Nafion's Top Sailor Naval Chief Burke To Talk on Defense I:. NIAXINE 11Altiti-; Admiral A neigh i Burke, chief of nasal opt-rations of the Nasy, will speak tomorrow at 10:311 a.m. iii Morris Dailey eC.R auditorium. He is to speak on "Deterrent* in Perp,peelise,." dis- VOL 47 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 NO. 114 cussing the national military posture with emphasis on those 'Deterrence in factors which contribute to deterring an enemy attack on our Perspective' country. Following the lecture, there will Ire a brief raee. conference To Lose 'Chest' Support, with the major west coast news’s - Y media represented. were hit by Japanese suicide Admiral Burke is being mot at planes during the Okinawa cam- Moffett field by Admiral George paign. Russell, commandant of the 12th FAR EAST SERVICE College Housing Naval disttiet, and his wife. They At the outbreak of the Korean Facilities and Mrs. will lunch with Admiral war, Admiral Burke was ordered BATES Burke In the Spartan cafeteria fol- By RON mally the withdrawal of the funds ganization has approximately 40 to duty as deputy chief of staff to The Spartan Y. oldest organiza- and to sit with the Y advisory members. lowing the press conference. the commander of naval forces in TOP SAILOR tion on campus, Informed the Stu- board in working out a solution to Dean of Students Stanley C. the Far East. From there he as- Admiral Burke, the nation's top dent Council at yesterday's meet- the impending club crisis. Benz informed the Spartan Y that sumed command of cruiser division sailor, has been an officer in the ing that financial support from the 'SMALL MEMBERSHIP' the building which the club occu- five, and in July of 1951, he was Navy since 1923 when he was com- Community Welfare council (Corn- The Welfare council stated in a pies at S. Ninth and an Antonio made a member of the United Na- mNaissyionThedroausgrouetshiigns fthe U.S.U.S. say Chest) will be terminated letter that the fund cut-off was sts. will be razed in June. tions Truce delegation to negoti- professional June as will its free housing, affected "due to the small mem- The problem was referred to the ate with the Communists for a . career, Admiral Burke has served which has been supplied by the bership and rate of program devel- campus problems committee. itary armistice in Korea. college. opment, particularly in view of the EXCHANGE STUDENT AID on battleships, destroyers and in After six months in the truce administrative positions. BrianPaddock, Y president, greatly increased enrollment of Another problem brought before tents, he returned to the office of During World War II, Admiral asked the e.uncil to protest for- San ii)SP State College." The or- the council was the question of chief of naval operations, where he Burke successively commanded de- financially aiding the exchange served as director of strategic stroyer division 43, destroyer divi- student from San Jose's sister city plans division until 1.954. Then he sion 44, destroyer squadron 12 and in Japan, Okayama. The San Jose took command of cruiser division destroyer squadron 23. 'Master Plan' Moves family which currently is supply- six, and the following year as- LITTLE BEAVERS ing room and board for the stu- sumed command of destroyer force The latter squadron, known as dent says It can no longer keep Atlantic fleet, lie served there un- the "Little Beavers," covered the him. Marsh Ward, ASB treasurer, til he succeeded Admiral Robert State Legislature initial landings in Bougainville in To B. Carney as chief was appointed to look into the of naval opera- November of 1943, and fought in tions in 1955. The California master plan for approximately the top 45 per cent problem. 22 separate engagements during Admiral Burke has received nu- 1.igher education was introduced enter state colleges. OTHER BUSINESS--The Spar- the next four months. During this merous combat awards during his into the legislature yesterday. Th University of California tan Camera club and Industrial time the "Little Beavers" were 37 years in the Navy, including the The plan would write into law would accept the top 124a per Technology society received cam- credited with destroying one Jap- Distinguished Service medal, the a revamping of California's high- cent, and junior colleges would pus recognition when the council anese cruiser, nine destroyers, one Navy Cross, the Legion of Merit er education system, and if ap- accept any student in either of approved their constitutions. submarine, several smaller ships and the Purple ITeart legislature, will be the top two classifications, The senior male representa- proved by the be- SPEAKS TOMORROW Admiral Arleigh Burke, chief of naval and approximately 30 aircraft. submitted to voters In November. sides those in the lower 55 per tive and sophomore male justice operations, will speak in Morris Dailey auditorium tomorrow at From destroyer command in the Donald L. Grunsky (R- cent. e posts will remain open until next Sen. 10:30 a.m. Admiral Burke, a former South P, he i s sen- Wednesday. chairman of the joint chiefs acificas chiereportedf Watsomille), chairman of the The plan has been endorsed March of 1944 of staff Gene Mahn was appointed of staff, will speak on "Deterrence in Perspective.- StudentParty ate education committee, intro- "with reservations" by Gov. Ed- - - the commander on the fast carrie, chairman of the public relations duced the bill into the upper house. mund G. Brown. and SJS Pres. task force 58. While serving wit? commit tee p Companion measures were intro- John T. Wahlquist approved of this famed carrier force, Admit ans Caucus duced into the assembly by As- the planalthough he also said he Burke flew many combat mission semblywoman Dorothy Donahoe thinks "it could be improved." Book Tells Problems He was aboard both the Bunk, (13-Bakersfield), chairman of the Hill and }intern' ke when the For Tonight Assembly Education committee. Song Girl and Assemblyman Sheridan Hee- TASC, a new sn. political land 1D-La Mesa). Judges Award party holds its pre-con. ention cau- by a Contest Negroes Today Last Day cus tonight in CH227, featuring up in was drawn South plan The Ends;Of Dave Armor, University of Cali- special liaison committee of ex- "How would you react, even in He added that none received fornia ASB president, as speaker. perts on education, and has been an enlightened city like San Jose, sentences because the U.S. Su- For Lyke Stories The party platform, whose ini- *Proved by the State Board of 'Help' Trophy 7 Selected if a Negro family wanted to move preme Court nullified the state's