 19705, the United States is now re­ policies reflect a new commitment suming a strong leadership in a sec­ to scientific and technological ond "industrial revolution," former advancement. presidential science adviser Frank The evening's program also Press told Associates at their 58th featured JPL planetary scientist annual dinner, held at the Athe­ Eleanor Helin's announcement that naeum on October 30. asteriod 1978gb, which she discov­ Press, who was director of ered six years ago, was being re­ Cal tech's Seismological Laboratory named 3101 Goldberger. 7J'ustee Fritz Larkin and his wife, Fran Larkin, with Associates President Berneice Anglea and from 1957 to 1964 and science adviser Goldberger, the audience seemed Thorntor! Ladd. to President Carter, became president pleased to learn, has the characteris­ of the National Academy of Sciences tics of "high profile and low eccen­ in 1981. tricity." He pOinted out that science and The asteriod's namesake was on technology have changed the way hand to introduce the evening's the world does business, and that speaker, and Associates president national borders have become trans­ Berneice Anglea presided over the parent to scientific advances. Leader­ evening's even ts. ship among countries will depend on national policies that foster innova­ tion as well as on a technological base and an ability to transfer new knowledge to the marketplace. Although the U.S. is ahead in this area, during the previous decade it was perceived as doing poorly be­ cause of the great proportion of imported goods. And basic research was shortchanged during that time because the tax structure made capi­ tal less available. Although that has changed, this country still needs to concentrate on a plan of new strate­ gies for a global economic system, Press told his audience. But the forces are gathering for Planetary Scientist fleanDr Helin presents the President with a plaque showing the Aster­ oid Goldberger. Speaker Frank Press 6iiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Toby gives Tech conducting research, and writing Brian declares that during the two papers, to make something happen years of his involvement, he hasn't 1984-85 Alumni Fund folk music legacy besides science. made any serious mistakes. area chairmen With Toby, that something has "We've developed a reputation for By Phyllis Brewster been folk music. But he says that the having well-run productions," he Alumni Fund area chairmen for 1984- enterprise came about slowly and says. "There is a lot of risk-taking, 85 are listed below, in order of their Brian Toby has a mission to fulfill somewhat to his own surprise. "I and very few organizers get this far geographic regions: Region 1, Cal tech in this, his fifth and last year as a never planned on getting this in­ without a failure or two. Now, the and vicinity, Charles B. Thoele, BS '72, doctoral candidate at the California volved," he says. "I just gradually performers call me". But there are Alhambra/South Pasadena; Eugene Institute of Technology. And that is became addicted." weaknesses in the operation, and the Dryden, BS '55, MS '56, San Marino; to find his successor as mainstay of Toby developed an interest in folk one currently causing him the most Brian Muirhead, MS '82, South Central the Cal tech Folk Music Society, music when he was an undergraduate concern- especially since Davies Pasadena; Robert Brydolf. BS '44, East which he helped to establish just two at Rutgers, but he never dreamed of left- is that he has been doing almost Pasadena; Sidney K. Gaily, BS '41, years ago. being more than a spectator. Then, as everything singlehandedly. Northeast Pasadena; Frank D. Dryden, This fall, two seasons after its a first-year graduate student at the ''I've got to learn to ask for more BS '54, MS '57, Arroyo; Raymond L. inauspicious beginning, the society Institute, he was dismayed to find help ," Toby says, explaining that he Heacock, BS '52, MS '57, JPL; Harold B. presented a three-concert fall sched­ that there was no place east of Santa has done things himself