A Preliminary Checklist of the Plants of Nylsvley

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A Preliminary Checklist of the Plants of Nylsvley Sheet2 A PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF THE PLANTS OF NYLSVLEY NATURE RESERVE Compiled in September 1983 as part of the Savanna Biome Project note that the taxonomy has not Been updated merely typed into Excel format in June 2014 Family Species Common name SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella dregei (C.Presl) Hieron NONE POLYPODIACEAE Ceterach cordatum (Thumb.) Desv. NONE Pellaea viridis (Forsk.) Prantl. NONE Pellaea colomelanos. NONE POACEAE Urelytrum squarrosum Hack. Centipede grass Trachypogon spicatus (L.f.) Kuntze Giant spear grass Elionurus argenteus Nees. Sour grass Elionurus muticus Sour grass Andropogon schinzii Hack. NONE Andropogon schirensis Hochst. Ex A. Rich. Var. angustifolia Stapf. StaB grass Sorghum versicolor Anderss. Black-seed Wild Sorghum Bothriochloa insculpta (Hochst.) A.Camus var. insculpta. Pinhole grass Schizachyrium jeffreysii (Hack.) Stapf. Silky Autumn Grass Schizachyrium sanguineum (Retz) Alst. Red Autumn Grass Schizachyrium ursulus Stapf. NONE Cymbopogon excavatus (Hochst.) Stapf ex Burtt Davy. Broad-Leaved Turpentine Grass Cymbopogon marginatus (Steud.) Stapf ex Burtt Davy. NONE Hyparrhenia cf. Dregeana (Nees) Stapf ex Stent. NONE Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf. Common thatchgrass Hyperthelia dissoluta (nees ex Steud.) Clayton. NONE Heteropogon contortus (L.) ex Roem. & Schult. Spear Grass Diheteropogon amplectens (Nees) Clayton. Broadleaved Bluestem Diheteropogon filifolius (Nees) Clayton. Wire Bluestem Themeda triandra Forssk. Red Oat Grass Cenchrus ciliaris L. Blue Bufallograss Tragus Berteronianus Schult. Carrotseed grass Mosdenia leptostachys (Fical.& Hiern) W.D.Clayton NONE Perotis patens Gand. Bottle-brush grass Paspalum orbiculare Forst. NONE Panicum deustum ThunB. Broadleaved panic Panicum dregeanum Nees. Plum panicum Panicum cf.laevifolium Hack. Blue panic Panicum maximum Jacq. Guinea grass Panicum natalense Hochst. Natal Buffalo Grass Alloteropsis semialata (R.Br.) Hitchc. Blackseed grass Urochloa Brachyura (Hack.) Stapf. NONE Brachiaria Brizantha (Hochst.ex A.Rich.) Stapf. Common Signal Grass Brachiaria eruciformis (SiBth.& J.E.Sm.) CriseB. Sweet Signal Grass Brachiaria grisea Stapf. NONE Brachiaria grossa Stapf. NONE Brachiaria nigropedata (Munro ex Fical.& Hiern) Stapf. Black-footed Signal Grass Brachiaria serrata (ThunB.) Stapf var. serrata. Velvet grass Digitaria Brazzzae (French.) Stapf. Brown finger grass Digitaria diagonalis (Nees) Stapf. Brown-seed Finger Grass Digitaria eriantha Steud. Finger grass Digitaria longifera (Retz.) Pers. NONE Digitaria cf. Monodactyla (Nees) Stapf. One-finger grass Digitaria pentzii var. penzii Stent. NONE Digitaria setivalva Stent. NONE Digitaria sp. NONE Tricholaena monachne (Trin) Stapf.& C.E. HuBB. Blue-seed grass Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.) C.E.HuBB. Natal redtop Rhynchelytrumvillosum (Parl. Ex Hook.) Chiov. Creeping setaria Setaria flaBellata Stapf. NONE Setaria lindenBergiana (Nees) Stapf. Mountain Bristle grass Setaria cf. Perennis Hack. NONE Setaria ustilata De Wit Shade Bristle grass Setaria verticillata (L.) Beauv. Sticky Bristle grass Setaria woodii Hack. NONE Leersia hexandra Swartz. Wild rice grass Aristida adscensionis L. suBsp. Guineensis (Trin.& Rupr.) Henr. Annual Bristle grass Aristida aequiglumis Hack. NONE Aristida argentea Schweick. NONE Aristida Bipartita (Nees) Trin.& Rupr. Rolling grass Aristida canescens Henr. Pale three-awn Aristida congesta Roem.& Schult. SuBsp. Barbicollis (Trin.& Rupr.) De Wint. Spreading Bristlegrass Aristida congesta Roem.& Schult. SuBsp. Congesta. White stick grass Aristida curvata (Nees) Trin.& Rupr. Annual Bristle grass Aristida diffusa Trin. Var. Burkei (Stapf.) Schweick. Iron grass Aristida junciformis Trin.