My Republica - Year of despair 02/01/2016 18:14


| January 02, 2016


Year of despair JUST IN

27 Dec 2015 | 19:15pm | | CK LAL | 16 Comments Gerrard wants to coach at Liverpool after retiring as player 216 208 Google + 0 0 2 Conspiracies being hatched to bring down government: PM Oli

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The Gorkhali Constitution seems to have been promulgated with the intention of reinventing a polity patterned after the Panchayat

When CE 2015 began, had at least four de facto Prime Ministers and the de jure Premier wasn't one of them. Like a sphinx, Premier SuKo merely watched as every democratic norm and all institutions of the state crumbled around him.

Home Minister Bamdev Gautam reported directly to his boss of Page 1 of 9 My Republica - Year of despair 02/01/2016 18:14

Balkhu Palace. Minister of Finance Ram Sharan Mahat has always considered himself answerable only to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and sundry other donors and lenders. Even though Prakash Man Singh was a Deputy Prime Minister, the Finance Minister functioned more or less as an Adjunct Premier.

At least four NC members of the Suko cabinet had more faith in directives of their faction leader than in suggestions of the Prime Minister. Consequently, after Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli and Ram Sharan Mahat, ex-Premier was the third most powerful person of the SuKo regime.

Pushpa Kamal Dahal was then the Leader of Opposition, but it had begun to seem that he had more influence on SuKo and Oli than their own party colleagues. Dahal was the fourth de facto Prime Minister of the SuKo cabinet. The Maoist Supremo had little hesitation in passing instructions directly to the functionaries of the state machinery, which were then carried out faithfully.

Everybody in the know also knew at the beginning of the year that Nepal had one of the most incompetent governments in living memory. However, little did they know that history was on a downhill slide and the feckless SuKo government will soon be followed by a fascistic formation consisting of malignant monarchists, malicious Maoists and malevolent Marxist-Leninists—each one masquerading as nationalists.

Gorkha earthquake

On the way back from some pointless Asian-African Summit in Indonesia, Premier SuKo was reportedly in Bangkok when he learnt about the Gorkha Earthquake from a twit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. By that time, the Indian machinery had already been activated and rescue teams had begun to arrive in Kathmandu.

Like all natural calamities, the Gorkha quakes tested the response capabilities of the state and exposed its vulnerabilities. For almost a fortnight, the entire government machinery remained paralyzed as one after another aftershock hit the panicky population. Most affected regions were in the close proximity of national capital. Yet, the government could do precious little to alleviate the suffering of the people.

There were exceptions such as the Nepal Telecom that kept the communication network functional despite all odds and the Nepal Police that went around digging debris with bare hands in search of survivors. But by and large, the government machinery miserably failed in even coordinating international rescue and relief.

The profit-sector of the country too didn't fair too well in the test of national resilience. Few business houses mobilized their human and material resources to reach out to the most affected areas. They were too busy sending press releases of junk food packages they had managed to deliver to the residents along the road in the vicinity of Kathmandu valley.

The Gorkha earthquake also showed that Nepal didn't have the capacity to absorb foreign generosity. Indians did most during the initial phase of the quake. They were the ones most vilified of all donors. The British helicopters were allowed to wait for weeks in India and then ungratefully sent back. Pakistanis had set up excellent facilities for emergency healthcare. They were unnecessarily blamed for possible Page 2 of 9 My Republica - Year of despair 02/01/2016 18:14

sacrilege. Aid-material rotted in several warehouses even as government agencies Republica haggled over clearance with donor agencies. 38,957 likes

The silver lining of the quake aftermath was its social impact. Aid and volunteers poured into the hills and mountains from Madhesh plains. Madheshi youngsters who Like Page Share had never climbed more than two-storied stairs hiked up for days into interiors of Be the first of your friends to like this Dhading, Gorkha, Nuwakot and Sindhupalchok to deliver meager collections from back home. More than the quantity or even quality of the effort, it was the thought that touched receivers who realized that all donors need not be foreigners. The

emotional bonding was dutifully recorded on social media posts, which some Republica mainstream journalists picked up as signs of hope amidst reports of death and 44 mins destruction. Photo story: Carving my own fate lines |

