Ink Visits SU, Comments on New Music Building · by "Steve Sando No Programs W9uld Be .Hurt By

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Ink Visits SU, Comments on New Music Building · by , E~o, North Dakota, Volume 95, 188ue 57, Tuesday, May 13, 1980 By Rick Bellis Planning Program, Dorgan often sirayed · At a Monday morning press conference in from the expected topics in order to comment Bismarck, North Dakota State Tax Commis- · on the weaknesses of both the state and na­ sioner Byron Dorgan arinouced that he will tional govern.ments currently in power. "The seek the Democratic nomination for Con­ only way to change the minds of our current gressman. Dorgan will attempt to capture the legislators is to elect new legislators," he an­ seat being vacated by ~ep. Mark Andrews, to nounced. He particularly emphasized the whom he lost a similar bid in '74._The Commis­ failure of our representatives to develop a sioner did not comment whether he was in­ strong energy PC?licy. "The work they've done fluenced by Andrew's decision to seek the in this area stinks; it represents their caving position of _retiring Sen. Milton Young, but in to outside pressures and lobbiests.'! · most political observers feel that the · Dorgan feels North Dakota has been par­ Republican nominee, State ~en. James ticularly vulnerable to the double-edged Smykowski, will face an uphill battle against sword of the energy crises. He repeatedly Dorgan in resecuring the post for his party. pointed out that the Roughrider State is dead Dorgan, currently heading the Kennedy last in the taxation of resource extraction and campaign in North Dakot!l, promises to cam­ that in fact, the state is subsidizing energy paign on a platform which will induce costs to the rest of the country. "You and I economic, energy, and farm policy reforms. · will be paying higher taxes every year so that The commissioner also called for a policy of we can yield power to Minneapolis." mandatory energy conservation and a tax on Commissioner Dorgan surprised almost,n·o "gas ·guzzlers." . one familiar with his past record when he Though some may lfave been surprised by revealed the greatest threat of the energy yesterday's announcement, DorgaQ · had crises, as he sees it, comes from the oil com­ already informally acknowledged rumors as panies themselves. "I dqn't believe that the to his candidacy last_Thursday niglit in a lec­ oil companies sing the Nation~} Anthem ture at SU. In addressing ·members of the every morning; like they would have us Graduate School's Community and Regional Dorgan to page 3 G'ov. ~ink visits SU, comments on new music building · By "Steve Sando no programs W9uld be .hurt by . crease is concerned, Link Gov. Arthur Link visited using the money for a m\lsic said, "last year we saw a tui­ SU on Friday. In his remarks building, so we did it.'' . tion jump due to the lack of in­ he commented on the propos- Link also said that it was cremental increases over the ed music building and the ex- lucky that the plans for the years.'' Ar!ording to Link, pected tuition hike. building were in progress the present situation has been "The money was there," before the legislation was to keep tuition at a level for said Link, referring to the linalized. "This way, we will · several years before an in­ funds appropriated from the be months ahead in the con- crease, in which case it's experimental station. "The struction," Link said. u_sually a big one. administration here at SU felt As far as the tuition in- Link also commented on the problem of students not returning.if the cost of SU is Offenders at BEO concert significantly higher. "We are not ashamed of having a low­ receive stiff-pen_alties . cost state college, and we - Citations that were given . Those adults who did .ap­ hope to keep it that way," at . ihe REO Speedwa-gon pear in court were ordered to said Link. Tuesday, April 22, have been pay a fine of $160 and sentenc­ Link was campaigning in followed up with rather stiff ed to 30 days in the country Fargo, speaking at gatherings penalites. / jail. In lieu o1 the jail and clubs in his bid for re• Nineteen adults between sentence, however, offenders election. the ages to 18 and 21 along could also work for 24 hours with four juveniles were in a -public works. They are given citations for minor in also on unsupervised prob" possession 9f alcohol. tion for 18 months. Outstanding SU alum dead at 12· y North Dakota agriculturist ing his term with the North. Dakota Farm Bureau, North Wilfred Plath, 72, Davenport, Dakota Livestock Mutual Aid Dakota State Fair B.oard, Red rt's The · North· Dakota State N .D., died Saturday. Corporation, .Plath helped ·Ri~er Valley Fair and Agassiz Plath, who "was named raise more than $40,000 for Club in Fargo. University Library will be