




January l, 1961 to December 1, 1970


1973 STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 1069 State Office Building Portland, Oregon 97201



Fifth Suppleme nt

January 1, 1961 to December 31 , 1970

Compi led by

Miriam S. Roberts, Margaret L. Steere, and Caroline S. Brookhyser Oregon Department of Geology and Minera l Industries


GOVERNING BOARD R. W. deWeese, Portland, Chairman William E. Mil ler, Bend


Introduction . . . iii

Serials cited iv

Bibl iography


Fifth Supplement

1 96 1 - 1 970

compiled by

Miriam S. Roberts, Margaret L. Steere, and Caroline S. Brookhyser


Bu lletin 78 is the fifth supplement to the origina l "Bibliography of the Geology and Mineral Resources of Oregon," com pi led by Ray C. Treasher and Edwin T. Hodge and published in 1936 . The fifth supplement lists publications that appeared during the ten years, 1961-1970. Severa l articles published before those dates but not listed in previous bibliographies are included because of their potential value to the researcher . As in previous bibI iographi es, this one includes theses, open-fi le reports, and other unpublished materials which may be available only in certain libraries. The first section of this bulletin contains an alphabetical listing by outhor of all citations, complete with publication data . A subject index follows. The list of serial publications cited is on page iv and is alphabetized by the abbreviations used in the author citations . A listing here does not infer that all issues of a particular journal were searched, although where possible this was done. The previous supplements to Treasher and Hodge's "Bibliogra phy of the Geology and Mineral Resources of Oregon, " 1936, are as fol lows:

Supplement 1- Bulletin 33, covers 1936- 1 945, by John E. Allen Supplement 2- Bulletin 44, 1 946- 1 950, Margaret L. Steere Supplement 3-Bulletin 53, 1951-1955, Margaret L . Steere and Lillian F. Owen Supp lement 4- Bul letin 67, 1956-1 960, Miriam Roberts

Our appreciation is extended to librarians who assisted in locating source material, especially those at Oregon State Library, University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Portland State University, and th e Multnomah County Library . Corrections and additions to this present volume which users may wish to submit will be oppreciated by the compi lers.


Abs. N. American Geol.- Abstracts of North American Geology Acta ZooI. Cracoviensia (Krakow, Poland) Am . Assoc . Adv . Sci . Pub. - Am erican Association for the Advancement of Science Publication Am. Assoc . Petrol. Geologists Bul l. - Bu lletin of the Am erican Association of Petroleum Geologists Am . Geophys . Union Trans. - Transactions of the Am erican Geophysica l Union Am . Jour. Sci . - Am erican Journal of Science Am . Midland Naturalist - Am erican Midland Naturalist Am . Minera logist - Am erican Minera logist Am . Mus . Nat. Hist. Bull. - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natura l History Am . Mus . Novitates - Am erican Museum Novitates. American Museum of Natura l History Am . Philos . Soc . Trans.- Transactions of th e American Phi losophical Society Am . Soc . Civil Engineers Proc ., Jour. Wa terways and Harbors Div.- Proceedings of th e American Society

of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Wa terways and Harbors Division · Am . Soc . Civil Engineers Proc ., Power Div. Jour.- Proceed ings of the Am erican Society of Civil Engi- neers, Journal of th e Power Division Appl . Spectroscopy - Applied Spectroscopy Arctic Anthropology Assoc . Am er. Geographers Ann.- Annals of the Association of American Geographers Bull. Volcano!. - Bulletin Volcanologique Ca lif. Acad . Sci . Occas. Paper - Occasiona l Papers of the California Academy of Sci�nces Calif. Acad . Sci. Proc .- Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences Calif. Div . Mines and Geology Bul l. - California Department of Natura l Resources, Division of Mines and Geology Bu lletin Calif. Div. Mines and Geology Min. lnf. Serv . - 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Mineral Information Service Calif. Div. Mines and Geology Spec. Rpt.- 11 " 11 11 11 11 11 11 Special Report Ca lif. Mining Jour. - California Mining Journal Canadian Jour. Earth Sci. - Canadian Journal of Eorth Sciences Chern . Geology - Chernicc I Geology Colo. Univ. Studies Ser . Earth Sci .- University of Colorado Studies, Series in Condor - Condor, Journal of the Cooper Ornithological Society, Berkeley Contr . Mineral. - Contributions to and Petrology Cushman Found. Foram . Research Contr . - Contributions from Cushman Foundation for Foram inifera I Research Deep-Sea Research Dissert. Abs . - Dissertation Abstracts Drill. Internet. Mag . - Dri lling International Magazine Earth and Planetary Sci . Letters - Earth and Planetary Science Letters Earth Sci .- Earth Science Ecology Econ . Geol. - Economic Geology and th e Bulletin of th e Society of Economic Geologists Elect. World - Electric World Eng. Geol . - Engineering Geology Eng . and Mining Jour.- Engineering and Mining Journal EOS - American Geophysical Union Transactions

Florida Acad. Sci . Quart. Jour . - Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy" of Sciences ·� Gems and Geochim . Cosmochim . Acta - Geochimica et Cosmochimico Acto Geol. Assoc . Canada Spec . Paper - Special Paper of the Geologica l Association of Canada Geol. Mag . - Geological Magazine, Hertford, England Geol. Rundschau - Geologisches Rundschou Geol . Soc . America Bull. - Geological Society of America Bu l letin Geol . Soc . America Mem . - Geological Societyof America Memoir

iv Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper - Geological Society of America Special Paper · Geol. Soc . Japan Jour . - Journa I of the Geologica I Society of Japan Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter - Geologica l Society of the Oregon Country News Letter Geol . Survey Canada Bull. - Bu l letin of the Geological Survey of Canada Geo-Marine Techn. - Geo-Marine Technology Geophysics Geophys. Jour. - Geophysical Journa l GeoSci. Abs. - GeoScience Abstracts Geotimes Harvard Univ., Mus. Comp. Zoo logy Bull.- Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Hydrobiologia Bur. Mines and Geology Pam ph . - Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Pamphlet Internet. Oil and Gas Devel .- Internationa l Oil and Gas Development Irish Natura lists' Jour. - The Irish Naturalists' Journa l

Japanese Assoc •. Mineral, Petrol . and Econ. Geol . Jour.- The Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists, and Econom ic Geologists Jour. Arboretum - Arnold Arboretum Journal, Jour. Geology - Journal of Geology Jour. Geol . Educ . - Journal of Geological Education Jour. Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity - Journa l of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity Jour. Geophys . Research - Journal of Geophysical Research Jour. Mamma logy - Journa l of Mammology Jour. Morine Res. - Journa l of Morine Research Jour. Materials - Journal of Materials Jour. Pa leont. - Journal of Pa leontology Jour. Petrology - Journal of Petrology Jour. Sed. Petrology - Journal of Sedimentary Petrology Jour. Waterways and Harbors Div. - Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journa l of the Waterways and Harbors Division Kansas Geol. Survey Bull.- State Geological Survey of Kansas Bul letin Kansas Univ. Paleont. Contr . - University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions Kent State Univ. Research Ser. -Kent State University Research Series Lapidary Jour. - Lapidary Journo I Lim no I. Oceanog . - limno logy and Oceanography Medrano Marine Geol.- Marine Geology, International Journai of Morine Geology, and Geophysics Mazama Meteoritics Michigan Univ. Mus. Zoology Occas. Paper • University of Mich igan Museum of Zoology Occasiona l Paper Michigan Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr. - Contributions from the Museum of Pa leontology, University of Michigan Milit. Engineer-Military Engineer Minera logist Minera log . Rec. -Minera logical Record ,.· Mining Jour. - Mining Journal, London Natl . Geographic Mag . - Nationa l Geographic Magazine Natl . Speleol . Soc . Bull. - Bul letin of the National Speleologica l Society

Nature " . NewYork Aced . Sci . Ann .- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences New York Acod . Sci . Trans. - Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences Northwest Sci . - Northwest Science Novo Hedwigio Beihefte Ocean Indus. - Ocean Industry

v Offshore Oil and Gas Jour.- Oil and Gas Journal Ore Bin - The ORE BIN , Oregon Acad. Sci . Ptoc .- Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science Oregon Business Review Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus. Bull - Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bul letin Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus. GMS - Oregon Department of Geology and Minera l Industries Geological Mo p Series Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus. Mise . Paper - Oregon Department of Geology and Minera l Industries Miscellaneous Paper : Oregon Hist. Soc . Quart. - Oregon Historical Soc iety Quarterly Oregon Mus. Sci . Indus. Student Research Ctr. - Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Student Research Center Oregon State Engineer Ground Water Report Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist . Bull . - University of Oregon Museum of Natura l History Bu l letin Oriente Univ. lnst. Oceanography Bol . - Bo letin del lnstituto Oceanografico de Ia Universidad de Oriente Pacific Builder and Engineer . Discovery -Pacific Discovery Pa laeobotonist Paleontology Pure and Appl . Geophysics - Pure and Applied Geophysics Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc . london - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of london Radiocarbon Rev. Geophysics - Reviewof Geophysics Rev . Pa leobot. Pa lynol.- Review of Pa leobotany and Pa lynology Roya l Astron . Soc. Geophys. Jour.- Geophysical Journa l of th e Royal Astronomical Society San Diego Soc . Nat. Hist. Trans. - Transactions of th e San Diego Society of Natural History Science Seismol. Soc . America Bull .- Bul letin of th e Seismological Society of America Soil Sci . - Soil Science Soil Sci . Soc. Am erica Proc . - Soil Science Society of America Proceedings . Ca lif. Acod. Sc i. Bull . - Southern Ca lifornia Academy of Science Bulletin State Geologists Jour. - State Geologists Journa I Texas Jour . Sci.- Texas Journa l of Science Torrey Bot. Club Mem . - Torrey Botanica l Club Memoirs, Rutgers University Univ. Calif. Pub I. Geol. Sci . - University of California Publications in Geological Sciences Univ . Utah Bul l. - Bulletin of the University of Utah U.S . Bur. M ines i .C. - U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circu·lar U.S. Bur. Mines R.I. - U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigation U.S . Geol . Survey Bull . - U.S. Geological Survey Bu lletin U.S. Geol. Survey Circ . - U.S . Geological Survey Circular U.S. Geol . Survey Geophys . lnv. Ma p - U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map ' U.S. Geol. Survey Hydro I. Invest. A tlas - U.S. Geologica l Survey Hydrologic Investigations U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas lnv. - U.S. Geologica l Survey Oil and Gas Investiga tions Chart U.S . Geol. Survey Prof. Paper - U.S. Geological Survey Professiona l Paper U.S. Geol . Survey WS P - U.S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper Veliger - Th e Veliger Wash . Div. Mines and Geol. Bull. -Washington Division of Mines and Geology Bul letin Wash . Div. Mines and Geol . R. I. - Washington Division of Mines and Geology Report of Investigations Wash . State lnst. Tech . Bull. -Washington State Institute of Technology Bulletin Wash. State Univ. Lab . Anthropology R. I. - Washington State Univ·ersity Laboratory of Anthropology Report of Investigations � Water Resources Res . - Wa ter Resources Research Ya le Univ. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. - Ya le University, Peabody Museum of Natura l History Bu l letin


A AALTO, KENNETH ROLF 1. The sedimentology of the Late (Portlandian) Otter Point Formation of sou thwestern Oregon: Univ. Wisconsin master's thesis, 60 p., geologic map, 1968. 2. (and Dott, R. H.1 Jr.) Late Mesozoic conglomerate flysch in southwestern Oregon, and the problem of transport of coarse gravel in deep water, in Flysch Sedimentology in NorthAme rica: Geol. Assoc . Canada Spec . Pa per 7, p. 53-65, illu� 1970.

ABEGGLEN, DONN E. (Wa llace, Alfred T ., and Williams, Roy E.) The effects of drain on the ground-water quality of the Plain: Idaho Bur . Mines and Geology Pamph . 148, 51 p., 1970 .

ABRANSON, CHRISTIAN E. A discussion of the alternating field method and new paleo-intensity measurements of the Mio­ cene geomagnetic field in Oregon: Pure and Appl . Geophysics, v. 82, p. 189-221 , illus., tables, 1970 .

ABRANSON, ERICK C. (and Watkins, Norman D.) An attempt to define a paleosecular variation of the geo­ magnetic field in Oregon [abs.J: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v. 50, no . 4, p. 130, 1969.

ADAMS , MRS . W. CLAUDE Pacific University receives gift of Dr . Condon fossils: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 30, no . 3, p. 19-20, 1964 .

ADD ICOTT , WARREN 0. 1. A late Pleistocene invertebrate fauna from southwestern Oregon: Jour . Pal eontology, v. 38, no. 4, p. 650-661 , 3 figs., 2 pis., 2 tables, July 1964 . [abs .] GeoSci . Abs., v. 6, no . 11, p. 36, 1964 . 2. Late Pleistocene marine paleoecology and zoogeography in centra l California: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 523-C, p. Cl-C21 , illus., tables, 1966. 3. New Tertiary marine mol lusks from Oregon and Washington: Jour . Pa leontology, v. 40, no. 3, p. 635-646, pis. 76-78, 1 fig ., May 1966 . 4. Zoogeographic evidence for late Tertiary lateral slip on the San Andreas fault, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 593-D, p. 1-12, 4 figs., 1967. 5. (and Kanno, Saburo) Current pa leontologica l investigations on Cenozoic marine mollusks of the West Coast of North America: The Vel iger , v. 12, no . 1, p. 135-1 39, July 1, 1969. 6. Tertiary climatic change in the marginal northeastern Pacific Ocean: Science, v. 165, no . 3893, p. 583-586, 3 figs., August 8, 1969. 7. Neogene mo lluscan zoogeography and climatic change in the northeastern Pacific Ocean [abs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 2-3, 1969 .

ADEGOKE, OLUWAFEYISOLA S . A probable Pogonophoran from the early Oligocene of Oregon: Jour . Pal eontology, v. 41 , no. 5, p. 1090-1094, 1 plate, 1 fig., Sept. 1967. 2 BIBLI OGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

ALBERS, JOHN P. (and Kleinhampl, Frank J.) Opalite district, in Spatial relation of mineral deposits to Tertiary volcanic centers in Nevada: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 700-C, p. C5, Fig . 4, 1970.

ALEXAN DER, C . W. see Harris, D. D.

ALGERMISSEN, S . T . (and Harding, Samuel T .) Preliminary seismological report, in The Puget Sound Earthquake of Apri l 29, 1965: Washington, D. C., U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, p. 1-26, 12 figs., 7 tables, 1965 .

ALLEN, JOHN ELIOT 1. Courses in geology for advanced non-majors: Jour. Geol. Educ. , v. 13, no. 5, p. 145-147, 1965. 2. The Cascade Range volcano-tectonic depression of Oregon, in Transactions of the Lunar Geol­ ogical Field Conference, Bend, Oregon, August 1965: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Mineral Industries, p. 21 -23, 2 figs .,1966. 3. Art and Geology: Geotimes, v. 15, no . 4, p. 16-1 7, illus., April 1970.

ALLEN, VICTOR T . 1. (and Sherman, Donald G.) Formation of bauxite minerals in Hawaii [a bs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abst. for 1964, p. 2-3, 1964 . 2. (and Sherman, Donald G.) Comparison of bauxite deposits in Oregon and Hawaii, U.S.A. [w ith French and Croatian abs .J: Com . Internet. Etude Bauxites, Oxydes et Hydroxydes Alum­ inum Travaux 1966, no. 2, p. 83-98, illus., tables, 1966 .

ALLISON, EDWIN C. see also Zu llo, Victor A. (and Durham, J. Wyatt and Zullo, Victor A.) Cold-water late Cenozoic fau nas of northern California and Oregon [a bs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no . 68, Abstracts for 1961, p. 2, 1962.

ALLISON: IRA S. 1. Fossil Lake, Oregon, i ts geology and fossil fau nas: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State Univ. Press, Studies in Geol. no. 9, 48 p., 23 pl ., 2 figs., 5 tables, 1966.

2.- Pumice at Summer Lake, Oregon - a correction: Geol . Soc . America Bul l., v. 77, no. 3,

P • 3291 1 966 o

ALLISON, ISABELLE D. City of Portland water supply system toured: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 3:£, no. 1, p. 3-6, illus., January 1966.

ALLISON, RICHARD C . see Blake, D. Bryan 2

ALPHA, TAU RHO see Nelson, Carlton H.

AMES , L . L ., JR. 1. Synthesis of aclinopti lolite-like zeolite: Am . Mineralogist, v. 48, nos. 11, 12, p. 1374- 1381, 5 figs., 3 tables, Nov . -Dec . 1963. 2. Some zeolite equilibria with alkali meta l cations: Am. Minera logist, v. 49, p. 127- 145, 6 tables, 16 figs ., Jan.-Feb. 1964.

ANDERSON, A . T . (and Gottfried, ) The significance of phosphorous, titanium, and miobium for the origin of calc-alkaline series [abs .]: Geol. Soc . Amer ., Abstracts, v. 2, no . 7, p. 483, 1970. BIBLIOGRAPHY .. 3

ANDERSON, ALFRED l. see Stearns, Harold T.

ANDERSON, D . B. see Ducret, G. l., Jr.

ANDERSON, W. c ·•. (and Wallis, James R.) Some interpretations of sediment sources and causes, Pacific Coast basins in Oregon and California, in Federal Inter-agency Sedimentation Conf., Jackson, Miss., 1963, Proc ., Symposium 1, land erosion and control: U.S. Dept . Misc . publ . 970, p. 22- 30, tables , 1965. [a bs .] Abs. N. American Geol., p. 102, Feb . 1966 .

ANDERSON, M. W. see Pope, Robert J •.

ANDERSON, ROBERT W. Geology of the northwest quarter of the Brownsville quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 62 p., 4 figs., 2 tables, 17 plates, geologic map, 1963.

ANDERSON, ROY A . , JR. (and Schuster, Robert l.) Stability of slopes in clay shales interbedded with , in Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, 8th Ann., Pocatello, Idaho, 1970, Proc.: Boise, Idaho, Idaho Dept. Highways, p. 273-284, illus., 1970 .

ANTEVS, E .V. The Great Basin, with emphasis on glacial and postglacial times; 3. Climatic changes and pre­ white man: Univ. Utah Bull., v. 38 , no. 20, p. 168-1 91 , 1948 .

AOKI, KEN-ICHIRO (and Kushiro, lkuo) Differentia tion of Picture Gorge type, Columbia River Basalt near Spray, Oregon [i n Japanese with Engl ish abs .]: Japanese Assoc . Mineral. Petrol . and Econ . Geol. Jour., v. 59, no. 2, p. 49-59, illus., tables, 1968.

o, . . APPLEGATE, SHELTON P . -. A large fossil sand shark of the genus Odontaspis from Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 2, p. 32-36, 3 figs ., index map, Feb. 1968.

APPLING, R . N., JR. Manganese, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Mineral Industries Bul l: 64, in coop with U.S. Geol. Survey , p. 148-152, 2 figs., 1969.

ARMENTROUT, JOHN M . The Tarheel and Empire Formations geology and paleontology of the type sections, Coos Bay, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 155 p., 11 plates, 5 figs., 25 tables, 1967.

ARMSTRONG , RICHARD l. (and Ekren, E. B.;. Mc Kee, Edwin H.; and Noble, Donald C.) Space-time relations of Ceno­ zoic silicic volcanism in the Great Basin of the western : Am . Jour . Sci ., v. 267, no. 4, p. 478-490, 5 figs., Apri l 1969.,


1 •. (and Daugherty, lyman H.) The fern genus Acrostichum in the Eocene Clarno Formation of Oregon: Michigan Univ. Museum Paleont. Contr ., v. 18, no . 13, p. 205-227, 6 plates, 1963. 2. (and Daugherty, lyman H.) A fossil dennstaedtioid fern from the Eocene Clarno Formation of Oregon: Michigan Univ. Museum Paleont. Contr., v. 19, no . 6, p. 65-88, 7 plates, 1 fig ., Sept. 1964. ) 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEO LOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

3. Mesozoic and Tertiary fern evolution and distribution, in Origin and evolution of ferns; Papers presented at symposium, Corvallis, Oregon, Theodore Delevoryas, Chairman: Torrey Botanical Club Memoirs, v. 21, no. 5, Nov . 18, 1964.

ASAI , G . see Babitzke, H. R.

ASHBY I DOROTHY 1. The old and th e new agate beds around Prineville, Oregon: Lapidary Jour., v. 15, no . 1, p. 136-1 40, April 1961 . 2. Planning a summer trip to Oregon?: Lapidary Jour., v. 17, no . 3, p. 392-393, June 1963.

ASHLEY, ROGER PARKMAND 1. Metamorphic petrology and structure of the Burnt River Canyon area , northeastern Oregon: Stanford Univ. doctoral diss., 193 p., 42 figs., 2 plates incl . geologic map, 1967. [a bs .] Dissert. Abs., Sec . B, Sci . & Eng., v. 28, no. 1, p. 230B-231 B, 1967. 2. Metamorphic petrology and structure of the Burnt River Canyon area , northeastern Oregon [abs.]: Geol . Soc . America, Cordi lleran Sec., Program, p. 18-1 9, 1967; also: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 308, 1968.

ATWATER, TANYA Implications of for the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of western North America: Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 81 , no . 12, p. 351 3-3536, 1970 .

AVENT, JON C. 1. Cenozoic and structure of Pueblo Mountains region, Oregon-Nevada: Univ. Wash . doctoral dissert., 119 p., illus., geologic map, 1965. 2. Compressive tectonic hypothesis for the structural origin of Steens-Pueblo Mountains, a classic block fau lt range in southern Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 309-31 0, 1968. 3. Stratigraphic relationships of the Steens Basalt [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 286-287, 1968. 4. Intra-Pliocene silicic volcanic sequence of probable regional extent in the north ern Great Basin: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 31 0, 1968. 5. Reinterpretation of the origin of some basalt mag mas. of the Pacific Northwest [abs.l: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 13, 1969. 6. Correlation of the Steens-Columbia River Basal ts: some tectonic and petrogenetic implications, l!!., Proceedings of 2nd Columbia River Basalt Symposium, Cheney, Wash .: Cheney 1 Eastern Wash . State College Press, p. 133-157, 6 tables, 5 figs., 1970.

AVERlTT, PAUL Coal reserves of the United States - a progress report, January 1, 1960: U.S. Geol . Survey

Bu II • 1136, p. 7, 1 0, 72 , 1 96 1 •

AVOLIO I GENNARO w. . (and Baggs, Don W .) Pal eogeography of the Prune Hill area, Camas, Washington, and its relation to the geologic history of the Portland area [a bs .] : Northwest Sci . 1 v. 44, no . 1, p. 58, 1970 .

AXELROD, DANIEL I. 1. The Miocene Trapper Creek flora of southern Idaho: Univ. Ca lif. PubI. in Geol . Sci., v. 51 , 180 p., 6 figs., 14 tables, 16 plates, 1964 . 2. The Eocene Copper Basin flora of northeastern Nevada: Univ. Calif. Pub! . in Geol. Sci ., v. 59, 83 p., 20 plates, 7 figs., 1966. BIBLIOGRAPHY � 5

3. Potassium-argon ag�s of some western Tertiary floras: Am. Jour. Sci ., v. 264, no . 7, p. 497- 506, 1 table, 1966 . 4. Tertiary floras and topographic history of the Snake River basin, Idaho: Geol . Soc . America Bul l., v. 79, no. 6, p. 71 3-734, 10 figs., June 1968. 5. A method for determining the altitudes of Tertiary floras: Palaeobotanist, v. 14, nos . 1-3, p. 144-1 71 , iIIus . , tab I es, 1966 .

AXON, H. J. (and Rieche, Regine) The Goose Lake meteorite and the Goose Lake fragments: Nature, v. 215, no. 5099, p. 379-380, 5 figs., July 22, 1967.


BABITZKE, H . R . (and Asai, G. and Kato, H.) Columbium-vanadium binary alloys for high -temperature service: U .S. Bur . Mines, R l 5987, 19 p., 10 figs., 6 tables, 1962 .

BAGGS, DON W. see Avolio, Gennaro W.

BAILEY, EDGAR , H. see also , H. C. 10; , David L . 2 1. (edi tor) Geology of northern California: Calif. Div. Mines and Geology Bull. 190, 508 p.,

i IIus • , 1 966 • 2. (and Jones, David L.) Thrust contact of Colebrooke Schist over Myrtle Group, southwestern Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 7-8, 1966 .

3. in the United States: U.S. Geol . Survey Mineral Invest. Resource Map MR -30, 1962. ·

BAKER , CHARLES D. see Berg, Joseph W., Jr. 1, 2, 3

BAKSI, A . K. (and York, D. and Watkins, N. D.) Age of the Steens Mountain geomagnetic polarity transi­ tion: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 72, no . 24, p. 6299-6308, illus., tables, 1967.

BALDWIN, EWART M. see also Boggs, Sam, Jr. 6; Lund, Ernest H. 5 1. Geologic map of the lower Umpqua River area, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Oi I and Gas lriv. map OM-204, scale 1:62,500, 1961 . 2. Offshore Mio-Piiocene formations along the southern Oregon coast [abs .]: Northwest Sci.,

v • 35, no . 4, p. 1 54, 1 961 • 3. Lower and middle Eocene formations of southwestern Oregon [a bs .J: Oregon Acad. Sci . Ann. Mtg., Corvallis, Feb . 23, 1963, Abstracts of Papers, p. 18, 1963. 4. Reverse fau lting in th e Roseburg area, Oregon [a bs .J: Northwest Scientific Assn . Ann . Mtg., Dec . 1963: Northwest Sci., v. 37, no. 4, p. 157, Nov . 1963. 5. Thrust fau lting in the Roseburg area, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 10, p. 176-184, 4 figs., map, 1964. �,. 6. Geo logy of the Dallas and Valsetz quadrangles, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol�nd Mineral lndustri es Bu II. 35 (revised) , 56 p., 14 figs., geologic map, 1964. 7. Lower and middle Eocene formations of southwestern Oregon [abs .l: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Papers 76 , Abstracts for 1963, p. 188-1 89, 1964. 8. Geo logy of Oregon, 2nd edition: Eugene, Univ. Oregon Coop Book Store, 1 65 p., 92 figs., 1964.

9. Geology of the south end of the Oregon Coast Range Tertiary basin: NorthwestSc i • , v. 39, no. 3, p. 93-103, geologic map, Aug . 1965. 10. Geology of the Columbia River Gorge: Northwest Sci., v. 40, no . 4, p. 121-128, 2 figs., Nov . 1966. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OR EGON

11. Some rev-isions of the geology of the Coos Bay area, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 1 1, p. 189- 203, 4 figs ., geologic map, 1966 . 12. Geology of the Horse Sign Butte sand deposit and vicinity, Curry County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 3, p. 45-54, geologic map, 1968. 13. Contemporaneity of the Dothan and Galice Formations [a bs .]: Oregon Acad. Sci . Proc . 1967- 68, v. 4, p. 23, 1969. 14. Geologic map of the Myrtle Point area, Coos County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey map MF - 302, 1969. 15. Thrust fau lting along the lower Rogue River, Klamath Mountains, Oregon: Geol. Soc . Amer­

ica Bull., v. 80, no . 10, p. 2047-2052, 1 fig ., October 1969. - 16. (Lent, R. L., and Hess, P. D.) Post-Nevadan Mesozoic geology of the northern Klamath Mountains, Oregon [abs .]: Geol . Soc . Am erica Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 480- 481 , 1969. [abs .] Ore . Acad . Sci . Proc ., v. 5, p. 31 ,1969.

BALES, WILLIAM E. see also Berg, Joseph W., Jr. 10; Emilia, David A. (and Kulm, L. C.) Structure of the continental shelf off southern Oregon [abs .]: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bu ll., v. 53, no . 2, p. 471 -472, Feb. 1969.

BALSTER, CLIFFORD A . see also Parsons, R. B. 1, 3 1. (and Parsons, Roger B.) Sediment transportation on steep terrain, Oregon Coast Range: North­ west Sci ., v. 42, no . 2, p. 62-70, 5figs., May 1968 . 2. (and Parsons, Roger B.) and soi Is, Wi llamette Valley, Oregon: Oregdn State Univ., Agri . Exp. Sta. Spec . Rpt. 265, 31 p., 3figs., geomorphic map, 1968. · 3. (and Parsons, Roger B.) Late Pleistocene stratigraphy, southern Wil lamette Valley, Oregon: Northwest Sci ., v. 43, no . 3, p. 116 -1 29, 6 figs., August 1969.

BANNING, LLOYD H. see Blake, Henry E., Jr.

BARGHOORN, ELSO S . see Scott, Richard 1,2

BARNES, HARRY H ., JR. Roughness characteristics of natural channels: U.S. Geol . Survey WSP 1849, 213 p., illus., 1967.

BARNES, IVAN see also O'Neil, James R. (and O'Neil, James R.) The relationship between fluids in some fresh alpine-type ultramafics and possible modern serpentinization, western United States: Geol . Soc . America Bul l., v. 80, no. 10, p. 1947-1 960, 8 tab les, October 1969.

BAROSH, PATR ICK J. . . The lineament: a zone of possible wrench fau lting of great length [abs .]: Gaol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 482, 1969.

BARTHOLOMAY , CLARA L. ·"' 1. Aldrich Mountains area field trip, July 1-4, 1967: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 33, no. 10, p. 80-82, October 1967. 2. Rocks-cove Pa l isades State Park field trip, Sept. 26, 27, 1970: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 36, no. 11, p. 82-85, 1970.


1 • (and Debow , Robert} Ground-water levels, 1966: Oregon State Engineer Ground Water Rpt. no . 12, 122 p., May 1967. 2. (and Debow , Robert) Ground-water levels, 1967-1 968: Oregon State Engineer Ground Water Rpt. no . 15, 122 p., illus., 1970. BIBLIOGRAPHY � 7

BATEMAN, RICHARD The geology of the south-central part of the Saw tooth Creek quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon Univ . master's thesis, 97 p., 4 figs., 1 table, 25 plates, geologic map, 1961 .

BAUER, MALCOLM Steam heat, naturally: Christian Science Monitor, p. 12, June 3, 1 970 .

BAUREGARD, LENA P . see Morgis, G. G.

BEATTIE, JOHN A . see also Cummings, John C. 2 Ground surfaces and soi ls in the Wil lam ette Valley, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doctoral dissert., lOOp ., 14 figs ., June 1962.

BECKER, EDITH see Durfor, Charles N.

BEDWELL, S . F . Prehistory and environm ent of the pluvial Fort Rock Lake area of south-centra l Oregon: Univ . Oregon doctoral dissert., 392 p., 21 figs., 4 plates, 6 tables, 1970.

BEESON, MARVIN H. 1. The geology of the north -central part of the Saw tooth Creek quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 92 p., 3 figs., 27 plates, geologic map, 1962. 2. Correlation of ash-flows by trace element abundance [a bst.]: Oregon Acad . Sci. Proc . for 1967-1968, p. 23-24, 1969. 3. A trace element study of silicic volcanic rocks: Univ. Calif. San Diego, 130 p., 30 tables, 18 figs., 1969.

BEESON, MELVIN Geology of part of the Lostine Valley, Wallowa County, Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 105 p., 5 figs., 37 plates, 2 tables, 5 geol . maps, 1963.

BEHLKE, CHARLES E. Some littoral drift disturbances on the Oregon coast [abst.l Jour . Geophys . Res ., v. 67, no. 2, p. 855, February 1962.

BELL, J. R. (and Clarke,-J. D. and Johnson, E. L.) lessons from an embankment failure analysis utilizing vane shear strength data , in Engineering geology and soi Is engineering symposium, 7th Ann ., Moscow , Idaho, 1969, Proc.:- Boise, Idaho, Idaho Dept. Highways, p. 199-21 0, illus., 1969.

13ENNETT, H. J. see Everett, F. D.

BENNETT, W. see Huntting, M. T.

BENSON, G . T . 1. (and Kittleman, l. R.) Structural analysis of flow layering in the rhyolite at Owyhee Dam, southeastern Oregon [a bs.l: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 31 9, 1965. 2. The age of Clear la ke, Oregon: Ore Bin1 v. 27, no. 2, p. 37-40, geelogic map, Feb, 1965 . 3. (and Kittleman, l. R.) Geometry of flow layering in silicic : Am, Jour. Sci ., v. 266, no. 4, p. 265-276, 2 plates, 5 figs., Apri l 1968.


BERG, JOSEPH W . , JR. see also Bodvarsson , G. 2; Dehlinger, Peter 1; Emilia, David A., 1, 2, 3; Rinehart, Wilbur A. 1, 2; Thiruvathukal, John V. 1, 3; Whitcomb, James H. 2 1. (and Baker, Charles D.) Oregon earthqua kes, 1841 through 1958: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 9, p. 143-1 49, 2 figs., Sept. 1962 . 2. (and Baker, Charles D.) Oregon earthquakes, 1841 through 1958 [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 73, Abstracts for 1962, p. 24, 1963. 3. (and Ba ker, Charles D.) Oregon earthquakes, 1841 through 1958: Seismol . Soc . America Bull. v. 53, no. 1, p. 95-108, 1963. 4. (Rinehart, Wilbur A., and Dehlinger, Peter) Gravitational studies in Oregon: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v. 46 , no . 1, p. 222, 1965. 5. (and Th iruvathukal, John V .) Gravi ty base station network, Oregon: Jour . Geophys . Res . v. 70, no. 14, p. 3325-3330, 2 figs., 3 tables, 5 refs., July 15, 1965. _ 6. o

[abs . ] : Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 101, p. 288, 1968 . 11. (and Th iruvathuka l, John V . ) Regional gravity of Oregon [a bs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 101, p. 287-288, 1968 . 12. (Trembly, Lynn; Emilia, David A.; Hutt, Jeremy R.; King, John M.; Long, Leland T., and others) Crustal refraction profile, Oregon Coast Range: Seismol. Soc . America Bu ll., v. 56, no . 6, p. 1357-1 362, illus., table, 1966 .

BERGEN, HAROLD G . _, Salvage archaeology: Gems and Minerals, no . 33, p. 32-33, illus., June 1965.

BERGENDAHL, M . H. see Koschmann, A. H.

BERSCHEID, G . H. see Carnahan, H. E.

BERTHOLD, SARAH M . see Rubin, Meyer

BERWICK, V . K. see Butler, E.

BESSEY, Roy F. Sedimen t transport and diffusion - Columbia estuary and entrance -:.. Discussion of paper 5601 by J. B. Lockett, 1967: Am . Soc . Civil Engi neers Proc ., v. 94, poper 6053; Jour. Waterways and Harbors Div., no . WW 3, p. 383-384, 1968 .

BIEN, GEORGE S. see Hubbs, Carl L.

BIKERMAN, MICHAEL K-Ar ages of Laurel Hill pluton and dike, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 11, p. 21 1-215, table, Nov . 1970 .

BILBREY E I JOS PH H .' JR. Cobalt, a materials survey: U.S. Bur. Mines, IC 8103, p. 30, 1962. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 9

BINGHAM , JAMES W. (and Grolier, Maurice J .) Th e Yakfma Basal t and Ellensburg Formation of south-central Wash ­ ington: U.S. Geol . Survey Bull. 1224-G , 15 p., 4 figs., 1966 .

BIRCH, DONALD C. Ladd Creekmudflow: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 29, no . 4, p. 27, 1963.

BIRD, KENNETH JOHN Biostratigraphy of the Tyee Formation (Eocene), southwestern Oregon: Univ . Wisconsin doc­ toral dissert., 209 p., 18 figs ., 14 plates, 11 tables, 1967.

BLAC K, CRAIG C. A review of the North American Tertiary Sciuridae: Harvard Univ ., Museum of Comp . Zoo . Bull., v. 130, no . 3, 248 p., 22 plates, Dec . 20, 1963 .

BLAC KWELL, DAVID DOUGLAS 1. Terrestrial heat flow determinations in the northwestern United States: Harvard Univ. doctora l dissert., 1967. 2. Heat-flow determinations in the northwestern United States: Jour . Geophys . Res., v. 74, no. 4, p. 992-1007, illus., tables, 1969.


1 • Two new Eocene corals from Oregon: Jour . Paleont., v. 42, no . 1, p. 201 -204, plates, January 1968. 2. (and Allison, Richard C.) A newWest Am erfcan Eocene species of th e Recent Australian ophiuroid Oph iocrossota: Jour. Paleont., v. 44, no. 5, plates, p. 925-927, Sept. 1970 .

BLAKE, HENRY E . , JR. see also Fursman, Oliver C. 2 (Fursman, Oliver C.; Fugate, Arden D.; and Banning, Lloyd H.) Adoption of the Pedersen process to th e ferruginous bauxites of the Pacific Northwest: U.S. Bur . Mines R.I. 6939, 21 p., 4 figs., 16 tables, 1967.

BLAKE, M . C., Jr. see also Moore, James G. (Irwin, W . P ., and Coleman, R. G.) Upside-down metamorphic zonation, blueschist , along a regional thrust in California and Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 575-C , p. C 1 -C9, 5 figs ., 1967.

BLANK, H. RICHARD, Jr. 1. Regional gravi ty survey in southwestern Oregon: preliminary results [a bs .]: Geol . Soc. America Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 241 , 1965. 2. Southwest Oregon gravity data: 1 p., 63 computer print-out sheets, mop - scale 1:250, 000, U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le rpt., 1965. 3. General features of the Bouguer gravity field in southwestern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof . Pa per 550-C , p. C1 13-C119, 3 figs., 19refs., 1966 . 4. Aeromagnetic and gravity surveys of the Crater La ke region, Oregon, in Andesite Conference Guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus. Bul l. 62, p. 42-52, 5 figs., 1968 .

BLANKENSHIP, R. R. see Waring, G. A .

BLOCH , IVAN (and Moment, Samuel) The aluminum industry of the Pacific Northwest, in Pacific Northwest economic base study for power markets, v. II, part 7B: Aluminum: Power Admin., 287 p., 5 figs., 57 tables, illus., 1967. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

BLOOMQUIST, R. GORDON A partial review and an analysis of the use of grain-size parameters, percentage of heavy min­ erals, and particle shape in the determination of depositional environm ent of ancient sediments on southwest Oregon coast: Univ . Stockholm , Stockholm� Sweden, master of science thesis, 54 p., 17 figs., 5 tables, 1970.

BOCKHIEM , JAMES G. (and others) Com positiona l variations of the Mazama ash as related to variation in the weather­ ing environment: Northwest Sci ., v. 43, no . 4, p. 162-1 73, 6 figs., 2 ta bles, Nov . 1969.

BODVARSSON, GUNNAR see also Mesecar, Roderick S.

1 • Energy and power of geothermal resources: Ore Bin, v. 28, no . 7, p. 11 7-1 24, 1 fig ., July 1966. 2. (Berg, Joseph W ., Jr., and Mesecar, R. S.) Vertical temperature gradient and eddy diffusivity above the ocean floor in an area west of the coast of Oregon: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 72, no. 10, p. 2693-2694, illus., table, 1967.

BOETTCHER, RICHARD S. 1. Foraminiferal trends of the central Oregon shelf: Oregon State Univ . master's th esis, 134 p., 6 tables, 19figs ., 1967. , 2. (and Fowler, Gerald A.) Foraminifera l trends in Oregon sublittoral [abs .]: Am . Assoc . Petrol­ eum Geologists Bull., v. 53, no . 2, p. 466, Feb. 1969.

BOGGS, SAM, JR. see also Clifton, H. E. 4

1 • Pierced concretions from the Astoria Formation, northwestern Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 408, 1968 . 2. Distribution of by size and grade in th e Sixes River, southwestern Oregon [a bs .]: Geol . Soc . America , Abstracts with Programs 1969, pt . 3, Cordi lleran Sec., p. 7-8, 1969. 3. Distribu tion of heavy minerals in theSi xes River I Curry Cou ntyI Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 I

.. no . 7, p. 133-150, 7 figs, geologic map, 1 table, July 1969. 4. Relationship of size and composition in pebble counts: Jour . Sed. Petrology, v. 39, no . 3, p. 1243-1247, illus., tab les, 1969. 5. (and Swanson, Frederick J.) Unusual slump structure from (?) northern Klamath Mountain region, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 2, p. 25-29, 4 figs., Feb. 1970. 6. (and Baldwin, Ewart M.) Distribution of placer gold in the Sixes River, southwestern Oregon -a preliminary report: U.S. Geol . Survey Bull. 1312-1 , 27 p., 9 figs., 2 tables, 1970 . 7. "Pierced" concretions from Tertiary shales, northwestern Oregon [a bs .]: Ore . Acad . Sci . ProC:.,v. 5, p. 32, 1969.

BOLDT, JOSEPH R., JR. The geology of nickel, Sec . 1: Mining for nickeli Sec . 2, The winning of nickel - its geology, mining, and extractive mineralogy: Pr inceton, N.J., Van Nostrand Co ., Inc., p. 1-187, 457-461 , i !Ius., tables, 1967.

BOND, J. G. � The eastern Colum bia Plateaui a study in isostatic response and post-extrusion adjustments, in Symposium on volcanoes and their roots, Oxford, 1969, Internet. Assoc . Volcano! . Chern . - Earth 's Interior: Vol . Abstracts, Oxford Univ., Dept . Geol . Mineral ., p. 154-155, 1969.

BONINI, WILL IAM E . Gravi ty surveys in the northwestern United States: Am . Geophys. Union Trans ., v. 46, no . 3, p. 563-569, illus., tab le, 1965 . [a bs .] Abs . N . Am er . Geol., p. 108, Feb. 1966 . BIBLIOGRAPHY · 11

BORCHARDT, GLENN A . see also Theisen , Arthur A. 1. (Theisen, A. A., and Harward, M. E .) Vesicular pores of pumice by niercory intrusion: Soil Sci. Soc . America Proc ., v. 32, no. 5, p. 735-737, illus., 1968 . 2. Neu tron activation analysis for correlating volcanic ash soils: Oregon State Univ ., doctoral dissert., 219 p., 6 figs ., 11 tables, 1970 . [abs .] Dissert. Abs . Internet., Sec . B., Sci . and Eng., v. 30, no. 11, p. 4870B-4871 B, 1970 .

BORDEN, S. see Burt, W. V.

BORN, STEPHEN Geology of the south eastern th ird of the Powers quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 83 p., 5 figs ., 20 plates, geologic map, 1963.

BOSTROM, R. C . The world rift system in the Pacific Northwest: Univ. Washington, College of Engineering, The Trend in Engineering, v. 19, no. 2, p. 27-32, 2 figs ., April 1967.

BOSTWIC K, DAVID A . 1. (and Koch, George S .) and rocks of northeastern Oregon: Geol . Soc . Am er­ ica Bu l l., v. 73, no . 3, p. 419-421 , map, March 1962. 2. Perm ian biostratigraphy of central and eastern Oregon [a bs .]: Oregon Acad . Sci ., Abstracts

for 1 963, p • 1 8, 1963. 3. (and Nestell, Merlynd K.) A new species of Polydiexodina from central Oregon: Jour. Pa leont. v. 39, no. 4, p. 61 1-614, 1 plate, 1 tab le, July 1965. 4. Tethyan fusu linid fa una of central Oregon [abs.]: Geol . Soc . America, Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 22, 1968. 5. (and Neste((, Merlynd K.) Perm ian tethyan fusu linid faunas of the northwestern United States, in Aspects of Tethyan biogeography --A symposium: Systematics Assoc . Pub(. 7, p. 93-1 02 , ffius ., 1967. · , RICHARD G . see also Deh l inger, Peter 2; Rinehart, Wilbur 3; and Schlicker,H. G. 1 1. Dating Oregon's geologic past: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 2, p. 13-1 9, geologic time chart, Feb;1 961 . 2. Copper, lead, and zinc, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept . Geol . and Mineral Indus . Bul l. 64, Tn coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 120-1 25, 1 fig ., 2 tables, 1969 . 3. Analyses of stream-sediment samples from Curry, Josephine, Jackson, Doug las, Coos, and Klamath CountieS, southwestern Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., open­ file rpt., 394 p., 36 15' quadrangle maps, 1969. 4. How long? how long?: Ore Bi n, v. 32, no . 10, p. 202-204, October 1970. 5. (and Peterson, N. V., compilers) Thermal springs and wells in Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Mineral Indus ., Misc . Paper 14, 1970. 6. (Gray, W. L., and Gregory, C. D.) Genera l geology of the northern Juntura Basin, in The Juntura Basin--Studies in earth history and pa leoecology: Am . Philos . Soc . Trans . 1963, v. 53, p. 1, p. 22-34, illus., geologic map, 1963.

BOWLES, OLIVER (and Wil liams, Roger L.) Traprock: U.S. Bur. Mines IC 81 84, 19 p., 3 figs ., 1963 .

BRAISLIN, DANA B . Geology of part of outer continental shelf off Oregon [abs .]: Am . Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 53, no . 3, p. 708-709, 1969.

BRETZ , J. HARLEN The Lake Missoula floods and the channeled scabland: Jour . Geology, v. 77, no . 5, p. 505- 543, 2 plates, 10 figs., 2 tables, Sept. 1969. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON /

BRICKER, OWEN P . Stabi lity constants and Gibbs free energies of formation of magadiite and kenyaite: American Mineralogist, v. 54, nos. 7-8, p. 1026-1033, 4 figs., July-August 1969.

BRIGGS, LYMAN J. When Oregon eruptions gave birth to Crater Lake: NatI. Geographic Mag ., v. 122, no . 1, p. 128-1 33, il lus ., July 1962.

BRIGHTI JAMES H. (and Ramp, len) OrPgon's asbestos potential: Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 3, p. 45-63, illus ., March 1965.

BRIGHT I VERNE Blue Mountain Eldorados: Auburn, 1861: Oregon Hist. Soc . Quart., v. 62, no. 3, p. 21 2- 236, illus., Sept. 1961.

BRODKORB, PIERCE 1. Birds from the Pliocene of Juntura, Oregon: Florida Acad . Sci . Quart. Jour ., v. 24, no. 3, p. 169-1 84, illus., 1961 . 2. A new nam e for Fulica minor Shufeldt: Florida Acad. Sci . Quart. Jour., v. 27, no . 3, ---- p. 186, 1964.

BROGAN, PHIL F. 1. Hidden volcano in Crater lake: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 27, no . 1,

p. 3-4, 1961 • 2. Oregon geology - the century-oldst ory: Oregon Hist. Soc . Quart., v. 67, no . 1 , illus., p. 4-39, March 1966 . 3. Paddling in prehistoric memory on Oregon's lakes: Geol . Soc . Or�gon Country News letter, v. 35, no. 4, p. 24-25, April 1969. 4. Dr. lan Campbell retires: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country N �s letter, v. 35, no . 12, p. 104, December 1969. 5. "College of Hills" dedicated: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News letter , v. 36,no . 8, p. 57, August 1970 .

BROMERY , RANDOLPH W. ! 1. Geologic interpretation of th e aeromagnetic map of the Lebanon quadrangle, linn and Marion Counties, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey, Geophys. lnv . Map GP-212, 1962. Scale 1:62,500 2. Preliminary interpretation of an aeromagnetic map of the Albany-Newport area , Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-file map, 1962. 3. (and Snavely, P. D., Jr.) Geologic interpretation of reconnaissance gravity and aeromagnetic surveys in northwestern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Bul l. 1181-N, p. N1 -N13, 4 figs., 3 plates, 1964. 4. Aeromagnetic map of the Albany-Newport area, Oregon and its geologic interpretation: U.S. Geol . Survey Geophys . lnv. Map GP-481 , 1965.

:,.. BROOKS , HOWARD C. see also Ramp, len 7; Staples, Lloyd W. 3; Vallier, Tracy l. 3; Wagner, Norman S. 1, 2 1. History of the Bonanza mine: Ore Bin, v. 23, no. 9, p . 94 , Sept. 1961 . 2. Quicksilver in Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus . Bull. 55, 223 p., 71 figs., 11 tables, 8 plates, geologic map, 1963. 3. Quicksilver in Oregon in 1965: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 1, p. 8-1 9, 4 figs., Jan . 1966 . 4. Distinctive conglomerate layer near lime, Ba ker County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 29, no. 6, p. 113-119, 4 figs., June 1 967. ,.. BIB LIOGRAPHY 13

5. (and Vallier, Tracy L.) Progress report on the geology of part of the Snake River Canyon, Oregon and Idaho: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 12, p. 233-266, 25 figs., 7geologic maps, Dec . 1967. 6. (and Ramp, Len) Gold and silver in Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geology and Mineral Indus., Bu II. 61, 337 p., 3 plates, 61 figs ., 8 tables, 1968. 7. Jurassic strata near Lime, Baker County, Oregon [a bs .]: Oregon Acad . Sci ., Proc . for 1967- 1968, v. 4, p.1 2, 1969. 8. Geology of th e Snake River Canyon, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., Bu ll 64, i'n-coop. with U.S. Geol. Survey, p. 74-76, 1 fig ., 1969. 9. (and Ramp, Len Gold and si lver, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., Bull. 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 125-143, 2 figs ., 2 tables, 1969. 10. (and Bailey, E. H.) Mercury, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., Bull. 64, fncoop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 152-158, 1 fig., 1969. 11. Violent forces formed northeastern Oregon: Baker Democrat-Herald, illus., p. 3A , July 30, 1970 . 12 . Thousands visit abandoned mines: Baker Democrat-Herald, illus., p. 4A , July 30, 1970 .

BROWN, C. ERVIN see also Thayer , T. P. 2, 3,- 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1. Prehnite-pumpellyite metagraywacke fa cies of upper Triassi� rocks , Aldrich Mountains, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey, Prof. Paper 424-C , p. 146-147, 1961. 2. (and Thayer, T. P .) Low-grade mineral facies in upper Triassic and lower Jurassic rocks of the Aldrich Mountains, Oregon: Jour . Sed . Petrology, v. 33, no . 2, p. 411-425, 7 figs., June 1963. 3. (and Thayer, T. P.) Geologic map of the Mount Vernon quadrang le, Grant Cou�ty, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Geologic Quad. Map GQ-548, geologic map and text, .1966 . Scale 1: 250,000 . 4.- (and Thayer, T. P.) Aldrich Moun·f�ins Group, in Changes in stratigraph ic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1965: U.S. Geoi :Survey Bul l. 1244-A, p. 25-29, 2 figs ., 1966 . 5; (and Thayer, T. P .) Geologic map of the Canyon City quadrangle, northeastern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Misc . Geol . lnv. Map 1-447, 1966 .

BROWN, D . J. see Brown, R. E. 2

BROWN, RANDALL E. , 1. The use of clinoptjlolite: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 12, p. 193-197, Dec . 1962. 2. (and Brown, D. J .) Problems associated with the extension of the stratigraphic units of south-central Washington; Part 1. The late basalt flows, Ellensburg and lower Ringold Forma­ tions: Battelle-Northwest Research Corp. open file rpt ., 1965.

BROWN, STUART G. see also Hampton, E . R. 5 1. (and , Reuben C.) Ground-water resources of Cow Va lley, Malheur County,Oreg on: U.S. Geol . Survey WS P 16 19-M, 38 p., 10 figs ., 4 tables, 1962. 2. Problems of utilizing ground water in the west-side business district of Portland , Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey WS P 1619-0, 42 p., 2 plates, 4 figs., 4 tables, 1963. 3. (and Newcomb, Reuben C.) Ground-water resources of the coasta l sand-dune area north of Coos Bay, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey WSP 16 19-D, 32 p., 2 plates, 3 tables, 1963."-

BROWN1 NG, CLYDE L . l. Oregon's agate beaches: Lapidary Jour ., v. 15, no. 1, p. 96-97, iIIus ., Apri l 1961. 2. Agate varieties of the Pacific Northwest: Lapidary Jour., v. 15, no . 2, p. 236-240, illus., June 1961. 3. Collecti ng in northern California, southern Oregon, and Nevada: Lapidary Jour., v. 171 no. 1, p. 150-154, illus., April 1963. 1 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

BRUEMMER, JERRY L. see also Kays, M . A. 1, 2, 3 1. Gravity models for peridotite injection and local metamorph ism along north-northeast-trending zones of tectonism , southwest Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 124 p., 5 figs., 11 plates, geologic map, 5 tables, 1964 . 2. (and Keys, M. A .) Gravity models for peridotite injection and local along north -northeast-trending zones of tectonism, southwest Oregon [abs .J: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstrac ts for 1964, p. 242-243, 1965.

BRYANT, C. T. see Foxworthy, B. L. 3

BUCKLEY I JAMES D . 1. (Trautman, Mi lton A., and Willis, Eric H.) Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VI: 1-1 640: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 250, 1968 . 2. (Trautman, A., and Wil lis, Eric H.) Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VI: 1-959: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 250-251 , 1968. 3 . (Trautman, Milton A., and Willis, Eric H.) Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VI: 1-1 505: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no. 2, p. 250, 1968. 4. (Trautman, Milton A., and Willis, Eric H.) Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VI: 1-1641: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 250, 1968. 5. (and Willis, Eric H.) Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VIII, southern Oregon conti nental slope series: Radiocarbon, v . 12, no. 1, p. 91 , 1970 . 6. (and Willis, Eric H.) Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VIII, Winkle, Lane County, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 12, no . 1, p. 91 -92, 1970 . 7. (and Willis, Eric H.) Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VII I, Benton Coun'ty, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 12, no. 1, p . 91 , 1970.

BUDDENHAGEN, H. J. 1. Structure and orogenic history of the southwestern part of the John Day uplift, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 7, p. 129-1 38, 2 geologic maps, July 1967. 2. John Day uplift maps: Oregon Dept. Geology and Mineral Indus. open-file maps, 1970 .

BUE, CONRAD D . Principal lakes of the United States: U.S. Geol . Survey Circ . 476 , 22 p., 5 figs., 6 tables, 1963.

BUEHRIG, R . M. see Kulm, L. D. 9

BUNCH, T. E. see Olsen, Edward

BUR, T . R . see Th ill, R. E.

BURDWELL, GERALD B. see Pattullo, June G.

BURKE, JOHN C. A sediment coring device of 21-cm diameter with sphincter core retainer: Limnol . Oceanog ., v. 13, no. 4, p. 71 4-71 8, illus., 1968 .

BURNS, LARY KENT Sedimentary petrography of th e Umpqua Formation in the axial part of theso uthern Coast Range, Oregon: Oregon Univ . master's thesis, 154 p., 16 figs ., 5 tables, 29 plates, 1964.

BURT, WAYNE V . see also Mesecar, Roderick S .; Pattullo, June G.; Schatz , Clifford E . (and Borden S.) Ocean current observations from offshore dri lling platforms: Ore Bin, v. 28, no . 3, p. 61-64, illus., March 1966 . BIBLIOGRAPHY' 15

BURT, WILL IAM DEXTER The geology of the Coli ier Butte area, southwest Oregon: Univ . Wisconsin master's thesis, 93 p., 19 figs ., geologic map, tectonic map, 1963.

BUSCH;; PHILIP M . (and Fischer , R. P.) Vanadium, a materials survey: U.S. Bur. Mines IC 8060, 95 p., 21 figs., 1961 .

BUSHNELL, DAVID C. Continental shelf sedim ents in the vicinity of Newport, Oregon: Oregon State Univ . master's thesis, 107 p., 19 illus., geologic map, 1963.

BUTLER, E. (Reid, J. K., and Berwick,V. K.) Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United Sta tes, Part 10. The Great Basin: U .S. Geol . Survey WSP 1684, p. 230-251 , 2 plates, 1966.

BYRNE, JOHN V. see also Carlson, P. R. 2; Kulm , L. D. 3, 5, 7, 10; M aloney, Neil J. 2; Nelson, C. Hans 4, 6; North , W. B.; Osterberg, Charles 1. Bathymetry of Crater Lake, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 10, p. 161- 164, Oct. 1962. 2. Geomorphology of the continenta l terrace off the central coast of Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 5, p. 65-74, 3 figs ., l plate, May 1962. 3. Geomorphology of the continenta l terrace off the northern coast of Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 12, p. 201 -209, 3 figs ., 1 plate, Dec . 1963. 4. Variations in fluvial gravel imbrication: Jour. Sed . Petrology, v. 33, no . 2, p. 467-469,

·· · 2 figs ., June 1963. .· 5. Coasta l erosion, northern Oregon, in Clements, Thomas, ed ., Essays in Marine Geology: Los Angeles, Univ. Southern CaliforniaPress, p. 11-33, 9 figs., 1963 . 6. Geomorphology of the Oregon continental terrace south of Coos Bay: Ore Bin, v. 25, no. 9, p. 149-1 57, 3 figs., 1 plate, Sept. 1963. 7. Geomorphology of the continental terrace sou th of Coos Bay, Oregon [abs .]: Oregon Acad . Sci. 21st Ann . Mtg., Corvallis, Feb. 23, 1963, Abstracts of Papers, p. 15, 1963. 8. An erosional classification for the northern Oregon coast: Assoc . Amer . Geographers Ann. , v . 54, no. 3, p. 329-335, illus., table, 1964. 9. Evidence for a Tertiary sedimentary basin off the Oregon coast [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 76 , Abstracts for 1963, p. 193, 1964. 10. The oceans, a neg lected mining frontier: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 4, p. 57-69, 3 figs., table, Apri l 1964 . 11. Morphometry of Crater Lake, Oregon: Limnol . Oceanog ., v. 10, no . 3, p. 462-465, illus., table, 1965. 12. (Maloney, Neil J., and Fowler, Gera ld A.) A sedimentary model of the continental margin off Oregon [abs.]: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 49, no . 3, p. 336-337, 1965. 13. (and Ma loney, Neil J.) Offshore Oregon, observations on regional geology [a bs .]: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 49, no . 10, p. 1758, Oct. 1965. 14. (Kulm, L. D., and Ma loney, Neil J .) Textura l trends of Recent sediments from river to abyssal plain off Oregon [abs .l: Am. Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bu l l., v. 50, no . 3, pt. 1,

p , 645-646 1 1 966 , .. • � 15. (and Ma loney, Neil J .) Textural trends of continental margin sediments off the central coast of Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 24, 1966 . 16. (Fowler, Gerald A. ,and Maloney, Neil J.) Uplift of the continental margin and possible continental accretion off Oregon: Science, v. 154, no. 3757, p. 1654-1655, 1 fig ., 2 ta bles,

Dec . 30, 1966 . · 17. (and Kulm, LaVerne D.) Natura l indicators of estuarine sediments movement: Am . Soc . Civil Engineers Proc ., v. 93, paper 5220, Jour . Waterways Harbors Div., no, WW2, p. 181-194, illus., tables, 1967. 16 BIBLI OGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

18. Effect of th e East Pacific Rise on the geomorphology of the continental margin off Oregon [a bs .J: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 1 01 , p. 33-34, 1968.

c CALDWELL, WILLIAM E . Gold and silvei assay of a manganese nodule: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 8, p. 139, 142, Aug . 1963.

CAMERON, C. C . Peat, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus . Bul l. 64, in coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 218-222, 1 fig ., 1969.

CAMERON, EUGENE N . Opaque minerals in lunar samples: Science, v. 167, no. 391 8, p. 623-625, 2 tab les, Jan. 30, 1970 .

CAMERON, W. L . see Chace, F. M.

CAMFIELD, P. A. (Gough, D. 1., and Porath , H.) Preliminary results from geomagnetic deep sounding studies in the northwestern U.S. and southwest Canada [abs .l: Am . Geophys . Union Trans., v. 51 , no. 4, p. 268, 1970 .

CAMP, CHARLES L. see also Koch , John G. 4 (and Koch, John G.) Late Jurassic ichthyosaur from coastal Oregon: Jour. Pa leont., v. 40, no. 1, p. 204-205, 10 figs., January 1966.

CAMPBELL, DAVID G . 1. Geology and its application to engineering on the Round Butte Hydroelectric Development, Deschutes River, Oregon [a bs .l: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no . 73, Abstracts for 1 962, p. 30, l 963. 2. (and Daly, J. F.) Influence of geology on the grouting program at the Round Butte Dam site: Eng. Geol ., v. 1, no. 1, p. 14-20, illus., 1964. 3. Volcanic evidence for a Pleistocene Lake Metolius in Oregon [abs .l: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 244, 1964.

CAMPBELL, ESMA see Gottfried, David

CANTWELL, T . P 1. (Nelson, . , and Webb, J .) Deep resistivity measurementsin the Pacific Northwest: Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 70, no . 8, p. 1931- 1937, 8 figs., April 15, 1965. 2. (and Orange, A.) Further deep resistivity measurements in the Pacific Northwest: Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 70, no. 16, p. 4068-4072, 1965 .

CAREY, ANDREW G ., JR. see also Griggs, G. B. 1 Preliminary studies on -sediment interrelationships off the central Oregon coast, in Ocean science and ocean engineering 1965--Joint Conference, Marine Technology Soz:­ and American Soc . Limnology and Oceanography, Washington, D.C., Trans ., v. 1: Wash­ ington, D.C., Marine Techn. Soc ., p. 100-1 10, illus., tables, 1965.

CARLSON, PAU L R. see also Berg, Joseph W., Jr. 6; Nelson, C. Hans, 3, 6 1. Sedimentation rates on continental terrace off Columbia River [abs .J: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bul l., v. 52, no. 3, p. 560, March . 1968. BIBLIOGRAPHY 17

2. (and Byrne, J. V .) Astoria Canyon: a model for submarine canyon development [a bs .l: Am . Geophys. Union Trans., v. 49, no. 4, p. 696, 1968 . 3. Marine geology of Astoria submarine canyon: Oregon State Univ. doctora l dissert. , 259 p., 40 figs., 16 tables, 1969. 4. (and Nelson, C. Hans) Sediments and sedimentary structures of the Astoria submarine canyon­ fan system, northeast Pacific: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 39, no . 4, p. l269-1 282, table, 1969.

CARlTON, RICHARD WAlTER The structure and stratigraphy of a portion of the Trout Creek Mountains, Harney County, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 116 p., 29 figs ., 7 tables, 3 plates, geologic map, 1969.

CARMICHAEl, I . S. E . see Jack, R. N . 1, 2i Smith, A. L. 1, 2

CARNAHAN, GARY lEON Geology of the southwestern part of Eagle Cap quadrangle, Wallowa Mountains, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 108 p., 17 tab les, 19 figs., 8 plates, geologic map, 1962 .

CARNAHAN, H. E. (Vesterby, M. C., Berscheid, G. H., Price, D. G., and Shook, B. B.) U.S.D.A. report on water and related land resources, Malheur lake drainage basin, Oregon: U.S. Dept. Agriculture, 171 p., illus., tables, 1967.

CARTER, GEORGE J. 1. (Kelly, Hal J., and Parsons, E. W.) Industrial sil ica deposi ts of the Pacific Northwest: U.S. Bur. Mines IC 81 12, 57 p., 11 figs., 1962. 2. (Harris, Henry M ., and Strandberg, Karle G.) Beneficiation studies of the Oregon coastal dune sands for use as glass sand: U.S . Bur . Mines Rl 6484, 21 p., 5 figs ., 1964.

CASE, JAMES B. Glacier mapping in the western United States: Ohio State Univ . Research Found., 11 p., 6 maps, Jan. 1960. [a bs .] GeoSci. Abs ., v. 3, no. 10, p. 11, Oct. 1961 .

CAVENDER, TED M . 1. Freshwater fish remains from the Clarno Formation, Ochoco Mountains of north -central Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 7, p. 125-141 , 5 figs ., 4 plates, July 1968. 2. An Oligocene rnudrninnow (family ) from Oregon with remarks on relationships within the Esocoidei: Michigan Univ . Mus . Zoology Occas. Paper 660, p. 1-33, 2 plates, 6 figs:, Apri l 7, 1969. 3. (lundberg, John G., and Wilson, Richard l.) Two new fossil records of the genus (Tele­ ostei, Salmoniformes) in North America: Northwest Sci ., v . 44, no. 3, p. 176-183, 3 figs ., Aug. 1970 .

CHACE, FREDERIC M . see also Cumberlidge, John T. (Cumberlidge, J. T., Cameron, W. l. , and Van Nort, S. D.) Applied geology at the Nickel Mountain mine, Riddle, Oregon: Econ . Geol ., v. 64, no. 1, p. 1 - 16, 15 figs ., geologic map, 1969.

CHAMBERS, D. M . see also Kulm, l. D. 9 1. (and Ku lm, l . D.) Holocene sedimentation on a narrow continental shelf [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 51-52, 1969. 2. Holocene sedimentation and potential placer deposits on the continental shelf off the Rogue River, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. Dept. Oceanog . master 's thesis, 103 p, 32 figs., 1969. lB BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

CHAMP, JOHN Geology of the northern port of the Dixonville quodrongle, Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 86 p ., 3 figs., 3 tables, 7 plates, geo logic mop, 1969.

CHANDLER, M . E. J. The lower Tertiary floras of southern England: British Museum of Natural History, v . 4, 151 p., 4 plates , 1964.

CHANEY I RALPH w. Introductory remarks of a macro-pal eobotanist, in Ancient Pacific Floras - the pollen story, Cranwell, Lucy M. (ed .): Honolulu, Univ. of Hawaii Press, p. 9-1 0, 2 figs., 1964 .

CHAPMAN, MARION T . The oldest form of piracy: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 27, no . 5, p. 30;..32, May 1961 .

CHAHERS I ROY M. 1. Washington State Univ. natural radiocarbon measurements I: WSU-298; Arlington/J D-64-2: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 490, 1968 . 2. Washington State Univ. natural radiocarbon measurements 1: WSU-299; Arlington/J D-64-3: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 490, 1968 . 3. Washington State Univ. natural radiocarbon measurements 1: Blue Lake Crater series, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 493, 1968 . 4. Washi ngton State Univ. natur:a l radiocarbon measurements I: WSU-300; Butte Creek cove,­ Fossi l, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 490, 1968. 5. Washi ngton Sta te Univ. natural radiocarbon measurements 1: WSU-228; Cascadia, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 490, 1968 . 6. Washi ngton State Univ. natural radiocarbon measurements I: Mc Kenzie Pass, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 494, 1968 . 7. Washington State Univ. natural radiocarbon measurements 1: Three-Fi ngered Jack quad. series, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no.. 2, p. 494, 1968 . 8. Washington State Univ. natural radiocarbon measurements 1: ThreeSist ers Oreo , Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 494, 1968 . 9. Washi ngton State Univ. natural radiocarbon measurements 1: WSU-284; Wildcat Canyon si te , Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no . 2, p. 490, 1968./.

CHENEY, CLIFFORD P. Here was a fossil come to life: Christian Sci . Monitor, p. 11, illus., June 3, 1970.

CHIBURIS, EDWARD FRANK see also Dehlinger, Peter 2, 3, 4; Rinehart, Wilbur 3 1. (Dehlinger, Peter, and French, W. S.) The Tacoma earthquake of April 29, 1965: Ore Bin, v. 27, no. 5, p. 99-100, illus., May 1965. 2. Crustal structures in th e Pacific Northwest states from phose-velocity dispersion of seismic surface waves: Oregon Sta te Univ. doctoral dissert. 170 p., 25 figs. , 3 tables, 1966 . 3. Crustal and sub-crusta l investigations in the Pacific Northwest states from surface wave dis­ persion: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v. 46, no . 1, p. 156, 1965.

CHICHESTER, F. W. 1. (Youngberg , C. T ., and Harward, M. E.) Clay mineralogy of soils form ed on Mazama pumice: Soil Sci . Soc . America, Proc ., v. 33, no. 1, p. 115-120, tables, 1969. 2. (Harward, M. E., and Youngberg, C. T.) pH dependent ion exchange properties of soils and clays from Mazama pumice: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 18, no. 2, p. 81 -90, illus., tables, 1970 . BIBLIOGRAPHY ' 19

CHIPMAN, DAVID W. see Noble, Donald C.

CHIVERS, DUSTIN D. see Zullo, Victor A. 2

CHRISTIANSEN, ROBERT L . see Lipman, Peter W. (and Lipman, Peter W.) Cenozoic volcanism and tectonism in the western Uni ted States and adjacent parts of the spreading ocean floor . Part 2. Late Cenozoic: Geol . Soc . Am erica , Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no . 2, p. 81-82, 1970 .

CHRISTMAS VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB Where the pavement ends: Christmas Valley, Christmas Valley Women's Club, 32 p., illus., 1968.

CHRONIC, HALKA see Chronic, John

CHRONIC, JOHN (and Chronic, Halko) Bibliography of theses in geology, 1958-1 963: Washington, D.C., American Geological Institute, 1965.

CHURCH, STANLEY EUGENE 1. Lead and strontium isotope geochem istry of the Cascade Mountains: Univ . Calif, Santa Barbara, doctoral dissert., 124 p., 27 figs ., 10 tables, 1970 . 2. Lead and strontium isotopes and their bearing on the genesis of andesitic in the Cascades [abs .l: Am . Geophys. Union Trans . , v. 51, no . 4, p. 442, 1970 .

CIESIEL, ROBERT F . (and Wagner, Norman S .) -tube caves in the Saddle Butte area of Malheur County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 8, p. 153-1 71 , 6 figs ., illus., Aug . 1969.

CLARK, ELLA E . 1 Indian geology: Pacific Discovery, v. 16, no . 5, p. 2-9, illus., Sept.-Oct. 1963.

CLARK, HOWARD C. 1. A study of a thick Oligocene sill as a pal eomagnetic record of secular variation [abs .l: Am . Geophys . Union Trans., v. 47, no . 1, p. 79, 1966 . 2. The remanent magnetiza tion, cooling history, and paleomagnetic record of the Marys Peak sill, Oregon: Stanford Univ doc tora l dissert., 61 p., illus. , tables, 1967. [a bs.] Dissert. Abs., Sec. B, Sci . and Eng., v. 28, no. 3, p. 955B, 1967. 3. Remanent magnetization, cooling history and pa l eomagnetic record of the Marys Peak sill, Oregon: Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 74 , no. 12, p. 3143-3160, illus., table, 1969. 4. Variation of remanent magnetic properties related to the differentiation of the Marys Peak sill, Oregon [a bs .]: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v. 48 , no . 1, p. 79, 1967. 5. (and Hickcox, Alice E.) Remanent magnetic stability and cooling history of th e Marys Peak sill, Oregon: Geol . Soc . Am er., Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no . 4, p. 276-277, 1970 .

CLARK, TERRY E. , Zeolites from the Kings Vo lley and Coffin Butte areas, Benton County, Oregon! Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 99 p., 17 figs ., 7 plates, 5 tables, 1964 .

CLARKE, J. D . see , J. R.

CLIFTON, H. EDWARD see also Hunter, Ralph E. 1. (Hubert, Arthur, and Phillips, R. Lawrence) Marine sediment sample preparation for analysis for low concentrations of fine detri ta l gold: U.S. Geol . Survey Circ . 545, 11 p., 2 figs ., 6 tables, 1967. 20 BIBLI OGRAPHY OF THE G EOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

2. Gold distribution in surface sediments on the continental shelf off southern Oregon, ci prelim­ inary report: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ . 587, 6 p., 1 fig ., 1968 . 3. (and Mason, R. S .) Black sands, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus. Bu ll. 64;" in coop. with U.S. Geol. Survey, p. 102-107, 1 fig ., 1 table, 1969. 4. (and Boggs, S., Jr.) Concave-up pelecypod (Psephidia) she lls in shallow marine sand, Elk River Beds, southwestern Oregon: Jour. Sed . Petrology, v. 40, no . 3, p. 888-897, 12 figs ., Sept. 1970 .

CLOUD, WILL IAM K . see Steinbrugge, Karl V.

COATS, R. R. (Goss, W. D., and Rader , l. F.) Distribution of fluorine in unaltered silicic volcanic rocks of th e western conterminous United States: Econ . Geol ., v. 58, no . 6, p. 941-951, 2 tables, 4 figs ., Sept.-Oct. 1963.

COHEE, GEORGE V . (West, Wal ter S., and Wilkie, lorna C.) Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geol . Survey, 1966: U.S. Geol . Survey Bull. 1254-A, 1967.

COLBERT, J. L. see also Young, l. l. 1, 2, 4 1. Review of waterpower withdrawals in McKenzie River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le rpt., 25 p., 1 fig., 1961 . 2. (and Young , l. L.) Review of waterpower classifications , SiuslawRi ver basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-file rpt., 75 p., 1966 . 3. {and Young, l. L.) Review of water-power classification and withdrawals, Deschutes River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey open-fi le rpt., 169 p ., 35 figs ., 12 tables, 1969.

COLE, DAVID L . see also Johnson, leRoy, Jr. 3 Report on archaeological research in the John Day Dam reservoir area - 1964: Report sub- �· mitted to the National Park Service, Eugene, 1965.

\ COLEMAN, ROBERT G. see also B lake, M. C., Jr.; Lanphere, M. A .; Peterman, Zell E.; Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. 1, 2 1. low-temperature reaction zones and alpine ultra:nafic roc ks of California, Oregon, and Wash ­ ington: U.S. Geol . Survey Bul l. 1247, 49 p., 16 figs., 6 tables, 1967. 2. {and Peterman, Z. E.) Colebrooke Schist of sou thwestern Oregon [abs .]: Geal . Soc . America , Abstracts with Programs 1969, pt. 3, p. 12-1 3, tab le, 1969. �

COLLINS, KENN ETH A . Phase distributions of the rare-earth elements in sediments [a bs.J Dissert. Abs., Sec . B, Sci. and Eng., v. 28, no . 11, p. 4620B-4621B, 1968.

COLLINS, RONALD P. 1. (Gray, Jerry J., and Kingston, Gary A.) The mineral industry of Oregon, in U.S. Bur . Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1965, v. Ill, Area Rpts., Domestic, p. 665-677,1966 .

.. � 2. (Gray, Jerry J ., and Kingston, Gary A.) The mineral industry of Oregon, in U.S. Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1966, v. Ill, Area Rpts., Domestic, p. 647-657,1967. 3. (Gray, Jerry J ., and Kingston, Gary A.) The mineral industry of Oregon, in U.S. Bur . Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1967, v. Ill, Area Rpts., Domestic, p. 663-674, T968 .

COLLVER, M . M . see Dehlinger , Peter 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY 21

CONKLING, INC., CONSULTANTS Preliminary: The potential for the petroleum industry in the Pacific Northwest: Bonnevi lle Power Admin., 364 p., 23 figs., 63 tables, 1965.

co NOMOS I T. J . Processes affec ti ng distribu tion and dispersal of suspended matter in Columbia River effluent system: Amer . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bul l., v. 53, no . 2, p. 464, 1969.

CONTOR, ROGER J. The underworld of Oregon Caves National Monument: Crater lake National Park, Oregon, Crater lake Nat. Hist. Assoc ., 37 p., illus., 1963 .

COOK, EARL F . see Fryxell, Roald 3

COOMBS , H. A . see Wheeler , H. E.

COOPER, SUSAN C . see Enbysk, Betty J.

COOPER, WILLIAM C . 1. Intertidal foraminifera of the Ca lifornia and Oregon coast: Cushman Found. Foraminifera l Research, Contrib., v. 12, pt. 2, p. 47-63, 4 figs ., 5 tables, April 1961 . 2. Intertidal foraminifera of the Ca lifornia and Oregon coast: Univ. Sou thern Calif. master's

thesis, 1961 •

COOPER, WILLIAM S. Coastal sand dunes of Oregon and Washington: Geol. Soc . Am erica Mem . 72 (reprint of 1958 edition) 169 p., 12figs., Stables, 22 plates, 1967.

CORCORAN, RAYMO ND E . see also Libbey, F. W. 1, 2; , V. C. 1, 8; Schl icker, H. G. 1 1. Bauxite deposi ts of th e Salem Hills, Marion County, Oregon: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 28, no . 5, p. 25-28, 1 fig., May 1962. 2. (Doak, R. A., , P. W., Pritchett, F. 1., and Privrasky, N. C.) Geo logy of the Mitchell Butte quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus. map GMS-2, 1962. Scale 1:125,000. 3. Geology of the lake Owyhee State Park and vicini ty, Ma lheur County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 27, no. 5, p. 81 -97, 8 figs., geologic map, May 1965. 4. Field work in Oregon, 1964: Ore Bin, v. 27, no. 1, p. 19-24, Jan. 1965 .

5. Field work by state and federal geological agencies, summer 1967: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 8, · p. 151-1 53, Aug . 1967. 6. (compiler) Index to published geologic mapping in Oregon, 1898-1967: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., Misc . Paper 12, 20 p., 1968 . 7. Geologic history, general, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Mineral Indus. Bul l. 64�n coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 23-32, 1969. 8. Bauxite, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus. Bull. 64,Tn coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 98-102, 1 fig., 1 table, 1969. 9. (and Walker, G. W . ) Geology of the Owyhee Upland province, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., Bu ll. 64, i �oop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 80-83, 1 fig ., 1969. 10. News and state activities: State Geologists Jour., v. 21 , no . 2, p. 27-28, Oct. 1969.

CORNWAll, H . R . Nickel deposits of North America: U.S. Geol . Survey Bul l. 1220, 1 fig ., 8 tables, 1966 . 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

· COUCH, RICHARD W . see also Dehlinger, Peter 5, 7, 8 1. (and Whitsett, Robert) The North Powder earthquake of August 14, 1969: Ore Bin, v. 31, no. 12, p. 239-244, 1 fig ., Dec . 1969. 2. (and Heinrichs, D . F.) Oceanic and continental gravity investigations by Oregon State Univer­ sity, in Symposium on gravity surveys in western North America, Barnes, David F., (ed .): EOS, V. 50, no. 10, p . 546-548, illus., 1969. 3. (and Johnson, Stephen) The Va lley earthquake sequence: May and June, 1968: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 10, p. 191 -204, illus., tables, 1968 . 4. (Johnson, Stephen, and Gallagher, John) The Portland earthquake of May 13, 1968 and earthquake energy release in the Portland area: Ore Bin, v.30, no. 10, p. 185-1 90, illus., table, 1968. 5 � (and Pietrafesa , leonard J .) Earthquakes off the Oregon coast: January 1968 to September 1968: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 10, p. 205-212, illus., tables, 1968.

CRANDEll, DWIGHT R. ·· 1. The glacial history of western Washington and Oregon, in The Quaternary of the Uni ted States, Internet. Assn . for Quaternary Research, VII Congress; Part I. Geology: Princeton ·univ. Press, p. 348-351 , 2 figs., 1965. 2. Glaciation at Wallowa lake, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 575-C, p. C145-C153, 4 figs ., 1967. 3. Surficial geology of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington: U.S. Geol . Survey Bul l. 1288, 41 p., 19 figs ., table, geologic map, 1969.

CRANE, H. R . 1. (and Griffin, James B.) Univ. Michigan radiocarbon dates V: Am . Jour . Sei . Radiocarbon Suppl ., v. 2, p. 31-48, 1960. 2. (and Griffin, James B.) Univ. Michigan radiocarbon dates VI: Radiocarbon, v. 3, p. 119, 1961 . 3. (and Griffin, James B.) Univ. Michigan radiocarbon dates VII: Radiocarbon, v. 4, p. 199, 1962.

CREER , KENNETH M. Dipole charac teristics of a reversing geomagnetic field [a bs.]: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v. 51 , no . 4, p. 269, 1970.

CRONIN, JOHN see Osterberg, Charles

CROSBY, A . B. see DePuy, G. W.

CROWDER, D. F. see Hopson , C. A.

CUMBERLIDGE, JOHN T . see also Chace,. F. M. (and Chace, Frederic M.) Geology of the Nickel Mountain mine, Riddle, Oregon, in Ore deposits of the United States, 1933- 1 967 (Graton-Sales vol .), v. 2: New York, American Insti­ tute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, p. 1650-1672, illus., tables, 1968.

CUMMINGS, JON C . 1. Estuarine and marine sediments, Coos Bay area, Oregon [a bs .]: Oregon Aced . Sci . 21st Ann• Mtg., Corvallis, Feb . 23, 1963, Abstracts of Papers, p. 15, 1963. 2. (and Beattie, John A.) Distribution of clay minera ls in graded beds of Tyee Formation (Eocene) Western Oregon [a bs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 76 , Abstrac ts for 1963, p. 197, 1964.

CURL, HERBERT, JR. see Schatz, C lifford E. BIBLIOGRAPHY_. 23

CURTIS, G. H . see Evernden, J. F. 2

CURTISS, D. A . Chemical quality of surface water in the Umpqua River- basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey open-fi le rpt., in coop. with Douglas County, 25 p., 6 tables, 4 figs., 1969. -

CUTSHALL, NORMAN see Johnson, Vernon; Osterberg, Charles

CZAMANSKE, GERALD K. (and Porter, Stephen C.) Titanium dioxide in pyroc lastic layers from volcanoes in theCa scade Range: Science, v. 150, no. 3699, p. 1022-1 025, lfig., 3 ta bles, 1965 .

D DAKE, H . C . 1. Oregon tempskya locality: Gems & Minerals, no. 384, p. 62-63, Sept. 1969. 2. Rare fossil wood: Gems & Minerals, no . 385, p. 57, Oct. 1969.

DALY , J. F. see Campbell, D. G. 2

DALZELL, BONNIE A new salmonid fish [abs .l: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 300, 1968 .

DA NNER , WILBERT R . 1. Limestones of the western Cordilleran eugeosyncline of south ern British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon [a bs .l: Geol . Soc . Am erica Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 247-248, 1964. 2. Limestone of the western Cordilleran eugeosyncline of southwestern Bri tish Columbia, western Washington, and northern Oregon, in Dr. D. N. Wadia Commemorative Vol .: Calcutta , India, Mining, Geol . and Meta l!. lnst. India, p. 113-125, illus., 1965 . 3. of Wash ington, Oregon and western British Columbia, in Internet. Symposim on Devonian System, Proc ., Calgary, 1967, vo l . 1: Calgary, Alberta , Alberta Soc . Petroleum Geologists, p. 827-842, iIIus ., 1967 [1 968] . [a bs .] Univ. British Columbia Dept. Geol ., Rpt. 8, Abstracts of published papers, theses, and ora l presentations during 1967, p. 1, 1968. 4. Western Cordilleran flysch sedimentation, southwestern Bri tish Columbia, Canada, and north ­ western Washington and central Oregon: Geol . Assoc . of Canada , Spec . Paper 7, p. 37-51, 1970 . [abs .] Abstracts of publ ished papers, theses, and oral presentations of students and faculty, July 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971: Univ. Bri tish Columbia, Dept. Geol . Rpt. 12, p. 5, 1971 . 5. Pa leontologic and stratigraphic evidence for and against sea-floor spreading and opening and closing oceans in th e Pacific Northwest: Geol . Soc . Am er, Abstractsfor 1970, v. 2, no . 2, p. 84-85, 1970 .

DARK, c Ancient bay near Seaside reveals artifacts dating 3000 years: TheOr egonian, p. 26, ' illus., July 30, 1970.

DARLING, LES Petrified wood: Gems' & Minerals, no. 31 9, p. 14-15, illus., April 1964.


DAVENPORT. RONALD EDMOND Geology of the Rattlesnake and older in the Paulina Basin and adjacen t area , central Oregon: Oregon Sta te Univ. doctoral dissert ., 132 p., 24 tables, 28 figs., geologic map, 1970 .

DAVIES, GORDON L. An Irish geological pioneer in th e American West - Thomas Condon (181 1-1 907) : Irish Natural­ ists' Jour., v. 16, no. 4, p. 100-1 02, 1968.

DAVIS, E . MOTT see Pearson, F. J., Jr.i Valastro, S., Jr. , 1, 2

DAWSON, MARY R. Oreolagus and other lagomorpha (Mammalia) from the Miocene of Colorado, Wyoming, and Oregon: Colorado Univ. Studies Ser . Earth Sci ., no. 1, 36 p., illus., tables, 1965 .

DEACON, ROBERT J. see also Newton, V. C., Jr. 2i Schlicker, Herbert G. 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 1. Offshore Oregon attracts lease offer: Oil Gas Jour ., v. 59, no . 16, p . 156-158 , 160, 2 maps, April 17, 1961 . 2. Oil and gas exploration summary , Oregon and Washington, 1965: Northwest Oil Rpt., Port­ land, Ore., 11 p., 1965. 3. (and Newton, Vernon C., Jr.) Reviewof coastal stratigraphy of Oregon and Washington with comments on 1965 activity [a bs .J: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bul l., v. 49, no . 7, p. 1083, July 1965.

DeBOW, ROBERT see Bartholomew, Wm . S. 1, 2i Sceva, Jack E. 1, 2, 7


(and Harlow, David) Microearthquakes at Cascade volcanoes [a bs . ] : Am . Geophys. Union Trans ., v. 51 , no. 4, p. 351 , 1970 .

DEFFEYES, K. S. see Russel l, K. L. 2

DEHLINGER, PETER see also Berg, Joseph W., Jr . 4i Chiburis, E. F .i Shor, G. G., Jr. 1 1. (and Berg, Joseph W ., Jr .) The Portland earthquake of Novem ber 5, 1962: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. ll, p. 185-1 88, isoseismal map, Nov . 1962. 2. (Bowen, R. G., Chiburis, E. F., and Westphal, W. H.) Investigations of the earthquake of November 5, 1962, north of Portland: Ore Bin, v. 25, no. 4, p. 53-68, 3 figs ., geologic . map, Apri l 1963. 3. (and Chiburis, E. F.) Travel-time curves for western Oregon [abs .J: Oregon Acad . Sci . 21st Ann. Mtg., Corvallis, Feb. 23, 1963, Abstract of Papers, p. 20, 1963. 4. (Chiburis, E. F., and Collver, M. M.) Local travel-time curves and th eir geologic implica­ tions for the Pacific Northwest states: Seismological Soc . America Bu ll., v. 55, no . 3, p. 587-607, June 1965 . 5. (Couch, R. W., and Gemperle, M.) Continental and oceanic structure from the Oregon coast westward across the Juan de Fuca Ridge, in Symposium on continental margins and island arcs, 3d ., Zurich, 1967: Canadian Jour . EarthSci ., v. 5, no . 4, p. 1079-1 090, illus., 1968. 6. Evidence regarding the development of Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges in the north east Pacific Ocean: New York Acad. Sci. Trans ., ser . 2, v. 31 , p. 379-403, illus., April 1969. 7. (Rinehart, W. A., Couch, R. W., and Gemperle, M.) Free-air gravi ty anomaly map west of Oregon, in Berg, J. W., and oth ers, Gravity Map of Oregon (Onshore and Offshore): Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., map GMS-4, 1967. 8. (Couch, R. W., and Gemperle, M .) Gravity and structure of the eastern part of the Mendo­ cino escarpment: J. Geophys . Research, v. 72, no. 4, p. 1233-1 247, 1967. 9. (and French , W. S.) Investigations on th e nature of post-Pn waves: Am . Geophys . Union Trans . , v. 46,no . 1 , p . 1 56, 1 965 . BIBLIOGRAPHY ' 25

DELACH , M . N. see Horn, D. R.

DELANO I LEONARD H. 1. An aerial reconnaissance of geomorphology of Oregon and Washington coasts: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter , v. 29, no . 3, p. 22-23, March 1963. 2. The High Cascades: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 30, no . 5, p. 31-32, May 1964. 3. Klamath and Warner Mountains geomorphology as seen in an aerial survey: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 31 , no . 6, p. 55-58, illus., June 1965.

DELONG I STEPHEN E. (and Long, Leon E.) Approximate concentrations of trace elements in parent magmas [abs .J : Geol . Soc . Amer., Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no . 4, p. 279-280, 1970.

DEMPSTER, GEORGE R . I JR. (and Lutz, A.) Water-discharge determinations for the tidal reach of the Wi llamette River from Island Bridge to mile 10.3, Portland, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey WSP 1586-H, 32 p., 10 figs., 2 tables, 1968.

DePUY, G. W. (Crosby, A. B., and Holland, W. Y .) Importance of petrographic analysis and special tests not usually required in judging quality of concrete sand; discussion of paper by R. E . Davis, R . C. Mielenz, and M. Polivka, 1967: Jour. Materials, v. 2, no . 3, p. 483-486, 1967.

DERKSEN, CHARLOTTE M . Geology of the eastern end of Elkhorn Ridge, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 81 p., 7 figs., 10 tables, 8 plates, geologic map, 1968 .

DETLI NG I LEROY E. 1. The Chaparral flora of southwestern Oregon, with cons�ideration of its postglacial history: Ecology, v. 42, no. 2, p. 348-357, fig ., table, April 1961 . 2. Historical background of the flora of the Pacific Northwest: Univ. Oregon Museum Nat. Hist. Bull. 13, 57 p., 6figs., July 1968 . deWEESE, R. W. 1. (and Mason, R. S.) A is for Albany, Z is for Zirconium: Ore Bin, v. 29, no. 10, p. 185- 196, illus., October 1967.

2. Minerals and metals in Oregon's future, in Fourth Urban Rura l Conf., Proc ., The Willamette · Valley -- Manpower needs and opportu nities: Corvallis, Oregon State Univ ., 8 p., Feb. 1968 . 3. Metals and minera ls in Oregon's future: Greater Portland Commerce, p. 12-16, illus., April 1968.

DICKEN, SAMU EL N. (Johannessen, Carl L., and Hanneson, Bi II) Some recent physical changes of the Oregon Coast: Univ. Oregon Dept. Geography; U.S. Dept. of the Navy contract Nonr-2771 (04) , Project NR 388-062, 151 p., illus., 1961 . ,

DICKI NSON, WILLIAM R . 1. Metasomatic quartz keratophyre in central Oregon: Am . Jour. Sci ., v. 260, no. 4, p. 249- 266, 6 figs., 3 tables, April 1962. 2. Petrogenetic significance of geosync linal andesitic vol canism along the Pacific margin of North America: Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 73, no. 10, p. 1241-1 256, 2 figs., Oct. 1962. 3. Jurassic andesitic province along the Pacific margin of North America [a bs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 68, Abstracts for 1961, p. 19, 1962 . 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

4. Petrology and d iagenesis of Jurassic andesitic strata in central Oregon: Am . Jour . Sci., v. 260, no . 7, p. 48 1 -500, 6 figs., 4 tab les, summer 1962. 5. (and Vigrass, Laurence W.) Mesozoic history of Suplee-lzee district, central Oregon [abs .J: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstrac ts for 1964, p. 375, 1965. 6. (and Vi grass, Laurence W.) Pre-Cenozoic history of Suplee-lzee district, Oregon - implications for geosynclinal theory: Geol . Soc . America Bu ll., v. 75, no . 10, p. 1037-1 044, illus., 1964. 7. (and Vigrass , Laurence W .) Geology of the Suplee-lzee area, Crook, Grant, and Harney Counties, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geology and Mineral Indus. Bu ll. 58, 109 p., 30 figs ., 12 tables, 3 plates, geologic map, 1965. 8. Evolution of calc-alkaline rocks in the geosynclinal system of California and Oregon, in Proceedings of the Andesite Conference: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus. bu l f:"'"65 , p. 151-156, 1 fig ., 1 table, 1969.

DIETZ, ROBERT S. Alpine serpentines as oceanic rind fragments: Geol . Soc . America Bul l., v. 74, no. 7, p. 947-952, 3 figs., July 1963.

DOAK, R. A. see Corcoran, R. E. 2

DODDS , BETTY RAE 1. Historical review of Astoria type locality: Oregon Acad. Sci . Abstracts, 1960: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 2, p. 23-24, 1962. 2. The relocation of geologic locales in Astoria, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 7, p. 113-1 28, 6 figs ., maps, July 1963.

DODDS, R. KENNETH 1. intrusions at Astoria, Oregon, their origin and structura l implications: Oregon Acad . Sci . Abstracts, 1960: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 2, p. 23, Feb. 1962. 2. Geology of the western half of the Svensen CjUadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 114 p., 8 figs., 12 plates, geologic map, 1963. 3. The age of the "Columbia River " near Astoria, Oregon [a bs .], in Abstracts of Papers,

Northwest Sci . Assn . m tg ., Cheney, Wash ., March 21-22, 1969: Northwest Sci . v •. 43,

no. 1, p. 34, Feb. 1969. _ _ 4. The age of the "Columbia River Basalts" near Astoria, Oregon, in Proc . of Second Columbia River Basalt Symposium , Eastern Wash . State College, Cheney, March 21 -23, 1969: Cheney, Eastern Washington State College Press, p. 239-270, 3 plates, illus., 1970 .