Unfortunately, the moment soon passed. The PEON shrewdly realized that the period of national mourning was most suitable to appropriate the rights of the marginalized communities and further consolidate its control over political-economy of the country through a hasty constitution. The so-called 16-point roadmap of a new statute was prepared when the earthquake-affected people were still struggling for food and temporary shelters. My Republica - Photo story: Lust for power and greed for the pelf of office triumphed over humanitarian concerns Carving my own fate lines as three Bahun politicos of biggest parties—with a Madheshi-Tharu standing witness ALSO READ in the hope of receiving some consideration from masters—signed a deal to fast-track constitution and share the spoils thereafter. By the middle of the year, trial of the Gerrard wants to coach at Liverpool after retiring quake had begun to wane, but political tribulations had started to hit the polity and as player society of the country. Preserving tradition

Conspiracies being hatched to bring down Gorkhali constitution government: PM Oli

Late Girija Prasad Koirala had little faith in the process of Constituent Assembly. Kendall Jenner dating Harry Styles leaves Taylor Swift shocked Even though a statute through an elected assembly had remained one of unfulfilled promises of the first political revolution of the country in 1950-51, GP thought that Kohli pips MS Dhoni to top salary charts

such a procedure was fraught with unimaginable pitfalls in a society where Sohail Khan's wife breaks her silence over entrenched interests were too powerful to let the electorate control their own fate. husband's affair

Before the CA option was forced upon NC to end the Maoist insurgency, he compared the process with the opening of the Pandora's Box. His worst fears came true under the lackluster stewardship of his own cousin, acolyte and the new paterfamilias of clannish Koiralas—ceremonial Prime Minister SuKo.

If means are as important as ends, it was evident from the beginning that a constitution passed through "super fast-track" would lack moral legitimacy, procedural legality and product acceptability. When constitutional process went into action, almost the entire Tarai-Madhesh erupted in protest. Those who think that millions of people poured out into the streets braving live bullets due to instigation of some or merely on whims perhaps have more malice in their heart than they themselves realize.

A statute passed on the basis of whips of three biggest political parties with voice vote without any discussion is a rarity in the discipline of constitutional history. Such a constitution is bound to be called either the best or the worst in the world, which is one and the same thing and the perception is merely an indication of existing polarization.

The fact, however, is that the statute regresses from several promises of the Interim Constitution and renegades from almost all promises made to Madhesh, Janjati, Dalit and Women movements. If that were not so, amendments wouldn't have been tabled in the parliament even before the process of implementation of constitution had Page 3 of 9 My Republica - Year of despair 02/01/2016 18:14

begun in earnest.

Whenever a majority of more than 90 percent is claimed, there are reasons to believe that powerful forces have joined hands to protect and promote their vested interests. This time the Gorkhali Constitution seems to have been promulgated with the intention of reinventing a polity patterned after the Panchayat System but without the constant shadow of monarchy. Little wonder, support and opposition of the document has been equally fierce. A constitution is supposed to bind people; this one has divided the country like never before.

Options for the people in such a situation are limited. Accepting the raw deal as fated is the easiest way of living with the inevitable. Voicing opposition runs the risk of being shot dead or silenced in other ways, as the merciless beating of Rajendra Mahato on December 26, 2015 in Biratnagar showed once again. Safest course in such a situation, as economist Albert Otto Hirschman (1915-2012) convincingly argues, is exit.

Hope was the last thing to come out of Pandora's Box. Perhaps it will manifest itself in the form of increase in remittances in the coming days. Had it been possible to erase the "Year of Tears" from memory, the wound of CE 2015 wouldn't have hurt so much.