& Rupr. SuBsp. Junciformis. Ngongoni three-awn Aristida scaBrivalvis Hack. Purple three-awn Aristida stipitata Hack. SuBsp. Graciliflora (Pilg) Melderis Long-awned three-awn SporoBolus africanus (Poir.) RoByns & Tournay. Ratstail dropseed SporoBolus fimbriatus Nees var. latifolius Stent. Bushveld dropseed SporoBolus ioclados Nees var. usitatus (Stent) L. Chipp. Pan dropseed Page 1 Sheet2 SporoBolus panicoides A.Rich. NONE SporoBolus cf. Stapfianus Gand. FiBrous dropseed Stipagrostis uniplumis (Licht.) DE Wint. Var. uniplumis. NONE Tristachya rehmannii Hack. Broom grass Loudetia flavida (Stapf) C.E.HuBB. NONE Loudetia pedicellata (Stent) Chippind. NONE Microchloa caffra Nees. Pincushion grass Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Couch grass Chloris gayana Kunth. Rhodes grass Chloris radiata (L.) Swartz. NONE Chloris virgata Swartz. Feathertop chloris Eustachys mutica (L.) Cuf. NONE Eustachys paspaloides (Vahl) Lanza & Mattei. Fan grass Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. SuBsp. Africana (Kennedy O'Byrne) S.Phill. NONE Enneapogon cenchroides (Licht.ex Roem. & Schult.) E.E.HuBB Nine-awned grass Enneapogon pretoriensis Stent. NONE Enneapogon scoparius Stapf. BottleBrush grass Schmidtia pappophoroides Steud. Sand quick Diplachne Biflora Hack. Blue seed grass Pogonarthria squarrosa (Licht.) Pilger. HerringBone grass Trichoneura grandiglumis (Nees) Ekman var. grandiglumis Rolling grass Eragrostis aspera (Jacq.) Nees. Rough love grass Eragrostis Barbinodis Hack. NONE Eragrostis Biflora Hack.ex Schinz. Shade eragrostis Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Lutati. NONE Eragrostis curvula (Schrad) Nees. Weeping love grass Eragrostis gummiflua Nees. Gum grass Eragrsotis heteromera Stapf. Bronze love grass Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees. Lehmann' love grass Eragrostis pallens Hack. NONE Eragrostis racemosa (ThunB.) Steud. Narrow-heart lovegrass Eragrostis rigidior Pilg. Broad-leaved curly leaf Eragrostis rotifer Rendle. NONE Eragrostis superba Peyr. Sawtooth love grass Eragrostis tenella (L.) Beauv. Ex Roem & Schult. NONE Eragrostis trichophora Coss.& Dur. Hairy love grass Eragrostis viscosa (Retz) Trin. Sticky love gras Bewsia Biflora (Hack.) Goossens. Blue seed grass Triraphis andropogonoides (Steud.) Phill. Perdegras / Triraphis Oropetium capense Stapf. CYPERACEAE Cyperus amaBilis Vahl. NONE Cyperus denudatus L.F. NONE Cyperus margaritae Vahl. NONE Cyperus rupestris Kunth. NONE Cyperus sphaerospermus Schrad. NONE Mariscus sp. NONE Mariscus saxiflorus Turrill. NONE Kyllinga alBa Nees. Witbiesie Scirpus hystrix (Schrad.) ThunB. NONE Scirpus leucanthus Boeck. NONE Scirpus sp. NONE Fimbristylis kispidula (Vahl) Kunth. NONE BulBostylis Burchellii (Fic.& Hiern) C.B.C1. NONE ARACEAE Stylochiton natalense Schott. NONE COMMELINACEAE Commelina cf. Africana L. NONE Commelina Benghalensis L. NONE Commelina eckloniana Kunth. NONE Commelina erecta L. NONE Commelina erecta L. var. livingstonei (B.B.C1.) A.Morton. NONE Commelina sp. NONE LILIACEAE BulBine angustifolia V. Peolin. NONE BulBine tortifolia Verdoorn NONE Trachyandra saltii (Bak.) OBerm. Var. saltii NONE Anthericum cooperi Bak. NONE Anthericum fasciculatum Bak. NONE Anthericum galpinii Bak. Var. galpinii. NONE Aloe davyana Schonl. Var. davyana NONE Haworthia angolensis Bak. NONE AlBuca glauca Bak. NONE AlBuca setosa Jacq. Slymuintjie Dipcadi longifolium (Lindl.) Bak. NONE Dipcadi marlothii Engl. NONE Dipcadi viride (L.) Moench. NONE LedeBouria sp. NONE Asparagus africanus Lam. NONE Asparagus exuvialis Burch. NONE Page 2 Sheet2 Asparagus laricinus Burch. NONE Asparagus plumosus Bak. NONE Asparagus saunderiae Bak. NONE Asparagus cf. Sauveolens Burch. NONE Asparagus sp. NONE Asparagus virgatus Bak. NONE AMARYLLIDACEAE Boophane disticha (L.F.) Herb. Poison BulB HYPOXIDACEAE Hypoxis oBusta Burch ex Edwards NONE IRIDACEAE Gladiolus cf. calcaratus Lewis. NONE TREES PROTEACEAE Faurea saligna Harv. Transvaal Beech Protea cf. Welwitschii Engl. Cluster-head sugarbush SANTALACEAE Thesium cytisoides A.W.Hill. NONE Thesium junceum Bernh. NONE Thesium cf. Junceum Bernh. NONE Thesium magaliesmontanum Sond. NONE OLACACEAE Ximenia caffra Sond. Var. caffra. Large sourplum POLYGONACEAE Oxygonum dregeanum Meisn. NONE Oxygonum sinuatum (Hochst.