DODGE, F. C. W. see Tilling, Robert I.

DODGE, NICHOLAS A . Recent measurements on th e Eliot Glacier: Mazama, v. 46, no . 13, p. 47-49, 4 figs ., Dec. 1964.

B E DOE, RUC R . , ./ The bearing of lead isotopes on the source of granitic tnagama: Jour. Pet��logy, v. 8, pt. 1, p. 51 -83, 1967.

DOLE, HOLLIS M . see also Henderson, E. P.; Peck, Dal las L. 4; Weissenborn, A. E. 6 1. Trends in interpretation of the mining laws: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 12, p. 115, 120, Dec . 1961 . 2. Coming events cast their shadows: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 5, p. 79-80, May 1962. 3. Full circ le -- soon? : Ore Bin, v. 25, no. 2, p. 30-32, Feb. 1963. 4. Strategic minerals: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 10, p. 165-170, 178-180, Oct. 1963. 5. Minerals, in Report of Governor's Conference on Conservation and Outdoor Education, Salem, Sept. 27, 1965, p. 45-47, 1965. BIBLIOGRAPHY� 27

6. (editor) Andesite Conference Gui debook - Internet. Upper Mantle Proj . Sci . Rpt. 16-S: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus . Bul l. 62, 107p., illus., tab les, 1968 . 7. (and Weissenborn, A. E.) Geology and mineral resources , introduction, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus . bul l. 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 15-23, illus., geologic map, 1969.

DONATH , FRED A . 1. Analysis of Basin-Range structure, south -central Oregon: Geol . Soc . Am erica Bul l., v. 73, no. 1, p. 1-15, 9figs., 3plates, Jan . 1962 . 2. (and Kuo, John T .) Seismic-refraction study of block fau lting, south -central Oregon: Geol. Soc . America Bu ll. v. 731 no . 4, p. 429-434, 4 figs., 3 plates1 table, April 1962.

DORN I T . F. (Fairhall, A. W., Schell, W. R., and Ta kashima1 Y.) Radiocarbon dating at the University of Wash i ngton 1: Radiocarbon, v. 4, p. 1-12, 1962 .

DOTT, R. H., Jr. see also Aalto, K. R. 2; Howard1 J. K. 2; Koch, J. G. 1; Medaris, L. G., Jr.; and Scott1 Kevin M. 1. Geology of theCape Blanco area, southwest Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 8, p. 121-133, 3 figs ., 2 plates, geologic map1 Aug. 1962.

2. (and Howard1 John K . ) Convolute lamination in non-graded sequences: Jour. Geology, v. 701 no. 1, p. 114-1 21 , 3 plates, 3 figs ., Jan. 1962. 3. Dynamics of subaqueous gravity depositional processes: Am . Assn . Petroleum Geologists Bu ll .1 v . 471 no. 11 p. 104-1281 Jan. 1963. 4. Ancient deltaic sedimentation in eugeosynclinal belts1 in Developments in Sedimentology ­ V. 1. Deltaic and shallow marine deposits: Internet. Sedim entological Cong., 6th1 Amster­ dam and Antwerp1 1963, Proc ., p. 105-1 131 illus.1 1964. 5. Superim posed rhythmic stratigraphic patterns in mobile belts1 in Symposium on cyclic sedimen­ tation1 vol . 1: Kansas Geol . Survey Bull. 1691 p. 68-851 9ffgs.1 1964 . 6. Classic Nevadan orogenesis in southwestern Oregon [a bs .J: Geol . Soc . Am erica Spec . Paper 76 , Abstrac ts for 19631 p. 197-1 981 1964. 7. Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic history of th e southwestern Oregon coast in relation fo Cordilleran orogenesis: Jour . Geophys . Research, v. 701 no. 181 p. 4687-47071 6figs.1 5tables1 1965. 8. Late Jurassic unconformity exposed in southwestern Oregon: Ore Bin1 v. 281 no. 51 p. 85-97, 1 table1 3 figs .1 geologic map1 May 1966 . 9. Eocene deltaic sedimentation at Coos Bay1 Oregon: Jour . Geology1 v. 741 no . 41 p. 373- 4201 16 figs .1 8 tables1 July 1966 . 10. Circum-Pacific late Cenozoic structural rejuvenation: Implications for sea-floor spreading: Science , v. 166, no . 39071 1 fig .1 p . 874-876 1 Nov . 141 1969.

DRAKE1 JOH N C. see Noble, Donald C. 2

DREIMANIS 1 A . see Westgate 1 J. A.

DRILLING INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE Oregon still looking for oil as exploration hits high pace: Drill. Internet. Mag .1 Dal las1 Assoc . Publishers1 lnc.1 Sept. 1962 .

DROSTE1 JOHN B . Clay mineral composition of sediments in some desert lakes in Nevada 1 California1 and Oregon: Science1 v. 1331 no . 34681 p. 1928, June 161 1961 .

DUCRET 1 G. L. 1 Jr. (and Anderson1 D. B.) Records of wells1 water levels and chemical qualify of water in Baker Valley1 Baker County, Oregon: Oregon State Eng . Ground-water Rpt. 6, 34 p.1 March 1963. 28 BIBLI OGRA PHY OF THE G EOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

DUENNEBIER, F . K . see Northrop J.

DUNCAN, JOHN R. see also Fowler, Gerald A. 2, 5; Nelson, C. H ans 3 1. Late Pleistocene and postglacial sedimentation and stratigraphy of deep-sea environm ents off Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doctoral dissert . , 222 p., 34 figs., 9 tables, 1968. 2. (Fowler, Gerald A., and Kulm, L. D.) Planktonic foraminiferan-radiolarian ratios and Holo­ cene -Late Pleistocene deep sea stratigraphy off Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Bul l., v. 81 , no . 2, p. 561 -566, 3 figs., Feb. 1970 . 3. (Kulm, L. D., and Griggs, G. B.) Clay mineral com position of late Pleistocene and Holocene '···- sediments of Cascadia Basin, northeastern Pacific Ocean: Jour . Geol ., v. 78 , no . 2, p. 213- 221 , 6 figs., March 1970. 4. (and Kulm, L . D.) Postglacial and late Pleistocene sedimentatiqn in the abyssal environments off Oregon-Wash ington [a bs.]: Am . Geophys. Union Trans ., v. 49, no . 1, p. 222-223, 1968. 5. (and Kulm, L. D.) Vertical tectonic movements in th e Blanco Fracture Zone [a bs .l: Am . Geophys . Union Trans., v. 51 , no . 4, p. 331 , 1970. 6. (ard Kulm, L. D.) Mineralogy, provenance, and dispersal history of late Quaternary deep­ - sea sands in Cascadia Basin and Blanco Fracture Zone off Oregon: Jour. Sed . Petrology, v. 40, no. 3, p. 874-887, illus., tables, 1970 .

DUNHAM , A . C. (and Honor, J. S .) Controls on bari te mineralization in the western United States: Econ . Geol ., v. 62, no. 1, p. 82-94, 6 figs ., 2 tables, Jan.-Feb . 1967.

DUNN, J. (, M., Ito, H., and , V.) Paleomagnetic studies of reversals of the Earth's magneti c field [abs .]: EOS (Am . Geophys. Union Trans.) v, 51 , no . 11, p. 745, 1970 .

DUNN, MAY R. State Geologist for the State of Oregon -Raymond E. (Andy) Corcoran: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 35, no . 10, p. 84-85, illus ., Oct. 1969.

DURFOR, CHARLES N . (and Becker, Edith) Public water supplies of the 100 largest cities in the United States, 1962: U.S. Geol . Survey WSP 1812, p. 293-294, 1964.

DURHAM , J . WYATT see Zullo, Victor A.

DYRNESS, C . T. see Youngberg , C. T.

E EARTH SCIENCE Lore of thunder eggs: Earth Sci., v. 16, no. 3, p. 103-1 04, June 1963.

EBERLY, P . E . , JR. Adsorption properties of naturally occurring erionite and its cation ic-exchang;d forms: Am. Mineralogist, v. 49, p. 30-40, 5 figs ., 5 tables, Jan.-Feb . 1964.

EDWARDS, WALTER M. Crater Lake summer: Nat! . Geographic Mag ., v. 122, no. 1, p. 134-148, illus., map, July 1962. BIBLIOGRAPHY ,. 29

.\ EGGLER, DAVID H. . Water-saturated and undersaturated mel ting relations in tw o natura l andesites [abs.]: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 7, p. 544, 1970 .


1 • Geology of State Parks near Cape , Coos County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 4, p. 61-82, 14 figs ., geologic map, April 1967. 2. The geology of a coasta l strip near Bandon, Coos County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 83 p., 14 figs., 6 plates, 6 tables, geologic map, 1969.

EISENHUTH, H. P . . 1. Index of surface-water records to Dec . 3l , 1963; Part 14. Pacific Slop� basins in Oregon and lower Columbia River basin: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ . 514, 28 p., 1 fig ., 1965. 2. Index of surface-weter records to Dec . 31 , 1963; Part 13. Sna ke River Basin: U.S. Geol . Survey Circ . 513, 29 p., 1 fig ., 1965 . 3. Index of surface-water records to Sept. 30, 1967; Part 10. The Great Basin: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ . 580, p. 29-31 , 1968. 4. Index of surface-water records to Sept. 30, 1967; Part 13. Snake River Basin: U.S. Geol . Survey Circ . 583, p. 13, 15, 16, 18, 20-21 , 1968 . 5. Index of surface-water records to Sept. 30, 1967; Part 14. Pacific Slope basins in Oregon and lower Columbia River basin: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ . 584, p. 1-17, 19-30, 1968.

EISIMI NGER , STERLING K . Cougar Dam: Mi lit. Engineer, v. 56, no . 369, p. 12-15, illus., 1964.

EKREN, E . B . see , Richard L.

EKMAN, LEONARD C. (and Ph illips, L. K., ed .) Scenic geology of the Pacific Northwest: Portland, Binfords & · Mort, 310 p. 72 photos, 1962.

ELECTR ICAL WORLD There's a lot of steam under them th or hills: Elect. World, p. 26, Sept. 1, 1970.

ELLIOTT, MONTYA . Stratigraphy and petrology of the Late Cretaceous rocks near Hilt and Hornbrook, Siskiyou County, California, and Jac kson County, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doctoral dissert., 171 p., 56 illus., geologic map, 1970 .

ELLISON, E. Stratigraphy of the -Junction-Rome area , Malheur County,Ore gon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 89 p., 13 illus., geologic map, 1968.

/ :"'" ELPH IC I LANCE The geology of the south ern one-third of the Glide quadrangl e, Oregon: Univ . Oregon m�ster's thesis, 78 p., 1 fig • , 6 plates, geologic map, 1969. . ( EMILIA, DAVID A . see also Berg, Joseph W ., Jr. 10, 12 , 1. · (Berg, Joseph W., Jr ., and Bales, William E.) A magnetic survey off the Pacific Northwest coast: Ore Bin, v. 28, no . 12, p. 205-210, 4 figs ., Dec . 1966 . 2. (Berg, Joseph W., Jr., and Bales, William E.) Magnetic anomalies off the northwest coast of th e United States: Geol . Soc . America Bu ll., v. 79, no . 8, p. 1053-1062, 7 figs., Aug. 1968 . 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURC ES OF OREGON

3. (Berg, Joseph W ., Jr., and Bales, Wm . E.) Oceanic extension of coasta l volcanics, north ­ western Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 2, p. 21 -31 , 5 figs., Feb. 1968.

EM LONG I DOUGLAS A new archaic cetacean from the Oligocene of northwest Oregon: Oregon Univ. Mus. Not. Hist. Bull. 3, 51 p., 4 ta bles, 15 figs., 1966 .

ENBYSK, BETTY J. see also Nayudu, Y. R. 3 (and Cooper, Susan C.) Biogenic elements in surface sediments of Cascadia Basin, northeast Pacific [abs.] : Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstrac ts for 1964, p. 250-251 , 1964.

ENGELHARDT, CLAUS L. The Pal eozoic-Triassic contact in the Klamath Mountains, Jackson County, southwest Oregon: Univ . Oregon master's thesis, 98 p., 8 figs., geologic map, 3 tables, 17plates, 1966 .

ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Memorial, Ray C. Treasher (1898-1967): Eng . Geol ., v. 4, no . 2, p. 70-71 , 1967.

ENLOWS , HAROLD E . (and 0 les, Keith F.) Authigenic silicates in marine Spencer Formation at Corvallis, Oregon: Am . Assn . Petroleum Peologists Bull., v. 50, no. 9, p. 1918-1 926, 2 tables, 7 figs., Sept. 1966 .

ERGIN, M. see Baxter, M. S.

ERICKSON, BARRETT H. see Whi tcomb, James H. 2

EUBANKS , 1. The fossil flora of Thomas Creek: Oregon Acad. Sci . Abs ., 1960: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 2, p. 26-27, Feb . 1962. 2. Fossil woods supplement know ledge of the Succor Creek fossil flora: Ore Bin, v. 28, no . 10, p . 173-1 81 , 3 figs., Oct. 1966 .

EUGSTER, HANS P . (Jones, Blair F., and Sheppard, R. A.) Newhy drous 'sodium silicates from Kenya , Oregon, and California; possible precursors of [a bs .l: Geol . Soc . Am erica, Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 60-61, 1968.

EVANS, HOWARD T., JR. see Staples, L loyd W. 10 (and Staples, Lloyd W .) The crystal structure of cavansite, a novel layer si l icate [abs.l: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 7, p. 548, 1970.

EVANS, JOHN W. 1. Grow th rate of the rock-boring clam Penitella penita (Conrad 1837) in relation to hardness of rock and other factors: Ecology, v. 49, no . 4;-p:-61 9-628, illus., tables, 1968. 2. The role of Penitella peni ta (Conrad 1837) (Family Pholadidae) as eroders along the Pacific Coast of North America: Ecology, v. 49, no . 1, p. 156-159, 3 figs ., winter 1968.

EVERETT, D . E . see Huxel, C. J., Jr. 1, 2

EVERETT, F. D. (and Bennett, H. J .) Evaluation of domestic reserves and potential sources of ores containing copper, lead, zinc, and associated metals: U.S. Bur . Mines lC 8325, 78 p., 18 figs ., 33 tables, 1967. BIBLIOGRAPHY 31


EVERNDEN I J 0 F 0 1. (and James, G. T.) Potassium argon dates of th e Tertiary floras of North America: Am . Jour . Sci., v. 262, no . 8, p. 945-974, 5 tables, 4 figs., Oct. 1964. 2. (, D. E., Curtis, G. H., and James, G. T.) Potassium argon dates and the Cenozoic mammalian chronology of North Am erica: Am . Jour. Sci ., v. 262, no. 2, p. 145-1 98, 7 tables, 1 fig ., Feb . 1964.

EWEN, IRVING G. Geologic time charts: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 29, no . 7, p. 60-62, 1963.


FAHEY, J. J; see Stewart, D. B.

FAIRCH ILD, ROY W. · Geology of T. 29 S., R. 11 w: in the Sitkum and Coquille qu�drangles, Coos County , Oregon: U niv. Oregon master's thesis, 68 p., 12 figs ., 2 tables, 9 plates, geologic map, 1966.

FAIRHALL, A . W. see' Dorn, T. F.

FALKENBACH , CHARLES H. see Schultz, C. Bertrand

FAROOQUI, SALEEM Stratigraphy and petrology of the Port Orford Conglomerate, Cape Blanco, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 57 p., 6 tables, 11 figs., 1969.

FETH, JOHN H . 1. A new map of western conterminous United States showing the maximum known or inferred extent of Pleistocene lakes: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 424-B, p. 110-1 12, fig., tables, 1961 . 2. Tertiary lake deposits in western conterminous United States: Science, v. 139, no . 3550,

P · 107-1 10, Jan . 11, 1963. 3. Review and annotated bibliography of ancient lake deposits (Precambrian to Pleistocene) in the Western States: U.S. Geol . Survey Bul l. 1080, 120 p., 3 maps, 1964. 4. Reconnaissance survey of ground-water quality in the Great Basin: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 550-D, p. 237-241, 2 tables, 3 figs ., 1966 .

FIELD, CYRUS W . see Muntzert, James K. 2

FISCHER, R . P. see also Busch, Philip M. 1. Vanadium, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., Bu ll. 64, incoop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 185-186, 1 fig ., 1969. 2. (and Ohl, Jane P.) Bibliography on the geology and resources of vanadium to 1968: U.S. Geol . Survey Bu ll. 1316, 168 p., 1970 .

FISHER, RICHARD V . see also Wal ters, Aaron C. 9, 10; Wilcox, Ray E . 3 , 1. Clinopti lolite from the , eastern Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 12, p. 197-203, geologic map, Dec . 1962. 2. Zeolite-rich beds of th e John Day Formation, Grant and Wheeler Counties, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 25, no. 11, p. 185-197, geologic column, 4 figs, geologic map; plate, Nov . 1963. 3. /B ubble-wall texture and its significance: Jour. Sed . Petrology, v. 33, no. 1, p. 224-227, 4 figs ., March 1963. 4. Wind directions during the eruption of Mount Mazama, Oregon [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America

S pee • Paper 76 , Abstracts for 1963, p. 200, 1964. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE G EOL OGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON . 5 . Iron oxide rings, probable result of fumarole activi ty in Miocene ignim brite [abs .J: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 76 , Abstracts for 1963, p. 58-59, 1964. 6. Resurrec ted Oligocene Hills, eastern Oregon: Am . Jour . Sci ., v. 262, p. 71 3-725, 3 figs ., 4 plates, June 1964. 7. Maximum size, median diameter, and sorting of tephra: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 69, no. 2, p. 341-355, illus., table, 1964. 8. Geology of a Miocene layer, John Day Formation, eastern Oregon: Univ . Calif. Publ . in Geol . Sci., v. 67, 73 p., 7plates, 23 figs., 11 tables, 1966. 9. Textura l comparison of John Day volcanic si l tstone with loess and volcanic ash: Jour . Sed. Petrology, v. 36, no . 3, p. 706-71 8, illus., 1966 . 10. Mechanism of deposition from pyroclastic flows: Am . Jour . Sci ., v. 264, no. 5, p. 350- 363, 9figs., 3 tables, May 1966 . 11. Depositional mechanics and mineral variations of an ignimbrite layer, eastern Oregon: Geol . Soc. America Spec . Paper 87, p. 204, 1966 . 12. Early Tertiary deformation in north -centra l Oregon: Am . Assn . Petroleum Geologists Bul l., v. 51 , no. 1, p. 111-1 23, 6 figs ., Jan. 196 7. 13. Pyrogenic mineral stability, lower mem ber of the John Day Formation , eastern Oregon: Univ. Calif. Publ . in Geol . Sci ., v. 75, 36 p., 1 plate, 13figs., 6 tables, 1968 .

FLAHERTY, G. M. see Young, L. l. 1, 2

FLANAGAN, FRANCIS J . U.S. Geol . Survey silicate rock standards: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. 31 , no. 3, p . 289-308 , March 1967.

FLEISCHER, MICHAEL see Fryklund, Verne C., Jr.

FOGELSON I DAVID E. Simulated lunar rocks: U.S. Bur. Mines paper: Working Group on Extraterrestrial Resources, 6th Ann . Mtg., Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, Feb. 19-21 , 1968.

FOLSOM, MICHAEL M . Volcanic eruptions; the pioneers' attitude on the Pacific Coast from 1800 to 1875: Ore Bin, v. 32, no . 4, p. 61-71 , 2 figs., illus., April 1970.

FORTH , MICHAEL Geology of the southwest quarter of th e Dayville quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 75 p., 22 figs ., 5 plates, geologic map, 1965.

FOSS, T. H. see Laidley, R. A.

FOUCH, THOMAS DEE Geology of the northwest quarter of theBrogan quadrangle, Malheur County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 62 p., 1 tab le, 12 figs., geologic map, 1968 .

FOWLER, GERALD A. see also Boettcher, Richard S.; Byrne, John V. 12, 16; Duncan, John R. 2; Griggs, G. B. 5; Russell, K. L. 1 l. Notes on later Tertiary foraminifera from off the central coast of Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 28, no . 3, p. 53-60, 1 fig ., 2 tables, March 1966. 2. (and Duncan, John R.) Late Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera l trends off Oregon [a bs .J: Am. Assn . Petroleum Geologists Bul l., v. 51 , no. 3, pt. 1, p. 464, March 1967. ' 3. (Hunger, Arthur A., and Manske , Douglas C.) Foraminiferal trends in marginal marine environ­ ments of Oregon [a bs .l: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 72, 1968. BIBLIOGRAPHY 33

4. (and Mueh l berg, Gary E.) Tertiary foraminiferal paleoecology and biostratigraphyof part of Oregon continental margin [a bs .]: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bull., v.53, no . 2, p. 467, 1969. 5 . (Kulm, L'. D., Duncan, John R., and Griggs, Gary B.) late quaternary deep-sea stratigraphy and paleoclimatology of a middle to high lati tude region, northeastern Pacific: Geol . Soc . America , Abstracts with Programs, Part 7, p. 275-277, 1969.

FOXWORTHY, B. l . see also Hogenson, G. M. 3; Price, Don 3 1. Deformed basaltic caprock as an aquifer at Cow Valley, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 424-C, p. 150-151 , 1 fig., 1961 . 2. (Hogenson, G. M., and Hampton, E. R .) Records of wells and springs, water levels, and chemical quality of ground water in the east Portland area, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer's office Ground-water Rpt. no. 3, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, 79 p., 5 tables, 3 figs ., 1 plate, 1964. 3. (and Bryant, C. T .) Artificial recharge through a well tapping basalt aquifers at The Dal les, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey WSP 1594-E, 55 p., ?figs., 1 plate, 5 tables, 1967. 4. Hydrologic conditions and artificial recharge through a well in the Salem Heights area of Salem , Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey WSP 1594-F, 6 figs., 5 tables, 2 plates, geologic map, 1970 .

FRANK, F. J. see also Frank, J. F. 1. Availability of ground water in the Clatsop Plains sand-dune area, Clatsop County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water Resources Div., in coop. with Clatsop County, Oregon, open-fi le report, 12 p., 5 figs ., 2 tables, 1968. 2. (and Harris, A . B.) Water-resources appraisal of Crater lake National Park, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter Res . Div., in coop . with Natl . Park Service, open-fi le report, 26 p., 4 tables, 4 figs., geologic map, 1969. 3. Ground-water resources of the Clatsop Plains sand-dune area, Clatsop County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey WSP 1899-A , in coop. with Clatsop County, 41 p., 8 figs., 8 tables, geohydro­ logic map, 1970.

FRANK J . F. see also Frank, F. J. (and Johnson, Nyra A.) Selected ground-water data in the Eugene-Springfield area, southern Willamette Valley, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer Ground Water Rpt. 14, 70 p., illus., tables, 1970.

FREER , Will iAM M . The Ira Williams library: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 31, no . 3, p. 23-24, March 1965.

FRENCH, W. S . see Chiburis, E. F.; Dehlinger, Peter 9; Shore, G. G., Jr.

FRIEDMAN, IRVING I. see Murata , K. J. 1, 2


FRYKlUND, VERNE C ., JR . . (and Fleischer, Michael) The abundance of scandium in volcanic rocks, a preliminary estimate: Geochim . Cosmochim. Acta, v. 27, no. 6, p. 643-664, 10 figs ., ?tables, June 1963 .

FRYXEll, ROALD see also Steen, Virginia C. 2 ./ 1. Regional patterns of sedimentation recorded by cave and rock-shelter stratigraphy in the Colum ­ bia Plat eau , Washington [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 76 , Abstrac ts for 1963, p. 273, 1964. 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEO LOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

2. Mazama and Glacier Peak volcanic ash layers; relative ages (lab. of Anthropo logy, Wash . State Univ., Pu l lman): Science, v . 147, no. 3663, p. 1288-1 290, 1 fig ., March 12, 1965. 3. (and Cook, Earl F., eds .) A field guide to the loess deposits and channeled scablands of th e Pa louse area, eastern Washington: Wash . State Univ., lab. of Anthropology, Rpt. Invest. no . 27, 32 p. , 1 964 .

FUGATE, ARDEN D . see Blake, Henry E., Jr.


1 • (Kingston, Gmy A., and Petersen, Norman S .) The mineral industry of Oregon, � U.S. Bur . Mines Minera l Yearbook, 1959, v. Ill, Area Rpts., p. 81 3-826, 1960. 2. (, William N.,and Petersen, Norman S.) The mineral industry of Oregon, in U.S. Bur. - Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1960, v . Ill, Area Rpts., p. 829-843, 1961 . 3. (Hale, William N ., and Knostman, Richard W .) The mineral industry of Oregon, -in U.S. Bur . Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1961, v. Ill, Area Rpts., p. 853-869, 1962. 4. Aluminum fabrication in th e Pacific Northwest, an economic survey: U.S. Bur . Mines IC 8123, 29 p., 1962. 5. Trends and outlook in the Pacific Northwest aluminum industry: U.S. Bur . Mines IC 8046, 42 p., 1962. 6. (Hale, William N., and Miller, Robert A.) Th e mineral industry in Oregon, in U.S. Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1962, v. Ill, Area Rpts., p. 871 -886, 1963. - 7. (Hale, William N., and Kingston, Gary A.) The minera l industry of Oregon, in U.S. Bur . Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1963, v. Ill, Area Rpts., Domestic, p. 891 -907, 1964. 8. (a nd Gray, Jerry J .) The titanium industries and their relation to the Pa cific Northwest, in Pacific Northwest Econom ic Base Study for Power Markets: Bonneville Power Admin., in coop . with U.S. Bur . Mines, v. 2, part7G , 46 p., 6 figs ., 1964 . 9. (and Gray, Jerry J.) The magnesium industry and its relation to the Pacific Northwest, in Pacific Northwest Economic Base Study for Power Markets: Bonneville Power Admin., incoop . withU.S. Bur. Mines, v. 2, part 7E, 59 p., 13 figs., 18 tables, 1965.

FULLAM , TIMOTHY J . see Whetten, John T. 3, 6 Th e measurement of bedload from sand wave migration in Bonneville Reservoir on the Columbia River: Univ. Washington doctoral dissert., 135 p., 1969. [a bs .] Dissert. Abs . lnternat., Sec . B, Sci. and Eng., v. 30, no . 11, p. 5099B, 1970 .

FULLER, M . see Dunn, J .; Ito, H. 1, 2, 3

FURSMAN, OLIVER C . see also B lake, Henry E., Jr. 1. Recovery of mineral va lues in cupriferous and nickeliferous pyrrhotite: U.S. Bur. Mines Rl 6043, 24 p., 3 figs., 1962 . 2. (Blake, Henry E., Jr., and Mauser, James E.) Recovery of alumina and iron from Pacific Northwest bauxites by the Pedersen process: U.S . Bur . Mines R l 7079, 22 p., 15 tab les, 4 figs ., 1968.

G GAIL, ROBERT W . 1. Harney County obsidian: lapidary Jour., v. 20, no . 1, p. 107, 109-1 12, illus., Apri l 1966 . 2. Fabu lous Stinkingwater -Oregon 's treasure land: lapidary Jour., v. 21 , no . 1, p.120-122, 124, 126, 128-1 31 , April 1967.

GAll, GEORGE How we came to find the Biggs picture jasper: lapidary Jour., v. 19, no . 3, p. 350-351 , illus . , June 1965. BIBLIOGRAPHY.- 35

GALLAGHER, JOHN N. see also Couch, R. W. 4 A method for determining the source mechanism in small earthquakes with application to the Pacific Northwest region: Oregon State Univ. doctora l dissert., 187 p., 7 tab les, 50 figs., 1969.

GAMER, ROBERT L . 1. The book of ten thousand pages: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 35, no . 9, p. 72-78, illus., Sept. 1969. 2. Geology of the Klamath Mountains catnpout: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 36, no. 9, p. 66-70, Sept. 1970 .

GASKELL, ROBERT see Redo, Verri ll

GASKILL, DAVID l. see also Young, L. L 3, 4, 5 j Geology, in Waterpower resources of the Wilson River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey

WSP 1329-B, p. 42-48, illus ., geologic map, 1961 •

GAST, P. W. see Kay, R.

GATES, GEORGE 0. Earthquake hazards, in Geologic hazards and pub I ic problems , Olson, R. A., and Wallace, M. M., eds .: LU .S.l Office of Emergency Preparedness, Region 7, Conf., San Francisco, Calif., 1969, Proc .: Washington, D. C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, p. 19-52, illus., 1970 .

GEER, M . R. see also Perry, Harryi Yancey, H . F. 1. (and Yancey , H. F.) Washability examinations of coals from the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast States: U.S. Bur . Mines Rl 5905, 34 p., 1961 . 2. Disposal of solid wastes from coal mining in Washington, Oregon, and Montana: U.S. Bur . Mines IC 8430, 39 p., 14 figs., 2 tables, 1969.

GELDSTZER, HELMUT 1. Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Owyhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek region , east-central Oregon: Univ. Wash . master's thesis, 93 p., 33 figs., 1 table, geologic map, 1966 . 2. Late Cenozoic volcanic cycl es in the Pacific Northwest and their tectonic implications: Geol . Soc. Am erica Abstracts with Programs; v. 2, no . 2, p. 93, 1970.

GEMPERLE, M . see Deh linger, Peter 5, 7, 8

GENTILE, R. see Perry, Harry

GEOLOGICAL SOCIETYOF THE OREGON COUNTRY NEWS LETTER 1. Nehalem saga: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 27, no. 6, p. 36 -39, June 1961 . 2. The Ladd Creek mudslide: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 29, no . 3, p. 14, Feb.

1963. d 3. New fossil found in Oregon: Geol . Soc. Oregon Country News Letter, v. 30, no . 12, p. 90, Dec . 1964 .

GESTER, G . CLARK see Hanna, G. Dallas 2

GIBSON, IAN L . ,, 1. Grande Ronde dike swarm and its relationship to the Columbia River Basalts: Geol . Soc . Amer­ ica Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 205, 1966 . 2. Comparative account of flood basalt volcanism of the Columbia Plateau and eastern Iceland: Bull. Volcan ., v. 33, pt. 2, p. 419-437, 6figs., 1969. )


GILCHRIST, FRANCIS G . Leaves from Oregon's past: Geol. Soc. Oregon Country News Letter, v. 30, no . 11, p. 77- 79, illus., Nov. 1964.

GILES, DAVID l. see Noble, Dona ld C. 1

GILLULY, JAMES 1. The tectonic evolution of th e Uni ted States: Quart. Jour. Geol . Soc . Lond., v. 119, p. 133- 174, illus., 1963. 2. Chronology of tectonic movements in the western Uni ted States: Am . Jour . Sci., v. 265, no. 5, p. 306-331 , 2 figs ., May 1967. 3. Oceanic sediment volumes and conti nental drift: Science, v. 166, no . 3908, p. 992-993, Nov . 21, 1969. 4. Volcanism , tectonism, and plutonism in western United States: Geol . Soc . Amer . Spec . Paper no. 80, 7 figs., 69 p., 1965. 5. Reply to Ramspott, L. D.: Discussion - Volcanism, tectonism, and plutonism in the western United States: Geol. Soc . America Bul l., v. 77, p. 667-670, June 1966 .

GIRARD I WILLIAM w. Stereonet analysis of moderately deformed sedimentary strata: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 50 p., 10 figs., tectonic map, 1962.

GLADWELL, JOHN S . (and Tinney, E. Roy) Umpqua estuary model study: Wash . State lnst. Tech . Bul l. 265, 9 plates,

52 figS o I 1 07 P o I 1 962 o

GLENN, J. l. see also Prych, Edmund A. 1. Gravel deposits in the Wil lamette Va lley between Salem and Oregon City, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 3, p. 33-47, 7figs., 1962. 2. Late Quaternary sedimentation and geologic history of the north Wil lamette Val ley, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doctoral dissert., 231 p., 47 figs., 25 tables, geologic map, 1965.

GODCHAUX, MARTHA MILLER 1. Petrology of the Greyback igneous complex and contact aureole, Klamath Mountains, south­ western Oregon: Univ . Oregon doctora l dissert., 223 p., 8 tables, 52 figs., 1969. 2. (and Kays, M. A.) Petrology of the Greyback intrusive complex and contact aureole, south­ western Oregon [a bs .l: Geol. Soc . America, Abstracts with Programs 1969, pt. 3, p. 18-19, 1969.

GODWIN, l. H. (and Peterson, N. V .) Geothermal energy, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 64, P:299- 304, 1 fig ., 1 table, 1969.

GOEBEL, LEO R . Geology of a portion of the Lostine River Valley, Wallowa County, Oregon: Univ . Oregon master's thesis, 46 p., 1 fig ., 20 plates, geologic map, 1963.

GOLDSTEIN, A . (Strangway, D. W., and Larson, E. E.) Pa leomagnetism of Miocene transition zone in south­ eastern Oregon: Earth ·and Planetary Sci . Letters, v. 7, no . 3, p. 231-239, illus., table, 1969.

GOLES , GORDON G. see Osawa, Masumi; Rangle, Keith; Williams, Howe! 3 BIBLIOGRA PHY 37

GONSALVES , RONALD Foramini fera from the type Astoria Formation: Co I if. Univ . master1s thesis, 153 p., 13 figs., geologic maps, 1965.

GOSS, W . D . see Coats, R. R.

GOTTFRIED, DAVID see also Anderson, A. T.; Tilling, Robert I. (Moore, Roosevelt, and Campbell, Esma) Thorium and uranium in some volcanic rocks from th e circum-Pacific Province: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 450E, p. 85-89, 3 figs., 3 tables, 1963.

GOUGH, D. I. see Camfield, P. A.

GRA HAM, ALAN KEITH 1. The Sucker Creek- Trout Creek Miocene floras of southeastern Oregon: Michigan Univ. doctoral dissert., 41 1 p., 12 tables, 5 figs., 27 plates, geologic map, 1962. 2. Systematic revision of the Sucker Creek and Trout Creek Miocene floras of southeastern Oregon: Am . Jour. , v. 50, no. 9, p. 921-936, illus., ta bles, 1963. 3. The Sucker Creek and Trout Creek Miocene floras of southeastern Oregon: Kent State Univ. Research Ser. 9 (Bull., v. 53, no . 12) , 147p., illus., tables, 1965.

GRANT, RAYMOND W . New data on tri dymite: Am . Mineralogist, v. 52, nos . 3-4, p. 541 , tables, 1967.

GRANTZ, ARTHUR see Moore, James G.

GRAVES, M . L. see Lovering, T. G.

GRAY, JANE see .also Martin, P. S. 1. Northwest American Tertiary palynology - the emerging picture, in Ancient Pacific floras ­

The Pollen Story: Honolulu , Univ . of Hawaii Press, p. 21-30, ilhJs., tab le, 1964. · 2. (and Kankichi, Sohma) Fossil Pachysandra from Western America with a comparative study of pol len in Pachysandra and Sarcococca: Am . Jour . Sci.,v. 262, no . 10, p. 1159- 1197, 6 figs., 5 plates, 4 tables, Dec . 1964. 3. (and Kittleman, l. R.) Geochronometry of th e Columbia River Basalt and associated floras of eastern Washington and western Idaho: Am . Jour . Sci., v. 265, no . 4, p. 257-291 , 2 figs., table, Apri1 1967. 4. Northwest American Tertiary palynology: the emerging picture, in Ancient Pacific Floras .. The Pollen Story, Cranwell, lucy M. (ed .): Honolulu, Univ. ofHawaii Press, 3 figs., 4 plates, table, p. 21-30, 1964. . 5. The em erging pollen picture in the American Northwest [abs .] , in Symposium on Po llen Clues to Ancient Pacific Floras: Abstracts, Symposium Papers, Tenth Pacific Science Congress, · Honolulu, p. 144, 1961 .

) .. GRAY, JERRY J. see also Collins, Ronald P. 1, 2, 3,; Ful kerson, Frank B. 8, 9; White� Jack C. 1. (and Kingston, Gary A.) The mineral industry of Oregon, in U. S. Bur . Mines Minerals Year- book, 1964, v. Ill - Area Rpts: Domestic, p. 829-843, 1965 . � 2. (Kingston, Gary A., and McComb, Mary Anne) The mineral industry of Oregon, in U.S. Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1968, v. Ill- Area Rpts: Domestic, p. 615-627, 1970 . 3. (Kingston, Gary A., and McComb, Mary Anne) The mineral industry of Oregon, 1969, in U.S. Bur . Mines Minera ls Yearbook, 1969, v. Ill - Area Rpts: Domestic, p. 619-631, 1970 . 4. (Petersen, N. S., and Kingston, G. A.) Mineral transportation costs in the Pacific North­ west: U.S. Bur . Mines IC 8381 , 30 p ., 10 tables, 3 figs., 1968 . 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

GRAY, W. L. see Bowen, R. G. 6

GRE ELEY I RONALD 1. Geology and morphology of selected lava tubes in the vicinity of Bend, Oregon: Nat' I Aero:. nautics and Space Admin., Moffett Field, Calif., 24 figs., 3 plates, 51 p., 1970 . 2. Terrestrial analogs to lunar dimple {drainage) craters: Moon, v. 1, no. 2, p. 237-252, illus., 1969. rAbs .] Meteoritics, v. 4, no. 4, p. 276, 1969.

GREEN, ARTHUR R . . Geology of the Crow ley area, Malheur County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon maste�'s th esis, 149 p., 6 figs., 1 ta ble, 26 plates, geologic map, 1962.

GREEN, J ACK see also Osgood, Jack (and Kennedy, J .) Selection of rock standards for lunar research, in Geological Problems in Lunar Research: New York Acad. Sci . Annals, v. 123, art. 2, p-:-1123- 1147, illus., table, 1965.

GREENE, ROBERT C. see also Walker, George W. 5, _1 0 1. Petrography and petrology of volcanic rocks in th e Mount Jefferson area, High Cascade Range, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1251-G, 48 p., 27 figs., 8 tables, 1968. 2. A crystal-rich ash-flow tuff in southeast Oregon [a bs .]: Geol . Soc . America , Abstracts with Programs, v, 2, no . 2, p. 97-98, 1970.

GREGORY, CECILIA DOLORES see also Bowen, R. G. 6 , The geology of the Stinking Water Creek area, H�rney County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 59 p., geologic map, 1962.


1 • The fossil woods near Holley in the Sweet Home Petrified Forest, Linn County , Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 4, p. 57-76 , 9 figs., 4 plates, table, April 1968. 2. Fossilized pa lm wood in Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 5, p. 93-110, 9 figs., May 1969. 3. Worm-bored poplar from the Eocene of Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31, no . 9, p. 184- 185, Sept. 1969. 4. An ancient acacia wood from Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 32, no . 11, p. 205-210, 3 figs., Nov . 1970.

G"RIFFIN, JAMES B . see Crane, H. R. 1, 2, 3

GRIGGS, ALLAN B . see also Peck, Dallas L. 4, 6 . Geology of the Cascade Range, in Mineral and W�ter Resources of Oregon: Dept. of Geol. and Mineral Indus ., Bul l. 64, irUoop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 53-59, 1 fig ., 1969.

' .. GRIGGS, G. B . see also Duncan, John R. 3; Fowler, G. A. 5; Kulm, L . D. 4 1. (Carey , A. G., and Kulm, L . D.) Deep-sea sedimentation and sediment-fauna interaction in Cascadia Channel and on Cascadia Abyssal Plain: Deep-Sea Research, v. 16, no . 2, p. 157- 170, illus�, table, 1969. , 2. (and Kulm, L. D.) Glacial marine sediments from the northeast Pacific: Jour. Sed. Petrol., v. 39, no . 3, p. 1142- 1 148, 6 figs., Sept. 1969. 3. (and Kulm, L . D.) Sedimentation in Cascadia Deep-sea Channel: Geol . Soc . America Bull., v. 81, no . 5, p. 1361-1384, 17 figs., May 1970 . 4. (and Kulm, L. D.) Physiography of Cascadia Deep-sea Channel: Northwest Sci . � v. 44 , no . 2, p. 82- 94 , 6 figs ., May 1970. , 5. (Kulm, L. D., , A. C., and Fowler, G. A.) Deep-sea gravel from Cascadia Channel: Jour . Geology, v. 78 , no .5, p. 611-619, 2 tables, 5 figs ., Sept. 1970. 6. Cascadia Channel: the anatomy of a deep-sea channel: Oregon State Univ. doctoral dissert., 183 p., 38 figs., 10 tab les, 2plates, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY 39

7. Possible Holocene climactic fluctuations: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no . 2, p. 98, 1970 .

GROBEN, Ml KE Natrolite and analcime from Eckman Creek quarry, Waldport, Oregon: Mineralog . Rec ., v. 1, no . 4, p. 153-173, 176, illus., 1970 .

GROH, EDWARD A. see also Peterson, Norman V . 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18 1. Belknap Crater-Yapoah Crater-Collier Cone area field trip - geologic summary, in Lunar Geological Field Conference Guide Book: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral lnd�., Bull. 57, p. 29-38, illus., geologic maps, 1965. 2. Devils Hill-Broken Top area and Lava Butte area field trip - geologic summary, in Lunar Geol­ ogical Field Conference Guide Book: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral lndus .,Bull. 57, p. 1-10, illus., geologic maps, 1965. 3. Geothermal energy potential in Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 7, p. 125- 1 35, July 1966 .

GROLIER, MAURICE J. see , James W.

GROSS, M . GRANT 1. Radioactivity of marine sediments near th e Columbia River [abs .l: Am . Geophys . Union Trans .,

v • 44, no . 1, p . 21 0, 1 963 . 2. (and Nelson, Jack L .) Sediment movement on the continental shelf near Washington and Oregon: Science, v. 154, no . 3751 , p. 879-880, illus., 1966 . 3. The carbonate content of surface sediments from the northeast Pacific Ocean: Northwest Sci ., v. 39, no . 3, p. 85- 92, illus., 1965. 4. Distribution and movement of radioactive Columbia River sediments on the continental shelf of Washington and Oregon [abs .l: Geol . Soc . America, Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 80, 1968 . 5. Sinking ra tes of radioactive fa llout particles in th e northeast Pacific Ocean, 1961_:62: Nature v. 216, no. 51 16, p. 670-672, 2 figs., Nov . 18, 1967. 6. (McManus, Dean A., and Ling, Hsin-Yi) Continental shelf sediment, northwestern United States: J. Sed. Petrology, v. 37, no . 3, p. 790-795, illus., tables, 1967.

GUDE, ARTHUR J ., Ill see Sheppard, Richard A. 3, 4, 7

GUI LDAY, J. E. see Hibbard, C. W.

GUNN, B. M. see also Watkins, N. D. 17 (and Watkins, Norman D.) Geochemistry of the Steens Mountain basalts, Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Bull., v. 81 , no . 5, p. 1497-1516, 16 figs., May 1970 .

GUNN, DO NALD W. see also Sorem , Ronald K. (and Sorem, Ronald K .) Occurrence of the manganese oxides todoroki te and rancieite near Enterprise, Oregon [abs .l: Geol . Soc . America, Spec. Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 329, 1965.


HADDOCK, GERALD H. . 1. Vent location by investigation of lateral and vertical characteristics of a welded ash-flow tu ff: Geol. Soc . America, Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 206-207, 1966 . 2. The Dinner Creek welded ash-flow tuff on the Malheur Gorge area, Ma lheur County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon doctoral dissert. 1 3 ta bles, 26 figs., 19 plates, geologic map, 1967. [abs .] Dissert. Abs., Sec . B., Sci . and Eng., v. 29, no . 1, p. 248B, 1968. 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OR EGON

HAFNER, W . Report on !h e Lunar Geological Field Conference, Bend, Oregon, August 22- 28, 1965: Geophysics, v. 31 , no . 1, p. 267-275, Feb. 1966 .

HAGOOD, A LLE N � Geology of the Monument Peak area, Malheur County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 165 p., 4 figs., 2 tables, 24 plates, geologic map, 1963.

HAINES, FRANCIS D ., JR. (and Smith, Vern S.) Gold on Sterling Creek, a century of placer mining: Medford, Oregon, Gandee Printing Center, Inc., 104 p., illus., 1964.

HALE, WILLIAM N. see also Ful kerson , Frank B. 2, 3, 6, 7 · · Sui fur consumption in the Pacific Northwest, in Pa cific No rthwest economic base study for pow er ma rkets: Bonnevi lle Power Administration, incoop . wilt.U. S. Bur . of Mines, 51 p., 11 figs., 32 ta bles, 1965.

HALL, EFFIE Lower Deschutes Canyon field trip: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 34, no . 6, p. 145- 147, June 1968.

HALLAM , A. Observations of marine Lower Jurassic stratigraphy of North America, with special reference to United States: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 49, no. 9, p. 1485-1501 , 1965.

HALLIDAY, WILLIAM R . Geology of Oregon Caves, Oregon [abs .J: Natl . Speleol . Soc . Bul l., v. 29, no. 3, p. 98 , 1967.

HAM , HERBERT HOOVER The ground-water geology of the southwestern quarter of !h e Eugene quadrangle, Oregon: Univ . Oregon master's lh esis, 90 p., geologic map, 1961 .

HAMILTON, WARREN 1. Overlapping of late Mesozoic orogens in western Idaho: Geol. Soc . America Bu ll., v. 74, p. 779-788, 1 fig., June 1963 . 2. (and Myers, W. Bradley) Cenozoic tectonics of the western United States, in The world rift system; Internet. Upper Mantle Comm ., Symposium , Ottawa, 1965: Canad�Geol. Survey Paper 66-14, p. 291-306, illus., 1966 . 3. {and Myers, W. Bradley) Cenozoic tectonics of th e western Uni ted States: Rev. Geophysics, v. 4, no. 4, p. 509-549, illus., 1966. 4. (and Myers, W. Bradley) The nature of batholilhs: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 554-C, 30 p ., 8 figs ., 1967.

HAMMOND, JOHN H . The study of fossil leaves: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 29, no. 3, p. 21 , March 1963.

HAM PTON, E . R. see also Foxworthy, B. L. 2; Lystrom, D. J. 1, 2; Oster, E . A. 1 1. Ground water from coasta l dune and beach sands: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 424-B, p. 204- 206, 1 fig ., 1961 . 2. Records of wells, water levels and chemical quality of ground water in the Molalla-Salem Slope area, northern Wi llamette Val ley, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer 's Ground Water Rpt. no. 2, in coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, 174 p., 3 tables, 6 figs ., 1963. BIBLIOGRAPHY' 41

3. Ground water in the coastal dune area near Florence, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water­ supply Paper 1539-K, 36 p., 1 plate, 18 figs., 6 tables, 1963. 4. Geologic fa ctors that control the occurrence and availability of ground water in the Fort Rock Basin, Lake County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 383-B, 29 p. 1 illus., geologic map, 1964 . 5. (and Brown, S. G.) Geology and ground-water resources of the upper Grande Ronde River basin, Union County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1597, 99 p., 6 plates, 16 figs., 4 tables, 1964. 6. Geologic map of the Mo lalla-Salem Slope area, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey open-fi le rpt. 1967. •'- i .


1 • Some Pleistocene and PI iocene fresh water from California and Oregon: Co I if. A cad. Sci ., Occasional Paper no . 43, 20 p., 3 figs ., 3 plates , 1963. 2. (and Gester , G. Clark) Pliocene lake beds near Dorris, California: Calif. Acad . Sci ., Occasional Paper no. 42, 17p., 1 fig ., 2plates , Sept. 15, 1963.

HANNESON, BILL see Dicken, Samuel N.

HAN OR, J. S . see Dunham, A. C.

HANSEN, HENRY P. Chronology of postglacial pol len profi les in th e Pacific Northwest (U .S.A.): Rev. Pa leobot. Pa lynol ., v. 4, p. 103-1 05, ta ble, 1967.

HANSON, LARRY G. see also Whetten, J. T. 2, 5 (and Whetten, J. T .) Particle-size distribution of lower Columbia River reservoir sediments: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts for 1965, Spec . Paper 87, p. 72- 73 , 1966 .

HANSON, RONALD L. see Martin, R. 0. R.

HARDING, SAMUEL T. see Algermissen, S. T.

HARDMAN, GEORGE see Snyder, C. T.

HARLOW, DAVID see Decker, Robert W.

HARMAN, ROBERT A. , Processes affecting distribution of foraminifera and other biogenic sediment components off coast of Washington and Oregon [a bs .J: Am . Assoc . Petro leum Geologists Bu ll., v. 53 , no . 2, p. 462-463, 1969.

HARRIS, A . B . see Frank, F. J. 2

HARRIS, DAVID D. see also Waananen, A. 0. 1, 2 ' ,r - 1. Travel ra tes of water for selected streams in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Hydrologic lnv. Atlas HA-273, 1968 . 2. Water-surface elevations and channel characteristics far sel ected reaches of the Rogue River and Elk Creek, Jackson and Josephine Counties, Oregon: U.S .Geol . Survey open-fi le report, 31 p., 43 figs., 1970. 3. (and , C. W .) Water-surface elevations and channel characteristi cs for a selec ted reach of the Applegate River, Jac kson County, Oregon: U.S. GeoL. Survey open-file report,


HARRIS, HENRY M. see .a lso Carter, George J. 1, 2 (Strandberg, Karle G. and Kelly, Hal J.) Resources for making expanded aggregate in western Washington and Oregon: U.S. Bur Mines RI 6061 , 41 p., 8figs., 1962.

HART. D . H. see also Price, Don 3 � (and Newcomb, R. C.) Geology and ground water of the Tualatin Valley, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1697, 172 p., illus., 1965 .

HARWARD, M. E . see Borchardt, G. A. 1 ; Chichester, F. W. 1, 2; Theisen, Arthur A.

HASHIMOTO, MITSUO On th e prehnite-pumpellyite metagraywacke facies [i n Japanese with Engl ish abs .]: Geol . Soc . Japan Jour. , v. 72, no. 5, p. 253-265, i llus ., 1966 . [abs .] Abs . N. Am er . Geol . p. 473, Apr. 1967

HASHIMOTO , STEVE T. see Shaffer, leslie L. D.

HAUCK, SAMUEL M . Geology of the sou thwest quarter of th e Brownsvi lle quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 82 p., 3 figs., 5 tables, 14 plates, geologic map, 1962.

HAWKINS, JAMES W . see also Whetten, .John T. 4 (and Whetten, John T .) Graywacke matrix minerals: hydrothermal reactions with Columbia River sediments: Science, v. 166, no . 3907, p. 868-870, 2 tab les, Nov . 14, 1969.

HAY, RICHARD l. see also Thayer, T. P. 8 1. Origin and diagenetic alteration of the lower part of th e John Day Formation near Mitchell, Oregon, in Engel, A. E. J. and others, (eds.), Petrologic Studies: New York, Geologic Soci ety ofAmerica, Buddington Volume, p. 191-216, 7 figs., 2 tables, 1962 . 2. Soda-rich sanidine of pyroclastic origin from the John Day Formation of Oregon: Am . Miner­ alogist, v. 47, no . 7/ 8, p. 968-971 , table, July-Aug. 1962 . 3. Diagenetic facies in the John Day Formation of Oregon [abs .J: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Papers no . 68, Abstracts for 1961, p. 31 , 1962. 4. Zeolitic in th e John Day Formation of Oregon [a bs .J: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Papers no . 73, Abstrac ts for 1962, p. 41 , 1963. 5. Stratigraphy and zeolitic diagenesis of the John Day Formation of Oregon: Univ . Calif. Pub! . in Geol. Sci ., v. 42, no . 5, p. 199- 262, 5 plates, 10 figs ., 1963.

HAYES, DENNIS E . (and Pitman, Wa l ter C., Ill) Magnetic lineations in th e North Pacific, in Geologica l Investi­ gations of the North Pacific, Hays, James D. (ed .): Geol . Soc . AmericaMemoir 126, p. 291- 314, 7 figs., 3 plates, 1970 .

HAYS , JAMES D . (and Ninkovich , Dragoslav) North Pacific deep-sea ash chronology and age of present Aleutian underthrusti ng, in Geological Investigations of the North Pacific, Hays, James D. (ed .): Geol . Soc . America Memoir 126, 8 figs ., 16 tables, p. 263-290, 1970 .

HEDGE CARL E. see also Peterman, Zell E. 1. (and Peterman, Ze ll E.) Sr87jsr86 of circum-Pacific andesites [a bs .]: Geol . Soc. Am erica , Abstracts with Programs, Part 7, p. 96 , 1969. 2. (Hildreth, R. A., and Henderson, W. T.) Strontium . isotopes in some Cenozoic lavas from Oregon and Washington: Earth and Planetary Sci . letters, v. 8, no . 6, p. 434-438, illus., tab le, 1970. 3. (and Peterman, Zell E.) The strontium isotopic composition of basalts from th e Gordo and Juan de Fuca Rises, northeastern Pacific Ocean: Contrib. Mineral. Petrology - Beitr. Mineral Pet­ rologie, v. 27, no . 2, p. 114-120, illus., 1970. BIBLIOGRAPHY , 43

HEFLIN, EUGENE 1. Oregon's Glass Buttes: prehistoric munitions factories: Lapidary Jour., v. 17, no. 8, p. 81 8- 821 , illus., Nov . 1963. 2. Oregon's radiant sunstones: Lapidary Jour ., v. 17, no. 9, p. 929-930, sketch map, illus ., Dec . 1963.

HEIKEN, GRANT Tuff rings and cones (moors) in the Fort Rock-Christmas Lake Valley basin, sou th-central Oregon [abs .]: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v. 49, no. 4, p. 757, 1968.

HEINRICH, M. ALLEN Geology of the Applegate Group, Kinney Mountain area, southwest Jackson County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 107 p., 14 figs., 9 tables, 11 plates, geologic mop, 1966. . HEINRICHS , DONALD F . see also Couch, R. W. 2, 6; Ku lm, L. D. 9; Thiruvothukol, John V. 3 1. (and Pietrofesa, Leonard J.) The Portland earthquake of January 27, 1968: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 2, p. 37-40, 1 fig ., Feb. 1968. , 2. More bathym etric evidence for block fau lting on the Gorda Rise: Jour . Marine Res., v. 28, no. 3, p. 330- 335, illus., 1970.

HELM, D . C. Records of wells, water levels, and chemical quality of water in the lower Sontiom River basin, middle Wil lomette Valley, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer Ground-water Rpt. 13, 186 p., illus., tab les, 1968.

HELMING, BOB HAGER see Koys , M. Allan 4 Petrology of the Rogue Formation (Upper Jurassic) , southwestern Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 82 p., 6 figs., 5 tables, 25 plates, geologic mop, June 1966 .

HENDERSON, E. P. (and Dole, Hollis M.) The Port Orford meteorite: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 7, p. 113-130, 2 figs ., July 1964 .

HENDERSON, F . B . , Ill Hydrothermal alteration and ore deposition in serpentinite- type mercury deposits: Econ . Geology v. 64, no . 5, p. 489-499, illus., August 1969.

HENDERSON, W . i. see Hedge, Carl E. 2


HERGERT, HERBERT L . Plant fossils in the Clarno Formation, Oregon: Ore Bin, v . 23, no. 6, p. 55-62, illus., June, 1961 .

HERTLEIN, LEO G. , A new genus of gastropod (Drupinoe) from the Pliocene of Oregon and California� Calif. Acad. Sci ., Occasional Paper 49, 5 p., illus., 1965 .

HERZ, NORMAN Titanium , in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., Bul l. 64, in coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 172- 175, 1 fig ., 1969. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERA l RESOURCES OF OR EGON

HESS, H . D . The oceari: mining•s newest frontier: Eng . and Mining Jour ., v. 166, no . 8, p. 79-96, illus., 1965.

HESS, PAU L D . see also Baldwin, Ewart M. 16 Geology of the northeastern quarter of the Powers quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master1s thesis, 91 p., 4 figs., 7 tables, 6 plates, geologic map, 1967.

HEUSSER , CALVIN J . A Pleistocene phytogeograph ical sketch of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, in Quaternary of the United States: Princeton, N. J., Princeton Univ . Press, p. 469-483, 6 figs., 1965.

HEWITT I SAMUEL L . Geo logy of the Fly Creek quadrangle aridthe north half of the Round Butte Do� quadrang le, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. moster•s thesis, 69 p., 47 illus., geologic map, 1970.

HIBBARD , C . W . (Gui I day, J. E., Ray, D. E., Savage, D. E., and Taylor, D. W .) Quaternary mammals of North Am erica, in Quaternary of the Uni ted States: Princeton, N. J., Princeton Univ. Press, p. 509-525, illu'S:", 1965.

HICKCOX, ALICE E . see Clark, Howard C.

HICKMAN, CAROLE JEAN STENTZ The Oligocene marine molluscan fauna of the Eugene Formation in Oregon: Univ. Oregon master•s thesis, 1968. A lso: Oregon Museum Nat. Hist. Bul l. 16, 112 p., 14 plates, 4 tables, 4 figs., 1969.

HICKS , DONALD L . Geo logy of the southwest quarter of the Roseburg quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master•s thesis, 65 p., 5 figs., 1 table, 13 plates, geologic map, 1964.

HIGGINS, MICHAEL W. 1 . (and Waters, Aaron C.) Newberry Caldera , Oregon: a preliminary report: Ore Bin, v. 29, no. 3, p. 37-60, 12figs ., geologic map, March 1967. 2. (and Waters, Aaron C.) Newberry caldera field trip, in Andesite Conference Guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., Bul l. 62, p:-59- 77, 13 figs., 1 table, 1968. 3. Geology of Newberry Crater, central Oregon: Univ. Cal if, Santa Barbara, doctoral dissert ., 320 p., geologic map, 1968. 4. Airfoil ash and pumice lapilli deposits from centra l pumice cone, Newberry Cal dera, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof . Paper 650.. D, Geol . Survey Research 1969, p. D26-D32, 2 tables, 6 figs., 1969. 5. (and Waters, Aaron C.) A re-evaluation of basalt-obsidian relations at East Lake Fissure, New­ Caldera, Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Bull., v.81 , no . 9, p. 2835-2842, 10 figs., 1 tab le, Sept. 1970 .

HILDRETH , R . A . see Hedge, C. E. 2

HILL , DAVID P. Crustal structure of the Columbia Plateau from the EDZO E events: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts with Programs for 1970, v. 2, no . 2, p. 101, 1970. BIBLIOGRAPHY 45

HILL, ROBERT BRUCE Treatment of ore from the Standard Mine, Grant County, Oregon, for the extraction of copper and cobalt: Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology master's thesis, 50 p., 15 figs ., 9 tables, 1966.

HIMMELBERG, G . R. see Thayer, T. P. 9


1. What price gold? Part I • Proposed plans for the improvement of the international monetary system . Part II. The official position of the U.S. Treasury upon international monetary sys­ tems: Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 9, p. 169-186, 1965. 2. What price gold? Part Ill. The relief given to foreign gold mines by their governments: Ore Bin, v. 27, no. 12, p. 245-255, 2 tables, Dec . 1965. 3. What price gold? Part IV. The unique economics of gold: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 2, p. 29-51,

6 figs • , 1 966 • 4. Notes on the history of the sand and gravel industry in Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 12, p. 225-237, 6 figs., Dec . 1969.

HIXSON, HARRY C. Geology of the southwest quarter of the Dixonville quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's · thesis, 97 p., 11 figs., 14 plates, geologic map, 1965.

HOAGLAND, L. L. see Wagner, N. S. 4

HOBBS, S . W . (and Magi ll, E. A.) Tungsten, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., Bul l. 64, i�coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 175- 180, 1 fig ., 1 table, 1969.

HOFFER , JERRY M. The Rock Creek flow of the Columbia River Basalt: Northwest Sci ., v. 41 , no. 1, p. 23-31 ,

5 figs • , Feb • 1 96 7.

HOFFMAN, CHARLES S . Priceite in Curry County: Ore Bin, v. 32, no . 2, p. 34-35, Feb. 1970 .

HOGENSON, G. M. see also Foxworthy, B. L. 2

1 • Ground water in the east Portland area, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi I e rpt., 194 p :, 6 figs., 1 962 . 2. Geology and ground water of the Umati lla River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Water­ supply Paper 1620, 162 p., 2 plates, geologic map, 14 figs ., Stables, 1964. 3. (and Foxworthy, B. L.) Ground water in the east Portland area, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1793, 78 p., 2 plates, 2 figs., 4 tabI es, 1965.

HOLBROOK, W. F. , (and Yerkes, L. A.) Extraction of alumina from ferruginous bauxite by a double-leach process: U.S. Bur . Mines Rl 6280, 20 p., 6 figs., 1963.

HOLLAND I w. y. see DePuy I G. w.

HOLMES, KENNETH L . New horizons in historical research: the geologists' frontier: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 8, p. 151- 159, August 1968. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE G EO LOGY AND MINERA L RESOURC ES OF OR EGON

HOLMGREN, DENNIS A . 1. Columbia River Basalt patterns from central Washington to northern Oregon: Univ. Washi ngton doctora l dissert., 56 p., illus., geologic map. [a bs .]: Dissert. Abs., lnt•l.: Sec . B., Sci . & Eng., v. 31 , no . 2, p. 759B, 1970 . 2. Columbia River Basalt stratigraphic patterns near Yakima and Columbia Gorge areas, Washington and Oregon [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts for 1969, Part 3, p. 26, 1969.

HOLT, D. C. see Kauffman, A. J., Jr.

HOOVER, LINN Geology of the Anlauf and Drain quadrangles, Douglas and Lane Counti es, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Bu ll. 1122-D, 62 p., 1963.

HOPKINS, D . M . see Wolfe, J. A. 3

HOPKINS, WILL IAM S., JR. Palynology and its pal eoecologica l application in the Coos Bay area, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 29, · no. 9, p. 161-183, 5 plates, 2 tables, Sept. 1967.

HOPSON, C . A . 1. (and Waters, A. C.) Isotopic composition of lead and stronti um in crystalline rocks from the northern Cascade Range, United States, in and isotope geoch emistry: Carnegie Insti tution, Ann . Rpt. of Director Geophys . Lab., 1964- 1 965, p. 171-177, 2 figs, 3 tables, Dec . 1965. 2. (Crowder, D. F., and Tabor, R. W .) Association of andesitic volcanoes in the Cascade Moun­ tains with late Tertiary epizona l plutons [abs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 80, 1966 .

HOPSON, RUTH E . 1. The arctic alpine zone in the Three Sisters region: Mazama, v. 43, no . 13, p. 14- 27, illus.,

map, Dec • . 1 96 1 . 2 . Collier Glacier, 1961: Mazama, v. 43, no . 13, p. 37- 39, illus., Dec . 1961 . 3. Collier Glacier, 1962: Mazama, v. 44, no . 13, p. 44-47, illus., Dec . 1962. 4. Collier Glacier, 1963: Mazama, v. 45, no . 13, p. 48-49, illus ., Dec . 1963. 5. Collier Glacier, 1965: Mazama, v. 47, no . 13, p. 54-56 , 3 figs., Dec . 1965 .

HORN, B . M . see Horn, D . R.

HORN, D . R . (Horn, B. M., and Delach, M. N.) Sedimentary provinces of the North Pacific, in Geolog­ ical Investigations of the North Pacific, Hays, James D. (ed .): Geol. Soc . America Memoir 126, 8 figs., 1 plate, p. 1-21 , 1970 .

HORN, ELIZABETH MUELLER Ecology of the Pumice Desert, Crater Lake National Park: Northwest SeT .,·� . '42, no . 4, p. 141-147, illus., tables, 1968 . '

HOTZ, PRESTO N E. see also Lanphere, M. A . 1. of peridotite, soutnwest Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey, Prof. Paper 424-D, p. 327- 331 , 3figs., 3tables, 1961 . 2. Nickeliferous laterites in sou thwestern Oregon and northwestern California: Econ . Geology, v. 59, no . 3, p. 355-396 , 11 tables, 8 figs ., May 1964. 3. Relations between the Dothan and Rogue Formations, southwest Oregon [abs .] : Geol. Soc . America, Abstracts for 1969, Part 3, p. 27-28, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY" 47

4. Relationships between the Dothan and Rogue Formations, southwestern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 650-D, Geol . Survey research 1969, p. D131-1 37, 3 figs ., geo logic map, 1969. S. (and Ramp, Len) Nickel, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., Bu ll. 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 163-1 67, 1 fig ., 1969.

HOUTERMANS, J . I (, H. E., and Munk, W .) Effect of industrial fuel combustion on the Carbon-14 level of atmospheric C02, in Radioactive dating and methods of low- level counting; IAEA-ICSU Sym­ posium, Monaco, 1967, Proc .: Vienna, Austria, Internationa l Atomic Energy Agency, p. 47- 68, illus., tables, 1967.

HOVEN, ROWENA Molalla River field trip: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country N ews Letter, v. 30, no . 5, p. 34-35, May 1964 .


A new species of the 11 Pigmy Goose, 11 Anabernicula, from the Oregon Pleistocene, with a discussion of the genus: Am. Mus . Nat. Hist. Novitates no. 2200, 14 p., illus., Dec . 15, 1964.

HOWARD, JOHN K . see also Dott, R. H., Jr. 2 1. Stratigraphy and structure of the Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area, southwest Oregon: Univ. Wisconsin master's thesis, 52 p., 5 plates, 6 figs ., geologic map, 1961 . 2. (and Dott, R. H., Jr.) Geology of Cape Sebastian State Park and its regional relationshi ps: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 8, p. 75-81, geologic map, Aug , 1961 .


1 • The age of the Mt, Ta bor cinder cone: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 28, no , 9, p. 58, Sept. 1962. 2. Depositional environment of th e Portland Hills Silt: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 28, no . 4, p. 17-20, April 1962, 3. How the Nehalem River lost its head: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter , v. 28, no . 11, p. 73- 74, Nov . 1962. , 4. Background for a journey to the Clackamas upland: Geol , Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 29, no, 6, p. 45-48,· June 1963. 5. The Columbia River Basalt: another hypothesis: Geol. Soc , Oregon Country News Letter, . v. 29, no . 1, p. 3-4, January 1963. 6. My unstuffed shirt: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 29, no . 5, p. 37-38, May 1963. 7. South Fork safari: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 35, no . 12, p. 105- 107, Dec . 1969.

8. · The great glacial floods of the Columbia River: Geol . Soc . Country News Letter, v. 34, no .

5, Po 1 33-1 371 1968 o

HOXIE, L . R . The Sparta flora fr om Baker County, Oregon: Northwest Sci., v. 39, no. 1, p. 26-35, Feb .

� 1965.

HUBBARD I LARRY L. Water budget of Upper K lamath La ke, southwestern Oregon: U.S, Geol . Survey Hydro(, Invest. Atlas HA-351 , 1970.


HUBBELL, DAVID W . see Prych, Edmund A. -·-

HUBBS, CARL L . (Bien, George S., and Suess, Hans E.) La Jolla natural radiocarbon measurements IV: Radiocarbon, v. 7, p. 103- 104, 1965.

HUBER, N . KING (and Rinehart, C. Dean) Some relationships between the refractive index of fused glass beads and th e petrologic affinity of sui tes: Geol . Soc , America Bull., v. 77, no . 1, p. 101-109, ?figs., Jan. 1966 .

HUBERT, ARTHUR see Clifton, H. Edward 1

HUFFMAN, CLAUDE, JR. see Rader, l. F.

HULSING, HARRY (and Kallio, N. A .) Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States - Part 14: Pacific Slope basins in Oregon and lower Columbia River basin: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1689, 320 p., 1964.

H UNGER, ARTHUR A. see also Fowler, Gerald A. 3 Distribution of foraminifera, Netarts Bay, Oregon: Oregon State Univ . master's thesis, 112 p., 21 figs ., 10 tab les, 1966 .

HUNTER , RALPH E. (Clifton, H. Edward, and Ph illips, R. lawrence) Geology of the stacks and reefs off the southern Oregon coast: Ore Bin, v. 32, no . 10, p. 185-201 , 2 tables, 10 figs., geologic maps, Oct. 1970.

HUNTER, WILLARD l. (and Kingston, Gary A .) Ferrochrom ium from western metallurgical-grade chromite: U.S. Bur . Mines Rpt. lnv. 5897, 9 p., 8 tables, 1961 .

HUNTTING, M . T . (Bennett, W., Levingston, V. E., Jr., and Moen, W. S.) Geologic map of Washington: Washington Div . Mines and Geol ., 1961 . Scale 1:500,000

HURST, VERNON J. see Vistelius, Andrew B.

HUTCHISON, JOHN HOWARD 1. Late Tertiary insectivores of the northern GreatBa sin: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 173 p., 47 figs., 1964. 2. Notes on some Upper Miocene shrews from Oregon: Univ. Oregon Museum Nat. Hist., Bul l.

2, 23 p., 17 figs., 8 tables, March 1966 . ' / 3. Two aquatic insectivores from North America [a bs .]: Geol . Soc . Am erica Spec . Paper 101,

Abstracts for 1966, p. 314, 1968. .. � 4. Fossil Talpidae (Insectivore, Mammalia) from the later Tertiary of Oregon: Univ. Oregon Mus­ eum Nat. Hist., Bull. 11, 117 p., 98 figs ., 27 tables, 1968.

HUTT, JEREMY R . see Berg, J. W., Jr. 12

HUXEL, C. J ., JR 1. (Everett, D. E ., and Parkes, J. E.) Effects of irrigation development on the water supply of Quinn River Valley area, Nevada and Oregon, 1950-64: Nevada Dept. Conserv . & Nat. Resources Water Resources Bu ll. 34, 80 p., illus., tables, 1966. BIBUOGRAPH't 49

2. (Everett, D. E., and Parkes, J. E.) Effects of irrigation development on the water supply of Quinn River Valley area, Nevada and Oregon, 1950.,.64: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le report,· 1 17 p., illus., 1966.

HYDE, JACK H. Geologic setting of Merrill Lake and eva luation of volcanic hazards in the Kalama River Valley near Mount St. Helens, Washi ngton: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le report, 17p., 4figs., 1970 .

IKEAGWAUNI, FRED DUAKA Photogeology of the Picture Rock Pass area, Lake County, Oregon: Univ . Oregon master•s thesis, 75 p., 10 figs., 2 tables, geologic map, 1965.

IMLAY, RALPH W . see also Jones, David L. 2; Popenoe, W. P.; Wagner, Norman S. 2 1. Late Jurassic ammonites from the western Sierra Nevada, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 374-D, p. 3- 10, 4 plates, 1961 . 2 . Upper Jurassic mollusks from eastern Oregon and western Idaho: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof . Paper 483-D, 21 p., 4 plates, 1964. 3. Jurassic marine faunal differentiation in North America: Jour . Pal eontology, v. 39, no. 5, p. 1023-1038, 6 figs., Sept. 1965. 4. The Mesozoic pelecypods Otapiria Warwick and Lupherella Imlay, newgenus , in the United States: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 573-B, 11 p., 2 plates, 2 figs., 3 tables, 1967. 5. Lower Jurassic (Pli ensbachian and Toarcian) ammonites from eastern Oregon and Ca lifornia: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof . Paper 593-C, 51 p., 9 plates, 8 figs ., 3 tables, 1968. 6. (and Jones, D. L.) Ammonites from the Buchia zones in northwestern California and southwest­ ern Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 647-B, 59 p., 8 figs., 2 tables, 15 plates, 1970.

INTERNATIONAL OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT Oil and gas development in Oregon, 1965: Internet. Oil Gas Devel . , Part 1, v. 36, p. 259- 268, 1966.

IRVING, E. (and Roy, Jean L.) lntensite et stabilite d1aimantation des basaltes de !'Oregon et Washington et leurs applications a t•.expansion du fond de !'ocean et a d•autres problemes geophysiques [w ith English abs .] [Intensity and stability of magnetization in Oregon and Washington basalts, and their applications to sea-floor spreading and other geophysical problems]: Canad . Jour. Earth Sci., v. 5, no. 4, Pt. 1, p. 907-91 3, illus., tables, 1968 .

IRWIN, WILL IAM P. see also Blake, M. C., Jr.; Lanphere, M. A. 1. Geologic reconnaissance of the northern Coast Ranges and Klamath Mountains, California, with a summary of the mineral resources: Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 179, 80 p., 15 illus., 16 figs., geologic map, 1960. ' · 2. Late Mesozoic orogenies in the ultramafic belts of northwestern California and southwesfern Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 501-C, p. Cl-C9, 6 figs., geologic map, 1964.

3. Geology of the Klamath Mountains: Calif. Div. Mines and Geol . Mineral lnf. Service, v. 23, _,... no. 7, p. 135- 137, illus., July 1970.

ITO, H . see also Dunn, J. 1. (and Fuller, M .) A paleomagnetic study of a reversal of th e Earth1s magnetic field [abs.]: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v. 49, no. 1, p. 127, 1968. 2. (Fuller, M ., Schmidt, V ., and others) Pa leomagnetic studies of field reversals [abs .]: Am . Geophys . Union Trans., v. 50, no, 4, p. 129, 1969. 50 BIBLI OGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OR EGON

3. (and Fuller, M .) A paleomagnetic study of the reversal process of the geomagnetic field, in Palaeogeophysics, S. K. Runcorn, (ed .}: NewYo rk, Academic Press, p. 133- 1 37, illus.;-1 970 .

IVES, PATRICIA C. see also Levin, Betsy 1, 2 (Levin, Betsy; Oman, Char les L.; and Rubin, Meyer) U.S. Geol . Survey radiocarbon dates, IX: Radiocarbon, v. 9, p. 517-51 8, 1967.


JACK, R . N .

1 • (Lajoie, K. R., and Carmichael, I. S. E.) "Finger-printing" of obsidian and pumice from the western United States [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 107, 1968. 2. (and Carmichael, I. S. E.) The chemical "fingerprinting" of acid volcanic rocks, in Short Contributions to California Geology: Calif. Div. Mines and Geol. Spec . Rpt. 1 06;"p. 17-32, 1 table, 7 figs., 1969.

JAMES, G. T . see Evernden, J. F • 1, 2

JAN, M . QAS IM Geology of the McKenzie River valley between the South Santiam Highway and the McKenzie Pass Highway, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 70 p., 9 tables, 2 figs ., 10 plates, geologic map, Dec . 1967.

JANDA , RICHARD J. Age and correlation of marine terraces near Cape Blanco, Oregon [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America, . Abstrac ts for 1969, Pt . 3, p. 29-30, 1969.

JARMAN, CLARA - Effect of Tertiary intrusions on Cretaceous mudstones near Mitchell, Oregon [abs .]: Northwest Sci ., v. 44, no . 1, p. 63, 1 970.

JARMAN, GARY DAVIS Recent foraminifera and associated sediments of the continenta l shelf in the vicinity of Newport, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 110 p., 8 plates, 1962.

JEFFORDS, R . M . see Kleweno, W. P., Jr. 1, 2

JEHL, JOSEPH R., JR. 1. Pleistocene birds from Fossi l Lake, Oregon: Condor, v. 69, no. 1, p. 24-27, illus., tables, 1967. 2. Fossil grouse of the genus Dendragapus: San Diego Soc . Nat. Hist. Trans., v. 15, no. 12, p.

165-1 74, illus., tables, 1969. , .. ' ,' JELETZ KY, J. A.

1 • Evolution and biochronology of North A'merica Buchia in latest Jurassic and early Early Creta­ ceous time [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 73, Abstracts for 1962, p. 179, 1963. 2. Late Upper Jurassic and early Lower Cretaceous fossil zones of the Canadian Western Cordil­ lera, British Columbia: Geol. Survey of Canada Bul l. 103, 70 p. , 20 plates, 4 figures, 1965.

JOHANNESSEN, CARL L. see also Dicken, Samuel N . Marshes prograding in Oregon: aerial photographs: Science, v. 146, no. 3651, p. 1575- 1578, Dec . 18, 1964. BIBLIOGRAPHY 51

JOHNSON, ARVID Stratigraphy and lithology of the Deer Butte Formation, Malheur County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 144 p., 7 figs ., 3 tables, 18 plates, geologic map, 1961 .

JOH NSON, E . L. see Bell, J. R.


1 • I tern seriation as an aid for elementary scale and cluster analysis: Univ . Oregon Museum Nat. Hist. Bul l. 15, 46 p., illus., tables, 1968. 2. Obsidian hydration rate for the Klamath Basin of California and Oregon: Science, v. 165, no. 3900, p. 1354- 1356, 1 fig ., 1 table, Sept. 26, 1969. 3. {and Cole, David L .) A bibliographic guide to the archaeology of Oregon and adjacent regions: Univ. Oregon Museum Nat. Hist., Spec . Pub! ., 41 p., 1969.

JOHNSON, NYRA A . see Frank, J. F.; Price, Don 4

JOHNSON, STEPHEN see Couch, R. W. 3, 4

JOHNSON, VERNON {Cutsha ll, Norman; and Osterberg, Charles) Retention of 65zn by Columbia River sedimen t: Water Resources Research, v. 3, no . 1, p. 99-102, illus., ta bles, 1967.

JOHNSON, WALLACE RAY Structure and stratigraphy of the southeastern quarter of the Roseburg 15' quadrangle, Douglas County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's th esis, 85 p., 7 figs., 18 plates, geologic map, 3 tab les, 1965.

JONES , ARTHUR C . Portland geology - with some historical notes: Geol . Society Oregon Country NewsLe tter, v. 28, no . 12, p. 79- 82, Dec . 1962.

JONES, BLAIR F. see also Eugster, Hans P . ; Rettig, S. L.; Rooney, Thomas P .; Truesdell, A. H, {Van Denburgh, A . S., Truesdell, A. H., and Rettig, S. L.) Interstitial brines in playa sedi­ ments, in Geochemistry of subsurface brines: Chern . Geology , v. 4, no. 1-2, p. 253-262, illus., tables, 1969,

JONES , DAVID L. see also Bailey, Edgar H. 2; Imlay , R.W. 6; Packard, Earl L. 1, 2

1 • Buchia zonation in the Myrtle Group, southwestern Oregon [abs,]: Geol. Soc . America, Abstracts for 1969, Pt. 3, p. 31-32, 1969, 2 . {Bailey, Edgar H., and Imlay, Ralph W .) Structural and stratigraphic significance of the Buchia zones in the Colyear Springs- Paskenta area, Calif.; Jurassic {Tithonian) and Cretaceous �zones in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 647-A , p. A1-A24, 5 plates, 3 tables, 5 figs., 1969,

JONES , HERSCHEL F , see Perry, Harry

JONES, ROBERT S. Gold in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ . 610, 28 p., 12 tables, 1969.

JONES, ROBERT W . Comparison of Columbia River Basalts and Snake River Basal ts [abs .]: Northwest Sci ., v, 43, no, 1, p. 37, Feb. 1969. 52 BIBLIOGRA PHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

JORGENSON, DAVID B. Petrology and origin of the Illinois River gabbro, a part of the Josephine peridotite-gabbro complex, Klamath Mountains, southwestern Oregon: Univ. Calif., Santa Barbara, doctoral dissert., 195 p., geologic map, 1970 . [abs .] Dissert. Abs . lnt'l., Sec . B. Sci . and Eng., v. 31 , no . 6, p. 3482B, 1970 .


KAAR , R . F. see Zullo, V. A. 1

KAISER, W. R. see also Koch, J. G. The late Mesozoic geology of the Pearse Peak Diorite, southwestern Oregon: Uriiv. Wisconsin master's thesis, 75 p., 22 figs., geologic map, 1962 .

KALLIO, N. A. see Hulsing, Harry

KAN KICH I, SOHMA see Gray, Jane 2, 5

KAN NO, SABURO see Addicott, Warren 0. 5

KATO, H. see Babitzke, H. R.

KAUFFMAN , A . J ., JR. (and Holt, Dean C.) Zircon: a review with emphasis on West Coast resources and markets: U.S . Bur . Mines IC 8268, p. 21-25, 2 tables, 2 figs., 1965.

KAY, R. (Hubbard, N. J ., and Gast, P. W .) Chemical characteristics and origin of oceanic ridge volcanic rocks: Jour . Geophys. Res., v. 75, no . 8, p. 1585-1613, 1970 .

KAYS , M . ALLAN see also Bruemmer, Jerry L. 2; Godchaux, M. M. 2 1. (and Bruemmer, J. L.) Gravity and petrographic investigations along zones of local metamor.;. phism , southwest Oregon [abs .]: Northwest Sci ., v. 37, no. 4, p. 159- 160, 1963. 2. (and Bruemmer, J. L.) Gravityfi eld over zones of major tectonism, southwest Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 3, p. 43-52,3 figs., 1 table, March 1964. 3. (and Bruemmer, J. L. ) Gravityan d petrographic investigations along zones of local meta­ morphism, southwest Oregon [abs .J: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 258-259' 1964. 4. (and Helming, B. H.) Anomalous metamorphism of Jurassic rocks, Klamath Mountains, south­ western Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 86-87, 1966. 5. Zones of alpine tectonism and metamorph ism Klamath Mountains, southwestern Oregon: Jour . Geo logy, v. 76 , no. 1, p. 17-36, 10 figs., 1 table, 3 plates, Jan. 1968. 6. Western Cascades volcanic series, South Umpqua Falls region, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 5, p. 81-94, illus., geologic map, May 1970. 7. Mesozoic metamorphism , May Creek Schist belt, Klamath Mountains, Oregon: Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 81 , no . 9, p . 2743-2758 , 12 figs., 2 tables, Sept. 1970. 8. Character and distribution of metamorphic facies, Klamath Mountains, Oregon [abs .]: Proc . Ore . Acad. Sci ., v. 5, p. 32, 1969.

KELLEY, JAMES C. see also Whetten, John T. 5 1 . (and Whetten, John T.) Mu I tivariate analyses of Columbia River sediment [a bs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 116-117, 1968 . 2. (and Whetten, John T .) Quanti tative statistical analyses of Columbia River sediment samples: Jour. Sed . Petrology, v. 39, no . 3, p. 1167-1173, illus., 1969. BIBLI OGRAPHY " 53

KELLY, HAL J . see Carter, George J. 1; Harris, Henry M.

KELLY I w. L . Instrumentation methods and results for the John Day Dam relocation , in Engineering geology and soi ls engineering symposium, 7th ann ., Moscow , Idaho, 1969, . Proc.: Boise, Idaho, Idaho Dept. Highways, p. 144-158, illus., 1969.

KENNEDY, J. see Green, Jack

KENNEY I ALBERT R . Ground Hog Day for G . S . 0. C.: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 30, no . 6, p. 43-44, June 1964.


\ . \ono o\hen,) \_exico n ot geo\ogic name� ot \ne \Jn\\e� CS\a\e� tor \ 9?>6-\ 96\>� \.) .S . Geo\ . SIJr'le'/ Bul l. 1200, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4341 p., 1966. 2. Lexicon of geologic names of the United States for 196 1-1967: U.S. Geol . Survey Bull. 1350,

848 p o 1 1 970 o

KERR, PAUL F. see Neal, James T. 2

KETNER, KEITH B. Pa leotectonic investigations of the Permian system in the United States: West Coast Region: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 515, p. 229-238, 4 tables, 1967.

KEYSER, CHARLES PAUL How Mount Tabor's cinder cone was saved for posterity: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 27, no . 10, p. 60-61; no. 11, p. 63-64, 1961 .

KIDBY I HAROLD A . (and Oliver, John G.) Erosion and accretion along Clatsop Spit, in Coasta l engineering, Santa Barbara Specialty Conf., 1965: New York, Am . Soc . CiviiEngineers, p. 647-671 , 1966 .

KIM CHONG KWAN Gravity and magnetic surveys of the Hole-in-the-Ground, Lake County, central Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 66 p., 17 figs., geologic map, 3 tables, June 1968.

KING, DAVID B . Mineral resources in the vicini ty of Scoggin Reservoir site, Tualatin Project, Washington County, Oregon: U.S. Cong., 88th , 2d sess., House Doc . 295, p. 105-117, 1964.

KING, JOHN M . see Berg, Joseph W ., Jr . 6, 12

KING, PHILIP B. see Wal ker, George W. 16

KING, ROBERT U. 1. Molybdenum, in Mineral and water resou�ces of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . Mineral Indus., Bull. 64, in coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 158-163, 1 fig ., 1 table, 1969. 2. Molybdenum in the United States: U.S. Geol . Survey Mineral lnv. Resource map MR-55, 1970 .

I KINGSTON, GARY A . see a lso Coll ins, Ronald P. 1, 2, 3; Ful kerson, Frank B. 1, 7; Gray, Jerry J. 1, 2, 3, 4; Hunter, Wil lard L.; Knostman, Richard W. 2 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

1. The steel industry of the Columbia Basin, in Pacific Northwest economic base study for power markets: U.S. Bur . Mines and Bonnevi lfePower Admi n., v. II, Part 7F , 58 p., 6 figs ., 37 tables, 1962. 2. The Pacific Northwest ferroalloy industry: U.S. Bur . Mines IC 8050, 26 p., 1962. 3. Iron and steel scrap in th e Pacific Northwest: U.S. Bur . Mines IC 8243, 50 p., 26 ta bles,

8 figs • , 1 964 • 4. (and Miller, Robert A.) Alloy metals outlook in the Pacific Northwest states, in Economic base study for power requirements: Albany, Oregon, U.S. Bur . Mines, v. II, Part 7D, 76 p., 12 tables, 10 figs., 1966 .

KIRK, H . K. see Shor, G. G., Jr.

KITCHING, HAROLD S . Wh ile untreated sewage flows into Oregon's Rogue River - mud and gravel discharge by miners is called 'pollution': Calif. Mining Jour ., v. 40, no . 1, p. 8,12, Sept. 1970. ,. KITTLEMAN, L . R . see also Benson, G. T. 1, 3; Gray, Jane 3 1. Glass-bead si lica determination for a suite of volcanic rocks from th e Owyhee Plateau , Oregon: Geol. Soc . America Bul l., v. 74, no . 11, p. 1405- 1409, 3 figs., table, Nov. 1963. [a bs .J GeoSci. Abstracts, v. 6, no . 8, p. 62, Aug . 1964. 2. Geology of the Owyhee Reservoir area, Oregon: Univ. Oregon doctoral dissert., 174 p., 12 figs., 6 tables, 21 plates, geologic map, 1962 . 3. (and others) Cenozoic stratigraphy of th e Owyhee region, southeastern Oregon: Univ . Oregon Museum Nat. Hist. Bull. 1, 45 p., 11 figs., 9plates, Dec . 1965. 4. (and others) Geologic map of the Owyhee region, Malheur County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon Museum Nat. Hist. Bu ll. 8, 1967.

KLEC K, WALLACE D. Cavity minerals at Summit Rock, Oregon: Am . Mineralogist, v. 55, nos. 7- 8, p. 1396- 1 404, 5 figs., 1 table, July-Aug . 1960.

KLEINHAMPL, FRANK J. see Albers, John P.

KLEWENO, W . P., JR . 1. (and Jeffords, R. M .) Devonian rocks in the Suplee area of central Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 5, p. 50, May 1961 . 2. (and Jeffords, R. M .) Devonian rocks in the Suplee area of central Oregon [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Papers no . 68, Abstracts for 1961, p. 34, 1962. Also [a bs .]: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 27, no . 8, p. 49, 1961 .

KLOHN, EARLE J. Sensitive paper mill structures supported by long caissons socketted in bedrock, in Engineering geology and soi ls engineering symposium , 5th Ann ., Pocatello, Idaho., Proc .: Boise, Idaho, Idaho Dept. Highways , p. 107- 140, illus., tables, 1967.

KLOHN, MELVIN L . Geo logy of the north-central part of the Coos Bay quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 59 p., 5 figs. , 3 tab les, 9 plates, geologic map, June 1967.

KLUC KING, EDWARD PAUL . An Oligocene flora from the western Cascades: Univ. Calif. Dept. of Pal eontology doctoral dissert., 241 p., 64 plates, 1964. [a bs .J Dissert. Abs., Sec . B, Sci . and Eng ., v. 29, no . 1 I p. 248B- 249B, 1968. BIBLIOGRAPHY 55

KNOSTMAN, RICHARD W •. see Ful kerson, Frank B. 3 1. An ana lysis of the Pacific Northwest lead-zinc industry: Albany, Oregon, U.S. Bur . Mines report, unpub., 1965. 2. (and Kingston, Gary A.) Copper, lead and zinc industries in the Pacific Northwest, in Pacific Northwesteconom ic base study for power markets: Bonneville Power Admin., v. II, Part 7C , 139 p., 29 figs., 94 tables, 1966 . 3. An analysis of the Pacific Northwest lead-zinc industry: U.S. Bur. Mines IC 8327, 53 p., 15 figs., 20 tab I es, p. 7, 45, 1 96 7.

KNOX, ELLIS G . (and others) Dark colored, acid, forest soils of western Oregon: .Soil Sci . America, Proc ., v. 29, no . 6, p. 732-736, fig ., 3 tab les, Nov .-Dec . 1965.

KOCH , GEORGE S. see also Bostwick, David A .

KOCH, JOHN G. see also Camp, C. L. 1. (and , W. R., and Dott, R. H., Jr.) Geology of th e Humbug Mountain State Park area: Ore Bin, v. 23, no. 3, p. 23-30, geologic map, March 1961 . 2. Late Mesozoic orogenesis and sedimentation, Klamath Province, southwest Oregon coast: Univ . Wisconsin doctoral dissert., 282 p., 72 fig ., 3 plates, geologic map, 1964. 3. Late Mesozoic stratigraphy and tectonic history, Port Orford-Gold Beach area, southwestern Oregon coast: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 50, no . 1, p. 25- 71 , 22 figs., Jan . 1966 . 4. (and Camp, Charles L.) Late Jurassic ichthyosaur from Sisters Rocks, coastal southwestern Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 28, no . 3, p. 65-68, 3 figs ., March 1966 .

KOHN, WALTER Mentzer collection of dendritic agates: Gems & Minera ls, no . 320, p. 43-44, illus., May 1964.

KOSCHMANN, A . H. (and Bergendahl, M. H.) Principal gold-producing districts of theUnit ed States: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 610, p. 216-230, 2 figs ., 1968.

KRANS, AINSLIE E. B . Geology of the northwest quarter of the Bone Mou ntain quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 82 p., 4 tables, 5 figs., 3 plates, geologic map, 1970 .

KRUEGER, HOWARD W . (and Weeks, C. Francis) Geochron Laboratories, Inc . radiocarbon measurements 1: Radio­ carbon, v. 7, p. 48, 1965.

KULM , LAVERNE D . see also Bales, Wi lliam E.; Byrne, John V. 14, 17; Chambers, David M. 1; Duncan, John R. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Fowler, G. A. 5; Griggs, G. B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Nelson, C. Hans 3; Osterberg, Charles ; Spiga i, J. J. 1. Sediments of Yaquina Bay, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doctoral dissert., 184 p., 37 illus., geologic map, 1965. 2. Influence of Cascadia Channel on abyssal sedimentation [a bs.]: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 50, no . 3, Pt. 1, p. 649, 1966 . 3. (and Byrne, John V .) Realms of deposition in an Oregon estuary: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 212-213, 1966. 4 . (and Griggs, Gary B.) Sedimentation in Cascadia deep-sea channel [abs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 116, 1968. 5. (and Byrne, John V .) Sedimentary response to hydrography in an Oregon estuary: Marine geology, v. 4, no , 2, p. 85-118, 14 figs., 2 tables, April 1966 . 56 BIBLI OGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

6. (and Nelson, C. Hans) Comparison of deep-sea channel and interchannel deposits off Oregon [abs .J: Am . Assn . Petroleum Geologists Bul l., v. 51 , no. 3, Pt. l, p. 472, March 1967. 7. {and Byrne, John V .) Sediments of Yaquina Bay, Oregon, in Estuaries, lauff, George H. {ed. ): Am . Assoc . Adv . Sci ., Publ . 83, p. 226-238 , illus., 1967:'" 8. (compiler) Study of the continenta l margin off theSt ate of Oregon: Oregon State Univ. Dept. Oceanography Tech . Rpt. 2- l-67 th ru 2-l-68, 41 p., 26 figs ., 1968. 9. (Heinrichs, D. F., Buerig, R. M., and Chambers, D. M.) Evidence for possible placer accumu­ lations on the southern Oregon continental shelf: Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 5, p. 81-104, 14 figs ., May 1968 . l 0. (Scheidegger, K. F., Byrne, J. V., and Spigai, J. J .) A preliminary investigation of the heavy mineral suites of the coastal rivers and beaches of Oregon and northern California: Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 9, p. 165-180, 2 figs ., 2 tables, Sept. 1968 .

