CALTECH Volume 18, No.6, December 1984 NEWS III As Cass began his research, the Three corporations initial goal was to learn what impact join Caltech in ozone would have on pigments in artists' paints. He and his colleagues, program to pioneer Cynthia Shaver A th erton and James new technologies . Druzik of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, prepared two sets of common artists' watercolor pigment Three major corporations- Aerojet samples and applied these to water­ General, GTE, and TRW - have color paper. One set was kept in a pledged $3 million to a new five-year dark place as a control and the other project at Cal tech that is expected to wa ~ placed in a chamber devoid of advance high technologies on a light, where it remained for 95 days variety of critical fronts. at constant humidity and tempera­ "With our new Program in Ad- . ture and was exposed to 0.40 ppm vanced Technologies, Cal tech expects ozone. Two Japanese woodblock to contribute to the enhancement of prints received the same exposure. scientific and engineering progress in After the three months, the scien­ a wide range of industries. We fore­ tists found that several of the pig­ see that these technological advances ments had faded dramatically: a will become a vital resource to the widely used red pigment, alizarin nation over the next several decades," crimson, and two of its relatives, said Caltech President Marvin L. crimson lake and purple lake. They Goldberger in announcing the pro­ also observed a change in hue from ject. T he Cal tech program will con­ purple to bluish in a mauve pigment, duct research to: Yellow pigments in this half-plate reproduction of a Japanese woodblock print by Hiroshige and fading in yellow pigments in the --Discover new approaches to mate­ faded noticeably when exposed to ozone for 95 days in a light- and air-tight cham bel: Japanese prints. They es timate that it rials science that should impact th e would take three years outdoors, or metal, semiconductor, and energy six years in an unprotected building, industries. to equal the ozone exposure in their - Improve theori es of fluid dynamics More ozone damage experiments . and their applications in fields such Having established that ozone can as lasers, combustion, rocket engines, revealed - this time damage works of art, Cass is at­ and aerospace. tempting to learn how widespread - Develop advanced electrical power to artists' pigments the problem of damage due to ozone processing and signal processing pollution is, and how to prevent it. systems for the electronics industry; He and his colleagues are examining explore new control methods for the detailed mechanism of pollutant robotics and space structures; utilize Atmospheric ozone has been cited entered into a research agreement pigment interaction and they are in coding techniques to reduce errors in as a culprit in a number of troublesome with the Getty Conservation Institute the process of defining the concentra­ computers and microwave communi­ situations. For example, it may of Malibu, an affiliate of the J. Paul tions of pollutants inside museums. cations; and advance th e art in opti­ cause respiratory ailments, cracks in Getty Museum. The Getty Institute As he discusses the current pigmen t cal, digital, and microwave electronic rubber, and plant damage. The prod­ has launched a major program for analysis, Cass explains that many devices. uct of photochemical reactions be­ the preservation and restoration of older art works contain pigments that "Clearly the aerospace, communi­ tween hydrocarbons and oxides of art works. are no longer ul>ed because they cations, and computer industries- as nitrogen, ozone is now proving itself "In the past," says Cass, "conserva­ became too expensive. One of the well as many others-could benefit destructive in yet another sphere. Its tion scientists looked extensively at present goals is to determine the enormously from the advances we powerful oxidizing effect on organic the effect of light on·art works and­ chemical composition of these pig­ believe we can make in the labora­ materials makes it a threat to certain especially in Europe-at the effects of ments, to analyze their vulnerability tory," said Goldberger. "Many of artists' pigments- and to the art sulfur oxides air pollution. But until to air pollution, and to determine the those advances require bridging gaps works that they create. recently, very little thought had been path of potential breakdown-that between traditional scientific and Determining the degree of risk to given to the effects on art of photo­ is, what chemical interactions cause engineering disciplines, which the art works from ozone, and learning chemical pollution in smoggy areas the deterioration. Caltech faculty is eminently capable how to protect art from photochemi­ like Los Angeles County." Cass (For example, in the case of the of doing. cal air pollution, is the