day to submit tials represent "toward an active Education, the Board of Regents Four sophomores and one junior, into your neighborhood? What "sedition" law. Today is the last stories for the first issue of this student community." stresses such of the University of California, and all education majors, were selected would you do?" Dr. Feldman shortened his re- semester's Lyke, San Jose State I matters as student determination numerous local and state faculty last night for the 1960-61 song view to allow a 20-minute ques- To Sigma Chi Dr. Leonard Feldman, assistant feature magazine, said Ron Miller, of all ASB policy, a student voice and administrative groups. girl squad. Two alternates also tion-answer period. The enthusi- The master plan would set up professor of mathematics, hypo- editor. in national and international mat- semi-annual Alpha Tau were chosen from the 13 finalists astic audience bombarded him with separate governing boards for the The first thetically asked this question of Stories should be typed double- ters, and promises to run candi- "Help Week" trophy has who appeared before spectators opinions and reports of various University of California, the state Omega the near-capacity book talk audi- spaced and be of short-story dates of "imagination" and "con- to Sigma CM fra- and a selection committee. local and national segregation colleges and the junior colleges. been awarded length. Copy should be submitted tinuous platforms." of pro- Joining Sandi Ashabraner, who ence yesterday while reviewing problems, All boards would be somewhat ternity for their program at the Lyke office, J4, before Armor also is prominent In the services to the was appointed head song girl by Ann Braden's "The Wall Be- "One main significance of the 5 similar to the present Board of Re- viding beneficial "student committee for abolition a "Hell the Student Council, are the fol- tween." book," Dr. Feldman concluded, "isi p.m' gents for the university, and the community in place of of capital punishment" on the Uni- lowing regular song girls: Jackie Dr. Feldman explained that the it indicates that one should not ig- i three would be coordinated to in- Week." versity of California campus. Erickson, 19, a transfer from San author has written a factual ac- nore the racial problems in the sure harmony within the overall The board of judges who pre- Student political parties gained Francisco state this semester; Bevi count of incidents she and her bus- 'northern' states. Persky, Stanton system and to provide efficient sided over "Help Week" were Don- Houck, 19; Jan Johnson, 19, and band experienced in Louisville. ' "Little Rock is down," he said and cautious direction of the sys- ald Ryan, assistant dean of stu- Sue Myles, 19, and junior Cyn- Ky., when they sold a home to a "but where else can they go 1, tem for dents; Robert Baron, housing co- the "good of the state." thia Spalding, 20, a fall semester Negro family in a "white" district, up!" Tour to Stanford Another part of plan, which ordinator; Ron Rock, inter-frater- the transfer from Santa Rosa junior The book, written in a personal Next week's book talk will be I Dr. Phillip Persky, foreign stu- is not included un- nity council president; Jerry Sny- in the bill now college, sense, causes the reader to exam. given by Mrs. Doris K. Etemad, dent adviser, and Miss Cecilia der consideration, allow only der, Alpha Tau Omega president, would Alternates are sophomore Mar- Me his attitudes and those of the: assistant professor of philosophy, Stanton, president of the AIRC at the top third California high and Rick Sherman, Alpha Diu of gie Harvey, 19, a biological science community in which he lives, the i on Christian Bay's "The Structure SJS, will take' part in a spring school Omega alumni president. graduates to enter state major, and junior Stephanie Bru- speaker declared. of Freedom."--J.M.R. conference on the World Univer- In compliance with "Help colleges. Under the present system, 21, art sity service at Stanford University rules, Sigma CM pledges ton, mapor and a fall se- As a result of the Negroes buy-1 Week" mester transfer next a day working for the from Orange ing the home, he added, commu- , weekend. spent Coast junior college. Dance Club Meets Stanford's Institute of Interni San Jose Volunteer Bun-au by nity feeling became inflamed and ' Finalists were selected in pre- the friction eventually led to a 1 tional Relations will host the mis , Phi Upsilon painting walls, building %Mises , A group of students out to r- liminary tryouts Tuesday by 350 than 100 student delegates from 25 musing them to their new bombing of the house. I ganize a folk dance club, Spartan and ASB members. A committee of "As colleges and universities in Cali- location. a result of that bombing." ,! Twirlers. are meeting tonight in Meets Tomorrow judges made the final decision. Dr. Feldman said, "the local grand , fornia. Delta l'hi hon- The remaining three days of WG22 at 7:30. Upsilon, national Judges Included four SJS facul- jury indicted five persons for Be- orary fraternity In "Help Week" were used by the Acting chairman Harold Krue- for students ty members, six SJS students and dit ion against the state and one the field of pledges to improve their house. ger said that students interested early childhood edu- three Stanford students for the bombing of the house." Keglers To Meet cation, will hold its annual dessert Although "Help Week" has I in joining are invited to attend. tomorrow at 7 p.m. in the cafe- been sponsored on other CUM - ii tonight's turnout is successful, All men Interested in partcipat- teria. poses by Alpha Tail Omega, this the club will continue to meet ing in an intramural bowlin Dr. first thne the program every two weeks, he said. league are requested to come t Patrick Suppe% associate was the CAVE Al:mcY), dean of the school of humanities was used at San Jose. "Now that Driver Training Course There will he a chance for be- the only organizational meeting TASC guest speaker and science at Stanford, will be the groundwork has been set, we ginners to learn folk dance and today In MG201 at 3:30 p.m. the project will get veterans to polish their dancing League bowling will begin next speaker. His topic will be hope that the attention last year when SPUR "Some New Directions in Elemen- better support ha the future," and attempt more specialized, dif- week. Price is 70 cents for two promoted ASH Pres. Rich Hill and tary School Mathematics." commented Snyder. Open for Membership ficult dances. lines, including shoes. other members of student govern- Price of the