Congressional Record—Senate S6670
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S6670 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 27, 1997 Mr. MOYNIHAN. May I just ask in tends the time for filing returns and pay- The question is on agreeing to the terms of who appears and asks for rec- ment of tax (and waives any penalties relat- amendment. ognition, the first three pending ing to the failure to so file or so pay) for The yeas and nays have been ordered. amendments are, in fact, stacked? such taxpayers. The clerk will call the roll. Dorgan Amendment No. 516, to provide tax Mr. ROTH. That is correct. relief for taxpayers located in Presidentially The assistant legislative clerk called Mr. MOYNIHAN. The rest are just declared disaster areas. the roll. amendments that may be offered. Jeffords amendment No. 522, to provide for Mr. NICKLES. I announce that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without a trust fund for District of Columbia school Senator from Kansas [Mr. ROBERTS] is objection, the amendment of the Sen- renovations. necessarily absent. ator from Massachusetts will follow Domenici-Lautenberg amendment No. 537, Mr. FORD. I announce that the Sen- the process. to implement the enforcement provisions of ator from Illinois [Ms. MOSELEY- the Bipartisan Budget Agreement, enforce BRAUN] is necessarily absent. Mr. MCCAIN. Reserving the right to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, extend the object, I ask a question of the Senator Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 through fis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there from Delaware. Will there be a unani- cal year 2002, and make technical and con- any other Senators in the Chamber de- mous-consent agreement propounded of forming changes to the Congressional Budget siring to vote? some list of priority of these amend- and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 and The result was announced—yeas 98, ments so that the Senators will know the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit nays 0, as follows: when their amendment will be consid- Control Act of 1985. [Rollcall Vote No. 138 Leg.] Biden amendment No. 539 (to amendment ered? YEAS—98 No. 537), to provide for the transfer of funds Mr. ROTH. I say to my distinguished from the general fund to the Violent Crime Abraham Faircloth Lieberman friend from Arizona we could set such a Reduction Trust Fund. Akaka Feingold Lott list. I thought at the beginning we Nickles modified amendment No. 551, to Allard Feinstein Lugar Ashcroft Ford would move informally, but as time provide for an increase in deduction for Mack Baucus Frist McCain health insurance costs of self-employed indi- proceeds we will try to set a list. Bennett Glenn McConnell Mr. MCCAIN. Further reserving the viduals, and to modify rules for allocating Biden Gorton Mikulski right to object, we all know, as the day interest expense to tax-exempt interest. Bingaman Graham Moynihan Gramm amendment No. 552, to allow fami- Bond Gramm wears on, there will be increasing pres- Murkowski lies to decide for themselves how best to use Boxer Grams Murray sures because of the departure as ar- their child tax credit. Breaux Grassley Nickles Brownback Gregg ticulated by my friend from Nevada Kerry amendment No. 554, to allow payroll Reed Bryan Hagel Reid last night, so it is of some interest as taxes to be included in the calculation of tax Bumpers Harkin Robb to which priority, after the initial liability for receiving the children’s tax Burns Hatch Rockefeller credit. Byrd Helms amendments that were agreed to last Roth AMENDMENT NO. 551, AS MODIFIED Campbell Hollings night, will be considered. Chafee Hutchinson Santorum I ask both the Democrat leader and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Cleland Hutchison Sarbanes the managers, both managers of the pending business is the Nickles amend- Coats Inhofe Sessions Shelby bill, if we could have some predict- ment No. 551, with 2 minutes equally Cochran Inouye Collins Jeffords Smith (NH) ability associated with that. divided for debate. Conrad Johnson Smith (OR) I remove my objection. Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, on be- Coverdell Kempthorne Snowe Mr. COVERDELL. Mr. President, re- half of myself, Senator HAGEL, Senator Craig Kennedy Specter Stevens ABRAHAM, Senator DOMENICI, and oth- D’Amato Kerrey serving the right to object, these Daschle Kerry Thomas amendments have been around for ers, the amendment that we proposed DeWine Kohl Thompson some time, and I would think there last night we have modified. We did re- Dodd Kyl Thurmond would have already been a sequence of ceive some requests from Senators to Domenici Landrieu Torricelli Dorgan Lautenberg Warner priorities. This proposal ought not to delete the provision that dealt with Durbin Leahy Wellstone be muscling around here. corporate deductibility of tax exempts. Enzi Levin Wyden That was not a major portion of the Mr. ROTH. I say to the distinguished