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Pravesh Singh • 5 days ago People with considerable common sense knows the discrimination occurring with minority(majority of people lacking power in government) community in Nepal. Above comment says being biased. Let me request you to awake and observe the madhesi participation in all section of government offices.

Do you know one quotation it says "don't expect honesty from cheap people" now it's up to you to look all citizens equally and providing opportunity to prosper even minority life. It is the mentality of the people from pahadi community to ignore the genuine issue of marginalized people. Furthermore, I would also like to reveal the strategy people and politician are brainstorming to divert the main issue of MADHESH and blaming India. If you really think you are civilized and educated then have equal view rather than discriminatory thoughts. No one is going to benefited by these kind of thoughts neither government nor people. Also, people make country nor land. To talk about CK LAL, he has mentioned the real truth and as you know truth is always bitter for people like you. I have nothing much to say but one simple request you can see prosperous and developed Nepal unless all flowers are accumulated together as said by Modi. △ ▽ • Reply • Share › Page 4 of 9 My Republica - Year of despair 02/01/2016 18:14

Arjun Karki > Pravesh Singh • 5 days ago You're right to say minority people are discriminated. My point is the WAY MADHESI LEADERS HAVE CHOSEN TO MAKE THEIR VOICE HEAR is wrong. They don't have right to make suffer to whole innocent citizens.

You lack knowledge and not updated yet. Nepal government has provision of quota system to ensure equal participation for minority class of people (Madhesi quota is also there, don't worry!) in every government job announced by Public Service Commission. But my personal view is against this system because a number of unqualified candidates are recruited, it results in poor service and citizens have to often suffer because of their mistakes. I rather support a system that will let every class of citizen fight freely and the best will get the job. By this, qualified citizens will get recruited and chances of committing mistakes will reduce relatively. Moreover, quality service from the government administration can be guaranteed.

My next point is CK Lal's views are one sided, there are many reasons behind. President's event, which Madhesi people showed wrong attitude by disrespecting the head of the state, but Mr. Lal is not ready to speak a word on this. Security personnel are also getting hurt because of petrol bombing, pelting stones and other things in tarai protest, but he only sees the pain and suffering of Rajendra Mahato. At last but not least, as I said before, national interest is greater than the interest of a small fraction of people, which Mr. Lal has not touched. Because of all these, the views are biased. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Pravesh Singh > Arjun Karki • 4 days ago ha ha may be I have not updated my system, which quota you have been talking about? The whole quota system is planned strategy to suppress madhesi. Do you have any idea how the quota system works? I wanted to explain you in detail about the quota but due to lack of valuable time i cannot. If you desire then i can inbox you. I bet you whole quota system is all about to lift khas people only. I am expressing my experience here because "The wearer best knows where the shoe pinches".

Furthermore, you mentioned regarding stones getting pelted on so called "POLICE", for MADHESI, police are security guard of khas people and especially Khagendra Prasad Oli. if you are aware and try to realize about the circumstances occurring in Terai, people are getting blessed with kp's bullet to people skull of Madhesh then you would not have raised this issue.

Do you know when king Gyanendra scarified his power how many people were killed? but when Madhesis ask their fundamentals then people like you raises thousands of questions.

To write my opinion towards CK Lal, he is being honest not biased but that bothers YOU because he is being true thats all as I have mentioned in earlier post "TRUTH IS BITTER" △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Arjun Karki > Pravesh Singh • 4 days ago Well you're aware about quota system and claiming for its defect. I know that in the name of Madhesi quota, Madhesi people will get job, not Chetri, Brahmin or any other caste. I am aware that in the name of Female quota, male will not get the job, regardless of caste and credits. The defects are there as the system itself is not good. The quota system is promoting malfunctioning and poor quality in government services. Relatively it is enhancing errors in whole mechanism because of unqualified employee recruitment.