tickets Is $1. Reser- The perpetual trophy, which ment. vatIon.s should be made today, as stands nearly three feet high, will Driver training will be offered The two dual-control driver Persons interested in attending the number of tickets available is be formally presented to Sigma Chi to students again this semester. training care and instructors will may receive additional informa- limited, at the IFC meeting on March 9. announced Dr. Marland K. Strass- tion by calling Frank Cieciorka at be available from 7.30 a.m. to 5:30 world wire er, associate professor of industrial FOUR (0" II \ 1 \ 1 1;1 ',POND IN MERCV MISSION CYpress 7-1611 arts, who is in charge of the pro- p.m. each day, Professor Strasser AGADIR, Moi, . ions of four continents responded ' gram. said. in a vast mission of niere.s yesterday for the relief of the thousands A special meeting will be held All-Student Opera Since there is no classroom in- of Injured and homeless in this quake and flood-demolished city and for all students interested in learn- struction, the student starts his to bury the estimated more than 3000 who died in 10 seconds of hell. ing to drive in IA216 Tuesday and training behind the wheel, he said. 1a6 Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. Atten- Training begins on the parking U-I SETTLES STUDIO DISPUTE Continues in Theater dance at only one of the two meet- lot at Spartan stadium. From HOLLYWOOD (UPI} Universal-International Studio settled its as a class project. is required. contract dispute with the Screen Actors Guild Tuesday night by agree- o The eera Workshop version of an opera ings there, Professor Strasser said, was going to Puccini's is something that is very The course, offered to SJS ing to give performers a share of profits from post-1948 films sold As I "La Eloheme," running -Opera the student advances to the side St. Ives, I went tonight Professor Dunning students for the past five years, to television. Other major studios, however, remained solidly opposed ' through Saturday at 8:15 demanding," streets and finally to downtown past R/A and was P.M. in "There is a tremendous is designed to train driver educa- to the demands of the guild, which threatens to shut down movie pro- ' the College theater, is a explained. traffic and freeways. in the leading tion student instructors. duction next Monday with a walkout of its 14,000 members. drawn irresistably into rarity in that it is an all-student amount of singing ;The driver traiing program is There I sew Production. great deal of stamina Training is open to any SJS stu- also open to non-students including the store. roles and a ONLY UNPLEASANT NOTE ell sorts of goodies but The romantic opera, set In Bo- Is needed for a complete perform- dent desiring to learn, Professor faculty and faculty children. MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay 1UPD Police brought up fire hoses In order to take the driver train- was broke and got hemian Paris of the 18.30's, is con- ance." Strasser said. and fired tear gas yesterday to discourage left wing students attempt- ing, students must have a learners seriously depressed. ducted by Assistant Professor of The leading roles are double This offers student teachers a ing to demonstrate against President Eisenhower. The incident was the Music singers appear in al- chance to practice giving instruc- permit obtainable from the Cali- Then I smiled, for I Edwin C. Dunning, a pro- cast and the only jarring note in the wildest, most enthusiastic reception he has remembered that 1 fessional ternate night performances. tion, Professor Strasser said. At fornia department of motor ve- in the opera field for 25 received on his South American tour. could open a new Years, Playing the role of mtrni are present there are 40 student teach- hicles. MEN. KENNEDY TO STEER CLEAR R/A charge with Profewor Dunning helped re- Page DiBari and Glenda Par- ers necessitating the same num- After the training the student must make his own arrangements WASHINGTON 11.1Pli -Sen. John F. Kennedy 1D-Mass.) an- just my Reg Card establish the Opera workshop as ker, with John Gomez and Lae. ber of students. The 10-week program starts for getting a California driver's li- nounced yesterday that he will steer clear of California's Democrat en active organization in the led Montgomery east as Hodolfo. cense. presidential primary June 7 where Gov. Edmund G. Brown wants t Music &pertinent. The work- Linda Stones and Yvonne Toma- March 21 and will continue May 27. Students must ar- There is no charge for the train- be an unopposed favorite son. He said his decision was subject t Shop Is a course for the leading sena play the coquette, Musette, through hour a week for the ing and no credit is given, Profes- change, however, if 3MP other Democrat entered the race for Calif., birat at San to ('fare 'lagers in the opera with the and Robert Madsen plays the roles range one sor Strasser said. nia's 81 convention votes. ri+X.R.NSS:M Production and performance of of the landlord and Alcindoro, training. ...11111111,

2SPARTAN nAn.v Thursday. March 3, 1960 Arf of Welding .1Asen..M., 110...1 Art Prof To Give Stitchery Workshop Thurftel Gerald Nachman, Als, Anna professor of art, will v. Shop, rial4 Comment "Creative design tia BOY REPORTER stitchery" at the San Jusi. college' art department a.m. to 12 Saturday. The Pike Makes Sensational shop will be Stick around for the jackpot sponsored Is Santa Clara county cl, "1 HAVE a sailor in the right downstairs, the Pacific Art assn. Attack on Punishment doctor." Bishop James A. Pike made some statements two nights "Thirteen silver dollars to the sailor for THIS Star01 one: The capital of Alabama is An American ago on the SJS campus that seem almost sensational, and per- an athletic ft Birmingham; the capital of Ari- talking. "What's that?" some of institution la sJS haps below the dignity of a man in his position. which a few zona is Phoenix; and the capital them ask. classes are held been Bishop Pike's reputation is strongly established. His word of Arkansas is Little Rock. Now When I DO manage to get up for the feeble-n ) i ttt led. coa ch a game, the people don't even Ascribed to a on t. is respected and often quoted. Hierarchy in rival religions even for 13 silver dollars, can you Chinese speak kindly of him. tell me the capital of Califor- know how to play it right. Either Student they choose something that only Coo;the Thus for him to say that every time an execution takes Ma?' "Ahh . . . It wouldn't be To- takes about four questions to lease in place in this state. California citizens