MO3-47 Proceedings of the 1986 International Linac Conference, Stanford, California, USA Cavity Klystron and the Magnetron
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Proceedings of the 1986 International Linac Conference, Stanford, California, USA A COHERENT VERY HIGH POWER MICROWAVE SOURCE USING A VIRTUAL CATHODE OSCILLATOR* M. V. Fazio, and R. F. Hoeberling, AT-5, MS H827 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 SUllll1ary results in severe longitudinal charge bunching. The oscillation of the virtual cathode excites the longi An oscillating virtual cathode produced by a mul tudinal electric field that drives the transverse mag tikiloampere relativistic electron beam can generate netic waveguide modes in a cylindrical waveguide. As microwave power at levels from several-hundred mega the ratio of the beam current to the space-charge lim watts to one gigawatt. This type of source can oper iting current increases,s the microwave output fre ate from 500 MHz to 40 GHz. To become useful as an Quency in an oscillating virtual cathode varies be accelerator driver, it is essential that we control tween the plasma frequency wp and ~ "'p, where the frequency and phase of the microwave radiation. To accomplish this, it may be possible to use the Z resonant interaction between the oscillating virtual "'p2 (4:e yl2 cathode and a microwave cavity that is pumped with a klystron-injected signal to produce a microwave source capable of very high power, narrow bandwidth, narrow In this expression, n is the electron density and m band frequency tunability, and phase controllability. is the electron mass. The second mechanism for microwave production in Dynamics of the Virtual Cathode Oscillator volves the electrons that are trapped in the potential well between the real cathode and the virtual cathode. A virtual cathode is formed when the electron The electrons reflexing in this potential well can also current from an electron-beam diode, greater than the generate broadband microwave power at a higher frequen space-charge limiting current,l is injected into a cy than in the case of the oscillating virtual cathode. cylindrical waveguide, as shown in Fig. 1. A propa The frequency is higher because the individual reflex gating electron beam produces a negative potential ing electrons can travel at near the speed of light; because of its own space charge, and when the beam whereas, the frequency of the virtual cathode oscilla enters the waveguide, the space-charge potential en tions is determined by the plasma frequency wp of the ergy increases. At high current levels, the potential electron beam. barrier produced by the beam space charge exceeds the The virtual cathode oscillator is not a well beam's kinetic energy, and electrons in the beam are behaved microwave source. It has a broad microwave reflected back to the anode. This current level is spectrum with peaks in a variety of waveguide modes. called the space-charge limiting current. The poten Mainly. two factors contribute to this characteristic. tial barrier is called a virtual cathode and is formed The microwave radiation is generated by a combination at the position where the kinetic energy approaches of the two processes: the oscillating virtual cathode zero. For the case of a mildly relativistic electron and the reflexing electrons. Also, frequency chirping beam, an interpolative formula z for the space-charge occurs during the pulse, caused by diode voltage and limiting current (Iscl) in a cylindrical waveguide current-density variations. Consequently, one has a that has good experimental agreement is very unstable free-running oscillator. A number of researchers have reported microwave 17( y2l3 _ 1) 312 generation at the gigawatt level using virtual cath ( ink il oamperes) 1 + Z In rw/rb odes formed by high-current relativistic electron beams.. Operating frequencies range from 500 MHz to where y is the relativistic factor of the electron 40 GHz. Efficiencies up to 5~ are reported by U.S. beam, rw is the radius of the waveguide, and rb researchers and up to 40-50% by the Soviets (Didenko).' is the electron beam's outer radius. Didenko has also reported pulsed microwave radiation for half a microsecond at 3 GHz and 500 MW. In spite of these achievements, there has not been much effort toward developing these devices as reliable, effi cient, very high power, microwave sources. The ability of an oscillating virtual cathode to produce very high levels of peak power leads one to consider it as a candidate for an accelerator driver. To become viable in this role, it is essential that MICROWAVE ELECTRIC the device be made to operate predominately at a sin FIELO gle frequency. There should also be some means to .. • ANTENNA control the device's output phase . Frequency and Phase Locking It may be feasible to produce a frequency-locked