SCIENCE in ACTION TODAY Spartan Daily Geologist-NIS/JUN!: Rork-Clatter Over 5000 SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Expected Al Vol
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California State Library Sacramento 9, Calif orni ASB Voting Begins Today for 39 Candidates By BOB STRIEGEE Students may exercise their Treasurer: John Denney, Bert male reprewelit ails e -al -la tge. has ierw in :I wiwt .,1 t 1)01 The Associated Student Both1 vote by presenting their ASB Haight, Ed Klein. to rmaliN n (1'0111 the during the tee.. dae ,.t bail. - elections began this morning at 9 cards to the clerk at the desk Male representative-at -large: raee, and hi', cciii not ap- ing. The be st up ai d o'clock in the Inner Quad with a and signing the voting register. Don Fletcher, Don Hubbard. Les pear on the ballot taken donn each d.c b Phii huge entry of 39 candidat( s seek- They will receive a ballot for the Johnson, Bob Kennedy, Jerry Mc- An amendment regarding aca- According to C:.. ' I ing 12 offices. The polls will re- general ASB offices and one for Carthy, Dick Mead. demic standing tor oftic. is will he campaigning ceitliji1 `i s polls is prohibited main open until 4 p.m. today and their respective class. The Senior Female representative-at -large: included on the ballot for either !will he prosecutoil. will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. class of 1954 has, of course, no Emily Lippolis, Marilyn Mattke, Lpproval or rejection by the vot- !explained !hid -with ire tomorrow. class candidate in the running. Joy Mitchell. Jan Wilson. ers. The amendment reads as fol- High interest will be centereo In addition to the ASB elections, lows: cated in the Innei Quad. th. 3 Senior class representative: Pat around the presidential race which all women students will receive foot tile is waived as far as e' -a Spooner, Gwyneth Wents. "Any student ot San Jose State has four men at the post. Percy an Associated Women Students I existing posters are concern... College must have clear academic Rivers, Carl Pagter, Art Lund and ballot. Junior class representative: Ca- 'It is difficult to ..ate w rol Lucas, Rich Moore. standing and a 1 0 overall gi ade- Don Schlote are vying for the Candidates for vice president many ballots will ts. cast, tee the Sophomore class representative: point average to be eligible for. chief executive position. are Vern Perry, Paul Sakamoto outdoor location of the polls no A record number of SO voting Al Behr. Peggy Patton, Carolynl and hold elective and appointive and Bill Tyler. lwaiting, and strong c....nipaigri;-.g booths with three entrances to Stelling, Paul T ho mson, Bob class and student body positions. Other offices and their candi- the polls will speed up the vot- Weiss. positions on boards and commit - should bring in a stiert ete. 'he dates are the following: Meg created by th. Student Coun- ing procedure and cut waiting Female junior justice: Gretchen chief Justice comment. d Recording secretary: piane Mar- cil." to the absolute minimum, ac- Umland. The largest turn-out for .nv cording to Stan Croonquist. tinsen, Carol Hotchkiss. Male senior justice: Larry Cle- About 1?5 students front Al. ASli tiet'110,11s took r1.-..ce di: chief justice of the Student Corresponding secretary: B. J. mens, Dick, Kissick, Bob Peeks, ! pha l'hi Omega, Tail Delta l'bi. Court, who is in charge of the Bailey. Doris Mortara, Barbara Gene R(chinow. spartiut shield... and Spartan the. rivet em iod In ' I- lection. Taylor. J I m Fallete, candidate for Spear,. Will alunt eer their sir- u, h. ri ha 1101 `, I ount. SCIENCE IN ACTION TODAY Spartan Daily Geologist-NIS/JUN!: Rork-clatter Over 5000 SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Expected al Vol. 42 SAN JOSE. CALIF., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 No. 135 Olokii I ilotu,c New Amendment ls I \ 1.1 .11 Is on ASB Ballot The Student Council yesterday ty of council members. Dr. Clem- oted unanimously to include a ents described the committee in constitutional amendment on to- explicit terms and then presented 1 day's ballot which will prevent any student on scholastic probation Aitken with the report- a souve- rom holding either an elective or nir book prepared by ASB record- Di. %. D I appointive office operating under secretary Jtitinie Green and I . i." 1..1 ii,. r.-,....1 the ASB. autographeek ju.jainkgrj_91,..9At. that in addition to 'needing di,- lasse will he nrolt1 In other action during the two council. t.: kite..