KULM , SALLY {and Frischknecht, Diane) Research activities, October l, 1966 through March 31 , 1967: Oregon State Univ., Dept. of Oceanography Progress Rpt. no . 19, 77 p., illus., May 1967.

KUMLER, M . l . Plant succession on the sand dunes of the Oregon coast: Ecology, v. 50, no . 4, p. 695-704, 5 figs., 4 tables, summer 1969.

KUNO I HISASHI l. Petrology: Am . Geol . lnst . Geotimes, v. 14, no . l, p. 19-20, Jan . 1969. 2. Report- symposium on th e origin of andesite magma, Eugene, Oregon, July l-5, 1968: Internet. Council of Sci . Unions Upper Mantle Comm ., Rpt. 6 Internet. Upper Mantle Project, p. 58- 60, May 1969.

KUO, JOHN T . see Donath , Fred A. 2

KUSH IRO, IKUO see Aoki, Ken-ichiro


LAIDLEY, R . A . l. (McKay, D. s., Richardson, K. A., and Foss, T. H.) Chemical variations in comagmatic obsidians from Newberry Volcano, central Oregon, [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America, Program for l967 Ann. Mtg., p. 126. Also: Geol . Soc . America Spec. Paper 115, p. l26, 1968 . 2. X-ray fluorescence of rock samples as applied to geological problems: Appl . Spectroscopy, v. 22, no . 5, p. 420-422, tables, 1968.

LAIRD, l. B . see also Phillips, K. N. l Chemical quality of the surface waters of the Snake River basin: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 417-D, 47 p., l4 figs ., l table, 5plates, 1964.

LAJOIE, K . R. see Jack, R. N. l

LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER l. lakeview uranium mine and mill to reopen: lake County Examiner, March 10, 1966 . 2. Atlantic-Richfield buys uranium reduction plant: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 8, p. 160-161, illus., Aug . 1968 . 3. Geoponically speaking, Oregon Desert Farms produces good tomatoes: lake County Exam iner, lakeview, Oregon, p. 10, Aug . 20, 1970. BIBLI OGRAPHY 57

LANDER, JAM ES F. (editor) Seismological notes, May-June 1968: Seismol. Soc . America Bull. v. 59, p. 445- 450, Feb. 1969.

LANGE, ERWIN F . 1. Tektites and Oregon's volcanic glasses: Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 4, p. 75-79, illus., April 1965 . 2. The recognition of meteori tes: Ore Bin, v . 27, no . 8, p. 167- 168, Aug. 1965. 3. Oregon's lost meteori tes: Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 2, p. 41-42, Feb . 1965. 4. The Willamette and other large meteorites; Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 9, p. 187, illus., Sept. 1965. 5. The Sams Va lley meteoritic shower: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 8, p. 145- 149, illus., Aug . 1967. 6. Oregon's moon country: The Griffith Observer, Los Angeles, Griffi th Observatory, p. 122-1 30, illus., Aug. 1968. 7. The year of the meteorite: Ore Bin, v.30, no . 3, p. 41-43, 1968. 8. Fireballs, meteorites, and meteor showers: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 8, p. 145-150, illus., Aug . 1968 9. The great western iron meteorites: Poe . Discovery, v. 22, no . 3, p. 18-22, illus., May-June 1969. 10. The Klamath Falls iron meteorite: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 2, p. 21-24, illus., Feb . 1970.

LA NGER, ARTHUR M . see Neal, James T. 2

LANPH ERE, M. A. 1. (Irwin, W. P., and Hotz, P. E.) Geochronology of crystalline rocks in the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon [abs .l: Geol . Soc . America Abstracts for 1969, Pt . 3, p. 34, 1969.. 2. (and Coleman, Robert G.) Age and geologic implications of high-grade blueschists and associ­ ated amphibolites from Oregon and California [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts for 1970, v. 2, no . 7, p. 602, 1970 .

LARSEN, LEONARD H. (and Poldervaart, Arie) Petrologic study of Bald Rock batholith near Bidwell Bar, California: Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 72, no . 1, p. 69-91 , 10 figs., 9 tables, Jan. 1961 . [abs .] GeoSci . Abstracts , v. 3, no. 4, p. 46-47, April 1961 .

LARSON, EDWIN E . see also Goldstein, Myron A.; Strangway, David W.; Watkins, N. D. 1 2, 13 1. The structure, stratigraphy, and paleomagnetics of the Plush area, southeastern Lake County, Oregon: Univ. Colorado doctoral dissert ., 166 p., 4 tables, 57 figs., 4 plates, geologic map, 1965. [abs .] Dissert. Abs ., v. 26 , no . 11, p. 6646, 1966 . 2. Geologic and paleomagnetic observations of the Steens Basalt, Lake County, Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 292-293, 1966 . 3. (and Strangway, D. W .} Discussion: "Correlation of petrology and natural magnetic polarity in Columbia Plateau basal ts ": Geophys . Jour., v. 15, no . 4, p. 437-441 , 5 figs., June 1968.

LATTIMORE, ROBERT see Peter, George

LAUDON , ROBERT C . A petrologic study of the Recent sands of th e southern Oregon coast: Univ . W'isconsin master's thesis, 60 p., 1968.

LAURENCE, T . HERBERT Sediments of the lower Columbia River, field trip, Nov . 13, 1960: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 27, no. 1, p. 4-5, Jan. 1961 .

LAWRENCE, JOHN K. Geology of the southern th ird of the Sutherlin quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's

thesis, 100 p., 3 figs., 16 plates, geologic map, 1961 • 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOU RCES OF OREGON

LEE, MABLE BARBEE The Rainbow Years: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday &Co., Inc., 175 p., 1966 .

LEEMAN I WILLIAM p. (and Rogers, John J. W .) Quaternary basal ts of the Basin and Range province [abs .l: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 170-171, 1969.

LEFFLER , SANFORD R . Fossil mammals from the Elk River Formation , Cape Blanco, Oregon: Jour . Mamma logy, v. 45, no. 1, p. 53-61 , illus., ta bles, 1964.

LEICHLITER, BRADEN B . Blue Mountains Seismological Observatory [abs .]: · Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no . 76, Abstracts for 1963, p. 21 1, 1963.

LEMMON , D . M . (and Tweto, 0. L.) Tungsten in the United States (exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii}: U.S. Geol. Survey Mineral lnv. Resource Map MR-25, 25 p., 1962.

LENT, ROBERT LOUIS see also Baldwin, Ewart M. 16 Geology of the southern half of the Lang lois quadrangle, Oregon: Univ . Oregon doctoral dissert., 189 p., 2 tables, 21 figs., geologic map, 1969.

LEONARD, A . R . Ground-water resources in Harney Va lley, Harney County, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer Ground Water Rpt. no . 16, 16 figs ., 85 p., Nov . 1970.

LEVIN, BETSY see also lves, Patricia C. 1. (lves, Patricia C., Oman, Charles L., and Rubin, Meyer}: U.S. Geol . Survey radiocarbon dates VII: Radiocarbon, v. 7, p. 385, 1965. 2. (lves, Patricia C., Oman, Charles L., and Rubin, Meyer}: U.S. Geol . Survey radiocarbon dates VIII: Radiocarbon, v. 7, p. 385, 1965.

LEVINGSTON, V . E ., JR. see Huntting, M. T.

LEWIS, GLENN CHARLES Chemical and mineralogical study on slick spot soi ls [abs .]: Dissert. Abs ., v. 23, no. 8, p. 2932-2933, 1963.

LEWIS, MARGARET C. Index to The ORE BIN, 1950- 1 969: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral lndus., Misc . Paper 13, 28 p., 1970 .


1 • (and Corcoran, R. E.) The Oregon King mine, Jefferson County, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., Short Paper 23, 49 p., 6 figs ., 4 tables, 8 plates, geologic map, 1962. 2. (and Corcoran, R. E.) The Oregon King mine, Jefferson County,Ore gon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 7, p. 101-115, 2 figs., 2 tables, 1 plate, July 1962. [a bs.] GeoSci . Abstracts, v. 5, no. 7, p. 69-70, July 1963. 3. Lest we forget: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 6, p. 93- 109, 2 figs ., June 1963. 4. The Almeda mine, Joseph ine County, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., Short Paper 24, 53 p., 22 figs ., 8 ta bles, illus., 1967. 5. Ray C. Treasher, 1908- 1 967 - an appreciation: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 8, p. 158-159, 1967. 6. Pierre R. Hines, an appreciation: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 2, p. 30-31 , Feb. 1970. BIBLIOGRAPHY 59

LINDSAY, JAMES R. see Staples, Lloyd W. 10

H. LINDSLEY, DONALD . . Geology of the Spray quadrangle, Oregon, with specia l �mphasis on the petrography and mag­ netic properties of the Picture Gorge Basait: Johns Hopkins Univ . doctora l dissert., 226 p.,, 65 figs ., 3geologicmaps, 1961 .

LING, HSI N-YI see Gross, M. Grant 6

LIPMAN, PETER W. see Christiansen, Robert L. (Prostka , Harold J., and Christensen, Robert L.) Cenozoic volca nism and tectonism in th e western United States and adjacent parts of the spreading ocean floor . Part 1. Ear ly and middle Tertiary: Geol . Soc . Amer ., Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no . 2, p. 112-113, 1970.

\ UPP, H. H. see Rader, L. F. \

LISTER, C. R . B . 1. (Whetten, John T., and McKee, Bates) Sonar reflection profi ling 6n the Col�mbia River and in Lake Washington: Northwest Sci ., v. 41 , no. 4, p. 152-154, Nov . 1967. 2. Heat flow west of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Jour. Geophys . Research , v. 75, no . 14, p. 2648- 2654, 1970.

LIVINGSTON, VAU GHN E . , JR. Geology a nd minera l resources of the Kelso - Cathlamet area , Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties, Wash .: Washington Div. Mines a nd Geol . Bul l. 54, 110 p., 15 ta bles, 23 figs, geologic ma p, 1966.

LOCKETT, JOHN B . 1. Phenomena affec ting improvement of the lower Columbia estuary and entrance, in Federal Inter­ Agency Sedimenta tion Conf ., Jackson, Miss., 1963, Proc .i Symposium 3--Sedimentation in estuaries, harbors, and coastal areas: U.S. Dept. Agriculture Misc . Publ . 970, p. 626-669 , illus., tables, 1965. 2. and diffusion--Col umbia estuary and entrance: Am . Soc . Civil Engineers Proc ., v. 93, paper 5601 , Jour. Wa terways and Harbors Div., no. WW4, p. 167-175, illus., ta bles, 1967.

LOGAN, ALAN (a nd McGugan, Alan) Permian fa unas of western Ca nada [cbs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec. Paper 121 , Abstracts for 1968, p. 179, 1969.

LONG, AUSTIN see Mielke, James E.

LONG, LELAND TIMO THY see Berg� J. W., Jr. 12

LONG, LEON E. see Delong, Ste'ph en E.

LORENZ, VOLKER Some aspects of th e eruption mechanism of the Big Hole maar, centra l Oregon: Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 81 , no . 6, p. 1823-1 830, 5 figs., June 1970.

LOVE, S. K. Quality of surface wa ters for Irriga tion, western sta tes, 1963: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Paper 1952, p. 26 , 143-145, 1967. 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURC ES OF OREGON

LOVEJOY I EARL M. p. 1. Basin Range origin [abs .J: Geol . Soc. America Spec . Paper no. 68, Abstrac ts for 1961, p. 219, 1962. 2. Mio-Piiocene Lake Nevada [cbs .]: Geol . Soc. America Spec . Paper no. 68, Abstracts for

196 1 , p • 391 1962 o lOVELL, JULIAN P . B . 1. Tyee Formation -- Undeformed turbidites and their latera l equiva lents, minera logy and pa leo­ geography: Geol . Soc. America Bull., v. 80, no . 1, p. 9-21 , illus., tables, 1969. 2. Tyee Formation - Undeformed turbidites and their latera l equivalents, minera logy and pa leo­ geography -- Reply [to discussion by J. J. W. Rogers, 1969]: Geol . Soc. America Bu l l., v. 80, no . 10, p. 2131-2132, 1969. 3. Tyee Forma tion - a study of proximality in turbidites: Jour. Sed. Petro logy, v. 39, no . 3, p. 935-953, illus., ta ble, 1969. 4. Sandstone of th e Eocene Tyee Formation , Oregon Coast Ra rge: Harvard Univ . doctora l dissert., 422 p., 1968 .

LOVERING , T. G. O'Jiles, M. S., and Graves, M. L.) Spectrograph ic da ta on the composition of basaltic rocks: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Pa per 575-C, p. C1 13-115, 3 ta bles, 1967.

LOWRY, W. D. Geology of the Ironside Mountain quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., open-fi le rpt., 79 p., 31 figs ., 2tables, geologic map, 1968.


A new Cretaceous flora from southwestern Oregon fobs.]: Northwest Sci ., v. 41 , no. 1, p. 54, Feb. 1967.

LUKANUSKI, JAMES N. Geology of part of the Mitchell quadrangle, Jefferson and Crook Counties, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 98 p., 7 tables, 20 figs., 2 plates, geologic map, 1963 .

.. 1- LUND, ERNEST H. 1. Welded tuff in the Danforth Formation, -in Oregon Acad. Sci . Abs., 1961: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 2, p. 24, Feb. 1962.

2. Zoning in an ash flow of the Da nforth Formation: Northwest Sci., v. 37, no . 4, p. 161-162, Nov . 1963. 3. Zoning in an ash flowof the Da nforth Formation, Harney County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 9, p. 161-170, 11 figs., Sept. 1966 . ' 4. Pillow structure in High Cascade "basaltic andesites" l"abs.J: Northwest Sci., v. 41, no. 1, p. 55, Feb. 1967. 5. (a nd Ba ldwin, Ewart M .) Diorite intrusions between Sixes and Pistol Rivers, sou thwestern Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no. 10, p. 193-206, 1 fig ., 1 ta ble, Oct. 1969. 6. Origin of nonporphyritic selvages in porphyry intrusions [cbs .]: Northwest sd .; v. 44, no. 1, p. 65, Feb. 1970.

LUND, JOHN W. (and Hendrickson, Larry G.) The use of volcanic cinders for lowcl ass roads, in Engineering geology and soi ls engineering symposium , 7th Ann ., Moscow , Idaho, 1969, Proc .: Boise, Idaho, Idaho Dept. Highways, p. 271-289, illus., 1969.

LUNDBERG, JOHN G. see Cavender, Ted M. 3 / BIBLIOGRAPHY 61

LUTTON, RIC HARD J. Geology of the Bohemia mining district, Lane County, Oregon: Arizona Univ. doctora l dissert., 172 p., 7 tables, 31 pla tes, geologic ma p, 1962.

LUTZ, GALE A. see Dempster, George R., Jr.

LYSTROM, D. J . 1. (and Hampton, E. R.) New aquifer in North PowderVa lley, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 550-A, p. A37, 1967. 2. (Nees, W. L., and Hampton, E. R.) Ground wa ter of Ba ker Valley, Ba ker County,Ore gon: U.S. Geol. Survey Atlas HA- 242, 1967. Scale 1:96,000 3. Eva luation of the streamflow-dataprogr am in Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le rpt. , 28 p., 3 figs ., 2 plates, 1970 .


McBIRNEY , ALEXANDER R . 1 . Compositional varia tions of the climactic eruption of Mount Mazama , in Andesite conference guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Minera l Indus., Bull. 62, p. 53-56, 2 figs ., 1 table, 1968. 2. Petrochemistry of the Cascade andesite volcanoes , in Andesite conference guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., Bul l. 62, p. 101-=l07, 4 figs ., 3 tab les, 1968 . 3. (edi tor) Proceedings of the Andesite Conference: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Minera l Indus., Bull. 65, 193 p., illus.; 1969.

McCALL, HAROLD see Pott�r, Miles F.

;: McCASLIN, F. E . A brief history of the Oregon Portland Cement Co .: Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 2, p. 25-34, 1965. ' . McCASLIN, JOHN C. Much ado about something: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 63, no . 20, p. 165, illus., May 17, 1965.

McCOMB, MARY ANNE see Gray, Jerry J. 2, 3

McEVILLY, T .V. Seafloor mechanics north of Cape Mendocino, Ca lif.: Nature, v. 220, no. 5170, p. 901-903, 1 fig., Nov. 30, 1968 .

McGUGAN, ALAN see Logan, Alan

McGUINESS, C . L . . Ground-water levels in the United States, 1961-65: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Pa per 1845, 1 fig., p. 73-98 ,1968.

MciNTYRE, JAMES R . see Peterson, Norman V. 17

McKAY, D. S. see La idley, R. A.

McKAY, RODNEY H. Texture and minera logy of Oregon beach sand: Montana State Univ . master's th esis, 70 p. , 13 figs ., 3 tables, 1 plate, 1962.


McKEE, EDWIN H. see Armstrong, Richard l.

McKEE, THOMAS M. 1. Preliminary report on the fossil fruits and seeds found in the mammal quarry of thelo wer Tertiary Clarno Formation, Oregon: Oregon Mus. Sci . Indus., Student Research Center, unpub. rpt., 27 p., 6 figs ., 2 plates, 1969. 2. Preliminary report on fossil fruits and seeds from the mamma l quarry of the Clarno Forma tion, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 32, no . 7, p. 117-132, 6 figs., 2 plates, July 1970.

McKenzie, D. P. (a nd Parker, R. L.) The North Pacific: an example of tectonics on a sphere: Nature, v. 216, no. 5122, p. 1276- 1280, 6 figs., Dec. 30, 1967.

McKNIGHT, BRIAN K . 1. Stra tigraphic study of Cretaceous rocks nearMi tchell, Oregon lObs.]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 264, 1965 . 2. A stra tigraphic study of the marine Cretaceous rocks nearMit chell, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 75 p., 25 figs., 6 ta bles, 9 plates, geologic map, June 1964 . 3. Petrol ogy and sedimentation of Cretaceous and Eocene rocks in the Medford-Ash land region, southwestern Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doctoral dissert., 177 p., 64 illus., geologic map, 1971 .

McKNIGHT, WILLIAM R . see Berg, J. W., Jr . 12

McMANUS, DEAN A. see also Gross, M. Grant 6 1. Bottom sediment types in Cascadia Basin, northeastPa cific Ocean fobs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 82, Abstrac-ts for 1964, p. 264-265, 1965. 2. Major bathymetric fea tures near the coast of Oregon, Washington, and Va ncouver Isla nd: Northwest Sci ., v. 38, no. 3, p. 65-82, 3 figs., 1964. 3. Physiography of the sea floor between the Mendocino Ridge and Vancouver Island, northeast Pacific Ocean [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America , Spec . Pa per 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 132, 1965. 4. Blanco fracture zone, northeast Pa cific Ocean: Marine Geol., v. 3, no. 6, p. 429-455, illus., 1965. 5. Physiography of Cobb and Gorda Rises, northeast Pacific Ocean: Geol . Soc . America Bu l l., v. 78, no . 4, p. 527-546, 7 figs., April 1967. 6 . Classifications of submarine physiography in the Gulf of Alaska: NorthwestSci ., v. 41 , no. 3,

· p. 118-125, 5 figs., August 1967.

McMURRAY, JAY M. Geo logy of the FreezeoutMountainar ea , Malheur County, Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 87 p . , 4 figs., 6 ta bles, 18 plates, geologic map, 1962.

McWILL IAMS, ROBERT G. Pa leogene stra tigraphy and biostra tigraphy of centra l -western Oregon: Univ. Wash . doctora l dissert. , 140p., 10 ta bles, 15 figs ., 2plates, 1968 . Dissert. Abs. v. 29, no . 7,p. 2495B, 1969.

MACKAY, ANGUS JAMES Conti nuous seism ic profi ling investiga tion of the southern Oregon continental shelf between Ca pe Blanco and Coos Bay: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le rpt., in coop . with Oregon State Univ., 118 p., pla te, ta ble, 17 figs., 1969.

MacLEOD, NORMAN S. see also Snavely, Pa rke D., Jr. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 1. Differentiation in a granophyric ferro-diabasesi ll, centra l Oregon Coast Range [abs .J: Geol . Soc . America Abstrac ts for 1969, Pt. 3, p. 39, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY , 63

2. Geology and igneous petrol ogy of the Saddlebackare a , centra l Oregon Coast Range: U'nlv. ·' Ca lif. , Santa Barbara , doctora l dissert., 205 p., 50 figs., 23 tables, geologic map, Dec . 1969. 3 . (a nd Snavely, Parke D., Jr.) Radar and infrared imagery, Oregon and Wash ington Coasts , in Earth resources aircraft program sta tus review, NASA, Houston , 1968; v. 1, Geology, geog-:" raphy, and sensor studies: Houston, Tex., Manned Spacecraft Center, p. 17A1-17A8, illus., 1970.

MADDOX, TERRA NCE " Geology of the southern third of the M arcola quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregorr master's ··thesis, 78 p., 4 figs., 3 tables, 18 plates, geologic map, 1965.

MADISO N, R. J . U.S. Geologica l Survey wa ter-quality da ta in th e Willamette Basin, Oregon, 1910-1964: U.S. Geol. Survey Basic Data Release, in coop. with Oregon State Engineer a nd other agencies, 40 p., 3 figs., 2 tables, 1966 .

MADSEN, BETH M. see Murata,K. J. 1, 2

MAGILL, E . A. see Hobbs, S. W.

MAGOON, LESLIE BLAKE, Ill Geo logy of T. 28 S., R. 11 W., of the Coquille and Sitkum qua drangles, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 73 p., 5 figs., ta ble, 14 plates, geologic map, June 1966 .

MALDE, HAROLD E . ·· (and Powers, Howard A.) Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy of western Snake River Plain, Idaho: Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 73, no; 10, p. 1197- 1219, 2 figs., plate, October 1962. Also lObs.] GeoSci. Abs., v. 5, no. 5, May 1963.

MALLORY, V. STANDISH see Wheeler, Harry E. 1, 3, 4, 5

MALONEY , NEIL J. see also Byrn�, John V. 12, 13, 14,· 15, 16 1. Tertiary and Quaternary faulting in southwestern Horney County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 2, p. 21- 22, Feb . 1962 2. (and Byrne, ·John V . ) Sedimentary rocks from the continenta l shelf and slope off thecent ra l

coast of Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 5, p . 77-83, 1 table, 1 fig ., May 1964. 3. Geology of the continental terrace off the centra l coast of Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doc­ tora l dissert., 233 p., 45 illus., geologic map, 1965. 4. Geomorphology of the continental margin off central Oregon, U.S .A. [with Spanish and French abstracts]: Oriente Univ. lnst. Oceanography Bal ., v. 6, no. 1, p. 116-146, illus., 1967.

MANGUM, DORIS Geology of Cape Lookou t State Pa rk, near Til lamook, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 29, no. 5, p. 85- 109, 19 figs., geologic mop, May 1967.

MANSKE , DOUGLAS C. see Fowler, Gero l d A. 3

MAPES, B. E. Sediment transport by streams in the Wa llo Wa llo River basin, Washington and Oregon, July 1962-June 1965: U.S. G eol . Survey Wa ter-supply Paper 1868, 32 p., illus., tables, 1969.

MARSTERS, BEVERLY see also Sullivan, Beverly Marsters (Spiker, Elliott, and Rubin, Meyer) U.S. Geologica l Survey radiocarbon dotes X: Radiocarbon, v. 11, no . l, p. 214-215, 1969. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOlOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

MARTIN, P. S. . _ (a nd Gray, Jane) Pollen analysis and the Cenozoic: Science, v. 137, no . 3524, p. 103-111, 1962. "'

MARTIN, R. 0. R . (a nd Hanson , Rona ld L .) Reservoirs in the United States: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Pa per 1838, p. 83-86 , ta ble, plate, 1966 .

MASON, BRIA N The meteorite and tektite collection of the American Museum of Natura l History: Am . Mus. Nat. Hist. Novitates, no. 2190, 40 p., illus., Sept. 10, 1964.

MASON, R. S. see also Clifton , H. E. 3; deWeese, R. W. 1; Ramp, Len 8 1. Oregon minera l production in 1960: Ore Bin, v . 23, no. 1, p. 1-6, Jan. 1961 .

2. Skin diving for gold in Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 4, p. 33-40, April 1961 , � 3 . Oregon mineral production sets pacefor State's industries: Ore Bin, v. 23, no. 7, p. 71-73, July 196l . 4. The house that minerals made: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 11, p. 112-113, Nov . 1961 . 5. Did Mt. Mazama col lapse in June or ,January? : Mazama, v. 43, no. 13, p. 31 , Dec . 1961 . 6. Oregon's minera l industry in 1961: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 1, p. 1-6, Jan . 1962. 7. Ka lmiopsis wild area: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 4, p. 49-53, 56-57, April 1962. 8. Oregon mineral production resists downward trend: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 9, p. 137- 142, 1 fig ., 1 table, Sept. 1962. 9. Oregon's mineral industry in 1962: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 1, p. 1-7, Jan. 1963. 10. Oregon mineral industry holds price line: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 8, p. 143- 147,2 tables, Aug . 1963. 11. Oregon's mineral production increases sharply, 1963: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 1, p. 1-8, Jan . 1964. 12. Geo logica l trip log through the easter.n.foot hills of the Oregon Coast range between Vernonia and Ba nks: Portland, Oregon, Geo logica l Society of th e Oregon Country, 8 p., July 1964. 13. Oregon's mineral industry zooms upwa rd: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 9, p. 153- 1 57, 3 tables, Sept. 1964. 14. Oregon's mineral industry in 1964: Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 1, p. 1-10, Jan. 1965. 15. The wa lls of Portland: Ore Bin, p. 65-74, illus., April 1965 . 1 6. The Lloyd Center coll ection of fine stones: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 31 , no. 11, p. 99-103, Nov . 1965. 17. Oregon's minera l industry in 1965: Ore Bin, v. 28, no . 1, p. 1-7, Jan. 1966.

17b . Dusty wa ter: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 32, no. 11, p. 99-101, 1 fig., · Nov . 1966. 18. Oregon's minera l industry in 1966: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 1, p. 1-7, Jan. 1967. 19. Oregon's minera l and metallurgical industry in 1967: Ore Bin, v. 30. no. 1, p. 1-11, 5 ta bles, 1 fig ., Jan. 1968. 20. Oregon 's mineral and metallurgical industry in 1968: Ore Bin, v. 31, no. 1, p. 1-11, 2 tables, Jan. 1969. 21 . Clay, in Minera l and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 200-205, 1 fig ., 1969. 21b. Oregon's minera l and metallurgi·ca l industry in 1969: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 1, p. 1-5, Ja n. 1970. 22. Coal, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l I ndus., Bul l. 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 272-278 , 2 figs., 1969. 23 . Gem stones, in Mineral and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral lndus., Bull.64, in coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 210-214, 1 table, 1969. "24. Iron , in MineraI and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 64, in�oop. with U.S. Geol. Survey, p. 143- 148, 1 fig ., 1969. - . - .. BIBLIOGRAPHY 65

25. Soda ash, in Minera l and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol.an d Mineral Indus., Bul l. 64, fn coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 241-246, 1 fig ., 2 tables, 1969 . 26 . Stone, in Minera l and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 246-268, 3 figs., 4 ta bles, 1969. ' 27. Onward and upward: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 33, no . 9, p. 69-73, illus. , 1967.

MASON, RONALD G. see Raff, Arthur D.

MAUSER, JAMES E. see Fursman, Oliver C. 2

MAYERS, LEO R . Soi I survey of Sherman County, Oregon: U.S. Dept. Agr. Soi I Conserva tion Serv . Series 1959, no. 37, 104 p., 31 map sheets, 18 ta bles, 27 figs ., Nov. 1964.

MEDARIS, L . G ., JR. 1. (and Dott, R. H., Jr.) Ma ntl e-derived peridoti tes in southwestern Oregon - relation to plate tectonics: Science, v. 169, no. 3949, p. 971 , 974, 1 table, 2 figs ., geologic map, Sept. 4, 1970. 2. Mantle-derived peridoti tes in southwestern Oregon lObs.]: Am . Geophys. Union Tra ns ., v. 51, no. 4, p. 448, 1970.

MEIER, M. F. Distribution and varia tions of glaciers in the U. S., exclusive of Alaska : Union Geodesique et Geophysique lnternationale. Assn . lnterna tiona le d' Hydrologie Scientifique; Assemble'ge ne'rale de Helsinki, 1960 Commission des Neiges et Glaces, p. 42Q-429, 1961 .

MEIGHAN, CLEMENT W . 1. Pacific Coast archaeo logy, in Qua terna-ry of the Uni ted States: Princeton� N. J., Pr inceton Univ. Press, p. 709-720, 6 figs ., ta ble, 1965. 2. Obsidian hydra tion ra tes: Science, v. 170, no. 3953, p. 99-100, illus., table, 1970 .

MELLETT , JAM ES S. A skull of Hemipsa lodon (Mammalia, Deltatheridia) frorr{ the Clarno Formation of Oregon: Am . Mus. Novi tates, no. 2387, 19 p., 3 ta bles, 12 figs ., 1969.

MENARD, H. W. see Northrop, John 1

MERCER, BAS IL W . Clinoptilolite in water-pollution control: Ore Bin, v. 31, no. 11, p. 209-2 13, 2 figs., 1969.

MERTlE, JOHN B., JR. Economic geology of the platinum metals: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Pa per 630, p. 99-101 , 1969

MESECAR, R . S . see also Bodvarsson, Gunnar 2 -�· (Bodvarsson, Gunnar, and Burt, Wayne V .) Time-dependent vertica l tempera ture measurements across the wa ter-sediment interface on the continental shelf west of Oregon: Nature, v. 224, no. 5222, p. 901-902, illus., 1969.

MESSI NA-ALLEN I s. (and Vanlandingham, Sam L.) Physicochem i�al conditions of deposi tion of bacil lariophyta in Davis Lake, Klamath and Deschutes Counties, Oregon: Hydrobiologia, v. 35, no. 1, p. 31- 44, illus ., ta bles, 1970. 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

MEYERS, JOSEPH D . .,, A plan for development of th e Oregon mid-Columbia River waterfront: Oregon Div . of Plan. a nd Devel . for Mid-Columbia Plan. Council, 122 p., 7 figs., 11 plates, 1966. ". _.

MIELKE, JAMES E. see Stuckenrath , Robert J. (a nd Long, Austin) Smithsonian Insti tution radiocarbon measurements V: Radiocarbon, v. 11, no. 1, p. 178, 1969.

MIHELCIC, JOH N 1. Oregon gemstone localities: lapidary Jour., v. 17, no . 1, p. 189- 193, illus., Apri l 1963. 2. Zeolites and th e micromounter: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 30, no. 9, p. 59-60, Sept. 1964. 3. A new ginkgo wood named for Tom Bones: Gems and Minerals, no. 329, p. 23, 57-58, illus., Feb . 1965. MILLER, C . P. see SWI NNEY, C. M . MILLER, CHARLES N., JR. Evolution of the fern genus Osmunda: Univ . Michigan, Contrib. from Mus. Pa leontol ., v. 21 ,

no. 8, p. 139- 203, 4 plates, 4 figs., June 30, 1967. '··

MILLER, LILL IAN Dr . Pa ul W. Howell retires: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 35, no. 12, p. 112, Dec. 1969.

MILLER, ROBERT A . see Fulkerson, Frank B. 6; Kingston, Gary A . 4

MILLER, ROBERT RUSH Quaternary freshwa ter fishes of North America, in The Qua ternary of the United Sta tes: Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, p. 569-581 , 3 figs ., 1 table, 1965.

MILLHOLLEN, GARY L. The petrography of the basalts of the Cow Creek Lakes area , Malheur County, Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's thesis, 72 p., geologic map, 1965.

MINING JOURNAL U.S. stoc kpi les, a report from Washington: Mining Jour., v . 267, no. 6851, p. 434-435, Dec . 9, 1966 .

MITCHELL, EDWARD The Miocene Pinniped Allodesmus: Univ. Ca lif. Publ . in Geol. Sci ., v. 61 , 46 p., 29 pla tes, 1966.

MOEN, W . S. see Huntting, M. T. .: .

MOMENT, SAMUEl see Bloch, Ivan

MONAHAN, CHARLES J. John Day lock and dam; foundation investigations: Am. Soc . Civil Engrs. Proc ., Power Div. Jour., v. 88, no. P0-4, p. 29-45, Dec . 1962.

MOORE, A .M. see also Rantz, S. E. 1. Correla tion and analysis of water-temperature da ta for Oregon streams: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le rpt., 134 p., 1 fig ., 1964 . 2. Correia tion a nd ana lysis of water-temperature da ta for Oregon streams: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Pa per 1819-K, 53 p., 10 figs., 6 ta bles, 1 plate, 1967. BIBLIOGRAPHY 67

3. Wa ter temperatures in th e lower Columbia River: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ . 551 , 45 p., 21 tab I es, 11 figs . , 1968 .

MOORE, ELLEN JAMES Miocene marine mollusks from the Astoria Formation in Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof . Paper 419, 109 p., 32 plates, 1963:

MOORE, JAM ES G. 1. (Grantz, Arthur, and Blake, M. C., Jr.) The quartz diorite line in northwestern North Amer­ ica: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Pa per 424-C, Geol. Survey Research 1961, Art. 147-292, p. C87-C90, 2 fig., 1961 .

2. · K/Na ra tio of Cenozoic igneous rocks of the western United States: Geochim . Cosmochim . Acta, v. 26 , p. 101-130, 4 figs., 1 ta ble, Jan. 1962. . 3. (a nd Peck, Da l las L.) Accretionary lapilli in volcanic rocks of the western co�tinentalUnit ed States: Jour. Geol ., v. 70, no. 2, p. 182- 193, 2 figs., plates, 2 tables, Mar ch 1962.

MOORE, ROOSEVELT see Gottfried, David

MORGIS, G . G . (Beauregard, Lena P., and Shoub, Earle P., compi l ers) Sta te compensatory provisions for occu­ pationa l diseases: U.S. Bur. Mines Bul l. 623, p. 181-183, 1967.

MORRISON, MICHAEL F. see Northrop, John 3

MORRISON, ROBERT F . 1. Angular unconformity marks Tr iassic-Jurassic boundary in Snake River area of northeastern Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 11, p. 105-111, Nov. 1961 . 2. The pre-Tertiary geology of the Snake River ca nyon between Cache Creek and Dug Bar, Oregon­ Idaho boundary: Oregon Univ. doctora l dissert., 195 p., 22 figs ., 43 plates, geologic map, 1963. 3. Upper Jurassic mudstone unit named in Snake River canyon, Oregon-Idaho boundary: Northwest Sci ., v. 38, no. 3, p. 83-87, 3 figs., August 1964. 4. Selective staining of sodium-bearing minera ls on rock slabs labs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 76 , Abstracts for 1963, p. 215, 1964.

MORRISON, ROGER B. Quaternary geology of the Great Basin, in Quaternary of the United Sta tes: Princeton , N. J., Princeton Univ. Press , p. 265-285, i I Ius-:-; 1965.

MOSSEL, LEROY G. Zeolite distribution and stra tigraphic relations in the Col umbia River Basa lt near Ritter Hot Springs, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's th esis, 64 p., 8 pla tes, 4 ta bles , 3 figs ., 1967.

MOTTS, WARD S . see Neal, James T. 1

MUEHLBERG, GARY E. 'See Fowler, Gerald A. 4

MUELLER, Oceanography: who will control Cobb Seamount? : Science, v. 161 , no. 3838, p. 252-253,

1 fig • 1 1 968 •

MUNDORFF I M. J. Geology and ground-water conditions of Clark County, Wash ., with a description of a ma jor alluvia l aquifer along theColu mbia River: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Pa per 1600, 268 p ., ' 3 pIa tes, 45 figs . , 19 ta b I es, 1 964 • . 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEO LOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

MUN K, W, see Houtermans, J.

MUNTZERT, JAM ES K . ' 1. The geology and minera l deposi ts of the Bra ttain district, la ke County, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master 's thesis, 70 p., 12 ta bles, 5 figs., geologic map, 1969. 2. (and Field, Cyrus W .) Geology and minera l deposits of th e Brattain district, la �e County, Oregon fabs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 121, Abstractsfor 1968, p. 616-61 7, 1969 .

MURATA , K . J. 1. (Friedman, Irving 1., �nd Madsen, B. M.) Carbon- 13-rich diagenetic carbona tes in Miocene formations of Ca lifornia and Oregon: Science, v. 156, no. 3781 , p. 1484-1486, 3 ta bles, ' June 1967. 2. (Friedman, Irving, and Madsen, Beth M.) Isotopic com position of diagenetic carbonates in marine Miocene forma tions of Ca lifornia and Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 614-B, 24 p., 11 fi gs., 1 ta ble, 1969.

MURPHY I c. TRUMAN l . 1. New erra tic site discovered: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 31 , no. 2, p. 20, Feb. 1965. 2. library group studies loess: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v.34, no . 12, p. 198- 201 , Dec . 1968 .

MURPHY, M. A. see Popenoe, W. P.

MYERS, W. BRADLEY see Hamilton, Warren 2, 3, 4

MYLREA, FRANKH . Geology of Mi ca Damsite fabs.J: Geol . Soc . America Spec'. Pa per 121 , Abstracts for 1968, p. 213-214, 1969.

N NAFZIGER, RALPH H. 1 . lake Oswego area field trip: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 34, no . 2, p. 113-

1 16, Feb . 1 968 . __, 2. Saddle Mountainfi eld trip, June 22, 1968, Geol . Soc . Oregon Country Newsle tter, v. 34, no. 7, p. 153-154, July 1968. 3. 1970 Geologica l Society of the Oregon Country President's campout: Merlin to Whiskey Creek: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 36, no . 9, p. 63-65, Sept. 1970 .

NATURE 1. Continental drift, evidence from rare earths: Nature, v. 224, no. 5224, p. 1056� 1 057, Dec . 13, 1969. 2. Continental drift: support from sediments, from our geomagnetism correspondent: Nature, v. 225, no. 5230, p. 314-315, Jan. 24, 1970 .

NAYUDU I y. RAMMOHANROY 1. Pa lagonite tuffs (h yaloclastites) and the products 'of posteruptive processes: Bull. Vo lcanol., v. 27, p. 391-410, illus., 1964. [abs .] Abs . N. Amer . Geol., p. 49, Jan. 1966 . 2. Carbona te deposits and pa leoclima tic implications in the northeastPa cific Ocean: Science, . v. 146, no. 3643, p. 515-517, 4 figs., Oct. 23, 1964. 3. (a nd Enbysk, B. J .) Bio-lithology of northeast Pa cific surface sediments: Marine Geol ., v. 2, no. 4, p. 31D- 342, 15 figs., 1964. BIBLIOGRAPH Y'' .. -. 69

NEAL, DONALD W. see also Young, L. L. 1, 2, 5 1. Wa ter power resources of th e Wilson River Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1329-B, p. 31-42, 3 figs ., geologic map, 1961 . 2. Review of wa ter power withdrawa ls in the Middle Fork Willamette River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le rpt. , 19 p., 1 fig ., 1961 .

NEAL, JAMES T. see also Rooney, Thomas P. 1. (a nd Motts , Wa rd S.) Recent geomorphic changes in playas of western United States: Jour. Geol ., v. 75, no . 5, p. 51 1 -525, 9 figs ., 2 ta bles, 1 plate, Sept. 1967. - 2. (La nger, Arthur M., and Kerr, Pa ul F.) Giant dessication polygons of Great Basin playas: Geol . Soc . America Bull., v. 79, no. 1, p. 69-90, 7 figs ., 2 plates, Jan. 1968.

NEES, W. L. see lystrom , D. J. 2

NEIHEISEL, JAM ES (and Weaver, Charles E.) Natura l indicators of estuarine sediment movement--Discussion [of paper 5220 by J. V. Byrne and L. D. Ku lm, 19671: Am . Soc . Civil Engineers Proc ., v. 93, paper 5546, Jour. Wa terways and Harbors Div., no . WW4, p. 263-265, 1967.

NEL SON, CARLTON HANS see also Carlson, Pau l R. 4; Kulm , L. D. 6 1. Geologica l limnology of Cra ter La ke , Oregon: Univ. Minnesota master's thesis, 175 p., 11

to b I es, 7 figs . 1 1961 • 2. Sediments of Cra ter la ke, Oregon: Geol . Soc. America Bull., v. 78, no . 7, p. 833-848, 6 figs ., 1 plate, July 1967. 3. (Kulm, L. D., Carlson, Pa ul R., and Duncan, John R.) Mazama ash in the northeastern Pacific: Science, v. 161, no. 3836, 2figs., July S, 1968. ' 4. (a nd Byrne, John V .) Astoria Fan: A model for deep-sea fa n deposition l"obs.l: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstrac ts for 1968, p. 218, 1969. 5. Marine geology of Astoria deep-sea fa n: Oregon State Univ. doc toral dissert., 287 p., 33 figs., 14 ta bles, 1968 . l"obs .l Dissert . Abs., Sec . B, Sci . and Eng., v. 29, no . 8, p. 3018B-3019B, . 1969. 6. (Carlson, P. R. , Byrne, J . V. , and A I pha, Ta u Rho) Development of the As tori a Canyon-Fa n physiography and comparison with similar systems: Marine Geol ., v. 8, no. 3-4, p. 259-291 , illus., tables, 1970.

NELSON, DENNIS 0. (a nd Shearer, Gera ld B.) The geology of CedarButt e northern Coast Range of Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31, no . 6, p. 113-130, 2 ta bles, 9 figs., 1 geologic map, June 1969 ..

NELSON, ERIC BRUCE · The geology of the Fairvie\Y-McKinley area , centra l Coos County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 59 p., 4 figs ., 1 table, 10 plates, geologic map, 1966 .

NELSON, JACK L. see Gross, M. Grant 2

NELSON, PAUL see also Cantwel l, T. 1 Spillways rise at John Day Dam: Pa cific Builder & Engineer, v. 66, no . 11, p : 64-67, illus ., Nov . 1960.

NESTELL, MERLYND K. see Bosiwick, David A . 3, 5 ) NEVIN, ANDREW E. see Williams, George A.


NEWCOMB, REUBEN C . see also Brown, Stuart G. 1, 3; Hart, D. H.; Ph illips, K. N. 1 1. Storage of ground wa ter behind subsurface damsin theColumbi a River Basalt, Washi ngton , Oregon, and Idaho: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 383-A, p. 1 -15, 12 figs ., geologic maps, 1961 . 2. Structura l barrier reservoirs of ground water in the Columbia River Basa lt: U.S. Geol . Survey, Prof. Paper 424-B, p . 213-215, fig., 1961 . 3. Ground water in the western partof the Cow C reek and Soldier Creek grazing units, Malheur County, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey , Wa ter-supply Pa per 1475-E, p. 159-172, 2 figs ., ta ble 1961 . 4. Age of the Pa louse Formation in the Wa lla Wa lla and Umatil la River basins, Oregon and Wa sh­ ington: Northwest Sci ., v. 35, no. 4, p. 122- 1 27, 2 figs., Nov . 1961 . 5. Resume'on the structure of the Wh ite Sa lmon q uadrangle, Oregon-Washington lObs.]: Oregon Acad. Sci . Abstracts of Pa pers, 21st Ann . Mtg., Corvallis, Feb. 23, 1 963, p. 16, 1963. 6. Ground water in the Orchard syncline, Wasco County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v . 25, no . 8, p. 133-1 38, 140-141 , geologic map, August 1963. 7. Geo logy and ground-water resources of the Wa lla Wa lla River basin, Washington-Oregon: Wash . Div. Water Resources Wa ter Supply Bull. 21 , 151 p., 3plates, 15figs ., 4tables, geologic maps, 1965. 8. Lithology and eastward extension of the Da lles Formation, Oregon and Washington: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 550-D, p. 59-63, 1 fig ., 1966 . 9. The Da lles-Umatilla syncline, Oregon and Wa shington: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 575-B, p. B88-B93, 3figs., 1967. 10. Geology of the Deschu tes-Umatilla Plateau, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon

Dept. Geol . and Min era l Indus ., Bu ll. 64, i�coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 60-66, 2 figs., 1969. 11. Geology of the Joseph Upland, in Mineral and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 64, ;;-coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 66-68, 1969. 12. Effect of tee tonic structure on the occurrence of ground wa ter in the basaIt of the Columbia River Group of The Da lles area, Oregon and Washington: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 383-C, 33 p., 18 figs., geologic map, 1969 . 13. The Colum bia River Group: Its tectonic structure in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, in Proc . Second Columbia River Basalt Sym posium , Eastern Wash . State College, Cheney, Wash:: Cheney , Eastern Washington Sta te College Press, p. 173-175, 1970 . 14. Tectonic structure of the partof th e basa lt of the Columbia River Group, Washing ton , Oregon, and Idaho: U.S. Geol . Survey Map 1-587, 1970. Scale 1:500, 000

NEWHOUSE, C . J. see Newton, V. C., Jr. 10

NEWTON, VERNON C., JR. see also Deacon, Robert J. 3; Stewart, R. E.; a nd Wagner , H. C. 1. Oil and gas explora tion in 196 0: Ore Bin, v. 23, no. 1, p. 7-8, Jan. 1961 . 2. (Corcoran, R. E., and Deacon, R. J.) Oregon still without oil, offers fa vorable pay areas: Drilling Internet. Mag ., Dallas, Tex., Associated Publishers, Inc., p. 52-60, April 1961 . 3. Oil and gas explora tion in 1961: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 1, p. 6-8, Jan. 1962 . 4. Nitrogen well atMola lla: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 10, p. 165-170, ta ble, Oct. 1962. 5. Oil and gas explora tion in 1962: Ore Bin, v. 25, no. 1, p. 8-15, Jan . 1963. 6. Available well records of oil and gas explora tion in Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol. and M inera l Indus., Mise . Paper no. 8, rev., 10 p., 1963. 7. Oil and gas explora tion map of Oregon (including wa ter wells with hydrocarbon shows): Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., map, 1963. 8. (a nd Corcoran, R. E.) Petroleum geology of the western Snake River basin, Oregon-Idaho: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Minera l Indus., Oil and Gas Invest. no. 11 67 p., 2 figs., 4 plates, geologic map, 1963. 9. Oil and gas explora tion in Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 1, p. 9- 14, Jan. 196 4. 10. (and Newhouse, C. J .) Oil leasing on the outer conti nental shelf adjacent to Oregon and Wa shington: Ore Bin, v. 26 , no. 11, p. 189- 193, illus., Nov. 1964. BIBLIOGRAPHY 71

; ' 11. Activity increasing in th e Northwest: Drilling Internet. Mag ., Da llas, Tex., Associa ted Pub­ lishers, Inc., 1964. 12. Oil and gas explora tion in 1964: Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 1, p. 11-18, Jan. 1965. 13. Natura l gas and petro leum products pipelines in the Northwest: Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 8, p. 149- 166, 3 figs., 3 ta bles, August 1965. 14. Oil and gas exploration in 1965: Ore Bin, v. 28 , no . 1, p. 20-28, 5 figs ., Jan. 1966 . 15. Oil and gas explora tion in 1966: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 1, p. 8- 12, 3 figs., Jan. 1967. 16. Summary of oil and gas explora tion off the coastof Oregon and Washington, 1961-1966: Ore Bin, v. 29, no. 2, p. 17-32, 3 ta bles, 3 figs., Feb. 1967. 17. Ocean resources and methods for recovering them: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 33, no . 8, p. 65-66, August 1966 . 18. The oi l hunt blows hot, then cold: Ocean Indus., v. 2, no . 9, p. 74-75, Sept. 1967. 19. Oil and gas development, 1966: Internet. Oil and Gas Devel ., Part 1 ., v. 37, p. 293-297, 1967. 20. Oil and gas explora tion in Oregon, 1967: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 1, p. 12-20, 2 figs ., 3 ta bles, Jon . 1968 . 21 . Oregon oil and gas exploration, 1967: Internet. Oil Scou ts Assn . , v. 38, part1, Internet. Oil and Gas Devel . Yearbook., 2 figs., geologic map, p. 257- 260, 1968 . 22 . Oil and gas development, 1967: Interne t. Oil and Gas Devel ., Part 1, v. 38, p. 258-260, 1968. ., : 23 . Oil and gas exploration in Oregon, 1968: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 1, p. 12-20, 3 tables, illus., Jan. 1969. 24 . One last look at offshore Oregon: Western Oil Reporter Mag., Denver, Colo., Bel l Publ ., July 1969. 25. Oil and gas development, 1968: Internet. Oil and Gas Devel ., Part 1, v. 39, p. 255, 1969. 26 . Saline wa ter, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 64, in coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 231-232, 1 fig ., tab le, 1969. 27. Oil sha le, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 64, ;;;-coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 278-280, 1 ta ble, 1969. 28 . Subsurface geology of th e lower Columbia and Wi llamette basins, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l lndus ., Oil and Gas lnv . 2, 12 figs., ?plates , 121 p., 1969. 29. Oil and gas exploration in Oregon in 1969: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 1, p. 6-8, illus., Jan. 1970. 30. Oil and gas development, 1969: lnternat. Oil and Gas Devel ., Part 1, v. 40, p. 261 , 1970 . 31 . Commercial production is yet to be found in Oregon: Western Oi I Reporter Mag., Ann . Rev., Denver, Colo., Bell Publ ., April 1970 .

NEW YORK TIMES TV to study sa nd in Colum bia River: New York Tim·es, v. 112, no . 38, p. 74 , col . 3-5, illus., April 28, 1963. lObs.] GeoSci. Abs., v. 5, no. 5, p. 12, May 1963.

NIELAND, JIM "Spatter cone pits," Sand Mountainlav a field, Oregon Cascades: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 12, p. 231-236, 4 figs., Dec . 1970 .

NILES, M. S. see Lovering, T. G.


NOBLE, DONALD C. see also Armstrong, Richard l. 1. (Chipman, David W., and Giles, David L.) Peralkaline silicic volcanic rocks in northwestern Nevada: Science, v. 160, no. 3834, p. 1337-1338 , 1 fig ., 1 table,Ju ne 21, 1968. 2. (Drake, John D., and Wha llon, Marjorie K.) Some preliminary observa tions on compositiona l varia tions within the pumice- and scoria-flow deposi ts of MountMazama, in Proceedings of the Andesi te Conference: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 65,p. 157- 164, 4 figs., 1 ta ble, 1969. 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

NOLF, BRUCE 1. Triassic megabreccias, Wa llowa Mountains, northeastern Oregon fobs.]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Pa per no . 73, Abstrac ts for 1962, p. 55, 1963. 2. (a nd Ta ubeneck, William H.) Permo-Triassic stratigraph ic revisions, Wa llowa Mountains , north­ eastern Oregon fabs .l: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 73 , Abstracts for 1962, p. 92-93, 1963.

3. Broken Top brea ks: flood released by erosion of glacial mora ine: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 10, p . �· 182-188, 8 figs., 1966. 4. Structure and stratigraphy of partof the northern Wa llowa Mountains, Oregon: Princeton Uni­ versity doctora l dissert., 193 p., 1966. [a bs .] Dissert. Abs., Sec . B., Sci . and Eng., v. 27, no. 8, p. 2748B, 1967.

NORTH, WILLIAM B . 1. Coasta l landslides in northern Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's th esis, 85 p., 25 illus., geologic map, 1964. 2. {a nd Byrne, John V.) Coastalla ndslides of northern Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 27, no. 11, p. 217- 241 , 16 figs., 1 plate, 2 ta bles, Nov . 1965.

NORTHROP, JOHN 1 . {Menard, H. W. and Duennebier, F. K.) Seismic and bathymetric evidence of a fracture zone on Gorda Ridge: Science, v. 161 , no. 3842, p. 688-690, illus., 1968.

2. Accura cy of earthqua ke epicenters on the Gorda Ridge: Seismol. Soc . America Bull., v. 60, no. 1, p. 265-267, 1970 . 3. (and Morrison, Michael F.) Seismic slip ra te versus sea-floor spreading ra te on the eastern

Pacific Rise and Pa cific Antarctic Ridge: Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 75, no. 17, p. 3285- 3290, 1970.

,, 0 OAKESHOTT, GORDON B . Geology of the Ca lifornia CoastRa nges: California Div. Mines and Geol. Mineral lnfor . Serv., v. 23, no . 1, p. 7- 10, illus., Jan. 1970.

OBERSON , VIOLA L . 1. J. C. Stevens, in memory: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 36, no. 5, p. 38, May 1970 . 2. Fou nder of Geologica l Society of the Oregon Country dies: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 36, no. 12, p. 90, Dec . 1970 .

O'DELL, SHIRLEY Painted Hills: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 30, no . 7, p. 47-48 , July 1964.

OFFSHORE Off Oregon, Washington, lease sa le nets $35.5 million: Offshore, v. 22, no . 4, p. 5Q-51 , Nov . 1964.

OHL, JANE P. see Fischer, R. P. 2

OJALA; GARY L. Geo logy of the Oregon King mine and vicinity, Jefferson County, Oregon: Kansas Univ. master's th esis, 123 p., 60 figs., 5 pla tes, geologic map, 1964. BIBLIOGRAPHY 73

OLCOTT, GO RDON W. Mid-Columbia Planning Council aggrega te and rock sites: Oregon State Water Resources Board open-fi le rpt. , 20 p., iIIus ., 1965.

OLES, KEITH F. see also Enlows, Harold E.; Wil kinson, W. D. Cretaceous marine embayment in centra l Oregon [abs .l: Geol . Soc . America , Abstracts with Programs, 1969, Pa rt 3, p. 49-50, 1969.

OLIVER, H . W . The U.S. Geologica l Survey's gravity program in Ca lifornia , Hawaii, Nevada , and Oregon: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v. 46, no . 1, p. 219-222, 1965.

OLIVER , JOHN G. see Kidby, Harold A.

OLSEN, EDWARD {and Bunch, T. E.) Com positions of natura l osumilites: Am . Minera logist v. 55, no . 5-6, p. 875-879, illus., 1970 .

OLSON, EVERETT C. Introduction to J. Harlen Bretz ' paper on "The Lake Missoula floods and the channeled scab­ land": Jour. Geology, v. 77, no . 5, p. 503-504, Sept. 1969.

OMAN, CHARLES L. see lves, Pa tricia C.; Levin, Betsy 1, 2

O'NEIL, J . R. see also Barnes, Ivan; Truesdell, A. H. (and Barnes, Iva n) The nature of secondary dolomite forma tion [abs .l: Am . Geophys . Union ·Tra ns., v. 50, no. 4, p. 347, 1969.

ONIONS, C. A. Sediment transport in streams in th e Umpqua River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open­ file rpt., in coop. with Douglas County, 45 p., 1 fig ., 2 tables, 1969.

ORANGE, A. see Cantwell, T. 2

The ORE BIN 1. Data on Oregon's offshore: v. 23, no. 1, p. 10-12, map, Jan . 1961 . 2. Legisla ture passes laws affecting th e mineral industry: v. 23, no . 5, p. 43-47, May 1961 . 3. Oregon pa leontologist dies: v. 23, no. 5, p. 47, May 1961 . 4. Oregonite, a new mineral: v. 23, no. 5, p. 49, May 1961 . 5. Oregon theses added to Department library: v. 23, no. 6; p. 64, June 1961 . 6. Recent development work at the Buffa lo Mine: v. 23, no . 8, p. 82-83, map, August 1961 . 7. Carbon 14 test da tes , Loon La ke: v. 23, no . 11, p. 111, Nov . 1961 . 8. List of theses on Oregon geology grows: v. 23, no. 11, p. 114, Nov . 1961 . 9. Cornucopia property goes to higher bidder: v. 23, no. 12, p. 121, Dec . 1961 . 10. Ferruginous bauxite found in Cheha lem Hills: v. 23, no. 12, p. 122, Dec . 1961 . � 11. Geologic ma p of western Oregon now avai !able: v. 24, no. 1, p. 9- 10, Jan. 1962. 12. More theses on Oregon geology available: v. 24, no. 1, p. 11, Jan. 1962 .. 13. Nehalem wax gets carbon 14 da te: v. 24, no. 1,p. 12, Jan. 1962. 14. Pacific Stoneware production expands: v. 24, no . 1, p. 13, Jan. 1962. 15. Geologic time chart for Oregon: v. 23, no . 2, p. 16-17, 1961 . 16. Recen t opinions of the Attorney General: v. 24, no. 7, p. 116-117, July 1962. 17. Canadian lim estone shi pped to Oswego, Oregon: v. 24, no. 9, p. 152, Sept. 1962. 18. Drillers to try again for steam on Crump Ranch, Adel: v. 24, no . 10, p. 160, Oct. 1962 . 19. New theses listed: v. 24, no. 11, p. 190, Nov . 1962. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

20. Supreme Court affirms Lake County ow nership: v. 24, no. 11, p. 190-191, Nov. 1962. 21 . Oregon King mine makes first ore shipment: v. 24, no . 11, p. 192, Nov . 1962. 22. Lime plant to be built in Portland area: v . 24, no. 12, p. 205, Dec. 1962 . 23. New process tested on Oregon lateri tes: v. 25, no . 4, p. 69-70, April 1963. 24. Stockpi le policy threatens mercury industry: v. 25, no. 6, p. 110-111, June 1963. 25. Geochemica l sam pling program to begin: v. 25, no. 6, p. lll-112, June 1963. 26 . Beach sands attract Bunker Hill: v. 25, no . 7, p. 128- 1 30, July 1963. 27. Geologic biscuits: v. 25, no . 10, p. 177, Oct. 1963. ' 28 . La vac icle Cave: v. 25, no. 11, p. 198, Nov . 1 volcanology: v. 27, no. 7, p. 148, July 1965. 45 . Thunderegg: Oregon's State Roc k: v. 27, no . 10, p. 189-194, illus., Oct. 1965 . 46 . lunar Geological Field Conference: v. 27, no. 10. p. 205-216, illus., Oct. 1965. 47. Library augmented by reports on Oregon geology: v. 27, no . 12, p. 256-257, Dec. 1965. 48 . Index to th e Ore Bin: v. 27, no. 12, p. 259-260, Dec. 1965. 49. Dole named to minera ls post under Nixon: v. 31, no . 4, p. 88-89, illus., April 1969. 50. Corcoran named State Geologist: v. 31, no. 4, p. 90, April 1969. 51 . Geologic time chart revised: v. 32, no. 5, p. 94, May 1970. 52 . Oil test cores age-da ted: v. 32, no . 9, p. 184, Sept. 1970 . 53 . Nickel-bearing stream sediments from southwestern Oregon: v. 32, no. 12, p. 221-230, 6 tables, 2 figs., Dec . 1970 . 54 . Edwin T. Hodge: v. 32, no. 12, p. 242, Dec. 1970 . 55 . Summary sta tement of principles and recommenda tions concerning laws relating to mining: v. 30, no. 11, p. 224-226, 1968 .

OREGO N ACADEMY OF SCIENCE l . Citations for outstanding a chievement: Ira S. All ison: Proc . Ore . Acad . Sci ., v. 5, p. 49, 1969. 2. Memorial for W. D. Wil kinson: Proc . Ore. Acad. Sci ., v. 5, p. 54, 1969.


OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERA L INDUSTRIES l . Thirteenth biennial report, 1960- 1 962: Bu ll. 54, 16 p., figs ., ta bles, 1963. 2. Fourteenth biennial report of the State Geologist, 1962- 1 964: Bul l. 56, 33 p., illus., 1965. 3. Fifteenth biennia l report of the State Geologist, 1964- 1 966: Bull. 59, 27 p., illus., 1967. 4. Sixteenth biennial report of the State Geologist, 1966-1 968: Bull. 63, 35 p., illus., 1968 . 5. Rules and regulations for conserva tion of oil and na t ura l gas and laws relating to development of oil and gas minera ls: Misc. Pa per no . 4, 2nd rev., 34 p., 1962. BIBLIOGRAPHY 75

6. Transactions, Lu�ar Geologica l Field Conference, Bend, Oregon, August 1965: 98 p., illus., 1966 . 7. Petroleum exploration in Oregon: Misc . Paper 9, 31 p., 1 plate , 9 figs., 1962. 8. Articles on Recent volcanism in Oregon: Misc . Paper 10, illus., 1965. 9. A collection of articles on meteorites: Misc . Pa per 11, 37 p., illu�., 1968 . 10. Seventeenth biennia l report, 1968-1 970, of the Sta te of Oregon Department of Geology and Minera l Industries: Bull. 68, 45 p., illus., 1970.

THE OREGONIAN 1. Tungsten casts made at Albany: Jan . 27, 1961 . fobs.] Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 2, p. 22, Feb . 1961 2. Cornucopia gold mine sold: Nov. 22, 1961 . [abs.] Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 11, p. 111, Nov . 1961 .

OREGON STATE ENGINEER 1. Critical ground water area in The Da lles: hearing held March 27, 1959. 2. Critical ground water area in Cow Va lley, Malheur County, Oregon: Hearings held in April 1956, July 1959.

OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DIVISION (a nd Federa l Highway Administration, Region 8) Environmenta l resource ana lysis, Neskowin to Til lamook, Oregon: 55 p., illus., 1970 .

OREGON STATE LEGI SLATU RE Oregon Sta te Legisla ture, 1965, A n Act: relating to State lands; and the leasing thereof for minera ls (in offshore and submerged lands): Geo-Marine Techn ., v. 1, no. 3, p. 34-37,

Feb. 196,5 . '

OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY, DEPT. OF OCEANOGRAPHY Oceanography in Oregon, a history of the Department of Oceanography: Oregon Sta te Univ. Ref. 68-49, 28 p., 11 figs ., 1968 .

OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INSTITUTE Seminar Proceedings, Water quality control: 120 p., 10 figs ., 1964.

OREGON STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD 1. Hood basin: 114 p., 4plates, 24 ta bles, 21 figs., 1965. 2. John Day River basin: 93 p., 10 plates, March 1962. 3. North Coastba sin: 142 p., illus., ta bles, 1961 . 4. South Coast basi n: 125 p., 5 plates, Jan . 1963. 5. (a nd U.S. Dept. of Agricul ture) Lower Wil lamette River basin, Oregon: 149 p., illus., Sept. 1963. 6. Middle Wil lamette River basin: 138 p., 6 plates, June 1963. 7. Deschutes River basin: 188 p., illus., ta bles, 1961. 8. Malheur La ke basin: 110 p., 2 pla tes, 6 tables, 21 figs., 1967. 9. Powder River basin: 154 p., illus., ta bles, geologic map, 1967. 10. (a nd U.S. Dept. of Agricul ture) Umati lla drainage basin, Oregon: 138 p., illus., Dec . 1962. 11. Malheur-Owyhee basins: 111 p., 6 plates, 38 ta bles, 17 fi gs., 1969.

OREM, HOLLIS M. 1. Computation of the tota l flow of the Columbia River at the rnou th: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 424-C, p. 148-1 49, fig ., 1961 . [abs .] GeoSci . Abs., v. 4, no. 4, p. 49, April 1962 . 2. Discharge in the lower Columbia River basin, 1928-65: U.S. Geol . Survey Circ . 550, 24 p., 12 ta bles, 4 figs., 1968. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

ORR, WILL IAM N. . 1. (a nd Za itzeff, James B.) Miocene silicoflagellates from [sou thwest] Oregon: Northwest Sci ., v. 44, no. 1, p. 12-15, 6 figs., Feb . 1970 . 2. (a nd Weinstein, B. B.) Oregon Tertiary phytoplankton: Ore Bin, v. 32, no . 7, 6 figs., p. 133- 1 39, July 1970 .

OSAWA, MASUMI (and Goles, Gordon G.) Trace element abundances in Columbia River Basalts, in Proc . Second Columbia River Basa lt Sym posium , Eastern Wash . State College, Cheney, March2 1-23, 1969: Cheney, Eastern Washington State College Press, p. 55-71 , 4 ta bles, 4 figs., 1970 . . OSGOOD I JACK (and Green , Jack) Sonic velocity and penetrability of simulated lunar rock dust: Space Sciences lab ., North American Aviation, Inc., SID 64-1051 , Nov . 15, 1964 .

OSTER, EUGENE A. 1 . (a nd Hampton, E. R.) Water supply for Oregon Caves Nationa l Monument, southwestern Ore­ gon: U.S . Geol . Survey Wa ter-resources Rpt., 21 p., 6 figs., open file, 1967. 2. Pa tterns of runoff in the Wi l lamette Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Hydro logic lnv. Atlas HA-274, 1968 .

OSTERBERG, CHARLES see also Joh nson, Vernon (Kulm, l. D., and Byrne, John V.) Garrima emi tters in marine sediments near the Colum bia River: Science, v. 139, no. 3558, p. 916-917, March 8, 1963 .

OSTERWALD, FRANK W. Structura l control of uranium-bearing vein deposi ts and districts in the conterminous United States: U .S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 455-G, p. 130, 1965.

OVERSTREET, WILLIAM C . The geologic occurrence of monazite: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 530, p. 229-230,2 tables, 1967.

OWEN, LILLIAN F. see Steere, Margaret l. 1

p PABST, MARIE B . The flora of the Chuckanut Formation of northwestern Wa shington: th e Equiseta les, Filicales, and Conifera ls: Calif. Univ. Pubs . in Geol . Sci ., v. 76 , 60 p., 12 plates , 4 tables, 1968.

PACIFIC NORTHWEST RIVER BAS INS COMMISSION Columbia-North Pacific Region Framework Study: land and minera l resources: Pacific Northwest River Basins Comm ., Appendix IV, 55 figs ., 285 tables; v. 1, 286 p.; v. 2, p. 287-545, 1969.


1 • (a nd Jones, David l.) A new species of A nisoceras from Oregon: Jou·r . Po leontology, v. 36, no . 5, p. 1047- 1050, 3 plates, Sept. 1962. lObs .] GeoSci . Abs ., v. 5, no. 6, p. 35, 1963. 2. (and Jones, D. L .) Cretaceous pel ecypods of the genus Pinna from the West Coastof North America: Jour . Pa leontology, v. 39, no. 5, p. 91 0-915, 1965.

PAIGE, RUSSELL A. Tw o examples of applied engineering geology - Mosier, Oregon and Petersburg , Alaska lObs.], BIBLIOGRAPHY 77

in Alaskan Sci . Conf., 15th , College, Alaska, 1964, Proc .: Sci . Alaska 1 964, p. 94-95, 1965. Also Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 82, p. 360-361, 1965.

PALMER, KATHERINE V. W . 1. A new nautiloid, Eutrephoceras Eyerdami, n. sp. from the Cowlitz Formation, Upper Eocene, of Washington: Jour. Pa leont., v. 35, no. 3, p. 532-534, p. 73, May 1961 . 2. Notes on comparison of Eutrephoceras Eyerdami Palmer, 1961 and Cimonia hesperia Miller and Downs, 1950: Jour. Pa leont., v. 3 9, no. 1, p. 155, Jan. 1965.

PALMER, LEONARD A. · Marine terrace deformation in Pacific coastal U.S. [w ith discussion] , in Sea level changes and crustal movements of thePa cific during the Pliocene and post-Piiocenetime: OsakaUni v., J. Geosci ., v. 10, p. 69-81 , illus., 1967. (Poe. Sci . Congr ., 11th, Tokyo, 1966 . Symp. no . 19)

PAR KER, GARALD G . 1. (Shown, L ynn M., and Ra tzlaff, Karl W;) Officers Cave, a pseudokarstfea ture in altered tuff and volcanic ash of th e John Day Formation in eastern Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Bull., v. 75, no. 5, p. 393-402, 4 figs., 2 plates , May 1964. 2. Officer's Cave, eastern Oregon, revisted fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 121, p. 415, 1968.

PAR KER, R. l. see McKenzie, D. P.

PAR KES, J. E . see Huxel, C. J., Jr. 1, 2

PARSONS, E . W. see Carter, George J. 1

PARSONS, ROGER B. see also Ba lster, Clifford A. 1, 2, 3,; Reckendorf, Frank F.

1 • (and Balster, C. A.) Morphology and genesis of six "red hi II" soi ls in the Oregon CoastRa nge: Soil Sci . Soc. America Proc ., v. 30, no . 1, p. 90-93, illus ., tables, 1966 . 2. Geomorphology of the Lake Oswego area , Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 9, p. 186-1 92, 1 fig ., Sept. 1969. 3. (a nd Balster, C. A.) Dayton--A depositiona l planosol, Willamette Va lley, Oregon: Soil Sci . Soc . America Proc ., v. 31 , no. 2, p. 255-259, illus., tables, 1967.

PATTEE, ELDON C. see also Wa lker, George W. 5 (Van Noy, Ronald M., and Weldin, Robert D.) Beryll ium resources of Idaho, Washington,. Montana , and Oregon: U.S. Bur. Mines Rpt. lnv. 7148, p. 162- 163, 1968.

PATTERSON , PETER V. 1. Geology of the north ern third of the Glide quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 83 p., 17 pla tes, 3 figs ., geologic map, 1961 . 2. Sawtooth Ridge: a northeast Oregon volcanic crater: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 9, p. 173-183, plate, geologic map, Sept. 1969.

PA HERSON , ROBERT l. Geology of partof the northeast quarter of the Mitchell quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 97 p., 24 figs ., 4 tables, geologic map, 1965.

PATTERSON, SAM . H. Ba uxite reserves and potential aluminum resources of th e world: U.S. Geol . Survey Bull. 1228, 176 p., 13 figs., 10 tables, 2 plates, 1967. � 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEO LOGY AND MINERA L RES OURCES OF OREGON

PATTULLO, JUNE G. see also Osterberg, Charles (Burt, Wayne V ., and Burdwell, Gerald B.) Tsunami on the Oregon coastfrom an earthqua ke near Japan: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 9, p. 182- 184, 1 fig ., Sept. 1968 .

PAVO NI, N . Tectonic interpretation of the magnetic anomalies southwest of Vancouver, Island: 'Pure and Appl . Geophysics, v. 63, p. 172-178, illus., ta ble,1966 .

PAYTON, CLIFFORD CHARLES The geology of the middle third of the Sutherlin quadrangle, Oregon: Univ . Oregon master's thesis, 81 p., 2figs., 16 pla tes, geologic map, 1961 .

PEARCY, WILL IAM see Osterberg , Charles

PEARSON , F. J., JR . see a lso Va lastro, S., Jr. (Davis, E. Mott, and Tamers, H. A .) Univ . Texas radiocarbon dates IV: Radiocarbon, v. 8,

P o 4591 1966 o

PEASE, ROBERT W. Normal fau lting a nd latera l shearin northeastern California: Geol . Soc . America Bul l., v. 80, no. 4, 3 figs., p. 71 5- 720, April 1969.

PEC K, DALLAS L . see also Moore, James G. 3; Wells, Francis G. 1. Geologica l reconna issance of th e Western Cascades in Oregon north of lati tude 43°: Harvard Univ . doctora l dissert., 232 p., figs., tables, geologic map, 1960. 2. Geologic reconna issance of the Western Cascades in Oregon north of lati tude 43°: U.S. Geol . Survey Rpts., open-fi le Ser. no . 565, 232 p., 38 figs ., 16 maps, April 1960. [abs.] GeoSci. Abs., v. 3, no. 2, p. 9, Feb. 1961 . 3. John Day Formation near Ashwood, n orth-centra I Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 424- D, p. 153-1 56, 2 figs ., ta ble, 1961 . [abs.] GeoSci, Abs., v. 4, no . 4, p. 18, April 1962 . 4. (Griggs, A . B., Schlicker, H. G., Wells, F. G., and Dole, H. M.) Geology of the central and northern parts of the Western Cascade Range in Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 449, 56 p. , 36 figs., 9 tables, geologic map, 1964 . 5. Geologic reconnaissa nce of the Antelope-Ashwood area , north-centra l Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Buii. 1161-D, 26 p., 8figs., 2tables, geologic map, 1964. 6. (Wolfe, J. A ., and Griggs, A . B.) Remarks on the paper "Oregon Cascades in relation to Cenozoic stratigraphy;• in Second Columbia River Basa lt Symposium , Eastern Wa shing ton State College, Cheney, Wash-:: Mar. 21-23, 1969, Proc .: Cheney, Ea stern Wash . State College Press, p. 125-131 , 1970 .

PEIRCE, BOB Ea rly days on the Rogue: Mazama , v. 44, no. 13, p. 38-43, illus., Dec . 1962.

PERRAULTI MAR K ,. 1. Structura l geology of th e Suplee area: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 31 , no. 8, p. 71 -73, August 1965. 2. Mutton Mountainfi eld trip: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 32, no . 5, p. 39- 42, May 1966 . 3. Coarse-grained intrusives of the Dixie Butte and Vinegar Hills areas-M iddle Fork, John Day River: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 33, no . 12, p. 92- 94, Dec . 1967.

PERRY I HARRY (Geer, Max R., Genti le, Columbus R., and Jones, Herschel F.) Potential for th e coa l industry BIBLIOGRAPHY 79

in the Pacific Northwest, in The Pa cific Northwest econom ic bt:tse study for power markets: Portland, Oregon, BonneviTi e Power Admin., v. II, PartllA, 203 p., 39 figs., 44 ta bles, 1965.

PETER , GEORGE (and L attimore, Robert) Magnetic structure of the Jua n de Fuca-Gorda Ridge area: Jour . Geophys . Research, v. 74, no . 2, p. 586-593, illus . ., 1969.

PETERMAN, Z . E . see also Coleman, R. G. 2; Hedge, C. E. 1, 3 (Hedge, Carl E., Coleman, Robert G.,and Snavely, Parke D., Jr.) Sr87/Sr86 ratios in some eugeosynclina l · sedimentary rocks and their bearing on the origin of granitic magma in orogenic belts: Earth and Planetary Sci . Letters, v. 2 , no. 5, p. 433- 439, illus., tables, 1967.

PETERSEN, NORMAN S . see Fulkerson, Frank B. 1, 2; Gray, Jerry J. 4; Hale, William N. ·

PETERSON, EDWARD C. Titanium resources of the United States: U.S. Bur. Mines IC 8290, p. 37-38, 1966.

PETERSON, GARY L. 1. Regional Cretaceous sequences in northern Ca lif. and Oregon: Univ. Wash ington doctoral dissert ., 103 p., ?figs:, Stables, 1963. 2. Upper Cretaceous stratigraphic disconti nuity, north ern Ca lifornia and Oregon: Am . Assn . Petrol . Geologists Bull., v. 51, no . 4, p. 558-568, 2 figs., Apri l 1967. 3. Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic discontinuity in northern Californ ia and Oregon: Am . Assn . Petrol . Geologists Bull. v. 51 , no. 6, p. 864-872, 3 figs., June 1967. 4. Some comments regarding "Cretaceous pel ecypods of the genus Pinna from the West Coastof North America": Jour. Pa leontology, v. 41, no . 6, p. 1556, Nov. 1967.

PETERSON, JOE V . 1. Oregon's Cam p Hancoc k: Earth Science, v. 16, no. 5, p. 223-225, illus.,Oct. 1963. 2. Plant fossi ls of the Clarno Formation (popu lar account) : Earth Science, v. 17, no . 1, p. 11- 15, illus., 1964.

PETERSON, NORMAN V. see also Bowen , R. G. 5; Godwin, L. H.; Ramp, Len 4; Wa l ker, George W. - 10, 17 1. Perlite occurrences in southeastern Klamath and southwestern La ke Counties, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 23, no. 7, p. 65-70 , illus., July 1961 . 2. (a nd Groh, Edward A.) Hole-in- the-Ground, central Oregon, meteorite crater or volcanic explosion?: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 10, p. 95- 100, 4 figs., Oct. 1961 .

3. Geology of Collier State Park area , Klamath County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 6, p. 88- 97, 4 figs., geologic mop, June 1962. 4. (a nd Groh, Edward A.) Recent volcanic landforms in centra l Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 3, p. 33-45, 10 figs ., March 1963. 5. (a nd Groh, E. A.) Moors of south-centra l Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 5, p. 73-88, 8 figs ., May 1963. 6. (a nd Groh, Edward A.) Diamond Craters, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 2, p. 17-34, 12 figs., 1 plate, Feb. 1964. 7. (a nd Groh, Edward A.) Crack-in-the-Ground, La ke County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 9, p. 158-166, 4 figs., geologic map, Sept. 1964. 8. (a nd Groh, E. A., editors) State of Oregon Lunar Geologica l Field Conference guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 57, 51 p., 34 figs., geologic maps, 1965. 9. (a nd Groh, E. A., editors) State of Oregon Lunar Geological Field Conference, Bend, Oregon, 1965, Guidebook; Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., Bul l. 57, 2nd ed.: Portland, Schultz­ Wack-Weir, Inc., 51 p., illus., geologic maps, 1965. 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OR EGON

10. Newberry Volcano a rea field trip -- geologic summary, in lunar geologica l field conference guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., B� . 57, p. 11-18, illus., geologic map, 1965. 11. Hole-in-the-Ground - Fort Rock - Devils Garden area field trip -- geologic summary, in lunar · geological field conference guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., Bull:-57, p. 19-28, illus., geologic maps, 1965. 12. (and Groh, Edward A .) Geotherma l potential of the Klamath Fa lls area , Oregon, a preliminary study: Ore Bin, v. 29, no . 11, p. 209-231, 10 figs., 2 plates, 2 ta bles, geologic map, Nov . 1967. 13. (a nd Groh, E. A.) The ages of some Holocene volcanic eruptions in the Newberry Volcano area , Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 4, p. 73-87, 10 figs ., 1 plate, 2 ta bles, April 1969. 14. The geothermal potential of th e Klamath Falls, Oregon area - a progress report labs.]: Oregon Acad . Sci . Proc . for 1967, v. 4, p. 12-13, 1969. 15. (a nd Groh, E. A.) The age of Recent lava flows of th e Northwest Rift Zone of Newberry Vol­ cano, Deschutes County, Oregon labs .]: Oregon Acad Sci. Proc . for 1967, v. 4, p. 13, 1969. 16. Uranium , in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept . Geol . and Mineral Indus., Buii. 64, Tn coop . with U .S. Geoi . Survey, p. 180-184, 1 fig ., 1 ta ble, 1969. 17. (a nd Mc i ntyre, James R.) The reconnaissa nce geology and minera l resources of ea stern Klamath County and western lake County, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull . 66, 70 p., 30 figs., 8 ta bles, 2 plates, geologic map, 1970. 18. (a nd Groh, E. A .) Geologic tour of Cove Pa lisades State Park near Madras, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 8, p. 141-168, 19 figs., geologic map, August 1970 .

PH ILLIPS, K. N. 1. (Newcomb, R. C., Swenson, H. A., and laird, l. B.) Wa ter for Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Pa per 1649, 1 50 p., 47 figs ., 1965. 2. (a nd VanDenburgh, A . S.) Hydrology of Crater, East, and Davis lakes, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Paper 1859- E, 60 p., 11 figs., 13 ta bles, 1968. 3. Water resources, in Mineral and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bu ll. 64,Tn coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 325- 369, 13 figs ., 14 ta bles, 1969.

PHILLIPS, R. LAWRENCE see Clifton, H. Edward 1; Hunter, Ra lph E.

PH ILLIPS, ROBERT L. Structure and stra tigraphy of the northern quarter of th e Lang lois quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 91 p., 12 fig ., 6 plates, 2 ta bles, geologic map, 1968 .

PJETRAFESA, LEONARD J. see Couch, R. W .; Heinrichs, Donald F. 1

PJGG, JOHN HENRY, JR. The lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks in the Pilot Rock and Heppner areas, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 67 p ., 4 figs., 4 ta bles, 18 plates, geologic map, 1961 .

PIPER, A. M. see Young, L. L. 4

PITMAN, WALTER C., Ill see Hayes, Dennis E.

PIWJNSKII, A. 1. (and Wyllie, P. J .) Experimental studies of seri es: a zoned pluton in th e Wa l lowa ba tholith, Oregon: Geol . Soc . America S pec . Pa per 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 130-131 , 1966. 2. Experimental studies of igneous rock series: "felsic" bodies from the Wa llowa batholith, Oregon, [a bs .J: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 101, p. 166- 167, 1968. 3. (a nd Wy llie, P. J .) Experimental studies of igneous rock series: a zoned pluton in the Wallowa ba tholith, Oregon: Jour . Geology, v. 76 , no . 2, p. 205-234, 15 figs., 5 ta bles, March 1968. BIBLIOGRAPHY 81

4. (and Wyllie, P. J.) Experimental studies of igneous rock seri es: felsic body suite from the Needle Point pluton, Wa llowa batholith, Oregon: Jour. Geology, v. 78 , no. 1 , p. 52-76 , 19 figs., 9 ta bles, Jan. 1970 .

POLDERVAART, ARIE see Larsen, Leonard H.

POPE, ROBERT J . (a nd Anderson, M. W .) Strength properties of clays derived from volcanic rocks, -in Research conference on shear strength of cohesive soils, University of Colorado, 1960: New Yor k, Am . Soc . Civil Engineers, p. 315-340, illus., 1961 .

POPENOE, WILLIS PARKISON see also Sau l, Louella Rankin (Imlay, R. W., and Murphy, M. A.) Correlation of the Cretaceous formations of the Pacific Coast (U . S. and northwestern Mexico): Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 71 , no . 10, p. 1491- 1540, Oct. 1960. [abs .] GeoSci . Abs., v. 3, no . 1, p. 15-16, Jan. 1961 .

PORATH, H . see Camfield, P. A.

PORTER , P . W. see Corcoran, R. E. 2

PORTER, STEPHEN C. see Czamanske, Gerald K.

POTTER , MILES F . (and McCall, Harold) The golden years of eastern Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 6, p. 105- 118, illus., June 1968 .

POWERS, HOWARD A. see also Malde, Harold E. (a nd Wilcox, Ray E.) Volcanic ash from Mount Mazama (Cra ter Lake) and from Glacier Peak: Science, v. 144, no . 3624, p. 1334- 1336, 2 figs., ta ble, June 12, 1964. fobs.] GeoSci . Abs., v. 6, no. 12, p. 93, Dec. 1964.

PRAKASH, UTTAM see Scott, Richard Albert

PRICE, D. G . see Carnahan, H. E.

PRICE, DON see also Robinson, J. W. 1. Records of wells, water levels and chemical quality of ground water in the French Prairie­ Mission Bottom area, north ern Wi llamette Va !ley, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer, Ground Wa ter Rpt. no. 1, 314 p., illus., 3 tables, March 1961 . [abs.J GeoSci . Abs., v. 3, no. 10, p. 50-51 , Oct. 1961 . 2. Ground-water reconnaissancein the Burnt River Va I ley, Baker County , Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le report, 31 p., illus., 5 figs., 4 ta bles, 1964. 3. (Hart, D. H., and Foxworthy, B. L.) Artificial recharge in Oregon and Washington, 1962: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1594- C, 65 p., 9 figs., 4 ta bles, 2 plates, 1965. 4. (and Johnson, Nyra A.) Selected ground water data in the Eola-Amity Hills area, northern Willamette Va lley, Oregon: Oregon Sta te Engineer Ground Wa ter Rpt. 7, 55 p., illus., ta bles, 1965. 5. Ground water in the Eola-Amity Hills area, northern Willamette Va lley, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1847, 66 p., 13 figs ., 4 tablest 1 plate, 1967. 6. Geology and water resources in the French Prairie area , northern Willamette Va lley, Oregon: U.S. G eol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1833, 98 p., 7 ta bles, 18 figs., 2 pla tes, geologic map, 1967. 7. Rate and extent of migra tion of a "one-shot" contaminant in an alluvial aquifer in Keizer, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 575-B, p. B217- B220, 2 figs., 1 tab le, 1967. 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

8. Ground-water reconnaissance in the Burnt River Va I ley area, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Water­ supply Paper 1839-1, 27 p., 3 ta bles, 7 figs ., geologic map, 1967.

PRITCHETT, F. I. see Corcoran, R. E . 2

PRIVRASKY, N. C. see Corcoran, R. E� 2

PROSTKA, HAROLD J, see Lipman, Peter W. 1. Geology of the Sparta quadrangle, Oregon: Or�gon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., GMS map no. 1, 1962. [abs .] GeoSci. Abs., v. 5, no. 8, p. 5, August 1963. 2. The geology of the Sparta qua drangle, Oregon: Johns Hopkins Univ. doctoral dissert., 236 p., 74 figs., geologic map, 1963. 3. Preliminary geologic map of the Durkee quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., GMS map no. 3, 1967.

PRYCH, EDMUND A. (Hubbell, David W., and Glenn, Jerry L.) New estuarine measurement equipment and tech­ niques: Am . Soc . Civi I Engineers Proc ., v. 93, paper 521 9; Jour . Woterways and Harbors Div., no . WW 2, p. 41-58, illus., reprinted 1967.

PUNGRASSAMI, THONGCHAI Geology of th e western Detroit Reservoir area , Quartzvi lle and Detroit quadrangles, linn and Marion Counties, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 76 p., 22 figs., 6 ta bles, geologic map, 1969.

PURDOM, WILLIAM B. Fulgurites from Mount Thielsen, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 9, p. 153- 1 59, 6figs., 1966 .

Q QUAINTANCE, CHARLES W. 1. Mylodon harlani from LaGrande, Oregon: Northwest Sci ., v. 40, no . 4, p. 164- 1b6, 1 966 . 2. Mylodon, furthest north in Pa cific northwest: Am . Midland Naturalist, v. 81, no . 2, p. 593- 594, April 1969.

R RADER, l. F. see also Coats, R. R. (Swadley, W. C., Huffman, Claude, Jr., and lipp, H. H.) New chemica l determinations of zinc in basa lts, and rocks of simi lar composition: Geochim . Cosmochim . Ac ta , v. 27, flo. 6, p. 695-714, 5 figs., 10 tables, June 1963.

RADINSKY, LEO NARD Origin and early evolution of North Am erican Ta piroidea: Yale Univ. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull. 17, 106p., 4 plates, 21 figs ., 14 tables, 1963.

RAFF, ARTHUR D . (a nd Mason, Ronald G.) Magnetic survey off the West Coast of North America , 40°N. latitude to 52°N . latitude: Geol . Soc . America Bu l l., v. 72, no . 8, p. 1267-1270, fig ., Aug . 1961 .

RAMER, ALAN R . Petrology of a portion of the Joseph ine peridoti te sheet, Josephine County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 121 p., ll tables, 19 figs., geologic map, June 1967. BIBLIOGRAPHY 83

RAMP, LEN see also Bright, James H.; Brooks, H. C. 6, 9; Hotz, P. E. 5; Thayer, T. P. 11; Wagner, N. S. 7, 8 1. Chromite in southwestern Oregon: Oregon Dept . Geol . and Mineral Indus., Bull. 52, 169 p., 30 figs. , 16 tables, 22 plates, geologic maps, 1961 . 2. Jones marble deposit, Josephine County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 10, p. 153-158, 3 figs ., geologic map, Oct. 1962. 3. Occurrence, description, and origin of " oregonite" : Oregon Acad. Sci . Abs. 1961, Ore Bin v. 24, no. 2, p. 21 , Feb. 1962. 4. (a nd Peterson, N. V .) An occurrence of lazulite in Oregon fobs.]: Oregon Acad . Sci . 21st Ann. Mtg., Corvallis, Feb. 23, 1963, p. 19, 1963. 5. Geologic adventures on the lower Illinois River, southwes tern Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 6, p. 97-108, 4 figs., geologic map, June 1964 . 6. Geology of th e Klamath Mountains province, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 64, in�oop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 47-52, illus., 1969. 7. (and Brooks, H. C.) Pla tinum group meta ls, in Minera l and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 64, i-;:;-coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 167-171, 1 fig , 1 1969, 8. (and Mason, R. S.) Silica, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . a nd Minera l Indus., Bull. 64-;-inco op. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 237-241 , 1 fig ., 1969. 9. Dothan (? ) fossils discovered: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no. 12, p. 245-246, Dec . 1969.

RAMSPOTT, L. D. Volcanism, tectonism , and plutqnism in the western United States; discussion: Geol. Soc . Amer­ ica Bull. v. 77, p. 663-666, June 1966 .

RANDLE, KEITH (a nd Goles, Gordon G.) De(Li) detectors in the act ivation ana lysis of geological samples, in Modern trends in activation ana lysis, v. I. lnternat. Cong ., Ga ithersburg, Md ., 1968, ProZ. : U.S. Natl . Bur. Standards Spec . Pub. 31 2, v. 1, p. 347-352, illus., table, 1969.

RANTZ, S . E . (and Moore, A.M.) Floods of Decem ber 1964 in the far western states: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le report, 112 p., 29 figs., April 5, 1965.

RATZLAFF, KARL W . see Pa rker, Gara ld G. 1

RAU , WELDON W. see Snavely, Parke D., Jr. 5, 11, 12

D RAY, • E. see Hibbard, C • W.

RECKENDORF, FRANK F . (a nd Pa rsons, Roger B.) Soil development over a hearth in the Wi l lamette Va lley, Oregon: Northwest Sci ., v. 40, no . 2, p. 46-55, illus., ta ble, 1966.

REDO I VERRIL (a nd Gaskell, Robert) Seismicity of O�egon [abs .]: Oregon Acad. Sci., 21st Ann . Mtg., Corvallis, Feb . 23, 1963, Abstracts of papers, p. 20, 1963.

REGIS, A. J . (and Sand, L. B.) K-Na phi llipsite, Crooked Creek, Oregon [abs.]: Am . Minera logist, v. 51 , nos . 102, p. 270, 1966 .


RENSBERGER, JOHN M. see also Stirton, R. A. 1 1. Subdivisions of the John Day fa una: preliminary report [abs.]: Geol . Soc . Am erica Spec . Pa per 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 272-273, 1965. 2. Entoptychine gophers of th e John Day Formation, Oregon l'abs.]: Dissert. Abs., Sec. B, Sci . and Eng., v. 29, no. 2, p. 704B, 1968 .

RENTSCH , J. R. The April field trip: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 29, no. 5, p. 41-42, May 1963 .

REPENNING, CHARLES A. see also Wa lker, George W. 2, 4, 6 1. Subfamil ies and genera of the Soriciclae: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof . Pa per 565, 74 p., 42 figs., 1967. 2 . Pa learctic-Nearctic mammalian dispersa l during the late Cenozoic, in Hopkins, D. M., ed ., The Bering land bridge: Stanford Univ . Press, p. 288-31 1, 9 ta bles,l967. 3. Mandibular musculature and the origin of the subfamily Arvicolinae (Rodentia): ActaZool . Cracoviensia, (Krakow , Poland) , v. 13, no . 3, p. 29-72, 10 figs., 1968.

RETTIG, S. L. see a lso Jones, Blair F., Truesdell, A. H. (a nd Jones, B. F.) Determination of carbona te, bicarbona te, a nd total C02 in carbona te brines, in Geologica l Survey research 1964: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 501-D, p. D134- D137, ta ble, 1 fig ., 1964 .

RICHARDS, G. (a nd Thurber, David L.) Pleistocene age determinations from Ca lifornia and Oregon: Science, v. 152, no . 3725, p. 1091-1092, 1 ta ble, May 20, 1966 .

RICHARDSON, K . A. see Laidley, R. A. 1; Rogers, John J. W.

RIECHE, REGINE see Axon, H. J.