focus of points out that ozone contaminati on crimson lake and purple lake pig­ 'The participatiori of Aerojet research being conducted by Glen is not confined to Los Angeles. In the ments, which consist of anthra­ General, GTE, and TRW is ex tremely Cass, Cal tech assistant professor of United States, 538 counties are in quinone bound to different metal valuable," Goldberger continued, environmental engineering, and his violation of the National Ambient compounds, the scientists suspect "because it assures first, that the colleagues. In this work, Cass has Air Quality Standards for ozone in that the breakdown takes place the atmosphere: 0.12 ppm (parts per Continued on page 2 million). ConfirlUed on page 2 GM's Roger Smith computers will be available to be Caltech receives checked out by students and faculty. Ozone damage new Caltech Trustee computer grant Cal tech has made a major commit­ Continued from page 1 from DEC ment to educational computing, Roger B. Smith, chairman and designating $850,000 for the project through ozone's cleavage of the chief executive officer of General over the past year. In addition, the anthraquinone molecular ring Digital Equipment Corporation of Motors Corporation, has been named Institute has received pledges of cash structure.) Maynard, Massachusetts, has and equipment from computer ven­ to the Cal tech Board of Trustees, Until now, the researchers have awarded Cal tech an educational dors of more than $7.5 million for Chairman R. Stanton Avery has only studied the effects of ozone on research grant of $1,270,500 worth of educational computing, in addition announced. art works. But Los Angeles smog Smith, who assumed the chairman­ computer equipment for the Insti­ to the DEC grant. tute's educational computing contains several different air pollu­ ship of GM in 1981, is also chairman tants, and the research team plans to of the corporation's Finance Commit­ program. The equipment consists of five take a look at their effects as wdl. tee and a member of its Executive For example, nitrogen dioxide affects and Administration Com~ttees. superminicomputer VAXes, approxi­ mately 50 DEC microcomputers, and some textile dyes, and thus may Before he was elected its chairman affect artists' pigments. he had been an executive vice presi­ 12 graphics workstations. The award is being made under DEC's PEER A final aspect of Cass's research dent and member of the GM Board will involve what he terms a "wrap­ of Directors. He joined GM in 1949 program (Partners for Engineering Computer Science Education and around study" of a wide variety of as a general accounting clerk in the measures that could be used to pro­ Detroit central office. Research). Geoffrey Fox, dean for educational tect works of art: the redesign of air Smith was born in Columbus, conditioning systems to reduce ozone Ohio, in 1925. He received a bache­ computing and professor of theoreti­ cal physics at Cal tech, said that the pollution, the effectiveness of enclo­ lor's and a master's degree in business sures around certain type of art administration from the University of equipment will be important to many of Caltech's educational computing works, the protective effects of Michigan and, from 1944 to 1946, he binders that could be mixed with the served in the U.S. Navy. activities. He said that, over the next five pigment particles, the use of coatings A member of the President's Na­ such as varnish on oil painting, and tional Productivity Advisory Com­ years, "we expect to see a revolution in teaching on the campus, with the creation of new ozone-resistant mittee, he is also the national chair­ artists' pigments, for example. man for the 1984 U.S. Savings Bond computers used as tools in essentially every academic discipline." He noted Conserving art in a contaminated Volunteer Committee, and he has environment is a potentially serious served as director of the Detroit that Cal tech is well placed to be a leader in educational computing, problem, but Cass believes that with Economic Growth Corporation, a TnQd_est amount of understanding Detroit Renaissance, and New De­ because of iEs strengths in scientific and engineering education and Anson named and precaution, the problem can be troit, Inc., and as chairman of the brought under control. United Foundation in Detroit. research. division chairman He is a member of the Advisory "Caltech has already made consid­ Council of the Graduate School of erable progress toward computerizing Fred C. Anson (BS '54), professor Business of Stanford University and a its courses," he said. "Computer of chemistry, has been named chair­ trustee of the Cranbrook Educational courseware is in use or under devel­ man of Cal tech's Division of Corporations join Community and of the Michigan opment in all of the Institute's divi­ Chemistry and Chemical Engi­ in pioneering College Foundation, Inc.
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