oscillating virtual cathode by surrounding the oscil REFLEXING VIRTUAL lating virtual cathode with a resonant microwave CATHODE structure. A microwave cavity resonator has several properties of particular use to us in this application. Fig. 1. Typical virtual cathode oscillator source. First, it is frequency selective. The cavity supports a number of well-defined modes of oscillation, and each mode occurs over a very narrow bandwidth. Sec Currently there are two models for microwave pro ondly, microwave energy can be effectively coupled duction. The first is the oscillating virtual cathode out of a cavity resonator using the same techniques in which the virtual cathode oscillates in space and employed for coupling energy into rf accelerating time with a well-defined period.". This oscillation structures. Examples of microwave generation by passing an electron beam through a resonant structure are the *~ork supported by U.S. Dept. of Energy. 157 MO3-47 Proceedings of the 1986 International Linac Conference, Stanford, California, USA cavity klystron and the magnetron. A series of micro virtual cathode is much less than its steady-state wave cavities are used first to bunch the dc electron value. beam and then to extract the power from it at the Successful experimental work on injection locking microwave frequency. The dynamics of the oscillating magnetrons together has been done by Varian,'l virtual cathode is much more complicated and less Raytheon,'2 and P. F. Lewis at English Electric Valve understood than the previous examples. However, there (EEV) Co., Ltd. '3 In the case of Varian and EEV, the is no reason to believe that a resonant cavity sur locking power in the steady state was 32 to 35 dB be rounding the oscillating virtual cathode would not low the oscillator output power. With Raytheon's also affect its dynamics. If one can tune the oscil experiment, the locking power required was 26 dB below lating virtual cathode by varying the beam-current the output. density so that its dominant free-running oscillation frequency is near the passband of a microwave-cavity Proposed Experiment resonator surrounding the oscillating virtual cathode, then it should be possible to create a strong beam/ Now under construction is an experiment to pro cavity interaction. Because of this interaction, the duce an injection-locked virtual cathode oscillator cavity field induced by either the oscillating virtual at 1.3 GHz. The device to be tested will use the cyl cathode or some other source feeds back on the oscil indrical geometry of Fig. 2. The l-MeV, 20-kA space lating virtual cathode, forcing it to oscillate in the charge-limited electron beam is accelerated into a desired mode at the cavity resonant frequency fo. The cylindrical resonator where the TM020 transverse magnet formation of the virtual cathode is a beam-bunching ic mode is excited. The field pattern for the TM020 is phenomenon; thus, if one can affect the dynamics of shown in Fig. 3. the bunching process, then it should be possible to The fields in the TM020 mode have the following influence the behavior of the oscillating virtual fonn: cathode. Utilizing this feedback interaction, the oscillating virtual cathode and the cavity field E c J 5 , and should lock together in phase and in frequency, con z O C· ;0 r) verting beam power to microwave power with improved efficiency. Brandt, et al.," have investigated the H « J ' (5.5:0 r) effect of feedback on the microwave output of a re 4> O flexing electron device. Their simulations added a 100-kV/cm external sinusoidal electric field at where JO and JO' are the zero-order Bessel function 9.B GHz to the l-MV/cm field generated by the applied and its derivative, a is the cavity radius. and r is diode voltage. The sinusoidal field increased the the radial position. The radial dimension of the cyl microwave energy density at the pump frequency by a inder will be selected to place the TM020 mode at factor of 40. 1.3 GHz, which results in a cylinder diameter of ap A further refinement to the frequency-locking proximately 40 cm as shown in Fig. 2. The electric concept involves exciting the cavity resonator with a field is axial in the z-direction, with maxima at the microwave signal at the cavity resonant frequency, axis r a 0, and at r a 14 cm from the central axis, before injecting the electron beam. The power level as shown in Fig. 2. The diameter of the electron beam of this microwave pump would be a few percent of the will be chosen to be within the region of the central power produced by the electron beam. The role of the peak in the electric field shown in Fig. 2. This ge microwave pump is to build up the microwave field in ometry will result in a strong coupling between the the cavity so that. when the electron beam enters the electric field from the oscillating virtual cathode cavity.