RIGHTMIRE, CRA IG T. see Va lastro, S., Jr. 2

RINEHART, C. DEAN see Huber, N. King

RINEHART, JOHN S. 1. Action in Crump, a columnar geyser l'abs .]: EOS, v. 50, no . 11, p. 678, 1969. 2. Geysering action in a drilled well, Crump, Lake County, Oregon: Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 75, no. 32, p. 6714-6716, illus., Dec . 10, 1970 .

RINEHART, VERRILL JOANNE Investiga tion of 12 earthquakes off the Oregon and northern California coasts: Oregon State Univ . master's thesis, 41 p., 12 fig ., 13 tables, 1 plate, June 1964.

RINEHART, WILBUR A. see also Berg, Joseph W., Jr. 4; Deh linger, P. 7 1. (a nd Berg, Joseph W .) Near-shore marine gravity range, Newport, Oregon: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 68, no . 19, p. 561 3-5616, 4 figs., Oct. 1963. 2. (a nd Berg, Joseph W .) Near-shore marine gravity range, Newport, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. , Dept. Oceanography Da ta Rpt., no. 9, 11 p., 3 figs., ta ble, 1963. 3. (Bowen, R. G., and Chiburis, E. F.) Airport gravity basest ation networkin Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26 , no . 3, p. 37-42, 2 figs ., 1 ta ble, March 1964.

ROBERTS , MIRIAM (compiler) 1. Bibliography of theses and dissertations on Oregon geology fr.om Jan. 1, 1959 to Dec . 31 , 1965: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., Misc . Pa per 7 (Suppl .), 11 p., map, 1966 . BIBLIOGRAPHY 85

2. BibI iography of the geology and minera I resources of Oregon (fourth supplement) , January 1 , . 1956 to Decem ber 31, 1960: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 67, 88 p., 1970.

ROBINSON , J . W. (and Price, Don) Ground water in the Prineville area, Crook County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Pa per 1619-P, 49 p., 7 figs., plate, 4 tables, 1963.

ROBINSON, PAUL T. see also Swanson, Donald A. 3,5 1. Facies changes in John Day Formation, Oregon [abs .J: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 1 01 ,

P • 41 71 1 968 • 2. High-titanic alkaliolivin e basalts of the John Day Forma tion of Oregon [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 551-552, 1969. 3. High-titanic alkali-olivine basalts of north-central Oregon, U.S.A.: Contrib. Mineralogy Petrology, v. 22, no . 4, p. 349- 360, illus., ta bles, 1969.

ROBISON, J. H. Hydrology of basalt aquifers in the Hermiston-Ordnance area, Uma tilla and Morrow Counties, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-file report, in coop. with Oregon State Engineer, 14 p., 1969.

RODEN, GUNNAR I . On the nonseasona l variations in sea level along the West Coast of North America: Jour . Geo­ phys . Research, v. 65, no . 9, p. 2809-2826, 6 tables, 11 figs., Sept. 1960.

RODGERS, JIM , Digging Holley petrified wood: Gems and Minerals, no. 392, p. 28, May 1970 .

ROGERS, JOHN W . see also Leemon, William P. 1. (and Richardson, Keith A.) Thorium and uranium contents of some sa ndstones: Geochim . Cos­ mochim. Acta ., v. 28, no . 12, p. 2005-201 1, 2 tables, Dec. 1964. 2. Coincidence of structura l and topographic highs during post-Clarno time in north-centra l Oregon: Am . Assoc . Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 50, no . 2, p. 390- 396, illus., table, 1966 . 3. Geochemica l significance of the source rocks of some graywackes from western Oregon and Washington: Texas Jour. Sci ., v. 28, no . 1, p. 5-20, 4 figs., 2 tables, May 1966. 4. Tyee Formation--undeformed turbidites a nd their lateral equiva lents, mineralogy and pa leogeog­ raphy [discussion of 1969 paper by J. P. B. Lovell]: Geol . Soc . America Bu II., v. 80 no . 1 0, p. 2129-2130, 1969.

ROONEY, THOMAS P . (Jones, Blair F., and Neal, James T.) Magodiite from Alkali Lake, Oregon: Am . Minera l­ ogist, v. 54, nos . 7-8, p. 1034- 1 043, 4 figs., 2 ta bles, July-August 1969.

ROSCOE, ERNEST J . Ethnomalacology and paleoecology of the Round Butte archaeologica l sites, Deschutes River Basin, Oregon: Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bu II. 6, 20 p., iIIus ., 1967.

ROSS I CLARENCE s. / (a nd Smith, Robert L.) Ash-flow tuffs: their origin, geologic relations, and identification: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 366, 81 p., 98 figs., 1961 .

ROTHWELL, w. T . I JR. Western Washington microfauna ! correlations [abs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, p. 273-274, 1965. 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND Ml NERAL RES OURCES OF OREGON

ROUSH, ROBERT C . Sediment textures and interna l structures: a comparison between central Oregon continental shelf sediments and adjacent coaskll sediments: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 75 p.,

1 3 figs • , 1 970 •

ROWE, WINTHROP ALLEN Geology of th e south-centra l Pueblo Movntains, Oregon- Nevada: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 81 p., 9figs., Stables, geologic map, 1970 .

ROY, JEAN l. see Irving, E.

ROYSE, CHESTER F ., JR. Mazama ash from th e conti nental slope off Washington: Northwest Sci ., v. 41 , no . 3, p. 103- 109, 2 figs., 2 tables, Aug. 1967.

RUBIN, MEYER see a lso lves, Pa tricia C.; levin, Betsy 1, 2; Marsters, Beverly; Sulliva n, Beverly Marsters 1 , 2 (a nd Berthold, Sarah M.) U.S. Geol . Survey radiocarbon da tes VI: Radiocarbon, v. 3, p. 86- 98, 1961 .

RUNGE, ERWIN J ., JR. Continentalsh elf sediments, Columbia River to Cope Blanco, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doctora l dissert., 143 p., 25 figs., 6 tables, 1966 .

RUSSELL, DONALD E. see Shotwell, J. Arnold 6

RUSSELL, KEN NETH l. 1. (Deffeyes, K. S., and Fowler, G. A.) Marine dolomite of unusua l isotopic composition: Science, v. 155, no . 3759, p. 189-191, Jan . 13, 1967. 2. Clay minera l origin and distribution of Astoria Fan: Oregon Sta te Univ., master's thesis, 40 p., 9 figs ., 1967. [abs .] Oregon Acad. Sci . Proc . for 1967, v. 4, p. 13, 1969,

RUSSELL, ROBERT GUY Geology of the Cedar Mountain quadrangle, eastern Oregon: Oregon Univ. master's th esis, 41 p., 4 figs., 6 plates, geologic map, 1961 .

RYDEN, BONNIE l . STEPP Structura l ana lysis of the llao Rock Dacite, Cra ter la ke, Oregon: Univ . Oregon master's thesis, 1969.

s SAND, l. B. see Regis, A. J.

SANGER , DAVID Prepared core and blade traditions in the Pacific Northwest: Arctic Anthropology, v. 5, no . 1 ,

p. 92- 120, illus., ta bles, 1968 •

. SANTOS, J. F. Quality of surface waters in the lower Columbia River basin: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1784, 78 p., 29 figs ., 1 table, 1965.

SARMAH, SURVYA K. see Berg, J. W., Jr . 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY� 87

SAUL, LOUELLA RANKIN (a nd Popenoe, Willis Parkison) Meekia, enigmatic Cretaceous pelecypod genus: Univ. Ca lif. Publ . Geol . Sci ., v. 40, no . 5, p. 289- 344, 6 plates, 4 figs., 1962.

SAVAGE, D . E. see Evern den, J. F. 2; Hibbard, C. W.


1 • (a nd DeBow, Robert) Ground-water levels, 1963: Oregon State Engineer, Ground-water Rpt. no. 4, 71 p., 1964. 2. (a nd DeBow , Robert) Ground-water levels, 1964: Oregon State Engineer, Ground-wa ter Rpt. no . 5, 109 p., illus., ta bles, 1965 . 3. A reconnaissanceof the ground-wa ter resources of the Hood River Va lley and the Cascade loc ks area, Hood River County, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer, open-file rpt., 46 p., 5 ta bles, 12 figs., geologic map, 1965.

· 4. A reconnaissance of the ground-water resources of the Hood River Va lley and the Cascade Locks area, Hood River County, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer, Ground-water Rpt . no . 10, 45 p., 5 tables, 13 figs., Apri l 1966 . 5. A brief description of the ground-water conditions in the Ordna nce area , Morrow and Umatilla Counties, Oregon: Oregon State Engineer Ground-wa ter Rpt. no . 11, 43 p., 1 table, Ma y 1966 . 6. The Champoeg Park demonstration well, wiltla section on ltledesi gn and testing of wa ter wells: Oregon State Engineers, Ground-water Rpt. no . 8, 36 p., 1966 . 7. (a nd DeBow, Robert) Ground-water levels, 1965: Oregon State Engineer, Ground-water Rpt. no . 9, 111 p., illus ., tables, 1966 .

SCHATZ , CLIFFORD E . (a nd Curl, H�bert, Jr., a nd Burt, Wayne V.) Tsunamis on the Oregon coast: Ore Bin, v. 26 , no . 12, p. 231-232, Dec . 1964 .

SCHEIDEGGER, K. F. see Kulm, L. D. 10

SCHELL, W . R. see Dorn, T. F.

SCHLICKER, HERBERT G . see also Peck, Da llas L. 4 1 . (a nd Corcoran, R. E., and Bowen, R. G.) Geology of the Ecola State Park landslide area , Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 23, no . 9, p. 85-90,6 figs., Sept . 1961 . 2. The occurrence of Spencer Sandstone in the Yamhill quadrangle, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 11, p. 173-1 84, geologic map, Nov . 1962. 3. (Deacon , R. J ., and Tw elker, N. H.) Earthquake geology of the Portland area , Oregon: Ore

Bin, v. 26 , no . 12, p. 209-230, illus. , geologic map, Dec . 1964 . 4. Engineering geology - a planning tool: Am . lnst. Planners, Pac . Northwest Chapter , The Long Ranger, p. 3-6, illus., July-Aug. 1967. 5. (a nd Deacon, Robert J .) Engineering geology of the Tualatin Va lley region, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., Bull. 60, 103 p., 45 figs ., 5 ta bles, 4 plates, geologic map, 1967. 6. (and Deacon, Robert J.) Preliminary engineering geology studies of Marion County, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., misc . study , 35 p., 4 figs., geologic map, 1968 . 7. (and Deacon, Robert J.) Preliminary engineering geology studies of Marion County, Oregon, in A comprehensive wa ter, sewerage, and resource development plan, Marion County , Oregon, 1969: Mid-Wi l lamette Va lley Council of Governm ents, Clark & Groff Eng ., Oregon Dept . Geol . Min. Indus., p. A 1-A21 , 2 figs ., 1969. 8. Sand and gravel, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., Bu ll. 64, Tn coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 233-237, 3 figs., 1969. 9. (a nd Deacon, Robert J.) Sand and gravel, Bear Creek and Rogue River va lleys, Jackson County 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURC ES OF OREGON

Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., in coop .with Jackson County Bd . Comm is­ sioners and Jackson County Planning Comm ., 28 p., 8 figs., 1970 . 10. (a nd Deacon, Robert J.) Gravel resources of the A pplega te River area in Jackson County, Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . a nd Minera l Indus ., in coop.with Jackson County Bd. Commis­ sioners and Jackson County Planning Comm ., 12 p., 5 figs., illus ., geologic maps, 1970.

SCHMIDT, ROBERT GEORGE 1. Aeroradioactivity of the Hanford Plant area, Washington and Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey, Geophys . Invest . Map GP-307, 1961 . Scale 1:250,000 2. Aeroradioactivity survey and area l geology of the Hanford Plant area , Wash ington and Oregon (ARMS-1): U.S. Atomic Energy Comm ., CEX-59.4.11, 25 p., 6 figs .; U.S. Geol. Survey, Geophys . lnv.Map GP- 307, 1961 .

SCHMIDT, V . see Dunn, J.; Ito, H. 2

'. SCHMINCKE, HANS-ULRICH 1. Fused tuff and peperi tes in south-centra l Washington: Geol . Soc . America Bull., v. 78 , no. 3, p. 31 9-330, 5 figs., 4 plates, March 1967. 2. Flowdirections in Columbia River Basalt flows and pa l eocurrents of interbedded sedimentary rocks, south-central Wash ington: Geol . Rundschau, v. 56, no . 3, p.l002- 1020, illus., ta bles, 1967.

SCHMITT, ROMAN A. see Theisen, Arthur A.

SCHNAIBLE, R . A. Engineering geology of Hells Canyon hydroelectric project, Idaho, in Engineering geology and soils engineering symposium, 6th Ann., Boise, Idaho, 1968, Proc .: Boise Idaho Dept. Highways , p. 328-339, illus., 1968.

SCHNEIDER, WILL IAM J ., compiler Water da ta for metropolitan areas: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-supply Pa per 1871 , p. 286-291 , 1968 .

SCHULTZ, C . BER TRAND (a nd Fa lkenbach, Charles H.) The phylogeny of the Creodonts: Am . Mus. Na t. Hist. Bull., v. 139, p. 1-498 , 56 figs., 19 ta bles, 26 charts, Oct. 25, 1968.

.. ... SCHUSTER, ROBERT l. see Anderson, R. A ., Jr .

SCHWAB, FREDERIC LYO N Geology of the Quosata na Butte area , centra l Curry County, southwest Oregon: Univ. Wiscon­ sin master's thesis, 114 p., 2 figs., 6 ta bles, 16 plates, geologic map, 1963.

SCOTT, KEVIN M . (a nd Dott, R. H., Jr.) Eocene paleocurrent patterns in southwestern Oregon fobs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per no . 73, Abstrac ts for 1962, p. 236-237, 1963.

SCOTT, RICHARD A. see also Tschudy, Robert H. 1. (Barghoorn, Elso S., and Pra kash , Uttam) Wood of ginkgo in the Tertiary of western North America: Am . Jour . Botany, v. 49, no . 10, p. 1095-1101, Nov .-Dec . 1962 . 2. (a nd Barghoorn, Elso S.) The occurrence of Euptelea in the Cenozoic of western North America: Jour . Arnold Arboretum , v. 36 , nos . 2 and 3, p. 259-265, Apri l-July, 1955 .

SEDELL, ELLEN C. The lost Port Orford meteorite: Oregon Hist ; Soc . Quart., v. 69, no . 1, p. 29-49, March 1968 . BIBLIOGRA PHY 89

SHAFER, LESLIE L. D. (a nd Hashimoto , Steve T .) The semi-precious gem industry of Oregon: Oregon Business Review , Univ. Oregon Bur . Bus . Econ . Research, v. 28, no . 7, p. 1-4, 3 tables, July 1969.

SHAW, H. R. 1. Some limitations of flow velocities during eruption and flooding of the Columbia Plateau by lavas of theYa kima Basalt fabs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Pa per 11 5, Abstracts for 1967, p. 202, 1968 . 2. (a nd Swanson, D. A.) Speculations on the fluid mechanical history of Yakima Basalt flows [abs.], in Columbia River Basa lt Symposium , 2nd, Cheney Wash ., 1969, Proc .: Cheney, Eastern Wa shington Sta te College Press, p. 330, 1970 .

SHAW, JOHN Petrography and petrology of some intrusive bodies in the southern Wil lamette Va lley, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 77 p., 23 figs ., 10 pla tes, 8 tables, 1964.

SHEARER, GERALD B. see Nelson, Dennis 0.

SHELL NEWS The Oregon Trail: Shell News, v. 31 , n-o . 7, p. 1-5, illus., Nov .-Dec . 1963.

SHE NON I PHILIP J . Copper deposits in serpentine in southwestern Oregon and in northwestern Ca lifornia as illus­ trated by the Cowboy mine, i n Ore deposi ts as related to structura l features, Newhouse, W. H., ed .: New York, Hafne;publ . Co., p. 244-245, 1969.

SHEPPARD, RICHARD A. see also Eugster, Hans P. ' 1. Geology of the Simcoe Mountains volcanic area, Wash ington: Wash . Div. Mines and Geol ., Map GM-3, 1967. 2.- Petrology of a late Qua ternary potassium-rich andesite flow from Mount , Wash .: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 575-C, p. C55-59, 5 figs ., 2 tables, 1967. 3. (a nd Gude, Arthur J ., Ill) Authigenic fluorite in Pliocene lacustrine rocks nearRo me, Malheur County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 650-D, Geologica l Survey research 1969, D69-D74, 4figs., 1 table, 1969. 4. (a nd Gude, Arthur J .) Chemical composition and physica l properties of the related zeolites offretite and erionite: Am . M ineralogist, v. 54, no . 5-6, p. 875-886, 5 figs ., 3 tables, May-June 1969. 5. (and Wa I ker, G. W .) Potassium fe ldspar, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 6(l n coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 228-230, 1 fig , 1 1 96 9, 6. (a nd Wa lker, G. W.) Zeolites, in Minera l and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l.64 , in coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 268-271 , 1 fig ., 1 table, 1969. 7. (a nd Gude, Arthur J. Ill) Calcic siliceous chabazite from the John Day Formation, Grant County, Oregon, in Geologica l Survey research 1970: U .S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 700-D, · p. D176-D180, illus., tables, 1970 .

SHERMAN, DONALD G. sel:! Allen, Victor T. 1, 2

SHIMER, S . S . see Vallier, Tracy L. 4

SHOO K, B. B. see Carnahan, H. E.

SHOR, G. G ., JR. 1. (Dehlinger, P ., Kirk, H. K ., and French, W. S .) Seismic refraction studies off Oregon 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURC ES OF OREGON

and northern California: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 73, no. 6, p. 21 75-2194, illus., table, 1968 . 2. Seismic-refraction studies off Oregon and northern Ca lifornia [abs.l: Geol . Soc . America , Spec . Pa per 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 334 , 1968 .

SHOlWELL,J . ARNOLD 1. Late Tertiary biogeography of horses in the northern Grea t Basin: Jour. Pa leont., v. 35, no . 1, p. 203-217, 10 fig ., Jan. 1961 . 2. History of mamma lian communities in the northern Great Basin [abs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 73, Abstracts for 1962, p. 242, 1963. 3. (editor) Th e Juntura Basin -- Studies in earth history and paleoecology: Am . Philos. Soc . Trans., v. 53, pt. 1, 77 p., illus., ta bles, geologic map, 1963. 4. Pliocene mammalian communities of the Juntura Basin, in The Juntura Basin - Studies in earth history a nd paleoecology: Am . Phi los . Soc . Trans ., v :-53, pt. 1, p. 7- 21 , illus ., tables, 1963. 5. Mammalian faunaof th e Drewsey Forma tion, Bartlett Mountain, Drinkwater and Otis Basin loca l fa unas, in The Juntura Basin - Studies in earth history and paleoecology: Am . Philos . Soc . Trans ., ;-: 53, pt. 1, p. 70-77, illus., tables, 1963. 6. (a nd Russell, Donald E.) Mamma lian fa una of the upper Juntura Formation, theBlack Butte loca l fa una,in The Juntura Basin - Studies in earth history and paleoecology: Am . Phi los. Soc . Trans .,"7. 53, pt 1, p. 42-69, illus., tables, 1963. 7. Peromyscus of the late Tertiary in Oregon: Univ. Oregon Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull . 5, 35 p., 11 figs., 11 tables, 1967. 8. Late Tertiary geomyoid rodents of Oregon: Univ. Oregon Mus. Nat. Hist. Bul l. 9, 51 p., 28 figs., 1967. 9. Miocene mammals of.southeast Oregon: Univ. Oregon Mus. Nat. Hist. Bul l. 14, 67 p., 33 figs., 18 ta bles, 1968 . 10. Pliocene mammals of southeast Oregon and adjacent Idaho: Univ. Oregan Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 17, 103 p., 43 figs ., 25 ta bles, 1970.

SHOUB, EARLE P . see Morgis, G. G.

SHOWN, LYNN M. see Pa rker, Gara ld G.

SIMPSON , H. JAMES Cra ter Lake as a tritium integrator [abs .]: EOS, v. 50, no. 4, p. 142, 1969.

SINGLETON, PAUL C . Nature of interlayer material in silicate clays of selected Oregon soi ls [abs.]: Dissert. Abs., v. 26, no. 11, p. 6758-6759, _1966 .

SKEHAN, J. W. 1. The Olympia-Wa llowa lineament: a major deep-sea ted tectonic feature of the Pa cific North- west [abs .]: Trans . Am . Geophys . Union, v. 46, no. 1, p. 71 , 1965 . , 2. A continental-oceanic crustal boundary in the Pacific Northwest: Air Force Cambridge Research Lab. Publ . AF19 (628)-1 622, Project No. 4600, Task No . 460008, 52 p., 9 figs ., 2 ta bles, Scientific Rpt. 3, 1965 . � 3. Olympia-Wa llowa lineament: a major deep-seated tectonic feature of the Pacific Northwest [a bs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 158-1 59, 1966 . 4. Continenta l-oceanic boundaries of earth and their relevance to tectonic specula tions about the moon and the , in Planetology and spacemis sion planning--Sec . 1, Environments: New York Acad . Sci. AnnaiS; v. 140, art. l, p. 107-113,1 fig., 1966 .

SKINNER, JOHN W. (a nd Wilde, Garner L.) Permian fusulinids from Suplee area, ea st-centra l Oregon, in Permian BIBLIOGRAPHY 91

fusulinids from Pa cific Northwest and Alaska: Kansas Univ. Pa leont. Contr., Paper 4, p . 11-

16, 1 fig . , May 23, l 966 •

SKIN NER, MORRIS F. A Pliocene Chalicothere (mamma l) from Nebraska , and the distribution of Chalicotheres in the Late Tertiary of North America: Am . Mus . Nat. Hist. Novitates, no . 2346 , p. 12-14, l fig ., 1968.

SLABAUGH I w. H . (a nd Stump, Arthur D.) Surfa ce areas and porosi ty of marine sediments: Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 69, no. 22, p. 4773-4778, 2 figs., ta ble, Nov. 15, 1964.

SLEEP, NORMAN H. Sensitivity of heat flow and gravity to the mechanism of sea-floor spreading: Jour . Geophys . Research, v. 74, no . 2, p. 542-549, 1969.

SMILEY I CHARLES J . The Ellensburg flora of Washington: Univ . Ca lif. Pub! . in Geol. Sci ., v. 35, no . 3, p. 159- 276, 17 plates, 8 figs., 1963. [a bs .] GeoSci. Abs., v. 5, no. 9, p. 33-34, Sept. 1963.

SMITH , A. L . l. (and Carmichael, I. S. E.) Qua ternary lavas from the southern Cascades, western U. S. A.: Contrib. Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 19, no. 3, p. 212-238, illus., tables, 1968. 2. (and Carmichael, I. S. E.) Petrology of some recent lavas from the Cascades fabs .]: Am . Geophys. Union Tra ns., v. 49, no. l, p. 363, 1968.

SMITH, ALAN R . see Wol l enberg, Harold A.

SMITH, D . G. W . (a nd Westgate, J. A.) Electron probe technique for characterizing pyroc lastic deposits: Earth and Planetary Sci . Letters, v. 5, no . 5, p. 313-319, illus., ta bles, 1969.

SMITH , ROBERT L. see Ross, Clarence S. Terrestrial cal deras, associated pyroclastic deposits, and possible lunar a pplications, in The na ture of the lunar surface: Internet. Astron . Union and Natl . Aero . Space Admin. ,Sympo­ sium , Greenbelt,Md., 1965, Proc .: Ba ltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Press, p. 241 -257, illus., 1966 .

SMITH, VERN S. see Haines, Francis D., Jr.

SNAVELY , PAR KE D . see also Bromery, R. W. 3; Macleod, N. S. 3; Peterman, Zell E.; Ta tsumoto, M .; Weissenborn, A. E. l, 2, 3, 4 l. (a nd Wagner, Holly C.) Differentiated gabbroic sil ls and associated alkalic rocks in the cen­ tra l partof th e Oregon Coast Range, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey, Prof. Pa per 424-D, p. 156-

16l, 2 figs • , tabI e, l 96 l • , 2. (a nd Wagner, Holly C.) Evolution of the Tertiary geosyncline of western Oregon and Wash ing­ ton [abs .]: Oregon Acad. Sci ., 21st Ann. M tg ., Corvallis, Feb. 23, 1963, Abstracts of Papers, p. 17-18, 1963. 3. (a nd Wagner, H. C.) Tertiary geologic history of western Oregon and Washington: Wash . Div. Mines and Geol., R.I. 22, 25 p., 23 figs., paleogeologic maps, 1963. 4. (a nd Wa gner, H. C.) Geologic sketch of northwestern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Bul l. 118 1-M, 17 p., 8 figs., l plate, 1964 . 5. (Rau, W. W., and Wagner, H. C.) Miocene stratigraphy of th e Yaquina Bay area , Newport, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 8, p. 133-151, 3 figs., 4 ta bles, geologic map, Aug. 1964. 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OR EGON

6. 01/agner, Holly C., and Macleod, Norman S.) Rhythmic-bedded eugeosynclinal deposits of the Tyee Formation, Oregon Coast Range, in Sym posium on cyc lic sedimentation, Merriam, D . F. (ed.): Kansas Geol . Survey Bull. 169, v. II, p. 461-480, 14 figs., 1 table, 1964. 7. 01/agner, Holly C., and Macleod, Norman S.) Preliminary data on com positional variations of Tertiary volcanic rocks in the centra l partof the Oregon CoastRange : Ore Bin, v. 27, no . 6, p. 101 -117, 3 figs ., 1 plate, June 1965. 8. (Macleod, Norman S., and Wagner , Holly C.) Tholeiitic and alkalic basaltsof the Eocene Siletz River Volcanics, Oregon CoastRa nge: Am . Jour . Sci ., v. 266, no. 6, 8 tables, 5 plates, p. 454-481, 6 figs ., June 1968 . 9. (and Macleod, Norman S.) Pre liminary evaluation of infrared and radar imagery, Wash ington and Oregon coasts: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi I e rpt., 13 p., 5 figs ., 1968 . 10. Basaltic volcanism in the Tertiary eugeosyncline of western Oregon and Washington lObs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, Spec . Paper 121, p. 286, 1969. 11. (Macleod, Norman S., and Rau , Weldon W .) 65th Annua l Meeting, Cordilleran section, Geologica l Society of America, Eugene, Oregon, March 27-29, 1969; Field Trip Guidebook, Part 1: Geologic sketch of the Newport area, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no. 2, p. 25-48, 2 ta bles, 6 figs ., Feb. 1969. 12. (Macleod, Norman S., and Rawu, Weldon W.) 65th Annua l Meeting, Cordilleran Section , Geological Society of America, Eugene, Oregon, March 27-29, 1969; Field Trip Guidebook, Part II: Geology of the Newport area , Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 3, p. 49-71 , 9 figs., 2 plates, March 1969. 13. (a nd Macleod, Norman S.) loca l centers of Miocene volcanism along coastal Oregon and Washington lObs.]: Abstracts of Northwest Scienti fic Assn . Mtg., Cheney, Wash ., March 21- 22, 1969: Northwest Sci ., v. 43, no. 1, p. 42, 1969. 14. 01/agner, H. C., and Macleod, N. S.) Geology of western Oregon north of the Klamath Mountains, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 64, in�oop. with U.S . Geol . Survey, p. 32-46 , illus., 1969. 15. (and Macleod, N. S .) loco I centers of Miocene volcanisma long coasta I Oregon and Wash­ ington lObs.], Col umbia River Basalt Sym posium, 2nd, Cheney, Wash ., 1969, Proc .: Cheney , Eastern Wa shi ngton State College Press, p. 329, 1970 .

SNYDER, C . T . (Hardman, George, and Zdenek, F. F.) Pleistocene lakes in the Great Basin: U.S. Geol . Survey Mise . Geologic lnv. Map 1-416, 1964 . Scale 1:1, 000, 000

SOHMA, KA NKICHI see Gray, Jane 2, 5

SOREM, RONALD K. see also Gunn, Dona ld W. (and Gunn , Dona ld W .) Secondary manganese oxide minera ls in Washington and northeastern Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 347, 1965.

SOUDERS, ROBERT see Berg, J. W., Jr. 12 /

SOVERE IGN, H. E. · New and rare diatoms from Oregon and Washington: Ca lif. Acad . Sci. Proc . , v. 31 , no . 14, . p. 349-368, 2 ta bles, 1963.

SPECKELS, M . L . Micro news: Gems and Minerals, no. 318, p. 25-26, illus., March 1964.

SPIGAI, J . J. see a lso Kulm, L. D. 10 (a nd Kulm, L . D.) Patterns of Holocene sedimentation on the continental slope off southern Oregon [a bs .l: Geol . Soc. America , Abstracts for 1969, port 7, p. 212, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY 93

SPIKER, ELLI OTT see Marsters, Beverly; Sullivan, Beverly Marsters 1, 2

STAHL, CLAIR F . Deschutes County volcanics: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 32, no . 10, p. 85- 88, illus., Oct. 1966.

STAPLES, LLOYD W . see Evans, Howard T ., Jr. 1. The discoveries of new minerals in Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 24, no . 6, p. 81-87, June 1962. 2. The new minerals of Oregon: Mineralogist, v. 32, no . 1, p. 14-16, Feb . 1964. 3. (and Brooks, Howard C.) An occurrence of vermiculitized biotite in northeastern Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 10, p. 169- 1 75, 1 fig ., Oct. J964. 4. Engineering geology of the Carmen Smith diversion tunnel, Linn County, Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc. America Spec . Pa per 82, p. 280, 1965. 5 . Origin and history of the thunder egg: Ore Bin, v. 27, no. 10, p. 195-204, 7 figs., Oct. 1965. 6. Zeolite filling and replacement in fossi Is: Am . Minera logist, v. 50, no. 10, p. 1796-1801 , 3 figs., Oct. 1965. 7. Origin and history of the thunderegg: Lapidary Jour., v. 20, no. 5, p. 640, 642-649, 7 figs., August 1966 . 8. Cavansite, a new ca lcium vanadium sil ica te mineral fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America , Ann . Mtg. Pro­ gram, p. 21 1, 1967. 9. Merits of multiple sites for field camps [abs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 211-212, 1968. 1 0. (Evans, Howard T., Jr ., and L indsay, James R.) Cavansite, a new ca lcium va nadium sil icate mineral: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Pa per 115, p. 21 1-212, 1968 . 11. The naming of minera ls: Ore Bin, v. 32, no . 4, p. 73-78 , April 1970 .

STEARNS, HAROLD T. 1. Sill at the base of the Columbia River Basa lts near Robinette, Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per no. 68, Abstracts for 1961, p. 102- 1 03, 1962. 2. Unusual glassy basaltic dikes at Copperfield, Oregon fobs .l: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 68, Abstracts for 1961, p. 103, 1962. 3. Evidence of Lake Bonneville flood along Snake River below King Hill, Idaho: Geol. Soc . America Bu ll., v. 73, no. 3, p. 385-388, March 1962. fobs .] GeoSci . Abs., v. 4, no . 8, p. 9, Aug. 1962. 4. (a nd Anderson, Alfred L.) Geology of the Oxbow area on Snake River near Homestead, Oregon fobs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per no . 76 , p. 225-226, Abstracts for 1963, 1964. 5. (a nd Anderson, Alfred L .) Geology of the oxbow on Sna ke River near Homestead, Oregon: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geol . Pam . 136, 23 p., 10figs., geologic map, 1966 .

STEEN, VIRGINIA CAROL 1. Effects of wea thering environment on the refractive index of pum ice glass from Glacier Peak, Washington, and Mount Mazama (Crater La ke), Oregon: Wash . State U niv . master's thesis, 147 p., ta bles, 1965. 2. (a nd Fryxell, Roald) Mazama and Glacier Peak pumice glass; uniformity of refraction index after weathering: Science, no. 3698, p. 878-880, 2 figs ., 1 ta ble, Nov. 12, 1965. fobs .] Abs. North American Geol ., p. 271 , March 1966.

STEERE, MAR GARET l. 1. (a nd Owen, Lillian F.) Bibliography of th e geology and minera l resources of Oregon (third supplement) , January 1, 1951 to Decem ber 31 , 1955: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Minera l Indus ., Bull. 53, 97 p., 1962. fobs.] GeoSci . Abs., v. 5, no. 8, p. 65, Aug. 1963 . 2. Field trip to the Roseburg - Grants Pass area: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 28, no . 7, p. 43-45, July 1962. 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RES OURC ES OF OREGON

3. Bibliography of the stra tigraphy and paleontology of pre-Tertiary rocks in th e Supl ee area, Oregon: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 31 , no. 10, p. 94-96, Oct. 1965. 4. A trip to Fossil Lake: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 34, no . 7, p . 151-152, July 1968.

STEI NBRUGGE, KARL V . (and Cloud, William K.) Preliminary engineering report, in The Puget Sound, Wash ., earth­ qua ke of April 29, 1965: Washi ngton, D. C. , U.S. Coas�nd Geodetic Survey, p. 1-26, 12 figs., 7 ta bles, 1965. [a bs.J GeoSci . Abs., v. 7, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 44, Dec . 1965.

STENSLAND I DONALD E. Geology of portof the northern half of theBend quadrangle, Jefferson and Deschutes Counties, Oregon: Oregon Sta te Univ. master's thesis, 118 p., 22 illus., geologic ma p, 1970 .

STEWART, D . B. (Wa lker, G. W., , T. L., and Fahey, J. J.) Physica l properties of ca lcic labradori te from la ke County, Oregon: Am . Mineralogist, v. 51 , no . 1-2, p. 177- 197, 5 figs., 5 ta bles, Jan.-Feb. 1966 .

STEWART, R . E. (a nd Newton, V. C., Jr.) O il and gas explora tion in Oregon : Oregon Dept. Geol . and Min­ era l Indus., Misc . Paper 6, 41 p., 5 illus., 2 tables, revised 1965.

S TIRTON, R. A. 1. (a nd Rensberger, John M.) Occurrence of the insectivore genus Micropternodus in the John Day Formation of centra l Oregon: Sou th . Ca lif. Acad . Sci . Bull., v. 63, pt. 2, p. 57-80, i IIus . , tab I e, 1 964 . 2. (a nd Woodburne, M. 0 .) Revision of the Oligocene and Miocene peccaries: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 281 , 1965.

STRANDBERG, KARLE G. see Carter, George J. 2; Harris, Henry M.

STRANGWAY, D . W. see also Gol dstein, Myron A .; Larson, E. E. 3 (a nd Larson, Edwin E.) A paleomagnetic study of some late Cenozoic basal ts from Oregon l"abs .J: Am . Geophys. Union Trans., v. 46,no . 1, p. 66-67, 1965.


1. Field trip to Sauvie Island: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 30, no. 1, p. 5-6, Jan. 1964.

2. 1 00 centuries of rockhoundi ng: Gems and Minera Is, no. 336 , p . 14-15, i flus . 1 Sept. 1965. 3. The bridge of the gods: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 33, no. 6, p. 49-53, June 1967. 4. Early accounts of theeruption of Mt. St. Helens: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country Geol . News letter, v. 35, no. 1, p. 3-5, Jan. 1969. 5. Stone age in the Great Basin: Portland , Oregon, Binsfords and Mort, 274 p., 143 figs ., 1969.

STUCKENRA TH I ROBERTI JR. (a nd Mielke, James E.) Smithsonian Institution radiocarbon measurements VI, 13th and Oa k St. series, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 12, no. 1, p. 196, 1970 .

STUDER , H. P . Mineral analysis of natura l zeolite deposi ts [abs.], in Clays and clay minera ls; Clay minerals Conference, 15th Pittsburgh, Pa ., 1966, Proc .: N;;, York, Pergamon Press, Internet. Ser . Mons. Earth Sci ., v. 27, p. 187, 1967. BIBLIOGRAPHY 95

S1i.JMP, ARTHUR D. see Slabaugh , W. H.

SUESS� HANS E. see 1-foutermans, J . ; Hubbs, Carl l.

SUlliVAN, BEV ERLY MARSTERS see also Marsters, Beverly 1. (Spi ker, Ell iott, and Rubin, Meyer) U .S. Geologica l Survey radiocarbon dates XI, Ca pe Fisheries, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 12, no . 1, p. 325, 1970. 2. (Spiker , Ell iott, and Rubin, Meyer) U.S. Geologica l Survey radiocarbon dates XI , A bert lake series, Oregon: Radiocarbon, v. 12, no. 1, p. 325, 1970.

SUlliVAN, IRMA Wind River-Chelatchie Pra irie field trip: Geol . Soc . Oregon C�untry News Letter, v. 30, no . 11, p. 81-82, Nov. 1964.

SWADLEY, W . C. see Rader, l. F.

SWANSON, DONALD A. see also Shaw, H. R. 2; Wa lker, George W. 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15 1. Tieton dike swarm - Ya kima Basalt relationsh ips, Tieton River area , Washington: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstrac ts for 1964, p. 283, 1965. 2. Yakima Basalt of the Tieton River area, south-centra l Washington: Geol . Soc. America Bul l., v. 78, no. 9, p. 1077-1110, 14 figs ., 4 pla tes, Sept. 1967. 3. (a nd Robinson, Paul T .) Base of the John Day Formation in and near the Horse Heaven mining district, north-centra l Oregon: U .S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 600-D, p. D1 54-D161, 2 figs., 4 tables, 1968 . 4. Reconnaissance geologic map of E� Bend quadrangle, Crook, Wheeler, Jefferson, Wasco, and Deschutes Counties, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le map 1968 . Scale 1:250,000 5. (and Rob inson, Paul T.) Base of the John Day Formation, Horse Heaven mining district, north-

•' central Oregon lObs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 567-568,

1 969 •. 6. Reconnaissance geologic map of the eastha lf of the Bend quadrangle, Crook, Wheeler, Jeffer­ .. son, Wasco, and Deschutes Counties, Oregon: U .S. Geol . Survey Mise . Geol . lnv. Map

· 1-568, 1969. Scale 1:250,000 7 .,- Lawsonite blueschist from ·north-centra l Oregon, in Geological Survey Research 1969: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 650-B, p. B8-B1 1, illuS:,19 69. SWANSON, FRED ERICK J . see also Boggs, Sam, Jr. 5 Size-shape relationsh ips in coarse fluvia l sediments, Elk River, southwestern Oregon lObs .]: Geol . Soc . America , Abstracts for 1969, part3, p. 66, 1969.

SWE NSON, H. A . see Phi llips, K. N. 1

SW I F T, C • H • , Ill . .· Selected flow characteristics of streams in the Wil lamette River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le report, 177 p., 1966 .

SWI NNEY I c. M . (Wa ters, A. C., and Miller, C. P.) Reconna issance geologic map of th e Lo�kout Mountain quadrangle, Crook and Wheeler Counties, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Misc. Geol . lnv. Map 1-543, 1968 .

SWITEK, MICHAEL S tra tigraphic section of theEl khorn Ridge Argiflite, Elkhorn Ridge area, Baker County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 92 p., 3 figs., 7 plates, 1967.

SYKES, LYNN R. see also Tobin, Don G . Earthquake swarmsan d sea-floor spreading: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 75, no. 32, p. 6598-661 1, 1970 . 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

.. T

TABOR, R. W . see Hopson, C. A. 2

TAGGART I RALPH E. A preliminary report on thepo llen and spore flora of Miocene lignites and lignitic sha les from the Sucker Creek area of eastern Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts for 1970,

v • 2, no • 6, p • 407, 1 970 .

TA KASHIMA, Y . see Dorn, T. F.

TAMERS, M. A. see also Pearson, F. J., Jr. lnsti tuto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas na tura l radiocarbon measuremen ts IV: Radiocarbon, v. 11, no . 2, p. 41 1, 1969. '

TATSUMOTO , M . , .. (a nd Snavely, P. D., Jr.) Isotopic composition of lead in rocks of th e CoastRa nge, Oregon and Washington: Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 74, no . 4, p. 1087-1100, illus., tables, 1969. '" TAU BENEC K, WILLIAM H. see also Nolf, Bruce 2 1. Zeolites in granitic rocks from northeastern Oregon fobs.]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 68, Abstracts for 1961 , p. 106, 1962. 2. Zircons in granitic rocks nearCornuco pia , Wa llowa Mountains, northeastern Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per no. 68, Abstracts for 1961 , p. 106, 1962. 3. Composite plutons in north eastern Oregon fobs.]: Oregon Acad . Sci ., 21st Ann. Mtg., Corvallis, Feb . 23, 1963, Abstracts of Pa pers, p. 16, 1963. 4. Distribution of accessory minerals in zonedgr ani tic intrusions, northeastern Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per no. 73, Abstracts for 1962, p. 97-98, 1963. 5. Explosion breccias and injection breccias in Wa llowa batholith, Wa llowa Mountains, north­ eastern Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per no. 73, Abstracts for 1962, p. 253- 254, 1963. 6. Metamorph ism in the south eastern Wa llowa Mountains, northeastern Oregon fobs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per no . 73, Abstracts for 1962, p. 98, 1963. 7. Wallowa Mountainup lift, northeastern Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper no, 73, Abstracts for 1962, p. 69, 1963. '- 8. Significance of Wil low La ke-type layered rocks in field studies of igneous complexes [a bs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 76 , Abstracts for 1963, p. 277, 1964. 9. Major plutons of the Wal lowa batholith, northeastern Oregon [abs .J: Geol. Soc . America · Spec . Pa per no . 76 , Abstrac ts for 1963, p. 295, 1964. 10. Cri teria for former presence of augite in granitic rocks containing hornblende [abs.]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 76 , Abstracts for 1963, p. 295, 1964. 11. Cornucopia stock, Wallowa Mountains, northeastern Oregon: field relationships: Geol . Soc. America Bul l., v. 75, p. 1093-11 16, 5 figs ., 6 plates, Nov . 1964. 1 12. An eva luation of tectonic rotation in the Pacific Northwest: Jour • Geophys . Research, v. 71 , no. 8, p. 21 13-2120, illus., 1966. -. 13. Petrology of Cornucopia tonalite unit, Cornucopia stock, Wa llowa Mountains, northeastern Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per no. 91 , 56 p., 3 figs., 12 ta bles, 2 plates, 1967. 1 4 . Evidence for occurrence of liquid granitic magamas fobs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper no. 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 220, 1968. . 15• Reply [to comments on "An evaluation of tectonic rotation in the Pacific Northwest;• 19671: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 72, no . 4, p. 1415-1421, illus., table, 1967. 16. Feeder dikes for Columbia River Basa lt in northeastern Oregon, western Idaho, and southeastern Washington fobs.]: Northwest Sci ., v. 43, no . 1, p. 43, 1969. 17. Granitic clasts in Pennsylvanian conglomerates of central Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Abstracts for 1969, part 3, p. 67-68, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY .. . 97

18. Post-Oligocene dikes and dike swarms of Basin and Ra nge structura l province fobs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 293-294, 1969. 19. Dikes of Colum bia River Basalt, in Columbia River Basalt Symposium , 2nd, Cheney, Wash ., 1969, Proc .: Cheney, Eastern Wash . State College Press, p. 73-96, 5 ta bles, 2 figs., 1970 . 20. Plutonic clasts in Cretaceous conglom erates of centra l Oregon fobs.]: Geol . Soc . America , Abstracts for 1969, part 3, p. 68, 1969.

TAYLOR, D . W . see also Hibbard, C. W. Mollusks of the Black Butte loca l faunas, in The Juntura Basin - Studies in earth history and / paleoecology: Am . Philos . Soc . Trans., ;: 53, pt. 1, p. 35-41, illus., ta bles, 1963.


1 • Recent volcanism between Three Fingered Jack and North Sister, Oregon Cascade Ra nge, Part 1: History of volcanic activity: Ore Bin, v . 27, no . 7, p. 121-147, 5 figs., 5 photos, July 1965. 2. Recent volcanism between Three Fingered Jack and North Sister, Oregon Cascade Range: Wash­ ington State Univ. doctora l dissert., 84 p., 13 figs ., 3 ta bles, 1967. fobs.] Dissert. Abs., Sec. B, Sci . and Eng., v. 28, no . 3, p. 953B, 1967. 3. Accidental plutonic ejecta at Crater lake, Oregon lObs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p . 221 , 1968 . 4. Unusua l gradation from basaltic to andesitic com position of a lava flow in the central Casca de Ra nge of Oregon fobs.]: Geol . Soc . Amer ica Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 219-220, 1968 . 5. Roadsidege ology - Santiam and McKenzie Pass highways, Oregon , in Andesite Conference Guidebook; Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 62, p. 3- 33, illus., 1968. 6. The Three Sisters area: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country Newslet ter, v. 36 , no . 3, p. 16-17, March 1970. 7. A basalt welded tuff in the Cascade Range of Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts for 1969, part 3, p. 68-69, 1969.

TAYLOR, HUGH P . , JR. 1. (a nd Coleman, Robert G.) o 1 8jo16 ratios of coexisting minera ls in glaucophane-bearing metamo�phic rocks: Geol . Soc America Spec . Pa per 87, A bstracts for 1965, p. 173- 174, 1966. 8 2. (a nd Coleman, Robert G.) 0 1 /0 16 ratios of coexisti ng minera ls in glaucophane-bearing meta­ morphic rocks: Geol . Soc . America Bul l., v. 79, no . 12, p. 1727- 1 756, 15 figs., Dec . 1968 . 3. Oxygen isotope evidence for large-sca le interaction between meteoric ground waters and Ter­ tiary diorite intrusions, western Cascade Range, Oregon fobs .]: EOS, v. 51 , no . 4, p. 453, 1970.

TERRY I JUDITH s. Mediargo, a newTer tiary genus in the fam ily Cymatidae: Veliger, v. 11, no . 1, p. 42-44,

i IIus • I 1 968 •

THAYER , T . P . see also Brown, C. Ervin 2, 3, 4, 5 1. The Canyon Mounta in complex, Oregon, and the Alpine mafic magma stem: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 475-C, p. 82-85, fig ., ta ble, 1963. fobs .] GeoSci. Abs., v. 6, no . 2, p. 42, Feb. 1964. 2. (a nd Brown, C. E.) Pre-Tertiary orogenic and plutonic intrusive activity in centra l and north­ eastern Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Bul l., v. 75, no . 12, p. 1255-1262, fig ., Dec . 1964. 3. (and Brown, C. Ervin) local th ickening of basa lts and late Tertiary si licic volcanism in the Canyon City quad., northeastern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 550-C, p. C73-C78,

3 figs ., 1966. / 4. (a nd Brown, C. Ervin) Geologic map of th e Aldrich Mountainqo odrangle, Grant County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey geologic quadrangle Ma p GQ-438, 1966 . 98 BIBLI OGRAPHY OF THE GEO LOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

5. (and Brown, C. Ervin) Colum bia River Group, in Changes in stra tigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geologica l Survey, 1965: U.S. Geol . Survey Buii. 1244-A , p. 23-25, 2figs., 1966 . 6. (and Brown, C. Ervin) Pre liminary geologic map of th e Long Creek quadrangle, Gra nt County, Oregon: U.S. Gec;>l . Survey open�fi le map, 1967. Scale 1:62,500 7. (a nd Brown, C . Ervin) Pre liminary geologic map of the Courtrock quadrangle, Grant County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-file map 1967. Sea le 1:62,500 8. (Brown, C. Ervin, and Hay, R. L .) Pre liminary geologic map of the Pra irie City quadrangle, Grant County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le map, 1967. Scale1:62,500 9. (and Himmelberg, G. R .) Rock succession in the alpine-type mafic complex at Canyon Moun­ ta in, Oregon, in lnternat. Geol . Cong ., 23d, Prague, 1968, Proc ., Sec . I, Upper mantle (geological proZesses): Prague, Aca demia , p. 175- 186, iIIus ., table, 1968 . 10. (a nd Wagner, N.S.) Geology of the Blue Mountain region, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera I Indus ., Bu II 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 68-74, 2 figs., 1969. ll. (and Ramp, Len) Chromite, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus ., Bu ll. 64;-in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 108-116, 2 figs., 1 ta ble, 1969. 12. The geologic setting of the John Day country , Grant County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey, Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Oregon State Highway Div., and Grant County Plan­ ning Comm ., 23 p., 15 figs., 1969.

THEISEN, A. A. see also Borchardt, G. A . 1 (Borchardt, Glenn A., Harward, Moyle E., and Schmitt, Roman A.) Neutron activation for distinguishing Cascade, Range pyroclasti cs: Science, v. 161, no. 3845, p. 1009-1011, ta bles, 1968 .

THILL , R . E. (Willard, R. J., and Bur, T. R .) Correlation of longitudina l velocity variation with rock fa bric: Jour . Geophys . Research, v. 74 , no . 20, p. 4897-4909, illus., ta bles, 1969.

THI RUVATHUKAL, JOHN V. see also Berg , Joseph W., Jr. 5, 8, 9, 11, 12 1. (a nd Berg, Joseph W ., Jr.) Gravity measurement program in Oregon: Ore Bin, v . 28, no . 4, p. 69-75, 6 figs ., 1966 . 2. Regiona l gravity of Oregon: Oregon State Univ. doctora l dissert., 92 p., 20 figs., 2 plates, June 1968. 3. (Berg, Joseph W., Jr., a nd Heinrichs, Dona ld F.) Regional gravity of Oregon: Geol. Soc . America Bul l., v. 81 , no . 3, p. 725-738, 8 figs ., geologic ma p, March 1970 .

THOMPSON, RICHARD Geology of th e middle one-th ird of the Glide quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master•s thesis, 57 p., 11 figs., 1 geologic map, 1968 .

THOMS, RICHARD E . 1. Genus Pseudophragmina H. Douville in the Umpqua Formation, southwestern Oregon [abs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 82, Abstrac ts for 1964, p. 284. 1964. 2. Biostratigraphy of the Umpqua Formation, southwest Oregon: Univ. Calif, Berkeley, doc tora l dissert., 8 figs ., 219 p., geologic maps, 1965.

THORNBURY , WILLIAM D. . , Regional geomorphology of th e Uni ted States: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 442- 552, illus., 1965.

THURBER , DAVID L . see Richards, Horace G. BIBLIOGRAPHY 99

TIDBALL, RONALD RICHARD A study of soil devel opment on dated pumice deposits from Mount Mazama, Oregon fobs.]: Dissert. Abs., v. 26, no. 7, p. 3872-3873, 1966; Univ. Ca lif. doctora l dissert., 1965.

TILLING I ROBERT I. (Gottfried, David, and Dodge, F. C. W .) Radiogenic heat production of contrasting magma series: bearing on interpretation of heat flow: Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 81, no . 5, p. 1447- 1462, 11 figs., May 1970.

TIMMEN, FRITZ Handling mineral products through the Port of Portland: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 30, no . 12, p. 91-93, Dec . 1964.

TINNEY, E . ROY see Gladwell, John S.

TOBIN, DON G. (and Sykes, Lynn R .) Seismicity and tectonics of the northeast Pacific Ocean: Jour . Geophys . Research, v. 73, no . 12, p. 3821-3845, illus., ta bles, 1968.

TOWN , JOSEPH W . see White, Jack C.

TRAUTMAN, MILTON A . see Buckley, James D. 1, 2, 3, 4

TREMBLY, LYNN see Berg , J. W., Jr. 12 (a nd others) Crusta l refraction profi le, Oregon Coast Range: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 1 01 , Abstracts for 1966, p. 341 , 1968 .

TRIGGER, JAMES K. Geology of the south-centra l partof the Sitkum quadrangle, Coos County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 79 p., 6 figs., 2 ta bles, 13 plates, geologic map, June 1966 .

TRIMBLE, DONALD E . Geology of Portland, Oregon, and adjacent areas: U.S. Geol . Survey Bull. 1119, 119 p., 21 figs., 1 ta ble, geologic map, 1963.

TROSTI PAUL B . Effects of humic-acid-type organics on secondarydis persion of mercury: Colorado School of Mines doctora l dissert., 162 p., 15 ta bles, 11 figs., geologic maps, 1970 .

TRUESDELL, A. H. see Jones, Blair F. (Jones, B. F., O'Neil, J. R., and Rettig, S. L.) Chemical reaction and diffusion in the estuary of sa line Abert Lake, Oregon: Am . Geophys. Union Trans., v. 49, no . 1, p. 367, 1968.

TSCHUDY I ROBERT H. (and Scott, Richard A., eds.) Aspects of palynology: N.ew York, Wiley-lnterscience, 510 p., 1969.

TUREKIAN, KARL K. The chromium and nickel distribution in basaltic rocks and eclogites: Geochim . Cosmochim . Acta, v. 27, no. 7, p. 835-846 , July 1963.

TUR NER, DONALD L . Potassium-argon da ting of Pacific Coast Miocene foraminifera l stages, in Radiometric da ting and paleontologic zonation: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 124, p. 91-T2 9, illus., ta bles, 1970. 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

TW ElKER , N. H . see Schlicker, H . G. 3 · TWETO, 0. l. see Lemmon, D. M.

u U. S. BUREAU OF Ml NES 1. Minera ls Yearbooks, Volume Ill, Area Reports , Domestic [for years 1959 through 1970]: 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971 .

2. Minera l fa cts and problems: U.S. Bur. Mines Bull. 630, 1118 p . , 1965. 3. Mercury potential of th e Uni ted States: U.S. Bur. Mines I.C. 8252, p. 301 -336, 1 fig ., 2 ta bles, 1965. 4. Potential sources of aluminum: U.S. Bur. Mines IC 8335, 148 p., illus., 1967. 5. Silver in the United Sta tes -potential resources: U.S. Bur . Mines open-file rpt., 300 p., i !Ius., figs., tables, geologic maps, Feb. 1970 . 6. Minera l fa cts and problems: U.S. Bur. Mines Bull. 650, 1291 p., 1970.

U.S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION 1. Technica l record of design and construction, Rogue River Basin project, Ta lent division, reha­ bilitation and construction 1956-1961, Oregon: Denver, Colo., U.S. Bur. Rec lamation, 503 p., 31 3 figs., 7 ta bles, 1962. fabs .] GeoSci . Abs., v. 6, no . 11, p. 109, Nov . 1964. 2. Prinevi lle Dam: Crooked River Project, Oregon: Denver , U.S. Bur. Reclamation, Tech . Record Design and Construction, 149 p., April 1963.

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY , 1. Oregon Coast Range, in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S.G.S. Prof. Pa per 600-A, p. A 107, 1968 . 2� A new magnesium stannate and calcium vanadium sil icate, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S.G.S. Prof. Paper 600-A , p. A97, 1968 . 3. Oregon terrace deposits, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S.G.S. Prof . Pa per 600-A, p. A78, 1968. 4. Oregon block sands, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S.G.S. Prof. Pa per 600-A, p. A77, 1968 . 5. Oregon block-sands provenance, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S.G.S. Prof. Pa per 600-A, p. A77, 1968. 6. Intrusive rocks from coastal Oregon and northern Washington, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S.G.S. Prof. Paper 600-A, p. A36, 1968. 7. Volcanic rocks and stra tigraphy in Washington and Oregon, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S. G.S . Prof. Pa per 600-A, p. A35, 1968 . 8. Mesozoic stratigraphy and structura l relations in Klamath Mountains and adjacent areas, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S;G.S. Prof. Pa per 600-A, p. A34, 1968. 9. Studies of recent and fossi l placer deposits, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1968: U.S. G.S . Prof. Pa per 600-A , p. A6, 1968 . 10. Aeromagnetic survey composite mop, Oregon coast: U.S.G.S. open-file map, Heavy Minerals Project, 1970 . Scale 1:500,000 11. Water resources investiga tions in Oregon, 1966- 1 969: U.S.G .S. Wa ter-Resources Div. biennia l report, 41 p., 3 figs., 1970. 12. Abert la ke, Oregon, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1970: U.S. G.S. Prof. Paper 700-A, p. A 131 I 1970 . 13. Age of blueschist metamorphism in southwestern Oregon, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1970: U.S.G.S. Prof. Pa per 700-A , p. A l 26, 1970 . 1 4. Geochemical study of Columbia River Basa lts, -ih Geologica l Survey Research 1970: U.S.G.S . Prof. Paper 700-A , p. A134, 1970. , BIBLI OGRAPHY 101

15. Qua lity of ground water of the Columbia River Basa lt, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1970: U.S.G.S. Prof. Pa per 700-A, p. A131 , 1970. 16. Pleistocene deposi ts along southern Oregon coast, in Geologica l Survey Research 1970: U . S . - G.S. Prof. Pa per 70Q-A, p. A101, 1970. 17. Sediments on continental slope off southern Oregon, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1970: U • S.G • S. Prof. Pa per 700-A , p. A 99, 1 970 . 18. Seism ic-refraction measurements in the Columbia Plateau, -in Geologica l Survey Research 1970: U.S.G.S. Prof. Pa per 700-A, p. Al 11, 1970. 19. Underwater observations in Oregon nearshore zone, in Geological Survey Research 1970: U.S . - G .S . Prof . Pa per 70Q-A, p. A1 00, 1970. 20. Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1961; Parts 9- 14: Colorado River basin to Pacific Slope basins in Oregon and lower Columbia River basin: U .S.G.S. Wa ter-supply Paper 1885, 677 p., 1967. ' ' 21 • Quality of surface waters for irrigation, western sta tes, 1963: U.S.G .S. Water-supply Paper 1952, p. 26, 143-1 45, 1967. 22. U.S. Geological Survey heavy metals program progress report, 1966 and 1967: U.S.G .S. Circ . 560, p. 16, 1968 . 23. Ground-water levels in th e United States 1961-1965 - northwestern states: U.S.G.S. Water­ supply Paper 1845, p. 73-98, ta bles, 1968.

U. S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE (in coop . with Oregon Agri . Exp . Stn .) Interim soil survey, Yamhill area, Oregon: v. I, 200 p., 22 tables; v. II, maps, July 1968 .


VALASTRO, S., JR. 1. (Pearson, F. J., Jr., a nd Davis, E. Mott) Middle Klama th River series, Oregon: Univ. Texas

radiocarbon dates V: Radiocarbon, v. 9, p. 449-450, 1967. J

� 2. (Davis, E. Mott, and Rightmire, Craig T .) Univ . of Texas, Austin, radiocarbon dates VI, Muir Creek, Oregon, 6940 � 120, 4990 B.C.: Radiocarbon, v. 10. no . 2, p. 384-401 , 1968 .

VALLIER, TRACY L. see also Brooks, Howard C. 5 1 . Geology of partof the Sna ke River Ca nyon and adjacent areas in northeastern Oregon and western Idaho: Oregon State Univ. doctora l dissert., 267 p., 57 figs ., 32 tables, 3 plates, geologic map, .1 967. 2. The Oxbow-Cuprum shear zone; a major Mesozoic structure in western Idaho and northeastern Oregon fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 642-643, 1969.

3. , (a nd Brooks, Howard C.) Geology and copper deposits of theHom esteadare a , Oregon a nd Idaho: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 3, p. 37-57, 6 figs ., 1 ta ble, 2 plates, geologic map, 1970. 4. (Wa ldrip, James, and Shimer, S. S .) Granitic clasts in Upper Triassic cong lomera tes, Snake River Canyon, Oregon and Idaho fobs.]: Geol . Soc . America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 6, p. 408, 1970 . 5. Reconnaissancegeol ogy of the Snake River Canyon between Granite Creek and Pittsburg Land­ ing, Oregon and Idaho: Ore Bin, v. 30, no . 12, p. 233-252, illus., geologic map, 1968 . 6. Eugeosynclinal Permian rocks in the Sna ke River Canyon, northeastern Oregon and western Idaho: Geol . Soc . America , Abstracts with Programs 1969, part5, p. 83-84, 1969.

VA N ATTA, ROBERT 0. 1. Mineralogyof the sa nd fraction of modern sediments from the Columbia River fobs.]: Oregon Acad . Sci ., 25th Ann . Mtg., Sa lem, Feb . 26, 1967, Program, p. 6-7, 1967. 2. Minera l ogy of the sa nd fraction of modern sediments from the Colum bia River fobs .]: Oregon Acad . Sci . Proc . for 1967, v. 4, p. 14, 1969. 102 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RES OURCES OF OR EGON

VANDENBURGH, A. S. see also Jones, Blair F.; Phillips, Kenneth N. 2 1. Three sa line lakes of south-centra l Oregon: their distinctive chemical character and its devel­ opment [obs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 349, 1965. 2. Solute ba lance and chloride enrichment a t Abert and Summer la kes, Oregon [obs.]: Geol. Soc . America, Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 227, 1966.

VANLANDINGHAM, SAM . l. see also Messina-AIIen, S. 1. Miocene fresh-water diatoms from th e Pac ific Northwest [obs .]: Am . Jour. Botany, v. 50,

no • 6, p • 632, 1 963 . 2. Pa leoecology and microfloristics of Miocene dia tomites from the Otis Basin-Juntura region of Harney and Malheur Counties , Oregon: Nova Hedw igia Beihefte 66, 77 p., illus., ta ble, 1967.

VAN NORT, S. D. see Chace, F. M .

VAN NOY, RONALD M. see Pa ttee, Eldon C.

VA UGHAN, R. H . see Wa ters, A. C. 7, 8

VESTERBY , M. C. see Carnahan, H. E.

VHAY, J. S . Cobalt, in Minera l and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., Bull. 64;-in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 116-120, 1 fig ., 1969.

VIGRASS, LAURENCE W. see also Dickinson, William R. 5, 6, 7 Geology of the Suplee area , Crook, Grant, and Harney Counties, Oregon: Stanford Univ. doctora l dissert., 317 p., 1961 .

VISTELIUS, ANDREW B. (and Hurst, Vernon J.) Phosphorus in granitic rocks of North America: Geol. Soc . America Bull., v. 75, no . 11, p. 1055- 1092, 31 ta bles , 6 figs., Nov. 1964.

VOSSLER, DONALD A. see Berg, J. W ., Jr. 12


WAA NANEN, A. 0. 1, (Harris, D. D., and Wi lliams, R. C.) Floods of December 1964 and JaniJory 1965 in the far western states . Part 1. Description: U.S .Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Pa per 1866-A, tables, 1970 . 2. (Harris, D. D., and Wi lliams, R. C.) Floods of December 1964 and January 1965 in the fa r western states . Part 2. Streamflow and sediment da ta: U.S. Geol . Survey Water-supply Paper 1866-B, 86 1 p., 8 maps, ta bles, 1970.

WAG NER, HOLLY C . see a lso Snavely, Parke D., Jr . 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14 (a nd Newton, V. C., Jr.) Petro leum and natura l gas, in Mineral and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bu ll. 64, in coop with U.S. Geol. Survey , p. 280- 298, 1 fig ., 1969.

WAGNER, NORMANS. see also Ciesiel, Robert F.; Thayer , T. P. 10 1. (a nd Brooks , Howard C.) Marine Jurassic outliers in the Juniper Mountain area of north ern Ma lheur County, Oregon: Oregon Acad. Sci . A bs ., 1961: Ore Bin, v. 24, no. 2, p. 25, Feb. 1962. BIBLIOGRAPHY · 103

2. (Brooks , Howard C., and Imlay, Ralph W.) Marine Jurassic exposures in Juni per Mountain area of eastern Oregon: Am. Assn . Petrol . Geologists Bul l., v. 47, no. 4, p. 687, 701 , April 1963. 3. Coast Asbestos Co. operations, Grant County, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 25, no . 10, p. 171-1 76, 3 figs ., geologic map, Oct. 1963. 4. (a nd Hoagland, l. l.} The residua l expansibility of pumice: Ore Bin, v. 26, no . 4, p. 73- 75, April 1964. 5. Oregon 's assayserv ice - how to use it to best advantage: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 6, p. 101-116, 4 figs ., June 1966 . 6. The Armstrong nugget: Ore Bin, v. 28, no . 12, p. 21 1-219, 3 figs., Dec . 1966. 7. (a nd Ramp, len} Antimony , in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., Bu ll. 64-;-i n coop. with U.S. Geol. Survey , p. 93-98, 2 figs ., 1969. 8. (and Ramp, len} Asbestos, olivine, and other magnesium si licate minerals, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera I Indus., Bu II.64 , in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 187- 1 93, 1 fig ., 2 ta bles, 1969. 9. Bora tes, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 64,ln coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 193- 1 97, 1 fig ., 1969. 10. Carbon dioxide, in Minera l a nd water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Mineral Indus ., Bul l. 64,ln coop. with U.S. Geol. Survey, p. 197-200, 1 fig ., 1969. 11. Diatomite, in Minera l and wa ter resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus., Bull. 64, in�oop. with U.S. Geol . Survey , p. 205-210, 2 figs ., 1 tal;>le, 1969. 12. (and Wi thington, C. F.) Gypsum a nd anhydrite, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 64, in coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 214- 218, 1 fig ., 1969. 13. Perlite, pumice, pumicite, and cinders, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 222-228, fig ., 1969.

WALDRIP, JAMES see Vallier, Tracy L. 4

WALKER, GEORGE W. see also Corcoran, R. E. 9i Sheppard, R. A . 5,6i Stewart, D. B. 1. Soda rhyolite (pantellerite? } from lake County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 424-C, p. 142- 146, 2 figs ., table, 1961 . [abs .] GeoSci. Abs ., v. 4, no . 4, p. 40, April 1962. 2. (and Repenning, C. A.) Tertiary stratigraphy of Steens Mountain area , Harney and Ma lheur Counties, southeastern Oregon [a bs .]: Oregon Acad . Sci ., 21st Ann . Mtg., Corvallis, Feb. 23, 1963, Abstracts of Papers, p. 18, 1963. 3. Reconnaissance geologic map of the eastern half of the Klamath Falls (AMS) qua drangle, lake and Klamath Counties, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey, Mineral lnv. Field Studies Map MF-260, 1963. Scale 1:250,000 . [abs .] GeoSc i. Abs ., v. 5, no . 7, p. 4, July 1963. 4. (a nd Repenning, Charles A.) Reconnaissance geologic ma p of the Adel quadrangle, lake, Harney, and Mal heur Counties, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Mise . Geol. lnv. Map 1-446, 1965. 5. (Greene, Robert C., and Pattee, Eldon C.) Mineral resources of the Mount Jefferson Primitive Area , Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1230-D, 32 p., 1 table, 8 figs., 1966. 6. (and Repenning, C. A.) Reconna issance geologic map of th e west half of the Jordan Va lley quadrangle, Malheur County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Map l-457, 1966 . 7. (and Swanson, Dona ld A .) M ineral appraisalof the Poker Jim and Fort Warner areas of the Hart Mountain Na tional Antelope Refuge, lake County, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey open­ file report, 32 p., illus., 1967. 8. (a nd Swanson, Donald A .) laminar flowage in a Pliocene soda rhyolite ash-flow tuff, lake and Harney Counties, Oregon li:lbs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 115, Abstracts for 1967, p. 359, 1968. 9. Contraction jointing and vermiculitic alteration of a n andesite flowne ar lakeview, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 575-D, p. D131-Dl34, 3 figs., 1967. '1 04 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINE RAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

10. (Peterson, Norman V., and Greene, Robert C.) Reconnaissance geologic map of the eastha lf of th e Crescent quadrangle, lake, Deschutes, and Crook Counties, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey , Misc. Geol. lnv. Map 1-493, 1967. 11. (a nd Swanson, Donald A.) Summary report on th e geology and minera l resources of the Poker Jim Ridge and Fort Warner areas of the Hart Mountain Nationa l Antelope Refuge, la ke County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Bul l. 1260-M, 16 p., 3 figs ., geologic maps, 1968 . 12. (a nd Swanson, Dona ld A .) Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of th e Harney lake and Malheur lake areas of the Ma lheur Natl . Wildl ife Refuge; north-centra l Harney County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Bul l. 1260-l, 17 p., 3 figs., geologic maps, 1968. 13. (a nd Swanson, Dona ld A.) laminar flowage in a Pliocene soda rhyolite ash-flow tuff, la ke and Harney Counties, Oregon, -in U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 600-B, p. B37-B47, 10figs ., 1 table, 1968 . 14. Geology of the High lava Plains province, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bul l. 64,Tn coop . with U.S. Geol . Survey, p. 77-79, 1 fig., 1969. ' 15. (a nd Swanson, D. A.) Discussion of paper by H. E. Wheeler and H. A. Coombs, "late Ceno­ zoic Mesa Basalt sheet in northwestern United States" [1 967]: Bull. Volcano! ., v. 32, no . 3, p. 581-585, 1969. 16. (a nd King, Ph ilip B.) Geologic ma p of Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Misc . Geol . lnv. Ma p 1-595, in coop.with Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., 1969. Scale 1:2,000, 000 17. · (Peterson, N. V .) Geo iogy of the Basin and Ra nge province, in Min era I and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bull. 64, in coop. withU. S. Geol. Survey , p. 83-88, 2 figs., 1969. . 18. Possible fissure vent for a Pliocene ash-flow tuff, Buzzard Creek area , Harney County, Oregon, · in Geologica l Survey ·Reseorch 1969: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 650-C, C8-C17, 7 . P· figs., 1969.

19. Franc is G. Wells: Ore Bin, v. 31 , no . 11, p. 223, Nov. 1969. 20. Cenozoic ash-flow tuffs of Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 32, no. 6, p. 97-105, 10 figs ., June 1970. 21 . Some comparisons of basalts of southeast Oregon with those of the Columbia River Group, in Columbia River Basa lt Sym posium , 2nd, Cheney , Wash ., 1969, Proc .: Cheney, Eastern Wash­ ington State College Press,.p; 223-238 , 1 table, 6 figs., 1970 .

WALLACE, ALFRED T . see Abegglen, D. E.

WALLIS, JAMES R. see Anderson, Henry W.

WALTERS, JENNIE The Suplee area fossil hunt: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country News letter, v. 31, no . 1 0, p. 83- 84, Sept. 1965.

WALTON, A. see Baxter, M .S.

WA NSBROUGH , V. C. Persona lities in the Nixon Administration - Hollis M. Dole: Toronto, Ont., Ca nach Northern Miner, p. 4, July 10, 1969. .�

WARD, DED ERICK C. (compiler) Bibliography of th eses in geology, America n Geologica l Institute: GeoSci. Abs., v. 7, no . 12, p. 101-137, Dec . 1965.

WARING , G. A. (revised by Blankenship R. R., and Bentall, Ray) Therma l springs of the United Sta tes and other countries of the world - a summary: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 492, p. 38-41 , 6 figs., 1965. ,� BIBLIOGRAPHY) 105

WATERHOUSE, J. B . ._/� New species of Megousia Muir-Wood and Cooper and allied new genus from th e Permian of Austra lia and North America: Jour. Pa leontology, v. 42, no. 5, p. 1171-1185, 3 pla tes, 3 figs ., Sept. 1968.

WATERS, AARON C. see also Griggs, G. B. 5; Higgins, Michael W. 1, 2, 5; Hopson, C. A. 1; Swinney, C. M.

� 1. Stra tigraph ic and lithologic variations in the Colum bia River Basalt: Am . Jour. Sci., v. 259, no. 8, p. 583-61 1, 2 figs., 10 tables, 2 pla tes, Oct. 1961 . fobs.] GeoSci . Abs., v. 4, no. 1, p. 47, Jan . 1962. 2. Stein's pil lar area , centra l Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 8, p. 137- 144, illus., geologic map,

Aug. 1966 . . . 3. Moon craters and Oregon volca noes: Eugene, Oregon , Condon lectures, Oregon State Sys . Higher Educ ., 70 p., 19 figs ., 1967. 4. Reconnaissa nce geologic map of the Post quadrangle, Crook County, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Mise . Geol. lnv. Map 1-542, 1968 . . 5. Reconnaissa nce geologic map of the Dufur quad., Hood River, Sherman, and Wasco Counties, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Misc. Geol . lnv. Map 1-556, 1968. 6. Reconnaissance geologic map of the Ma dras quadra ngle, Jefferson and Wa sco Counties , Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Ma p 1-555, 1968. Scale 1:125,000 , 7. (and Vaughan, R. H.) Reconna issance geologic map of the Eagle Rock quadrangle, Crook County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Misc . Geol . lnv . Map 1-540, 1968. Scale 1:62,500 8. (and Vaughan, R. H.) Reconnaissance geologic map of the Ochoco Reservoir quadrangle, Crook County, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Misc . Geol . lnv . Map 1-541 , 1968. 9. (a nd Fisher, Richard) Maar volca noes, western United S.tates fobs.]: Abstracts of Northwest Scientific Assn . m tg . 1969, Northwest Sci ., v. 43, no . 1, p. 44, 1969. 10. (a nd Fisher, R. V.) Maar volcanoes, in Columbia River Basa lt Sym posium , 2nd, Cheney, Wash ., ·' 1969, Proc .: Cheney, Eastern Washington State College Press, p. 157- 1 70, 10 fig ., 1970 .

WATKINS, NORMAN D. see also Abranson, E . C.; Baksi, A. K. 1, 2; Wilson, R. L. 1, 2 1. Behavior of the geomagnetic field during the Miocene Period in southeastern Oregon: Nature (London, Engl .), v. 197, no. 4863, p. 126-1 28, Jan. 12, 1963. 2. Application of pa leomagnetism to fa ult problems in southern Oregon fobs.]: Am . Assoc . Petrol . Geologists Bull., v. 47, no. 9, p. 1776, 1963. ·� 3. Pa leomagnetism of the Miocene lavas of southeastern Oregon: Stanford Rock Magnetics Research Group, AFCRL 64-97(2) , fina l report Part II, 77 p., 34 figs., April 1964. 4. Petrologica l difference between normally and reversely magnetized lavas in southern Oregon fobs.]: Am . Geophys. Union Trans., v. 45, no . 1, p. 36-37, 1964. 5. Structural implica tions of pa laeomagnetism in Miocene lavas of north-eastern Oregon, south­ eastern Washington and west-centra l ldaho: Nature (London, Engl .), v. 203, no. 4947, p. 830-832, 3 figs., Aug. 22, 1964. 6. Variations of paleomagnetic properties of the Colum bia Plateaus with particular reference to their geologica I significance fobs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 286, 1965. 7. A paleomagnetic observation of Miocene geomagnetic secular variation in Oregon (Chadwick lab., Univ. of liverpool): Nature, v. 206, no . 4987, p. 879-882, 2 figs., 1 table,Ma y 29, 1965. 8. Pa l eomagnetism of the Columbia Plateau: Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 70, no . 6, p. 1379- 1406, 21 figs., 7 tables, March 15, 1965. 9. Frequency of extrusions of some Miocene lavas in Oregon during an apparent transition of the polarityof the geomagnetic field fobs.]: Nature, v. 206, no . 4986, p. 801-803, 1965. 10. (a nd Wilson, R. D.) Investiga tion of the possibility of petrological control of magnetic polarity of some Miocene lavas of the Columbia plateau fobs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 82, Abstrac ts for 19�4, p. 286-287, 1965. 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

11. Frequency of extrusion of s6me lavas on Steens Mountain, Oregon, during a transition of the Miocene geomagnetic field: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 237, 1966 . 12. (a nd Lorson, E. E.) Pa leomagnetic confirmation of obscure faulting in a section of lavas in La ke County, Oregon: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 87, Abstracts for 1965, p. 238, 1966 . 13. (a nd Larson, E. E.) Combined paleomagnetic and petrological delinea tion of faults in Miocene basa ltsofOregon: Geol . Mag ., v. 103, no . 2, p. 166-178, illus., 1966 . 14. Comments on a paper by William H. Ta ubenec k, "An evaluation of tectonic rotation in the Pacific Northwest " : Jour. Geophys . Research, v. 72, no . 4, p. 1411-1414, 1 fig ., Feb. 15, 1967. 15. Unstableco mponents and paleomagnetic evidence for a geomagnetic polarity transition: Jour. Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity: v. 19, no . 1, p. 63-76, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1967. 16. Non-dipole behavior during an Upper Miocene geomagnetic polarity transition in Oregon: Roya l Astron. Soc . Geophys . Jour., v. 17, no . 2, p. 121-149, illus., tables, 1969. 17. (a nd Gunn , B. M.) Magnetic pulsing and changes in titanium concentra tion during Miocene volcanism in Oregon: Nature, v. 224, no . 521 7, p. 360-361, illus., ta ble, 1969. 18. Pa leomagnetic evidence from Oregon for a return to shallow "transitional" geomagnetic inclina­ tion following an Upper Miocene geomagnetic polarity change fobs .]: Am . Geophys . Union Trans ., v .. 48, no . 1, p. 83, 1967. 19. Reply [to discussion by E . E. Larson and D. W. Strangway of "Correlation of petrology and na tura l magnetic polarity in Columbia Plateau basa lts" (1967)] : Roya l Astron . Soc . Geophys . Jour., v. 15, no . 4, p. 444-447, illus., 1968.

WAYLAND, R . G. see also Young, L. L. 3 The correlation of coa l beds in Squaw Basin and partof Eden Ridge, T. 33 S., R. 11 W., W. M., southwestern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-file report, 27 p., 3plates, 2figs., 3 tables, Jan . 25, 1965. Scale 1:31 ,680

WEAVER, CHARLES E . see Neiheisel, James · WEBB, J. see Cantweft , T.

WEEDEN, DENNIS Geology of the Harper area , Ma lheur County, Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's thesis, 94 p., 5 figs., 18 plates, geologic map, 1963.

WEEKS, C. FRANCIS see Krueger, Harold W.

WEESE, AL The new Three Fingered Jack: Mazama , v. 43, no . 13, p. 54, Dec . 1961 .

WEINSTEIN, B . B. see Orr, W. N. 2

WEISSENBORN, A . E . see also Dole, Hollis M. 7 . 1. (a nd Snavely, Pa rke D., Jr.) Minera l appraisa l of Oregon Isla nds National Wildlife Refuge: U.S. Geol . Survey open-file report, 8 p., illus., 1967. 2. (a nd Snavely, Parke D., Jr.). Minera l appraisalof Three Arch Rocks Natl . Wildlife Refuge, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey open-file report, 14 p., illus., 1967. 3. (a nd Snavely, Parke D., Jr.) Summary report on the geology and' minera l resources of the Three Arch Rocks Natl . Wildlife Refuge, Oregon: U.S. Geoi . Survey Bul l. 1260-H, 6 pla tes, 4 figs ., 1968. 4 . (a nd Snavely, Parke D., Jr.) Summary report on the geology and minera l resources of th e Oregon Islands Nationa l Wildlife Refug_e, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Bull. 1260-G, 4 p., 2 figs ., 1968. BIBLIOGRAPHY , 107

5.· (editor) Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus ., Bull. 64, in coop. with U.S. Geol . Survey, 464 p., illus., 1969. 6. (a nd Dole, H. M.) Minera l industry of Oregon, in Minera l and water resources of Oregon: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus., Bu ll. 64, in coop . with U.S. Geol. Survey, p. 89-

·v: 93, 2 figs. 1 1969.

WELDIN, ROBERT D . see Pattee, Eldon C.

WELLS, FRANCIS G. see also Peck, Dallas L. 4 (a nd Peck, Da llas L.) Geologic map of Oregon west of the 121st meridian: U.S. Geol . Survey Misc . Geol . lnv . Map 1-325, in coop. with Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l Indus. , 1961 . Scale 1:500, 000

WEST, WALTER S . see Cohee, George V.


Driving the West's wettest tunnel: Western Construction, v. 37, no . 7-A , p: 45-49, illus.,

6 plates, July 1962. [abs .] GeoSci . Abs., v. 5, no. 3, p. 52, March 1963. ·

WESTGATE, J .. A. -see also Smith, D. G. W. 1··�� (and Dreimanis, A.) Volcanic ash layers of Recent age a t Ba nff Nationa l Park, Alberta, Canada: Canadian Jour . Earth Sci ., v. 4, no . 1, p. 155-161, illus., ta bles, 1967.

WESTPHAL, W. H . see Deh linger, Peter 2 Seismic aftershock investigations - Project Vela , Portland, Oregon earthquake of Nov. 6, 1962: Stanford Res. lnst., Tech . Rpt. No. 1, 11 p.; 1962.

WHALLON , MARJORIE K. see Noble, Donald C. 2

WHEELER, HARRY E . 1. (a nd Ma llory, V. Sta ndish ) Regiona l Tertiary sequences in the Pacific Northwest [abs .]: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Pa per no. 73, Abstrac ts for 1962, p. 73-74, 1963. 2 •· (a nd Coombs, H. A.) Late Cenozoic mesa basa lt sheet in northwestern United States: Bull. \ Volcano! ., v. 31 , p. 21-44, 5 figs ., table, 1967. 3. (a nd Ma l lory, V. Standish) Columbia River Basa lt as a critica l Oregon Cascade datum [abs.]: Abstrac ts of pa pers, Northwest Scientific Assoc ., Cheney, Wash, 1969; Northwest Sci ., v. 43, no . 1, p. 44, 1969. 4. (a nd Ma l lory, V. S.) Oregon Cascades in relation to Cenozoic stratigraphy, in Columbia . River Basalt Sym posium , 2nd, Cheney, Wash ., 1969, Proc .: Cheney , Ea sternWashington State College Press, p. 97-124, 6 figs., 1970. ) � 5. (a nd Ma I lory, V. Standish) Reply [to discussion by D. L. Peck, J. A. Wolfe, and A. E. Griggs of " Oregon Cascades in rela tion to Cenozoic stratigra phy" (1970)] , in Columbia River Basa lt Symposium , 2nd, Cheney, Wash ., 1969, Proc .: Cheney, Eastern Washington State Col­ lege Press, p. 131-132, 1970 .

WHETTEN, JOHN T . see also Hanson, L . G.; Hawkins, James W., Jr.; Kelley, James C. 1, 2; Lister , C. R . B . 1. Sediments from the lower Columbia River and origin of graywacke: Science, v. 152, no . 3725, p. 1057- 1058, 3 tables, May 20, 1966 . 2. (a nd Hanson, L. G.) Minera l and chemical com position of lower Columbia River reservoir sediments: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstrac ts for 1965, p. 185, 1966 . 3. (and Ful lam, Timothy J .) Columbia River sand waves [abs .]: Am . Assoc . Petrol . Geologists Bull., v. 51, no . 3, pt. 1, p. 485, March 1967. lOB BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

4. (a nd Hawkins, James W .) Diagenetic matrix in graywacke-type sa ndstones l"abs .l : / Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 121, Abstracts for 1968, p. 317, 1969. 5. (Kelley, James C., and Hanson, Larry G.) Col umbia River sediment sources l"abs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 121 , Abstrac ts for 1968, p. 576-577, 1969. 6. (a nd Fullam , Timothy J .) Columbia River bed forms, in Interne t.- Assoc . Hydraulic Research, 12th Cong., 1967, Proc ., paper Al4, v. 1: Fort Col lins, Colo., Col orado Sta te Univ., p. 107-114, illus., ta bles; discussion, ibid., v. 5, p. 48-49, 1967.

WHITCOMB, JAMES H. 1. Shallow seism ic reflection studies, Yaquina Bay, Oregon l"abs .]: Oregon A cad . Sci., 21st Ann . Mtg., Corva llis, Feb. 23, 1963, Abstracts of Pa pers, p. 17, 1963. 2. (Erickson, Barrett H., and Berg, Joseph W ., Jr.) Marine geophysica l studies nearshore, New­ port, Oregon: Geol. Soc . America Spec . Paper 87, Abstrac ts for 1965, p. 238, 1966 .

WH ITE, JACK C. (Gray, Jerry J., and Town, Joseph W.) Emery and emery- like rocks of the west-centra l Cas- cade Range, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 11, p. 213-223, Nov. 1968 . ·· -=··

WHITE, STANTON M . 1. The minera logy and geochemistry of the sediments on the continental shelf off the Washington­ Oregon coast: Univ. Washington doctora l dissert., 21 3 p., illus., 1967. 2. Mineralogy and geochemistry of continental shelf sediments off the Washington-Oregon coast: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 40, no . 1 , p. 38-54, i llus., ta b I es, 1970.

WHITE, WILLIS HARKNESS Geology of the Picture Gorge quadrangle, Oregon: Oregon State Univ. master's thesis, 167 p., 28 figs. , 11 ta bles, geologic map, 1964.

WHITSETT, ROBERT see Couch, Richard 1

WIDMIER , JOHN MICHA EL v· Mesozoic stratigraphy of the west-central Klamath Province; a study of eugeosyncline! sedi­ mentation: Univ . Wisconsin doc tora l dissert., 122 p., 9 figs ., 2 tables, 14 plates, geo logic map, 1963. l"abs .] Dissert. Abs., v. 23, no . 11, p. 4320-4321 , 1963.

WILCOX, LLOYD Famous erratic visited: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter, v. 31 , no. 5, p . 47-49, May 1965.

WILCOX, RAY E . see also Powers, Howard A.

1 • (and Powers, Howard A.) Petrographic characteristics of Recent pumice from volcanoes in the Cascade Range l"abs .]: Geol . Soc . America, Spec . Paper no. 76, Abstracts for 1963, p. 232, 1964. 2. Volcanic-ash chronology, in The Quaternary of the United States: Princeton, N. J ., Princeton Univ . Press, p. 807-816, 3ligs ., 1 ta ble, 1965 . ,. 3. (a nd Fisher, R. Y .) Geologic map of the Monument quadrangle, Gra nt County, Oregon; U.S. Geol . Survey geologic quadrangle Map GQ-541 , 1966 . Sca le 1:62,500

WILDE, GAR NER L. see Skinner, John W.

WILKIE, LORNA C . see Cohee George Y.

WILKINSON, W. D . (a nd Oles, Keith F.) Stra tigraphy and paleoenvironments of Cretaceous rocks, Mitchell quad .,

Oregon: Am . Assoc . Petrol . Geologists Bull., v. 52, no . 1, p. 129-161, Jan. 1968 . · BIBLI OGRAPHY , 109

WILLAMETTE BASIN TASK FORCE The Wi llamette Basin; com prehensive study of water and related land resources: Pacific North­ west River Basins Commission, 155 p., illus., 1969.

WILLARD, R . J. see Thi ll, R. E.

WILLIAMS, GEORGE A. (and Nevin, A ndrew E.) Geology of the Mineral quadrangle, Washington County, Idaho; preliminary report lObs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 82, Abstracts for 1964, p. 350, 1965.

WILLIAMS, HOWEL 1. The floor of Croter Lake, Oregon: Am . Jour. Sci ., v. 259, no . 2, p. 81-83, Feb. 1961 . lObs .] GeoSci . Abs., v. 3, no. 4, p. 43, April 1961 . 2. The geology of Crater Lake National Pork, Oregon, in Oregon lunar geologica l Field Confer­ ence Guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol . and Minera l �dus., Bul l. 57, p. 39-45, 48-50, illus., geologic maps, 1965. 3. (a nd Goles, Gordon) Volume of the Mazama ash-fall and the origin of Cra ter La ke cal dera, in Andesite conference guidebook: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Minero l lndus ., Bull. 62, p. 37- 41,19 68 .

WILLIAMS, R. C. see a lso Woononen, A . 0 . 1, 2 Sedimentation in three sma II forested drainage basins in the A lsea River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Circ . 490, 16 p., 6 figs., 5 ta bles, 1964.

WILL IAMS, ROGER L . see Bowles, Oliver

WILLIAMS , ROY E . see Abegg len, D. E.

WILLIS, ERIC H. see Buckley, James D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

WILSON, R . L. see Watkins, N. D. 1 0 1. (a nd Wa tkins, N. D.) Correlation of petrology and natural magnetic polarity in Columbia Plateau basa lts: Roya l Astron . Soc . Geophys . Jour., v. 12, no . 4, p. 405- 424, illus., ta bles, 1967. 2. (a nd Wo tkins, N. D.) Reply [to discussion by E. E. Larson and D. W. Stra ngway of "Correla­ tion of petrology and natura l magnetic polarity in Columbia Plateau basalts" (1 967)]: Roya l Astron . Soc . Geophys. Jour., v. 15, no. 4, p. 443-444, illus., 1968.

WILSON, RICHARD L . see Cavender, Ted M. 3

WISE, JOSEPH PATRICK Geology and petrography of a portion of the Jurassic Ga lice Formation, Babyfoot La ke area, southwestern Oregon: Ida ho State Univ. master's th esis, 108 p., 5 figs., 23 plates, geologic ma p, 1969.

WISE, WILL IAM S. 1. A guide to the volcanic rocks of the Cascade Ra nge: !Vczamo, v. 46, .no. 1 3, p. 23-25, 5 figs., 2 tables, Dec . 1964. 2. The geologic history of Mount Hood, Oregon: Mazama , v.46, no . 13, p. 12-22, 7figs., Dec . 1964. 3. Final eruptive phose of the Mount Hood volcano, Oregon lObs.]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Paper 101, Abstracts for 1966, p. 347, 1968 . 110 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RES OURCES OF OREGON

4. Geology of the Mount Hood volcano, in Andesite conference guidebook: Oregon.Dept. Geol . and Mineral lndus ., Bull. 62, p. 81-98, 17figs ., 1 ta ble, 1968. 5. Geology and petrology of the Mount Hood area: a study of High Cascade volcanism: Geol . Soc . America Bull., v. 80, no . 6, p. 969- 1006 , 23 figs ., 5 pla tes, geologic map, June 1969.

WITHINGTON, C. F. see Wagner, N. S. 12

WITT, BOBBY JOE Gravity profi les of the cen tra l Coast Range of Oregon: Univ. Oregon master's th esis, 113 p . , 6 figs ., 7 pla tes, table,geologic map, 1964.

WOLFE, JACK A. see also Peck, D. L . 6

1 • A Miocene pollen sequence from th e Cascade Ra nge of northern Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Pa per 450-C, p. 81-84, 2 figs ., 2 ta bles, 1962 . [obs .] GeoSci. Abs ., v. 4, no . 12, pt. 1, p. 22, Dec . 1962. 2. M iocene floras from Fingerrock Wash, southwestern Neva da: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 454-N, 12 pla tes, 22 figs., 4 ta bles, 36 p., 1964 . 3. (a nd Hopkins, D. M .) Clima tic changes recorded by Tertiary land floras in northwestern North America : Tertiary correlations and climatic changes in the Pacific, Pacific Science Congress, 11th, Tokyo, Japan, 1966, p. 67-76, 3 figs ., 1 ta ble, 1967. 4. Pa leogene biostratigraphy of nonmarine rocks in King County, Washington: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof . Pa per 571 , 33 p., 20 figs., 7 plates, 3 tables, 1968. 5. Neogene floristic and vegetationa l history of the Pacific Northwest: Madrono, v. 20, no. 3, p. 83-110, 3figs., 2 ta bles, July 1969.

WOLFF I ERNEST N. 1. Tentative Tertiary stratigraphy and structure of the northern part of Caviness quadrangle, Ma l­ heur and Ba ker Counties, eastern Oregon [obs .]: Geol . Soc . America Spec . Pa per 82, p. 352, Abstracts for 1964, 1 965 . 2. Geology of th e northern half of the Caviness quadrangle, Oregon: Univ. Oregon doctoral dissert., 200 p., 21 figs., 32 plates, geologic map, 1965.

WOLLENBERG, HAROLD A. (and Sm ith, Alan R.) Studies in terrestrial gamma radiation, in The natural radiation environ­ ment, John A. S. Adams and Wayne M . Lowder, eds .: Rice Univ. Semicentennia l Publ ., p. 51 3- 566, 9 ta bles, 15 figs., 1964.

WOODBURNE, M. 0. see Stirton, R. A . 2

WRIGHT, T. L . see Stewart, D. B.

WYLLIE, P. J. see Piwinskii, A . 1, 3, 4


YA NCEY , H. F. see also Geer, M. R. 1 1. (a nd Geer, M. R .) Behavior of clays associated with low-ra nk coa ls in coal-cleaning processes: U.S. Bur . Mines Rl 5961, 10 p., 2 figs., 1962.

YERKES, L. A. see Holbrook, W. F.