& Steud.ex Meisn.) Damm. Dubbeltjie CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium alBum (L.) NONE Chenopodium carinatum R. Br. NONE Chenopodium sp. NONE Lophiocarpus tenuissimus Hook. f. NONE AMARANTHACEAE Celosia linearis (Schinz) Schinz. NONE Hermbstaedtia odorata (Burch) T.Cooke Rooiaarbossie Amaranthus thunBergii Moq. NONE Amaranthus sp. NONE Cyphocarpa angustifolia Lopr. NONE Aerva leucura Moq. Aambeibossie Achyranthes aspera L. Chaff flower Achyranthes sicula (L.) All. NONE Achyropsis leptostachya (E.Mey ex Meisn) Hook.F. NONE Alternanthera pungens H.B.K. NONE Gomphrena celosioides Mart. Bachelor's Button Brayulinea densa (Willd.) Small. NONE AIZOACEAE Limeum fenestratum (Fenzl) Heimerl. NONE Limeum sulcatum (Klotzsch) Hutch. NONE Limeum viscosum (Gay) Fenzl suBsp. Viscosum NONE Gisekia pharnaceoides L. NONE PORTULACACEAE Talinum caffrum (ThunB.) Eckl.& Zeyh. Ystervarkwortel Portulaca kermesina N.E.Br. NONE Portulaca quadrifida L. NONE Portulaca pilosa L. NONE CARYOPHYLLACEAE Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. NONE Pollichia campestris Soland. in Ait. NONE Dianthus zeyheri suBsp. zeyheri. NONE Antizoma harveyana Miers. ex Harv. NONE CRUCIFERAE Lepidium cf. Africanum (Burm.f.) DC. NONE CAPPARACEAE Cleome maculata (Sond.) Szyszyl. NONE Cleome monophylla L. Spindlepod Cleome ruBella Burc h. Pretty lady Boscia alBitrunca (Burch.) Gilg.& Ben. Shepherd's tree CRASSULACEAE Kalanchoe lanceolata Forst. NONE Kalanchoe paniculata Harv. Krimpsiektebossie Kalanchoe rotundifolia Harv. Nentabos Kalanchoe cf. Thyrsiflora Harv. White lady Kalanchoe sp. NONE Crassula nodulosa Schonl. NONE Crassula transvaalensis Kunze. NONE VAHLIACEAE Vahlia capensis ThunB. NONE ROSACEAE Parinari capensis Harv. MoBola
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  • Illustration Sources
    APPENDIX ONE ILLUSTRATION SOURCES REF. CODE ABR Abrams, L. 1923–1960. Illustrated flora of the Pacific states. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. ADD Addisonia. 1916–1964. New York Botanical Garden, New York. Reprinted with permission from Addisonia, vol. 18, plate 579, Copyright © 1933, The New York Botanical Garden. ANDAnderson, E. and Woodson, R.E. 1935. The species of Tradescantia indigenous to the United States. Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Reprinted with permission of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. ANN Hollingworth A. 2005. Original illustrations. Published herein by the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth. Artist: Anne Hollingworth. ANO Anonymous. 1821. Medical botany. E. Cox and Sons, London. ARM Annual Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard. 1889–1912. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. BA1 Bailey, L.H. 1914–1917. The standard cyclopedia of horticulture. The Macmillan Company, New York. BA2 Bailey, L.H. and Bailey, E.Z. 1976. Hortus third: A concise dictionary of plants cultivated in the United States and Canada. Revised and expanded by the staff of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium. Cornell University. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. Reprinted with permission from William Crepet and the L.H. Bailey Hortorium. Cornell University. BA3 Bailey, L.H. 1900–1902. Cyclopedia of American horticulture. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. BB2 Britton, N.L. and Brown, A. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British posses- sions. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. BEA Beal, E.O. and Thieret, J.W. 1986. Aquatic and wetland plants of Kentucky. Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission, Frankfort. Reprinted with permission of Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission.
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