Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1999 No. 109 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the TAXPAYER REFUND ACT OF 1999Ð called to order by the President pro United States of America, and to the Repub- Resumed tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- clerk will report the bill. day's prayer will be offered by our f The legislative assistant read as fol- guest Chaplain, Rabbi Solomon Schiff, lows: director of chaplaincy, Greater Miami GUEST CHAPLAIN RABBI SOLOMON Jewish Federation, Miami, FL. A bill (S. 1429) to provide for reconciliation SCHIFF pursuant to section 104 of the concurrent res- We are pleased to have you with us. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. olution on the budget for fiscal year 2000. PRAYER CRAPO). The Senator from Florida. Pending: The guest Chaplain, Rabbi Solomon Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise Abraham amendment No. 1398, to preserve Schiff, offered the following prayer: to thank our distinguished guest Chap- and protect the surpluses of the social secu- Heavenly Creator, we invoke Thy lain, Rabbi Solomon Schiff, a personal rity trust funds by reaffirming the exclusion blessings upon those gathered here, of receipts and disbursement from the budg- friend, who has been a great contrib- et, by setting a limit on the debt held by the loyal servants in the vineyard of utor to the religious and civic life of public, and by amending the Congressional human compassion. Bless, we pray, the our community and Nation and who Budget Act of 1974 to provide a process to re- Members of this body who have accept- has brought us an inspirational mes- duce the limit on the debt held by the public. ed the high privilege and sacred respon- sage to commence a long day of Senate Baucus motion to recommit the bill to the sibility of serving in the sanctified deliberation. Committee on Finance, with instructions to Halls of the U.S. Senate. Unto their report back with an amendment to reduce hands was entrusted the mantle of f the tax breaks in the bill by an amount suffi- leadership on behalf of the American cient to allow one hundred percent of the So- people. May they discharge their re- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING cial Security surplus in each year to be MAJORITY LEADER locked away for Social Security, and one- sponsibilities with courage and com- third of the non-Social Security surplus in mitment. Grant that their delibera- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The act- each year to be locked away for Medicare; tions will be free from rancor and bit- ing majority leader is recognized. and an amendment to protect the Social Se- terness, but that they will be ruled in- curity and Medicare surplus reserves. SCHEDULE stead by wisdom, purpose, and dedica- Robb amendment No. 1401, to delay the ef- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, today, tion. fective dates of the provisions of, and amend- O, divine Healer, bind our Nation to- by a previous order, the Senate will ments made by, the Act until the long-term gether. Sustain the dreams of those begin a series of stacked votes on the solvency of Social Security and Medicare who founded our great Republic, that Abraham Social Security lockbox programs is ensured. through our sharing with one another amendment, the Baucus motion to re- MOTION TO WAIVE THE BUDGET ACT AMENDMENT the ideals which gave it birthÐthe commit, and the Robb amendment re- NO. 1398 ideals of liberty, justice, equality, and garding effective dates of the provi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- freedomÐwe will preserve and sions in the Taxpayer Refund Act of ator from Nevada. strengthen these ideals for all future 1999. Mr. REID. Mr. President, the pending time. In this way we will help bring Following the votes, Senator GRAMM amendment is not germane. I raise a about a society based on moral and of Texas will be recognized to offer a point of order that the Abraham ethical values and ensure that the new substitute amendment containing amendment violates section 305(b)(2) of millennium will mark not only a across-the-board tax cuts, estate tax the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. change in calendar but a change in relief, and reductions in capital gains The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- character as well. taxation. By previous consent, there ator from Michigan. We will then lead the family of na- then will be 10 hours of debate time re- Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, pur- tions to an unending era of tranquility, maining on the bill today. Therefore, it suant to section 904(c) of the Congres- justice, and universal peace. Amen. is the intention of the majority leader sional Budget Act of 1974, I move to f and other rational Senators to con- waive the Budget Act for consideration tinue to make significant progress on of the ABRAHAM amendment. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the bill and complete action on this Mr. GRAMM. I ask for the yeas and The Honorable CONRAD BURNS, a legislation no later than tomorrow. nays. Senator from the State of Montana, led I thank my colleagues for their at- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: tention. sufficient second? · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9651 . S9652 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE July 29, 1999 There appears to be a sufficient sec- [Rollcall Vote No. 227 Leg.] along with the Medicare lockbox. The ond. YEASÐ54 Medicare lockbox we provide sets aside The yeas and nays were ordered. Abraham Fitzgerald McCain one-third of the on-budget surplus for The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is Allard Frist McConnell Medicare. It can be used in whatever Ashcroft Gorton Murkowski way we want to use it for Medicare, in- 2 minutes of debate. Bennett Gramm Nickles Who yields time? Bond Grams Roberts cluding to provide an affordable pre- Mr. REID. Mr. President, in a letter Brownback Grassley Santorum scription drug benefit or for shoring up dated April 21, 1999, on a similar provi- Bunning Gregg Sessions Medicare solvency. Burns Hagel Shelby That is the choice before the Senate. sion, then-Secretary of the Treasury Campbell Hatch Smith (NH) Robert Rubin wrote to Senator MOY- Chafee Helms Smith (OR) Do we preserve Medicare or not. Our NIHAN that this ``provision could pre- Cochran Hutchinson Snowe choice here today, however, is nothing Collins Hutchison Specter compared to another choice. That is clude the United States from meeting Coverdell Inhofe Stevens its financial obligations to repay ma- Craig Jeffords Thomas the choice that about 16 million seniors turing debt and to make benefit pay- Crapo Kyl Thompson must make every day: Do I choose to mentsÐincluding Social Security DeWine Lott Thurmond buy my medicine, choose to pay the Domenici Lugar Voinovich rent, or choose to buy food? checksÐalso worsen a future economic Enzi Mack Warner We are saying set aside and preserve downturn.'' NAYSÐ46 The lockbox in this proposal is poten- for Medicare one-third of the on-budget Akaka Feingold Lincoln tially destabilizing in a manner remi- surplus so that the choices facing sen- Baucus Feinstein Mikulski iors are not quite as abhorrent. niscent of the constitutional amend- Bayh Graham Moynihan The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ment to require a balanced budget. Biden Harkin Murray Bingaman Hollings Reed ator from New Mexico. I remind those who propose rigid 10- Boxer Inouye Reid Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, this is year schedules for reducing the pub- Breaux Johnson Robb another opportunity on the part of the licly held debt that economics does not Bryan Kennedy Rockefeller other side to propose to the American follow the agricultural cycle. There Byrd Kerrey Roth Cleland Kerry Sarbanes people that they want anything but tax will be periods when surpluses, both on Conrad Kohl Schumer relief. This is a motion to recommit. It and off budget, will fall far short of Daschle Landrieu Torricelli would do nothing to protect Medicare. projections. We should not impose a Dodd Lautenberg Wellstone Dorgan Leahy Wyden It is the President's proposal, which is debt reduction schedule, enforced by a Durbin Levin a phony transfer of IOUs to the Medi- declining debt cycle ceiling, even if it Edwards Lieberman care trust fund. It does nothing to help can be overridden with 60 votes. To do The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. senior citizens. It is just an effort to so will risk default every time the debt FRIST). On this vote the yeas are 54, lock up $300 billion so you can't give ceiling is lowered. and the nays are 46. Three-fifths of the the American people a tax cut, plain Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, first Senators present and voting, not hav- and simple. They don't want to con- of all, we have endeavored to and have ing voted in the affirmative, the mo- front the issue of a lockbox for Social modified our amendment to try to ad- tion to waive the Budget Act is re- Security so they muddle it up and in- dress some of these concerns. I think jected. The point of order is sustained, stead of trying to solve something, we have done so. I believe we have and the amendment falls. they would like to create an issue in- given sufficient flexibility so that Mr.