
Stowe: a description of the magnificent house and gardens of the Right Honourable Richard Grenville Nugent Temple ...

Seeley, Robert Benton

Buckingham, 1780

ETH-Bibliothek Zürich

Shelf Mark: Rar 6719

Persistent Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-830

A Description of the House.

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tE T’-LA^ 6 O/tie HOUSE Soo 0/// / a lylea ^ / fflon l/n (r/n / Sde/n/i/e ,al " S TOWE a* T + * f I Orangery. In Ijaclu/igba >nfbtiv\ 1 .. 1 L

E XII ANA tion. EXII ANA TION. mi m s| H E W E D .1 ^ n/KR . 00 m. ip.4 29 S\2 JSlTbeT oggcee, 43. ss. 20 F G H SEBrraT N .D/n lug Ti 0 0 no, *94 fz. 2 B .The Saloon, 56J 60, 43. I- 2 00 m, >94 316 ET be Isa,/I, z6.fi 36. t %4< mmmmI O .Draw 1 ngil /• 1 22. 50. 3 SiJTortbEo rtieo, B P >dSIuficIioone. T. 22 . 50. 3 K a O IN- I, E State ! ) / moinglioom EE/ £rcularCorridores, S • « - H Slate dalle fy, 22. E Tbe Chapel, %6. n to.10 tap 2 tel )typing Too m , >94 30. 2 Gr.TbeL/braty, 20. 45. 25, A § .Sta T .StateBedCbambe ;/ 50. fi ± tt. c 13.

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OF THE H O „U S E. ! I ; (I

Great Flight of 31 Steps adorned with two 2^ V Lions on the Piedestals, leads op to the A Portico or Loggia; there will be placed I over the Pediment a triumphal Car with 3)^ four Horse*; in the Car will be the Statue of William III . with this Motto,

Libertatis tsf Religionis Vindcx, 16S8. The Assertor of Liberty and Religion.

In the Semicircles over the Ionic Entablature of the Centre Building are two Medallions reprelenting the four Seasons ; There are likewise three other Medallions, in the same Position on each Pavilion, viz . Venus and Adonis, and two Sacrifices: Over the Centre of the Fa si Pavilion, the Statues of Peace and Plenty over; the West, thole of Religion and Liberty betwixt; the Statues, in a Pannel, at the Top of the West Pavilion is the sollowing Latin In¬ scription,

Richardus Comes Temple F. By Richard Earl Temple, At ( 52 ) At the East end. Anno Salutis 1775. In the Year of Grace 1775.

A . The Loggia,

is formed by six Corinthian Columns and two Pilasters 3 Feet 7 Inches diameter ; over the great Door and Niches is a Bals-relief, reprelenting a Sacrifice to Bacchus, which fills the whole Space from Pilaster to Pilaster; In the Loggia are placed lour Statues. In the Inter-columniations on the sides are two fine Croupes, viz. 1. Venus and Adonis, by Scheemakcr. 2. Vertumnus and Bomona, by Dclvot. In the Recesses are two very fine antique sitting Sta¬ tues, viz. a Cyhele, and a Juno. B. The Saloon,

is an Oval lighted by a Dome, finislied according to a Design of Signor IValdre, and surrounded by 16 Doric Columns, lupporting a rich Cornice and an Attic, on which is a Bals-relief which runs round the whole Room, reprelenting a Triumph and Sacrifice. In it are leven very fine antique Statues, viz. a Muse, Agrippina, Augustus, Meleager, Venus, Adonis, Paris, one wanting. Four antique Busts, and four Candelabra, will be like¬ wise placed there. C. The Hall, designed and painted by Kent.

The Cieling is finely adorned with the seven Planets, the ruling one, that of Mars, in the likeness of King William, presents a Sword to the late Field Marthal Vil- count Cohham, in allusion to that Prince having given him a Regiment at his first Entrance into the Army. Over C 33 ) Over the Chimney isa very curious piece of Alt-Relief: The Story is Daritts’b Tent. Eleven Marble Busts. The Walls are adorned With Ornaments of Festoons, i&Ct . Two Marble Tables. A large White Marble slab, on it a curious Sarcophagus or Tomb. A Marble Cistern.

D . North Portico, formed by four Unit Columns 2 feet ts | lushes diameter, and twd Pilasters.

Oft one side of the Hall, A Bed-Chamber, and two Dressing-Rooms hung with yellow Damask and Pictures. On the other, A Bed-Chamber and fWo Dressiftg-Rofdrtrt Rung with Cafoy Furniture and Pictures. Over these twcr Apartments are twcr others, one hung with green Damassi, the other with Tapestry. E.E. Circular Cotridofcs, each formed by 27 hnic Column*a feet diameter, and one Pilaster, into which there are Doors from the preeading Apartments. The grand Stair-Cafe, ornasttented with Iron Work.