are "guilty of murder peka, I guess. Naw, I guess not." getlike President Eisenhower the citizens remain silentseems the eyes of God"provided "Illihn AWft"ly sorry, but I or else they decide on a sub- ALL rather a strain for the shocker he needed to illustrate his think you'll find that to be Sac- ject so difficult they don't even message. ra -men-to!: BUTa 'souvenir know whether it's animal, vege- table or mineral. state, also made a few statements that set SIL-ver dollar, a box of Martz 111111;K Bishop Pike, however, Then they never can keep turn" him apart fromand abovesome of his colleagues. He ad- harzzAND two tickets to next AT production!: And count of how many questions week's mitted that taking a human life sometimes can be justified. THANKS for trying :1" I've used up, so that the game He admits that the death penalty would be worth retain- usually ends with a lot of hard I] Njil1II That was the jubilant voice of feelings all around. STEREOPBONIC ing if "some significant ... good" could be shown from its use. probably the happiest man in 'MONAURAL This is a surprisingly sane attitude toward capital punish- all of radio"Dr. EQ." Some- sometimes, if I know I've got CLASSICS' the right answer, I string the POPULAR mentespecially compared to the many senseless and emotion- times he made you sick at your stomach though. other guy along, and then spring al appeals that have come from promoters of both sides.. it on the very last question, Some of the rabble-rousing wrath that has been vented on tricky like: AND THERE was Joe Kelley "It's Mickey Mantel's baseball all 11101I the pro- and opt:). sides of the question has done nothing but and his smart - aleck "Quiz PREPARING FOR OPEN HOUSEMetal sculpturing will be in- mitt!" cloud the issue and gone far to obscure the meaning of the pun- Kids": "My name is Joel Kup- RCA cluded in the art displays and demonstrations in the Art building "Aw, Damn." VICTOR ishment. perrnan, I am 14 years old and open house today. Here graduate student Shirley Hudson works (Tomorrow: The Sunday af- It is true, as many have said, that the punishment must fit with welding under the direction of Leonard Stanley, associate am a senior at Abraham Lincoln High School." Big deal. ternoon cress'.) the crime. Total abolishment, however, seems unnecessary to professor of art. In the background Barbara Wester is preparing another project. Most of these "kids," Joel, STEREO accomplish this. Nalomi, Melvin, Frankle and Ru- thie, were a little advanced, so RECORDS when it came to knowing the an- Sp,a2taizadzi Student Art on Display swers they could make me look ..UNT.MELMIlr pretty silly I want to tell you. By 31EINA VOLLERSEN loping and printing plates) and Especially, that one kid, Joel; EL 034 at San Jose, Ca under the 1/2 e of March 2, 1879. Member Califs,' Fine Arts Editor lithograph in A307 and A309. although I knew all along that / 3 Newspaper Publishers' Assn. Publish. Painting, sculpturing, textile Students in watercolor paint- I was probably better adjusted 'GI daily by Associated Students of San weaving and design will be ing under Eric Oback, assistant to my peer group, and was sure- PRICE Jose State Co4ge. except Saturday and will be working any day. Sunday, during college year. among the art work demonstrat- professor of art, ly a better right-fielder displayed today at the in A135 from still life subjects My real favorite was "Twen- Editor, Michael R. Johnson ed and Art department's open house in and landscape ideas from field- ty Questions": Advertising Mgr., Dale Pratt the Art building from 1 to 4 and trips. "This Is the mystery voice let- COPSAGL. P,JUQUETS News Editor, Robert Taylor 7 to 9 p.m. ting you know, tile panel is try- CY2-0462 10th & Sant Clara Metal sculpturing by welding Make-up Editor. Ed Rapoport As part of the Festival of and brazing will be demonstrat- ing to guess the left toe on the Arts, the open house will display ed in three-dimensional design Statue of Liberty." "I student work in the art studios courses under Leonard Stanley, "All rightthe mystery voice has told the people at home, and 266 SOUTH FIRST "THI our eyes Cum only le a yood ai your y asie3 and students in the classes will associate professor of art, in 01,0011 VA MEATIER demonstrate art and equipment A212. now we'll inform our studio au- VALLEY FAIR LL /0, CHEAP laryain, and various art forms. Paper sculpture, tempera dience." AT "IR" SWIMS LW Printmaking classes under Dr. painting, clay techniques and pa- 5 Kenneth Auvil, instructor in art, pier mache will be demonstrat- I HAVE always tried to get will demonstrate techniques of ed by elementary art education up informal games of "Twenty Where Servings Are Large serigraph (developing and print- students in A103, 104, 106 and Questions" but everyone just CONSULT ing screens), collograph ideve- 109. looks at me, and then goes on And Prices Are Right DR. HAROLD HASKELL OPTOMETRIST and Parry Thrust te Complete y examinations and optical service. Latest stylogil glossa nd ARCHIE'S contact lenses f.ed OpticI prescriptions filled and glasses repaired. (Letters to the editor on topics of system in which your college ex- NO APPOINTMENT Thanks for Comment NEEDED EYE CARE Al' ALL PRICES campus interest are welcomed from ists. EASIEST CREDIT STEAK TERMS students and faculty. Letters must be On AM Programs HOUSIiii Mention this ad ... when visiting any of the Dr. Hostel? Offices For many years the San Jose signed with writer's name and ASS EDITolt: Thanks for your Locotod 3 blocks from Unified School district has re- 545 S. 2nd. St. Hours 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. campus. 100 S. FIRST (CORNER OF 151 ANO of faculty card number and must be good Daily Comment on Feb. 29, SAN FERNANDO) Also-199 S. First St. (Corner of lit and San sisted all kinds of pressure to Antonio. Call CT 7-1880 no more than 250 words long. Publish-. introduce inter-school competi- on "Most AM Radio Aims at int letters will include writer's name tion at the junior high school Bottom of I.Q. Scale." and ASS or faculty card number. Let- level. Other junior high schools I agree with all of it and wonder too what chances ters will IN placed in Thrust and Parry do have it, but this district does exist mosher s bolt in Spartan Daily office or mailed not .. for improvement. Keep up your good work. 50 South Fourth Strect so that they are received by I p.m. We agree with you in regard one day prior to publication.) to your DR. ADOLPH sclionc attitude toward athle- Assistant NtIO - tics in the junior professor of high schools r,,,ychology Editor Misdirected and we regret that many school GRAND OPENING AM Criticism districts throughout California .... 