People who think himselves/herselves weak always think for special provision like "quota system". This thinking is dividing or embarrassing them from rest (i.e. competent people, let it be the same caste or other). I would like to suggest you to be perfect and competent enough as such you can fight in free competition rather focusing for quota. Then I am sure, you will surely be successful, if not in one place, another place will be Page 5 of 9 My Republica - Year of despair 02/01/2016 18:14

waiting for you to welcome.

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Niranjan Patel > Arjun Karki • 4 days ago It seems like you think that "quota system" is unfair. But you can't compare a warrior with stick to the warrior with gun. People from ruling society have always make a pathway for there children, they always have better source of information and education than other people. It is not only about Madhesi people but about all minorities who where unable to have access to better source of information and education as ruling society. Quota is right of minorities. It is not Privilege given by you people. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Arjun Karki > Niranjan Patel • 4 days ago I agree with you here that minority people are not getting quality education and are deprived of proper information. This is what we need to improve. On the other aspect, the Government can only deliver quality education and quality information if it will have quality manpower. Quality manpower can only be attained by free competition, not by 'quota system'. Every people will be privileged by capable and qualified government officials.

The motto like 'quota system is right rather than privilege' is weakening the whole government mechanism. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Niranjan Patel > Arjun Karki • a day ago Social Inclusive is more important for the existence of a country rather than a strong governing system. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Pravesh Singh > Arjun Karki • 4 days ago I believe what I am capable of and thanks for your advice. I strongly disagree with you in the context of quota system which is for weak people. Assertive view never accommodate all, for eg. authorize people at the higher designation are from ruling community therefore, they don't allow people from minority community to come up. This is the reality of Nepal, and its been prevalent in all Gov. offices. In order to lift any minority their background need to be improve also decision should be transparent.

And to talk about protest at no mens land by madhesis is the perfect decision because it was effective and less people were killed where as in own country just to bring gov attention towards their rights, 50 people have become MARTYR but still kathmandu has shown no pain on humanitarian basis also. PROTEST DEPENDS UPON THE SENSITIVITY OF THE GOV. OF NEPAL BUT.

I don't wanna prolong because substantial amounts of evidence and facts i have to show the real face of nepal and it's perception towards Madhesis. However, don't take it personally and if possible have equal perception to accommodate all sections of society. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Arjun Karki > Pravesh Singh • 4 days ago Thanks for your time and views! i know our debating can make no any changes. But learning the views are rather important. I would like to thank you for that. See you ! △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Arjun Karki • 5 days ago From CK Lal, most of the people were expecting to get some ideas and insight about Page 6 of 9 My Republica - Year of despair 02/01/2016 18:14

president's event in Janakpur, but with no any comment here comes a different issue. This too smells bias as like India and Madhesi leaders, the writer is not in mood to accept the new constitution of Nepal. Given one sided view, not raised the issues about Indian hands, protesters bombing to security forces and pelting stones towards them, instead it is promoting the tarai unrest labeling it as if a "right - action"

In common perspective, the article could not answer some of the questions, instead it leads into further confusion. Seven years elapsed out in discussion for constitution agendas, still not sufficient? People were tired finding misunderstanding among leaders of either political parties. Finally, the top leaders leading the majority of people's voice come in agreement and promulgated the constitution but people with negative brain remained skeptic thinking it to be grand design for promoting mutual vested interest. What's wrong if majority of leaders who represent majority of people's voice promote their vested interest? It will benefit to majority of people and the nation as a whole.