Agriculturist of the Year in the new meats laboratory. He Among the numerous 1978 by the Saddle and Sirlion served on the NDSU Alumni awards Plath received are the dedicated Friday, May 23 at 2 Club, received a bachelor's Association board of directors 'Pioneer of the Year award p.m. oil. the library_lawn. (In degree in 1929 and a master's for nine years and was presi­ from the Northwest Farm degree in 1932 from SU, both dent ,of that group from Managers Association, the of inclement weather, in agr~culture. November 1939 to · January NDSU Alumni A-chievement • Since his graduation from 1961. Award in 1969,-and the John .ceremonies will be held ID .SU, Plath remained loyal to Plath was also associated Lee Coulter Award from the the university. In 1946, he with the North Dakota SU Agricultural Economics Festival ·Hall). launched the concept of an SU Winter Show, North Dakota C\ub in 197 4. - Agronomy Seed Farm. Dur- Angus Association, North Record Review SL) captures outdoor ·McCauley·Interview "The Human League- Championship 'Reproduction' and more mini-reviews" pg.3 pg.,9 pglO $~trurri _· ·. 2Tuesday, May 13, 1980 · The Equitation Club will Business club members, meet to wrap things up at 7 their guests and business p.m. Monday, May 19, in the faculty are invited to the Shepperd Arena. Treats will · Business Club Picnic at 2:30 be provided, but BYOB. · · p.m. Wednesday,-May 14, in a Lindenwood Park. All Organizations · · · . d-' . ,h 'f· College. Republican Picnic . F1ve p.m. to ay 1S t e ma1 ' . , . ~ · , · deadline 'for .submitting. ·' yo,ur ow:n meat and recognition forms for 1980-81. bevera~e . t? . .the .College Contact Mike DeLuca, Com- Republican p1cn1c at 6:30 p.m. missioner of Student Wednesday, May 14 in Organizations as soon as Linde_nwood. Park. .:rhere will l'or Your Convenience: possible. be· barbecumg, fr1sbee and * ACRES OF CONVENIENT FREE PARKING ·volleyball. For more informa­ ·* FUU.rrEMIZEO BANK STATEMENTS tion · contact Nancy at Mortar Board 237-8134. · .- t=ut( BANKING S,ERVICES- Au'DAY The new and old. members· ;--Ttii~-gcwxi1:i,_.,..1 of the Mortar Board will meet· · FREE. t to elect o~ficers .for 198~-81 at I · · ·· I 6:30 tonight rn Mernec:ke I ·. · Lounge of the Union. I · I twut be a oo11ege atudant)' I . , . 12 games of FoosbalJ I Horticulture Club Picnic 1Plnbal, Vldeogamla. ; I Horticultu~e Club will be I~I orPoal. ·~ holding a picnic from 6 to 9 I 420s. 2111 s1. · • • - p.m. Wednesday, May 14 at 'Moorhead Oak Grove Park. Be prepared. 1=:oa1CENTERI • • ==~h;___________• .... ! for a few sui:prisesl L:' .,., __:a_. 1._,_23318321/ HOWARD ROBERTS CLINIC AND CONCERT M-ay.14th --May 17th - May 29th 8-9 p.m. fl'ff with ticket Humanltlea Theater - Concordia C4'11ege Ticket, avallable only at Marguerite' 1 Marguerite's Music 2409 10th St. So. - Moorhead EIJSI Of The Holiday Mall / 9-5 :30 Tues.-Fri. 9-3 Sat. 9-8 Mon. 233-7548 LOOK LIKE A ''1 O'' AL:l.: YEAR A £ ' ' . • i I ........ .. I 30 % otfon all ~ \ \ I INTl&NATIONAL ) ' SUNTANNING SALONS {-- D~Signer_Jean/s 11 FREE INTRODUOORY SESSION Ii \ \ NO COST - NO OBLIGATION . l / Comput•rlzed Skin Analysis Prior fo your First~ Session for tfte qulclcesf:and safest tan. 25% off on.all ITAa!IGIOOTIIS •••!TING 15 SESSIONS ONl Y •35 .....,,._.._ ............... ....... ,,. ' \ ) -- C-lahr,_.1111 . , 10%whenYouShowYourlD Spring and Summer " Hows -"' w11,. of r....,,..,. , , ., .· 1 5 0/ , · , ....... /0 In Groups of 4 or More ' Com te ltne Aloe..,. bued._organlc akin Products Merchandise RESULTS GUARANTEED WBT ACIES, FAIGO ll0l1DA Y MAU, MOOINEAD 620 Main, Fargo LOWIIUYll ACIOSS flOII fOSS DIN i..-i Block& • 212-5752 236-1221 llillal ., '1, Spectrum3 Tuesday,May13,1980 Fr. McCauley discusses Catholic issues "Pope John Paul II came as an emissary of good develop more reliable types of natural ·family plan- thought there were women who could serve really will," says Father David McCauley of the Newman ning," he said. · w_en. ' Center'. "I think h~ did a good job." · , .The Billings and the Symtothermic methods are He feels that most Catholics aren't ready to ac- . McCauley -discussed topics surrounding tlie metnods of testing which involve becoming more cept women priests now and that some time and Catholic religion during a recent interview. The aware of peri~s when conception is most likely more awareness is needed before Catholics will ac- abortion issue, birth control, women priest~, mar- rather than trying to alter conception. cept the idea. , rit:d . priests and _declining vocati_ons to the McCauley !Dentioned ~Jiat, in Fargo~~e has m?re ' ·The church is hanc:lling the problem of declining priesthood were stressed. Protesta_nts .10tereste~d 10 natural fal!nly planmng vocations in a variety of ways, McCauley said.
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