NOT VOTING—2 Senator we do have a sequence of amendment. We did delete that. Moseley-Braun Roberts amendments and we intend to go down I might mention I think it is a good the sequence of amendments from provision. It is a provision that is in The amendment (No. 551), as modi- Democrat to Republican. the House bill, so it will be in con- fied, was agreed to. Mr. ROTH. Mr. President, I move to f ference. Mr. President, this amendment accel- reconsider the vote by which the RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME erates self-employed deductibility for amendment was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under insurance. It allows self-employed indi- Mr. LOTT. I move to lay that motion the previous order, the leadership time viduals to be able to deduct a greater on the table. is reserved. proportion of their health insurance The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. f needs. It increases it. For example, in 1997, current law is 40 percent; it in- Mr. LOTT addressed the Chair. REVENUE RECONCILIATION ACT creases it to 50 percent. In 1999 it in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- OF 1997 creases it to 60 percent. And so on. jority leader. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- the previous order, the Senate will now nays on the amendment. imous consent that the remaining resume consideration of Senate bill 949, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a votes in sequence be limited to 10 min- which the clerk will report. sufficient second? utes in length. The assistant legislative clerk read There is a sufficient second. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there as follows: The yeas and nays were ordered. objection? Mr. REID. Mr. President, reserving A bill (S. 949) to provide revenue reconcili- Mr. KERREY. I am not in opposition, ation pursuant to section 104(b) of the con- but with the 2-percent provision strick- the right to object, is this going to be current resolution on the budget for fiscal en, I ask unanimous consent to be a real 10 minutes? year 1998. added as a cosponsor to this amend- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I can re- The Senate resumed consideration of ment. spond to that question. I was just fix- the bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing to say that the 10 minutes be Pending: objection, it is so ordered. strictly enforced. Please don’t leave Mr. NICKLES. I also ask unanimous the Chamber. We just had a couple of Dorgan amendment No. 515, to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to abate the consent that Senator THURMOND be Senators that didn’t make that vote accrual of interest on income tax underpay- added as a cosponsor. because it had been beyond the normal ments by taxpayers located in Presidentially The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without time. When the 10 minutes is up we are declared disaster areas if the Secretary ex- objection, it is so ordered. going to turn it in. VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:28 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S27JN7.REC S27JN7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY June 27, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6671 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. May we objection, it is so ordered. ator from Louisiana. have order, please. Mr. ROTH. Mr. President, I have a Mr. BREAUX. The problem of bring- Mr. ROTH. Mr. President, what is the further unanimous consent. ing up the amendment is there is no re- pending order? Mr. President, I am asking unani- quirement that the tax credit be used Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, we mous consent that following the pre- for the child. This is a per-child tax must have order. viously ordered stacked vote that the credit. We think there should be at The PRESIDING OFFICER. We will remainder of the sequence be in an al- least some encouragement that it be not proceed until there is order in the ternating fashion with the two man- used for the child. Chamber. agers determining the order. Mr. KERREY. Mr. President, this AMENDMENT NO. 554 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there provision would change American fam- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The objection? ilies with children, and it will generate pending question is on the Kerry of Without objection, it is so ordered. more wealth. It is good for American Massachusetts amendment No. 554. Mr. ROTH. Mr. President, I ask unan- families. We have been talking about Mr. ROTH. Mr. President, I yield the imous consent that following the dis- it. In addition to the child tax credit, floor. position of the Kerry amendment No. there are a number of us—Republicans Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, may we 554 that Senator DOMENICI be recog- and Democrats—talking about ways to have order. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Two nized to offer an amendment No.