PRZEGLĄD ZACHODNI 2014, No. II PIOTR LUCZYS KRZYSZTOF RATAJ Poznań KARAIMS: THE IDENTITY QUESTION* The name Karaims1 derives from karaim, a Hebrew word meaning “the reading one”, “the calling one” and hence Karaims are also called “the people of Scripture”.2 But karaim also means “the detached”, “the disconnected”. The same word in Turk- ish means “black”3, “north”, or “poor”, which suggests Turkic origin of Karaims, namely from Khazars. Karaim dignitaries from the early 20th century popularised that version of the origin of Karaim people, however, that origin is not sufficiently documented.4 Thus the question whether Karaims were the followers of Judaism in Khazaria is frequently asked. In publications on history, such a religious faction is mentioned but it is not exactly clear whether it was of Karaims.5 This is hardly * This article was previously published in “Przegląd Zachodni” 2013, No. 3, pp. 93-116. 1 As many authors argue: “In Polish scientific (and popular) publications, followers of Karaism are referred to as karaimi [Karaims] and not as karaici [Karaites]”. Cf. M. Pawelec (2010), Niepojęty świat Karaimów?, “Awazymyz”, No. 3(28), http://www.awazymyz.karaimi.org/zeszyty/item/357-niepojety- -swiat-karaimow [accessed: 08.06.13]. This does not seem, however, to be a consistent terminological convention. Cf. B. Janusz (1927), Karaici w Polsce, Kraków. 2 R. Otsason (2004), Karaimi, in: Powszechna encyklopedia filozofii, Vol. 5, Lublin, pp. 487-489. 3 “At the end of the fourth millennium BC, the Iranian plateau was inhabited by tribes speaking a Turkish-Kipchak dialect of the Oghuz group. So far, the reasons for the migration of those tribes to eastern lands and, finally, to middle Mesopotamia have not been fully explained.
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