7:30 & 10:00 $3 Students
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HUGH MASEKELA 7:30 & 10:00 TONIGHT $3 Students Contents Reporter FEATURES Volume 75, Number 15 February 12. 1995 10 .\lpha Phi .Mpha: On the Move EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Former Black Panthers visit RIT Stephen L. Schultz MANAGING EDITOR Dana K. Tumquest DEPARTMENTS EXECUTIVE EDITOR Timothy McManus SECTION EDITORS OPINIONS Afa/< Gehrig, Sports Reprofile: Trimming the RIT administrative fat Tamara Moxham, Entertainment Kathleen M. Cole, Features Off the Wall... Dan Axelrad, Opinions Kristin Foley, News REPORTAGE ^ STAFF WRITERS Chris Gates • Zahra Khan • Jason Rink 1 Career Focus'93 W Todd Michaud • Aileen Pagan Spring Follies .\iidition Sean Aryai • Jeff Gambles • John Tigh .3id Annual Photo Auction Kevin Walsh • Aimee Zakrewski V iili Miranda Wilcox • Afar* Natale Scott Hewiston 27 REPROVIEW ART DIRECTOR Movie: No Where To Run Gary Mack Movie: Loaded Weapon ILLUSTRATORS Jason Snape • Michael Mamrosh Jack A. Latorre • Gary Peters 25 SPORTS COPY EDITOR Women's Hockey defeats Colby Shannon D. Maltby Men's Hockey drops one to Brockport PRODUCTION STAFF Men's and Women's Basketball each split over the week Robert N. Wescott, Production Manager Christine Koenig • Tracy Jarvis Athletes of the Week: Kathy Hu^elier and Jeff Molisani, again* Brent Posthumus • Devon Christopher *r,A DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY HUMOR Kevin Doyle 22 PHOTO EDITOR TAB ADS ExHtn Kajka 28 CARTOONS PHOTOGRAPHERS 30 Dave Carson, Chief Photographer Dan Axelrad • Aris Economopolous Evan Kafka • Kevin Doyle ADVERTISING MANAGER Barbara Weatherly Cover photograph by Kevin Doyle BUSINESS^ANACER Contents photograph by David Carson Holly Wilcox Ill ADVISOR Rci^WTER IS publ6bed«>e«kVdunngibe academe year by stjdtniiaiRoctiMtef'Inrtluie of Technology. One Lornb Memorial Di^e Rochester. New Yon. 14623 Edeonal and production laciktes are locaied in Room » 4. 5 at IM Student Aiumm Unoa Wtphone (716) 4' - . 12 Dr. Elaine Spaull Subscnptona: (7.00 per igjartir The opWnw expressed ri Reporter do not necsssardy ralM those of tT« in^^ "viewor approve of toeoriientsolREKmiu and does not accept responst)^ ."lersinBybetubniinadlore--drter nporsoiv or tvougtiRTTeRiitl send IMM la Repoaier. Letters should bdl|r^ 'n<leQBrsto2SO«ordkREPORiER resorv*sr«rigt«toedik>rMandctwty Nols«an«lbepcinMunlMsiiFMdaridHooinpAh<e.:«--uator.lk»omTRiafe«pndein«i manteshpntwAssociaiedColiglate Press aiKlAfflericv) CM IJbdrta Al rights reserved No podionotM iiiagtzine inay be reprodu(»d wilhoU pnor Miton peiiiiiMitm 1^ 3 opinions^ accomplished, only to find out the How do you plan on person you must get approval celebrating Valentine's Day? Reprofile from first has to seek approval from their supierior, who naturally, President Clinton has just is on vacation this week. announced major reductions in One other important fac• the size of his White House staff. I tor RIT needs to keep in mind, if helieve it is almost time for and when it restructures, is the President Simone to do the same. need to cultivate a prevailing atti• Since first coming to this tude that we are all here, working I'll buy a dozen roses and hang out Institute in 1980, I have seen the together, to better the Institute at Wegman's. Seth Primack - ITEM S size of the administrative and suf>- and to provide a better education• port staff increase dramatically. al experience for the students. I New buildings have been built and will never forget a planning meet• lounge areas in old buildings have ing four years ago at which an RIT been converted, all to house the employee could not go on record H growing administration. RIT has for being present or for providing grown much too heavy in the area any input, llie employee's depart• of middle management. Take a ment was in the middle of a feud CM look at the corporate structure with the department running the We're going to Pennsylvania... meeting and his boss had instruct• Tina Maley NTID/A.C.T.-l some time and trace the number Sherry Whetter NTID/NTSF-1 of levels of management between ed him not to help out. This was the President and, for instance, a not a meeting to plan some benefit Physical Plant engineer. Above the for the department in question, o engineer is the chief engineer, the lliis was a meeting to examine and engineering supervisor, the direc• plan an improvement for the cam• tor of construction and engineer• pus. Unfortunately, because of ing, the director of physical plant, office politics, the plans were not as strong as they could have been. the vice president of finance and Don't know... hut I'm expecting administration, and finally, the The students, and the Institute lots of chocolate! president. Of course, then there community as a whole, suffered. Jong-Young Lee - ISMM-Grad 1 are numerous "assistant" and I realize these are pieople's "associate" administrators. Jobs and people's livelihoods we I do not want to make it are talking about. In addition to sound like I am picking on being a student here, I work here Physical Plant. I am not. I merely full time. It could he my position chose them as an example because that is eliminated. But if this I had heard one of their employees Institute is to move forward, it complaining about how difficult it must make some difficult deci• Tae Kwon Do in the mountains., sions, even if it means some indi• No. I'm not kidding! was to get anything approved due John Sampath • EIFJ-5 to the numerous levels of manage• viduals will he forced to seek ment. I am sure there are depart• employment elsewhere. RIT can ments with an even more vertical not continue to carry this adminis• administrative structure than trative burden while keeping Physical Plant's. tuition low and the quality of edu• cation high. For a school that teaches Total Quality Management, RIT uses very few of the TQM princi• Homework !!!! ples within its own administration. .\ndy Dunaxvay - PPH Military Primarily, RIT needs to empower its front line employees, to enable them to handle students' problems when they occur. It is extremely STEPHEN L. SCHULTZ frustrating to try to get something EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BROUGHT TO YOU BY DAN AND BRAD 4 February 12. 1993 Lori's Natural Food Center ATTENTION SMOKERS This areas largest selection STUDENTS: of natural fiKxis Relate Products FOR >;* Kitness Products like: • Diet Supplenienls AIR POLLUTION • Protein Powders •* Viumins. Minerals RESEARCH Amino Acids Naturml Foods like: at the UNIVERSITY OF Bulk Pasus Granolas Dried Fruits Nuts and Seeds ROCHESTER I rail Mixes Spices & Teas WE BUY&SELL S< >ups Flour 8c Grain Natural Juices & Sodas Natural (".are Items like: AGES 18 - 40 USED Soaps toothpaste Cosmetics PHOTO RIT Students 8e Faculty SEVERAL VISITS & EQUIPMENT 20% Off on VIGOROUS EXERCISE • TOP DOLLAR PAID! • 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT Items Marked * OFF PHOTO PAPER. FILMA CHEMISTRY Items on sale excluded Trade-ins Welcomed lues. Wed. H 4:00 Thurs. Fri. 8 8:00 HONORARIUM $650 Photo Sat. 8 3:00 Video 900 Jefferson Road Audio Genesee Valley Regional Market CALL DONNA: 275-4163 1737 Ml. Hops Ave 442-8230 424-2323 SiCK THE NEW LSAT of ^LEANORAMA Cafeteria Food? MCAT Let us cook for you! 345 Jefferson Rd. GMAT Bi-RiTE MKT. (7I6)424-35I-S 3289 E River Rd. Try our new modem laundromat: 292-^780 • Comfortable surroundings GRE Pizza-Sub-Wings • Handicapped accessible Steak sandwiches • 10,18, 30, 50 lb. washers Having a party? • 26 computer controlled dryers • .75 wash (7:30-11:00a.m.) * We have Classes are starting right now. Beer, Soda, Ice • Drop off laundry service (60 lib, $6.00 minimum) 1/4 kegs- l/2kegs Call 461-9320 Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. PIZZA SPECIAL 7:30 A.M. -10:00 P.M. Buy one at regular (last wash 8:30 P.M.) price get a second one Sun. 7:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. at 1/2 price. (last wash 6:30 P.M.) Not valid with other specials. KAPLAN Coupon Good til 2/28/92. The answer to the test qestion. 5 / \ LACAGNINAS college activities board ludiiui Deli 1 Grand Opening % Upcoming events for and February I Of Our I Wednesday Gerrol Bennet in the Ritz I Newest Store % February 17 8:00pm Free Admission Friday TGIFwithOn Edge in the Ritz Jefferson Plaza February 19 5-7:30 $1 free pizza across from Southtowne next to H&R Block Mardi Gras Weekend Continues!! 272-7200 ^ TONIGHT • Renowned Trumpet Sounds of TW*^ Fresh Subs Made To Order Ulir^U KilACCI/^CI A Homemade Salads straight from successful broadway musical Sarafina and worldwide Homemade Soups performances with Paul Simon's Graceland Tour!! Party Trays With for all occasions JAMIE NOTARTHOMAS shows at 7 and 10pm V\\oM Your Order In Early tickets available at door $3 RIT students 272-7200 $5 Faculty/Staff other colleges with ID Grand Opening Special $7 General Public SATURDAY the 13th Buy 1 Sub Gel College Bowl 2nd Sub (of equal or lesser Value) 9:30-3pm in the Ritz Free FOR $1.00 Scavenger Hunt 7pm-12am offer exp. 2/28/93 meet at Grades 6 Reportage Looking for a Job? Sheppard, professor in RIT's College of upcoming open auditions for "Spring On Saturday, March 13 RIT's Minority Imaging Arts and Sciences. The exhibit Follies." This notice goes to all those Alumni Association will be sponsoring will be on display February 8- 26 in the closet comedians, singers, and dancers RIT's Career Focus '93. This event will NTID Switzer Gallery. out there. Open auditions are sched• include representatives from several The student variety show titled uled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, February Fortune 500 companies- including "Black Heritage" will take place from 7- 13, in the 1829 Room in the Student Digital Equipment Corporation, Texas 8:30 p.m.