4 EDITOR: l'pon reading your do not share our opinion. We also agree that inter-school Lowest Gas Prices sale,. Ilete Iltaque editorial of Feb. 29, I was im- H San Jcs mediately struck by both the athletics at the high school le- vels are a problem hut this is ETHYL-100+ OCTANE Coffee lieu4e misdirection of the article and REG.-90+ OCTANE final redact'. the little knowledge you have of deeply rooted and does have its all winter the AM dial. place In modern high schools. Cigarettes 22c skirts MARCH 5th Such monstrosities fads) as We, for one district, are not All Major Oils-384 turning "deaf ears" to Dr. Con- you refer to in your editorial LIVE JAZZ couldn't exist without the aid ant's opinions. featuring and consent of the public; it is EARLE P. CRANDALL 20% STATIONS flanneL. at them your editorial should be Superintendent of Schools 4th & William-6th & Keyes plaid. The Gary Thorpe directed. San Jose Unified School 10TH AND TAYLOR Also if you turn your dial to Dt,trirt colds Trio 1220 K.C., you will find radio sta- tion KIBE, which I think de- serves an apology from y. 7he new )itaque Coffee Both their music and their ad- liouee vertising are of siiperim- quality, 18.95 . Now. 11.95 484 E. San Carlosbetween 9th and 10th CV 5-9686 STEVEN RUPP HAPPY? why SHOULDN'T I be ASH A11641. 19.95 ... Now... i i.95 No Inter Competition 22.95 In S.J. Junior Highs Now... 1395 3. EDITOR: Since students at- tend San Jose State College all 25.95 to Ge enjoyed at Now 4 9t over the state of California and elsewhere, it, would not be sur- prising that. your department SPRING JACKETS would not be fully informed con- shirts cerning the nature of the school AT PENNEY'S 6.95 . . Now 4.95 ...MY diamond is 8.95 .. 995 Coiffures ir - from... 5.95 for , ,...... 0 9.95 ... Outstanding! Water rr Coeds A 4e. Nom. 575 ... it's perfectly natural that folks judge .-.ellent cotton rplm 1 t7'u'e. quality of a diamond by the store where it was purchased features raglan sleeve, 20% Discount . enhance the diamond YOU give ... with the knit inserts for complete name of a RESPECTED jev.eley she'll thank you! comfort in action: con- with student body card OURS . . IS THE STORE ... WHERE THE NEST ... COSTS NO MORE ... I cealed zipper. Oyster, Styled by Sam ard Staff Convenient bud9et tcrms . . . I Antelope, Olive and rewter Green. Orlon SAM'S masher s - I..,red 14.95. TC.)Vvtl AND COUNTRY !;(1 ImprIk HAIR STAI11.7. enhe/ j9CUleter3 CT 1-4500 CV 4 7Y34 OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS PENNEY'S SAN JOSE 14 Ale aden since 1886 44 VALLEY FAIR CHerry 8-2900 1st Nationsl and Bank of America Charges Thsrsday, March 3, 1960 SPART1N 15thi s Classy '1950 Championship Cagers hop We's LossOakland’s Gain SJS N me Battles Bears tbrs An undefeated University of Cal- Righthander Jun Holhgu is t, SJS: John Galvin. its; Larry Bs- Jose ( New ifornia baseball team plays host who has looked strong in early sea- chiu, 2b; Doug McChesney, 3bt t Feldman Coach frors son drills, will get the starting nod to coach Ed Sobezalc's Spartan LioTy Tognolini, Ma; Al Pirnentei, be Issi.k. against George Wolfman's Bears. , If; Jim Pusateri. cf; Emmett Lee, nine, in what will be the start of 1 by the Probable starting ii111,11 I ta' at, and Angie Sc' ,rnaienchi. c. iolater Oakland AFL LI rugged four-game-in-three-days Team schedule, this Of afternoon at Berke- is DANNY :DATUM ago and a line year contract was ley's Edwards Field. Feldman, line coach at signed on Monday. silkily Marty The Spartans, losers of their GUADALAJARA SUMMER SCHOOL is the past three seasons has tuns SJS for WELL TRAVELED only 1960 tilt to Stanford's Indians, ia as head defensive line Arizona re wsen hired Feldman's previous experience will meet an apparently strung Sponsored by the University of in cooperation with the new Oakland Ameri- coach by has taken him from New Mexico Bear club which has swept through professors from Stanford University, University of California Football League entry. and Guadalajara, it will offer in Guadalajara, Mexico, June Chinese can to Toronto with stops in between. four opponents in just ten days of Feldman closes shop in 7, courses in art, folklore, geography, history, Student Coach He served four and a half years play. 29 to August Men's Gym today and will the In the Marine Corps and played language, and literature. $240 covers tuition, board and immediately to assume the Cal clatins %sins over as strong leave two years of varsity football at MOT. his new profession. alumni squad, Cal Poly, Fresno shores of Stanford. In 1947 Feldman was to do what State and San Francisco State. , For more information, please write to Professor "This is a chance honored as an all-coast guard, and considered Following their U.C. Ice alwass a great In 1948 was an All-American rugby engagement Juan B. Rod, Box 7227, Stanford University, Calif. opportunity and a challenge," player. the Spartans will travel to San stated tlie balding 37 -year-old After serving as an assistant Luis Obispo, meeting Cal Poly in a mentor. frosh coach for the Indians in singleton on Friday and a double- 1948, header on Saturday. Head coach Eddie Erdelatz first the well-built mentor tried Feldman two months the business game for three years This torrid three-day grind Bill Wert Chevron - 7th & Keyes contacted THE CREAM of before returning to The Farm to several outstanding Spartan cage teams under should get all the early-season North of Spartan CO), Walt McPherson. I Block coach the junior varsity for three This 1950 team guided by the recently retired shakes out of Sobczak's perform- CHEVRON chok SLATE years. coach (second from left) and sparked by the sterling play of new ers as they meet defending champ Conveniently Located On the '48 frosh were future All- mentor Stu Inman (third from left), then the team's high-scoring Santa Clara in their leav,te opener to Serve Car Owners of San Jose State Americans Gary Kerkorian and pivot, competed in the post-season NCAA tourney. on Tuesday. Bill McColl. LUBRICATION - MOTOR TUNE-UP WHEEL BALANCING BRAKE SERVICE MAYFAIR In 1935, Bob Titchenal and Iseldnum joined forees at New McPherson Rates Inman Williams TIRES - BATTERIES - AUTO ACCESSORIES Mexico SO FEW" where both left after one We G:ve Blue Chip Stamps "NEVER year. Melt isrant Sinatra isas frosh el)111.11 at 1,114,r'stisis UnisersIty of southern Callfor- C.'ss Ma --also and Feldman hooked up with Outstanding Stars Lauds New Coach the Los Angeles Valley junior "FOR THE college team for the 155o cam- By