YOCHELSON, ELLIS L. Occurrences of th e Perm ian gastropod Ompha lotrochus in northwestern United S to tes: U.S. Geol . Survey Prof . Paper 424- B, Research 1961, p. B237-B239, 1 fig ., 1961 . BIBLIOGRAPHY• 111

YORK, D . see Baksi , A . K. 1, 2

YOUNG, L . L. see also Colbert, J. L. 2, 3 1. (and Colbert, J. L., Neal, D. W., and Flaherty, G. M.) Gross theoretica l waterpower, developed and undeveloped, State of Oregon, 1963: U.S. Geol. Survey open-fi le report, part I , basin summaries; part II, I ists of power sites, 62 p., ta b I es, 1963 . 2. (Colbert, J. L., Nea l, D. W., and Flaherty, G. M.) Gross theoretica l waterpower, devel­ oped and undeveloped, Sna ke River basin, Wyoming, Idaho, Neva da , Oregon and Washington: U.S. Geol . Survey open-fi le report, 42 p., ta bles, 1963. 3. (Wayland, R. G., and Gaskill, D. L.) Waterpower resources in Trask River Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Pa per 1610-B, 44 p., 8 figs. , 5 tables , 2 geologic maps, 1963. 4. (Colbert, J. L ., Gaskill, D. L., and Piper, A. M.) Water power resources in Neha lem River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Paper 1610-C, 58 p., 11 figs., 15 tables, 4 plates, geologic maps, 1965. 5. (Neal, D. W., and Gaskill, D. L.) Waterpower resources and reconnaissance geology of sites in the Alsea River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol . Survey Wa ter-supply Paper 1610-D, 45 p., 6 figs., 11 ta bles, geologic map, 1966.

YOU NG, RICHARt> A. Hydrogeologic eva luation of the streamflow records in the Rogue River basin, Oregon: U.S . Geol . Survey open-file report , 119 p., 53 figs., 2 plates, geologic map, 1961 . lObs.] Geo­ Sci . Abs., v. 5, no . 8, p. 71-72, Sept. 1963.

YOUNGBERG, C . T . see also Chichester, F. W. 1 , 2 (and Dyrness, C. T .) Some physica l and chemical properties of pumice soils in Oregon: Soil Sci., v. 97, no. 6, p. 391-399, illus., tables, 1964.

YOUNGQUIST, WALTER Annotated lexicon of names applied to Tertiary stratigraphic units in Oregon and Washington, west of the Cascade Mountains, with bibliography: Eugene, Oregon, Wa lter Youngquist, 92 . p., illus., 1961 .


ZAITZEFF, JAMES B. see Orr, William N. 1

ZDENEK, F . F. see Snyder, C. T.

ZULLO , VICTOR A. see also Allison', Edwin C. 1. (Karr, R. F., Durham, J. Wya tt, and Allison, E. C.) The echinoid genus Sa lenia in th e east­ ern Pacific: Pa leontology, v. 7, pt. 2, p. 106-107, 1964. 2. (a nd Chivers, Dustin D.) Pleistocene symbiosis: Pinnotherid crabs in pel ecypods from Cape Blanco, Oregon: Th e Veliger, v. 12, no . 1, p. 72, 1 plate, July 1, 1969. 3. A late Pleistocene marine invertebrate fauna from Bandon, Oregon: Ca lif. Acad. Sci . Proc ., 4th ser,, v. 36, no. 12, p. 347-361, 39 figs ., 3 ta bles, April 1969. 113


(Num bers refer to entries under author's name in first section) A

ABERT RIM ABSOLUTE DATING , Radiocarbon, Archaeo log ica l, cant'd Geology: Wa lker 3 Klamath River house pit: Va lastro 1 Geomagnetism , Miocene lavas: Abranson , E. C.; Obsidian: Meighan 2 Wa tkins 7 Seasidean cient bay a rtifacts: Da rk Stockh off ra nch si te , cha rcoal: Crane 2 ABSOLUTE DA Tl NG Tillamook vil lage site: Cra ne 1 Fossi I plants: Wildca t Canyon site: Chatters 9; Crane 3 Clarno nut bed: Swa nson, D. A. 3 Wil lamette Va lley hearth : Reckendorf Columbia River Basa lt: Gray, Jane 3 Fossil invertebra tes: Tertiary flora s: Axelrod; Evernden 1 Pleistocene mollusks, Ca pe Bla nco: Richards; Fossi I vertebra tes: Zullo 2 Cenozoic mamma lian chronology: Evernden 2 Fossil plants: Fossil la ke fauna: Allison, I. S. 1; Buckley 4 Maple wood: Buckley 6 Mammoth Mylodon from laGrande: Ouain'- Oak wood: Buckley 7 ta nce 2 Pine cones: Sullivan, B. M. Probosc idian tusk: Buckley 7 Pleistocene wood, To ledo quad .: Rubin Sloth skull a nd leg fragments: Mielke Post-g lacial po llen chronology: Hansen Marine sediments: Glacia l-fluvial deposi ts: Continenta l shelf, orga nic carbon: Buckley 2 Missou la deposi ts: Glenn 2 Continenta l slope foram inifera : Buckley 5 Mosier gravel quarry: levin Continental terrace: Buckley 2; Dunca n 2; Mount Hood, Stadler buried forest: Dorn Nayudu 2 Mu ltorpor Mtn., wa ter release: Crane 1 Deep-sea channel deposits: Kulm, L. D. 6 The Da lles, Fifteen Mile Creek: Marsters Deep-sea sediments cores: Fowler 2; Duncan Wh ite River glacial advance: Crane 1 1, 5 Zigzag River glacia l outwash: Crane 1 Pleistocene marine moll usca: Richards la ke leve ls: Mazama ash a nd pum ice: Abert la ke: Levin 2 Ba nff Na tiona l Pa rk: Westga te Fort Rock: Bedwel l Basin a nd Range Province: Antevs la ndslide, crea tion of loon la ke: Ore Bin 7 Chronology: Fryxell 2; Wilcox, R. E. 2 Sea level rise , Ca pe Arago: Hubbs Fossil lake: Allison , I. S. 1 Sedimentation: Muir Creek area: Va lastra 2 Abert lake playa: Sullivan, B. M. 2 Soi Is correlations: Borchardt 2 Coast Ra nge: Ba Isler 1 Methods: Bowen 1 Siuslaw River peat under du ne: Krueger Neha lem wax: Ore Bin 13 Soi l horizon , Willamette Va lley: Reckendorf Neu tron activa tion, vo lca nic ash soi Is: Borchardt 2 Varia tions from artifical sources: Houterma ns Po tassium-a rgon: Vo lcanic eruptions: Brattain district, quartz monzonite: Muntzert 2 Blue la ke cra ter cinders and ash: Cha tters 3 Cenozoic chronology: Evernden 1, 2 Clear la ke form ed: Benson CoastRa nge igneous roc ks: Ta tsumoto Cra ter la ke form ed: Horse Heaven district: Swa nson, D. A. 3 Four-in-one cinder cone: Cha tters 8 la urel Hill pluton: Bikerman lava Cast Forest: Buckley 3 Miocene foram inifera l stages: Turner McKenzie Pa ss volcanic ash: Cha tters 6 Oi I test cores: Ore Bin 52 Newberry vo lcano pum ice: Higgins 5; Pearson; Ra diocarbon: Peterson, N. V. 1 3; Ta mers Archa eologica l: Sand Mtn. cinders and ash: Chatters 7; Taylor , Ar lington house charcoa I: Chatters 1 , 2 E. M., 1, 2 Basin and Ra nge: Antevs Summer la ke volca nic ash: Allison, I. S. 2 Butte Creek cave, Fossil area: Chatters 4 Ca scadia culture: Chatters 5 ADEL AMS QUADRA NGLE Grea t Basin, stone age: Strong 5 Geology: Hood River projecti le points: Stuckenra th Reconnaissance map: Wa lker 4 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

ADEL AMS QUADRANGL E, Geology , continued ALMEDA MI NE South-centra l Pueblo M tns .: Rowe History, geology, and minera logy : Libbey 4 Trou t Creek Mtns .: Ca rlton Petrogra ph y: ALSEA RIVER Peralkaline si licic volcanic rocks: Noble 1 Sedimentation: Wi I Iiams, R. C. Wa ter resources: Wi lliams, R. C.; Young, L. L. 5 AEROMAG NETIC MEASUREMENTS Albany- Newport: Bromery 2, 4 ALUMINA (see BAUXITE, CLAYS) Continenta l margin: Kulm 8, 9 Leba non quadrangle: Bromery 1 ALUMINUM (see also BAUXITE) Nor thwestern Oregon: Bromery 3; Snavely4 Annua l production: Co llins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Fulkerson Offshore anomalies: Pavoni 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 Offshore, Pa cific Northwest: Emi lia 1, 2 Loca lities: Outer continental shelf: Bra islin Cheha lem Hills: U.S . Bur. Mines 4 Volcanics, oceanic extension: Em ilia 3 Estacada: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Hobart Bu tte: U.S. Bur. Mi nes 4 AERORADIOACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS Mehama area: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Hanford plant area: Schmidt 1, 2 Molalla: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Portla nd Hills: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 AGATE (see GEM STONES) Sa lem Hills: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Processes: Bloch; deWeese 2, 3; Fulkerson 4; AGGREGATE (see also DIATOMITE, PERLITE, Fursman 2; Ore Bin 23

PUM ICE I TUFF) Trends and outlook: Ful kerson 5 Expanded sha le: Harris, H. M. Industry: Mason, R. S. 21 ALVORD CR EEK FORMAT ION Mid-Columbia si tes: Olcott Owyhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek: Geldstzer 1 Portland area : Tr imble Pozzo lanic ash : Ore Bi n 37 ALVO RD VA LLEY Wa lis of Portland: Mason, R. S. 15 Playas, geomorphic changes: Neal,J. T. 1

AG N ESS QUADRA NGLE ANA RIVER Coal: Wayland Absolute da ting, fossi l invertebrates: Buckley 1 Diorite intrusions: Lund, E. H. 5 La te Jurassic unconform ity: Dott 8 ANALYSES (see a lso GEOCHEMICAL INVES TIGATIONS) Tertiary basin: Ba ldwin 9 Chem ica l: Thrust fa ulting: Ba ldwin 15 Abert Lake estuary : Truesdell Alkali La ke sodium si licate: Bricker; Rooney ALBANY QUADRANGLE Alpi ne-type ultramafi cs: Ba rnes 1; Coleman Aeromagnetic ma p: Bromery 4 1; Thayer 1 Oligocene marine fossi ls: Hickman Appl ega te Grou p: Kays 7 Basin and Ra nge basalts: Leema n ALDRICH MO UNTAIN QUADRA NGL E Bratta in district: Muntzert Geology: Brown, C. E. 1, 2, 4, 5; Thayer 4 Co lcic la bradorite: Stewart, D. B. Carbonate brines: Rettig ALDRICH MOU NTAI NS Cascade Mountains: Church 1 Cretaceous rocks: Peterson , G. L. 1 Cenozoic ash-flow tuffs: Wa lker 20 1,2, 12 Geology: Brown, C. E. 3, 4,5; Thayer 4, Cenozoic igneous roc ks: Moore , J. G. 2 Geology field tr ips: Bartholomay 1; Howell 7 Coast Range basal ts: Snavely 7, 8 Columbia River sediments: Kelley 1, 2; Whetten 1 ALDRICH MOU NTAINS GROU P (see also CINNA­ Comparison of basa lts: Jones, R. W. BAR TUFF TONGUE, FIELDS CREEK FORMA­ Dolomite forma tion: o•Neill TION, INGLE TU FF TONGUE, KELLER Eugene-Springfi eld ground water: Fro nk, J. F. CREEK SHALE, LAYCOCK GRAYWAC KE, Ga bbroic si lis: Snavely 1 MURDERERS CREEK GRAYWAC KE Go lice Formation: Koys 7 Changes in nomenclature: Brown, C. E. 4 Glass-bead sil ica determination: Kittleman 1 Map, Canyon City quad.: Brown, C.E. 5 Graywacke ma trix minera ls: Hawkins Greyback Aureo le: Kays 7 ALKAL I LA KE Greyback igneous complex: Godchaux 1 Carbonate brines: Rettig Ground wa ter , Santiam River basin: Helm Magadiite: Bricker; Eugster; Rooney Heavy minera ls: U.S. Geol . Survey 22 SUBJECT INDEX 115 ANALYSES, Chemical, continued ANALYSES , Spec trogra ph ic, conti nued Hydrous sodium si I icates: Eugster Lateritic soi Is: Hotz 1 , 2 Igneous petrology , Saddl eback area: Macleod 2 Marine sediment samples of fine detrital go ld: La teritic soils: Hotz I , 2 Clifton 1 Loca l Miocene centers of volcanism: Snavely 13 Nickel-bearing stream sediments: Ore Bin 53 Ma ntle-derived peridotites: Medaris Peridotite: Hotz 1, 2 Marine sediments: Clifton I Steens Mountain basa lts: Gunn, B. M. May Creek Schist be lt: Kays 7 X-ray diffraction: Mazama pumice: Ch ichester 2 Brattaindi strict: Muntzert 1 Mount Jefferson: McBirney 2 Ca lcic labradorite: Stew art, D. B. Mount Thielsen fu lgurites: Purdom Cascade Mountains: Church Newberry Cal dera rocks: Higgins 2 Cavity minera ls at Summit Rock: Kleck Newberry Volca no obsidian: Higgins 5; La idley I ,2 Clay minera ls: Russell, K. L. Nickel anoma lies: Ore Bin 53 Crysta l vitric tu ff: Nelson, D. 0. Nickel Mou ntain: Kays 7 Josephine peridoti te sheet: Ramer Obsidian a nd pum ice: Jack I , 2 Newberry Ca ldera obsidian: La idley 1, 2 Offreti te and erioni te: Sheppard 4 Obsidian and pum ice: Jack 1, 2 Peridoti te: Hotz 1, 2 Offreti te and erionite: Sheppard 4 Phosphorus in granitic rocks: Vistelius Pa lagonite tuffs: Nayudu 1 Picture Gorge type differentia ti on: Aoki Soda-rich sa nidine: Hay 2 Playa lakes: Feth 4 Synthesis of clinoptilolite-like zeolite: Am es 1 Portland wa ter suppl ies: Durfor Tyee Formation deposits: Snavely 6 Pumice soi ls: Youngberg Rogue gneiss of Rogue Forma tion: Kays 7 ANDESITE Sa line water: Newton 26 Composition: Secondary dispersion of mercury: Trost Cascade volcanoes: McBirney 2 Silica te roc k standards: Flana gan Mount Adams: Sheppard 2 Soda rhyolite ash-flow tuff: Wa I ker 13 Mount Hood: Egg ler Soda-rich sanidine: Hay 2 Mount Mazama: McBirney 1 Solid wastes from coal mining: Geer 2 Origin of magma: Kuno 1, 2 South Sister: McBirney 2 Conference: Dole 6; Kuno 1, 2; McBirney 3 Steens Basa lt: Avent 3; Gunn, B. M. Joint pa ttern and altera tion: Wa l ker 9 Stream-sediment sam ples, sou thwest Oregon: Loca I i ties: Bowen 3 Bend quad . E�: Swanson, D. A. 6 Submarine basa lts: Kay Burns Junc tion-Rome area : Ellison Tertiary vo lcanic roc ks: Snavely 7 Crescent quad . E�: Wa l ker 10 Thorium a nd uranium in vo lca nic roc ks: Gottfried Dufur quad .: Waters 5 Tyee Forma tion: Snavely 6 East La ke: Higgins 5 Electron probe technique, pyroc lastic deposi ts: High Cascades: Church 1, 2; McBirney 2; Smith, D. G. W. Sheppard 2; Wise, W. S. 1 Moda l: Mount Adams: Sheppard 2 Basin and Range basa lts: Leeman Mount Hood: Wise, W. S. 2, 3, 4, 5 Brattain district: Muntzert 1 Mount Mazama: McBirney 1 Coast Range: Snavely 8 Sawooth Ridge: Pa tterson, P. V. 2 Columbia River: Whetten I Simcoe Mtns ., Wash .: Sheppard 1, 2 Greyback intrusive com plex: Godchaux I Summit Rock plug: Kleck Josephine peridotite sheet: Ramer 1 Three Sisters area: Ta ylor, E. M. 6 Lang lois quad ., S �: Lent Western Cascades: Church 1, 2 Phosphorus in granitic rocks: Vistelius Origin of magma , isotope studies: Church 1, 2; Sadd leback area: Macleod 2 Hedge 1, 2 Steens Basa lt: Avent 3 Tectonics: Neu tron activation, Columbia River Basa lts: Osawa Cenozoic: Christiansen Sample preparation, marine sediments: Clifton 1 Geosynclinal system : Dickinson 8 Spectrographic: Abundance of scandium,volcanic rocks: Fryklund ANDESITE CONFERENCE Alpine ultramafi c roc ks: Coleman 1 Guidebook: Do le 6 Chrom ium and nickel in basalt: Turekian Proceedings: McBirney 3 Composition of basaltic roc ks: Lovering Em ery: White, J. C. ANLAU F QUADRANGLE Ground water , lower Sa ntiam River basin: Helm Geology: Hoover 116 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

ANTELOPE FLAT BASALT ASBESTOS , Deposits, continued Owyh ee region: Kittleman 3, 4 Magnesium si licate minera ls: Wa gner, N. S. 8 I ndustry: Bright, J. H.; Wagner , N. S. 3 ANTHROPOLOGY (see ARCHAEOLOGY) ASH (see VOLCA NIC AS H)


ANTIMONY ASHLAND QUADRANGLE Annua I production: Gray, J. J . 1 Late Cretaceous rocks: Elliott Geology and distribution: Wa gner, N. S. 7

ASHWOOD AR EA APPLEGATE GROUP High-ti tanic basa lts: Robinson , P. T. 2, 3 Geology: Engelhardt; Gadchaux 1 ; Heinrich; Kays 7; John Day Formation: Robinson , P. T. 1; Swanson , Ramp 6 D. A. 3 Minera l resources: Gold, chromi te: Heinrich ASSAY SERVIC E Marble: Ramp 2 Sampling methods: Wagner , N. S. 5 Mercury: Trost Sand and gravel: Sch licker 9, 10 ASTORIA FORMATION Asto ria type loca lity, historica l review: Dodds, AQUIFERS (see GROUND WATER) B. R. 1 I 2 Concretions, Tertiary sha les: Boggs 1, 7 ARCHAEOLOGY (see also ABSOLUTE DATI NG ' Radio- Correlation with Columbia River Basa lts: Dodds, carbon, Archaeologica l) R. K. 3 Abso lute dati ng: Fossi l invertebra tes: Arti facts, prepared cores and blades: Sanger Foraminifera , Yaquina Bay, Alsea Bay areas: Cape Arago midden: Hubbs Gonsa lves Fort Rock cave: Strong 5 Mediargo , new genus of Cymatidae: Terry Obsidian hydration ra te: Johnson , L., Jr . 2 Microfau na ! correlations: Rothwell Artifacts: Miocene marine mollusks: Moore, E. J. Ancient bay near Seaside: Dark Mol luscan assemblages: Addicott 4; Dodds, Arrowheads, Fossi I La ke: Steere 4 R. K. 2 Kitchen middens , Round Butte: Roscoe Molluscan fa una correlation with tr opica I forms: Obsidian and pum ice: Jac k 1, 2 Addicott 6 Obsidian hydra tion rate: Joh nson, L., Jr . 2 Neogene climatic change: Addicott 7 Great Basin stone age: Strong 5 New marine mollusks: Addicott 3; Moore, E. J. Bibliographicguide: Johnson , L., Jr . 3 Fossil : Allodesmus (sea lion): Mitchell Loca lities: Meighan Ground water , Clatsop Plains: Fra nk, F. J. 1, 3 Christmas Valley: Chris tmasVa lley Women's Club Loca lities: Fossi I La ke: Steere 4 Astoria area: Dodds, B. R. 1, 2; Dodds, R. K. 3 , 4 Glass Buttes workshops: Heflin 1 Cape Loo kou t State Park: Mangum Klamath Basin: Johnson, L., Jr . 2 Coos Bay area: Terry longhouse, kitchen middens near Seaside: Dark Newport area : Snavely 11 Macks Canyon Indian pit houses: Hall Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 Obsidian, Burns area: Gai I 1 Saddle Mtn. State Pa rk: Nafziger 2 Round Butte: Roscoe Vernonia-Banks area: Mason, R. S. 1 2 Th e Da lles area: Ber gen; Strong 2 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Wildcat Canyon site: Cole; Crane 3 Ya quina Bay area : Snavely 5 Sedimentation , cave and rock sh elters: Fryxell 1 Tertiary geologic his tory: Snavely 3

AR LINGTON LA KE BEDS ASTORIA CANYON (see SUBMAR INE GEOLOGY) Da lles-Umati lla sync line: Newcom b 8

AR LINGTON QUADRANGLE ASTORIA FAN (see SUBMARINE GEO LOGY) Missou la flood , "The Narrows": Bretz AUGITE AS BES TOS Cavity minera ls at Summit Rock: Kleck 2, 3, 6, 7 Annua l produc tion: Fu l kerson Cedar Butte loca lity: Nelson, D. 0. Deposits: Bright, J. H • Relics in hornblende: Ta ubeneck 10 Chrysoti le, Grant County: Wagner, N. S. 3 SUBJ ECT INDEX 117

BAKER COUNTY, conti nued Mining history: Potter B Armstrong nugget: Wagner, N. S. 6 Gold placers: Weissenborn 6 Gold and silver: Brooks 6 BABYFOOT LAKE AR EA Geology and petrography: Wise, J. P. Rainbow mine, Mormon Basin: Lee Petrography: Ba ld Mtn . batholith: Larsen BAKER COUNTY Columbia River Basa lt flows: Schmincke 2 Earthqua ke, North Powder: Couch 1 Cornucopia stock: Ta ubenec k 6, 11, 13 Fossi I flora : liquid granitic magma evidence: Taubeneck 14 Sparta flora: Hoxie Zeolites: Sheppard 4; Taubeneck 16 Tempskya : Da ke 1 Zircons in granitic rocks: Ta ubenec k 2 Fossi I invertebrates: Surface wa ter: Brach iopoda , new species and genus: Waterhouse Ma lheur-Owyh ee area: Ore. St. Wa ter Res. Bd. 11 Mol lusca , Perm ian gastropod: Yochelson Powder River basin: Ore . St. Wa ter Res . Bd . 9 Geology: Burnt River Ca ny on: Ash ley 1, 2 BA KER QUADRANGLE Elkhorn Ridge: Derksen; Sw itek Ground water , Baker Va l ley: Lystrom 2 Homestead area : Va llier 3 Permian and Tr iassic rocks: Bostwick 1 Jurassic conglomera te layer , Lime: Brooks 4, 7 La ke Bonnevi lle flood evidence: Stearns 3 BANDON QUADRANGLE Oxbow area: Stearns 4, 5 Geology, Myrtle Poi nt area : Ba ldwin 14 Oxbow-Cuprum shear zone: Va llier 2 Pinnacle topography: Ore Bin 30 BAN DON STATE PAR K Quadrangles: Fossil plants, Miocene si l icoflagellates: Orr 1 Caviness: Wolff 1, 2 Durkee: Prostka 3 BASALT (see also COLUM BIA RIVER BASALT, LAVAS Eagle Cap: Carnahan, G. L. ' VOLCAN ISM) Ironside Mtn.: Lowry Geochem ica I studies: Sparta: Prostka 1, 2 Chrom ium and nickel distribu tion: Turekian Saw tooth Ridge: Pa tterson , P. V. 2 High- ti ta nia alkali-olivine: Robi nson , P. T, 2, 3 Snake River Ca nyon: Brooks 5; Va llier 1 Lead and strontium isotope: Church Grou nd water: Geomagnetism : Ba ker Va lley: Ducret; Lystrom 2 Delineation of fa ults: Wa tkins 13 Burnt River va lley: Price 2, 8 La te Cenozoic basa Its: Strangway Levels 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . S urv . 2 3 Petrology and natura l magnetic po larity: larson 3; North Powder Valley aqui fer: Lystrom 1 Watkins, 19; Wi lson, R. L. 1, 2 Powder River basin: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res . Bd . 9 Sea-floor spreading hypothesis: Irving; Na ture 1 Intrusions: Transition in earth 's magneti c field: Goldstein Ba ld Mtn . batholith: Thayer 2, 10 Late Cenozoic Mesa sheet: Basa ltic dikes at Copperfield: Stearns 2 Discussion of th eory: Wa l ker 15 Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 1 , 13, 14 Extensive si ngle- layer unit: Whee ler 2 Si II atbase of Co lumbia River Basa lts: Stearns 1 Lava tubes, Ma lheur County: Ciesiel Minera l industry: Petrograph ic studies: Chemica l Lime Co . plant: Ore Bin 43 Basa lt-obsidian relations re- eva luated: Higgins 5 Cornucopia mine: Ore Bin 9; Oregonian 2 Basa ltic to andesitic gradations: Tay lor, E. M. 4 Minera ls and mineral resources: Cascades, recent lavas: Smith, A, L. 2 Copper , Homestead area : Va llier 3 Comparisons, SE Oregon with Columbia Copper, lead, zinc: Bowen 2 River Group: Wa lker 21 Gold: Koschmann; Brooks 6 Com position: Lovering Elkhorn Ridge: Derksen , Sw i tek Compositiona l variations: Snavely 7 Mercury: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Cow Creek Lakes area: Mil lhollen Platinum metals: Mertie High-a lumina magma: Kuno 1, 2 Silver: Brooks 6 Sou thern Cascades, Qua ternary: Smith, A. L. 1 Elkhorn Ridge: Derksen, Sw itek Tho leiitic and alkalic: Hedge 3; Snavely 8 Tungsten: Lemmon Trace elements: Delong Vanadium bibliography: Fischer 2 Welded tu ff: Ta ylor, E. M. 7 Verm iculitized biotite: Staples 3 Zinc in: Rader 118 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

BASEY MEMBER (OF SNOWSHOE FORMATION\ BAS IN AND RA NGE, Petrography, continued Suplee-lzee area: Dickinso n 5 Geochem istry, Steens Mtn. basa lts: Gunn, B. M. Perolkoline si licic vo lcanic rocks: Nob le 1 BASIN AND RANGE Playa muds: Eugster Abso lute dating: Pumice at Summer La ke: Allison, I. S. 2 Cenozoic si licic vo lcanism: Armstrong Pum ice fa ll: Antevs Climatic changes: Antevs Quaternary basa lts, chemical composition: Leemon Miocene geomagnetic secular variation: Wa tkins 7 Trace elements of si licic vo lcanic rocks: Beeson, Stone age in Grea t Basin: Strong 5 M. H. 3 Floods, magnitude and frequency: Butler Structure: Fossil invertebrates, fr eshwater mollusca: Hanna 1,2 Areas: Fossi I plants : Caviness quod .: Wolff 1, 2 Corre lation to Nevada flora: Wo lfe 2 Ma l heur Gorge: Haddock 2 Sucker Creek- Trou t Creek floras: Graham 1 Owyhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek: Geldstzer Fossi I vertebra tes: Steens Pueblo Mtns .: Avent 1, 2, 5 Black Butte local fauna: Shotwell 6 Trout Creek Mtns.: Carlton Fo�si I grouse, Dendragapus: Jeh I 2 Bloc k fau lting: Donath 1, 2 La te Tertiary horses: Shotwell 1 Cenozoic tectonics: Dott 1 0; Ham i I ton 2, 3 La te Tertiary insectivores (moles): Hutchison 1 Conti nental drift: Gi lluly 3 Mamma lian communities: Shotwell 2, 4, 5 East Pacific Rise extension: To ubeneck 18 Miocene mammals: Shotwell 9 Geomagnetic studies of anomalies: Camfield Peromyscus (sh rews) of late Tertiary: Shotwell 7 Mojave lineament: Borosh Pleistocene birds from Fossi l La ke: Jeh l 1 Norma l fa ulting and latera l shear: Pease Geology: Ba ldwin 8; Wa l ker 17 Tec tonic evolution: Gilluly 1 Brattain district: Muntzert 1, 2 Tecton ic rotation: Ta ubenec k 12; Wa tkins 14 Brogan quad .: Fouch Tertiary and Quaternary fa ulting: Ma loney 1 Ca lifornia, northern: Bailey 1 Surfa ce water, index of records to Sept. 30, Caviness quad .: Wo lff 1, 2 1967: Eisenhuth 3 Hart Mtn. Natl . Antelope Refuge: Wa l ker 7 Vo lcanism: Jordan Valley quad .: Wa l ker 6 Absolute dating: Armstrong Juntura Basin: Shotwell 3, 4 Cenozoic dikes , swarms: Ta ubeneck 18 Origin: Lovejoy 1 Heat flow determinations: Blackwell 1, 2 Ow yhee Reservoir area: Geldstzer; Kittleman La te Tertiary si licic: Thayer 3 2, 3, 4 Mears: Peterson , N. V. 5 Picture Roc k Pass: lkeagwauni Quaternary: Morrison , R. B. PIush area: La rson 1 Pueblo Mtns ., sou th-centra l: Rowe BASTENDORFF FORMATION Quaternary: Morrison, R. B. Coos Bay area: Ba ldwin 11; Dott 9; Ehlen 1; Steens-Pueblo Mtns . area: Avent 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 McWi lliams Trou t Creek Mtns .: Carlton Fossil invertebra tes: Geomagnetism: Microfauna ! correlations: Rothwell Abnorma lly th in crust: Na ture 2 Miocene marine mollusks: Moore, E. J. Behavior of fi eld: Goldstein; Wa tkins Fossi l plants, pa lynology and pa leoecology: Magnetic instabi lity: Watkins 15 Hopkins, W. S. Grou nd wa ter: Lacustrine carbona te br ines: Rettig BATES QUADRANGLE Quality: Feth 4 Regiona l Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L 1 La kes: Ancient sh ore lines: Brogan 3 BATHOLITHS (see INTRUSIONS) Dessication polygons: Nea l, J. T. 2 Extent of lakes: Feth 1 BAUX ITE (see also ALUMINUM) Geomorphic changes in playas: Neal, J. T. Geology of deposits: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Mio-Piiocene la ke Nevada: Lovejoy 2 Co lumbia River Group: Corcoran 1, 8 Pleistocene la kes: Snyder Genesis of laterite: Trimble Minera l resources: Wa lker 17 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Brattain district: Muntzert 1, 2 Production methods: Hart Mtn. Notl . Antelope Refuge: Wa lker 7 process: Corcoran 8 Petrograph y: Double-leach process: Holbrook Ash-flow tuff, Buzzard Creek area: Wa l ker 18 Metallurgica l testing: Corcoran 8 SUBJECT INDEX 119

BAUXITE, Production methods, continued BIBLIOGRAPH IES AND INDEXES Pedersen proc ess: Blake, H. E.; Corcoran 8; Bibliographies: Fursman 2 Ancient lake deposits: Feth 3 Recovery process: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Oregon archaeology: Joh nson, L ., Jr. 3 Slag tests, arc furnace tests: Blake, H. E.; Oregon geology: Fursman 2 1951-1955: Steere 1 Resources: Bloch; Patterson, S. H. 1956- 1 960: Roberts 2 Cheha lem Hil ls: Ore Bin 10 Suplee area pre-Tertiary rocks: Steere 3 Salem Hills: Blake, H. E.; Corcoran 1, 8; Theses: Fursman 2 1958- 1 963: Chronic, J. Titanium in lateritic occurrences: Peterson , E. C. 1959- 1 965: Roberts 1 Tua latin Mtns .: Corcoran 8 1964: Ward Vanadium: Fischer 2 BEAR CREEK VALLEY Index to Ore Bin: Lewis, M. C. Sand and gravel: Sch Iicker 9 BIEN NIAL REPORTS BEGG FORMATION Oreg . Dept. Geol . 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 Suplee-lzee area: Dicki nson 5, 7 BIG HOLE MAAR BEND AIRPORT QUADRANGLE Eruptive mechanism: Lorenz; Peterson 2 Geology and morphology, lava tubes: BIOGRAPHIES (see also HISTORY OF OREGON, BEND AMS QUADRANGLE OBITUARIES) Geology E�: Swanson, D. A. 4,6 All ison, Ira S .: Oreg . Acad . Sci . Horse Heaven mining district: Swanson, D. A. 3 Bretz, J. Harlan: Howe II 6 Lava tubes: Greeley Campbell, ian: Brogan 4 Stratigraphy, base of John Day Fm .: Swanson, Corcoran, R. E.: Dunn, M. R. D. A. 3 Hines, Pierre R .: Libbey 6 Hodge, E. T.: Oberson 2 BENTON COUNTY Howell, Paul W .: Mi l ler, L. Absolute da ti ng, Proboscidian tusk: Buckley 7 Stevens, J. C.: Oberson 1 Geology: Treasher, Ray C.: Eng . Geol.; Libbey 5 Aeromagnetic map: Brom ery 2, 4 Wil kinson, W. D.: Oreg . Acad. Sci . 2 Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 Marys Pea k sill: Clark, H. C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, BLAC K SANDS Sediment transporta tion: BaIsler 1 Clatsop Spit: Ore Bin 26 , 31 Subsurface geology, Wi llamette basin: Columbia River mouth: Hess , H. D.; Overstreet Newton 28 Continental terrace: Clifton 2, 3; U.S. Geol . Tertiary, western Oregon: McWi IIiams; Survey 22 Snavely 3, 6, 14 Horse Sign Butte, Curry County: Ba ldwin 12 Willamette Va lley Quaternary: Glenn 2 Klamath Mtns . province: Ramp 6; Thayer 11 Geomorphology; "Red hill" soi ls: Parsons, R. B. 1 Sixes River: Boggs 2, 3 Ground-water levels 1961-65: U.S. Geol . Southwestern Oregon: Hess , H. D. Survey 23 Minera l resources; Zeolites: Clark, T. E. Minera I resources: Petrographic ana lyses: Gold anoma lies: U.S. Geol. Survey 4 Authigenic silicates: En lows Monazite: Overstreet Eugeosyncl inal deposits, Tyee Fm .: Snavely 6 Sample prepara tion, fine detrita l gold: Clifton 1 Tertiary volcanic rocks: Snavely 7 Texture and minera logy: Mc Kay, R. H. Surface water: Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 BLAKELEY STAGE Wil lam ette River basin: Oreg. St. Wa ter Res . Fossi I invertebrates, microfauna I correlations: Bd. 6; Oster 2 Rothwell

BENTONITE BLUE MOUNTAIN ANTICLINE Hart Mtn. Natl . Antelope Refuge: Wa lker 11 North-centra I Oregon: Fisher 12

BERNARD FORMATION BLUE MOUNTAINS Suplee area: Dicki nson 5, 7 Geology: Ba ldwin 8; Dicki nson 7; Newcomb 7, 11; Thayer 10 120 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

BLUE MOUNTAINS, Geology, continued BORING LAVA Blue Mtn . uplift: Couch 1; Fouch Engineering characteristics: Schlicker 5 Caviness quod., N�: Wolff 2 Geology: Sch Iicker 5

Ironside Mtn . quod .: Lowry Ground water 1 eastPo rtland area: Hogenson 3 John Day country: Thayer 12 Loco lities: Saw tooth Creek quad ., south-centra l: Bateman Columbia River Gorge: Baldwin 10 Snake River Canyon, Fareviell Bend to Hells Mount Tabor: Howell 1 Canyon: Brooks 5, 8 Portland area: Jones, A. C.; Trimble Wa l lowa-Olympic lineament: Skehan 2, 4 Tualatin Va lley: Hart Minera l resources; chromite: Thayer 11 Western Cascades: Peck 2, 4 Mining districts: Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Auburn: Bright, V. Canyon area: Brooks 6 BRATTAIN DISTRICT Elkhorn Mtns . area: Brooks 6 Geology and mineral resources: Muntzert 1, 2 Gold belt: Brooks 6, 9 Greenhorn Mtns . area: Brooks 6 BREITENBUSH SERIES Isolated districts, eastern Oregon: Brooks 6 Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B.; Peck 2, 4 Lookout Mtn .-Pedro Mtn . area: Brooks 6 Quartzburg area: Brooks 6 BRICK AND TI LE (see CLAYS AND SHALE) Unity area: Brooks 6 Virtue area: Brooks 6 BRIDGE OF THE GODS Wa l lowa Mtns. area: Brooks 6 Geology: Strong 3 Pa leomagnetism of Colum bia Plateau: Watkins 8 Indian myths: Clark, E. E.; Strong 3 Petrography: Conglomerate layer near Lime: Brooks 4 BRISBOIS FORMATION Tertiary sedimentary rocks: Pigg Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 7 Trace elements of silicic volcanic rocks: Beeson, M. H. 3 BROGAN QUADRANGLE Stra tigraphy: Geology, NWa: Fouch Marine Jurassic exposures: Wagner, N. S. 2 Pre-Tertiary: Thayer 2 BROKEN TOP MOUNTAIN Structure: Glacial flood: Nolf 3 Burnt River Ca nyon area: Ash ley 1, 2 Tectonic rotation: Taubeneck 12; Watkins 14 BROWNSVILLE QUADRANGLE Surface water: Fossi I invertebrates: Chemica l qua lity, Sna ke River basin: La ird Oligocene marine molluscan fauna: Hickman Geology: BLUE MOUNTAINS SEISMOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY NWa: Anderson, R. W. Seismic studies: Couch 1; Leichliter SWa: Hauck

BOARDMA N STATE PAR K BUILDING STONE (see STONE) Geo logy: Howard,J. K. 2 BULL CREEK BEDS BOHEMIA DISTRICT Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. Exploration: Ore Bin 34 Lead-zinc industry: Knostman 3 BULLY CREEK FORMATION Harper area: Weeden BONE MOUNTAIN QUADRANGLE Malheur Gorge area: Haddock 2 Geology: Ba ldwin 9 Owyhee region: Kittleman 3, 4 Northwest quarter: Krans BURNS AMS QUADRANGLE BORATES Ash-flow tuff sheets: U.S. Geol. Survey 7 Borax industry: Wagner, N. S. 9 Priceite, Brookings area: Hoffman; Wagner 1 BURNT RIVER CANYON N. S. 9 Metamorph ic petrology and structure: Ashley I, 2

BORING AGGLOMERATE BURNT RIVER SCH IST Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. Blue Mountain region: Thayer 10 Burnt River Canyon area: Ash ley 1, 2 SUBJ ECT INDEX 121

BURNT RIVER SCHIST, Continued CAPE BLANCO, Fossi l invertebrates, Mol lusca, cont'd. Caviness quad., N�: Wolff 2 E I k River Beds: Snake River Canyon: Brooks 5 Faunas: Addicolt 1 Psephidia: Clifton 4 BURPEE FORMATION Fossi I vertebra tes: Name abandoned, strata relegated to Tyee Fm .: Mamma ls, Elk River Beds: Leffler Cohee; Snavely 6 Geology: Dolt 1 La ng lois quad . S�: Lent BUTTE CREEK LAVAS Marine terraces, age and correlation: Janda Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. Pleistocene age determina tions: Richards Port Orford Conglomerate: Farooqui BUTTE CREEK VOLCANIC SANDSTONE Sea stacks and reefs: Hunter , R. E. Fossi I vertebrates: Late Tertiary Chalicotheres: Skinner , M. F. CAPE FERRELO QUADRANGLE Miocene mamma Is: Shotwell 9 Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area: Howard, J. K. 1 Owyhee region: Kittleman 3, 4 CAPE LOOKOUT STATE PAR K c Geology: Mangum

CALAPOOYA FORMATION CAPE MEARES STATE PARK Hobart Butte area: U.S. Bur . Mines staff 4 Geology: Mangum Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. CA PE SEBASTIAN AREA CALDERAS (see also name of specific caldera) Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area: Howard, J. K. 1 Big Hole Maar: Lorenz Convolute lamination of sediments: Dott 2

Crater La ke: A IIen, J. E • 2; Smith R . L. Deltaic sedimentation: Dolt 4 Floor: Williams, H. 1 Sea stacks and reefs: Hunter , R. E. Genesis: Wi I Iiams, H. 3 Superimposed rhythmic patterns: Dolt 5 Newberry: Laidley 1, 2; Peterson, N. V. 13 Opalite district: Albers CAPE SEBASTIAN STATE PARK Geology: Howard, J. K. 2 CANYO N CITY AMS QUADRANGLE Geologic map: Brown, C. E. 5 CARBON DIOXIDE Geology: Brown, C. E. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Thayer 1, Annual production: Fu l kerson 1, 3 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Geology of deposits: Wagner , N. S. 10

CANYON MOUNTAIN COMPLEX CARBON-14 DATING (see ABSOLUTE DATING) Chromite: Thayer 11 Peridotite-gabbro complexes: Ash ley 1, 2; CASCADAN OROGENY Coleman 1; Thayer 1, 2, 9, 11 Circumpacific structure I rejuvena tion: Dolt 10 Da lles-Uma ti lla sync line: Newcomb 9 CANYON RHYOLITE Eocene deltaicse dimentation: Dolt 9 Sout-h-centra I Pueblo Mtns .: Avent 1; Rowe Ochoco Summit: Gamer 1 Southwest Oregon coast: Dolt 7 CAPE ARAGO STATE PAR K Absolute dating, sea- level rise: Hubbs CASCADE ANDESITE Fossi I invertebrates: Cascade Range: Christiansen Mollusca: Ehlen 1 Columbia River Gorge: Ba ldwin 10 Ophiuroid: Blake, D. B. 2 Fly Creek and Round Butte Dam quads.: Hewitt Geology: Ehlen 1 Hood River Va I ley and Cascade Locks: Sceva 3, 4 McKenzie River va lley: Jan CAPE BLANCO Pillow structure: Lund, E. H. 4 Absolute dating: Pinnotherid crabs in pelecypods: Zullo 2 CASCADE RANGE (see HIGH CASCADES, Pleistocene marine mollusca: Richards WESTERN CASCADES) Black sands, distribution: Boggs 3 Fossil invertebrates: CASCAN ANDES ITE Mollusca: Addicott 2 Mu tton Mtns.: Perrault 2 122 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON CAVANSITE CHROMITE, Occurrences, continued Discovery announced: U.S. Geol . Survey 2 John Da y country: Thayer 12 Goble area: Evans, H. T .; Staples 8, 10 Klamath Mtns . Province: Ramp 6 Owyhee Dam area: Staples 8, 10 Prairie City quad .: Thayer 8 Southwestern Oregon: Ramp 1 CAVE JUNCTION QUADRANGLE Production: Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 6; Ramp 1; Ga lice Fm ., Babyfoot Lake area: Wise, J. P. Thayer 11 Joseph ine peridotite sheet: Ramer Stra tigraphy: lm lay 1 CHUCKANUT FORMATION Fossi I plants, correlation to Oregon floras: CAVES (see SPELEOLOGY) Pabst

CAVINESS QUADRA NGLE CINDERS Geology of northern part: Wolff 1, 2 Crescent quad . E-!, cones: Wa lker10 Klamath. La ke Counties: Peterson, N. V. 17 CEDAR BUTTE Mount J efferson Primitive area: Wa lker5 Geology, "augite loca lity": Nelson, D. 0. Recent volcanism: Taylor, E. M. 2 Road construction: Lund, J. W. CEDAR MOUNTAIN QUADRANGLE Geology: Russell, R. G. ClNNA BAR (see MERCURY)

CEDARVILLE SERIES CINNABAR TU FF TONGUE (see also FIELDS CREEK Brattain district: Muntzert 1, 2 FORMATION) Plush area: Larson 1 Nomenclature: Brown, C. E. 4; Cohee

CEME NT (see LIMESTONE, SAND AND GRAVEL) CLACKAMAS COUNTY Absolute dating: CERAMIC MA TERIALS Laurel Hill pluton and dike: Bikerman Pacific Stoneware: Ore Bin 14 Mola I Ia flora: Axelrod 5 Engineering geology, Tualatin Va lley region: CHALK BU TTE FORMATION Schlicker 5 Lake Owyhee State Park, Corcoran 3 Geologic maps , unpublished: Mitchell Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Molal la-Sa lem Slope area: Hampton 6 Geo logy: CHAM POEG STATE PARK Field trips: Ground water, demonstration well: Sceva 6 Clackamas upland: Howell 4 Lake Oswego area: Nafziger 1; Rentsch CHEHALEM HILLS Molalla River: Hoven Ferruginous bauxite: Ore Bin 10 Geologic biscuits: Ore Bin 27 Ladd Creek mudslide: Geol. Soc . Country CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (see ANALYSES) News Letter 2 New erratic site: Murphy, C. T. L. 1 CHETCO PEAK QUADRANGLE Subsurface geology, Wil lamette basin: Geology, Ga lice Fm ., Babyfoot Lake area: Wise, Newton 28 J. p. Western Cascades: P�k 1, 2, 4 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 CHETCO RIVER AREA Geomorphology, La ke Oswego area: Parsons, Geology, Babyfoot La ke: Wise, J. P. R. B. 2 Mineral resources, chrom ite: Ramp 1 Ground water: Sediments, grain size ana lysis: Bloomquist East Portland area: Foxworthy 2; Hogenson 3 French Prairie area: Price 6 CHROMITE (see also BLACK SANDS) Levels 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Geo logy of deposits: Ramp, 1; Thayer 11 Molal la-Salem Slope: Hampton 2 Grants Pass stockpile: Hunter, W. L. Portland water supply: Allison, I. D. Occurrences: Thayer 11 Minerals and mineral resources: Beach sands: Hess, H. D. Gold and si lver , North Santiam district: Brooks 6 Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Gravel deposits: Glenn 1 Illinois River Va lley: Ramer Kaolin: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Ironside Mtn. quad .: Lowry Mercury: Ba ker 2; U.S. Bur. Mines 3 SUBJEC T INDEX 123 CLAC KAMAS COUNTY, continued CLARNO FORMATION, Loca lities, continued Oil and Gas; nitrogen well at Molal la: Newton 4 Stein's pil lar area : Wa ters 2 Stratigraphy, Tertiary: Snavely 3 Umatilla River basin: Hogenson Surface water: Stra tigraphy; "post-Clarno" of Wa ters: Swanson, Wil lamette River basin: Oreg . St. Water Res . D. A. 5 Bd . 5; Oster 2 Structure: Wil lomette meteori te: Longe 4, 9 Ear ly Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Post-C larno uplifts: Rogers 2 CLAC KAMAS UPLAND Geology: Howell 4 CLATSOP COU NTY Archaeo logy; ancient bay, Seaside: Dark CLARNO FORMATION Estuaries, sedimentation: Lockett 1, 2 Fossi I invertebrates: Absolute dating, fossi I mammals: Evernden 2 Fossil flora: Hergert Astoria Fm . mollusks: Moore, E. J. Miocene foraminifera l stages: Turner Acacia wood: Gregory, I • 4 Fern, dennstaedtioid: Arnold 2 Geni stones; quartz crysta ls: Speckels Fern genus Acrostichum: Arnold 1 Geology: Fruits and seeds from mammal quarry: McKee, Astoria Formation concretions: Boggs 1, 7 T. M. 1, 2 Coasta l landslides: North 1, 2 Ginkgo bonesii sp. nov., Scott: Mihelcic 3 Columbia River Basa lt: Dodds , R. K. 3, 4 Po lm wood: Gregory, I. 2 Columbia River sediments: Whetten 3, 5 Popular account: Peterson, J. V. 2 Clatsop Spit: Kidby Species listed: Hergert Ecole State Park landslide area: Schlicker 1 Worm-bored poplar: Gregory, I. 3 Saddle Mtn . field trip: Nafziger 2 Fossi I vertebrates: Sa ndstone intrusions, Astoria: Dodds, R. K. Colodon? hancocki , sp. nov . (Topiroidea): Radinsky Sea-level variations: Roden Hemipsa lodon skull: Mellett Shoreline changes: Beh lke Ochoco Pass freshwater fish : Cavender 1 Subsurface, lower Columbia ba sin: Newton 28 Loca lities: Svensen quad.: Dodds, R. K. 2 Aldrich Mtn. quad.: Thayer 4 Tertiary: Snavely 3, 4, 14 Antelope-Ashwood orea: Peck 5 Ground water, Clatsop Plains sa nd dune area: Bend AMS quad .: Stensland; Swanson,. D. A. 4, 6 Frank, F. J. 1, 3 Blue Mtn. region : Thayer 10 History: Astoria Fm . type loca lity: Dodds, Clarno area: Hergert B. R. 1, 2 Courtrcickquad .: Thayer 7 Minera l prospecti ng , beach sa nds: Ore Bin Cove Pa lisades State Park: Bartholomay 2; 26, 31 Peterson, N. V. 18 Minerals and mineral resources: Dayvi lle quad., SWa: Forth Black sa nds: Clifton 3; Ka uffman; Peterson, E. C. Deschutes-Umati lla plateau: Newcomb 10 Monazite: Overstreet Dufur quad.: Waters 5 Zircon: Kauffma n Eag le Rock quad .: Wa ters 7 Surface wa ter: High Lava Plains province: Wa l ker 14 Columbia River: John Day country: Thayer 11 Computation of flow at mouth: Orem 1 Long Creek quad .: Thayer 6 Discharge, lower basin: Orem 2 Lookout Mtn. quad: Swinney Water temperatures: Moore, A. M. 3 Madras quad .: Waters 6 Neha lem River basin: Young, L. L. 4 Mitchell 30' quad .: Lukanuski; McKnight, B. K. 2; Patterson, R. l.; Wil kinson CLATSOP PLAINS Monument quad .: Wi lcox, R. E. 3 Ground wa ter , sa nd-dune area: Frank, F. J. 1, 3 Mount Vernon quad.: Brown, C. E. 3 Mutton Mountains: Perrault 2 CLAYS (see also ALUM INUM) Newberry Caldera: Higgins Annua l production: ColliM, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Ochoco Reservoir quad .: Waters 8 Fulkerson, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 Ochoco Summi t: Gamer Building construction, Portland: Ma son , R.S. 15 Oregon King mine: Libbey 2; Ojala Localities: Mason, R. S. 21 Picture Gorge quad.: Whi te, W. H. Arago deposit: Ba ldwin 14 Pi lot Rock- Heppner areas: Pigg Astoria Fan: Russell Post quad .: Waters 4 Cascadia channel: Griggs, G. B. 6 Prairie City quad.: Thayer 8 Va le deposit: Corcoran 2 124 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

CLAYS, continued COALEDO FORMATION, continued Soi l studies: Fossi l invertebrates; Echinoderm described: Slick spot soi Is: Lewis, G. C. Bloke, D. B. 2 Strength properties of clays from volcanic rocks: loco I i ti es: Pope Centra l-western Oregon: McWi lliams Vo lcanic ash soi Is: Borchardt 2 Coos Boy area: Ba ldwin 11, 14; Dott 9 Coos Boy quad.: Kohn, M. L. CLINOPTILOLITE Lower Umpqua River area : Ba ldwin 1 Minera l industry: Brown, R. E. 1 State Parks near Cope Arago: Eh len 1 Wa ter-pollution contro l: Mercer Western Oregon: Snave ly 14 Occurrence: Sedimentary features: Hart Mtn. No tl . Antelope Refuge: Wa l ker 11 Convolute lamination of sediments: Dott 2 John Day Forma tion: Ames 2; Fisher 1, 2, 8 Pa leocurren t patterns: Scott, K. M. Mo lheur Nat I. Wi ldlife Refuge: Wa l ker 12 Petrograph ic studies: Brown, R. E. 1; Fisher 1 COASTAL AREA (see also BLAC K SANDS) Chemical ana lyses: Ames 1, 2 Agate bea ches: Browning 1 Earthqua kes: Couch 5 CLOVER CREEK GREENSTONE Tsunam i warning system: Pattu llo Loco lities: Erosion, nor thern coast: Byrne 5, 8 Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Floods , Dec . 1964, Jan. 1965: Woo nan en 1 , 2 Sawtooth Ridge: Patterson, P. V. 2 Foramini fera , intertida 1: Cooper, W. C. 1, 2 Snoke River Ca nyon: Brooks 8; Va llier 6 Geomorphology: Dela no 1; Dicken Sparta quad .: Prostko 1, 2 La nds lides: North 1, 2 Wa l lowa Mtns .: Nolf 2 Li ttora l drift disturbances: Beh lke Pa leotectonics, Perm ian system: Ketner 1 M i nero I resources: Stra tigraphy: Heavy minera Is, aeromagnetic survey: U.S. Fusu linids, crinoids in Boker County rocks: Geo I . Survey 1 0 Bostwick 1 Heavy minera ls, sui tes from coasta l streams: Permo-Tr iassic revisions: Nolf 2 Ku lm, L. D. 9, 10 Structure, Late Mesozoic orogens: Hami lton 1 Zircon: Kau ffman Radar studies of area l geo logy: Macleod 3 COAL Sa nd dunes development: Cooper, W. S .; Annua l production: Col lins, R. P. 1; Fu l kerson 3, 6 Cra ndell 1 Fossil flora; Pa lyno logy, Coos Bay area: Hopkins, Sea- leve l changes: w. s. Anoma lies: Roden Geology of deposits: Mason, R. S. 22 Pleistocene: Crandell Coos Boy field: Ba ldwin 14; Dott 9; Geer 2; Scenic geology: Ekman Kloh n, M. L.; Ya ncey Stacks and reefs , geology: Hunter , R. E. Squaw Basin and Eden Ridge beds: Wa yland Vo lcanic centers, Miocene: Snavely 13, 15 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 COAST RANGE Industry: Foraminifera; Potassium-argon dating: Turner Cloys in coal-cleaning processes: Ya ncey Geology: Ba ldwin 8; Snave ly 14 Expanded aggregate from mine wastes: Harris, Eastern foothi lis, fi eld trip: Mason, R .S . 12 H. M. Gabbroic si lis: Snavely 1 Processing methods: Perry Northern: Snavely 4 Washability and specific gravi ty: Geer 1 Southern: Ba ldwin 9 Mining history: Ma son, R. S. 22 Tertiary history: Snavely 3 Coos Boy , Eden Ridge fi e lds: Geer , 2 Tholeiitic and alkalic basa lts: Snavely 8 Occurrences: Aver itt; Perry Vo lcanic rocks , cen tra 1: Snavely 7, 8 Coos Boy, Eden Ridge fi elds: Geer 2; Mason, Lead isotopic composition: Tatsumoto; R. S. 22 U.S. Geol . Survey 1 Eckley area: Mason, R. S. 22 Oceanic extension: Emilia 3 John Day basinare a: Mason, R. S. 22 Trace elements: Delong Pi lot Roc k- Heppner areas: Pigg Gravi ty surveys: Blank 3; Bromery 3; Witt Rogue River fi eld: Mason, R. S. 22 Seismic studies: Berg 7, 12; Trembly Sitkum quad., south-centra l: Trigger Soi ls, "red hi ll": Parsons, R. B. 1

COALE DO FORMATION COBALT Fossi I flora; Po lynology and pa leoecology: Geology of deposi ts: Vhay Hopkins, W. S. SUBJECT INDEX 125 COBALT, continued COLUMBIA PLATEAU Occurrences: Bilbrey; Vhoy Fossi I plants: Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Ellensburg flora: Gray, Jane 3; Smi ley Standard mine ore treatment: Hill Tertiary, altitude of: Axelrod 5 Geomagnetism: Wa tkins 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 16, 18, 19 COFFEE CREEK FORMATION Correlation with petrology: Larson 3; WiI son 1 Suplee area: Perrault 1 Ground water; structure I barrier reservoirs: Newcomb 2 Heat flow determinations: Blackwell 1, 2 COLEBROOKE SCHIST Post-glacial history: Fryxell 3 Loco lities: Seismic studies: W. D. Collier Butte area: Burt, Basa ltic flood plain: U.S. Geol. Survey 18 n Butte vicinity: Ba ldwin 12 Horse Sig Crus fa I and upper ma ntle structure: HiII, D. P. Klamath Province: Ba.ldwin 16; Ko�h, J · G · 2 Stratigraphy: Lang lois quad ., S�: Lent Columbia River Basa lt and associated floras: Pearse Peak area: Ka iser Gray, Jane 3 Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch, J. G. 3 Ya kima Basa lt and Ellensburg Fm .: Bingham Quosatana Butte area: Schwab Tectonic relation: Taubeneck 12; Watkins 14 Sixes River area: Boggs 3, 6 Volcanism: Southwestern Oregon: Ba iley 2; Coleman 2; Feeder dikes: Gibson 1; Swanson, D. A. 1 Dott 7, 8; U.S. Geol. Survey 13 Flood basa lt: Gibson 2 Metamorphic zonation: Blake, M.C. Structura l relationships: Ba iley 2; Ba ldwin 15; COLUMBIA RIVER Dott 7, 8 Archaeo logy: Sa lvage: Bergen COLESTIN FORMATION Wildcat Canyon site inundated: Cole Localities: Bon nevi lie Reservoir: Ash land area: Elliott; Peterson, G. l. 1 Bedload measurement: Fu I lam Centra !-western Oregon: McWi !Iiams Seism ic profi le: Lister Dixonville quad ., northern part: Champ Estuary: Glide quad.: Elphic; Thom pson Occurrence of monazite: Overstreet Sou th Umpqua Fa lls region: Kays 6 Radionuclide movem ent measurement: Prych Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B.; Peck 2, 4 Sediment sources: Whetten 5 Sediment transport: Bessey; Conomos COLLIER BUTTE AREA Tide I effects: Orem 2 Gee logy: Burt, W. D. Geology: Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonism: Dolt 7 Ancestra l river: Schmincke 2 Beacon Rock: Su IIi van, I . COLLIER BUTTE QUADRANGLE Clatsop Spit, erosion and accretion: Kidby Geology, Ouosata na Butte area : Schwab Kelso-Cath lamet area: Livingston Northeastern Oregon: Newcomb 7, 9, 10 COLLIER STATE PAR K Portland area: Trimble Geology: Peterson, N. V. 3 Svensen quad., W �: Dodds, R . K. 2 The Dalles area: Newcomb 8, 12 COLUMBIA BASIN la ke Ban nevi lie flood: Bretz Aggregate and rock sites: Olcott Missou la flood: Subsurface geology: Newton 28 La te Pleistocene history: Bretz Willamette Va l ley: Glenn 2; Howell 8 COLUMBIA COUNTY Sediment studies: Fossil invertebra tes; Oligocene marine worm: Bed forms: Whetten 6 Adegoke Graywacke origin: Whetten 1, 4 Geology: lower Columbia: La urence; Whetten 1, 2 Coast Range foothills: Mason, R. S. 12 Minera logy of sand: Van Atta 1, 2 Columbia River sediments: Whetten 3 Reservoir sediment rates: Hanson, L. G. Subsurface, lower Columbia basin: Newton 28 Sand waves: Whetten 3 Tertiary: Snavely 3, 14 Sources of sediment: Whetten 5 Minera ls and mineral resources: TV to study sand: NewYo rk Times Ferruginous bauxite: Peterson, E. C.; U.S. Bur. Zn retention: Johnson, V. Mines 4 Surface water: Scappoose limonite deposits: Mason, R. S. 24 Floods, Dec . 1964, Jan . 1965: Waananen 1, 2 Petrography, cavansite: Staples 8, 10 Historical flow dolo: Orem 2 Tem peratures, Columbia River: Moore, A. M. 3 126 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

COLUMBIA RIVER , Surface water , continued COLUMBIA RIVER GROUP, Loca lities, continued Index of records to Sept . 30, 1967: Eisenhuth Joseph Upland: Newcomb 11 1, 5 Kelso-Ca th lamet area : livi ngston Mean flow of record: Orem 1 lostine River vo lley: Goebel Qua lity 1961: U.S. Geol . Survey 20 Ma rion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Mount Hood: Wise, W. S. 5 COLUMBIA RIVER GORG E Mu tton Mtns .: Perrault 2 Geology: Ba ldwin 1 0; Griggs, A. B. Nehalem River ba sin: Young, l. L. 4 Bridge of th e gods: Strong 3 Neskowin to Ti l lamook: Oreg . St. Highway Div. Cascade Ra pids: Strong 3 Newberry Ca ldera : Higgins 1 Columbia River Basa lt patterns: Holmgren Northeastern Oregon: Brooks 11 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 COLUMBIA RIVER GROUP {see also BASALT, ELLENSBURG Ochoco Summ it: Gomer 1 FORMATION, MASCALL FORMA TION, PICTURE Ordnance area : Scevo 5 GORGE BASALT, STRAWBERRY VOLCANICS, Oregon King mine: Oja la YA KIMA BASALT) Oxbow on Snoke River: Stearns 5 Dike swarms: Portland area: Brown, S. G. 2; Jones, A. C.; Ch ief Joseph: Ta ubenec k 19 Kenney; Tr imble Gra nde Ronde: Shaw , H. R. 1, 2 Robinette area: eaSt rns 1 Monum ent: Ta ubenec k 19 Rock Creek flow: Hoffer Northeaster n Oregon: Taubeneck 16 Sa lem Heights area: Foxworthy 4 Engineering characteristics: Sherman Co . soi I survey: Moyers Clay sha les interbedded: Anderson, R. A. Snoke River ba sin, western: Newton 8 Tua latin Va lley region: Sch licker 5 Snoke River Canyon: Morr ison, R. F. 2; Fossi l flora , assoc iated: Gray, Ja ne 3 Va llier 1, 4, 5 Geochemical studies, isotope measurements: Hedge 2; Suplee area : Perrau lt 1 U.S. Geol. Survey 14 Suplee-lzee area : Dickinson 5 Cascade M tns .: Church 1 , 2 The Da lles area: Newcomb 7, 8, 12 Geophysica l surveys, deep resistivity measurem ents: Tua latin Vo lley: Hart; Sch licker 5 Ca ntwell 1 Umoti llo River basin: Hogenson 2 Ground water: Vernonia-Bonks area: Mason, R. S. 12 Arti fi cia I recharge: Foxworthy 3 Wallo Wa llo River ba sin: Mopes; Newcomb 7 Basa lt aquifers, Herm iston-Ordnance area: Robison Wal lowa-Olym pia lineament: Skehan 3 East Portland area: Hogenson 3 Western Ca scades: Griggs, A. B.; Peck 2, 4, 6; Orchard sync line: Newcom b 6 Wheeler 4, 5 Qua lity: U.S. Geol . Survey 15 Western Oregon: Snave ly 14 The Da lles area : Newcomb 12 Wind River (Wash .) area : Sullivan, I. Hypotheses: Howell 5 Yamhill area: U.S. Soi l Cons . Serv . Loco I i ties: Petrograph ic studies: Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 5 Bauxite minera ls: Al len, V. T. 1, 2 Astoria area: Dodds, R. K. 4 Flow directions: Sc hmincke 2 Boker Vo II ey: lystrom 2 Fused tuff and peperi tes: Schmincke 1 Blue Mtn. region: Thayer 10 Lithologic variations: Waters 1 Co pe Lookou t State Pork area: Mangum Pil low- lava pa lagon ite complexes: Nayudu 1 1 Cascade M tns .: Church , 2 Rela tion to Grande Ronde dike swarm: Gibson 1 Clackamas upland: Howell 4 Snake River Basalts, comparison: Jones, R. W. 1: Coast, centro Noyudu 1 Southeast Oregon basalts, com parison: Wa lker 21 Co lumbia Platea us: Gibson 2; Wa tki ns 8 Trace element abundances: Osawo Co lumbia River Gorge: Ba ldwin 10 Quadrangles: Cove Pa lisades State Pork: Bartholomay 2; Peterson, Aldrich Mtn .: Thayer 4 N. V. 18 Bend AMS E�: Swanson , D. A. 4, 6 Eola-Am ity Hills area: Price 5 Canyon City AMS: Brown, C. E. 5 French Pra irie area: Price 6 Cour trock: Thayer 7 Grande Ronde dike swarm : Show , H. R. 2 1, Crescent AM$ E�: Wa l ker 10 Grande Ronde River basi n: Hampton 5 Dayvi lie SW*: Forth High Cascades: Hopson, C. A. 1; Peck 6; Wh eeler, Dufur: Waters 5 5; Wise, W. S. 1 4, Durkee: Prostko 3 High Lava Plains province: Wa lker 14 Eagle Rock: Waters 7 Hood River Vo lley and Cascade Locks: Scevo 3, 4 Ironside Mtn .: Lowry Imnaha region: Waters 1 Long Creek: Thayer 6 John Day River , south fork: Howell 7 Madras: Waters 6 SUBJ ECT INDEX 127 COLUMBIA RIVER GROUP, Quadrangles, continued COOS BAY AREA, continued Mitchell: Patterson, R. L.; Wil kinson Sedimentation, deltaic: Monument: Wilcox , R. E. 3 Eocene: Dott 9 Mount Vernon: Brown, C. E. 3 Eugeasynclinol belts: Dott 4 Ochoco Reservoir: Waters 8 Sediments: Picture Gorge: White, W. H. Convolute lamination: Dott 2 Post: Waters 4 Depositiona l environment: Bloomquist Prairie City: Thayer 8 Soils engineering: Sparta: Prostka 1, 2 Highway embankment fa ilure: Bell Yamhill: Schlicker 2 Stratigraphic relationships: COOS BAY QUADRANGLE Astoria area: Dodds, R. K. 3, 4 Geology: Deschutes-Umati I Ia plateau: Newcomb 1 0 North-centra l part: Klahn, M. L. Late Cenozoic cycles: Geldstier 2 Revisions: Ba ldwin 11 Nomenclature changes: Thayer 5 Mineral resources; coal: Wayland Oregon Cascades: Peck 6; Wheeler 4, 5 Ritter Hot Springs area: Mossel COOS CONGLOMERATE Steens Basa lt, correlation: Avent 3, 5, 6 Coos Bay area: Armentrout Washington and Oregon: Holmgren 1, 2 Fossil invertebrates: Armentrout Structure: New genus, gastropod (Drupinae): Hertlein Colum nar jointing from pending: Gibson 2 Near Cope Arogo: Ehlen 1 Crustal thickness: Hill, D. P. Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 COOS COUNTY Post-C lorno uplifts: Rogers 2 Geology: Subsurface dams: Newcomb 1 , 2 Bandon coosto I strip: Ehlen 2 Tectonic rotation: Taubeneck 12; Wa tkins 14 Cape Arogo area slate parks: Eh len 1 Washington, Idaho, Oregon: Newcomb, 13, 14 Coos Ba y area: Baldwin 11 Deltaic sedimenta tion: Dott 4, 9 COMSTOCK FORMATION Depasitiono I processes: Dott 3 Fossil floras: Axelrod 2 Estuarine and marine sediments: Cumm ings 1 Fairview-McKinley area: Nelson, E. B. CONCRETIONS Myrtle Point area: Ba ldwin 14 Pierced, Astoria Fm .: Boggs 1, 7 Quadrangles: Bone Mtn .: Krans CONDON, THOMAS (see HISTORY OF OREGON) Coos Bay: Klahn, M. L. Coqui lie: Foirchi ld, Magoon CONTINENTAL DRIFT (see also SEA FLOOR TECTONICS) Empire: Armentrout Geomagnetism: Powers: ; Hess , P. D. Evidence from rare earths: Nature 1 Sitkum: Fairchild; Magoon; Trigger Support from sediments: Nature 2 Tyee Fm .: Lovell 1, 2; Rogers 4 Oceanic sediments volumes: Gilluly 3 Eugeosynclinal deposits: Snavely 6 Ground-water resources: CONTINE NTAL TERRACE (see SUBMARINE GEOLOGY) Sand dune area : Brown, S. G. 3 South Coast basin: Oreg . St. Water Res. Bd . 4 COON HOLLOW FORMATION Intrusions, diorite: Lund, E. H. 5 Upper J urassic unit named: Morrison, R. F. 3 Minera ls and mineral resources: Black sands: Clifton 3; Brooks 6 COOS BAY AREA Chromite: Romp 1 Fossil flora; Pa lynology: Hopkins, W. S. In black sa nds: Thayer 11 Fossi I i nvertebro tes: Cool: Mollusca: Clay in subbituminous: Ya ncey Mediorgo, new genus of Cymotidoe: Terry Disposa l of mining wastes: Geer 2 Miocene-Pliocene: Armentrout Squaw Basin and Eden Ridge: Wayland Penitello penito (Conrad 1837): Evans, J .W . Gold and silver: Brooks 6

1, 2 -- Heavy minera ls: Ku lm, L . D. 8, 9 Geo logy: Mercury: U.S. Bur . Mines 3 North-centra l Coos Bay quad.: Klahn, M. L . Platinum in beach deposits: Mertie Revisions: Ba ldwin 11 Sample preparation for analysis: Clifton 1 State Parks near Cape Arogo: Ehlen 1 Stream-sediment samples: Bowen 3 Tarheel and Empire Fms.: Armentrout Zircon: Kauffman 128 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOG Y AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

COOS COUNTY, continued COQUILLE FORMATION Pa l eontology: Coast near Ba ndon: Eh len 2 Fossi I flora : Northwestern Oregon: Snave ly 4 Miocene si l icoflagellates: Orr 1, 2 Pa lyno logy, Coos Bay area: Hopkins, W. S. COQUILLE QUADRANGLE Fossil invertebrates: Geology: · Astoria Fm . mollusks: Moore, E. J. Fairview-McKinley area: Nelson, E. B. Ech i nodermata descri bed: Blake, D. B. 2 Myrtle Point area: Ba ldwin 14 Late Pleistocene: Zu llo 3 T. 29S., R. 11 W .: Fa irchild

Mediargo, new Tertiary genus: Terry T. 28S • , R. 11 W . : Magoon Miocene: Armentrout New genus of gastropod: Hertlein COQUILLE RIVER AR EA Pliocene: Armentrout Geology, Sitkum quad.: Trigger Rock-boring clam: Evans, J. W. 1, 2 Minera l resources; Chromi te: .Ramp 1 Fossil vertebrates; Pliocene: Armentrout Umpqua Fm ., biostra tigraphy: Th oms2 Petrology: Convo lute lamination of sed iments: Dott 2 CORNUCOPIA Ml NE Depositiona l environment of ancient sediments: Sa le: Ore Bi n 9; Oregonian 2 Bloomquist Eugeosync linal deposits, Tyee Fm .: Snavely 6 CORNUCOPIA QUADRANG LE Sea- level rise, time of: Hubbs Fossils; Permian brachiopod: Waterhouse Stra tigraphy: Geology: Coos conglomera te: Arm entrout Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 2, 11, 13 Correlation of Cretaceous forma tions: Popenoe Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1 Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. l. 1 Metamorph ism: Taubeneck 6 Empire Fm .: Armentrout Wa l lowa Mtn . uplift: Taubenec k 7 La nglois quad.: Ph illips, R. L. Tarheel Fm .: Armentrou t CORVALLIS QUADRA NGLE Tertiary geologic history: Snavely 3 Geology , Albany-Newport area: Bromery 4 Tyee Fm . biostra tigra phy: Bird Structura l geology: COUGAR PEAK AR EA Langlois quad .: Ph illips, R. l. Geology: Wa l ker 3 Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic history: Do tt 7 Surface water , south coast bas in: Oreg . St. Water COURTROC K QUADRANGLE Res. Bd. 4 Geo logic map: Thayer 7 John Day Fm ., pyrogenic minera I stability: COPPE:R Fisher 13 Annua l production: Bowen 2; Col l ins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Ignimbrite: Fisher 8 Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 Explora tion: Gray, J. J. 2 COVE PA LISADES STATE PARK Geochem ica l sam pling: Ore Bin 25 Geology: Bartho lomay 2; Peterson, N. V. 18 Geology: Pleistocene Lake Metolius, vo lcanic evidence:

Bohemia mining district: Lutton Campbe II D • 3 Cowboy Mine: Shenon Mines: COW CREEK LA KES AREA Iron Dyke, Queen of Bronze: Bowen 2 Petrography of basal ts: Mi llhollen Standard, ore treatment: Hi ll, R. B. Occurrences: COW CREEK VA LLEY Blue M tn . region: Thayer 10 Ground wa ter: Newcomb 3 Denio Canyon gossan: Rowe Snake River canyon: Morrison, R. F. 2 COW VA LLEY Sparta quad .: Prostka 1, 2 Basa ltic caprock as aquifer: Foxworthy 1 Production and potential: Knostma n 2 Geology , Brogan quad.: Fouch Resources: Bowen 2; Everett, F . D. Ground-water resources: Brown, S. G. 1; Foxworthy 1 COPPERFIELD QUADRANGLE Geology: Va llier 1 COWLITZ FORMATION Fossil cora ls, new speci es: Blake, D. B. SUBJECT INDEX 129 COWLITZ FORMATION, continued CRESCENT AMS QUADRANGLE Fossil nauti loid, new species: Pa lmer, K. V. W. I, 2 Geology, E�: Wa lker 10 Localities: CRETACEO�S (see also MESOZOIC, PALEONTOLOGY) Centra !-western Oregon: McWi IIioms Kelso-Cath lamet area, Wash .: Livingston Format1ons: see Days Creek, Myrtle Group, Hornbrook . Nehalem River area: Geol . Soc . Ore . Country Fossi I invertebrates: News Letter Howe II 3 I; Ammonites, in Buchia zones: Imlay 6 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 Anisoceras, new species: Packard Vernonia-Banks area: Meson , R. S. 12 I Buchio zonation: Jones , D. L. l, 2; lmlay 6 Meekia , enigmatic genus: Soul COYOTE BUTTE FORMATION Pinna: Packard 2; Peterson, G. S. Fossil invertebrates: 4 Fossi I plants: Fusu linids: Chuckanut Fm . correlation: Pobst New species Polydiexodina: Bostwick 3 Historica l bac kground of flora: Detling Suplee area: Skinner, J. W. New Va langinian flora: Lowther Permian paleotectonics: Ketner I Intrusions: Suplee area tectonics: Perrault I K lomath Mtns.: Kays 5 Wallowa batholith: Nolf COYOTE HILLS VOLCANICS 4 Loco lities: Plush area: Larson I Ash land area: Elliott; McKnight 3 Bone Mtn. quad .: Krans CRACK-IN-THE-GROUND Cape Sebastian State Pork: Howard , J. K. 2 Geo logy: Peterson, N. V. 2 Caviness quad .: Wo lff 2 John Day Country: Thayer 12 CRATER LA KE (see also MAZAMA ASH, MOUNT Klamath Mtns .: Irwin3 MAZAMA) Mitchell area: Fisher 12; McKnight 2; Swanson, Aeromagnetican d gravity survey: Blank 3, 4 I, D. A. 6; Wilkinson Bathymetry: Byrne I, II Sea stacks and reefs: Hunter, R. E. Ca ldera studies: Williams, H. 2, 3 I, Suplee area: Dickinson 6, 7; Vigross Chemica l analyses of obsidian and pumice: Jack 2 Oi 1-test cores age-dated: Ore Bin 52 Dating eruption: Briggs; Edwards Sedimentation: Genera I description: Bue; Edwards Convolute lamination: Dott 2 Hydrology: Phi IIip s, K. N. 2 Flysch, southwest Oregon: Ao lto 2 Indian myths: Clark, E. E. Granitic clasts in cong lomera tes: Taubeneck 17 Limno logy, sediment studies: ; Nelson, C. H. Morine embayment: Buddenhagen 2 I I, Mudstones, effect of intrusions: Jarmon, C. Lloo Rock dacite: Ryden Plutonic clasts in conglomerates: Toubeneck 20 Pumice: Sandstone, slump structures: Boggs 5 Sci I development on dated deposits: Tidball Superimposed rhythmic patterns: Dott 5 Sorting, fragment size: Fisher 7 Stratigraphy: Volume: Wi !Iiams, H. 3 Carre Ia ti on of formations: Popence Si lie Iovas, flow layering: Benson 3 Regiona l sequences: Peterson, G. L. 2, 3 Structura l lineaments: Allen, J. E. 2; Blank I, 4 Southwest Oregon, Buchio zones: Jones, D. L. Submerged volcano: Brogan Wi l liams, H. -- I; I I, 2; Imlay 6 Tritium : Simpson Tectonics: Volcanic ejecta, occidental: Taylor, E. M. 3 Chronology: Gilluly Sorting: Fisher 7 I Disconti nuities: Peterson, G. L. 2, 3 La te Mesozoic orogenesis: Koch , J . G . 2; CRATER LA KE NATIONAL PAR K Irwin 2 Ecology of pumice desert: Horn, E. M. Quartz diorite line: Moore, J. Geo logy: Wi!I iams, H. 2 G. I CROOK COUNTY CRATERS (see also CRATER LA KE) BibI iogrophy, pre-Tertiary rocks, Suplee area: Moors: Steere 3 Big Hole: Lorenz Collier State Pa rk: Peterson, N. V. 3 Engineering geology, Prinville Dam: U.S. Bur. Rec lamation 2 Sou th-centra I Oregon: Peterson, N. V. 5 Fossil Floro: Moon, and Oregon volcanoes: Waters 3 Acacia Wood: Gregory, I. Sawtooth Ridge, Baker County: Pa tterson, P. V. 2 4 Po lm wood: Gregory, I . 2 Worm-bored poplar: Gregory, I. 3 130 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOG Y AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON CROOK COUNTY, Continued CURRY COUNTY, Geology, continued Fossi l invertebrates: Late Jurassic unconformity: Dott 8 Late Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 1 Lower Illinois River: Ramp 5 Meekia , Cretaceous pelecypod : Saul Otter Point Fm . sedimentology: Aa lta 1 Suplee area: Wa l ters Pearse Peak diorite: Kaiser Fossil vertebrates; Miocene mamma ls: Shotwell 9 Pleistocene deposits: U.S. Geol . Survey 16 Geology: Quosatana Butte area: Schwab Paulina Basin: Davenport Shoreline changes: Behlke Quadrang les: Stacks and reefs off coast: Hunter, R. E. Bend: Swanson, D. A. 4, 6 Terrace deposits: U.S. Geol . Survey 3 Crescent: Wa l ker 10 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Dayvi lle: Forth Ground wa ter, south coast basin: Oreg . St. Water Eag le Roc k: Waters 7 Res . Bd . 4 lookout Mountain: Swinney Intrusions, diorite: Lund, E. H. 5 Mitchell: Lukanuski Minera ls and mineral resources: Ochaco Reservoir: Wa ters 8 Bibliography, va nadium: Fischer 2 Post: Wa ters 4 Black sands: Brooks 6; Clifton 3; U.S. Geol . Stein's Pi liar area: Waters 2 Survey 5 Suplee- lzee area: Di ckinson 5, 6, 7; Perrault 1; Chromite: Thayer 11 Vi grass Placer deposits: U.S. Geol. Survey 9 Ground water: Sample preparation: Clifton 1 Levels, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol. Survey 23 Chromite: Ramp 1 Prineville area: Robinson, J. W. Coal; Squaw Basin and Eden Ridge: Wayland Minera ls and minera l resources: Gold and Silver: Boggs 2, 6; Brooks 6 Agates: Ashby 1, 2 Heavy minerals: Boggs 3; Kulm, L. D. 8, 9 Geld and silver: Brooks 6 Kalmiopsis Wild area : Mason 7 Mercury: Ba iley 3; Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Mercury: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Petrographic analysis, concrete sa nd: DePuy Oregon Islands Natl . Wildlife Refuge: Stra tigraphy: Weissenborn 1, 4 Correlation of Cretaceous formations: Popenoe Platinum in beach deposits: Mertie Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L. 1 Priceite, Lone Ranch area: Hoffman Suplee area Devonian rocks: Kleweno 1, 2 Stream-sediment samples: Bowen 3 Structure; John Day uplift: Buddenhagen 1, 2 Pa leontology: Fossi I flora, Cretaceous: Low ther CROOK POINT AREA Fossi I invertebrates: Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area: Howard, J. K. 1 Cold-water faunas from Port Orford Fm .� Cape Sebastian State Park: Heward, J. K. 2 Allison, E. C. Dothan (? ) fossi Is discovered: Ramp 9 CROWLEY AR EA Mollusca: Geo logy: Green, A. R. Ammonites from Buchia zones: Imlay 6 Elk River Beds fauna: Addicott 1 CUPRUM QUADRANGLE La te Pleistocene pa l eoecology: Addicott 2 Geology, Snake River Co nyon: Brooks 5, 8; Va llier 1 Pelecypod Psephidia, Elk River Beds: Clifton 4 CURRY COUNTY Pinnotherid crabs in pel ecypods: Zullo 2 Absolute dating: Fossi I vertebrates: Picea sitchensis cones: Sullivan, B. M. La te Jurassic ichthyosaur: Camp; Koch , Pleistocene invertebrates: Richards J. G. 4 Geology: Mamma ls, Elk River Fm .: Leffler Alpine tectonism: Keys 5 Petrology: Babyfoot Lake area: Wise, J. P. 5 Babyfoot La ke area: Wise, J. P. Cape Blanco area: Dott 1; Farooqui Convolute lamination of sediments: Dott 2 Cape Sebastian State Park: Howard, J. K. 2 Depositiona l environment of ancient sediments: Collier Butte area: Burt, W. D. Bloomquist Deltaic sedimentation: Dott 4 Fluvial sediment size-shape relationships, Elk Depositional processes: Dott 3 River: Swanson, F. J. Horse Sign Butte black sand deposit: Ba ldwin 12 Nickel-bearing stream sediments: Ore Bin 53 Humbug Mtn. State Park area: Koch , J. G. 1 Pebble counts, Sixes River: Boggs 4 Langlois quad.: Lent SUBJECT INDEX 131 CURRY COUNTY, Petro logy, continued DAM AND RESERVOIR SITES, Engineering geology, Pleistocene deposits: U.S. Geol. Survey 16 continued Port Orford Conglomerate: Farooqui John Day: Kelly, W. L.; Monahan; Nelson, P. Port Orford meteorite: Henderson, E. P .; Sedell Mosier: Paige Stra tigraphy: Prinevi lle Dam: DePuy; Swanson, D. A.6; Ca pe Sebastian-Crook Point area: Howard, J. K. 1 U.S. Bur . Rec lamation 2 Correlation of Cretaceous formations: Popenoe Rogue River Basin Project: U.S. Bur . Rec la­ Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L. 1 mation 1 Langlois quad.: Phillips, R. L. Round Butte Dam: Campbell, D. G. 1, 2 Late Mesozoic, Port Orford-Go ld Beach area: Smith River reservoir: Staples 4 Koch , J. G. 3 Geology: Marine terraces near Cape Blanco: Janda Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 Port Orford Conglomerate: Farooqui Brownlee: Brooks, 5, 8; Stearns 3 Tertiary geologic history: Snavely 3 Detroit: Peck 2; Pungrassami West-centra l Klamath Province: Widmier Hells Canyon: Brooks 5, 8 Structure: Neha I em basin: Young , L . L. 4 Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area: Howard, J. K. 1 Owyhee: Corcoran 3 Langlois quod .: Phillips, R. L. Oxbow: Brooks, 5, 8; Stearns 3, 4, 5 Mantle-derived peridotites: Medaris 1, 2 Pelton: Peterson, N. V. 18 Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic history: Dott 7 Prinevi lle: Swanson, D. A. 6 Mesozoic orogenesis: Koch, J. G. 2 Round Butte: Peterson, N. V. 18 Thrust fau lt, lower Rogue River: Ba ldwin 15 Thief Va lley: Couch 1 Sur face water, south coast basin: Oreg . St. Water Wilson River: Gaskill; Neal, D. W. 1 Res . Bd . 4 DANFORTH FORMATION D Loco liti es: Basin and Range province: Wa lker 17 Buzzard Creek area: Wal ker 18 DALLES FORMATION (see also DESCHUTES FORMATION, Harney Basin: U.S. Geol . Survey 7 MADRAS FORMATION) Malheur Natl . Wi ldlife Refuge: Wa lker 12 Age designation: Cohee Plush area: Larson 1 Ellensburg flora of Washington: Smiley Sawtooth Creek quad .: Beeson, M. H. 1 Ground water, artificial recharge: Foxworthy 3 Suplee- lzee area: Dickinson 5 Lithology: Newcomb 8 Petrographic studies: Davenport Loca lities: Ash flows: Beeson, M. H. 2; Lund, E. H. 2,3 Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 5 Trace elements of silicic volcanic rocks: Columbia River Gorge: Baldwin 10 Beeson, M. H. 3 Cove Pa lisades State Park: Peterson, N. V. 18 Welded tuff: Lund, E. H. 1 Deschutes Canyon: Ha II Dufur quad.: Waters 5 DATING (see ABSOLUTE DATING) Madras quad.: Wa ters 6 Mount Hood area: Wise, W. S. 5 DAYS CREEK FORMATION (see also MYRTLE GROU P) Mutton Mtns .: Perrault 2 Ammonites from Buchia zone: Imlay 6 Sherman County soi I survey: Mayers Loco lilies: Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. Dixonvi lle quad.: Hixson S Ira ti graphy: Klamath Mtns . province: Ramp 6 Deschutes-Umati lla plateau: Newcomb 10 Roseburg-Grants Pass area: Steere Eastward extension: Newcomb 8 Roseburg quad .: Johnson, W. R. Structure: Stratigra phy: Da lles-Umatilla syncline: Newcomb 9 Lower Cretaceous discontinuity: Peterson, Post-Clarno up I ifts: Rogers 2 G. L. 3 Regiona l Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, DALLAS QUADRANGLE G. L. 1 Geology: Ba ldwin 6 DAYVILLE QUADRANGLE DAM AND RESERVOIR SITES Geology: Forth Archaeology, John Day Reservoir: Cole Stratigraphy; regional Cretaceous sequences: Engineering geology: Peterson, G . L . 1 Cougar Dam: Eisiminger Hells Canyon Dam: Schnaible 132 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

DEEP CREEK TIJ FF DESCHUTES COUNTY, continued Clinoptilolite: Fisher 1, 2 Petrograph ic studies: Basal t-obsidian relations re-evaluated: Higgins 5 DEEP RESISTIVITY Newberry Volcano: Measurements in Pacific Northwest: Cantwell 1, 2 Ash and pumice lapilli: Higgins 4 Obsidians: La idley 1 DEER BUTTE FORMATION Simulated lunar rock dust: Osgood Fossil floras: Pumice expansibility: Wagner, N. S. 4 Sucker Creek-Trout Creek: Graham 1 Volcanism: Stah l; Taylor, E. M. 1, 2 Trapper Creek: Ax elrod 1 Fossil vertebrates: DESCHUTES FORMATION (see also DALLES FM ., Freshwater fish (Esox): Cavender 3 MADRAS FM.) Mamma Is: ShotweTI9 Bend quad .: Stensland Loca lities: Round Butte Dam: Campbell, D. G. 1, 2 Cedar Mtn . quad.: Russell, R. G. Freezeout Mtn . area: McMurray DESCHUTES RIVER BASIN Lake Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 Archaeo logy; kitch en middens: Roscoe Mitchell Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Geology: Owyhee Reservoir area: Kittleman 2, 3, 4 Cove Pa l isades State Park: Peterson, N. V. Western Sna ke River basin: Newton 8 18 Stratigraphy and lithology: Johnson, A. Dufur quad .: Wa ters 5 Madras quad.: Waters 6 DELINTMENT LA KE QUADRANGLE Ground water: Oreg . St. Water Res . Bd. 7 Lower Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 5 Surface water: Colbert 3; Oreg . St. Water

Res. Bd . : 7 DESCHUTES COUNTY Absolute dating: DESCHUTES-UMATILLA PLATEAU (see also Charcoa l: COLUMBIA PLATEAU) Lava Cast Forest: Buckley 3 Geology: Ba ldwin 8; Newcomb 10 McKenzie Pass area: Chatters 6 Ground water: Newberry Crater: Pearson; Peterson, N. V. Cow Va I ley: Foxworthy 1 13, 15; Tamers Effect of structure on occurrence: Newcomb Wood in lava flow, Cascade Range: Taylor, E. 12 M. 1, 2 Geology: DETROIT QUADRANGLE Broken Top glacial flood: Nolf 3 Geology, reservoir area: Pungrassam i Davis La ke, deposition of diatoms: Messina-AIIen Devils Hill-Broken Top and Lava Butte: Groh 1 DEVONIAN Lava Butte area: Peterson, N. V. 4, 13 Middle Devonian fauna: Kleweno 1 Lava tu be systems: Greeley Suplee area: Danner 3; Kleweno 1, 2; Lavacicle Cave: Ore Bin 28 Perrault 1 Lunar Geo logical Field Conf.: Ore Bin 41 , 46; Peterson, N. V. 8 DIAMOND CRATERS Mears of south-centra l Oregon: Peterson, N. V. 5 Geology: Peterson, N. V. 6 Newberry Ca ldera: Higgins 1, 2, 3,; Peterson N. V. 4, 8, 13, 15 DIATOMITE (see also AGGREGATES) Quadrangles: Annual production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3,; Bend: Swanson, D. A. 4, 6 Ful kerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. Crescent: Walker, G. W.10 1, 2; Wagner, N. S. 11 Santiam-McKenzie Passes guidebook: Taylor, Geology of deposits: Wagner, N. S.11 E. M. 5 Occurrences: Wagner, N. S. 11 Smith Rocks State Park: Bartholomay 2 Bandon area: Orr 1 Three Sisters area: Taylor, E. M. 6 Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Geothermal energy potential: Groh 3 Collier State Park area: Peterson, N. V. 3 Ground water: Davis Lake: Messina-AIIen Deschutes River basin: Oreg . St. Water Res . Bd . 7 Hart Mtn . No tl. Antelope Refuge: Wa I ker 11 East La ke: Phi llips, K. N. 2 Ironside Mtn. quad.: Lowry Levels, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol. Survey 23 Klamath County: Peterson, N. V. 17 Otis Basin-Juntura region: Vanlandingham 2 SUBJ ECT INDEX 133 DIKES (see INTRUSIONS) DOUGLAS COU NTY Absolute doting, Loon La ke: Ore Bin 7 DINNER CREEK WELDED ASH-FLOW TUFF Faults, Roseburg area: Ba ldwin 4, 5 Geochemistry: Haddock 2 Fossil invertebrates: Localities: Mollusca:

Brogan quod • : Fouch Ammonites from io zones: lm loy 6 Caviness quod.: Wolff 2 Structura l and stratigraphic significance of Mo lheur Gorge area: Haddock 2 Buchio zones: Jones, D. L. 2