because he's a Crockett, MS '40, La Canada/Crescenta ule that included Thom Moore and Monica where he could go to hear perfectionist. But he also knows that Valley; Robert M. Worlock, PhD '58, Janie Cribbs with Geoff Bartley; folk musicians perform. if he doesn't start giving other people Altadena; David C. Kofahl, Ex '43, Carla Sciaky; and Don , Bill So in January 1983, he began to responsibility, the society may cease Arcadia/Sierra Madre, William A. Fowler, Griffin, Bob Franks, and Dick make plans to bring Joanna Cazden to exist when he leaves campus. PhD '36. Caltech. Pinney. Region 2, South Coast counties, Over the past two years, the non­ Calvin E. Kempton, BS '46, Laguna profit society, without regular fund­ Beach; James L. Higgins, BS '56, South ing, has mounted 20 folk music Laguna Beach; Frances E. Janssen, BS '75, concerts covering a wide variety of MS '77, Huntington Beach; Dwight L. styles- Irish, British Isles, European, Carey, BS '72, Fullerton; Walter B. women's, blues, flash guitarists, Fillippone, MS '44, Anaheim/Orange; introspective songwriters, and even George B. Harr, BS '41, Newport; Jerry F. jazz- with attendance as high as 660. L. Aldrich, MS '47, Irvine/El Toro; Paul Fifty percent of the audiences have Tuinenga, BS '77, MS '78, Santa Ana; been Cal tech-connected, but the Byrwec Ellison, BS '79, Long Beach; other half has included a following Michael R. Sperry, BS '70, Artesia/West­ that comes from areas ranging from minster; William H. Bond, BS '44, Dow­ San Diego to Ventura. ney/Whittier; David B. McCarroll, BS When Toby arrived on the Cal tech '66, Covina; Donald Stewart, Jr., BS '47, campus in 1980 to begin his graduate Pomona/Claremont; Frank Fleck, BS '42, studies, he expected to earn his PhD Desert; F. Barton Brown, MS '46, River­ in chemistry. He didn't expect that he side/San Bernardino. would also acquire confidence in Region 3, West Los Angeles, Reinaldo himself as an organizer, risk-taker, V Gutierrez, BS '54, Palos Verdes; Paul and entrepreneur, and a deep affec­ Dergarabedian, PhD '52, Aerospace tion for folk music and for the people Corporation; to be filled, Torrance; who play and sing it. Alfred P. Fay, BS '48, TRW; Patricia J. One of his most cherished memo­ Stoddard, BS '82, Marina del Rey; Gene ries is of the Stan Rogers concert. H. Beisman, BS '58, Santa Monica; Learning that the Canadian singer­ David S. Rathje, BS '51, Los Angeles/ songwriter was going to be in Los Brentwood; James W. Workman, BS '57, Angeles, Toby shot for the moon, MS '58, Los Angeles/Beverly Hills; and got it. A year later the experience Gordon B. Weir, BS '40, MS '41, Los took on an added dimension of value Brian Toby adjusts the microphone before a performance by folic musicians Carla Sciaky, who Angeles/Hollywood; David S. Rathje, BS plays the gudulka, a Bulgarian fiddle, and harpist Kim Robertson. tinged with loss when he learned of '51, Los Angeles/Downtown; Mark J. Rogers's death in a plane accident. Abramson, BS '71, UCLA. to the campus. He had heard her on While he acknowledges his role in Among his frustra ting expe- Region 4, Central Coast counties, the radio and thought that her the genesis of the Folk Music Society, riences, Toby recalls the night that Raymond G. Richards, BS '40, East San songs-about such topics as sex he gives substantial credit for its the main performer had two blow­ Fernando Valley; Satish V. Desai, MS '65, discrimination-would be listened to success to its Cal tech connection. "At outs and was stranded in the desert­ PhD '69, South San Fernando Valley; G. with interest on campus. first it really surprised me how much unable to reach a phone- while an Richard Morgan, BS '49, West San "I didn't know what I was doing," initiative the administration allowed increasingly nervous Toby waited for Fernando Valley; George Watts, Eng '62, the quiet-spoken graduate student students to have," he says. "At any the muscian who never arrived. North San Fernando Valley; Howard L. recalls. 