-'. clii. dig the day. and a half hour session, the coun- was the last .' See pm in liisim SI l cil: Yesterday's meeting council session at which ASB Pres- E ma .; the s 1. In effect killed a request ident John Aitken will preside but 'ii Engin, , !Merit ' h) Jean.. Bullock, bead yell lead- he wound it up in fine style and niversity lit . will' er, to add two "alternates" to the for the first time during his ad- on Amid., ate.tis ol th. 11 LINING CP a geed, Iii the diamond see is 1111'. Vs ccc ne h.lrIetInPf . ministration cast the tie breaking I ornii lii ibliketna is a mer slx-member yell leader team. ItrOfeisSiir Ilf atid Chuck LitiigellIgV. 10411010 major. Stu- indefinitely the 'of ma, ngineering and !srier, .,.. 2. Heard a complete report by vote postponing d. nth cc ill operate the way: tonight as part of the deleartencnt's r - 1 has wri n Dolores Mathias on WI'S neck increase in the number of song hit*. isitors may bring rocks of their 11%1111 for codling. i (imam.' ions. and proceeds. girls. photo lie ...11ciiiheinter !several articles pertaining to _ _ 3. Accepted an awards com- , radio cud high mit t ee recommendation for anards for the hosing, wrestl- nag 11r. litelikrrna’ ing, judo and haskethall teams. spereft, ffooto cc iii itseal 4. Voted to loan ft-WS 8?00 I,,,- a seri., ot 1,...ttort s ,,net tl. ,,ni rat jog, Arum, staff' until end of fail quarter. 1955. I Si, ist ii gw.;;I 5. t'onsidereil bids on the ntti- iiiembers. dent orientation handbook and P. cell! I.-lig, loaned the Handbook eon:mitt:v. from 1 'Ii Dalit S ret IIaa $50. eensIc- I. i I/ Mir hv Dr. it gin.* The meeting was concludeft ' 1,;1? by Dr. with a report by Dr. Edward Cle- ments, council adviser, on t hi- committee investigating the loyal- 4 iniit-S ):Ies"1:::1111"'il:1,:..',.,e i!'lf 114 ,IP I (lay in /loon!. 5210 1 in the. at I. trorm and r, Summer Grads : tlyming ulut ii closinr A uner.c There will he a meeting of all -tore by hr Elton S Stinson summer school graduates today in .1,1.g esen 01 chemist "Gre Morris Dailey auditorium at 12:30 Ph, t "I 0, I Wagons of the' Trail- %sill lie given ev- o'clock. Six-week and ten-week 1("alifoi toil 11011r m to 2 it m grads are expected to attend the ,er!. half from 9 a confab which will follow the reg- itno ie49 p ;Tian I. 17;T831 ular orientation class assembly. 1 (AIM PAGTER ART LEND British Diplomat Talks ASI3 Ballots To Carry OnSingaporeTomorrow AWS Candidate Names Names of IN 55 erne ii i; IP .1 "East Meets West - What That German. flajitm. Danish. talae. Jan Ad - "I Students candidate's :, eu the bal- dent IliIt. Hy Wiser awl Means in Singapore" will be the' hinese (standard and anton- ours. first %ice president. Marilyn topic of an address by John Den- me). lot at ASII, elections today and ' flernice nis Duncanson, world traveler , tomorrow V. AI hopes of filling the Reivtectt. During the second Wo.-Id War Allerf Hammond. second \ lee and British diplomat, when he f...i AV, council pose- ha British pmsident I iiinna I 41rem speaks in the Concert Hall tomor- was a major in the ar--I J urly row at 1030 a.m. army and served in Norway and Guido. Betty ha ye Egypt. After the war, he was Moog. Duncanson, who is 31. has spent pointed to the Malayan civil s. I""% 'Fickeis IAft Secretary, Ruth .1 I. I. Mikt the past three years in the Brit- ice, labor department and educa- ticktts ate still Murphy, Maury, . I sinna ish diplomatic service in Singa- : .iv a few tional department. He also has r Roulet 57 for toreght's Jiwist and .. -r- pore' working in the Chinese Af- a' citable- in tomorrow night's riesenta- Gr1111(11n,. fairs di -parturient worked with the military admin.,- and , . I tration of Eritrea, an Italian col- 1' lions of "1i (1.1a Gable;-." Student ton, Nare This lectuir. series speaker te.1.. is aro 74i cent:. ge neral ad- llostord ony. has traveled %%Wel) In Europe, mission 75 cents. Lloctions will take place in tt.',4 Africa, and t h. Far East. Ile Duncanson has written several DON et4111,0TE e rorthi,, time is 5.1:i o'rlock in Inn. Quad and stud. il1S (11 has visited 81 countries. Dun- monographs on Abyssinian and Litt', Theater. Miss Elizatalt, their toda.. f-otn 9 a rri te) ithe' crimson speaks seven different Chinese subjects in professional Loeffler is irodU?ing the celebrat- .1 pm and on Fi.d.c. from 9 a tn. languages: Englialk French, journals. ed Ibsen play. Ito 3 pm. r 9S Poet Corner .".1 of at.: 1.1 Th rust and Always ii,41.116( rum Trim The cat in milk and wairr Ibrint i And then in 12 short year, Spartan Dad Parry , ierse: :-'eroaks.