Time and again, there are saying from all hook and nook that no constitutions in the see more

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Niranjan Patel > Arjun Karki • 4 days ago How can you say that Madhesi leaders are trying to fulfill Delhi's interest. Before saying anything think that who sell Koshi and Karnali to the hands of Indians. No Madhesi or Mahdesi leaders where involve in those actions. Only well know nationalist where involved in those actions. You are very concern about the what happen to President in Janakpur but don't want to say anything about why President and there security officers bring boots, shoes and dogs to temple even the President of America is not allowed to bring Shoe in the temple. That's why People of Janakpur wash the whole temple but you people have your own definition for this incident you say that people of Janakpur wash the temple because a widow came to the temple, have you ever been to Janaki Mandir??? In Janaki Mandir, there is a special place as privilege for widow to participate in the holy ceremony of the Temple. You don't say anything about the people who die in Madhesh aandolan. They where also innocents. Shooting direct to head and chest is not the way of police to behave. But you don't have anything to say about that. You think that it is the first time that protesters are throwing stones and petrol bombs to police, for you kind information, during Maoist insurgency even bullet where fired towards police and army. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Arjun Karki > Niranjan Patel • 4 days ago There are dozens of evidences that Madhesi leaders are working on the direction that Delhi wants. From the time Nepal Constitution has been promulgated, there are ongoing tussles among three forces, Delhi, Madhesi and Nepal Govt., still you pretend. Seems as if like closing eyes or sleeping. Delhi's willingness to include their agendas in Nepal constitutions, invitation of Madhesi leaders in Delhi and three points agreements of Nepal Govt. with Delhi, rather shows what's going on.

I agree with you that so many protesters died because of bullets. This is because of your wrong way. I also agree with you that the State provisions have discriminated Madhesi people, especially because of less provisions in new constitution than before. Your anger should be in Parliament, not in innocent people's kitchen or house. What wrong did the innocent people do so that you are taking revenge. You're catching their neck and if you catch their neck you need to know that it harms to you as well. The same thing is happening.

About Janaki temple incident, I was looking to hear from the writer. I see more

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Niranjan Patel > Arjun Karki • a day ago When Congress do protest in Nepal against Rana regime, and King Tribhuvan went to India, Rana rulers say that India is trying to invade in Nepal and congress is trying to fulfill Indian Agenda. When Ganesh Man Shingh Shrestha do protest Page 7 of 9 My Republica - Year of despair 02/01/2016 18:14

against Panchayat System then also Panchayat Rulers says that India is trying to control the politics of Nepal and he is trying to fulfill Indian Agenda. The same game is now. You must understand it. No, Madheshi leader went to Delhi before invitation and even the invitation was made by Delhi because Kamal Thapa have given the Three point agreement in Delhi so, you can see that who is on Indian agenda. Why Oli government break the ministry of Water resource and abolish the name "Water resource", isn't it the agenda of India on which Indian allow Oli to be the PM of Nepal. Every political analyzer of Nepal and India knew that India don't need to invade in the Nepali politics, he has always been there.

If police need to clean protesters from the required restricted

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Arjun Karki > Niranjan Patel • 3 hours ago What I know is a lot of water flown in Nepali rivers. People are changed and situations are changed, majority of people have anti - India feelings. India understands this well. If you're trying to justify Madhesi protest by history, it would be completely wrong logic. The killings, sorrows, pains etc. whatever, including security personnel are getting, is because of your wrong way. Had you been chosen other way, there could not have such situation. So, you're responsible for bullets, killings, sorrows, pains etc whatever both sides have to pass until now.

If one side violates all international laws, humanitarian laws and other by wrong way, the response to that will also be wrong way. I am with perspective that the one who did wrong at first will be the responsible for all the result.

Surely there are wrong doings and happenings inside the temple. We need to correct such things. With that few cases, if you generalize and conclude that we don't have to believe on priest and management committee then again you have wrong perception. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Niranjan Patel > Arjun Karki • 2 hours ago You said the person who strike first is responsible so, police kill first as a record so they are responsible for violence. Even for the political situation now in Nepal is because of constitution makers as they don't implement what they have promised in the interim constitution. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

bkarki • 2 days ago This is free country everybody are free to express opinion baised and preoccupied. Either side write blushing their side and other are violating human rights, deprived of rights. Lame people we our self are creating boundary and animosity. When will people realise. Its not I, we have to make change in nation. What does picture mean benz....surrounding...Who have they have.. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

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