'I just called her up. We've other school, we'd have had to have "But even that worked out all Croswhite, BS '54, Ventura/Thousand since become good friends." five forms filed in five different right," he says, "because the second­ Oaks; Nigel P. Brown, MS '51, Santa Toby learned as he went along­ offices before being allowed to start line performers on the program filled Barbara; Waheed K. Ghauri, BS '52, about business arrangements, publi­ planning." Caltech, he declares, is the in and gave a full concert." Bakersfield; Daniel Markoff, BS '50, San city; staging, lighting, and particularly most red-tape-free campus in the The existence of the Cal tech Folk Luis Obispo. about sound. He is currently one of country. Music Society is a tribute of Toby Region 5, San Francisco, Donald L. three broadcast engineers for KPFK's The combination of Institute and to Simon Davies, his colleague in Cleveland, BS '34, Monterey/Santa Cruz; "FolkScene." Although he seems connections and Toby's productivity its organization, who left Caltech Murray K. Hill, MS '69, PhD '73, San faintly perplexed even as he says it, has produced what he calls "the best when he completed his PhD last Jose; Charles C. Young, BS '73, Santa college folk music concert series in summer. But it is also an example of Clara; Boyd P. Israelsen, BS '52, MS '53, southern California, and among the what many students say is a special Los Altos; Gregory W. Evans, BS '69, top two or three in the Los Angeles administrative climate at Cal tech that Sunnyvale; Donal B. Duncan, BS '45, area. No doubt about it!" Now what makes it possible for enterprising PhD '51, Palo Alto; Holt Ashley, Ex '44, folk music devotee would not like to students, while attending classes, Stanford; Joseph D. Kinkade, BS '67, inherit that package? Menlo Park; Melvin N. Levet, BS '39, 'SS, North Carolina. Bridges new terms of the individuals, a coach MS '40, San Mateo; Ronald Findlay, Region 10, Midwest, Raymond Cos­ can't do much more than suggest BS'64. ner, PhD '76, Missouri/Southern Illinois; baseball coach minor adjustments in the players' Region 6, East Bay-Northern Califor­ George R. Dubes, PhD 'S3, Central physical techniques. With less experi­ nia, Daniel W. King, BS '49, Marin Plains States; Peter A. Howell, BS 'SO, . "Trophies and medals are fine and enced players, you can achieve more County; Perry H. Brown, BS '39, Napa Minnesota; John S. Mathis, PhD 'S6, everyone likes winning, but the obvious improvements." North Coast; Ben , BS '61, MS '62, Wisconsin; Roger Brandt, BS '42, North­ intrinsic rewards of participation in "I don't de-emphasize winning," North East Bay; Shelton E. Steinle, BS east Chicago; Robert D. Levin, BS '6S, team sports makes everyone Bridges explains, "but a team doesn't '43, Berkeley; Cheryl J. Robertson, BS Southwest Chicago; Allen I. Ormsbee, winners." need to win to be successful." '83, Oakland/South East Bay; Norman PhD 'SS, Champaign/Urbana; James H. This is the philosophy of Caltech's What is more important, he feels, Bulman, "PhD 'S2, Contra Costa; David Koontz, BS 'S6, Indiana; Michael J. Otto, new baseball coach, Dan Bridges. is that the players and the coach C. Oakley, BS 'SO, MS 'S2, PhD 'SS, MS '80, Western Michigan; Thomas B. Bridges joined the Institute's athletic "learn a lot about baseball and about Livermore; R. Donald Denney, Ex '44, Stoughton, BS '76, Eastern Michigan; and physical education staff this fall working together, that they care Sacramento; Clinton L. West, BS 'S7, David B. Peisner, BS '74, Cleveland; John and took over the additional respon­ about each other as a team, that Sierra. S. Jackson, Jr., BS '4S, MS 'S4, Cincin­ sibilities of defensive coordinator in they give it their best, and, not the Region 7, Southwestern Sun Belt, nati; John F. Kostelac, BS '49, Western football. He also teaches badminton least, that they have a good time. George F. Beardsley, MS '39, Rancho Pennsylvania. and volleyball. "If we can say all that, then we are Santa Fe, John H. Loo; BS '77, North Region 11, Mid-Atlantic, Frederick C. The new Cal tech coach considers successful," he believes. San Diego County; George P. Rigsby, BS Brunner, BS '40, MS '41, Baltimore; Brian himself first and foremost a teacher, Personally, Bridges is accustomed '48, MS 'SO, PhD 'S3, San Diego; C. Belanger, BS '63, West District of and his long-range goal is administra­ to a degree of success, however. He Douglas W. Gage, BS '66, South Bay San Columbia /Maryland; Philip D. Harri­ tion of physical education, a field in carne to Cal tech from Brentwood Diego; .Mabry Van Reed, BS '3S, La Jolla; man, BS 'S9, East District of Columbia/ which he earned a master's degree . (California) High School, where he Leighton G. Wong, MS '80, Hawaii; Maryland; Lawrence C. Baldwin from Cal State Long Beach in 1982. was director of athletics and physical Larry G. Whitlow, BS 'S7, Phoenix; Eng'SS, Northwest Virginia; Raymond He plans to enroll in the doctoral education. He also coached baseball Edward A. Hayes, BS '33, Tucson; Clay Cromley, BS '33, Northeast Virginia; Paul program in that area of education at for five of his seven years there and T. Smith, BS '38, MS '40, PhD '43, W. Utterback, Eng '60, South Virginia; USC in the spring. his teams scored an overall 68-12 Albuquerque; John S. Rinehart, MS '37, William M. Hardam, PhD '6S, winn-Ioss record. In 1982 he coached Los Alamos. Wilmington/Philadelphia; A. Frederick the UCLA junior varsity baseball Region 8, Northwest, Rik Smoody, Ex Thompson, MS '6S, PhD '68, Eastern team for a season, achieving a 24-14 '74, Portland; John J. Deniston, BS '47, Pennsylvania/ Southern New Jersey; win-loss record- the best in the Corvallis/Eugene; Gilbert B. Peppin, John J. Walden , MS '59, Princeton; history of JV baseball at the BS 'S3, East Seattle; Frederick W. Thiele, Alfred B. Brown, Jr., MS '47, PhD '50, university. BS '41, West Seattle; Craig Zumbrunnen, Northern New Jersey; Kenneth F. Drake, MS '68, University of Washington; Frank Jr., BS '71, Central New Jersey. A. Woodward, Eng'S2, North Sound, Region 12, New York and New Eng­ Alaska; John R. Thomas, BS 'S7, Boeing; land, Andrew H. Lo , BS '72, Manhattan; Frederick M. Mann, PhD '7S, Eastern K. Norman Easley, MS '60, Long Island; Tournament Park Washington/ Oregon; Donald M. Lilien­ Ronald S. Douglass, BS '66, MS '67, thal, BS '48, Big Sky; Eliot A. Butler, BS So utheastern New York; Don P. Claus­ given facelift 'S2, PhD 'S6, Utah; Harold Leinbach, MS ing, MS '62, PhD '66, Western New York; 'SO, Boulder; Robert E. Zartman, MS 'S9, Delbert C. McCune, BS 'siS, Central New TournamentPark, the site over the PhD '63, Denver; Jacque G. Bourque, BS York; Robert N. HaJJ , BS '42, PhD '48, years of many a student picnic and '68, South Colorado. Eastern New York; Bernard M. Malofsky, frisbee game, has been given a face Region 9, South, David B. Atkinson, BS '59, Connecticut; J. Kelly Beatty, BS lift. During the faIl, the park received BS '7S, Oklahoma/Arkansas; Richard '73, Northeast Massachusetts; Christina new lawns, a new automatic sprin­ Forester, MS '71, PhD '7S, Dallas; James A. Harrington, BS '74, Southeast Massa­ kler system, a redesigned playground R. Lloyd, BS 'S6, MS 'S7, PhD '62, chusetts;. Norton Starr, Ex '58, Massachu­ area with new equipment, new bar­ becue and picnic facilities, bicycle Houston; Dean A. Rains, BS 'SO, MS 'Sl , setts/Rhode Island; Walter R. Larson, BS Bridge's athletic career began at parking, and refurbished restrooms. PhD 'S4 , Louisiana; Walter P. Eatherly, '40, Upper New England; John P. St. John Bosco High School in Bell­ A popular spot with both students BS '48, MS '49, Tennessee /Alabama; Cannady, BS '74, Ontario; Donald L. flower, California, where he played and staff, Tournament Park was D. M. W. Li ndquist, Eng '60, Florida Strange, PhD '72, Ontario. baseball (catcher) and football (defen­ officially conveyed to Cal tech by a North; Arthur S. Bolles, BS '47, Florida Region 13, International: Lawrence C. sive linebacker and offensive guard), grant deed of the city of Pasadena in South; H. Archie Corriher, Jr., MS 'SO, Widdoes, BS '41, Central/South and was named all-CIF (California 1980. Its history goes back to the Georgia; William V Wright, BS 'Sl, PhD America; H. Kirk