ThfW Ciettng*-Piecesp&fafod by 8*tatetf vis, I . Jufiict and Peace, S. Fame and ViSlory. 3. Piapty andConfiatlcy. The Walls are adorned with warlike Pieces. £ A ( 34 )

A Billiard Room,

the Walls ornamented with Medallions.- Leading into a Passage decorated with Busts, which forms a Degage- ment to all the principal Rooms. Second and third Pair of Stairs, a Number of Bed- Chambers, and two Dressing-Rooms to several of the Bed-Chambers.

F . The Chapel,

wainscoted with Cedar, with a Gallery of the fame, hung with crimion Velvet, under which are Seats for the Ser¬ vants. Over the Communion-Table is a fine Painting of the Resurrection, by Tintoretto, and over that is the King’s Arms finely carved and ornamented. Above the Cedar Wainscot, are the following Paintings 3t full Length. Moses and Aaron. Two of the Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul. The four Evangelists. There are three other Paintings, viz, 1. The Ascension. 2. The Baptism. 3. The Salutation of the Virgin Mary. The Cieling is the fame as at the Chapel Royal at St, James's, and the Cedar Wainscot enriched with eleggnt carvings, by Gybbons, A Vestibule, supported by Columns, leads to

G . The Library.

H . His Lordship ’s private Dressing- Room.

I* Her Ladyship ’s Bed -Chamber, (he Bed and Curtain* of blue Damask. K. Her K . Her Ladyship’s Dressing-Room, hung with white Damask, Chairs and Curtains of the fame. A Pier-glass. L. The Grenville Room, The Chairs and Curtains of green Damask, the Walls hung with Portraits of the 'Temple and Grenville Families, amongst which are John Temple, who purchased Stowe, and Elizabeth Spencer, his Wife. Sir Thomas Temple, and Hcjler, Lady Temple, his Wife, who lived to fee 700 descendants from her own Body. Vide Fuller's Worthies. Sir Peter Temple. Sir Richard Temple, Father to Lord Viscount Cobham. Hester, Countess Temple, by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lord Viscount Cobham, by Fanloo. Hester Grenville, Countess of Chatham, by Hoare. Late Earl of Chatham, by Hoare. Right Honourable George Grenville, by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Honourable Thomas Grenville, killed in the Year 1747, on board the Defiance, of which Ship he was Captain. A Pier-glass and Mosaic Table under it. M . The Breakfast-Room,

hung with Tapestry from Drawings of Teniers, the Chairs are of the Gobeline Manufacture. A Table of Giallo Antico, over which is a Pier-glass. A Chimney-piece of Scaiola, over which is A Portrait of the Earl Nugent. N . A Dining -Room, ornamented with Marble Busts of the Roman Emperors and Empresses. The Paintings are, I. The late Earl Temple, by Ramsey. Ez 2. The ( 36 )

r . Th ? lite CqiiRte^ Tvmpkx by H°4r*> both at full Length. z. A Pictqre, by Panini r ovxr the Chimney. A Statue of a Narcissus, with a Marble Fquntain, Two 'l ables of Oriental Alabaster. Two Marble Cisterns. Two very fine antique Vases upon Piedestals of white Marble.

O. A Drawing-RpQTO,

hung with four fine Pieces of Tapestry* qs fpst^ws : 1. A Dutch Fishery, from Tensers. 2. A Dutch Wake , front Tenje/s. 3. A beautiful Representationof a fsarip. 4. A Landscape. A Picture, by Panini, over the Chimney.. Two Tables of Marble of Sienncf,. Two Pier-glasies. Three Busts, one ovex eaph I)qor, P. A Music-Room,

The Walls and deling painted in Arabesque? and other Subjects by Signor ff’aldri-; the Idea taken*frqjn the Loggia of Raphael in the Vatican at" Roma. -The Columns are Scaiola, with Capitals richly gilt, A fine verdq anticy,Table, An Organ in the recess. An Italian Cbimney-Piece, and over it 3 Glass. Q, The,State Drstwing-Roo

to be ht>ng witb Cr« nsqn Damask. A Portrait of the King, qnstera Canopy of crimson Damask, and-the following Pictures.:

A Portrait of Colonel Stanyan, by Dolsm. The Representation of the Holy Lamb, Sphool of Rubens. Four Landscapes, by Poujin. Two Ditto, by Coten. A l^rge Picture of young Bqcchcnmals. A I 37; )

