Boctor of $})Tlos(Opf)P in PHILOSOPHY
THE IDEA OF UNIVERSAL RELIGION IN MODERN INDIAN THOUGHT (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SWAMIVIVEKANANDA AND MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD) THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF Boctor of $})tlos(opf)p IN PHILOSOPHY BY SABAIQBAL UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF PROF. 3ALALUL HAQ DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 2009 2 9 OCT 20H T8709 My (Belbve(C<Parents (Mrs. Atiya Iqbal and Mr. Mohammad Iqbal) who gave their today for my better tomorrow ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . ^irst of aCf, I wouCd Ci^ to tfian{^ my supervisor, <Prof. JafafuC 3{aq, (Department of (pfiifosopfiy, JlfigarH Musfim Vniversity, JARgarh, for His guidance, encouragement and generous fietp through the entire period of my research study. I than^Mr. MohammadMuqeem, Chairman, (Department of (PhiCosophy, JL.M.V. Jlfigarh, for his encouragement and ^nd hefp. I would Ci^ to than^the teachers of my (Department for their support dwing my research worh^ They aff encouraged and hefped me in various ways throughout the present study. I wou[d Rlie to thanH^aCf the non-teaching staff of my depaitment for their hefp and cooperation, particu[ar[y JAapa Mrs. Muf^tar ^atima (Seminar LiSrarian) and(Dr JinwarSaieem (Section officer). I thank^'Kafeef (Bhai andJAarif (Bhaifor Seing hefpfuCto me in different hjnds ofworh^ I aCso wish to thanl{^ concerned officers of 10^1% Lihraty ((Butkr (Paface, Luc^now), Maufana J^zadLiSrary (^MV, JLRgarh), <SfiSindranath Tagore Library (Luc^ow), Zakir 7{ussain LiSrary, Jamia MiCfia Isfamia (!Kew (DeChi), Indian Councif of CufturaC (Research (JLzad (Bhawan, !J\few (Delhi) and other institutions and [iSraries for providing me materials for my research wor^ 5Vb words of gratitude can 6e eyyressed for the constant support, encouragement and words of wisdom which I received from my teachers, Mr.
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