NICK PETERS then came back the next night cc successi u I.' ' Bona Sera Plymouth City FIRST TIME paign. All gisoil Is lug. must come to topple the Virginians, 52-50, in as This same individualistic outliss A short slay with the Canadian an end and to retired basketball tough a weekend pair you'll find. plus a high moral sense has no, Headquarters for r pro team, the Toronto Argonauts, coacli alt NIti'liersott "step- "Carroll sparked a 1935 win over McPherson a respected builder s. and a three year hitch at SJS ping down after coaching for Santa Clara that ranks high among men, whereas other coaches ofae! SKODA e .sL .A 2 2% brings the Feldman coaching ca- 17 sear- Isn't easy to do." my favorite experiences," he add- concentrate in Just building cc'. EL RANCHO DRIVE-IN reer to the present. It %so. suggested that the like-- ed. "We went into the civic as letes heavy The hard-as-nails coach feels aide mentor search Isis mind for underdogs, but we stopped 'GENE KRUPA STORY' that "the best way to get good ex- the most cherished memories in a Kenny Sears and the Broncos, 47- perience is to coach in many sec- colorful career going clear back 40." 'FBI STORY' tions and for different systems." to his mici-30's prep days at San Whs are you retiring fr the SAN JOSE "It will be an honor to work Jose high. enaehing ranks at a relathely with such an imaginative coach as MANY EXPERIENCES young age of 43? FAIRWAYS McPherson leaned hack in his Erdelatz," said Feldman. He thought for a moment, then chair and sincerely said, "There GAY THEATER PRAISE FOR TITCII answered, "I may be young, but only sheltered are so many worthwhile experienc- HAL LITTLER JOE GUNNELS "MAC" McMAHAN The bulky well tanned Feldman I've been coaching since 1940." golf range ME" es, I don't know whore to begin." Any one of these men can show "BUT NOT FOR had nothing but praise for his re- Ile continued, "There was a time in San Jose He added. "Of course, a coach's lationship with Titch. when I could go out and play ball you how to save hundreds of KIND OF WOMAN" greatest satisfaction comes from ample grass area "THAT "I think Titch is a real outstand- with the boys and I was actually dollars by driving a new SKODA watching his athletes in an excel- student rates ing person as well as a fine young one of them. Today, I find that I lent performance and seeing his coach. He placed a lot of respon- haven't been to do that any THIS AD WORTH boys go on into coaching." 9:00 until dark $25 IN TRADE sibility and faith in me, and has more and I sincerely feel that a SPARTAN DRIVE-IN Who were the best except taught me a lot more about the players much younger coach is needed for you coached? +Lies. and fri. game. Our association has been the job." 'NEVER SO FEW' "That is a very difficult ques- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Bona Sera Plymouth City most pleasant," concluded Feld- STU MOST CAPABLE tion to answer," he said. "I like 500 SO. FIRST STREET CY 4-2771 man. McPherson emphasized, "There 'FOR THE FIRST TIME to keep away from naming any phone CT 5-9542 isn't a more capable person than all- teams because I had so Brokaw off N. 1st. Stu in the entire U.S. for this job. 1, kilt() \ Ill many good athletes play for me. 11 NIA 1.111 Is+ II, Gymnasts at S.U. "He is one of the "I'll say one thing for stare. outstanding TOWNS young coaches in America today San Jose's gymnastic tetun.tra- though," he continued, "it would and I'm sure he'll do a great job "LOVERS OF PARIS" vets to Palo Alto tonight for a be difficult to keep Stu (Inman) I ^ r,1,^011Derrieaus three-way double-dual meet with or Carroll Williams off any all- with our youthful hall club next

PLUS Stanford's Indians and Washing- star club. They were terrific ball season. "PREMIER MAY" ton State university's rotigaes be- players in that they were well- Who do you credit for waist of Y. a Ni, .3Ie Berger your coaching knou ledge? SKI CLEARANCE ginning at 7:30. rounded and displayed consisten- "Of course, I took over for Bill Thinking hack, he said, "Those (Hubbard) and he taught me a lot, hut I two figured in perhaps nay great- strongly feel that you 911111Ire's can't est experiences as as roast." pattern yourself after anyone SKIS! SKIS! SKIS! in part leo la r." he said, adding, "but COW PALACE I 'PSETS you have to have a definite plan of Spritif.!, "In a 1949 weekend pair at the Cor(luroy for tIvenzlit ,,1 \I on. pa1n t.i lieeorne Cow Palace in San Francisco we were uji against two of the na- tion's roughest teams, Bowling FRIDAY FLICKS 20cYo to 40% OFF Green and West Virginia State," 'A MAN CALLED PETER' Corduroy Sport Coats he said. Richard ToddJean Peter', A15 METALIC Reg. 98.50 sale 78.50 "Well," the mentor smilingly' 7:30 Morris Daily went 59.95 Imported ,,ntintied, "Stu and the boys Admission KNEISSL Reg.82.00 sale in the three eflz.rd 25¢ KASTLE Reg. 85.00 sale 59.95 All Wool most popular colors NORTHLAND Antelope GRAND OPENING! MAR. 4, 5, 6 COMPETITION Reg. 75.00 sale 45.00 SWEATER Olive Register now for free prizes! BLIZZARD Std. Reg. 55.00 sale 32.50 ARNSTEINER Reg. 88.50 sale 45.00 Charcoal Prize 1st 14' American Marc Boat with Trader. TIENPO Reg. 29.95 Sale 22.50 1/3 OFF now only 2nd Prize-- 15 h.p. Mercury Motor. (NEW SKIS AS LOW AS 11.95 With Steel Ledges)

Plus a host of other prizes ' II 129' Drawing March 5th, 2 pin, You need not be present to win, 20% OFF BOOTS 40% OFF 3-Pice All Parkas STRETCH Corduroy Suits 20-50% PANTS

Available in two OFF 20% OFF j popular .colors, YOUR ROAD TO PLEASURE REIKER FIS Reg. 29.95 sale 24.95 Full, double boot, SPEED LACE. If you can find a better boot Antelope and Olive. MERIT MARINE for this price, BUY it. 2151 Stone Ave. CT 3-3707 rPsturrss matching s A) I-. .1' slit REIKER KANONE Reg. 39.95 sale 29.95 Another deal you can't beat, and reversible vests. SPRING SPECIAL HENKE (Chia) Reg. 22.50 5,115' 14.95 BOAT STORAGE STROLZ Reg. 72.00 58.00 now only sale IN & OUT SERVICE 299' LOCKNER Reg. 65.00 sale 53.00 per ft. per mo. "for fashion smartness and comfort" 25e