A Picture said to be of Samson in the Prison at Gaza, by .—The King os Prussia has one of the fame in his collection, so called; but it is an Italian Story. Two Saints, a St. Laurence, and St. Stephen. Two large tamhcayesv by Horixfoti. Moses burying the Egyptian, by PouJJin. A Sea Port,, by-a Fltmisk A Landscape with dancing Satyrs, by Paul Brill,, A LancMcape, by Claud* Lorakn. A small Landscape of Ac is and Galatea% by Mill*. A Portrait of RuAens's, Wiis, byiRubom. Venus, by Titian. ffiwtt and:Mmis, by Paul!Vmntfe. The Prodigal Son, by Guercino. Hagar and IJhmael, by Pietrv dis Contma., Rembrandt's Head , by biasdctf. A Conversation Piece, by Teniern A Battle Piece, by Bourgogniwa. Offering of the Wise Men, by Ptutlrffarcetefo. The Holy Family, by Tintoretto. A KuighiiaftheJLrth , by Vajrdpkti. The Rape of Helen, by Theseusi.i \ Both byp The Return;of Qhryfiis to.hen Fatitefl. Jl Pnimatkio.i The Marqjuj8.dE WoM/ii/a, by Vandyhfe, The Dutctiess of jRichmond, by -Sir Beta* L$l)b The Marriage oi-Cnna, by Bason. Two.Pieces,of>-Ruina, byi Canalettii,. Vulcan and Venus, by Primaticio. A Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, by old Richardson. A Dapcipg^at th,er,lVJ^j:ria^e of tM Duke*of Mantuot by Tintoretto. Sarnson and DAliiash, by Guercino. A Silenus, by Rujbenu A Landscape with figures ants cattle, by-Bhsjhn.. A Piece,of Ruins, by Viviano, Four Cvnversatiqn Pieces, by Francesco Gippo*. Joan of Arc, by Albert. Diver. Qmon and.Iphigenia, Orodes ordering melted Gold,1 to: be poured*into the Mouth of Crajus. Two Landscapes, by Salvator Rosa, A Head* by CormtUuf sjohrsfm, Two Landscapes. An /toAuH-Ghimney,-piece,, in.t-he, centos: ofc which is an antique Tablet of:OrientaA Alabafleni Two ( 38 ) Two fine Pier-glasses, and Tables under them formed from a column sound in the ruins of the Temple of Apollo, in the Isle of Dehs.

R . The State Gallery. Two Marble Chimney-pieces of Sienna,c& . by Mr. travel. The Cieling finely ornamented with Paintings and Gilding, by Sc later. Two fine Marble Tables of Nero Antico, with two large Pier-glasses. The Walls are adorned with curious Pieces of Tapestry, via. 1. The Triumph of Ceres. 4 . The Triumph of Bacchus, z. The Triumph of Venus. 4. The Triumph of Mars. z. The Triumph of Diana. The Piers adorned with Trophies. The upper Parts of the Chimney-pieces are adorned with Gilding and Carving. 1. A Goddess conducting Learning to Truth. 2. Representing Mercury conducting tragic and comic Poetry to the Hill of Parnajsus. Four emblematic Paintings in Clare-Obfcure. The Chairs, Settees, and Window-curtains of blue

S. The State Dressing-Room, hung with Tapestry representing the Functions of the Cavalry, blue Damask chairs, and Window-curtains of the fame. A Table of Giallo Antico, on it an antique Vase. A Chest inlaid with Mother of Pearl. The Chimney-piece by Mr. Level. A fine Portrait of the late Field Marshal Viscount Cob- ham, by Sir Godfrey Kneller. T . The State Bed-Chamber.

The Bed and Cieling, by Signor Borra. —The Chairs, Window-curtains and Hangings of crimson Damask.— The ' ( 39 ) The Pillars of the Corinthian Order , the whole finely carved and gilt. A Madonna from the School of Rubens, A whole length of the Queen over the chimney. A very curious Chimney-piece of white Marble, de¬ signed by Signor Borra, and executed by Mr. Lovel. Two Cupids, with Branches for candles in their Hands, by Mr. Lovel, The Cieling ornamented with the Insignia of ths Garter. A Pier-glass and verde antico Table under it, V . The State Closet, hung with crimson Damalk. In it a Picture of the King of Denmark, by Angelica, and of Venus binding the Eyes of Cupid, with the Graces offering Tribute , by Titian, W . The Chinese Closet, wainscoted with Japan and other Ornaments, Presents from the late Prince and Princess of IVales,-^The furni¬ ture white Satin, ;

A Passage, ornamented with Marble-Busls.

A Grand Stair -Cafe,

adorned with Paintings of the four Seasons, • The Cieling represents the Rising Sun, Phoebus in hiH Car,

The Length of the Line through the House 450 Feet, the Offices 450 Feet ; so the whole Extent is 900 Feet,

Ext -fcA- I