The Wizard of OZ __________________________ a LINX adaptation RED CAST LINX 141 LINDEN ST. WELLESLEY, MA 01746 (781) 235-3210
[email protected] PROLOGUE [ALL] GLINDA GREETS THE AUDIENCE CURTAIN OPENS. Behind the curtain is GLINDA. She looks at the audience with wonder.] GLINDA_PP What a wonderful audience. So many excited and eager faces. Are we all ready for an adventure? Watch one another’s back now. Things do sneak up on you in Oz. Fortunately, they can be very nice things... (points to back of house) Like that... 1ST SONG - FIREWORK ACT I, SCENE 1 [PP] IN WHICH DOROTHY IS CALLED BEFORE THE WIZARD. CHARACTERS: WIZARD, DOROTHY, SCARECROW, LION, TIN MAN [Head of Wizard hovers before audience. Below, Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man tremble in terror. Mid-runner curtain is closed behind them. Also onstage is a booth with a hanging curtain. Thick ducts branch out from the booth.] WIZARD I am the great and powerful OZ! Who dares approach me? [Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man shove Dorothy forward. Dorothy looks back at them.] SCARECROW_PP You got this. LION_PP We’re right behind you. [Dorothy turns toward Wizard. Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man shuffle backwards. Dorothy turns to them, noticing the increased distance.] TIN MAN_PP Right behind you! 2. WIZARD (to Dorothy) Who are you? DOROTHY_PP My name is Dorothy. Dorothy Gale. WIZARD And where do you come from, “Dorothy Gale”? DOROTHY_PP Kansas. WIZARD Kansas? (long pause) What is Kansas? DOROTHY_PP It’s a place. My home - and I so want to return. A tornado picked up my home, picked up me and my little dog - only, he’s not so little anymore.