IAI Pi ItIAROUT COPE & McNIETRES miPc. y 01 Irtu--)Apn Melinrs Is?! 'W. SAN ANIONIO Esperf Outboard and Hull Repair at our :7hop Redigo gas for outboards Skis Boat Numbers Open Monday and Ihursday ffighls 119 So. First Street San Jose Fire ertinquishers Bow and stern lights ci 4-SPARTAN DAILY Thursday, March 3, MO All-Night Stand CSTA To Hold Women Open Lounge SJS Recreation Class Education Day For Resting, opening of the AWS Representatives from 150 bay Official andThewiliciambgeeStudyingvana will elic:pe schools will be on cam- lounge in the College Union on school day from N;y Hayward high area 8 Begin in to To a.m. pus at 8.30 a.m. Saturday for a aNreinthopest: Ixo tahlils A new 0\ tension coorse, Iteirea- - Cad] Tuesday evening Irian 7 to spon- to AWS Pres. Pat Moriarty. groups for "Careers in FAlucation Day" night ti in 110 s' II be offered for the 10. The course is open to anyone. events If perrn,,. by the SJS California Stu- 'rhe facilities of the AWS lounge skin is received first time at SJS beginning March Those Interested can sign up at sored from AWS. Teachers assn. :,,,,,.eenik:naccostudrdenintgs For many 22 in Hayward at the Castro Val- the first class meet itif! dent Years. ss.,,inen ,t,idenis On the program will be panel for studying, reading, resting and used the small ley High school, according tu I -- building next lunch, tour of the eating lunches. This is the only Tower hull as a tu Edward W. Niepoth, assistant p c discussions, Wng. campus. skits and songs, and the place in the new union building location is larger VOL. fessor of recreation. and has more pep band. Pres. John T. Wahlquist where students can eat their lunch. facilities. aqua. EP silon Pi Tau The course, recreational will participate in the cermonies. It j m tics. is not a course of skill. Any student In the field of edu-

deals with the design, construction cation willing to act as guide or operation, financing and admit:, eets Tonight discussion leader may call Connie aquatic facilities. L of & tratiun F aliS MARKET industrial Pi Tau, Johnson at CYpress 3-9200. Plea- Corner 6th and William - CYpress 4-9338 Richard E. Pollock, of the fraternity, will hold its meeting to- sant Hill recreation and parks dis- Fc night at 7:30 In the automobile la-

trict, will be the instructor. boratory. 1A147, according to Dale CAT NAP -Resting in old Supreme Court chamber during round- KOED Log JELLO BIRDSEYE PIES If The two unit course will be held president. the-clock debate on civil rights are Senators Clifford Case (R- Debes, fraternity campus closed-circuit radio tl N.J.), Morris Cotton (R-N.H.), Norman Brunsdale (R-N.D.), Hiram KOED, pkgs. .irle The feature of the program will broadcast the following pro- 6 5 for hot 00 you can r..rt the finest- Wiley (R-Wis.). station, will be a demonstration of abrasives Fong (R-Hawaii) and Alexander RALEIGH BICYCLES. Also ... the grams today in SDI I? and the College 11 b ROSIN HOOD BICYCLES. and related materials, by represen- Union, 311 S. Ninth st. FRANKS FRYERS ufl. 'Sales and Service At tatives of the Minnesota Mining 12:30-1 p.m.-Musical Interlude. tank PAUL'S CYCLES and Manufacturing company. Lutherans To Discuss 1.1:06 p.m-Sports Desk. 39` 39clb The The meeting is open to all Inter- 1:06-1::25 p.m.-One O'Clock Jump. its a 1435 The Alameda CY 3.9766 said. ested pc!, .,ns, Debes 1:25-1:30 p.m.-KOED Headline News, Is. is

Death Penalty Ban COLLEGIANS SENIORS W, hedt Pres- said that all persons interested In BURGER HOUSE The Rev. William Jonas, ABROAD Brit byterian clergyman and executive expressing their views on this topic STUDENT TOURS are, director of the Spartan Y, will lead of current interest are welcome to A representative of the State of California will be Why postpone one of the real Reservations still available for IN. on si a discussion on "The Abolishment attend. campus March 7, 8 and 9, 1960, to discuss career pleasures life? Don't hesitate- TERESTING, EDUCATIONAL fours. in of Capital Punishment- at the Lu- Paper and stamped envelopes Experienced leadership. congenial opportunities in the following fields. come in now and order a 24g theran Student assn. meeting to- will be available for those who small groups. Burger-To -Go. We also have night at 7:13 in the Christian cen- wish to write to their legislators Student fours leaving June 19 and - July 1, mostly by jet, for Europe, hot coffee for sale. ter. following the meeting. Iron Curtain countries, and the Ori- ACCOUNTING Jim Hatfield, president of LSA, A 50 cent dinner will be served ent. at 6 p.m. preceding the discussion. For details send coupon or see your EMLOYMENT MANAGEMEN Come in soon! 3.3 E. Santa Clara local travel agent. Travelworld, Inc. San 5814 Wilshire Bled. BUDGET ANALYSIS Job Interviews Alpha Eta Sigma Los Angeles 36 Calif. ty Please send information on Collegians COMPENSATION INSURANCE- 101 Abroad tours. Asrincial NOTE: Interviews are held in the t, O Europe PROPERTY APPRAISAL AND enrn r e tt ke n CAMPUS INTERVIEWS Placement office, Adm234. Appoint- To Initiate Pledges 1-1 Russia Poland, Czechoslovakia ment lists are put out in advance of NEGOTIATION es id tIs, interview and students are request- the U Ste.,. nt FOR ed to sign up early. In Ritual To is CityCity. RESEARCH AND STATISTICS Arm Alpha Eta Sigma, accounting TODAY LAT} ENGINEERS Bauer and Black, San Joe. BA. in honor society, will initiate pledges tonight at 7:30 in Room B in the PATRONIZE interview arrangements at the M..-.4e P;acement Office. Ann ON 4 MARCH 1960 Otis Eleyator co., San Francisco. Sta. cafeteria. OUR ADVERTISERS . .’ s and fut.yre man- To become a pledge, students must have successfully completed Civilian Career Positions With The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph the pledge test which was given ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS co., San Francisco. B.S. degree in dec- on Feb. 29, and must have main- Die al, mechanical and industrial engi- tained a 3.0 grade point average "Iron'e:d:: : 's neering. Mathematics and manfacturing. In accounting. Defense projects, distribution and in. Refreshments will be served fol- DUAL FILTER DOES 1.A. Graduate Civil Electrical Power IT! and stellation organizations. lowing the initiation ritual and TOMORROW business meeting. aiberfl Engineers in LOS ANGELES, S'AN ! Bauer and Black, Sam, Jose free above). Addft FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph co. (see above). COURTESY DISCOUNTS Western Elctrio co.. San Francisco. TO STUDENTS Attractive training program in world-wide engineering B.S. degrees in electrical, mechanical design and construction organization. Flood control, and industrial engineering. Math and de- Open Mon. & Thurs. Nights rivers, harbors, Army and Air Force bases, missile and fense projects. Distribution and installa- Till 9 p.m. tion organizations. B.S. or M.S. degrees A other projects. Opportunities for initiative, rapid ad- in electrical engineering or physics. Field vancement on merit and sound experience with top engineering force, etsissance to armed United Radio & professional engineers. ''"-es on spec's' electronic devices. U.S. Army Engineering div.. South Pa- TV Supply Co.

