vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 41#64, 2005 Mesozoic gastropods from Siberia and Timan (Russia). Part 2: Neogastropoda and Heterobranchia Andrzej KAIM1 and Alexander L. BEISEL2 1Instytut Paleobiologii, Polska Akademia Nauk, ul. Twarda 51/55, 00$818 Warszawa, Poland <
[email protected]> 2 United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Koptyug Pr. 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia <
[email protected]> Abstract: This is a second p aper dealing with juvenile and little known Mesozoic gastro$ pods from Siberia and the Timan region. This part contains description of gastropods be$ longing to Neogastropoda and Heterobranchia. Described are 16 species, five of them are new. They are: Sulcoactaeon uralicus, S. timanicus, S. bojarkensis (Bullinidae), Vasju$ gania vasjuganensis (Acteonidae), and Biplica siberica (Ringiculidae). The new genus Vasjugania (Acteonidae) is proposed. Eight species are left in the open nomenclature. The protoconch of Siberian K hetella, illustrated here for the first time, suggests that this genus belongs to Purpurinidae and the whole family is a possible stem group for the Neo$ gastropoda. Apart from Khetella the Siberian fauna seems to b e of cosmopolitan character having common elements both with Europe and North America. Key words : Siberia, Timan, Jurassic#Cretaceous, paleontology (gastropods), taxonomy. Introduction This paper continues studies on taxonomy ofjuvenile and little known Meso$ zoic gastropods from Siberia and the Timan region (see Kaim et al. 2004). Al$ though some pioneering work was done already in 19th century (e.g. Tullberg 188 1), the Mesozoic gastropods from northern Russia remain rather poorly known. More systematic treatment of the gastropods started in 1970s (Beisel 1977, 1983, 1991).