Richard Goldschmidt Controversial Geneticist and Creative Biologist EXS 35: Experientia Supplementum Vol

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Richard Goldschmidt Controversial Geneticist and Creative Biologist EXS 35: Experientia Supplementum Vol Richard Goldschmidt Controversial Geneticist and Creative Biologist EXS 35: Experientia Supplementum Vol. 35 Richard Goldschmidt Controversial Geneticist and Creative Biologist A Critical Review of His Contributions with an Introduction by Karl von Frisch Edited by Leonie K. Piternick University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 1980 Springer Basel AG CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Richard Goldschmidt, controversial geneticist and creative biologist: a crit. review of his contributions I with an introd. by Karl von Frisch. Ed. by Leonie K. Piternick. (Experientia:Suppl.; Vol. 35) ISBN 978-3-0348-5857-1 ISBN 978-3-0348-5855-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-5855-7 NE: Piternick, Leonie K. [Hrsg.] Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Richard Goldschmidt, controversial All rights reserved. No part of this geneticist and creative biologist. publication may be reproduced, stored (Experientia: Supplementum; 35) in a retrieval system, or transmitted, 1. Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict, 1878-1958. in any form or by any means, 2. Biology-Addresses, essays, lectures. electronic, mechanical, photocopying, 3. Biologists-United States-Biography. recording of otherwise, without the prior I. Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict, 1878-1958. permission of the copyright owner. II. Piternick, Leonie Kellen. III. Series. © Springer Basel AG 1980 QH31.G56R52 574 79-20815 Originally published by Birkhauser Verlag Basel in 1980 ISBN 978-3-0348-5857-1 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1980 ISBN 978-3-0348-5857-1 Contents Preface .................................................................................................... 9 Introduction ............................................................................................ 11 Einfuhrung ......................................................... ..................................... 15 Karl von Frisch, Munchen An Evaluation of Goldschmidt's Work after Twenty Years ............. 19 Ernst W. Caspari, Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York A Provocative View of the Evolutionary Process ............................... 24 Hampton L. Carson, Department of Genetics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii A Macromolecular Perspective on the Material Basis of Evolution.. 27 Vincent M. Sarich, Department of Anthropology and Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California Views on the Nature of the Gene, the Structure and Function of the Chromosome, and Heterochromatic Heredity. ...... .................. 32 Aimee H. Bakken, Department of Zoology,· University of Washington, Seattle, Washington The Historical Development of the "Time Law of Intersexuality" and Its Philosophical Implications ................................................... 41 Garland E. Allen, Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri Views on Sex Determination ................................................................ 49 C. Lynne Littlefield and Peter J. Bryant, Center for Pathobiology, University of California, Irvine, California Contributions to the Department of Zoology, University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, California... .... ... .... ... ..... ........... .......... .......... ...... 64 Richard M. Eakin, Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California Reprint of "Richard Benedict Goldschmidt (1878-1958): a Biographi- cal Memoir" .............................................................................. 68 Curt Stern, Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California Reprint of "The Interpretation of the Triploid Intersexes of Sol- enobia" ....................................................................................... 100 Richard B. Goldschmidt, Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California 8 Contents Reprint of "The Phenomenon of Intersexuality" (English translation) 116 J. Seiler, Zoologisches Institut der Eidgenossischen Techni­ schen Hochschule. Ziirich Reprint of "Ecotype, Ecospecies and Macroevolution" ...................... 140 Richard B. Goldschmidt, Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California Conclusion. ....... ... ..... ........ ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ..... ... ..... ... ............. ..... ....... 155 Leonie K. Piternick, Biology Instructional Program, Universi­ ty of Washington, Seattle, Washington Preface When Richard Goldschmidt emigrated to the United States in 1936, he had influenced a whole generation of young biologists, and had stimulated their research by his revolutionary ideas. Stern (1967, see p. 21) called him: 'Contributor of permanent parts, some very large; preceptor and critic of his era; designer of frameworks for the future'. In 1958 Goldschmidt's obituary was prefaced by the following statement: 'Der nachstehende Nekrolog erscheint gleichzeitig in Science und Ex­ perientia, damit das universale Heimatrecht Richard Goldschmidts zum Ausdruck bringend. Die Leser von Experientia erinnern sich dankbar der verschiedenen genetischen Aufsiitze dieses immer anregenden Geistes, dem unsere Wissenschaft grosse Impulse verdankt.' (Translation: The following obituary appears simultaneously in Science and in Experientia, a symbol of Richard Goldschmidt's right to be called a world citizen. Readers of Experientia will recall with appreciation several of the papers of this highly stimulating author to whom our science owes a great deal. (Experientia 14, 307, 1958). In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Richard Goldschmidt's death (April 24, 1958) and the 100th anniversary of his birth (April 12, 1878) Experientia presents a contemporary evaluation of several of Goldschmidt's major scientific theories. We believe that some of these theories were far ahead of his time and that the controversies which they aroused are of considerable didactic interest to biologists today. Further­ more, they represent an important chapter in the history of biology. Discussed are: the mechanism of evolution; gene action; the nature of the gene; chromosome structure; the function of heterochromatin; and sex determination and intersexuality in Lepidoptera. Goldschmidt's influence as a philosopher of science and as a teacher are also included. Since the current papers address only certain specific topics, they do not give an adequate impression of the scope of Goldschmidt's experimental work nor of the magnitude of his theoretical contributions. The Biographi­ cal Memoir by Curt Stern written shortly after Goldschmidt's death for the National Academy of Sciences is therefore reprinted; it includes a complete bibliography. The controversy between R. Goldschmidt and J. Seiler on intersexuality of Lepidoptera represents a thought-provoking episode in the history of developmental genetics. Some of the questions raised by the two authors 10 Preface are not yet resolved. Since new techniques may now lead to renewed interest in this area, the papers have been reprinted. Seiler's paper has been translated for inclusion in this volume. The lively scientific controver­ sy between the two authors, entirely free of polemics, demonstrates to a new generation of investigators that true scientific progress requires sharp intellectual weapons. Finally one of Goldschmidt's own papers on homoeotic mutants and evolution is added. To him, these special mutants, which are not uncommon in insects, represented models of mutational events that might have been the basis for macroevolution (evolution by saltation). Readers of this supplement volume of Experientia will not only find material of considerable historical interest but most of all ideas arousing 'that scientific curiosity without which there is no science' (Karl von Frisch). L.K.P. .
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