- Cr !-- -.ens. Civil and elec A On -spot offers, no written exam, liberal fringe benefits and moving expenses. Extra pay for top grads. Em- Wholesale Distributors Chas Pfezer and co, New York. Phar- ployment covered by Civil Service regulations. i es representative, B.A. with ELECTRONIC PARTS -re rn :lose in chemistry or bio- HI -Fl EQUIPMENT ' st'.1i7Ch7 5 :' Sign Up For Interview At Campus u -al CY 8-1212 i,n., ..ainan Placement Office enthaE,t Spartaguide 1425 W. San Carlos InSdtuiaill eight t TODAY Alpha Eta Sigma, initiation, cafeteria CLASSIFIEDS A, 7.30 pm. tuil:iai:i.i'r incl. 686 S. Oh, Apt. 19. $35 and .11$40 Lutheran Students assn., dinner. Chris- Classified Rates: tian censer 6 c ..:son on abol- each. SIP 2k a lin first insarnon ishment cf car, r trnent, 7:15 p.m. ROIL apt. aceom. 3 or 4 for 20c a lin* succeeding insertiou inf. 514 E. Spartan Condones's, ilo organization 2 line minimum Reed, near College. meeting, WG22. 7.30 p.m. Lelsrmas L Lintels Preseststal To Place an Ad: 3 P.R. Water and garb. paid. $110 mo Spartan Oriocci, group picture for La Call at Student Affairs Office 319 S. 21st. CL 8-7980. Torre. CHI60. 7:45 p.m. Room 16, Tower Hall MILES Spartan Y, film, world affairs series No Phone Orders Apt for rent $90. stove. ref rig. 3 bdrms. Tareyton Ise 184 N. 7th St. CH 8-0699, Spartan Y. 330 p.m. Young Democrats, meeting, Cafeteria DAVIS 99 S. 12th. Twin. 2-4 Help Woofed-Men & Women adults. Fireplace, faculty room. 7:30 p.m., speeker, Dr. furnace heat, util pd. And His Quintet lat . r:t:5(-'llh'c'..('Pl'Ii :ril: Russell Bryan. Democratic candidate for Benny Goldson-Art Farmer taco Men and women students, have opening 2-bedroom fern, apt. for 4 or 5. 529 S. congress from the 10th &strict. aik s for alert. energetic sales-minded stu- 7th St. CY 4.4113. dents. Hours arranged to fit class sched- Young Republicans, meeting, TH2I ule. Commission basis: Average part- Slier@ Reefete 7:30 JAllTET time earnings--$50 per week. Contact: TOMORROW - PLUS - tdtnh:eunt h\1 4): Mrs. L W. Wolf, SOVEREIGN MANU 1, 2 or 3 Male Students to share house I blk. from campus. $30 per mo. 3 bdrrn Alpha Delta Sigma. meeting, JI01 Jimmy Witherspoon FACTURING, ..CY 3.0132 or Student 1ft;lauilre.nni l,i,hmht.eharlies:II Placement Office...... Very gd facilities. CY 49864, 4 lo7 p.m. 3 r" Ramsey Lewis TRIO Delia Phi Upsilon, tiesao-t, cafeteria POPULAR FILM PRICE Wanted. Man share rent with 3. Selo MARCH 3rd at 8:30 DUAL FILTER Married Couple (I or 2 chi'dren OK) rm, in new 3 locirm home. Rant $30 mo. far . , ; .ceelter, Dr. Pat who would like to manage Duple. Units CI. 1.3116. Civic Auditorium for concession on their rent-Wife must Tickets $2 50. 53.00. 13.75 Stanfc.rd I. be at home during the day-(Please con- Elderly gentlemen desires young mar- . , -e Student Prices with ASS Card tact Mrs. Headland in the Placement ried couple fo share nice home near in FrEeeai,-re -u', Mel, . Filters as no single filter can Office.) college. Must be protestant. For details Newman club, on Newman San Jose Box Office Sic Claire Hotel CY5-0858 call CY 4.4190 evenings. 7:30 p.m. Help Wonted-Melo for mild, .S:pgriouroASnnsmdcisltrt' Needed: 1 or 2 girls to shans nicely full flavor! College Men to work for Nat. Sales org. fume apt. CY 5-8186. 4-7 p.m. and II unique part '.me. Full time summer work 12 hrs. HER $20. 20 h5i,rs-$40. Call Mn, Clement Antes Per Selo CH 8-8466. 1 p.m. 4:30 p.m. daily. '56 Buick cone. i.,11 pwr. erc. cond. NV Theta Chi Rooms for Reef top and WSW s. Eye. CY 5-9783. Terry. Here's how the Dual Filter does it: tPa,inti:Innlis;le Men's College House, 47 S. 8th. F,rn '50 Ford 4.dr. rebuilt engine new brakes - RAH, good condition. Corsage rms.. Ili., linen, washer, phone, piano AN 9.0951. 1. It combines a unique inner filter clean SVS. $28. of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL....gfi:' "A thing of Beauty" '51 MG-TD, R&H, good cond. Eves 7 t flifely proved to make_ the smoke of a cigarette mild and smooth,.. Rooms for Men. Kit. priv. $27.50 mo. 8. WH 8-1280. arid hatahr)rAnly:n.(a 37 S. 5th St. you pay no n--,e 2. with an efficient pure white MIsaelteemers for Selo outer filter. Together they bring you the had real lx Rm. and Board, kit. priv. 10 meals a thing in mildness and fine tobacco taste) Skis -Lund laminated. safety bindings THE STUDENT'S FLORIST week, $75 per month, 680 S. 5th, CY neergens toe. used 3-7453. once. $30. CL 8-8260 Toperecdr. Hi-Fl 3 speakers 1100, Must Pure. rms., male students, NEW yr,O,inli, Fit. priv. $10. sell, going to Miami "Sob CY 5.3422 Ncimliti $15. Refer to Housing Office. SiS S's YeIrr-Jacebs Surfboard, Esc. cond. OINCE1985 Opening in mans co.op. $25 mo. 558 S. 150. Ambrose CY 3-9577. DUAL 5th St CY 7.1615. Prlefleg FLOWERS . GIFTS OF DISTINCTION Apartments for Reef 2nd & San Fernando CY 2-8312 FILTER 100 Wadding Invitations, $12.50. 'Thank ha.g.f you areytonry, /el... ft, mtlidb nem ,t ' notes free. AL 2 9191, Now apts. for girls and boys. Hfd. peel