A I A T S I S AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER STUDIES Native Title Research Unit GPO BOX 553 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Phone 02 6246 1161 Fax 02 6249 1046 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/ NATIVE TITLE NEWSLETTER No. 3/99 NATIVE TITLE IN THE NEWS – March and April 1999 The Native Title Newsletter is published on a bi-monthly basis. The newsletter includes a summary of native title as reported in the press. Although the summary canvasses papers from around Australia, it is not intended to be an exhaustive review of developments. The Native Title Newsletter also includes contributions from people involved in native title research and processes. Views expressed in the contributions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Note: Where an item also appears in other newspapers, etc, an asterisk (*) will be used. People are invited to contact the Native Title Research Unit at AIATSIS if they want the additional references. As usual, NTRU will try to provide people with copies of particular newspaper articles on request. Ad = Advertiser (SA) Mer = Hobart Mercury Age = The Age NNTT = National Native Title Tribunal Aus = Australian NTA = Native Title Act 1993 CM = Courier Mail (QLD) NTN = Northern Territory News CP = Cairns Post QNT = Queensland Native Title News CT = Canberra Times SC = Sunshine Coast Daily DT = Daily Telegraph SMH = Sydney Morning Herald FinR = Financial Review Tel M = Telegraph Mirror (NSW) HS = Herald Sun (VIC) WA = West Australian IM = Illawarra Mercury WAus = Weekend Australian LE = Launceston Examiner News from the Native Title Research Unit Native Title Issues Paper: Register The Institute’s Native Title Research Unit maintains a Register of people interested in entering into contracts to write issues papers for publication.