Revision of the Argninae, 1. the Species of Agardhiella from the Countries Bordering the Adriatic Sea

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Revision of the Argninae, 1. the Species of Agardhiella from the Countries Bordering the Adriatic Sea Arch. Molluskenkunde | 137 | (1) | 75 – 103 | 14 figs, 1 plate | Frankfurt am Main, 27.06.2008 Revision of the Argninae, 1. The species of Agardhiella from the countries bordering the Adriatic Sea (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupillidae) PETER SUBAI Kurzfassung Die Agardhiella-Arten im Westteil ihres Verbreitungsgebietes werden revidiert. Es werden zwei neue Arten aus Albanien beschrieben: Agardhiella extravaganta n. sp. und Agardhiella zoltanorum n. sp. Alle Arten werden durch Fotos und Zeichnungen abgebildet, ihre bisher bekannte Verbrei- tung auf Karten dargestellt. Für A. formosa wird ein Neotypus festgelegt. Schlüsselwörter: Taxonomie, Anatomie, Agardhiella, neue Arten, Verbreitung. Abstract The Agardhiella species in the westerneschweizerbartxxx sng- part of their area of distribution are revised. Two species from Albania are described as new: Agardhiella extravaganta n. sp. and Agardhiella zoltanorum n. sp. All species are illustrated by photos and drawings. Their hitherto known area of distribution is presented on several maps. For A. formosa, a neotype is designated. Key words: Taxonomy, anatomy, Agardhiella, new species, distribution pattern. Introduction During several collecting trips of Hungarian mala- treated, i.e. Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and cologists to Albania, a number of yet unknown land snail Hercergovina, Montenegro, Albania and northwestern species have been discovered. These collectors entrusted Greece. A few records of A. truncatella from Serbia and me with the determination of their Agardhiella speci- Slavic Macedonia are also mentioned. mens to be used for a revision of the whole group. Comparing these specimens to material of this genus collected from Montenegro, two species from Albania Material and Methods turned out to be new to science and are described here. At the same time a revision of the Argninae is started to The shells of the species of Agardhiella are mainly increase the scarce knowledge of this subfamily. In the found in the debris of waterbodies, while records from first part of the revision, the Agardhiella-species of the primary habitats are extremely rare. This can be ex- western part of the distribution area of the genus will be plained by the cryptic way of life of these animals. Agar­ Author’s address: PETER SUBAI, Kronenberg 143, D-52074 Aachen; email: [email protected] © E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), 2008, ISSN 0003–9284 76 SUBAI, P.: Revision of the Argninae, 1 dhiella species live in the soil interstitial provided by All measurements in millimetres. roots and small stones in the immediate vicinity of rocks. They clearly prefer calcific types of soil. The interstitial Abbreviations: keeps humidity over a considerable period of time and thus constitutes an ideal biotope for several small-sized CNHM Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb snail species. For example, the excavated soil between E private collection Z. Erőss, Budapest the roots of a small tree near Loutra (= 5 km N of Ama- H private collection A. HUNYADI, Budapest randos) in Epirus, northwestern Greece yielded, besides HNHM Hungarian Natural History Museum, Buda- Agardhiella truncatella, the shells of species of Orcula, pest Sphyradium, Acanthinula, Punctum, Vitrea, Gyralina Maa private collection J. M. W. MAASSEN, Duiven- and Daudebardia! drecht The preferred sampling method is as follows: carefully MMMB Munkácsi Mihály Museum, Békéscsaba stir the soil in a bucket full of water, and the tiny shells NMW Natural History Museum, Vienna which are filled with air will swim at the surface. They NMWE Collection EDLAUER in NMW then can be easily skimmed by a fine sieve. This is the NMWK Collection KLEMM in NMW only method which yields numerous specimens of actually NMWR Collection RušnoW in NMW rare Agardhiella species. Besides that, Agardhiella species NNM Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden can be found in caves and rock cavities which provide S private collection P. SUBAI, Aachen access to the subterranean habitats. Some Agardhiella- Sch private collection H. SCHÜTT, Düsseldorf- species like for example A. dabovici and other species in Benrath Romania have exclusively been found in caves. SMF Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Often, the number of ribs on the last whorl is used to Main characterize species (e.g. species of Agardhiella, Renea, ± more or less Spelaeodiscus and others). However, it has been shown alk. specimen preserved in alcohol that in shells with varying sizes, the number of ribs var- D shell diameter ies as well. For example, a slender specimen has less AD diameter of aperture ribs on the last whorl than a broader one of the same H height of the shell population. Therefore, the number of ribs within 1 mm AH height of the aperture (on the last whorl) as used by PILSBRY (1924) is added to juv. juvenile specimen complete the usual set of characters. n. det. UTM-Code could not be determined The spelling of Albanian localities follows FeschweizerbartxxxEHÉR sng- et UTM UTM-Code for the inventory of European al. (2004). Invertebrates Taxonomic account Agardhiella truncatella (L. PFEIFFER 1841) 1887 Pupa (Coryna) truncatella, – WESTERLUND, Fauna der in der Plate 1, Figs. 1–4, textfigs 1–3 paläarctischen Region lebenden Binnenconchylien, 3: 88. 