In This Issue
eNewsletter – 23rd February 2020 Welcome to the third OWGRA eNewsletter of 2020. In terms of impact on our area, far and away the most important item is the proposed development on the Tesco and Homebase Osterley sites by St. Edward, part of the Berkeley Group. So please can we ask all residents (and friends and neighbours) to read the article on the next stage of this (the first article in the Planning section on page 2) and go to the exhibition of the revised plans and make your views known.…... In this issue In Planning (page 2-7), we have news on the 2nd Public Exhibition of the Tesco/Homebase Osterley redevelopment (please read this article), an update on the Bolder Academy con- struction, Brentford FC news, Osterley Station (flats and lifts), Syon Lane lifts, plans for an- other hotel and Conservation Area updates Under London Borough of Hounslow (LBH) News (pages 8 -11) there’s news of the coun- cil’s unsuccessful bid to be London Borough of Culture 2021, problems at council leisure centres, updates on parking restrictions and consultations underway. In Local News (pages 12 - 14) there’s news of Brentford Sports Fest, events at Osterley Park, The Watermans Centre in Brentford (including Bollywood dance classes…), Brentford Musical Museum and Gunnersbury Park, an art exhibition, two local history stories and events at Grasshoppers and Thistleworth clubs Under Crime and Local Policing (pages 15 - 18) there’s news of burglaries, doorstep cons, bicycle and car theft, good news (at last !) on catalytic convertor thefts, more police coming, latest crime stats and how to meet your local police.
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