Owyhee region: Kittlemon 3, 4 Geology:-- Miocene mamma ls: Shotwell 9 Kiamoth Mtns . province: Romp 6 Nickel Mtn . mine: Chace; Cumberlidge DIXONVILLE QUADRANGLE Quadrangles: Geo logy: Chomp; Hixson Anlouf, Drain: Hoover Dixonvi lle: Champ; Hixson DOOLEY RHYOLITE BRECCIA Glide: Elphic; Patterson, P. V .; Thompson Blue Mtn. region: Thayer 10 Roseburg: Hicks Ironside Mtn . quod .: Lowry Suther lin: Lawrence; Payton Topographic history, Snoke River Basin: Axelrod 4 Roseburg-Grants Pass area: Steere 2 Tyee Formation: Lovell 1, :?; Rogers 4; Snavely6 DOTHAN FORMATION Umpqua River basinand estuary: Ba ldwin 1; Fossi I invertebrates: Gladwell; Onions Buchio piochii (Gobb) discovered: Romp 9 Western Cascades: Peck 1, 2, 4 Late Jurassic ammonites: Im lay 1 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Gravity field: Koys 2 Gravity investigations, peridoti te injection: Localities: Bruemmer 1 Bobyfoot Lake area: Wise, J. P. Ground water, coosta l area: Hampton 3; Oreg. St. Cope Blanco area: Dott 1 Water Res. Bd . 4 Collier Butte area: Burt, W. D. Minerols ond minero l resources: U.S. Bur . Mines 2 Coos Boy: Dott 9 Chromite: Romp 1; Trost Hellgote Canyon: Ore Bin 32 Gold and silver: Brooks 6 Horse Sign Butte area: Ba ldwin 12 Kaolin: U.S. Bur. Mines 4 Klamath Mtns.: Koys 5; Romp 6 Mercury: Bai ley 3; Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Klamath province, west-centra l: Widmier Nickel: Hotz 5 Lower Rogue River: Ba ldwin 15 Recovery of va lues in pyrrhotite: Fursman 2 Myrtle Creek area: Coleman 1 Stream-sediment samples: Bowen 3 Oregon Islands Notl . Wildlife Refuge: Weissen- Petrology: born 4 G loucophone-bearing metamorphicroc ks: Port Orford-Gold Beachar ea: Koch, J. G. 3 Taylor, H. P. 2 Quosotono Butte area: Schwab Nickeliferous laterites: Hotz 2 Roseburg-Gra nts Pass area: Steere 2 Peridotite: Hotz 1 Quadrangles: Summit Rock cavity minera ls: Kleck Dixonvil le: Hixson Thorium and uranium in sa ndstone: Rogers 1 Powers: Born Western Cascades vo lcanic series: Koys 6 Roseburg: Johnson, W. R.; Hicks Stratigraphy: Stratigraphy: Correlation of Cretaceous formations: Popenoe Contemporaneity of Dothan-Galice Fms .: Ba ldwin Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L. 1 13, 15 Roseburg 15' quod.: Johnson, W. R. Fossil evidence for age: Romp 9 Tertiary geologic history: Snavely 3 Klamoth Mtns.: U.S. Geol . Survey S Western Cascades volcanic series: Koys 6 Post-Nevadan Mesozoic geology: Ba ldwin 16 Structure: Regiona l Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L. 1 Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic history: Dott 7 Rela tions with Rogue Fm .: Hotz 3, 4 Roseburg 15' quod .: Johnson, W. R. Structure: Surface wa ter: Klamath Mtns.: U.S. Geol . Survey 8 South coast basin: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res . Bd. 4 Late Jura ssic unconformity: Dott 8 Umpqua River basin: Curtiss Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonism: Dott 7 Nevadan orogenesis: Dott 6 "DOYLE CREEK FORMATION" Snoke River Canyon: Va llier 1 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON DRAIN QUADRANGLE EARTHQUAKES, Recorded, conti nued Geo logy: Hoover Puget Sound, April 29, 1965: Algermissen; Chiburis 1; Steinbrugge DREWSEY FORMATION Vancouver, Dec . 2, 1841: Strong 4 Fossi l vertebrates, Juntura Basin: Shotwell 5 Warner Va I ley, 1968: Couch 3 Juntura Basin: Bowen 6; Shotwell 3 Travel-time curves: Ma lheur Gorge areo: Haddock 2 Offshore 1968: Couch 5 Owyhee region: Kittlemon 3 Pacific Northwest: Deh linger 4 Warner Va lley: Couch 3 DRINKWATER BASALT Western Oregon, 1962- 1 963: Dehlinger 3 Juntura Basin: Shotwell 3 Tsunamis: Owyhee region: Kittleman 3 Oregon coast: Scha tz Warning system: Pa ttullo DRIP SPRING FORMATION Ow yhee region: Kittleman 3, 4 ECOLA STATE PAR K Geology, landslide area: Schlicker 1 DUFUR QUADRANGLE Geology: Waters 5 ECONOM IC GEOLOGY (see MINERAL DEPOSITS; MINERAL RESOURCES; specific mineral) DUNES (see SAND DUN ES) For areol, see subhead under area l listing

DURKEE QUADRANGLE EDEN RIDGE (see also COAL) Geology: Prostka 3 Biostratigraphy, Tyee Fm.: Bird Geology: Baldwin 9 E Powers quad: Born

EAGLE CAP QUADRANGLE ELIOT GLACIER Geology: Carnahan Field rrip: Mason, R. S. 27 Metamorphism: Taubeneck 6 Petrography, Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 11 ELK RIVER BEDS Wa I Iowa Mtn . uplift: Taubeneck 7 Fossil invertebrates: Mol lusca date beds as Pliocene: Addicott 1 EAGLE CREEK FORMATION Pelecypod Psephidia: Clifton 4 Clackamas upland: Howell 4 Fossil vertebrates; mamma ls, Cape Blanco: Leffler Columbia River Gorge: Ba ldwin 10 Fossil pol len, Pachysandra: Gray, Jane 2 ELKHORN MOUNTAINS Hood River Va lley: Sceva 2, 4 Geology: Brooks 11 Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B.; Peck 2 Wind River (Wash .) areo: Sullivan, Irma ELKHORN RIDGE Geology: Derksen EAGLE ROCK QUADRANGLE Geo logy: Waters 7 ELKHORN RIDGE ARG ILLITE Fusulinids, crinoids in Baker County rocks: EARTHQUAKES (see also SEISMIC MEASUREMENTS) Bostwick 1 Engineering geology: Loco lities: Portland area: Gates; Schlicker 3 Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Tua latin Va lley: Schlicker 5 Burnt River Canyon: Ash ley 1, 2 Epicenters, determining source mechanism: Ga l lagh er Durkee quad.: Prostka 3 Micro-earthqua kes, Cascade volcanoes: Decker Snake River Canyon, Huntington to Hells Recorded: Ekman Canyon: Brooks 5 1841-1958: Berg 1, 2, 3; Redo Spartaquad .: Prastka 1, 2 Adel: Lander Sum pter quad .: Derksen Continental terrace: Deh linger 6; La nder Permian system pa leotectonics: Ke tner 1 Gordo Ridge swarms: Northrop 1, 2; Sykes Perrology: Sw itek North Powder, Aug . 14, 1969: Couch 1 Stratigraphy: Switek Offshore: Bostrom; Couch 5; McEvilly; Structure: Rinehart, V. J. 1 Basin and Range faulting: Sw itek Portland: Couch 4; Dehlinger 1, 2; Jurassic, Cretaceous: Switek Heinrichs 1; Westphal La te Mesozoic orogens: Hamilton 1 SUBJ ECT INDEX 135

ELKTON QUADRANGLE ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY, continued Geology, lower Umpqua River area: Baldwin 1 Hazards: Landslides: ELKTON SILTSTONE MEMBER (TYEE FORMATION) Coastal: North 1, 2; Oreg . St. Highway Div . Centra !-western Oregon: McWi I Iiams Volcanic: Hyde Nomenclature: Ba ldwin 1; Bird; Snavely 6 Mudflows: Hyde Sublittora l to neritic deposition: Thoms 2 N ue"es ardentes: Hyde Portland area: Gates; Sch licker 3 ELLENSBURG FORMATION Tualatin Va lley: Schlicker 5 Ellensburg flora in Wash .: Smiley La nd-use planning: Localities: Bingham Marion County: Sch Iicker 6, 7 Dufur quad.: Waters 5 Mid-Columbia aggrega te and rock sites: Olcott Madras quad .: Waters 6 Mid-Columbia River waterfront: Meyers Simcoe Mtns . volcanic area , Wash .: Sheppard 1 Mineral resources: Do.le 5 Petrography; Fused tuff and peperi tes: Schmincke 1 Tualatin Va lley: Schlicker 5 Materials: EMERY Engineering properties of soi ls: U.S. Soi l Western Cascades: White, J. C. Conserv . Serv . Future sand� gravel, crushed rock requirements: EMPIRE FORMATION Olcott; Schlicker 5, 6, 7 Erosion by rock-boring clam: Evans, J. W. 2 Resource analysis, Neskowin to Til lamook: Fossil invertebrates: Armentrou t; Eh len 1 Oreg . St. Highway Div . Mediargo, n. gen . in Cymatidae: Terry Urban development: Miocene marine mollusks: Moore, E. J. Zoning laws: Schlicker 4 Fossi I vertebrates: Armentrout Waste dispose 1: Localities: Coos Bay and Eden Ridge coal fields: Geer 2 Cape Blanco area: Dolt 1 Columbia River estuary - radionuclide movement: Coast, near Bandon: Ehlen 2 Prych Coos Bay area: Armentrout; Ba ldwin 11; Dott 9; Terry EOCENE Langlois quad.: Lent Fermat ions: State Parks near Cape Arago: Ehlen 1 Burpee, name abandoned: Snavely 6 Of southwestern Oregon: Ba ldwin 3 EMPIRE QUADRANGLE See also: Echinoderm described: Blake, D. B. 2 Clarno Geology: Armentrout; Ba ldwin 11; Dott 9; Eh len 1 Coa ledo Celestin ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (see DAM SITES, EARTH­ Cow litz QUAKES, ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY, FLOODS, Goble Volcanic Series LANDSLIDES, SOILS) Keesey Siletz River Volcanic Series ENRIGHT QUADRANGLE Spencer Geology, Cedar Butte area: Nelson, D. 0. Toledo Tyee ENTERPRISE QUADRANGLE Umpqua Geology, Losti ne River valley: Goebel Yamhill Lower Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 5 Fossi I flora : Petrography, Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 11 Acacia wood: Gregory, I. 4 Wa l lowa Mtn . uplift: Taubeneck 7 Chuckanut Fm . correlation: Pabst Clarno Fm .: Axelrod 2, 4 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY (see also EARTHQUAKES, Ferns: Arnold 1, 2 FLOODS , LANDSLIDES, SOl LS) Coos Bay area: Hopkins, W. S. Dams: Historica l background: Delling 2 Carmen Smith diversion tunnel: Staples4; Western Pa leogene biostra tigraphy: Wolfe 4 Construction Pa lm wood: Gregory, I. 2 John Day Dam spil lways: Nelson, P. 1 Pa lynology: Tschudy Rogue River Basin Project, Talent Div.: U.S. Bur . Snake River basin: Axelrod 4 Rec lamation 1 Worm-bored poplar: Gregory, I. 3 136 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON EOCENE, continued ESTUARIES Fossil invertebrates: Geomorphology: Echinoderm: Blake, D. B. 2 Marshes prograding: Johannessen Eutrephoceras, n. sp.: Pa lmer, K. V. W. Recent physico I changes: Dicken Fairview-McKinley area: Nelson, E. B. loco I i ties: Two new cora ls: Blake, D. B. 1 Columbia River: Lockett 1, 2; Snavely 9 Fossi I : Nestucca Bay: Oreg . St. Highway Div. Coladon? hancocki, sp. nov. (tapiroidea): Radinsky Netarts Bay: Oreg. St. Highway Div. Hemipsa lodon skull: Mellett Sand La ke: Oreg . St. Highway Div. Sand shark: Applegate Yaquina Bay: Byrne 17; Neiheisel Localities: Sediments: Bend AMS quad.: Swanson, D. A. 6 Estuarine sediment movement: Byrne 17; Cedar Butte: Nelson, D. 0. Neiheisel Centra I Coast Range Snavely 7 Quaternary deposits, Newport area: Snavely 11 Coast Range: Lovell 4 Seismic studies, tsunamis: Schatz Cove Pa lisades State Park: Peterson, N. V. 18 G I ide quad .: Thorn pson EUCHRE MOUNTAIN QUADRANG LE Lincoln County: Groben Igneous petrology, Saddlebackarea: Macleod 2 lookou t Mtn. quad .: Swinney Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 EUGENE FORMATION Saddlebackar ea: Mac leod 2 Fossi I invertebrates: Western Cascades: Peck 2 Oligocene marine molluscan fauna: Hickman Sedimentation: Zeolite filling and replacement: Staples 6 Authigenic si licates in Spencer Fm .: Enlows Loco l i ties: Coos Bay deltaic: Dott 9 Bohemia mining district: Lutton Klamath Mtns .: Irwin 3 Brownsville quad .: Hauck Stra tigraphy: Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4, 14 Centra 1-western Oregon: McWi I Iiams Western Cascades: Peck 4 Siletz River Volcanics: · Snavely 8 Yamhill quad.: Sch licker 2 Tyee Fm . provenance: Lovell 2, 3 M i nero I resources: Western Cascades volcanic series: Keys 6 Bauxite deposits, Sa I em Hi lis: Corcoran 1 Western Oregon: Snavely 3 Bohemia mining district: Lutton Tertiary eugeosync line: Snavely 11, 14 Base I tic volcanism: Snavely 10 EUGENE QUADRANGLE Bone Mtn. quad .: Krans Ground-water geology: Ham Geo logy of south end: Ba ldwin 9 Oligocene marine molluscan fauna: Hickman Volcanism: Lipman Submarine eruption field: Gilluly 1 F

EOLA-AMITY HILLS AREA FAIRVIEW PEAK QUADRANGLE Ground water: Price 4, 5 Geology, Bohemia mining district: Lutton

ERIONITE FAU LTS Adsorption properties: Eberly Absolute dating: Description: Staples 1 Cenozoic silicic volcanism, Great Basin: Rome area: Eberly Armstrong Basin-Range province: Donath 1, 2; Hami I ton 2, 3; ERRA TICS Morrison, R. B.; Ta ubeneck 18; Wa lker 17 Localities: Harney County: Ma loney 1 Da l las-Va lsetz quads .: Ba ldwin 6 Klamath County: Peterson, N. V. 17; Wa lker 3 Erratic Rock State Park: Wi I cox, L. Klamath graben: Peterson, N. V. 12 Mul ino site: Murphy, C. T. L. 1 La ke County: Peterson, N. V. 17; Wa lker 3 North Wi l lamette Va lley: Glenn 2 Blac k faults: Blue Mtns.: Thayer 10 ESTACADA FORMATION Brogan quad .: Fouch Portland area: Trimble Cedar Mtn. quad.: Russel l, R. G. Eagle Cap quad.: Carnahan, G. L. SUBJ ECT INDEX 137

FAULTS, Block faults, continued FAU LTS, continued Freezeout Mtn. area: McMurray Named fau Its: Grande Ronde River basin: Hampton 5 Adel: Ore Bin 18 Hart Mtn.: Larson 1; Wa l ker 11 Brothers: Higgins 1, 5; Wal ker 14, 17 Ow yhee Upland: Corcoran 9 Cascade: Jan; Pungrassomi Paisley Mtns .: Muntzert 1, 2 Hami I tan-Long Creek: Thayer 6, 7 Plush area: Larson 1 Illinois Va lley system : Ram er Warner Mtns .: Delano 3 John Day: Brown, C. E. 3 Engineering geology, Carmen Smith tunnel: Staples 4 Kings Va lley: Bromery 4 Geomagnetic data: Watkins 2, 7, 8, 12, 13 Middle Mountain: Fisher 6 Gravity data : Mitchell: McKnight, B. K. 2; Swanson, D. A. Hole-in-the-Ground: Kim 4, 6; Wilkinson Josephine County: Kays 1, 2, 3 Northwest Rift Zone: Higgins 5; Peterson, N. V. Northwestern Oregon: Bromery 3 13, 15 Southwestern Oregon: Bruemmer 1, 2 Richmond: Fisher, 12 Klamath Mountains province: Shear zones: Regiona l: Coleman 1; Gamer 2; Kays 2, 5; Ramp Port Orford: Mackay 6; U.S. Geol. Survey 8 Powers quad ., Ba ker Creek: Hess, P. D. West-centra l: Widmier Sna ke River Canyon: Lineaments: Oxbow area: Brooks 5; Stearns 5; Vallier 1, 2 Mohave: Borosh Cougar Creek area: Va llier 5 Wa l lowa-Olympic: Skehan 2, 3 Thrust fa u Its: Loco I i ties: Agness area: Blake, M. C. Aldrich Mtn . quad .: Thayer 4 Coastal: Irwin2 An lauf quad .: Hoover Klamath Mtns.: Coleman 1; Hamilton 4 Bone Mtn. quad .: Krans La ng lois quad .: Lent Burnt River Canyon: Ash ley 1, 2 Lower Rogue River: Bailey 2; Ba ldwin 15 Cape Arago area: Eh len 1 Roseburg area: Ba ldwin 4, 5 Cape Sebastian-Croak Paint area: Howard, J. K. Separation of Dothan from Ga lice Fm .: Hotz 4 1, 2 Coast Range , southern: Baldwin FERN RIDGE TUFFS Cedar Butte area: Nelson, D. 0. Loco lities: Callier Butte area: Burt, W. D. Clackamas upland: Howell 6 Coos Bay area: Ba ldwin 11; Dott 9 Marion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Crescent AMS quad .: Wa lker 10 Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. Dixonville quad .: Champ; Hixson Minera l resources: Drain quad .: Hoover Bauxite deposits, Sa lem Hills: Corcoran 1 Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Harper area: Weeden FERROALLOYS (see also CHROMITE, NICKEL) Hellgate area: Nafziger 3 Industria I plants: Kingston 2 John Day area: Thayer 12 Production: Kingston 1, 2, 4 LookoutMtn . quad .: Sw inney Annual: Collins, R. P. 2, 3; Ful kerson 1, 6, 7; Ma lheur Wildlife Refuge: Walker .12 Gray, J. J. 2, 3 Mitchell Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Mount Vernon quad .: Brown, C. E. 3 FERRUGINOUS BAUX ITE (see BAUXITE) Newberry area: Peterson, N. V. 13, 15 Picture Gorge quad .: White, W. H. FIELDS CREEK FORMATION Picture Rock Pass area: lkeagwauni Loca lities: Portland area: Deh linger 2; Kenney; Schlicker 3 Aldrich Mtns.: Brown, C. E. 4 Post quad .: Waters 4 Canyon City quad .: Brown, C. E. 5 Powers quad.: Born Mount Vernon quad .: Brown, C. E. 3 Roseburg area: Johnson, W. R. Nomenc lature: Brown, C. E. 4 Sitkum quad .: Trigger CinnabarTu ff Tongue: Cohee Sparta quad.: Prostka 1 Suplee-lzee area: Dicki nson 7 FISHER FORMATION The Dolie s area: Newcomb 12 Fossils; Goshen flora: Axelrod 2 Trout Creek Mtns .: Carlton Stratigraphy: McWi !Iiams, R. G. Wa l lowa Mtns.: Taubeneck 7 Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. Warner Mtns .: Delano 3 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MIN ERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

FLOODS (see also COLUMBIA RIVER, PLEISTOCENE) FOLDING, Anticlinal, continued Pleistocene: Rieth: Hogenson 2; Newcomb 9 Lake Bonneville; Snake River: Stearns 3 Rocky Prairie: Newcomb 6 Lake Missou la: Howell 8 Service: Robison La ke Oswego area: Parsons, R. B. 2 St. Pa trick: Hampton 4 Recent: Tualatin Mtns . system: Sch licker 5 Basin and Range province: Butler Eugeosyncline 1: Glacial moraine erosion, Broken Top: Nolf 3 Deltaic sedimentation in belts: Dott 4 Geologic hazards: Schlicker 5, 6, 7 Rogue River area: Ba ldwin 15 January 1965: Waananen 1 Southwestern coast: Dott 7 Streamflow and sediment data: Waananen 2 Tyee Fm . deposits: Rogers 4; Snavely 6 Magnitude and frequency: Butler; Hulsing Western Cordil leran limestones: Da nner 1, 2 December 1964: Rantz; Waananen 1 Fold systems: Streamflow and sediment datll: Waananen 2 Burnt River Canyon area: Ash ley 1 Wa ter-discharge determi nations: Dempster Columbia River Group: Newcom b 13 Cooper-Bu ll Mtns. system: Schlicker 5 FLUORINE Coos: Ba ldwin 11; Dott 9; Mackay In silicic volcanic rocks: Coates Geosynclinal system , Oregon and Ca lifornia: Dickinson 8 FLUVIATILE DEPOSITS Pa cific geosyncline: Gilluly 1 Flood plain, Willamette Va lley: Beattie Parrett Mtn .-Cheha lem Mtns .: Sch licker 5 Glaciofluviati le, Umati lla Ri;,.er basin: Hogenson 2 Geosynclinal: Localities: Suplee- lzee area: Danner 3; Dickinson 5, 6, 7 East Portland area: Hogenson 3 Western Oregon-Wash . Tertiary: Ba ldwin 9; Ordnance area: Sceva 5 Snavely 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 14 Tua latin Mtns .: Howell 2 Quadrangles: Wil lamette Va lley: Ba lster 2, 3; Beattie Anlauf and Drain: Hoover Bone Mtn.: Krans FLY CREEK QUADRANGLE Caviness: Wo lff 2 Geo logy: Hewitt Coos Bay: Klahn, M. L. Coquille: Fairchild FLYSCH SEDIMENTATION Da llas and Va lsetz: Ba ldwin 6 Southwest Oregon: Aa lto 2 Ironside Mtn.: Lowry Western Cordillera n: Danner 4 La ng lois: Lent Mitchell: Patterson, R. L. FOLDING Mount Vernon: Brawn, C. E. 3 Anticlinal: Powers: Hess, P. D. Aldrich Mtn.: Bartholomay 1; Thayer 3, 4 Sitkum: Fairchild, Trigger Bingen and Ortley: Ba ldwin 10; Newcomb 12 Sparta: Prostka 1 Black Butte: Thayer 3 Lava flaw geometry: Benson 3 Blue Mtn .: Fisher 12; Hogenson 2; Newcomb 9, 13; Loco lities: Swanson, D. A. 3, 4, 6; Thayer 10 Aldrich-Ochoco area: Howell 7 Breitenbush: Jan; Peck 2, 4; Pungrassomi Cape Perpetua: Whi tcomb 2 Cape Arago: Eh len Cedar Butte: Nelson, D. 0. Clackamas: Peck 2, 4 Coast Range: Dietz : Newcomb 9, 12 Continental margin: Byrne 16 Condon: Newcomb 9 Fairview-McKinley area: Nelson, E. B. Coquille Bank: Mackay French Prairie area: Pr ice 6 Horse Heaven: Hogenson 2; Newcomb 9, 10 Horse Heaven mining district: Swanson, D. A. 3 Klondike: Hall Jones marble deposit: Ramp 2 Mehama: Peck 2, 4; Pungrassami Josephine peridotite sheet: Ramer

Mitchell: Jarman, C.; McKnight, B. K. 1, 2; Klamath La ke area: Peterson, N • V. 17 Wil kinson Klamath Mtns .: Godchaux 1; Koys 4, 5; Oakla nd: Ba ldwin 5 Ramp 6 Ochoco: Swanson, D. A. 4, 6 Marion County: Sch Iic ker 7 Ortley: Newcom b 6, 9 May Creek Schist belt: Kays 7 Post: Swanson, D. A. 4, 6 Myrtle Point area: Ba ldwin 14 Pulaski: Ba ldwin 14 Newport area: Snavely 11 Richmond: Fisher 12 North-centra l Oregon: Rogers 2 SUBJECT INDEX 139

FOLDING, Loca lities, continued FOSSIL INVERTEBRATES, Coral, Eocene, continued Picture Gorge area: Gibson 2 Dasmia americana , n. sp.: Blake, D. B. 1 �sammia (? ) vokesi, n. sp .: Blake, Pueblo Mtns . : Rowe -- Simcoe Mtns . volcanic area , Wash .: Sheppard 1 D. B. 1 South Umpqua Falls region: Kays 6 Crustacea: Steens-Pueblo Mtns .: Avent 2 Crabs, commensa l in pelecypod: Zullo 2 Tieton River area , Wash .: Swanson, D. A. 2 Isopod, n. sp.: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country Wal lowa-Olympia lineament: Newcomb 9; Skehan News Letter 3 2, 3, 4 Fairview-McKinley area: Nelson, E. B. Synclinal: Echi noderms: Agency: Hogenson 2 Eocene, Ophiocrossota baconi: Blake, D. B. 2 Da lles-Umati lla: Newcomb 8, 9, 10, 12; Robison Fairview-McKinley area : Nelson, E. B. Long Creek: Thayer 6 Langlois quad .: Lent Mitchell-Monument downwarp: Fisher 12 Oligocene, Salenia: Zullo 1 Mosier: Ba ldwin 1 0; Newcomb 6,8, 12 Fauna l assemblages;- Orchard: Newcomb 6 Cenozoic molluscan: Addicott 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Sardine: Peck 2, 4; Pungrossami Cretaceous index fossils: Popenoe Simpson Reef: Ehlen Eocene, Tyee: Bird Snake River: Geldstzer Jurassic mol luscan: Imlay 1, 4 3, 4, 5, 6 South Slough: Ehlen Mesozoic, Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 7 Wi llamette: Pungrossami Miocene, Astoria Fm .: Dodds, R. K., 2, 4; Moore, E. J. FORMATIONS (see GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS, or Miocene, Tarheel Fm .: Armentrout specific formation name) 0 ligocene, Eugene Fm .: Hickman Perm ian-Triassic, northeast Oregon: Bostw ick 1 FORT ROCK AREA Pleistocene, southwest Oregon: Addicott 1; Fossil fauna, Fossi l La ke: Allison , I. S. Zullo 3 Geology: Hampton 4; Heiken; Peterson, N. V. 11; Pliocene, Empire Fm .: Armentrout Wa lker 10 Foraminifera: Gravity and magnetic surveys: Kim Bolivina sa cchensis, n. sp .: Bird Ground water: Hampton 4 Cascadia Basin: Griggs, G. B. 6, 7 Prehistory and environment: Bedwell Elphidium oregonense, Cascadia deep sea channel: Griggs, G. B. 3, 5 FORT ROCK FORMATION Eocene: Bird; Thoms 1, 2 Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Eocene Pseudophragmina in Umpqua Fm .: Thoms 1 Hole-in-the-Ground Crciter: Kim Margina l marine environment: Fowler 3 Picture Rock Pass area: I keagwauni Marine dolomite: Russell, K. L. 1 Miocene: FOSSIL INVERTEBRATES Abso lute dating: Turner Ammonites: Astoria Fm .: Dodds, R. K. 2, 4; Gonza lves Cretaceous, Hornbrook Fm .: McKnight 3 Nye Mudstone: Murata 2 Cretaceous, new species Anisoceras: Packard, Netarts Bay distribution: Hunger E. L. 1 Permian: Bostwick, 1, 3, 4, 5; Ketner 1; In Buchia zones: Imlay 6 Skinner, J. W.; U.S. Geol. Survey S; Jurassic loca ls, eastern Oregon: Wagner 2 Wilkinson Jurassic, centra l Oregon: Imlay 1 Pleistocene-Holocene deep-sea sediments: Southwest Oregon: lm lay 1 Duncan 2 La te Jurassic: Hal lam Pleistocene trends: Fow ler 2 Brach iopads: Po lydiexodina oregonensis, n. sp.: Bostwick 3 Permian, assemblages: Ketner 1 Processes affecting distribution: Harman Cornucopia quad .: Waterhouse Recent: Jarman, G. D. Hom estead area: Vallier 3 Sublittora l, trends: Boettcher 1, 2 Kuve lousia I eptosa , n. gen.: Wa terhouse Tertiary: Fow I er 1 , 4 --- Bryozoa: Tertiary correlations: Rothwell Burnt River Canyon area: Ash ley 1, 2 Tethyan fa una: Bostwick 4, 5 Homestead area: Va IIi er 3 Freshwater: Coral: Fossi I La ke: Allison , I. S. 1 Eocene: Blake, D. B. 1 Juntura Basin: Ta ylor, D. W. Pliocene-Pleistocene lakes: Hanna 1, 2 140 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

FOSSIL INVERTEBRATES, continued FOSSIL INV ER TEBRATES , Pelecypods , continued Gastropods: Luphere lla, new genus: Imlay 4 Cenomanian to Turonian: McKnight 3 Meekia , Cretaceous: Sou I Drupinae, Pliocene: Hertlein Ostrea , Tyee Fm .: Nelson E. G. Mediargo, new genus: Terry �i a, n. sp.: Imlay 4 Olivella ba etica Carpenter: Richards Pinna , Cretac eous: Packard 2; Peterson, �o�Permian: Yochelson -cf. L. 4 Turritella, Eocene: Nelson , E. B. Psephidia , Elk River beds: Clifton 4 Loca lities: Rock-boring clams: Evans 1, 2 Astoria area: Dodds, B. R. 2 Trigonia localities: McKnight 3; Steere 2 Bandon area: Addi cott 2; Zullo 3 �ardia, Tyee Fm .: Baldwin 11; Nelson, Bone Mtn . quad .: Kra ns E. B. Brogan quad .: Fouch Radiolaria: Brownsvi lle quad .: Hauck Eocene, Tyee Fm .: Bird Cape Arago area: Eh len 1 Mesozoic chert, Langlois quad .: Lent Cape Blanco area : Addicott 1, 2; Al lison , E. C.; Pleistocene-Holocene deep-sea sediments: Richards Duncan 1; Griggs, G. B. 3 Cope Sebastian area: Howard, J. K. 2 Worm , Adekunbiella durhami Adegoke , n. gen ., Coos Bay area: Armentrout; Ba ldwin 11 n. sp .: Adegoke --- Dixonvi lle quad .: Champ; Hixson Eola Hi lis: Wi lcox, L. FOSSIL LAKE Fairview-Mc Kinley area: Nelson , E. B. Abso lute da ti ng, ash bed and fossi ls: Buckley 4 Glide quad .: Elphic Geo logy: Al lison, I. S. 1 Hom estead area : Vallier 3 Vertebrate fossi ls: La nglois quad .: Lent Birds: Brodkorb 2; Howard , H.; Jeh l 1, 2 Lower Um pqua River: Ba ldwin 1 Mamma Is: Hibbard Medford-Ash land area : McKni�ht 3 Newpor t, Yaquina Bay area: Snavely 5, 11 FOSSIL PLANTS

Roseburg quad . : Hicks · Abso lute da ting: Sadd leba ck area: Mac leod 2 Acer macrophyl lum wood: Buc kley 6 Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1 Mol lo Ia flora : Axelrod 3 South Coast Range: Ba ldwin 9 Owyhee Reservoir area : Geldstzer Suplee area : Kleweno 1, 2 Tertiary floras: Evernden 1 Suplee- lzee area: Buddenhagen 1; Dicki nson 7 Algae; si licoflagellates , Bandon area: Orr 1, 2 Svenseri quad .: Dodds, R. K. 2 Conifers; Bridge Creek flora : Pabst Mol lusks: Diatoms: Astoria Fm .: Moore, E. J. Miocene fresh-water: Vanlandingham 1, 2 Ca pe Blanco, Pleistocene age determ inations: New species: Sovereign Richards Ferns: Cenozoic distribution: Add icott 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 Chuckanut Fm . correlations: Pabst Elk River beds: Addicott 1 Clarno flora: Ar nold 1, 2; Pa bst Eugene Fm .: Hickma n Evo lution and distri bution: New Tertiary spec ies: Addicott 3 Osmunda : Mil ler, C. N. Zeolite fi I ling and replacement: Staples 6 Tempskya: Ar nold 3; Dake 1 Nauti loid: Mola lla area: Axelrod 3 Eocene, Eutrephoceras, n. sp .: Pa lmer, K. V. W. Snake River basin: Axe lrod 2 1, 2 Species described: Ostracodes: Acrosti chum preaureum: Arno ld 1 Eocene, Tyee Fm .: Bird Dennstaedtiopsis aerenchyonata , n. gen ., Pelecypods: n. sp .: Arnold 2 Buchia concentri co (Sowerby) : lm lay 1 Osmunda : Mi l ler, C. N. Buchia piochii in Dothan: Ram p 9 Floras: Buchia , southwest Oregon stratigra phy: Blake, M. Alvord Creek: Evernden 1; Sm i I ey --c:;c amp 1; Chomp; Do tt 1; Lent; Ramp 9 Blue Mtns .: Axe lrod 4; Smi ley Buchia unci toides: lm lay 6 Bridge Creek: Chaney; Ev ernden 1; O'Dell Buchia zones: Im lay 6; Jeletzky 1, 2; Jones, Clarno: Chandler; Evernden 1; McKee, T. M. --D-.- L. 1, 2; U.S. Geol . Survey 8 1, 2; Pa bs t Do s inia , Coos Bay dredg ings: Ba ldwin 11 Colestin: Pec k 2, 4 SUBJECT INDEX 141 FOSSIL PLANTS, Flora s, continued FOSSIL PLANTS, Po llen, continued Col lawash: Gray, Jane 2 Late-glacial: Heusser Deschutes: Evernden 1 ; Sm i I ey Miocene, Columbia Plateau: Martin, P. S. Eag le Creek: Gray, Jane 2; Sm i I ey Western Cascades: Wo lfe 1 Faraday Dam: Gray, Jane 2 Pachysandra: Gray, Jane 2 Goshen: Chaney; Evernden 1 Pa leoecologica l application: Hopkins, W. S. J ohn Doy: Evernden 1 Postglacial, correlation with pumice: Hansen Latah: Gray, Jane 3 Tertiary: Gray, Jane 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Tschudy Little Butte Volcanics: Peck 2, 4 Wood, identification methods: Eubanks 1, 2; Masca ll: Axelrod 4; Evernden 1; Smiley Gregory, I., I , 2 Miocene: Axelrod 5 Wood, localities: Molalla: Evernden 1; Gray, Jane. 2, 5 Cedar Butte: Nelson, D. 0. Rattlesnake: Evernden 1 Sucker (Succor) Creek: Eubanks 2 Rujada: Gi I christ Sweet Home Petrifi ed Forest: Dake 2; Gregory, I. 1 Sardine: Peck 2, 4, 6 Thomas Creek: Eubanks 1 Skull Springs: Evernden 1 Wood, species:

Sparta: Hoxie Acacia: Gregory I r. 4 Stinking Water: Axelrod 4; Evernden 1; Smiley Euptelea, Eocene Clarno: Scott, R. A. 2 Succor Creek: Axelrod 1, 4; Eubanks 2; Ginkgo bonesii, new species: Mihelcic 3 Evernden 1; Graham 1, 2, 3; Smiley; Ginkgo, in Tertiary: Scott, R. A. I Taggart Metasequoia: Cheney Sweet Home: Gregory, I. 1 Pa lm: Gregory, I. 2 Trapper Creek: Axelrod 1 Popu I us: Gregory, I. 1 , 3 Trout Creek: Evernden 1; Graham 1, 2, 3; Tempskya: Dake 1 Smiley Upper and lower Do lies: Sm iley FOSSIL VERTEBRATES Western Cascades: Klucking; Peck 2, 4 Absolute dating: Genera l: Cenozo ic mammalian chronology: Evernden 2 Chapaara l flora, postglacial history: Detling 1 Fossil Lake fa unas: Allison, I. S. 1 Climatic changes related to leaf margins: John Day fauna: Rensberger I Wolfe 3 Mylodon harlani (s loth ) fragments near Le Grande: Columbia River Basa lt associations: Gray, Jane 3 Mielke Correlations with Miocene Nevada flora: Wolfe 2 Owyhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek region: Geldstzer Determ ining altitudes of Tertiary floras: Birds: Axelrod 2, 5 Coot, Ful ica minor Shufe ldt, new name: Brodkorb 2 Drowned forest, Columbia River: Strong 3 Grouse�drogapus: Jehl 2 Historica l background: Detling 2 Juntura Pliocene: Brodkorb 1 History of plant assemblages: Wolfe 5 "Pigmy goose," Anabernicula , new species: Pa leogene biostratigraphy: Wolfe 4 Howard, H. Study of leaves: Hammond Pleistocene, Fossi I La ke: Jehl 1 Leaves: Hammond Sca le and cluster analysis: Johnson, L. 1 Lucuma stanleyi: Chaney Cetacean (toothed who I e), Aetiocetidae, n. family: Margin analysis: Wolfe 3 Em long Ostrya oregoniana: Chaney Fish: Loca lities: Eugene Fm . shark teeth: Hickman Clarno area: Hergert; McKee, T. M. 1, 2 Genus Esox in Quartz Basin: Cavender 3 Coos Bay area: Hopkins , W. S. lctalurus (catfish) in Juntura Basin: Miller, R. R. Elk River, Cretaceous: Lowther "Idaho La ke" fa una: Miller, R. R. Grande Ronde basin: Hampton 5 New species described: Pilot Rock area: Pigg Novumbra oregonensis, n.s.: Cavender 2 Snow Pea k quad .: Klucking New genus(?) of Sa lmonidae: Dalzell Umatilla River basin: Hogenson 2 Ochoco Pass fauna, freshwater: Cavender 1 Western Cascades: Peck 2, 4, 6; Wolfe 1 Oligocene mudminnow, Pa inted Hi lis: Cavender 2 Nuts, seeds, fruits: Pacific sa lmon, Klamath River basin: Miller, R. R. Clarno mammal bed: McKee, T. M. 1, 2 Sand Shark, Odontaspis: Applegate Clarno nut bed: Chandler Genera l, Bering land bridge dispersa l: Repenning 2 Pollen: Loco I i ties: Colum bia River Basa lt association: Gray, Jane 3 Beatty Buttes: Dawson Coos Bay area: Hopkins, W. S. Black Butte: Shotwell 10 142 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

FOSSIL VER TEBRATES, Loca lities, conti nued G Cape Bla nco: Leffler Empire Fm .: Armentrou t GABLE CREEK FORMATI ON Drewsey: Shotwell 10 Mitchell quad .: Gamer 1; Wi lkinson Fossil La ke: Allison , I. S. 1; Hibbard; Howard, H. GALICE FORMATIO N John Day: Stirton 2 Chemica l o,na lyses: Kays 7 Juntura Ba sin: Shotwel l 3, 4, 5, 10 Fossi I invertebrates: McKay beds: Hogenson 2; Newcomb 8; Shotwell 7 Buchia: Blake, M. C. Quartz Basin: Hutchison 2 La te Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 1 Skull Springs: Hutchison 2 Petrography; diori te intrusions: Lund, E. H. 5 Mamma lian fa unas: Quadrangles and areas: Pleistocene, Cape Blanco: Leffler Babyfoot Lake area: Wise, J. P. Potassium argon dates: Ev ernden 2 Coos Bay: Dott 9 Qua ternary, North Am erica: Hibbard Hellga te Canyon: Ore Bin 32 Southeast Oregon communities: Shotwell 2, 3, 4, Josephine peridoti te sheet: . Ramer 5, 6, 9, 10 Klama th Mtns .: Kays 5; Koch , J. G. 2; Mamma ls: Ramp 6 Carnivore , Hemi sa lodon: Mellett p La nglois quad .: Lent Cha licotheres, late Ter tiary: Skinner Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch , J. G. 3 Ground sloths: Quaintance 1, 2; Mielke Powers quad .: Hess , P. D. Horses, biogeography in Grea t Basin: Shotwell 1 Rogue River: Ba ldw in 15 Hipparion: Shotwel l 1 Roseburg-Grants Pass area : Steere 2 Pliohippus: Shotwell 1 Siskiyou Mtns .: Dickinson 2 Insectivores (shrews, mo les): Sixes River area: Boggs 3, 6 Aquatic mole: Hutchison 3 Stra ti graphy: John Day Fm .: Stirton 1 Contemporanei ty of Dothan-Ga lice �ms .: Peromyscus: Shotwell 7 Ba ldwin 13, 15 Shrews: Hutchison 2; Shotwell 7 Dotha n-Rogue rela tionships: Hotz 3, 4 Soricidae: Repenning 1 Regiona l Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L. 1 Ta lpidae (moles): Hutchison 1, 4 Structura l re lations: U.S. Geol . Survey 8 Oreodonts , phylogeny: Schultz Structure: Peccaries, revised: Stirton 2 Gravi ty field: Kays 2 Rodents: Late Jurassic unconformi ty: Dott 8 Arvicolinae (Rodentia): Repenning 3 Mesozoic-Cenozoi c tectonism: Dott 7 Entoptychine gophers of John Day Fm: Structura l re lations: U.S. Geal . Survey 8 Rensberger 2 Lagomorphs (Oreolagus) Miocene: Dawson GA LICE QUADRA NGLE Late Tertiary geomyoids: Shotwell 8 Gravity investigations: Tertiary Scuiridae: Block Zones of loco I metamorphism: Kays 1, 3 Sea lion (Astoria Fm ., Miocene) Desmatophoca Zones of ma jor tec tonism: Kays 2 oregonensis: Mitchell Petrography: Ta pirs, origin and evolution: Radinsky Rogue Fm .: Helming Repti les; Late Jurassic ich thyosa ur: Camp; Koch , Zones of loca l metamorph ism : Kays 1, 3 J. G. 4

GEM STONES (see also TH UNDEREGGS) FOSSILS Annua l production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Genera l: Ekman Gray, J. J. 1, 3; Shaffer Fossil Lake fa unas: Al lison., I. S. 1 Agates: Pa cific University Condon col lection: Adams Econom ic va lue: Shaffer Loca lities: Mason, R. S. 23 FREEZEOU T MOUNTAIN AREA Agate bea ches: Browning 1 Geology: McMurray Agate Flats: Kohn Drews Reservoir: Peterson, N . V. 17 Eag le Poi nt: Kohn Lake Owyhee State Pa rk vicinity: Corcoran 3 Owyhee Upland province: Corcoran 9 Priday ra nch: Peck 5 Prinevi lie area: Ashby 1, 3 Stinkingwater Mountain: Ga il 2 SUBJ ECT INDEX 143 GEM STONES, Agates, continued GEOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS, Loca lities, cont'd Varieties: Browning 2 Owyhee Pla teau volcanic rocks: Kittleman 1 Dendritic: Kohn Saline lakes: VanDenburgh 1, 2 Chalcedony: Mason, R. S. 23 Steens Mtn . basalts: Gunn, B. M. Geodes: Ma terials: Economic va lue: Shaffer Diagenetic carbonates: Murata 1, 2 Mol a IIa River: Hoven Lead and strontium in crysta lline rocks: Geology of deposits: Mason, R. S. 23 Hopson, C. A. 1 Jasper: Rare-earth elements in sediments: Collins, K. A. Economic va lue: Shaffer Tektites: 1 Loco I i ties: Mason, R. S . 23 Tritium: Simpson Agate beaches: Browning 1 Vanadium: Busch Biggs Junction: Go li Zinc in basa lts: Rader DrewsReserv oir: Peterson, N. V. 17 Minera I exploration methods: Dole 7 Stinki ngwater Mtn .: Gail 2 Sedimentary rocks; graywacke: Rogers 3 "Oregonite": Ramp 3 Stream sampling: Ore Bin 25 Lazulite: Ramp 4 Almeda mine: Libbey 4 Localities: Mihelcic 1; Shaffer Lower Illinois River: Ramp 5 Blue Mtn. region: Thayer 10 Sou thwestern Oregon: Bowen 3; Trost Obsidian: Volcanic rocks: Economic va lue: Shaffer Changes in titanium concentration: Watkins 17 Loco I i ties: High-titanic alkali-olivine basa lts: Robinson, Burns area: Go i I 1 P. T. 1, 2 Glass Buttes: Heflin 1 Phosphorus in granitic rocks: Vistelius Opal:Mason , R. S. 23 Econom ic va lue: Shaffer GEOLOGIC CATASTROPH IES (see EARTHQUAKES, Hart Mtn . Na tl . Antelope Refuge: Wa lker 11 FLOODS, LANDSLIDES) Petrified wood: Economic va lue: Shaffer GEOLOGIC EDUCATION Loca lities: Mason, R. S. 23 Art and geology: Allen, J. E. 3 Klamath County: Peterson , N. V. 17 Camp Hancock: Brogan 5; Peterson, J. V. Stinki ngwa ter Mtn.: Darling; Gail 2 Courses for non-majors: Allen, J. E. 1 . Sweet Home area: Rodgers Multiple sites for field camps: Staples 9 Quartz crysta ls, Youngs River: Specke ls Rhyolite, economic va lue: Shaffer GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS (see also individual Specimen preparation; sodium-bearing minera ls: formation nom es) Morrison, R. F. 4 New names: "Sunstones" (potash feldspar): Cinnabar Tuff Tongue: Brown, C. E. 3 Lake County: Heflin 2; Stewart, D. B . Hilt Fm .: Elliott Ingle Tuff Tongue: Brown, C. E. 3 GEOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS T arheel Formation: Armentrout Isotopic studies: Andesites: Hedge 1, 2 GEOLOGIC MAPS, PU BLISH ED Composition of lead, Coast Range: Ta tsumoto; Aeromagnetic maps: U.S. Geol . Survey 1 Albany-Newport area : Bromery 4 Intrusion-ground water interaction: Taylor, Lebanon quad .: Bromery 1 H. P. 3 Bouguer gravity: Lead and strontium, Cascade Mtns.: Church 1, 2 Mendocino escarpment: Deh linger 8 Loco I i ties: Southwestern Oregon: Blank 3 Abert La ke playa sediments: Jones, B. F. Formations: Almeda mine: Libbey 4 Colum bia River Group: Newcomb 13 Cascade Mtns .: Church 1, 2 Dothan-Rogue rela tionsh ips: Hotz 3 Andesite volcanoes: McBirney 2 John Day: Hay 4 Centra l Coast Range, Snavely 7 Index of: Corcoran 6 Continentalsh elf sediments: Wh ite, S. M. 1, 2 Localities: Dinner Creek welded ash-flow tuff: Haddock 2 Almeda mine: Libbey 4 John Day Fm .: Hay 4, 5 Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 Klamath , Lake Counties: Peterson, N. V. 17 Baker Va lley geohydrology: Lystrom 2 Marine sediments near Columbia River: Osterberg Belknap Cra ter-Yopoah Cra ter-Collier Cone area: Groh 1 144 BIBLIOGRAPH Y OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MI NERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

GEOLOGIC MAPS , PUBLISHED, Loca lities, conti nued GEOLOGIC MAPS , PU BLISH ED, Loca lities, continued Burnt River Yo I ley area: Pr ice 8 The Da lles area: Newcom b 12 Canyon Mtn . Complex: Thayer 1 Trask River basin: You ng , L. L. 3 Cape Arago area state parks: Eh len 1 Tua latin Va lley region: Hart; Sch licker 5 Cape Lookout State Park: Mangum Um pqua River , lower: Ba ldwin 1 Cape Meares State Park: Mangum Wa lla Wa lla River basin: Newcomb 7 Cape Sebastian State Park: Howard, J. K. 2 Western Cascades, centra l and northern: Peck 4 Cedar Butte: Nelson, D. 0. Wi l lamette basin, lower: Newton 28 Clatsop Plains sa nd-dune area: Frank 3 Oi l and gas: Newton 7; Stewart, R. E. Coasta l lands lides: North 1 Quadrang les: Columbia Basi n, lower: Newton 28 Ade l AMS: Wa l ker 4 Coos Bay area: Ba ldwin 11; Newton 21 Aldrich Mtn.: Thayer 4 Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 11 An lauf: Hoover Devi Is Garden: Peterson, N. V. 11 Bend AMS (E�): Swanson, D. A. 6 Devi Is Hil l-Broken Top-Lava Butte areas: Groh 2 Ca nyon City AM S: Brown, C. E. 5; Thayer 3 Eola-Am ity Hi lis area: Price 5 Coos Bay: Ba ldwin 11 Fort Rock: Peterson , N. V. 11 Crescent AMS (E�): Wa l ker 10 Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Da llas: Ba ldwin 6 French Prairie area: Price 6 Dra in: Hoover Hanford Plant area: Schmidt 2 Dufur: Wa ters 5 High Cascade glaciers: Case Durkee: Prostka 3

Hole-in-the-Ground area: Peterson, N. V � 2, 11 Eag le Roc k: Waters 7 Yo Homestead area: llier 3 Jordan Va lley AMS (W �): Wa l ker 6 Horse Sign Bu tte, Curry County: Ba ldwin 12 Klamath Fa lls AMS (E�): Wa l ker 3 .John Day region: Buddenhagen 1; Thayer 12 Madras: Waters 6 Juntura Basin: Bowen 6 Mitchell: Wi l kinson Lake Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 Mitchell Butte: Corcoran 2 Marion County: Sch licker 6, 7 Monument: Wilcox , R. E. 3 Mount Hood: Wise, W. S. 4, 5 Mount Vernon: Brown, C. E. 3 Mount Rainier Natl . Pa rk, Wash .: Crandell 3 Ochoco Reservoir: Waters 8 Myrtle Point area , Coos County: Ba ldwin 14 Post: Waters 4 Neha lem River ba sin: Young, L. L. 4 Sparta: Prostka 1 Newberry Ca ldera: Higgins 1, 2; Peterson , N. V. Va lsetz: Ba ldwin 6 8, 10 Therma l springs and wells: Bowen 5 Newpor t area: Snavely 12 Nickel Mtn ., Riddle: Chace GEOLOGIC MAPS, UNPUBLISHED Oregon: Dole 7 Formations: Regiona l gravi ty: Th iruvathuka l Astoria: Gonsa lves Volcanic areas: Peterson, N. V. 8 Columbia River Basa lt: Holmgren West of 121st meridian: Ore Bin 11; Wells Deer Butte: Johnson, A. Oregon King mine: Libbey 1 Deschutes: Stensland Owyhee Reservoir area: Kittleman 4 Ga lice, Babyfoot La ke area : Wise, J. P. Pleistocene la kes: Feth 1 Otter Point: Aa lto Missou la: Fryxel l 3 Rogue, Ga lice quod .: Helming Port land area: Deh linger 2; Hogenson 3 Umpqua: Thoms 2 Earthquake geology: Schlicker 3 Gravity data : Pr inevi lie area: Robinson, J. W. Gravity models for peridoti te injection: Rogue River , lower: Ba ldwin 15 Bruemmer 1 Sa I em Hei ghts area: Foxworthy 4 Southwest Oregon: Blank 1 Saw tooth Ridge: Po tterson , P. V . 2 Loca lities: Simcoe Mtns. vo lcanic area , Wash .: Sheppard 1 Applega te Group: Heinrich Sixes River area: Boggs 3 Bohemia mining district: Lutton Snake River basin, western: New ton 8 Brattainarea: Muntzert 1 Sna ke River Canyon: Burns Junction-Ma lheur area: Ellison Granite Creek to Pittsburg La nding: Va llier 5 Burnt River Canyon area: Ash ley 1 Huntington to Hel ls Canyon: Brooks 5 Burnt RJ ver Va lley: Pr ice 2 Southwestern ultramafic belts: Irwin 2 Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area: Howard, Suplee- lzee area: Dickinson 5 J. K. 1 Centra !-western Oregon: McWi IIioms SUBJECT INDEX 145 GEOLOGIC MAPS , UNPUBLISH ED, loca lities , cont'd GEOLOGIC MAPS, UNPUBLISH ED, Quadrangles, cont'd Coast Range, centra l: Witt Detroit: Pungrassami Coast strip near Bandon: Ehlen 2 Dixonville, SWa: Hixson Collier Butte area: Burt,W. D. Eag le Cap, SW: Carnahan Continentalterr ace off centra l coast: Ma loney 3 Eugene, SWa: Ham Cow Creek lakes area: Millhollen Fly Creek: Hewitt Crater lake Nationa I Park: Frank, F. J. 2 Glide: Crow ley area , Ma lheur County: Green, A. R. Middle 1/3: Thompson Detroit Reservoir area , western: Pungrassami Northern 1/3: Pa tterson , P. V. I Freezeout Mtn . area: McMurray Southern 1/3: Elphic Greyback igneous complex: Godchaux I lronsi de M tn .: lowry Harper area , Ma lheur County: Weeden langlois, S�: lent Hole-in- the-Ground Crater: Kim long Creek: Thayer 6 John Day uplift: Buddenhagen 2 lostine Va I ley: Beeson, Melvin; Goebel Josephine peridotite sheet: Ramer Marcola, south 1/3: Maddox Klamath Province: Mitchell: lu kanuski Orogenesis: Koch , J. G. 2 NEa: Pa tterson , R. l. Pa leozoic-Triassic contact: Engelhardt Powers, N Ea: Hess, P. D. West-centra l: Widmier South 1/3: Born Marine Cretaceous rocks near Mitchell: McKnight, Picture Gorge: Wh ite, W. H. B. K. I Prairie City: Thayer 8 Medford-Ashland area: McKnight, B. K. 3 Quartzvi lle: Pungrassam i Molal la-Sa lem Slope area: Hampton 6 Roseburg, SWa: Hicks Monument Peak area: Hagood Round Butte Dam , N�: Hewitt Newberry Crater: Higgins 3 Sawtooth Creek, north-centra l: Beeson, M. H. North Willamette Va lley: Glenn 2 South-centra 1: Ba teman Northern Oregon-Columbia River Basa lt: Holmgren Sitkum: Fairchild Oregon King mine: Ojala South-centra I: Tr igger Owyhee Reservoir area : Geldstzer; Kittleman 2 Sparta: Prostka I Pau lina Basin: Davenport Spray: Lindsley Picture Rock Pass area: lkeagwauni Sumpter, Elkhorn Ridge: Derksen Pilot Rock- Heppner areas: Pigg Sutherlin, southern th ird: lawrence Plush area: larson I Svensen, W�: Dodds, R. K. 2 Pri nevi lle Dam: U.S. Bur . Reclama tion 2 Sediments: Pueblo Mtns ., south-centra 1: Rawe Continental shelf, Newport: Bushnell Quosata na Butte area: Schwab Yaquina Bay: Kulm I Snoke River Canyon: Va llier I Cache Creek- Dug Bar: Morrison, R. F. 2 GEOLOGY OF OREGON Squaw Basin and Eden Ridge: Wayland Genera l: Ba ldwin 8 Stinking Wa ter Creek area: Gregory, C. D. Geologic history: Ba ldwin 8; Corcoran 7 Sucker Creek-Trout Creek area: Graham I Trout Creek Mtns .: Carlton GEOLOGIC TIME CHART Western Cascades: Ewen; Ore Bin 15, 51 Centra l and northern: Pec k 2 North of latitude 43°: Peck I GEOMAGNETISM Quadrangles: Absolute dating; Steens Mtn . polarity transition: Ashland: Elliott Baksi Bend , E�: Swanso n 4 Geomagnetic field: N -}. Stensland Geo logica l tool: Wa tkins 6, 7 Bone Mtn., NWa: Krans Miocene lavas: Abranson , E. C.; Wa tkins 1-19 Brogan, NWa: Fouch Polarity transition, evidence: Ba ksi; Goldstein; Brownsville, NW;;}: Anderson , R. W. Watkins 9, I I, 15, 16, 18 SWa: Hauck Remanent magnetism , Marys Peak sill: Clark, Caviness, N�: Wo lff 2 H. C. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 Cedor Mtn.: Russell, R. G. Reverse Is in intrusive rocks: Bikerman; Dunn, Coos Bay, north-centra l: Klohn, M. l. J .; Ito I, 2, 3 Coquille: Fairchild Volcanic rocks: Creer Courtrock: Thayer 7 localities: Dayville, SWa: Forth Columbia Plateau: Camfield; Wa tkins I, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 19 146 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

GEOMAGNETISM, Loca lities, continued GEOMORPHOLOGY, continued Guano Valley: Watkins 15 Vo lcanic fea tures compared to lunar features: La ke County: Larson 2 Waters 3 Laurel Hill pluton: Bikerman; I to 2, 3 McKenzie River: Jan GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS Marys Peak Si ll: Clark, H. C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 see AEROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS Plush area: Larson 1 AERORADIOACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS Southeastern Oregon: Camfield; Strangway; GRAVITY STUDIES Watkins 1, 3, 4, 7, 15, 16 HEAT FLOW MEASUREMENTS Steens Mtn.: Larson 3; Wa tki ns 9, 11, 17, 18, 19; RADAR AND INFRARED SURVEYS Wilson, R. L. 1, 2 RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS Sti II Creek intrusion: Ito 1 SEISMIC MEASUREMENTS Petro logic variations, Miocene volcanism: Watkins 4, 10, 17 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY (see also THERMAL SPRINGS) Structura l relationsh ips: Fed era I leasing law: Electrica I World Anoma lies: Camfield Geo logy of areas: Godwin; Peterson, N. V. 12., 14 Application to sea-floor spreading: Irving Greenhouse heating: La ke County Examiner 3 Faults: Watkins 2, 5, 12, 13 Heat flaw determinations: Blackwell 1, 2 Tectonic rotation: Taubeneck 12; Watkins 14 Investiga tions: Gray, J. J. 3 Localities: Bauer; Bowen 5; Electrica l World; GEOMORPHOLOGY: Groh 3 ContinentaI terrace: Crump Geyser: Ore Bin 18 Cascadia deep-sea channel: Griggs, G. B. 4 Diamond Craters: Peterson, N. V. 6 Effect of East Pacific Rise: Byrne 18 Hart Mtn. Natl . Ante lope Refuge: Wal ker 11 Off centra l coast: Byrne 2; Maloney 4 Klamath, La ke Counti es: Peterson, N. V. Off northern coast: Byrne 3 12, 14, 17 South of Coos Bay: Byrne 6, 7 Loca lities: GEYSERS Belknap Crater-Yapoah Crater-Collier Cone areas: Crump geyser: Groh 1 Exploration for steam: Ore Bin 18 Clackamas upland: Howell 4 Action explained: Rinehart, J. S. 1, 2 Clear La ke: Benson 2 Crater Lake: Byrne 11 GILLIAM COU NTY Crater La ke Natl . Park: Williams, H. 2, 3 Absolute dating: Crooked· River Canyon: Campbell, D. 3 Charcoa l, Arlington site: Cha tters l, 2 Devi ls Hill-Broken Top- Lava Butte areas: Groh 2 Wildcat Canyon site: Chatters 9; Crane 3 Erosion pinnac les: Ore Bin 30 Environmenta I geology; Mid-Columbia River Hole-in-the-Ground, Fort Rock, Devi Is Garden: waterfront plan: Meyers Peterson, N. V. 11 Fossi I vertebrates; La ter Tertiary Ta lpidae: Kings Va lley- Price Peak area: Parsons, R. B. Hutchison 4 Ladd Creek mudflow: Birch Geo logy: La ke Oswego area: Pa rsons, R. B. 2 Da lles-Umati lla syncline: Newcomb 8, 9 Lavacicle Cave: Ore Bin 28 Deschutes-Umati lla plateau: Newcomb 10 Metolius Canyon: Campbell, D. 3 Minera Is and mineral resources: Newberry Volcano area: Peterson, N. V. 10 Aggregate and rock sites: Olcott Oregon Caves: Cantor Pozzolanic ash: Ore Bin 37 Oregon Coast: Delano; Dicken Surface water, John Day River basin: Oregon Northern: Byrne 5 St. Water Res . Bd . 2 Portland area: Trimble Pueblo Mtns .: Rowe GLACIAL DEPOSITS Seaside area, ancient bay: Dark Absolute dating; deep-sea sedimentation change: Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1 Duncan 1 State Pa rks near Cape Arago: Eh len 1 Loca I i ties: Volcanic landforms: Peterson, N. V. 4, 5, 6, 7 Cascadia Channel: Griggs, G. B. 5 Yaquina Ba y: Whitcomb 1 Crater La ke Natl . Park: Frank, F. J. 2 Regiona 1: Thornbury Deschutes-Umati lla plateau: Newcom b 10 Terraces: Hood River Va lley: Sceva 3, 4 Portland area: Trimble Northeastern Oregon: Sorem Southern Wi llamette Va lley: Ba lster 3 The Da lles area: Newcomb 12 Umati lla River basin: Hogenson 2 SUBJECT INDEX 147 GLAC IAl DEPOSITS, continued GOLD, Mines, continued Moraines: Oregon King: Ojala Broken Top Mtn.: Nolf 3 Sterling Mining Co .: Haines Wa l lowa la ke: Crandell 2 Mining methods; skin diving: Mason, R. S. 2 Occurrences: Brooks 6, 9 GLACIAl ERRATICS (see ERRATICS) Auburn area: Potter Beach sands: Hess, H. D.; U.S. Geol. Survey GlACIATION 4, 5, 22 Boulder movement; ladd Creek mudflow: Birch Blue Mtns . gold bel t: Brooks 6; Thayer 10 localities: Bourne area: Potter Eagle Cap quad.: Carnahan Brattaindist rict: Peterson, N. V. 17 Eliot Glacier, recession: Dodge, N. A. Buck Gulch, Susanvi lie: Wagner , N. S. 6 Fraser: Wise, W. S. 5 Caviness quad.: Wolff 2 High Cascades: Ekman; Griggs, A. B. Dixonville quad .: Champ lostine River va lley: Goebel Durkee quad .: Prostka 3 McKenzie River va lley: Jan Eagle Ca pquad .: Carnahan, G. l. Mount Hood: Wise, W. S. 4 High Grade district: Peterson, N. V. 17 Mount Thielsen glacial horn: Purdom Illinois River: Ramer Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1 Ironside Mtn . quad.: lowry Strawberry Mtns.: Thayer 12 John Day country: Thayer 12 Wal lowa la ke: Crande ll 2 Klamath Mtns. province: Brooks6; Ramp 6 Wa l lowa Mtns .: Crandell !, 2 Placers: Rogue River: Kitching GLACI ERS Sixes River: Boggs 6 Coe: Meier Sna ke River Canyon: Morrison , R. F. 2 Coll ier: Meier Prairie City quad.: Thayer 8 Crook: Nolf 3 Spartaquad .: Prostka 1, 2 Eliot: Meier Sterling Creek: Haines Sum pter area: Brooks 12, Potter GLASS BUTTES Western Cascades: Brooks 6; Peck 1 Artifacts: Heflin 1 Production: Geology: Wa lker 10, 14 Annua 1: Col lins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Fulkerson Petrographic studies, acid volcanic rocks: Jack 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 History: Brooks 6, 9; Koschmann; Libbey 2; GliDE QUADRANGLE Potter Geology: Elphic; Pa tterson, P. V. 1; Thompson Resources: Brooks 6, 9; Everett, F. D.; Thrust fault! Bonanza mine: Thompson Koschmann GOBLE VOLCANIC SERIES GOLD .BEACH QUADRANGLE Cavansite: Staples 8, 10 Petrography, diorite intrusions: lund , E. H. 5 loca lities: Stratigraphy, Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area: Centra 1-western Oregon: McWi IIiams Howard, J. K. 1 Kelso-Cath lamet area: livingston Structure: Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area: Howard, J. K. 1 GOLD (see also BlAC K SANDS, MINING HISTORY) late Jurassic unconformi ty: Dott 8 Econom ics: Hines 1, 2 Orogenesis and sedimentation: Koch, J. G. 2 Exploration: Stra tigraphy and tectonic history: Koch , Bohemia mining district: Ore Bin 34 J. G. 3 Continental shelf: Kulm 9 Geology of occurrences: Brooks 2, 6, 11; Koschmann "GOLD CREEK GREENSTONE" Bohemia mining district: Lutton Spartaquad .: Prostka 1, 2 Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks: Jones, R. S. GOOSE LA KE VA llEY Sixes River: Boggs 6 Geo logy: Wa l ker 3, 17 Mines: Brooks 6, 9; Libbey 2 Petrographic studies; andesite flow: Wa lker 9 Buffa lo mine: Ore Bin 6; 33 Cornucopia mine: Brooks 12; Ore Bin 9; GRABENS (see STRUCTURA l GEO LOGY) Oregonian; Potter 148 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

GRANDE RONDE QUADRANGLE GRANT COUNTY, Geology, Quadrang'les, cont'd Sadd leback area: Mac leod 2 Pra irie Ci ty: Thayer 8 Resurrected Oligocene Hi lis: Fisher 6 GRANDE RONDE RIVER BAS IN Suplee, lzee area: Dickinson 5; Vigrass Geo logy: Hampton 5; Newcom b 11 Intrusions, Canyon M tn . complex: Thayer 1, 2, 9 Grou nd water: Ham pton 5 Minera l resources: Chromite, Canyon Mtn. complex: Thayer 11 GRANITIC ROCKS Gold: Brooks 6 Clasts in conglomera te: Ta ubeneck 17, 20 Lead: Knostma n 3 Erra tic rocks, Mulino site: Murphy, C. T. L. 1 Mercury: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Loco I i ties: Zeolites, John Day Formation: Fisher 2 Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 11 Mi ning: Dixie Butte-V inegar Hi lis areas: Perrault 3 Buffa lo mine: Ore Bin 6, 33 Moy Creek Sch ist be lt: Kays 7 Coast Asbestos Co. opera tions: Wa gner , Needle Po int pluton: Piwinskii 2, 3, 4 N. S. 3 Sawtooth Ridge: Patterson , P. V. 2 Standa rd mine ore trea tment: Hill Origin in orogenic be lts: Peterman Mining history: Petrograph ic studies: Armstrong nugget: Wagner, N. S. 6 Augite in granites containing hornblende: Gold and si lver : Brooks 6; Koschmann Taubeneck 12 Golden years of eastern Oregon: Potter Cordierite-bearing: Ta ubeneck 11 Petrology: Cornucopia tona lite unit: Ta ubenec k 13 Alpine-type ultramafic bodies: Ba rnes, I. Layered grani tic intrusions: Taubeneck 10 Ash-flow correlation: Beeson, M. H. 3 May Creek Schist be lt crystalline complex: Clinopti lolite tuff, John Day Fm .: Fisher 1 Kays 7 Deposition of pyroc lastic flows: Fisher 9 Phosphorus in: Vistelius Heat flow, Strawberry Mtns .: Ti lling Zeolites: Taubeneck 1 John Day vo lcanic si ltstone: Fisher 11 Zircons: Taubeneck 2 Jurassic andesi tic strata: Dickinson 4 Quartz diorite boundary: Moore , J. G. Metasoma tic quartz keratophyre: Dickinson Prehnite-pumpe llyite metagraywacke fa cies: GRANODIORI TE: Hashimoto , M. Elkhorn Ridge, Ba ker Co .: Derksen Thorium and uranium in volcanic rocks: Jackson County, Jurassic-Cretaceous: Gi llu ly 5 Gottfried Zeolites, Ritter Hot Springs: Mossel GRANT COU NTY Stra ti graphy: Fossi I invertebrates: Aldrich Mtns . Grou p, nomenclature changes: Fusu linid, Polydiexodina: Bostwick 3 Brown, C. E. 4 Lower Jurassi c ammonites: lm lay 5 Co lumbia River Group nomenclature: Thayer 5 Mesozoic pel ecypods: Imlay 4 Correlation of Cretaceous forma tions: Perm ian fusu linids, Suplee area: Skinner, J. W. Popenoe Upper Jurassi c mollusks: Imlay 2 Cretaceous sequences: Peterson , G. L. Fossi I vertebrates: Zeolites: Mossel Fossil gophers of John Day Fm .: Rensberger 2 Structure , John Day uplift: Buddenhagen 1, 2 Late Tertiary Cha licotheres: Skinner, M. F. Surface water: Geology: John Day River Ba sin: Oregon St. Wa ter Aldrich Mtns.: Bartholomay 1 Res. Bd . 2 John Day country: Howell 7; Thayer 12 Ma lheur-Owyhee basi ns: Oregon St. Wa ter OffiCer's Cave: Parker , G. G. 1, 2 Res. Bd . 11 Paulina Basin: Davenport Vo lcanism : Quadrangles: Basa lts and si licic volcanism: Thayer 3 Aldrich Mtn .: Thayer 4 Geosynclinal andesitic volcanism: Dickinson 2 Canyon City: Brown, C. E. 5 Courtroc k: Thayer 7 GRANTS PASS QUADRANGLE Ironside Mtn.: Lowry Petrography, Greyback igneous complex: John Day: Thayer 1 Godchaux 1 , 2 Long Creek: Thayer 6 Monument: Wilcox , R. E. 3 GRASSY MOUNTAI N FORMATION Mount Vernon: Brown, C. E. 3 Fossil plants; Sucker Creek- Trout Creek floras: Picture Gorge: Wh ite, W. H. Graham 1 SUBJECT INDEX 149

GRASSY MOUNTAIN FORMATION, continued GROUND WATER Fossi I vertebrates; Barstovian freshwater fish (Esox): Artificial recharge: -- Cavender 3 Air-conditioning and heating: Price 3 Loco I i ties: Injection wells: Price 3 Freezeout Mtn . area: McMurray Oregon rules on drain wells: Abegglen Harper area: Weeden Portland: Brown, S. G. 2 Lake Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 Salem Heights area : Foxworthy 4 Mitchell Butte quad.: Corcoran 2 The Da lles: Foxworthy 3 Owyhee Reservoir area: Kittleman 2, 3, 4 Geochem istry, interaction with intrusions: Taylor, H. P. 3 "GRASSY RIDGE FORMATION" Geo logic hazards: Schlicker 5, 6, 7 Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1, 4 Tunnel construction: Western Construction Geo logy: GRAVE CREEK AREA Baker Va lley: Lystrom 2

Lower Cretaceous discontinuity: Peterson, G. L. 3 Eugene quad • : Ham John Day Dam: Kelly, W. L. GRAVELS (see also SAND AND GRAVEL) Neskowin to Ti l lamook: Oregon St. Highway Lacomb gravels: Schlicker 7 Div. Linn gravels: Schlicker 6, 7 North Powder va lley: Lystrom 1 Loco I i ties: Structures in Columbia River Basa lt: Newcomb Cascadia deep-sea channel: Griggs, G. B. 5 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Da l las-Va lsetz quads.: Baldwin 6 Irrigation , Quinn River va lley area: Huxel 1, 2 Marion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Levels: Southern Wi llamette Va I ley: Balster 3 1961-1965: McGuiness, U.S. Geol . Survey 22 Willamette Va lley: Beattie 1963: Sceva 1 Missou Ia flood deposits: Bretz; Howell 1 1 964: Sceva 2 Variations in fluvial imbrication: Byrne 4 1965: Sceva 7 1966: Bartholomew 1 GRAVITY MEASUREMENTS 1967-1968: Bartholomew 2 Anomaly maps: Pol lution: Bouguer: Berg 9, 11; Th iruvathuka l 2, 3 Contaminant at Keizer: Price 7 Free-air: Berg 9, 11; Deh linger 7, 8 Control, clinopti lolite: Mercer Loco I i ties: Salinity: Price 3 Centra l Coast Range: Witt Tua latin Va lley: Schlicker 5 Crater Lake region: Blank 3, 4 Resources: Phi llips, K. N. 1, 3 Hole-in-the-Ground:. Kim Basins: Northwestern Oregon: Bromery 3; Snavely 4 Deschutes River: Oregon St. Water Res . Offshore Newport area: Couch 2; Rinehart, Bd. 7 W. A. 1, 2 Fort Rock: Hampton 4 Outer Continenta l Shelf: Braislin Grande Ronde River: Hampton 4, 5 Southwest Oregon: Blank 1, 2, 3, 4; Kays 1, 2, 3 Hood River: Oregon St. Water Res . Bd . Submarine: Dehlinger 5, 6, 8 1; Sceva 3, 4 Networks: Lower Santiam River: Helm Airport base station: Rinehart, W. A. 3 Ma lheur Lake: Oregon St. Water Res . Oregon basest ation: Berg 4, 5, 8; Th iruvathukal 1 Bd . 8 U.S. Geol . Survey program: Oliver, H. W. North Coast: Oregon St. Water Res. Bd . 3 Regiona l: Berg, 8, 9, 11; Th iruvathuka l 1, 2, 3 Powder River: Oregon St. Water Res. Bd .9 Northwestern U.S.: Bonini South Coast: Oregon St. Water Res. Bd . 4 Umatilla drainage: Oregon St. Wa ter Res . GRAYWAC KES Bd. 10 Geochemical and petrographic studies: Rogers 1, 3 Wa lla Wa lla River: Newcomb 7 Investigations, 1966- 1 969: U. S. Geol . GRAYLOCK FORMATION Survey 11 Suplee- lzee area: Dickinson 5 Miscel laneous areas: Big Hole maar: Lorenz GREAT BASIN (see BASIN AND RANGE PROVINCE) Champoeg Pork, demonstration well: Sceva 6 Columbia River Basalt: Newcomb 1, 2, 6, GRESHAM FORMATION 7, 11, 12; U.S. Geol. Survey 15 Portland area: Trimble Crater La ke Nat I. Park: Frank, F. J. 2 150 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

GROU ND WATER, Resources, Mise . areas, continued HALFWAY QUADRANGLE, continued Deschutes-Umcti IIa plateau: Newcomb 10 Sna ke River Canyon area: Vallier 1 French Prairie: Price 1, 6 Wa l lowa Mtn . uplift: Taub eneck 7 Marion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Orchard syncl ine: Newcomb 6 HARNEY BASIN Oregon Caves Natl . Monument: Oster 1 Geo logy: The Dalles-Umati lla syncline: Newcomb 9 Devine Co nyon north of Burns: U.S. Geol . Sand dunes: Survey 7 Clatsop Plains: Frank, F. J. 1, 3; Hampton 1 Ma lheur Natl. Wildlife Refuge: Wal ker 12 Coastal, Coos Bay: Brown, S. G. 3; Petrographic studies: Hampton 1 Pliocene ash-flow tuff: Greene 2; Wa lker 18 Florence area: Hampton 3 Zoning in an ash flow, Danforth Fm.: Lund, Supply system: E. H. 2, 3 Bu ll Run Lake end Dams: All ison, I. D. Portland business district: Brown, S. G. 2 HARNEY COUNTY Urban areas: Archaeology; obsidian artifacts: Gai I 1 Clark County, Wash .: Mundorff Fau Its, Tertiary and Qua ternary: Ma Ioney 1; Eola-Amity Hil ls: Price 4, 5 Pease Eugene-Springfield: Frank, J. F. Fossi I flora: Florence: Hampton 1, 3 Miocene fresh-water diatoms: Vanlandingham Hermiston-Ordnance: Robison; Sceva 5 1, 2 Keizer: Price 7 Sucker Creek-Trout Creek: Graham 1, 2, 3 Klamath Fa lis: Peterson, N. V. 12 Fossil invertebra tes; Upper Jurassic mollusks: Molal la-Sa lem Slope: Hampton 2 Imlay 2 Portland: Foxworthy 2; Hogenson 1, 3 Fossi I vertebrates: Prinevi lle: Robinson , J. W. Juntura Basin: Shotwell 3, 4, 6 Sa I em Heights: Foxworthy 4 Late Tertiary: The Dalles: Foxworthy 3 Geomyoid rodents: Shotwel l 7 Yamhill: U.S. Soil Conserv . Serv . Horses: Shotwell 1 Va lleys: Oreolagus: Dawson Ba ker: Ducret Peromyscus (shrews): Shotwell 8 Burnt River: Price f� � Shrews: Repenning 1 Butter Creek: Robison Ta lpidae: Hutchison 4 Cow: Brown, S. G. 1; Foxworthy 1 Mammalian fauna: Shotwell 9 Harney: Leonard Drewsey Fm .: ShotweII 5 North Powder: Lystrom 1 Juntura Basin: Shotwell 4 Quinn River: Huxel 1, 2 Juntura Fm .: Shotwell 6 Tualatin: Hart; Schlicker 5 Geochem istry; Steens Mtns. Basa lts: Gunn, B. M. Geology: GUIDEBOOKS Basin and Range province: Morrison, R. B. Conferences: ; Wa lker 17 Andesite Field Conference: Dole 6; Ta ylor, Diamond Craters: Peterson, N. V. 6 E. 4 M. Jun tura Basin: Bowen 6 Lunar Geologica l Field Conference: Peterson, Ma lheur Natl . Wildlife Refuge: Wal ker 12 N. V. 8 Owyhee Upland province: Corcoran 9 Field trip logs: Paulina Basin: Davenport Cove Po I isades State Pa rk: Peterson, N. V. 18 Pueblo Mtns .: Rowe John Doy country: Thayer 12 Quadrang les: Lower Deschutes Canyon: Ha II Adel: Rowe; Wa lker, G. W. 4 Newport area: Snavely 11, 12 Ironside Mtn .: Lowry GYPSUM Sawtooth Creek: Bateman; Beeson, M. H. 1 Stinking Water Creek area: Gregory, C. D. Geology and occurrences: Wagner , N. S. 12 Suplee, lzee area: Dicki nson 7; Vigrass Trout Creek Mtns.: Carl ton H Geomagnetism: Changes in titanium concentration: Watkins 17 HALFWAY QUADRANGLE Lava extrusion on Steens Mtn .: Watkins 11 Cornucopia stock field relationships: Taubeneck 11 Miocene, Basin and Range province: Watkins 1 Metamorphic rocks: Taubeneck 6 Steens Mtn. polarity transition: Ba ksi SUBJECT INDEX 151 HARNEY COUNTY, continued HEAT FLOW MEASUREMENTS, continued Geothermal energy potential: Groh 3 Gorda rise: Sleep Ground water: Juan de Fuca Ridge area: Lister 2 Harney Va lley: Leonard Northwestern United States: Blackwell I, 2 Levels 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Oregon offshore, Newport area: Bodvarssan 2 Malheur La ke basin: Oregan St. Water Res. Bd . 8 Strawberry Mtns. Volcanics: Tilling Qua lity: Feth 4 La kes: HEAVY MINERALS (see also BLACK SANDS) Great Basin playas: Nea I, J. T. I, 2 Aeromagnetic survey: U.S. Geol . Survey I 0 Malheur La ke basin, geology: Carnahan, H. E. Continental shelf: Chambers 2; Ku lm 8, 9, 10 Pleistocene: Snyder Gold in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic Minera ls and mineral resources: rocks: Jones, R. S. Gold and silver: Brooks 6 Recent and fossil placer deposits: U.S. Geol. Malheur Natl . Wildlife Refuge: Walker 12 Survey 9 Mercury: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Sixes River drainage basin: Boggs 6 Obsidian: Gail I Southwest Oregon coast: Bloomquist Petrology: Ash flows: Beeson, M. H. 2; Greene 2; HEBO QUADRANGLE Wa l ker 8, 13, 18 Saddlebackar ea: Macleod 2 Danforth Fm .: Lund, E. H. I, 2, 3 Basa lt: Walker 21 HEINRICHITE Clay minera l composition, desert lakes: Droste Minera l description: Staples I, 2 Volcanic rocks, Devine Canyon: U.S. Geol . Survey 7 HELLS CANYO N Stratigraphy: Geo logy: Brooks 5, 8; Schnaible; Va llier I, 3, 5 Suplee area Devonian rocks: Kleweno I, 2 Tertiary, Steens Mtn. area: Wa l ker 2 HELVETIA FORMATION Trout Creek Mtns.: Carlton Geo logy: Schlicker 5 Structure: John Day uplift: Buddenhagen I, 2 HEPPNER AREA Trout Creek Mtns .: Carlton Lower Tertiary sedimentaryroc ks: Pigg Surface water: Floods: Butler , E. HEPPSIE ANDESITE Index of records to Sept. 30, 1967: Eisenhuth 3 Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. Malheur La ke basin: Oregon St. Water Res . Bd . 8 HIGH CASCADES Malheur-Owyhe� basins: Oregon St. Water Res . see also CRATER LAKE, MOUNT HOOD, Bd . II MOUNT JEFFERSON, MOUNT MAZAMA, MOUNT ST. HELENS, MOUNT THIELSEN, HARNEY FORMATION THREE FINGERED JACK, THREE SISTERS Malheur Natl . Wildl ife Refuge: Wa l ker 12 Geochem istry: Zoning in ash flow: Lund, E. H. 3 Lead and strontium isotope: Church I, 2 Neutron activation of pyroc lastics: Theisen HARPER AREA Geology: Geology: Weeden Guidebooks: Do le 6; Peterson, N. V. 8 High Cascades province: Ba ldwin 8; Griggs, HART MOUNTAIN NATIONAL ANTELOPE REFUGE A. B. Geology: Wa lker II Geomorphology, aerial photography: Delano 2 Mineral resources , Poker Jim and Fort Warner areas: Glaciers: Wal ker 7 Distribution and variations: Meier Glacial mora ine breakage, Broken Top: HAYES BUTTE BASALT Nolf 3 Loco I iti es: History: Crandell Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Mapping: Case Hole-in-the-Ground Crater: Kim Measurements: Picture Rock Pass area: lkeagwauni Collier Glacier: Case; Hopson, R. E. 2, 3, 4, 5 HEAT FLOW MEASUREMENTS Eliot Glacier: Case; Dodge, N. A. Continentalterr ace: Dehlinger 6 Three Sisters area: Taylor, E. M. 6 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

H IGH CASCADES, continued HIGH LAVA PLAINS Intrusions: Brothers fa ult zone: Wal ker 14 Cenozoic granitic batho liths: Skehan 2, 4 Fossil La ke, geology and fa unas: Allison, I. S. Late Tertiary epizona l plutons: Hopson, C. A. 2 Geology: Ba ldwin 8; Wa lker 14 Nature of batholiths: Hamilton 4 Harney Basin: Wa lker 14 Loca lities described: Stra tigraphy: Wa l ker 14 C I ear Lake, age: Benson 2 Crater La ke Nat I. Park: Frank, F. J. 2 HISTORY OF OREGON (see also BIOGRAPHIES [for Caldera: Williams, H. 3 present day geologists] , MINING HISTORY, Diamond La ke: K leek OBITUARIES) McKenzie River Va l ley: Jan Geologists, early: Mount Jefferson Primitive area: Wa l ker 5 Condon, Dr . Thomas: Broga n 2; ; Holmes Mount Mazama's col lapse: Mason, R. S. 5 Fossil collection: Adams Mount Thielsen: Purdom Evans, Dr . John, Port Orford meteorite: Santiam-McKenzie Pass Highway: Taylor, Henderson, E. P .; Sedell E. M. 5 Frontier geology: Holmes Summit Rock: Kleck Williams, Ira A.: Howell 6 Three Fingered Jack, lightning erosion: Weese Library: Freer Three Sisters area: Taylor, E. M. 6 Loco I i ties: Three Sisters arctic alpine zone: Hopson 1 Astoria Fm . type loca lity: Dodds, B. R. 1 Petrograph ic studies: Bridge of the Gods: Strong 3 Andesite flow from Mount Adams, Wash .: Christmas Va lley: Christmas Va lley Women 's Sheppard 2 Club Andesitic volcanoes: Hopson , C. A. 2 City of Astoria: Dodds, B. R. 2 Basalt welded tuff: Taylor, E. M. 7 Cove Pa lisades State Park: Peterson, N. V. Basa ltic to andesitic composition: Taylor, 18 E. M. 4 Mount Ta bor park: Keyser Cascade andesite volcanoes: McBirney 2 Oregon Iron Co . fu rnace: Nafziger 1 Fulgurites from Mount Th ielsen: Purdom Sauvie Island: Strong 1 Guide to volcanic rocks: Wise, W. S. 1 Volcanic eruptions; pioneer attitude toward: Lead and strontium in crystalline rocks: Hopson, Folsom C. A. 1 Mount Mazama: McBirney 1 HOLE-IN-THE-GROUND Pi l low structure: Lund, E. H. 4 Gravity and magnetic surveys: Kim Pumice, recent: Wi lcox, R. E. 1 Origin: Peterson, N. V. 2, 4 Scandium in volcanic rocks: Fryklund Ti tanium dioxide in pyroclastics: Czamanske HOLLEY AREA Volcanic ash ana lyses: Borchardt 2 Sv.eet Home Petrified Forest: Gregory, I. 1 Volcanic rocks in Mount Jefferson area: Greene Stratigraphy, Cenozoic: Peck 6; Wheeler 4, 5 HOLOCENE Structure: Fossil plants, historica l background: Detling 2 Cenozoic: Peck 6; Wheeler 4, 5 Fossil vertebrates; Quaternary mammals: Hibbard Effect on ground water: Newcomb 12 Loco I i ties: Tectonic rotation: Taubeneck 12; Watkins 14 Beach placers: U.S. Geol. Survey 4, 5 Volcano - tectonic depression: Allen, J. E. 2 Davis Lake diatoms: Messina-A IIen Western Cascades bounda,ry: Taylor, E. M. 6 McKenzie River va lley: Jan Volcanism: Mount Hood: Wise, W. S. 4 Accidental ejecta, Crater Lake: Taylor, E, M. 3 Mount Jefferson area volcanic rocks: Greene Cascade andesite volcanoes: McBirney 2 Newberry Ca ldera : Higgins 1, 4; La idley 1, 2; Climactic eruption of Mount Mazama: McBirney 1 Peterson, N. V. 13 Gradation from basa It to andesite: Taylor , Portland area: Trimble E. M. 4 Sand dunes: Kum ler; Frank, F. J. 3 Origin of andesite magma: Kuno 1, 2 Three Fingered Jack to North Sister: Taylor, Pumice, petrographic characteristics: Wilcox, E. M. 1, 2 R. E. 1 Three Sisters area: Taylor, E. M. 6 Recent, North Sister area: Taylor, E. M. 1, 2 Petrology, sands of southern Oregon coast: Laudon Spatter cone pits: Nieland Sediments: Volcanic ash chronology: Wi I cox, R. E. 2 Cascadia Basin: Duncan 3; Griggs, G. B. 7 Volcanic rocks, guide to: Wise, W. S. 1 Conti nental margin: Byrne 15; Spigai SUBJECT INDEX 1 53

HOLOCENE, Sediments, continued HORSE HEAVEN MINING DISTRICT Continental margin off Rogue River: Chambers 2 Base of John Day Fm .: Swanson , D. A. 3, 5 Depositiona l environment: Bloomquist: Mazama ash at Mount Rainier: Crandell 3 HORSE RIDGE QUADRANGLE River to abyssa l plain, textura l trends: Byrne 14 Geology and morphology, lava tubes: Greeley Stratigraphy: Deep-sea stratigraphy: Duncan 2 HORSE SIGN BUTTE Holocene transgression: Ku lm , L. D. 9 Black sand deposit: Ba ldwin 12 Volcanism: Dept. Geol. and Minera l Indus. 8 Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic history: Dott 7

HOMESTEAD AREA HOT SPRINGS (see TH ERMAL SPRINGS) Geology and minera ls: Va llier 1, 3 HUDS PElH FORMATION HOOD RIVER COU NTY Mitchell areo: Jarman, C. Abso lute dating: Mitchell quad .: Wilkinson Projecti le points: Stuckenrath Ochoco Summit: Gamer 1 Wood dates flood , glacial events: Crane 1 Environmental geology, mid-Columbia River water­ HUMBUG MOUNTAIN AR EA front plan: Meyers Dynamics of subaqueous deposits: Dott 3 Geology: Mesozoic conglomera te flysch: Aa lto 2 Bridge of th e Gods: Strong 3 Mesozoic orogenesis and sedimentation: Koch, Dufur quad .: Waters 5 J. G. 2 Ladd Creek mud slide: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Letter 2 HUM BUG MOUNTAIN CONG LOM ERATE Glaciers, measurements, Eliot: Dodge, N. A. Localities: Ground water: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res . Bd . 1; Klamath Mtns . province: Ramp 6 Sceva 2, 4 Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch , J. G. 3 Minera l resources: Sea stacks and reefs: Hunter, R. E. Aggregate and rock sites: Olcott Sixes River area: Boggs 3, 6 Petrography, Cascade Range volcanic roc ks: Stra tigraphic relationships: Wise, W. S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Lower Cretaceous discontinuity: Peterson , Structure, White Sa lmon quad.: Newcomb 5 G. L. 3 Surface water: Oreg . St. Water Res . Bd . 1 Mesozoic stra tigraphy and tectonism: Koch, Volcanism: J. G. 3 Cascade Range: Wise, W. S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Post- Nevadan Mesozoic geology: Ba ldwin 16 Historic eruptions: Folsom Structure: Late Jurassic unconformity: Dott 8 HOOD RIVER VA LLEY Late Mesozoic orogenesis: Koch, J. G. 2 Cascade vo lcano-tectonic depression: Allen, J. E. 2 HUMBUG MOUNTAIN STATE PARK Geology, Mount Hood area: Wise, W. S. 5 Geology: Koch, J. G. 1 Ground wa ter resources: Oreg . St. Water Res . Bd . 1; Sceva 2 "HUNSAKER CREEK FORMATION" Surface wa ter resources: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res . Snake River Ca nyon: Va flier 1, 4 Bd . 1 HUNTER CREEK BASALT HORNBROOK FORMATION Fossil vertebrates; Miocene: Shotwell 9 Fossi I invertebrates: Localities: Pinna , Cretaceous pelecypods: Pac kard 2 Brogan quad .: Fouch Trigonia locality: Steere 2 Ma lheur Gorge area: Haddock 2 Loca lities: Owyhee region: Kittleman 3, 4 Bear Creek Va lley: Sch licker 9 Klamath Mtns . province: Ramp 6 HUNTINGTON QUADRANG LE Medford-Ashland area: McKnight, B. K. 3 Conglomerate layer near Lime: Brooks 4 Rogue River Basin: U.S. Bur. Reclamation 1 Geology, Snake River Canyon: Brooks 5, 8 Roseburg quad .: Hicks Stratigraphy, Late Cretaceous: Elliott; Peterson, HURWAL FORMATION G. L. 2 Loco I i ties: Lostine River va lley: Goebel 154 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

HURWAL FORMATION, Localities, continued INTRUSIONS, Batholiths, continued Snake River Canyon, Huntington to Hells Wa l lowa: Brooks 11; Hamilton 1; Hampton Canyon: Brooks 8 5; Taubenec k 5, 19 Sparta quad.: Prostka 1, 2 Dikes: Wa l lowa Mtns.: Nolf 1, 2 Blue Mtn . Region: Thayer 10 Lower Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 5 Castle rock rhyolitic: Haddock 1 Cedar Butte: Nelson, D. 0. Cenozoic, swarms: Taubeneck 18 Chief Joseph swarm: Taubeneck 19 ICE AGE (see ERRATICS, GLACIAL DEPOSITS, Columbia River Group: Newcomb 13 GLACIATION, PLEISTOCENE) Cornucopia swarm: Taubeneck 12; Watkins 14 Crescent quad.: Wa lker 1 0 IDAHO GROUP Diorite, Sixes River area: Boggs 6; Lu nd, Ironside Mtn. quad.: Lowry E. H. 5 Lake Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 Dufur quad.: Waters 5 Mitchell Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Feeder swarm for Columbia River Basalt: Owyhee Upland province: Corcoran 9 Taubenec k 16 Western Snake River basin: Molde; Newton 8 Glassy basalt at Copperfield: Stearns 2 Grande Ronde swarm: Gibson 1, 2; IGNEOUS ROCKS (see also individua l rock types) Schmincke 2; Shaw , H. R. 1, 2; Cenozoic K/Na ratio: Moore, J. G. 2 Taubeneck 12; Watki ns 14 John Day country: Thayer 12 IGNIMBRITE (see WELDED ASH-FLOW TUFFS) Joseph Creek swarm: Gibson 2 Laurel Hi II: Bi kerman; Dunn ILLINOIS RIVER Monument swarm: Fisher 12 Exploration by boat: Ramp 5 Taubeneck 19; Thayer 3 Josephine peridoti te sh eet: Ramer; Jorgenson Oregon swarms as Ya kima Basa lt feeders: Minerals and minero I resources: Swanson, D. A. 1 Black sand: Baldwin 12; Clifton , H. E. 3 Oxbow on Snake River: Stearns 4 Chromite: Ramp 1 Saddle Mtn. State Pork: Nafziger 2 Copper: Ramp 5 Sawtooth Ridge: Pa tterson, P. V. 2 Heavy meta Is: U.S. Geol . Survey 9 Snake River Canyon: Morrison , R. F. 2 Molybdenum: Ramp 5 Spartaquad .: Prostka 1 Zinc: Ramp 5 Tertiary near Mitchell: Jarman, C. Western Detroit Reservoir area: Pungrassami "IMNAHA FORMATI ON" Geochem i stry; interaction with meteoric ground Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1 waters: Taylor, H. P. 3 Loco I i ties: IMNAHA RIVER Anlauf and Drain quads: Hoover Geology, Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1 Babyfoot Lake area: Wise, J. P. Brattaindis trict: Muntzert 1, 2 INDUSTRIAL MINERALS (see AGGREGATES, Burnt River Canyon area: Ashley 1, 2 DIATOMITE, LIMESTONE, MINERAL Coast Range: Ta tsumoto INDUSTRIES, SAND AND GRAVEL, STONE) Coasta l centers of Miocene volcanism: Snave ly 13 INGLE TU FF TONGUE (see also LAYCOCK GRAY­ Columbia Plateau: Gibson 2 WAC KE) Da l las-Vo lsetz quads .: Ba ldwin 6 Nomenc lature: Brown, C. E. 4; Cohee Dixonville quad .: Champ Dixie Butte and Vinegar Hills areas: Perrault 3 iNTRUSIONS (see also CANYON MOUNTAIN Greyback igneous complex: Godchaux 1, 2 COMPLEX, WALLOWA BATHOLITH) Holbrook-lrondyke: Vallier 1 Ba tholiths: Imnaha , lower: Morrison , R. F. 2 Ash land: Ramp 6 Ironside Mtn. quad .: Lowry Ba ld Mtn .: Brooks 11; Coleman 1; Hampton 5; John Day country: Thayer 12 Staples 3; Taubeneck 4, 13; Thayer 2, 10 Joseph ine peridotite sheet: Hotz 2 Cenozoic granitic, Cascade and Coast Ranges: Klamath Mtns .: Irwin 3; Ramp 6 Skehan 2, 4 Lane County: Staples 6 Idaho: Hamilton 1; Morrison, R. F. 2; Thayer 2 Laurel Hi II, Sti II Creek: Wise, J. P. Liquid granitic magmas: Taubeneck 14 Lookout Mtn . quad .: Swinney SUBJECT INDEX 155