Lewis, BS '47, Far East. Interscholastic Federation) in both turn of the century, when it included sports. the area that now encompasses the At Cal State Long Beach he con­ Cal tech soccer and baseball fields, centrated on baseball, majored in Goals and was used for bicycle races, polo The Alumni Fund physical education, and received his matches, and tugs of war that fol­ $1,800,000 7,900 1,100 1984-85 degree in 1977. lowed the Tournament of Roses Bridges's move to Cal tech brought As of November 20, 1984 parade. him close to two of his professional In 1901 the Tournament of Roses goals-teaching on the university Association bought the land, and the level and having the opportunity to following year staged the first "Rose work with relatively inexperienced 620 Bowl" game there. Subsequent New athletes. 56% Year's Day games were held in that "At schools like UCLA" Bridges location until 1923, w hen the crowds says, "coaches inherit top notch reached the 50,OQO mark and a new athletes because that's the kind they 1,978 and larger stadium was needed. $420,906 · recruit. Although strategy, organiza­ 23% 25% Cal tech bought the playing field tion, and recruiting are major com­ areas of the park in 1949, and in 1967 ponents of coaching at that level, in another parcel was purchased. The rest remained a city site until 1980, DOLLARS DONORS VOLUNTEERS when it carne into Caltech ownership. Alumni head for autumn colors, Appalachian spring 1985 Alumni Activities

Michigan ore Pennsylvania lore January 24-30 - CaJtech Glee Club tour The Keweenaw Peninsula of upper A three-day field trip to central of the Northwest. Dates and locations Michigan is rated by travelers as one Pennsylvania is planned by the of concerts to be announced. Alumni January 10 - Luncheon for Santa of the most scenic sections of the Alumni Association for June 1985, wishing to help find locations for Cruz-area alumni, 12 noon, Hollins midwestern United States- especially with Robert Sharp (Robert P. Sharp performances, or accommodate House, Pasatiempo Golf Course. in early October when the woods are Professor of Geology, Emeritus) and members overnight, may contact the Contact Don Cleveland for ablaze with fall colors. To this re­ Alumni Association, 818-356-6594. Lauren A. Wright (PhD '51) of Penn­ reservations. gion- rich in human history and in sylvania State University as leaders. geological interest-Robert Sharp Beautiful rural countryside, his­ (the Sharp Professor of Geology, toric buildings, small villages, pro­ January 11 - Luncheon for Sacra­ April Emeritus) will lead a group of alumni sperous farms, and Amish establish­ mento alumni, 12 noon, Rosemont on a field trip beginning October 4, ments add charm to the geology of Grill, Folsom Boulevard at 31st April 11 - Luncheon for Santa 1985. this Appalachian region. Street. Contact George Langsner for Cruz-area alumni, 12 noon, Hollins Leaders, along with Sharp, will be The travelers will meet at noon on reservations. Future luncheons at the House, Pasatiempo Golf Course. Contact Don Cleveland for Douglass McDowell (MS '62, PhD same time and place on February 8, Friday, June 14 in Hershey, Pennsy­ reservations. '67) and Theodore Bornhorst of the lvania, and will travel that afternoon March 8, April 12, May 10, and Michigan Technological University by bus to Cornwall, Harrisburg, and June 14. April 18 - Luncheon for San f

June 1 - Half Century Club reunion, March th e Cal tech campus. Details to be announced. March 8 and 15 - Wine tastings, Name ______featuring California wines; program by June 13 - Luncheon for Santa Bruce Hotra of Huntington Market. Cruz-area alumni, 12 noon, Hollins Address ______Program, 8 p.m., wine tasting, 8:30. House, Pasatiempo Golf Course. Reservations required ~ Contact Don Cleveland for reservations. March 14 - Luncheon for Santa _____ Please register persons for the trip Cruz-area alumni, 12 noon, Hollins to Keweenaw Peninsula June 14 - Commencement, the House, Pasatiempo Golf Course. Caltech campus. ___ Central Pennsylvania Contact Don Cleveland for reservations. ____ Please send more information about the field trip June 20 - Luncheon for San to the Keweenaw Peninsula Francisco-area alumni, 12 noon, Ming's March 21 - Luncheon for San _ __ Central Pennsylvania Restaurant, Palo Alto. Contact Hugh Francisco-area alumni, 12 noon, Ming's Dubb for reservations. Restaurant, Palo Alto. Contact Hugh Dubb for reservations. June 20 - Alumni Association annual meeting and honorary dinner. The Athenaeum. 9