1890 Pupa (Coryna) truncatella, – FLACH, Verhandlungen 1841 Pupa truncatella L. PFEIffER, Symbolae ad historiam der physikalisch-medizinischen Gesellschaft zu Würz- heliceorum, 1: 46 [locus typicus: “ monte Karst burg, (2) 24: 52. prope Castel nuovo, inter Tergestum et Fiume” (par- 1915 Agardhia (Agardhia) truncatella, – STURANY & WAG- tim); type material: lost]. NER, Schriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- 1842 Pupa truncatella, – ROssmÄssLER, Iconographie der schaften in Wien, mathematische- naturwissenschaftli- Land- & Süßwasser-Mollusken, (1) 2 (5): 12, Tafel 53, che Klasse, 91: 64, Tafel 18, Fig. 102. Fig. 733 (partim, not the varieties). 1926 Agardhia (Agardhiella) truncatella, – PILSBRY, Manual 1848 Pupa truncatella, – L. PFEIFFER, Monographia heliceo- of Conchology, 27: 162, Plate. 19 Fig. 2–5. rum viventium, 2: 303 (partim). ? 1939 Agardhia truncatella depressa PETRBOK, – Věstnik Čs. 1850 Pupa truncatella, – KÜSTER, In: MARTINI & CHEMNITZ: zoologické společnosti v praze, 6/7: 344 [locus typicus: Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet, I (15): 34, Tafel „ the rocky clefts of the Karst at Čebič...“type ma- 4 Fig. 20–21 (partim). terial: unknown]. 1886 Pupa (Sphyradium) truncatella, – POLLONERA, ? 1959 Sphyradium truncatella, – Tomić, Akademija, 27: 32 Monografia degli Sphyradium italiani: 16. (partim). 1887 Sphyradium truncatella, – CLEssIN, Die Mollusken- 1971 Agardhia (Agardhiella) truncatella, – ALZONA, Atti Fauna Mitteleuropas, II. Teil, Die Molluskenfauna Ös- della Società Italiana di Science Naturali e del Museo terreich-Ungarns und der Schweiz: 242, Fig. 144. Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, 111: 70. SUBAI, P.: Revision of the Argninae, 1 77 eschweizerbartxxx sng- Textfig. 1. Agardhiella truncatella (L. PFEIFFER 1841). Austria, Carinthia, Karawanken Mts., Tscheppa Gorge (= S of Klagenfurt), at limestone rocks, UTM VM 44, (H = 3.81, D = 1.62 mm). 1974 Argna (Agardhiella) truncatella, – KLEMM, Denkschrif- D i a g n o s i s : small, aperture small, with infraparie- ten der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, talis and angularis. Lower 2/3 of the palatal wall slightly mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 117: 169, bulge-like thickened. distribution map 42 (p. 168). Description: Shell relatively small, cylindri- 1974 Agardhiella truncatella, – GITTENBERGER, Basteria, 38: cal with a rounded apex; upper 1.75 teleoconch whorls 3, Fig. 1 (shell sculpture), Fig. 3–4 (genital organs). smooth, slightly granulated; after these whorls, the per- 1975 Agardhiella truncatella truncatella, – GITTENBERGER, Zoolo- gische Mededelingen, 48 (24): 286, Fig. 6 (genital organs). pendicular ribbing pattern begins and increases rapidly; 1983 Argna (Agardhiella) truncatella, – KERNEY, CAMERON on the last whorl there are 34–63 (9–14/mm) ribs. Be- & JUNGBLUTH, Die Landschnecken Nord- und Mitteleu- tween the main ribs there are irregular perpendicular ribs ropas: 123, Fig. p.124, distribution map 110. only recognizable with high magnifications. 1985 Agardhiella truncatella, – ZILCH, Archiv für Mol- Whorls 5.25–6.75; the last whorl up to 51–63 % of luskenkunde, 116 (1/3): 129. the total height; umbilicus narrow, somewhat pointed. 1985 Agardhiella truncatella skipetarica, – MAAssEN, De Aperture with an infraparietalis and angularis. Both teeth Kreukel, 21 (1–2): 4, Plate 1, Fig. 1–3, distribution weakly developed, stretching straight towards the inte- map [non skipetarica A. J. WAGNER 1915]. rior of the shell. Apertural rim u-shaped in frontal view, 1985 Agardhiella truncatella truncatella, – MAAssEN, De Kreukel, 21 (1–2): 4, Plate 1, Fig. 5–8, distribution map. interiorly slightly enlarged like a lip and widened exte- 1999 Agardhiella truncatella skipetarica, – SUBAI, Schriften riorly; at the columellar side, it slightly bents towards zur Malakozoologie, 13: 45, Fig. 3(shell), Fig. 5 (distri- the umbilicus; in the centre of the palatal side of the bution map), Plate. 9, Fig. 2 (shell) (partim). aperture, the aperture may be somewhat thickened but 78 SUBAI, P.: Revision of the Argninae, 1 Textfig. 2 a–b. Agardhiella truncatella (L. PFEIFFER 1841), situs of the genital organs. Albania, Periferi Elbasan, S of Gurri i Zi, 13 km from the Elbasan junction on the road to Qafa e Shtyllës,
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