INTRUSIONS, Localities, continued INTRUSIONS, continued McKenzie River porphyry: Lund, E. H. 6 Stock: Madras quad.: Waters 6 Cornucopia: Prostka 1, 2; Taubeneck, 1, 2, Mitchell area: Jarman, C. 4, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19 Mitchell quad .: Pa tterson, R. L. Merlin: Nafziger 3 Monument quad.: Wilcox , R. E. 3 Tec tonism: Mount Em ily (Tertiary) : Ramp 6 Nature of ba tholiths: Hamilton 4 Myrtle Creek area: Coleman 1 Overlapping of Mesozoic orogens: Hamilton 1 Owyhee region: Kittleman 4 Pedro Mtn.: Wolff 2 IRON Post quad.: Waters 4 Annua l production: Col lins, R. P. 3; Ful kerson Pueblo Mtns .: Rowe 1, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 Sandstone, Astoria: Dodds, R. K. 1 Geology of deposits: Mason, R. S. 24; Snake River Canyon: Brooks 8; Va llier 1 Nafziger 1 Still Creek stock: Hopson, C. A. 2 Industry: Submarinege ology: Dehlinger 6 Iron and steel scrap: Kingston 3 Wi llamette Vo I ley, sou thern: Shaw, J . H. Steel, Co lumbia Basin: Kingston 1 Wind and Shellrock Mtns . , Beacon Rock: Resources: deWeese 2 Ba ldwin 10 Black sands: Mason , R. S. 24; Ore Bin 31 Petrography: Helvetia: Trimble Augite in granites containing hornblende: Oswego: Trimble Ta ubeneck 10 Scappoose limonite deposi ts: Mason, R. S. 24 Ba tholiths compared: Larsen Tolman iron deposit: Mason, R. S. 24 Controls an barite mineralization: Dunham Need le Point pluton: Piwinskii 1, 2, 3, 4 IRONSIDE MOUNTAIN QUADRAN GLE Southern Wi llamette Va I ley: Shaw, J. H. Geo logy and minera l resources: Lowry Willow Lake-type layered granitic: Taubeneck 8, 13, 14 IZEE AREA Plutons: Geo logy: Dickinson 1, 2, 5, 6, 7

Benson Creek: Lund 1 E. H . 5 Lower Jurassic ammoni tes: Imlay 5 Brattain district: Muntzert 1, 2 Com posite: Ta ubeneck 3 J Diorite, sou thwestern Oregon: Kaiser Game La ke Lookout: Lund, E. H. 5 JACKSON COUNTY Geosync linal system:. Dickinson 8 Engineering geology: Granite Pea k: Lund, E. H. 5 Rogue River Basin project: U.S. Bur . Granitic: Taubeneck 11, 13 Rec lamation 1 Granodiorite, Jackson County: Gilluly 4, 5; Sand and gravel: Sch Iicker 9, 10 Ramspott Fossil invertebrates: Gray Butte: Lund, E. H. 5 Cretaceous pel ecypods: Imnaha Va lley: Morrison, R. F. Meekia: Saul Iron Mtn .: Lund, E. H. 5 Pinna: Pa ckard 2 Johnson Creek: Lund, E. H. 5 Geology,- Jurassic and Cretaceous: Nature 2 Applegate Group, Kinney Mtn . area: Lang lois quad .: Lent Heinrich Late Cretaceous, Klamath Mtns .: Keys 5 Klamath Mtns . province: Ramp 6 Laurel Hil 1-Sti II Creek: Bikerman Roseburg-Grants Pass area: Steere 1 Lawson Creek: Lund , E. H. 5 Ground water levels, 1961-65: U.S. Geol . Major, of Wa I Iowa batholith: Taubeneck 9 Survey 23 May Creek Schist belt: Keys 7 Metamorphic roc ks: Need le Point: Piwinskii 1, 2, 3, 4 Applegate Group: Heinrich Pearse Peak: Lund, E. H. 5 May Creek Schist belt: Keys 7 Radiogenic heat production: Ti lling Meteorites, Sams Va lley shower: Lange 5 Sixes River Middle Fork: Lund , E. H. 5 Minera ls and minera l resources: Snake River Canyon: Vallier 2, 5 Chrom ite: Heinrich; Ramp Si l is: Coa l, Squaw Basin and Eden Ridge: Wayland Gabbroic, centra l Coast Range: Snavely 1 Gem stones: Granophyri c ferrogabbro: U.S. Geol, Survey 6 Dendritic agates: Kahn Marys Peak: Clark, H. C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Lazulite: Ramp 4 Robinette area: Stearns 1 156 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOG Y AND MI NERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

JACKSON COU NTY, Minera ls and minera l resources , JOHN DAY AREA (see also JOHN DAY FORMATION) Gemstones , continued Field tr ips: Gold, si lver: Brooks 6; Koschma nn Guidebook: Thayer 12 Applegate Group: Heinri ch South Fork sa fari: Howell 7 Mining history: Haines Geo logy: Brown, C. E. 5; Thayer 12 Placers: Weissenborn Iron, To lman deposit: Mason, R . S. 24 JOHN DAY FORMATI ON Mercury: Ba iley 3; Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Absolute dating: Mines 3 Mamma Is: Evernden 2 Pa lmer Creek, War Eagle mines: Trost Vertebrate fa una: Rensberger 1 Molybdenum: King, R. U. 2 Chemical ana lyses: Stream-sediment sam ples: Bowen 3 High-titanic basalts: Robinson , P. T. 2, 3 Tungsten: Lemmon Tuffs: Hay 5 Petrology: Welded tuffs, Ashwood area: Pec k 5 Greyback igneous complex: Godchaux 1, 2 Fossil floras: Nickeliferous lateri tes: Hotz 2 Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 5 Stratigraphy: Bridge Creek: Axe lrod 2 Cretaceous: Elliot; Mc Knight 3; Peterson , G. Gray Ranch: Axelrod 2 L. 1; Popenoe Popu lar account: Peterson, J. V. 2 Structure: Fossi I vertebrates: Po leozoic-Triassic contact: Engelhardt Cha licotheres: Skinner, M. F. Pluton, Jurassic-Cretaceous: Gilluly 5; Ramspott Fauna l subdivisions: Rensberger 1 Slump: Boggs 5 Gophers: Rensberger 2 Surface wa ter: Harris, D. D. 2, 3 Insecti vore genus Micropternodus: Stirton 1 Mudminnow: Cavender 2 JEFFERSON COUNTY Oreodonts, new species: Schu ltz Absolute da ting: Peccary evolution: Stirton 2 Recent volcanism: Ta ylor, E. M. 1, 2 Squirre ls: Black Archaeo logy, Rou nd Bu tte sites: Roscoe Karstlike topography: Fossi I flora: Officer's Cave: Porker, G. G. 1, 2 Dennstaedtioid fern from Clarno Fm .: Arnold 2 Loco I i ties: Fern genus Acrostichum: Arnold 1 Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 3, 5 Geo logy: Bend AMS quad: Stensland Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 5 E�: Swanson, D. A. 4, 6 Cove Pa lisades State Park: Bartholomay 2; Courtroc k quad . : Thayer 7 Peterson, N. V. 18 Cove Pa lisades State Park: Ba rtholomay 2; Oregon King mine and vicinity: Oja Ia Peterson, N. V. 18 Quadrangles: Crescent AMS quad . Et. Wa lker 10 Bend AM S, E�: Swa nson, D. A. 4, 6 Dufur quad.: Waters 5 Fly Creek: Hewitt Eagle Rock quad .: Waters 7 Madras: Waters 6 John Day Country: Thayer 12 Mitchell: Lukanuski Long Creek quad .: Thayer 6 Round Butte Dam: Campbe ll, D. G. 1, 2; Lookout Mtn. quad .: Sw inney Hewitt Madras quad .: Waters 6 Three Fingered Jack lightning stri ke: Weese Mi tche II quad .: Hay 1, 5; Lukanuski; Grou nd wa ter: Oreg . St. Water Res . Bd . 7 Patterson, R. L.; Wil kinson Minera ls and minera l resources: Monument quad .: Wi lcox, R. E. 3 Gold and si lver: Brooks 6 Mutton Mtns .: Perrau lt 2 Oregon King mine: Libbey 1, 2 Ochoco fi eld trip: Gamer 1 Merc ury: Bailey 3; Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Ochoco Reservoir quad .: Waters 8 Petrography: Officer 's Cave: Pa rker , G. G. 1, 2 John Day Fm .: Robinson, P. T. 2, 3 Oregon King mine area: Li bbey 2; Ojala Mount Jefferson area volcanics: Anderson, A. T.; Painted Hills: O'Dell Greene Picture Gorge quad .: Wh ite, W. H. Pleistocene Lake Metolius: Campbell, D. G. 3 Post quad .: Wa ters 4 Stratigraphy, John Day Fm .: Robinson, P. T. 1; Sherman County soi I survey: Mayers Swanson , D. A. 3, 5 Steins Pi liar area: Waters 2 M i nero I resources: JOHANNSENITE Ca lcic si liceous chabazite: Sheppard 7 Minera l description: Staples 1, 2 Clinopti lolite tuff: Fisher 1, 2 SUBJECT INDEX 157

JOHN DAY FORMATION, conti nued JOSEPHINE COUNTY, Geology, continued Petrographic studies: Klamath Mtns.: Gamer 2; Ramp 6 Ash-flow tuffs: Peck 3, 5; Wa lker 20 Lower Illinois River: Ramp 5 Basa l ts: Robinson , P. T. 2, 3 Merlin to Whiskey Creek: Nafziger 3 Ca lcic sil iceous chabazite: Sheppard 7 Oregon Caves: Con tor; Ha IIiday Diagenetic alteration: Hay 1, 3, 4, 5 Gravity investigations: Ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8, 10, 11 Ga lice area : Bruemmer 1, 2 Iron oxide rings: Fisher 5 Klamath Mtns .: Keys 1, 2, 3 Origin of lower part of forma tion: Hay 1 Ground water: Pumice bubble wa ll texture: Fisher 3 Levels 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Pyrogenic mineral stabi lity: Fisher 13 Oregon Caves Natl . Monument: Oster 1 Soda-rich sanidine: Hay 2 Minera Is and mineral resources: Volcanic si I tstone: Fisher 9 Almeda mine: Libbey 4 Zeolite minera Is: Fisher 1, 2; Hay 4, 5 Chromite: Ramp 1 Stratigraphic relationships: Copper: Shenan Base of formation: Swanson, D. A. 3, 4 Copper, lead, zinc: Bowen 2 Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Gem stones; Oregonite: Ramp 2 Facies changes: Robinson, P. T. 1 Gold and si lver: Brooks 6; Koschmann Resurrec ted Oligocene hills: Fisher 6 Placers: Weissenborn 5 Subdivisions, correlation: Rensberger 1 Jones marble deposit: Ramp 2 Structure: Mercury: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Base of formation: Swanson, D. A. 3, 5 Molybdenum: King, R. U. 2 Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Platinum in placers: Mertie Post-Clarno uplifts: Rogers 2 Stream-sediment samples: Bowen 3 Petrology: JOHN DAY FOSSIL BEDS STATE PAR K Greyback igneous complex: Godchaux 1, 2 Geology: Thayer 12 Nickel-bearing stream sediments: Ore Bin 53 Resurrected Oligocene hills: Fisher 6 Nickeliferous laterites: Hotz 2 Peridotite: Hotz 1; Ramer JOHN DAY QUADRANGLE Rogue Formation: Helming Canyon Mtn . Complex: Coleman 1; Thayer 1 S Ira tigraphy: Geology: Brown, C. E. 5 Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L. 1 Popenoe JOHN DAY RIVER BASIN Dothan-Rogue Fm . relationships: Hotz 3, 4 Surface water: Oreg . St. Water Res. Bd . 2 Klamath Mtns .: Gamer 2 Mesozoic: U.S. Geol . Survey 8 JOHN DAY UPLIFT Structure, Galice quad.: Keys 1, 5 Ignimbrites: Davenport Surface water, Rogue River: Harris, D. D. 2; Structure and orogenic history: Buddenhagen 1 Kitching

JORDAN VA LLEY AMS QUADRANGLE JOSEPHINE PERIDOTITE SHEET Geology, W�: Wa lker 6 Petrology: Jorgenson; Ore Bin 53; Ramer Petrographic studies, authigenic fluorite: Sheppard 3 JOSEPHINITE JOSEPH QUADRANGLE Minera l description: Staples 1, 2 Cornucopia stock: Ta ubeneck 11 Wa llowa Mtn. uplift: Taubeneck 7 JUMP CREEK RHYOLITE Owyh ee Reservoir area: Kitt leman 2, 3, 4 JOSEPH UPLAND Sucker Creek flora area: Graham 1 Geology: Newcomb 11 JUNTURA BASIN JOSEPH INE COUNTY Fossil invertebrates: Faults, lower Rogue River: Ba ldwin 15 Fresh-water mollusks of Black Butte fa una: Fossi l invertebrates, Late Jurassic ammonites: Taylor, D. W. Imlay 1 Fossil vertebrates: Geology: Black Butte loca l fa una: Shotwell 6 A lpine tectonism and metamorphism: Keys 5 lctalurus (catfish): Miller, R. R. Babyfoot La ke area: Wise, J. P. Mamma lian fauna: Shotwell 4, 5 Hellgate Canyon: Ore Bin 32 Pliocene birds: Brodkorb 1 158 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MI NERA L RESOURCES OF Q{EGON

JUNTURA BASIN, continued JURASSIC, Structure continued Geology: Bowen 6 Tec tonic evo lution: Gilluly 1 Petrograph ic studies, welded ash-flow tuff: Tectonic history, southwest Oregon: Dott 7 Haddock 1 Volcanic roc ks: Aldrich Mtns .: Brown, C. E. 2 JUNTURA FORMATION Andesitic roc ks: Gilluly 1 Juntura Ba sin: Bowen 6; Shotwell 3 Geosynclinal andesi tic volcanism: Dickinson Ma lheur Gorge area: Haddoc k 2 2, 3, 4 Owyhee region: Kittleman 3 K JURASSIC Deltaic sed imentation; eugeosync linal be l ts: KALMIOPSIS WILDERNESS AREA Dott 4 Dothan fossi ls: Ramp 9 Formations: see Basey Member, Dothan, Gray lock, Geo logy, Babyfoot Lake area: Wise, J. P. Lonesome, Myrtle Group, Nicely Shale, Riddle, Land withdrawa ls: Mason, R. S. 7 Rogue, Snowshoe, Suplee, Trowbridge, Warm Minera l resources; gold, chromite deposits: Springs Member, Weberg Member Mason , R. S. 7 Foss i I invertebrates: Ammonites and pelecypods: Hal lam; Imlay 1, KEAS EY FORMA liON 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Ramp 9 Fossil invertebrates: Buchia zona tion: Jones , D. L. 1, 2 Echinoid genus Sa lenia: Zullo 1 �hia piochii, Buchia uncitoides: Imlay 6 Microfauna ! correlations: Rothwell Fossi l vertebrates; ichthyosaur from Curry County: New marine worm , Adekunbiella durhami Camp Adegoke n. gen., n. sp .: Adegoke Intrusive rocks: Loco lities: Josephine peridotite sh eet: Ramer Centra !-western Oregon: McWilliams Pearse Pea k diorite: Kaiser Da llas:-Va lsetz quads .: Baldwin 6 Loco I i ties: Neha lem River area : Geol . Soc . Oregon Babyfoot Lake area: Wise, J. P. Country News Letter 1 Ba ndon area: Eh len 2 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 Bone Mtn . quad .: Krans Vernonia-Banks area: Mason, R. S. 12 John Day country: Thayer 12 Yamhi II quad .: Sch licker 2 Juniper Mtn . area : Wagner, N. S. 1, 2 Klamath Mtns.: Helming; U.S. Geal . Survey 8 KEAS EY QUADRANGLE Lang lois quad .: Phi llips, R. L. Eocene cora ls described: Blake , D. B. 1 Oregon Islands Natl . Wi ldlife Refuge: Weissenborn 4 KELLER CREEK SHALE Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch , J. G. 3 Canyon City quad.: Brown, C. E. 5 Sea stacks and reefs: Hunter , R. E. Mount Vernon quad .: Brown, C. E. 3 Snake River Canyon: Morrison , R. F. 3; Nomenclature: Brown, C. E. 4 Va llier 2, 5 Suplee area : Dickinson 6, 7; Vigrass KELSEY BU TTE QUADRANG LE Metamorph ism , May Creek Schist belt: Kays 7 Geo logy and morphology, lava tubes: Greeley Stratigraphic nomenc lature: Aldrich Mtns. Group members: Brown, C. E. 4 KERBY QUADRANG LE Kel ler Creek Shale: Brown, C. E. 4 Geology: Stratigraph y: Babyfoot La ke area: Wise, J. P. Cong lomera te nea r Lime: Brooks 4, 7 Josephine peridoti te sheet: Ra mer Dothan-Rogue relationsh ips: Hotz 4 Flysch sedimentation: Aa lto KERN BASIN FORMATION Klamath Mtns .: Irwin 3 La ke Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 Otter Point Fm .: Aa Ito Mitche ll Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Structure: Alpine tecton ism and metamorphism: Kays 5 KIMBER LY QUADRANGLE Angular unconformity, Snake River: Morrison , Geology, Miocene ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8 R. F. 1 Petrography: Klamath Mtns .: Kays 5 Clinopti lolite tuff: Fisher 2 Late Mesozoic orogenesis: Koch, J. G. 2 John Day volcanic si ltstone: Fisher 9 Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch, J. G. 3 Pyrogenic minera l stability: Fisher 13 SUBJECT INDEX 159

KIMBERLY QUADRANGLE, continued KLAMATH COUNTY, continued Structure; Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Stra tigraphy: Crater La ke sedimentation: Fryxell 1 KLAMATH COUNTY Late Mesozoic orogens: Hamilton, Absolute dating: Volcanology, Crater Lake: Wi !Iiams, H. 1, 3, 5 Crater Lake: Briggs Water resources: Mazama ash: Nelson, C. H. 3; Va lastro 2; Crater La ke Natl . Park: Frank, F. J. 2 Westgate Upper Klamath Lake: Hubbard Middle Klamath River series: Va lastro 1 Mount Mazama, Glacier Peak, relative ages: KLAMATH FALLS (AMS) QUADRANGLE Fryxe ll 2 Geology: Wal ker 3 Obsidian hydration rate: Johnson, L. 2 Aeromagnetic surveys, Crater Lake region: KLAMATH LAKE Blank 4 Water resources: Hubbard Archaeology, Great Basin: Strong 5 Fossi I freshwater fishes: Miller, R. R. KLAMATH MOUNTAINS Geology: Geology: Basin and Ronge province: Wal ker 17 Ca lifornia-Oregon: Bai ley 1; Irwin1, 2,3; Collier State Park area: Peterson, N. V. 3 Oakeshatt Crater· Lake: Loca I i ties: Bathymetry: Byrne 1 Babyfoot Lake area: Wise , J. P. Caldera floor: Williams, H. Bone Mtn . quad.: Krans Dendrochronology: Edwards Cape Blanco area: Datt 1 Geomorphology: Byrne 11 Collier Butte area: Burt, W. D. Limnology: Nelson, C. H. 1 Dixonville quad .: Champ; Hixson Lunar applications: Smith, R. L. Greyback igneous complex: Godchaux Sediments: Nelson, C. H. 2 1, 2 Submerged vo lcano: Brogan 1 Horse Sign Butte: Ba ldwin 12 Volcanic ejecta: Fisher 7 Humbug Mtn. State Park area: Koch, Crater Lake Nationa l Park: Williams, H. 2, 5 J. G. 1 Pumice Desert: Horn, E. M. Langlois quad .: Lent Davis Lake diatoms: Messina-AIIen Merlin to Whiskey Creek: Nafziger 3 Eastern county: Peterson, N . V. 17 Myrtle Creek area: Coleman 1 Flow layering in sil icic lavas: Benson 3 Myrtle Point area: Ba ldwin 14 Klamath Fa lls (AMS) quad ., E�: Walker 3 Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch, Maars: Peterson, N. V. 5 J. G. 3 Mou nt Mazama: Powers quad.: Born; Hess, P. D. Collapse: Mason 5 Roseburg quad.: Hicks Eruption, wind direction: Fisher 4 Regiona l: Ba ldwin 8, 16; Gamer 2; Irwin 3; Norma l fau lts: Pease Ramp 6 Pliocene lake beds: Hanna 2 Geomorphology from aerial surveys: Delano 3 Sediment coring device: Burke Geophysical surveys: Geathermal resources potential: Groh 3; Gravity models for peridotite injection: Peterson, N. V. 12, 14 Bruemmer 1, 2 Ground wa ter: Phillips, K. N. 2 Southwest Oregon: Blank 1, 3 Levels 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Zones of loca I metamorphism: Kays 1, 3 Meteorite, Klamath Fa l ls: La nge 10 Zones of major tectonism: Kays 2 Minerals and minera l resources: Peterson, N. V. 17 Glacial history: Crandell 1 Mercury: Brooks 2 Metamorphism: Perlite : Peterson, N. V. 1 Anoma lous, Jurassic rocks: Kays 4 Petrology: Ch lorite to staurolite zones: Kays 5 Llao Rock dacite, Crater La ke: Ryden Low-temperature reaction zones: Coleman 1 Mount Mazama ash: McBirney 1; Powers; May Creek Schist belt: Kays 7 Steen 1, 2; Taylor, E. M.3; Westgate; Polyphasic assemblages: Kays 8 Wilcox, R. E. 1, 2; Williams H. 3 Regional tectonic: Ramp 6 Mount Thielsen fu lgurites: Purdom Mi nero I resources: Soil developmenton pumice deposits: Tidball Black sands: Ramp 6 Stream sediments: Bowen 3 Chromite: Irwin 3; Ramp 1, 6 Pediform deposits: Thayer 11 160 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

KLAMATH MOUNTAINS, Mineral resources, continued LAKE BEDS, continued Coal, correlation of Squaw Basin-Eden Ridge Min era Is in: beds: Wayland Clay minera I composition: Droste Copper: Irwin 3 Magadiite, Alkali La ke: Rooney Gold and si lver: Brooks 6; Irwin 3; Ramp 6 Offretite and erionite: Sheppard4 Limestone: Irwin 3; Ramp 6 Phi llipsite, Crooked Creek: Regis Nickel: Chace; Hotz 1, 2, 5; Ramp 6 Reconnaissance: Irwin1; Ramp 6 LAKE COUNTY Petrography: Absolute dating: Calc-alkaline rocks , origin: Dickinson 8 Carbonate mud: lves; Sullivan, B. M. 2 Greybackigne ous complex: Godchaux 1, 2 Core samples: Ore Bin 52 Josephine peridotite: Jorgenson; Ramer Fossil Lake "Bird Site": Buckley 4 Low-tem perature reaction zones: Coleman 1 Juniper stump from Abert La ke area: Levin 2 Rogue Fm ., petrology: Helming Summer La ke basin: Buckley 1 Stra tigraphy:. Archaeology: Strong 5 Contemporaneity of Dothan-Galice Fms.: Glass Buttes obsidian artifacts: Heflin 1 Ba ldwin 13 Chemical analyses, magadiite: Rooney Dothan-Rogue relationships: Hotz 4 Christmas Va lley: Christmas Va lley Women's Geochronology of crysta !line roc ks: La nphere Club; Heiken Mesozoic-Cenozoic history: Dott 7 Earthquakes: Couch 3; lander Mesozoic stratigraphy and structure: U.S. Fossil La ke invertebra te faunas: All ison, I. S. 1 Geol . Survey 8 Fossi I vertebrates: Pa leozoic-Triassic contact: Engelhardt Fossi I Lake fa unas: Allison, I. S. 1 Regiona I Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. Fossi I La ke Pleistocene birds: Brodkorb 2; L. 1 Howard, H.; Jehl 1, 2 Upper Cretaceous discontinuity: Peterson, G. L. 2 late Tertiary: Structure: Biogeography of horses:; Shotwell Mesozoic orogenesis and sedimentation: Koch , Shrews: Repenning 1 J. G. 2 Ta lpidae: Hutchison 4 Nevadan orogenesis: Dott 6, 7 Quaternary freshwater fishes: Mil ler, R. R. Over lapping Mesozoic orogens: Hamilton 1 Quaternary mamma Is: Hibbard Pa leozoic-Triassic contact: Engelhardt Geochem istry, playa sediments: Jones, B. F. Thrust fa ulting lower Rogue River: Ba ldwin 15 Geology: Thrust sheets: Coleman 1 Adel quad .: Wa lker 4 Upside-down metamorphic zonation: Blake, Basin and Range province: Morrison, R. B.; M. C. Wa lker 17 Bra ttain district: Muntzert 1, 2 L Crack-in-the-Ground: Peterson, N. V. 7 Crescent quad.: Wal ker 10 LA KE BEDS Devi Is Garden area: Peterson, N. V. 11 Geomorphology: Fort Rock: Heiken; Peterson, N. V. 2, 11 Dessica tion polygons: Neal, J. T. 1, 2 Fossil Lake: Allison, I. S. 1; Steere 4 Geomorphic changes in playas: Nea I, J. T. 1 Hart Mtn . NatI. Antelope Refuge: Wal ker 11 G Ia cia I deposits, Umati IIa River basin: Hole-in-the-Ground: Peterson, N. V. 2, 4, 11 Hogenson 2 Klamath Falls (AMS) quad.: Wa lker 3 Ground water: Moors: Peterson, N . V. 11 East Portland area: Hogenson 3 Normal fa ults: Pease Great Basin, quality survey: Feth 4 Picture Rock Pass area: l keagwauni Loco I it i es: Feth 2, 3 Pleistocene, ancient lakes: Brogan 3; Snyder Basin and Range province: Morrison, R. B.; Plush area: Larson 1 Snyder Pum ice: All ison, I. S. 2 Christmas Lake Va lley: Peterson, N. V. 7; Western county: Peterson, N. V. 17 Wa l ker 10 Geomagnetism: Wa tkins, N. D. 1, 7, 12, 13, 15 Crack-in-the-Ground area: Peterson, N. V. 7 Geothermal resources: Groh 3 Ordnance area : Sceva 5 Crump Geyser: Ore Bin 18; Rinehart, J. S. 1, 2, Ma lheur Na tl . Wildlife Refuge: Wa lker 12 Greenhouse heating: La ke County Examiner 3 Rome area: Sheppard 3 Gravity surveys , Hole-in-the-Ground: Kim Silver Lake Va lley: Walker 10 Ground water: Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Tua latin Mtns .: Howell 2 Quality, Grea t Basin: Feth 4 Levels, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol. Survey 23 SUBJECT INDEX 161

LAKE COUNTY, continued LAKES (see also CRATER LAKE, MISSOU LA FLOOD, La kes: PLEISTOCENE) Abert La ke: Truesdell; Van Denburgh 1, 2 Abert Lake: Chemica l analyses of carbonate brines: Absolute dating: lves; Levin 2 Rettig Chemical analyses: Rettig; Truesdell Geochrono logy: U.S. Geol . Survey 12 Geochronology: U.S. Geol . Survey 12 Goose: Van Denburgh.1 Geology: Wa l ker 3 GreatBa sin playas: Neal, J. T. 1, 2 Interstitial brines: Jones, B. F. Pluvial Fort Rock, prehistory: Bedwell Playa flat: lves Summer: Van Denburgh 1, 2 Bu II Run Lake: Wise, J. P. Minerals and mineral resources: Christmas Lake: Hampton 4 Brattain district: Muntzert 1, 2 Davis Lake: Phillips, K. N. 2 Clay, desert lakes: Droste Freshwater mollusca: Hanna 1, 2 Glass Buttes obsidian: Heflin 1 Klamath Falls (AMS) quad .: Wal ker 3 Gold and silver: Brooks 6 Lake Chinook: Peterson, N. V. 18 Gold in Guano Valley andesite: Jones, R .S. La ke Simtustus: Peterson , N. V. 18 Hart Mtn. Nat I. Antelope Refuge: Wa lker, Lost La ke: Wise, J. P. 7, 11 Ma lheur basin, geology: Carnahan, H. E. Hart Mtn. opal: Browning 3 Miocene-Pliocene Lake Nevada: Lovejoy 2 Mercury: Brooks 2; U. S. Bur . Mines 3 Paulina and East La kes: Higgins, 1, 2; Phi IIips, Molybdenum: King, R. U. 2 K. N. 2 Perlite: Peterson , N. V. 1 Playas, recent geomorphic cha nges: Neal, Plush fe ldspar: Browni ng 3 J. T. 1, 2 Sunstones: Heflin 2 Pleistocene: Uranium deposits: Peterson, N. V. 16 Alkali Lake: Rooney; Wa l ker 3 Uranium mine, mill reopening: Lake County Basin and Range province: Brogan 3; Examiner 1 Morrison, R. B.; Snyder Western county: Peterson, N. V. 17 Extent of in U.S.: Feth 1 White King mine: Osterwa ld Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Petrology: Klama th-Lake Counties: Peterson, N. V. 17 Andesite flow near La keview: Wa lker, 9 Lake Bon nevi lie: Bretz; Brogan 3; Stearns 3 Basa lt: Wa lker, 21 Lake Lahontan shorelines: Brogan 3 Ca lcic labradorite: Stewart, D. B. Lake Metolius, volcanic evidence: Campbell, Fused glass beads: Huber D. 3 Hydrous sodium si licates: Eugster Maar cra ters: Waters 10 Laminar flowage in ash-flow tuff: Wa lker 8, 13 Saline water: Magadiite, kenya ite: Bricker Chemical ana lyses of carbonate brines: Rettig Peralkaline si licic volcanic rocks: Noble 1 Chemical reaction in estuary of Abert La ke: Silicate rock standards: Flanagan Truesdell Soda rhyolite: Wa l ker 1 Distinctive chemical character:. Van Denburgh 1 Steens Basa lt: La rson 2 Principal lakes: Sue; Newton 26 Zoning in ash flow: Lund, E. H. 2 Solute balance and ch loride enrichment: Surface water: Van Denburgh 2 F foods: Butler Summer La ke, geology: Wa l ker 3 Index of records to Sept. 30, 1967: Eisenhuth 3 Wa I Iowa Lake: Sue Volcanism: Wa ter resources: Phi llips, K. N. 1, 3 Big Hole maar: Lorenz Fort Rock: Wa ters 10 LANDSLIDES Hole-in-the-Ground: Wa ters 10 Causes: Tuff rings and mears: Heiken Mechanism along coast: North 2 Pleistocene floods: Avolio LAKE OSWEGO AREA Sediment tra nsporta tion on steep terrain: Camassia Natura l Area: Rentsch Ba lster 1 Field trip: Nafziger 1; Rentsch Classification: North 2 Geomorphology: Parsons, R. B. 2 Clay sha les in Columbia River Basa lt: Anderson, R. A. LAKE OWYH EE STATE PARK Geologic hazards: North 1, 2; Schlicker 5, Geology: Corcoran 3 6, 7 162 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

LANDS LIDES, continued LANE COUNTY, Petrography, continued Loca lities: Lava flow, centra l Cascade Range: Taylor , Bridge of the Gods: Strong 3 E. M. 4 Brownsvi lle quad .: Hauck Osumilite in Obsidian Cliffs: Olsen Coast Range: Ba lster 1 Tertiary volcanic rocks: Snave ly 7 Coasta l area: Byrne 5, 8; Dicken; North 1, 2 Stratigraphy: Cove Pa l isades State Park: Peterson, N. V. 18 Tyee Fm . biostra tigraphy: Bird Ecole State Pa rk: Schlicker 1 Tertiary: Snavely 3 Hart Mtn . Natl. Antelope Refuge: Wa lker 11 Surface water: John Day Country: Thayer 12 Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 La dd Creek: Geol. Soc . Oregon Country Siuslaw River basin: Colbert 2 News Letter 2 Wi llamette Basin: Oster 2 Lookout Mtn . quad .: Swinney Loon La ke: Ore Bin 7 LANGLOIS QUADRANGLE Mitchell quad .: Pa tterson, R. L. Geology: Ba ldwin 9; Lent; Phillips, R. L. Powers quad .: Born Rooster Rock: Ba ldwin 10 LATERIZATION (see also BAUX ITE) Sitkum and Coquille quads.: Fairchi·ld Portland area: Trimble Snake River Canyon: Brooks 5 LAVA BUTTE QUADRANGLE LANE COUNTY Geo logy and morphology, lava tubes: Greeley Abso lute da ting: Pear, Siuslaw River estuary: Krueger LAVA FLOWS (see also BASALT, IGNEOUS ROCKS, Wood (Acer macrophyllum): Buckley 6 VOLCANIC ROCKS) Biostratigraphy, Tyee Fm .: Bird Alkalic lavas: Fossi I invertebrates: Siletz River Volcanics: Snavely 8 Marine mollusca, Eugene Fm .: Hickman Tertiary eugeosyncline: Snave ly 10 Zeal ites in fossi Is: Staples 6 Glowing ava lanche deposits, Mount Mazama: Geology: Snavely 4, 14 Tidball Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 Petrographic studies: Anlauf, Drain quads .: Hoover Basa ltic to andesitic composition: Taylor, Bohemia mining district: Lutton E. M. 3 Coasta l landslides: North 1, 2 Flow directions in Columbia River Basalt: Continentalmar gin uplift: Byrne 16 Schmincke 2 Cougar Dam site: Eisiminger Fused tuff and peperites: Schmincke 1 McKenzie Pass: Taylor, E. M. 5 Submarine extrusives: Snavely 8 McKenzie River va lley: Jan Porphyritic lavas: Marcola quad .: Maddox Rock Creek flow: Hoffer Sand dunes: Kumler Tertiary eugeosync line: Snave ly 10 Three Sisters area: Taylor, E. M. 6 Silicic lavas; geometry of flow layering: Tyee Fm . provenance: Lovell 1, 2; Rogers 4 Benson 3 Tyee Fm . synclinal deposits: Snave ly 6 Tholeiitic lavas: Western Cascades: Peck 1, 2, 4 Pomona Basalt: Schmincke 1 Wil lamette Va lley: Glenn 2; Newton 28 Siletz River Volcanics: Snavely 8 Ground water: Tertiary eugeosync line: Snavely 10 Dune area, Florence: Hampton 3 Eugene quad.: Ham LAVA TUBES (see SPELEOLOGY) Levels, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Intrusions, porphyry: Lund, E. H. 6 LAWS (see also MINING LAWS) Minera ls and minera l resources: Ground water; artificial recharge through drain Gold and silver: Brooks 6; Koschmann; Ore wells: Abegglen Bin 34 Kaolin: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 LAYCOCK GRAYWACKE Lead-zinc: Knostman 3 Aldrich Mtns .: Brown, C. E. 4 Mercury: Bailey 3; Brooks 2; U.S. Bur. Mines 3 Canyon City quad.: Brown, C. E. 5 Zircon: Kauffman Mount Vernon quad .: Brown, C. E. 3 Petrography: Nomenclature; Ingle Tuff Tongue: Brown, Eugeosyncline! deposits, Tyee Fm .: Snavely 6 C. E. 4; Cohee Gabbroic si lls and alkalic rocks: Snavely 1 SUBJECT INDEX 163

LEAD LINCOLN COUNTY, continued Annual production: Collins, R. P. 1; Fulkerson Fossil invertebrates: 1, 2, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 3 Astoria Fm .: Geochemical studies: Foraminifera: Gonsa lves Isotopic composition in crystalline rocks: Mollusks: Moore, E. J. Hopson, C. A. 1 New Tertiary marine mollusks: Addicott 3 Geology of deposits: Knostman 3 Fossi I vertebrates: Bohemia mining district: Lutton Miocene pinniped Allodesmus: Mitchell Industry; histor y and production: Knostman 1, 2, 3 New ceta cean (toothed wha le): Em long Resource reserves: Everett, F. D.; Knostman 1, 3 Geochemistry; diagenetic carbona tes: Murata 1 1 2 LEBANON QUADRANGLE Geology: Snavely 4, 14 Aeromagnetic maps: Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 Albany- Newport area: Bromery 4 Coasta l landslides: North 1, 2 Geofogy: Bromery 1 Continental margin upl ift: Byrne 16 Oligocene marine mulluscan fauna: Hickman Continental shelf sediments: Bushnell Crustal refraction profi le: Berg 7 LEXICONS Newport area: Snavely 11, 12 Geologic names for 1936- 1 960: Kercher Saddlebackare a : Macleod 2 Tertiary stratigraphic units: Youngquist Sand dunes: Kumler Tyee Fm . eugeosynclinal deposi.ts: Snavely6 LIGHlWEIGHTAGGREGAT E (see AGGREGATE) Tyee Fm . provenance: Love II 1 ; 2; Rogers 4 Ground water, Alsea River basin: Williams, R. C. LIMESTONE Minera l resources: Annual production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Natrolite and ana lcime, Wa ldport area: Fulkerson 1 , 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 Graben Chemica l analyses: Mason, R. S. 26 Zircon: Kauffman Deposits: Petrology: Blue M tn . region: Thayer 10 Basa lts and Siletz River Volcanics: Snavely8 Da llas area: Ba ldwin 6 Eugeosynclinal deposits, Tyee Fm .: Snavely6 Geology of: Mason, R. S. 26 Gabbroic si lls and alkalic rocks: Snavely 1 Jones marble: Ramp 2 Saddlebackare a: Macleod 2 Lime: McCaslin, F. E. Tertiary volcanic rocks: Snavely 7 Loca lites: Mason, R. S. 26 Sedimentation: Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Alsea River basin: Wi !Iiams, R. C. Coquille and Sitkum quads .: Magoon Estuarine movement: Byrne 17; Neiheisel Da l las-Valsetz quads .: Ba ldwin 6 Yaquina Bay: Kulm, L. D. 1, 3, 5, 7 Durkee quad.: Prostka 3 Seismic studies: Ironside Mtn. quad .: Lowry Crusta l refraction profi le: Trembly Jones marble, Josephine County: Ramp 2 Shal low reflection studies: Whitcomb 1 Lostine River va lley: Goebel Stratigraphy: Snake River Canyon: Morrison, R. F. 2; Pa leogene biostratigraphy: McWi !Iiams Va llier 1 Tertiary: Snave ly 3 Suplee area: Danner 3 Yaquina Bay area: Snavely 5 West Cordillera n eugeosyncline: Danner 1, 2 Surface water: Minera l industry: Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 Ash Grove Lime & Portland Cement Co . plant: Ore Bin 22, 35 LINN COUNTY Canadian imported: Ore Bin 17 Absolute dating: Chemica l Lime Co . processing plant: Ore Bin 43 Archaeology, Cascadia: Chatters 5 Oregon Portland Cement Co.: Ba ldwin 6; Blue La ke Crater series: Chatters 3 McCaslin, F. E. Gamma-ray spectroscopy, ultramafic rocks: Wa lls of Portland: Mason, R. S. 15 Wollenberg Recent vo lcanism; Taylor, E. M. 1, 2 LIMONITE (see IRON) Three ·Fi ngered Jack quad . series: Chatters 7 Three Sisters area: Chatters 8 LINCOLN COUNTY Aeromagnetic surveys , Lebanon quad .: Bromery 1 Absolute dating , Pleistocene wood: Rubin Engineering geology, Carmen Smith diversion Aeromagnetic surveys, Albany-Newport area: tunnel: Staples 4 Bromery 2, 4 164 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

LINN COUNTY, continued LITTLEFIELD RHYOLITE, con tinued Fossi I flora : Owyh ee region: Kittleman 3, 4 Oligocene, Snow Peak quad.: Klucking Stra tigraphic relationships: Shotwell 9 Sweet Home petrified forest: Da ke 2; Gregory, Irene 1 LLAO ROCK DACITE FLOW Wood, Thomas Creek: Eubanks 1 Structura l analysis: Ryden Fossi I invertebrates; Marine mollusca , Eugene Fm.: Hickman LOESS (see also SOILS) Geology: Snavely 14 Loco I it i es: Brownsville quad .: Anderson, R. W.; Hauck Deschu tes-Umati II a plateau: Newcomb 10 Detroit Reservoir area: Pungrassami Klamath Fa lls (AMS) quad.: Wal ker 3 McKenzie River va lley: Jan Portland area: Murphy, C. T. L. 2; Tr imble Santi am Pass: Ta ylor, E. M. 5 Sherman County: Mayers Three Fingered Jack lightning strike: Weese Tua latin Mtns .: Howell 2 Western Cascades: Peck 1, 2, 4 Umati lla River basin: Newcom b 4 Wil lamette basin: Newton 28 Wa lla Wa lla River basin: Mapes; Newcomb 4 Geomorphology: Willamette Valley: Beattie Age of Clear La ke: Benson 2 Belknap Crater, Ya poah Crater, Collier Cone LOGDELL QUADRANGLE area: Groh 1 Lower Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 5 Ground water: Stra ti graphy, Aldrich Mtns. Group: Brown, Levels 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 C. E. 4 Lower Santiam River basin: Helm Metallurgy: LONESOME FORMATION Exotic meta Is, Albany: deWeese 1 Late Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 1 Oregon Metallurgical Corp .: Oregonian 1 Sawtooth Creek quad.: Beeson, M. H. Minerals and minera l resources: Gold and silver: Brooks 6 LONG CREEK QUADRANGLE Mount Jefferson Primitive Area: Wa l ker 5 Geology: Thayer 6 Petrified wood , Holley: Rodgers Petrography, Mount Jefferson area volcanics: LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN QUADRANGLE Greene Miocene ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8; Swinney Stratigraphy, Tertiary: Snavely 3 Surface water, Wi llamette River basin: Ore g . St. LOSTINE VALLEY AREA Wa ter Res. Bd . 6; Oster 2 Geo logy: Beeson, Melvin; Goebel Volcanism, recent, Cascade Range: Taylor, E. M. 1, 2 "LOWER SEDIMENTARY SERIES" Lostine River va l ley: Goebel LITTLE BUTTE VOLCANIC SERIES Sparta Quad .: Prostka 1, 2 Ash-flow tuffs: Wal ker 20 Fossi I flora: LUNAR GEOLOGICAL FIELD CONFERENCE Check lists: Peck 2, 4 August 22-29, 1965 Pachysandra (boxwood fam ily): Gray, Jane 2 Annou ncement: Ore Bin 41 Sweet Home Petrified Forest: Gregory, I. 1 Guide Book: Peterson , N. V. 8 Loco I i ties: Report: Hafner Bohemia mining district: Lutton Transactions: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Min­ Brownsville quad .: Hauck era l Indus . 6 Dixonville quad .: Champ Glide quad .: Elphic; Thompson LUNAR ROC KS (see VOLCANIC ROC KS) Marcola quad .: Maddox Medford area: Schlicker 9 M South Umpqua Fa lis region: Kays 6 Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B.; Peck 2, 4; McKENZIE RIVER AREA Wheeler 3 Clear Lake, age of: Benson 1

Zeolite fi lling and replacement: Staples 6 Geology: Jan; Maddox; Ta ylor 1 E. M. 5 Surface water: Oster 2 LITTLEFIELD RH YO LITE Volcanism: Caviness quad .: Wolff 2 Pillow structure, Cascade andesites: Lund, Ma lheur Gorge area: Haddoc k 2 E. H. 4 Recent activity: Taylor, E. M. 1, 2 SUBJECT INDEX 165 McMINNVILLE QUADRANGLE MALHEUR COUNTY, Geology, Quads., cont'd 0 ligocene marine molluscan fa una: Hickman Jordon Volley: Wal ker 6 Sand and gravel: Glenn 1 Mitchell Butte: Corcoran 2 Sadd le Butte lava-tube caves: Ciesiel Snake River basin petroleum: Newton 8 Geotherma l resources, potential: Groh 3 MAAR VOLCANOES (see TUFF RINGS) Ground water: Burnt River Va lley area: Price 8 MADRAS FORMATION (see also DESCHU TES Cow Creek-Soldier Creek grazing units: FORMATION, DALLES FORMATION) Newcomb 3 Geology: Hewitt Cow Va lley: Brown, S. G. 1; Foxworthy Mutton Mtns.: Perrault 2 Great Basin, quality: Feth 4 Post-Clarno uplifts: Rogers 2 Levels 1961-1965: U.S. Geol. Survey 23 Lunar research , extraction of combined water: Malheur Lake basin: Oreg . St. Water Res. Mason, R. S. 17b Bd . 8 Qu inn River Va lley: Huxel 1, 2 MADRAS 30' QUADRANGLE Minera ls and mineral resources: Cove Pa l isades State Park: Peterson, N. V. 18 Gem stones, Stinki ngwater loco lity: Darling; Geology: Waters 13 Gail . Gold and si lver: Brooks 6; Koschmann MAGILL MEMBER (TROWBRIDGE FORMATION) Mercury: Brooks 2; U • S. Bur . Mines 3 Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 5 Opalite district: Albers Mining history: MAGNESIUM Gold and si lver: Brooks 6 Annua l production: Coll ins, R. P. 1; Gray, J. J. 3 Rainbow mine, Mormon Basin: Lee Industry: Fulkerson 9 Pa leontology: Fossi I floras: MAGNETISM (see GEOMAGNETISM) Succor Creek: Axelrod 1; Eubanks 2; Graham 1, 2, 3; Taggart MAGNETITE Trapper Creek: Axelrod 1 Columbia River mouth: Hess, H. D. Trout Creek: Graham 1, 2, 3 Fossil invertebra tes; mollusks of Black Butte MAGN ETOM ETER SURVEYS (see AEROMAGNETIC) fauna: Taylor, D. W. Fossil plants; diatoms: Vanlandingham 2 MALHEUR BASIN Fossi I vertebrates: Surface water resources: Oreg . St. Water Res . Fish: Bd . 11 Freshwater: Cavender 3; Mi l ler, R. R. New sa lmonid: Da lzell MALH EUR COUNTY Juntura Basin: Brodkorb 1; Shotwell 3, Geochemistry; glass-bead silica determination: 4, 6 Kittleman 1 Late Tertiary: Geology: Birds, Juntura: Brodkorb 1 Crowley area: Green, A. R. Cholicotheres: Skinner, M. F. Flow layering in silicic Iovas: Benson 3 Geomyoid rodents: Shotwell 7 Freezeout Mtn . area: McMurray Horses , biogeography: Shotwell 1 Great Basin: Morrison, R. B. Peromyscus (shrews): Shotwell 8 Harper area: Weeden Shrews: Hutchison 2; Repenning Juntura Basin: Bowen 6 Tol pidae: Hutchison 4 La ke Owyhee State Pork: Corcoran 3 Mammalian fauna: Shotwell 9 Monument Peak area: Hagood Drewsey Fm .: ShotweII 5 Owyhee Reservoir area: Kittlemon 2, 4 Juntura Basin: Shotwell 4 Owyhee Upland province: Corcoran 9 Juntura Fm .: Shotwell 6 Quadrangles: Petrographic studies: Adel: Walker 4 Ash-flow tuff: Greene 2; Haddock 1, 2 Brogan: Fouch Authigenic fluorite in lacustrine rocks: Caviness: Wolff 1, 2 Sheppard 3 Cedar Mtn.: Russell, R. G. Basa lt: Wa l ker 21 Ironside Mtn.: Lowry Cavansite: Staples 8, 10 166 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MI NERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

MALHEUR COU NTY, Petrographic studies, continued MARIAL QUADRANGLE, conti nued Cow Creek La kes area basalts: Mi l lhollen Geology: Zeolites: South end CoastRange Tertiary basin: Ba ldwin 9 Erioni te: Eberly Thrust fa ulting, lower Rogue River: Ba ldwin 15 Offretite and er ionite: Sheppard 4 Pleistocene La ke La hont an: Brogan 3 MARINE GEO LOGY (see SUBMARINE GEOLOGY) Stra tigraphy: Burns Junction-Romear ea : Ellison MARION COUNTY Caviness quad .: Wolff 1 Aeromagnetic studies, Leba non quad .: Bromery 1 Deer Butte Fm .: Johnson, A. Engineering geology: Sch licker 6, 7 Marine Jurassic ou tliers: Wagner , N. S. Tualatin Va lley: Sch licker 5 l 1 2 Fossi I inver tebrates; marine mollusks, Eugene Fm .: Ow yhee region: Geldstzer; Kittl ema n 3, 4 Hickman Pueb lo Mtns . region: Avent 1 Geo logy: Snavely 14 Tertiary , Steens Mtn . area: Wa I ker 2 Detroit Reservoir area: Pungrassami Structure: Molal la-Sa lem Slope area: Hampton 6 Ow yhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek region: Western Cascades: Peck 1, 2, 4 Geldstzer Wil lamette basin, subsurface: Newton 28 Pueblo Mtns . region: Avent l Ground water : Steens-Pueblo Mtns.: Avent 2 Champoeg State Pa rk: Sceva 6 Surface wa ter: Contaminant in alluvia I aquifer , Keizer: Floods: Bu tler Price 7 Index of records to Sept . 30, 1967: Eisenhuth 3 French Prairie-Mission Bottom area: Price 1, 6 Ma lheur Lake basin: Oreg . St. Water Res . Levels, 1961-1 965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Bd . 8, 11 Mo la l la-Sa lem Slope area: Hampton 3 Owyhee basin: Oreg . St. Water Res . Bd. 11 Salem Heights area: F oxworthy 4 Minera I resources: MALH EUR NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Alumina, iron from bauxites: Fursman 2 Geology: Wa lker 12 Bauxite: Corcoran 1; Peterson, E. C.; Minera ls and minera l resources: Wa l ker 12 U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Gold and si lver: Brooks 6 MAMMALS (see FOSSIL VERTEBRATES) Lead-zinc resources: Knostman 3 Mount Jefferson Primitive Area: Wa l ker 5 MANGANESE Wi l lamette Va lley gravel deposits: Glenn 1 Loco I i ties: Petrography, Mount Jefferson area vo lcanics: Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Greene Ironside Mtn . quad .: Lowry Stra tigraphy, Terta iry: Snavely 3 Ocean floor: Nayudu 1 Surface water , Wi l lamette River basi n: Oreg . Northeastern, southwestern Oregon: Appling St. Wa ter Res . Bd . 6; Oster 2 Nodule assay for go ld and silver: Caldwell Secondary oxi de minera ls: Gunn, D. W .; Sorem MARTIN BRIDGE FORMATION Lostine River va lley: Goebel MANSFIELDITE Snake River Ca nyon: Brooks 5, 8; Va llier 1 Minera l description: Staples 1, 2 Sparto quad .: Prostka 1, 2

MAPS (see GEOLOG IC MAPS , PU BLISHED: MARYS PEAK QUADRANGLE GEOLOGIC MAP, UNPUBLISHED) Aeromagnetic map, Albany-Newport area: Bromery 4 MARBLE Marys Pea k si ll, geology: Clark, H. C. 1, 2, Jones deposit: Ramp 2 3, 4 Klamath Mtns.: Engelhardt Lostine River va lley: Goebe l MASCA LL FORMATION Fossi l pollen: MARCOLA QUADRANG LE Miocene: Martin, P. S. Geology: Maddox Pachysandra: Gray, Ja ne 2 Fossil vertebrates: MARIAL QUADRANGLE Late Tertiary Chalicotheres: Skinner, M. F. Coa l resources: Wayland Tertiary squirre ls: Black Ignimbrite member: Davenport SUBJECT INDEX 167

MASCALL FORMATION, continued MAZAMA AS H , Petrography, continued Localities: Glass composition consistent: Smith, D. G. W. Canyon City quad .: Brown, C. E. 5 Pyrogenic minera l stability: Fisher 13 Courtrock quad .: Thayer 7 Vesicular pores by mercury intrusion: Borchardt 1 Dayville quad.: Forth Volume of ejecta: Williams, H. 3 John Day country: Howell 7; Thayer 12 Long Creek quad.: Thayer 6 MEDFORD QUADRANGLE Mount Vernon quad .: Brown, C. E. 3 Fossil invertebrates; G lycymeris pacificus; Ochoco Summit: Gamer 1 Glycymeris vea tchii of Popenoe: Peterson, Paulina Basin: Davenport G. L. 1 Picture Gorge quad .: White, W. H. Regional Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 7; Perrault 1 G. L. 1 Stratigraphic relationsh ips: Columbia River Group nomenclature: Thayer 5 MEHAMA VOLCANICS (see also LITTLE BUTTE 3 La te Tertiary silicic volcanism: Thayer VOLCANIC SERIES) Bohem ia mining district: Lu tton MAY CREEK SCHIST Marion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Chemical analyses: Keys 7 Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B.; Peck 2, 4 Metamorphism: Keys 7 MERCURY MAZAMA ASH Geochemistry, secondary dispersion: Trost Absolute dating: Geology of occurrences: Banff Nationa l Park: Westgate Effects of humic-acid-type organics: Trost Basin and Range: Antevs Opalite district ca ldera: Albers Continental terrace: Royse Quicksilver deposits: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Distinguished from Glacier Peak: Powers Mines 3 Summer La ke: All ison, I. S. 2 Serpentinite-type mercury deposits: Chronology: Wilcox , R. E. 2 Henderson, F. B. Artifacts: Sanger Mining industry: Brooks 2, 10 Cascadia channel: Griggs , G. B. 6 Mines and prospects: Brooks 1, 2; U.S. Bur . Caves and rock shelters: Fryxell 1 Mines 3 Mazama and Glacier Peak layers: Fryxell 2 Potential: Brooks 2, 3, 1 0; deWeese 2; U.S. Northeastern Pacific: Nelson, C. H. 3 Bur . Mines 3 Geochemistry: Stockpile policy threatens industry: Ore Neu tron activation analysis: Borchardt 2; Bin 24 Theisen Occurrences: Bailey 3; Brooks 2 Soils and clays: Chichester 2 Eag le Rock quad .: Waters 7 Loco I ities: Glide quad.: Patterson, P. V. Thompson Basin and Range province: Wa l ker 17 2; Horse Heaven mining district: Lukanuski Big Hole maar: Lorenz Ironside Mtn. quad .: Lowry Blanco Fracture Zone: Duncan 5 Lake and Klamath Counties: Peterson, N. V. 17 Cascadia deep-sea channel: Griggs, G. B. 3; lookou t Mtn. quad .: Sw inney Kulm, D. 4 L. Ochoco Reservoir quad.: Waters 8 Collier State Park: Peterson, N. V. 3 Oregon King mine area: Ojala Continenta l terrace: Carlson 1; Duncan 2; Pilot Rock, Heppner area: Pigg Royse Pueblo Mtns.: Rowe Fort Rock cave: Strong 5 Roseburg area: Baldwin 4, 5 Fossil La ke: Allison, I. S. 1 Production: Hole-in-the-Ground Crater: Kim Annua l: Brooks 2; Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Klamath County: Peterson, N. V. 17 Ful kerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. Mica Damsite, British Columbia: Mylrea 1' 2, 3 Mount Rainier Nat! . Park: Crandell 3 By areas: Brooks 2 Newberry Caldera: Higgins 1 History: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Northeastern Pacific: Nelson, C. H. 3 Summary, 1965: Brooks 3 Petrography: Prospecti ng: Brooks 2 Clay minera logy of soi ls: Chichester Compositional variations: Bockheim MESA BASALT Continental terrace deposi ts: Royse Extensive flow proposed: Wheeler 2 Effects of wea thering: Steen 1, 2 Flow discussed: Wa lker 15 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOG Y AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

MESA BASALT, conti nued MINE RIDGE SCH ISTS Origin: Av ent 5 Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Stra tigraph y, Pueblo Mtns . region: Avent 1 Ironside Mtn . quod .: lowry

MESOZO IC (see CRETACEOUS, JURASSIC, TRIASSIC) MINERA L INDUSTRIES Annua l production: Col lins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; METAHEINR ICH ITE Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, Minera l descri ption: Staples 1, 2 3; Mason, R. S. 1, 6, 9, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 b METALLURGY Annua l reviews: Mason, R. S. 3, 8, 10, 13 Exotic metals: Econom ics: Annua l production: Col lins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Columbium-vanadium bi nary alloys: Babitzke Fu l kerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2 Imports and exports through Port of Portland: Production: deWeese 1, 2, 3 Timmen Industria I plants: Co llins, R. P. 1; deWeese 1, 3; SuI fur consum ption: Ha le Gray , J. J. 2 Transporta tion: Gray, J. J. 4 Technology: deWeese 1, 2, 3 Mining leases; beach sa nds attract Bunker Hi II: Ore Bin 26 METAMORPH IC ROCKS Strategic minero Is stockpi le: Bluesch ist: Cost, metallurgica l grade chrom e: Dole 3 K lomath M tns .: La nphere 2 Sources of: Do le 4 North-cen tra l Oregon: Swanson, D. A. 7 Loco I i ties: MINERA L QUADRANG LE Elkhorn Ridge: Derksen Geo logy: Ga lice quod .: Helming Idaho sec tion: Wil liams, G. A. Klamath Mtns.: Kays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 Snoke River Ca nyon: Brooks 5, 8 May Creek Schist be l t: Koys 7 Petrography; conglomera te layer near Lime: Pueblo Mtns .: Rowe Brooks 4 Wa l lowa Mtns.: To ubeneck 6 Western Cascades , emery: White, J. C. MINE RA L RESOU RCES (see also specific minera l) meta Is: Ev erett, F. D. METEORITES Conservation: Dole 5 Collection of articles: Oregon Dept . Geol . and Foe ts and problems: U . S. Bur . Mines 2, 6 Minera l Indus . 9 Offshore mining: localities: Bill introduced: Ore Bin 42 Goose La ke: Axon B.lock sands: Clifton 2, 3; Gray, J. J. 2; Klamath Fa l ls: La nge 3, 10 Hess, H. D. Port Orford: Henderson, E. P .; Sedell Placer potentia I: Chambers 2 Soms Vo I ley shower: Lo nge 5; Mason, B. Resources and recovery methods: Newton 17 Woshougo I ( 1969 Por tland firebaII ): La nge 8 Survey: Dole 7; Pa cific N.W. River Basins Wil lamette: Longe 4, 9; Mason, B. Comm .; Weissenborn 5, 6 Lost: La nge 3 Meteor showers: La nge 5, 8; Mason, B. MINERA LS (see also HEAVY MINERALS, individua l Recognition of: La nge 2, 7, 10 minera l name) Widmanstatten fi gures: La nge 5 Cavity minera ls, Summ it Roc k: Kleck "Year of th e Meteorite": Lange 7 New minera ls: Staples 2 Secondary do lom ite: O'Neill METOLIUS RIVER Species described: Geology, Cove Pa lisades State Po rk: Peterson , Covonsite: Evans, H. T .; Staples 8, 10 N. V. 18 Erionite: Staples 1 Pleistoc ene La ke Metolius, vo lcanic evidence: Heinrichite: Staples 2 Campbell, D. 3 Johannsenite: Staples 2 Josephinite: Staples 2 "MEYERS FORM ATION" Monsfieldite: Staples 2 Marine Cretaceous rocks: Mc Knight, B. K. 1 Metaheinrichite: Staples 2 No tro lite and analcime, Wa l dport area: MICROFOSSILS (see FOSSIL INVERTEBRATES , FOSSIL Groben PLANTS) Oregonite: Staples 2 SUBJECT INDEX 169

MINERALS, Species described, continued MINING LAWS, continued Osumilite, Lane Co .: Olsen Federa l geotherma l leasing bill: Bowen 4 Priceite: Staples 2 Interpreta tion: Dole I, 2 Tridymi te: Grant American Mining Congress: Ore Bin 55 Systems and ru les of nomenclature: Staples II Attorney Genera l: Ore Bin 16 Supreme Court: Ore Bin 20 MINE DIRECTORIES Offshore: Ore Bin 42 Chromite: Ramp I Oil and gas lows: Oregon Dept. Geol. and Gold and silver: Brooks 6 Minera l Indus . 5 Mercury: Brooks 2 State: Ore Bin 2

MINING HISTORY MIOCENE (see also GEOMAGNETISM) Alumi num: Ful kerson 5 Absolute dating: Antimony: Wagner, N. S. 7 Floras: Axelrod 3; Evernden I Black sands: Clifton 3 Foraminifera I stages: Turner Berates: Wagner, N. S. 9 Ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8 Chromite: Ramp I; Thayer II Areas: Clay: Mason, R. S. 21 Adel quad .: Wa lker 4 Coal: Mason, R. S. 22 Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 5 CaboIt : Vhay Astoria: Dodds, B. R. I , 2; Dodds, R. K. Gold: Brooks 6, 9; Koschmann I , 4 Almeda mine: Libbey 4 Bend AMS quad ., E-}. Swanson, D. A. 6

Armstrong nugget: Wagner, N • S. 6 Brattaindis trict: Muntzert I, 2 Blue Bucket mine: Potter Coast Range , centra l: Snavely 7 Blue Mtn . Eldorados: Bright, V. Coos Bay area: Armentrout; Ba ldwinII Bohemia mining district: Lutton Cove Pa lisades State Park: Peterson, N. V. 18 Brattain district, 1875: Muntzert I Detroit Reservoir area: Pungrassami Eastern Oregon: Brooks 12; Potter Empire quad .: Armen trout; Ehlen 2 Lower Illinois River: Romp 5 Glide q11ad.: Thompson Mormon Basin: Lee Lake Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 Rainbow mine: Lee Loo kout Mtn. quad .: Swinney Rogue River: Gamer 2; Nafziger 3; Peirce Ma lheur Gorge area: Haddock 2 Southwestern Oregon: Libbey 2 Marcola quad .: Maddox Ster ling Creek placer mining: Haines McKenzie River va lley: Jan World-wide: Hines 3 Mitchell Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Iron; Prosser mine, Lake Oswego: Mason, R. S. 24 Mount Hood: Wise, J. P. Lead and zinc: Knostman I, 2, 3 Newberry Ca ldera: Higgins I Brattain district: Muntzert I Newport, Yaquina Bay area: Snavely 5, II, 12 Limestone; Oregon Portland Cement Co .: Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 McCaslin, F. E. Officer's Cave: Parker, G. G. I, 2 Manganese: Appling Offshore, south ern Oregon coast: Ba ldwin2 Mercury: Brooks I , 2, 3, I 0 Oxbow on Snake River: Stearns 5 Nickel: Hotz 5 Owyhee Reservoir: Kittleman 3, 4 Platinum group metals: Ramp 7 Paul ina Basin: Davenport Pumice: Wagner , N. S. 13 Plush area: Larson I Sand and gravel: Hines 4 Saw tooth Ridge: Pa tterson, P. V. 2 Silver: Brooks 6, 9 Southeastern Oregon: Strongway Almeda mine: Libbey 4 Sparta quad.: Prostka I Oregon King mine: Libbey I , 2 Three Arch Rocks Nat!. Wildlife Refuge: Transportation: Weissenborn 3 Celilo Falls portage rai I road: Potter Trout Creek Mtns.: Carlton M i I i tory road: Potter Western Cascades: Kays 6; Peck 2, 4, 6 Oregon Trail: Potter Western Oregon: Snavely 3 River steamers: Potter Climatic changes: Flora l evidence: Wolfe 3 MINING LAWS Mol luscan fauna I evidence: Addicott 6, 7 Applications: Faults: Occupational diseases: Morgis Blanco fracture zone: McManus 4 Skin diving for gold: Mason, R. S. 2 Cobb and Gorda Rises: McManus 5 San Andreas: Addicott 4 170 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

MIOCENE, continued MISSOU LA FLOOD, Loca lities, continued Formations, geologic: see Astoria , Columbia River Lake Oswego area : Nafziger 1; Rentsch Basa lt and Co lumbia River Grou p, Deer Butte, Lower Columbia River: La urence Dinner Creek Welded Ash-flow Tuff, Ellensburg , North Wi l lamette Va lley: Glenn 2 John Da y, Masca ll, Nye Mudstone, Owyhee Portla nd area : Trimble Basa It, Payette , Rhododendron, Steens Basa It, Portland delta deposi tion: Bretz; Jones, A. C. Sucker Creek, Ta rheel, Ya kima Basa lt "The Narrows": Bretz Fossi I inver tebrates: Fauna l distributions: Addicott 4, 6, 7 MITCHELL AR EA (see MITCHELL 30' QUADRANGLE) Foram inifera , Astoria Fm .: Dodds, R. K. 4 Mol lusks, Astoria Fm .: Moore, E. J. MITCHELL BUTTE QUADRANG LE Fossi I plants: Deer Butte Fm .: Corcoran 2; Johnson, A. Correla tions: Axelrod 1, 3, 4; Wolfe 2, 3 Geo logy: Corcoran 2 Diatoms: Van landingham 1, 2 Owyhee Reservoir area: Kittlema n 2 Historica l background: Detling 2 Trapper Creek flora: Axe lrod 1 Pa cific Northwest assemblages: Wo lfe 5 Pollens: Gray, Jane 2, 3, 4; Ta ggart; Tschudy; MITCHELL 30' QU ADRANG LE Wolfe 1 Fossi Is: Silicoflage llates, Bandon area: Orr 1, 2 Anisoceras, new species ammonite: Packard 1 Foss i I vertebrates: Pinna , Cretaceous pelecypods: Pac kard 2; Freshwater fish: Ca vender 3 �erson , G. L. 4 Gophers: Rensberger 2 Geo logy: Horses, biogeography: Shotwell Field trip: Gamer Lagomorphs: Dawson John Day Fm ., fa cies change: Robinson , Mamma Is, sou theast Oregon: Shotwel l 9 P. T. 1 Oreodonts, phylogeny: Schu ltz Lower Cretaceous discontinuity: Peterson, Peccaries, evo lution: Stirton 2 G. L. 3 Sea lion: Mitchell Marine Cretaceous rocks: McKnight, B. K. Shrews: Hutch ison 2; Repenning 1, 2; Wi I kinson Squirrels: Black Miocene ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8 ! Intrusions: N E : Po tterson , R • L • Dike swarms: Swanson, D. A. 1 Reconnaissance geologic map: Swanson, Myrtle Creek area : Coleman 1 D. A. 6 Lavas: Tertiary intrusions: Jarman Basa ltic vo lcanism , coastal area: Snavely 10, Western part: Lukanuski 13, 15 Petrography: Corre lations: Avent 6; Wa l ker 21 Clinopti lolite tuff: Fisher 2 Pa leomagnetic studies: Abranson , C. E.; Lawsonite blueschist: Swanson , D. A. 7 Goldstein; Wa tki ns 1 -19; Wilson, R. L. Pyroc lastic flows: Fisher 9 1, 2 Structure: Petrogra ph ic studies: Early Tertiary deforma tion: Fisher 12 Andesite flow near La keview: Wa l ker 9 Mitche ll anticline: Wilkinson Ca lcic labradorite: Stewart, D. B. Diagenetic carbonates in marine formations: MOLALLA FORMATION Mura ta 1, 2 Clackamas upland: Howell 4 High-titanic alkali-olivine basa lts: Robi nson , Geo logy: Griggs, A. B.; Hampton 6; Peck p. T. 3 1, 2, 4 Lead in Coast Ra nge rocks: Tatsumoto High-si lica clay: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Pera lkaline si licic vo lcanic rocks: Noble 1 Mo lalla River fi eld tr ip: Hoven

MISSOULA FLOOD MOLALLA QUADRANGLE Abso lute da ti ng, Mount Mazama ash: Bretz Fossils; mo lluscan fauna of Blakely Stage: Approxima te dati ng, archaeology: Bretz Addicott 4 Channe lled scabland: Bretz; Fryxel l 3 Geology: Hampton 6; Peck 4 Hypo thesis of catastroph ism: Olson see also MOLALLA FORMATION Deposits: Bretz; Crande ll 1 Sand and gravel: Glenn 1 Loco I i ti es: Columbia River Gorge: Ba ldwin 1 0; Bretz MOLALLA-SALEM SLOPE AREA Erratic Roc k State Park: Wi lcox, L. Geo logic map: Hampton 6 Ground-water resources: Hampton 6 SUBJECT INDEX 171 MOLYBDENUM MOUNT HOOD, cont inued Annua l production: Fu l kerson 1, 2, 6, 7; Gray, Eliot Glacier measurements: Dodge, N. A. J. J. 1 Eruptions: Folsom; Wise, W. S. 3, 5 Geology of deposits: King, R. U. 1, 2 Geochem istry: Geochemical sampling: Ore Bin 25 Andesitic magmas: Wise, W. S. 5 Occurrences: King, R. U. 1, 2; Thayer 1 0 Chemical determina tions of zinc: Rader Geomagnetism: MONUMENT PEAK AREA laurel Hill: Dunn, J .; Ito 2, 3 Geology: Hagood Still Creek intrusion: Ito 1 Geology: Wise, W. S. 2, 3, 4, 5 MONUMENT QUADRANGLE Field trip, north side: Mason 27 Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Ladd Glacier mudflow: Birch; Geol . Soc . Geologic map: Wilcox, R. E. 3 Oregon Country News Letter 2 Petrography: Petrographic studies: Wise, W. S. 1, 2, 5 John Day Fm . pyrogenic minera l stability: Andesite: Eggler; Hopson , C. A. 2; Fisher 13 Sheppard 2 John Day volcanic si ltstone: Fisher 9 Lead and strontium in crystalline rocks: Mazama ash: Fisher 3 Hopson , C . A. 1 Miocene ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8 MOUNT JEFFERSON SHALE MEMBER (TOLEDO FORMATION) Petrography, volcanic rocks: Greene 1 Centra l-western Oregon: McWi I Iiams Primitive area , geology and minera l resources: Wa lker 5 MORGAN BUTTE QUADRANGLE Geology: Muntzert 1 MOUNT MAZAMA (see also CRATER LAKE, Minerals and minera l resources: Muntzert 1 MAZAMA ASH) Absolute dating: MORROW COUNTY Buried tree trunks: Briggs Environmental geology, Mid-Columbia waterfront: Charcoa l in pumice lapillistone at Muir Creek: Meyers Va lastro 2 Fossil vertebra tes: Geology: La te Tertiary geomyoid rodents: Shotwell 7 Ash fallvo lume: Williams, H. 3 Late Tertiary Ta l pidae: Hutchison 4 Crater La ke Nat I. Pa rk: Wi !Iiams, H. 2 Geology: Flow layering in si licic lavas: Benson 3 Deschutes-Umati IIa plateau: Newcomb 10 Origin of ca ldera: Wi lliams, H. 3 Lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks: Pigg Pum ice ash and flows: Edwards The Da lles-Umati lla syncline: Newcomb 8, 9 Soi l development on dated pumice: Tidball Umatilla River basin: Hogenson 2 Time of collapse: Mason, R. S. 5 Ground water: Gravity surveys: Basa lt aquifers, Hermiston-Ordnance areo: Aeromagnetic: Blank 4 Robison Bouguer gravity field: Blank 3; Taylor, E. Levels, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 M. 3 Ordnance area: Sceva 5 Petrographic studies: Umatilla drainage basin: Oreg . St. Water Accidental plutonic ejecta: Ta ylor, E. M. 3 Res. Bd . 2 Composition of climactic eruption ejecta: Umatilla River basin: Hogenson 2 McBirney 1 Minera l resources: Composition variations, pumice and scoria: Aggregate and rock sites: Olcott Noble 2 Thunder eggs: Earth Science Neutron activation of pyroc lastics: Theisen Titanium dioxide in pyroc lastic layers: MOUNT ANGEL QUADRANGLE Czamanske Gravel deposi ts: Glenn 1 Popular description: Edwards Indian myths: Clark, E. E. MOUNT HOOD Pumice Desert ecology: Horn Absolute dating: Final eruptive phase: Wise, W. S. 3, 5 MOUNT ST. HELENS Laurel Hill pluton and dike: Bikerman Eruptions, records of: Folsom; Strong 4 Log from Stadter buried forest: Darn Neutron activation analysis of deposi ts: Borchardt 2 Volcanic hazards, Ka lama River va lley: Hyde 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

MOUNT TABOR MUTTON MOUNTAINS Age of cinder cone: Howell 1 Geo logy: History of park: Keyser Field trip: Perrault 2 Madras quod .: Wa ters 6 MOUNT THIELSEN Fulgurites: Purdom MYRTLE GROU P Buchio zona tion: Jones, D. L. MOUNT VERNON QUADRANGLE Localities: Aldrich Mountains Group: Brown, C. E. 4 Cope Blanco area: Dott 1 Geologic mop: Brown, C. E. 3 Coos Boy: Dott 9 Horse Sign Butte vicinity: Ba ldwin 12 "MUDDY RANCH PHYLLITE" Klamath Mtns . province: Romp 6 Mitchell quod.: Lukonuski Roseburg quad .: Hicks; Joh nson, W. R. Stra tigraphy: MUDSTONE Post- Nevadan Mesozoic geology: Ba ldwin 16 Lacustrine rocks near Rome: Sheppard 3 Upper Cretaceous discontinu ity: Peterson, Tyee Fm . biostratigraphy: Bird G. L. 2 Structure: MULTNOMAH COUNTY (see also PORTLAND AREA) Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonism: Dott 7 Earthquakes, Portland: Nevadan orogenesis: Dott 6 Nov . 5, 1962: Deh linger 2 Thrust contactwi th Colebrooke Schist: Jon. 27, 1968: Heinrichs 1 Bailey 2 Engineering geology, Tualatin Vo l ley region: Thrust fau lting, lower Rogue River: Ba ldwin 15 Schlicker 5 Field trip, Tua latin Mtns.: Kenney MYRTLE PO INT AREA Geology: Snave ly 14 Geologic mop: Ba ldwin 14 Columbia River sediments: Whetten 1, 2, 3, 5 Portland area: Jones, A. C.; Trimble N Earthquake: Sch licker 3 Souvie Island: Strong 1 NEHALEM RIVER Wil lomette basin, subsurface: Newton 28 Fossi I i nvertebro tes: Willomette Vo lley, Quaternary: Glenn 2 New marine worm from Oligocene: Adegoke Ground water: Two new Eocene cora ls: Bloke, D. B. 1 Levels, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Geology: Portland area: Brown, S. G. 2; Foxworthy; Field trip: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country News Hogenson 1 , 3 Letter 1 Minera ls and minera l resources: Mudflats in Nehalem Boy: Johannessen Ash Grove Lime & Portland Cement Co .: Ore Gravity surveys; geologic interpretation: Bin 22, 35 Bromery 3 Bauxite: U.S. Bur. Mines 4 Gold in basalt: Jones, R. S. NELSON MARBLE Mercury: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur. Mines 3 Geology: Prostko 3; Thayer 10 Product handling, Port of Portland: Timmen Portland Hills Silt: Howell 2 NESTUCCA FORMATION Stratigraphy: Localities: Prune Hi II and Portland areas compared: Avolio Co pe Lookou t State Pork area: Mangum Tertiary: Snavely 3 Centra l-western Oregon: McWil liams Surface water: Newport area: Snavely 11 Columbia River water temperatures: Moore, Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 A. M. 3 Soddlebackare a: Macleod 2 Willomette River basin: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res . Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Bd . 5; Oster 2 Yamhill area: U.S. Soi l Cons . Service Wi llomette River tido I reach: Dempster Tertiary geologic history: Snavely 3 Volca nism; Mount Tabor: Howell 1; Keyser NETARTS BAY MURDERERS CREEK GRAYWACKE Foraminifera: Hunger Aldrich Mtns.: Brown, C. E. 4 Canyon City quad .: Brown, C. E. 5 NEVADAN OROGENY Mount Vernon quad.: Brown, C. E. 3 Greybockint rusive complex: Godchoux 1, 2 SUBJECT INDEX 173 NEVADAN OROGENY, continued NICKEL, continued Josephine peridotite sheet: Ramer Metallurgica l plants: deWeese 1, 3 Klamath Mtns . province intrusions: Gamer 2; Occurrences: Hotz 5 Ramp 6 Eight Dollar Mtn .: Cornwa ll; Hotz 2 Loco I i ties: Josephine Creek near Cave Junction: Babyfoot La ke area: Wise, J. P. Cornwa ll Brogan quad.: Fouch Klamath Mtns . province: Ramp 6 Caviness quad.: Wolff 2 Nickel Mtn.: Chace; Cornwall; Cum berlidge; Collier Butte area: Burt, W. D. Fursman 1; Hotz 2 Dixonvi lie quad.: Champ Pine Flat Mtn .: Hotz 2 Hellgate Canyon area: Nafziger 3 Red Flats, Gold Beach: Cornwa ll; Hotz 2 Horse Sign Butte area: Ba ldwin12 Southwestern Oregon: Cornwa ll; Hotz 2 Ironside Mtn. quad.: Lowry Woodcock M tn .: Hotz 2 Klamath Mtns.: Gamer 2; Irwin 2, 3; Kays 5, Petrographic studies: 7; Koch , J. G. 2; Peterson, G. L. 1; Chemical ana lyses, Nickel Mtn . ore: Chace Ramp 6 Sou thwestern Oregon: Cornwall Lang lois quad .: Lent Spectroanalysis of basa ltic rocks: Turekian Lower Rogue River: Baldwin 15 Stackpi ling, strategic minero Is: Mining Jour. Powers quad.: Hess , P. D. Quosatana Butte area: Schwab NICKEL MOUNTAIN Sixes, Pistol Rivers: Lund, E. H. 5 Chemica l ana lyses, peridotite: Koys 7 Snake River Canyon: Morrison, R. F. 2 Field trip, Hanna Nickel Co .: Steere 2 Southwest Oregon: Dott 8 Geology: Boldt; Chace; Cumberlidge; Fursmon 1; Suplee area: Perrau It 1 Hotz 2 Tectonic evolution, U.S.: Gilluly 1 Tectonic rotation , Pacific northwest: Taubeneck NICELY SHALE (FORMATION) 12 Fossi I i nvertebro tes: Lower Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 5 NEWBERRY CALDERA AREA Mesozoic pelecypods: lm lay 4 Abso lute dating: Charcoal from tree molds, Northwest Rift Zone: NORTH COAST BASIN Peterson , N. V. 13, 15 Ground water: Oreg . St. Water Res. Bd . 3 Charcoal under pumice: Pearson; Tamers Obsidian hydration rind: Peterson, N. V. 13 NYE MUDSTONE Geology: Higgins 1, 2, 3, 4; Peterson, N. V. 9 Fossi Is: East Lake fissure: Higgins 5 M icrofauna I correlations: Rothwell High Lava Plains province: Wa l ker 14 Molluscan assemblage referable ta "Blakely": Petrographic studies: Addicott 4 Acid volcanic rocks: Jack 2 New marine mollusks: Addicott 3 Ash and pumice: Borchardt 1; Higgins 4 Geology, Newport embayment: Snavely 4, 5, Basa lt-obsidian relations re-evalued: Higgins 5 11, 14 Neu tron activation of pyroclastics: Borchardt 2; Minera logy, diagenetic carbonates: Muroto 1, 2 Theisen Seismic studies: 0 Longitudina l wave velocity in pumice: Th ill Water resources: Phillips, K. N. 2 OBITUARIES Hancock, A. W. (Lon): Ore Bin 3 NEWBERRY CRATER QUADRANGLE Hines, Pierre R.: Libbey 6 Geology: Higgins 1, 2, 4 Hodge, Dr . Edw in T .: Oberson 2; Ore Bin 54

Lava tubes: Greeley Stevens, J • C.: Oberson 1 Treasher, Roy C.: Eng . Geol.; Libbey 5 NEWPORT AREA Wells, Francis G.: Wa l ker 19 Geology: Snavely 11, 12 OBSIDIAN NICKEL Absolute dating: Johnson, L. 2; Meighan 2; Annual production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Peterson, N. V. 13 Ful kerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3; Petrographic studies: Hotz 5 Basa lt-obsidian relations re-eva luated: Industry; Riddle mine: Fursman 1 Higgins 5 Osumilite: Olsen 1 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOU RCES OF OREGO N

OCEANOGRAPHY (see SUBMARINE GEOLOGY) OIL AND GAS , continued Leases: Braislin; Col lins, R. P. 2; Fu l kerson 1, OCHOCO BASALT 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 3; Newton 10, 16, 18, Dayvi lie quad.: Forth 19, 21 , 24; Offshore; Ore Bin 1, 36, 38 , Pau lina Basin: Davenport 39, 40 Liquified na tura l gas plant: Collins, R. P. 3 OCHOCO MOUNTAINS Nitrogen well, Molalla: Newton 4 Fossi I Ochoco Poss freshwater fish: Cavender 1 Offshore lease law: Fulkerson 2 Geology: Oil sha le; Shale City deposit: Newton 27 Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 2, 5 Pipelines, natural gos: Deacon 2; Fulkerson Bend AM S quad., E�: Swanson, D. A. 4 1, 3, 7; Gray, J. J. 1; Newton 13 Dayvi lie quad.: Forth Test cores, age dated , La ke County: Ore Bin 52 John Day Fm . base: Swanson, D. A. 3 We ll records: Newton 6 Painted Hi lis field trip: 0' Dell "Post-Clarno" rocks reassigned: Swanson, OLDS FERRY QUADRANGLE D. A. 5 Conglomerate layer near Lime: Brooks 4 Rattlesna ke and older ignimbrites: Davenport Snake River Canyon: Brooks 5, 8 Regiona l Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L. 1 OLIGOCENE Age dating: OCHOCO RESERVOIR QUADRANGLE Oi I test cores,· La ke County: Ore Bin 52 Geologic map: Waters 8 "Post-Clarno" rocks reassigned: Swanson, D. A. 5 OFFICER'S CAVE Areas: Picture Gorge quad .: White, W. H. Adel AMS quad.: Wa l ker 4 Pseudokarst fea ture: Parker, G. G. 1, 2 Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 5 Bend AMS quad., E�: Swanson, D. A. 6 OFFICER MEMBER Brattain district, La ke County: Muntzert 1 Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 5 Brownsvi lie quad .: Anderson, R. W. Glide quad .: Thompson OFFSHORE ISLANDS Horse Heaven district, Jefferson County: Nationa l Wildlife Refuge, geology: Weissenborn Swanson, D. A. 3, 5 1, 2 Lookout Mtn. quad .: Swinney Saddleback area , CoastRa nge: Mac Lead 2 OIL AND GAS Sixes River area: Boggs 3 Annual reviews: Newton 1, 3, 5, 9, 12, 14, Western Cascades: Peck 2, 4; Kays 6 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30 Western Oregon: McWi I Iiams; Snavely 3, 4 Exploration: Coll ins, R. P. 1, 2; Drilling lnt'l Erosion surface, resurrected 01 igocene hi lis: Mag .; Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. Fisher 6 1; Newton 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, Formations: see Eugene, John Day, Keasey, 19, 20, 21 ,22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31; Oregon Mehama Volcanics, Rocky Point, Toledo, Dept. Geol . and Mineral Indus. 7; Stewart, Yaquina R. E.; Wagner, H. C. Intrusive rocks: Lower Columbia and Wil lamette basins: Differentiated gabbroic sil ls: Snavely 1 New ton 28 Marys Peak sill: Clark, H. C. 1, 2, 3 Mitchell Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Pa leontology: Offshore: Braislin; Conkling, Inc .; Deacon Fossil invertebrate s: 1, 2; lnt'l Oil and Gas Develop.; Echinoid: Zullo 1 McCaslin, J. C.; New ton 10, 16-21 , Fauna l distributions: Addicott 4, 6, 7 24; Ore Bin 1, 36; Shell News 3 Isopod: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country Svensen quad.: Dodds 2 News Letter 3 Western Snake River basin: Newton 8 Marine molluscan fauna: Hickman Geology of possible sites: Wagner, H. C. Marine worm: Adegoke Klamath-Lake Counties: Peterson, N. V. 17 Microfauna! correlations: Rothwell Lower Columbia and Wi llomette basins: Fossil plants:

Newton 28 Acacia wood: Gregory I r. 4 Shale: Newton 27 Angiosperms: Klucking Subsurface: Newton 28 Aspects of pa lynology: Tschudy Western Snake River basin: Newton 8 Climatic changes recorded: Wo lfe 3 SUBJECT INDEX 175

OLIGOCENE, Fossil plants, continued OWYHEE AREA Coos Bay area: Hopkins, W. S. Geology: Corcoran 2, 3, 9; Geldstzer; Historical background of flora: Detling 2 Kittleman 2, 3, 4 Pollens: Gray, Jane 2, 4 Deer Butte Fm .: Johnson, A. Sweet Home Petrified Forest: Gregory, I. Rhyolite, Ow hyee dam: Benson 1 Fossi I vertebrates: Volcanic rocks suite: Kittleman 1 Cetacean, new: Em long Late Tertiary Chalicotheres: Skinner, M. F. Freshwater fish: Cavender 2 Surface water resources: Oreg . St. Water Res. Goph ers: Rensberger 2 Bd . 11 Peccaries, evolution: Stirton 2 Tapir, new species: Radinsky OWYH EE BASALT Volcanic rocks, western Oregon: Snavely 10 Barstovian freshwa ter fish (Esox) : Cavender 3 -- Localities: OLYMPIC-WALLOWA LINEAMENT (see WALLOWA­ Lake Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 OLYMPIC LINEAMENT') Mitchell Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Owyhee Reservoir area: Kittleman 2, 3, 4 OREGON CAVES NATIONAL MONUMENT OwyheeRe servoir-Sucker Creek region: Geomorphology: Cantor Geldstzer Ground water supply: Oster 1 Western Snake River basin: Newton 8 Speleology: Halliday Suc ker Creek-Trout Creek floras: Graham 1

OREGON CITY QUADRANGLE OWYH EE UPLAND Sand and gravel: Glenn 1 Geo logy: Ba ldwin 8; Corcoran 9 Geomagnetism: Wa tkins 8 OREGON ISLANDS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Petrology, volcanic rock sui tes: Huber Geology and mineral resources: Weissenborn 1, 4 Tectonic rota tion: Ta ubeneck 12; Wa tkins 14

OREGON KING MINE OXBOW AREA Geology: Ojala Geo logy: Stearns 4, 5; Va llier 1 Minera ls and mine development: Libbey 1; Ojala; Ore Bin 21 p

OREGONITE PAINTED HILLS AREA Jasper: Ramp 3 Field trip: O'Dell New mineral: Ore Bin 4; Staples 1, 2 John Day Formation: Facies changes: Robinson, P. T. OTTER POINT FORMATION High-titanic alkali-olivine basa lt: Robinson, Flysch sedimentation: Aa lto 2 p. T. 2, 3 Geology, post-Nevadan Mesozoic: Ba ldwin 16 Late Jurassic ichthyosaur: Koch, J. G. 4 "PAISLEY MOU NTAINS" Loco I i ties: Geology, Bratta in district: Muntzert 1, 2 Bandon coastst rip: Ehlen 2 Bone Mtn. quad.: Krans PA ISLEY QUADRANGLE Collier Butte area: Burt, W. D. Geo logy and mineral resources: Muntzert 1, 2 Curry County: Aa lto 1 Dixonville quad.: Champ PALEOBOTANY (see FOSSIL PLANTS) Klamath province: Koch, J. G. 2; Ramp 6 Langlois quad .: Lent; Phi llips, R. L. PALEOCENE Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch, J. G. 3 Glide quad .: Thompson Powers quad.: Hess, P. D. Langlois quad .: Phillips, R. L. Quosata na Butte area: Schwab Sea stacks and reefs: Hunter , R. E. PALEOECOLOGY: Sitkum and Coquille quads.: Fairchild Fossi I floras: Sixes River area: Boggs 3, 6 Clarno mammal quarry: McKee, T. M. 1, 2 Petrography: Climate interpretations from floras: Wolfe 3 Blueschist, greenschist, serpentinite: Ehlen 2 Coos Bay area: Hopkins, W. S. Blueschist isolated blocks: Lanphere 2 Suc ker Creek-Trout Creek floras: Graham I Structure; Late Jurassic unconformity: Datt 8 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TH E GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

PALEOECOLOGY,conti nued PEAT, continued Fossi I invertebrates: Resources: Cameron, C. C. Bandon marine invertebrate fa una: Zul lo 3 Blue Mtn. region: Thayer 10 Foraminifera suggest sha llowing marine environ­ Klamath County: Peterson, N. V. 17 ment: Krans Molluscan distribution: Addicott 2, 4, 5, 7 PENNSYLVANIAN Oligocene marine molluscan fauna: Hickmon Tectonism: Gil luly 1; Ketner 1 Fossil vertebrates; Pliocene horses: Shotwell 1 Loco I i ties: PERIDOTITE Bone Mtn. quod.: Krans Occurrences: Juntura Basin: Shotwell 3 Canyon M tn . Complex: Thayer 1 Tertiary climatic change: Addicott 5, 6, 7 Illinois River va lley: Ramer Map: Brooks 6 PALEOMAGNETISM (see GEOMAGNETISM) Southwest Oregon: Hotz 1, 2, 5; Romp 1 Tectonics: PA LEONTO LOGY (see FOSSIL INVERTEBRATES, Injection, gravity models: Bruemmer 1, 2 FOSSIL PLANTS , FOSSIL VERTEBRATES) Mantle-derived peridotites: Medaris 1, 2

PA LEOZOIC (see also specific period) PERLITE (see also AGGREGATE) John Day uplift: Buddenhagen 1, 2 Annua l production: Coll ins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Klamath Mtns., Triassic contact: Engelhardt Fu I kerson 1, 2, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 Sea-floor movement: Donner 5 Expansion properties: Peterson, N. V. 1 Occurrences: PALOUSE FORMATION Hart Mtn. Nat I. Antelope Refuge: Walker 11 Age of: Newcomb 4 Klamath and La ke Counties: Peterson, N. V. Dufur quod.: Wa ters 5 1, 17 Umoti llo River basin: Hogenson 2 Wa llo Wa l la-Umati lla basins: Newcomb 4 PERM IAN Areas: PA LYNOLOGY (see FOSSIL PLANTS, Pollen) Burnt River Canyon: Ash ley 1 Centra l and eastern Oregon: Bostw ick PAU LINA BASALT Elkhorn Ridge Argi llite: Derksen Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Mitchell quad .: Wilkinson Hole-in-the-Ground Crater: Kim North eastern Oregon: Bostwick 1 Oxbow on Snake River: Stearns 5 PAU LINA BAS IN Snoke River Canyon: Brooks 8; Va llier 2, 3, Rattlesnake and older ignimbrites: Davenport 5, 6 Suplee: Skinner, J. W. PAYETTE FORMATION (see also DEER BU TTE FORMA­ Fossil invertebrates: TION, SUCKER CREEK FORMATION) Brachiopod, new speci es: Waterhouse Absolute doting, fossil mammals: Evernden 2 Correla tion with Canadiansucc essions: Logan Localities: Fusulinids: Owyhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek region: Fauna: Bostwick 4, 5 Geldstzer New species: Bostwick3 Mitchell Butte quad.: Corcoran 2 Suplee area: Skinner, J. W. Western Snake River basin: Newton 8 Minera l resources; lime: Brooks 11 Tec tonic evolution: Gilluly PEARSE PEAK DIORITE Nevada n intrusive: Dott 6, 7, 8; Kaiser; Koch, PETRIFIED WOOD (see also FOSSIL PLANTS, GEM J. G. 1, 2, 3 STONES) Annua l production: Gray, J. J. 3 PEARSOLL PEAK QUADRANGLE Geology, Ga lice Fm ., Bobyfoot La ke area: PEYERL TU FF Wise, J. P. Big Hole maar: Lorenz Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 PEAT Hole-in-the-Ground Cra ter: Kiin Annua l production: Collins, R. P. 2, 3,; Gray, J. J. 2, 3 PICTURE GORGE BASALT Associated floras: Gray, Jane 3 SUBJECT INDEX 177