Ala n E. Farley 8557 Melvin M. Bruce W. Brain T. Lew 5579 Douglas H, Sh!phcns 11 OS 65 Bennett 5573 Patl! W. Meyer OS 79 Help us find these lost alumni Holdridge MS57 Matias 1. Raymonu E. Tim X. Rentsch BS 79 Robert T. Moore 5S 57 Turlcl laub MS65 Carhart PhD 73 MS79 Wolfgang PhD68 Vijay Jose A. Rial PhD 79 Rockcnh auscr MS57 Mr. Philippe Chaloorgoon MS 73 Helene M. Jerome t ~ Dy~on 5546 J

It would have been nice to know if ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Alumnus earns Emmy our students had asked questions like ALUMNI ASSOCIATION "Why are there microphones in our CALIFORNIA IN STITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Daniel M. Nosenchuck (MS '77, Pasadena, California hotel rooms?" I have no desire to PhD '82), a former research fellow in prevent our students from expressing BALANCE SHEET fluid mechanics at Caltech, has re­ dissatisfaction with U.S. foreign June 30, 1984 ceived an Emmy for his work in policy as they see it- for I feel, too, special effects for the ABC Television that it is not perfect. But I also feel movie The Day After. The 29-year­ that its track record on th e whole is old engineer was instrumental in ASSETS better in the direction of supporting Cilsh on Hand and in Bank .. .. $ 29,824 creating the mushroom clouds and Investments: human freedom than the Russian C.I.T. Consolidated Portfolio ...... ' ...... , , " ...... 794,862 missile launches used in the film that foreign policy. Money Market Funds ...... , , ..., ...... , 108,986 Investmen t Income Receivable...... , . . . 13,000 portrayed the effects of a nuclear It would be well if the next group Other Receivables. . , , ...... , ...... 5,561 attack on the United States. Advance for Landscaping Costs ...... 12,297 of 40 undergraduates would reflect Deferred Program Expenses, . , ...... , ...... 3,990 Nosenchuck was a research fellow on what academic freedom of study Postage Deposit and Other Deferred Expenses...... , ...... 1,840 at Cal tech in June 1982 when the TOTAL ASSETS ... , , .. , , , .... , ...... , , ...... , .. , , ...... " • • . . . $970.360 and self-expression would be allowed head of Praxis Film Works, a special Caltech students if the U.S. had the effects studio in North HollywO'od, same atmosphere that exists behind approached him for technical assist­ the Iron Curtain. ance in making the mushroom LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS I wish that you could show this Accounts Payable ...... , • . .. , , ...... $ 41,006 clouds. Deferred Income: letter to the students of the trip, and Annual Membership Dues P

1923 DOUGLAS G. KENDALL, on June 26, at AUDITOR'S REPORT his home in Laguna Hills, California, where BO

When it is completed, this structure rising next to Caltech's athletic field will be transported to the new observatory on Mauna Kea Island, Hawaii, where it will house a radio telescope designed by Robert B. Leighton (The William L. Valentine Professor of Physics) and Thomas G. Phillips (profes­ sor of physics and associate director of Owens Valley Radio Observatory). The telescope is sche­ duled for installation in late 1985 and will expand Caltech's capability in submillimeter-wave astronomy, in which atomic and molecular particles in interstellar space are identified and studied by observing their characteristic spectral wavelengths.

CALTECH Freshman Camp: coming of age on Catalina. See page 3,

NEWS December 1984 California Institute of Technology 1201 E. California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125 Published for Alumni and Friends of the California Institute of Technology Volume 18, No. 6, December 1984