PICTURE GORGE BASALT, continued PILOT ROC K QUADRANGLE Geology and petrology: LowerTer tiary sedimentaryroc ks: Pigg Differentiation near Spray: Aoki Lithologic variations: Waters 1 PISTOL RIVER COMPLEX Petrography and magnetic properties: Lindsley West-centra l Klamath Province: Widmier Relation to Ya kima Basa lt: Gibson 2; Swanson, D. A. 2 PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION Trace elements: Osawa Nehalem River area: Geol . Soc . Oregon Zeolite distribution in: Mossel Country News Letter 1; Young, L. L. 4 Loca I i ties: Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 Bend AMS quad., E�: Swanson, D. A. 4, 6 Vernonia-Banks area: Mason, R. S. 12 Canyon City quad .: Brown, C. E. 5; Thayer 3 Ya mhill quad .: Schlicker 2 Courtrock quad .: Thayer 7 John Day country: Thayer 12 PITTSBURG FORMATION Lookout Mtn. quad.: Swinney Sna ke River Canyon: Va llier 5 Long Creek quad .: Thayer 6 Mount Vernon quad.: Brown, C. E. 3 PLATE TECTONICS (see SEA FLOOR TECTONICS) Ochoco Reservoir quad .: Waters 8 Picture Gorge quad .: Fisher 6 PLATINUM METALS Post quad.: Waters 4 Chemica l ana lyses: Mertie South Fork John Doy River: Howell 7 Geology of deposits: Romp 7 Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 5 Bodies of peridotite and serpentinite: Mertie Pa leomagnetism: Watkins 5, 8 Localities: Ramp 7 Stratigraphy: Applegate district: Mertie Columbia River Group nomenclature: Thayer 5 Pacific beaches: Mertie Correlation with Steens Basalt: Avent 6 Taki lma-Wa ldo district: Mertie La te Tertiary si licic volcanism: Thayer 3 PLEISTOCENE (see also LAKES) Stratigraphic variations: Waters 1 Areas: Structure: Bend AMS quad . E�: Swanson, D. A. 6 Fold axes: Rogers 2 Collier State Pa rk: Peterson, N. V. 3 Implications of pa laeomognetism: Watkins 5 Cove Pa lisades State Park: Peterson, N. V. 18 Crater La ke: Nelson, C. H. PICTURE GORGE QUADRANGLE Fort Rock Basin: Ham pton 4 Geology: White, W. H. Klamath Falls area: Peterson, N. V. 12 Clinopti lolite tuff: Fisher 1, 2 Langlois quad .: Phillips, R. L. Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Lookout Mtn . quad .: Swinney Miocene ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8 McKenzie River va lley: Jan Officer's Cave: Parker, G. G. 1, 2 Ma lheur Gorge area: Haddock 2 Pyroc lastic flows: Fisher 9 Marcola quad .: Maddox Pyrogenic mineral stability: Fisher 13 Mount Hood: Whe, W. S. 4, 5 Regiona l Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. Mount Tabor: Howell 1 L. 1 Myrtle Point area: Ba ldwin 14 Resurrected Oligocene hills: Fisher 6 Newberry Ca ldera: Higgins 1, 4 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 PICTURE ROCK BASALT Owyhee Reservoir: Kittleman 3, 4 Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Portland area: Trimble Hole-in-the-Ground Crater: Kim Romeba sin: Corcoran 9 Picture Rock Pass area: lkeagwauni Sparta quad.: Prostka 1 Southwest Oregon coast, depositiona l environ- PICTURE ROCK PASS ment: Bloomquist Photogeology: I keagwauni The Da lles: Newcomb 9, 12 Toledo quad .: Rubin PIKE CREEK FORMATION Umati II a River basin: Newcomb 4 Adel quad .: Wa lker 4 Wa llo Wa llo River basin: Newcomb4 Basin and Range province: Wa l ker 17 Wil lamette Valley: Owyhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek region: Northern: Glenn 2 Geldstzer Southern: Ba lster 3 Steens Mtn: Gunn, B. M. 178 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

PLEISTOCENE, continued PLIOCENE, Areas, continued Dunes: Fort Rock Basin: Hampton 4 Clatsop Plains: Frank 3 Juntura Basin pa leoecology: Shotwell 3, 4, Eco I ogy: Kum I er 5, 10 Floods: Klamath Fa lls area: Peterson, N. V. 12 La ke Bonnevi lle: Bretz; Stearns 3 Lake Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 Missou la: Bretz; Crandell 1; Howell 8 McKenzie River va lley: Jan Prune Hi ll area , Camas, Wash .: Avolio Malheur Gorge area: Haddock 2 Formations: see Coquille, Portland Hills Silt Mitch e II Butte quad . : Corcoran 2 Glacial history: Crandell 1, 2 Mount Hood: Wise, W. S. 5 Lakes: Owyhee Reservoir: Kittleman 3, 4 Ancient shorelines: Brogan 3; Fryxell 3 Paulina Basin: Davenport Fort Rock basin: Allison, I. S .; Bedwell; Plush area: Sheppard 3 Hampton 4 Rome area: Sheppard 3 Lake Lewis: Newcomb 12 Sparta quad .: Prostka 1 Lake Meto lius: Campbell, D. 2 Th e Da lles area: Newcomb 8 La ke Missou la: Bretz Trout Creek Mtns .: Carlton Maximum extent of: Feth 1 Western Cascades: Peck 2, 4 Lava-tube caves, Saddle Bu tte area: Ciesiel Formations: see also specific forma tion name Marine terrace deposits: U.S. Geol . Survey 3 "McKay beds": Hogenson 2 Bandon area : Ehlen 2 Offshore: Ba ldwin 2 Coos County: Armentrout; Ba ldwin 11, 14 Po leontology: Langlois quad .: Phi IIips, R. L. Fossi I plants: Pal eontology: Aspects of pa lynology: Tschudy Fossi l invertebrates: Ba ndon area si l icoflagel lates: Orr 2 Bandon fauna: Zullo 3 Columbia River Basa lt associates: Gray, Cape Blanco, symbiosis: Zullo 2 Jane 3 Fort Rock basin, fresh-water shells: Ellensburg flora associates: Smiley All ison, I. S. Fossi l plant assemblages: Wolfe 5 Southwest Oregon faunas: Addicott 1, 2, 5 Historica I background: Detling 2 Fossil plants: Pollens: Gray, Jane 4 Historica l background: Detling 2 Fossi I invertebrates: Late-g lacial vegetation: Heusser Cold wa ter la te Cenozoic faunas: Allison, Fossil vertebrates: E. c. Fossi l Lake fauna: Allison, I. S.; Brodkorb Freshwater mollusca: Hanna 2; Taylor, 2; Howard, H.; Jeh I 1, 2 D. W. Goose, new species: Howard, H. Gastropod, new genus: Hertlein, Terry Ground sloth near LaGrande: Quaintance Fossil vertebrates:

1 I 2 Birds: Brodkorb 1 Horses, biogeography: Shotwell 1 Black Butte fauna: Shotwell 6, 10 Mammals, Cape Blanco: Leffler Chalicotheres: Skinner, M. F. Mamma ls, North America: Hibbard Clarendon ian fauna: Shotwell 10 Pacific sa lmon, Klamath River basin: Drewsey fauna: Shotwell 10 Miller, R. R. Hemphi IIia n fa una: Shotwell 10 Horses: Shotwell 1 PLIOCENE Mamma lian communities: Shotwell4, 5, 10 Absolute dating , Clarendonian floras: Axe lrod 3 Sa lmonid fish: Da lzell Areas: Shrews: Repenning 1 AMS quadrangles: Squirrels: Black Adel: Wa lker 4 Structure: Bend, Et. Swanson, D. A. 6 Block fa u lting, Basin-Range province: Crescent: Wal ker 10 Dona th 2 Jordan Va lley: Walker 6 Marine terrace deformation: Pa lmer, L. A.; Klamath Falls: Walker 3 U.S. Geol . Survey 3 Astoria area : Dodds, R. K. 4 Tectonic rotation: Taubeneck 12 Brattaindis trict: Muntzert 1 The Da lles-Umati lla syncline: Newcomb Co llier State Pa rk: Peterson, N . V. 3 9, 12 Coos Bay area: Armentrout Volcanic rocks: U.S. Geol. Survey 7 Cove Pa lisades State Park: Peterson , N. V. 18 SUBJ ECT INDEX 179 PLIOCENE, Volcanic racks , continued PORTLAND AREA, Ground water, continued Ash-flow tuffs, distribution and source: Greene Utilization, west-side business district: 2; Wa lker, G. W. 8, 13, 18, 20 Brown, S. G. 2 Maa'rs: Peterson , N. V. 5 Missou la flood: Mount Jefferson area: Greene 1 Deltaic deposits: Bretz Southeastern Oregon basa lts: Strangway; Eddy at Rocky Butte: Bretz Wa lker , G. W. 21 Pa leogeography; relation to Camas, Wash . area: Avolio PLUSH TUFF Surface water; tidal reach of Wil lamette River: Plush area: Larson 1 Dempster Volcanism; Mount Tabor cinder cone: Howell 1 PLUTONS (see INTRUSIONS) PORTLAND HILLS (see TUALATIN MOUNTAINS) POISON CREEK FORMATION Owyhee region: Kittleman 3 PORTLAND HILLS SILT Western Snake River basin: Newton 8 Depositiona l environment: Howell 2 Portland area: Jones, A. C.; Kenney; Trimble POLK COUNTY Prune Hills, Camas Wash .: Avolio Absolute dating; sai I over hearth: Reckendorf Source: Murphy, C. T. L. 2 Ferruginous bauxite: Peterson, E. C. Geology: PORTLAND QUADRANG LE (see PORTLAND AREA) Da llas, Valsetz quads.: Ba ldwin 6 Saddleback area: Macleod 2 POST QUADRANGLE Tyee Fm . eugeosynclinal deposits: Snavely 6 Geology: Willamette basin, subsurface: Newton 28 Map: Waters 4 Wil lamette Valley, Quaternary: Glenn 2 Miocene ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8 Ground water, Eola-Amity Hills area: Price 4,5 Reconna issance: Wa ters 4 Petrology: Basa lts of Siletz River Volcanics: Snavely 8 POTASSIUM FELDSPAR Eugeosynclinal deposits, Tyee Fm .: Snavely 6 Geology and resources: Sh·eppard 5 Saddleback area: Mac Lead 2 Surface water, Willamette River basin: Oreg . St. POWERS QUADRANGLE Water Res. Bd . 6 Diorite intrusions: Lund, E. H. 5 Geology: Ba ldwin 9; Born; Hess, P. D. PORT ORFORD CONGLOMERATE la te Jurassic unconform ity: Dott 8 Stratigraphy and petrology: Farooqui PRAIRIE CITY QUADRANGLE PORT ORFORD QUADRANGLE Geology and map: Thayer 8 Fossi I plants: New Cretaceous flora: Lowther PRE-TERTIARY INLIER Picea sitchensis cones dated: Sullivan, B. M. Brogan quad .: F ouch Geology: John Day uplift: Buddenhagen 1 Diorite intrusions: lund, E. H. 5 Myers Canyon, Mitchell area: U.S. Geol . Survey 8 Humbug Mtn. State Park: Koch, J. G. 1 Sawtooth Creek quad .: Bateman Late Jurassic unconform ity: Dott 8 Pearse Peak Diorite: Kaiser PRICEITE Stratigraphy and tectonic history: Koch, J. G. Brookings area: Hoffman; Staples 1, 2 2, 3 Late Jurassic ichthyosaur: Koch 4 PRINEVILLE AREA Geology, Bend AMS quad ., E!: Swanson, D. A. PORTLAND AREA 4, 6 Earthquakes: Dehlinger 1, 2; Gates; Heinrichs; Ground water; artesian aquifer: Robinson, J. W. Schlicker 3 Geology: Dehlinger 2; Jones, A. C.; Schlicker 3; PUEBLO MOUNTAINS Trimble Geology: Avent 1, 6; Rowe Field trip: Kenney Maps: Dehlinger 2; Schlicker 3; Trimble PUMICE (see also AGGREGATE) Portland Hills Silt: Howell 2 Annual production: Co llins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Fulkerson Ground water: Hogenson 1 , 3 1, 2, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3; Wagner, N. S. 13 Absolute dating; Summer La ke: Allison , I. S. 2 180 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

1-'UMICE, continued Distribution and resources: Wagner, N. S. 13 Age designation: Cohee lightweightaggre gate; induced expansion for: Fossil vertebrates; Late Tertiary Cha licotheres: Wagner, N. S. 4 Skinner, M. F. Localities: Wagner, N. S. 4, 13 Loco lities: Cove Pa lisades State Park: Peterson, N. V. 18 John Dayco untry: Howell 7; Thayer 12 Crater Lake Natl. Park area: Noble 2 Ochoco Summit: Gamer 1 Klamath and Lake Counties: Peterson , N. V. 17 Pau lino Basin: Davenport Newberry Ca ldera: Higgins 1, 2, 4 Quadra ngles: Sprague River area: Peterson, N. V. 17 Aldrich Mtn .: Thayer 4 Mount Mazama eruption, wind direction: Fisher 4 Canyon City: Thayer 3 Petrology: Courtrock: Thayer 7 Bubble-we II texture: Fisher 3 Dayville: Forth Electron-probe study: Smith , D. G. W. Mount Vernon: Brown, C. E. 3 Petrograph ic characteristics of recent: WiI cox, Picture Gorge: White, W. H. R. E. 1 Prairie City: Thayer 8 Refraction index after weathering: Steen 1, 2 Suplee-lzee area: Dicki nson 5; Perrault 1 Vesicu lor pares: Borchardt 1 Petrographic studies: Seismisity: Correlation of ash flows: Beeson, M. H. 2 Longitudinal velocity variation: Thill Ignimbrites in Paulina Basin: Davenport Sonic velocity: Osgood Stratigraphy: Soils: Columbia River Group nomenclature: Thayer 5 Developmenton dated deposits: Tidba ll Ignimbrites in Pa ulino Basin: Davenport Physica l and chemica l properties: Youngberg Structure: Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Q Post-Clarno uplifts: Rogers 2

QUARTZBURG DISTRICT RECENT (see HOLOCENE) Standard mine, treatm ent of ore: Hill, R. B. REEDSPORT QUADRANGLE QUARTZVILLE QUADRANGLE Geology, Umpqua River area: Ba ldwin 1 Geology, Detroit Reservoir area: Pungrassami REMANENT MAGNETISM (see GEOMAGNETISM) QUATERNARY (see HOLOCENE, PLEISTOCENE) RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS QU ICKSILVER (see MERCURY) Pacific Northwest: Cantwell 1, 2; Skehan 2, 3

QUOSATANA BUTTE AREA RHODODENDRON FORMATION Geology: Schwab Clackamas County: Ore Bin 27 Laurel Hill-Sti ll Creek area: Bikermon R Mount Hood area: Wise, W. S. 5 Portland area: Trimble RADAR AND INFRARED SURVEYS Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B.; Wheeler 3 Coast: Mac Lead 3 RHYOLITE RADIOCARBON DATING (see ABSOLUTE DATING) Burns Junction-Rome area: Ellison East Lake Fissure: Higgins 5 RAIL CABIN ARGILLITE Soda rhyolite, La ke County: Wa lker 1 Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 5 Trace element of silicic volcanic rocks: Beeson, M. H. 3 RANCIEITE Enterprise area: Gunn, D. W. RICHMOND QUADRANGLE Clinopti lolite tuff: Fisher 2 RARE EARTHS Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Elements in sedimentary rocks: Collins, K. A. Miocene ignimbrite: Fisher 8 Pyrogenic mineral stability, John Day Fm .: RASTUS FORMATION Fisher 13 Blue Mtn. region: Thayer 10 Ironside Mtn. quad .: Lowry SUBJ ECT INDEX 181

RIDDLE FORMATION (see also MYRTLE GROUP) ROGUE FORMATION, Structure, continued Ammonites from Buchia zones: Imlay 6 Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonism: Dott 7 Dixonville quad .: Hixson Structura l relations: U.S. Geol . Survey 8 Klamath Mtns. province: Ba ldwin 16; Ramp 6 Roseburg quad.: Johnson, W. R. ROGUE RIVER BAS IN Chaparra l flora , postglacial history: Detling "RIMROCK BASALT" Environmental geology, Rogue River Basin Project: Cove Pa lisades State Park: Peterson, N. V. 18 U.S. Bur . Rec lamation 1 Geology: RING BUTTE ANDESITE Hellgate Canyon: Nafziger 3; Ore Bin 32 Ironside Mtn. quad .: Lowry Thrust fa ulting: Ba ldwin 15 Mineral resources: RITTER QUADRANGLE Chromite: Ramp 1 Zeolite distribution: Mossel Heavy minera ls: U.S. Geol. Survey 5 Mining history: Gamer 2; Nafziger 3; Peirce RIVERS (see also individua l rivers) Placer mining: Haines; Nafziger 3 Channels: Sand and gravel: Schlicker 9 Entrenched: Peterson, N. V. 1 8 Offshore sediments: Nov iga tion: Bessey, R. F. Chronology: Duncan 2 Roughness of natura 1: Barnes, H. H. Petrology: Bloomquist; U.S. Geol . Survey17 Scenic geology: Ekman Surface water: Stream piracy: Quality: Kitching Clackamas River: Howell 4 Streamflow records: Young, R. A. Da l las-Va lzetz quads .: Ba ldwin 2 Nehalem River: Howell 3 "ROME BEDS" Pennoyer Creek: Howell 3 Stratigraphy: Ellison Salmonberry River: Howell 3 Western Oregon streams: Chapman ROS EBUD MEMB ER (OF TROWBRIDGE FORMATION) Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson ROAD LOG (see GUIDEBOOKS) ROSEBURG AREA ROCK CREEK-JOHN DAY LINEAMENT Geology: Sna ke River Canyon: Morrison, R. F. 2 Dixonvi lie quad.: Champ Thrust faulting: Ba ldwin 4, 5 ROC KY POINT FORMATION Petrographic studies: Loco I i ties: G laucophane-bearing metamorph ic rocks:

Klamath province: Koch , J. G. 2; Ramp 6 Toy lor 1 H. P. 1, 2 langlois quad .: Lent Thorium and uranium in sandstones: Rogers 1 Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch, J. G. 3 Sea stacks and reefs: Hunter, R . E . ROS EBURG QUADRANGLE Sixes River area: Boggs 3, 6 Geology: Hicks; Johnson, W. R. Petrology, flysch conglomerate: Aa lto 2 ROUND BUTTE DAM QUADRANGLE ROGUE FORMATION Geology: Hewitt Chemica l ana lyses, Rogue Gneiss: Keys 7 Loco I ities: RUCH QUADRANGLE Dixonville quad .: Champ; Hixson Klamath Mtns . Pa leozoic-Triassic contact: Ga lice quad .: Helming Engelhardt Hellga te Canyon: Ore Bin 32 Horse Sign Butte vicinity: Ba ldwin 12 s Klamath Mtns.: Keys 5; Ramp 6 Lower Rogue River: Ba ldwin 15 SADDLE BUTTE AR EA Port Orford-Gold Beach area: Koch, J. G. 3 Lava-tube caves: Ciesiel Roseburg quad.: Johnson, W. R. Siskiyou Mtns . : Dickinson 2 SADDLE MOUNTAIN QUADRANG LE Stra tigraphy: NewEocene corals: Blake, D. B. 1 Relations with Dothan Fm .: Hotz 3, 4 Structure: SADDLE MOUNTAIN STATE PAR K Gravity field: Keys 2 Geology, field trip: Nafziger 2 182 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

SALEM AREA SANDSTO NE Environmenta l geology: Schlicker 6, 7 Convo lute lamination: Dott 2 Ground water: Foxworthy 4; Helm Depositional environment: Bloomquist Late Pleistocene stratigraphy: Balster 3 Intrusives at Astoria: Dodds, R. K. 1 Oligocene marine molluscan fauna: Hickman Slump structure: Boggs 5 Sand and gravel: Glenn 1 Thorium and uranium contents: Rogers

SAND AND GRAVEL (see also GRAVELS) SANDY RIVER MU DSTONE Annua l production: Coll ins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Ground water, east Portland area: Hogenson 3 Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 Loco I i ties: Future requirements: Schlicker 8 Columbia River Gorge: Ba ldwin 10 Bear Creek, Rogue River va lleys: Sch licker 9 Marion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Geology of deposits: Sch licker 8 Portland area: Brown, S. G. 2; Trimble Applegate River area: Schlicker 10 Bear Creek and Rogue River va lleys: Sch Iicker 9 SANTIAM-McKENZIE PASS HIGHWAY Northern Wi llamette Va lley: Glenn 1 Geology: Taylor, E. M. 5 Heavy minera ls: In Sixes River: Boggs 2 SANTIAM RIVER BASIN Mineralogy of beach sand: McKay, R. H. Geology, western Detroit Reservoir area: Mining industry: Hines 4 Pungrassami Resources: Hines 4 Ground water: Helm Applegate River area: Schlicker 10 Surface water, patterns of runoff: Oster 2 Bear Creek Va lley: Schlicker 9 Volcanic rock, terrestrial gamma radiation: Klamath, La ke Counties: Peterson , N. V. 17 Wollenberg Klamath Mtns . province: Ramp 6 Northern Wil lamette Va lley: Glenn 1 SARDINE FORMATION Portland area: Trimble Fossil flora: Peck 6 Rogue River Va lley: Schlicker 9 Fossil pollen: Gray, Jane 2 Tua latin Val ley: Schlicker 5 SARDINE SERIES SAND DUNES DefToit Reservoir area: Pungrassami Age of bogs and lakes estimated: Kum ler McKenzie River valleyi Jan Geomorphology: South Umpqua Fa lis region: Kays 6 Depositiona l environment of ancient sediments: Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B.; Peck 1, 2, 4; Bloomquist Wheeler 3 Periods of dune activity: U.S. Geol Survey 3 Recent physical changes: Dicken SATSOP FORMATION Rise in coastline: Crandell 1; Kum ler Correla tions: Howell 4 Shifti ng of axes of deformation: U.S. Geol . Survey 3 SAUVIE ISLAND Glass sand studies; beneficiation: Carter, G. J. 2 Field trip: Strong 1 Ground-water resources: Clatsop Plains: Frank 1, 3; Hampton 1 SAWTOOTH CREEK QUADRANGLE Coasta l dune and beach sands: Hampton 1 Geology: Bateman; Beeson, M. H. 1 F Iorence area: Hampton 1, 3 North of Coos Bay: Brown, S. G. 3; SAWTOOTH RIDGE Hampton 1 Geology: Patterson, P. V. 1969 Localities: Ekman Astoria to The Dalles: Whetten 3 SCAPPOOSE FORMATION Clatsop Plains: Frank 1, 3 Correlation , Western Cascades: Peck 2, 4 Fort Rack Basin: Hampton 4 Neha lem River basin: Young , L. L. 4 Fossil Lake: Allison, I. S. 1 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 langlois quad.: Phillips, R. L . Portland area: Trimble North of Coos Bay: Brown, S. G. 3 Yamhill quad.: Schlicker 2 Oregon coast: Cooper, W. S. Port Orford-Cape Blanco areas: U.S. Geol . SCORIA Survey 3 Crater La ke Natl . Park: Noble 2 Summit Rock: Kleck SUBJECT INDEX 183

SCOTTSBURG QUADRANGLE SEDIMENTS, continued Geologic map: Ba ldwin 1 Lacustrine: Abert La ke: Droste SEA-FLOOR TECTONICS Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Andesite magmas, origin: Church 1, 2 Burnt River Va I ley area: Price 8 Asian-North Am erican contacts: Danner 5 Crater Lake: Nelson, C. H. 2 Cape Mendocino, north of: McEvilly Harney Lake: Droste Cenozoic: Atwater Klamath Fa lls (AMS) quad .: Wa l ker 3 Continental drift: Gilluly 3; Griggs, G. B. 4; Owyhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek area: Hayes; Hays; McManus 4, 5; Nature 1, 2; Geldstzer Shor 1 Silver La ke: Droste East Pacific Rise: Bostrom; Emilia 2; Northrup 3 Summer La ke Valley: Donath 2; Droste Magnetic anoma lies: Pa voni Petrology: Mantle-derived peridotites: Medaris 1, 2 Authigenic si licates in Spencer Fm .: Enlows Mesozoic-Cenozoic: Dott 7, 10 Clay minera ls, desert lakes: Droste North Pacific: Deh linger 6; Mc Kenzie Clay minera ls, Tyee Fm .: Cummi ngs 2 Rift system: Bostrom Depasitiona I environment, southern coast: Bloomquist SEA LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Pebble size and com position: Boggs 4 Evidence: Hubbs Pleistocene, Curry County: U.S. Geol . Nonseasonal variations: Roden Survey 16 Sources , Pacific Coast Basins: Anderson, SEDIMENTARY ROC KS H. W. Deposi tiona I fea tures: Convo lute lamination: Dott 2 SEISMIC MEASUREMENTS (see also EARTHQUAKES, Eocene pa leocurrents: Scott, K. M . SUBMARINE GEO LOGY) Slump structures: Boggs 5 Basin-Range bloc k fa ulting: Dona th 2 Turbidites: Dott 5; Lovell 3; Snavely 6 Blue Mtns. Observatory: Leichliter Deposi tiona I processes: Buried channels off Columbia River: Berg 6 Cyclic: Dott 5; Love ll 3; Snavely 6 Cascade Mtns .: Church 12 Deltaic: Dott 4, 9 Coast Range: Berg 7, 12; Trembly Subaqueous gravity dynamics: Dott 3 Columbia Plateau: Hill, D. P.; U.S. Geol . Stereonet analysis, Umpqua-Tyee contact: Girard Survey 18 Columbia River sonar reflection: Lister SEDIMENTS (see also SUBMARINE GEOLOGY) Continental shelf: Ba les: Mackay; U.S. Geol . Estuary: Survey 2 Coos Bay: Cummings l Continentalterra ce: Shor; Tobin Columbia River, geochem istry: Johnson, V. Deep crusta l: Chiburis 2, 3; Deh linger 9 Columbia River transport: Lockett 1, 2 Depoe Bay: Trembly Indicators of sediment movement: Byrne 17; Newport-offshore: Whi tcomb 2 Neiheisel Yaquina Bay: Wh itcomb 1 Yaquina Bay: Kulm 1, 3, 5, 7 Fluvia l: SELMA QUADRANGLE Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Galice Fm ., Babyfaot Lake area: Wise, J. P. Burnt River Va lley: Price 8 Josephine peridotite sheet: Ramer Columbia River: Hawkins; Kelley 1, 2; Van Atta 1 , 2; Whetten 1 , 2, 6 SENECA QUADRANGLE Lower reservoirs: Hanson, L. G . Lower Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 5 Sand study by TV: New York Times Sand waves: Ful lam; Whetten 3 SERPENTINITE (see also PERI DOTITE) Elk River: Swanson, F. J. Applegate Group: Heinrich French Pra irie area: 'Price 6 Emplacement: Coleman 1 Labish low land: Glenn 1 Klamath Mtns.: Engelhardt Molalla River: Glenn 1 Low-temperature development: Barnes, Ivan North Wil lamette Va lley: Glenn 1, 2 Map of distribution: Brooks 6 Santiam River: Glenn 1 Ocea n rind fragments in eugeosynclines: Dietz Southwest Oregon coast: Bloomquist Umpqua River basin: Onions SEVEN DEVILS MOUNTAINS Wa lla Wa lla River basin: Mapes Geology, Sna ke River area : Va llier 1, 2, 3 184 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

SEVEN DEVILS VOLCANICS SILVER, continued Oxbow on Snake River: Stearns 5 Occurrences: Permian pa leotectonics: Ketner Ba ker County, Elkhorn Ridge: Derksen Snoke River oreo: Morrison, R. F. Oregon King mine: Libbey 1, 2; Ojala 1 Resources: U.S. Bur . Mines SHAW MEMBER (S NOWSHOE FORMATION) Eva lua tion of reserves: Everett, F. D. Suplee-lzee area: Dicki nson 5 , 7 SILVER PEAK MINING AREA SHERMAN COUNTY Dothan-Rogue confoct: Hotz 4 Archaeology, John Day Dom area: Cole Environmenta l geo logy, Columbia River waterfront: SILVER STAR GRANODIORITE Meyers Geology: Trimble Geology: Deschutes-Umatilla plateau: Newcomb 10 SILVIES MEMBER (S NOWSHOE FORMATION) Dufur quad.: Waters 5 Suplee- lzee area: Dickinson 5, 7 John Day damsite: Nelson, P.; Kelly, W. L. Soi I survey: Mayers SISKIYOU MOUNTAINS (see also KLAMATH The Da lles-Umatilla sync line: Newcomb 8, 9 MOUNTAINS) Ground water, Deschutes River basin: Oreg . St. Correla tion of Crefoceous formations: Popenoe Water Res . Bd 7 Crefoceous pe lecypods of genus Pinna: Pa ckard 2 Minera l resources: Jurassic geosynclinal andesitic volcanism: Aggregate and rock sites: Olcott Dickinson 2 Jasper: Gali Mesozoic orogenesis and sedimentation: Koch, J. G. SHORELINE (see COASTAL AREA) Pearse PeakDiori te: Kaiser

SHUMURAY RANCH BASALT SITKUM QUADRANGLE Owyhee region: Kittleman 3, 4 Geology: Fairchild; Magoon; Trigger Fairview-McKinley area: Nelson, E. B. SHUTLER FORMATION Da lles-Umatilla syncline: Newcomb 8 SIXES RIVER Sherman County soi I survey: Mayers Gold distribution: Boggs 2, 5 Umatilla River basin: Hogenson 2 Heavy mineral distribution: Boggs 3; U.S. Geol . Survey 5 SILETZ RIVER VOLCANICS Pebble counts, sedimentary petrology: Boggs 4 Localities: Snavely 14 Albany-Newport area: Bromery 4 SKAMANIA VOLCANIC SERIES Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 Geology: Trimble Centra l-western Oregon: McWilliams Coast Range: Balster 1; Snavely 6, 7 SLED SPRINGS QUADRANGLE Da llas, Valsetz quads .: Ba ldwin 6 Wa l lowa Mtn . uplift: Taubenec k 7 Newport area: Snavely 11 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 SMITH ROCKS STATE PAR K Oceanic extension of coasta l volcanics: Em ilia 3 Geology: Bartholomay 2 Saddleback area: Macleod 2 Petrograph ic studies: SNAKE RIVER BAS IN Compositiona l variations: Snavely 7 Cenozoic tectonics: Hamilton 2, 3 Tholeiitic ond alkalic basalts: Snavely 8 Geology: Stratigraphy: La ke Owyhee Sta te Park: Corcoran 3 Sub I ittora I to neritic deposition: Thoms 2 Owyhee Upland province: Corcoran 9 Western Oregon: Snavely 3, 14 Ground water, effect of drain wells on qua lity: Abegglen SILICA (INDUSTRIA L) Mitchell Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Geology of deposits: Ramp 8 Petroleum geology, western Snoke River basin: Occurrences: Carter 1; Ramp 6, 8 Newton 8 Resources: Ramp 8 Surface wate r: F loads Dec . 1964, Jan. 1965: Waananen 1, 2 SILVER (see also GOLD) Index of records to Oct. 1967: Eisenhuth 4 Annua l production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3,; Qua lity, 1961: U.S. Geol. Survey 20 Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1 SUBJ ECT tNDEX 185 SNAKE RIVER CANYON SPELEOLOGY, continued Copper deposits: Va llier 1, 3 la va-tube caves: Engineering geology, Hells Canyon hydroelectric Geology and morphology: Greeley 1, 2 project: Schnaible lavacicle Cave: Ore Bin 28 Geology: Brooks 5, 8, ll; Morrison, R. F. 1, 2, Saddle Butte area: Ciesiel 3; Stearns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Va llier 1, 2, 3, 4, Spatter cone pits: Nie land 5, 6; Wagner, N. S. 2 SPENCER FORMATION SNOW PEAK QUADRANGlE Biostratigraphy: Bird Oligocene angiosperms: K lucking Geology and engineering characteristics: Tua latin Va lley region: Schlicker 5 SNOWSHOE FORMA liON localities: Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 1, 5 Centra l-western Oregon: McWi lliams Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 7 Da l las-Va lsetz quads .: Ba ldwin6 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 SOAPSTONE (see TA lC) Tualatin Va lley: Schlicker 5 Western Cascades: Peck 2, 4 SODIUM Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Resources: Mason, R. S. 25; Newton 26 Yamhill quad.: Schlicker 2 Petrography, authigenic silicates: En lows SOilS Analyses: SPOKANE FLOOD (see MISSOULA FLOOD) Acid forest soi ls: Knox Humic-acid type organics: Trost SPRAY QUADRANG LE Neutron activation ana lysis: Borchardt 2 Geology: Pumice Desert, Crater la ke: Horn, E. M. Early Tertiary deformation: Fisher 12 Pumice soi ls: Youngberg Miocene ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8 Slick spot soi ls: lewis, G. C. Picture Gorge Bosa It: Lindsley Engineering: Pyrogenic mineral stability: Fisher 13 Clays from volcanic rocks: Pope Embankment fa ilure: Bell SPRING WATER FORMATION Geologic hazards: Schlicker 5, 6 Portland area: Tr imble Hells Canyon hydroelectric project: Schnaible Neskowin to Til lamook: Oreg. St. Highway Div. SPRINGS Paper-mill structure supports: Klahn, E. J. Fluids in alpine-type ultramafics: Barnes , I. Geomorphology: Mount Jefferson Primitive Area: Wa lker 5 Coast Range: Parsons, R. B. 1 Lake Oswego area: Parsons, R. B. 2 SQUAW BASIN Minera logy: Coal deposi ts: Wayland Mazama pumice, soi l genesis: Chichester; Tidball SQUAW CREEK FORMATION Silica te clays: Singleton Freezeout Mtn . area: McMurray Units: Harper area: Weeden Sherman County survey: Mayers Wil lamette Va lley: Ba lster 2, 3; Beattie . STANDARD MINE Dayton horizons: Parsons 3 Ore treatment, copper and coba lt: Hill Yam hi II County: U.S. Soil Conserv . Serv . STATE GEOLOGIST SPARTA QUADRANGLE Appointment, R. E. Corcoran: Dunn; Ore Bin 50 Geology: Prostka 1, 2 Dole, Hollis M., to minera Is post: Ore Bin 49; Metamorphism: Ta ubeneck 6 Wansbrough Permian and Tr iassic fossils: Bostwick 1 Petrography, Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 11 STAYTON LAVAS Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B. SPECTROGRAPH IC ANAlYSIS (see ANALYSES) STAYTO N QUADRANGlE SPELEOLOGY Sand and gravel: Glenn 1 Archaeology, Fort Rock cave: Strong 5 186 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

STEENS BASALT STONE, Traprock, continued Absolute dating, fossi I mamma Is: Evernden 2 Mid-Columbia quarry sites: Olcott Age and correlation: Avent 6; Wa l ker 11 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Geochem istry: Gunn, B. M. Geomagnetism: Larson 2; Watkins 1, 7, 8, 9; STRAWBERRY MOUNTAIN Wi lson , R. L. 1, 2 Geology: Loco lities : John Day country: Thayer 12 Basin and Range province: Wa I ker 17 La te Tertiary silicic volcanism: Thayer 3 Hart Mtn . Nat I. Antelope Refuge: Wa l ker 11 Petrographic studies , ca lcic volcanic rocks: Plush area: Larson 1 Gottfried Pueblo Mtns.: Rowe Origin: Avent 5 STRAWB.ERRY VOLCANICS Stratigraphic relationshi ps: Avent 1, 4 Loco I i ties: Canyon City quad .: Thayer 3 STEENS MOUNTAIN John Day country: Thayer 12 Geochem istry of basa lts: Gunn, B. M. Prairie City quad .: Thayer 8 Geology: Avent 2, 6; Wal ker 2, 4, 17 Nomenc lature, Columbia River Group: Thayer 5 Geomagnetism: Ba ksi; Larson 3; Wa tkins 1, 7, 8, Tectonism , Columbia River Group: Newcomb 13 9, 11, 16, 17, 18; Wilson, R. L. 1, 2 STR EAM SEDIMENT SAMPLES STEEI'-JS MOUNTAIN VOLCANIC SERIES Heavy minerals, sou thwestern Oregon: Bowen 3 Geochemistry: Gunn, B. M. Mercury dispersion: Trost Nickel-bearing stream sediments: Ore Bin 53 STEENS-PUEBLO MOUNTAINS Geology: Avent 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STRONTIUM In crystalline rocks: Hopson, C. A. 1 STEREONET ANALYSIS Umpqua-Tyee contact: Girard STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY (see also FAULTS AND FOLDING) STINKING WATER BAS IN Alignm ents: Geology: Gregory, C. D. Rock Creek-John Day: Morrison , R. F. 2 Miocene pol len: Martin, P. S. Steens-Hells Canyon: Morrison, R. F. 2 Wa l lowa-Olympic: Morrison, R. F. 2 STOC KS (see INTRUSIONS) Doma l or linear uplifts: Controls on barite mineralization: Dunham STONE (see also LIMESTONE, TUFFS) Post-C larno uplifts: Rogers 2 Annua I production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Grabens: Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 3 Alvord: Wa lker 17 Building materials: Catlow Va lley: Wa l ker 17 House that minerals made: Mason, R. S. 4 Guano Valley: Wa l ker 17 Lloyd Center collection: Mason, R. S. 16 Klamath : Wa l ker 17 Wa lis of Portland: Mason, R. S. 15 Pueblo Va lley: Carlton Crushed stone: Silver La ke: lkeagwauni Klamath, Lake Counties: Peterson, N. V. 17 Summer La ke: l keagwauni; Wa l ker 17 Klamath Mtns . province: Ramp 6 Summit Prairie: Thayer 8 Production and resources: Mason, R. S. 26 Warner Vo lley: Wa lker 11, 17 Jetty rock, western Oregon: Snavely 14 Loca lities: Wa lker 16 Limestone: Mason, R. S. 26 Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Bui lding stone: Mason, R. S. 26 Cape Sebastian-Crook Point area: Howard,

Da l las-Va lsetz quads .: Ba ldwin 6 J. K. 1 I 2 Deschutes-Umatilla plateau: Newcomb 10 Caviness quod .: Wolff 1, 2 Jones marble deposit: Ramp 2 Channels: Bird La ke County: Peterson, N. V. 17 Coast Range: Dietz Portland area: Trimble Columbia Plateau: Sawtooth Te eth quad.: Bateman Hart Mtn . Natl . Antelope Refuge: Wa lker 11 Sandstone: Mason, R. S. 26 High Cascades: Wheeler, H. E. 4 Traprock (road roc k): Bow les lmpli cation of paleomagnetism , northeastern Deschutes-Umati lla plateau: Newcomb 1 0 Oregon: Watkins 5 Joseph Upland: Newcomb 11 Klamath Mtns.: Irwin 1 SUBJ ECT INDEX 187

STRUCTURAl GEOlOGY, loca lities, continued SUBMARINE GEOlOGY, continued langlois quad .:. lent Cascadia Abyssa l Plain: Byrne 3; Duncan 2, 4, 6 la te Jurassic unconformity: Dott 8 Biogenic elements in surface sediments: Enbysk May Creek Schist bel t: Kays 7 Biolithology of sediments: Nayudu 3 Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonism: Dott 7 Bottom sediment types: McManus I Plush area: larson I Geomorphology: Griggs, G. B. 4, 6 Port Orford shear zone: Dott I Pa leoc limatic conditions: Duncan I Pueblo Mtns .: Avent I; Rowe Pleistocene foraminifera l tr ends: Fowler 2 Roseburg quad .: Johnson, W. R. Seafloor mecha nics: McEvi lly Slump structure, Cretaceous(? ) sa ndstones: Sedimentation: Griggs, G. B. I , 3; Horn, Boggs 5 D. R.; Kulm, l. D. 2, 6 South Fork John Day River: Howell 7 Seism ic refraction studies: Shor I, 2 Snake River Canyon: Va llier I , 3 Cascadia deep-sea channel: Griggs, G. B. I, Suplee area: Perrault I 3, 4, 5, 6; Ku lm , l. D. 2, 4, 6; McManus 2 Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 7 Continental margin: Braislin; Kulm, l. D. 8 Submarine: Dehlinger 6 Deformation: Pa lmer, l. A. The Dalles area: Newcomb 12 Mio-Piiocene formations: Ba ldwin 2 Thrust contact, Colebrooke Schist over Myrtle Off southern Oregon Coast: Ba les; U.S. Geol. Group: Bailey 2 Survey 22 Trout Creek Mtns .: Carlton Sedimentary rocks: Ku lm, L. D. 8; Ma loney 2, 3 Tua latin Va lley: Schlicker 5 Siletz River Volcanics: Snavely 8 Tyee cuesta scarp: Trigger Tem perature measurements: Mesecar Western Cascades: Wheeler, H. E. 4 Tertiary basin: Byrne 9 White Salmon quad.: Newcomb 5 Uplift of: Byrne 16 Sea stacks and reefs: Hunter, R. E. Vo lcanics, extension from coast: Emi lia 3 Stereonet ana lysis, Umpqua-Tyee contact: Girard Conti nental terrace geomorphology: Tectonic rotation , Colum bia Arc: Taubeneck 12, Centra l coast: Byrne 2; Ma loney 3, 4 I 3; Watkins I 4 Effect of East Pacific Rise: Byrne 18 Wal lowa Mtn. uplift: Ta ubeneck 7 Northern coast: Byrne 3 Windgaps, Neha I em River: Howell South of Coos Bay: Byrne 6, 7 Foraminifera studies: Boettcher I, 2; Fowler I, SUBMARINE GEOlOGY (see also SEA-FlOOR 2, 3, 4, 5; Jarman, G. D. TECTONICS) Gravity surveys: Astoria Canyon: Byrne 2, 3, 6; Carlson I, 2, 3; Maps: Berg 9; Dehlinger 7, 8 Duncan 2, 3; Nelson, C. H. 5, 6; Osterberg; Newport area: Rinehart, W. A. I, 2 Russe II, K . l. I , 2 Infrared and radar imagery: Snave ly 9 Astoria Fan: Byrne 3; Duncan 2; McManus 2, 3; Magnetic surveys: Nelson, C. H. 4, 5, 6; Shor I Anoma ly off southern Oregon: U.S. Geol. Clay minera l origin: Russell, K. l. 2 Survey 22 Deep-sea gravel: Griggs, G. B. 5 Juan de Fuca-Gorda Ridge: Peter Deposition: Nelson, C. H. 4, 5 Newport area: Em i lia I Geomorphology: Griggs, G. B. 4, 6 Pacific Northwest coast: Berg 10; Em ilia 2; Mazama ash: Nelson, C. H. 3 Pavoni; Raff Missou la flood deposi ts: Bretz Minera l resources: Radioactive fa llout particles: Gross 5 Conti nenta I terrace: Sediments: Carlson 3, 4; Duncan 3; McMa nus I; Gold distribution: Clifton 2 Nelson, C. H. 5 Heavy minera ls: Clifton 2; Ku lm, l. D. Bottom fea tures: McManus 2, 3, 5, 6 8, 9, 10; U.S. Geol . Survey 22 Cobb Seamount: McManus 5, 6; Shor I , 2 Placer deposits: Ku lm, l. D. 8, 9, 10 Geology: Mueller Rogue River mouth: Chambers I, 2; U.S. lega l jurisdiction: Muel ler Geol. Survey 9 Coqui lie Bank: Byrne 6 Exploration: Dole 7 Heceta Bank: Byrne 2, 9, 13; McManus 2; Manganese nodule assay: Ca ldwell Maloney 4; Shor 1 , 2 Neglected mining frontier: Byrne I 0 Tertiary foraminifera: Fowler I Ocean current observa tions: Burt, W. V. Newport Seaknoll: Jarman, G. D. Oregon State University: Siltcoos Ba nk: Maloney 4 Gravity measurements: Couch 2 Stonewa ll Bank: Byrne 2, 9, 13, 16; McManus Oceanography at: OSU Dept. Oceanography 2; Ma loney 4; Whitcomb 2 Research progress: Kulm, S. Tertiary foram inifera: Fowler I 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MI NERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

SUBMAR INE GEOLOGY, continued SUCKER CREEK FORMA TJON, continued Sediments: Fossil flora , description and revision: Graham Biogenic elements: Enbysk; Harmon; Nayudu 3 1, 2, 3 Carbona te: Gross 3 Fossi I vertebrates: Chronology, Pleistocene-Holocene: Duncan Late Tertiary Chalicotheres: Skinner, M. F. 1, 2, 4; Griggs, G. B. 2, 3, 6 Miocene mamma ls: Shotwell 9 Chronology, volcanic ash : Hays Loca lities: Climatic indicators: Fowler 5; Griggs, G. B. La ke Owyhee State Park: Corcoran 3 7; Nayudu 2 Mitche ll Butte quad .: Corcoran 2 Continental sh elf: Bushnell; Byrne 12; Gross Owyh ee Reservoir area : Kittlema n 2, 3, 4 6; Horn, D. R .; Runge; Slabaugh Owyhee Reservoir-Sucker Creek region: Holocene, southern Oregon: Spigai Geldstzer Mazama Ash: Du nca n 5; Griggs, G. B. 6; Western Sno ke River basin: Newton 8 Nelson, C. H. 3; Royse Petrography, flow layering in si licic Iovas: Minera logy and geochem istry: White, S. M. Benson 3 1, 2 Radioactive: Gross 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 SUMME R LA KE AREA Rates of accumu lotion: Carlson 1; U.S. Geol . Absolute do ting: Survey 17 Ash Ioyer , fossi I i nvertebrotes: Buck I ey 1 Texture I trends: Byrne 14, 15 Pum ice: All ison, I. S. 2 Textures and structures: Roush; U.S. Geol . Survey 19 SUMMIT ROCK Turbidite: Horn, D. R. Minera logy, cav ity minera ls: Klec k Vo lcanic ash chronology: Hays Seismic surveys: SUMPTER QUADRANGLE Buried channe ls off Columbia River: Berg , Geo logy, Elkhorn Ridge: Derksen J. W. 6 Ground water , Boker Vo I ley: Lystrom 2 Continental shelf profi.l es: Ba les; Mackay; Permian and Triassic rocks, fossi I fusu linids, U . S. Geol . Survey 22 crinoids: Bostwick 1 Continentalterrace: Shor; Tobin Permia n gastropod Om pho lotrochus: Yochelson Gorda Ridge: Heinrichs 2; Northrop 1, 2 Newpor t, offshore: Wh itcomb 2 SUPLEE FORMATION S true tura I fea tures: Lower Jurassic ammonites: Imlay 5 Blanco fracture zone: Bostrom; Deh linger 6; Duncan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Griggs, G. B. SUPLEE- IZEE AREA 4, 6; Mc Evi lly; McManus 2, 4, 5, 6; Devonian outcrops: Peter; Shor 1; Tobin Pre-Tertiary inlier: K leweno 1, 2 Earthquakes: Couch 5 Reef complexes: Do nner 3 Gordo Ridge: Bostrom: Dehlinger 6; Duncan Fossil invertebrates: Wo l ters 1, 2, 6; Hedge 3; Heinrichs 2; Kay, R.; Late J urossic ommoni tes: lm loy 1 McEvilly; McManus 5; Nature 2; Northrop 3; Perm ian fusu linids: Bostwick 3; Skinner, J. W. Peter; Shor 1; Sleep Geology: Dicki nson 5, 6, 7; Vigross Free-air anoma lies: Dehlinger 8 Petrographic studies: Dickinson 7 Seaqua ke swarms: Northrop 1, 2; Sykes Geosync linal andesitic volcanism: Dicki nson 2 Juan de Fuca Ridge: Dehlinger 5, 6; Dunca n Jurassic ondesitic strata: Dickinson 4 1, 2; Hedge; Kay, R .; Lister 2; Nature 2; Metasoma tic quartz keratophyre: Dickinson 1 Peter; Shor 1; Sykes Prehni te-pum pellyite metagraywacke fac ies: Tufts Abyssa l Plain: Deh linger 5, 6; Griggs, G. Hashimoto, M. B. 3, 4; Horn , D. R.; Kulm, L. D. 4; Nayudu Pre-Tertiary roc ks , bibliography: Steere 3 3; Shor 1 Stra ti graphy: Dicki nson 7 Mesozoic history: Dicki nson 5 SUCKER CREEK AREA Pre-Cenozoic history: Dickinson 6 Fossi I plants: Structure: Dickinson 6, 7; Perrault 1 Description and revision: Graham 1, 2, 3 Pollen and spore flora: Taggart SURFACE WATER Geology: Corcoran 3; Geldstzer; Kittleman 2 Areas: Applegate River: Harr is, D. D. 3 SUCKER CREEK FORMATION Co lumbia River: Cavansite: Staples 8, 10 Com putation of flow at mouth: Orem SUBJECT INDEX 189

SURFACE WATER, Areas, Columbia River, continued SURFACE WATER, continued Floods Dec . 1964, Jon. 1965: Dempster; Power resources: Woononen 1, 2 Alsea River basin: Young, L. L. 5 Historical streamflowdat a: Orem 2 Neha lem River basin: Young, L. L. 4 Index of records: Eisenhuth 1, 5 Sna ke River basin: Young, L. L. 2 Multiple use of water: Bessey Trask River basin: Young , L. L. 3 Qua lity for irriga tion: U.S. Geol. Survey 21 Qua lity: Ph illips, K. N. I , 3 Quality in lower basin: Phi llips, K. N. 3; For irrigation: Love; U.S. Geol. Survey 21

Santos; U • S. Geol . Survey 20 Reservoir storage capacity: Martin Hood Basin: Oreg . St. Water Res . Bd . 1 Resources, general: Ph i llips, K. N. I, 3; John Day River basin: Oreg . St. Water Res. Weissenborn 5 Bd . 2 Streamflow data: Lystrom 3 Klamath La ke: Hubbard T em pero lure do to: Klamath River basin: Phillips, K. N. 3 Lower Columbia River: Moore, A. M. 3 Molheur La ke Basin: Carnahan, H. E.; Oreg . Streams: Moore, A. M. I, 2 St. Water Res. Bd. 8, 11 Molheur River basin: Oreg . St. Water Res. Bd . SUTHERLIN QUADRANGLE 11 Geology: Lawrence; Payton McKenzie River basin: Colbert Metropolitan areas: Schneider SVENSEN QUADRANGLE Owyhee River basin: Oreg . St. Water Res . Age of "Columbia River Basa lts": Dodds, R. K. 4 Bd . 11 Geo logy: Dodds, R. K. I Pacific Slope basins: Index of records: Eisenhuth 1, 5 SWEET HOME PETRIFIED FOREST Quality: U.S. Geol . Survey 20 Fossil woods, Holley area: Gregory, I. I Powder River basin: Oreg . St. Water Res . Bd . 9 SYNCLINES (see FOLDI NG) Rogue River basin: Harris, D. D. 2; Phillips, K. N. 3 T Siuslow River basin: Colbert 2 Snoke River basin: Oreg . St. Water Res. Bd . TA LC AND SOAPSTO NE 11; Phi llips, K. N. 3 Annua l production: Col l ins, R. P. I, 2, 3; Chem ica l quality: Laird Fulkerson I , 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. I, 2, 3 F loads Dec . 1964 , Jan. 1965: Woo no nen 1, 2 TARHEEL FORMATION Index of records: Eisenhuth 2, 4 Coos Bay area: Armentrout Quality: U.S. Geol . Survey 20, 21 South Coast basin: Oreg . St. Water Res. Bd . 4 TEANAWAY BASALT Southeast Oregon, index of records: Eisenhuth 3 Centra l-:-western Oregon: McWilliams Umatilla drainage basin: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res . Bd . 10 TECTONICS (see also CONTINENTAL DRIFT, Umpqua River basin: Ph illips, K. N. 3 FAULTS, FOLDING, SEA-FLOOR TECTONICS, Chemica l quality: Curtiss SlRUCTURAL GEOLOGY) Wil lamette Basin, comprehensive study: Alpine ultramafic rocks: Wi llamette Basin Task Force Low-temperature reaction zones: Coleman I Willamette River: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res . Bd. Mantle-derived peridotites: Medaris I, 2 5, 6; Ph illips, K. N. 3 Continenta l terrace: Duncan I; Tobin Floods Dec . 1964, Jan. 1965: Waananen Heat flow: Columbia Pla teau: Blackwell I, 2 1, 2 John Day uplift, structure and orogenic history: Patterns of runoff: Oster 2 Buddenhagen I Quality for irrigation: U.S. Geol . Survey 21 Permian system pa l eotectonics: Ketner Tida l reach, Portland: Dempster Petrography: Travel rates: Harris, D. D. Basin-Range and plateau basalts: Leeman Waterpower withdrawals: Neal, D. W. 2 Ca lc-alkaline rock evolution: Dickinson 8 Wilson River basin: Neal, D. W. I Controls on barite minera l iza tion: Dunham Index of records: Eisenhuth I, 2, 3, 4, 5 Zones of alpine tectonism: Godchaux I; Pollution: Kays 5 Clinopti lolite in control: Mercer Santo Lucian orogeny, Coast Ranges: Gilluly2 Rogue River pollution: Kitching 190 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

TECTONICS, continued THREE ARCH ROCKS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Structure: Geo logy: Weissenborn 3 Basalt of Columbia River Group: Newcomb, 13 Minera l appraisa l: Weissenborn 2, 3 Cenozoic: Atwateri Christianseni Hamilton 2, 3i Lipman THREE FINGERED JACK Gordo plate: Medaris 1, 2 Erosion, lightning strike: Weese Overlapping of Mesozoic orogens: Hamilton 1 Vo lcanic rocks: Greene 1i Tay lor, E. M.1, 2i Seafloor mechanics: Danner 5i McEvi llyi Wa l ker 5 McKenzie Tectonic rotation: Taubeneck 12, 15i Wa tkins 14 THREE SISTERS AREA Western U.S., genera l: Gilluly 4 Arctic alpine zone: Hopson, R. E. 1 Cqllier Glacier measurement: Hopson, R. E. TEKTITES 2, 3, 4, 5 Identification: Glacial stages: Taylor, E. M. 6 American Museum of Natura l History collection: Petrography, acid volcanic rocks: Jack 2 Mason, B. Volcanism: Taylor, E. M. 1, 2, 6 Volcanic glass comparison: La nge 1 THUNDEREGGS TELOCASET QUADRANGLE Economic va lue: Shaffer Ground wa ter, Baker Va l ley: Lystrom 2 Geo logy of deposits: Ma!On, R . S. 23i Ore Petrography, Cornucopia stock: Ta ubeneck 11 Bin 45i Peck 5i Staples 5, 7 Wa llowa Mtn . uplift: Taubeneck 7 History and legend: Chicago World's Fair, 1893: Earth Sci. TERTIARY (see also EOCENE, MIOCENE, OLIGOCENE, Origin of name: Staples 5, 7 PA LEOCENE, PLIOCENE) Localities: Mason, R. S. 23i Ore Bin 45 Biostratigraphy, centra !-western Oregon: Buchanan: Staples 7 McWi lliams Heppner: Earth Sci . Geologic history, western Oregon: Snavely 3 Priday ra nch: Mason, R. S. 23i Peck 5i lexicon of stra tigraphic units: Youngquist Staples 7 Plant microfossils: Orr 2 State rock: Mason , R. S. 23i Ore Bin 45i Regiona l sequences, Pacific Northwest: Wheeler 1 Staples 5, 7 West Coast invertebrate fa unas: Addicott TILLAMOOK BAY AREA THE DALLES AREA Environmenta I resource analysis: Oreg . St. Arch a eo logy: Highway Div. Maryhi II region quarries: Strong 2 Geo logy: Mangum j Young, L. L. 3 Sa lvage: Bergen Power sites, Trask River basin: Young, L. L. 3 Geology: Newcomb 8, 9, 10 Radiocarbon da ting, Fifteenmile Creek va lley: TILLAMOOK COUNTY Marsters Absolute dating, Neha lem beeswax: Ore Bin 13 Structure, effect on ground water: Newcomb 12 Dam sites: Volcanism: Sheppard 2 Nehalem River basin: Young, L. L. 4 Trask River basin: Young, L. L. 1 TH E DALLES FORMATION (see DALLES FORMATION) Environmenta l geology: Oreg . St. Highway Div. Fossi I invertebra tes: THERMAL SPRINGS (see also GEOTHERMAl ENERGY) Astoria Fm . mollusks: Moore, E. J. Geotherma I potentia 1: Bauer Foraminifera: Hungerj Turner Hart Mtn . Na t I. Antelope Refuge: Wa lker 11 Geology: Snavely 4, 14 Klamath Fa lis area: Peterson, N. V. 12, 14 Cape Lookout State Park: Mangum Malheur Natl . Wildlife Refuge: Wa lker 12 Cedar Butte: Nelson, D. 0. Loca lities: Bowen 5i Waring Coasta l landslides: North 1, 2 Basin and Range province: Wa l ker 17 Marshes prograding: Johannessen Kahneeta Hot Springs: Waters 6 Nehalem River: Howell 3 Ritter Hot Springs: Mossel Saddleback area: Macleod 2 Ore deposition: Sand dunes: Kumler Berates: Wagner , N. S. 9 Shoreline changes: Behlke Serpentinite-type mercury: Henderson, F. B. Tyee Fm . provenance: Love II 1, 2i Rogers 4 Wilson River basin: Gaskill THOMAS CONDON-JOHN DAY FOSSIL BEDS STATE PAR K (see JOHN DAY FOSSIL BEDS STATE PAR K) SUBJ ECT INDEX 191

TILLAMOOK COUNTY, continued TONY BUTTE Minerals and mineral resources: Marine Cretaceous rocks: McKnight 1; Mercury: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 Wilkinson Zircon: Kauffman Petrology: TOPOGRAPH IC FEATURES Gabbroic si lis and alkalic rocks: Snavely 1 Geologic "biscuits": Ore Bin 27 Saddleback area: Macleod 2 Hellga te Canyon: Ore Bin 32 Stratigraphy, Tertiary: Snavely 3 Lavocicle Cave: Ore Bin 28 Surface water: Officer's Cave: Parker, G. G. 1, 2 Nehalem River basin: Young, L. L. 4 Pinnac les: Ore Bin 30 Trask River basin: Young, L. L. 3 Wilson River basin: Neal, D. W. 1 TRAS K RIVER BASIN Geology of power sites: Young, L. L. 3 TILLAMOOK HIGH LANDS Geology, Cedar Butte: Nelson, D. 0. TRIASSIC Conglomerate: TILLM"..OK VOLCANIC SERIES Granitic clasts: Va llier 4 Cape Lookout State Park: Mangum Near Lime, Baker County: Brooks 4 Cape Meares State Park: Mangum Formations: see Aldrich Mtns. Group, Apple­ Cedar Butte: Nelson, D. 0. gate Group, Begg, Brisbois, Clover Creek Centra l-western Oregon: McWi I Iiams Greenstone, Elkhorn Ridge Argillite, Hurwa l, Nehalem River area: Geol . Soc . Oregon Country Martin Bridge, May Creek Schist, Ra il News Letter 1; Howell 3 Cabin Argillite, Seven Devils Volcanics, Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 Vester Formations Oceanic extension of coasta l volcanics: Emilia 2 Fossi Is, north eastern Oregon: Bostwick Three Arch Rocks Natl . Wi ldlife Refuge: Intrusions, Canyon Mtn. Complex: Coleman 1; Weissenborn 3 Thayer 1 Trask River basin: Young, L. L. 3 Localities: Vernonia-Banks area: Mason, R. S. 12 Aldrich Mtns .: Brown, C. E. 1, 2, 4 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Canyon Ci ty (AMS) quad .: Brown, C. E. 5 Yamhill area: U.S. Soil Conserv . Service Elkhorn Ridge area: Derksen Northeastern Oregon: Bostwick 1 TIMS PEAK BASALT Northern Wa l lowa Mtns.: Nolf 4 Malheur Gorge area: Haddock 2 Sna ke River Canyon: Brooks 8; Morrison, Owyhee region: Kittleman 3, 4 R. F. ]; Vallier 2, 3, 5 Southwestern Oregon: Kays 7 TITANIUM Suplee area: Dicki nson 6, 7; Vigrass Annua l production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Structure; angular unconformity, Snake River Ful kerson 1, 2, 3, 7; Gray, J . J. 1, 2, 3 Ca nyon: Morrison, R. F. 1 Industry: History: F u I kerson 8 TRI DYMITE Metallurgical plants: deWeese 1, 2 Mule Springs area: Grant Occurrences: Herz Beach sands, Hammond prospect: Peterson, TROUT CREEK AREA E. C. Fossil flora: Graham 1, 2, 3 Lateritic basalt: Peterson, E. C. Ruti le, ilmenite: Ful kerson 8 TROUT CREEK MOUNTAINS Geology: Carlton TODOROKITE Enterprise area: Gunn, D. W. TROU TDALE FORMATION Engineering characteristics: Schlicker 5 TOLEDO FORMATION Geology: Schlicker 5 Centra 1-western Oregon: McWi I Iiams Ground water: Newport area: Snavely 11, 12 East Portland area: Hogenson 3 Hood River Valley and Cascade Locks: TOLEDO QUADRA NGLE Sceva 1, 4 Aeromagnetic map, Newport area: Bromery 4 Localities: Radiocarbon dating, Pleistocene wood: Rubin Clackamas upland: Howell 6 192 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON

TROUTDALE FORMATION, Loca lities, continued TU NGSTEN, continued Co lumbia River Gorge: Ba ldwin 10 Geo logy of deposits: Hobbs Kelso-Cath lamet area: Livingston Occurrences: Hobbsi Lemmon Marion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Northern Wil lamette Va lley: Price 5, 6 TU NNEL POINT SANDSTONE Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 Fossil invertebra tes: Moore, E. J. Portland area: Brown, S. G. 2i Jones, A. C.i Geology: Ba ldwin 11i Dott 9i Ehlen 1i Trimble Hopkins, W. S. Prune Hill area , Camas, Wash .: Avolio Pa lyno logy and paleoecology: Hopkins, W .S. Tualatin Va lley: Harti Schlicker 5 Western Cascades: Griggs, A. B.i Peck 2, 4 TURBIDITY CURRENTS (see also SUBMARINE GEOL.) Western Oregon: Snavely 14 Ca pe Sebastian area: Dott 5 Wind River (Wash .) area: Sullivan Cascadia Channel: Griggs, G. B. 5 Tyee Fm .: Cummi ngs 2i Lovell 1, 2, 3i TROWBRIDGE FORMATION Snavely 3, 6 Suplee-lzee area: Dickinson 5 Western Oregon: Snavely 3

TUALATIN MOUNTAINS (see also PORTLAND AREA) TUREMAN RANCH DIORITE Field trip: Kenney Ironside Mtn . quad .: Lowry Portland Hills Silt: Howell 2 TYEE FORMATION TUALATIN QUADRANGLE Biostratigraphy: Birdi Thoms Sand and gravel: Glenn 1 Loco I i ties: Alsea River basin: Williams, R. C.i TUA LA Tl N RIVER Young, L. L. 5 Geology, Lake Oswego area: Nafziger 1 Bone Mtn. quad .: Krans Geomorphology: Coast Range: Baldwin 9i Lovell 4 Drainage changes: Trimble Coos Bay area: Ba ldwin 11i Dott 9 La ke Oswego area: Parsons, R. B. 2 Coos Bay quad.: Klahn, M. L. Coquille-Sitkum quads .: Magoon TUALATIN VA LLEY Do lias quad .: Baldwin 6 Engineering geology: Schlicker 4, 5 Fairview-McKinley area: Nelson, E. B. Geology: Harti Sch Iicker 4, 5i Trimble Glide quad.: Elphici Th ompson Gravity survey, geologic interpretation: Bromery 3 Langlois quad .: Phillips, R. L. Ground water: Hart Myrtle Point area: Baldw in 14 M i nero I resources: Newport area: Snavely 11 Construction materials: Schlicker 4, 5 Oregon , regiona I Scoggin Reservoir site: King, D. B. Centra !-western: McWi ! Iiams Missoula flood deposits: Bretz Northwestern: Snavely 4 Southwestern: Baldwin 7 TUFF RINGS Western: Birdi Snavely 3, 14 Big Hole: Lorenzi Peterson, N. V. 2 Powers quad .: Berni Hess, P. D. Collier State Park: Peterson, N . V. 3 Rogue River, lower: Ba ldwin 15 Fort Rock: Heikeni Peterson, N. V. 2i Walker 14 Roseburg area: Ba ldwin5 Hole-in-the-Ground: Peterson, N. V. 2, 4, 11 Saddlebackar ea: Mac Leod 2 South-centra l Oregon: Peterson, N. V. 5 Sitkum quad .: Magooni Trigger Western United States: Waters 9 Sutherlin quad .: Payton Umpqua River area: Ba ldwin 1 TUFFS (see also AGGREGATE, TUFF RINGS, Va lsetz: Baldw in 6 WELDED ASH-FLOW TU FF) Western Cascades: Peck 2, 4 Building stone: Mason, R. S. 26 Minera l resourcesi coa l: Wayland Northern Great Basin: Avent 4i Noble 1 Nomenclature: Tumo lo, extraction of combined wa ter: Mason, Burpee Fm . stra ta relegated to Tyee: Cohee R. S. 17b Snavely 6 Elkton Si I stone Member: Ba ldwin 1 i Birdi TUNGSTEN Snavely 6 Annual production: Ful kerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7i Pa leogeography: Birdi Lovell 1 Gray, J. J. 1 Pa leontology: Bird Casts made at Albany: Oregonian 1 SUBJECT INDEX 193

TYE E FORMAliON , continued UMPQUA FORMA liON, Loca lities, continued Petrogra phy: Oregon, regiona l: Distribution of clay minera ls: Cummings 2 Centra (-w estern: McWi l lioms Thorium and uranium contents: Rogers 1 Sou thwestern: Ba ldwin 7 Sedimentation: Western: Snave ly 14 Pa leocurrent patterns: Scott, K. M. Rogue River , lower: Ba ldwin 15 Provenance: Lovell 2; Rogers 4; Snavely 6 Roseburg area : Baldw in 4, 5 Tu rbidites: Cummings 2; Love ll 1, 2, 3; Sixes River area: Boggs 3, 6 Snavely 6 Western Cascades: Peck 2, 4 Quadrangles: u Bone M tn .: Krans Coos Bay: Kohn, M. L. UMATI LLA COUNTY Coqui lle: Fairchild; Magoon Aggregate and roc k sites: Olcott Dixonvil le: Champ Fossi I vertebra tes , late Tertiary: Glide: Elphic; Pa tterson, P. V. 1; Geam yoid rodents: Shotwell 7 Thompson Peromyscus (shrews) : Shotwell 8 Lang lois: Lent; Ph illips, R. L. To lpidae: Hutchison 4 Powers: Born; Hess, P. D. Geo logy: Roseburg: Hicks Columbia River sediments: Whetten 1, 2, 5 Sitkum: Fairchild; Magoon; Tr igger Deschutes-Uma ti lla plateau: Newcomb 10 Suther lin: Lawrence; Payton Lower Tertiary sed imentary rocks: Pigg Minera l resources: Missou la flood deposits: Bretz Coa l: Way land Pa louse Fm .: Newcomb 4 Mercury: Trost The Da lles-Umati lla sync line: Newcomb 8, 9 Petrology: Burns Umati lla River basin: Hogenson 2 Thorium and ura nium content: Rogers 1 Wa lla Wa llo River basin: Newcomb 7 Sedimentation: Grou nd wa ter: Eocene pa leocurrent potter ns: Scott, K. M. Ba salt aquifers, Herm iston-Ordnance area : Sublittora l to neritic deposi tion: Thoms 2 Robison Levels, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 UMPQUA RIVER AR EA Ordnance area: Sceva 5 Chaparra l flora , postg lacial history: Detling 1 Umati lla drainage basi n: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res . Chromite: Ramp 1 Bd . 2 Geology: Umati lla River basin: Hogenson 2 LO'Ner river: Ba ldwin 1 Wa lla Wa lla River basi n: Newcomb 7 Post- Nevadan Mesozoic geology: Ba ldwin 16 Loess in Wa lla Wa lla River basin: Ma pes Roseburg quad .: Hicks Mid-Columbia River waterfront plan: Meyers Sediment transport: Onions Structura l geology; Olympic-Wa l lowa lineament: Suth er lin quad .: Law rence Skeha n 1, 2, 3, 4 Umpqua estuary model study: Gladwell Surface wa ter: UMATI LLA RIVER BAS IN Chemical qua lity: Curtiss Geology: Hogenson 2 Radioisotope pollution: Gladwell Deschutes-Umati lla Pla teau: Newcomb 4, 10 Ground water , supply and quality: Hogenson 2 UNION COUNTY Absolute da ting: UMPQUA FORMATION Sloth fragments: Mielke Age designation changes: Cohee Stoc khoff ra nch si te charcoa l: Crane 2 Environm ental geology; Rogue River Ba sin Project: Foss i I vertebrates: U.S. Bur . Rec lamation 1 Ground sloth skull: Quaintance 1 Foram inifera : Thoms 1, 2 Mammoth Mylodon sku ll: Quaintance 2 Loco I i ties: Geology: Ba ndon, coast area : Eh len 2 Grande Ronde River basin: Hampton 5 Coast Range: Ba ldwin 9; Burns; Snavely 6 Na!':'ra l channels: Ba rnes, H. H. Coos Bay area: Ba ldwin 11; Dott 9 Ground water: Fairview-McKinley area: Nelson, E. B. Grande Ronde River basi n: Hampton 5 Horse Sign Butte vicinity: Ba ldwin 12 Leve ls, 1961-1965: U.S. Geal . Survey 23 Myrtle Poi nt area: Ba ldwin 14 Intrusions, Cornucopia: Ta ubenec k 11, 13, 14 North Powder earthqua ke: Couch 1 194 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

UNITY BASIN VOLCANIC ROCKS, Chemical ana lyses, continued Late Tertiary silicic volcanism: Thayer 3 Standards of chemical composition: Ore Tertiary geology: Lowry Bin 29 Stratigraphic relationshi ps: URANIUM Ca nyon City quad .: Thayer 3 Annua l production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Coast Range: Snavely 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 14, 15 Exploration: Gray, J. J. 2 High Cascades: Peck 6; Wise, W. S. 5 Lakeview area: Lake County Examiner 1, 2; Western Cascade Range: Peck 2, 4 Osterwa ld; Peterson, N. V. 16 Mines: VOLCANISM Lucky Lass: Peterson , N. V. 16, 17 Historica l record , 1800 to 1875: Folsom White King mine: Osterwa ld; Peterson, N. V. "Moon rocks": 16, 17 Ca lderas, pyroc lastic deposits, and lunar Resources: Peterson, N. V. 16 applications: Smith,R. L. Lunar Conference: Hafner; Ore Bin 41 , 46; v Peterson, N. V. 8 Oregon's: Lange 6 VALSETZ QUADRANGLE Similated lunar rock dust: Osgood Geology: Ba ldwin 6 Tectonic rela tionships: Allen, J. E. 2; Saddlebackarea: Macleod 2 Christiansen; Gi llu ly 4 Vents: VANADIUM Ash-flow tuff: Walker 18 Annua I production: Fu I kerson 1, 2, 3, 6 Crater Rock, Mount Hood: Wise, W. S. 2 Resources: Busch; Fischer 1 Hart Mtn . Nat I. Ante lope Refuge: Wal ker 11 Bibliography: Fischer 2 Silicic and mafic, Crescent quad.: Wal ker 10 Strato-volcanoes, Klamath Falls (AMS) quad .: VERMICULITE Wa lker 3 . Annual production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Ful kerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 VOLCANOES (see specific mountain name) Occurrence: Andesite flow near La keview: Wal ker 9 VONDERGREEN HILL PERIDOTITE Ba ld Mtn . batholith: Staples 3 Port Orford-Gold Beachar ea: Koch, J. G. 2, 3 VESTER FORMATION Aldrich Mtns.: Brown, C. E. 4, 5 w

VINSON ROCK QUADRANGLE WALLA WALLA RIVER BASIN Lower Terta iry sedimentary rocks: Pigg Age of Po louse Fm .: Newcomb 4 Geology: Newcom b 7, 10 VOLCAN IC ASH (see also MAZAMA ASH) Ground water: Newcomb 7 Accretionary lapi lli: Moore, J. G. 3 Sediment transport: Mapes Neutron activation: Corre lotion of soi Is: Borchardt WALLOWA BATH OLITH Techniques for distinguishing: Randle; Theisen Geo logy: Quaternary chronology: Wilcox , R. E. 2 Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Refractive index uniformity: Steen Lostine River va lley: Goebel Ma jor plutons: Ta ubeneck 9 VOLCANIC ROCKS (see also ANDESITE, BASALT, Need le Point pluton: Piwinskii 1, 2, 3, 4 CINDERS, OBSIDIAN, PUMICE, RHYOLITE, Snake River Canyon: Brooks 8 VOLCANIC ASH, WELDED ASH-FLOW TUFFS) Orogeny: Thayer 2 Chemica I ana lyses: Petrographic studies: Compositional variations, Cascade Range: Explosion and injection breccias: Taubeneck 5 Taylor, E. M. 4 Igneous rock seri er.: Piwinskii 1, 2, 3, 4 Compositional variations, centra I Coast Range: Tonalite: Taubeneck 13 Snavely 7, 8 Differentiation of magma: Anderson, A. T. WALLOWA COUNTY Isotopic composition of lead: Ta tsumoto; U.S. Fossi I invertebra tes: Geol . Survey 1 Lower Jurassic ammonites: lm lay 5 SUBJECT INDEX 195

WALLOWA COUNTY, Fossil invertebrates, continued WALLOWA-OLYMPIA LINEAMENT, continued Mesozoic pelecypods: Imlay 4 Tectonics: Skehan 1, 2, 3, 4; Taubeneck 12, 13; Geology: Watkins 14 Hells Ca nyon damsite: Schnaible Joseph Upland: Newcomb 11 WALTERS HILL AREA Lostine valley: Beeson, Melvin; Goebel Geology: Tr imble Snake River Canyon: Brooks 5; Va llier 1, 5 Glaciation, Wal lowa La ke: Crandell 2 WARM SPRINGS MEMBER (SNOWSHOE FORMATION) Intrusions: Suplee-lzee area: Dicki nson 5 Accessory minerals in granitic: Taubeneck 4 Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 11, 13, 14 WAR NER BASALT Grande Ronde dike swarm: Gibson 1, 2 Parent magma related to block-feu lting: Avent 5 Wal lowa batholith: Piwinskii 1, 2, 3, 4; Ta ubeneck 5, 9; Thayer 2, 10 WARNER MOUNTAI NS Minerals: Geo logy: Larson 1; Wa l ker 3 Manganese oxides todorokite and ra ncieite: Geomorphology, aerie I photography: Delano 3 Gunn, D. W. Tungsten: Lemmon WASCO COUNTY S Irati graph y: Absolute dating: La te Mesozoic orogens: Hami I ton 1 Grave I , carbonaceous si I t: Marsters Marine Jurassic exposures: Wagner, N. S. 2 Wood chip, Mosier gravel quarry: Levin 1 Snake River Canyon: Morrison, R. F. 1, 2, 3 Aggregate and rock sites: Olcott Wal lowa Mtns.: Nolf 1, 2 Archaeology: Strong 2 Structure: Salvage, The Da lles area: Bergen Olympic-Wallowa lineament: Skehan 1, 2, 3, 4 Geology: Wallowa Mtn. uplift: Taubeneck 7 Antelope-Ashwood area: Peck 5 Surface waters, chemica l quality, Sna ke River Bend quad .: Swanson, D. A. 4, 6 basin: La ird Columbia River sediments: Whetten 1, 2, 5 Da lles-Umati lla syncline: Newcomb 8, 9 WALLOWA MOUNTAINS Dam sites: Fossi I invertebrates: John Day lock and dam: Monahan Lower Jurassic ammonites: Im lay 5 Mosier area: Pa ige Mesozoic pelecypods: lm lay 4 Deschutes-Umatilla plateau: Newcomb 10 Geology: Dufur quad .: Waters 5 Blue Mtn . region: Thayer 10 Lower Deschutes Canyon: Hall Eagle Cap quad.: Carnahan Madras quad.: Wa ters 6 Lostine River va lley: Beeson, Melvin; Goebel Mutton Mtns.: Perrault 2 Sawtooth Ridge: Pa tterson, P. V. 2 Natura l channels: Barnes, H. H. Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1, 3 White Sa lmon quad .: Newcomb5 Glacial history: Crandell 1 Ground water: Petrographic studies: Aquifers, The Da lles: Foxworthy 3 Cornucopia stock: Taubeneck 11, 13, 14 Deschutes River basin: Oreg . St. Wa ter Res. Explosion and injection breccias: Taubeneck 5 Bd . 7 Grande Ronde dike swarm: Gibson 1 Hood Basin: Oreg . St. Water Res. Bd . 1 Granitic rocks: Taubeneck 1, 2 In basa lt: Newcomb 12 Metamorphism: Taubeneck 6 Levels, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol. Survey 23 Wil low La ke-type layered rocks: Taubeneck 8 Orchard sync line: Newcomb 6 Stratigraphy: Nolf 4 Mid-Columbia River waterfront: Meyers Permo-Triassic, revisions: Nolf 2 Surface water, Hood Basin: Oreg . St. Water Pre-Tertiary: Thayer 2 Res . Bd . 1 Triassic megabreccias: Nolf 1 Structure: WASCO QUADRANGLE Pre-Tertiary orogeny: Thayer 2 Missou la flood, gravel deposits: Bretz Uplift: Taubeneck 7 Tectonism: WASHINGTON COUNTY Overlapping of Mesozoic orogens: Hami I ton 1 Fossil sand shark: Applegate Geo logy: WALLOWA-OLYMPIA LINEAMENT Coast Range foothi lis: Mason 12 Snake River Canyon: Morrison, R. F. 2 Tua latin Va lley: Hart; Schlicker 5 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 196 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MI NERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

WASH INGTON COUNTY, conti nued WES TER N CASCADES Ground wa ter: Environmenta l geology, Rogue River Basin Leve ls, 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Proj ec t: U.S. Bur . Rec lamation 1 Tua la ti n Va lley: Hart Fossi I flora : M i nero I resources: Flora I check lists: Peck 1, 2, 4 Ferruginous bauxite: Peterson , E. C.; U.S. Miocene pollen sequence: Wo lfe 1 Bur. Mines 4 Oligocene angiosperms: Klucking Scoggin Reservoir site: King, D. B. Sweet Home Petrified Forest: Gregory, I. 1 Surface water: Geochem istry: Neha lem River basin: You ng, L. L. 4 Intrusions and meteoric ground wa ters: Wi llamette River basin: Oreg . St. Water Res . Taylor , H. P .3 Bd . 5; Oster 2 lead and stronti um isotope: Church 1, 2 Tertiary geo logic history: Snavely 3 Geo logy: Ba ldwin 8; Gr iggs, A. B. Bohem ia mining district: Lu tton WASH INGTON STATE (A DJACENT) Brownsvi lie quad.: Anderson, R. W .; Houck Clark County: Dixonville quad .: Cham p Alluvia l aquifer: Mundorff Glide quod .: Elphic; Pa tterson, P. V. 1 Earthqua ke, Jan . 27, 1968: Heinrichs Ma rcola quad.: Maddox Geologic map: Huntti ng McKenzie River vo l ley: Jan Geology: North-centra 1: Peck 1, 2, 4 Clark County: Mundorff Santiom River ba si n: Helm Kelso-Cath lamet area: Livingston South Umpqua Fa lls region: Kays 6 Wind River-Ch elotchie Prairie: Sull ivan, I. Gold and si lver: Brooks 6 Volcanic eruptions, Mount St. Helens: Folsom; Petrology: Strong 4 Emery: White, J. C. Volcanic rock sui tes: Huber WEBERG MEMBER (S NOWSH OE FORMATION) Western Cascades vo lcanic series: Kays 6; Suplee- lzee area: Dicki nson 5 Peck 1, 2, 4 Stra tigraphy: WELDED ASH-FLOW TUFF Cenozoic: Peck 6; Wheeler 4, 5 Abso lute do ti ng: Wa lker 14 Cenozoic ash-flow tuffs: Wa lker 21 Loco I i ties: Columbia River Ba salt as cri tica l datum: Antelope-Ashwood area: Pec k 2, 3, 5 Wheeler 3 Bu rns (AMS) quad .: U.S. Geol . Survey 7 North-centra 1: Peck 1, 2, 4 Buzzard Creek area: Wa I ker 18 Tertiary geologic history: Snavely 3 Cove Pa l isades State Pork: Peterson, N. V. 18 Western Cascades volcanic ser ies: Kays 6 Harney-Ma lheur Lakes area : Wa l ker 12 Structure: High Lava Plains province: Wa l ker 14 Cenozoic: Peck 6; Wh ee ler 4, 5 La ke and Harney Counties: Wa l ker 8 High Cascades boundary: Ta ylor, E. M. 6 Molheur Gorge area: Haddock 2 North-centro 1: Peck 1, 2, 4 Monument quod .: Wilcox , R. E. 3 "Volcanic pi le" interpretation: Wheeler 3 North-centra l Oregon: Swanson 3, 4, 5, 6 Surface wa ter: Oregon Cenozoic: Wo I ker 20 McKenzie River basin: Colbert 1 Owyh ee reg ion: Kittleman 3, 4 Wi llamette basin: Oster 2 Pau lino Ba sin: Davenport Terrestria l gamma radiation: Wol l enberg Post quod .: Waters 4 Pueblo Mtns .: Rowe WHA LEH EAD FORMATION Stein's pi liar area: Waters 2 West-centra l Klamath province: Widmier Trout Creek Mtns.: Carlton Origin, geologic rela tions, identification: Ross WHEELER COUNTY Petrogra ph ic studies: Absolute dating , Butte Creek cave: Cha tters 4 Corre lation: Beeson , M. H. 2 Fossi l invertebrates: Crysta l-rich flow: Greene 2 Cretaceous pe lecypod: Dinner Creek tuff: Haddock 2 Meekio: Sou I Lam inar flowage: Wa l ker 8, 13 Pinna: Packard 2; Peterson, G. L. 4 Ra ttlesna ke and older ignim brites: Davenport New species of Anisoceros: Pa ckard 1 Trace elements of si licic volcanic rocks: Fossi l plants, Clarno: Hergert; Mc Kee, T. M. Beeson, M . H . 3 1, 2; Peterson , J. V. 2 Vent locati on: Haddock 1; Wa l ker 8 New gingko wood: Mihelcic 3 SUBJECT INDEX 197

WHEELER COUNTY, Fossil plants, Clarno, continued WILLAMETTE RIVER , continued Nuts, seeds: Chandler Gravel deposits: Glenn 1; Sch licker Wood: Scott, R. A. 2 Surface water: Fossi I vertebrates: Floods, Dec . 1964, Jan. 1965: Waananen Evolution of Ta piroidea: Radinsky 1, 2 Freshwater fish: Cavender 1 Flow characteristics of streams: Swift La te Tertiary geomyoid rodents: Shotwell 7 Historica l streamflow data: Orem 2 Miocene mammals: Shotwell 9 Patterns of runoff: Oster 2 Novumbra oregonensis (m innow): Cavender 2 Tidal reachat Portland: Dempster Geology: Travel ra tes: Harris, D. D. Camp Hancoc k: Peterson, J. V. Wa terpower withdrawa ls: Neal,D. W. 2 Miocene ignimbrite layer: Fisher 8 Wil lamette River basin: Oreg . St. Water Picture Gorge basalt: Aoki Res. Bd . 5, 6 Quadrangles: Bend: Swanson, D. A. 4, 6 WILLAMETTE SILT Lookout Mtn .: Swinney Engineering geology: Sch Iicker 5 Mitchell: Patterson, R. L. Loco I i ties: Picture Gorge: White, W. H. Brownsvi lle quad .: Hauc k Spray: Lindsley Da l las-Va lsetz quads .: Baldwin 6 Resurrected Oligocene hills: Fisher 6 Eola-Amity Hills area: Price 5 Intrusions, Tertiary: Jarman, C. Lake Oswego area: Parsons, R. B. 2 Minera I resources: Marion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Gold and silver: Brooks 6 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4, 14 Mercury: Brooks 2; U.S. Bur . Mines 3 North Wil lamette Val ley: Glenn 2 Zeolite: Fisher 2 Tua latin Va lley: Schlicker 5 Petrograph ic studies: Yamhill area: U.S. Soil Conserv. Service Clinopti lolite tuff: Fisher 1 John Day Fm .: Robinson, P. T. 1, 2, 3 WILLAMETTE VA LLEY Diagenesis: Hay 1, 3, 5 Environmenta l geology: Lawsonite blueschist: Swanson, D. A. 7 Marion County: Schlicker 6, 7 Pyroc lastic flows: Fisher 9 Tua latin Va l ley area: Schlicker 4, 5 Stratigraphy: Yam hi II area soi I survey: U.S. Soi I Conserv . Cretaceous rocks, Mitchell quad .: McKnight 1; Service Wilkinson Geo logy: Ba ldwin 8; Snavely 14

Cretaceous sequences: Peterson, G. L. 1 , 3; Brownsvi lle quad .: Anderson, R. W. Popenoe Da l las-Va lsetz quad .: Ba ldwin 6 John DayFm .: Gamer 1; Hay 1, 5 North Wil lamette Va lley: Glenn 2 Window of pre-Tertiary rocks: U.S. Geol . Portland area: Trimble Survey 8 Southern valley: Ba lster 3 Surface water, John Day River basin: Oreg . St. Subsurface geology: New ton 28 Water Res. Bd . 2 Ya mhill quad .: Schlicker 2 Gravity surveys, geologic interpretation: WHITE SALMON QUADRANGLE Bromery 3 Geology: Newcomb 5, 8, 12 Ground water: Champoeg Park demonstra tion well: Sceva 6 WHITSETT LIMESTONE LENTILS East Portland area: Hogenson 1, 3 Dixonville quad .: Champ Eola-Amity Hills area: Price 4, 5 Eugene-Springfield area: Frank, J. F. WILDCAT CREEK WELDED ASH-FLOW TUFF French Pra irie-Mission Bottom area: Price Owyhee region: Kittleman 3, 4 1, 6 Keizer area: Price 7 WILLAMETTE LOWLAND Molal la-Salem slope area: Hampton 2 Missoula flood: Bretz; Crandell Santiam River basin: Helm Tertiary geologic history: Snavely 3 Water-quality data: Madison Intrusive rocks: Shaw, J. H. WILLAMETTE RIVER Minera I resources: Cougar damsite: Eisiminger Aluminum: U.S. Bur . Mines 4 Geomorphology: Gravel: Glenn 1; Schlicker 5, 6, 8 Drainage changes: Trimble Missou la flood deposits: Bretz; Howell 8 La ke Oswego area: Parsons, R. B. 2 Oligocene marine molluscan fa una: Hickman 198 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERA L RESOURCES OF OREGON

WILLAM ETTE VA LLEY, continued YAMHILL COUNTY, Stratigraphy, continued Soils: Spencer Sandstone: Schlicker 2 Age dating: Reckendorf Tertiary: Snavely 3 Clays: Pope Surface water, Wil lamette River basin: Oreg . Dayton horizons: Parsons 3 St. Wa ter Res . Bd . 6; Oster 2 Units: Ba lster 2, 3; Beattie Surface water: YAMHILL FORMATION Floods, Dec . 1964, Jan . 1965: Waananen 1, 2 Engineering characteristics: Schlicker 5 Water-quality da ta: Madison Fossil sand shark: Applegate Localities: WILSON RIVER BASIN Centra l-western Oregon: McWilliams Geology, Cedar Creek damsi te: Gaski ll Dallas-Va lsetz quads .: Baldwin 6 Water-power resources: Neal,D. W. 1 Newport area: Snavely 11 Northwestern Oregon: Snavely 4 WINDY RIDGE FORMATION Saddlebackar ea : Macleod 2 Snake River Canyon: Va llier 1 Tua latin Valley: Sch Iicker 5 Western Oregon: Snavely 14 WISHRAM QUADRANGLE Yamhill quad .: Schlicker 2 Geology: Newcomb 8, 12 YAMHILL QUADRANGLE y Sand and gravel: Glenn 1 Spencer sandstone: Schlicker 2 YA KIMA BASALT (see also COLUMBIA RIVER GROUP) Correlations: Bingham; Swanson, D. A . 2; Thayer YAQUINA FORMATION 3, 5; Waters 1 Fossils: Fossil plants, associated floras: Gray, Jane 3 New archaic cetacean: Em long Geomagnetism,Colum bia Plateau: Wa tki ns 8 New marine mollusks: Addicott 3 Structural implications: Watkins 5 Newport area: Snavely 3, 4, 11, 12 Loco liti es: Canyon City quad.: Brown, C. E. 5 YAQUINA QUADRANGLE Columbia plateau: Shaw, H. R .; Gibson 2 Aeromagneticmap: Bromery 4 Madras quad.: Waters 6 Fossi I invertebrates: Mount Hood: Wise , W. S. 9 New Tertiary marine mollusks: Addicott 3 Ochoco Reservoir quad .: Waters 8 Recent foraminifera: Jarman, G. D. Ritter Hot Springs: Mossel Fossil vertebrates: Simcoe Mtns., Wash .: Sheppard 1 Cetacean: Em long Nomenc lature: Thayer 5 Miocene pinniped: Mitchell Petrology: Geo logy: Snavely 11 , 12 Dike swarms: Gibson; Swanson, D. A. 1 Flood velocities: Shaw, H. R. 1, 2 YONNA FORMATION Flow directions: Schmincke 2 Freshwater mollusca: Hanna Lithologic variations: Waters 1 Geo logy: Wal ker 17 Rela tion ta Picture Gorge Basa lt: Swanson, D. A. 2 z

YAMHILL COUNTY ZEOLITES Engineering geology, Tualatin Va l ley: Schlicker 5 Clinoptilolite: Ferruginous bauxite, Chehalem Hills: Ore Bin 10 Chemical ana lyses: Ames 1, 2 Geology: Snavely 14 John Day Fm .: Am es 2; Fisher 1, 2, 8 Erratic Rock State Park: Wilcox, L. Geo logy of deposits: Sheppard 6 Soil survey, Yamhill area: U.S. Soil Conserv . Filling and replacement in fossils: Staples 6 Service Loco I i ties: Wi llamette basin, subsurface: Newton 28 Brogan quad , : Fouch Willamette Va lley, Quaternary: G lenn 2 Continental terrace: Nayudu l Ground water: Cornucopia stock: Ta ubeneck 1, 13 Eola-Amity Hills area: Price 4, 5 Goble: Mihelcic 2 Levels 1961-1965: U.S. Geol . Survey 23 Kings Va lley and Coffin Butte areas: Clark, T. E. Stratigraphy: Mount Pisgah: Mihelcic 2 Po leogene biostra tigraphy: McWi !Iiams Ritter Hot Springs: Mihelcic 2; Mossel SUBJECT INDEX 199

ZEOLITES, loca lities, continued "Rome beds": Ellison Stein's pi liar area: Waters 2 Wa ldport area : Graben Petrography: Adsorption properties of erionite: Eber ly In granitic rocks: To ubeneck 1 layered deposits: Studer Mineral ana lysis: Studer Offretite and erionite: Sheppard 4 Resources: Sheppard 6

ZINC Annual production: Co llins, R. P. 1; Fulkerson 6; Gray, J. J. 1, 3 Geochemical sampling: Ore Bin 25 Geology of deposits: Bohemia mining district: Lutton Zinc in basalts: Roder Resources, eva luation of: Everett, F. D.; Knost­ mon 1, 2, 3

ZIRCONIUM Annual production: Collins, R. P. 1, 2, 3; Fulkerson 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; Gray, J. J. 1, 2, 3 Metallurgy: Plants: deWeese 1, 3 Processing: Kauffman Resources, coos to I deposits: Kauffman